Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY THUllSDA'Y , JULY 20 , 1893 ,
* , _ - - . - _ ,
Wheat Went to Smash Worse Than Ever
Yesterday ,
Fnllnren In l > cnv < r nn < l lie-ported
llrcMk * In Slorki Were the Itullng
Fnoturi l'lr l 1'rlcei nt
n Decline * .
CniCAOO , July 10. WhcM went to stnah
worse than over today. There was ti break of
over 2c a bu. In the December option. In the
lust hour , a panic seemed to take possession of
the ownurs of grain , especially of wheat , and
thcro was a mad rush to soil , which sent Sep
tember to 05 f c and December to C2c , breaking
the low price records anew for September.
The many failures In Denver and reported
lircak In Mocks were the ruling factors and
demoralized everybody apparently , though
thcro was some reaction In the last few min
utes. At the cloio July , compared with
yesterday's fliml quotations , was Ic lower ;
Beptombor was off IMc and December IKc ;
oats le for July and No for September. Pro
visions are 32SSc lower for October lard and
lOc for September and October ribs. Pork Is
unchanged and September lard gained 2c. !
Prom the outlet the financial situation ox-
cried depressing Influence ? on the wheat pit
nnd brought In many selling orders. 1'lrst
prices wcro at a decline of from ! Jc to Ic.
Ono small local failure helped the depression.
After a tlmo the foullntf grow tomporarlly bol
ter. Stocks were stronger for tbo moment ,
nnd the fueling In London peomod to have Im
proved greatly and there was liberal covering
by shorts and brisk investment buying , which
gradually caused a recovery of nearly ? fc.
Mcl'ahurun , Martin .t Orr , Kcnnott-llopklns
nnd Schwartn-Dupeo led the buying anil for n
considerable tlmo tbo markut had a rather en
couraging look ,
Then came the announcement that big
bnnksut Denver , which hntl successfully wlth-
Ktooil tno run ycstenlay , had finally closed ,
nnd prices again turned weak. The market
was full of apprehension , and while Ilia longs
expressed confidence In tbo ultlmutu bettor
tirlccs , few bail the courage to buy. The scare
wns so grout that the export cleurunces of
850,000 bu. of wheat and Hour. Including New
Orleans , and tbo decrease of 2,270,000 bu. In
available wheat by Hrudstreot's , was almost
entirely lost sight or.
Corn opened a irlllo easier , but soon recov
ered and advanced Jjr , again eased off , ruled
weak , selling off In all from } c to He , and ut
the close was from Me to V lower. The busi
ness was largely local and the clo-
tiianil confined to shorts , who were
Inclined to cover. The market hud
steadily declined all the week and a reaction
was welcome. The favorable crop reports did
not appear to cut much of a llguro. The mar
ket hold fairly stonily until the receipts for
tomorrow came at 600 cars , which started
room traders to hulling , led by ono of tbo
prominent shipping concerns. H was at tills
tlmo too that the news of bank failures came
In with reports of u slump In Wall street.
Oats wcro weak In sympathy with wheat ,
nnd the absence of good buying orders caused
nn Incruased deslro to sell , and the market
closed easy at Iho bottom. News from abroad
was bullish , the Austrian crop being reported
short and prices poor.
- The feature In provisions was the support in
Peplember lard , which was again pegged up.
This tlmo Parker did the business around
10.70 , and took ( .ovoral thousand tierces
mound that prlco , supposed to bo for John
Cnilaby. At the same tlmo the October lard
was forced lower until the discount was at $1
to $1.02' ; .
Ki eight rates worn 1 lie on wheat , from l ! < c to
1 ? nC on corn to Itnffalo and 3c for wheat to
Kingston ,
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
BO curs ; corn , 000 curs ; oats , 220 curs ; bogs ,
25,000 bead.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fi.ouu Kiisy , nominally lowor.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring. G2SG2Uc ; No. 3 soring ,
t. o. 1) . , 08i 08 c : No. 2 red , 02 02 ! < c.
COIIN No. 2. 39Sc ! ; No , 3 , closing , 39 > ic.
OATH No. 2 , 27Jic ; No. 2 whlto , f. o. b. ,
B4VJc ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 30Jifl33riC.
ItVE-No. 2 , 48ic. !
llAiti.EY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ; No.
4 , f. o. b. , 3H(230c. (
II'LAXSEI : ! ) No. 1 , $1.1015.
I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. , $18.70'S18.77'/i ' ' ;
Jnrd , per 100 lb . . $9.37'/tl9.40 ' ( ; short ribs ,
Bitten ( loose ) , $7.70ii7.77if ! ; dry salted
hotilder.s ( boxen ) , $8.25(28.00 ( ; short cluar
, . .
WIIISKV DlstllleiV finished goods , per gal. ,
SUOAIIH UnchniiRocl ; cut loaf , 0)fc ) ; granu-
iBtcd 5.70 standard "A " .
, ; , & .04.
The following wore the receipts und ship
ments for today :
On the Produce uxcliixtu : ! ) today the butter
nmrkcit WIIK easier ; cronniiiry , IQiilO'ic ; dairy ,
l&Q18e. KKKH , onsler ; .strictly fresh , 13Jic.
Now Vurk
NEW YoiiK , July 19. Ki.itiii Hocolpts , 44-
000 KH.1. cixports , a,400 bills. , 2li-IOO Hacks ;
2.HUU II | < K-S ; nmrkiit dull , wunlc ;
free olTerliiKs ; winter wheat , low urailun ,
11.50(32.40 ( ; winter , fair tofiiucy , * 2.4&iJ3,05 ;
whiter puloiits. J3.40fa4.10 ; MltinuMitii
Rtrnlchts , J3.yO l.JU ( ; .Minnesota patents ,
COIIN MEAIQulot , steady ; yellow western ,
. . .
ItYK Dull , riomliml ; western , 5708c.
llAIII.UY Out Of M'llSOII ,
llAin.uY MALI Dull , Btoady ; western , COS
Cit * * .
WIIKAT ItuculptB , 1117,050 bu. ; exports ,
COri.400 bu. ; H.-ilcs. 4,740,000 bu. of futllrtw ,
40,000 bu. spot. Kpot market , ' < iile lower.
vrunk , fairly actlro for uxports ; No. 2 reel
In storu anil nlovator. 7O.ic ! ; alloitt. 7Ui ;
1. o. b. , 71i ! < a,72c ; uiiKrnili'd red , n4a7ii ! : : ;
No , 1 tiortbprii , 71c : _ No , 1 bard. 7&c : Nil. 2
Uhlcugo , wcHkerc-ablux , heavy wi'sturn nmr-
kctrt mill local ruitll/.lni ; , rallied ! iTMi : on i-ov-
orliiK tliriitiKh contlnui'dmul \ nxport ilonnuid
nnd cliisltiK barely bleady ; No. 2 rod , July ,
OU.J ? < a70 ! < c , closlliK at 70c ; Atl n t closed at
70 > .c ; S ! | ilemlurclosod at 73c ; October , 70'i
COIIN Kecelpti , 2(1.000 ( bu. ; exports , 67-
000 bu , ; ualen , 400,000 bu. futures , .72-
000 bu , spot. HpotHilull , easy ; No. 2tHie In
cluratorI'JUc ; alloat , Options closed ut
MiCftc decllnu us liilluenced by whom and thu
west with a nioileratoly active trade ; ,
ttKMHUf , cloiInKIHc ; r-eptomber , 48'i4t4HC ,
Clo5iK'4Ho | | ! ; ( K-tulmr , 4HiTCI ( < JulOM-d4r)1iC.
OATS-UerolpU. 07,000 tin. ! exports , 300
bu.8iilu8. ; 2UO,00lbu. ( futures , HO.oiH ) bti.suot.
Hoots dull , uasler. Uptions ijiilot , weak ;
July. S&Hoi Aiiu'iist.IIUi'ji'JlJic. elosln73Uic ;
HciitomlicT , ; il't4cao..iclosing ( 30 > ( c. Spot No.
'J whltu , 3Hil3M ( > Jei No. 2 , L'lilcak'i' , 37c ; No. 3
L'lilcnKO , 3& ( ; ; .No , U white , D7iii7ic : ! ; mixed
western , mXt 37ie ! ; whlto western , 3riit40i ! ; .
HAY Knlr demand , Kteady ; sblpplni ; , J7.00
C.7.M ) ; KOI ' < ! to Cliulco. gH.OOU9.00 ,
Hoi's ( jtilut. steady ; stutci , rnmmnn to
Choice , l'JC22oj ( 1'iiclllc coast. lf 3'Jlic. !
Iliuus-gulut , uiicliuiiKed ; wul saltod. Now
OrlcuiiH kulectc'd , 40ailo llw. , 4i5i.0c ( ; Texas
Bolectod. Ol > ace Ibs. , 0 < a7c ; lluonos Ayrea ,
2K124 Ibs. , 145ie ; Texas dry , 2127 Ibj. , 8
PnovisiONS Cut moats , steady ; pickled
tollies. 12 ll > * , ut 12c ; pickled shoulders , 7'ic ;
pickled hanm. 1212Vo ; middles , Inactive ;
hort clear , Olic. l.tird. quiet. lower ; wosN
ern steam clusod at V > .70 ; stiles. 25o tierces
at $9,70 ; options , balusruomi ; July closed at
tO.UO ; September closed ut $9.05 , Pork quiet ,
lower ; now met , * , * 18.0liilb,75.
HllTTKH Liberal supply , lower ; western
creamery , 174121ej ufhiorn factory , l& > , iO
17ie ; Kleins. 20iS21c. ! (
B Mod era to demand , llrm ( part skims ,
I'XltlS Qtllut , fancy , steady : rcculpts , 6,889
pkgs ; wi'sU'rn fresh , 14)i15c ) ; , per
cuso. (2.60 < a3.00.
TAI.LOW Quiet , scarce , llrm ; city 1(2 for
] ) kga. ) , 2o bid , 6c uskod ,
OorroMJiEi ) OIL ( jutut , firm ; crude , 35 ®
80o ; yellow , 42c.
KoHiN-Qnlut , steady ; drained , common to
BOOU. (1.00 < ii.(1.06.
Tlwi'KKTlNK Dull , easy at27iQ28c } ! ,
KICK Hti'ady , active.
MOLAKSCH hii'iuly ; Now Orleans , open ket
tle , good to cholco , steady.
I'lioi.uuy Moclectecl ; I'ountylvanln oil 1 ,
, uonu ] AUKUkt optlouti inlus , uouu,07So ,
bid. Mmik oil , idlii , none , ! < Se bid. TotM
nlrs , nono. .
Suiun--lUw , < ! My , niilot ; ccntrlfiiKfili , 00
tc-it , 4 a-lflfl ; sales ! a rnrgo cc-ntrlftiKiili ( l.Rtc
ypsterdayl to llniton , 06 test , -4c ! , nun n cftrja
cntitrlfugnli todnj at 3-lCc ; rcnncd , ciulot ,
' ' '
- , ( lulotj American , 112.76
( JlS.&o , I *
( . oi'i-en-Stondy : lake , H0.25.
I.KAb-StoRdy ; clomcMlc. f3.G2i { .
TlN-Clo cd firm ; Straits , M0.1& bid ,
110,20 asked ; plates rpllet , steady.
Sl' M.00ffl4.06.
Onmlin I'roiluco Mnrlcot.
IIUTrp.u-Tliu trade In butter Is
Ilinltcd very largely to packing stook
as that cotHtltuttn Iho. bulk of thn
rocclplK. Tlio receipts contlntto lleht for
Dili sud on of the year. At the same time U a Rood HlilpiilM demand and the
imckcrs are takltiR nil that comes at ( Inn
prices. All Rrndus remain about steady at
previous quotation * ! . Fancy creamery , print ,
ale ; fancy crcamctlcs , solid packed ,
10i ; ; fair to Bood crcatnorles , .toliil packed , 16
. choice to fancy country , ir > U10c ; fair
to good country , 16c ; picking stock , f rosb , 14c.
Kims While sales are mailo locally nt
steady price * the feeling Is very weak. The local
demand Is light and Is limited very largely to
Mrst-clMi stock. Dealers complain about the
dllllcully of disposing of the seconds , which nt
the present , tlmo const I til to no small proporj
tlonof thn arrival" . Tbostoady hot weather Is
causing tbui'ggsto como In In bud shape and
the lossoson thorn uro heavy. Country dealers
make the mlstuku of holding their rggs too
long In waiting for an ucctimulutlon of several
cities before making n shipment. The fooling
on the market. Is such that there are predic
tions of a decline tn thn Immediate future. In
fact there uro some sales Doing made at tbo
present tlmo below quotations , The bulk of
the sales are < vt lle. ! !
I.IVB I'oui.Titv The receipts are not largo
and the markul has ruled about steady all the
week. The packers and dressed poultry men
In addition to the trad" have kept the
market well cleaned up. Some dealers are
commencing to soil spring chickens by the
pound Instead ot by the do/.on , the prlco being
about 133&14C. Spring chickens , per
dot. , ! 2.00i&3.00 ; best lions , nor lb. , 7
< 38c ; mixed coops , per lb. , 6c ; old roosters ,
per lh.,4Q5c ; turkeys , per lb. , 8c ; ducks , per
lb. , 7 8c.
PoTATor.s Car loud lots continue to arrive
from southern points and the local growers
are selling quite a good many direct to tbo
local retailers , s < > that thcro Is no scarcity.
The feeling on the market , however , Is rather
weak und prices huvo a downwaul tendency.
Potatoes on orders from country , SOSOOc.
TOMATOKS There are no homegrown on the
market of any consequence as yot. Shipments
aru bolng received from Tennessee and Ar
kansas. Thuro Is a fair demand both locally
and for shipping Into the country. Southern ,
per 4-tmskotcrate , Jl.OO.
Arri.KS There Is u scarcity of southern ap
ples on the market just at present , but there
Is some California stock that sells qulto well.
Apples , sotitborn , per 'j-hii , box,70iloOi ( : ; Cali
fornia , pur bu. box. , $1.001(1.75.
Ci'.i.KitY Small shipments are arriving and
the quality Is very good for this season of tlio
year. Culery. pordoz. , 40s45c.
llKitniES The receipts of bluckberrlns were
not quite so largo as on the previous day , but
there was u fair supply , Other kinds of berries
are not plenty. A few homo grown blackberries
have put In an upiiearance , but not enough to
cut any llgurc. lllackberrles , pur 24-qt. case ,
$3.20 ; black raspberries , per 24-qt. case , $3.00 ;
huckleberries , $3,50.
SMA LL knurrs Just ut the present tlmo there
are not many California pouches on the miir-
kut , but there are several curs to arrive In tbo
course of tbu next few clays , California plums
are not plenty and southern , plums uro meetIng -
Ing with ready sulo. Apricots tire out of the
markut. There is u good supply of Cullfornlu
Itartlot pears and a car of Texas pears bus
Just arrived. Apricots , per 4-bnskot crate ,
$1.25 ; plums , wild goose , por24-qt , crate , $2.00 ;
California pitches , $1.161.25 ; California
pears , pur box , $2.00 ; Texas puurs , per box ,
MELONS There have not been very many
watermelons on the market this week , but
prices buvo notmuterlully chunged. There Is
a wldo range In thu size and quality of thu re
ceipts. A purl of a cur of Tuxus cantuloupus
bus boon received from Texas. Wutermelons ,
pur crate of ono cloi. $3.00 ; loose , tier 100 ,
418.00220.00 ; cantaloupes , pcrcloz. , 41.50.
OitANfiES The supply of oranges on the mar
kot Is not largo , but .sulllclunt lo muut Iho de
mands of tbo trade. Tbo quality ot the
oranges on tbu markut Is gunurally good , e.s-
peclally so for this season of the year. Thu
duinand Is vury fair and country orders es
pecially urullhurul. Hlvcr.slde Mediterranean
swouts , $3.6023.75 ; brlghts , J2.755J3.00 ; Klv-
ersldo seedlings , $3.00ii3.25.
JjK.MO.N8 Tbo steady warm wenthor pro
duces a very fair dumand for lemons and all
houses are doing u good steady business In
them. Messlnus , extra fancy , $0.0080.00 ;
Mcsslnas , pur box , choice to fancy , $6.00105.60.
HANANAS The receipts are light , us most
hoitsus do not care to go Into the banana busi
ness very heavily when thu weather Is such us
to render tbo bundling of them moro or loss
risky. Prices remain about steady. Per
bunch , largo , $2.2022.70 ; per bunch , small to
medium , J2.00S2.20.
Ilinns No. 1 green hldos , 3c : No. 2 green
bides , 2c : No. 1 green sailed bides , 3'Jc ; No. 2
green salted hides , 2c ! ; No. 1 green salted
lildes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ills. , 3'Je ' ; No. 2 given salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2J'.c : No. I veal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 10 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to
10 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 7c : No. 2 dry
flint hides , Oc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , oc
Part curud hides ; > c pur lb. loss than ully
_ SHKEI- PELTS Green salted , each 350 1.25 ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each 10T625c ; dry shearlings ( short
woolocl ourly skins ) , No. 1 , each fiiilOc : dry
shearlings ( short woolud early skins ) , No. 2 ,
each Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska
butcher wool pulls , peril ) . , actual wulght , 102
lie ; dry Hint Kaunas anil Nebraska .Murrain
wool pelts , pur Hi. , netual weight , 710c : dry
flint Colorado butchur wool pelts , pur lb ,
actual wulght , OQlUo ; dry Hint Colorado Mur
rain wool polls , pjr lb. , actual weight , 7 < iiOc ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 07c.
TALLOW AND GHUASK Tallow , No. 1 , 4'i ©
Use ; tallow. No. 2 , 33.i < f c ; gruase , whlto A ,
4 > i0c ; greusu , whlto It , 4c ; gruaso , yellow ,
3'ic ; grease , dark. 3iold ; butter , 2@2'jc ' ;
beeswax , prime , 10 < J20c ; rough tallow , 2Si
itONES-Our lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , $ lti.0 ( ) 18.00 ;
dry country , bleached , per ton , * 10 OOiil.'I.OO ;
dry country , damp and meaty , $8.00aiO.OJ.
St. I.oulN Market * .
ST. Louis , July 19. Fi.ouu Nominal.
WHEAT Closed I'jc below yesterday nnd
very weak ; cash , 07ic ! ; August , 08Jfci08c ( ;
September. 01 ? (2G ( 1 ? { c.
COIIN Closed ! { c below yesterday ; cash ,
30jc ; August. 30'jc ; Sentombor. 37 < B376c. |
OATS Lower ; cash , 25c asked ; July , 24Mc ;
August , 22c ; September , 22 ? c.
UYIJ No markot.
HAIILKV No markut.
HUTTBH Unchanged ; creamery , 1019c ;
dairy. 1317c.
PROVISIONS Declining ; pork , $10.70 ; lard ,
$8.87 ! < .
ItKCKii'TH-Klour , 2,000 sacks : wheat , 88-
000 bu. ; corn. 48,000 bu. ; oats. 11,000 bu.
Siiii'MU.NTd Flour , 4,000 sacks : whuat , 18,000
bu. ; corn , 34,000 bu , ; oats , 1,000 bu.
Com nurt'bil Ilovlciv ,
MASCiiesTKii , July 19. The Guardian In Its
commercial review &uys ; I'lrmnuss prevails
nnd some times there Is u hardening tendency
which Is mainly duo to thu extent of engage
ments. Inquiries are nmdo for good shirtings
for Calcutta nnd a fractional udvnnco Is paid
for suitable delivery. Medium shirtings uro
occasionally a lltllu uiuldr , makers of good
bluachlngs nnd shirtings are willing suitors ,
bulng largely affected by tbu cessation of busl-
nrSs In silver using countries outsldo of India ,
Sales for China are impracticable , thu banks
rufuslng loqiioto exchange fordbllvory beyond
July , Thuui uro orders for jaconuts but.
mainly for small lots. Yarns uro Inactive and
prices uro Irregular ,
KUIIMII City Mitrkots.
KANSAS CiTV , July 19. WHEAT Hardening
In clumund und unchanged , soft 2c lowur ; No ,
2 hard , 52 < 263c I
Cim.N Firm ; No , 2 mixed , 32Jf ! ( 33c ; No , 2
whlto , 33 ! ' , 34o
OATS Dull ; No , 2 mixed , 21c ; No. 2 whlto ,
11 UTTKII Scarce , firm ; creamery , 10320c ;
dairy , 13Ul"c ,
Kcitis Vuiy dull and wouk ; OSic.
KECKIITS Wheat , 8,180 bucorn ; , 10,500 bu. ;
oats , none.
SllU'JJBNTS Wleut ( , 14,700 bu. ; corn , 17,400
bu. ; oats , 1,300 bu.
Liverpool .MarKum ,
I.ivniti'OOK July 19. WIIKAT Quliit ; holders
alter moderately ; red western , spring , 6s lOd
125s lid purcunlnl.
Cons bluntly ; demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4s 4d pur cwt.
HACON Long clear , 45 HH. , 53s Gil pur cwt.
IMHD Prliiiu western , 48s purcwl ,
TALLOW I'Mnu Amurlcan , I7sperewt.
PSAS Canadian , 5s 2d pur cental.
Cotton Murknt.
NKW Oiti.EANS. July 19. KIrm ; good mid
dling , 8 3-lCc ; middling , 7 7-lUc ; low mid
dling , 7 3-lOc ; good ordinary. 7 1-lGc ; nut 10-
coliita , 152 bales ; grobs receipts , 102 bales ;
exports to liroat llrltuln , 8,160 balus ; coast-
wUo , 1,070 ' bales ; imlus , 1,100 bales ; stock ,
74,794 bale * .
American Securltlon 1'irin.
LONDON , July 10 , After the ofllclnl close of
tbo Stock exchange American railroad sucurl-
ttesdovulopod inuruabud llnniio.v * In tbubtreut
duallngK. Many of them showed advances
ranging fronvU to 1 ? pvrcuut over the prices
ut thu olllclul closo.
pulls \Vliettt MHrket.
.MlNNtAi'Ol.18 , July 19. Futures active ; cash
caslur. Clo.o : July , 67)4c ) ; August , 08)u ) ;
Suptombvr , OUc ; Docombur , 07)io. ) On truck :
No. 1 bard , 02)c ) ; No , 1 northuru , COc ; No. 2
nertburu , 68)c. )
Nrw Vurk Dry Ciouils MHrknt.
NEW VoilK , July lO. llusliH'hs in dry gooda
contlnueb- u vury modurutu scalo. The lulu
iiuprovuiiiunt was not maintained. Thu un-
I provided wants , however , cuuio uccumula
tlon In some direction * or tlircatfin to
ami the mills are disposed to take the oppor
tunity lo close for ropulrs until times Im
prove. They could hardly run for less money
than present price * . , , -
Oll Mnrketg.
OIL Our , July 19. National Transit cer
tificates oucncd at fiOU ; hlRhcst , OCU ; lonest ,
OS's ; closed at 65V. Sales. 70,000 bbls. ;
clearances , 110,000 bbls. ; shipments , 70,352
Pmsiitmo , July 19. National Transit cor-
tlflcatus opened at 00 ; closed ut OOj
highest , 00 : lowest , 50 ; sales , 6,000 bbls. ' -
Od pcrquarlor for spot.
.lllhr.inUco .Miirkcts.
MILWAUKF.K , July 19. WHEAT Easy ; Sep
tember , G3ic ! ; No. 2 iprlnR , Glc.
COItN-Qulot ; No. 3 , 30 l39'ic.
OAis-Qulet ; No. 2 white , 33JSO34C ! No.
3 white , 31(332iSc. (
IlAltl.BV 65c.
HVK-61iC. !
I'lioviaioss IrroRtilar ; pork. $18.7& .
CoDva .Mnrkot.
NKW VOUK , July 19. Optlonsoponcd steady ,
6 point * clown to 5 points up ; clemd 0 points
down to 10 points up ; salui , 6,760 bags , In
cluding : August , $10.16 ; Suptumbor , HO.OOiS
10.15 ; October , $15.851416.05 ; December ,
I16.00ai6.70 ; March$16.4015.50. Spot Hlo
dull | , steady ; No. 7 , $17.20.
riilbutolph'u drain 'Mnrkot.
1'ilit.AHKi.i'iiiA , Jiily 19. Witr.AT Weak nnd
lower ; No. 2 red , July. 07 ia08c.
Cons Dull and lower : No. 2 mixed. July ,
47Hc'bld , 47Jcaskod.
OATS Spot and July firm and higher ; No. 2
while , 38)ia30c. )
Cincinnati .Mnrkots.
CINCINNATI , July 19. WHEAT Weak , In fair
demand ; No. 2 rod , 5'JflOle.
Cons Busier ; No. 2 mixed , 41c. !
OATS Master ; No. 2 mixed , 32&34c.
WHISKY Steady , $1.12.
Itiilthnnro drain MarUnt.
HALTI.MOIIK , July 19. WitnA1 ! Actlvo ; No. 2
red , spot and July , 07 ic.
COIIN Kasy ; mixed , spot and July , 4QHc.
OATS 1'lrm ; No.2 whlto western , 38i- !
Toledo Uritln Mnrkot.
TOLEDO , July 18. WIIKAT Actlvo , lower ; .
No. 2 cash , r,2ic.
COIIN Dullsteady ; No. 2 cash , 41c. !
OATS Qulot ; cash , 31 Vic.
Sli-irp Klso In 1'rlccn In London Helped tlio
Domestic Mnrkot.
NEW YOIIK , July 10. The stock market
opened at nn advance of from ! < to 2U per
cent orcr closing quotations of yesterday In
sympathy with a sharp rise In prices In Lon
don. Thu foreigners soul buying orders , but
as soon as these were executed the boars made
a llcrce raid , assisted by advlcos of the re
newal of the bank troubles In Denver and
vague rumors of trouble In St. Louis. They
speedily brought about a decline of 1 to ICJi
points , the latter In General Kluctrlc , which
touched 61H.
At about this time some boars covered frcoly
und a rally ensued , but still later thcro was a
renewed spoil of weakness and several stocks
broke badly. The decllnu was tbo result of a.
concerted attack by the room traders who made
a determined olTort to catch stop orders to a
degree. National Starch preferred declined 8
per cent to 23 per cent ; Northern Paclllo pre
ferred GJi uor cent , und Kock Island 6l ! uur
cent to 56U. Among the specialties Pullman
yielded 9 per cent to 150 percent and Kvans-
vlllo & Terre lluuto 5 per cent to 129 per cent.
After doll very hour , when It was found that
there wore no local firms In trouble , a rccov-
ouy of ' ,5 to 2f } per cunt took place , but finally
the advance w\s partially lost. Nevertheless
Inn number of Instances , closing .quotations
were llrm , ! jffi2i ? per cent above tlioso of yes
At ono tlmo It was reported that the Nor'.h-
crn Pacific company was In Imminent danger
of u receivership , but this was promptly and
emphatically denied by loading olliulals of thu
r.'ttl. The buying of stocks for Investment
was on u larger scale than of lute , and Mmres
huvlng an International mortgage were
strengthened by thu purcha o for London
account. Speculation loft olTstvadlor In tone.
Thu Post says : What Is undoubtedly one. of
the most extraordinary episodes In Wall
street's history passed Into Its second stugo
today. The cables were busy all yesterday
with denials of the rumored catastrophes In
London , and so far as concerns the two llrms
mentioned yesterday , thu dentals were abso
lutely conclusive. Some other equally sig
nificant facts dovolopcd locally.
That lliero has been Ilquldutlonof American
stocks In London nobody doubts ; that It
played a part commonly assigned to it yester
day Is dl.Htlnctly untrue. Never before in the
record of the London Stock exchange have op
erations for tbo short account ot such pecu
liar character boon conducted on tbo lloor.
Most of these orders , more-ver , bad tholr
sourcu at thu western end of tbo cablo. Not
less suddenly than the turn In today's market
prices was the reaction from tbo rates for
To soiuo observers yesterday's advance In
rates was a source of much uneasiness. It
may bo presumed that such misgivings were
dissipated by the course of this morning's
market. As was Intimated In this column
yesterday , the advance In sterling was duo to
tbo real or supposed shipment of securities
from London , attached to thu foreign holders
of grain and cotton options.
Today's opening quotations showed the re
sult of such pressure , and before noon posted
rates for exchange bad been twice reduced ,
with actual demand rates quoted Hi percent
below yesterday's closing figures. Thu latter
rates touched tbu low level of u week ago
Tuesday and were again substantially below
the normal gold importing point. Another
considerable sum of gold wns meantime re
ceived from abroad today In this city. The
federal gold reserve , reported as usual from
tbo balances of two days ago , showed u decrease -
crease almost exactly cciulvjlent In amount to
tbo gold paid out on Saturday's balances at
tbo Now Vork clearing honsu. Tim further
progress of this eccentric treasury uxuurl-
munt will be watched with undlmlnlshed be
The following are the closing quotations on
the loading stocks on tlio Nuw Vork Slock ex
change today :
AtchlHon . 1HH Northern aiJi
AdaniB KxircB | . . . , iis : U. P. D , , VO . 8M ,
Alton.Tcrro Haute. iH ! Northwestern . OMft
do iiref'dt . 1 in do profit . lS i <
American Express 11)7 ) N. Y. Central . HUH
n.iUlnioru&Ohlo. . 01 N. V. AN.K . 'Jlhi
Canadian I'aclnc. . . UH Ontario A Western 11 !
Canada Southern , . 42 Orot-oii Imp . It )
Central 1'aolIIc. . . . 18 Oregon Nav. . . , . . , . -15
. A Ohio O. S. L.AU. N . H1K
* Alton. . . ltl : 1'aclfloMall . 10H
C. II. & .Q . 77M 'corla IJoo. , VK. . . . H
Chlc.'iKO UHH . Rl Plttsbiin ; . 14U
Coimollilatoil G.IH. . I'-'O I'nllinan Pnlaco , . Ifi'J
c.o. o. .vst. L . : ir
Col. Cuul& Iron. . . . - ' ) Ululiiuond Tur . 7
Del , & Hudson . Ill do prufd . 14
Dol. Lack. fi. West. 1HIIM Hlotiramlo W'n. . . li (
I ) . Jell. 0. prufd. . , 1M | do prufd . M
Dls. AO. P. Cu 17 Uock Island ,
KiiatTuim K St.Paul .I.V.'f ,
Erlu 1'JU do iirof'd . . .
do prufd i7 ! St. Paul A Omaha. . ; H ! > J
IFort Wayne 141) ) do profit. . , IDS North'n pfd 104 SoutliernPacltlc. . . ilj ! {
O. A , B. I , t > fd UUt Sugar lli'llncry. . . . 70
Hocklntr Vulluy. . . 17) ) Tumi. Coal A Iron , 1H ! {
llllnolH Central. . . . 87j Tiixaa Paolllo fJ4
St. 1'anl.t Dulutli. . : i < ) Tol. A O. C. tifil. . 60
Kim. A TUXIIH pt'il 1.1 Hi Union PaclMo.
laku KrloAV. . . . . 14W U. S. Kxpruus 611
Laku Krlo A W.pM W.3. L.AP . llf
Liik Shore 114 do profcl . . . . . . 1H > J
Luacl Tritat. . ' . HO . ,
LonlHvllloANaHh. BI : I ! Woslurn Union. . , . 7IKi (
LoillHVllloAN. A , , W WliuulliiK All. B. . . 11M
Manhattan con 111 ! ) . do profd . , , 40
Clias. . U ) M.ASU I. . DM
Michigan Cunlral , UO D , All. O . H
MlHSOiirlPaclllo. . . UHJ. . OaniTulElrclrlo. . . 54M
MotilluAUhlu 10 tNallonal . 'JOVi
Nnshvlllo Cliatt. . . 78 Cole , F. A I. . . . . . . . . al
Nation : ] do profd . uo
do profit. 34 T. . A. A , ANiM. . , . If
N.J. Central till 1IATO . 0
No.AW. . prof d. . . 17 < T.St , L. A 1C. 0 . a
North Amur. Co. . . . ( do prufd . l'-i
Northern Paeltlo. . .
bid , t
The total salus of stocks tcday worn 384,000
shares , Including ; Atchlson , 0,000 ; llur-
llngton A ; Qtilnuy , illMil ( ) ; Chicago ( las ,
22,700 ; Cotton Oil , 3.600 ; l.auliawunna , 7.100 ;
Distilling , 20,4UU ; ICrlo , 0,700 ; ( Junural Kluc
trlc , 12,700 ; Loulsvlllci & Nashvlllo , 10,700 ;
Manhattan , 16.4UO ; .Missouri Pacific , 6400 ;
Nuw Kngland , 4,000 ; Northwestern , 8,000 ;
Northern Pacific preferred , 0,101) ; Ituud-
Init. 2,000 ; Kouk Island. 20,000 ; Ht. Paul ,
60,000 ; Sugar. 32,300 ; Union Pacific , 4,400 ;
Western Union , 23,000 ,
Ilonton Htciuk < Juotatlon ,
IIOSTOM , July 19. Call loans , OS49 per cunt ;
tlmo loans , 0 pur cunt. Closing quotations on
stockn , bonds nnd mining sharus ;
Atch.Top.AS.F. . 1S West Kml profd. . . 7fi
Amurlcan Su ar. . . 7(1 uHtliiirli. Elootrlo Ul
do prufd . 7(1 duprufd 3t )
Il.iv StatulJaa. . . . . . U Win. Cunt 7
Hull Tuluiihouo. . . . 17H AtclilBun 2ds. „ , . , , 3S
llOHlon A Albany. . lAU AtflilHOn JB . , 7IH
lloutouA M.iiCil. . . 141) ) Nuw Knelanitlls. . . 11)1 )
CJhl. , Ilur. A g . 77M Ut'ii , Kloctrlc 6 . . . 7U
Fllehbnrir. . . , . 7fi Wla. Central la. . . . 17
( ienural lllvclrlc. , A4U Alluuez Mlntnc Co 40
Ill.Stwel . , 60 Atlantic 7
Muxlcnu Cunlral. . , & ) IIOHtun A Montana 7ll 4
N. V. ANuwUur. . VI UllttO A 11031011 1 H
Old Colony . 17II Calumet A lluula , . USD
Ort-Kou yliorl I.tnu 1 1 Cuntuiuilal. . , , , , , , , . 1'JK
Kranklln , liw
Sail DUvo . . . . . . 8 Kearuaivo CU
Union Paclllo . 1HJ Qiilucy , . , . . f)8
\VfHtKnd . 1' . ' > Tatuaraulc 13U
Vork .Money .Mnrket.
NBW YOIIK. July 19. MONEV on OAI.L Easy
at 3&H per cent ; lust loan , 3 pur cunt ; closing
offered at 3 percent ,
PIIIUE MKUUINTILU PArim-8312 per cont.
I bTBHi.i.Mi KxciiANUK-Wuak , with actual
i biulnos * In bankers' bills ut (4.UJUW4.b2)i ) for
sixty days und * 4,83Jito4.B4 for iluinand.
Bu.V U CiarrmcMTEd-NvgU'ctcdi uot u
tr.Miiactlon wm'T ' rlorted nt the Stock ex
change ; closlng,701fa bid , 72o nuked.
( jpvr.itNMEXT lliWbs Wcnk. Stftto bonds
diilf. .
The 9lo lng quotation ! onjjondsi
I ) ul ll\nfi8t'pJ4s Oj' T. P. U O. Tr. Nets U9
Mlnsottrl fl . . . . tin T. P. ft. ( J. Tr. Ilcls 15
tjcnn. nowsolOs. . nion J'no. Ists. . . . 10
Tomi , now it KS ; . . , iR5 VelSlioro . n
Tomi. nowect 3d. . Os H.O.W. Isls . 00
CnnacljSo. Jjts , , . . , nn Atchlson 4s. . . . . . . . 05
'contrSlPnc. Isls. lOiW do HM Class A. . . 35
l.AH.a In . . . . 7 * (1. ( II. A 9. A. ft * . 00
I ) , A U. O.W.lsts. . liu in. II. A 9. A. 3d 8s. 103
Erlo 2J . . 73 III. AT.O. fts . JOI
M. K. AT.Ocn.Os. . 78 1iln con. ( In. . lOT
M. K A T. Hen. 61. . 7HH IN. Carolina On . 125
Mutual Union Os. . .lltt ctoIs . 03
N.J , O. Int. Cort. . . fl. O. Drowns US
N. Pnc. IslR . 1I Tenn.oldUs 01
N. Pno. 2ils . lOtl Va.Os > oO
N. W. Consols. . . . 132 Vn.Rx-Mnt.ooun. . 85
N. W. lcb. fis . ma V.i. conn , , VM surios 60
bid. tasked.
No IT York Mining Quotation * .
NKW YOIIK , July 19. The following nro the
mining quotations :
Crown Point Plymouth " 0
Con. Cal.aml Va. . . . lee Slurra Nevada 40
Deadwood 100 Standard 110
Ootlld ACurry 2o Union Con 40
Halo A Not-cross. . . . 10 Yellow Jnckot 40
IIomcBtaku 700 Iron Silver IT
Moxtan. . . . 40 Quick Silver 200
Ontario 750 do nrofd 1000
Ophlr. . no
San Frrtnclsco At mini ; CJnntntloiu.
SAN KIIANCIHCO , July 19. The oniclal
closing miotiUloiH for mining stocks today
. . , . , .
were flu follows :
Hello Isle 30 Ophlr 70
Helcher do I'OtOHl fit )
HestA Hclchcr 10 S.iviuro lo
Chollar go Slurra Nevada 40
Coimollil'dCal.AVa. 11B Union Con 30
Crown Point JIB Utah 10
OonldACurry 10 Yellow Jnckut 60
la.'lln Whllu 40
St. I.oul * Mlnlnc CJnotntlom.
ST. Louis. July 19. The following are the
losing mining quotations :
. $ .no ( . .70 Ellnabuth. .UB M .30
. .uana .a5 Small U , . .00
llmcfllc. 3.00 U'0 02 0 .01
Oi-nnltu . . 1.10 ( JU.25
rinniiolHl Notrt.
HAVANA , July 19. Exchange quiet.
1'Altia , July 19. Three per cent rentes , 08f
'or the account ,
Nn\v YOIIK , July 19-Clearings , J94.731-
07 ; balances , $4.023,192.
IIALTIUOIIG , July 10. Cloarlngs , J2.577.203 ;
Jalunccs , J382,49'J. Monoy.'C nor cont.
PIIILADCLIMIU , July 19. Cloarlngs , J13.C83-
28 ; balances , 11,794,041. Money , 0 per cont.
CINCINNATI. July 19. Money , 0158 per co nt.
Now York u.xcliitngc , OOc discount. Uleur-
ngs , } 2,207.100.
KANSAS CITY , July 10. Clearings. ? GC9,890 ;
ncrcusu , ol.G pur cent , compared with the
umo day last year.
ItosTON , July 19. Cloarlngs , fl3,079,900 ;
lialaiicos , $1,382,189. Mcmoy , 7 3-10 nor cent.
Bxchango on New York , 20c to 30c discount.
ST. Louis , July lO.-Cluarlngs , $3,2G ,142 ;
) alnncc > .s , $417,878. Jlonoy qulot , 088 pur
t. K.xchango on Now York , 20c discount.
ClllCAH ) , July 19. Clourlngs , $13,309,420.
Now York cxchango , 41.00 dlicount. Sterling
i\changu dull ; actual business at $4.8316
4. 0. Money closed with the full legal rate of
" per cent fully maintained.
Cattle Trndo Itocoverx Somowhnt HORS
Slunip I'lfty Cfiiti In Prlco.
For the flrst half 'of this week , compared
with the corresponding three days last week ,
receipts show a frilling off of about 2,000
cattle , 8,000 hogs arid 1,700 sheep.
In Its general features the cattle market
.otlay was not materially different from that
of Tuesday. Kecejyts were heavier , nearly
1,000 heavier th.-ui a week ago , but tbo
number of untmals fit for tbo killers
was probably nlit' ' ' a great deal larger.
A. liberal portion of the offerings
ivoro direct fro/ii western ranges and
only good enough for feeders. There was as
asunl of lute an absence of speculative In-
riulry , but thodrossctl beef mon had to have a
'ew cattle and as the supply of doslrublo stock
ivas limited prices Were talrly well sustained.
etter prices from . 'Chicago also helped the
situation somowlmt'und fulr to good 1,000 to
l,200-lb. . teers sold-rouctlly at around $3.70 to
$4 , with the half-tut and grassy stock slow
sulo but not cuiobahly lower at from $3 to
3.00. Klllurs bought acouplo of strings of
Colorado aud western Nebraska Texuns at
$2.20 und $2.45 , but most of tbo nuiKur * hold
for feeders. There was a moderate degree of
activity to the trndo throughout and u very
fair clearance was effected.
The cow market was steady. Poor to very
good cows und heifers sold at fronrl to $2.30
with the bulk ot the trailing at around $1.35 to
$2. There were several loads of very f ilr west
ern cows hero and they changed hands at from
$1.75 to $2.20. Calves wcro In fair supply and
llrm on good veals ut $4 to $0.20 , common
btulV and yearlings dull at from $2 to $3. Kntigli
stock Is soiling very badly , fair to good bulls
and stags bringing from $1.25 to $2.
Uood feeders sold a .shade stronger than
Tuesday , but there was little change In the
common and Inferior grades beyond the fact
that there was a llttlo moro activity to tbo
trade. Good to choice feeders are quotable at
$2.703.10 ; fair to good grades at $2.00(2)2.70 ( )
mil poor to fair stock at $2.0032.40.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 010 $300 22 10fi4 $375
3 857 300 21 lltifl 380
1 900 3 Oil 20 1214 400
24 9.-)5 325 18 11(31 ( 400
1 1000 300 CO 1209 400
20 1103 370
70 729 3 10
10COWS. .
1 940 100 2 705 100
12 835 1 15 1 1000 1 CO
1 . . . . 040 1 25 1 880 1 00
0 835 1 25 1 1000 1 05
1 1000 125 4 822 180
2 870 1 25 10 1010 1 80
5 . . . . . 732 1 25 14 1010 1 80
3 937 1 25 ' 23 8UH 1 90
17 . . . . 803 135 2 1175 200
10 B70 140 4 970 200
4 972 150 0 980 200
10 842 1 BO 22 I'HO 200
1 1020 105 1 780 200
1 720 1 50 61 1035 2 15
1 830 105 1 1040 235
24. . . . 805 1 GO
10 408 1 20 1 700 1 GO
4 402 120 1 8HO 1 GO
1 400 125 2 480 200
0 001 1 40
101 springers , each $26 00
lci > w and calf 24 00
1 cow and calf 24 00
1 cow and calf 27 00
Icowumlcuir 22 00
1 cow and calf 2500
1 cow and calf 20 00
3 140 200 6 140 400
9 . . . . 152 200 2 110 420
2 " " 200 2 00 1 130 4 50
a" . . 140 300 1 140 460
16. 133 4 1)0 11 195 6 20
3 137 4 00
1 " . ,1100 1 25 1 1210 1 85
l" . . ,1410 100' 1 1470 200
1 1450 1 7,0)1
1 780 1 60
1 1000 200 12 810 230
0 078 21)0 8 095 260
2 . . . . . 895 2 25V/ 5 1190 200
3 610 2 2&)1 10 804 200
7 703 2iir ! 21 901 255
3 407 2y6i " ° I30 205
1 040 230" 24 1000 276
11 885 2 UU.O
No , Av. jUn No. Av. Pr.
60 fd'rs..H88 J3.10 2 f'cl'rs. . 820 $2 00
71 fcl'rs..l018 2W ) 144 Ht'rsVlOSH 245
8 COWS. . 885 UI10 110 cows. . 888 211) )
0 cows. . 875 220 00 cows. . OCO 220
48 cows. . 916 1 5 1 foodorlOOO 200
80 cows. . 929 1-DO 60 st'rs * . , 098 225
48 st'rs'.lOO'J 1426 76 f'd'rs. . 900 235
CO fd'M..n51 210 110 f'd'rs. . 8GU 2 4O
116 f'cl'is. . 013 2 30 00 cows..1082 210
lions The market was another case of
"worst of the year. " It certainly was thu
worst of tlio year In point of prlcu * paid , und
not more than twice In the history of the yard *
huvo prices taken such u drop us they did
today. Tbo decline was anywhere from 20c to
OOc. Thu supply was light , a third Iut.s than a
wuuk ago , but us this markut wus too high
Tuesday und all otlior markets wcro lower
today bollur > liad to take thulr mudlclnu.
Packers started out bidding $5.26 to 10.30 , but
with a fair shipping , speculative ) and frush
meat dumand good lo cholco light und
butchur weight huga and prliuu heavies sold
lurguly ut 5.40 with u fuw tcatlurlng
kales up to (6.00. Packers bought fulr
10 good hogs largely ut { 5,26 and K6.30 and on
thu close u few ut $5.10 and fs.20. The trade
was blow throughout , but particularly mean
on thuclo-,0. Fully 000 hogb wuro luft unsold
In Ilr t hands. Trading was very largely ut
from $5,20 to (6.40 , atmliiit (0.60 to (0.70'1 ues-
duy nnd $5.ti5 to(6.UOunu week ugo. Itcpro-
huntatlvu bulosi
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Kb. Pr.
07..2U2 240(516 05,231 320(536
CO..202 280 620 67..233 200 035
132. . .2&S 920 620 00..225 120 639
. .230 80 6 35
' Sao 6 85
. 253 6 35
? 2S 160 6 35
278 100 . .208 320 6 35
340 40 . .268 1GO 6 30
280 120 . .220 240 6 35
330 200 . .220 " 6 37lt
. .219 88 6 40
. .240 120 0 40
: : sfl 5 6 40 40
6 25 01. . .204 100 6 40
6 2u GO . .221 80 6 40
627H GH. . .2H9 80 6 40
6 30 07. . .250 80 0 40
6 30 04 . .235 6 40
6 30 6G. . .260 100 6 4U
I ) _ Cl f , 30 83. . .220 100 6 40
30. . . 230 40 6 30 71. . .248 40 6 40
07. . . 271 200 5 00 03. . .274 120 6 40
00. . . 273 280 6 30 72. . .212 240 6 40
63. . . 305 6 32 ! ( 74. . .VS27 120 0 40
80. . . .221 100 6 30 83. . .220 320 6 40
GO. . . .277 40 6 35 08. . .249 40 6 40
G6. . . .200 5 35 62. . .303 80 6 40
71. . . 235 120 5 35 70. . .241 200 6 40
p. . . ,225 5 35 09. . .109 80 6 40
.210 6 36 70. . 223 240 6 40
5 ! ! . .227 6 36 72. . .243 200 6 40
68. . . .209 40 5 35 60. . .220 1GO 6 42 > {
49. . . ,289 811 6 35 07. . .212 1GO 0 40
02. . . .240 200 6 35 60. . .230 80 6 40
67. . . .270 200 6 35 70. . .200 40 6 60
102. . .323 400 6 35
t'1113 AND IIOU011.
3. . . .210 4 50
SIIIIEP Offerings were limited as to quan
tity and common as to quality. Trade was
slow , but tivorytblng sold at nominally steady
Drlces. Oood muttons are wanted , but noth
ing olso. fulr to good natives , $3.20 4.20 ;
fair to good westerns , $3.004.00 ; common and
stock shonp , $2.0053.00 ; good to choice 40 to
100-lb. lambs , $4.UOQ6.00. Koprcsuntutlvo
sales :
No. Av. Pr.
240 Colorado mixed . 78 1275
101 natlvo mixed . , . 80 325
Itccolpt * nnil Dupiumnti of Stook.
Oniclul rociilpu anil disposition of stock in
shown by the books of tbo Union Btook Yardi
company for tbo twenty-four hourj utidluj ; ut
0 o'clock p. in. July 19. 1803 :
Omaha 1'ackltiir Co 4 1.038
ThoO. II. Hammond Co. . l.'SI
Swift ACe 417 J10
The Cndahy Packlmr Co , . . 4ii4 1,178
Hammond A S 100 !
CoevA Co
A. Haas It ! )
H. ll'fkur & IH'gon 7 !
Vntmant .t Carey 0'
Pnrkur W. Co
It line Uros J18
Hhlppura anil fueders ' "
Loft over. 306 17 "nMTr.
Week Shown n Fulllni ; OnT Compared with
This nnil a ( Jain Ovitr Last Your.
CINCINNATI , July 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tun IIKI : . ] Tomorrow's Price-Current will
say : The aggregate marketing of hogs Indi
cates a moderate decrease compared with re
cent records , but an Increase In comparison
with last year. Packing returns for the week ,
240,000 , against , 206,000 last week and 226,000
a vear ago. Tlio season's total Is 3,920,000 ,
against , 916,000 last year. Prominent places
compare as follows ;
KllllSaS City
Omaha ' .
St. IjtllllH
Mil waiikci !
C.'dar UapUls
SI. Joseph
Nebraska City
Sioux City
CIilrHuo ITO Stuck Mitrkut.
CHICAGO , July 19. [ Special Tele-cram to Tin :
llKR.l The caltlo receipts were light today ,
about 10,000 arriving. Of that number not
momthan 0,000 were natives. The demand was
better than for some days previous and prices
wore stronger all round. Low grades did not
sell materially higher than on Tuesday , nor
were buyers Inclined to pay advanced prices
for stale cattle , but for such fair to choice
steers as were Included In thu fresh rocolnts
there was ready sale at nn advance of from
lOc to IGc pur cwt. The 4,000 To.xas
cattle received wore wanted at a small
ndvunco on yesterday's quotations , and west
ern range cattle ulsosolrt to bettor advantage.
For the first half of the week tlio arrivals linvo
been something like 13,000 head less than fo
the same tlmo last week , and to that factr
alone must be credited the development of u
firmer feeling among operators. There were
hut fewtattlo remaining in salesmen's hands
nt tlio close of business , and unless tomor
row's arrivals exceed expectations a further
slight strengthening of values may bo looked
for.Tho hog market was In bad shape. It ap
peared to bo a matter of no consequence that
the receipts amounted to only about 21-
000 head , and the total for the lust three ( lays
Is 37,000 1'oaii loss than for Iho same time
last week. lluvers worn determined
to gut stuff at lower prices and they did It with
a voniroance. Very soon after the opening they
hud forced a decline of from 15c to 20c , and
further along additional concessions had to bo
made. The oxcuto for the bearish attitude of
buyers was the disturbed condition of finances
In western Ilvo stock centers and thn lower
prices for grain nnd provisions. Choice heavy
nogs wore crowded down to from 45.70 to 85.70
and cholco assorted llclit weights sold oil' to
from $3.96 to $0 , while from J5.C5 to 85.70
bought the hulk of the offerings. These uro
the lowest prices of the present season. Tlmy
tire lower also than thoio ruling at this tlmo
last year when prime heui-y sorts sold ul $ i >
und better. Not all the hogs were disposed of
and the Into market was the worst ot the day.
There was a strong market for sheep. It was
from lOc to 15c higher thiin yesterday for
good grades , nnd oven the least desirable
offerings could bo turned over in sllgntly im
proved prices. Thu gain was a'.trllmted to the
continued light receipts , only about 37,000
huiul having arrived slnco lust Thursday ,
which Is less than half the number recorded
for that day. Common lo cholco natives were
salable at from ft to $4.80 , und Texans were
quoted at from $1.76 to J4.50. Within the last
two days prices for fair to bout grades have
advanced from 16c to20c. Thu lamb market
wits strong at from $3.26 to JO. The pens are
now pretty well cleared , but the poor stuff had
to go at very low price ? .
Ui'colpts : Cuttle. 10,000 ; calves. 1,200 ; hogs ,
21,000 ; sheen , 10,000.
Thu Evening Journal reports :
C'Arn.u ' Uecolpts , 11,000 head ; shipments ,
3.7OO head ; market actlvo ; natives steady
to strong ; Texuns 6iUOc higher ; prime ,
J4.80S5.00 : good to cholco , * 4.25&4.75 ;
medium , $3.25ft4. > 5 ; common , J32D' ! 4.G6 ;
Toxnns , $2.00iiU.H3 ; stockers , Jl.HD'a'J.OO ;
cows , Jl.OOaU.HO.
lloos Kocolpts , 24,000 bund ; shipments ,
4,000 head ; nnirkot for heavy U6ffl35e lower ;
mixed and packers , 10.402)6.40 ) ; prime heavy
nnd butchers' weights , * 5.t > Oii > ! J.55 ; light
mixed , 0.n03GOr > ; sorted light , $5.7OS5.85 ,
Hiir.ui1 Itecelpls , 10,000 head ; shipments.
2,000 head ; market uctlvo ; natives , f3.75IJ
6.0(1 ; yearlings , * 0.6oa5.76 ; westerns , * 3.00ii
4,16 ; Tuxtins , J3.16164.00 ; stockers , J2.6Ofl >
3.00 ; lambs , J3.60tt5.76 ,
City I.Hii Mouu Market.
KANHAH CITY , July 19. CATTLE Uocolpts ,
-1,700 bond ; shipments , 4,200 head ; market
active for best grades , others slow ; Toxns
steers , $3,00224.15 ; Texas cows , H.602
4,40 ; shipping steurs , $1.1025.10 ; native
cows , n,40iUO ; ; butchers' stock , $3.25ft4.20 ;
stockers and feeders , I2,0l > 23.60 ; bulls and
mixed , $1.0033,00.
llous Koculpls , 8,000 hniid ; shipments ,
3,700 houd ; markut 103 > 25a lowur ; bulk ot
sales. $5.0025.20 ; lights , $0.1535.45 ; pigs ,
$0.16ft 6.40 ; heavier , $5.00145,20 ; packon ) ,
$5.1020.20 ; mixed , $0.0W40.25 ( ,
SllKO1 Kuculius , 3,900 houd ; shipments ,
none ; market slow und lower ; muttons , $4,25 ,
Hr. l.onU 1.1vii Slock MiirUct.
ST. Louis , July 19. OATTLB Kocolnts , 3,300
head ; shipments , 2,900 head : market qulot
fair to good native steers , $3.6024.30 ; fulr to
good grass Texas steers. $2.3023,00 ,
lloos Uocolptn. 3.000 huuil ; shipments
200 head ; markut 5e lower ; top prlcu , $0.70
with bulk of stilus ut $0.40aO,00.
SIIKKC IlocelpU , 1.7UO head ; shipments
OtH ) buad : market lowur ; natives ranged at
$3.20 21.10 ; lambs sold ut $2,20tt4.10.
niiti > t .v jt.itf.f.ta uFi'icisits.
ItullruuiU Itefiun lo ( ilvo atitte Olllolul
More Than Annual ri c < s.
ToruiCA , July 10 , An order has been made
by the Atchlson , Topeka ft , Santa Fo rail
road to issue no moro passes at the rai'uca
of state onicurs. All of the Btato oftlccrs
have annuals und their requests for tri ;
passes for frlonds und subordinates have ,
been honored. The ordur , it Is supposed , I :
because of the action of tlio board of rallroai
assessors in raising the assessment.
I'omcroy pitied * Atura *
CUICAOO , July 10. The Associated pros
has received tin * following :
I'osimioY , In. , July lit. Damaging and Infer
for root ro ) > orts having buun jiubllshed i
seine nowsiapors | , tbo relief cotnimttco o
Pomoroy 1ms given to the I'ross association
n statement of the situation , which will ap
pour tomorrow. Much moro uionoy ii
needed hero.
J. H , Lowitv , Secretary Uollef Comuiitloo.
< iii ni ti't Only u lloiz : , I
SEATri.E , July 10 , The story about the
United Statca blp Mohicau being flrod upon
dn'f Imngup
fTs | Soap , and 6i\ys il'sllc | , SOAP .
It UAllF. 11V
bcsfcVep made ; so of courj' ' N.K.Falrbaiik&Co.
there is a Santtk Claus ! Chicago.
Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Tontn.
IIOHSI ! COVKIIS. AwnliiR < , tc , 7UJ ntid
1113 FurtiMiitftroot. 705 f. Mret't.
Bcmis Omaha Bag
Importer ! ntut itmnufno.
tuttrt or Hour eacki ,
tiurlup , B tnlnu.
Horse-Cos Sho& Company.
Salesroom nd onice-tlOT-IIOT-llll Howard St
Fnctorj I11U-1I3I-1IW Howard St.
W ara the OSLV JI.inuf _ slurer of Uooti n > l
all to Inspect
our now faotorf
KirKcnddll , Jones & Amur , Hand-Sewed
COMPANY. Wholesale
rufra , agents Huston SIIOK CO. . boots , nhooi
llubbcr Blioo Co. 1IW- anil rubber itoixK IJUJ-
1101-llUlJ llnrnor Street. 1310 Hartley tjtrnn.
Oinaua Coal , Colic & Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr .u.ilTanltcJ Iron cor-
LIMK CO. . hard nnd toft iilco , window caps , tno-
ooal , H K. our. 10th nail tnllc skrllKliI" . utc-.UJd
Duuttlna btruot. anil 131U DmluoMreet.
11. E. Smith& Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry
coais ; ) co.
Dry Roods , notions , fur- Notions , Konts' furnUh-
rtthlnn gooda , corner ln iruoils , cur. HtU auu
11 tli uud Howard M . lluraojr Streets.
OraahaUpliolstcring IMee & Runyan
Upholstered furniture , fUHNlTUUE COMPANY
11U'M10 < Nlfholaa Bt.
Wholtaulo oulr. ana I31U Str
and disabled by the Alexandria is now be-
"loved to bo a hoax. The story was told by
j. T. Barrett of Kick island , who came
down on the City ot Topoka. He is the only
lersoa who seems to know atiythiup about It.
Trohblo ITIilcli NocrHHltHtca tlio I'rlntliic
or a Now Lot fit Tickotn.
CHICAGO , July 19. Owing to the fact' that
t has been discovered that sovcrul thou
sand single admission newspaper passes to
the World's fair huvo boon stolen , the man
agement this morning canceled all thcso
lasses and will Ret out n new lot , to bo ex
changed for old ones , properly signed , as
fast as possiole. It is not believed
: nany persons secured admission on them till
fraud was discovered. A number of tlioso
presenting stolen passes have boon arrested ,
nnd an effort will bo tnado to make them toll
the names of the persons from whom they
wore secured.
The weathnr continues all that could ba
dcsirod by the World's fair cloudy and cool ,
with n comforting broo o from the lako.
The Brazilian building , ono of the hand
somest of tlio foreign structures on the
ground ] , was dedicated today. Tomorrow
Sweden will hold n celebration on tlio
_ rounds , in which the Swedish sitmlng
societies of all Hurts of the country will talco
part , accompanied In , the panido by some
Jlfty Swedish civil und military organizations
of Chicago and ether cities.
At the meeting of the national World's '
fair commission this morning Turnbull of
Florida said ho had discovered in the Ag
ricultural building n Binolto stack which
passed through tha roof in contact with
the wood work which was so hot ho could
scarcely bold his hand on It. The building
was in imminent danur of destruction by
firo. The clerk was instructed to notify tire
director general at onco. A commUtco was
subsequently appointed to present the case
to the director general.
KOllTll ANIt liOUIll
Government SurvcjoraVlll Sotm Shirt
Over Hie l'rcin | oil Itotitn.
ST. PAW. , July 19. A government survey
ing party will leave Jamestown , N. D. , soon
on a preliminary survey of n r.iilroad route
to the Gulf of Mexico. United States En
gineer Gcorgo Hawkins will have charge of
the party , which will consist of live persons ,
The vouto , as far as can bo learned , is di
rectly south from Jamestown , which will bo
thu northern tormmus , through Nebraska ,
Kansas , and down to the nouthorn terminus ,
not yet decided upon. The outcome remains
to bo seen. _
I'tilillo iiminlly. ;
The balloon ascension and parachute jump
at Courtlund beach affords entertainment
for thousands of pcoplo besides those who
uro within the gates at thu scene of the as
Nightly , about 8 o'clock , crowds consrc-
{ ate on J.ho High School grounds anil tbo
hills all about Omaha , whllo a largo number
of tlioso out riding drive up to the north
Dart of the city to catch a gllmpso of the
balloon and parachute , Stnlley's lookout on
Sherman nvonuo usually contains quito a
number In carriages , und many moro
dnvo onto the Ames avenue bridge.
H in ono of the fuw balloon
ascensions which have been advortlHod in
Ornalm that is not a "fako , " and nn enter
tainment enjoyed by many , and especially so
by tlioso who are at the beuch and watch it
from thu titno the process of inllaliou begun
until the "Hash" takes pluco anil the return
pf the balloon to earth.
Auttrullnn Hullot In
JACKSONVILLE , Flu. , July 10 , The Austral
ian ballot system was triad for the first time
In tlil ' state In the municipal election hero
yesterday , U worked latUfactorily to all
Union Stock Yards -Company ,
South Ornaha ,
flcstCattlo IIo nnrtSliJDD murkal la t"i9 wait.
Wood Brothars.
Uvo Stock Cotnmlsilon Morahuntt
? o'itli Orualia Toloplioiio 1157.
JOHN I ) . IAIH\A.N , I . , . _ . ,
\VAiynu : u. WOOD. rUftnil „ arr .
JIarkot reports by mull nnd wire cheerfully
furnished upon application.
They Do Not Stick.
A Jeweler writes : *
"The 17-jcwcl Ducbcr j
Ilninptlen watches do
not click in the center ,
tis i5-jewcl watchcB,1 }
What is meant by (
i watch sticking in the
RUBY JEWELED ijccntcr ? Why tlon't f j
ADJUSTED " u } /jewel Dtiehcr-IInmp'
WATCHES den watches stick in
the center ? Ask your
denier , J
If your clonlcr iloox not fccpnonr wntolioj , mull
nsyunrnddri'BH und uu vvlll'Konil yon tlm immo
of it dealer who Uooo. Tui : Uututii WATCH
parties. The straight-out democratic tickoi
was elected ,
Sun l''rnncltc Orc'C'N tlio Vlco 1'rmlilenl
V ry Ull'imlvuly ,
SANFIIANCISCO , July 19. Vlco Prcaldcni
Stevenson and his party arrived hero this
morning on n steamer from San Huls Oblspoi
Governor Markhnin , city ofilcluls an4
prominent citizens met the stoamot >
ut thu entrance to the harbor and
a lleot of vessels , escorted thf
steamer down the buy , A salute wns fired
nt the I'rcsidlo and Alcatrnz. After landing
the vioo president was escorted to the
hotel by a troop of regular cavalry and
regiment of thu stnto inllltla. The publiq
reception will bo hold this evening , at whlcn
the vlco president will be presc'itoa th6
freedom of thu city ,
Jim Ix > o , who was charKed with ftrsni\
apceny , yesterday morning pleaded guilty to
petit luiviiiiy , and was lined ( IK ) mid costs ,
The case of tha Htato against DaiiO. Dallo.v ,
the constable who is charged with the om >
bczzlement of f-VJ colloutud by him in lib
ottlclul capacity , was continued until July 27 ,
It. U. Jones , charged with passing a for oJ
chock on Major Krb , of the Hotel Moroor ,
had lila preliminary examination and was
hold to the district court In the sum of (700.
Ilurko. the man who was so savatfoly as
saulted by "Itoxy" Itoblnson for consorting
with the lutter's inletreits.was ruleaiiud from
custody on his own rocoKnUinco , to appear
and prosecute when the case is culled for
The case ofL/U Goldsmith , tlio Third
ward bartender who was so previous with
his KUII a faw nltlits ; ugo , waa continued
until August 1 , by which tlmo it Is oxpoctuJ
the victim of tha shooting will be able to
leave the hospital und tell hU story in
Sergeant Stewart Is devoting most of his
tlmo to inducing the squatters on the south ,
bottom * to niovu from their present places
of abode. Ho has been successful in u num
ber of Instances , but the majority of thesa
non-poylntf tenants aru in no hurry about U
and seem to bu wulllnij for further action 6 tf
the part ot tU councilor Board of Health , j