THE OMAHA DAILY UEEs TUKSDAY. .Ilfr.Y 1 * 1SIW. 8PEG1RL NOT10E8. ADVERTISEMENTS rOH THKSB COLUMNS will botsKf-n until 13130p.m. for tlienrctilnf iid until 8.30 p. ra. for the momlnr And Sunday edition * , AdTertliw'r * , t > y mjneBltnc & numb > r < > d check can hnvo thnlr unuwcra addressed to n numborfa Jotter In com of Tns Inr , Answer * BO addrpRied ttlll bo delivered upon prostitution of the chock. WANTED MALE HELP. RatM.lKonword first Innertton.loA word there- alter. Nollilnr taken for IM S than 2Bo. " -WANTED. ALL "ffnCMOOnAPHRIlS. BOOK ; kccppm , ( wlnnmcn , pharmacists , clcrttn of Ml Vlnks , mnln or female , out of employment In Iowa. Nebraska , or Wromliur to send ui ( their nnmcsnnd addrcea. W can bo of M-rvlce to you In nldlnr you to necuro portions. Western BUM- BCBB Aitency , 310 N. T. Ufo Dldr. 348 ly2U B-IF YOU WANT A OOOD PAYING JOB WHITE tlio Hnwkii Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. M8 T R 3 I } GENTLEMEN OF GOOD CHAIIACTKU TO -Dreprviuml our buitlnosiInnunuicu men pro- ferrudj 417 Bee bulldln * . JjL8:1.I : _ l.8ALK8MEinrO Br.Lb BAKING POWDER. J > Wo put our Roods In Olnns Rolling Pins. ( tCO.Od month nnd pjprnoeo , or commlnnlon. Chi- nniro Haklnif PowderCo.,707 Van UurcnMruol , Chi cago. M OG8-A 7 * 71-IIAKKRl A OOOD IHIEAD AND CAKB J'baker ; RteRdy employment ; Btato wases wanted year round ; nationality and rcfcrcnco. Address box ( inn , Yankton , S. I ) . 170 20' B -WANTED , 1JUUO CLKHK. 1' . O. BOX fit 8. B-OFFICE MAN WANTED. nY WHOLESALE hnnno : Ural-class onion mam must wrlto iroqd tmml mid bo rnplil and nucuratn at tlgurca. Steady pniployiniitil nnd ifooit poslUon to proper parly , ArtilroHB. 1.41,1100. UUO 10' B WANTED. A GOOD IlUTCHEIt THAT UN- ilOrHlniKln tlio bimlnPBB ! will pay good wages. Hcncol MlBko , Onl , NcbrniUn M270 21 1-A GOOD SHOKMAKKll WANTED FOH OLD B nnd now work. II , II. Todl , Falrbury , Nob. B-FI11ST-CLAS3 11UEAD AND CAKK BAKER ; irooil vrngcR tor tha rlglit man. Addrcnn Chlcnro Bakery , 1'orry In. MUOUIB * WANTED HEliP. naton. IMq n word first Insertion , lo n , word there- after. Nothing taken for ICSR than 'J5o. /T-WANTKD , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. VJKncloRti Htmnpod envelope. Klla Worst. See , Soulh llend , Ind. 430 O-WANTKI ) , LADIES OR YOUNQ MEN TO Vviaho llKlit , pleaHnnt work nt thflr own liomosi to fTl.OO per day can bo quietly made ! work went by mail : no winvasslnp. For particulars nd- ilrrBB Olobo Mfe. Co. , Box 6331 , Boston. Mass. EB- UbllBlind 1B80. 213JU ) y 10 n-WANTKD , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. \ - > EiicloHO stamped envelope. Verna Liiiiidon , South llond , Ind. M077 Jy20 - FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. W. F. l Stootzol , 12aLS. UUtli , between 1'oppletou and Woolworlli avo. SOS /-1-LADIES OF OOOD ADDRF.SS TO INTRODUCE v otir buBliioas ainonff friends. $73.00 to $100.00 ealury to right parties ; 417 Boo bulldlnt ; . M83U /1-WANTED , LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , WE T V will pay yon f 5 lo $12 per week , to work for us nt your lionifH ! no caiivaflBliiir ; Btrlctly homo work ; Hnnd Heif-nddreB od envelope. O. F. Kmmona It Co. , cor. Batteryinnreh and Water Streets. . Boston , Maim. 210 1 C-YOUNG LADY TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE work. L4B , Bee. M200 22 * n-WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAlTVlOUSE- l work. at 1810 California Blreut. M232 18 n WANTED , EXPERIENCED NURSE GIRL Onbout 18 ycnrsold. Apply Mr . Harry McCgr mlok , 202 No. 18lh st. 203 10 n-WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE , ( % _ _ VJwork , small family. 1823 Corby Btreet. n-WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU9E- V- > work , four In family , good homo for right ono. AddreaB , Ilex 17U , Mnlvom , Iowa. M304 33 * C WANTED. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work for a family In the oountry without chil dren. Mall addroBB , Greenwood , Neb. , Ilex 33. FOR RENT HOUSES. RntcB , lOo n line each Insertion , Sl.r.O a line per month , nothing taken for leas than 20e. - RENT , HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF D the city. Thu O. F. Davis company , lt.05 i'arnam. 4 > 40 D 1-3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. VON DORN block , wllhetoaniireferciicca required j810B22d. TV-8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CONVENIENT .Utor buBlnesB or wholesale men. Apply 1119 South 10th Blroet. 442 t-7-ROOM COTTAGE TO RENT. CONVENIENT D for U. P. railroad men. Inquire 1112 B. 10th | - -FOR RENT" , NO. 212 N. 17TU. 14 ROOMS JLJlwo floors furnished , near new poslomco alto. See Gco. 3. Vex , 1218 Hartley struct. M070 Jy 27 D-DELIOHTFUL UOME.EIGUT-ROOM HOUSE , modern conveniences , barn , beautiful Inwn , natural ahndo U-OC-H , $35 per mo. Inquire 2003 Ploroo St. 884. D TWO EAST FRONT 7-ROOM COTTAOES. nil modern and In excellent repair , half a block from car lino. Will rent together to desirable ten ants very cheap. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Faniam , MU1B D-FOR RENT , 9-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IM provnmeiilB , Ilvo minutes walk to the post ofllco. O. F. Davla Co. , 1605 Farnam street. 100 10 .D I- FOR RENT , COTTAOE OF SIX ROOMS WIT1- . modern conveniences , only three blocks south of court house ; possession Autrnat 1. Inquire at U42 S. 17th at. T. J. Fltzinorrls. 232 D-FOR RENT ELEGANT HARD WOOD FIN Ishod and handsomely dpcornlert cloven-room houBe , line bam and InrfO Krounds In tlrat class locality. $55,00 per month to acceptable tenant. Address L 42 , M201 22' T\-FOR RENT. 2-STORY HOUSE. 3210 CAS3 .1'street ; nret-cluss condition ; moJnni Improvements - monts ; range , hot and cold water , balhs , etc. ; fine location. E. A. Northup , Tax department D. It M Ry. M253 22' D-FLATS OF H ROOMS. EACH IN OOOD RE pair ; Llnlon block , 2d floor , $20.00 per tnonlli Onu frame houuu of 8 rooms , uowly papered , li K od rup.ilr , comer of Jackson nnd llth at. , $20.OC per month , John Hamlln , 017 Lliiton block.M233 M233 _ D I-FOR RENT-3 , 4 AND 0 ROOMS. 031 S. 17TH Street. ; Uutween Jackson mid Ixjvemvorth. 202-23 FOR RENT FURNISHED BOOMS RntoB , Ih'o a word llrst Insertion , lea word there after. Notlitne taken for less than -.Ic. lifguntluiuviMuoduru convcnlcnccH , 320 North 23d , M 730 -FURNISHED ROOMS. 1017 AND 1023 CAFI- tolauntie. . M073 A7 * E-FURNISHED ROOM 1418 DODGE , 201 24 * E-ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD , 2808 Douglas. 1110 17 * I7-FOR RENT , A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM \ifor gi'iitlcmnn. ' IHUDodgost. 288 10 * -LARGE SOUTH ROOM , NICELY FUR- nlsliod , $3 00 month. 004 8.17tb. M800 30 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Rates , Ikon won ! llrsl Insertion , Ion wort there after. Notliliijr taken for luos than 25c. Tj'-THE DOLAN , 20D AND UU N. 18TH ST. 440 1-N10K ROOMS WITH HOARD AT 107 S. 17TU. r M4111 Jy23' _ _ I.F 17 YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARM OF A Womun's Chrlnll.m iwMoolnUou , 111 S. 17lh st. 480 _ IiHOMK TAI1LB RATia , MODERATE , 1034 Farnam BtrmiU 657 Jy 20 * -FURNI31IEI ) OH UNFURNI8HBD ROOMS 1 and board at The Frcnier , UU N , 25th street. M2uo ai * _ 1-NICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD at the Wobslt-r. Sill nnd 518 N. lOtli Bt. 223 21. I ? NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS AND cowl Hoard. fi''ON. llUh slrcct. M201 20 * l > NEW FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR 1 wllhmit lioanl , for rent. Honso und all rlrst- slttm. iai7 Jui'liton biroot. M2P9 10- FOR Rb'NT UMFURNIBH'DROOMS llatOH. IHen wontnrntln4crtlonloa word there- > fl r. Nollilny taken for Inns thun 25o. . _ .Km , 4 NIOH UNFURNISHED ROOMS UsultaWn for houboki < ipliu ? . city water , ipw. oto. Low rent. Northwest corner 17th tmil Wobetor 81 it'eta. 608 G-2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING , , 10.00. 1B14 Dovi-nport. M207 16 * JOR BENT STORES AND OFf ICES natm , lOo a Him each Insertion. (1.80 a line per month. Nothing taken for lea * than 25o. V-FOR RENT. STORE ON 8. 18lh ST. . LANGB * block , suttablo for meal market , haruwftra or dry foodij Btoro lugnlro 000 8. IslU * t 451 J-FOR RENT , TUB 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 010 Farnam at The bulldlnc baa a fireproof , oo- meut baHemant , oouipleta twain heatlnf fixtures , water on all tha Boors , i aa , etc. Apply at the omca otThoUov 010 AGENTS WANTED. I Rates , Ipo a Uuo each Insertion. 1.M a llmi par niontlL Nolhlat taken tor leaa than iSo. I-AOK.NTS EITHER SEX WANTKD TO BELI , f our new UclUo cieaucr. urevt and cake Unlvo * aud * other uuw unlclaj. Easy sailor * . bUr proflta , - - - - -o Kwuaicity.Mo. AGENTS WANTED. Continued. T-THB ABO INVESTMENT BONDS PAY ( AOO.OO In from ono lo ttro yoaru. Buy one , ffi.OOcaah nnd tl.OO K month nfterwnrdB until paid. Bout pnylnc InTMtmrnt extant. A rustllnr a nnt wanted In nvnry Wwn and county. For full partlculare apply to The American Bond company , .30 and 831 Paxton block. Omaha. M387 ) y22 * WANTED-TO RENT. Rafts , IMe a wonlQrst InsertionIon wonllhero- atKr. Nothing tokpn for le B than 25e. K-A GENTLEMAN DESIRES A COMrORTAIlLY furnlfihod room In a prlvnlo family ! refcrrnces. AddrcflA L 37 , Il > o office. ' . ( ) is * K-A GENTLEMAN WANTS NICE SOUTH view room with or without board. Pre ferably In private family and Boparulo house PrUllpffe to keep doff In yard. Address L 00 , Bee M205 18 * RENTAL AGENCIES. Raton , 1 Don line each Insertion. $1.50 n line per monlh. Nolhlnj taken for less than 25c. T-BERRY k CO. , RENTS ; 717 N. Y. LIFE. 370 STORAGE. Rates , 1 0on line p.ich Insortlon. $1.80 a line per month. Nolhln ? taken for less than 25c. 403 M STORAGE JOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 451 WANTED TO BUY. Rales , Ikon word first Insertion , le a word there after. Nothlnc taken for lens than 25c , XT CASH FOR FURNITURE HolTsEHOLD -L i rooda , rlo. , or will sell for owner In our auction Bales. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 454 N-LUMBER YARD , DOING OOOD BUSINESS IN mood toxvn In eastern Nebraska. Brown & Boltou , 11U South lyth St. , Lincoln.Nob. M845 18 * JFOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , Sl.BO a line per month. Notlilnir taken for less than 2Cc P-ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL FROM THE city I will Boll for cash or on tlmo , or trade , n flue Blx-ycnr-old horse , harnosn , bucny nnd iloublo seated carriage ; nil In A 1 condition ; home can bo used for biiffgy or carriage. Addreaa L 33. Beo. 227 17 p-FOR SALE , DARK GRAY NORMAN HORSE , X seventeen hands high , six years old , Bound and Bontlo , and deliverwngon , nearly new. 110 S. 28th street. 200 23 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rntcn , lUc n word llrat insertion. Ion word there after. Nothin ; taffon for less than 25c. Q-NO. 1 SPRING FRAME RAMBLER BICYCLE , cushion lire , nearly now. Very cheap. Ad dress K 0. Hoe. M3BO Jy 21 Q r-PUG PUPPIES. ROOM 30. BARKER BLOCK. M70d A'J Q -FOR SALE. ONE 80-QUART ICE CREAM freezer , flalduff. M'210 21 Q-FURNITURE AND FIXTURES OF A 10- room boardlntr lioum ) , first elaaa , house full of good paying boarders , best location In oily , cheap rent ; reason for sclllne. Ill health ; everything In good running order. Address L 62 , Boo.M281 M281 20' Q 1-1 SET TINNERS TOOLS CHEAP. NOW DOIng - Ing business In Omnha. Address L nil. Bee. S80 ! 18 * Q-ONE LARGE HALL'S FIREPROOF SAFE ; coat $240.00 , will take $100.00 cash. J. O Morrlasey , Lincoln , Neb. M301 18 * CLAIRVOYANTS Ratea , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per monlh. Nothing taken for ICBB than 2Co. ; MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , Jrellablo business medium15lh year at 110 N.lOtU 487 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. RatcB , IHo a word first Insortlon. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 2Co. 'P MADAME SMITH , C02 S. 13TH , 2ND FLOOR , X Room 3. Mansaffc , vapor , alcohol , btraui.Bnlphur- Ino and bea baths. m277 22 rT MME. CARSON. 1121 DOUGLAS STREET. 3D -L floor , room 7 , , alcohol , sulpliur and ao.l baths. M201 21- . MACK OF CHICAGO OWES BATHS. .magnetic. inaBsago treatment. 110 North Ifilh St. , accoud lloor. room I. 160 18 STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALER , 20S M127 A0 PERSONAL. Rates. Iko a word Oral Insertion , lo a word there- tor. Nothing taken for loaa than 25o. TT WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- I' ' tlfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con taining many photo-ciuravlna of handsome women nnd gallant men who wish to wed. Brown Publishing Co. , Temple : ourt , Toledo , O. M711-31' ' U-WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfully Illustrated marrlao Journal. Browr Pub. Co. , Toledo , O , M800 uB TT-A GENTLEMAN DESIRES LADY FRIEND U Object pleantiro. Address LSI , Deo. 21717 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE , W-LOANS. G. O. WALLACE , 312 BROWN BLK 472 TIT LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED V elty property. $3,000 and upwards. B to 0 > $ po cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnan 40jJ _ W 1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND PARS ; mortgages. Reed & Solby , 344 Board of Trade 4U7 W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE WT The O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnnin street. 4UO T FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS low rates. Alex Moore , 401 Dee bids. 474 W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATUSO : Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , to 5 years Fldo.lty Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 4U2 7-LOANS , J. W. SQUIRE. 248 BKEBLDO. ' 473 \ VNTUONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y , t Life , lends nt low rato.-t for choice security ou Ncbraskn and lawn farms or Omaha city property. 470 CENTRAL LOAN A TRUST CO. , HEEBLDO. 40.1 TV WANTED. TO I1UY B PER CENT NOTES SEcured - > < cured by mortgages Omaha city or Douglas Co. property. Reed It Selby , 335 Hoard of Trade 407 \\r-I HAVE $1,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED IT first mortgage farm land or elty property , Nothing but the beat security will b considered. Address full particulars to L 10 , lleo office. 112 21 * _ _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , Ik'a n word first Insertion , Icn word there after. Nothing- taken for leas than 25o. X -CALL AT THB OFFICE OF ; OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 5 INCORPORTED. 'IF YOUWANT'MONEY , ' You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO3 , HORSES , WAGONS AND OARRIAOES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend you any nmouut from 10.00 lo $1,000.00. ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wish , and ut any tlmo. and each payment so made will reduce the coat of tbo loon. Remember that you lievo tbo USD of both tbo property und the money , and pay for It only aa Ion * asvoulci-enlt. Tlmro will bo no expense or chareo kept out of the amount wanted , bill you will receive the full amount of the loan. Hofore borrowing elsewhere call nnd BOO us and you will Und It uroatly to your advantage. OM UIA MORTGAGE LOAN COL , ilkl SOUTH 10TH STREHT , llrst Door above the struct. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 x- DO YOU WANT MONEY ! THU FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 WITHNELL ULOOK. 310H SOUTH IJTII CORNER HARNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY SUM \ LARQB \ OR \ SMALL ' WIOM \ TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ HP. WE MAKK LOANS ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PERSONAL - SONAL PKOPKRTY OF ANY KIND OUR TERMS WTLlTMERITYOUR APPHOYAL. You can pay the money book ut any time and In any atuouut you wish , and thus reduce tha cost of carryini the loan In proportion to amount you pay. li YOU owe a balance ou your furniture or other peraoual properly of any kind we will pay It oft for you and carry It as louz as you desire. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIMH YOU MAKE APPLICATION , No publicity or roDioval of property , no that you tel the UM of both money und property. 4id -WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- curtly j atrlotly oonUdenttal A. E. Harris , room 1 COullmujUil block 47H BUSINESS OHANOES. Rate * , lOo a line caoh In nlon , 9t..tO a Una iwr month. Nothlnr taken for less thnn 2.10 , TO m elmnco n biiMno n , ronl rntoto or land * ? Do you want uddlltonal captlal In your biKlnnnil If o neo u % WB can help you. Call or wrlto for our bulletin. Offices In alt principal cltlev Woitnrn Business Agency , 310 N. V. Llfo BUU. 34S JyM ! T BUSINESS OP'NINGS,8743HENANDOAHIA. v -rwit RENT. A SMALT. WATER MILL. AD- -L drrsB box 83 , Lincoln , Nob. 621 V-FOR SALE. BARBER SHOP AND BATH JL room , located In the buMiifii part of city and nxcellenl bushies * . For particulars address , K 37 , Boo. 13114 JO * Y-FOR SALE , WHOLESALE TOY AND FANOY BoodB business : best tradn In city. Addivsn L BB.Ik-o. 101 23 * V FOR SALE OR TRADE , FIRST-CLASS DRUG I store , centrally located , good cash business. C. W.'I ' , , P , O. Box 013. M 02 " " "GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORK FOR cnnh In a country town ; best In Nebraska ; bu- twnMi Omaha nnd Lincoln ) chimp rent ; dolnir a ltiBlno i of $40,000.1)0 ) per year ; ntook can lw n > - itiipnllo 8-4,000.00 ; 111 hoallh cntisu. Address P. O , Box laa. Wnhoo , Nob. M207 10 * V-AN EXCLUSIVE SHOE BUSINESS ; CLEAN 1 Block ; geed location ; cash or Hinall nnionnt ot clear land. Particulars , box 1210 , Lincoln. Neb. 2JO 18 * Y-FOR SALE. HALF INTEREST IN A FIRST class CO-bbl. capacity roller flour mill , auto matic riiKlno. Locnted In best wheat dlxtrldl In Nebraska. A bargain to the rlffht poreon. Addmsii L-lo , Boo. Mi ! 17 13 Y-WANTED A PARTY WITH * 2liO.H ( ) TO JOIN 1 molnalartli ; a bl ? paylnf nnd pralllablo busl- IICBB. Addrena L BO , Hoo. Mni,1 1H * FOR Rates , 1 Oon line each Insertion , $1..10 a line per month , Xothlnu taken for lest thnn 2'c. y-J25,000 WORTli OF CLEAR"LAND TO EX- /-Jchango for morchandlao. 212 McCague bldcr , MOU Z-I HAVE $2,300.00 EQUITY IN 100 ACRES 00 miles from Omaha : alio 320 acres In Mis- nourl , nil clear. Will neil or cxoh.inzo for stock KiMion.l merahandlHe , boots and BhouB , horses or cattlu. J , It. , 4004 Loavcnworth street Omnha. MU35 27 * _ _ y-A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. f-ivtn\ take real cslatoand - money Box2U5 , Fnink- fort , Ind. 481 Z-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NKKRASKA , KANSAS and Dakota. Will Boll ohniip or o.tchaiiTO for mdnc.horacs and entile. 7UFrankfort , 1ml. JSI _ Z-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OR PARTNER wnnloil , of a 40-bnrrel slcum flour mill , roller process , In a ( rood location , irootl custom trndo. Also for ale or etxchnriR-o n Bloam plant ot 2H- horse po\ver , irood condition , Inqulru of Stanton Roller Mills , Stanlon , Nub. 218 2B V ABOUT $7,000 WORTH OF STAPLE OEN- /-Jeral mcrchandlso for one-lhlrd cash or secured notes , balance Omaha city property or eood farm. J. U. Haddock , Fnlrbury , Nob. I.12SO r/-l WILL TRADE GOOD NEBRASKA LANDS f-i for block of merchandise. Wrlto mo L 61 , lleo. M1S(1 ! ( 18 * V WANTED , GOOD IOWA STOCK FARM. WILL "put In as part pnymoiit 2,400 ncrea of chcnp land In weBtorn Neurnakn. Addreaa HIckH Real Estnto Agency , 305 N. Y. Llfo bide. , Omaha , Neb. 287 21 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. Rales , 1 Oca line each Innorllon , Sl.ftO a line per month , Nothing taken for loss than 23c. T > ARGAINS-HOUSES. XyOTS AND FARMS. SALE JJor trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker blk. 100A13 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND GET -I rich. We offer for quick Bale 10 choice lltllo plnnta- tlona of ton acrea o.ich. ut Mlllard , only $100 per Here. You can live there nncKwork or ilo busi ness In Omnhn. Host thlnff over offered. Call early If you would secure ono of these elegant pieces of land itny ono ot which will jiroduco n llvln ? for yourself and family. Bosrcs A Hill , 1403 Fnrnain at. 603 ] y 2U TJUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest and best lots tn OMAHA. Special price nnd torma to HOME BUILDERS. Stoopel Place lota will always ndvnnco In prlco , for the city must grow Call on or nd- drosa W. A. Wobslcr. 402 Reo bids. M577 T7OR SALE. A GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM A of 40S acres In Harrison counly , Iowa , on very reasonable terms. Address L. II. Raymond , Ma- nolla , la. iIS42 A3 * WHY PAY RENT , WHEN YOU CAN BUY A 33 foot east front lot on Vlnrlnln avenue , In the flneat residence portion of the city nt much leas than Its value , and turn In your outside $800 or $000 lot as part payment. This la an offer seldom made on suoh desirable property. Now la the tlmo to buy a place for a home , and this \a the property. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam street. 104-23 aui'eM tu iiiuiur. wwnur KUIIIK inso uuauiesa. . tviii Bell very cheap for ca h. Al o lot Hauscom Plaoo. Big bargain for cash. Addrosa i. . F. , P. O. Box 381) . M145. BARGAIN , SIX ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH front half lot Hurt between 18 and 10. W1U consider any reasonable offer , half euHh , terms to suit on balance. W. N. Naaon , Room 111 llo.trd of Trade. MOUO 22 FOR SALE , CHEAP ; HOUSE AND LOT NO. 2714 Rubles at. , Omaha ; dep.lrablo n-room house , blK lot , for $1,500 ; one-third cuuli If taken ut onco. Address Day & Hesa , Council BlutlR. 171 10 SAVE MONEY : DO IT NOW ! THE SAFEST WAY la to buy n 8100 lot that Is rhjht In town , has two motor lines , Is on grade , han all Improvements , perfect title , abstract with every lot , IB not way out In Btiburbs nor down on tlio bottoms. Flrat pay ment Is $20 , Then $10 a month-no Interest UU $100 Is paid. Como and see yourself what this property la , what thu neighborhood Is , what GOOD HOUSES are already built on the eround and now oncabclnir built. This Is n eoocl chance for you to got a. atart In acquiring a homo. You cannot help but do well. It IB the best property today In Omaha and the cheapest. AMES REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1U17 FARNAM , 105 17 Opp. N. Y. Life. A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT. Do you want thb hamlDomcht cottaco homo In Omaha ? Then let us show you the only one wo have left In Avondale park , Just comnl t d , if rooms , elcclrlo llnht. funmco , bath , ccmcnlet ! cellar , I'loctrlc bolls , Hpoaklnir tubes , oiled floors , elegantly papeixHl.mantel , tc , worth $3,000 , nnd fo : sain nt .Kf.HOO.OO. You can BC/O H livonlnxs. No. 2731 WpbHlur at , Wo nru offered # : )0.00 ) per month fo ; this outlaid If wo would rent It , mxirly 10 per eoni on the price which wo ask. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1702 Fiiruain streol. loi-23 : WORLD'S FAIU HOTELS & BOOMS Hates. 1 Wo a word tlrat Insertion , lou woi-dthoro- nltcr. Kothlnk' taken tor less than 2C o , 1JOOMS TO RENT IN MODERN RESIDENCE , -t-VSouth Side , comer UOtli street and Rhodes avn- inio , ono block from cable cars ; in minutes ride to fair ; reference ; 7B couto per duy each parson ; speelal rates to parties of 4 or moro. Address O O , Newman , IMP 'IJUIi Btreet. Chicago. Mills 10 * SEOUJUTrES FOB BALE. Rates , IWc a word flrst Insertion , lo n word there after , Notnlnff taken for less than 'J5u. TF YOU HAVE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT SEE -L our llet ot securities. Flrttt mortraeo loans on Omaha property from $200 to $ fi,0l)0 ) for sale. A Bate and convenient Investment. Call and let us show you what wo have. Fldlllty Trust Company , IIU'J Farnam street. 177-27 M0BIO , ART" AND LANGUAGES. Rates , lee n line each Insertion , $1 no a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2Cc. GF.GELLENIIKCK.HANJOIST AND TEACHER. IttlO California alt-out. > JU SCAIiHS. Ratea , lOo a line onch Inecrtlou , Sl.r.O a line per onlh , Nolhlnir taken for lus * th.iii 25o , . Address llurden $ Sollock Co. , Lake at. , Chloajo 480 PAWNBROKERS. Rules. lOo n line inch insertion , l.oTltne par month. Nothing taken for lea than 25o. T SONNENUERU , DIAMOND HROKER , 1305 ' .Dourhm t. Loans money on dlamonds.wntches , etc. Old t-old and silver bought. Tel. 1650. 485 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , 81.50 a line per mouth. Nothing token fur lesn than 28e. p W. 11AKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. W. Jacobs , deceased , later xvllh M.O. Maul ) , under taker and embalmer , 310 S. lUlh at. TuL UOU. 483 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Rates , too a line raah Insertion , SI.60 u Una per month. Nolhluy taken for loan than 'JJo. B bYLES&nAnU.DEALERSINTYPKWRITERST All makes bousrhl , eoW , uxchancod. reiitrd. 013 N , Y , LIfo bldf. Tel. CSS 181 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion. $1.60 a line par mouth. Nothing tslcen for lend than 250. VOUNO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON 1 acquire a working knowtolto ol shorthand and Upawrtttiur at A. 0. Van Santa school ot nhort- houd , 31SN. Y. Llfo. Typewriters to relit. 4 S3 LOB ! ? , y. ; R.Moi. IWo n wont first Im'Tjtfm ' , tea wonl thoro- after. Nothlnv taken for IPM Uian aSc. 1 "tisTTA OOLO'piN"wTtl , > lo bmAM'"A. ( I * J'P. " Reward offered J.'Ei-Niivln. 211 McCneito Hid If. Jt M270 la CTRAYED OR 3TOLKNA-MARE 4 YEARS OLD. OwcIfThliiif l.OOli pounds , rtArk nhoilinil. ullvor mann and tall , lariro BCar n'tliflithlp. Rewnnl. Charles Purvey. 20th and { JnUirlo. M2U7 20 * PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitor j. Boo Building , Omaha , Nob. 4 ycnrs Examiners U. H. I1 .it. OOloo. Advlcofroo No fee until patent is obtained. Till- : UI'.AI.TV .M.VUKCT. INSTKUMKNTS placed on record July 17 , 18-J3 : WA1WANTV nKKDS. OH Allan to Mrs O Vamloburi ? , lot 7 bloc.kD. Rose Hill 3 225 5 li Newman ami Klfo , ct nl to F J Day , si ! s\v 3-14-11 8000 M K KutiKiin ami wife to Robert InU- sterlolB. block 8 , Clifton Hill. . . . 3000 J If Uelln anil wife to J I ) Carey , lots. P. Slhimly Jr'ssub illv 5 500 J P Cornish nnd wife toll U Ullison s 40 feet lots 1 and 2 In block 1 , Lincoln jiliico 1000 Jacob Ki'mils and wife to A. W Iruba- ! kur iw 30 feet , lot 10 , tilock 4 , Park Forest 400 Fidelity Trust Co to August Xlesul.lot 27 , lilonk 2 , Avondale park 1300 A Ii Graves tn O I' Ilossaek ni ! lot 7 sWIotO.WA Itcdlck nild 1 A llcnvni nnd wife to Kininn Sesso- mnti , lot 12 , block0. Clifton Hill 1SOO QUIT CLAIM I > KKI > 3. n W 1'atrlck to Mrs. M It Darn , lots 4 5 and G block 124 , Dundee 1'laco. . 20 Total amount of transfers 1C 850 RR1LWRY TIME GHRD Loaves ICIIIOAOO. BURLINGTON A Q. Arrives Omaha | Depot lUlh and Mimon Sis. Omaha Oniiiha | Dopot'lOth nnd Mason Sla. Omaha in.icnm 4.00pm 10.ID am Dead wood Express. . . . . 4.00pm 1 .fill pro Denver Express 11.30'am 4.r > lpm ) .Denver Limited. I'J.iunin ) pm . .Nobrankn Local lExecptSun ) . . 0.50 pm H.I 5 am . .Lincoln Local ( Except Sun ) Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. 'ATFrlvo' % ' Omaha lUnlon Depot 10th & Marcy Sis. . Omaba 10.30 nm I i. AtlanticExproHS 11.00 pm 4.00 pm Nebraska State LiuInxl a.f.Opm 7.10pm Nlirht Express 7.n.'i am B.OOprii World n Fnlr Llinlti-d it.llO put "Tfolnif " West Union Depot loth & Marcy Sin . .FwSsT" ll.lOpm . Lincoln , Fiilrbury Local. . . . ] 10.'J , " nm 11.10 inn . Nebraska Stale Lmllcd . ll.r.Opni -410pm . World's Fair Limited. . . . . . 4.40 pm Leaver j K. cCST."JrX"C. III Omah I Depot lUlh and Mason Sla. _ . . . . Kansas City n.iy IISpr.Mi. . . . ( i.O J pin 11.4 Spin K. C. Nlcht Exp. via p.l' . Trans. I ) . Ilium 0. IS pm . . . . . . . St. Louis 0.40 nm _ , I Afrlves Omaha lUnlon Depot lOlh AMarey SlH.I Omaha Loavcii _ . Omaha I U. P. Depot and M. rey Sts. I Omaha TuiOpml Chicago Express I 0.35 mil 11.3U1IIHI. . Chicago Express | 0.50pm Leaves I P. . E. .t MO. ' [ Arrives Omaha I Doput ISth anil Wnbator Sis. Omuli I eavcs Omnhal U. P. di'pot. 10th A Marey Sts. I Omaha Leaves 'MISSOURI'PAOIFIC. Arrives _ Omaha Depot ISth and Webster Sla. Omaha T.lOpm St. Loula Express . ' S.CO am 10.00pm St. Loula Express 4.23pm 5.20 pm rS'obrnslui Local 8.C5 nm Lnnvoa C. ST. P. , M. Ic O. ( Arrives Omahnj Depot IBth nnd Webalor Sis. I Omaha " 87BO am . .Sioux City Accommodation. . ! 9.03pm l.lfipm Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun. ) 12.40pm 6.4npm St. Piuil Limited 0.25nm R.lOpm Emerson Paaaemcer ( Ex. Sun. ) I 8.43 nm Leaves I SIOUX CITYAPACIFO. I Arrives Omaha I Depot , 10 nnd Marcy Sla. | Omaha " 7.20nm ( Sloiix City Passanifer 110.20pm . | . . . . . . . . . . Paul Exproaa 110.UUam Leaves sfoux crrr & PACIFIC I Arrives Omaha Depol. Ifith and Webster StB. I Omaha G.43pm 5.4Spm . .Chicago Limited I tl.23 am Loaves 1 OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. 1 Arrives OmahalU. P. De-pot , 10th and Marcy.I Omaha * 4ToOpmT7ir [ St.ixiiilsCannon Ball 112.33pm A PllOL'llKT WITllOUX llOSOIt. Sad Dlsnppoliitiiient of the Sinn Who Fore told tlio Wcirld'ft lrnlr Oettructlun. CHICAGO , July 17. The business of being a prophet Is not without its annoy- uncoB. Ot eourao , there is a grout deal of satisfaction in boin ? able to foretell n oyolono or a Hood tlmt Is to send 00,000 or 75,000 people to kingdom come. But there are disappointments. Sometimes there nro aggravating hituhos in the celestial economy. The winds mny refuse - fuse to cyclone , the wutora mny forgot toTllood or the expected victims mny bo too Into to moot the besom of destruc tion. That is discouraging to a consci entious prophet , a mun who wants to give the public the worth of its money. All of which is apropos of the fact that tlio fair wns not wiped out of exist ence yesterday as predicted by Rov. George D. Plunkatt. Ho did all that u reasonable mun could expect a prophet to do to have them destroyed. Ho mitdo a prophecy that an angry God would Bond a storm upon the win to City if tlio grounds were opened on Sunday. Ho cnmo all the way from Texas and had hiniHolf Interviewed by Chicago re porters In order to make a complete and llntahed job of It. IIo fixed on July 10 as the ( Into of the cclipso of Chicago's glory. Ho described the kind of weather ho had ordered for his dramatic flnulc. His total eclipse of Chicago he had arranged in order to nmkotho lesson Impressive. „ , . Ills prophecy was ithnt the day would bo beautiful until thcyappointod hour , when the storm would bVouk forth in all Its fury and that mhtiyVwould bo killed and moro injured. Prophet Pltinkotti'is < a sad and disap pointed man. Thlngsuyont wrong. The fair wasn't destroyed1 ' : It Is very dis couraging to an irVddalrioiiH prophet after laboring so fjilthfully to have a great moral truth iinpru.ssed on the minds and hearts of imiiklnd. Ho might forgive the people v lio-Vrai'ti so unkind as to neglect to be killed nt the ap pointed time , and he might find consola tion for the falluro of the buildings to bo blown into kindling wood , but tno fear that gomo thought ! ) sa people will con clude that ho made i mistake is a hur l-owing reflection. Tlio monumental prophet is unable to account for the failure of his prediction to work , but things all went wrong. It was not a smiling morning , with funning zephyrs and laughing wavelets , for in the forenoon great clouds curtained the heaven , old Thor etartod bis trip ham mer to pounding out thunder , and the celestial watar tanka sprang a leak. The afternoon , on the oth.or hand , was aa soft and bright and balmy as the prophet intended the morning to bo. lint the events of yesterday show that oven a prophut'n business has ita draw backs. MURDER IX FIRST DEGREE Papers Served oa Ryan's Slayer at the Con clusion of the luqnost , N , P , WILSON MELD AS AN ACCOMPLICE Verdict nt the Coroner' * .Inrjr Dmlrlll , Allni Wllllanii Now lrnlo IIU Cuu- frirlnn unit IMcniln Sr Miiy DIITH Totllllc * . Coroner Maul cmpanolod a Jury yesterday morning to examine Into the circumstances resulting In thn death of A. J. Kyan.and after hearing the evidence , the six men sworn to faithfully Investigate the matter nnd true deliverance make , subscribed their names to n verdict setting forth the fact that tbo do- censed came to bis death from a number of cuts nnd stabs Inlllctcd by George Dodrlll alias Williams , with malicious Intent , nnd that N. P. Wilson was nn accomplice In the murderous deed. The Jury demanded tbo presence of the murderer nt the lniiicst ] , though for what reason was not apparent , ns bo was not put upon tno stand , and In fact , could not have been compelled to testify oven If slieli n thing bad been desired. Ho was brought up from the city Jail in the patrol waicon , heavily Ironed nnd In custody of Sergeant Whnlen and n couple of patrolmen. Ho was very nervous , and his uneasiness was not nt nil relieved by the s.tvugo glances cast l.pon him by the friends of tno ilcad man nor the remarks that occasionally drifted to bis cars before tbo bearing was begun , The coro- nor's rooms were crowded to their fullest capacity by tbo curious ones who wanted to get a view of the murderer oven more than they cared to hoar the story of the killing , which was already pretty well known. Dr. Charles Itosowater was the first wit ness. Ho testified as to tbo results of the postmortem , which hoconductcd on tbo body of tbo murdered man. He technically de scribed tbo location nnd nature of each of the cuts , und said that either of two of them would have been sullleient to produce death. One was on Uu > side of the neck , nnd had severed tbo jugular vein , and the other was on tlio lett side nnd had penetrated the heart to the depth of half an inch. A num ber of ugly cashes were found across the chest , but they were not deep , and were not of a character to bo ordinarily fatal. May Nelson , an inuiato of the house of ill- fume wboro the trouble originated , throw very little light on the ease , as all of im portance that she know was that the two men had a quarrel In the house a short time before tbo killing was done. Mny Unvls Tcstlllos. May Davis , another Inmnto of the place and the woman whoso lleklo favors are al i leged to bavo furnished the inspiration for the terrible deea , testified that tbo trouble beg.iii when she called Ryan out Into the hall to got him to change a bill in order that she might make change for ono of the party , as all were "chipping in" to "buy the beer. " A misunderstanding nroso as to the correctness of the change , but it was ad justed without any particular difficulty. Dodrlll was unwilling to let it rest , nnd remarked - marked to her , "You needn't got too llossy about it. I believe you are looking for trouble. " Witness assured him that sbo was not , and some words followed , -which re sulted in Hyan taking her part and adminis tering n short but vigorous castigation to Dodrlll. Almost immediately thereafter Dodnlland his friends , Wilson nnd Ford , passed out of the house , Dodrill remarking as ho went out of the door , "I'll ' lay for that and got him yet. " Possibly ten minutes later Ryan and Dwyer went out , and just after that the killing was done. Story of tha Kyo Wltnf > * KCt. ! The three remaining witnesses , Dwyer , Wilson and Ford , were all eye witnesses of tbo tragedy , anj the only ones , aside from tbo murderer himself. Dwyer said that as ho and Hyan passed down the street they cnmo upon the other three , and that the latter opened up to lot them pass , two step ping out to ono side of the walk and ono on tbo other. As they started to pass through they were assaulted , Dodrill tackling Ryan and Wilson clinching him. He and Wilson fell from the walk nnd rolled over a stump and into the weeds , nnd ho was kept so busy himself that ho paid little attention to how the other pair were getting along. Almost before ho realized the stabbing was done and the three assailants bad taken to their heels. Wilson agreed with this story in the mnln. JIo claimed to have heard some ono say something about separating them and ho seized , the nearest to him , who proved to be Dwyer , and rolled into the weeds out of sight. When ho emerged ho again heard some one say something about getting out of there and without knowing any ono had been killed the trio fled , going to the n. &M. freight hou o where they washed them selves , and then went homo and to bed. Ford claimed to have been merely nn on looker , as the other four each found an ad versary and wont at It. Ho had no one with whom to light , so ho could only stand around until his partners were ready to go on. It did not take the jury long after hearing the evidence to arrive at a verdict us given nbovo. The Jurors were G. T. Brueitor , James Btophonsoit. M. T. Kinney , C. J. Men tor , T. F. Lyon nnd W. A. Sharp. Chnrcod with Murder. At the conclusion of the hearing , Dodrill was taken back to the city Jail , where Court Officer Walker was waiting for him with a warrant , issued yesterday morning on an in formation sworn out by Chief Detective IIuzcj charging him with murder in the first de gree. The prisoner listened quietly to the reading , and was at ouco taken up to the court room , where ho was arraigned on the clmrgo of murder. Ho was not nt all com posed during tbo time tlmt Assist ant County Attorney Troup was reading tlio somewhat lengthy Information mation , nnd when it was completed and the judge asked him whether ho wanted an examination or to waive it and go direct to the district court , ho broke down and said tearfully that ho didn't know. Ho didn't ' know whether ho had an attorney or not , as ho had talked to ono but had no money and the attorney was not there. Thu court linnliy sot the hearing for tomorrow morn ing at 9 o'clock. Donletl Ills Former Conromlon. After being taken below ho talked with i. representative of Tim BEB about the crime. Ho had apparently forgotten his confession of yesterday , or at any rnto had concluded not to stand by it , for ho Insisted that the killing was done in self-defense , and , that ho had never aeon the deceased until that evening - ing , although ho had known tbo brother o ! tbo dead man for some time. Ho dcnlot ! lying in wait for Ryan , but said that \vhoi they mot on the walk uynn said to him , " 1 understand you're quite n fighter. Well , I'l. Just kill you right here. " Ho was certain that it was Ryan nnd not himself that usei the words , and said that Ryan atonco strucl him. Ho told Ryan tlmt ho did not want any more trouble , ns Ryan was u mucl larger man than ho was , but Ryan pressci after htm and kept striking him. The llrst time Ryan struck him on the walk , it wns with u bottle or something of the kind which broke across his face , cutting him h several places. His knife was In his pocket nt the time but when Ryan liopt following him ho got I out and began cutting , Ho did not Know bow many times ho struck with the knif J , but ho thought ho cut Ryan though ho could not toll how much. When Ryan ilnally de sisted and started nway , it was with the re mark that ho was going after n gun with which to kill Dodrlll , The murderer said that ho wont to the ty-olght house und washed the blood from Ins face , as ho was eut and scratched in fully twenty places , and tnen wont to his hotel nnd went to bfd , where ho wns found later by the police , Hoaaidthat his undo , Daniel A. Dodrill of Crescent Citylit. , hud been over yesterday morning to see htm , nnd had tola him that ho wns the llrst ono who hud brought thu family name Into disgrace , and ho was unde cided whether to do anything to help him or not. His uncle had money enough to do something for him If ho was so disposed , but he bud not u cent himself. Ho had about THE DENVER INVESTMENT BOND CO. PAY YOU Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof. comlntt from tlio 1J. & M. , for his work thus nr this month , hn tmvlti worncd until Sat- unlay night In the ynrds ns n srrltchtnnn. N. 1' , "Wilson was plnccd under niroU bjr Jotccllvo Tom Hayes shortly nftor 2 o'clock , When tolil nt tlio station whnl vrns wnnteil 10 collapsed coniplotoly and had to bo as- lstoJ to n coll. itr.iM > : UK TimtAtn Jnptmn rilipitrluk * < VniVnrnril nf tlio DniiBcrni * Al o M irnlml .Murphy * CHICAGO. July 17. The tlcHbornto : > ace nt which tlio coronnr is pursuing : ils Investigation nt the cold storngo llro insplrea seine to cnst about for ncapo - font on which to lay the burden of the blame. John U. Sklnnur , the president anil treasurer of the Hercules iron com pany , wns scon by n reporter mid con- = entcd to talk. Ho tltd so regardless of Coroner MuHnlo's injunction to the eon- Irary nnd divulged an heretofore untold itinso of the tragedy. "Thoro la ono side of this flro case Llmt has not yet been told , " said Mr. Skinner. "I suppose It will all como out before the coroner if the coroner keeps Ills promise that ho will go to the bottom JfthoalTalr. There was absolutely no excuse for the loss of a single life" . "The Irotnon were informed by our employes tlmt there wns lire below before they went up into the tower , and they were bogged not to go up when there was [ ) lenly of tlmo to order down such as ivero already up. Among those who warned the men , and who Is ready to testify to the fact , is Walter M. Donaldson , the olllco munacer of the business part of the storage and ice department , Ho wont Into the tower and fully informed liimsclf of thu state of the llro before the firemen arrived , lie could not have been mistaken for an outsider , cither. As soon aa the hromon arrived , ho limited up Captain Fitzpatrlek and found him with his men , seine of whom wore armed with axes , tie asked the captain to chop a hole below and turn the hose in the lower part of the tower. To theSe directions nnd entreaties Cap tain Fit/.patrlok answered : " 'Von go to ; I am running this thing. ' "Ho wns trying at the time to carry three lengths of hose up at once and was not making headway. Notwithstanding his rebut ! ' , Donaldson , appreciating the situation and the necessity for greater haste , bogged him to gut only one up. Captain Fit/patriok answered no would got three up or none. "A. J. Hranch , ono of our nion , who Is a general assistant , in the ofllco and col lector , also asked Captain Fitxpntrick to work.only at the base of the tower. The captain , for an answer , fetched him n back-handed blow with tlio back of his hand , which knocked him eight or ten feet. The firemen , according to Branch's story , had axes and everything neces sary to go to the teat of the danger had they but listened to the statements of our men , who were at that moment fully informed as to the status of the llro. "The rank and file of the firemen , or some of them , know bettor , but the bravo follows had no recourse but to obey the orders of Murphy and Fitzpatriok. ' The marshal was heard to shout to the lire- men by at least two of our people : 'Got up there , you d n cowards. ' Wo are prepared to prove it. As soon as I hoard the statement of our men right after the fire , I wont over to Mr. Iliginbotham's ollico and told him what I state hero. "Murphy is a bravo man bravo to foolhardinoss. I feel that the responsi bility for the loss of life should bo placed whore It belongs , regard loss of the very natural efforts of individuals or groups of men to escape. " Chief Murphy would not discuss the affair. A liattlo fur llltiml s Hood's Sarsapariila vigorously % ht3 , nnd It Is always victorous In expell Inp nil the foul taints nnd Kivlnp the vital fluid tlio quality and quantity nf perfect hcuUh. It cures scrofula , salt rheum , boils nnd nil other troubles caused by impure blood. Hood's Pills euro all liver ills. 2. > c. Sent by mail on receipt of prioo by C. 1. Hood & Co. , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. LUST 'flllllll KSTllUbl.lSSl , KciitucIdiiiiH No Longer Ituaily to Shout for J'Yeo CohiHfro ot Silver , WASHINGTON , July 17. Colonel Dick Wintcrsmith relates a story on his re turn from Kentucky which shows the change of sentiment on the silver ques tion in hitherto strong free coinage com munities. The Kentucky orator on the Fourth of July appealed to the enthusi asm of lib hearers by invoking a sub ject on which ho and his hearers had In tlmos past occupied a common ground the free coinage of silver. "Whatever mny bo the solution of the great question now confronting con gress , " exclaimed Mr. Wintorsmlth to his Kentucky hearers , "you and I are whore wo always stood for the free and unlimited coinage of silver. " After vainly awaiting for the applause which never came , Mr. Wlntonunith says ho turned to the chairman of the meeting with wonder , whiloxtho audi ence remained as stolid und speechless as li/ards. "It seems strange , don't It , Colonel Dick , but you see it's like this : > Wo used to bo for free silver just like 3'ou , Cur- llslo was for it then , too. Hut now Clove lund is against it and Carlisle is against it , and the fuot is wo don't know wno wo stand on. " Ol'KNINU UIJ1IK XTItll' . llverj-tlilng Will Ite Itondy for the Invading Mont Ittiforn Nnpti'inliiir 1O. GUTHKIK. Okl. , July 17. "The Choro- hoc strip will bo opened for settlement not later than September 10 In the old- fashioned raco-horoo way and the swift est riders will ot the best claims , " said Colonel Swinburn , the inspnotor , who arrived bore last night from Washing ton. Ho goes up the strip and locates the county seats in the nine now counties and tliov will bo lettered 1C , L , M , N , O , 1J , Q. H and S. The counties will contain from sixty to 1 0 Mjnaro miles each , those in the being the .largest and the county souta will be as near the center as practicable. At Washington tlio proclamation opening the country to sottlomcnt tms been written and is now awaiting the description of the html to bo incorpor ated therein and thu additional reserva tions for school purpose's , bhould any b < decided upon. The department has de cided to establish four new land olllccs for the convenience of settlers , and they will ho located at Woodnrd , near Fort Supply ; Alvu , near the Kansas line on the .Southern Kansas road ; Skeleton , 01 thu RiHilc Island road , n few miles nort of the Klngllshor county line , and at Perry or lied Kock , on the Santa Fo. Piles of people nave | ino , out DoVltt'J wituhlmzol salvo will uuro thorn. Balloon this eve , Sou Hxteiitlou to tltti Roait. ST. PAUI- , July 17. The Pacific cons extension of the See la an nounced by the company , will bo ready for trains by September 15. Arrange' monts are being perfected for the start' ing of trains bdtwcon St. Paul und Minot , N. L > . , July 'tl , und in nix months u con nection with thoCanadiun Pacific will bo completed , when trains will run from IJostoii to Vancouver. Plica of poopiu have piius , but Oawltfi Witch Hazel Balvo will uuro thorn. Amos moved to 1017 Furnam. WERE THEY WAX FIGURES ? Imitations thnt Sotno School Census Tnkors Ara Rusty in Arithmetic. PECULIAR RETURNS FROM ONE WARD Children' . ARM ItnUnl to Itrlnjr Thnm Up to the : i-Coiit folnt for tlio Knumer- utor I'roltllo I'rtiulllr , Located on Vnount I.on , The largo Increase In the school population ns shown by tliooonsus onumorntors In seine of the wards over the roturni of the census of Instyunr hni caused n suspicion tlmttomu of the nion who inado the canvas worTml too hard. The men appointed to take this eon- stis receive n remuneration of ttccuts per u nine. This is nn Incentive for quick work , us veil ns many names. The returns from the Klghih ward showed such n largo In. crease tliit n HKK reporter made a quiet In vestigation ami from the report , niaiio bv and sworn to' by .lames Allen , n number of names and ages of the pupils wore selected at rantlom. Tlio reporter visltod the resi dences assigned to these children of school KKO and explained that lib object was to cor- rcpt some mistakes mai'o ' by ttio enumerator. Ho aski-d thu ages , names nnd the munborof children lit the family between the ages of ! > and 21. 'I'ho replies were irlvon by some membiir of the family usually the mother or an older dajshtcr and It is reasonable to bollovo that they were correct. In the report to tbu Uoai-d of Kilucation from tlio KlKlith ward was found this entry : "Pnrent , O. R Saun : rosldcnco , ' . ' 001 Uum- Ing street ; children , John aKCil 10.Vlll.uin 14 , diaries l ! > , Campbell 10 , Li urn 8 " tn the house tlio report has Charles Williams IS , 1- red 1'otorson 18 , Conrad Wells ' 'O. Charle.i Thompson 18 , CliancyVolls -JO , Carl Wilson 115 , Aloroy Wells 18. . Thu reporter visited the place nbovo di-sij. [ nntea nnd found that the Saun family had removed , but fortunately , at that moment Mrs. Sauu hnppuimil nion ? and she was nslicd how many children she had that woru of school aio. "Two , Ulrdlo aged 13 , and John who Is M , " she replied. "Well , but haven't you any other children and didn't all thesis other yoiinir people llv with yout" Wlmt the 1'nrrnln Siij- . "I lived hero four months , " said the lady aft ir licariiiR the above list of nsimoa road , "and I know nothing about those othei .voting folkfi. 1 have no children named Wil liam , Charles , Campbell or L'tuni. Then are other families by tbo name of Satin in the city , but they don't live here , or in thli vicinity. " At I'-IM North Thirtieth street lives John Campbell. The report calls him Louis ami names John 17 , May tfi , Tr.ioy ti : , Frank 8 , Gertie 7. Agnes ( V There is no child hern named Afriuis and Ocrtlo is only 0 years of atfo while the next is Maggie , who is 4 yuars old. John ( ; . U.tsoy of 2SI13 Charles street Is re ported as bavin } , ' eight children. Tliov are : Phillips (5 ( , Charles 7 , Annie S , Dcniiis 10 , James IU , Thomas i-l , John 115 , Mnrintrot IS. The family s.iys Plillllps is not yet 4 yours of ago and Charles is about , r > . The namca are correctly reported by the census laker , but the ages of two ara not. M. St. .lolin , 2(119 ( Hamilton street. , is tha entry in the census book. Amelia 10 ; Alum 15. Hiildah lit , Kfllo 11. Aaron 10. 151 vo U , AliceS , Pearl (5. ( Alma and riuldah are the names of one girl , who is 1 ! > years old. Tha names of Knie nnd Aaron should bo Ethul in and Duifress 10 , while Alice is only 5 and Pearl years of ago , Frank Percy of ty2 ) North Twentv-fourtli street is accredited with ilvo chililrcn , ol whom ono is named Blnllo.tiKodO. The familj says tlmt there are only four children anil Blrdio is to them an unknown littlu cherub. James Illaton Is booked as iivina at 'J-2ia Ixard. At this number is n little red bam and the man in tha feed store Just west , ol the phico says ho knows of no ono havlni ; over lived In tlio barn and knows of no one by tlmt nauio who lives in the neighborhood , M. Uoonoy and a family of eight children are reported as residing at 2217 Californn street , but n sign , "To Kent , " stared at tin visitor when he called. Leo Pickling of mill ) Cans street is a name in the census rocbrds , out not in the city directory. The reporter found a largo vu- eaney fromSyO. ) to'J47 ! and couldn't locate Mr. Pickling ami his four children. 11.ul Arlllinititlc. At i.41 on the same atroot is recorded thn name of James H.vnerson , who is the happy father of six children r.tntliig in yearn from 0 to 10. Hern the reporter found Nelson liandbeek , who suys bis family consists ot Ills wife und two children , Chris npod 8 nnd Annie aged 7. lie was moving to another part of the city. At. Jamea Highland's , 020 North Twenty- second street , arc recorded two chililrcn by that name , and seven of other names. The others nro young men who work i'or n living nnd a-o all past school ago. Jerry C ! . Luenoy of 2025 Cuss atroot , is eroulted with six children. Among thorn are namca Joseph , aged U , and Paul , 8. Mrs. Leenoy says that Joe is 0 years old and that they have no child named Paul. No. (103 ( North Twenty-third street is reputed - puted to bo tbo homo of August Domp.scy. The lady who answered the Hummons of tlio door boll at MI said that she know of no ono by that name. Tlio house at 002 U vacant. Dcmpsoy is recorded ns having jlvo children , aged from II to 17 years. James Wiggins ro-ddcs at 1910 Cumlng street , and H accredited with Ilvo children , when ho has only four who are of school ago. At Jo.soph Blatchor's homo were found three children Instead of five , ns recorded. Six children belonging to E. E. Ilaslttns nro given a residence at 422 North Twenty- third street on the records. A visit to that place shows that n barn stands where Una number should bo , and tlio lady of the house at 421 , on the same titreot , know of no family by that name redidlng In the neighborhood. At 720 North Twenty-second street a pleasant - ant little lady denied that her name was Mrs. Albert Quthrlo , or that she bad sis children between tlio ngen of U and ID. In fact she said tlmt tncro were no children In the houso. Mr. Conant of 2021 Durt street is c-or- rcctly reported with six children , but their ages are Incorrectly if I von. At 2030 Calil well street'Mrs. IIorau'H , the census was cor rect ; also at H. Kalian's , 2038 Hamilton stroot. In looking over thu report it Is observed tlmt tbo oven numbers , (5 ( , b , 10 , 12 , 14 , 10 , 18 and 20 predominate , but occasionally ; i fam ily is credited with children of oJd num ber ages. One family has , t list of young sters aged 0 , 7 , 8 , U , 11 , 1 ! ) nnd in yoars. Jamui Allen , who canvassed this ward , has turned In ! iti7 : ii'iinoi , for which ho has received a warrant for ? loill. : Of the unmet recorded 1,811 are males and I,02i5 females , There nro 9111 males between the ages of 8 und 14 and Bill ) fomalr.t , Thuro are a good many 0-year-old children , but the majority nro between 8 ami 12 yours. When it is considered that these unmet were taken at random nnd that tbo people live la different parts of the ward , it would scorn that a complete canvass of tbu ward would reduce tbo total number of children onumnrat'jJ by tbo census taker by several hundred names , A < > < > < ! Tlihi - lor Niiininrr Coiiipliilnti Mr. J. W. Hagor , a well known merchant of Clio , Jriidcll Co. , North Carolina , ourod four cases of ( lux with ono sinull liottlu of CtmmUurlaln'n Colic , Cholera und Dlarihuu Hemedy. Tnlx Is tbo most prompt and most ruccossful remedy In use for dysentery , ( liar- lima , colic and cholera murbus. No other modleino will tnkn its place or do its work in t his elas.i of diseases. It Is equally v.Uimblo for children anil adults. ' . ' . " > nnd & 0-eont bottles tles for sale by druggists. rirnlci nt ltu < or * > I'urlt. Uuser's park saw an orderly crowd .Sun day on tlio oocatlou of the Plattditutuebo vcreon's picme , which was attended by about BIKJ of Frit7. Hauler's admirers. Games , music , dancing nnd an all around good tlmo served to while away thu after noon hours until the shades of night bogau to fall and the ni > einhlago bled themselves away to seek their homes In tbu city. Pllo.t of pcoplo have plies , out lo Wltt' Witch Hart-1 Salvo will ruro Ibom. Ualloou tonight mid tomorrow night.