\ H TT1R OMAHA DAILY BEK : SATURDAY. JULY 22. 1893. ANXIOUS TO GET INTO DEB'l Superintendent of tbo Norfolk Asylum Dis counting a Distant Deficit. HIS APPROPRIATION IS BARELY TOUCHED l to the Stutn Ilnnnl of rnbllo nnil llnllillncii llrlnRi Sum * Oood Aitvion In Id-turn Other Lincoln Nowi. LiKoot.x , July 21. [ Spcchl to TUB Hr.B.J There Is a lively ImprnMion about the sti'o house that the superintendent of thoNorfoik Insane asvlumjs evincing too great an anxiety to run Into debt so early In the biennial fiscal period. Ho has written a very plain- tlvo letter to the State Board of PublUs Lands and Buildings , In which ho draws a most dismal pletu.ro of tlio finances of the institution. He complains that ho has been compelled to reduce his piy roll nnd Inti mates that a great many of the patients vvill have to bo returned to the counties from whence they came , In order that the state may come out oven.on its appropriation. He winds tip his touching appeal for nytnnithy by asking the board whether ho had bettor run into debt. The State 'Hoard of Public Limls and Bnlldlntrs has very properly Informed the Norfolk superintendent that he must on no account go Into debt to maintain the Institu tion In other words , ho is expected to do Just what the legislature Intended that ho should do conduct thu institution upon an economical basis nnd reduce expenses to thu irlnlmum. The legislature appropriated $ .3.1.000 for the maintenance of the institu- tlon for the two years commencing April I of the present year. This ts a decreiso of 129- 400 from the appropriation of two vcais ago , nnd It may be possible that the end of the f.cil period will show that ttio amount is too small ; butfinm tbo present state of the nsj linn's finances It looks as if thoNorfoik superintendent is frightened bcforo ho gets into the woods. Condition of tlin Sovornl VinuU. An examination of the appropilatlon hook shows that while ho is allowed f5,00 ( ) for hrs own salary , ho has drawn but J141 III on the now npprnprl uion So. persorially ho is all light. Iho decision of thn supreme court has enabled thu auditor to i > warrants . U | on the old hospital fund , there being n con- Hldcrnblo nn'Oiml of lilouey jet remaining unexpended In that fund. Consequently it has not been uei essary logo into tire regular appropriation extensively. On the fuel and light fund the appropriation bus been reduced bj ? b7l 20 and thi'iu was $12,000 in thu fund originally when the account was opened. The board and clothing fund , orla- tnally S30MX ( ) , has been touched for W.410 SO , leaving a b ilancoof something like $27,000 to bo drawn upon bufoio poverty stares the Norfolk asylum in the faio The nppiopriation for drugs , etc , Is un touched , and so is that for furniture and bedding , carpets and curtains Of the $ .100 set aside for books and stationery , S1U 25 has been expended , leavinir a liberal margin for the balance or the two i cars. The music and amusement fund is still untouched. Out of J500 for repiirs and improvements , $31 03 has been expended. Ttio telegraph , tele phone and postage fund has been dipped into to the extent of S'Jl.tt. ! , leaving about ? .iOO for the superintendent to draw upon. The superintendent pays 8100 per year for his telephone rental , while the churgo to-the business men of Norfolk is uut MS uur jear , and there Is a lively suspicion that he might secure a reduction In tills expense. Not : v single fund has been exhausted , and in the light of this fact the superintondont'a ' rt > ( | uuHt for permission to involve the state in debt comes a little early In the day. Special Union Alxillnlinil. * " The State Board of Transportation today received an otllcl.il notice from the manager of thu B. & M. railroad to the effect that ail freight tariffs , billing rates or special rates of any kind uppUrng between points In No' braskn on that line within the state of Ne braska will expire .luly 21. The * general manager further Infomis the board that the tariffs in accordance with the Nebraska maximum rate law , effective on August 1 , will be prepared nnd mailed to nil agents at an early date. The effect of the order will bo to wipe out all special tariffs heretofore enjoiod bv ship pers In Lincoln , Fremont , Beatrice and other interior points in the stato. The special commodity rates vvill likewise bo effected , and the order will fall especially heavy upon the beet sugar men of Giaiul Island and Nor folk , the brick manufacturers , paper mills at Lincoln , sand shippers , and the starch and canning factories and the Kearney cotton mill. In this connection it may bo stated that the railroad bill prepared and introduced by the late Senator Clarke of Douglas county contained u provision which would secure to the manufacturers of beet sugar , tw ino , etc , a continuation of the favorable terms which thov hud always enjojcd. Clarke's bill was killrd by the legislature , however , arid this clause , which would undoubtedly have been of great value to Nebraska manufacturers , was killed with It. . . , Something of n Complication. Shortly after the Farmers State bank at Shubott failed the supreme court issued an order drroetlng the bink to show cause on the 20th rust , why the bank should not bo placed In the hands of a reculver'and its business wound up in accordance with the law. George W. Uoodell had bocn named as temporary r eccivor and had taken posses sion pending thu further action of the cotitt. In the meantime ) the creditors trad attached certain property owned by the absconding cashier and the attorney general's adieu had taken stops to pruvent the depositors from losing anj thing ny thn ntt ichmunt. Ycstur- d'vy tjio tii.io in which the hank could show cause why n receiver should not bu appointed oxplrpd , but Attorney Frank Martin of Falls City went before Chief Justice Maxwell at Fremont and secured an exten sion of time until August 1. Before the at torney general's office could learn of thfl lact , however , It had prepared thu papers to contest the attachment proicodings insti tuted against the bank. The attachment case cynics up for hearing on the ! Mth , but before the legal department of the state can protect the Interests of thu depositors a per manent receiver must bo appointed. The action of the chief Justice has complicated the matter to a uniaidorablu extent The order of thu chief Justice extending the tlmo until August 1 was Hied with the clcik of the supremo'couit nt noon today. It Is based upon an aflldavit of Frank Martin , attorney for the stockholders of tha bank , who intiiuAtes b thu tlrst ef the next month he will either bo able to show that a re ceiver is unncccH3.il J or that some other re- colver ether than thu ono already appointed temporarily should bo appointed. Uu l | > nt thn t > tutn llnimu. * Auditor Moore started for Chicago this afternoon to investigate thu Nebraska ex hibit , lie will return early next week. Attorney McQIutj of Wllbor. Saline county , was at tlio state house this after noon. Notarial commissions irero issued this afternoon to F. M. Hixmcn of Hastings , L. 1C. McKinney of Arapahoe and II. J. Wiley of Poui'.i. Thu Board of Public Lands ana Buildings i , through thu attorney general , has requesti'il Go\ timer Crounsutoapixint a superintendent for tha Homo for the Friendless In tills city. Heretofore the Institution has bocn managed by n superintendent elected bv the Society of the Homo for the Friendless , a state organization , but the board feels that the management vvill bo better under the con trol of thosuto authorities if thosuporlu- temleiit Is appointed by the governor. Two Douglas county cases were Hied with the clerk of the supreme court this after noon. Ono is entitled lamina L. Van IJttou against 'Dell It. Kdwnrds , and the other Henry LhiKcnnor against U. S. Ambler. ' 1 ho case of the City of Kearney ugalust Mrs , Louisa Smith was tiled In the supreme court this afternoon. Mrs. Smith full through a defective sidewalk In Kearney some time since nnd WAS damaged to the ex tent of SMJ. She sued tbo Cotton city for tbut modest amount and the Jury gave her " ' " She is perfectly BHtlsfled to accept the amount in lieu of all claims , but / thu city proposus to see what the supreme k court will do for U before li makes a Ouul V luttluiueut. * U , A. Campbell , clerk of the supreme rourt , rrlnrncd from hl trip to the World's fair at noon todav. Mull AnDtrrr * Mnjrnr VV'rlr. Mayor \\Vlr" Interview In Tun tlr.K this mornlnn has brouzht outa spirited rejoinder from Judge Hall , one of the property owners IntcrMtod In the \ladtict dam.iRO appralsnnictit Judeo Hill would have been cheerfully Rnvntcd the privilege of replying to the worthy miyor through thorolumns of THE Hr.E , but as ho addressed hi * reply to the re | > ortcr for the Diilv News , an after noon p-rpcr of this city , his remarks arc taken from that ( taper. Ho replies to the mayor's charges M follows : bo fur in lili itnt incnt about tny lot cnstlnjj me I2.&CM ) li com crnod , for which tin * ( lanmKci awarded were l.l.uOll , It Is film , nnd on a par with hl MntcmiMit inudo tlio nl hl the council resolved to apply t < ) the county Judne for ap- iwlnttncnl of appraisers , to the clTyct tlmt If disinterested and filr minded nun were no- polntcil the diitmRcs would bo IPS' * than liU upprnlsrir : ) had Klvun. Tliit tl.ituinL-nt Mr. \Velrnmilo with axldunt Intent to prnjudlcu tlio now nppralsen In the city's favor , as now this Interview N given by htm te create an Impression tlmt thu local npprnlstl Is n\- ci'sslxo. Most citizens will nifrcu that thu com bined judgment of nuclt well known property owners as Mnrfnrland , lliunmoml , llutlur , llnrr , Walsh nnd Iliirnlmin , as to the damage ncttinlly done to the abutting property nloiiR the vliduct , fully ciiuitU tlritof Mayor Weir , who docs not own it foot of Lincoln realty And while ho U spomlliii ? so much wind force ever ItuckstalT's wllllnKtiess to accept the llrslnpprilsujiient , thn Inmilry RUKitcsts Itself , vvhy did ho nut do his ollfelil duty nnd sco that tin ) money was p ild to ItuckstalT ? And why did ho not hue that the 11.000 len the Rogers estirtu by hU appralsertf.ls pild ? They wcro wIllbiK to accept thM sum , ami re fused to join tliu rust of IH. Including thu it > isllcd lluckstair , In lirliiKliiL' the Injunction milt. Yet .Mayor Wolr nenlocts to sco that they wore p ilif , nnd now , ln-c msu unpaid , the lexiil appr tlsers were called upon by thu city nliorney to apunilso the ilninnRos done the Rogers estate , mid tit thn ninount at * -l 00 , thu city thereby lo-ilnx $1,000 through the mayor's fulluro to do his olllclal duty , Aly lots cost nio15OOO , and are , in my own opinion nnd In thu opinion of many butter judxes of Lincoln lots tntn Mr. Weir , d-imagcd from 40 to 00 pur cent. I'rom tliu Pollen Court. Green was brought before Judge Waters < this morning on a charge of assault , preferred I by ono Ilattlo Mack , another denizen of the bottoms. Hattie was promptly on hand bcforo court convened , but when the t case was cillod she had disappeared. After waiting some tlmo the Judge dis charged Lizzie. William Smith made his periodical ap pearance In police court this morning , bavin ? been hauled up for drunkenness. lie pleaded that the death of his wife had diivon him to drink , but ho had already foolud the Judge with the excuse too many times and ho was put back in the cooler until he could raise u line , amounting to something like JS.TO. Will Buougor was arrested with a largo sack full ol cigarettes. Ho claimed that he found | them on the state house steps , but as none of the state house employes are known to use the article the judge remanded the joung man b-\ck to a cell pending an Investi gation ( Ho was rather well dressed , blithe did ( not look enough like a dude to warrant thu Judge in the belief that ho was entitled to the possession of so many cigarettes at once. Charlie Hart was given a hearing this morning and offered hi * liberty provided ho would tell the court who and where his father was. Ho refused , saving that ho would lather go to thu penitentiary than to disgrace his parents. Ho was lined $ JO and costs , which was equivalent lo a jail sen tence of ton days. Henry Smith , a man CO yeais old , was brought out for attempting to carve another man named John Houscr with n miudorous looking knife. His case was referred to the ( ounty attoincy for investigation and in the meantime Smith will sweat out the timu in the city refrigerator. The police were notified this morning that some time during thu night burglars entered thu saloon conducted by Alex Jctes on South Tenth street and touched the till for $1'J. To Celobruto l.nliur Diiy. The Central Labor union of this city has resolved to make the first Monday of next September a notable one In thu history of labor in this city , and is therefore planning for ono of thu most elaborate celebrations ever witnessed In the history of the city. In no city of Nebraska ate the laboring men of nil classes and trades moro thoroughly or ganized , nnd if the business men of thu city will assist thu coming cclcbriftion will bo a icd-lcttcr event. The following letter was addressed to tbo business men of Lincoln today : TO THE UUSINESS JlFN OF LlNCOI.V , GnFET- iNd ; Your attention Is called tu the fact that Labor day Ua legrl holiday. Thu laboring men of Lincoln huvu decided to celohrulo tint day this year by j. greut parade and picnic. \vhlcliwlllcmhrncuiillthu laboring oigunlri- tlons In Lancaster county , and as the cost will bo heivy In securing the dllfcient features neci'ssiry to n proper observance of the day und attract , vlsltois from without the city , the Contra ! Libor union bus decided to ask those who can tocontrlhutu what they can to avslst In making tlio celebration a morn successful ono than lias beforu beun held In Lincoln , Thu llnaiieu committee , consisting of Messrs. UsterbrliiK , II. M. Hooves und L. O. Jaimki ) , will wait upon the business men at their places of business , beginning July 24 , and ask what hulpciin bo given for this pur pose. The moro liberally the poopln glvo the bet ter ublu will thu Central union bu to ndv urtlsu Lincoln nnd thu moro people will It bo able to gutio visit thu city from surrounding towns. J. W VOMAN , President Central Lnbor Union. Sulns ; tlio .Stockholders. 1C. 1C. Ilajdcn , receiver of the Capital Na tional bank , this afternoon commenced suit against John W. Latham , ono of the stock holders , for $10,000 , Mr. Latham owning stock In tint amount. Suit was also brought to recover $2,000 duo from Latham to the bank. Attachments wcro sworn out on the property of the defendant both In Lincoln and York county. The receiver also com menced suit to recover 53,700 from the estate of John J. McConniff , another .stockholder. The estate is sued as n vvholu for the reason that ItMins never boon distributed among the heirs. IMckoil Lip In the City Hull. The Boaid of Initialization lias not jot fin ished its labors nnd the members of the council are beginning to feel that their task is entirely to rrksomo for the remuneration Today ono of the most uotablo features was the action of the board in raising the assess ment of all lots in Washington Heights from $10 per lot to $ t > 0 per lot. The assessment of the Gruottcr block , which has been sold within the past six months for $00,000 in cash , was raised from $3,1)00 ) to $0.000. Notwithstanding the fact that the city has been unable to dispose of Its piving bonds owing to the stringency of the money market , Chairman Hicks says that the IJonrd of Public Works is making gratifying progress in public improvements. The pavers are at work on C.istO street , on F street from Seventeenth sticot to Twentieth nnd on L street between Sixth and Eighth btreots. The bunds to pay for the paving have not jut been sold , but the contractors are going ahead with the work , being per fectly willing to take their chances in gut ting their pay. The city settles with them by certificates of the amounts duo them from tlmo to time nnd , these coitrilcates are taken at a slight discount by local capital ists. In this way Lincoln has solved a prob lem which Is prodding the wjts o ( the au thorities In other cities. The public spirit of local capitalists alone has enabled tha city to continue the work of nublia improvement in spite of the financial depression. FUOSl FHKJIONT. Jluilgut of Intlimiting Nntei rniiooriilne Dmlco County' * Capital , FIIKMOM , Nob. , July 21. [ Special to THE BEK.J The city council having ratllled the action of the Board of Public Works in letting - ting the sewer contract , to bo completed before - fore December 1 , tliu dirt will see a begin to ily. The question of ft water supply to Hush the sewers 1ms nyltated the people , but the tlnnl determination to tap HaldwIn'H lake , one and a half miles west of the city , which the contract includes , vvill settle the matter. Mrs. U A. Hawkins of I-oxlngtoii , who has been visiting friends In the city , has just returned from Omaha where she has been with her child , 1 j oar old , for surgicil operation on Its eyes Mho oculist pronounced It a tumor and removed the eo , and will insert a glass one. Senator John Tnorasou has just returned from a visit to Oklahoma , full of good re ports of the country. Section Doss Council of the Union Paclflo road was brutally assaulted by a discharged employe named Flnlds. who is now in the county jail a waiting trial on the charge of assault to commit great bodily injury. lire Central Chautauqua closed last night with appropriate ceremonies. The session , while not BO numerously attended n * some of it * predecessors , has boea very satisfactory Activity reigns supreme at our great alteration sale and bargains are as plentiful as the sands on the sea shore. "Wo reproduce the doc ument from the city building inspector specter , granting his permission to make the alterations. They are on a large scale and involve a big ex penditure. Progressiveness is the order of the day with us. On the first floor we have placed bargain tables which are piled high with miscellaneous goods which are bound to interest you. in tables of Boys' ' ClothIng - Ing , in tables of Muslin Underwear , Bargain tables of Hosiery , ain tables of Boots , ain tables of Ribbons , Bargain tables of Handker chiefs , Bajpin tables of Laces and Embroideries , ' ' Everything cheap. You should see these goods to appreciate them. , o its projectors , being pronounced among , hu most successful , in point of intorcstevor held on the grounds. Fremont will bo well represented at the Milwaukee bundes turufest. Prof. Neuern- bcrgor has left with his class , comprising leorgo Stanford , Hobert Herro , Fred Breit- ing , George Dorn , Oscar Nast , Isaac Slckol , Alfred Muller , Fred Gumport , J. W. C. Ab bott , Walter Pi leg and Jacob Henry , all prominent ioungFrcmontors , who are high n accomplishments and will make a record. BURNING PROTESTS. Two Citizens of Lincoln Kxprnan Indignation nt Olllcml Corruption. Throughout the recent lecislativo session and impeachment trial at Lincoln THE Bi'.u was compelled to indulge In plain talk con cerning the insufferable conditions which made possible the corrupt raids upon the state treasury. The Lincoln Journal and Call , two pauera pledged for the protection and defense of the Capital city rlngstcrs , condemned Tnn BEE'S utterances and con- strufd them as attacks upon the good people of that city as .veil as upon the political plun derers. THE BEE all the while , however , was in receipt of assurances from some of the best men of Lincoln that its course was approved and Applauded. Even to this day letters are being received from these whoso indignation rises to fever heat at the political conditions now existing in Lancaster county. Two such letters wo reproduce today. If the newspapers above lofcrrod to imagine that their policy of sup pressing news and apologizing for unfaithful ofllcials moots the endorsement of the average - ago taxpayer of Lincoln , lot them road these burning protests : In Dullnnco nt Jtntlro. LINCOLN , Neb , July 14 To the Editor of TUB BFB : 1 believe you are entitled to a great amount of commendation for jour stand throughout thn impeachment business nnd it seems as everything falls short of honest manliness hero , in dellanco of justice. That prince of scoundrels that has stolen this bank clean has by the use of that money manipulated nnd wheedled every thing in his owu favor , thro Jgtr the many ramincations of corruption that ho bo al lowed to confess to the minor charges of the indictment , and now tlio high authorities nave been trying to II nd some easy place for him to servo out his term , under the as sumed idea of helping the poor depositors. Tlio only thing that ho can do to help them Is to bting out of its hiding place the stolen money and pay it out to thorn. Ho Is , and has been for i onrs , the greatest corrupter of pirtics nnd oftlcials this part of the coun try has had , nnd his hand hath not lost Us cunning yet. Now comes the next part of the program , vv hen the state through its bondsmen will endeavor lore-cover its lost funds. You are ilk-lit when vou state that it will bo lost to the state of Nebraska. Wo have three law yers in this place that are known to be "ban- dlcis of Juiies , " and after their work is done the trial then is n farce , either for murderer or anything whoralargo money ts at atako. Can vou not got on these villains and in some way break partially the Infamous cor- ruptionists that this capital Is Infested with ? You are tlio only man so far that has tried to stand up fur the right In these matters , except Judge Maxwell. Now the faice will go on. They have moro money than Belts , and will certainly get out of it without any trouble. If these things denote our high civlliza tion nnd superiority to other nations , it seems to reverse the order of things and wo shall ere long want n stronger and more oftl cle nt government. JUSTICE. Tlio Lincoln 1'reia Muzzlml , V , Nob. , July 18. To the Editor of TUB BEB : As you are the only editor that dare go for the thieves , I wondered if vou would not like some pointers in the Moshur failure. Lincoln attorneys asking that a federal prisoner bo kept out of the peril- tomlary till the October terra of court , with no assuinnco that ho will oven testify Directors and stockholders refusing to pa\ their assessments and give relief to UOO Lincoln sufferers I Directors cursing Mosher and not daring to oven prosecute him I Directors and stockholders putting them selves on a level with Mosher und Outcalt A Christian city permitting its builders to bo robbed und sit quietly by and not offer assistance I Men and women insane over tljelr losses and the papers say nothing about it. Yoi are right. Lincoln is full of political rotten ness of both ntato and local officers , am they are mad because \ou daio toll of it A. It. The Morse Dry Good sCo iiul < < 876 r ; , , n < nci or INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS UNO PLUMBING , * f BUfiLDINO Tbft.permi upon the tiprtil conditUa that th * oiH. ; , Mall conform In til rttpeeft to the Ordinancei of Ihi City * l Om h , regulating the coatlrilttlwi t > t nuildlijl In md City , and may be reveked t anytime upon the violaJiAiv-ot njr of the prv fg ni of ttid Qjdfnincca er deviation from the application and plan * and specificationat flledj f * ueh BuiWjflg Prmr ! or BUILDINO ? . " rtOTC ; 7h KM of any part of nj ildjwtlk. ttrttl , nui or OUT ' lhl 'Hf for Vulldlnj purpm , for lh de iUlr cf U < I lft | or other utlcrial tbimo , or th * tictittlon or u thereof , for tkolti , tr i er > Ulr < rai or Jlhrr turf'tt , i MI oSltin t ft fortht umt , mad ahall ciuee a rod llrht ts cttctd la t tonirkvoui fltn Inrent f tuch oUlrucllan. frto < Ut . ? nl nlfhl durlnf U > Urat ucK alxtrucUan remain 'S ' Our now department , locate 1 neartho , frontdoor. Come in Saturday , just for luck , nnd christen the now department. Toll us how vou like it. Balbriffgnn half hose , double heel and too , worth 35c ; alteration sale prlco , , 13c pair Men's initial handkerchiefs , worth 50c ; alteration prlco 'to close , ' 9c All 50c. 75c and SI { octf , puff and four- in-hand tlo ° , " ' 35c eat. . 3 for $1 ) i < I ' VETERANS OFMWO STATES Jnmd Army Men of Nebraska and Kansas to Gather at Superior. i it CALLUS TIME IN STORE FOR THE OLD BOYS National GuariU Will lie Thcro to Aid in the Ceremonies Orcit 1'lnns l.uld by the Committee Dotulls of the Program. SOTEIUOH , Neb , July 21. [ Special to THE Dec ] The great Columbian interstate re union of the Grand Army of the Republic , which vvill bo held In the city ol Superior July 31 to August 5 , inclusive , promises to bo onoof the largest and most successful over held by this popular soldier organisation. Five hundred tents have been secured for visitors. The use of Lincoln park has been tendered by its proprietors for the occasion. Here in the beautiful shade of the stately elm , the grassy-leafed ash , the spreading box elder and the mighty oak , the veteran can cool his cofloc and live over the dajs of 1SUI to 18ft > . No camp could bo moro beautiful than Camp Lincoln , and no place where the vet eran could go would ho bo moro welcome than hero. The attractions will bo of the most thrilling character Pageants , long to bo remembered , vvill each day attract the attention of all. No lack of amusements of all kinds , together vv 1th camp supplies and tents furnished free , and an array of speak ers of national reputation such as was never before brought together in the west , will take part In each day's program. The best drilled Infantry companies of No- biaska National Guards and Captain Mur- dock's celebrated Wj moro battery of Hying artillery vvill bo present. Adjutant General J. I ) . Gape has Issued permission to the Kansas National Guards to enter this state tu take part in the diills and sham battles. Commander Adams has uhoady received several hundred stands of arms and 5,000 rounds of ammunitionto bo placed in the hands at the old veterans. Thorium battles will bo placed under the direction of two of the noted generals of the late war , who vvill appear with a full equipped Hold stair , and will lead the tried old veterans to victory once more. The gallant Colonel John 1' . liratl will command the national guards. Uho First Kcglmcnt band of twenty-four pieces has also been ordoied to camu here. Hand contests and balloon ascensions will bo pleasing and excitlntr features also. The Superior uni formed lire department will bo on the grounds to entertain the visitors with their fancy drills. . DotulU of the 1'rogrnm. The program will beas follows : July31-fJunor.il arrangement ( of camp and u&slgiiinont of quarters AiiKiHt 1 Kucdptlon of Tfntlonal guards of Nebraska and Kansiis.'Wlrleh will b u- > cert d tocnini ) In u Krand parudo-und Camp Lincoln formally turned over fo Uonural OUKO and Colonel Ilrutt. Address .owujrjiiii ( ( by Unl- nnol i'homus hhuler. Addresses by Hon. W. E. Andruw * , General Ay II.1 Church , UunuriU how llanback und othnrt' Infantry drill , artillery practice , dress paiadu , publication of orders , and ( .unset KUII. c CuwpUro In the ui. _ _ < _ August 2 Sunrise Riu | , > Ifuvnlllo , This U Woniun's Keller cor | r tuul. women of thu Grand Army of the Hopumls day , nach with air attractive program , MiianUm * of national reputation from both orilocs will bu proient. Drill by Uilh Infantry Ami artillery , dress parade , guard mount , ' .uto , .UuinpUru in thu uvenintf. . , AUKiistS Sniirlsti giiii ! KDvotllu , Hull call , ( Irund naraduof all orgnnlkatlons. Addresses by Uunerul'A. l > . WcUsurt , national com mander of Grand Army.ef ho Uunubllc ; nov - ornor Crounsu. ( JenuralJoliu M. 'lliayur , lion , \V 1' . Hepburn of lowtf" Und Colonel T. J. Miijurs hklrniUhliig nlid eiiuiinciuont bn- twevn > ibrutku and Kunim * guards. Drcs.4 paradeguard mount , campllru , etc. August 4 bunrlsoK'un. Kovulllu. Uoll call. A Hack on tlio picket line. ( Irnnd revluvr by Uovernor'roiluse , Gi-nurnl Wulisurt , national cominumler , DuunrtnientCommander Church of Nubntaku and l > opnrtiut'iit Commander Kul- Icy of Kansas. Addrts-sfv * by lion , John J. liiKalli , Ucnural Goorgu U. Huttings , Co no nil II , O. Hussell. Captain J. II. hllcUoll , ( ienerul J. U , Dlllnorth , Uenural llernttrd Kulley unit other * . A Konoral sliain battlu.nheru Infiuury , artllliir ; and cavulry will bu brought Into ac tion und where all the nmneuvors clmruetur- Utlcnfaereut battle will budlspluytd under tliu direction of ublu und experienced gunuruU. Tliuoldoln will tuUo a bund in uucu moro ( Jrund cuinpllru In thu evening. Augiutliuncral * farewell and bruaklng up camp. Many attractions will bo exhibited each "ALL SUMMER SHIRTS Going Cheap. The $1.25 kind for $ .98 The 1.50 kind for 1.25 The 1.75 kind , for 1.75 The 2.00 kind for 1.66 These are half laundered , with collars and cuffs attached. day which are impossible to announce bo- forehand. Every day vvill bo a red letter one. Everybody will bo cared for. TAuon.v'-s rrlncliml IJuHinrss Houses of the VilIuKo SuwAnn , Nob. , July 21. [ Special to THE Bnc. ] Tamora. seven miles west of Seward , was visited by a destructive fire at 3 o'clock this morning , totally destroying the grocery stock of Campbell & Field , the dry goods stock of Warren Day and the drug stoclc of J. H Phinnoy. The h irncss shop of S A Highland was also burned , but ho saved most of his stoclc , and his loss is covered by insurance. Campbell & Field's loss is placed at ? 3,500 , with no insurance Warren Day's loss is total , and is placed at fl.OOO , without a dollar's insurance. J. E. Phinnoy did notsavo a thing ? and his loss is $1,000 , with no Insurance. The building occupied by Warren Day was the only ono insured , and belonged to a man named Goodoaouglr of Alliance , Nob. The lire was undoubtedly of incendiary origin. IluckHri OlTaml Triiinplril On. WATEIIU > O. Neb , July 21. [ Special Telegram gram to THE Buu.J George Brown , who works on George Haagenson's ranch three miles south of this place , was bidly hurt by a broncho this afternoon. Some of Haagen- son's cattle had broken out of the pasture and got Into a comtlold. Blown was sent down to drlvo thorn back. Ho climbed upon the broncho to go after them. Ho was h.udly well seated before the animal began to buck , and throw ing him to the ground it kicked him in the chest and then proceeded to trarnplo all over him. Brown's face Is badly cut and bruised , and at present the doctor savs ho cannot toll whether ho will lese his eyesight or not , as they me so badly swollen they cannot bo scon. Itp.lti leu HorlHl Nntnf. BEATIIICE , Neb , July 21. [ Special to THE BBE ] About thirty of the members of Mount Herman commandory No. 7 , Knight Templars , with their wives and daughters , assembled on the beautiful grounds of A. C. S. Saunders last evening and enjoyed ono of the nlcasautrst lawn socials of the season. A. Grand Aimy of the Republic reunion will bo held at DoWltt , Neb , . August 7 to 12. It hat been announced th < tt Governor Crounse. General Tha.ver and Hon. Church Howe will speak at this assembly. Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer loft yesterday over the Burlington for Denver. W. E Cory and MM Jacob Beck and daughters wore among those who departed for the World's fair. Hull mil viinn Neb. , July 21. [ Special to Tun Em ] Many farmers In from six to eight irillci noith of town , report tint last Satur day's wind and hail storm did great damage to crops. Soveial farmers will lese their entire crop. Many are plowing their wheat and oat Holds to BOW to millet for food. Ex cept thu small strip whore the hall struck , the crop will bo good. Corn never looked bettor. Tlio stock is unusually largo. The liav crop on the hill land is not quite up to the nvoraga _ Younc Mini Killed by thu Cnrn. JANSEN , Nob. , July 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] An unknown young man was killed at Junsoii by the cars this morning. It is thought by some that ho is an Italian by birth , Ho wore n brown sack coat , black pants and a good hat. light colored shirt with pink and blue striped necktie and good undo clothes. Ho wan about 17 or 18 years of age. There was nothing upon his person that would load to his identification Train men thought he boarded the train at Lincoln or Omaha. Ncnr Ill-ami of Hup. IlENitFUsoN , Nob. , July 21. [ Special to TUB BEB.J A very peculiar striped bug made its appearance in great quantities in a garden adjoining town last evening and are rapidly eating It up. The buif U about one- half inch long und Is a rapid traveler on foot When molested they start for tlio south The variety is a stranger , and they aru being watched with interest , ui well as apprehension It is very dry hero. _ _ BOAUD OF PUBLIO "wOHK3. Force of Inipeotur * Keori ; iiUcl ttinl a Jrevr li rhiirK < l. The now Board of Public Works yesterday afternoon reorganized the force of inspec tors , dropping from the rolls nearly ono-lmlf of the old inspectors. A rule was also adopted fixing the remuneration of the la- fl FEflSI OF GOOD IHINGS UND fl REGUlflli HOUSEKEEPERS' HARVEST. Mnsoti'a pint fruit jirs fiOc nor Am on. ' Miison'Hijiiurt fruit JurH u o nur dozen. Mnsorr's li ilf Kiillon fruit Jnr ! o per dozen Tin lopji-lly tumblers to o icli. 200losri Klnss tublu tumblers , worth from ROc to ll.'i" ) per do7cru nil on special baretrlu tounturatSouucli. lOo bnrjraln counter flllod with Roods worth Ho lmriT.ifn counter filled with pooda north - ) C toJUo. . " - ' " . counter flllod with coeds wortl blirsuln counter filled with goods specters , vvhllo nctualb' employed , at M per any. excepting these employed by the month. Alajor B.Ucooibo named the follouinir- Joel A. Gnfllii , brick pnviuir ; I. R Hoyt. stone pavingTool ; C PoniBO and Edward tiursko , asphalt mviiiK ; J.imes Stockdale , concietobasoS. ; Y. Hanson , curbiutr. all ut * ! per day while employed ; Michael Uono- yan , inspector asph rlt rep ili.s ; Aaron Heel , Inspector sweeping und cleaning , at $100 per month cacti ; O. A. Scott , successor to .1. C. Donnovvitr , sidewalk inspector , nt ? 90 per month ; Josiah Kent , general foiom.m street rep rirs , at $3 per day. .M or Furav named \V. P. B. Wilcox , U. \\alkeraud Josejh ) DouRhorty as inspec tors on sewers Chairman Windspear said ho desired to name three men , and gave their names .u C ? lmcs p < 6tron'burg. ' George J. Haider and T. W. Hotchkiss. I'ho two Majors thought tlio list sum- cioutly laigo without Mr. Winspcur's ap pointments and they refused to concur In tliem. The lists of both majors wcro ap proved and Mr. Wlnspear magnanimously voted in tlio afllrmativo. The Barber Asphalt company's bills for reserves wore allowed. They worn for pav ing upon which the live years guarantee has expired und the 15 per cent resorveboing duo. The bills were as follows : For 1883 , . - lW)8.ljlbS8ll au ( Mlb87 : , il5uj47. ; AlsoflO.- 848 119 , being 15 per cent teservo hold , which the company desires to replace w ith bonds. The re ) > air claim of the company for the first nix months of the year , amounting to til,110 48 , was presented , but action do- feued until the next meeting. The claim has been leferrod to City Engineer Hose- water and ho submitted his report. Mr. Hosowater passed judgment as follows : "So far as the claim is concerrcd , I con sider It not justiliod. Under the ( Oiitiact of the Barber Asphalt Paving company with the city to maintain the asphalt pavements in good condition it is presumed that such stieols are to bo kept in continuous good con dition through the year and not rupaiu-d spasmodicallyvvhcn the streets are tendered impassablo. An examination of thosticuts cmbiaccd in this contract in the first part of thu month and again on the With , shows many of rho streets in exceedingly bad con dition , with largo holes worn down to the concrete , and in many places with stagnant water upon the streetdisfiguring itsappoar- anco.bosidcs creating an unsanitary condition In Us neighborhood. On the greater per tion of the area embraced in the bill under their contract very little , if any , repairs of work have boon done. The least that should bo done Is a deduction from the bill for so much of su3h streets as has been loft un touched , to the detriment of the street and public interest. I Invo marked crosses op- l > osito such Items as in my opinion should bo rejected , and the llgures one-half opposite such wlioro oao-hulf the bill should bo do- ductod. Thesu will aggregate t'JSS Dli , and that amount Is the least that should bo de ducted from the account sumnltted. II Hall was again given the contract for grading Jones street from Twenty-second tea a point 2tM feet west of Twenty-second street , and Twenty-fifth street from Leaven- worth to the south line of Marsh's addition. Ho bid 8 > cents | > or euolo y.ud. Ti.o l > oard decided to place two-Inch stone for permanent sidewalks on a level with brick , and hereafter when the latter is per mitted so will be the foimcr. Piles of people have pnci , nut Do Witt's Witch Huzul Salvo vvill cure thorn. Piles of poopio tuve pi.es , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve vvillcuro thorn _ ' THC'NEXT MORNING i FEEL DRICHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. IIy dtx tor rays It acn Rentljr dn tlie atoinarh , Ilrer and kliliwrB nrt li a plenuxnl laxative 'Hill drink U mule from herhs. auj li prepared for u > j twily u tfa. lilt called LRNESMEDIGIHE AlldruvKleUtfIIItaltoe.andII atiackaie If ruu caonotKritt , ( anil youmddreu forafrtx winple. I.uue'i fumllr flleUlrlnn niovrii Ifae buifelf Brhdnr. In order tnhntienltlir till * Uneceuarr. A Special Feature for Saturday , A ( 'rnml rlmlnc out of boys' sumtnor soils nt HALF I'UICI-L. LOT 1 50 bins' all wool suits , I\KCI Ironi 4 to 14 , in choice style * . Tlioy tire tlui bnlnnco of our 500 novelties. They fjo on sirlo Sntun'.ny at tlio Imr- { nln tublo , tlfst floor , for . . . $2.90 LOT 'J (50 ( boys' uit % njjos J to 14 , bnl- nnco of our line $0 , * 7 , $8 nnd * 0 goods , K ° 011 saloStitunlny for $4.89 LOTS 15o.\s' pulu to.v suits , ni ca from ; ! to It , blousuH und junior suits , rojju- Inr price $2.7o ; will bo closed out at . $1.88 Lot fancy colored oiljjo otnliroidorlos , icul vnluo : > Uo uiul ; trc'uHonvtlon ) wlco . I7c Soollopod cdjro ombroiiloroil licmstltuh- cd nnd Inltinl linmlkorolilof : * . goods wet th from 12oo to oOc , nlturntton n-\\o \ P co . | 2Jc Iloynior kid plovos , the best ijlovo In the world , 10 per cent oil during nl- torntlon alc. Host bilk mitts . 3Qc pair Odds nnil oiula of fubrio glovo-j . $1 pair Silk ribbons worth uji to lOo for for4c 4c yard Silk ribbons worth up toCo for8c 8c yard Sillt ribbons worth up to 1153 for I2c yard Worsted black coodn , 10 pieces of fancy weaves , the Imlaneo of our $1 jjoods , nlloration prlco . 5Oc All shopping bnijs nr.il purses will bo soul ut 50 per cent off. dwlnir a tcr.rlioii s.ilo. 680 pairs of ladies squiiio too C. S. and oponx too , oporiv too nnd patent tip , our regular SIJ.60 quality , alteration s > ale jrico ) I * $1-98 100 pah s Indies' doncroln oxfords. Tlioy are marked SH.88 , altointion price , ; ; : , ; SI-5O Mists' donpolas , motoctlon tip , a roiiu- Inr $1.75 bhoo ; alteration sale price $1.25 Chi'dren's ' donpoln shoo , pi-otoction tip , a $1.50 shoo , altorntioii sale piico , _ ; , ; : $1.00 Ladles' muslin pox\ns nnd drnwors that mo very line and have boon sollinjr for $ L , allotation sale prlro . . . $ | .O7 Ladies' muslin gowns nnd drnwoia , that have been soiling for 81.25 , nltointloii wile price 83c A miscellaneous lot of ladles' $1.2 lisle thread hosiery , aim "flo full cotton ho siery. Tlio nboxo two lots will bo closed out Saturday nt 37Jc ICHENCK'S Mn.ndr.-xko Pills have a value as n house hold remedy Ur beyond tno power of Ian gu.iRo to describe. Tlio family can hardly bo true to itself tlmt does not oop them on bund for use In omororon- cics. .a ' the only vegetable substitute for that dangerous mineral , Mr.iictMY , nnd vliilo its action as a cunitlvo ia fully equal. It possesses notio of the perilous Directs. In Constlpitlon , Mandrake acts upon the bowels without dlaposin" ; them to subsequent Costlvoness. No loniody acts so directly on the Ivor , nothing so speedily cures Siolc Joadiicho , Sour Stomach ach , and Biliousness an PILLS. those . For Bnlo by nil nrnzjlitPrlco 25 ct . per jox ; .1 boxes for Itt nts j or sent by mail , post- mo free , on receipt of nrloo. Dr. J. 1L Hehonclt X ton , Philadelphia. In all your outings to the World's Fair- Seaside Mountains everywhere , take Beecham's pnis with you. Illness frequently results from changes of food , water , climate , habits , etc. , and the remedy Is JJcecliam's Pills. OOOOOO CO I Convenience and Economy i effected In every lioiiHohold by the use of 1 Leibig Company's j Extract of Beef The best wny to Improve nnd stronztlion honps nntl H metis of ill klnrtN Is to add u little of tills famous product. 6(1 cunt * . Isoileu r r Mmliiit HidM Notice U horuhy pfven il'Ht yotlrd bldi will I o rucolvinl ut tlio nllliu of the county ulerk of Knltli uonnly , iNuhrvskn. lit Ozalalla. until tuelvn o'o oek noon on tlio ilkt day of An- Bimt. JH'tl , for llm repair of lliii I'nxton Hoiilh I'l.ttte river brldiro. hnch rupn ri 10 coniUt , In Inyliua niiw floor on tin ) u d lloor , to bout two-Inch ouk IniuLur , ton feet In lontcth , nnd to bu luld tit such an aiiu'lo n to nuiko u roa I- w IV H font In wl .th ! o.icli plunU to Ijoinilloil with at least six 4Ud vrlro n ills : tu run nit to buiolilfuet road way , bidder to furnish nil material. Kaih b d mini bo uccoiiiiitnluil | by KUOI ) an 1 milllclHiit bond for Uonlilo thn amount of tliu bid. Tlio county bourl roaunrtui thu rlvht to reli'ctany und all hldi li ted July 'M. 18/J A. . County Clurk. To VV'nll Contrarlor * . III.AIII , Neb , July 31,1HU3Illds will bo re- colved at Ilin iinli'o of thu rlly rlerU until A UK nil & , 1BU3 , at 7 oVIock p IM. , of nlil duy , tu bore two hlx-lnch wulU und furnlnh two KX- | fooldmk Nlnitiuir-polntH , Hiiltnlilu to lit pipe for the city of lllalr , Nub. lluptli of clH from 100 fisut tii 105 fuotj uiuno U > UuronipleUid by AllKUSfJIi , IH'JJ I'liiin nnd Hifclllcttllonn | rit Illo [ it the olllca Of I-J. I'urr , water coiiinilhilonur , lllulr , Nub , HlxhU roiurveU to rojix't any and nil lilils. K II. OAKIUUAN , Jy21I)10tA4 City Clurk of lllulr , Nub.