I L 1 TT-TT ? mVTATTA 11A1T V "HPT ? . .QTTTMHAV .TITTV in IQm CIVI'TOPM 1 > A ntO. ft * &ronS Eridonce of Hoturntng Oonfldenca Among Easiness Mon. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS HOLD UP WELL Block * of Merchandise lifting Koiluced to n Loir I'oint The Itoturn of Oonll- dcnoo Must Makn llunlnou Active Later In the Year. The actual business situation as affecting the local Jobber * has not changed materially during the past vf cok , but there Is undenia ' bly n much moro confident feeling. Every * ono Is still cautious and strongly Inclined to the ido of conservatism In all business transactions , but the gloomy predictions often ton days ago are uo longer heard. The volume of business without doubt will ho somewhat restricted during July , as merchants of all classes , from jobbers to retailers , nro strongly Imbued with n deter mination to reduce stocks and clean up their business as closely ns possible. Every mer chant Is Htnvinf ? to soil out his stock of mon bandlso , collect In his accounts , pay un bills and put himself In shape to start anow. As a rule business men anticipate their vranti and buy In advance whou goods nro offered at a seeming low price or when thuro U a prospect of an advance In the market. At the present tlmo every ono Is trying to dispose of what ho has , even If ho focls that it will cost him moro t } stock up again later on. In other words , the speculative feature has been eliminated and merchants arc soil ing goods nml only buying when they can no longer do without. Stocks of goods all over the country are being run down to a very low pblnt. \Vhllothouncortalntyns to future finan cial conditions wns the real cause of such a conservative policy among business men , there Is another cause ut work , at the pres ent tlmo , which has much weight with the country retailors. July is the month that makes or rums the com crop In Nebraska , and by the tlmo August Is reached the f uturo of the crop can bo qulto accurately foretold. As there Is so much dependent upon the corn crop In this state , country mcrcnnnts usually buy very sparingly until doubt as to the out come ot the crop Is settled. In splto of the tendency on the part of the retailers to limit tholr orders , the Jobbers of Omaha report that they nre doing it very fair business for July and have no complaints to make. Some of them report that they are doing moro business than they expected. Collections In the country hnvo hcjd up re markably well. Extensions are asked for In BOino sections and there are some reports to the effect that farmers are not paying thotr store bills very promptly , but there are al ways complaints of this nature 'during the middle of the summer. A Jobber observes that there Is very llttlo excuse for hard times in Nebraska. There may bo reason for hard times in the east , where many largo industries have been closed down , throwing men out of employ * niont and whcro the money stringency has been severely felt. In Minnesota and other wheat growing states It la not strange that times are bard whcnvhoat is selling for loss than It costs to grow It. In the silver states the closing of the mines would naturally have a depressing effect , but Nebraska has had none of thcso difficulties to contend with. On the contrary , Nebraska had a largo corn crop nnd moro cattle and hogs than over boforonnd fortunately everything that she had to sell has brought unusually high prices all the year through. Thcro Is no reason why money should not bo as plenty as ever in the state as the farmers have had largo returns from tholr crops and no unusual - usual expenditures. The only reason for hard times in Ne braska is a luck of confidence , a lear that something might go wrong. The moro care fully the situation in Nebraska Is studied the luoro evident it becomes that all busi ness Interests in the stuto will bo as prosper ous ns over ns soon as the people get over their scaro. , hcuco the better fooling among business men noted abovo. Some local Jobbers are commencing to pro- dlct that the full business will bo something phenomenal. They argue that by the latter part of August or 1st of Septouibor confi dence will bo restored and the merchants of the country who are now striving to reduce their stocks will suddenly realize that they have moro confidence than goods and then tbo rush will commence. The mon who are tunning this prediction were talking very blno ton days ago. Another cause that is aiding in no small degree to rcstoro conlldonca is the easing up of the money market in Now York City. The banks are retiring the loan certlllcatos issued while the money stringency was the most severe. The percentage of cash used iti the payment of balances ut the clearing house is becoming greater each day. Thu New York banks report the receipt of largo nmounts of uurrunuy from the country uud a noticeable decrease in the applications for rediscount and other accommodations from country banks. It looks very rauchns If the money squeeze , which cnmo on gradually , has reached the turning point and that thcro will bo a gradual casing up in tlio .situation from now on. The Wcxik's dimrlncs. The bank clearings nt Omaha for the past week show a decrease of 17 per cent , as com pared wltti the corresponding week In 18'JJ. , A ween , however , Is too .short a tlmo for comparisons to bo inndo of any great import * nnco. Two or thr'o largo transactions may swell the clearings for ono weolr to an extent - tent that would iiuiko quite u dlfforonco in the percentage of that week , whorons if the whole month were taken Into account they 1 \\ould make no appreciable difference. The avoraco dully clearings for the flrst two weeks of this month are jVSU,3Jr > , while the average dally clearings for the whole month of July. 18U2 , were { ilOUO.l > i . This would maku thu decrease for this month about 7 per cent as compared with July of last your. AS mi.V HKKti IT. Nut I.Itlln Chunc" In llio Situation , Vet Uuu l.tttlu In for tlin Ilittior , Mr. W. H. Hoberson , Omaha manager of H. G. Dun & Co. , spoukimjof the trade situa tion , says ; "Locally the situation Is not much changed for the better. Thcro Is comfort In the thought , iiowovor , that what llttlo change there Is is not for the worse- . Our banks apouk confidently of the near future , nnd t > ooj4o generally nro very much less ap- proifonsivo that ) they were n. week Hiid a month ago. l oans nro not sought nnd maturing paper Is not cheerfully extended. People generally are adapting themselves to the conditions and economy la the general order In business and household matters. Heady money is not plentiful , but local col lections nro a little bolter. Ono comfortable fualuro of the situation la that creditors are rather moro lonlont with debtors thai : at other tlmos whcro they show a disposition to moat their obligations. "The comptroller of the currency issued his call on thu national banks for the lUth init. , mut the statements for the city will appear In n day or two , They show n fall ing- off lu dupoxlts , a might bu expected , but thu cash resources of our tltianel.il Insti tutions are gratlfyingly largo In proportion to obligations. Consider- nblo erlticUm of the comptroller is hoard among bankers for demanding n statement just at this Juncture when people plo are > o particularly timid and some banks must make a bad comparative showing to thoao who examine thu figures without tak ing the unusual circumstances into consider- j/ all on. lu Otnahu thu banks will uot bo un- " P favorably affected , hut In some of the far "V western states and in some coun ties in Nebraska the call at this time may prove a positive nnd unnecessary Injury. The comptroller would have been just as vigilant In public interest uud far moro considerate to trade generally had ho waited n montn for the ul- inosphoro to clear up u llttlo , ilut Mr , Eckels 1 noa banker himself ; ho is the comp. ' ' trailer and his discretion U largo , "lu tbo wholesale district * trade generally - , orally is quiut. Only hardware aud grocery dealers speak of good trade. Out in the > t to where crop prospects are favorable P the feellnu U eailcr and merchants mis boRiuuing to buy less conservatively , but from tbo sections vrhoro a crop failure 1 probable , order * are coming lu slowly nnd collections ftro hivrd. The weak merchant * nro having a hard time of it , and many of thorn nro irolnR to the vrMl , tliough the not liabilities nro not laret * . It will Vo a fortnight or n month yet , in the opinion of clour-headed business mont before wo can look for nny distinctive Iraprovomcnt. but when the tldo turns the ronctlon vrlll bo sharp , nnd tt Is Ronorally believed tno recov ery will lw coniploto. " HANK CI.KAIUNOS JIKYIKWIM ) . HIM Not Uncreated Milch Aeeoril- in IT to Clrnrtne lloniie lloport * . During the List few years the clearings of the national banks of the country liavo como to bo regarded as an Important feature in flnnnclal reports. The vrdekly statements arne looked forward to ana nro studied with no little interest by business men nnd capi talists. ! Wlillo these reports may nt times bo inflated by unusual conditions , such aa n flurry in real estate or n speculative craze in sorno other direction , it is stfo : to say they furnish , under ordinary circumstances , a very good Indication of the actual volume of business transacted. At times business rimy1 appear dull on the surfiico and the markets may bo dovold of tuolr usual activity , but at the same tlmo there may bo a largo amount of regular busi ness transacted in so quiet and unostenta tious a manner as to escape gcnarul notlco. When business appears qulot on the surfnco people cry "hard times , " and whan this surface - face business Is flourishing the word Is passed about , "times nro good. " The fact Is. times nro not always what they seem nnd the great volume of business , the underflow of trade ns It were , cannot always bo meas ured by surface indications. The bank clear ings are useful ns showing the increase or doorcase In thu volume of regular commer cial transactions that otherwise would bo a Micro matter of conjecture. Just nt present thcro Is a loud cry of "hard times'1 timl every ono is talking about the dullness of business , alow collections nnd the general absence from trade of all snap nnd energy. No ono denies tliut , tlioro is widespread depression nnd lack of confidence , but has there been after all any very great shrinkage in the volume of legitimate busi ness In Omaha ? All enterprises ofn speculative character have boon abandoned on account of the 01 111- culty of borrowing money , but people must cat and wear clothe * nnd live In houses , and while they may practice economy they can not do entirely without these things. A careful Investigation of the bank clearings of Omaha will throw some light on this sub ject. As business is naturally larger during certain seasons of the year , each month must bo company ] , not with the preceding , but with the corresponding month of pre vious years. U'ho following will show the clearings for each month of the year since the opening of the Omaha clearing house : -I SJjf.35 C5 S W * : , , N- * H. laiabWa.-ii'i.Viis's s g gJSSSwa * SM | r > j J-rsVpVi ; V > | o-5 " J oo cs I o- * * -t ; 3 s ) --UOrf-MW d4v ! J5--l-JlOta- I J- _ O 54 Clp tS "I a J W l I , _ . c 'eisosii5Mpi5"b ; oo I 1 I I 1 I 13tr3Wr3W ; ; ; ; ; PP Pr13 f I ; J Z J Wv3 > OpX | i ; ; i ; i ooaj c'j A careful study of these figures will show that there was a. constant increase in the clearings from the organization of the clear- Ins house until 18'Jl. During that year there was a'heavy shrinkage iu the volume of business , owing to the crop fulluro of 1890 , and Dfornbcr was the only month iu which the clt , Pfjs showed any increase. The total clculiig3 of 18'Jl fell shprt of the total for 18'JO by fW.SSO.US ) . In 1S'J3 there was an enormous Increase in the clearings , tha loss of the previous year being fully mudo up. The clearings for January of tbo present year were the largest In the history of the cleiiaing house and almost double what they were iu 18U1. Following down the 18'JJ column of figures it will bo noted that the clearings for each month show n heavy in- rrcuso ever the corresponding months in praviousyoars. The total clearings for the six months of this year are $174,770,743 ; for the correspond Ing months in 18SU , $138,22' ) . . 511 j ana Sloy,505UI5 In 18'Jl , Lust year business was generally consid ered good , wliilo this year it is reported dull , and yet for the first six months of the year there has boun a gain over ISM of # 30,0 11 , .233 in thu clearings. The crop failure caused thu clearings during the first six months of Ib'Jl to decrease $ 'JllSt'J07 ) as compared with the previous year , while this year there has been a gain over the preceding year of & )0- ) ' 5I1U ; ui the face p'f the muuh-tdlkod-about financial depression. Those llgurcs would naturally suggest that a crop failure Is fur moro disastrous to business than a financial flurry. It may bo claimed , however , that the present financial squeeze was not felt during the first months of the year 'and that these months should not bo included In the com parisons. TuUo , then , the lust full month , Juno , und follow out the same comparisons. As compared with lust year there was an Incioaso in the clearings of frVj OSil , and there was no panlo last yonr In Juno , but , on the contrary , business was considered good. A gain of nearly $1,000,000 In a mouth would not ordinarily bo of much consequence , but the fact that It vrui made at u time when business was generally considered vor" dull gives it unusual Importance. Again , the total clearings for Juno , f-'O.-mi.lU-H , in addi tion to being the largest for that month iu the history of the Omaha clearing house , has noyor been exceeded previous to this year , excepting by the months of July , October and I > oconibor of IBW , During the p.-csoijt month of July thcro 1ms boon n slight aocrcaso in the cle.trlugs , und it 1s moro ttmu likely that the total for tbo mouth will full short of lust year's total 1 , but unless the decline becomes much moro rapid toward the close of the month llio loss will bo slight. It must bo berne in iniud that for the ilrst six months there was a gain lu the clearings amounting to $30,5 , ! ! , ' ) , and that the clearings would have to drop oft almost 50 per cent during July , August and Septem ber to wlpo that out , no .Kvoryouo anticipates that business will re vive about the mlddlo of September , If eDt sooner , aud should there bo no disaster to the growing crop there Is every reason to , toe Hove that business during the last three mouths of the year will bo very active. It Is therefore by uo menus unreasonable to Isn ticipate that the total clearings for the year will bo fully up to 1SW and perhaps show ara substantial gain. Tbo lady aeronaut will make a balloon ascension and parachute jump this after noon at Courtluud beach. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was Weak Yesterday in Spite of Heavy Exports. CONDITIONS UNUSUALLY FAVORABLE In Corn There VFnn Light Trnilo nnd Fluctuation * Were UmiMintljr Limited L'ommuilofi Concerns Took OI r- Unite Ilendllr. CHICAGO , July 13. Wheat was weak today In splto of the heavy exports , the bad crop re ports and the steady to firm cables. The weakening factor was the lilt of bank state ments of condition and the business failures. This was more than sufllctont to oftsot the more favorable news In the way of crop pros- peels tiiul under n moderate display of firm- ncss there was a gradual decline of nearly 54c withasubscquontslow and uncertain rally. Iusnmorospc'b ! > the conditions won ) unus ually favorable. The exports from both coasts for the week wore 4,125,000 bu. . In wheat and flour , the largest , It Is said , with four excep tion * , over nuido In ono nook in the history of our export tnulo and shows the foreign dcmnnd to Ira on a gigantic scnlo , but with llttlo fuss or nolso , as though buyers were quietly picking up all tnpy could got. fluctuation * were confined - fined within a Ho range and the closing was about ? ic lower for July , ! Jc lower for Soptora- bor and JJc lower for December than tud clos ing figure of yesterday. In corn tlioro was n light trndo and the fluc tuations were limited toic range. The crop showed llttlo change from yostordny. The local operator * were Inclined to look to the financial troubles In tlio southwest , but the oirernijM were readily taken by commission concerns ) , though showers were icported ever the west , moro than was needed , and especially In the southern part of Kant as and thu central portions of western status. The crop It said to bo 1 ho most promising for the past few days , owing to the excessive heat , which It was fanrodmlghtclinngo the prospect In SOMO localities. Receipts , while liberal , were not nearly us largo as predicted. Offerings of oats wuro light. Prices ad vanced l/o for July from yesterday's close. September advanced } { c nnd closed steady. Kocclpts were less than expected. A feature of the provision market Is the fact that thu new speculative products are not being traded In , which Is unusual at this sea son of the year. Wright was nn open seller Ills sales for the past few days. It was report ed , would probably aggregate 4,000.- 000. Lard was sold by the packers nnd thnn bid up 2Oc by Otiduhy's brokers mid declined 27Kc from top prlcus. At the close , compared with lust nlghl , lard showed u decline of ou for .September and 12Jic for October. lllbs are from 2Dc to 27Hc olf. 1'ork closed nt an ad vance of 15c , but with scarcely any business done In It. ' Mstlnmted recoluts for Monday : Wheat , 43 curs ; corn , 000 curs ; oats.xlOO cars ; hogs , 27,000 huad. Thu leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. Upon. Low. Close. WHEAT July . GDJ Sept . 09JJGW Ul-C . Conx July . 401 * Sept . 41H OAT.S July . 20 20 Si-pi 25H MnasPORK July- Sept 75 10 80 10 70 I < A mi- July. Sept . 10 20 10 40 } i Oct . 0 70 0 80 0 47i SIIUUT Kills- July. . . . 8 G2 Sept . 8 05 a 05 8 70 8 7BM Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUII Easy. No sales reported. WHEAT No. 2 spring , G5U@G5Kc ; No. 8 spring , 58c ; No. 2 rod'G6WG5Wc. CoitN No , 2. 40c. No 3 clpsiug , 40 > ic. OATS No. 2. 20Kc : No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 35c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 32H033c. } IlYK-No. 2. 50c. HAHI.KY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4. t.o. b. . 33 ® 30S4c. Vl.\x SEEI > No. 1. 41.00. TIMOTHY SERB Prime , S4.10'cJ4.20. Pome Moss , per bill. . J18.00919.00 ; lord , per 100 His. . JU.G5S9.G7J.J ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , 88.50S8.52H ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $8.2508.50 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , jy.7JjaiO.00. WHISKY Distillers' finished Roods , per gal. , Swuns Unchanged ; cut loaf , Gifc : granu 5 lated , Q.7G ; standard "A , " 5.C4. The following were the receipts und shlp- montsfor today : On the Produce exchange today the butter market was easier ; creamery , IfHiSftlOKc ; dairy , 1517Kc. Eggs , easier , strictly fresh , 4 Me. _ New York MarkctH. New YonK , July 15. Pixinii Receipts , 430 pki ? * . ; exports , 5,300 bbls. , 20,000 sacks ; sales , 3,200 pkgs ; market very dull , un 3T changed and stoudy ; winter wheat , low ( Trades , $1.50(32.40 ( ; winter , fair to fancy , $2.4583.05 ; winter palenls. $3.404.10 ; Slln- Iiesota straights , $3.3004.00 ; Sllnnosola pat- ouls , ! M.O4.25. ( COIIN MEAL Dull , steady ; yellow western , I2.COS2.70. KYIS Dull , steady ; western , 58J c afloat. llAitr.ET MALT Qulot ; western , 59lJOc. WltlAT KocolpU. 33,000 lin. ; shipments , 27,000 bu. ; sales , 207,000 bu. of futures , 10.OOO bu. of spot. Spot market dull , easier , with options closing steady ; No. 2 rod In store and olovafor , 72Uc ; alloat. 733 c ; f. o. b. , 72 ® 74J4c ; ungraded red. 7080c ; No. 1 northern , 73c ; No. 1 nard , 77c ; No. 2 northern , 70tfc ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 70Kc. Options were very dull and without special feature. Trading was only local scalping and snitching and the cl030 steady at Hic ? below yesterday on realblnn and with the west ; No 2 rod , August , 72 lB-lGa73 JC , closlliK 73c : Hop- tomber , 75 0-lC.75JJe , closing 75Jic ; Decem ber , 8U/i@81\'e , closlmrSlSc. COIIN Kocelpts , 290,000 bu. ; exports , 23.- 000 bu. ; sale ? , 40,000 bu. futures , none spot. .Spots dull , stoudy ; No. 2 , 481-Jc. in olovutor ; 4'JHc alloat. Untlons were very dull nt Kc ndvunco , but without feature ; August , 48U ® 40c , closing 49o ; aoptouibor , 40) ) 40 0 , clos ing 4yBC. UATS-Kocolpts , 00,000 bu. ; exports , 58,000 bu. ; Kales , futures , none ; 33,000 bu. spot. Knots dull , lowor. Options dull , un- cbanund ; No. 2 white , 30Ho ; No. 2 Chicago. 3Bc ; No. 3 , 30 > Jc ; No. 3 white. 38c } { ; No" 2 mlxod western , 37O38J-1Q ; white western , l' . - HUTTKH Qulot , H toady ; western dairy , ' 15VJO 18c ; wuitnrn eroamory , 1722c ; western fac tory. 15Hia'tc } ; KlRiii , 24c. LuiKKau Qulut , llriii ; part skims , l@5c. Kdds Quiet ; rocoljits. 0,081 pkgs ; uostorn , fresh , 15ai5 c ; southwestern , 14 > i14ic ; western , pur case , * 2.60a3,75. TALLOW Quiet , steady ; city ( J2 for pkgs. ) , 2c. 2c.CrfrroNSKKi ) Oiir-Dull , steady ; crude , 35 ® 30u ; yellow , 42c asked , , MAY Steady , qnlot ; shipping , 87.01)37.50 ) : giMMi to ciioico , * H.ooaa.6o. ' Hoi's Dull , steady ; state , common to choice , llK 2Jc ; Paclllc coast , 1521)ic. ) Ilium Htoudy , f , Ir demand ; not salted , Now Orleans selected , 45ftliU UH , 4K5c ; Tuxus selected , 50U01bs , & 4fl7clliienoi ; Ayron , 21C424 Ibs , 14JJc ; Texas dry , 21&27 llw , U I'liovisiONB Cut meaU. nulot. steady ; pickled bellies. 12 lln , nt 12c ; pluUlod shoul ders , 7Hc ; pickled hams , 12f$12Kc ; mlddlos i. dull ; short clear. 0)ic , Lurd , qulot , easier ; woslurn ftteuni closed , S1O.05 ; sales , none ; options , hales , none ; July closed t ilO ; Sup- teiubur closed ut910.37K u.skud. 1'ork. nulot i.'v stoaay ; no sales ; now mchs , iJlH.50I41U.OU. I'KTitoi.KUM Quiet ; crtido In bbls. , Washing ton t4.H5 ; crudo. In bulk , 82.35 : roanod , Now ' York , * 5.10 ; Philadelphia and Italtlmoru , 15.10 ; rutlned , In bulk 2.GO2.05 ; United , no sales. llosiN Steady ; strulncd , conimon to good 1 , f 1. 1.HIGH HIGH l-'alr demand , steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 27-85e. Moi B-SKd-Kuw Orleans , open kettle , good to cholco , Htoudy , 2830c. ; ; v.a , * - t wm , uuv 1UU1 , u/BVv crushed,57.QG 1-lGc ; powdureu,6 11- ' _ _ grunuluttul , 6 7-10 < a5. e ! cuhos , 5 U-lGiW'ic' ' I'm IKON Pull , sloaUy ; American , { 12,76 ® OorVen Steady : lake , $10.25. I.BAO Steady ; domestle , $3.60. Tit-Qulot ' ! ; Straits , (1U.16 bid , $10,25 uskod. 1'l.ATXS-Qulot. steady. Bi'EI.TKU tjulot ; domestic , t4.07 . Wool MurKut. HOSTON , July 15. That the general position ot wool Is uo worse thU week than last , and prices are porcoptlbly no lower , ooeui to bo mutlers for congratulation und cncouragmont uinonK the inunibora of the wool trudo , Thin soeuiod to bo the fuullui ; und while conlldonco la not yet fully rubtorod the undertone U por- hapa utrongor , und It Is tbouzht thut prices havu reached the limit of tlielr donnMard course. The proaencoof a numborof lliolar u munufacturors 1ms helped the innrkut , thnro having hcun moio of thorn here the pait week than for many weuks. To Ui sure , ihey did not purchase freely uuu In ( oiuu ca ea tliu otluru uiuilo by thoiu were oven considerably umloTTlnnont abnormally low qnotiUlon , out t'lfftt ' prc inco w s nn- cotirnglnff. The velum < LJ3f builno * , however Is larger thnn In nny jttvjEfor a long tlmn , the ot all kinds anWUhllnff to 1.815,000 lb < i. Tlirro Is said fa b considerable talk nlHiul ifio nhlpplntc of m * lilnnry and the shut * tliiftdimn of mill * . Itnlviexpoctod , hnwavcr , that them will DO mora nativity In llahtnelRht clothing noolpni noxt'WUok ' , as the opening of Rood * will Ihon bo Rent ril. ! Woolhn * been piling UDhoro rnpldlj during the week , nomnot thocpisn > ls < lon houint Imr- Inn Ixton obllead to rofilia.coinlKnninntfl , oven thouch the advance fi Hoywns ninall because thny hud nbnut nil thov-could hnndlo. Ix ) lK ) . ( , July 15. Atlttio wool los today 11,000 bales of a fnllr'iaunllty woronfTcrod. The competition wail iMphold by Kronen buyers , who took froolyrptTiiorlnov and by the OormatiM , who were nnxtons to gocuro Unpo of Uood Ilopo and Natal . [ Wools. Tbo follow- In t : nro the dales : iTow South Wales , 3,300 bales , scoured. 7HdlsCd per cwt. ; locks nnd pieces. 3 id ; Kroniy , 4 > Jd proasy locks und pieces , 4 ; < d ! Qtioons * lnnd,51 balct , scoured locks nnd pieces , Is ; MollKnirno , Victoria , 1,800. scoured , GJ < dli 3Md ; Eolith Australia , 1,700 bales , scoured , scoured locks nnd pieces , Now /onlnnd , 6.000 bnlos , xcoured , 8d8 li 0(1 ! scoured locks nnd ptocet , OJidQls 3lJ < l ) grnasy , 7dl 4d ; Rroasy locks nnd pieces. 7d ( i 8H < l ; Capo of Oood Hope and Natal , 500 bales , scoured , OJiclQH 3d : creasy. & ! < f&7td. The ofTorlngs next week will comprise 00,1 BO bali > s. The Imports for the past week were 2,114 bales. Omnlm 1'roilnoo Market. ttirrTKR The mnrkot continues very firm for packing stock nnd there li very llttlo If any fresh soiling for loss than 14c. The de mand Is good nt the prlco and the offerings are picked up quickly. Fancy eroamory , print , 21c ; fancy creameries , -.olid packed , lOc ; fftlr to good creameries , solid packed , 10 < ai8c ; cholco to fancy country , 16UlCc ; fair to peed country , 15c ; picking.stock , frovh , 14c. KfldB Tlio market is qulot and unchanged. The bulk of the OKRI are sold ns quoted , but the market Is weak at the prlco. Sales nro mostly reported at 11V4C. LIVK I'ouLTiiY The market close- firm as quoted , with the domnnd fair nnd the supply light. Thu poultry mnrkot has boon good nil the week , owing to the light arrival.Some sniiilt spring chickens nroc.mlnff which do not soil very readily. A commission man says that tlio prlco paid per clozan for springs on this market during the past week was at the rate ut IGc per pound , llvo weight , nt the very lowest calculation. Spring chickens , per doz. , J2.OOtJ3.60 ; host lions , per lb. , 7 < 28c ! mixed coops , per lb. , 6c ; old roostora , lior Ila6c ; turkeys , per lb. , 8c ; ducks , per lb. . 78c. 1'OTATOKS The receipts of potatoes In car lots were very Unlit but the general situation wns not much changed , prices botng about steady. Orders from the northwest nro quite liberal nnd ti good nmny potatoes have boon Bhlppud out from this point. Now potatoes TOMATOES The supply of good stock on the market this morning was nculn llRht nnd the demand appeared active. The offerings were picked up vary quickly and the supply wns exhausted before the buyers wuro satisfied. Southern , per 4-baskot crate , $1.75 , IlEituiKH There wns n fnlr Saturday's run of blackberries and the market was In good shapo. Tlioro were n few homo grown rasp berries and also some Oregon strawberries. Everything In the berry line was sold out very curly In the morning. Oregon st rawborrlus , per case , $4 ; blackberries , per 24-qr , case , * 3 ; black raspberries , per 24-nt. case , { 3.003 3.25 ; hucklcbcrrlos , $3.60. SMALL I'uuiTs The arrival of a full car of California punches gave llio market u full sup ply ot that kind of fruit. The quality was Kood anil the fruit went off readily nt * 1 per box. Other kinds of fruit were not very plenty. Some southern wild geese plums sold quickly nt 82 per box. Apricots , per 4-bns- ket crate , $1.25 ; plums , wild geese and Chlck- Usnw , per 24 qt. crate , (2,60 ; California poaches , $1.16ffll,25. IlKiilUKS The receipts were light and oht offerings were picked up cry quickly , lllack- berrlcs In some Instances sold n llttlo better than on the day bi'foro.-Tltlsie were a few homegrown grown raspberries aud a few cases of Arkansas SMALT. Fituiw Thcrq' Were no fresh re ceipts of California trulls on the market , but n cur or two Is oxpoclod'to urrlvo on Saturday. Southern poaches nru out of the market , also California cherries. Apricots , per 4-baskot crate , $1.25 ; plums , wild geese and Chlcka- suw , per 24-iit. crate , $ 2.60 ; California ponchos , il.16Qi.2S. MELONS The supply cm-tho market Is not so largo aud tlioro Is n bettor feeling than there was a few days neo. Tlio' low prices und ro * luclnncuof commissionmen lo receive con signments of melons ha' ) apparently decreased the shipments. Watermelons , per crate of ono dor. . $2.60 ; looso. per 100 , $18. CKLKHY Small shipments are coming from both Michigan and Missouri. Celery , pur do/ . , 45c. 45c.APPLES APPLES There Is no Important change In the market. Apples , pcf.K.bu. box , 76c@Ji.OO. ORANGES lllvorsldo1 AIndltcrrauoan sweets , $3.50 3.75 ; bright * . $2.75(0.3.00. ( LEMONS Mos.slna.s , extra fancy , S6.006.50 ; Uosslnas , per box , cholco to fancy , J5. 00156. 00. UANANAH I'or bunch , largo , S2.25O2.75 ; per buiroh , small to medium , 32.00&2.25. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 3c ; No. 2 croon hides , 2c : No. 1 green suited hides , 3)4c ) ; No. 2 green sailed hldos , 2Vic ; No. 1 erccn sailed nldcs , 25 11 > 9. to 40 Ibs. , 3'ic ; No. 2 croon salted hldos , 251bs. to401bs..2Hc : No. I veal culf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Gc ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 151bs.,4c ; No. 1 dry flint hldos , 7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , fie ; No. 1 dry salted hldos. 5o Part cured hides Vic per lb. loss than ully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green sailed , each 05cIW.23j green snltod shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , ouch 1525c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early aklns ) , No. 1 , each 510u : dry shearlings ( short woolod early skins ) , No. 2 , each 5c ; dry ( lint , Kansas und Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per 11) . , actual wolpht , 103 lie ; dry flint Kansas und Nebraska Murrain wool polls , peril ) . , actual weight , 7@10ij : dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb , actual weight , 910c : dry Hint Colorado Mur rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 79c ; dry pieces und bucks , actual weight , 57c. TALLOW AND UllBASB 'fallow , No. 1 , 4U ® 4Hc ; tallow. No. 2 ; 3ii4c ; grease , whlto A , 4VS5c ; grease , white II , 4c ; ( jroaso , yellow , 3Vic ; grouse , dark , 3c : old butter , 22Hc ; beeswax , prime , ICQ'JDc ; rough talloir , 2 i ® 3c. 3c.BONES BONES Oar lota weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dj-y buffalo , per ton , 810.00S18.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , 81O 00(213.00 ( ; dry country , damp nnd moatv. J3.OOaiO.00. Ht. 1-ouli Market * . ST. Louis , July 15. Fi.oun Dull , unchanged ; patents , 33.1O33.2o : extra fancy , S2.80 ! 'J.90 ; tuner J2.40fit2.BO ; choice , 82.152. 25 ; family , 81.002.00 : rye flour , 83.253.40. WIIKAT Demoralised by the financial slf ua- tlon , closing He below yvstordny ; No. 2 rod , cash , Olc : . July , OOc ; August , 02fc ; Soptoni- ber , ( J.'iU'flO&Jic : December , 72Uc. Cons Kept pace with wheat , loslnc Uc ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 88Jc ; July , 38c ; August , 38 ic ! Soptoniber , 38 c. OATS Slow , weak , lower ; No. 2 cash , 27c ; July , 20c ; AiiRtist , ii'Jyc ; Seplumber , 23fc. I'lioviHlONS Lower , very dull ; pork , 817.50 for current make ; lard , { 9.12H ; dry suit meats ( loose shoulders ) , 87.75 ; short ribs , * B.87'/ii short clour , f'J.10 ; boxed lots , loc moro ; bacon , longs und ribs , 810.30 ; shorts , 810.50 ; hams , unchanged , 813.00314.00. KRCBIITS Flour , 2,000 bbls , ; wheat , 100,000 bu. ; corn , 40,000 bu. ; outs , 40,000 bu , ; rye , none. SHIPMENTS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 5- 000 bu. ; corn , 84,000 bu. ; outs , 5,000 bu. rye , 2,000 , bu. J _ Cotton Mttrknt , NKW OIILBANS , July 15. Firm ; good mld- dllni ; , 7Mc ; low mlddlfni ? , 7Ueeood ; ordinary , U 15-IUc ; nut receipts , 301 bnfos ; gross ro. colpt.s , 1,015 bales ; exports to the continent , 4,200 bales ; coastwise , l.GOO bulos ; sales 500 bales ; stock , ps,080 bulos. Futures , barely steady ; sales , 12,100 hales I luly , 87.03 bid : August , 87fiH7.6Q ; Feptomber 87.m7.09 ; Octolx-r , 87.78il7.79 ; November. 7.H87.89 ; Uccomber , * t90 ; January , 8.11 Q8.13 ; February , ja.lOiia l ; March , (8.27 ® Kuiuu * KANSAS Oitv , July vl&i-WiiEAT Demand fulr ul unclmiiL'ud jirlcosC'No. 2 hard , 5455c ; No. 2 rud. &G557c. 34c -1'lrnijNo.'J mUWj ; 33c ; No. 2 whlto , " "OATS-Slower ; No. 2 mixed , 2Gffi27p ; No. 2 Whlto. 2SU@2Ufic. i1 . , . . HECEIITS Wioat , l.GOC'uu.'jcorn , 20,400 bu.j oats , none. HIIIPMKMTS Wheat , Sl.TMbu. . ; corn , 40,000 bu.j eaU , 600 bu. ( ill .MurJiti- . OIF , OITY , July 16. Xutlotml Transit cor- llllcntos opened at 68 ; lilgho-t , 68 ; lowust , 68 ; closed ut 68. SaliH.uU.OOO bbls. ; cleur- micos , 08,000 bbls. : ctiartorM.U.400 bbls. iipmoiiU OD.G50 blils.j.rttns , 00,005 bills. J'lTTflliUlid , July 15ailonal Transit cor- llcalua oponecl al qjtT ; , , closed at 58 ; highest , 58'lowost : , 60. JiHsalaa. MILWAUKEE , July 15.WHEAT Lower ; Sep * tember , t5Xc ; Nn. 2 spring , C3c. CoitN-QuIctj No , 3 , 39Hc. OATS I'-iisIor ; No , 2 whlto , 30c ; No. 0. white , 33c. lUui.EV Unchanged , UVB-60KC. Now York Dry ( lnod Murknt. NEW VOUK , July 16. There was a llttlo moro doing today In dry woods nnd considering - ing thu unusual holiday following the move ment was encouraging. 1'rlcus have been put ut the lowest flguro and If orders are not obtained on the bufcls inado the mill * will shut down. Uoltev MurUet. NEW VOHK , July 15. Options opened steady to&polntii up ! closed llrm. 510 points up ; sales , 11,750 bnx * . Including ; July , 110.10 ® 1U.16 ; August , 10.16 | September , 810.1Xi 111.16 ; November , (15.80 : IJacombor. 115,70 ® 16.80. Spot Itlo. Htoady ; No. 7.817.12H. JJverjiool llHrkvK. LIVEIIPOOI July 15. WIIKAT Qulot ; supply U largo ; No , 1 California , 5s Sd per ccutul COIIN Demand poor. TAI.LOW 1'luo Auturlcau , 6 ed per cwt. RTOCKS AMD I1ONOS. Clott of n Crltlottl YTrok In New Tork Fl- nnnnlnl Oirt-lr * . NKTT YORK , July 15. It may bo safely said that a very critical week ai well us ono of great significance closed today In tha financial markets. Especially In London t has boon expected that the reg ular fortnlghtlr settlement" the Slock oxchamto account- , would develop serious troublo. Within the fortnight has occurred the violent break In prices consequent on the India council's move and the fooling la Lon don has boon very gloomy. ThU week was bound to put the situation to a tost. As to the local monetary nyatom In Now York , It has grown a trlflo easier. It was feared that a further fall In market prices would precipitate trouble hero. These double expectations were reflected this week In a bold and oitonslvo movement In both security markets by speculative operators for the decline. The movement wns conducted with thp use of every expedient known lo pro- foaslnnnl wreckers of valuos. Including tholr reckless circulation of fnlso rumors and sales of enormous quantities of short stock ; but It failed almost , completely. Neither In London nor n Now York did the anticipated disasters como to Unlit. In London there were perhaps a doton broker failures , onljr ono of which , however , was ot any comtMiuonco. while nearly nil were these of small business mon not members of the Stock oxchnngo , nnd described on the London market suinowhat contemptuously ns "Jobbers. " The end ot llio week's experience , therefore , has boon a dl-tlnct Improvement In conlldonco , nnd conlldonco at this moment Is the ono thlmt needful. The accidents of the week have shown wllh unusual force how closely In these days the world's financial mnrkots nro bound together. In U.IDO ! court and Wall si root the week's experiences have boon Identical , bolh as to tlmo and character. A < ll Iterance has oxl-tod In the fact that while Now York has gathered encourage ment from the Increasing stsns at n move ment of foreign gold In tills direction , London has regarded wllh BO mo apprehension the drain upon Its reserves. It Is , however , hardly possible that a steady Improvement In the American markets should not far moro thnn offset In London the Incident of n heavy specie export. In polntof fact thu Hank of England's gold balance has for n fortnight been lurgor In amount than at any porlod In the last fifteen years. In today's mnrkot hlehor prices were re corded at the opening of business on the Slock exchange , an advance nt ! per cent to H per having boon established lu the face ot lower cables from London. In the upward move ment at this tlmo Louisville & Nashville , Gen eral Electric , American Sugar , Manhattan and the grangers were most prominent. The rUe wns stimulated by reports that n new bull combination had been formed wllh a certain operator , heretofore conspicuous in Industrial deals , us manager. 1'ooplo In a position to know thought that tno rumors grow out of the fact that the operator who hud been In u quiescent mood of Into had purchased u line of slocks on the break early In llio week for u lutn. The Kansas bunk trouble and tbo attachment of the SchlcsliiKcrmlno property caused a change In Kontlmont and the early gain was not only lost but a not decline of U to K per cent wns recorded for the day. The bank statement with Its gain In reserve llio first Increase ro- porlod slneo Way 27 last checked the decline for n time , but at the close the tendnncy was downward. Chicago Gas was hoavlly sold by a leading hour broker nnd under his offering the prlco fell to G15 . No special reason was assigned for the selling. General Electric also lacked support and fell from G5M to G2Ji. closing at G27i. Among the grangers Northwestern was notably weak on the Schleslnger embarrass ment. The common , utter u fractional ad vance , foil to 109M nntl loft elf at 100. Hulll- moro & Ohio nnd Hurllngliin & Qulncy were 23 per cent , l/oulsvlllo & Nashville at 2 per cent , Western Union , Kock Island and North western at 5 per cent und St , 1'unl and Chicago Gas at 0 per cent for carrying purposes. Tlio nmrkot closed weak. The salon of slock wore 70,883 shares. Tbo I'ost s > ays : Ono thing was prelly evident from today's hanicstalomont , that money with drawn a fortnight slnco from bank deposits has no ! been returned. The extraordinary contradiction In Die statements publicly given out by officers of savings banks makes this a somewhat delicate matter for discussion , but enough of these genllomen have discussed the situation frankly to Rlro fair confirmation to belief that such withdrawals had boon very larce. There Is no sign of their rodcposlt In tlio statement of today. What this state ment reflects Is material HhrlnkuRO in bolh loan and deposit accounts , the aggregates of which , after deducting from the loan account and the clearing hoaso certificate cancolu- tlons , are pretty much the sumo. No doubt the breaking down of murfilns I u Tuesday's nnd Wednesday's markotsexpluliu seine of tno loan contractions. At any rate , It must be evident that the changes are chiefly local. The gain In specie hus been explained , the loss lu legal tender Is loss plainly accounted for. Con servative estimates had reckoned nt least 81,000,000 rocelvdd on shipment from Interior points. It Is not easy , therefore , to explain the not currency loss of 8878,000. Fortu- nnloly the reserve Itself thows a material gain , ot which the moral otTcct on the money market may be considerable. The following are the closing quotations ion the loading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange - change today : Alohleon 20 Northt-ru 1'ac.pfU. 2914 Ad.imn ExproHs. . , . 14B O. P. D.ftO 7H Alton.Terro Haute. 10 Northwestern 100 dopruf'd 145 do profd 13S American Kxprass 11)8 N. Y. Central 100 llalUinoro .V Ohio. . 07 N.Y.&N.E Canadian Paclttc. . . 71K Ontario A Western fdJT Canada Southern. . 40W Oi-i'k'ou Imp 10 Central I'aclne , . . . 18 > j Oregon Nav 60 Ches.&Ohlo 15 O. S. L. &O. N 11W ChicnKO.V Alton. . . 185 IMclHcMall 14K C. B.&Q HIM Pcorla Duo : & . . . . 8J1 Chicago Oas ( ll'M I'lttHbiirr 115 ConHollciated Gas , . 12UM Pullman 1'alaco. . . ISO C. C. C. Id , St. LM'i Iti-adlni ; 14W Cotton Oil Cert HIM Illchmond Tor 1H Del. * IIuUsoi IIS do pref'd 15 Del. Lack. A Woat. 112 llloGrando W'n. . . 10 D.ftll. O. nraf'd. . . 2H do pn-fd 03 DIo. AC. F. Co WH Rock Island ( W KastTunn hi St. Paul Krlo 14K do prufd 113 do profd 27 St. Paul .V Omaha. . 3UH Fort Wayne 144 doprefd 105 Great North'npfd 104 Southern Pacific. . . S5M C. AK. I. pfd 05 Siik-ar KoHnery. . . . KOH HockingValloy. . . . 18 Tenn. Coal ft Iron. 35 Illinois Central. . . . HH Texas Paclllc UK St. PaulADulntli. . SHi Tol. AO. C , Pfd. . . . 72 Kan. A Tox. ufd. . . 17M Union Pacific iiOJi Lake Krlo A , W. . . . li > > U. S. Expivsa CO Lake Krlo A W.pfd (111 W. S. L. A ; P 7 LakeShore 117 doprof'U IBM IrfjadTrust SHM ! WullHFarco Kx. . . 1 0 LouUvllloNaali. . 079 Wi'Hlcrn Union. . . . 70 WheollnpAL. K. . . 12 Manhattan con dopref'd 42W Memphis & Chas , . M. &St. L JH Michigan Central. . D. Alt. G 8 MlHBourl Paclnc. . . General Electric. . . G''jJ Mobile A Ohio NatlcnalLlnsood. . 2M Nashvlllo Chatt. . . Colo. F. A1 20M Nationil Cordage. . do prof d UO dopref'd H.&T.0 3 N.J. Central 100 T. , A. A. AN. 11. . . , 10 No..AW. pri-ni. . , 17 T.81. L.AK. O a North Atm-r. Co , . , , 75 do jiruf'd 10 Northern Pacific. . 11 The total miles of stocks tcday were 70,900 shares , Including : Atchlson , 5,200 ; Chicago , Ilurllngton & Oulncy , 0,300 ; Chicago Oas ; 5,300 ; Oonoral Electric , 4.400 ; Louisville & Nashville. 3,100 ; Northwestern , 3,200 ; Hock Island , 8,500 ; Hi. Paul , 10,400 ; SliKur , 6,500 ; Western Union , 4,500 , Sales of silver certlll catos , 30,000 ounces. Now York Money Alurket. NuwYoiiK , July 15. MONET ox OAI.L Nom inally 5 PIT cont. I'm in : MEiiUANTii.Kl'irEu GS10 per cont. bTKituno EXCHANQB Quiet but linn , with actual luulnoss In bankers' bills at (4.82 .e'Jli for sixty days and * 4.84 < a4.81H for demand. OunTinOATKS Were woiilcor , with sales at73c. and closing 73c. GOVKHMMENT WoNUS Steady. State bondi dull. dull.Tlio Tlio closing quotations on bonds : U.S. 4sreir Ill Stt , . AI.M.Gon.fia. 7UU U. H.4aconp Ill St. L. AS.F.Gen.M , 104 U.S. 4K rutr 07 St. Paul Consols. . 120 Paclllc Ua of ' 05. . . lei : .St.P.C. A P. Ints 1KI Louisiana nfji'd 4a 00 T. P. U G. Tr. ItctS 70S < MluHOiirl OB , ' ' T. P. U. O. Tr. llcts 10W Tumi , new not Un. , , 100 Union 1'aclno lots lll.t Tenu. now uut On , . . 05 WoatShoro OHM Tumi , now Hot 3u , , 07 K.G. W. Ista U7 Canada So. yds 00 Atchlson 4H 70W Central Pac.lBts , , 103 . 1).AH.0. lets 114 G , H. AS.A.OS 00 U. A. It. 0.4s 73 G , II. AS. A. 'Jd Ca. 100 Krln Uils H. A T.C. Os 103 M.K , AT.Oon.fls , . docon.Ug , . 102 M. K AT. fil.'ll. 6H. , 38 N. Carolina Us , 1'J'J Mutual Union Da , . . 100 N. Carolina 4u 10O N.J. O , Int. Cart , , . 107 H. C. llrownn US N. Pao. l tf 112' ' Tumi , old OB 02 N. I'.ic. Uds 10U ' H Vu.Os BO N. W. Connola 131 ! Va. Kx-Mat. coup. , SB N. W. DuhonfraOs. 101K Va. coiia. , I'd Borloi 60 Iloiton Htock ( Juutiitloni , I1OSTON , July 15. Call loans , 710 percent ; Imo loans , a per cent and commission. Uloalng Hiiolatlons on Blocks , bonds nnd mining tlmrus ; AtclL-Top-iS.1. . BOW Went End jirofd. . . 70 American ausrar. . . HOK Vi-atliiKh. Kliwtrlo Vli do prufd , , 81 dopruf'd 40 IlaySUtuGait. , , , , , U Wla. Cent 7K Hull Tuluphuno , . . . 18U Atchlsoii lids 30 Huston & Albany , , U05 AtchlHoii4s , , , 70 llobton.VWulno. . , . 16U Now KnglandllB , , . 10J dopruf'd 140 Oun. Jiluctrlo 6 . . . 70 Chl.Jlur. A Q. . . . . . M7M Wla. Central Id. . . . 80 Fltcbburtr 70 Allouez Mining Oo HO ( ionur.il Kloctrlc. . G5 Atlantic 71 HI. Steel , . , , , 60 lIOHton A MonUua 17 Mexican Contral. , , UW Hullo A. IloMlon. . . . . Ci N. V. .V Now En * , , 2i ; ) Cilunioti llucln , . , U71 Old Colony 178 Ountoiinlal 'JH On'sou Short IJoo lt > H Kranklla , , , , . tlj ) Uubbur , 3U Koaraarga . , , , o Han Dli'irO. . . . , * , , 0 OttCUOlik. . . , , , 34 Unlou 1'aclflo VIM lulncy 100 Wuvl Knd 1VU Tamarack 131 NEVT OULEAWS , July 16. Ulearlngf , 11,027- Julr 15. Clearln , 1105,074 ; baluuco * . 34,5 ! > 2. 1'UILAPBLI'UIA , July 16. Cloarlngi , I10.30D- 834 ; balances , 11.310.035. Money , 0 per coat. Tor th week , clonrlnpi , 104,203,7031 hklanco- , 11,877,811. I'AniJuly IB. Three per e nt rcnUs , 071 Oo for the account. HAl/riMOnB , July IB. OlOArtnt * . 3,809,470 | balances. 1361,41)8. ) Money , 0 per ci > nu NKW Yonn. July IS. ( TUarlnft * . 93,3O.fu 248 ; ttftlanr- , t3,770,71fi ; fur the work , clearbi Inu.s , tS01.019.2C5 ; b.ilancoM , M4.f. KAWSA Oirr. July 15. Clearings. 11,010.- 143 ; total for llio week , f8.523.239 ; dvcreai * 10.8 i > or cent compnred with the correspond * Injt week last your. IJOiTO.i , July irs.-01onrlnff , 116,205.030 ; nlancos , I2,02,053 ! , Monny , 7 3-1O imr cent. m Now York , 40o < Hsoount ; for the wonk , clearings , 00,8l , U29 ; bnlaucc.s , $9,021- 549 , CinoAao , July 15. Olonrlnirs. 111,048,711. tor thn week , 183,870,071. ( tarrpspondlng wonklast yoar. 1100,803.039. Now York ex chunee. 81 discount , sterling oxchnnRO. dull ; f 4.8 J144.84 , Money , Rtond.v nt 7 jxsr cent , nnpos , 13,012,145 ; flnarlniM l t week. t'Jl.- 803,777 ; balnnoin , 2,280'J8i ! Money nulot , 5 < i8 per cent , KxcnaiiBo on Now York , lldls- couut. New York Alining Quolatloni. NKW Yonr. Jnly Ifl. The following wo the mining notations ! Crown 1'olnt s > o Plymouth 70 Con. C.ll.atid Vs. . . . 110 Sierra Nevada 49 Dondwood 100 Standard 110 ( ionic ! A Curry. . . . . . an Union Con 40 llahi.V NorcroBS. . . . in Yellow Jacket fit ) Homuatako 7(0 Iron Sllrrr IK Mexican 60 Quick Silver SOI ) Ontario 700 do profd 1600 Ophlr. . . . 70 SI. Toul > Mining U 8r. Louis , July 15. The following were th closing quotations : tAdamn. . . .1)0 ) | Un > .OtI A.Nottlo. . .30 O .215 JtontroflO. .03 Oranlto. . 1.1S t nskcd. bid. OJ1AHA LIVE STOCK MAIIUKTB. Cattle Trndo Uunnlnc In Kurd Lines Active hut I.ovror. SATHIIDAT , July IB , From the sellers' standpoint tlio past weak has boon ono ot the must disastrous of the year. Receipts ot all kinds of slock have boon unusually liberal and prices have ruled lower on ovurythlng. Compared wllh last week and the corresponding week of 1893 the figures are as follows ! Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Kocolpts this wook. . . . 14,180 80,637 3,049 Uocolpls last wook. . . . 8,031 29.241 1,939 Same wcok last year , . 0,1)40 ) 35,078 2,128 Kvcrytldng seems to hnvo worked against the cattlemen this week , nnd values havngono ( o smash. The early marketing ot western range cattle , continued stringency In the money market , forcing holders to realize on their stock whether In n marketable condition or mil , excessively hot weather , paralyzing the consumptive donfand for beef nnd making the shipping of cattle on the hoof nn expensive hazard , all combined to nmko the week memorable us ono of the very worst the trade has over experienced. Qood , fat , dry lot Moors have been compara tively scarce. Imt In Hpllo ot this fuel , prices have sutrorod a decline of f rom 20c to 40c on nil grades. The brunt of the decline , however , has fallen on the half-fatted and grassy stock , both native uud western , nnd values nro elf anywhere from 60c to 70c compared with last wook. Most of the wuslarn cattle coming forward now are llttlo better thnn feeders. This inferiority In quality , together with the fact that local bouses nro buying hundreds of cheap Texascuttlo In Kansas City almost every day , nmko prices rulnou-sly low nnd the trudo bad. The cow market perhaps bhowod the most decline ns scarcely tiny dry lot cow.s nro coming now nnd the oll'erings tire made up largely of Inferior grass stock , which Issollli gall of GOo to7Gc lower than n week ngo. The excessive supplies of feeders has demoralized that branch of the business und prices dropped 2Dc to 40c on all grades. Itocelp'd today were nearly double lusl Snl- urday's run , and nearly four limes us many as were wanted. There were ever 2,300 cattle on sale , the quality of llio olforlngs running lo extremes of good and bail , mostly to extremes of bad. Conditions were much the sumo us on the two days Immediately preceding and although the market was weak und lower anil undoubtedly llio very worst so far lids year , llio amount of the decline wns difficult to determine , prices were so uneven nnd donlors' views so wldo apart. The fair lo cholco 1,200 to lGOO-lb. beovoj , atfrom $4 to $4.(35 ( and the fulr lo good 1,000 lo 1,100-lb. steers nt from $3.76 lo S4.35 wtro nny- where from lOc lo 20c lower than yesterday , while Ific to 25c would hardly cover the decline on the Kilissy and hulf-fut stock that sold at from $3.25 lo.83.76. It WHS hit nnd miss , catch-as-cutch-can. On lots of common cattle sollara could not get n bid , to say nothing of making a sale , and ut thn close hcurcely us much had boon sold us was loft In the pens to spend Sunday In the yardi or on a trip to Chicago , There was not much doing In cows for the reason that tlioro wus not much to bo dono. Including holdovers thuro were bcarcoly a dozen loads of cows and mixed stock In the yards , lluycrs' wnnts were not ut all Dressing und the supply changed Imndi slowly nt nil of a lOc decline , common to choice cows and heifers soiling ut from $1.25 to $3 , wllh llio bulk of the trading ut from { 1.50 to $2.05. Hough stock was In poor demand und lower wllh common , the very good bulls selling around from tl.OD to S'J.bO. Vouls were In fulr rocpjost ut ubout steady prices , with sales ut from $2 to J5. The feeder trade wnsiulot. | OlVerlngn , liolh fresh nnd stale , wee excess ! vu und with n very limited Inquiry from oulhldgrs Iho movement was decidedly light , with prices i-'Oc to 40c lower thnn the close of last week. Uood to cholco feedernro quotable at $3.0033.25 : fulrtogoodat $2.00463.00 ; and common stulV at J2.OU-a-.OU. Koprosontatlvo saleb : DIIE33EU HREF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 855 3 25 17 1210 13 DO 29 091 325 20.7..10G4 305 19 803 B 60 41 1054 4 00 1 1100 3 60 38 1352 4 00 1 030 000 21 1105 4 OO 10 1101 a 00 11 1103 400 22 1040 360 21 1310 400 20 763 3 05 22 1122 4 00 20 1001 875 41 1089 4 OS 19 1042 375 1 1110 405 38 9G4 3 75 20 1140 4 1O 31 901 a 75 22 1100 4 10 30 1000 a 76 10 1218 4 10 39 987 370 17 1441 430 19 1124 3 75 61 1103 4 85 20 1087 3 85 17 1490 4 60 21 1044 a 00 20 1G02 405 G 1143 3 90 Blllri-INU AND KXPOUT. 23 1103 4 OO 28 1440 435 09 1372 420 39 1438 440 MIXEU. 0 700 2 CO * COWS. 1 830 125 1 700 200 1 OOB 125 4 890 200 1 990 1 25 1 830 200 0 740 136 1 040 2 OO 5 808 140 1 000 200 3 900 1 00 10 891 2 10 1 030 160 2 1090 210 2 936 1 60 6 704 2 25 1 900 160 1 830 225 0. . . . . . . 870 160 0 822 240 20 042 1 60 2 1036 2 60 24 900 1 CO 1 8UO 2 06 4 , . . . 032 1 70 IB 938 2 05 1 8GO 175 3 1003 200 1 1100 176 1 1020 276 3 930 176 2 1010 276 b 810 1 85 1 080 2 85 0 877 1 90 1 1220 2 00 23 023 100 1 1200 800 20 004 2 00 iiciruns. B C80 1 70 2 090 2 25 10 334 I ! 00 1 010 2 60 CALVES. 15 170 200 1 210 475 2 100 2 60 3 170 4 75 2 225 a 00 1 140 5 00 4 227 3 70 HULLS , 1 1290 1 60 1 000 2 00 1 1260 170 1 1440 200 1 440 176 2 1340 225 1 1470 185 1 1380 200 U 1030 1 00 a. . . .1710 a 08 1 , . . ,1140 2 00 BTOCKEI1S AMD FEKPEIIS. 6 330 215 a 040 240 2 1005 226 27 825 265 11 785 2 30 10 . . . . 079 2 00 WE8TBUN CATTLE. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 2 feodorS.lOGO { 2 25 42 foodon. 979 { 2 70 WVOMINO. 2 foodors.1200 1 00 15 fcodor * . 893 2 CO 23 foedorn.1119 2 60 Hoas The market for the week 'Marled out very favorably. During the first three days wllfi fulr supplies price * -wore very well BUS * lulnod , but us receipts kept up provisions weakened badly , aud the hogs wore not long In following mil. During the Jttttor half of the neck vulues have * U > udlly doc'llntd , the cloko being 4Uc lower on all grudos than a wuok ago. There | g still plenty of money for pnckors in hog * at present pi Icus , but the dill II- ) culty lu becurliiK loans and In making collec tions prevents nny enlargement lu the cup Uonbof many of the packer. . ItcculptH keep up nururlslngly wull und the uuullty hero nhows no signs of deterioration with the aver age weight urouud 251 pound * . Kocolpts irat present compare very favorably with u year ugo both In quantity und quality. The supply todny WHS fair , Iris than 7,000 head , or fully 2,600 loan than wore hum on last Haturduy. There waa a big Improvement In thu Khlpplng douiund , shippers taking ubout half the ntfurlngi. Including itnlo hogs , there wore ever 10,000 on sale , und thli , together wllh the boarl.h lone to report- from Chicago : , more than counterbalanced tbo Incruubod ' ! ig demand. Trade opened tlow , with i prices ubout 15c lower than Friday's avornAu bule . Good to choice hog * of all weight * old I nt I.VCO to IS.flo. wllh f lr to coed grades atlS.5Anndl5.CO , Thn tmromo rnnc * wns from 13.60 for rouuh mixed packers to 15,70 for cholco light weights. Although thorn was no Improvement In price * , the mnrkot ! hccamn moro nctlvo ni the niornlns wore on nnd by the mlddlo of the forenoon nbout overythlnR wni sold. Tun big bulk of the trading was Kt M.55 nnd I.VCO nnnlnu (5.70 to f .V60 Friday nnd 13.05 to 80 on last S.itimlny , Unprescntntlvu snlost Glr r > i iG 5' ' 7'G G ! 6 ! . nothing hero to make a market. Thu demand for desirable tiiutlon > > Is fulr , hut prices are very wiink In HVtnpathy with onsturn markets. 1'iiir to Rood uatlvuH , J3.50 © 4.50 ; fair to Rood westerns , 83.00i64.50 | conimon mid stuckshonp , t'J.OO&3.50 ; Rood to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , S 1.00415.50. Itocolptn nntl IUio | < ttlnit of StuuK. Oftlctnl receipts nml disposition of stock as shun n by the buoka of the Union Stock Vurdi company for tlio twenty-four hourj ending at & o'clock p. in. July 15 , 1893 : llECLIl-Tt ) . in.si'esiTio.v. CATTLE. noilH. 81IKKP Oin.ili.i Paoktiii. Co 2ooa Tim O. II. Hammond Co. . 105 7--M Swift .V Co 1(14 ( 144 Tlio Cml.iliy I'.icklng- . . . 1)111 ) 3,713 Hammond it 8 : )04 Sinclair a BO T.bur& A 140 Clileaffo 1' . il . Co 531 A. UtitiH . < 81 K. 11. llecker . - . 41) Armour , tco 1,585 Shllipurtjiiiid fuudura 200 Total Chlrnuo J.lvo Stork .Market. QIICAOO , July 10. [ Special Tologriim toTiru IlKK.l Fresh arrivals wcro only 1,600 huud today , but there wore inoru cattle In the pens limn nt Hits close of any ueek during the aen- KOII. The hitpply wus largo rnouKh nnd tba K o no nil ( juultty gooU cnoiiRh to huvo iittractod buyers of the belter Kradus , had not the trade been Jn'iinied to the oxtnnt ( if all Its capuclty uy pre vious heavy purchnM's. .As It wasi , utily two or three 'shippers were out with siniill orders , which they lllli-d uut.lly at Vrlday'ii lovvprlcos. The local tiliiixhtorur.ssore dulni ; ncithliiK In tlio native division , : inil u ltlu from the KCIU- terins sales lo local butchers nearly all the coinnioii and fulr Krid.e.i ti' aln went over nu- bold , duniers usllinatliiR thu number left ut unwinds of fi.OOO hcul. : A .slx-curlouU lot of fancy 1,484-lb. AIIKUS steers at $5.10 was the most prominent halo. Cliolco BhlppliiK btecrs nerohulcclod iitfrnm JI.CO to 84.811 , and peed llttlo beef Mtuers were lonnlit ) ariiiind (3.25. Cows , heifers and mixed htock draKgod with little dniiiiind tit frijtii SI to { 2.00. IAISS than 500 head of Texas cuttle arrived. These wcro cleared atstoady prlcesor only from IGu to 25c below the values of one wui.'k : iii ) . I'rlces drnppod back from lOc to 15c nKulh today , und tlmt with very moOoruto receipts. Tlio total supply , Including 8,000 Huad of stale Mock , did not much exceed 17,000 bead , but tlio clomitnd wax not sirens enough to af ford an outlet for oven the moro deslrublu grades ut steady prices. .Shluuors were In need of very few hos and the trade falling upon packers , was but feebly supported , tinmo fancy light pigs were taken early ut from 40.20 to 80.25 and choice heavy ntto.10 , liut the market quloltly sunk lo $0 us top price for good heavy , and late In tha day fO.lt ) was an outside prlco fur host lluht wolKhts. Good heavy puekiiiK and slilnpfnit IIOKS Hero bought at from 15,85 to $5.95 and choice mixed around SO. The week cluies with the market In the worst condition of the . Only 1,600 head of nliuep came In today , but the puna wore running over with stale slump left f rbm l'rldwy' demoralized market , maklni ; a total mipply of moro limn 10ooo huud. No uttumpt was rnado to clour such u burden some supply , UH It was utterly useless.liuyon took on' u few of thomoiododlrablo lots nt very low prices , IncludliiK a string of H8t ) choice 81-lb. Toxaa o\\ut at 83. 2U , und fair to K'ood mixed nutlvei nt from J3.GO to $4 , but the bulk of thu Hloclc UKiiln wont over uiiRold , the market closing weak on a hauls of from 83 to S I.UO for fair to prime natives nnd from S1.25 lo $4 for common to cholco Texas und wuhtorn stoulc. J/aniln urc from $1 to $1.2& lower than the opu-nltm prl < ; uunf the week , best crudes selling now around JO. 'J , ' ) and poor to good lulu ut from $2.5010 $4.76. Itucolptb : Cattle , 1,600 head ; calves , 400 head ; bogs , 0,000 head ; jmo pJ , GOO huud. Kuniua City Live stuck .Market. KANSAS Cur , July 15. UATTI.B Hocolptn , O.HOO head ; shlpmunts , 1,800 head ; maikoi for host grades wan suiany. lower for olhoi ; IVxus atotiM , 2.Ooa4.25 ; Tovas cow.s , Jl.liOiJ 2.50 ; shipping htjioin. (4.25 5,25 ; nullvo cows , tl.'JiliWI.'M ; butcher Mink : , J3.40ii4.36 ; BlocKiM-H and fot-durti , 2.10 3.76 ; bulls und mixed. * 1.7&53.25. lloas ItucolptK , 7,300 head ; shipments. 2,000 head ; murlict &iM5c lower ; I ) nl It of sales. $3.60(13,55 ; lioavlo.- , , J5.-10 ; puckers , t5.4D7i6,70 ; IlKlit , t5.60Q5.HO ; Vorkurs , t5,7S St5.a'J'/ii lilgs , J5.OW45.bO. HIICKIKoculpiu , 1,500 hnad ; sldpmunlJ , 1,000 head ; market alow und woau , Nr. l.ouU I/tvo Hlork MiirKot. ST. T.OUIS , July 16. OATTI.K ltecol t , 2,70"0 bund ; hlilpiiieiits , 1,200 lioud ; muiliot unchanged - changed In all klndx. llotw Hecolpu. 1,300 head ; shlpmonti , 1,000 houdj inarkot 6QilOo lower ; top jirlcus , (0.16 ; bulk of sale.s , 5.bOQ.G.OO. HiiKBr ICorolpU , 700 huud ; hhlpuiunUi , l.BOO head ; muikuV&uudy , unchunguU. X Iir.i kuli < lllf ( 'orn Crop. Ill Nebraska corn Is about four foot high , In ono-lmlf of Uio stuto tlio corn Is doing splendidly , the other half needs rain. But , taking all things Into connlduratton , the re ports dhow that the stuto never had a butter prospect for corn than It has today , provided it could tot ; a good ruin during the next ten days. The acreage planted to corn this year 1s lli per cent greater than ever before , und It is In hotter condition than over before reported In July. A Quod Tiling for .Sum iner Complaint ! . Mr. J , W , linger , a well known merchant of Olio , Iredoll Co. , North Carolina , cured four cases of ( lux with ono small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholorn and Ularrliusa Hemedy. Tula U the most prompt und most successful remedy in USD for dysentery , dlnr- rliaio , colic and cholera niorbus , No other medicine will take its place or do Its work iu this class of diseases. It is equally valuable for children and adults. 25 and &o-cent bottles tles for sale by druggists. Balloon ascension and parachute jump this uftornoou utCourtluml Lleach.