Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    TT-TI ? nxfAlTA T AIT.V TH TO 'PITrTTPfinAY. .TTJT.V ' < > n IfiO.t
Bomarkablo Evidence of the Hustling Abil
ities of Western Femininity.
" " - " " - *
tntrreitlnc Talk with Minn Klttr Wlklrn ,
Who Mntmcc * the AfTiilr * of One of
the Flncftt Iliirno ntul C'nttlo
lUnclios In the \VctU
Miss Kitty 0. Wllklns , a well known horse
ind cattle queen of Idaho , Is stopping at the
Mnrcer hotel. These who have never met
Mlis Wllklns might bo led to suppose from
the nature of her occupation that she wu
of" the muscular nnd mascullno typo of
womanhood , but nothing could bo farther
from the truth. Arrayed m a and becom
ing costume of the very latest summer style ,
with n white straw hat sot jauntily on her
well balanced head , the lady that came trip
ping Into tno parlorof the Merccrand greeted
the reporter was simply a typical American
woman of about 30 years who has had n
coed deal of business experience and Is
able to take care of herself and her Interests
In the wldo world without the assistance
of mascullno brains to plan for her.
"I have nt present about 11,000 horses on
my range. My crop of colts this year is one
of the finest that 1 have over had the Inclf
to bring up. The winter was an easy one
nnd the mares came ihrough In excellent
condition. Wo never feed our horses any
thing , you know , " said Miss Wllkins.
Unison she llreciU.
"What breeds of horses do you ralso ? "
"I have several brqcds. The Hamblc-
tonlans , Clydcs , French drafts , Copper
Bottoms , Membrenos , Kentucky Whips and
Bomo others. I have been trying for some
tlmo to get hold of a pure str.iin of the ld
Morgan stoclr. Do you know , I believe
there was one of the very best strains of
horses that has over been bred In this coun
try , but I fear the pure blooded Morgans
have almost disappeared. "
"Do you raise any bronchos ? "
"No'l don't waste" much time on bronchos.
You eo 1 raise horses for thu city markets ,
for light and heavy draft purposes , nnd
bronchos would bo of very little use In that
lino. "
"How about mules ? "
' 'Wo have raised n few mines. I say wo
because , as a matter of fact , my father nnd
brothers do most of the work in taking care
of the range , and I look after the selling and
the buying of marcs and horses for breeding.
Wo have raised a few mules , but I don't sco
much in It. Southern farmers like mules ,
but they are beginning to lind that a lighti
horse will do the same work that a mule
will do nnd the horse is moro pleasant to
work with. Then It Is a good deal moro
trouble to raise mules. Half grown mules
nro very mean to colts and if a Jack happens
to got access to a stallion one or tno other is
sure to bo killed. In a light a jack will
nearly always kill a stallion , for they choke
them to death. Wo had n rather amusing
Incident of this kind at the ranch not long
ngo. One of our men was leading n jaclc
throuch the stable past n young stallion , a
real handbomu little horse , and , realbing his
danger when ho saw the jack , ho just
sprang right into the manger. The men had
quite a time in getting him out. "
Hits mi Kjilcurcmi Mure.
Turning the trend of the conversation
gracefully Miss Wilklns said : " 1 am going
to tell you something now that you will
probably not bcliovo. I have a dear oltt
mara that is ; S8 years old. She has never
eaten a mouthful of grain in her lifo and she
raised a splendid colt last year while there
Is a handsome l-year-old ! still running by her
aido. t believe that mare Is , in her way , the
most remarkable horse in the world. She
was lost nearly all whiter in the mountains
several years ago when n heavy snow fell
nnd wo had to round the herd up and found
them snow bound. We gave old Molly up
for dead , but when spring ouoncd wo found
her as fat and sassy as a seal. I fairly cried
for joy when the men came home and told
mo they had found old Molly still alive. She
has raised three splendid colts since that.
Her teeth are all gone , but she manages to
live on the buds and bark of shrubs in win
ter and on the tender grass In Bummer. "
In describing her horses the face of the
fair horsewoman fairly glbws witli cnthusl-
nsm. "My horses are perfect beauties , "
she said , jlooking earnestly into the roi
porter's faco. "I hoop thorn until they nro
8 years old and sell them without n solitary
blemish. Their bones are strong and per
fectly formed and their feet are simply per
fection. I wish I could show you some of
the splendid teams of horses I have sold to
the farmers of Dakota. Why they just snap
i my Horses up when 1 take a few carloads of
| them up there like hot cakes. I am think-
I ing some of taking a carload of horses to the
horse show at the World's fair next month.
1 believe lean make a very creditable show
ing of a carload or moro. I shall bo on the
South Omaha market this fall with some of
my best stock. Just at present the market
Is rather quiet , bull have an Idea it will bo
bettor utter a while. "
"Do you ralso nny cattle ? "
"Wo are running SK)0 , ( ) head of cattle , but
I have made up my mind that wo shall
cither sell them or buy moro. Owing to the
amount of stealing thai has been going on
lately It does not pay to bo In the cattle
business nt all unless you have a very largj
range and then keep plenty of men s > o that
all thieves nnd intruders can bo kept clear
on the outside. I shall either soil what I
havu or enlarge on the business within a or two. "
"Is it true , Miss Wilklns , that you can go
out alone on the r.ingo and catch a wild [
horse with a lasso ? "
Tender Impulses of Woiimnliooil.
"Oh , yes ; I have done that many n tlmo ,
but I don't care to pose as n wlelder of tlio
lasso , you know. It ain't just the thing for
u woman. 1 have often been ollercdQ \ to
throw the lasso just once at thu various
horse markets , but 1 dou't yearn for that
kind of n reputation. Thus far I have not
found that my business has had n tendency
to detract In the slightest from my natural
tastes as a woman , In fact there are many
things about the care of horses that appeal
to thu tumterost Impulses of a woman , A
horse comes about us near being human as
nny of the animals , I think , timt I am pas-
blonatoly fond of good and beautiful horses. '
While I might gain considerable notoriety
by going line the puns at the maricoi hero in
South Omaha , St , Isolds , or other places and
throwing the lasso.yot it would bo a very mien-
viablu sort of notoriety and i shrink from
anything of thu sort. Thcro have been sev
eral very successful women engaged in ttio
cattlu business in the west whu liavo been
noted for the daring things they delighted
n doing on horseback nnd In the stock pens ,
but while I believe I am able to hold my own
with almost anybody in handling a horse ,
when it becomes necessary , I am not going '
to make myself ridiculous by roping horses
for the amusement of men about a stock
market. "
Miss Wilklns spent part of the day nt the
South Omaha market and took the evening
train for Sioux City , where she will ot
icveral car loads of her stuck on the way to
Interior points in Dakota.
Douglm Count ) ' < I'uor.
After a number of dnys of figuring and
making computations , County Agent liurr
has completed his report for the fiscal year ,
ending Juno HO , and Is now able to tell just
hoiv much the county has expended for the
relief of the outdoor poor since the 1st day
of last January , This report shows that for
coal , groceries , shots , transportation and
coillns the folloivluB amounts have been
paid :
January , , , , , , (1,831 30
Kubnniry 'J-a5 00
Miirch 1,469 00
April. , 765 45
May 053 70
JUUU , 4UB 05
Total 17,393.40
TUo principal expenditure was forcoal and
that during thu winter months , With thu
beginning of March , thu agent commenced to
cut off the supply and since that date the
bills have gradually decreased and will con
tinue about thu same at novr until next
During thu winter months the applications
for relief reached SOU , which have since boon
reduced until but about
gevuuty-llvu appli
cants nro curried on thu Hits , thu most of
whom are widow * , cripple * and continued
vaupt i .
Dr. Somcrs nnd l'rc lil nt Powell
YlfW * on n HiirnltiR iMitft , ,
Dr. Somcrs , In discussing the nttUude of
the Hoard of Health toward the dry closet
systems , said : "The Hoard of Health is
ready to meet the Board of Education half
way nny time. A conference between the
two bodies might result In an understanding
being roiichcd. 1 have alt along contended
that the Kcllom school was unsanitary nnd
now the members of the school board , to
gether with the officers , are admitting It. It
is the school where the dry closet system
has been In use nnd its condition fully backs
up the position of the Hoard of Health. The
unsanitary condition of the other schools
has not been manifested for the reason that
they have not yet been occupied. The or
dinances of the city clearly provide what
systems of closets shall bo used nnd the
school board should bo compelled to llvo up
to the laws the same as Individuals. "
President Powell , of the Omaha Board of
Education , said on this subject : "If the
Hoard of Health had made such an Investi
gation as the Importance of Its relation to
the city would seem to make nroper the
members of that Important body would have
learned that n majority of the 'criticisms
iiixm the Smcad system are written or paid
for by rival heating and ventilating com
panies. It would also have learned that the
Smcad system Is now being used and placed
In now buildings In the best cities of Massa
chusetts , after a most careful nnd thorough
examination ot Its merits by boards of health
and cduc.itlon.
"It Is well known that 1 have never been
In favor of th'o Smead or any other dry
closet system , though 1 bcliovo that such
systems of ventilation may bo mndo per
fectly sanitary when properly constructed
and cared Jur , and 1 do not think this sys
tem can over bo thrown out on the ground
that it is unsanitary , provided Mr. Smead
cares enough for the reputation of his sys
tem In this locality to make a fight for it.
At the same tlmo I doubtlf the Board of Ed
ucation should take up the cudgel in bchnlf
of the Smcad system in opposition to the
Hoard of Health with which wo desire to act
in harmony whenever possible. The Board
of Health is probably right In holding that
a dry closet system If put in where a con
nection with a sewer can bo made Is In violation
lation of the city ordinance , though mv im-
prcsslon is that the ordinance was passed
after the Kellom building was completed. "
A Wonmii's Itouicily lor inllummiuory
lUinumnlMin ,
I am an old sufferer from Inflammatory
rheumatism. The past winter it came upon
mo again , very acute and severe. My joints
swelled and became Inflamed , sore to touch i
ot almost to look at. Upon the urgent re
quest ) l of my mother-in-law , I tried Chamber
lain's j , Pain Halm to reduce the swelling aim
case the pain , nnd to my agreeable surprise
jt did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles
tles and believe it to bo the finest thing for
rheumatism , pains and swellings extant. D.
E. { Carr , l"3o Harrison St. , Kansas City , Mo.
Ho Disobeyed thu Court's Order nnd Could
Not t'-lvo llondn.
The dignity of the law has been trampled
upon by Samuel P. Morse and now that gen-
tlomati finds himself under arrest and called
upon , to give some tangible excuse why ho
should not bo dealt with for having violated
an order of the court.
Some days ago Isabella Morse , the wife of
Samuel P. Morse , instituted proceedings in
the district court looking to a divorce , and
at the same tlmo she secured nn
order which restrained Morse fro.n vis
iting i the premises. The grounds for the
securing of the order were that when
he 1 was at the plaintiff's homo ho conducted
hlmsolf in a very violent manner. Shortly
after the restraining order was Issued
Morse went to the house , where ho fright
ened the Inmates nearly out of their wits ,
remaining until the sheriff was called to
make an ejectment of the defendant. The
next day ho was taken before Judge Scott
nnd lined ? 'JOO , the sentence being suspended 1
during good behavior. Since then and until
last 1 night Morse has abided by the decision of
the I court , but last evening ho broke down
the 1 legal barriers and went out to the house ,
where ho had a row with his wil'u , after
which ho fought and knocked downhlsson ,
Herbert J. Morse , nnd ruled the house as with
an iron rod until the sheriff was again called.
Sheriff Bennett again ejected the obstrep
erous < husband and yesterday Judge Scott
having 1 learned of the affair , upon application
of < Mrs. Morse , issued an order for Morso's
arrest. i
VVhen cnllcd into court yesterday after
noon , Mr. Morse was lined $1 nnd costs for
hnving violated the order of the court nnd
placed under bonds to keen the peace nnd
remain away from his own residence until
after the decision In the divorce case , which
is now pending. In default of furnishing
the bond , ho was committed to the county
A ( } > nl T it.i ; in ? i ti it 11 ! O j'n > '
Mr. J.V. . Ilagcr , a well known merchant
of Clio , Ircdcll Co. , North Carolina , cured
four cases of flux with one small bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhcua
HQincdy. Tnis is the most prompt and most
ruccessful remedy in use for dysentery , diar-
slui.'a , colic and cholera morbus. No other
medicine will take its place or do its work In
this class of diseases , It is equally valuable
for children and adults. 5 and 50 cent bottles
tles for sale by druggists.
Action or the Council Caiulnc Trouble
Among the Licensed Haulers.
The acceptance of the bid of A. McDonald
to remove all of the garbage from the city
has caused much discussion. The proposition
of McDonald is to gather and roinovo from
the city limits all garbage and dead animals ,
for which privllogo ho is to p.iy the city $250 ,
poryear for ten years. Ho is to receive the
regular fixed charges from householders for
collections , is to have the exclusive right and
is to bo permitted to establish four different
stations for loading thu same onto the cars.
The garbage men , who now do the collect :
ing unucr thu direction of the Board tof
Health , nro protesting. Garoageman Pres
ton threatens an injunction on the grounds
that the bid was not in accordance with
specifications and thu advertisement. They
sisn demand protection because- they have
paid a license for the privilege and do not
believe the council can In suuh a summary
manner legislate away their rights.
To protect the now contractor it will bo :
nccubsary to pass a largo number of ordi
nances , Thu opinion Is that several months
will elapse beforeho can commence under
his contract and It imiy bo delayed until the |
first of the yoar. No one has taken the
pains to estimate the revenue that will bo ,
uerivcd each year to the contractor , but it
will run up Into the thousands. Under the
now order of things the Jones and Daven
port street dumps will ho abandoned and the
city will nvo the salaries of tno dump mas
ters. Some of the olllclals have figured out
that the city will bo in pocket about f 1,500- >
'per year by the deal , which will bo no moro
expensive to those having gurbagu to bo re
moved than it is at present ,
Pile of people have piles , but Dowltt'a
\YUchIIazel : Salvo will cure them.
Douglng County It0iubllrniu. |
The annual meeting of the Douglas County
Harrison Itopubllcan club , comprising all
products outside the city of Omaha except
South Omaha , will bo hold at the Custcr
post hall , on Fifteenth street , on Saturday ,
July 23 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of
the election of officers and the transaction of
Important business.
At 0 l-2c , at 0 l-2o , at 0 l-2o , 3,000 , Yards
of Printed Lawne , Mnlls , Or6andios.
olil All Scnftnn nt IBc , 20o and 2ficTour
Clinlcn Today , no Limit , nt 1(1 i-2o
1'er Yard Our ( Irrnt Cint Cnih Hnlc.U
a Hummer No UullTlmoi with Vt ,
DRKSS IIODES , $ .1.75.
810.00 , $15.00 nnd $20.00 high novelty
dross robes , Imported for this season's
trutlo , but slightly soiled in transit , your
choice of thuso bemitifiil hijrh priced
robes today for $3.75 e.tch Don't
miss this opportunity , these goods can
bo worn the year round. '
This Is something you cannot afford to
miss. 1 case of imported printed nain
seeks , lueo slriucd mulls and dotted
swiss , sold nil over at l o , 35e and -Ific ;
today they go at IGc ; all perfect
Ginghams , sateen and Brandonborg
novelties GO AT IOC PEU YARD.
Not a yard worth less than 'Sto. If
yon miss this sale you inisa a chance of
a lifo time. Every piece of goods in
this sale is first quality.
2o dozen Goo night robes go today
at Uo ! ) each , you cannot rcslul these
Our entire stock of gowns , worth up to
$1.50 ( none reserved ) , . go today at
08c each.
81.10 GOWNS 31.10.
Our entire stock of gowns , worth up to
$2.00 , go today at $1.19 each.
GOWNS AT 31.68.
All our best night robes trimmed with
the iinest laces nnd embroideries , worth
from $2.25 upto$3.50 , all go in our great
cost cash sale today fdr $1.08 each.
These are all extra special leaders ,
everything else goes at net cost.
-10 dozen Indies' Sjo waists for today
at Uoc each. Only one to a customer
at this price.
200 WAISTS FOR 080.
For today only , 7 dozen French
lawn waists , not one worth less than
$2.00. Two to a customer today at
OSc each. IIow can you resist this ?
WAISTS $1.03.
Gilbert fast black waists at 31.Oo. You
cannot buy this waist anywhere for less
than $1.05.
ALL AT 31.48.
Our entire stock of 311.00. $3.50 and
$3.75 fancy French lawn waists goes to
day , in this great sale at 81.48 each.
No limit ; buy all you want of them. You
cannot duplicate these prices in any
wholesale or retail market in the world.
All our 32.00 gingham wrappers go at
WRAPPERS , $3.50.
White India linen wrappers with but
ter ily cape and solid embroidery , all go
today at $3.50 each , worth $5.00 or
Valenciennes , torchons nnd point do
Irland laces , worth up to 20c , all go to
day at 3c per ynrd.
For today only , 100 pieces of line
i white laces worth 209 , 3'ic , 45c and 50c ,
all go at ! ) c per yard. No limit.
Tito very newest kinds of trimming
laces , not a piece worth less than 50c
and from that up to 81.00 , today
only 23c per yard. No limit.
200 pieces of line
embroideries , not n
yard worth less than 2oc and from that
up to 50c , all go today as an extra
special under cost leader for Oo per yard.
Remember , besides these wondcrlul
leaders everything goes at cost. You
cannot miss u bargain.
P. S. Wo almost forgot to mention a
very important item , namely :
Wo have gotten together 50 pieces of
choice silks that have been selling all
summer ut from 81.25 to $2.00 , today
they go on bale at 09c per yard.
Limit , one dress to a customer at this
price , N.B. _ FALCONER.
Fireworks , balloon , Courtland beach
tonight. Music , boating , bathing.
You fnn no So by rill-chasing n Copy of
Moran'n Dictionary of Ulilcnco.
This valuable book has received the
endorsement of the World's Columbian
Exposition. It also contains a handsome
map of Chicago and is the only recog
nized and standard Guide to the World'
Fair City. For pale by George E. Moran
publisher , suite 213 Herald buildinir
Chicago , 111. , and by all promineSt
news dealers. Price , 50o per copy. In
cloth bound copies in gilt , postage paid ,
gl.OQcuuli. Every person contemplating
a visit to Chicago during the World's
fair should avail hlmsolf of this oppor
tunity to secure a copy.
Amos moved to 1017 Fnrnain.
World'H Kuir VlHltora
Should continue their trip to Utah and
the west. The magnitude in resources
and beauty of the \vestern \ territory is
incomparable. Nature- creative mood
has fashioned rock-ribbed crested peaks ,
over white with the snow of untold
ages and whoso hoary summits seem to
pierce into some unknown realm beyond.
The grand canons and cataracts are awe
inspiring. In the west you can find
health , wealth and happiness ; it is one
t t
liirjre sanitarium , and''is best reached
by the Rio Grande Western'"railway.
, ' See that your tickets read both ways via
| that road which olTers choice of three
distinct routes and the most magnificent
scenery lu the world. For copies of
pamphlets , oto. , write to J. II. Bennett ,
* Salt Lake City , U , T.
A convenient and pleasant place to ob
tain luncheon. Ualduir , 15UO Farnam.
Amos moved to 1017 Farimm.
Clump iicnr : lii tu thu Jlluck HUM.
July 15 and dally thereafter round
trip tickets from Omaha to Hot Springs
anil Dendwood will be on sale at one faro
for the round trip.
| Inquire city ticket onlco. 1401 Fnrnam
Through slcopora daily from Webster
Street station.
The only 1'ure Crcau * of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alutu.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
2T > pieces India mull , beautiful pat
terns to select ffrnm , fie yard , worth IGc.
no pieces .l&inbh wide sateen nt7lo
yard , worth Uoo.-jard.
10-Inch wldo Huron lawn In plain whtto
or blackj'fancyrfpen worked sldo bands ,
worth 40c , now trt > close nt lUlc yard.
IB pieces indijroi blue calico , 2jc ; only
one dross to enohl.
28-Inch ouUntpolotb , Go , worth lOc.
Embrolderodinnd fringed momlo lap
robes , were $2.25 , now $1.00.
$2.50 red bordered lunch cloth $1.40.
25 dozen double Devonshire huck
towels 20x10 , red or blue border or plain
white , cut down to 12Jts each , $1.50 doz.
Berkley extra fine cambric , worth 20c ,
reduced to lOc jard.
7-4 bleached sheeting now lOo ynrd.
Special sale on Utina fine and heavy
bleached muslin cut down to 7c yard.
Gorman twilled toweling , was 15c , re
duced to lOo yard ,
Thorndiko ticking , was lOc , now Go a ,
20c and 2oc figured pcrcalino , now lOc
In plain white lawn checked , nainsook
checks , hemstitched work , etc. , goods
that are worth IGc , 20c , 2oc nnd 40c , all
in one lot , only lOc yard.
Look over our remnant table today
on wash dress goods.
Fireworks , balloon , Courtlnnd beach
tonight. Music-boating , bathing.
Ames moved to 1017 Parnatn.
Ton Hot for Incubating.
The citizens of Clifton Hill had a sort of
post-Fourth of July colebr.itlon with frills
on it Tuesday night , and happily the nffalr
terminated with no serious damage to the
property Involved.
Mr. Fred Winning , who resides nt the
corner of Forty-third and Grant , is some
thing of a chicken fancier , nnd the gnrrct of
his house has been turned into an incubat
ing room for the propagation of thorough
bred poultry. Last night while Mr. nnd
Mrs. Winning were attending n church en
tertainment at Walnut Hill , the incubitor
took n notion to hurry up the hatching
process nnd got through with ils job
right away. People passing the house
noticed smoke rolling out of the garret
windows and some of the neighbors rushed
to the scene and broke in the door with a view
of saving the house from cremation. The up
stairs was densely filled with smoke.but Mr.
Truax , Mr. Dillo and others found their way
to the seat of flro about the Incubator and
ivlth a few buckets of water properly ap
plied the llamcs were extinguished. The
Clifton Hill , lire brigade came out to the
rcscuo on the double ijulcir , ro.iching the
spot in advanceof'tho ' Cro department from
Walnut Hill but it ; was found unnecesary to
turn on the watorfrom the hydrants owing to
the timely work oJ'the bucket brigade.
' .MldBt-IHnc-Uail Hills.
Twenty hoursiride via the Burlington
Route lands you nt Hot Springy , S. D. ,
where you can Bathe in a magnificent
plunge'bath or a $30,000.00 , bath house ,
liave choice Of scores of charming drives ,
enjoy the pure , rest-laden air that an ap
titude of 3,400 foot above bea level insures * -
sures and live in a hotel which would bo
a credit to any American city of 200,000
Bcst-of all , yoivare eternally cool.
The Burlington Route's 10:15 : a. in.
train from Omaha carries a sleeping car
for the Black Hills. . i
Reduced-rate tickets on sale July 15 to
August 15.
City ticket office , 1324 Farnam street.
Ames moved to 1(517 ( Parnam.
Telephone C. W. Hull Co. for prices
on hard coal. Summer delivery ,
TliiiuVoll spent
a. week's ' holiday at Hot Springs , S. D. ,
best reached from Omaha by the Bur
lington routes , 10:15 : a. m. , Black Hills
Round trip tickets at the one way rate
on sale July 15 to August 15. Through
sleeping car from Omaha dally.
See the city ticket agent nt 1324 Far-
nam street.
Tuur * In tlio ICnulty Mimnta nil.
The "Scenic Line of the World , " the
Denver and Rio Grande railroad , offers
to tourists in Colorado , Utah and Now
Moxlco ho choicest resorts and to the
transcontinental traveler the grandest
scenery. Double daily train service
with through Pullman sleepers and
tourists' cars between Denver nnd San
Francisco nnd Los Angeles.
My doctor ray It nct cemly on the tomaph ,
liver and klilnern. and It a pleasant laxative. This
drink In made from herbs , and la prepared for use
as easily oa lea. It Is called
All dniERliu ell It at Me. and II a package. If you
cannot get It , Bend your address fornfrcu aample.
enrlidiiy. 1 n order to tionwiHhy thin Is neccwnry.
Addre' Ol"l'i < ' " " " " * r > l " ' * vr > T "ov NY
Dislodge CBilo ,
Stir up fro Liver ,
Ouro Sick-Headaoho ,
Female Ailments ,
Remove Disease and
Promote Bood Health ,
with a Ti tele s & Soluble Coating.
" Famous . the . world . over.
W , II. I'AHKKII. M. D. , No , 4 nulfliic ) ! nt. ,
Ur To . iIj. . , cAf / ( oniultlttj pjtvitc
1'K.inonv M IIJ//AI. iNvfrr OT
: < awarded the noi.n UKIUI. by tt > o
niOLAiVucUTIiiNfol ItiolMIIZKKSHAYor ,
hiuite d ntalilil , Ji ( / > * > y . Jfirrou t and t'v > lt ur.n
litv , nn'1 ' all l > ltta.i and Wttikntn o ( Jfun
illinMO 11" younj , tbo tiMdlt-uytd and ittr
JillHrX Consultation lu ] > er tm c > r ly ictur
JUIIUO proorclui wlth UtttlmonUli , PKKU
ir e look. BC1UXCB OK J.Il'K. OH fiKI.F
i KKSKHVATION , COO pp. . 1 lnv lu ble prv'
< ripUoar. full OlUoabr gl.ud I * mail , ml l.
are all caused by
He warned ) Nnturc must be ns-
listed to throw off llie poUons. For
this purpose nothing can equal
Nature's own assistant
A pure Vegetable Compound of
Ilctbs , Uarks , nnd Roots. Contains
no nckls or mineral poisons.
It li m reliable ns the Hank of Knslnnd ,
All Ihit Is clnlmcil for II , It will da. tl.UO a
totllc. All i
MEALY & Ilir.Bi.nw ,
511 Grand Avc. , New lln\cnConn.
lt. 1' . I , . SK.VIll.KS. Coninlttnz
Orudutuo of Iluih Molloil Oollu o. ( COS
'ilUK. ) 1'or the treatment o
Wo euro Cntarrli , All Diseases of the
NOBO , Throat. Ghent. Stomiioli
and Iiivor.
Blood. Skin nnil Kidnov
Fonmlo Worxlinossoi CURED.
1MLES , FISTULA. FISSUHE , permiuiontly curoJ ,
without llio use of kulfo , llirnturo or cniiHtto.
All inalndtun of n iirlvilu : or ilcllc.itu nature , of
cither BOX , positively cured.
Call on or iulitress , wllli stamp , for Circular ! ,
Free Doolc anil Uucl | > es ,
Hfl CnarlnJ& Qflir DC I IB South 15th St
UF. DcuilG ) a oBineb , o.nvu.vMit. :
Next Door to Eo3l.oifloo.
Mandrake Pills have a value as n , house
hold remedy far boyo nd tno power of Ian
guago to describe. The family can
hardly bo true to itself that does not
keep them on hand for use In emergen
Is the only vegetable substitute for thai
dangerous mineral , MnitCUHY , and
while its action as a curative is lully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon
the bowels without disposing them to
subsequent Costivoness.
No remedy acts BO directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily curoa Sick
Headache , Sour Stomach - 5
ach , and Biliousness as n
Kor 9alo by all Orugslsts. 1'rleo 23 cts" . per
box ; : i boxes for til cts. i or .sout by mull , nost-
IIKO free , on receipt of iirloe. Dr. J. II
Schcnen & Son , f'lilliululphlii.
The latest out. Pretty , styl
ish , nobby traveling hat in
white and colors.
Selling all summer millinery
at cost and less.
BLISS , 1514 Douglas SI ,
As you have heretifore done , for a
We are now making one , nltli Deep Points ,
equal to any in the market ,
FOR 20C.
Sold by all the Uidlng
Utn't Furnliheu.
The Monarch Is the best warm weather
Shirt. Solid comloit and comi'letc ' tatlslao
tioo guaranteed ,
Who toltl you that everybody was hanging on to
their money ? Who tithi you that all the money in the
country was hid in old tin cans buried in cellars tied
up in old stockings ? Who told you that you couldn't
get out a crowd particularly of men if you advertised
to give away goods ? The man that told you all that rot
didn t look into our store last Saturday or he'd have
his mind. What a crowd what a | ( im what u
crush what a mob of
ilrM'fnl men scrambling after those won-
The barber had a "close shave" to get the pants he
wanted before his neighbor , the banker , got them away
* * from him. The waiter "waited' " till the crowd got a
trifle thinned out before he found his size. The carpen
ter found a "plane" color to suit him. The bank cashier
bought a pair of "cheek" p.ints. The undertaker "un
dertook" to gut a five-dollar pair for two fifty and he got
them. The balloonist got a pair because he thought
they might "go up" if lie didn't hustle , Twelve him.
tired men jostled each other elbowed each other
stepped on each other's corns' in their eilbrts to pant.
They got
tlmt are worth two-fifty two
sovonty-flvo-three dollars-threo
twonty-fivo a pair.
Of that are worth three fifty three
seventy-five four , ana four fifty *
a pair.
that are worth five five and a
half six six and a half seven
dollars a pair.
So can you. The balance of this grand assortment of
pants will be closed out ever yjriir this week.
Unsurpassed course of Jin Momc5choul
study Muatc , art , litcra- tlJc i brnt In Miij
lurcclocutton , busmess.&c " sourL AnfKintnifntHmoil rrv
Locution hctilttvyuad pleas- Aluilc and Art Tcjcncr
aau Gas.water , uleambcut
j6th year opens Sept , ulh ? un Or * . T P. Witlton , *
Ecr.V/.A.Wibon.A M.Preit. I.CKlnvlnn. lrr iiln %
Lexington , nio. Six io >
* * .
I ,
" * b > * ln lcm Mo.
partmcnUoflnMruciion. IB - * ' - ' ' ' * * - * ! *
Oidct oilhury school id
officers and .
teachers. Con *
Mlnourt HfAlttiful tov-u
t Bcrvatory ot music. Art
S Gymnasium. Modern ttlati itcasonablc Urm * UJ
ap- .
luairatcd cmalo uft
polninientar6ltiyear Illus-
iratod oatalopua MA.I. S. ShLLEILA.
A. A. .lONEN. ! * - ' .
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Thotmlnent loecUllst In norvous. chronic , prlruto. blooil , < kla nnrt unimrr dli i ai. A ragular
registered grailunto In raodlclno , in diplomat unit oorllllcutot will uliotr , H ( till treitlnx wIlli Ilia groaUit
UCCCM , CAiarrli. lost manhood , somlnnl woikuusi , nUtil loato * anil all formt of prlrata tllioasoi. nt
mercury used. N w troalmant for Ian of vital powor. rarllt * uuabla torlilt < u9mixr batrcittail at bomi
br corroiponiionco , .Medicine or Inilruiuontt sent bjr mail oraipro loouralr pacltoil ; no'marki to IndU
cite coutonta or Bondor. Ono noraoiml liiturrluvr Droftirrud. Consultation frea. Corrvsponiluucu itrlctlf
private. Hook ( MMtcrloi of l.Uo ) lout fr o. OUlc houri , 8 a.ui. to U p.m. Suudaji , ID a. m , to 13 a.
B ad ; stamp ( or circular.
i Class
At 1'opular I'rlcoi
313-315-311 , S.15ti ! Strost.
Oiunhn , Nob.
Specldej ail
Eyeghssos ,
nnuDAMV tit bLAobbb
UUiYirAniB 9ATfl | < Yi > l : >
Tt-nlli extracted Ininornlmf ,
Now oni' inscrli'il ill luniuuii
biiino il.iy. 1'urfocl 111 L'u-ir-
floor ,
Hloolf ,
Itltli ntnt I'ltrnitni Htroot.
iiovaloronllli : ( ) Struct TolophotiolOS'J.
UT II ATIV'C Catarrh Cure currs catarrh
lillvM4jl b AlldiutflBtB. tOcculu.
The niORt practical nnJ urcBt roviilHlvo Is
HHjOLUJT S JIiiBl.ini Ixinx-cH , Invuiiu-il by
Itltfollut anU wioiui-U uy ihu lloval KintUhh N.wy.
tlm private uiMliiillltai-yKionchliomilmlB aniUiwd
all over tliuuoilil Tlilily yours o ( Bucc'-nt. ' l''or
b.ilo wllli ( JnirulbiB , lu bo JOB ctmululiif IIMI Icavci
each S < ' 0 Hut llio liivuulur'i * Mliiii.iluio In iiiiou
lacl uwtaiulli-af. Mulu oiilco , 1' . HUollol i Co. ,
J J AMIIUO Victoria , I'm Is , 1'ruuco.
New York
Private anr
Special DIsaasas ,
of b3tU
Ftricturo nnd nil other troubles treated
nt roasonnblo eliurgc * CONSULTATION
I' UIC 1C. Uullouor add roia
, U.1/J /
Opposite ll.iydon Ilrou
U. 8 , Depository , Omnha , Nob.
SURPLUS , - 805,000
Onici > rs nnd IllrcclorH Henry W. Vatm. prftiU
ill-ill. 11.0 UiiHlilnir , vlcii I'niHliloiit , 0. S. Mauris * ,
\V. V. MorHo. John S. C'ullluH , J , K. U. I'alrlclx
Lowln H. Ki'wl , caHlilur.
l'ri' | lit
hUJCIilDAI , IIISrii.N.vYUy ,
( CoiiHUlllllKill fruit , ) \f
li uniurpino" " ) In iho truatinml (
or ull Ti
L/uronlo , Prlvuto aui
ft or vn UH DliiuiKos.
\Vrllo lu ut coiiiull pununMIr
ntiiA IMI.N ; r HV .II.VIL.
A < l < lrti nllli ( tamp far par-
llculari , irlilcti will bo UDI In
plain untolopj. t > , u. Hot Oil. UttloM , 119 d. Ulb
ilii'ol , Uuiulio.
t 0 Li 11 1 * JU iJAiiil oil HID irnlu of
company Ilium In turn QUICKLY litul VKHMA-J
M.NTI.V t'UUKI ' ) . Full STIllifJ QTII and to-Jj
tlvrii tuo\ury parlot thu body. 1 will Bcml i C.
filifly purkfili r'HKK lu any Binlorer the
lion thai curml niuul lliutu irouUlu * . AdUi i
A. UUA1JLKV , Ualllti fruck , MlcU.