THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : gym US DAY. JULY 20 , 1803. SPECIAL NOTICES. A DVKRTISEMENTS FOR TIIF.SK COMtMNS A will ImtaKr-n until ; 30p.m. for nml until 830ii. ; in. for llio iiiornlnir nnd Sunday rrtltlonn , . . , . . Ailwrtlwr * . by mino-ittnir n numbered chock run hnvii IhHrnn-.wiTsnddreiwd' to n nmnboml letter In earn of Til r. BtK. Answer * no addrtMwM xvlll Im ilcllvrml upon prcncntntlon of the cliock. WANTED MALE HELP. . first Insertion , Ion word there * nflcr. Nolnliig taki-n tor lcm than jtiio. p WANTED. ALL STKNOOIl APHKUS. BOOIC- JJkt-ejMTH. salesmen , pharmacist- ) , clerk * of an Vlnks. timlo or female. out of employment In ! . lown , Ni-brn'ka or Wyomlmr to IMMII ! tii Uir-lr IB name- and nililrr-M. W can two t service to J ml . I" * In nldlntr you to wcnro positions. Veslern nuM. litAcmcy. . 81U N. YM.lfo l dg. _ ! "Hy" _ " ItIP YOU WANT A GOOIH'AYINO JOB WHITE JLilho Hawks Ntir-te.ry Co. , Milwaukee , nj IJ-OENTLEMBN oi-roooD CIIAUACTKU TO .nrcpre ent our lmlm-s % ln-.un.nco men pre ferred ! 417 Heobulldlni- . MSJT _ L " TTTsTfr.SMKN "TO 1IAKINO POWDER. -I ) Wo put our .roods In Ulan * Roll nff Pin * ) . 900.00 itiontli nnd exi-fitiM-H. or comni IBS Jon. C . 707 VntiDnrenR irecM.W * -nioDsklnif Powder Co. , two. MU..B-A7 _ -1) IIAKKRI A 0001) BREAD AND CAKE J'baker : Htenrty employment ; MntownBCB wanted jenr roiinilt nationality nnd rcferenco. Address box DWI , Yankton , S. I > . 1' ' " " * -WANTED , DRUG CLERK. P. O. BOX fil H. n-OFFlcB MAN WANTED , BY WHOLESALE Jjhonse : llrm-class ofllco mnnt rnunt wrlto Kooil Jiand nml b i nipld and ncciirnta nl llcnrc-s. Hteaily employment nnd itood iwsltlon to P ! ; , ' , ; , , ' ' " / ' " ' Addross. L 41 , Bun. ' . -WANTED , A OOOD BUTCHER THAT UN- BWANTED business : will pay good wnitcu. JleiicelMlsko .Onl , Nebraska Ma ill at * > -A (1001) SHOEMAKER WANTED FOR OLD jaml now work. 11,11. Totlt , Falrbury. Nob.I I > Q < T-SALARY OR COMMISSION TO AOENTS TO Jjhandlii Iho Patunt Chemical Ink Eraser Pencil. The most useful nnd novul Invention of Hiij age. Krases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Workn llkn ni.-iKlc. IMMI to 000 per cunt protlt. Agents making $ f,0 IMT week. Wo also want a general intent to takn ohargu of territory ami appoint Hub agents. A rarnchanuolomako money. Wrlto forternisand ' a specimen of uraslng. Monroe Erasing Mfg. Co 'X 3(1 , La CronBo , WIs , -WANTED. . A MAN AND WIFE TO OO INTO Jitho cJimtry. Man to do farm work and woman to cook. Miintbocapablonnd cleanly. Apply lo < luy C. Itartim nt Hineltlng works. .Ill 20 n-WANTED , GENERAL AOENTS SELLING J'new articles lo dealers ; exclusive ) territory ; no cuitipotltlniu no capital raiulred : 200 to 300 per cunt pmllU Columbia Chemical Co. , 31)7. ) JJed wick St. , Chicago , 111. M317 ao WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hales. IXo. a wonl first ln erllon , le a word llicrC' nflcr. Nothing takun for lens than Hue. / - -WANTED. LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. _ / EnclOBu Htnniiivil cnvolopo. Ella Wcrsl. Sec , South Bend. Hid. 430 /-1-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME V'Eiicloso NtaniiHMt envelope. Vorna Langilon South Bend , Ind. MU77 ly-JO' r f \ -GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. W. F. Vstnewel , laal S. aOlh , between Popplclon and \Voolworth ave. Boa fLADIES OF GOOD ADDRF-SS TO INTRODUCR I Jm\r \ business among friends.$7.r..OO lo * HMJ.)0 | ) alary to i-lglil parties ; 117 Bee building. M83U / -WANTED , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WF \ 1j will pay you sF.l to if 12 ] wr week to work for us nt your homes ; no canvassliiKi strictly home work- Beiiil self-nddresHed envelope. G. F. Emmons & Co. cor. Batteri'march and Water Streets. , Boslon Mass. 21U ! -YOUNG LADY TO QUALIFY FOR OFl'ICr work. L4fi. Beo. M200JI : " / -WANTED. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Cwork , Hinall family. lH-3 Cor , /-I WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- V/work. four hi family , coed homo for rlirlit one. Address , Box 173 , Malvern , Iowa. M301 33 * WANTED , A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work for a family In Iho country without chil dren. Mall address. Greenwood , Nub. , Box 31 > . > i ) ( -WANTED , IN A FAMILY OF THREE. A .rustv , respectable woman , between 45 and SO vears of atro. Om > who cares moro for a homo than wages. French or German preferred. For further particulars address A. Casper , Anru. Hurt Co. , Nub. 314 20' INCOMPETENT COOK WANTED , 202 N. 1HTH. C M331 21 / WANTED , 'COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- V/cral housework. Mrs. L. A. Garner , 2.VJ7 Cali fornia street. M32U 21 /I-WANTED , A RELIABLE LADY TO SELL \yandlntrodnco.Dr. Suydur's Remedial Soap to famtllcn In Omaha. Experienced canvasser pro- ferred. T. H. Suydcr .V Co. , Cincinnati , O. T Mo 18 - 0 / " -WANTED. BY A WHOLESALE HOUSE , A v good business woman. Addreaa L 03 , Bco omccT M312 215 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates. Idea line each Insertion , * 1.BO a line per month. Nnlhlmr taken for less than . " > c. j RENT , HOUSr.S IN ALL PARTS OF > Iho city. Thu O. F. Davis company , 1003 Faniam , 440 T \-3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN J-Jblock , wlltiHleaiiireferunce8ren.nlred810 ; ; S22d. - | - _ 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CONVENIENT 1' for business or wholeHalo muu. Apply 1112 South 10th si reel. -112 1-7-ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT , CONVENIENT J ) for U. P. railroad mun. Iniuilru 1112S. luthst. IV-FOR RENT. NO. B1U N. 17TH , 11 ROOMS , JUuu > Uoors fiirnlshiil , near now poatolllcu , lte. See Gee , J. Fox , 121S Harney atn-et. _ M37IJ Jy 27 T\-DBL10HTFULHOMEElGHT-ltOOMHOUSE , - * modern eonveiilences , barn , beautiful lawn , Itntnrnt Bhadu tjves , * 35 pur mo. Uupilru 2U03 1'lerco Bt. US I 1TWO EAST FRONT 7-ROO.M COTTAGES , JLtn\\ \ \ modem ami In excellent repair , half a block from car lino. Will rent tocolher to dush-ahlu tun- lints very cheap. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170-J Farnam. Minn m-FORRBNT.II-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IM- -I/movements , llvo mlnuteH walk to thu posl- otllcB. O. F. D.ivls Co. , 1003 Farnam sttx-et. IFOR RENT. COTTAG E OF SIX ROOMS WITH modern conveiiliiiices , only threii blocks Houth fit court hoiisu ; ( HissesHlon Auxnst 1 , Inniilrii at Ii42 S. 17th . T.- . Pltzmorrls. -32 - RENT-ELEGANT HARD WOOD FIN- D-FOR iHlicd and handsomely decorated eleven-room liuuHe , line barn and larue cruunds In llrst clans locality. f.l.t.OO per immtli to acceptable tenant , Address L 42. Bee. M2I11 22' " 1"\-FOR RENT , -J-STORY HOUSE , 3210 OASS J 'street ; tlrst-elass condition : modern Improve ments ; raiiKi1. hut and cold water , baths , etc. ; tine location. E. A. Norlhup , Tax department 11. A M , lly. M253 22' HFLATS'OF n ROOMS. EACH IN GOOD RE- palr ; Llnlon bloek , 2d floor , * - . ' ( ) . ( | K > r month Omi fraini * house of H rooms , nmvlv papered , hi irixHlreilr. | . i-oruerof JackHun mid llth HI. , $20.00 per month. John Hamlln , 1)17 ) Llntun block. [ " M233 - RENT-i : , 4 AND ii ROOMS , 1131 S , 17TH D Street. Between Jackson anil l.ovcmvorlh. 20223' - 10ROOM I1KI01C , 220 ! ) DOUG- D-DK3IRABLE Ins : also coltairu , 2203 Douglas. W. F. Clark , 2-J07 DoiielaN st , 300 21 TVFORllENT , NEW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE 1/.Hlith and Sahler Hts. , only t'.i.UO. Kumilro 131U farnam. . 340 2U - KENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT D LaiiKo blni-k , DOU S. 13lh Hi. 333 n-FOR RENT FOR II MONTHS OR LONOEI1 nicely located II- room hunsu. all f urnlsheil am In llrnl class condition to Hinall family wlthou children. lU'iit ruasonablK and rufen-neun re- quired. Inuulru at 525 South 20th street. M311 iTOtt BliNT FUKNTOHED IIOOM3 Rates. IWua won ) lh-4t Insertion , In a word there after. Nolhhijf takun fur lens than -'Su. " " " ROOM "WITH A"LCO"VE Fen E Kc rn eonvonlciieoti , UVO North 23d M 730 H-FURNISHED ROOMS. 1U17 AND 1C23 OAPI -Ultol avenue. ' - MU73nA7' E -kURNlSHEUROOM 1118 DODGE. 21)1 ) 81 17-FORUSNT. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOA JL'.for 1-unllemaii. 1HH DIMKO ! bi. 2SH ID * LARGE SOUTH ROOM , NICELY FUR Ishixl.f.fOO nionlli , HOIS. 17th. JJ3UO 20 * EI-FURN1SIIED "ltbo"MT WITH OR W1THOU1 bntakfiist , In Kuiinuu place , fur ono or two ecu tlciutfii. 1 * f > H , Btiii. ; jed 20 * FU.1N1BHED BOOMS AND BOARD Kales. IMo n word llrst Inui-rllou , luuwor11 , there after. Nolhluit taken for less than 23o. M OJy-J3' 17I1 WYDUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARK O ! I1 Woman Christian nasoclallou , Ills. 17th at. 461) 17-lIOME TABLE RATES , MODERATE. 103 AFaniam BtrueU C57 jy 20 * 1'ruitNTsiTKi | > OR UNFURNISHED ROOM ud board at Tlu > Fiviuer , 110 N. 23lh street. 1 | M-'Otl - ! ' _ _ \ .Jji-NICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAR ! > JatUiuWcUbtor , OlOandOiaN , lUtUst. 22321 ' FURNISHED FRONT KOOM3 AN | . iixxl board. 620 N , 18th Btruet. W.V4 W FURNISHED BOOML3 AND BOARL IJI--FOR RENT. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS 1. wllh board. 2010 California Mrocl. 307340 I.--THE DOLAN , BOO AND SUN. ISTH ST. 1' 44 ! ) 17- NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT A room wllh alcove Mini bay window , modern con- venlencon , prlvalo family ; board. 022 South ' 'lilli Btn-et. 331-21 * I.1-FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD , ALSO -1 rooms for lleht honsekceplmt. 1707 Doilico St. Mflf 3 at * 1-OKBKNT UNFUBNlSa'D BOOMS d , 1 Wo .1 wonl first Insertion , lea word thcro- ntlcr. Notlilng taken for less BSc. -FORRENT.-INICE"UNF JRNISHED ROOMS nnltahlQfor honm-kcnplng , city water , ca % , i-tc. TxWnMit. Northwest corner 17th and Webster Btrecls. 5'ju FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Raton , lOc n line each limorllon. n line pot month. _ Nothing taken for loss thun ' 'Sc. ion RENT. STOREON si liitir'sCLTNOE J block , Hiillnblo for moat innrkot , h.inlwaro or ilry BOOUH : slow Inquire 000 S. 13th t. 431 T FOR RENT , TIIK 1'STORY BRICK BUILDINO 1110 Fnninm Ht. The building has a tlroproo * . cci- inent baiuincnt , complete Hteam lioatlinllxtures , wnli-r on nil thu floors , ir.'is , etc. Apply at thu ofllco ofThnllee 1110 AGENTS WANTED. Rato- 1 Oc a linn each Insertion. * 1.B ( ) a line per month. Nothing takun for less than ' - ' . > e. I THE A 11 C INVESTMENT BONDS PAY ' ffiOO.OO In from ono to llvo years. Buy OHB. tti.OOcash and $ I.OO n month aftunvardH nntll paid. Best paying Investment oxtant. A rnslllnir ngont wantiKl Innvury town and county. For full parllculat-H nnply to The American Bond company , C30ando31 1'axton block. Omaha. M387 Jyaa * WANTED TO RENT. Rates , IHo a wonl first Insertion , lea wonl there- after. Nolhlug tnken for lens than l'"c. K-A 7 OR H-ROOM HOUSE : WATER , OAS AND heating apparatus ; rcsponalblo tenant. In quire L ( ill , Boo onico. Jiaal al K-WANTED , UNFURNISHED ROOM BE- twui-n UUtlinniriillth nnd California and Far num. Addresa L113 , Bco. MJ1.11-JO- RENTAL AGENCIES. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing takun for less than -'Oc. -BERRY i CO. , RENTS ; 717 N. Y. LIFE. - > . 370 STORAGE. Rales , 10a.tltnnp.ich Innartlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than -J5c. M M-STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Furnam. 151 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , lUca word first Insertion , lea wonl there after. Nothing takun for than auc. XT-CASH 'FOR FUR'NITURR. HOUSEHOLD J- > goods , etc. , or will Hull for owner In our auction Bales. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 451 TV-WANTED TO BUY STOCK OF GOODS AND JL also Homo Nebraska land. Lock box 10115. lies Molnes , In. JKia-l' JFOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC Rates , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $1.r > 0 a line per month. Nothing takun for less than auu I > -FOR SALE , DARK OKAY NORMAN HORSE seventeen hamlu high , Mix years old , sound am KiMitle , and delivery wagon , nearly now. 110 S asiii Htreiit. ano a3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , 1 He a wonl first insertion , lci word there after. Nothing uiKen fur IOHS than aic. Q-NO. 1 SPRING FRAME RAMBLER BICYCLE cushion tire , nearly now. Very cheap. Ad dress K 0. Bee. M3.10 Jy 21 Q r-PUG PUPPIES , ROOM 30 , BARKER BLOCK M'Oil A' ' Q-FOR SALE. ONE 30-QUART ICE CREAM freezer. BaldnlT. M''IO ai Q-FURNITURE AND FIXTURES OF A 10 room boanllni. house , first class , bouso full o. good paying boanlurs , bst location In city , cheap rent ; reason for mjllhur. 111 health ; overythtng In good running order. Address L 53 , Ben.M281 M281 20 Q-FOR SALE , $14.00 SPLENDID , QUICK MEAL , gasollnu stuvu , latu pattern , cost $ 'J4.00. Ad dress L I ! 1 , Bun. Mil 1 1 S0 ! CLAIRVOYANTS Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than a5c. S MRs NANNIE vwARKKN , OLAllVOYANT , reliable buslncas mediumutli year at 111) N.llith 457 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETc Rates , IMc a wonl first insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for loss than aSc. rii-MADAME SMITH , BOa S. lilTlI. aND FLOOR , -L Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , utcam.sulpliur- Ino and sua b.illm. nrJ77 aa * riMME. . CARSON , llai DOUGLAS STREET , 3D -L lloor , room 7 , maaaaso , alcohol , sulphur and sua baths. M-J01 ai' p-MMB. STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALER , 205 i Douglas block. Mia ? AD * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Rates , lee a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than a5c. BOYLES&BABI1. DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS. All makes bought , sold , uxchamjod , runted. lilS N. Y. Llfo bldir. Tol. 1 > M 481 PERSONAL Rates , 1 He a wonl llrst Insertion , le. n word thoro- 'ter. Nolhhur taken for luss than 23o. TT-WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- * tlfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con- talnlni ; many photo-eiiBravlmrs of handsome women and k'allant men who wish to wed. Brown Publishing Co. , Temple sourt , Toludo , O. M711-31 * WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfully lllustratud murrlago Journal. Brown Pub. Co. , Toludo , O. M80U a5 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. W-LOANS , G. O. WALLACE , 312 BROWN BLK. 472 W-LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property , * 3ooo and upwards , 6 to HW per cunt ; no duiays. W. Faniam Smith i. Co , 1320 Farnam \ \ r-1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON ( JIT Y AND FARM inorttragus. Reed ASolby , 3 U Board of Trade. 407 V-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES > Thu O. F. D.ivls Co. , 1603 Farnam struct. 41)0 ) T-FIRSTAND SECOND' MORTGAGE LOANS ; low rales. Alux Muoru , 401 Buo bldg. 474 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATK30N Improved and unimproved Omaha rual erttate.l to & yearn Fldu.lty Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 4U'J W -LOANS , J. W. SyUIRE , 218 BEE BLDO. 478 _ , -\NT1IONY ) LOAN AND TRUST CO..3I8N , Y. ' ' Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property , , _ 470 W -CENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. , BKBULDO. _ 403 ! W -WANTED. TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SK- ! cnrod by morlg.iKes Omaha city or Douglas Co. property. Reed & Selby , 335 of Tradu _ 407 \\r-I HAVE $1,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED M first mortgage fann land or city proportv , Nothing lint Iho bust seeurlty will bo considered. Address full partloulurn to I. Ill , Buo office. 118 31 * _ \V-PRIVATEMONEY TO LOAN. j. D. ZITTLH , < Brown block. M310 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates. IWc n wonl first Insurtlon , lea word there- utter. NothliiK Ukun for lean than 25c , X -CALL AT THE OFFICE OF OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN Ctt INCOUPORTED. . Yon can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FUUNITURK AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OH ANY OTHER SKCUR1TV. We will liMid yon any amount from V10.00 to $1,000.00. , ON THE DAY YOU ASIC FOR IT without publicity or removal of proiwrty. You can pay tha money back In any amount yon wjhli , and at any tlmo , aud each payment BO mads will red lieu the c-oul of Iho loan. Remumber that you huvo the use of both thu proiHirty mid the money ' and pijr for U only as louj usyoiikuunlt. Thora will IMI nooxpoiiBoor charso kept out ol tlio amount wanted , but you will rvcelvu thu full amount of thu Bofomborrpwlm-el .iwh ro call and BUO us and you will ttnd It Kreatlr to yourndvanlaj-u. OMAHA MOlmiAOB IXAN CO , ID Mhl SOUTH 1UTH STRKET , I. oot above the strnot. TUB OLDEST. LARGEST ANDONLY INCORPOIl- D ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS , Contlfiueil. X \-I > O VOW WANT MONKY1 TIIK KinKr.lTV IX1AN ( HtAnAMTRKCO. . KOOM4 WITHNtUni.OCK. : 310H SOUTH 15TH COKNKR HAllNRYST. WIM. \ LOAN SUM \ LAUOK rnoxi \ IT.N WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND ' YOU / VHA / / DOWEM.TO CALL / ONUS KinsTFOB OUR TKUMS WILL MKRIT YOUR Al'PROVAft You can pay Iho money b.iek at any tlmo ntiJ In nnyamount J-on wlili , nnd tlitii rodnco thoco-Uof carrylnc tlio loan In pruiwrtloa to amount you | viv. IK YOU o\vo a ual.inco on your furniture or oilier pcr onil : pruixrly of nny kind \rnwlll pay It on for you nnd c-irry It 111 loin as you ilcslro. YOIirANHAVK YOOll MONKY IN ONR HOUR FROM THKT1MK YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of proiKirty , so tbat .you . f bolli money anil proporiy.liO V-WIM. LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB * jVcurltys Rtrlutly nonUiluutlaL A. K. Harris , room 1 block 478 BUSINESS CHANCES. Hales , lOonllnu n.ich Insertion , Sl.fiO n line per month. Nothlutr taken for len * than 'J Jo. -\r x , Jclianco a 1)1181111:34 , run ! catolo or l.inda ? Do you want additional capital In your ImMncstt If no RCIMIH , vru can help yon. Call orwrlto forour bulletin. OrtlceH In all principal oltloi. Western llimlnoHH Agvncy , : ill ) N. Y. Llfo Illils. ! 13 Jya T BUSINESS O1''NINU3,87J,91IENANDOAH,1A. - FOR HKNT. A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- J. dres1 box f > 5 , Lincoln , Nob. O'Jl Y FOR SALK , 1IAUI1KR SHOP AND HATH room , locntiil In thu bimliioHi iKirt of city and oxcelk-nt business. For particulars address , K : I7 , BcO BUI 3D * ; Y-FOR SALK , WHOLESALE TOY AND FANCY Rooiln buahioHM ; bout tradu In city , AililroHH L UK , lice. 101 - ' V'OR SALE OR TRADE , FIRST-CLASS UllUO Jsloro , centrally loc.itod , peed cash btiBlncHS. C. VWI. , P. O. Ilex 018. M uua V FOR SALE , LAUNDRY PLANT LKS3 THAN ilinlf price. Enquire Iill8 Farnam , ; ! HS-II FOR EXCHANGE. R.ttcn,10onllno r.ich limorllon , $1.50 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less than J5c. y-25l > 00 WORTH OF CLEAR LAND TO EX- * chaiieo for mcrchuntllao. 'Jl'J McCujue bliltr. M lilt r/-l HAVE * 2HOO.OO EQUITY IN UK ) ACRRS /JIW nilli-rt from OnuilKi : also 3-JO acres In Ml - Hourl , all Will Hell or nxcliaiiKO for slock trencralinurcliainllse , boo Us and Hhous , horsusor cuttlu. J. H. , IUOI Loavenworth utreet Omaha. MU85 _ 27 _ rCLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. fJVltakorunl \ \ uatuto and money Uox'JUJ , Frank fort , Ind. 441 " -I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS nnd DukoUk Will Bull cheap or uxchauno fur tiul80.liorat'aandcatllo. "O.Fr.inkfort. tnd. 481 _ y FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE OR PARTNER < -Jwanted , of a 40-barrol Htemi : Hour mill , roller procoHH. In a coed location , Kood ciiHtont trade. AI no for B.ilo or rxcliatiKO a Htc-ain plant of ' 'rt- horne power , good condition , Iimuiru of Stunton Roller Mills , Stantoii. Nub. IMS 25' y ABOUT $7,000 WORTH OF STAPLE GEN- Uoral miircliamllBo for one-third C-IHI ! or secured notei. ! balance Omaha city property or good farm , J. B. Haddock , Falrbury , Nob. MaKU Z-WANTED. ROOD IOWA STOCK FARM. WILL put In aa part payment -J.IMII neron of cheap land In western Nebraska. Address HlekH Real Estate Agency , 303 N. Y. Llfo bldtf. , Omaha , Neb. - - Z-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , A FINK LOT worth $1.100.00. for $750.00 , ami will u-iku a ( rood driving IIOTHII an p.irt payment , $50.00 or 100.00 cash , balance $10.00 pur month. Fidelity Trust company , 170L' Farnam street. M31W ! ! 8 -100 A NEB. LAND TO EXCHANGE FOIt mduu. Acldlx-HS W. N. C. , lock box 40 , Tabor. la. 3i3--'U : > Z FOR TRADE , 4 CAR LOADS OF BUOOIES , two-Beated Bprhiff wacons , ntc. , delivered crated hi Omaha , for half cash nnd half real VH- tatu ; lanru t-aslern manufacturer forced to ralsn money ; no tradu consldereil for II'BH than onu car load ; prices on application. W. E. Gratton , 007 Puxton block , Omaliu. Mail ) 12 ! Z-WANTED , PIANO , FURNITURE OR JKW- elry , In exchange for good real OBtuto. Address LOi ! , Bee. Mil 13'-'O * Z-WANTED , TO EXCHANGE VACANT LOT and cauli for rusldunco. Duscrlbo and locate. Address L 01 , Bee. J135'J : ! ' . ! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , inc a line each Insurtlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. INVEST YOUH MONEY IN LAND AND GET Arlch. We offer for quick B.ilo 10 choice llttlo planta tions often acres each , at Mlllanl , only siotl per acre. Yon can llvo there and work or do busi ness In Omaha. Bust thine over offered. Call early If you would secure one ot these elegant pieces of land any one of which will produce a living fur yourself und family , llot'ca i 11111,1403 Farnum st. 003 jy 20 1JUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest and bent lots la OMAHA. Special prloo and terms to HOME BUILDERS. Stoepel Place lots will always advance In prlco , for tli city must Brow westward. Call on or ad dress W. A. Webster. 402 Bee bldif. Mfl77 FOR SALE , A GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM of 4US acres In Harrison county , Iowa , on very reasonable terms. Address L. H. Raymond , Mag nolia , la. MrtIB A3' \yiIY PAY RENT , WHEN YOU CAN BUY A 33 ' i foot east front lot on Virginia uvunue. In the 11 nest residence portion of tlio city at much less than Its value , and turn In your outside $300 or t4'iM ( lot as part payment. Tills Is an oflur seldom made on mich deslrablo property. Now Is the time to buy a place for a home , and this pi the property. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Faniam street. 111 1-23 A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EASI front lot Lowe avemui ( Poppluton park ) , easy access to motor. Owner folnir Into bushiest. Will sell very cheap for cash. Also lot Huiiscom Place. Bit ; bargain for cash. Address L. F. , P. O. Box : Hij. Ml 13. 17011 SALE , CHEAP : HOUSE AND LOT NO. 1-2711 Rngglex ut. , Omaha ; dutilrablo 15-roum house , big lot , for * 1SOO ; one-third cash If takun at unco. Address Day It HUBS , Council Blutts. - - 171 10 CHEAP FARM LANDS. 800 ACRES. GREELEY comity. Neb * , only two miles from North Lotip. en U P. railway ; good soil , running watur ; will makuHplundld stock farm ; listed for quick nalo at $ H.OO per acre. II10 ACRES near Ledge Pole , Nob. , can all bo cultivated , $1.00 per aero. 1,280 ACRES close to Crook , Colo. , good soil , smooth land , $4.20 per aero. IliO ACRES. Knox county , Nub. , part cultivated , $7.00 | > ur acre. 480 ACRES near Scotia , Qrecly county , Neb. , will make splendid farm , $10.0Ui > or aero1 , 320 ACRES near Horace , Greely county , Nob. , $7.BO IH.T ucru. - Hicks Real Estate Agency , SOS N. Y. Life bldg. 33uID T > IO BARGAIN. TEN ACRES JUST WEST OF -Dully , will make a beautiful home.Splendid phicu for Hinall fruit and vegetables < Call fur prlcii and terms. Hicks' Real Estate agency , 302 N. Y. Llfo building. 330 10 -If nil SALE , HANDSOME H-ROOM HOUSE NEAR -L Hauscom park. Will ivnt for * JO.IID per mouth. Prlco , * 0,000.00. II icka Real Estate \funoy. JJ 3311 10 _ _ _ I POR SALE AT $1. 00 , A NICE H-ROOM.HOUSE ; nuwly palnteil , with DO foot lot , on cur 'Una ' Payments very easy. Decided bargain. D. F , Hutchison , log N. 15th st. 337 21 B ARGAINS-HOUSES , IXXTS AND FARMS. SALE 'orlradn ' ; , F. K. Darllni ; , Barker blk. 1UOA13 BARGAIN. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH front half lot Hurt between 18 nnd 111. Will consider any roftsunauht offur , half cush , terms to Hull on baluncu. W , N , Nusou , Room 111 Hoard of Trade. M000 22 A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT. Do yon want thu hundsomeut eottaco homo la Omahal Then let us show you the only onu we have luft In Avondalu .park , Just completed , S rooms , electric llclit. furnace , bath , cemented cellar , electrlu bells , siM'aklnif tubes , oiled floors , ulexautly papered.mantel , etc , worth # 3,000. and for Haiti lit W.800.OO. Yon can sen It evunlnus , No. 2731 Webster St. Wuaru otTerod * ; IO.OO per month for this collate If wu would runt It , nearly 10 per cent on thu prlco which wu ask. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 170-J Funiam slreet 103-23 LOT IN PLAINV1BW ADDITION , - .in-i. 318 U. II. B. , Sioux City , la. ' 3OU.20- IJOR SALE. NEW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE , 30TH i und Sahler sts.- collar , elsturn , city walor.yard nodded ! only J1S50 ! | ta - paj-munta. Kuqulni 1316 Farnum , 331)20 ) 1AVIIM LANDS , O.F.HARRISON , 1)13 N. Y , LIFJ-i MBIS'AIO * 8HOBTHANP AND TYPEWRITING" Rates , 1 Do a line each Insertion , $1.BO a line per month. Notldmr taken for loss than U3o. V ° UNG LADUS AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON iaco.ulroaworklu.if kuowludraof aliurthund anj typuwrltlmr at A. C. Vuu Sam Bchoul of tthort- haudS13N , Y. Llfo. Typowrltera to rent. 403 BOALK8 , lUtoa , lOoo Una each Insertion , f 1.60 a Una J > cr moiitli. Notliliir taken for lea than -J3o. \TE\TdrSECONUi llXND SCALES. ALL KINDJ 11 Addreou BorduJi it Selluok Co. , Laku bt. . Chicago 8EOURITIEayOIl ; SALE. N. lUon wonl first lH'i-llon ) ( , lo a word Ihcro * aftiT. Notliln * : tiDten for K < tli.in50. . TF YOU IIAVE FUNDS FCIKt INVESTMENT SEK J. our list of securities. Vl"l loam on Omaha property from WNi lo $ ,1,000 for o-ilo. A n.ifo and convpnleut lijWMnicnt. ( C.ill nnd lot tm dhow yon wlml wo hnvj innlllly Tninl Compiny. J-J70-J Faniam street. gf 177-27 | > EAL ESTATE MORTCTAOBS ON'DF.SIRAIH.E , JAlnconip-produclnir proi > * + ly. Ooo < l mlo of Inter est. Address P. O.Box 7601 Omaha , Net ) . Lit M3IOSO' ILT EDGED PAPER OK FIRST-CLASS HUsf- ness lion * " * In blocks--of from $1,000.00 to 13,000.00. Address P. O. Box 70S , Omaha , Nob. M3fiO 2(1 * LOST. Rales. IKe.i wonl firstInsertion , lea wonl there * aflur , Noliiln ? taken forloM than 23o. " " OR STO LEN M A it B V YEARS OLD. welKlilnit 1.OOI ) | Kunds ) , dark ehoRtnut. nllvnr mann and till , l.inro Rear on rluht hip. Rnwanl. nimrlca Purvey , aoth and Ontario. M2 7 20 * T 03T-LADIES' DARK RED LEATHER PURSE , -1-J-wiuarn shaiK1. with raised work on lid , contain * In * two $10.0O bills , balden small chantrO ! ifS.OU rewanl nnd no questions asked. Return lo Bco office , M320 20 * STRAYED OR STOLEN-SORREL HORSE. X ON rluhl flank , luft forefoot white , star In forehead , weight 1,100. Reward , 282S Farnam street. M34II 22 * UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1,50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than a5o. W. BAKER ( FORMERLY \Vfrit JOHN O. . Jacobs , deceased , later with M.O. Maul ) , imdcr- takur nnd umbalmur , 315 S. lUtli sU Tel. OHO. 483 PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.159 a line per month , Nothing taken for loss than JSONNENBERO , DIAMOND BROKER , 1303 .Douglas nt. Loans money on diamondswatches , etc. Old gold and Bllver bomrht. Tul , 1B33. 4S3 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Ralos , lOc a line each Insertion , $1 HO a line per month. Nothing taken for lens than -JAc. G F.OELLENBECKBANJOISTANDTEACHI-R. : ' 1810 CMlfonila struct. VU PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Building , Omalia , Nob. 4yoarsExamlnoraU. H , I'aL Oflloo , Advlcofroo No fee until patent is obtained. RR1LWRYT1MBORRD Leaves IC1I1CAOO. BURLINGTON A Q.l Arrives Omaha | Depot lOlhand Mason Sis. I Omaha "LoavuaI Arrives jJmaha I Dupot lOtli aid Mason Sts. Omaha lO.inam Denver Express i.ODpm 10.115 am Deadwood Express 4.00pm 4.50pm Denver Express 11.30am l.nopm Denver Limited ia.t > 5ain pm . .Nebraska Local lExcept Sim ) . . li.flOpni H.I 5am . .Lincoln Local IKrcgpt Siml. . Leaves 'JHICAUO. R. I. .t Arrives Omaha Union Depot llllli A Marcy Sts.l Omaha 10.30am Atlantic Kxprcss 0.00 pm 4.00pm Nebraska State Lmlteil 3.fiO pm 7.10pm Night Express 7.55 am 0.00 pm World's Fal LlmltiHl _ a.ooj > m T.oliiiTT'eHlCABoTll. IwKl { > AClIi1td"T : Fro7r West I Union Dupot IQtli i Maroy Sts.l West L caves K. C. . ST. J.1 ft G. 11. | Arrives Omaha Depot llllli and iMason Sts. Omaha Leaves I tINIOK PACIFIC. i Arrlvi-a Omaha I Union Depot 10th AMarcy Sts.l Omalia Leaves | CIUf U5O7MIE..ST. PAUL. Arrive ha I U. 1 * . Dupot nudiMarcy Sts. | Omah . Chicago Kxpresn. . . . I 0.35am 11. 30 am I . Chluiigo Express . I O.SOpm Leaves' CIUCAOO tc NORTH WESTN. [ Arrives Omahal U. P. depot. 10th A Maroy Sts. I Omaha Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. Arrives Omahal Depot lath and Webatur Sts. "l.lOpmf St. Louis Express . ' am 10.00pm St. Louts Express. . . . . . . 4.25pm 5.25pm Nebraska Local . . . . . . . 8.55 am Leaves I C. ST. P. , M. & O. Arrives Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sta. Oniahj K.COam . .Sioux City Accommodation. . 0.05 pm 1.15pm Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun. ) 12.10pm St. Paul Limited 9.25 am C.lOpm Emerson Passenger ( Ex. Sun. ) S. 15am Leaves I SIOUX CITY .t PACIFO. ( Arrives Omaha | Depot. 10 anil Marcy StH. I Omaha " 7.20 am t SlonxClty Passenger pm 4.00pm I St. Paul Express 4. . . ! 10.00 am Leaves I SIOUX CITY k PACIFIC ( Arrived Omaha Dupot. 1 gth and W--hster Sts. I Omaha B. I5pm | St. Paul Limited I U.25am C,45pm | Chicago Limited I 11.25 am Leaves OMAHA , t ST. LOUIS. . rrlves OmabalU P. Dupot , 10th and Maroy , Omaha 4.00pin.T. | St. Louis Camion Ball 112.35pm tiT.131 IN TUK JtlOlIT. French Aeerosulon In That Country U I"n- tlroly Viiwnrrnntod. SPIUKOFIEHD , O. , July 10. S. n.Bovd , tninistor resident and consul gonoruf to Siuin , IB at his homo lioro on leave. In regard to the French-Slam war , ho said his sympathies were with Siatn. Ho de clared that the French have no more right to take the country than they have to tmbjugato Sprinufiiold or St. Louis. "Will not England tJiko u hand , und if so , why is she so indilTorent at pres ent ? " "England and Franco are silent part ners. The policy of Franco and England in the past uhd now is to make the con quests of all the weak powers in the oast. The army of Slam is small , but it is not to bo ignored entirely in such a war. Danish olllcors nro in command. They have no artillery to compare with that of Franco , which accounts for the defeat of the forces by the French ships. Slam qould put an army of 100,000 in the field but she has no arms , The people are for pcivco and think Httlo of wur. " < "Tho outlook for "Slam , then , is not encouraging ? " " " "Not at all. I know ; the king to bo a sensible man und hoiis fully aware of the fact that ho is powerless. IIo will bo forced into u humiliating treaty and to give Franco the country it claims , and whatever FrnncoiTOay uomand. The king , as well as the nlioplo , is friendly toward Americans. " ' * ' " In case of war Colqjici Boyd Bays there will bo bloody riotaiiiv Bangkok , aa is predicted. _ " " FLOODIXO LK.HJI'fLLl ! JUlA'IMf. i f - - -p- - * Order * to Abandon OnU'Af the I.nrceit Sil ver rroilncera lnj-Colnrado. LEADVILLK , July 111. Orders were re ceived yesterday to tuko out the pumps from the great Maid and Henrietta com bination. The wlitift is nearly 1,000 , foot deep und the pulling of the pumpc menus the entire abandonment of ouo of the largest silver produc ers in the state , us water will rise to within 300 feet of the Burfaco , This means that every drift and level will bo iloodod nnd the property allowed ta drown out , thus making it necessary ta sink a now shaft if work is over re sumed , and the entire ruining of tha present workings which have taken yours of ceaseless work to complete- , und upon which nearly $1,000,000 have boon expended. The Hooding of the mine also means the flooding of the proper ties lying below it , and it is impossibl * to estimate the great damage that will be caused , CANTON'S ' CHURCH MIRACLE Explosion of the Wonder Working Vision that AppeAred in Minnesota. CITIZENS SAY IT IS A BOLD FRAUD The-y Accn-o the I'rtrnt of llrinutlzin- 11U Dupe * iinil Deceiving Them for tlio Purpose of Securing Tliclr Cnili StrniiKO Storlc * . CANTON , Minn. , July 19. Pcoplo nro nKJtin Hooking to this village In thou sands because of tlio Cnnton miraclo. Notwithstanding the fact that the windows dews were all taken out of the Catholic church and replaced with roiiijli pine boards by direction of Bishop Cotter of WlnonaJ In order that the vision of Mary and her child should forever bo a tiling of the past , the claim has ROIIO out that the vision Is plainly soon on the outer bin-face ) of a plno board. The excitement , which IB boinp renewed - nowed , Is something beyond . com prehension. There are five cltl/.ons of the place who will swear they can sen the wonuin with the child In her arms as pla'nly ' as BIO was peon when the window pane was In. But the miracle does not end horo. Numbers of the faithful claim that down on the pilt altar , inside of the church , the vision is as plainly seen as it was in the west ( jablo window , and many are frightened half out of their senses , for they bay It Is the "hand of God marked on the wall , " for Borne good or evil purpose. Several citizens have , however , made a thorough investigation and lay the whole trouble at the door of Father Jones , the Catholic priest. They assort positively that Mr. Jones Is the cele brated magnetic and "spiritual" healer , known throughout the oasti especially in Philadelphia , who , it is claimed , per formed some good work in relieving pain for a short time. At this business ho continued until ho attained a largo fortune - tune , not in charges , but in gifts , for it was his method to take what was olTercd. The majority of his patients were credu lous and IOOKCU upon his "miraculous" powers as from another world and an omnipotent hand. Losing a largo amount of his patronage , however , ho came here a priest. After ho had boon here some mouths part of the congregation learned of the ttuo chat-actor of Father Jones and protested against his continuing at the head of the church. Fearing that he would lose his pastoral mission Father Jones and his followers , it Is claimed , invented this picture scheme on the window. There is nothing in reality to bo soon on these boards or in front of the alia' , but Father Jones is possessed of that p Divot- known as hypnotism , and upon certain of his Hock exerts such an inllucnco us to make them see something purely conjured in his own brain. This is true , for those who see this "appearance" apparition are riveted to the spot and cannot leave or turn away from the "vision" until the operator has brought them out of the hypnotic state , at which time the appearance vanishes. The citizens who made the investiga tion say that it is not denied that Jones has taken in inco July 1 , 18)2 ! ) , $15,000 besides his salary , and positively not a man , woman or child has boon cured and 30,000 people have coruo here on j crutches and every other way , paid enormous board bills , carried their crutches homo under their arms and are now using thorn again. Fireworks , balloon , Courtland beach tonight. Music , boating , bathing. TACKLED TIIK HllOXO JL1.V. Two of a Onnc Killed , Three Wounded and the Host In Jail. SHEFFIELD , Ind. . July 19. This , the town of so many sensations during the last few years , is thoroughly stirred up and excitement Is at fever heat. A tragedy occurred at the Hunters' Homo , near the lake yesterday , in which two men were killed , three men mortally wounded and the other two out of a gang of seven landed in jail in this city. Between 9 and 10 o'clock a gang came to the Hunters' Homo and demanded whisky. William Timm , the keeper , told them ho bad none in stock , but could give them boor. They assented , and when Timm turned around to draw the beer , one of the gang , a one-armed man , struck him with the butt of a re volver , knocking out several tooth , and another struck him over the head. Ho staggered back into an ice box and the gang opened Jiro. Six shots were fired before Tim recov ered sufficiently to use his own revolver. He then continued hostilities by firing seven charges into the crowd and one of them dropped. Thin enraged the gang still more , and after several exchanges four more foil to the lloor , apparently lifeless. They could not shoot any more , as they were out of ammunition and badly wounded. Timm came out of the ice box to ECO what ho was pitted against. On the floor lay five men. The last words of ono of the men wore : "Wo have been lying around throe weeks to do up Sholliold and now wo are lost. " No ono know the man excepting by the name of "Butch. " Ho received a shot in the back , probably from ono of the gang. The wounded men would not say a word about the affair and narrowly escaped lynching by a mob which gathered soon after the shooting. They nro in jail. Piles of people navu pnos , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro ttioiiL KATK VWLIt AH A WINK TA8TEK. She Will Ho the I.ndy Judge of tlio Iluby at tha Fair. CHICAGO , Juno 19. Kate Field will taste wines and ether alcoholic drinks for the board of lady managers. The Washington newspaper woman is said to have u line and discriminating taste for the juice of the grape and to know all about tlio evolution of the sizzle in champagne from the sprout to the corklces bottle. Yesterday her appointment as judge in department "U , " group 20 , was approved by a ma jority of the board. Department "B" embraces horticulture , viticulture , pom elegy and floriculture , but Miss Field , aa a judge in group 20 , must pass on the vine and its varieties , methods of plant ing , vineyards and their management , grapes for the table , for wine making , for niitiinu , white wines , red wines , clar ets , zinfandel , burgundies , sherries , Madeira port , sparkling wines and brandies of. all kinds. Mrs. Barker of South Dakota , Mrs. Matilda B. Cureo and ether women who wear whlto ribbons objected to the up. pointmont of Kato Field or any other woman as a judge of alcoholic drinks , Mrs. Barker wished her to bo a judge , but in some department that did not re quire wine tasting. Mrs. Kngla nearly nut through a motion to sand the name back to the committee with instructions to place Miss Field in some ether do- tmrtment "more agreeable to the lady , " but the majority ruled otherwise. Piles of people ave pnos , out Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thorn. ! lo Ill-ought Uut I'Attl. WASHINGTON , July 19. Prof. Fred orlck Wlddows died athla homo in Wash Ington yesterday nftor rtn illness of six months. Prof. Wlddowa cnmo to this country from England , locating nt Now York , in I8."il < Ho organized the first boy choir in that city. As manager of an opera company ho brought out ratU , nnd under his direction Ole Hull visited the principal cities of the United States. AVhnt l > n Yon Tnko Medlclno for ! .you nro sink nnd want to f-ot well , or bocaiiso you wish to pro- ent Illness. Then romoinbor tlmt Howl's arsaparllla cures nil diseases caused by 1m- uro blooil ami ilebillty of tlie system. U is ot what Its proprietors say but what Hood's araaparllla does tlmt tolls the story of Its merit. Uo sure toirwt Hood's , anil only tooil's. Purely vegetable Hood's Pills 2T o , Fireworks , balloon , Conrtlnnd l > cnch onlght. Music , boating , bathing. DKKlt Ul-'A JUSsUIMfK)171. | . .oprx . Miiiimiich.Shoot * HI * Divorced U'lfo' * -SUter mill Kill * Illm-clf. INDIANAVOLIS , July 19. Lope/ lunmugh , a worthless and dissolute igar maker , shot his divorced wlfo's istor , Miss Mary Wins , and then blew ut his own brains n 7 o'clock last even * ug. Mrs. Mumaugh had secured n Ivorco from her husband and Mumaugh lad threatened her life. Last night 10 got drunk nnd went to thu house , .nil , being refused admittance , drew his ovolvor and shot Miss Wins , the ball entering below the right shoulder , imklig ) a painful , but not necessarily ntu.1 wound. Ho then placed the pistol o this temple nnd sent tt bullet through lis own brain , dying shortly afterward. Slier III * Swcotlio.trtumt lllm-olf. MATTOON , 111 , , July 1) ) . Charles Miler - or , it young mail carrier of this city , vas , smitten with the fair face of Miss - aura Mock , who discarded him because of his being a little wild. Yesterday ho vent to the homo of her mother and tired Ivo shots at Miss Lttura , ono of which undo n dangerous wound in her breast. Nothing more was seen of Miller until iis body , with throe bullet holes in the runk and houd , was found floating on a uiuik in a tlio factory pond. exhaustion overcome by Brome Seltzer. Contains no opiate. o HOT .IT ALT suuur. 'rosoontlnc : Attorney MooroSny * . He la Olnil Miller AVn * Tnkon nnil I.ynolieil. JEFFERSON CITY , July 19. Under Into of July 8 Governor Stone wrote to fosoph L. Moore , prosecuting attorney of Scott county , asking as to the facts in ogard to the abduction of the alleged npistnnd murderer , Negro Miller , from .hat county some time ago by a mob from vontucky. It will bo remembered that Miller was charged with the assault ind murder of two Httlo girls , and despite his protestations of innocenuo nnd the fact that some shadow of doubt remained as to his having committed , ho crime , ho was hanged , burned nnd cut to pieces. The governor Bays : "To lorniit a lawless mob , no matter how .front the provocation , to invade this state and forcibly abduct any persons inder the protection of its jurisdiction , cannot bo tolerated. The dignity of this overoignty must bo appeased and the authority of the state respected. " Attorney Moore replies in a very tart otter , which ho winds up as follows : "Tho men of Missouri will always bo iroud of un opportunity to render back into Kentucky the fiends that are Kcn- , ucky's. " . Piles of pcoplo have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. - - BEAXEN J r JIltltlAXVS. Villager * Routed by llobbors anil Their House * Despoiled. VIENNA , July 19. A dispatch from Czernowitz , capital of Bukowina , states that a band of brigands raided the vil lage of Lipkaoy in the Czornowltz dis trict last night. The villagers resisted nnd those who had firearms fired into the brigands , killing five and- wound ing several of thorn. A desperate light ensued , both sides putting forth their utmost endeavors to secure the victory. The brigands , however , were the better armed and had the larger supply of ammunition and they finally put the villagers to flight. The brig ands looted the village at their leisure and made off with their plunder with out hindrance. The frightened and despoiled villagers notified the authori ties at Czornowitz , and troops are now in pursuit of the brigands. Piles of people have pnos , but Dowltt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro thorn. Reciprocity Convention Called. DULUTH , July 19. The executive committee of the International Reciproc ity association has fixed October 10 as the dato-of the next convention. When the last convention met in St. Paul a few months ago Duluth was designated as the place for the next meeting , but the time was loft to the executive- com mittee. This committee Is planning to make the convention an important stop toward the accomplishment of commercial cial freedom between Canada and the United States. The committee has called a meeting for next Monday , at which all the commercial bodies at the head of the lakes will bo represented. Delegates will bo nskod to the convention tion from all the northern states of the union and from the Canadian provinces. The convention will bo ono of the great est reciprocity and deep water conven tions hold by the association. Piles of people have jutes , out DoWitt'a wltchhazol salvo will euro thorn. Ho Kicapoil tlio MiM-nore. ST. PAUL , July 10. For thirty-one years relatives of Mark Warren nup- posed ho had perished in the Sioux massacre at Now Uhn , Minn , , until re cently they hoard by chance of his death at Sheridan , Wyo. , whither ho had gone from Great Falls , Mont. , to take a piece of grading on the Montana extension o the Burlington. Warren loft his homo at Polo , 111. , In 1855 , and emigrated U Litchfiold , Minn. In the miring of 1801. ho wrote from the latter place that In/ dinns were troublesome and that settlers lived in dally peril. That was the last ever heard from him until his relatives learned of hia death. Dlfntlroui Storm In Conneellcut. HARTFORD , July 10. Ono of the wpra storms over known in this section vitrilod here last night. In this city roofs wore blown completely off two largo brick houses and a number of ether roofs were raised. Families in the drenched houses were obliged to move out. Ono roof was blown against a housa opposite , causing much damage. Largo trees in many sections were blown down , obstructing tlio thoroughfares. No ono was injured , but there were many narrow escapes. Atone ono time hall stones as largo ns chest nuts came down. Wauti Moron o ( riacti'i Stun . NEW Yoitic , July 19. Russell Sago has been sued for $100,000 damages for seduction under promise of marriage. The plaintiff in the unit is Delia Koogun. She alleges that the offense for which she now socks legal redress secured in 1808 , when Mr. Sago was a widower. Mr. Sago's lawyer calls it a blackmail ing Bchumo. Piles of people have jmni , rmt Do Witt'i Witch Hazel Salvo will curJ ilium. Latest Statement Offered bj the "King Makers" of the Country , HE IS A CANDIDATE FOR THE PLACE Tlinl' Wlmt n Krlonil Snjnnd llo 1'ro- dlotd th-U tinHicreUryof Stnto VUM lie Xomluntml anil Klected Without Slnifslf. NKW , Yoillv. July 19. Friends of Walter Q. Grcsham , secretary of state , aronlroady beginning to boom him for tUo proslilonuy in 181H ) . General .Itwoph T. lorroiico of Chicago , who was a re publican , but who voted for Cleveland the last time , is tit the Holland house and told a reporter the program. "I voted for Cleveland , " ho sciid , "and I expect to vote for GroHham In 18.9(1. ( " "How do you know that ho will bo n candidate ? ' "It Is generally understood that Gresham accepted the port folio of sec retary of stuto with the distinct under standing that ho was to bo thonoxt pres idential candidate of the democratic party. Docs any ono suppose that the general would give up a life judgshlp for four years in the cabinet ? None of his friends think so. I consider myself his friend , and I have no doubt that ho will bo the candidate In 1890. It Is ono of those understood things in the west that does not cause any argument. " "But there is some talk about Mr. Cleveland being a candidate again. " "That Is ill-adylscd talk by these who are not authorized by the prosidont. Ho will not bo a candidate , but ho will heartily sdppbrt his able secretary of state. The people of this country would never elect any man president the third time , no matter how popular lie might bo. I do not know , but I would bo mil- ing to stand something that the presi dent has never thought of a third term. It is true ho is popular and I think ho has made a great prosidont. but a third term is out of the question. " "Then it is pretty well understood by all of Judge gresliam's friends that he entered the cabinet for the purpose of succeeding Mr. Cleveland In the white houco'1 "Yes And wo have no doubt as to his nomination and election. I predicted the president's victory last fall , and I also predict just such a swooping victory for Gresham in IS'.Mi. ' The people have confidence in his slatcmaiiHhip and his great integrity , and they will vote for him irrespective of party. Ho will ho elected president by a political tidal wave. " "Will Indiana nnd Illinois support him in the convention ? " "Yea , with unanimity and enthusiasm. Both the states will give him rousing majorities , no mutter whom the republi cans may nominate against him. Such a man as Groshnm hardly needs a cam paign. Tlio people will just rise up and elect him. " "Aro you satisfied with the president so far ? " "Yes , the president has done well , but what ho can do with a rattle-brained congress in his efforts to make a dollar worth a dollar , is something no ono can foretell. But just as soon as the Sher man law is repealed and the financial question settled wo will have prosperous times. " Plies ot people nave pi.os , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo willcuro tlioai. CHANGED Park Commli-loiiru-8 Decide tu Relocate I'lirt of till ) Tlioi-ouelifiiro. The surveyed and accepted part of tin southwest boulevard is to bo changed. This was brought about by the protests of the owners of the driving park grounds , who sot up the claim that the urcsont route of the boulevard would bo Injurious to tha association. Tlio park commissioners hold a short sov pion yesterday morning to consider the propo sition for a change in the survey. The coin. missloners present wore , Dr. Miller , A. 1 * . Tulcoy and Mr. Kil patriot. Dr. Miller said that the owners of the driving park had pro tested against the boulevard touching the grounds on the cast , alleging that it would result in the interruption of establishing a successful agricultural socloty. In view of the representations of such strong men a- Mr. Cue , Mr. Swobo and others , the doctor felt thai ihe survey should bo chungod. City Attorney Council gave it as his opinion that In case the change was made the past proceedings would have to ho annulled nnd commenced anew , so as to prevent - vent any complications. Upon motion of Mr. Tulcoy , Engineer House was directed to raako n new survey of the line from n point west of the center of the Paulson tract to IClmwood park , passing on the west of the driving park , Instead of the oast. oast.Tlio Tlio question of parking Woolworth nvo- nuo from Han scorn park to Thirty-sixth street provoked considerable discussion. A1r. Council and ether property owners aureoil to meet tlio expense of grading nnd macad amizing the street , provided the board would park the center of the street and maintain the .samo. The proposition was accepted nnd tlio avenue will bo known us a part of the park system. Plies of pcoplo have piles , but Do Witt' * Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Kalian * Alilltlii Compllrmllon , TOI-KKA , July 1 ! ) . Captain Jackson ot the Jackson military company of Leav- onworth declines to comply with Adju tant General Art/'s demand to deliver the guns and ammunition belonging to the state now in his possession. He says ho will light the order of the state mili tary board in the courts and compel the state to prove ownership to the property. He declares that'll is the intention of the adjutant general to use the equipment now in possession of his company in fit ting out an independent company , made up of the striking Lcavenworth eoul minors. Piles of pcoplo Iwvo piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Halve will euro them. I.nncl 1'rnud Hrlirmu * Itevlvcd. ATLANTA , Ga. , July 19. Information received at the state capital shows that the land fraud scheme has boon revived in southern Georgia nnd un active busi ness is being carried an in selling bogus titles. In 1879 five bogus deeds were made to 7,000,000 acres of land in Mont gomery county , whereas there are only a Httlo over 1,000,000 aoros there. The same is true of other counties. These deeds are held all over the union , mostly by sharpers. Just now there seems to have been a big deal in Wiscunsiii In these titles. _ _ MurrJuKv I.loeiuci. The following marriage licenses wore lisuod yesterday ; Nnnioand address. A Re. I Jnnu-8 KnrlKht , South OinHha . ua | Mary Krumrlmt , Hontli Dmulia . . . . . . . 17 i William A. John-oil , Omaha. . 24 I Sophia llr < tcknor , Omaha . Ul j H. I ) , HU-olu , Omaha . 34 I Aclu K. HlurUi ) , Omalm . 8'J I I'eterOUun , Onmliu . 37 1 Mary Kuucsmi , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . 24 I Harry Wood , Omaha . SB 1 Lmlly Itublnaon , Omahtt . . . U'J inn In Hefilon. CARDIFF , July 10. Tlio annual conference - feronco of the WeUloyan church opened here yesterday. Considerable routine business , Including the election of olllcure , was transacted. Rev. Henry John 1'opo of Manchester , Knp. , was elected president for the ensuing year.