Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    TTTK OMAHA DAILY 1M3E : Tl'KSDAY , JULY 18 , 1893 ,
Weitora Bwk Embirrftttraonli Commanded
Attention on 'Ohango Yoitordaj.
riotwIthlUiidlng Them U Tntopmonti
Whcnt Ctiiir < t n Fraction I.otr r far
the lnr Very I.lllte IIail *
nrn Done In HID Tit.
CntOAao. July 17.-Wlth banks lopping over
In tlio wcsl , all oilier news tod.iy went for
niuight on 'change. Tlio amount uf client on
oca.m passage ilccrcaseil 1,432,000 bu.j nnil
the visiblekUpply dccrcaitd 9,4 < J1,000 bu. . or
togi'tlitr ncirlyJ.000,000 t.u. A falling off In
Russian nlilptutnt.1 was said to bo causing In Hit Knglish markets and reports
from tlio northwestern spring wheat region
hero wa no more reassuring than before.
NuvnrlhelcM , tonight wheat Is We lower than
Batuulay'.s close. Com Is he lower and pro
visions nto considerably lower. The decreased
visible supply of vhcut , although heavy corn-
pared with the 091,000 bu. decrease on the
lmllar tfcck of last your , itlll leaves 60-
B2S.UOO bu. In tight compared with 2a,439lOO (
bu , laM year.
AtGOcIt m-ids ; about (35,000,000 to curry
the loan and with flvo banlc failures reported
todny In one western clly , and three In
another , the dimcult } ' In getting the necessary
large amount to hold wheat , told with ollcct
on the lively Imaginations of the speculative
Very little btislncrs was done In the wheat
pit , Hie bank suspenMons seeming to check
trading. The opening was about , from U to
c lower than Saturday's closing , then be
came stronger anil prices were advanced from
) i to He. ruled easier , declined from W to he ,
uKaln licciiniu stronger anil adyaticud from ! S
to Uif Irom tlio bottom. The ( Iccrunso I" Mm
visible supply was about what was expected.
Corn was weaker from the start , ruins wurp
reported In the and this , togi'thi-r with
the bearish crop report on corn Issued n Ivan-
lias , had n very weakening oiroi-l itnd Induced
freii Milling. Itecolvcr * sold freely , one con-
cein selling 2.1(1.000 ( bu. Hilppi-M ul o offered
largiMiuaiitllles. Thn ducrcasa In the visible
supply was 311imobu. , hut In Chicago there
WIN local reduction of 287,000 bu. , making the
stock of all trunk's 1,748.000 Im. asaliiRt-U lb-
l 00bli. for llio corresponding date of 18U2.
The maikul upt'iiod with a fmotional loss
and after helllmr olfc ! more , held steady un
til the car lots for tomorrow came In at 072
earn , when the mil-rings wore again Increased
and thi ) prlco hroko from ' , < to "ie more.
J.iiti-r the prlco rose a trlllo but nlthocloM )
lost fiom M : to he. Most of tintrailu In oats
came during the last half hour. 1 he fueling
was weak anil prices avf-ragi-d lower , July
declining Jjc and September Jic und closing
wi-ak at about the Insldu.
Klbs were again weak. The receipts of hogs
wcro heavy and lower. There was a number
of Millers of September ribs without anyone to
take the olTcrliigsr.wptatconsldorauly lower
prlcus than Saturday's cloilng. Clmpln & r.d-
wards. Armour fc Co. and Wright were promi
nent among ( ho rollers. Lard was weak also ,
but at * K ) for September Cudahy and 1'air- '
bank , or both together , put enough supporting
onlrrs to prevent n further ducllnu. 1'ork was
neglected by both sides. The closing prices
wern at MIIIIU recovery from the bottom of the
day's rangu but lit smart declines since Satur
day. Compared with Saturday's close , Sop-
tunihi ! ! ' poitf Is lJr- ! down , October lard 30c and
September ribs ! ( ) * .
Estimated icrulnts for tomorrow : Wheat
77 cars ; corn , 076 cars ; oats , 300 cars ; hog *
10,000 head.
Thu leading futures ranged as follows :
i nuntatlonfs were a * follows :
1'i.oun Dull , nominally unchanged.
WHEAT No. i ! xnrlup. tfSftR&KU ; No. 3 spring ,
t. o. h. , 04VJOOITO : No. 2 red. G&GGGcH.
COIIN No. 2.40c : No. I ) yellow , closl ng , 30 ? c
WATS No. 2 , 28fc ! : No. 2 while , t. o. b. ,
86c ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , 31J < ® 34c.
Uvr.-No. 2 , liOu.
HAIII.BV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nosalea ; No.
4 , f.o. b. . Me.
Vt.\x SCKII-NO. 1. $1.00' ' , .
TIMOTHY iir.i'rlim : ! ; , $4.1oa-l.20.
VuiiK Me s , per hid. , $18.7& < 318.85 ; lard ,
per 100 Ihs. , fu.OT'i&U.GO ; bhnrt ribs , sldo.s
( loose ) , ? H.32'jfi8.3ri dry Balled shoulder.- *
( boxed ) , JH.'J.'iiiH.DU ; short clear bides ( boxoil ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
yudAllS - Unchanged : cut loaf , 6)c ) ; granulated -
latod , 6,7(5 ( ; standard "A , " O.G4.
The following were the receipts und ship
ments for todav :
On the Produce oxchan n today tlio butler
in HI ( io I WIIK bli'iuly ; oinainury , 15l Q20c ;
dairy , 10ftl8c Km $ , cablur , strictly froth ,
Now Viirlc Marfcnt * .
Nr.w YOHK , July 17. Kr.oim Hpceliitn , 3,100
111 ; UK , ; iiiiorls [ , 2,000 bll . , 3G.OOO Bucks ;
hull's , 0.000 pkKs ; market dull und wualt , with
fri'o nll'orliiK' * ; ivlntor wheat , low crndiM ,
H.50&2.40 ; winter , fair tofiini-y , * 2.46Ui.Orij :
wlntiir pahintH. 43.40f04.10 ; Mlnnobotit
hlrnlchts , jS.Uuat.OO ; .MlnncsoUi iiutunlH ,
fl.OOS4.'jr > .
CORN MnAi , Qulot , stcndy ; yellow woslorn ,
KICKHH'ady ; wrslorn,07itr)7ic. ( !
llAiil.CV JlAi.T--DnlI. htettdy ; wealorn , 00 ®
GOi : .
WIIKAT ItocidplR. 220,000 bn , ; exports ,
150,000 bn. ; Milus , U20.000 bn. of futures , 100-
000 l > ii , of Kiiol. Hpnt marUet falily active
for o.vporls ; unslvr with ontlons , nlosfnt : firm ;
No. 2 i I'd In Hloro and eloviilor. 72i724Ltj ! ;
nlloat. 73'fft73'ic ' ; f. o. h. , 78&7iJtc : : , im-
urniluit roil. 09 7Hc ; No. I hard , 70iftt70yc ! ;
No. 1 norllinrn , 72Utt72'ic ( ' ; No. 2 nortln-rn ,
7W470Hi' ( ; N" . 2 MII vankco,7Ki,70'.iO. ( : ' Optloifs
di'ullned ! ( ( , ' , ' on wonk cablus , larstu Indian
hhlinnents anil line wciitlirr , ri-acli-d JuQ.Jiu
on dri-ii''iMi 'on imHsago and vlslblu hitji-
ply ; foil ? tC on ri > pertH of llnnnt-lal trouble
nl lliu uust , liir ii Iniiiorts Itiln the Unlli'd
Kli'Kdom ' and loi-al rciall/lim , olosliiK sluiuly at
iinunani ; > i | prk-t-K to ; \ > c ilccllnc. with u fair
irailu ; No 2 red , .Inly , 711 ® , closlin ; at
717,1-j Aiiciikt , 72'.kiil72ic. ( cliislnB nt 7USO ;
Hi'pU'inbi'r ' , 7Mi70 ° c.i1lo ! > lnx at 7fiii ! > : Uololurl )
77 lHKi'jVT'.icclodntr. ut 77'ic ' ; Di-cembor ,
81U1 ( 11-lGr , closing t81\e.
Sloi'l.hof Ki'Utn In htoro and nlloat .Tnlv 15 :
Wlii'iil. 0.004.77'J bn. ; corn , 437.OOO Im. ; 'oats ,
444,000 bn. ; ryii. lOl.tKJO bn , ; barley. II.OuO
bu. ; iniilt , 1'JO.OOO Im.iliKUh , 1,1100 bu.
rtHN--Hi'i'i'lnt , 45,000 bu. ; oxjiorU , 20- ,
000 bit , ; ah-s , 05,000 bu. fntun'H , CO-
00(1 ( bu. spot. Spills Ill-til , niili't ; No. 2,484 ®
4H"ii : In I'liivnlur ; JHSii1 iilloat. Oplliinsuru \
dull nnd'il bli-ady at ! ( 'u'-o - di'cllno on
nn liiriciiMdUlbhi ; Mijiply Into weather nnd
1:001 ! crop new N from UanstiK , August , 48) ) , ©
iMrallri'elpl.i. . a-1,000 bn. ; oxportu , 40,000
bn. ; hull" . , 100,1)00 ) bu.fiitilli'K ; , So.OOO bu.hiiol.
HuotH umrliulilull. Biunily. Opiums dull and
lower. AnvilHt , 32 * < < it33c , uloshi ) : 33o ; Hcii-
IciiitiiT , ! U tilliO : , oliisliiif 81J.I' , Siot ; No. 2
white. ll'J'ii" ' No. 2 , Chli'ilKO , IlHo ; No. 3 C'hl-
I'liKii , HHi'l No. 8 while , llliiji1 ; inlxi'd wuulern ,
Il7lft38'ii'i ' white , wt'Ktern , 88Hfii4ll ( ' .
11 AY l''ulrdemund , Moady ; slilpplnn , (7,00 )
B7.00 ; Kiiod to choli-e. * H,0KtU.60 ( ,
lloi-ti 1'iilLM , hteaily htate , roininon to >
' ' ' I'lii'lllocoaKl ir '
I'lioli'i' , 1W1220 ; , 'JUJo ,
lllDi'.s I'alrly acll\e , hUiiuli ; wet sallnd ,
New Orleans Mih'i'led , 45tOO HH ,
T IMIH kuh'UU'il. 004 , ll ( lbsfijt7cillilenH ( Ayrew [
210W Iba , I4iic ; Toxus ilry , 21G.27 ibs , a
I'miviBiONH Out incnln. iiulet. Blondy :
plcklril bullh'K. 12 lb , at 12o ; pli-UeU khoul-
dor.s , 7'ii" ' pickled IIIIIIH , I'J'ifTJ'tL' ' ; middles ,
loti hhorl clear , liyc , l.urd , iiulot , weak ;
e.stern kleuin closed at f'J.ll.'i ; KHIOS , Oil )
ivi'Hiil > 10 ; iiptloiis.Mik'H. mine ; July clnik'd '
nt f'J,25i rHiptembvi- COMM | ut (10.30 iihked ,
1'orU , ( lull , hleauy ; now limns , JlH.Mliciu.UJ.
Hull ; western factory , 18)ii ) ,
Moderate ilemund , llrmp ;
Oulot , weak : rec-olptH , 7,100 pkgsi
western IrOkh , 14iW10c ! ; boulhvve.stvrii , M'j
4B14 iC ,
TAiJjMW Quit' ! , kluiulyj clly ( a ( or pkgK. )
2c.UOTTONHEKII On/ Dull , wotik ; crude , 35c
yellow , 4tc.
I'KTiioi.KliM Market WI\H dull nnd htendy
l'enm > ylviiilii oil , Milui ) , none ; l.lnuk oil , tulus
none , U5u bid. Totul Hiilea , 11,000 ubU.
HDSIN Dull , stiuuly.
TlilU'CNTINE Quiet. 1'iuy.
ItlCK Hleudy , luli'ly active ,
MOI.ASSKH Now Orleans , open kettle , gooi
tocholco , ilull , bli'iuly ,
U Uuw , dull , mendrulluud ; , qulel
tnailjri f air rofinlnif. 3 Vc ; centrlfnttnM.OO to t ,
4VC ) nil A , 4 150 5HP ; ln..uld . A. &S
& i3.ICci itRndnrdt , 6 7-Kvaft'ii : ; confection-
CM A , o fi-mOOscs cut liiaf , ftHWO 1-lOcj
crmlicd , O.V30 l-lnci powdrrcil , 6 lUt05 6Xcj
Rr.inulntrd , ft 7.1l > tt5)ic ) ! culicn. 5 1 1-KKWHe.
I'lo lno Qnlol , stondy ! American , llX76i
rt Quiet ; Hkp. 110.2 $ .
rA-Sloftrtyi rton llc , JJ.S5. .
TiN-CliMOil .loady ; HtrKlH , 116.05 bid ,
110 nftknd ; plntci fjulot , iloady.
Srtt.Tr.u-ljulct ! domcillc. M.
Uinxlin I'rotluco .Mnrket.
nnttin The mRrkol continues YOMT nrm
for pncklnc Ktock nnd them M very little If
miy frouli sclllnn Tor to * * than 14c. The dc *
iniind M send At the prlco nnd the ofTcrlnES
am picked un quickly. Kanej cronmcry ,
print , Ulc ! fancy crcnmorlcs folld packed ,
lOc ; Iftlr to peed crcnmcrlci , solid packed , 16
chnlcn to fancy country , lOiilOc ; fair
to coin ! country , 16c ; pickliiKHtock , froih , 14o.
Kdii.sTlif nmrkot n quiet and unchanged ,
Tlio bulk of thn cggt are cold at quoled , but
the market Ii weak at the prlco. Sales are
mostly roporlf-d ut ll'.jc.
J.tvu 1'iiui.Tiiv Tlio market close. firm a
quoted , with the demand fair and the supply
llirhl. Thu poultry mnrkot has boon Rood nil
thu week , OHliiK to tlio light arrivals , tonlo
smiill sprltis cliU'kcns aroc inlna which do not
soil very tondlly. Spring chlckctn , per
doz. , t2.00t3.50 ; bcii lions , tier in.
74i8c : mix CM ! c'iopi , per lb. , Cc ; old roosters ,
per lb. , 4QOo ; turkeys , per lb. , ttc ; ducks. Dor
lb. . 7 nc.
POTATOES Tlio rocclnM of potntocs In car
lots are light , but tlio general situation
Is not much changed , prices being about
steady. Orders from the northwest are qulto
llbcial and n good many pettitoes hare been
shipped out Irom this point. Now potatoes
TosiATOta The supply of good stock on the
market Is tnoiu liberal nnd the market Is not
ilttlluMiKlron ; ; . Sotllhcrn , per 4-baskct crate ,
} 1.00iU.7o ,
Ilinii : : s Tlicro was a fair run of
blnckbcrrtL's and the market was In good
shape. There were a few homo grown rasp-
borrlcs. Everything In the berry line WHS
sold out very early In the murnlng. black
bnrrlet , per 24-qt. case.t3.20 ; Illack rasp
berries , per 24-qu case , $3.0033.25 ; huckle
berries. W.50.
SMAI.I. I.'IIUITR Tlio market was about
steady at pievlutis prices. Apricots , per 4-
baskcl crate , ! 1.2o ; plums , wild gimsu nnd
Clilckaaaw , per 21qt. . crate , S2.50 ; Cal
ifornia puaches , ! l.ltli > 1.2j.
MKI.ONH The Mipplv on the market Is not so
largo and there Is u better feeling than thcro
was a few days nzo. Watermelons , per
cratcof one dot. S2.50 ; loose , per 100 , JIB.
Cni.KHY Hniall shipments are coming from
both Michigan and Mhsourl. Celery , pur doz. ,
45c.Al'l'l.BS There U no Important change In
thu market. Apples , per H bu. box , 70cl 1.00.
OllANOns Riverside Mediterranean sweets ,
f3.OOSi3.7o ; brlghts , J'J.75 < S3.00.
LK.MOSS Messlnas , extra fancy , tO.OOftG.50 ;
Messlnas , per box , choice to fancy. S5.00'it5.50.
IlANANAH I'er bunch , larue , J2.2032.75 ; per
bunch , Biiiull to medium , $2.00il2.2o.
1IIDK3 , TAI.l ) W , KT&
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 3c ; No. 2 green
hldeH , 2c : No. 1 green salted hides , 3'c ' ; No. 2
green salted hides 2Hc ; No. 1 green salted
tildes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 3 > tc ; No. 2 grnen stilted
hides , 25 Ibs. lo 40 Ibs. , 2'/ic : No. 1 veal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Gc ; No. 2 veal cnlf , 8 Ibs. to
llillH. , 4c ; No. 1 dry [ lint hides , 7c : No. 2 dry
Hint hides , Oc ; No. 1 ( fry balled hides , 5u
1'nrt cured hides iic per lb. less than ally
SIIKF.P I'KI.TS Orecn salted , each 35c1.25 ;
gn-en snltod shearlings ( short woolcd early
Hklns ) , each 15Tc25c ; dry bhcarllngs ( short
pooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each 5'tilOo : dry
Hhuarllngs ishoil. wook'd enrly sklnsl , No. 2 ,
each Oc ; dry Hint , ICansas and Nebraska
butcher wtiol pelts per II ) . , actual weight , 10&
lie ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain
wool polls , pnr lb. , actual weight , 7itlOc : dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb ,
actual weight , OfUOo : dry Hint Colorado Mur
rain wool polls , per lb. , actual weight , 7 < 39c ;
dry piece * and burks , actual weight , GU7c.
T.M.UMV AMI tillHASC Ttlllow , No. 1 ,
l'io ; tallow. No. 2 , 3yff&4c ; grease , whlto A ,
4'5Tii.rc ; grease , whltu H , 4c ; grease , yellow ,
3Jc ! ; grease , ilark , 3c ; old butter , 2j 2)ic ) :
boeswa.v , prime , I0a20c ; rough tallow , 2Vi
O3c.HoNnS Oar lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry ImiT.ilo. per ton , $16.00ai8.00 ;
dry country , bleached , per ton , $10 OOU13.00 ;
dry country , dnmp and mcatv , SS.OOIJ1U.OO.
M. Louis .Markets.
ST. I.OUI3 , July 17. Ft-our. Weak , but un
WHEAT Declined V5c early , then reacted
und closed ft' & ii * under Saturday ; cash , C05c ! ;
July , GOc ; Angiibt , GlJic ; r-uptember , G4 ? c ;
Uecuuibcr , 715tc.
Coit.s Weak , dull and closed Kc below Sat
urday ; cash , 37ic ; July , 3Hc ; SoDtember ,
OATS Lower ; cash , 2GHc ; July , 2GKc ; Au
gust , 22s4c : September. 23jc.
IU-n AND IIAHI.IY No market.
llUTTKH yuiet ; creamery , IG&lOc ; dairy , null : oaioc.
1'novisiox.i Weak ; pork , current make , job
bing , 417.50 ; lard , nomlnallv ? 0 ; dry .salt
meats quiet ; snoulih > r.s$7.G2H' longs and
ribs , J8.GO ; Mjort ? , 88.1)0 ) : bacon quiet ; slionld-
ors , JO ; longs anil ribs. $10.25 ; bliorte , 810.00 ;
sugar cured hams , 13il4c.
KKCBilTS-FIour. 3.000 sacks ; wheat. 186-
000 bu. : corn , 144,000 bu. : oats , 40,000 bu.
Snil'MK.NTB Klnur , 0,000 sacks ) : wheat , 174-
000 bu. ; corn , 73,000 bu. ; oats , G.OOO bu.
lErltlih Grain Trnilo JCovlew.
LONIXI.V , July 17. The Mark I.ano Express ,
In Its wi-ekly review of the British grain trade ,
says : Thn wheat harvest Is well forward In
Houlheast r.nglanil. Thy recent rains came lee
Into lo help any ci-rcals llu-re , but they wived
thu oats and bunollloil barley elsewhere. Home
exceptional judges e.stlmalo that the yield of
.wheat will ho ila bu. per on 2,000,000
acres. Our t-stliiiatu for the United kingdom
Is 2,100,000 acrus. the smallest acreage plan ted
foe half a century , wllh an average yield that
will possibly hi- nearly us low as thai of 1840 ,
namely , 2G8'J bu. to the hundred acres.
English wheat has declined Id on the Imperial
average , but ha * advaiu-eil Gil In London. In
forty llrst-class markets thu tone last week was
llrm and In twenty dull. Koruign wheat was
oll'erlng at Irregular value. American red
winter was from Ud lo Oil dearer on the week.
Calcutta wheat was Gil cht-apur.
CoUfti .MiirUut.
Nnw YOIIK , July 17. Options opened firm at
5lo2i ! points up ; closoif 20 uolnt.sup ; sales ,
15,000 bags , incluillliK : August , J1G.4O ; Bop-
tomlier , Sli.i : ( > aii.4& ( ; ( Jctohur , $10.10 ; No
vember , JlO.Or/aiG.lO ; Ducoinliur. 815.85 ®
10.00. Spot Itlo , steady : No. 7 , J17.25.
Itio HI : JANKIIIO , July 15. No. 7 U ox. stand ,
15,000 rels put10 kilos : good seconds , 14.300
rels. Kecelpts during the wouk , 3.000 bags ;
shipments to the Unltou KUUOH , 4,500 bag ;
sUL-k , 147,00(1 ( bags.
HANTOS , July 15 , Good average 14,600 rels
per 10 kilos. Kecelpts during the week 27-
uOO bags ; purchases for thu United Suites ,
33,000 bags ; shipments to the United Stales ,
10,000 Dags ; slock , 100,000 bags.
Now Vork Dry ( iuoil * .tlurknt.
N w VOIIK , July 17.--Tho dry goods market
discloses no great change as yut. Itoports
from Iho wust lire of moro chcurlul character ,
which Is ii-garileil as Important , as tlio de
pression has been the moro serious In that sec-
lion. The situation Is a llttlo easier as lo
llnance , and thu I ono of the market Is not ho
llrm but that good slzud Iransacllons could bo
mlviinlugumisly ull'ectud. Clothing woolens
are having moro attention for the not spring
season , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oil Alurktilii.
Oil. OlTY , July 17 , National Transit cor-
tlllcatcs opened at OH ; highest , 58 ; lowest ,
57V' ; clOHcd ut D7'i. Sains , 10.000 libls. ;
'bhipmentH , 18(1-'HG ( bhls. ; runs , 104.0 0 lihls.
1'iTTtiliunu , July 17. National Transit cur-
tllicateii oiiL'iied at f > 7K ; closed at 07i ! !
hlghL-st , fi77 : lowest. 67 ! { ; nail's , 0,000 bbls.
LONDON , July 17.MNSUKD on2ls l jd pot
I.lvnrpiint AliirKum.
Ltviairooi. , July 17. WIICAT Sleady ; demand -
mand pour ; holduis olfur moderately ; No , 1
California , 5s KBjiKTiGs Hd per contal ; n-d
woniorn , hprliig , 5s Kl4dB5s ! lljjilj No. 2iud
wlniur. 5s u > i < lKfii , lOJid.
( 'iUN ) Sti-ady ; demand poor.
IIACO.N- Lung and bliort clour , 55 Ibs , 61s
per cwt. Mnrkiitx ,
MllAVAUKCK , July 17.Vl l BAT Easy ; Sop.
tomhor , ( > 5 c ; No. 2 spring , U3c.
L'oiiN iiuii : No. 3 , auo.
OATM-Qulut ; .No. li white , OiYtc ; No. !
whin' , aa'tu.
HAUi.r.v 6Jic.
l'no'vibio.NKKii'lcri | pork , ? 18I5.
llalllmoro ( ir.ivn .i : trlut.
llAi.TiMoin : , July 17. WIICAT Steady ; No. :
led , bpui and July , G8jc. !
COUN ytiloc mixed , spot and July , 47i ! (
U'ATO l-'lrincrt No.2 whlto wcstorn.SBHc.
Cotton MHrkni.
NEW Oui.KANfl , July 17. Firm ; good mid
dllng , H'ic ; low mlildlliig , 7Jo ; goo.l ordinary
7 1-lUo ; nol reculpu , l.Oou bales ; grosi tu
culplK , 1,000 liak-s ; buled , 2,000 bales ; stock
H7,000 bales.
I'hilailt-lphUi ( Jralii .Murkol.
l'iiii..uiti.riilA : , July 17. WIIUAT Weak
bliudu loner ; No.2 red. July , '
Onus Muady ; Mu.i ! mixed. July. ibt4J484' !
( ) . \TS-Uu-lois stiongNo. 2 laio , July. 'JB4
Toledo drain ( Uitrkot.
TOI.KPO , July 17. WHEAT Dull , easier ; Nc
2cash and July. G5jc. [
( 'DUN Dull , bti-aily ; No. U cash , 42c.
UATti Dull , steady ; cut > h , 3Hie.
Vuihlu t > iiiily | of ( iraln.
Niw VOIIK , July 17. The visible supply c
grain U us follows ; 'Wheat. &li,30b.uou uu
corn. HH4t.Oud ; bu. oaisvUG4uoo bu. ; ryi
U04.000 lni. | Imrk-y , auai K ) bit.
.MliiiiiupiilUlitut .llnrkot.
July 17. Market dull , cas
mar ) < o .stron ) ( r. floier May. 77iJuly. . 60S' * *
Aiiquil , COHci Hopl'-mbor. D3S.- . : December ,
7Ou. On tmrki No. 1 hard , 02 0 ; No. 1
lorthorn , CB'iCj ' No. 2 norllicrn , & 8U59c.
Clnnlnimtl Mnrknli.
CINCINNATI , July 17.-WitBAT-FiIrlcnftnd ( ) |
No. 2 red , 6lc.
fon.-t Knslcr. utron l No. 2 mixed , 43c.
„ pATS-lngyoil demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
I'.lcln llutter Mnrkrt.
EUJIX. July 17. llurrin Actives i lc §
8,4001bs , atSOc.
Week Opened with tle-nnwrit Dcprculon
nn tlin Kirlinncr.
Niw YonK. July 17. Tuo week opened with
renewed depression on the Stock exchange ,
owing chiefly to unfavorable advices from
/ondon , where the markets for securities
were reported dat and to-tho long list of failures
n banking and mercantile circles on thlt side.
The bears were practically In full control and
tampered pretty much everything on the list
with moro or less success In the absence of
cITcctlvo iiipport on the bull side. The de
cline was equal to from ! j to3 > j per cent ,
American Tobacco lending with sales as low
as 67H. The' granger stocks also received
marked attention on account o ( Iron troubles
n the northwest. Hock Island. St. Paul ,
turllngton , Northwest , Lake Snore , I < ouls-
vlllo li Nashville , Missouri 1'aclflc , Northern
'aclllc croferred , Lackawanna nnd General
Electric declined anywlioro from li ? to2f !
The pressure to sell w as not particularly
icavy. Ttrcro were a number of raltlci , but
they fulled to hold until just previous tn tnu
close , when prices recovered from J < to 1V5 per"
cent from the lowest.
Manhattan nnd Lackawanna scored the
greatest rise. During the afternoon It was
rumored that Mr. Jiimcs U. Keene was seri
ously 111 , but It was soon learned that 1m was
conllncd to his homo hy a very trivial com
plaint. The easier feeling In money was partly
offset by a rise of Ic In the postud rates ot
Blerllm ; c.xchance. The uiitMamllng short In
terest In the market Is very heavy , and thcro
was a brisk borrowlnn demand for the leading
shares throughout the day. The market
closed steadier In tone.
The 1'ost says : London has been In a singu
lar dt-grco a hindrance rather than a help to
this month's market. Sales of long slock have
been Hindu for that account , but they Have
consisted chlelly of shares boimht for the
rise within a month , What has , however , dls-
tlncuUhod London's market In the most o\-
traordlnary fashion , Is the total absence
of .support. Probably this forolirn distrust of
our securities Is equally attrlhiUnblo to two
causes London's surlous view ot thu sliver
buffoonery In Colorado , and Its perplexity
over the outcome of the currency experiment
In India. This latter sentiment Is somewhat
puz7llnp to explain , for talk of a "run" by
Indian natives on the gold market must pre
sume the sudden abandonment by a half civil
ized population of traditions Imbedded In Its
history forOVIT 2,000 years. With these tra
ditions , the India council makes no attempt to
interfere : Its hand was forced merely by the
disorder In Ilombuy and Calcutlu exchange.
With this once regulau-d , coinage of silver
by HID povornmiiiit Itself Is bound to progress
much as of old. Meantime , however , the news
of silver Bent from here to England at the rate
of nearly Jl.OOO.OOO a week Is apparently bi- !
Imj heaped up In the London bullion market ;
for llttlo or none Is going forward to India.
Thu following are the closing quotations on
the leading stocks on the Now Vork Stock exchange -
change today :
AtchlHon North Amcr. Co. . . .
Ail.iniH Express. . . . 146 Northern Pao.pfd.
Allon.Terre Haute. 20 u. PD. : it a
doprcf'd 14B NorthwoHtorn
American Kxprosa 100 do prufd
n.lltlnionj , t Olilo. . CU N. Y. C.-ntral
Canaillan Paclnc. . . 00 N. Y..VN.K
Canada Southern. . Ontario .t Western IMcltic. . . . lOreffon Imp
Chen , k Ohio Oregon Nav
Chlcairo.t Alton. . . 1S5 O. S. L. Ac U. N
C. D..VQ 811) Pacific Mall 02
Chlc.ipo G.19 ni ! Peorl.i Dec. A E. . . .
Conaollilatutl G.IK. . Plttsburi , '
C. C. C. .t St. L Pullman Palaco. . .
Cotton Oil Curt 31) Hs Keailln ? .
Del. A HiulHon Ill ) Itlcliinond Ter
Del. Lack , i West. 141) doprefd
I ) , ill. G. profd. . . SUW ! KloUranile VT'n. . .
Dls. fiC. P. Co I'-JK , do pn-fd
EastTcnn K Rock Isl.iuU
Erie 13H St. Paul f.HV ,
rte profit 27 do prcf'd
Fort Wayne 140 St. Paul A Omaha. .
Great North'n pf'd Kit doprefil
C. AE. I. pfjt 1)0 ) ! ! Southern Pacific. . .
IIockhiRValley. . . . 18Hi Tonn. Coal A Iron.
IlllnolH Contral. . . . 8RMlT xas Pacific
St. Paul.VDnluth. . HlUl'Tol. A O. C. 1 > M. . .
Luku Erie AW. . . . 17H Union Pacific
Lake Erie ft. W.pfd UU U.S. Express
Lake Shore lpi } W. S. L. .V P
I > HulTniBt donrcfd
Louisville A ; Kash. P Weatorn Union. . . .
LoulHvllleA N. A. . Wheeling A L. K. . .
Manhattan con ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
.Menuihlo A ClmH. . M. A'SU ? L. . . . . . . .
Michigan Central. 01 D. AH. G
MlBHOiirl P.iclllo. . . 28K General Electric. . .
Mobllo A Ohio 10 National Llnscod. .
Nnnhvlllii Clmtt. . . 78 Colo. P. .t I
K.itlonal Cord.ik'u. . 0 ilo prof'tl
doiiref'il 34 T. , A. A. ft N. M. . . .
N.J. Central 00 T. St. It. &K. C
No.W. . prcfil. . . 1do profd
* hid.tasked. .
The total sah's of stocks tcday wore ISO'OOO
shares , Including : Atchlson , 8,500 ; Chicago ,
lluillngton & Qulnuy , 15,400 ; Chicago Gas ,
6,400 ; Delaware , Lacktiwanna it Wc.stuni ,
5.200 ; Distilling. 2,000 ; I3rl . 0,100 ; Uuncral
Klectrlc.7,200 ; Loulsvlllo > t Nashville. 10,000 ;
Missouri I'ltclflu , 4,300 ; New Kngland , ! 1,400 ;
Northwestern , 11,000 ; Northern 1'uclllc pre
ferred , 3,100 ; Kock Island , 17.OOO ; Ht. I'aul ,
30.000 ; Suitar , 0,200 ; Western Union , 13,000.
Sales of silver certlllcatuM , 45,000 ounces.
XIMV York Money .Mlirltct.
ier nt3I H per cent ; last loan , 3 percent ; clos-
Insollored at .I percent.
1'lilMB MF.nCANTli.r I'APBU 8 12 per cent.
STUULINU KXCIIANCIB I'lrm.wlth actual hiihl-
neis In bankers' bills at f4.82itfi-l.HU3i for
sixty days and ? 4.84ija4.S4'4 ( forclenmnd.
bn.VEit UKiiTiriCATUS Opunoil hlghur nnd
ndvanced from 73c to 74c , lulnr receding to
73o. closing fiulot , 73c bid , 74c asked.
ClovEiiNMitNT HONDS Steady. State bonds
The closing quotations on bonds :
UAI.TIUOIIR. July 17. Clearings , 13,333,480 ;
alanci-H , 3,077,1 .
NEW VOUK , July 17 , Cleurluat , 71,2B3-
B05 ; ualunces , 13,800,640.
I'llli.ADEl.i'lllA.July 17. Cloarlngr , (10,532-
COG ; balHiii-fb , 1JU ( , 'J17. Money , 0 per cent
MKUi'lllH , July 17 , Nuw Vork uifluinuo n-11-
liiK ut tl. & ( ) premium , C'leurlngu , HuB.OtiU
44.6\4. !
New Oiu.KA.sri , July 17. CloarlhKs , t007,432
Nuw York uxchangv , conmiurclal , Jl.CO UU'
count ; hunk , par.
t'HKMUO , July n.-Cloarlnss , J14.680.04J
Nuw Vork ej-cliuiJiu , bOo UUcuuut
ilull , 4.823 ! I 91. Money tcaily ,
7 | cr cent.
risciNNATf. July 17Moncr , 0 9 nor cent.
Now Vork t'rchaii ( o-Dar to OOc ulicount.
Clearings , J,2BlotJO.
IlosTO ( , July 17. flearlnj ( , * 13C94B83 !
bnlancci , $ l,6sa,9ao. ilonoy , 79 10 tier cent.
Kxchaugc on J < on YorV , 80c to05c Ulscount.
ST. I.OVW. July \1.0lonrliiu . $3.244,283) )
balancos. J220,07t } < ' Money ( inlet , 0518 per
cent. KxchanpC on-Nqvr York , II illscount.
Nsw YonK , July 17.-iPooolal Tolegiam to
TIIK llEn.j Kxchangn win quoteil a follow *
today : Chlcnso , jjvc ( iMcount ! lloston , 003
SScdlicounti St. l.pul tl ilUcouiit.
OMAHA UVl sft > Cll MAUUf.T3.
C.tttle Trade In n naiBy Ditmornllteit Slnto
lloRj KalHr Acllvi * .
. I Mas DAT , July 17.
Compared with last Monday receipts today
show a fair Increase as to ho s anil u conslilcr-
ablc falllncolTas ti > ( kiftlo anil shoop. Tht-ro
were In the neighborhood of 2,300 f reMi cattle
received , but as n gooil many wcro carried
over from Saturday thcro must have boon
fully 3t)00 on sale , while a third of that num
ber would have supplied the demand. The
market was flat , In fact on anything but pretty
good dry lot Mock It was ns near dead as It
ever Rets. Dressed beef men wcro anltclpat-
Inp liberal receipts the balance of the wonU ,
and wcro consequently on easy street nnd de
cidedly I n ill ( Tore tit and bearish. They had no
trouble In petting Roodcornfedcattlo at rldlc-
ulous'y low prices and W.TO consequently ills-
Inclined to ulil on or oven look at tlio raftot
half fat anil Krccn stock Unit tilled llio pens.
Hood catllo sold slowly lit weak Saturday's
prices , wlillo on other icrados 1)1(1' ( . when sellers
could get a hid , were lOc to IGc lower than
Saturday. It was a slow , moan market
throughout , and less than half Uio catllo hnd
rhuiiKeil hand ? at noon , wlillo nt. tlio clnso
Uioro were lots of caltlo unsold on which
svllurs could not get n bid. With fair to peed
cuttlo RcllltiK around 13.25 to ! 4.'J5 It Is a clear
casn ot CDniinen'liil snlcldo for shippers to
contlmin to Howl the markets ut this Uniu.
The cow market wan also In very bad sliupo.
Thuru were some twenty odd lo.ids on sale and
with a very limited demand the trade was
slow , with prices' about lOc to IGc lower than
last week. 1'oor to choice cows nnd helfurs
sold at from ! 1 to J-J.70 , the bulk at from $1.60
to S2 , Common to very peed veal calves
brought from M.&O to } 4.7fi , decidedly easier
prices. Kouch stock of all kinds was hard lo
move at unevenly lower llpures , from H.25 to
JU for | xor to pretty Rood hulls.
1-eeders were In liberal supply and very weak
( Inmand. 1'rli-cs ruled weak at the recent de
cline , with sales out of llrst hands at from
J'J.25 to $2.00. Representative sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
40. . . .1111 (3 26 22. . . .10G9 13 75
8. . . .1003 B 65 20. . . . .1129 8 90
17. . , . OD5 8 75 1. . . . .1840 4 00
30. . , .1080 3 75 8. . , . . .1113 4 00
14 690 8 25
1. . 750 1 80
19. . 710 1 85
1. . C50 1 85
11. . Hl'J 2 00
6 932 2 00
12. . 777 2 10
2. . 915 2 10
19. . 721 2 25
27. . 82H 2 25
11. . 930 2 GO
905 2 55
2 10
2 50
2 75
2a . 25. . 790 2 40
2 b5 i25. . 048 2 40
2 35 25. . 090 2 50
2 35 11. .1O20 2 GO
2 40' 22 1024 2 65
2 40' 'BO Oil 2 OU
No. Av. 1'r , No. Av. Pr.
1 steer-.1050 82 00 3 steers. . 890 $2 00
5 steers..1160 2 SO 2 steers. . 1290 2 90
1 feeder. . 390 2 25 7 feeders. 900 2 25
1C feeders. 993 2 25 -7 fcedurs.1023 2 25
5 feeders. 935 J 80 20 feeders. 8H8 2 30
5 feeders. 958 2 30 14 feeders. 975 2 45
24 feoders.1038 2 50 28 feeders. 8B8 2 52J !
3 fecders.1020 2 65 0 feodcrs.1130 2 05
12 feeders.1025 2 05 13 feedors.1091 2 65
1 feeder. . 400 2.00 , a feeder. . 750 2 15
2 feeders. 075 2 00 ' 2 foedurs. 990 2 00
10 feeders. 840 225) 30 feeders. 9GG 2 40
22 teeners. 079 2 45 24 feeders. 990 245
70 feeders.104' ! 2 GO 4 feeders. 787 2 30
2 helfurs. 305 1 00 55 heifers. 909 2 35
4 calvus. . 137 4 00 1 bull. . . . 700 2 00
3 COWB. . . . 080 1 75 11 cows. . . . 957 1 75
20 cows. . . . 951 2 25 12 COWS. . . . 980 2 25
31 cows. . . . 912 2 25 10 cows..1054 2 25
2 cowa. . . . 954 2 25 45 cows. . . . 955 2 85
858 2 35 23 cows. . . . 870 2 35
calf..HEO 2 CO 25 calves. . 1001 2 DO
20 calves. . U10 2 55
80 calves. . 224 3 00 37 feedcrs.1052 2 60
43 cows..1010 200
lions Receipts wcro fair , a trlllo heavier
than a week ago , the quality generally un
changed. Tlio market was slow and Oc to lOc
lower than Saturday on all goods. In addi
tion to the usual good local Inquiry thi'ro was
I u fair sliliiplir- and speculative Inquiry , but
with ample oll'urlngs , a lower market In Chicago
cage and liberal supplies e.\pcctod during tlio
romalndur of the week , buyers had no trouble
In tilling their limited orders at llio decline.
The movement was tolerably free throughout
and thu puns were cleared In good season ,
Weight cut little figure In prices , tlio range
being from $5.45 to J0.65 for Inferior to choice
stock , thu big hulk of the fair 10 good hogs of
all wolghl , changing hands at S5.50 , against
iO.05 lo J5.GO KaUmlay and ? 5.90 to 0.05 a
\\cok ago. Hoprcsentatlvo sales :
1..280 - 275 2. . . .290 D 25
8..a&a & uo
SliEiu1 Kutirdoiiblos of westerns were re
ceived. The market was Hat , demoralized and
limitations the lowest of tlio year. Unlyde-
blrubluiiiuttoiiH aio In any demand at till and
Ihii&e ut D.xiromoly inoan prices. 1'alr to Kooil
inulve , Ji.ri0a4.rjll ; ; fair to Kood westerns ,
J3.Jiii-l.&Oi ( ( common and block bhenp , i'J.UOi
U. Ml ; KOOI ! to cholco 40 lo lUU-lb. lambs , (4.UU
KoonlptK anil li | > i > jtlii'i of Htoulc.
OIHclal ruCQlptiAtld dlspjiltlon of stoalr in
hliown liy thu booki'of thu Union .Stock YanU
conipuny fur the fprty-ulxht. hou onJltiDut
ft o'clock p. m. Julyf7 : , ]
I.'Ho Block .Mnrkut.
CniRAii ) , July 17. [ Hpoclal TcluKraui to Tin
HEK.I The cattle receipts for todily were es ,
llniati'd ut 1UX ) ( ) head , of hlch aoout b)0 ( ) (
were Texuiik nnd HUU worn westi-rn cat tin
In addition to IhU luimbur thuro wnro bo
twi'cn 4uou and & .UOU heud of btitto callle
sonm of which had been held over from duy li
day ttlneu lliu for purt of lunt week. Kor any
tiling tliut was not good enoujjli In
shippers to use the market wus u
Hal us nt the close of lust wcok
Local dressed l > ec f concerns were Indlircicn
and there was not the iiaiiu ) duinund from can
nt-rs. Thi-io was a larKo hurplui of mcl
s thu-u two classes of buyer ; i.cel
ami liolih-r > > hud lo hhadu uven former low UK
uri-b. ( > oed lo exlra uhlppliiK ktccrs wcroli
fair request and WIMU fully bteady. riulusn
nutlvi's wt'rii principally at from 11.76 to f-.fi1
f or cow b and bulls und ut from { a. lib to (4,7
for steers. Toxi3 : cuttlo were dull and un
o\enly lower with ialt-i lar uly below
JVc lcrn < rcronomlnfil nt from 2 W foU 25 ,
Many common cattle were loft lu loiter * hands
al Ihncloio
The how market wru ntwitt llk SaturiUy'ii
elo o M reitanM prlro * . It wai moro acllvo
then but not a whit utrnneert in fact the fcol-
InuwMmilto weak , especially in the north-
wostrrn illyMnn. The rocolpts , thouRh lomo-
tlilng llko 13,000 hvndlcM than for lixnt Mon
day , were prcalcr than was to bo expected
when the recent sharp decline In prices 11 con
sidered. Hut tlio Rood quality of the hogi
shows they wcro ready to come. It
aUo Indicated continued liberal receipts.
The top of the market for hoary hojs
wasJO , but there were sales of choice assorted
llKht weights at from tO.10 to 10.16. Kroin
IS.85 toSS.OOluniiiht HIP bulk of the medium
and bpavy weight * , and from Jfi.05 to
were provnlllnR prices for Unlit. The offering
Included not a few crass htm. Thry sold
bailly.thoro tieine little demand for tbnm nven
at a discount of from SOe lo 30j per 100 Ibs ,
1 ho tonu of the market nt the close was a
trlllo ilrmor limn llio oponlni ; . Uooil to choice
millions were In fair tequusi at xteaily prices ,
There was not nn unusual supply of shrep In
that claio. and Ibey were mliiblo at from
11.23 to M. if ) , There was a glut tit common
stock and next to no demand for 11. There
were thousand * of sheep In the yards Hint.
holder * would Kindly part with at from Jl.&O
to J3. but Iniyrri could not bo found. Prices
nrp likely loKostlll lower unless there shall bean
an Immediate and decided ( Ivcri'.iso In the re
ceipts. ( jiiotallons now raiiKO from il.'Jft to
Jl.&O for culls , to $4.76 for eholco prudes.
Natives are sulllm : principally nt from } 3.fiO
to J4.40. and Toxiins largely at from lU.fii ) to
84. U ) . I , iimlis are iiuntiut at from ( a to Ki.7& .
HocelptsCattln , ID.OUOj calves , 600 ; hogs ,
32l < 00i sheep , 1'J.UOO.
The I'.viMiltii ; Journal reports !
CATTI.I ; Ilecolpls , 18Ui)0 ) heads shipment ! ! ,
8.00 huads tnarkot dull ! prices lowest of
years prime brows , } 4.7&C5ir > ; choice , t4.t > ( )
U4.D& ; peed , I4.16'il4.3& ; other * , M.OOiU.OO ;
stocker < , ZOa33.00 | Toxutu , (2'J6U3.1U ;
cows. f3.00il3.60 ,
llooa ItccoIpU , 31,000 head ) shlpnionls.
8,001) ) head : market lower ; mixed nnd
packers , ib.7036.U5 ; prime heavy and
butchers' weights , jr > .81itr > . 'jr > ; lleht mixed ,
D.05aO.OO ; sorted llchls , J6.HvaO.25.
SiiKEi1 Hecelpts , 12,000 beau : Rhlpments ,
1,300 head ; market , sleady ; natives , J3.O5O
3.10 ; westerns. f4.UOie4.U5' ; Tcxans , 3.3&it
3.-JO ; feeders , * 2,5Oit3.00s lambs , J3.00a5.00.
Kansnt Clly I. Ho MUCK Murkot.
KANSAS OITV , July 17. CATTLE Hocelpts ,
4.400 head ; shipments , H.GOi ) head ; market
slow and 1OS1&C lower ; Texas steurs , S2.20B
O1.30 ; Texas cows , Jl.SOft2.DO : NhlppliiB
steers , J4.25U5.20native ; cows , (1.25WI.5U ;
butchers' stock , J3.00il4.35 ; Mockers nnil
foedors. e2.20U3.75 ; bulls and inUed , } 2.UOa
3.15.Hods Receipts , 2,250 liead ; shlpmonls ,
2,900 head : market 62.1 ( c lower : bulk of
salc < . ! 5.45 < iJ5.G&- heavle-5.35U5. opackers. .
5.405t5G5 ; mixed. S3.4.1&5.C5 ; llchts , S5.05S4
& .72 > i ; Yorkers , i5.0035.72 , ; pigs , $5.40
SiiEEt' Kecelots , 7,000 head ; shipments ,
700 head ; market slow and dull ; KOOI ! sheep ,
25c lower ; common and feeders almost unsal
able. _
New York I.l\u stuck Market.
NEW YOHK. July 17. IlF.nvns Receipts for
two days , 4,375 head ; market very dull , 15 ©
25c lower ; poorest to best native corn and
prnssfecl steers , J3.8035.25 ; Tcxans , J2.75S
3.35dressed beef , dull at O'jUSi' .
CAWKH Hecelpts for two days , 2,000 head !
market acllve and ! ( C hither ; venli , iS.UDjj
7.00 ; bultermllk , < 3,0ua3.25 ; western calves ,
S3.504.00. /
SiiKKi' AND IJAMIIS ItcculptJt for t wo days ,
21,000 head ; market voy dull ; sheep He loner
at J3.60H5.00 ; lambs , $5.O3J.5u ) ( ; dressed
mutton dull at SaiOc ; dressed lambs lower at
lions Receipts for two days , 7,000 head
market steady at SG.002G.50.
Sr. 1. mill I. UiSt nrlt .Market.
ST. Lntns , July 17. CATTI.C Itoi-elots , 5,700
head ; Khipiuents , none ; no natives on sale ;
top price for Texas crass steers , J3.20 ; top
price for Texas grass cows , J2.35.
HOHS Receipts , 1 SOO head ; shlpmeiit-s ,
300 head ; market lower ; heavy , So.GOii5.b5 ;
mixed. J0.5lrti5.80 ; llsht , 0.70it5.05.
Siicui' Kecelpts , 1,100 head ; shipments ,
none ; market quiet and unchanged.
C.IMK Jl.tC/C TO 1.1 FK.
Stranco Cixc of \Vonmii AVho Claims to
11 live Oono to Ilritvpii.
BnoOMiXOTON' , 111. , July 17. Mrs. F.
H. Macintosh , the young \vifo of a prom
inent professional nmn ol Bloominjjton ,
has for nearly a week been at the point
of death from nn abscess of the spine.
Several days ago Bhovits given up by
her physicians and on two occasions following
lowing- sinking spells the report wont
about the city that she was dead. Yes
terday alio had another sinking
spell and apparently departed
this life. Her husband , parents
and friends were gathered weeping
about her bed , when suddenly the ap
parently dead woman came back to life ,
and in clear and distinct tones said that
she had been in heaven and had talked
with Christ , and that the Savior had
said to her that she could return to
earth for a time. She added that she
know she would live. She has continued
to improve , and her friends now believe
she will bo restored to health. She is n
devoted Christian woman , n member of
the Congregational denomination.
Balloon this ovo.
Trouble Sonus to Ito Jlruu-lii T in 3loro
Countries Than Kvrr Itcfore.
WASHINGTON' , July 17. An epidemic
of wars in various parts of the glebe is
surprising State and Navy department
ollicials. Secretary Grcslmm remarked
that ho had nuvor heard of so many rev
olutions at ono time nnd found himaolf
wondering what was going to break
loose next. Secretary Herbert is equally
astonished nnd harrassed by
the many demands mtulo upon his
department for ships by reason
of the troubles in Nicaragua , Brtv/.il ,
Samoa , Slain , Hawaii and Venexoula.
Ho said that tho.5o things were getting
out of proportion to the number of ships
nnd he hardly know where to turn as
each now necessity arose for the pres
ence of n ship. Notwithstanding the
anxiety of the Navy department to oxpc-
dito the departure of the Charleston and
York town on their was ntntcd
that it would bo absolutely imnossiblo to
got either of them under way before the
20th instant.
The balloon goes up tonight.
An Eacapnil Condnmncd Mnrclorur Whom
Kit Ono Dares to Arrest.
CADDO , I. T. , July 17. Jackson
Fletcher , who was sentenced to bo bliot
November 19 , IS'Jl ' , but made his escape
from the elierill' the night before , came
into town with a pix-shootor and a "Win
chester in his hand , and registered in
order that ho could draw his uhnro to
bo paid out per capita for the leased
strip , lie has been living near Boggy
depot , ten miles west of this place , over
since ho imulo hits escape and has not
failed to miiko a crop. Tlio sheriff
knows where ho can bo found at any
time , but is afraid to go after him. Ho
came to town the day before ho was to
have been shot , when Ilia collln was
purchased , and hud thu pleasure of pick
ing it out and riding homo on it.
Balloon this ovo.
I'orcnil to Quit Iliinloen.
BUI-TAW , N. Y. , July 17. Mortgages
and judgments have forced the real es-
trato linn of Sollcok Bros , to go out of
business. The Sullecks were prominent
in real estate circles and were consid
ered very strong Ilimnelally. Last year
they were rated us worth $150,000 , Last
week two judgments were Hied against
them and then came a suit by Warner
Miller to recover a $ i',000 loan. They
have not made an assignment. The
liubilities are bald to bo between SliV
000 ana $150,000. The linn had a brunch
u ut Syraciibo.
< ] iilnur Aflt-r thu'I'li-kut Sralpnrs
ST. PAUI- , July 17. Htiokcd by n state
luw tbo nilhvuya of Minnesota will begin
this week nn attempt to exterminate
scalpers of ruihvuy tiokots. The now
law. which is now going into olTuot , is
very bti-oiij , ' , initlciiif , ' it nn offonne for
any ono to toll , barter or trade tickets ,
except he bo pruviduil witii u license
front the ntilroad or atcutuhout coin-
puny over whose lines fauid tickets uro
Polly Popper !
Omaba Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Manufacturers of Tcnli ,
110I19K COVrCHS. Awning , eto , TtU nnd
1113 FariiHiu Slrost , TOiICth Struct.
Bcmis Omaha Bag
Importers nn.l mnnufnO'
tur M of. ttonr tucks ,
burlup , s t lne.
Horsc-Coe She ! Company.
Salesroom end Olllce110T1IOM111 Howard ? l
J-nclory-llUMl3l-ll21 Howard St
\Vo nro the ONI.V M-iii'if.\tureri ot Huoti anJ
all to Inapect
our now factor/ .
Oiuaiia Coal , Coke & I Eagle Cornice Works
1 Mrr. < .eaUnnl/fJ Iron cor-
UMK CO. , h ril and 8Jft i ulcu , nlii'lmr cnM. | tno-
coal , 8 K. cor. 10th and tallo . M
DoiiKlas btrvet. > nnd Mill DodnoMi-i-ot.
OraahaUpliolstcringi Belies & Kuuyan i
UphoUtorad furnlturo. FnilNlTUllE COMPANY
ituMl)4 [ ) Nlohola * & 1. I
I anil 13tli Streo
issued. Every agent of every railroad
coinjitiny represented in this state must
bo provided with a ccrlillcittu of author
ity from hi.s company , or else bu liable
to arroht for violation of the above li'\v.
The scalpers will pay no attention to
the law , but will submit to arrest and
appeal to the courts , us was done with a
similar law in Indiana last March.
Mm Sulii ( iciiiilby.
Washington Star : Ifo was the proud
and liaiifrhty guard at the railway gate
and they wcro two ladiea who dKliked to
bo separated very much.
' ' ( joodby , " said the one with the valise
and the red pasteboard box tied up with
white titrinif.
"Goodby , " replied the one who had no
"Bo uiiro and toil mother goodby for
mo , won't you ? "
"Yes , nnd you must bo sure to give
my love to all the folks. "
"I will. They will bo so norry you
couldn't come with me. "
"I know it ; but , you will explain just
how it was. I certainly wanted to
come. "
"You won't forgot to lock the piano
so that buby won't put buttons and
scraps into the stringti1
"Yes. "
"And shut the windows when it
rains. "
"Of course. "
"Well , 1 must hurry. Goodby. "
"Goodby. "
Then they kissed and parted and the
traveler with KOIIIO dillietilty extracted
her ticket from the valiso. Jitbt as
she got to the guard she gave u little
"Oh ! " Hhofaid , "there is something T
want to say to her. AVill I have tiimiV"
"How long will you needy" ho asked
as ho looked ut her ticket.
"Jiiat half a minute. "
"Oh. then you have plenty of time.
It'll bo ton hours befo'ro your train
starls. "
"But the time table Bays it goes at 9
o'clock. "
"Ve.Vm. And it is now just one minute
past U. "
_ _
Still ) KmU uf ThiMii.-lil ,
Detroit Prco Press : Djn't take a sum
mer girl on sight.
If a woman looked into her conscience
as often as she looks into her mirror she
wouldn't bo any woi-ho for it.
A sharp tongue friends.
Some preachers are the devil's do-
Justice is frozen mercy.
Ambition in u loaded gun.
Unexpressed thoughts are seed dor
mant in the ground.
The laborer is not always worthy of
his him.
A kiss is affoctlonH | ginger-snap.
A convenient and pleasant plaee to ob
tain luncheon. Dtihhin' , lil O Parnam.
Aniitlirr I. mil , ' lllrjclc Trip ,
NKYoiuc , July 17. Oliver K. I.
Arrington of Jamaica and C. W. Travis of
Hollis left Jamaica tl'is morning on bi
cycles , bound for Clik'ugo and the
World's fair. They exMcot to reach the
windy city in thirteen days.
.MU Kminii Vuiler * lire-unit' * Violent ,
ATLANTIC C'JTV , July 17. The con
dition of MlbH Knmia V adorn has reached
a violent stage and it is probable that
the distinguished actress will have to
undergo a course in some asylum for the
illbUUU. _
( 'uiildn't Htunil lliu Hunt Tlinri.
LKAIJVII.M : , Colo. , July 17. W. I *
White , un old timer here , bus been do-
Rector & \Yilhcliny \ Lo'oeck ' & Linn ,
Donlors in nantwnro > al
Corner 11th aud Jackson nu-ihiiilcs' tools.
Mlreots. II'U I'ounl.u Slroat.
W. A , L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron
Wholesale WiHllO.
lints , raps. n'Mir need , Snf ! , vnult . J.ill woo
os. mitten * . Uth Iron Minuets ivul tire t
and HarmliOits. . cspo . ( Jin Aiulrooa , 14i
I uud Jaukton
John A. WakcHold ,
IrapcrtM Ai'vTlcaii Port
land conunt. Mllwau-
1.W CM nrnt anil Ij'ilncj
wlille Iliiu.
FrlcK &
Wholesale llijuor dealers
IUOI Fnrnim St.
Carpcnlcr Paper Coi Standard Oil Co. f
Carry n full toci ! of
prnitlni ; ! wr.vplnc ami Iteano.l mill lubrlcat.n }
writing paper * , e.iM
papers Oic. dlt , ; ire ! Rreii * , tic.
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co.
Produce , frulti of all 1J ut tor. cheeto , n&d iaa < o.
Kinds , oyKtoro. il ! - . Ijlh
Omaha Stove Repair i M , A. Disbroiv & Ca
Vi'OIIKS , Stove rcpulra I MnnilfntMurors ot
and nntoruttaohwcnls I ( loom , lillnds uol
for ntif kind uf storu I inuuldln i. llranoh ut <
maJo. K-U7UOULM3B it. J Uuu Utli und Itard.
Union Stock Yards Coipia/ ,
Sou 111
Host Cnttlo Ho and ; li3ji ni-ircit it t'n wait. - *
. . .
> - . - . - --n
Wood BrotiHPi
Llvo Slojk Conuiil-iiioii Mara'
oitliUiimba Tolpiiono | ! ll.'i * .
JOHN II. l > AtM\IA\ I
W.U.TKIS K. W.'O > . f
Market rotiorts liy innll nnd wiru rhoui-fully
liirnlslu-d upon appllcutlon.
" Good "
' A watch that varfe *
n minute u day might
be good enough for
come men , but never
would to ! for engineer * ,
RUBY JEWELED' ! Ifircmcn , conductors or
ADJUSTED iyanl musters. A differ-
v WATCHES 'cnce ' of a few secondi
, '
VTHE 5 mc.itis life or death.
Hpontlunt ovoi1 llio inonotary oltuution
fur tlio lust wcolc , und omlud liiH ll/o
lust nljjlit by llring three rfliols Into IIH !
btoiist. Illii father is it iiroiiiiimnt busl-
nuas nmn of Komioko , V i. '
J.v ; > SJ.S.
Tlio vncattnii iiuinbcr of The Literary
Northwest has nn oxcltlnacvinint of "How
1 Killed Aly Firm ( irlz/ly" hy mi nuthor who
IH lee modeat to lot his naino Fran/ ;
Roberts L'ontrlbutc.H n stoi-y ol interest , "To
the hand of the U.icotahh , " an-l then them
arosovwul bo.-iiitirully IlliiattMtoil nrllcles ,
ono by } lamlln Oai-land , and moro tlmii tlio
usual number o ( jioonm , which is ciitlroly
proper this niiiiinier weutlior. J ) , 1) , Aler-
rill Co. . Kt. I'.iul , Minn.
Another delightful story from the pen ot
F. Alnriun Crawford hati niailo its appear-
iiiu-o uiidet- the tltlo of "I'lutro CihiHlori , "
llalliin llfo Is brought out in nil liu .iti-ong
colors uud iimi'ltod con tracts ; it.s uxtroinus
bolwoon credulity and cumiimr , tnndcr love
nnd bnita1 huto , rollned delii-ary iiml i-oartio
passion belli ; : poi'tniyril with minute ai t
faithful vxui'liK'ss. There is nolhin- , ' now In
the Rtorv , but the romtim-o of llio lionrt Is
threaded Inco words und woven slilllfully.
Alticmilliin , t Co. , Now York.
1'crhapx no phu-o in Amorlcii Is better
adapu-'l ' us a biiii ! for roniaoi-o Hum the in-
turiurof Kuntui.-k.v , over which the t\vlllhtof
b.vgono nges still lln'or.'i. ( Uero naliiro's
simi'iii'i'.V ' ' nod barbaric rudeness mliiKlo anil
hlcnil us ImrmonloiiBly na If the hunils of
time hud been HOI back into nn eiichuntint. '
luckfji-ounil fontuHcs off. In "Niinco , " n
Htory of KiMituek.v feuds , Ixswia Greene has
in a channing ninnniir thrown ujion the
cumorn of the rondur'u mind a highly lln-
lalied and | > lcuilii ) ( , ' jiii turo. Tunnybon
Keeloy , Now York und ChiciiKO.
AIUOIIK outdoor bporti uiiil oxen iscs fo\v
rank with thu practical study of botany.
The pluiihiiro it affords , unlliio that of hunt
ing 01- Hulling , is not only void of barbarous
cruelty but utVordv u mental eulluro and ru-
Ilnemont few tHudles yiold. The discovery
orraro orchids or Interesting wild lloworo Is
much purer und moro delightful than the
heurtlciis and wanton butchery of animal
life , unit it in for this reason destined to su-
persodu ether ajiorts und become moru popu *
Jar from year to year. It Is therefore with
pleasure wo hull nnd commend lo thu reader
the work of Caroline A. Creovey , "Uecrea-
tlous in Jiotany1 which Is full of valuable
Information and suggcstlona. Hut'pcr i *
tiruthcra , Now York.