Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    'PTTP A TT A TA rr V 'PITIC1\ ! V it tT V ' 10 1 ono
y c nlcr to nr p tt of tha eltj
rtt . rinmNro I nmlnm Office. No. 43
TKI.M'HONKS { NKlt | | Editor No. 2J
N. Y. Plumbing Co
Ilo.iton Store for sun umbrellas
Judson , pasturage , W2U Sixth avcnvte.
Millonbcrgcr Is the linttor , 502 Broadway
The Mayno Heal Kitat ! Co..C21 Hroadway.
A building permit has been isiucd to Lars
Jensen for the erection of a ei.-'OO residence
in Dickey 1'laco.
The Sisters of Mercy will make a $300 ad
dition tobt. llornard's hospital , n permit for
the puriioso having been Issued to them by
the city clerk.
About thirty members of the D.odgo Light
Guards left yesterday morning forUirnlng.
to taku part In the regimental encampment
to bo held thcro for thk next week.
Miss Cora Nasou was married to Mr. James
Tvrell of Chicago , Sunday afternoon nt the
pasonagc of St. Xavler's Catholic church.
They left for their luturo homo in Chicago
on the evening train.
John Ki'.lly was to hove had n hearing
yesterday before Justlco Vlcn on the charge
of stealing n purse containing ? 7 In cash
the residence of Mrs. 'C. Watts. On ac-
conns of the absonce.of ono of the attorneys
in the case it went over until this afternoon
nt 2 o'clock.
Judge McUoo opened the July term of the
superior court yesterday morning and ad
journed until this morning. The quo war-
ranto case of J. W. Crossland against the
motor company wns to have cnmo up before
him yesterday , but the attorneys were not
thcro and the case had to go over. It may
bocalledup this morning. The case of M.
F. Hohrer against the city will como up
_ f
Miintiwn Triilns.
Trains for Mnnawa will leave Broad
way depot nt U and 11 a. in. , 1 , U , . ' 1 ,
3:30 : p. m. , and every thirty minutes
thereafter until 12.f10 : nt night. Last
train will leave Manawti for Council
Bluffs at 11:55 : p. m ,
Greonshiolds , Nicholson & Co. , real
cstatoand rentnl8UOO Broadway. Tel. 151.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap
Smoke T. D. King & CO'B Partngas.
i' I'.ne.uiit.ii'iis.
Judge J. E. F. McGcoand wife are homo
from the World's fair.
F. A. lllxby loft last night for a two
weeks' visit at the fair.
I. M. Trcynor rotui'ncd yesterday morning
from a trip to the World's fair.
C. A. Moore will leave tomorrow for Col-
fax , to bo gone about ten days. His family
will accompany him.
Hov. E. W. Allen , who has been spending
the past week at Hluo Lake , has gone to
Ohio for a two week's visit.
Mrs. W. H. Trcynor loft for Glcnwood last
evenlnir , accompanied by Master Albert
Troynor. They expect to be absent : i month.
Jacob Ixiiner , national grand master of
the Trcubuud , Is in the city a guest of John
Abies. He will remain hero about a week ,
nnd in that time will visit the Omaha ledge
for the purpose of overseeing the perform-
unco of some of the ritualistic work.
Thcro is nothing in this country like
the fruit kept in Wheeler , Her-ohl &
Co.'s cold storage. No matter what , the
weather is it reaches the customer in
perfect condition. Another car load of
lemons was put in Saturday.
Williamson & Co. . J0i5 Main street ,
largest and best bicyolo stock in city.
School llo'ird Mt-rtlng.
The school board met in monthly session
last night with President Field and Mem
bers Moore , Brldenstcin , Shubort nnd
Thomas , present. A bill of $30 for l-iying
water pipes to the Madison avenue school
was presented. The pipes wcro laid tem-
IH > rnrily by order of the contractor , so
bcrt said , and tlio board could not be held
responsible. The bill wns accordingly re
The committee on buildings and grounds
was ordered to have permanent water pipes
laid Into the basement of the Madison ave
nue building. A man named Hancock , who
lives near the Eighth street school , com
plained to the board that the erection of the
school building had deprived the adjoining
property owners of the alloy that formerly
ran through the block , although thcro was
no record to show that the alley had over
been vacated. Ho asked that some action
bo taken to restore the alloy way. A special
committee was appointed to look the mat
ter up. _
The lirnmi Ilntcl ,
Council Bluffs. The most elegant in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh tloor.
Kate , S3.00 and $5.00 a day. K F. Clark ,
Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail
coal. Iemoved from 10 Pearl to 3-1 Pearl
street , Grand Hotel building.
llrlp for I'onieroy.
The committees which were appointed by
Mayor Lawrence last week to ralso money to
assist the sufferers from the Pomoroy cy
clone made their reports to the mayor yes
terday afternoon. S. H. Wadsworth and A ,
Flockingcr made a tour of the part of
the city lying south of ll'oadway and west
of Main street and raised S29H.80. J. N.
Casady and Victor Jennings raised $1111.50
north of Broadway and cast of Main.
Theodora Guitar and J , ll. Pace te-
curcd fMJ ! north of Hroadway and west of
Main. The commltteo that was to look after
that part of the city lying south of Broad
way and east of Main failed to do anything
at oil , Hathcr than have that territory
neglected Wadsworth made n tour yesterday
morning and raised JSS more. The total ,
fftll , will bo sc.nt off this morning to its final
destination , with the good wishes of the
donors. f
CiiHiiVl > H Set ( led ,
Molllo Graham was given n preliminary
examination yesterday afternoon before Jus
tice Vicn on the charge of assaulting A. H.
Carter with n gun and thu intciitlan I.of
committing murder. Shu wns placed on the
stand and contradicted not only herself , but
tlio testimony of some thoroughly reliable
witnesses , even denying that she had
been In n wine room at the Cali
fornia house , corner of Uroadway
nnd Tenth street , when the oniccr arrested
her Just as she was leaving thu place. There
seemed lo bo n deslru to avoid a prosecu
tion , provided the trouble could bo settled
satisfactorily , nnd she was consequently ills-
charged upon her agreeing to glvo up Car
ter's children and his horses , which she had
been keeping in her possession for the pur
pose of insuring Carter's staying by her
until he had moved bur to Sioux City with
her traps. _
Stop nt the Ogdun , Council Bluffc , to
Icbt.00 house In Iowa.
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Death nf 1) , ( I , Spimnor.
Dnnlol O. Siwoncr died yesterday morning
nt 1":15 : o'clock after an Illness of two weeks ;
aged 88 year * . The deceased has been
a resluent of Council lllufTs for many years ,
lie was born In Heath , Mass. , nnd In IKIO
married Miss Nane. " Wilson , tbo wlfo whoso
death oocujrcd about a year ago. Ho moved
to this city in 1WH and has lived bera over
since. Ho loaves four children , L.
I. . . ( SVoner | of this city , E. A. Hpooncr
nnd 1)V. . Spooner of Boston , and Mrs. Clin
ton Uecd of Denver. Thu funeral will taku
place this uftesuoon at 4 o'clock from his
late residence , TOO Fourth street , the cere
mony to bo conducted by Hov. John Askln ,
pastor of the Congregational church , of
which the deceased was a member.
Cook yoi- meals this summer on a gas
range. At cost nt the Gas company.
UEO Domestic soap.
Lively Dash Across the Britlgo Between Two
Minions of the Law.
Ileeder , the Alleced Amnllnnt of Totlcemnn
tVj-mt , llftbeiMCiI Out of One Sheriff *
Clutchet to 1'iitl Into Another' *
Hot llnoo Tor the L'rlionor.
People who happened to bo upon the
streets of Omaha shortly after 10
o'clock yesterday morning stopped
on the curbstone to watch a back
that was tearing wildly down Farnam street
and over to the Omaha and Council
muffs wncon bridge , with the driver plying
the Innh and two men on the insldo of the
vehicle bouncing around like a couple of rub
ber balls. Tlioso who wcro watching the
course of the hack had an idea that It was a
runaway match and that an Irate fattier
was in hot pursuit of some daughter who
had slid out from under the protection of
the paternal roof.Vhllo the crowd was
speculating , and a moment after the passing
of thu hack , a tall man slid down the cop
ing that surrounds the court house grounds
and look un the chase , striking a gait that
made the most accomplished sprinter turn
green with envy.
Wagons , pedestrians and private rigs got
out of the way that the chaseo and chaser
might have a clear track , for It was a race
between Sherlit Ilnzen of Pottawatanno
county , Iowa , and Sheriff IJonnutt of this
county , and a man , 0:10 : who has been bung
up as a fugitive from Iowa justice , was the
prlzo for which the two oflielals were con
Canto of ( he Itucc.
Thu race caino on In this way : Ono week
aeo last Sunday night tbero was a row at ono
of tl.o s.iloons nt the east end of the Cut-OIT
lake bridge , which resulted In ono man being
shot and two or three atabbeu. Onicer
Wyatt , a Council Hluffs policeman who at
tempted to quell a row , was cut up In a
shocking manner. At the time all of the
assailants escaped , but the following
day John Hccder , alias "Scotty , " a motor
conductor , was arresied and Idcntltlcd-
being the man who was bandy with the
knife and the party who did tbo most of tbo
cutting. Thu crime having been committed
on Iowa soil , the Council Bluffs authorities
wcro anxious to take their man to that city
for trial , but Uceder did not want to go mid
nt once got behind tlio fact that ho was a
resident of Nebraska , declaring that he
would not trust his Interests to the courts of
the prohibition stato. IIo employed an at
torney and since that time ho has been
habeas corunsod nearly to ileath , going in and
out of Jail at a rate of speed that was simply
astonishing , yesterday morning ho landed
in.Indgo Koysor's court , where his attorney
contended that he was Illegally held and
that there was nothing for the court to
do but to grant a eloan bill. Mr. Mahoney ,
who appeared for Hcoder , argued that tlio
warrant issued by the pollco judge of this
city was Illegal and void for tbo reason that
If any crime had been committed it was not
committed in Nebraska , and consequently
the courts of this state were without Juris
diction. Assistant County Attorney Sla-
bangh. who appeared for the state , agreed
with Mr. Mahoney , but ho thought the man
should bo bold until the Iowa ofllcors had a
Ilii7.on' Diplomacy ,
During all of this time Sheriff Hazen of
the Council Bluffs baliwick occupied a seat
In the lobby , carefully lingering -'requisition
which bo had secure 1 from the two gov
ernors of tbo two states , authorizing him to
take Mr. Hoedcr to the other side of the
river as soon ns the opportunity urescnted
itself , but ho did not have to wait long , for
the opportunity was near it hand.
As the contending attorneys agreed to the
sumo state of fuels , nothing remained but to
declare thu habeas corpus proceedings oft for
the time being , at least. That settled the
matter and Air. Mahoney and bis client left
the building , closely followed by tbo Iowa
sheriff. Down the long stone steps the little
party wended Its way and out into the street
it went. As soon us the end of the county
block had been reached , Sheriff Hazcn called
a halt , telling Hecdor that ho would bo
pleased to interview him for a moment , as
he had nn important communication to com
municate.Vhilo the halt was hi force , the
requisition , bearing the great seals of the
states of Iowa and Nebraska , was Hashed
In the air and passed into the handset
ot Attorney Mahoney , who ut once
demanded a copy , thus socking to save a llt-
tlo time. Sheriff Hazen replied that ho
would bo only too glad to furnish tbo copy ,
but that his duties In Iowa prevented him
from taking the time to do the transcribing
Just then , but to accommodate everybody ho
would go back to the court houso. All of
the men climbed the steps again , .Mahoney
going up at a speed that would have winded
a fat man In short order , but when Hazcn
reached the first landltnr ho changed his
mind and concluded that he would talk with
Mr. Mnhoncy some other day , and at a time
when his business WHS less pressing.
Muliomiy Wai Xot In It.
By this time Mr. Mahoney was on hand
with another writ of habeas corpus , which
ho Had secured from Judge ICoysor , restrain
ing Sheriff Hazcn from taking Hccder from
the Jurisdiction of the Douglas county
courts. This document was turned over to
Sheriff Bennett and then the race com
menced. Bennett How down the steps of
the court house and out onto Farnam street
Just In time to sco Hazcn bundle his man Into
a hack that stood In front of the I'axtou and
drive away at lightning speed.
As thu chased and tbo chaser ncarcd the
bridge Bennett was a couple of laps behind ,
but lie was too far in tlio roar to take the
polo , and as the dividing line between the
two states was reached Hiizcu passed over ,
ptillod up his horses , turned around nnd In u
gentle tone of voice called out to the Doug
las county official , "George , como over and
have a smile with me. "
Bennett admitted that ho had boon out
classed in a fair and square race nnd for
once refused to accept the hospitalities of
his brother olllcor.
Koodor will bo tried on a war
rant which charges him with assault
with intent to kill nnd murder. This charge
ho claims that ho can disprove nnd
when the proper time comes ho declares ,
that ho can show that ho was not the person
who struck Mio Council Bluffs policeman.
Hccder accounts for the big gash on tbo
forehead hy saying that ho was drinking in
1'cto Bondo'ti saloon on Sunday night with
Komo companions when ho hoard thu noise of
a fracas going on outside. He ran out and
found two olllcors rolling over and over in
thu'ditch In a rough and tumble fight with
some other men whom ha could not recognize
on account of thu darkness. Ho stood lean
ing up against tlio fence looking on when an
olllecr suddenly camu up to him and knocked
him over the head with his billy.
Wlnttsays ho can Identify him beyond a
shadow of doubt as the man who stabbed
him , n i ul ho will prosccuto him to a finish.
The host building sand in the market
by carload. Address N. Sehurz , 34 Huld-
win JJloek , Council UlulTs , la.
llrlmirln li-ilnl. !
A recital In delsnrto and elocution will bo
given In the Fiist Baptist church , Council
Hluffs , on Friday evening , July 21 , at 8
o'clock , by Miss Cox of Denver , an artist In
dolsarto and elocution. Several new fea
tures of peculiar Interest will appear in the
program. Tickets 'J5c.
' ruoniuu.
Itecltatlon f.eudrlllo Jim
Kccltalloii , ( Jlnovra
Uccllatlon The Country Suuiro
Itecltatlon KouiTtof Hlclly
Heel lot Ion Money Muic
Miiilcul Accompaniment.
Uccllatlon. Tlio Tlrst Settlor's Story
Hucltiillon , Mitkln' mi Killlor Out'n < > ' Him
Kecltullon..Tilt's Ixn'u I.utlor from Duburuh
n i'-ill' .
DoUarlo Prill In Urcclun Costunio.
I'antomhuo. . . , , . . , The Famine
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Musio Co
Domestio Eoap is tlio best.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cloiril Out a Mlllluor.
Mrs. T , n. Louis' millinery score was
closed out ycitt'rduy uiorulug by Marshal
Tcmpleton under a chattel mortgage held by
J . J. I ansliu * for $1,100. Other claims have
been placed In the bands of attorneys by
creditors nnd will probably bo fllcd within
the next day or two.
roil A TititiiciNr : r.uti : .
Iteport of thn City Attorney to tlio Council
nn the Hulijrct.
Alderman White's llttlo 3-ccnt faro ordi
nance had its inning nt the city council meet
ing last evening , nnd with City Attorney
Ilazclton as umpire knocked tlio ball over
the fcnco. In this case , however , the old
rule of "over the fence Is out. " didn't apply.
All the members excepting Gelso wcro present -
sent nnd Mayor Lawrence occupied the
presiding ofllccr's chair.
A llttlo flurry of excitement was caused
by tbo announcement that the city attorney
had filed tbo report ho was requested about
two months ago to make upon the question
of the legality of any legislation that the
city council might make , reducing the faro
on the motor line within the city limits. The
opinion was qulto long and exhaustive , bu
In substance it read as follows :
City Altortiny'n Opinion.
The limitation by legislative enactment of.
the rntu of charge for services rendered In a
public employment , or for use of property In
which the public has nn Interest establishes nn
now principle of law. The circuit court of tbo
Pulled States In the case of Allerton vs. Ulty
of Chlcaco , ( page 055 , vol vl , I'edoral Repor
ter ) liulu that under the general law
ot the state of Illinois providing
Hint city counclli In cities should
have nullinrlty to license Imckmcn ,
drnyinoii nnd others pursuing like oceiina-
tlons , and to proscribe their compensation ,
Ntrcet railways were Included In thai statute.
The supreme court of Pennsylvania has held
that street railway carriages tuo of u llku
hutttiuas oiniilhussi's ,
The provisions of tlio street railway com
pany's charternro as follows : "The said com
pany ahull In no case uliargo each passutijtor
curried on said railway nnd across siild bridge
from nny part of Its street r.illwuy lines In the
city of Council Minn's to the western terminus
In Omaha lo exceed 10 cents for each person ,
and not to exceed C cents within thu limits ot
Council Illutrs. "
A Hltnllar question was decided by tbo United
States .siipiuini ) court In the case ot ( SiMirtfln
Railroad and Hanking company iiimlnsl Smith
( U stipreinn court repoi t , PIKO : 47 ( . Tliocharter
granted by the loglslaturo limited the
plnlntllT's clmrKo for transportation to not
to exceed t ) cents pur nillu for every pa si n-
Kor. Thn question then was whulhuror not
Raid provisions of the charter constituted 11.
contract that snld company inleht make nny
charges within the limits designated , The
court held that thu legislature bad the right
to proserlbu till ) charges of a railroad conip my
In this nbsunco of any provisions In the charter
constituting n. contriict vesltng In It authority
over thuM ) iniitlors , subject to Ihu limitation
that tlio earrlagi ! Is not required without ru-
ward or upon conditions amounting lo Ihu
tnkliic of property for public use without
Other decisions were also quoted at some
length , and bo finally said : "Section fl of
the ordinance of October 20 , 183(5 ( , granting a
franchise to the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Hallway nnd Bridge company , pro
vided that 'when Its acceptance has been so
filed said company shall bo vested with aud
enter upon the use and enjoyment of all of
the rights , privileges , grants and immunities
conferred by the ordinance and be subject to
the duties nnd obligations thereby ini | > osed ,
or by any other ordinance hereafter passed
for the regulation of tbo cxeiviso and use by
s.ild eomp'any of tbo rights herein granted
and not inconllictthcrowith. ' I am therefore
of tbo opinion that if the rates and charges
imposed by tbn street railway company of
this city are unjust and unreasonable that
this council has the right to regulate tbo
same by ordmaco , and that thereafter the
reasonableness of such rates as may be fixed
by said ordinance will then becotno a Judicial
question to bo settled by the courts. "
iltul'crrcil to the .Indicia ! Committee.
The opinion above given was referred to
the judiciary cotnmittcc.wlth instructions to
report on the it-cent faro ordinance Intro
duced some time ago by Alderman While.
The fruit dealers of tbo city , together
with about fifty other business men , pre
sented a remonstrance against the proposed
reduction of the huckster license fee from
$100 to.$30 ner i.nnum. On motion of Tibbetts
the remonstrance was concurred in , Hatha
way and White voting no.
A resolution was presented by Hathaway
and unanimously adopted , requiring the
motor company to plank its crossings on
Fifth avenue west of Twelfth street and on
Sixteenth street.
Another resolution was passed requiring
the Chicago , Burlington and Quincy. Union
Pacific and the Omaha and Council Bluffs
railway company to plank tboir rails on tbo
bridges on Fifth avonuo.nnd Fourteenth
A number of public improvement resolu
tions wcro presented and adopted.
The committee of the whole recommended
that the petition of the property owners for
opening up North First street bo referred
to the city attorney and city engineer. It
was so referred.
Tbo council adjourned until July S5 ,
Piles of psoplo have piles , out Da Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo will cure tnotn.
. Liwycr : Culla.l.
Some funny parleys between counsel
and prisoners ceeur in the police court
nearly every day. On Saturday Mr. E.
M. Hewlett , the colored lawyer , was
eross-oxumiuing a colored witness for (
the government in a disorderly house
case , says the Washington News.
"As I was snyin' , " remarked the wit
ness , "I heard dat eussin' from do alley
as I went f rough dar. "
"What time was it ? " asked the attor
Bout 2 o'clock in do mawnin' , sah. "
"Look at mo , sir. What were yon
doing prowling through that alloy at
the unseemly hour of U o'clock in the
morning ; ' Answer mo , air , and no
vnsion. "
"What I a-doln1 ' '
was - prowlin' nroun' 1
at dat hour ? It's my business to prowl
aroiiu' . "
"It is , hey ? We will BCO. What is
your business ? "
"Private night watchman in dat
locality , Bah. "
A hearty laugh followed , and Assist
ant Dhtriet Attorney Pugh reimrked ,
tantalizlngly :
"That's a good ono on you , Hewlett. "
The balloon goes up tonight ,
rural in .Modii nt ruiiUhinoiit.
Among the Persians the usual inodo
of punishment is the bastinado , from
which men of the highest rank are not
exempt. It Is inflicted with very great
severity , frequently so as to render the
BiilToror almost a cripple for life. Tlio
vlotlm is thrown upon his face , oaeh
foot is passed through a limp of strong
cord attached ton. polo , which is raised
horizontally by men , who , twisting It
around , tighten the ropes and render
the feet Immovable , Two executioners
then strike the solos alternately with
switches of the pomogrnnuto tree , well
Bleeped In water to render them Btipplo.
A store of those Bwitehes IB generally
ready for use In the jiond which adjoins -
joins the court yards of the houses of
the great. The punishment frequently
lasts an hour , or until the unfortunate
victim faints from pain.
A N - iv Kxploaivr.
Some extraordinary experiments are
reported from Herlin of the explosive
which is to replace the powder nt pres
ent In use in the German army. The
now explosive Is a greasy substance of 10a
brown color , of the consistency of olive
oil. It does not explode by blown ) ror
Bhocks and if thrown on the fire hums
slowly with a hlulah llamo. It only ex
plodes | iy the Introduction of a certain
Bi'ilwtanco which is the secret of the in
ventor. The report Is not very loud ,
hill thu ballistic effect is Bald to he nine
tunes that of powder. A quantity not | )
larger than n poppy teed of the
substance which causes the explosion is
sulllcient , and It is Inserted Into thu
cartridge by means of a needle.
Of the 3.559 vessels using the Suez canal
in ISDi , 2,581 were British. Franco fell from
second to third pluco in the list with 17-1.
Germany follows England , and only -rj ships
of that nation passed through the canal. ,
Two American vessels used it.
Oily Council Put ? in SOT I ! Warm Hours nt
Routine Ttf&rk. &
iplofcv of the Utllnnnitack ! YnnU Vow
Tlipjr Will Not WjitWitli TiliiRiite
Trcit son Tnkca
tl it
Tlio South Omaha qltycouncil ( held a long
business session last U1 'lit. Before tbo
meeting was over thb > u , yor and
members had shed tholr coats and the spec
tators on tbo bleaclilntf boards held
their aching sides. The misdemeanor
meaner aud levy ordinances wcro
passed. Councilman Wood got In his work
on the police force by sprlnglngasetofrnlcs ,
which Chief Beckett wilt strictly enforce. A
big grist of routine work wns ground out.
Special ordinances G.1 , 01 , or , nnd Crt , which
refer to now sidewalks , grading and paving ,
were passed.
The matter of repairing1 the street In the
vicinity of .letter's brewery was referred to
the committee of the whole.
Mr. Bruce Introduced a resolution direct.-
Ing that any pollco officer wishing it leave of
absence for ono or innro days nsk for the
same from the council , tho" request to be
accompanied by the endoseineulof the chief.
Carried. In the past tills power bus been
vested in the chief nnd the resolution was
offered at his suggestion.
It was ordered that two directories of
Omaha and South Omaha bo purchased.
Ono will bo left with the city clerk and the
other at police headquarters.
I3d J. Brennan gave notice to the council
that ho was the company of the firm of
George Parks & Co. , nnd neil lied It not to
pay over any more money to George I'arks in
person for tbo present repairs being made
on the Q street viaduct , or ho would hold
the city for the same.
W. B. Cheek , president of tbo school
board , gavojiotlco to the council as such of
ficial , that the amount of money required by
the school district of South Omaha , lo DO
raised by taxation , for the llscal year next
cnsuieg , was $ l5OiX ) .
Tbo South Omaha hand company asked
the council to have vacated the streets and
alleys between the right of wny of the
Bolt Une railway and the east Hue
of Thirtieth street , nnd between the rich ; of
way of the Chicago & Northwestern railway
to south line of West B street ,
The California Petroleum and Asphalt
company was granted a warrant for.1.,0'.iO. ) ' ± J
on an estimate submitted by City Engineer
King. This Is for work done on the west
side of Twenty-fourth street.
The final estimate for the grading of
Twenty-fourth street , in favor of W. Caw ,
for ftS0.40 , was allowed.
Mr. Schultz brought up the workings of
the ofllco of city building inspector. He
thought the ordinance was weak In places.
For instance , a man made application fora
permit to'ercct a house. The inspector had
no way of tolling whether oriiiot the original
plans were carried out. He moved to have
the ordinance referred to a committee for
revision. Carried.
John Snlvoley , the city dog catcher , made
his report to the councinas follows : Num
ber of dogs tagged , - ' ft' , sluts , ' . ' 0 ; total re
ceipts , ? . )30. Total tagi' issued , ! i. > ; total
dogs killed , 481 ; tost' of same , ? ' .i0.f)0j
amount duo the city ) fyi'.oO. '
The lot near the corner of Twentieth nnd
J streets was declared a nuisance.
Ordinances were passed ns follows :
levying a tux for general revenue purposes :
for current expense's' ; for the grading of N
street ; covering all misdemeanors.
Al Garry was granted d permit to transfer
a saloon license to 42G North Twenty-fourth
street. ,
Thomas O'Connor paid in $100 occupation
tax to tbo city clerk' , in May , at that
time Intending ' to continue iu
the saloon business. Later on
ho changed his mind , ami ho asked tbo
council to refund to him the money. Mr.
O'Connor's place was at Thirtieth and Q
streets. The cash wr.sTufunded.
Mayor Walker hady.iy a communication
urging some legislation in regard to muzzling
dogs during the heated term. Wymau
moved that the matter be referred to the
"regular dog committee , " and his motion
went. It did not novolopo Just who the dog
committee are , but the mem bers seemed to
Mr. Schultz moved that all persons be
compelled to drive across the viaduct at a
walk. Mr. Bulla objected aud the matter
was passed.
Union Stuck VnnU Switchmen Say They
Will Nut Work with Him.
Charles B. Tungato , the man who Man
ager W. N. Dabcoclc of the Union Stock
Yards company will , in all probability , place
in charge of the company's railroad yards in
the near future , was on Iho ground here yes
terday until r o'clock In the evening.
The switchmen now employed in the yard" ,
and who would have to work under Tungate ,
are bitter against him , and say they will
quit to a man as soon as ho takes charge of
the yards. J. L. Sullivan , financial secre
tary of the switchmen's brotherhood , was
seen by a Bin : reporter last night. He a M :
"Wo are now satisfied that Tuugato will
bo put to work. This means that all of us
union men now at work hero will be put on
the 'hog train' inside of thirty days. Tun-
gate has been working with union
men for the last two years , but ho has never
employed a union man when ho could avoid
It. Ho has no use for our kind of people.
"Wo held a mooting last night that was
attended by about 200 union railroad men.
They were hero from Omaha , Council BlulTs
and other smaller towns , nnd all expressed
themselves as being against Tungate. They
know bis record. Wo do not wish
to dictate whom the company shall em
ploy , but wo do object to ' 1 ungato.
The union butchers of South Omaha are in
deep sympathy with us and thcro is bound
to bo trouble if Tungatc goes to work. The
switchmen hero are nearly all married men.
Wo have our homes partly paid for and if wo
nro let out now wo may lese them. The
switchmen feel that the move Is bain ? made
by the company to cut down salaries. Wo
nro now all getting the regular scale , and if
a cut Is made union switchmen cannot bo Induced -
duced to work here. "
Mr. H.ibcock said : "I have offered the po
sition to Mr. Tailgate , and if ho proves him
self competent to fill tiio place ho will 1)0 )
employed. IIo has been working with nnd (
cmpKvtng union men for the last two years ,
ami I have been satisfied that ho is a very
competent man In his line of work. 1
do not fear any serious trouble from
the employing of Mr. Tungato. The stuuk
Yards company pays the bills and should at
least bo allowed to select its own employes.
The switchmen have como to mo with dif-
fere lit grievances and I : liuvo always given ;
them a fair and saiiVf c'tory hearing. The
last man was let out on account ot drink.
Our work must bo .ijbno correctly and
promptly , aud it buhuQVQS us to hnvo very
competent men In cliiinjs. There will bo no
boycott by oilier tr-ilmnon. nelthor will
there be any strike in my estimation. "
Coltlnc thrlUimk * In Hhapw.
The members of tho'sohool ' board are get-
tint ; ready to bo thoroupbly Investigated by :
tbo citizens coin.iiilHiq , which was appointed
a abort time ago , TlieA ; have secured the
services of Mr. J. D , Ifuynes , nn expert ac
countant , to go own * Abe books from tbo
time the Bctinol district was orK'nnUed In
1KSS up lo tbu present 'timo. This is some
thing that has noyfcr lictm done and U will
retjuiro considerable timo. Mr. Hayncs' report -
port will show where every dollar went that
has been paid out by the board , tbu running
expenses of all the fiuhool , and will detail
and itunnzfl each department. A new cot of
books will then bo opened out-for the board
nnd matters kept up iu good shape from
now on.
Dmichcrty' * Iliird l.uck.
John Dougherty was Btrollim ; homo Sunday
night with ono arm In a sling and carrying
a pretty good Jag , IIo mot a fellow on tlio
the street whonskcd him what was tbo mat
ter with his hand , lie explained that ho
was suffering from a burn. The Btranker
said ho bad some liniment that would euro
anything and Induced Dougherty to let him ' .
pour some of the liquid on the burn. The
men then parted. A. few moments later I
Dougherty In lighting hi * Plpo * et
lire to the b.indatro which had been
saturated with the stranger's dope nnd for a
few seconds it was a RUO. S whetlier Dough
erty would burn up alive or extinguish the
flames. Ills arm nnd both hands wore
frightfully burned nnd his clothing was
nearly all torn from his body. Doiifiherty
hastened to the pollco station where he was
attended by Dr. Cornish nnd Inter on was
sent ( home. The stranger was not detected
and the stuff Hint ho poured on Dougherty's
hand ; was nothing but kerosene or bcnzlno.
IIfl also gave Dougherty a drink of liquor
from a bottle that almost set him crazy.
What his objo.t ! was Is unknown , us Dough
erty had nothing to be robbed of.
Out n llurzliir.
John C. Trouton scooped the police last
night and made the boil catch of the season.
Ho snared a burglar In his ownhouse. .
Troutor .cetipics rooms In thi Hunt block
on N street. About 10 o'clock last night ,
when ho went to his apartments , ho found a ,
burglar thcro very busy nt work , packing
up such articles ns ho chose to carry nwny
and steal. Trouton grappled with the fel
low , who did not innlco much resistance , and
said hi would ire to Jail with the gentleman.
When they reached the corner of Twenty-
sixth and X streets the thief broke loosa
from Trouton nnd like a flash ho readied
the opposite side of the street and Mai-tod
for the entrance of Blum's hall.
As ho passed the pollco station Trouton
called out for assistance. Chief Beckltt
entered the chase and caught the thief
crouched down In a dark corner at Blum's
At the station the fellow gave the name of
O. C. Murphy.
To .Millie Another lifT.irl.
Police .ludgo Fowler has been ' 'Jacked up"
by the city council on soycral occasions for
not enforcing the ordinance which compels
prisoners to work out their fines on the
streets. The Judeo has had as his excuse
that no matter how many moil ho sentenced
to do the work Chief JlecKott hai never en
forced the order. Two men. John Berg and
G. F. Shelby were each fined $ .1 and costs
yesterday , and as they had no money the
judge directed that they work out their
lines on the streets. It will now ho seen
who is responsible for the complaints.
Stiiln llrownr'H rancilooni.
George Brewer was In Omaha yesterday
searching the sleeping apartments of an in
dividual who , he thinks , entered his room
yesterday and stole two pairs of new panta
loons. The clothing was in Mr. Brewer's
room in the Hunt block. Ho had left the
key over the door for the benefit of n painter
who was to do some work thcro yesterday.
Officer Mitchell served the search warrant ,
which was issued from Justice Hedges court.
The robbery was committed Sunday in
daylight. The goods were not recovered.
.Miltin City uofilp.
Eli H : Deed is in Auburn.
Miss Alice Erion is visiting in Chicago.
Miss Anna Blanehard Is homo from Chi
Ralph Hallam is homo from a trip to
Murray , la.
Miss Cora Hcland of Dubuque Is visiting
friends in the city.
Thu dog catcher gathered in twenty-eight
dogs Saturday night.
Dr. Dickenson visited the World's falrana
returned home yesterday.
\ \ illi-im Mongen. the postman , has gone to
Chicago to take in the fair.
John Forbes of the tCudahy force re
turned from the east last evening.
C. E. Uaccy had a hand mashed at the
stock yards yesterday , caused by a plank
falling upon it.
Mrs. S. E. Hyatt foil down a night of
stairs and fractured her left arm and dis
located her shoulder.
Miss Nellie Cromo is homo from a visit in
St. Isolds. Miss Evil Hocking returned with
bur to spend the summer.
A thief entered the residence of dharles
Calsfair at Twenty-fifth and Jj streets yes
terday and stole a revolver , two hats and n
Peter Olson and A. Vnnstrom arc in
durance vile for swiping a pair of brosrans
from Tom Flynn. Ofileer Argabright made
the arrest.
Miss Eva James , who has been visiting at
the residence of I. A. Bray ton , left yester
day for Chicago. She was accompanied by
Will Brayton.
Gus Smith and Charles Ashburg were sent
to the county Jail for fifteen days each for
vagrancy. Both men are cripples and spend
the greater portion of the time begging on
tbo streets. Tlio pohcc say they will also
steal if an opportunity'presents itself.
Mrs. Doling fell in a fit at the corner of
Twenty-fourth ana N streets yesterday
evening. In the fall the woman's face was
painfully bruised. Jlr. Slabaugh attended
her , lafter which Oftlcers Argabright and
Mitchell escorted the lady lo her homo in
the I'hiri ) ward.
The Upchurch lodge No. 2 , Degree of
Honor , has changed its ledge meeting
night from the first and third Saturday
evenings to the first and third Thursday
evenings of each month , first meeting to be
next Thursday evening. All members re
quested to bo present. Special business.
The school board yesterday took out pcrml ts
to build the two new school houses. Ono is
located at Eighteenth street and Missouri
avenue and the other -Twenty-seventh
and F streets. Each building is to cost
$10,000. ICggers & Bock , the contractors ,
will begin on thn ivork of construction nt
Piles -people uvo piles , out lo ) Witt's
Witch Hazel S lvo will euro thaai ,
Balloon tonight and tomorrow nifjlit.
Sublimity or the Punkt.
Ono of the fiiibliinost effects in nature
.B occasionally boon by thoho who climb
the tull nnd isolated peuks of the Kooky
mountains in Colorado. The dryncss of
the uir uiul the stroiif ; lioat of the after
noon HUH a rapid evaporation from
the brooks , springs , and the snow banks
on the mountain sidcB , and this moisture ,
rising on the warmer air , condenses ns
it reaches cooler , thinner atmosphere
about the mountain tup. The traveler i
looking down , soeri clouds literally form
ing below him , and growing thick and
black every Instant , BO that ns they 1i
reach his level they roll skyward and In i
huge masses of vapor eclipse the view
and bury him in darkness. Lightning oc !
casionally leaps from the clouds , and n
mountain top is n particularly bad iilaco
to bo at such a timo. The stone rilgnul
Borvlce titntlon on Pike's Peak has been
nearly wrecked by lightning more than
AlH'IcnC Ciirif > n ,
Old chests and trunks have n high
value an ourios , and are larguly taken
by the dealers In the like. As paper was
costly in the eighteenth century , many
Hiieh articles wore lined with news
papers then current , and if pleasantries
of the period are to bo trusted , even
with rejected mumiFcripta. A ciirioiiB
old trunk with pentagonal ends recently
'urned up in the nhop of a dealer in old
furniture. it ttill bore a wcaihor
stained card showing that its last deliv
ery had been to homebody in i'oarl
street , it was lined with a Philadelphia
newspaper of 17'it'i , and the pages ox >
poned buro the tax list of that year in
pounds , shillings and pence.
For over two years my little girl'a life
was made miserable b v a case of Catarrh.
The discharge from tue nose was large ,
constant ana very offensive. Her eyes
became inflamed , the lids swollen and
vjery painful. After trying various reme
dies , I gave lierjjfsrEfSH The first hot-
tJc seemed toBRaSSESaggravate ! the
disease , but the symptoms soon abated ,
and in a short time she was cured.
DH. L. B. KITCMBV , Mackcy , Ind.
Our book on lllond nnd Bkln Diseases mallei !
free. . Syu-t sw-cino Co. , Atlvito ,
Members of the Board of Education in Danger
of Doing Pulled.
Ppctily Aliiindnnmunt of Dry Clnioti , No\r
Ill Utti In .Sclumli , l > rmundpd Mnjor
He nil * TMUn n ilrend In
The Oinithn Hoard of Education Is
threatened with arrest unless them Is a
speedy abandonment of the rtrv closets now
In use nnd tboso being put In the now school
bulldlncs. This step was agreed upon by
the Boanl of Health at Us meeting yi-ster *
day afternoon , which wns attended by Attor
ney Baxter and Architect t/Ucnscr , of the
Bo.ird of Education.
For inany months thcro has existed a con
troversy between the two boanls ns to the
sanitary conditions that exist where the
Smead and Fuller ft , Warren systems of dry
closets are In use. In the Kcllom and
Lothrop schools these systems are In use ,
although the Board of Health has Issued
orders to thu e co that they should nut bo
put in and that such action was a direct
violation of tbo ordinances of the city. The
members of the school Ixjanl have con
tended that the dry closets are sanitary In
every particular nhil have refused to recede
from their position , and instead have con
tracted for the system to bo placed In the
several new buildings. During all this time
the Boanl of Health , through Commissioner
Somers , has been warning the members of
the board aud given orders for a strict com
pliance with the ordinance of the city In
putting In n system of closets.
( loiicrrtl Dulmtn nn tile Suhject.
Mr. Baxter and Mr. Latcnscr wcro present
yesterday at tbo meeting of the board to
present the case from the standpoint of tbo
school boanl. Proceedings were started by
ir. Somers brinpliigr up the question. Then
followed a discussion that continued for
move limn two hours. Everybody took a
hand , and It grow decidedly warm nnd In
teresting at times.
Dr. Seniors stated that ho bad complied
with tbo Instructions of the board to enforce
the provisions of the city ordinances gov
erning sewer and water connections for
closets , TltC'Lathrop school has been com
pleted with n dry tlosot system in direct
violation of the ordinances , and Plumbing
Inspector Duncan bad refused to ac
cept the sumo. Dr. Somors also stated that
ho had ordered the same removed. Ho read
reports upon tbo dry closet systems from
the State Board of Health of Michigan ,
supcrintcndeiitof schools of Bancroft , Mich. ,
1'rof. V. C. VaiiRlmn , member of the State
Board of Health of Michigan , all declaring
the system dangerous and unsanitary. Also
the report of the state board
of Massachusetts , showing an ep
idemic of dlp'athcrla at Woostcr In
December 11 , IS'.IJ , traceable to the existence
of tbo dry closets In the schools.
A letter from Thomas Smith , inspector ot
plumbing of Cleveland , O. , was read. The
letter contained the following :
' The dry closet has been condemned by
tbo present school council and the former
health ofllcer , and none are now allowed In
the now school building. Tbo binoail people
themselves have virtually confessed that
they are a failure by replacing this system
with tlio water carriage system , at thoirown
expense , in one of our school buildings nnd
several factories. This I know to be a fact.
The dry closet system , wheh placed within
n building , is n damnable piece of work , and
should never bo tolerated by your people. "
Dr. Somers then explained that it had
como to a show down as to whether the
board should enforce the laws of the city and
compel the Board of Education to put the
Kcllom and Lathrop schools in sanitary con
dition by taking out the 'dry closets , or
whether matters are to take their own
Mr. Latonser said ho thought tbo school
boanl would be satisfied to burn the cere
ment as frequently as the health board de
manded. Ho made a lengthy speccb uphold
ing the dry system and pronounced it sani
tary and a modern success.
Attorney Baxter echoed Mr. Latcnscr's
views and said that the Board of Education
would not consent to removing the dry
closets so long as there existed a possibility
of them being snnitnry or made sanitary by
necessary precaution and regulations.
.Mayor llcinis Taken u Hand.
Mayor Bcmis , who had listened atten
tively to all that had been said , took a hand
in tlio discussion. Ho said that in his
opinion it was about time for the city irov-
crnment to wake up and ascertain
whether the Smead and Fuller & War
ren companies were to run this mu
nicipality. The event at South Omaha ,
coupled with tbo struggle between
the two companies bore bad nearly convinced
him that the companies were exercising alto
gether too much iiillucnco with the com
munity , and it is about time to call a halt.
Thu mayor opined that there was an abund
ance of evidence to show that the
closets wcro not what they should
be , and that It was n direct viola
tion of the ordinances of the city to
put them In operation. Ho was opposed to
showing any favoritism , nnd so long as in
dividuals wcro not permitted to exercise that
right lie did not believe It should be granted
to tbo Board of Education. Ho wanted an
understanding arrived at and to nscurtain
whether the hoard intended trampling the
laws of the city under Its feot.
Mr , Latenser Intimated that the reports
criticising the dry closet systems , where the
Smead or Fuller & Warren was mentioned ,
might bo tbo result of the application of coin
of the realm by either company interested.
Again he defended the system nnd bald it
was perfectly sanitary.
Dr. Somers said that the records would
show that in the territory contingent to the
Kellom and Lathrop schools there had been
more contagious diseases than In any other
portions of the city. Ho attributed it to the
veS5foK Al
lly doru > r ny It new nciillj' nn dm slomicli ,
liver and klilnevn , niui lia plmmim lainth'e. 'this
drink U mrule from hcrhi. nnd la prepared for line
aa t'aally aa ( ca. 1(14 culled
All rtrucEimnell It t ' .00.11111131 niiarkngp. Ifynu
rannotfiM U. rend your mlilrrai fora frcu namplu.
I.nne'n I'nmilr Mrilli'lnr IIIIIVFN thn liondu
enrh dny. In order to ! > hcnlilir thins ncrrwary. .
" ' " - - -
AflMr M' *
Gothirg ) Sates Agcrjt
Wiuilolfor Omaha and vicinity. Ulior.-il
I'ommlsslnmi paid , mill wo furnish llio host '
and most coniulutu outfit ever provided hv
nny hoiiio. Wrlto ut once for turnib. Bend
i'hlluilulphln , i'a.
dust from the dr.vlnp process of thu closet ,
which win carried up tlio flue * and Into the
open | nlr from the o nrliooh.
Mr , I tcnsor said ho considered that thn
ichool hoard vt on the right side nnd did
not Intend to recede from its poMtlou.
nitl Mr. Mcl-carlo romarkpil that ho bcllored
tlR Board of Health wns onto Its lob , and ha
as ! n member of the board did not propose to
permit < the school board to wlllfullv disobov
order * nnd do that which U ft violation o'f
the ordinance * of the city. If the ordinance
Is defective It should have neon amended before -
fore the systems were put into the schools.
Chief Scnvey had not said a word , but h
said ! It wns time to get down to bualncsi. nnJl
lltl made a motion that the city attorney ami
the commissioner of health bo Instructed to
prosecute the Honrd of Education for violate
Ing . ordinances ot the city. The motion wns
unanimously adopted.
The adoption of the resolution dH not cut
off the ducussloii. Dr. Somers said Hint ho
was prepared to prove by the teachers In the
Kcllom school that the odor In several of the
moms thcro last whiter was almost unen
durable , and he attributed It to the closet.
Both Mr. L'ltenscr ami Mr. Baxter admitted.
that such wns the case.
H.V. . Pettlt , nu ex-Inspector who was
discharged last August , was plvcn a hearing.
Nothing came of It more than that hn
learned that no charges hnd been Hied
against him nt the time of his dlsmlsaal.
Is Kid cnoncli. with the ordi
nary pill. But dm having it
down is worw. And , utter
nil the disturbance , there's
only n llttlo temporary good.
J roni beginning lo cud , Dr.
Picrco'a I'lcixsiint relicts nro
tetter. They're the Mimllest
mul easiest to take liny ,
sugar coated granules that
nny child is ready for. Then
thcv do tbcir work FO easily
nnd so nnturnlly that it lasts.
They absolutely and perman
ently cure Constipation , Indigestion -
" * " " "
digestion , Bilious Attacks ,
Sick and Bllloui Headaches , and nil dorungo-
monta of the liver , Momncli and luiwols.
They're ptuirantettl to Rlvo satisfaction , or
your money U returned.
THE MA Knits of Dr. Sap's Catarrh
Remedy say : "If wo can't cure your
Catarrh no matter what your case I ? ,
we'll pay you $ . )00 ) In cash. " Now yon
can see what Is salt ! of other remedies ,
anil decide which Is inoct likely to cure
you. Costs only f.O cents.
Mandrake Pills hnvo a value as a house
hold remedy far beyond the power of Uin
RUUJJO to describe. The family can
hardly bo true to Itself that does not
keep them on hand { or use in emergen
Is the only vofjotnulo substitute for that
dangerous mineral , MKUCUKY , and
while its action aa n curative IB fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mandrake aets upon
the bowola without disposing them to
Biibsoquont Costvanes ! ? .
No remedy acts so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Siclc
Headache , Sour Stoin-
noh , and Biliousness as
Kor Sale by all DruzlsU. 1'rlco 2. " > cts. per
box ; 3 lioxos for ( V > cts. ; or sent by mull , post-
nso free , on receipt of price. Dr. J , II ,
Schcnctt & Sou , Philadelphia.
Wo will ttnil you tha mnrToloii )
French I'rcrtrntion CALTHOSl
frru. and A Irani guitriiiiltr thai I
CALTHUS will Ilnturo .TOiirC
llvnllU , Strength aud Vigor , f
Usr Hand fay ifialitJitJ.
AddrosaVONMOHLCO , .
R U lairiua 1MU , ClnilaiaU , Olio.
The bcHt payliif Investment for a hoamwlta U
riio Excelsior Homc-IlaKcr and Koastcc
Ilalios t.isty , IO.IVCH II moist ; monl will l > a
Juicy . 'mil rich. Huvnoiii'-tlilnlliulrtHousoe ! iHmtH.
No lady rnnilo without It after hnvlnir trlud It.
wrlto fur t'lrculnni. Albo oilier iiujck-uelllnif
klU'hun novoltlfH ,
CoimcfiitiTri , Jcm-ii.
E ynsfer Springs
Improved Hire's Root Beer.
Private families furnished with I'urn Drink *
fir. Walur , fresh ovury inorrilnir , at } 1.K ) pur
I'alronlzo Homo Indimtry nnd cut pura
water and wholesome hiini'uor < lrlnls.
Mynster Springs Water Co. ,
K. K. WAUI ) . ! MK AVKMUK H ,
Council Bluffs , la.
/OHSAI.KOUTHAIIK A < TJ lileli ur.-iifu liurm- !
1 power merrycommm.vnai . nan > 'ou lo
OITuiII. . O. .Meaili ) . KIM North ' -'fall Mieol
A1ISTKAOTS anil IU.UIH , Farm anil city proimrt/
bought and Hold. 1'nnoy A : Tlioma't , Council
lIlllllH _
GAHIIAftK riMiinviHl. ei-iiipuolH. vatdtH. rid iiiinyt
cliuiiiul. 1U ! Ilurlcu , ut Taylor'u t'iocry , Ol'J
Hroadway. _ _ _ _ _
17OUKXCHANOK , nleo lot on bottom for horsj
J-1 and buiriry. Oruonulilolilij , NIcliulHun A. Co.
IMJIT FAltMS-\\'i have somn nun hearing fruit
rariim for nalu ; almi _ oui | luwa Mnnx ; aeluiluo
Ulli-avru farm , ijil : ( pur auni. JoliiiHUin A Van
l/OJl .SAIH at a bnmaln If taken at nnun. HI'i feet
J by ' . ' II feet 1'aik ,
( on avenue or will will hi
kinalleriinivelHlfilriitroil. H. II. Uheafo , llroud-
wny anil Main utreet.
I/OR HKKT7 room lioiihn. water , k'lm anil hnthl
Kuod blablu. 71U ronrlli Hlreet , ( 'uiiiiull Hlnirn.
VITANTKI ) A carpenter ; to build a Hinidl honuu
i T and liVi : > pay In horauu. Apply to Ijconard Hv-
enill , Council llhitlH , la.
\VANTKI ) Men to taki ) contract for crubbhiir
'I and tirrukhiif 10 acrcitof Imntli land near | lm
clly. Apply lo Iiconanl KveritU , Council IllutTHI.j. _
OAK Mini hickory IHIHIH fur Halo cheap on ( ! : tlla-
k'hur'H farm. AddrubH Mm. liullaidiur , Wouloiu
Wo have ii hit'h-irrndo gontB1 pneumatics , U ladles'pneumatic ? , high grade ,
i tinyt ) ' and 1 girl's wheel in Htoojfc all IH'JIt wheels , of latest design and btrietly
high grade. If wo can got the cash cost of tlieso we will let them go. ThoHU
Include throe of the host Known wheels In the world and not a mar or tierateh on
them. Wo are ngonts for Victors , Now Malls. King Kllppurs and Wnvorlya. Our
reason for cleaning ui > at the middle of the bicycle uoaeon is August 1st we wil
hnvo arrive 5 carloads of. stoves 1 ear Hockwfth'u Hound Oaks , U cars KndJ 4 n
Homes , 1 car Stewart's nnd 1 cnr wrought ranges. To make room wo must clear
our stock of all bulky good a This is nn advertising fake , but wo mean exactly
what we euy. Wo also have one fine Refrigerator left that will go at cost , This
will ulcan out our bulky seasonable goods. Don't wait till these uro gone and then
regret that you missed the chance of a lifetime. Our friends know we are doing u
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