Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1893, Image 9

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Hot weather is causing some very hot prices , during this money losing sale. Stock
must be reduced. We need money and must have it. Our loss will be your
gain during this sale.
Stock Must Be Reduced
At Once.
Ladies' jersey ribbed vests Sc , worth 150.
i lot of ladies' lisle thread and Egyptian cotton vestsworth
500 and 750 each , reduced to 250.
Children's fast black cotton hose only gc. per pair , reduced
from 250 ,
i lot of ladies' 'fast black cotton hose , fine gauge , only
per pair , worth 250.
Ladies'fancy lisle thread hosewortli7 50 and $ r , reduced to
i case of ladies' extra heavy pure silk mitts , worth 5oc , re
duced to 250100 dozen gents1 fancy bordered , hem
stitched handkerchiefs , only 90 each , worth -2oc.
i lot of ladies' summer corsets , perfect fitting , only 500 ,
reduced from 750.
i case of gents' seamless sox , only gc-per pair , worth laj c
Special sale of corsets for Monday.
Special sale of boys' waists Monday.
Waists and Suits.
Ladles' Percale Waists , regular price 50o and Ooc , will go at only'V ' ' f
Ladles' Laundered Percale Waists in stripes and figures , regular price A / >
, . * ± JL
87c Monday nt only - <
Ladles' Percale Waists In light and dark colors , regular price from 75o 55c
to $1.25 , Monday take your choice at only
c Ladles' Percale Suits , regular price $2.25 , at only
Ladies' Novelty Flannel Suits In light gray and blue , striped , worth
$3.25 , Monday at only .
Ladles' Lawn Street Costumes in fancy striped and figured , regular d 1 QQ
price $3.60 and $4.00 , will go Monday at only . * P JO
All Silk WlTlsts in plaln.stripcd and figured , worth from $8.25 to $4.2o ,
your choice for Monday at only
I9c , ISc , I9c ,
5,000 articles that range in price
from 2Sc to $1 on sale Monday at 19c ,
this includes Tinware , Graniteware ,
Blue Enameled , China , Glassware ,
Crockery , Woodenware , etc.
Hat Department.
Clearing sale of men's , boys' and chil
dren's straw hats.
60o and 76o men's Btruw hats 25o , in
brown , black and white.
(1.00 and $1.26 men's straw hats , COc.
1 lot of men's straw hats averaging
from § 1.60 to $2.00 to bo sold atVSo.
76o boys' straw hat in white , black
and brown and mixed , "Co.
60o children Bailors' , 25a
A flue felt all IT brim hut in black and
brown OSo , worth $1.60.
$3.00 Fudora In black , brown and
lutriu , iu the Idlest shapes , $1.08.
Hot Weather Silks.
Cool Prices.
SWtuitung pongee 29o yard.
Kui ICal wash silks43uyard.
llubutai wash sllkb , 24 In. wideOSo yd.
Solid color surah silks 20a yard.
Solid color Dongalines COc yard.
Changeable tulToitu silks Wo ) yard.
Cheney Bros. ' 80 in. china silk 75o yd.
Black chhm silks at low figures.
Buttons ,
Wo will offer on Monday the biggest
bargains over offered in buttons in the
country. Loss than i of original cost ,
Wash Dress Goods.
Reducing the prices in order to reduce
the stock. Wo have more wash dross
( roods than wo should have ut this bcason
of the year ; wo must have money ; wo
nro therefore making very interesting
prices. It will pay you to examine our
birgnins and keep posted ; wo don't ex
pect your money unless wo glvo you bet
ter viiluo for the same than you can got
We start on Monday selling 200 nieces
India mulls , a very fine and showy wash
fabric mudo to sell at 15c a yai d , our
closing price now 5c a yard. Wo would
advise you to come early as this is one
of the best bargains offered this season.
On Monday morning and as long as
they last , which will not bo very long ,
wo will otter the greatest bargain In sat-
ino over offered by any house. 120
pieces of 32 inch wide satino in hand
some colors and very desirable styles ,
made to sell for 25c a y"ard , wo shall
close every yard of them as long as they
lost at 7ic a yard. These are no rem
nants but all first class in every respect.
Notice a few of the following prices p
and you will soon discover that it pays j
to tnido at Haydons :
25c grade of printed dimities lOo.
40c grade of imported printed dimities '
19c. '
47c grade of imported printed and fig
ured Swisses now 29o yard.
Best domestic figured Swisses 16c yard
India mulls and printed India linens
at 5c , lOc , 12c , 15o , 18c,5iOc andSJoc yard.
Shangai pongee reduced to lOe yard.
"Brandenburg cloth , " well known for
its fineness and firmness , in fact one of
the best wash fabrics manufactured.sold
all over the country at 25c , our closing
price now 12ic yard.
All remnants of wash dress goods
marked down to close. All wo ask nf
you is to see them and the prices marked
in plain figures will convince you that it
pays to do your trading at Haydons.
Wool Dress Goods.
Monday wo start our great summer
clearing pale. Goods will bo sold re
gardless of cost to reduce stock before
Half wool challies worth 20c , to close
82-inch all wool challlo worth 69c , to
close 80c.
40-Inch Scotch plaids , in light colors
only , worth 58c , to close 2oc.
40-Inch changeable suitings worth 40c ,
to close 26c.
40-inch all wool imported suiting
cords and chevrons worth $1.00 , to close
40-inch all wool figured black , worth
up to 81.25 , to close 69o.
40-Inch all wool German honrietta
worth $1.25 , to close 75c.
Domestic Bargains.
.Wo have too many double width un
blenched sheeting , too many pillow
casings ; are you in need of any ? If so ,
get our prices. Closing out fine
bleached muslin :
Wamsutta at lOc yard.
Pride of the West , lOc yard. '
Utica now 85c yard ,
Lonsdnlo 7Jo yard.
Fine half bleached GJc yard.
Yard wide bleached muslin 4c yard.
Ready raado pillow cusos as low as lOo
8-4 shoots mndo of Lock wood sheeting ,
b'.oaohod , at 50o each.
0-4 sheets made of Atlantic shooting ,
bleached , at 65c onoh.
Kxtriv heavy standard 4-4 unbleached
shooting , Gc yard.
Choose cloth and dairy cloth in dif
ferent widths and grades.
Outing flannel , 5oyard.
Shaker llannol , 5c yard.
Brown nndTbluo denim , shirting , tick
ing , drilling , etc. Double width can
vass shirting reduced to lOc yard.
Now styles of durk prints. Dost 5c
apron gingham in Omaha.
Fine zephyr gingham at lOo yard.
Great variety of figured cretonne , ISc
Closing out our linen and momto lap
robes. ik'St grades now selling at the
price of cheap ones. Look thorn over
and take advantage of this money losing
eulo at Ilayden's.
Dress Linings.
Always busy In this department. On
Monday wo place on sale 20 pieces of
very line percahno , printed , porcalin > j ,
fancy patterns , good styles , and the
price will make them very desirable ;
wore 25c yard , closing price now lOo
All remnants of cambric on Monday
ut 2Jo yard.
All remnants of crinoline on Monday ,
60 yard.
Now line of watered percullno , all
colors except black , 15o yard.
White buck cambric , 6c yard ,
Hair cloth , Sooyurd.
In fact the only place in Omaha
where you find a complete lining de
partment and can got the colon you are
tookiuir for. *
Closing Out Sale
In Department No. 50.
Wo are closing- out several lines of
very desirable goods ; in thifldopirtmnnt ,
and for Monday , Tuesday and Woctnos-
dny wo will offer the followingbargalns :
Children's fine fancy bordered nund-
korchlof ? , 0 for fie.
Children's lino'fancy bordered hora-
etitchod handkerchiefs , 2e each.
Children's vnry fine Swiss handker
chiefs , embroidered , 45 each.
Ladies' very fine hemstitched hand
kerchiefs , 4c each ,
Job lot of huudkerohiofs , slightly
soiled , Gc.
Job lot of handkerchiefs , slightly
soiled , lOc. '
In these two lots'yqu will find hand
kerchiefs worth from 0c to 40c each.
Job lot ladies' balta/lOc , worth 35c.
Job lot ladles' fiuiuyibelts , 20c , worth
60c. '
Job lot ladies' sUlc bolts , 30c ' worth
COc. '
Job lot Indies' .all silk Windsor tics ,
10c , worth 25c.
Special closing ouf sale of black and
white laces. < ' '
Fine black lacot.8e , "lOc " , 16o and 25o
per yard. j ' „
Fine tatting edge laces 7c to 60c per
Fine tot of ladles. ' collars and cuffs ,
lOc sot. r , , t
Job lot black atfd white linen thread ,
2c spool. ' / . -
Job lot ladies' canvas bolts , Ic each.
Special bargains iu.ladios' fancy neck
wear. . , v >
Linen Dejjtl
Stock Must Be Reduced.
We are overstocked on linens. Prices
made to sell. >
100 dozen Iprge ' nil linen buck towels
on sale at 12c each. 81.60 dozen , they
speak for themselves
Look at them ; they , are selling freely.
13ig bargains in fine rea bordered
lunch cloths , 10-4 .aizo , worth $2.60 , now
selling at 31.40.
Largo stock qf Turkish bathing
towels ut 60 , lOc , i6o , 19c , 25o and 60c
Turkish bath room rugs only 76c each.
GO-inch wide striped turkish toweling ,
'ast ' colors , only 75c yard.
15c tpweling'now IQo yard.
Spscinl prices on' bleached damask or
cream damask by thtf ploco in order to
reduce stock. Irish fronting linen ,
jutohor linen , embroidery crash , gluss
toweling , pant linen , dross linen for
dusters , etc. , at lower prices than you
will find olsowhoro. Wo must have
money and take this way of getting it ,
ay cutting down the -prices andforcing
the sales. If you- ore going jo need
linens this coming season it will pay
you to buy them now.
Jewelry Dep't.
Specials this Week.
Gents' gold plated watch chains 46o ,
worth 81 , .
Gent's best gold „ plated waich chains ,
warranted to last flvoyears,98c , worth $2.
Gents' all silk braided watch guards ,
25c. \ ,
Gents' best rolled plato paont lover
cult buttons 25c , worth 75a
Gents' best rolled plato link cuff but
tons 60c , worth $1,0,0.
Gents' patent lever ponrl cuff buttons
85c , worth $1.00.
Solid silver stick pins ISc , worth 35c.
Solid silver thlrablys 13c , worth 60c.
Solid silver bracelets , 25c , worth fiOc.
The watch clock can bo carried in the
vest pocket , warranted to keep good
time $1.25.
Mcklo alarm clocks GSc.
The latest novoltloa in silverware at
half jeweler's pricca.t
Rogers' 12-dwt.vknives or forks , $1.26
per sot 'k.
Another week snie'on'flno watches.
13. W. Ruyinond 'nicklo movement ,
in gold filled huntlng-.tsaso , $18.75 ; worth
$40.00. * ,
Applolon , Tracy & Go's movement , in
a gold filled case" $14.05 , worth $35.00.
Rheumatic cure rings 08c ; worth $2.
All goods warranted as represented.
Clock and wa ch [ repairing at reduced
prices. I
Lace Curtains.
Wo nro closing out ) eorno patterns of
lace curtains ut one-half price. Have
you EOOII the celebrated Columbian bed
bets , snoots and plllqw shams for $1.60
sot.Books. .
Wo have 2,000 copies of Ik Marvel's
latest books. >
Koverlcs of a Bachelor and Dream
Life and will offer the lot at lOc each.
1,000 very fine cloth bound books , 12Jo.
Shakespeare's complete works for 81.
Mucllngo , 2 bottles for Cc ,
Host envelopes , 2io per package.
Rest note paper , lOc 'per pound.
Drug Dept.
These fine wines that we have boon
selling ut 76o a bottle wo will soil this
week for 85o a bottlo.
if you need any fine wines for medical
use you should not fall to got some of
$2.50 and $3
Oxford Ties
/ V AT
Hayden Bros. ' shoes are sold
as advertised. How do these
prices suit you ?
Over 300 pairs of ladies' fine
$2.50 and $3 Oxford ties on
sale at $1.73 a pair.
Given to tlie ladies
We give in this sale FREE
one bottle ladies' tan dressing
with every pair of our ladies'
fine tan lace shoes at $3.45 ,
worth # 4.50.
One bottle ladies' Gilt Edge
dressing with every pair of
ladies' fine shoes from 82.50
In this lot we put a lot of
Pillsbury Bros. ' fine $3 dongola
button shoes at $2.50 , and a
bottle of Gilt Edge given with
every pair ,
Given to the
i box of our French black
ing with every pair of our $2
cordovan shoes , worth $3.
i bottle of tan dressing with
every pair of men's $3.45 tan
shoes , worth $4.50.
In order to secure u good
selection of these bargains
come early ,
5,000 articles that range in price
from 25c to $1 on sale Monday at 19c ,
this includes Tinware , Graniteware ,
Blue Enameled , China , Glassware ,
Crockery , Woodenware , etc.
The cut in prices is cutting down the stock , That is what
we are after in the
20 lb pail of all kinds of jelly 350 , regular price 750.
3 lb can of all kinds California plums izfa regular prlca
Good coffee laic , regular price 25c to 350.
Good tea 250 , regular price 6oc to 750.
Good flour 500 , regular price goc to $ i.
2 lb California peaches 150. regular price 250 to 350.
Columbia river red salmon I2ic , regular price 250.
Gallon can apples 250 , regular price 350.
Dried apples 50 , regular price IOG.
All kinds of California evaporated fruit less thanhalf _ price ,
Soda crackers , 4c.
Ginger snaps , 7c.
Molasses cake , 7ic.
Oat meal cruckors , 7io.
Milk butter , 7Jc.
Frosted cream , 7jc.
Graham crackers , 7jc.
Sugar cookies , 7ia
XXX milk crackers , 7ic.
Lemon snaps , 7ic.
7ic.DEP'T ' ,
Standard Sheet Music 7c.
We can save
you money on
The extent of our piano trndo enabloa
us to offer advantages which very few
music houses can duplicate.
Slightly-Used Pianos
Wo Inwo always on hand almost
now pianos which have been taken
in exchange for the WOltLD-KE-
been returned by piano renters.
These instruments show hardly a
trace of wear , whllo wo can often
give a great reduction on account of
use. '
Secoiid-Hancl Pianos
Our immense piano transactions
bring us constantly a number of
second-hand Instruments , which
after being overhauled by our tuner
and rapulrcrs are rendered suitable
for many years further service. The
prices are very low.
New Pianos
Wo handle the very beat pianos
made. Every instrument selected
from our hnmoiiEo stock is fully war
ranted and guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction. The nnmos of these
pianos are known everywhere
The World-Famous Piano.
Artlstlc in every sense.
05,000 now in use.
And various other loading makes.
PRICES FROM $ | 75 TO $1,500.
This week wo will give BOUIO surprie-
ing bargains in rugs.
Canned Goods.
All kinds of California 8-pound cm
of plums , 12io. ' .
3-pound can California coaches , 16Q ,
3-pound can California apricots , ll0. }
Homo made catsup , per bottle , 16o.
Silver flake oat meal , So.
Corplino flakes , Olc.
California Breakfast food , 60.
American breakfast cocoa , 880.
Imported maccairni , 124c.
Imported spaghetti , 121o.
Impotod vermicelli , 12Jo.
All kinds of washlngpowdor , lOo.
Butter , Cheese , Meat'
20-pound palls all kinds jolly , S5o.
Best country butter , ] 5o and 17q , '
Cfeamory , ltc ) , 21c ; separator oreanh
cry , 23c and 250.
In chcoso wo are leaders.
Famous Wisconsin full cream
lOc and 12c } ; Eastern Process fullcrcatHi
14c and lOo ; Young America full cream } '
I2ic ; brick cbcoso , lOc , 12 jc and. I6q ;
Limbcrgor cheese , 12io and 15c : Swis ,
chcobo , Ific , IV o and lOo ; Ncutohat
chucso 5c per puckugo ; and all oth
cheese ut lowest prices.
Our meat department IB the largcs
and finest in the city , and where uoth
ing is sold but the best of goods. T
2-pound cans corned beef , 18c , sold a ]
over for 2.1c , 1-pound cans lOoj dovlloi
ham and potted ham , Cc per can ; plonk
hnm , Ho ; California hams , 12o ; strict ! ;
sugar cured No. 1 hume , 15c ( pmt"
corned beef , 7ic ; compressed cooliei
corned beef , lOo per pound ; bologna , Oo
dried Jcof , lOo and t2o ; break"
bacon , 14o and lOc. Our motto 19 '
class goods at lowest prices.
Special ealo on
Baby Carriages.
Buby carriages 83.00 , worth $3,00.
Baby carriages (8.05 , worth $8.60.
Baby onrringcs WJ.50 , worth $0.00.
Buby carriages * 8.60. worth ill.OO ,
Baby enrrlngos 810.00 , worth $20,00.
Baby currlngos $18.00 , worth $25.00.
If you want one buy this week aafl
got a bargain. 1
Parlor units going at $20.00 , worth
Parlor suit 435.00 , worth $43.00.
Parlor suit $50.00 , worth $00.00.
Parlor Bulr G5,00 , worth $80.00.
From 81.0ft to $2.00 saved on
Oak rockers $1.20 , worth $2.00.
Oak rockers $1,85 , worth $2.25.
Oak rockers $1.75 , worth $2.76.
OuU rockers $2.1)5 ) , worth $4.60.
Onk rockers $3.60. worth $5.60.
Bed room cult , solid oak , 20x24 bov l
pinto glass , $ l7.tO , well worth $25,00. 1
Same suit with 24x30 bevel plato glati
$10.60 , well worth $30.00.
Do not fail to visit our furmturs d *
partmont this wook.
Third floor.
A cull in our carpet department win
convince the most skeptical that wo afd
btlll in it.
Wo Imvo a largo stock of China matt *
inga that must bo told at ODC.O. f clco
way below the markets.
' This week a good floor oil cloth At 18 *
{ per yard ,