, > ! ' / ' ' JT t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDJyfc JULY K I893-STXTEEN" PAGES , OVER TW'O WHEELS OR FOUR Roadster Olnb Split * on ft Question Ooncarn- Ing Matinee Hitches. WILL IT BE WAGONS OR CARTS OR BUST Bomo rnrnent Keeling KxUU AinonR the Member * of the OrijanUatlon niul Illnrnptlon U Thrimiened Ho- lilt * of Ilia Ilne Yc tord.iji An opiilomlc of discord lias Invaded the ranks of the Gentlemen's Koadstor club , seriously threatening the complete disrup tion of the organization. Ilni1lc.il differ ences of opinion have boon manifest for gomo tlmo , but It has not been until within the last week that thcro 1ms boon an opoh split. The roclc on which the orpanlzatlon bid * fair lo RCX to pieces Is the action o' the directors n woo ) : ago. changing the rules so ns to allow the use of two-wheel Instead of four-wheel hitches nt the speed contests of the club. tTlio by-laws of the club distinctly specify thnt nil speed contests shall' bo to wagon , nhd this rule has always boon strictly on- fofcod until yesterday afternoon , when the 11 rat niatlnco of the season was hold under the now order Of things. It Was a dismal failure , and" it l\to bo regretted that thcro is ovor.v indication that the situation will -not . A number of - improve. Impromptu moot ing * of the members have aovcloned consid erable acrimonious discussion , and quite n llttlo unfriendly fooling has boon engen dered. ' .The four-wheel men say that they wllfchavc nothing inoro to do with the con cern , and foresee the collapse of the club , while the two-wneclors admit that the road Is rocky for the organization , but hopefully phophesy that out of the ruins of this club will spring up n now ono that will bo stronger and better In'ovcry way. Its Wiiy Xot llrlfflit. When it is considered , however , thnt it has taken a great dual of hard work to keep the club on Us legs , oven with the united strength of the two factions , It Is dinicult to sco wncro the membership mid money is coming from to maintain a successful organ ization uftcr half of tlioso now interested havp been cntraugod. Therearo a great many of the members who can bo tirovnllod upon to drive in the matinee races If the four-wheel rule Is main tained , but who will not Under any circum stances mount n two-wheeled skeleton after the fashion of the professional jockoy. and chase each other around the track for the cdlllcntlonof.tlio assembled multitude. Whim It comes to argument , the four wheelers have big odds on their side , but the others maintain that if a number of the members want to drive to speeding carts tlioy ought to bo allowed to do it. The four wheelers insist that to allow the use of carts is to compel the use of them , us u wagon would bo hopelessly handicapped in a race against a cart. Each succeeding dis cussion , instead of tending to an amicable agreement , only widens the b'rcach and strengthens each sliio in the position"taken. . It Is Indeed rrgrotablo to be called upon to chronicle the fact that so string has the feeling become , that some of the incmocrs were looking for an open demonstration at the track yesterday afternoon , but fortu nately thcro was nothing of the kind , be cause the four wheelers instead of attempt ing to overrule and set asldo the arrange ments made to rule thorn off the track un less tho/accoded to the now rulesj promptly declined to drive or IHITO anything moro to " do with the clnb uutil-tho former condition " " of things was restored. The result was a dearth of starters , some races that * \voro no races at all , and an empty grand stynd. , Ycitorcliiy'/i Kvents. t There wcro three events on tlib1 card , the 3:00 : trot , the frco-for-'ill pace nnd thrt free- .for-all trot , and tboy ware all disposed of with In an hour and a. Half. The entries for the first wcro : Hobort Wells , buy muro Whiona ; O. C. Motcalf , gray mare Daisy Sprague ; George Wakelluld , black gelding Duron. His lordship was hopelessly lost in the ilrst shufllo and was heard of no'more , whllo the race was decided Int\vo : heats , Daisy winning handily in 1:20 : uud 1:20Jf. : The free-for-all trot called out but two starters. Harry McCormick's brown mare Klttyy Bird and H. B. Iroy's bay gelding Murray John. The big bay possessed enough speed to have driven the gumoy mure a rattling race had It not been for persist ently hitting his knees , particularly on the" turns , the heavy blows actually knocking"his legs out from under him , and being plainly audiulo 100 yards away. The mare won the Ilrst heat in a Jog in 1 : SJ/ , but was pushed to 1:11W : In the second , which she might Just a ? well have done at a ; l30 : ! clip. In the p.ica the starters were : G. D Edwards' bay gelding Columbus Tom , and II. II. Martin's chestnut gelding Trailer. The latter capturca the first heat in 1:2L : and Tom took the second in 1:22 : * { . In the shake-off , Trailer went under the wlro on a run , although several lengths in the load , owing to a little carelessness on the part of the rfrlver. Inasm jch as ho had twice pre viously during the heat indulged lib thor oughbred propensities , the Judges concluded to sot him buck and give the heat and rnco to Tom , when Starter Swlgort , who was of ficiating in the stand on thu other side of tlio track , announced it the other way with aho tlmoas 1:20 : > and It was allowed to land. Several of the members who have partlci patod In previous iimtlnocs were on the grounds with their horses , but the now rule kept them off the track and put n dumper on what mlgnt otherwise have boon n fair afternoon's sport. The lioadstor club has dpno so much during the past two years in tlio way of bringing about the improvement of the class' of horses kept in and around the city for driving , jmd in the encouragement of this distinctively gentlemen's sport , that it can only bo hoped that existing differences iriay aoon bo nettled and the purposes for which the club was organized moro fully car- rjcd out. TKNNIS TOUIIN\.MKJ T. IVIml Htorln I'rovoiitu tlio Completion of l.nit livcnlii'a i'rugrtiui. Great preparations were inadj for ontor- tiiining n big crowd lust evening on the Omaha Tennis club grounds on Hnrnoy street. The occasion was to have been the ilnal round of the singles between Culllng- 1mm and Denisc and half , of Omaha was ox- prctcd to turn out to look on. A number of chairs hud bcon borrovod from the Young Men's Christian association and these were arranged In rows along either aide of the central court , which had been watered and rolled mull it was smooth as n billiard table. In addition to tlieso preparations n nntlco hud bfcn posted on thu door that an admis sion Jo ? of 10 cents would bo charged to help defray expenses. About U'iU : ) Cullinghftiu and Battin entered the court , but tlio chairs were nearly all citipty. Several people hud come , Inn had turned back on seeing the fast approaching rain clouds ; others had stayed nwuy for the ttamo reason , But the match hud to bo pla\od if it wcro in any way possible. Do- nlso won tl-o toss and otiosu the bervice , Cullingham taking the south sldoof the not. Several guinea \\ero played and at the outsat Cullingham was gottiug the advantage , hut DeuUo caught ui > , and when the his , ' , ugly cloud that came up from the wool witti such /earful velocity u llttlo before 7 iluuliy iicanul all the spectators nwuy in u hurry , the score was three games all. Still the players stuck to It , but before the next gumo was finished the dust was blowing across tha court in such voluuiu that it wus abso lutely impossible to proceed , and it was agreed to put off the mutch until Monday. tso May will begin prompt at 0 o'clock to morrow. Thu same 10 o.10 cent * admission fee will bo charged and there 1 * no reason why > n largo enough number should not bo pros- cut to 1111 the chairs provided for them and to turn in n suniolont number of dimes to the coffers of the club to recompense the f members of the rommitteofora considerable portion of their expense and encourage thorn to similar effort another year. In mldltlou to thu Jlnul of the singles , the two matches in jlm HuuiMInal of the doubled tire also to belie decided Monday night , 'Mmb ! Jim" l.oit , Lour CJTV , Nob. , July IS. ( Special to TUB DKK.J-A wrestling match tor $300 a side was cometoU at Arcadia , Nub. , botwoou .HmTnylor of.San Francisco nmlthoShor man county farmer , "Nlmblo Jim. " Al though the Sherman county man secured the Ilrst fall In four minutes and thirty seconds ends , the San Francisco mart won the next two in twenty-four minutes and sixteen minutes respectively. "Nlmblo Jim" weighed in nt 171 ! and Tnyior nt 1117 , and although there was over twenty pounds difference In their wciphts. It was a gnat match. "Nlm- bio Jlm".i ! willing to wrcstlo anybody with in ton pounds of his weight. T. M. C. A. ' WO.V. Boliller * Smothareil \ > y tlio ClirUUnnft t ' AMoclntlnn I'nrk Yrntrntnjr. At 4 o'clock yesterday nltcrnoon nt the Young Men's Christian Association park n game of ball was called which was destined to open the eyes of some people who have continued to meaiuro the Youcg Men's Christian association team by the record It made In the first gaino with the University of Nebraska. The association has been steadily strengthening Until It now has the best playing and best hitting team In the city , ns the game yesterday afternoon de monstrated , Yapp wns doing the shooting , so far ns the ball wns concerned , lor the soldiers , all the rest confining themselves to shooting off their mouths. As soon ns it bo- cuma evident to the boys In blue that they had n mouthful on hand much too largo for successful chowln tnoy began to nbuso the umpire most unmercifully. Twice they refused - fused to pay unless the umpire was changed , and twice their demand was acceded to. Meanwhile they wont cheerily on making errors mid neglecting to hit in places occu pled by the ball until the Very end. ' The features of the game were McBl . vamo's pitching , when ho relieved Yoph ana Hobmson's pitching for the Young Men's .Christian association nil through the gamo. Barring his wildness , which was excusable , owing to his lack of practice in the box lately , ho pitched a superb game , letting the soldiers down with ono clean hit to right field. Jollcn's sky-scraper over the center fielder's , head with two men on hasos , en deared him to the crowd. Fully 1,550 people saw the game and , barring tho'continued hoofing about the umpiring , were highly pleased with the gamo. Score : Y. M. c. A. JCn H. ii.it. r.o. A. r. . Hu < itln,2b O'l Abbott , c D 2 a 10 4 0 itobiiHon , p G i a o 10 o Jlclvulvoy , 3b 4 Jullen Turtlold.lf i 6 2 i ! 1 0 0 Wllklni. 11) 4 J. Trail , rf 4 O 0 0 0 0 Crawford , ss 4 0 IS 0 3 1 Angol.m 0 Total * 30 If 11 27 25 3 TOUT OMAHA. A.ll. U. 11,11 P.O. A. B. Stonoy , ss Triipnor , 21) U Vnn Oriiiuii , 3b. . . . 3 Dilborry , c 3 0 1 12 2 3 Yiipn. p. ami rf 2 0 0 0 8 O McUlnnls , Ib Haslur. m 3 Cody. If ? 4 00000 Hallol , rf . - 1 0 0 0 0 0 McElvuln , p 2 O 0 1 10 2 Totals 27 4 1 27 10 bCOIIK 11V INNINQ8. V. M. O. A O 14400000 0 Kort Omaha 0 03000010 4 8UMMAUY. Earned Mini : Y. M. C. A. , 0 ; 1'ort Omaha , 0. Two-base hits : Abbott , \VilkInsT Throo-basO hit : Jullen. llaso on balls : On Kolmison , 4 ; olTYn ] ) | > , 4. Struck out : Ily lioblnson , 10 ; by Ynpp , 3 ; by Mcnivnlu , 0I'USMM ! balls : low- berry , 5. Wild pitches : ltobluson,3app ; , 3. Tlmo of game : 2:03. : NATIONAL LEAUUK GAMES. Fhlliulelphlit IIulili tha Lead , 11 Ut the Colonels Made Her lluxtlo. LOUISVILLB , July 15. The Phillies batted out a victory in-tho tenth inning , Score : Louisville' . . . . . 0020002001 0 Philadelphia. . . 2 0 lilts : Louisville , 10 ; Philadelphia , 11. Errors : I.oulbvlllo , 3 ; I'hlludolnhlu , 2. Earned runs : Louisville , 1 ; I'hlladnlpulu 1. Batteries : Urliu and tJtrutton ; Weyliluj ; and Sharrott.i * Uoaueiitors Took tlio Whole Set. CINCINNATI. July 15. Boston made it three straight by batting out today's victory on two innings. Cincinnati couldn't hit Stlvetts ana were unfortunate in having no runners on the buses when the long hits were mndo. Score : Cincinnati 4 Huston 7 lilts : Cincinnati , 6 ; Boston , 12. Errors : Cincinnati , 3 ; Boston , 2. Earned runs : Cin cinnati , 2 ; Boston , 0. Batteries : I'arrott , Chamberlain and Murphy ; Stlvetts ana Motrlti- 1'lrntos Slug the Soimtors. VITTSUUKO , July 15. Heavy hitting by the Plttsburgs and no hitting at all by tno Wabhingtons characterized today's gamo. Three homo runs were made in eight innings. Score : i'lttsburc 141242140 2 10 Washington. . . 0000000000 0 Hits : 1'lttsbur ; : , 20 ; Washington , 0. Errors : I'ltt&burK , 1 ; Washington 3. Earned runs : PittsburK , U ; Batteries : Klllent and .Miller ; Duryou aim Furrell. Clurkiton'it Improving. ST. Louis , July 1C. Today's was another pitcher's battle in which ClarKson was nbly assisted by both in and outfields , Score : .St. Louis 0-S Urooklvn 1 00002000 3 Hltv. St. Louts.- ; Brooklyn , 6 , Errors : St. Louis , 1 ; Brooklyn , 4. KurneU runs : Ht , LouU , 2. Batturlcn ; Clurkaoii ami ( Junson ; Kennedy unit Kln.sluw , Ainu * hiivod the Day , CLBVKI.AND , July 15. Now York won today in n welTplayed game. Clarkson wusbatted , freely in the fourth , but Cleveland could do nothing with Husk1. Attendance 2,01)0. ) ' Score : Cleveland 000000030 3 Now York. . ' . 0 01420000-7 Hits : Cleveland , 12 ; Nuw York , 13. Errors Cleveland , 1 ; IS'ow York , 2. Earned runs. Cleveland , 3 ; Now York,4. Batlnrles : Clark- son and O'Connor ; Unslu and .Mllllgun. Uncle Finally Ciiptiiros u Merles , Dhicuco , July 15. The Orioles lost their three straight games through inability to hit Mauck. McGinnU was released and Hugoy , formerly of Kansas City , signed to daybyAnson : Attendance , S.700. bcoro ; Chicago 1 0 Baltimore 100000000 1 Illtti : Chicago , 0 ; Ilaltlmom , 2. Errors Chicago , 2. Earned runs ! Uhlcago , 0. lljit- terlcs : Mauck , 1'anottuud iClttrudgu ; Huwko and ClurUe. r of ttie Teiinti. W. Ij. I'.O. W. L. l . O. Pldlnilolplda 1:1 : ' 'J IS-.VJ : io ; n llontoii. . . . . . 4JJi . - ' Si'lli -Ji : O4.d Now York.'U ; iu I'lttaliiir. . . . , 11HJH 57.11 Ulilcavo MM l.l.H lirooklyii. , . . : ij * . ' ( ) Oil.6 lUlllinoru. . . ' . ' 7 : til J'J.I ) CluvelanU : iiMl ; B3.ll -Jll 411 : il,4 | Uluuliiimtl. . . 31 3117.7 18 Uil 1IJ.J Itiiuc * ut Clmclroii , Wyo. , July 15. [ Special Telegram gram to Tin ; DEE , ] In the horse race bn twoen Dee Mlddlotcu * , owned by D.in Uobert t- son , and gorrul Johnson , owned by Sheriff Dahliuan of Children , for f 1,000 , a side her o < today , Dee Mlddleton won by over half a length. The interest in the race wan in i- tense. It partook of a llht bctwunn tin two Kromont , Klkhoru ft Missouri Valley towns. All the Chadron money in sight wa 13 won by Casper men. Over $3UUO uhangtx hands on tlio result of the rare. Four ditTorent pool sellers wcro kept busy all da.V. Money beuniB plenty nud the town is lively. Gust ( iraof of Casper ooat Uuorgo Dyson , the lUO-yard u > done of Hay Springs , for u wager of $50 a sido. 'I'tio 100 yarus was ruu In less than ten seconds. A'-.ilu Viuturlou * . i , Nob. , July 15. ( Special Tel egram to ' 4'iiR UKB.J Sprlngilold won the third straight game from Wcoping Water today on the homo grounds , Score : HiirlliK rllold , 30101010 0 Wuopli li | { W tur. . . . 001011UO Q -i Illtai HprlnplleM. It Wueplnx Water , U. llatterles ; UeUt anil Hall ; Dunn and Oiuvsou The ladyaoronnut will , make a balloon ascension und parachute jump this after- " " " ut Couutlaml beach. l Juhniunt In Jail , N , I , T. , July 15. United : Status I'oatultlco innrioutoi'd J. II. Spounor uud W. H. Hoooko ulToctod 1111 Important arrest lioru yoatonluy on thu charge of fraudulent UHU of thu mulls. They will turn over to thu fodorul court ut Fort Smith Kli Johnson , II. ( J. Johu- ROD , W. 1) . .Tohnnon nnd Ilnlo Johnson , fnthor nnd three sons , who Imvo for snvornl nionllm styled themselves M tlio "Johnson Trading company. " Tholr jil an of operation wnst to obtain mor- rlmmlho wliorovor possible without jay- inont In advance , convert the poodrf into cash and neglect to pay the merchants. Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago houses are tlio principal victims. QENEBAIi M'COOK AT DENVER. llo U 1'rrpnrlnB to Open the New Dcpnrt- nirnt llcndiiunrtprn Thurn. DKNVfUt , July 15. Alexander Mc- Cook , brigndior general of the now mil itary department of Colorado , Utah. Arfzona and Now Mexico , arrived In this city yesterday for the purpose of cs- tatllshini > the headquarters of the de partment at Denver. The general was accompanied by his aide do camp , Lieu tenant Chiiuncoy B. Baker of the Seventh infantry , Clerk Donaldson and Messenger Ray. "Tliroe years ago , " said General Me- Cook , ' 'when in Washington , I demon strated to the Bocrotafy of war , Mr. Procter , and to General Schoficid.ttiat n few years would prove how convenient It would bo in order to maintain proper urimlnlHtratlon over Utah , Colorado , Arizona nnd Now Mexico , for military and above all tor business reasons , to organize those territories and states Into a now department with headquar ters nt Denver. Tlio recent NaVajo .U _ roubles hastened the change of head quarters from Los Angeles to Den ver. The gain from this change In correspondence with the different mil itary establishments in Now Mexico and Arizona is ton days in some instances , seven in others and in all three days from all post correspondence except the ono at San Diego. All the mail from those points from Now Mexico nnd Ari zona , all estimates and ofllcial corre spondence , had to bo sent to the Pacific coast at Los Angeles nnd wont back by the Biuno routes. We think thnt the transfer to Denver , as a business propo sition alone , is based upon good judg ment und Hound sonso. t expect to muko my home hero until I close my army career on April 22 , 1805. " SHE WANIS HER HUSBAND. An Kloponiont MiirrmKo Which lias Jtc- Milted in n Second Wight. MASCOUTAH , 111. , July 15. A roman tic tory with n sad ending is told , by Mrs. Adclia C. Lea , a well dressed , relined - lined woman of Memphis , Tonn. , who is in this county in search of her recreant husband. Ton years ago Mrs. Lea was 15 years of ago and was just blooming into beautiful womanhood. Her father was ono of the leading divines of the south and she was roaro in a refined homo. While on a journey through Georgia she was a passenger on a train that mot with a frightful wreck. Forty lives were lost and the girl was rescued barely in time by the handsome young engineer of the train. The acquaintance thus formed between the young people was kept up , and in time ripened into love. It was the old story. There was parental ob jection , and the young couple eloped to Fort Worth and were married. For. a number of years they lived , hapnily together and four children came to brighten their homo. Ton days ago the husband sud denly disappeared. The Memphis papers published long accounts of the disappearance , and hinted at foul play. About the time of the disappearance of the locomotive engineer , a dnsTiing , -young woman named Nellie Hurd alsp disappeared , and it is claimed that they have boon seen together' ' at East St. Louis. The wronged wife is searching for the recreant husband , in the hope that bo may yet bo vyon back. Balloon ascension and parachute jump this afternoon at Courtland Beach. Claim * to IIuvo Hoen Swindled. INDIANAPOLIS , July 15. A restrain ing order has bcon granted in the ease of William R. Burlcigh against the Borford stone quarry by Judge Woods. Tlio order prevents the sale of any prop erty until July 19 , when the case will bo heard. Tlio company made an assign ment-u short time ago and William Burloigh was appointed trustee. S. B. Vorios of Bedford claims to hold $275,000 worth of stock , und it is for this amount und $4,750 interest Hint the suit is brought. The complaint says that the company was controlled by Wil liam L. Broyfoglo and W. C. Win- stanley , who were the original owners of all the capital stock , und that they have managed the afTuirs to suit them selves. It is charged that they mlsup- propriatod $100,000. and that the inter est on the company's obligations has not been met , although past duo. It is fur ther charged that Broyfoglo bus fraud ulently endeavored to prevent the $ ulo of bonds nnd otherwise hindered efforts to secure payment of Vorios. , At Courtlund Bench this afternoon , balloon ascension and parachute jump ! HaiiabrouKh'H Fluiinoliil I dims. -ST. PAUL , July ' 15. Senator Hans- brough delivered nn address before the Chuutuuquu assembly at Devil's Lake , N. D. , last evening , which is creating talk In business circles. IIo explained the difference between free silver , single gold standard and limited < < : oinage. Ho advocated bimetallic currency , the coinage of either metal to bo limited in proportion to production , the ratio to bo regulated from tlmo to time as the relative rnto of production do- mundod , congress to bo the judge of thnt time and rate. Tlio senator favored the exclusion of foreign bullion , or at least would have its importation limited by a high rate of duty. Hoi advocated the Issue of silver certificates redeemable in silver and the extension of the legal tender power to $1,000 , , but not unlimited legal tender power. Jlouheil nn ArkansitJ bhorlir. MKMIMIIS , July 15. Sheriff Warner of Orittundon county , . Arkunsns , loft there Into last night on the Iron Moun- tain train. Just across thu river , nt the junction , ho stopped on the platform , whore homo unknown person shot ut ihim. . Sheriff Warner pulled his gun and lot go , but his assailant landed a second shot in the sheriff's right arm. The sheriff's shot wont wild and his gun fell from his grusp. The robber then wont through him for $12,000. Tlio sheriff is now ut Guston's hotel , this city , whom the doctors dressed his wounds , His Obsullant escaped. The lady aeronaut will make n balloon ascension and parachute jump this after noon at Courtlund beach. , Convict Drowned. LITTLK Hoaic , July 15. The body of i Nina Sliupurd , u once notorious bandit j of the nortlr.vodtorn part of this state , was found in the Arkansas river just ubovu this city last evening , He escaped from hU guard in Saline City lust Tues day und it is supposed undertook to swim the river whllo onrouto to this plnco , He was serving a term In the , penitentiary for the murder oT Olllcors Will DaltonundEd Wright atKoger , Ark. , about eighteen months ago. Ho wuh a dtipporuto character and escaped the gallows simply through the olTorts of Hhrowd attorneys. ' At Courtland Beach this aftornocn , uballoon usconbion uud puruchutu jump. DOUGLAS COJgiY'S ' FINANCES " - Balance Shoot Sluing the Condition of the Several Fnnih ono , it COUNTY CLERK SACHET'S STATEMENT .Hz tl > ; ri- leport In Detail < /ra1ho / Cmh r.xpcnilei ! During the I'nut ai } In Krerr Drpnrt- input of the Cdunty Ilnl.uicol In ttioVund * . tit ) For the first tlmo InthohUtOry of Douglas 'ounty ' a complete financial report for the lsc.nl year 1ms boon prepared. County Clerk Sackott has Just completed n showing if the condition of the various county funds hnt is complete in every dotal' ' . It Is of In- , orcst to every payer of. taxes nud is given n full : In presenting to the public n statement of ho llscal year of 18lhjvhlch by the pro visions of the statute of this state closes uly 1 , 1893. 1 feel that some compllmont may bo Justly paid to the Board of Conimis- ilonors who have so successfully suporm- .ended . the dlsburslmrnts of the finances of ho past year and by their efforts largely iontrlbutod to the present prosperous con- illtlon of the finances of Douelas county. A complete statement of the llnancial transactions of Douglas county for the fiscal 'car Just closed Is us follows : , \ssessod ralliatlon 1892 $25,7,17,091 00 Amountof levy 1892 , 429,810 18 IHSTIUIIUTION OF r.KVV 1892. Oonorat ' fund , $231,034 23 'load fund 51,474 27 .Irldpo fund 51,47427 tisane judgment fund IVBOH ! 57 lospltal Judgment fund 3H.G05 71 Holdlors1 relief fund 5,147 43 ' 'loud sinking fund 38,005 71 Total $429,810 18 MlSCRl.iaNF.OU8 FUNDS. Special Cash Fund llalanco on hand July 1.1892 $4,100 02 Special Klcctlon Fund llalanco on hand July 1,1892 1,238 21 In addition to the above assets on hnud July 1,1893 , that wcro available nnd against winch warrants could bo drawn , was the ID per cent reserve of the 1891 lovy. Of this amount $ 'J,09J.U3 , , being a portion of the reserve duo to the general fund , hns bcon drawn up during the year , thus making the total assets of Douglas county July 1 , 1S92 , as follows : Levy of 1892 1420,810 18 Levy of 1891 ( reserve ) 0,994 03 Miscellaneous funds 5,338 83 Total $44D" , 143 04 The disbursement of this amount In the . various funds Is shown by the following statement : Gononil Fund. Amountof levy $231,034 2'J Loss 15 pur cent reserve . . . 34,745 13 Total , $190,889 09 Current , collections , loss cancella tions 9,994 93 Special cash fund , July 1.1803. . . 4,100 02 tiuoclal cash fund , current collec tions , less cancoliuytjn'j 33.779 21 Total . " . . . . ' .H $244,703 85 Dlaburseulontj to Date. District court v.ji $6.1,459 69 1'oor farm " , 44,90103 County Jull , 23,024 21 Court house , ' , . 52,990 32 Indigent poor ! ' 20,820 81 Miscellaneous ac-1 * counts viv00,713 78 Itoad and bridge ac/rf. . : o counts d . , ,50042 Total ' " ' * , < $244,530 13 BalancoRonernl ? l | fund .Vl 6 00 Ililiinco special cusfor < i , I fund . - fi227GO ' . . . . 1O7 H * 11 i i Balancn rr\lt' * 23372 The specillo.cxpqtjdltyircs of the general fund are as follows , , tl _ _ . , Df STU I T CODnT , ( Jurors and wipiossyKfi/-- $35,917 45 Dufendlni ; prlsonera . . . . .r. 2,017 00 DletlmJurors. , , . , . . , 833 00 Bailiffs ami constable.t. . 5,051 20 Grand jurors and wHiic's us : 810 05 Kuoi In state eases 2,18025 Kent 3,441 04 Total $51,459 69 I'OOIl FAIUI. Miscellaneous ; $ 3,430 83 Milk 1.290 90 ( Jrocorios 8,754 40 Soap 277 76 Fuel 4,803 70 Dry Roods nnd clothing 1,700 40 Furniture nnd repairs i 4,258 35 DrilKs 2,098 45 Moat 3,030.08 General fund. . . . , 8,920 25 Salaries 0,257.80 Total. . . . , $44,001.03 JAir , . Miscellaneous S 1,83038 Furnlturo nnd ropnlrs' . ' . 1,433 HO Dry goods and clothing 018 29 Fu l 2,093 04 Drugs 420 88 Soap 259 15 Hoarding andC'omlUals County prisoners 8,553 10 Ulty prisoners U.170 15 South Omaha prisoners 005 90 Tiisnnu prisoners 813 05 Salaries , i 3,620 00 Total 1 $23io24 21 COUIIT HOUSE. Mlsci'llanooui $ 3,054 52 1'urnltuionnd repairs : . ' J.-'U-Gl l'o > .tago , ivcordlns , oti } . . . . . 005 01 Co. surveyor , sal. nnd HUP 4,31201 Stationery and printing 15,094 70 Kuul . ' 2,051 03 Co , commissioners , salaries. . . . , 10,75O 00 I'a. auditor's ollloo , salaries 2,850 00 Uovhiipt'HOftlcu , salaries and sup. . . 1,800 04 Co , court , salaries. 3,44000 Co. court house , salaries 2,84100 Co , clerk's olllce , salaries 1,100 00 Total ; . ' . $52,005 32 1.NDU1KNT I'OOIl. Tntonnenti , ( 773 60 Transportation 003 53 Dry goods arid clothing 107 00 Kuol 4,700 01) ) Drugs . - . - . 2,05302 Urocerlex 10,800 31 Caru of Indigent poor 307 70 County agent. . . . , , . . . , 425 00 Total $20,820 81 J1ISCKU.AN1COUS. Insane 8 4,008 08 Tax list and aisessmont , 14,100 02 Taxes unfunded 708 10 Coroner's fooH and post mortoms- , . 2,021 20 Advertising 4,402 27 County attorney's olllco , . , 5,070 83 UltrtnxuH , . . . . 8,554 47 County physician 1,800 00 Aid to agricultural societies , 3,012 15 Elections ; : . . . . , 0,140 (53 ( Klkhorn river i 241 00 no it Total . ' 'l.i-i.i -.800,713 75 JlOAIlUOCilUNTd. - Paid from general fi/nd-U / MUcelluneoii 'id.l.J. t 41 12 Appraisement aidi | ariiigos | , . , . . 8 00 Grading and cnlvtuitf , , i 204 26 VaUoy7iroclnoH id ij-'vjsor.s | ) . , . . . . . . . ; 211 au Total B.J , { ' . ! ? . $404 07 . o < w imilM A UbTS. Paid from the general bind : Lumber . . .aJituj. { 3200 Miscellaneous l li-- ; 58 75 " ' ' . .Total . , „ ' 00 70 Iliiluiico utiexpondcyr , Oonural fund ' . . . { ' . ' ! ' . . . . . . - . 9 0 00 Special ciibh ruiiilt.n'j.JI'a. . . . , 227 GO ' ' Total , - > . . / . i , 1239 72 Amountof til IKI lovy. . . . . . . . t Ji.il " Due City of - ' r.Oinuliu , . . . $20,300 80 DuuOltyof .So. Omaha. 2.250 70 23,017 05 ' , 28,807 23 I.uss 15 per : < ; cent re- burvo. . . . ' ' 4,328 68 ' 124,628 04 DISllUllSUMEKra TO IUTK. Suporvlsorx $11,915 44 UnulliiK and culverts. . . 8,031 11 Surveying , ' . , , . 1,60360 A upraUomont and dam . . . . , . . 720 CO MKcelluneous , . . . , 1,003 ( X ) $21,118 65 lialuncn , t. . * 409 9U Disbursements dlstriouted as foliowk : itoua FuuU. Miscellaneous $ 1,00900 AppraUuniunt anddumuitoji 729 00 UrudlnvandculvurU. , 8,931 11 Hurvuyliii ; . . . . . 1,603 60 rhlcftBoiiroclnclfiuporvUora. . . . . 1,111 93 Union product miporvMors . , H74 oo Klkhorn precinct supervisors. . . . . . . 770 ( K ) | Waterloo precinct supervisors , . , , . . 617 00 Klorenro product miporvlsorn. . . . . . . 1)9320 ) I'lntto Valley | irpplnctsiliocvl | ori..i 1,001 08 , JnfToren precinct supervisor * . . . , , . . 890 60 McArdlo proclnct supervisors . 090 60 \\VstOnialin precinct stiuorvlioM. . . 1,001 ( X ) Dnilglns precinct suporrlsors. . , 1,328 09 Mlllard proclnct Mipnrvlwra. . . . 1.7B3 OO KfiM.Onmha precinct supnrvlsori. . . 137 76 Ulontarf precinct suporvlsorg. . . . . . . . 84 00 Total . 124,1 IB OS UnoxpondoU balance . . . . 403 09 llndRO Fund. Amount of lory . , , { 51,474 37 Loss 10 percent reserve , 7,721 * * . . . . . . SuporvUorn . , , $ 4.003 31 Oradlngamlculvortv. . . 10,087 63 Hurraying. . . . . 1,437 43 Lumber. , ? . 4,055 29 Miscellaneous . 1.948 Rn Ililnnco . . . J12.2GO 03 Disbursements dlstrtbutod as follows : nui Dor. Lumber . t . I 4,958 20 Mlwllnnooin . 1.048 04 ( IradltiRnmlctllvofM. . ! . 19.0H7 53 SurvoyliiK. . . . . 1,437 43 Chicago pronlnct supervisor * ) . 283 00 Union precinct supervisors. . . . 143 OO Klldiorn product supervisors. . . . . . . . 208 50 Waterloo precinct supervlsorH . 420 40 Klnrrncn precinct supervisors . 413 75 I'lnt to Valley proclnct supervisors. 080 20 Jolferson precinct supervisors. . . 000 00 McAullo product supervisors . 353 80 Douglas precinct supervisors. . . . . . . 120 00 Mlllard precinct supervisors . 322 20 East bnmlia pfo"ciiic't"suporvlsofs..I 14 40 Total . . . .i $31,402 50 Unexpended balance $13,200.03 Insnno Judgment Fund. Amount.of lovy. . . . . . . . $12,808,57 LUSH 15 per cent rcsorvo. 1,030 28 810,038 20 DISnUltSBWr.NTS TO 1UTK. $5,000 Halnnco 6.93820 Disbursements distributed as follows : Paid on account Insane Judgment to state , So.OOO , Uuoxpondod balance ? o'JJS.2'J. ' Hospital Judgment Puml. . Amount of levy J38.005 71 Less 15 per cent reserve 5,700 80 $32,814 B5 BlailUItSEMINTS TO DATK. Hospital judgment $32,818 33 Italanco overdrawn 3 48 Disbursement's distributed as follows : Paid on account hospital Judgmont.3a,818.33 , ; balatiuo ( overdrawn ) , $3.48. Snldlor'H Hollar Kiiud. Amount of levy $5,147 43 Less 16 per cent reserve.i 772 11 $4,375 32 H18UUHSKMKNT3 TO DATII. Soldiers' relief commission 34,374 45 | llalanco 87 Aboyo disbursements have boon advanced to the Soldiers' Hollof commission as provided by law and expended by thorn. Uno.\pondedJalanco t 87 UonU Sinking Fund. Amount of levy $38,005 71 Loss 16 per cent reserve. 5,790 80 $32,814 85 niSIIUIWEMENTS TO DATE. lionds and Interest $20,010 50 Balance 512,708 35 Disbursements distributed as follows : Redemption of bonds nnd Interest. . $15,010 50 Transferred to general fund 6,000 00 Total $20,010 50 Unexpended balance , $13,793.35. Spnclal Klootlou Fund. Balance on hand July 1 , 1802 81,238 21 DISnUltSEMBNTS TO DATE. Special election 8000 Nebraska Central Hallway company $1,158 21 $1,238 21 The above fund represents an unexpended balance of the money advanced by the Ne braska Central Hnllway company -defray the expense of the special election hold Juno 10,180-J , and has been paid back to the de positors , all claims having been fully paid. The total unexpended balance in all f uuas on hand July 1 , 1893 , is as follows : General fund 9 233 72 Itondfund 409 09 llrldgo fund 12,200 03 Instino Judgment fund 5.038 20 Soldiers relief fund 87 llond sinking fund 12,708 35 Total $31,041 85 Added to this is the unexpended 15 per cent reserve required by law to bo'withhold until the tax shall have been collected , amounting : Per 1802 to $ 01.078 00 For 1801 to 08,103 75 Total $100,884 5Q LOBS overdraft ( hospital judgment ) ' 348 $100,881 08 Loss amount of taxes canceled en 1891 and 1802 tax lists $ 2,108 05 Total not amount of available as sets prior to levy for 1803 168,082 13 Unpaid bills und claims on hand July 1 carried over to the llscnl yearof 1803 amount. : 58,407 03 Balance of Insane Judgment 7,000 02 Total 00,157 95 Not unexpended balance July 1 , 1803 02,524 18 It must not bo understood that this balance represents cash on hand , ns it docs not ; under the provisions of the statute the Board of Commissioners nro allowed to draw warrants agUnst 85 per emit of the amount of the levy in any ono year , whether the taxes have boon collected or not. Therefore the transactions referred to in the foregoing statements relate to the disposition of the levy ns mndo by the county board. The balance of cash on hand In the hands of the county treasurer docs not constitute a fund against which warrants may bo drawn until nil outstanding warrants have boon redeemed. At the close of all tlscal years prior to this , the amount of warrants roglstcrod and not paid for want of funds has , been very considerable ; this year no warrants are registered and unpaid , except 31,000 against the hospital .building fund , which have not bcon paid for the reason that the litigation that has boon commenced agninst the county by numerous purchasers ot lots in Douglas nddltion has rcsultod in causing a number of purchasers to withhold payments duo on lots bought until the ter mination of the pending suits. Thcro is , however , an nssot which might properly bo included in the foregoing statement - mont , and which consists of the accumu lated surplus derived from miscellaneous fees and collections against which no war rants have been drawn , but which has oper ated as a sort of standing rcsorvo fund and has assisted , very materially in redeeming warrants drawn before the levy against which they were issued had boeu collected , The presenceof this Horn has boon made nirJl manifest at this tlmo for the reason that at the ualo of lands and lots for dollu quont taxes last November nearly all the taxes on tlio 1891 list and all prior lists wcro collected ; thus turning Into the treasury u much larger amount of cash for tlio redomp tlon of warrants than lias boon collected in any previous year. The result lias bcon that nt the present tlmu all the warrants drawn against BA pur cent of the levy of Ib'JJ ' have boon paid , and there is still a large cash balance on hnnd in nil tno funds , with a very largo percentage of the Ib'JJ tax still uncollccted. With a proper financial management this condition should not bo'changod in the f u turo , so that hereafter Douglas county warrants - rants should bo redeemed in cash us soon as issued , Khould this prove to bo the result it w 11 very materially raise the financial standing of the county nnd will do away with a very largo number of the complaints against th onlclals in charge , whoever they may bo. A largo proportion of the complaints made against the administration of the public affairs of this county In the past have arisen from the fact tbat claims against the county could not bo promptly paid in cash when duo , So long as the present provisions of the statute remain in force this surplus should be held as u sacred fund for the solo purpose of redeeming warrants the day they are issued , The outstanding bonded indebtedness o Douglas county July 1,1803 , is as follows ; Klght per cent fundlnz bonds Issued July 2,1877 , refunded and culled In August 34 , 1887 , but not yet pre sented for redemption . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . ( 10,000 , Five per cent funding bonds Issued July 1,1887 , duujuly,1007 , 258,000 I'lvo per cunt funding bond Issued July 1,1801 , duo July 1.1011 108,000 Six pur cent court uousu bond ls uod Jnnimr ; 1 , 1881 , duo .Tanuiuy 1 , 1001 , . . ; . . . . ii . . . . 110.000 Total outstanding. . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ S4&,000 Donds voted but not yet issued i Nebraska . Central Kullway . . . . , . _ . line 10.1H92 $500,000 Itoiki ! Improvement bonds uno 10 , 1S93. . . . , $160.000 Total $050,000 The total assessed valuation of Douglas sounty for the year 18U3 ns returned nnd lualuod amounts to $ ir > ,433M)4. ) The levy of taxes mnd for the year 1S93 is as follows : lenoriil fund , 0 mills $228.81234 'toad ' fund , a mills 60,847 10 Irldito fund. U mills . 60,847 10 Soldiers' rollof fund. 2-10 mills. . , . 6,084 72 Insane fuiid , 3-10 mills i . . 7,03708 Mend Sinking fund , 15-10 mills. . . . 38,135 90 Total. . . , $381,353 01 This amount i 48,450.27 less than the levy of 18W. As compared with former years the finan cial condition of Douglas county today Is ox- tromcly favorable. On January 7 , 18113. there wns n floating indebtedness of 3SG.74 t.Ul. On January 1 , 18U3 , this had been reduced to 115,447 , vhllo nt that ( tate the unexpended balances in the various funds amounted to upward of $33,000. The present statement shows not available resources on hand of $70,734.18 after all claims shall Imvo been iiaid nnd nil outstanding warrants redeemed , lot including the balnnco of nctunl cash on hand as shown by the treasurer's statement , "tcspoottully , FKBI > J. SACKKTT , County Clork. THE MOONSHINER'S BABY , llufftiln Tlio tall peaks of tlio Kentucky moun- ains were casting long shadows across the vulloya , when n man emerged hastily 'rom a glen 'concealed by the over hanging crags and virgin forest , nnd made his way toward n small cabin a inllo distant. IIo examined the sur rounding1 country keenly ns ho advanced , nnd , though his Winchester was thrown carelessly acrass his arm , the weapon tvas grasped In such n way that It miglit ho brought to bear in any direction at v uomont'B notice. A final hoam from the great red ball in the west penetrated Lho cottage doorway , as the mountaineer arrived. His approach was announced by the lively antics of a toddler standing at the door , swinging a little white kitten by its nock. As the buby tumbled forward into the man's arms , a woman rushed to the door with 11 look of alarm on her face , which wns immediately replaced by an expression of relief as she ob served the now coiner. . "You are Into , " remarked the woman , as she returned to the preparation of supper. "Anything wrong at thostill ? " 'No , mother , all is well und the run is fine. It's the best licker we've turned out this season , and the boys are having a Irolio tonight and you rascal. " The speech was interrupted ns the baby sprang from its father's arms to grab the bright barrel of the rifle. "And , mother , returns on this supply ought to bo big , for these pesky detec tives have not lot much moonshine got out ol tlieso mountains of late. " As the moonshiner deposited his baby tenderly on the lloor and started to hang his rillo on the wall , an old dog lying nt the corner of the cottage gave a low growl nnd bounded toward the path. Like a flash the mountaineer jerked his bolt into position , where a heavy re volver would bo convenient nnd ad vanced to the door , with his Winchester. cocked. "Lookout thar , Mars1 Davis ! 'Twoen ' you * gun and dis ole dorp you make mo afeard every time I comes hero. " And the aged negro coming tip the path made u vigorous lunge at the dog which Boomed determined to tear his trousers , if such a thing was possible with so ragged an attire. "What can bring you over hero this time o'night , Sam ? " and tlio remark was accompanied by a click , click of the rillo as the hammer was let down. "I thought as how you inought lot mo have n side o'bneon , Mars' Da is. I knows you lot dis ole nigger have a piece only t'other day , but my chiilen are powerful after hog moat , , Mars' Davis , and I done whore dis ole nigger's going to git it , if you can't lot him have It , " and the need darky scratched his head , as if trying to determine his chances for getting the coveted meat. "Of course , you can got the bacon , Sam , " remarked the mopntaineor , as ho led the way to the sinoko house. 'Haven't ' you alsvays got your bacon from mo ? " and a generous piece of well- cured moat wus handed to the old negro , whose eyes glistened at the great quantity of the precious food hung around the wall. "Well , I'B much oblogod , and now dis nigger's got something moro 'portant to talk 'bout ' than hog moat , " and the darky lowered his voice in order thnt Mrs. Davis , who wai- standing at the cabin door with the baby in her tirms , should not hoar him , and Cy Davis looked seriously at the old man wondpr- ing what could bo moro important in his mind than plenty of bacon. "Jest bofo' sun down Mars' Davis , I come to you' mint patch to fetch my ole woman some you" " mint. You know she has a hankorin' after julips. Well , while dis nigger war on hi.1) ) knees 1 after dat mint , ho happened to look 'cross de branch to dat patch o' now ground and see a man on a big horse. IIo war lookin' at you' ' cabin and 'poarod as if ho dida'Lknoiv whar to go. Then lie mo tioned to some ono in do woods and turn 'round and wont back. Dat man don't b'long 'round dcso mountains , and dis nigger hadn't Been the like o' dat horse since do war. I thought as how Mars' Davis ortor know 'bout dat man watch in' Ills cabin , 'cause" it must bo some o' them thar pesky rov'nuo ' 'iicials from Louis ville. " While the negro wns tolling his story the moonshiner glanced uneasily into the gathering darkness , and an ox pros i sion gradually spread over his face that was only soon there when lie was preparing paring for a desperate conflict. "Well , go "long " homo , Sam , and don't speak of this to anybody. I will not iorget your kindness , " and ho walked into the house as if nothing unusual had occurred while tlio negro shouldered his bacon and wont home , contented with having done the eon of his old master a fiorvico , An hour later the prldo of the hum bio homo of the Davib's wns phico in tv llttlo homo-made cradle , after lisping her baby prayer at her father's kneo. Mrs. Davis thought her son exhibited moro feeling than usual as ho gathered the child in his arms for the good-night hug , Tills was the only shadow cast by the approaching eloud. When every thing was quiet in the cabin Cy Davis loft Ills scat by the door and carelessly took down his rifle. An extra bolt of cartridges was added to that habitually worn. Ho was anxious that his prepar ations should not disturb his motlior. It was poasiblo that the threatened attack would not occur. Still Cy Davis wan not thu man to take satisfaction out of fancied security , Ho knew there was a reward for him dead or alive. In his varied experience as nn illicit distiller his path hud crossed that of many men. For years ho had avoided conflicts with revenue olllclals. Some of Ills desperate companions thought this evidence of cowardice. Those who know him best were aware that it was through deference to his mother's wishes. Thou Cy married and ho Has moro anxious than over that moonshining should bo his worst crime. A year later ho wus arroiiod. IIo could have escaped by killing two or three dotoctlvcaai his companion did , but Ills repugnance to : ominlt murder was too strong , llo was n prison In Loutsvlllo n yonr. When lie returned to his mountnln homo and asked for Ills wife , his pad-faced " * * mother , with tears in her eyes , pointed to n mound covered with wild roses In the edge of the yard. Later Cy's hahy would explain In her cunning ivay that when the angels brought her to papa they took her mama with them back to heaven. Hut neighbors under stood thnt it wns the want ot money to buy modlotno and food thnt caused Cy Dnvls's wife to die while ho was In iirlson. The neighborhood scarcely know him on his return. IIo at once reno\Mtod his stills. Six months later ho was surprised by n force of revenue oflleluls. lie made n terrible light and compelled the detectives to retreat. Thou it was generally understood that Cy Davis would never bo taken alive again. This wa < J verified by other en counters until the name of Cy Davis be came a synonym for desperate courage in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. All these things wcro recalled by the J moonshiner' ns ho sat just inside his I doorway , awaiting the approach of Ills I foes. Ho know ho could go to the glen whore his stills were located nnd BOOH have a force sulllclont to defeat the/ / ex pected olllclals , but ho was afraid this would give the detective nn Idea of the location of the plant , IIo prepared to light alone , knowing thnt the olllccrs must retreat with the ripproucli of day , or face an army of moonshiners. It wns past midnight when the plaint ive notes of the whip-poor-will a few yards from the cabin suddenly ceased. The moonshiner know this meant the approach of some ono. IIo arose and walked softly lo the cradle of the sleep ing babe. Ho kissed the child tenderly. The purring kitten In its arms was not disturbed. Tlio cradle wus pushed into an angle to he out of the way of stray bullets passing through the open door. As the moonshiner returned to his vigil lie saw a man creeping toward the cabin. Ho raised his rillo to fire. The glitter ing barrel cnmo in line with a bank of wild flow.ors near the cabin , made visible by the moon's bright light ; It was the grave of his wifo. Memories of the dead woman caused him to hosltato in tiring for nn instant , for she hud so frequently pleaded that ho not stain his hntuls witli blood. The next moment the rillo of Cy Davis exploded , nnd a revenue olltcor dropped behind the mound , dead. When the detectives found they were discovered , , they ilrod n volley nt the house. Mrs. Davis Hurang from her couch pale and trembling. Her son motioned her back. Ho know the olllcors did not dare approach the house. Ills accuracy witli a rillo was too well known. An occasional shot was Ilrod from the forest , while the detectives discussed the situation. They hud counted on surprising the desperate moonshiner. * Ono of the revenue olllcinls , more dur ing than the others , crept to the edge of the clearing to try a shot at the cabin. The door was open hut the Interior was " " % , dark. The detective's keen eye discovered something white mov ing in an angle of the cabin. Ho took deliberate aim and lircd. Cy Davis saw the Hash of the gun and wondered what particular mark had attracted the official's attention. His gaze wandered to the shoot covering the baby's cradle. Ho thought ho detected a dark stream leading from that part of the cabin. With a bound ho crossed the room. The little white kitten had not been dis- turbe'd , but the bullet had found its mark. The dark line on the floor wus blood. 'The ' baby's face wus wreathed in n-smile but it was the smile of death. The father- had not removed the cradle suftloiontly into the angle , nnd the ofll- cor's'riflo ' ball hud severed the tender cord.1- Suddenly a form came through the door toward the bunch of dotootlvos. In an instant they saw it was Cy Davis. His rifle wns being flred at random , but his object wus the cover behind which lay the revenue ollicor , who had taken a chance shot ut the cabin. The man saw his danger and flrod repeatedly at the approaching figure. Ton other detect ives did likewise. Once it staggered , but recovered nnd continued tlio frightful charge in the teeth of the deadly lire. As the moonshiner reached tlio cover of. the officer , his in tended victim lircd full at his breast. The bullet passed through the desper ate man's body. As lie pitched forward , Ho fell on tlio ofllcor's body. Several shots were flred by both men. Gradually the struggle ceased. The other detect ives cautiously approached , witli rillos cocked. The cure wus needless. The desperate moonshiner wus dead , but the --J N heart of the man whoso throat ho ' T grasped had also ceased to beat. The majesty of the law hod boon maintained , but at what cost , only the weeping woman with tlio corpse of a llttlo baby in her arms , In the moonshlnor'fl humble cabin , could appreciate. . FORCED THEM TO TERMS. Silver Men Finally Sell Metnl to tlio Treas ury at 1(4 1'rloo , WASHINGTON , July 15. Acting Di rector of tlio Mint Preston has the en dorsement of the government legal authorities in the position he has taken in "ogard to silver purchases. Ono of those legal representative' ) said to u re porter that the question of fixing the market value of silver rested with the secretary and that in ca'to holders of silver bullion declined to offer the motnl at the prices fixed by the secretary , ho could decline to buy. There are In dications that the brokers are coming around to think as does tlio director of the mint , for yesterday they released , ' 10,000 , ounces at the price paid by the director , nnd that ollicor made other purchases ut the ' 'makot. value , " ns ho fixed it. The amount of tlio purchase.- * was not disclosed , but the ultimatum was given out that a conslderabla amount wus ordered und accepted at tlio ruling market price , which was a slight advance on Thursday's prices. AccordIng - Ing to the construction put upon the law by Acting Director Preston , if the holders of silver bullion olTor during the month of July , or any other month as long ns the Sherman law romuiiw in force , 4,450,000 , , ounces of silver at the murkotJirlco , that amount will bo pur chased during the month , but if they will nut otTer that amount ut tlio market prlco , the law allows the Treasury de partment to decline to purchase any more than the amount HO offered , it will readily bo soon that any other con struction of the law would place thu de partment nt the mercy of the dealers in bullion and toward the end of the month they could form u combination and force thu government to take their merchan dise at any figure they might fix , so long as it was above the coinage value of slf- vor. Vrogrett ot T t ifavrr , i TOPKKA , July 15. John T. White/ / president of the Knnsus Live Stook com * mlaolon , hud returned from an Investi gation of the Texas fever reports which have come from Chuutauqua county. IIo says that while tlio epidemic hn not reached the Kansua herds ills ruglng in the territory. Many cuttle have died in the ChorokiiO strip , the Oaago rutjurva- tlon and western Oklahoma. Quarantine ruloi will bo rigidly enforced but It will bo with the greatest dilllculty thu dis ease will be prevented from contami nating Kansas hordn.