\m THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JULY 15. SPEGIRL NOTICES. nVKRTlSKMKNTfl FOR TIHMB COLUMNS vj wlll Ixi tshnn until 12 SOP m for tlmoron n AT find until 8 30 p m for the inomlnif anil Sunday Ailvrrtlswi , by rrfitfoMlnir n ntimbor l chock fin linvt' their answer * ! ullrps l to n numbered letter In i.iro of Tiir Hrr Answers BO luMrpuscd will bo delivered upon prnsonlnlfon of thn check aiTPATIONS-W ANTED. IlnleB. IKc " wonl Ural Insertion , lea wonl there- nflor Nothing Hken for lo s llisn 2VB -"sfftJATioN WAlrrniTAs CLorTiiNO on irn cnry clerk or analatant booker Itofproiioen , L 2.1 , lice _ Li " "A WANTKIMVASHINOOIl OTHBtt DAY VfORK A at home or will ( to out. L3I.1IOQ Mala 10' ' WANTED MALE HELP. l oawontnr Tlnsortlon loawont thoro- otlilni ! taken for 1slnrAc' T ) WAOTKnAIA J'kooiKrB. fwvlcsmon , ii..iniiiclW plorltH of Ml VlnkH nn\o \ or feninlo out of imirtojmcnt In Jon i. Nobrnski or WomniK to Nonrt us tholr nimpn nn-l nddrt s W ciii bo of " "vlc'1t71J" > 1l . CBtnni HUM lnnlillnjoilto wcnro nosltlont. " Y.L oHldg. _ _ _ 7)SALESMAN. . 1)0 YOU , WAN P TO i BECOME aJn lltnt-clnBs BnloBniin , with clilnco of beconilnii n colIiK tor. mul work for thn SlnciT M'lf'.0,0.11 no , mini ) at 0 a. m. nliarp , IfilO Uoiinl-iH. M780 lg _ BSALESMAN , A I.IVM ACTtVM SALEsilAN Ciiihnton Bloady po ltion with nilxnnconiont ncconllnir lo merit , In n Very popular imBlnoHS. Call but. H nml 0 n. m. 1B28 Vliiton. M7B3 15 tl-IK YOU WANT A OOOD PAYING JOI1 WHITE J. lhu Hiwks NiirHcry Co , Mllw.iukeo , W IB. U-OESTLEMEN OP OOOD CHARACTER TO ifioiit our business , limurmco men tiro- ll'llooInilUllnir. MBJ7. . . -SALESMEN TO SELL GOODS TO MKR- BSALESMEN # 100 00 .1 month forworttcnt ! nml cimo funilBliiil free ! Inclono t imp. Model Mfif. Co , South Ilcnd , Inil. Mt 2a 17' - , TO SELL BAKINO VOWDER. B-aALFSMKN Kooils in OHBB Roll HIT I'lns. WO 00 inoiitli nml oxponnoB , or commls loii. CM- cnito llakhiK Powder CO..7U7 Van Huron Htroot.CM- c.iifo. M HJO-A 7 * B -TKAMSTIIHS FOll WYOMINO ON T1IV. II jM. . nllwiy oxttiiBlon. Good wnirntr frwjpis-j KrntniT&OHcarn Libor UBOIICV , .10.1 South 11 th Btiwt. Mir. 1 K > - _ - . A FIHST-OLASH I1AKRU IN A B-WANTBD. . towns Btato reference-mil price. Aildlx-HHL''l.llce. Mltlu 17 * D-WANTr. ! ) . WALL PAPER IIANOnilS TO J 'Hell anil hang piper. Uoforenco n-nulriMl Ad- UrrBB with Mtinmied tnvolopo , 1U A. 11.ciiro 1cn- nnlHon DrugconilMiny , Oiniha. MIBI 17 * DAHOAINS-lIOtlSKS , IXTS ANI ) 1'AUMS SALE JWlrule. F.K. Darling , nukerblk. 1UUA1H n-WANTKD , MKN TO TFIAVKL ST,0 TO $100 JJior | moiitli. bloiio It Wellington. Mullaon. WlB. -WANTOD , KXPKHIP.NCED PHYSICIAN TO occupy 1 ireoM 11-sottlLd ti-irltory lu ono of the rlclifHt HoctloiiB of ua tern NebrasUa. Aililrcss L JM , Hue. 1U7-1U * 1 > - 1IAKKH : A OOOU JlIinAD AND CAKB JUbiki-r , Btoiily cinp.loynieiiti HtitowneeB wanted onr rou ! niilloiinllty ulid reference. Addn as x Uitl . ) , Yanlitun , 3. D. 17U i0' ! -WANTKD , llHUa CLKKK. 1' O.1JOX SI H B-WANTF.D , A COMPETENT FIXJORWALKER u ho cm tnkecliirgoof .ul\i rllHlnir fordrj foods nml clothln ? hoii80. AdUresa L Ji , lleo „ , . , - _ WANTED ITEMAI/E HELP. IlitpH 1HC n wonl Ural Insertion , Ir tiwonlthcro- iftir. Nothing laltLii for less than i. * > c. 1 WANTHD , LADIES TO WHITE AT HOME 'KncloHO fit iniiieU unelope. Klla WtrHt. hie , oiith Iknil , Ind. * ) > n-WANTKD , LAniHS OU YOUNO MEN TO vytnUo lleht , pleiiB.intwork at thi'lr o\\n homes , fl llto $101) ) per day cnnboqulptly undo , work pent bv mall ; no cinvnHslmr. For p irllculirs ad- drens Ololio Mftf. Co , Hex BJJ1 , lloston M iss Ks- tabllHhud 1BHO. M IU Jy 10- -WANTED , LADIES TO WRITK AT HOME. ' Enclose Btamped envelope. Vorn i L inifdou , South Uend , Ind. M077 l't l ) * _ -GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOUbEWORK. W. F. Stootzcl , 12J1 S SUth , between Popploton md Woolworth nve , 802 -LADIES OF GOOD ADDRESS TO INTRODUCE our business nmongfrlonds. $7000 to $10000 Bil iry to right parties , 417 Dee building. M8II ) -I WILL PAY A V'EW LADIES A SALARY of $1000 per week lo work foi mo In their lo- cillty at hoinu ; light work ; coed pay for pirt tlmo. WiltuwltliBtimp Mrs E E. Bissott , Bidto HOI , Mandrill Field bldg. Chicago. _ M'JUS 18 * CWANTKD , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK MRS. VyFrank Wllcox , S. W. cor. 29th and Dou.-lns t WANTED , ENERGETIC LADY AGENTS IN inory loc illty. Old est ilillshod house Bnsl- IIOSH pie iBimt and prontiblo Klnecry Mfg Co , Cincinnati , O. M.0 ! t 15' FOB BENT HbUSES. Rates , lOea line each tiiBPrttoii , $1 "JQ a line per month Nothing tiikon for less tbiii ii'ic. JJlho city. The d. V. Davia corny inj , 1B03 r.irmm. B n AND 4-JIOOM APARTMFNTS. VON DORN block , with Btuimi-efc.rcnceH ; recalled , blO S'J'-'cl. 447 1"iU e-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , CONVENIENT -U for buBlnoss or wholesale men. Apply 1112 South lUlh street. 442 _ .I7.jlOOM COTTAGE TO KENT , CONVENIENT .I/ for U. P. railroad men Inquire 1112 S. lOlhst. 413 l -FOIl HKNT. NO. 212 N. 17T1I , 11 HOOMS \SJtvro tlooru furnlBhfHl , ncir now poutolllcc hlto. See Uoo. J. Fox , 1218 Haruuy Bticct M570 jy 27 , UKLIOHTFUL IIOMK , EIGHT-IIOOM HOUSE . inodcrn coii\cnlcuccB , birn , iK'-iuUful limn n ilur.il Hli.ido ti-uos , $35 per mo. Inquire ' 'OOJ 1'U-ico at. 881 TWO IAST : FRONT 7-nooM COTTAOF.S all inudcrn ; iml In excellent ivilr. \ . hilf a blocli Troni eir lino. Will rt'nt to i'thiir lo ili'uhablo ten- linta > ury cheap Fidelity TniBt Co. , 17UJ r.irnim MUli ) n-roii nr.NT-i : , i AND a IIOOMS. o 11 s ITTI J-/Stivet. Ilotwetn JuckBon and Io\oimorth 11B-17' TOuniNTn-IIOOM : HOUSK. MODKIIN IM S' 'WOiwnlH , Ihn iiilnutcH walk to Iho post ottlio. U. F. U u IH Co , 10U5 F.irnaiu street I 100 10 : -10-ROOM HOUSE TOR RF.NT , SU1TAHLI D for'Jf imllles , 171,1 N. 14th Nil-eel. M180 1U > .D - RUNTj FIVE-ROOM HOUSE , 101 So . JIUli St. , * S 00. lllngwalt llros , ILirltcr block 200 1U V-O-UOOM rOTTAOK , 3017 CALIFORNIA 'InquliK noiU door. MJ1.1 17 * 1'OB BENT FURNISHED IIOOMS IMti'n IKoawonl llr ttiiHortloiili < 'awonl there Bflei. Kollihib' t Iken foi lean thiiu ' 'Zc. E"FUitNisiuiu' UOOM " "wixir ALCoviTroi n'uitlcnieiiiiiodorn , ( .onvoiilonccH.Uju North 'J ! J M 7.tl ) UOO.MS. 11)17 ) AND IC21 CAl'l MU7J A7 KUIINISIIKU KOOM. 2017 HAllNI'.Y ST. M1.U IS * E I UKNlMHKli ROOM HIS DOUril ! , 150 IB * EbtllTH OF ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFUJ ] nlHhixl. north nr hontli frontigo , with prh Ii ens of light honwkooulng , cheap , tu man an \vlllibiilclilldifii. . 1U1H Farnam. MlkU U FURNISHKD OR UNFURNISHED ROOM I modern brick liuime : private family ; bruakfni U ilMilKHl. I''U Noilll 20th. M181 10' E IIOOMS WITH OH WITHOUT UOAUD. 21C DonuliiH. Un ) 17 * ELAUc'lfsOUTH FKONT IIOOM $ ( I MONTI l.ino luifloiooiii fi. ' 'al'J Sowanl St. . . 108 U' ENirKIjY nillNlSIIIID TltONT MS"AN 0pd bo ml. o.l ) N , lUth ElixH.1 , M.-15 17 ROOMS AND BOAR ! Ratc-i. ll-je a wonl flr t Iniwrilon , loa ficr. Nuthlni ; I iken for les tlmu ' . ' 5e. I/-TIH : UOLANjou AND 21 1 N. ISTII ST. 449 ROOMS WITH HOARD AT 107 S. 17T' ' MUOJ > .M' -U-YOUNO WOMKN'S HOME. UNDER OARH o Womsiru Chrlullau association , 111 S nitmt. 4iO < ! -HOMB TA11LB UAT1SS , MODERATE , 10. F.mani StIXict. S57 Jy ail' i | > -NICKI Y I. room w tth alco o and bar window , modem cu rniluncev , prlrota family ; board. OJJ boulli ) lyeet. 178 14' AND HOARD AND PER WKB O iiiodgrni 21-'l Dodge. VUUNI311KH OU UNFUllNISIIKU UOO ! ana boanl at The Ifrenier , 110 N. ' 'iih ulroci. MVOt > VI . rOR RKNT UNFURNISU'P ROOM V HHIC * . lUo word Unit ln nrlluiilo wonl tier f--jll\tc. \ KdlHny tJkvii ( or Iffct Ih kit 'Jit. G-POU niwjf. i Nuj ; ; UNruRMbHB'.iioo ! uiuhlu for hqunekfopuir , till .tt > ir tin , u Low fuut. NltflH c t cciiicr 1. Ill nj WuVal trMU. ivt FOR REtJT STORES AND OFFIOE3 Rttcn , lOo n linn cich Insertion 1 AO n line per month Nothing tiken for loss tlmu 21c " " " " " f-TOi"uRWrSTOiK"oN"8J""V1lih ST. . "LANOR Anlock Hiiltalilo for men mirkrt linnlwarn or dry goods ; Mom liKiuIrr-OOJ 3 iniliiu til T-FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY niUOK 1IU1LD1NO J nio Faniim t Tlio building his i Mrnproof , ce- innnt biKomcnt complcto meini heallm ? tlxtnrt , witrr on all the lloont , gas , etc. Apply at the otnco AGENTS WANT21) Rates , lOe a linn oioh Ins rtlo i $1 * > 0 a line l > er month Nothing taken for less thin 2 , * > o. T-AOBNTS I'.ITHER SEX WANTKD TO SKLL t'oiirnowkettloelninor , bmvl nnd ciki knlros nndolhoriiow irtlcb's Eisv KPller * . bur protlts , terms oisy Cliuns Shear Co , Kans.it Cltv , Me. MHO JyIOf T-THE A n 0 INVESTMENT 110NDS PAY ' $ * > 00 00 In from ono to llvn yoirs. Uny onn. S3 00cash and $100 n nionlh afterwards until pild Ifc-nt p ivlng InvestmiMit oxtnnt. A riistlliii agent wnntod In uvi n town and county. For full imtlculifHipply lo llio Amerlciii llond compiny , h JO nnd 5 II 1'axion block , Onnli.i M IS" ] > "J' RENTAL AGENCIES. Riles , 1 Oca line rich insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing tikon for lets th in 25c. L-11ERRY & CO , RENTS ; 717 N. Y. LIFE. 170 STORAGE. Rites , loon line cich Insertion , tl.no .1 line per month. Nothing taken for less thin -"o. Jl T-STORAOEWILLlAM3iCROSS,1211HARNEY W-STORAOE FOR HOUSEHOLD OOODS ; clean and cheap ratoa. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 454 WANTED TO BUY. Rites , 1 > < o a wonl llrst Insortlon , lo a w enl there after. Nothing taken for log * thin 25c. N-CASH FOR FURNITURE , HOUSEHOLD goods , etc , or will will for owner In our auction Bales. 11. Wells. 1111 Farniin. 454 N-LUMBER YARD , DOINOOOOD BUSINESS IN a good town lu oiBlorn Nebriski llrown .V IMlton , 112 South l.lth St .LincolnNeb MM 15 18 * N I WANThD A OOOD SECOND HAND SADDLE anil : brittle. AiMn.ss Lock lloxi8. 104 U TVT WANTED JERSEY COWS IIKIFKUS AND J.'cil\os. AddrosH.ulth price , ago ami Uesorln- tlon , L 30 , lieu. Ml08 ! 17 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rites IWo i \ \ enl tlr t insi-rtlon , lo \\onl there after , Nothing laxen for leas th in ' . ' . * > c. Q-NO 1 SPRING FRAME RAM1ILER DIOYOLK , cushion tire , nearly now. Verychoui Ail Uresn 1C I ) , lice. MlSUJy'Jl / 'k-IIANDSOME LARGE DOUIILE YELLOW Whcail pit rot 7 je u old , a linn talker anil whist ler , largo catfu. 1'i-lcu $ . ' 5. 4UU S Itlth St , Council llluffa. U4t ) 11 * Q , -PUO PUPPIES , ROOM JO , DARKER nLOCK. ; M70I ) Ail - CENTUHY COLUMHIA 1'NKUMATIO Q-A : Hpt'd il blntaln. Call or address U. L Slonf in , 1)11 ) North 2 lib. Ml-M 10 -FOll SALtt. A SQUAHK 1'IANO , OUEAT binMlii. $ )0 OO , at 201.1 Dougl is 171 1U * - 11IIOWN LEGHORN Q-TlIOROUGHimED chltkB with mother Broods s > 0 , 13 nnd 10 , l rlcoIOO , $ .100 , * J 50 niOOd South ' 'Jd street. M203 10 * -FOH SALE , ONU UO-QUART ICE CUF.AM freezer. Hailing. M'-'IO 21 CLAIRVOYANTS Rites , lOcnllnopich inset tlonl.l > 0 a line per month. Nothing taken for less thin ' . ' 5c. C-Sl s NANNIE . "WAUUENTCLAIHVOYANT , Orcllablo business medium-Othyo.ir at lit ) N lilth 467 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rites , IHio a word tlrst Insertion , Ic a word there iftcr. Nothing t iken for less 111 in L'5c. rp-MADAME SMITH , 602 S 13TH , 2ND FLOOR , X Room .1. M.issago , vapor , alcohol , ati am sulphur- Ino and n a baths. m03U 15 * -MME.GAllSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET. JD JL floor , room 7 , niissagn , alcohol , sulphur and HOI biths M-'Ol il' ! ai-MME MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , LmigiiLtlc , missiso treatment 110 North 15tU St , second floor , room 1. 15U m * -p-MME. 8TOWE , MAGNETIC IIEALER , 205 JL Douglas block. M127 AO * PERSONAL. HatoslMcaword first Insortlon , Ic a wonlthero- * tcr. Notnhig t iken for less th in 25c. TT- WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- t ' tlfully Illustrated M itrlmonlal Jotirn il , con taining many photo-ongravlngs of h indsomo women and gill mt men who wish towed. Brown Publishing Co , Temple ? onrt , Toledo , O. M71 1-J1 * - OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN'S U-CUTTHIS Photo Studio , 212.1 CumlngHt. , and you will bo entitled to 12 Ailsto Cabinet Photos , very best , on Kill edged cirdx , .fful one Hxlo for fi-imlng , for * 1 UDj without this , $500 , for lUdajs only. M J1 lJy 17 * _ WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR 11EAU- tlfully Illustrated marriage journal. Drown Pub. Co. , Toledo , O MSOO a5' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. W LOANS , Q. G. WALLACE , 312 1IROWN 472 BLK. \Tf LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED , V city property , $ .1,000 and upwards. 5 to OW per cent ; no delays W.FamaiuSmltli&.Co.lUJOFarn un 100 \r l AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FAUM i morteiiEOd Itced & bolby , J11 lioard of Trade. IT-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST KATES V The O. F. Pala Co , 1BU5 Faniam street. 4UU W -PIIISTAND SECOND MOUTOAGE LOANS ; low nitLU Alex Moore , 401 Uoe bide474 \ir-MONEYTOLOAN AT LOWEST BATES ON IT lmprovo < l anduiilnipro\c < tOinaliareilLHlito.l to 5 yeara 1'ldoilty Trust Co . 170. Famam. 10J \ VLOANS , J. W. SQUIRE , 248 DEE DLDO. * * . . 475 "W VNTHONY.LOANANDTRUSTCO .SIHN. Y , ' Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. w -CENTRAL LOAN * TRUST CO , OUBULDO , -WANTED , TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SE' WWANTED cured ; by inortfaire ( Onmhi city or Douslan Co , > erty , ItooU A. belby , Ja j Hoard of Trade -I HAVE $1,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVE ! flrat iiiortt'iito fann land or city properlv Nothlncr but the boHt hceurtty will be coimldured AddroHu full p irtlcuhira to L 11) ) , lice odlLo. 113 31 * "MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V-CALL AT THE OVFIUH OF ; OMAHA MOHTOAGK LOAN CO. \ 1NCORPORTBD IF YOU WANT MONEY , You o m borrow ou HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS HORSES. WAGONS AND OARRIAOES R- WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS -MKIlfHANDISE ,1- OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. ,1nd We will loud jou iinviimoiuit 0 rrom $10 oo lo frl.oou 00 0IN ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOR IT IN without publicity or removal or property , IBt You can pay the money back til any amount yoi > wuiiandat any tlmo. and each pi > inont BO madi will rodiicu tin ) test ot thu I'jun. OS Ilumcinbor th it yon hero tlio usa of both tin OSHi property and the mutiny , and pay fur It only as lout \oultronlt. . Hi Tlu.ru will bo no oxif-niw or chiren kept out o the amount wauled , but jou will nicclvu the fill ainoiiiitof the loin , Iloforu borrowing elsewhere call andBcouaaui ( ) ou will ibid U iriv illy to your .idrnnt IKO. OM IIIA MOHTOAUK I < O\.N CO , &OU SOUTH 10TII Sl'UErn1 , first Ildoi nbovo thn Htrent. ) LDr.ST , L VKOKST AND ONLY INCORP03 ATEI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 ' -no YOU WANT MONIY : > L THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , ROOM 4 W1THNELL 1ILOOIC. S10M bOUTH 1STH , CORNER HARNKY SI U < ' WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY UM \ LAROE \ OR \ SMALL VUOtl \ TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP. ill WKMAKKf/ANS ON FURNITIIRK. 1IOR3K CARRIAnES. WAREHOUSE RECK1PTS OR PBK KT SONAL PROPSRTY OF ANY KIND Jll- Uth ' YOU /DO / WELLTO J .K. CALL / ON /US / FIRST/ / FOR / OUR TERMS WILL MBRll' YOUR APPROVA1 Yen can pay llio money b-ick at any time and I > uy umuuiii you wlsli , and thus rodnco the coat i cirrylnt llm lonu In prupurilon to aniouul you P.I : IF YOU uwe a uiluuoo on your furulturu or oilu penicmal iiruuurly of nay kind w will pay U ott ft yen mul curry .1 KH lout > o.i dovlre. YOU OAK IIAVK VOIIK MUKBV IN ONE HOU FROjnilK TIMK YOU MAKE APPLICATION. op < blUllyor nuiiavalof prouoru. o tliil yo fol the u o ipflKiUi inonor nd proiKiriy , tfd I utu. os ANYtsiio n Her nrlty , h'.rlclly couiOcnU ) L A. K. llanU , roe 47d BUSINESS OHANOE3. niton , 10c n line violi Inwrtlon. $1 SO a Una per month Nothing IMunt for ICM limn 2So. Y-DO YOU WANT TO . . . rhmiifn business , nnt pMolo or linds' Di yon \vinl nddltlonil clpltil In your lmsln"ssl If no BOO its , wo can help you Call or write for our bulletin , omers In all principal cities Western Ihialniws Agency , : UO N V Life Hld 3J1 JyiO -IlUSlSnSS OP NINIS,874SHBNANUpAH U. HUNT. A .SMAMJ WATEll MILL. AD -ilroHS bOT na , Lincoln , Nob. f-21 _ - Oll SM.K. IlAHllKIt SHOP AND , HATH nmni , lovntotl In tlio luislnnss pirt or city nn 1 Lollunt uuslnoss For particulars address , K : I7 , l > 04 80' -A UAHU OPPOIITONITV. Tim OLD K3- InnllKliixl nml tirll-i | tying ( fononil ntoro bust- no5tfl tu bo sold , llli UiiUillncA mul lots. IloUrln ? from business. Inqulro rostiuiatcr , Lowell , Nob. \ \r-TuhNlTUUH" UNUflHTAKINO STOCK Xtnonuot IK-HI countlns In Nubriskni will In- % oi'l.i almnt $ , IIO(1 ( DO ! half don u , bllanrn on tlmo. AddrcRsMM.iloo. M18I 10 V * "OK 4AU3V1IOI.KSALK TOY ANU VANOY JL Komls bimliH SM : boot Ir.ulo In city. Address L Jll , IJeo. HU ! ! . ! VOKKKIIAL MKHCHANDISK STORK FOR JLciHli In n country lunni l > e t In NobniRltn ; 1 > - t\\oi < n Oinnlin nml Lincoln ; chonp irui : ilolnc a bimlnoBHot ! Hniiiiii ( ( ) ( ] ) < > rMnr ! Htoclc t"\n Iw ro- ilncod tel ooiioili 111 lionlth ctiuso. AililroHs I * . O. Ilex 18r , Wnlioo , Neb. Ma07 111 * Y1TOR BALK OR TUAnn. FIRST-CLASS DRUG Hturo , cnntrally loc'itod , good cash business. C. W.'I. , P.O Dot SIS. M.'IIJ FOK EXOHANQfi. Untos.l Oca line oioli Inncrtlon , $1 HO n line per nionlh. Nothtnir Ukmi ( or loss th ' r/-rjr. UOO WORTH OF CLKAR LAND TO KX- /-Jchango morcliinillRO ' ' ' - - for 'Jl'McCatuc bldtr , r/-i IIAVK r.noo no KQUITY IN 100 ACHKS /-JOO inllen from Oinali i : nl o ! I20 ncros In Mis- HOiirl , nil clear. Will sell or oxcli mgo for Block BiMioml tneroli-iniilno , boots nnd blioi-H. liorws or inttlo. J. H.4U04 Lca\cn orlh street Oiuahl it'JS3 27 * rOLKAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSK. /J\VI11 takoiu.ll oslatoandinonoy Hot J03 , Frank fort , Ind. 481 r/ l OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS /Jinid D ikoUi Will Hull che Hi or exchange for inilae .liorses and tattle. Add.box 7UFranUfort , , InJ. 481 Z-TWO BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCES inil birn , on motor line ; beat location for b ink Htock , incruli incllsu or ele ir laud. Wlut have j out Ilex Tl'O , Oui ih I. . M781 10 r/ WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER IN EX' /Jeli UIBO for irooil , clear Missouri land and to n liroportj1 Atliln-HHwith pirtlculnra , K O Hollo- iHlo , JI ullson , Neb M''DO 17" FOB BALE REAL STATS. no o-xch Insertion , $1 C > 0 a line per month Nothing tiken for lesi than -Tic. "DOR SALK ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A south front collide , 0 rooms , $1TH ) 00 , fiO foot. A Houth front colt ige. 4 rooms. $1,100 01) , iil ) feet A south front house , 0 rooms , * 2.yi ( ) 00,101) ) tout. A north front cottage , U rooms , * 1,1 ( ) ( ) DO , C.O foot. A north front cott tire. 4 rooms , $1,000 00 , 150 foot A north front house , U roams , $ l.BOO 00. no feet AHinalltlrst pi > ment nnd easy monthly piy- inontH Smill eh' ir loin will b31 itcon In oxchanse. bLO N. A. Kulm , drilslst , ISth and Dou lis SU5J | y 17 TNVKST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND GET lilch We offer for quick Bile 10 choice little plinti- lloim of ten acrea e luh , at Mill nil , onlvllK > i 'r acre. You cm ll\o them and work ordobnsl- IIIMH In Omaha. Beat thing o\cr otTeiod. Cilleirly If you wpuld Booiiroonoof these elegant iilccu of land , any ono of which will pradnio a living for yourself and family , lies & Hill , 14US Fam un at. . OOSJySf UY LOTS IN B STOEPEL PLACE Cheapest and best lota In OMAHA. Spcclil prlco and terms to HOME BUILDERS Stoepel Place lots will always advinca In prlco , for the city must grow vostwant. Call on or ad- droaa W. A. Webster. 102 Dee bldg. M577 FOR SALE , A OOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM of IU8 acres lu H.ii rlnon county , Iowa , on very re isonablo terms. Address L H. Raymond , Mis- nolla , Ii. MH4J A t T HAVE FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS OF LAND J IK and GmlleH from town ; will sell It all way from * 7 00 to $ ' 3 00 per aero. This lind Is first- class land and If anybody wintn to trot Rood , cheap homo this Is a chance 1 sol one with running \vnti r , b ( ) acres broken , 2 miles from county seit , and by inakln ? a small p ij incut on this land I will neil It on j to U yearn tlmo Wrlto at once or coinu and BOO mo. C. H.iuck , Loup City , Neb M070 17. * HY PAY RENT , WHEN YOU CAN BUY A 33 foot east front lot on Virginia a\orme , In'tho finest residence portion of the clty.it much less III in Its value , and turn In your ontsldo $500 or f iiOO lot aw part p lymeul. Tills Is an offer seldom made on such desirable property. Now IB the tlmu to buy a place for a home , and this ) s the property. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Faniam Htroot 104-23 CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS EAST front lot Lm\o avonno ( Poppletou p irk ) , o tsy access to motor. Owner going Into business. Will Hell very cheip for c.iali. Also lot Uanscom PI ico. Ulf bargain for cash. ' Address L. F. , P. O. Ilex .HIS M145. ARGAIN , SIX ROOM COTTAGE , SOUTH front half lot Durc between IS nnd 10. Will consider any reason iblo oftor , half cash , terms to milt on b ilaiito. W. N. Mason , lloom 111 Hoard of Trade. MOD1) 22 170U SALE , CHEAP ! HOUSE AND LOT NO A B714 RiiKgles Ht. , Om ihi ; doslnblo n-room house , big lot , for $1,500 , ono-thlrd cash If taken at dncu. Addruss Day & Hess , Council Illutfs 171 10 A LL PROPERTY LISTED FOR SALE BY E illlanly Is not for Bale after July 14 , IH'.U. M179 10 SAVE MONEY ! DO IT NOW I THE SAFEST WAY Is to buy a100 lot that Is right la town , has two motor lines , la on grade , has all lmpro\emcnts , perfect tttlo , abslract with cveiy lot. Is nnt way out In suburbs nor down on the bottoms. First pay ment Is $25 , Thon$10a month no Interest till $100 Is paid. Come nnd BOII j onrsolf w hat this properly Is , what the neighborhood Is , what GOOD HOUSES are alro idy built on thu ground and new ones bclnsr built. This Is a good chance for yon to get a start In acqnlilntr a homo. You c uiiiot help but do well. It Is the best propei ty today In Omaha und the cheapest. AMES HEAL ESTATE AGENCY , 1017 FARNAM , 105 17 Qpp. N. Y. Life. HOME OR AN INVESTMENT. Doyoiiiumit thu lundBomeHt cottage- homo In Omaha ? Then let us show ) on thu only ono wo h.uo left In Avondale paik , just oomplcud , H rooms , electric llulit. furnace , bath , contented Loll ir , electric bolls , speaking tubes , oiled llooia , clrfcantb pipeiml mantel , etc , woi Ih $ u,000 and for ilu at * 1 800 ( H ) . You cau BOO 1t cnlnirtt. No. 2731 WubsterSt. Wonro offen-d $ .10 00 per month for lids cottage If wu would mil It , ntMily II ) per tent on the price which wu ask. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 170. ! Faniam atrcct. , lu.l-2,1 N EAT 4-ROOM HOUSE AND CELLAR , CISTERN Ls and well , lot ,10x11. ! , complctiworthii > 1.750 00 : .irlcu for a tew d u B $1 Olio 00 , $250 00 cash. Tu Kood Amblpr Place , each $ JOO 00. F. D. We.id-10tli and Douglas. _ M211 17 WORLD'S FAIR HOTELS & ROOMS Rates. 1 Wo a word llrst Insertion , lea word thero- atlur. Nothing taken ( or less than 25c. rPIlE OROSVBNOR , OJ17 SHERIDAN AVENUE , -L Chicago , a select family hotel , within (1 minute 1 walk from tlio principal entrances to the fair. Ciood references Reason iblo rates. Apply to 0. C. Shinier , 21 1 New York Life building. Omaha M105 JylO _ OOMS TO RENT IN MODERN RESIDENCE south Side , corner U5th street and Rhodes aviv line , one block from cable care ; IS minutes rlih O" . Newman , ISO J5lii btrui > l'Chicago. ' SECURITIES FOR SALE. TF YOU HAVE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT SEr : Jour list of tu curltteii , Klut moitgago loana 01 Omaha property from 9JtWl to $9,000 for site A Bite mid convenient liiM'Stniant. Call and lol mt Hhoiv you what w o hae. . Fldlllti Trust Company , 170J Farnam fltn' t. 177-27 _ _ _ _ _ _ - SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING , Rates , lee a line each Insertion , $1 50 a line POI month. Nothing taken tor loaa than asc. T. OUNO \DIKS AND OKNTLEMENCAN SOO } acquire a working kmnvlodgo of horthaudum tyi > ovrtthig at A. O. Van Saul's bchool of short hand , 5U N. Y.Lite. Typewrltoralorenl. 4 J "DNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Rates , JOe a line P oh Insertion. $1.50 n line po ; 133 month. Nothing taken for IU H lliau 23c. 11- W. DAKER tFORMEHLY WITH JOHN O Jacobs , deceased , later with M O. Maul ) , under laker uudoinbilmor , J15S 10th al Tel. 01)0 ) , 483 SPAMS. . Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1 00 a line pc Inof monlli Nothing taken for lu * than 25o. of ' ft 'SBCONulIANU bOALe , ALL KINIV AddruiM llordeu i Sallook Co , Lave ou , Clilc-wc 'or 48ll III MUSIO , ART AND LAIfQUAOES 04 Rates , me a line each Insertion , 91 no a line pe month Nothing taken for Ii than JZo * u G OKLLKNOKCK.UANJOISYANU TKACHKB , IblO lUiltrorntR gin t. UU win LOST , . Moi wonl first In-wnwtt. Ion word thoro- aflor Nothing tikrn for lom few iliys Ilownnt for Information as lo whcro- nbonlH Ad < 1n > ss N Morrlsoif t'o ' * lirl South Omthit Postomco. oi lin-lJ ( S , lOonllnn 'V h lnstl i # 1 SO atlnaror monlh. Nothlnc taken ferlositltvi 2ic. T SONNENUKnO. DIAMOMO nilOKKIl. 1115 " Douttlnn nt. LoinsmoncyonfltimomU wntohns , etc. Ohl ffohl and Mlvcr boij ht. Tel. IBt * 4SJ SECOND-HAND I'YPiSWIUTEBS. ' s , lOonllnp oich Insortlon , $1 SO nllnopir month. Nothing taken for ICSH jji.in 3o. TVoYI.E3Xiunn. DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS l > Allniikosbouitlit , sold , oxchiiifed , rented , ill. ! N , Y. Life bldg. Tel 053 4 > U Tin : KUAI.TY MAitiur. : INST1WMKNTS placed on record July 14 , laaa ; WAIIIUNTY IirKIH. W I * Stevens to MnRdnlonn Huhlnnd , lot 4 , block G , W Ii hothv' * Ut add to South Omaha 8 COO W 12 I'lnrko and wife to KwltiR llrown , sJO feet lot 24 and n 30 foot lot US , lilock 8 , llimscom 1'lnco 0,000 J J Moran Ui Anthony Moran , o H tot 10 , block 7 , Drake's add. . 4,000 Joan HouKland to Warien Nelson , nndlv u lot IS , block 103 , Nmth Oinalm 1.250 t' I' I'lt'oman and wife to Mutt Miller , lot'J , block ( i , lli'aloy'H pirk 125 O M Hitchcock nndvlfu to Hubert llurrilss , lot 11 , block 11 , 1'oppleton park 1,000 II I' Uiwls nnd wife to M J Kills , H ! i lol 3 , block 21 , B V Smith's add 6.COO un-u * . Q A Itpimott , sheriff , to Omaha Sav- Ines bank , w Ji lot 19 , block 3 , \ \ Uo & . r.irmolro's add , 250 Hamo to Biitnc , lot 7 , block ( ) , same . . . . 334 Same to satno , lot 10 und s H lot 11 , block 7 , Kountto 4th add 1,207 Total amount ot transfers i 20,720 PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building : , Omaha , "Nob. 4 yours Examiners XT. S , 1'aU Ofilco Advice free No fee until patent is obtained. VISITORS TO TIIH World's Columbian Exposition will find the TRAVELERS CHEQUES Of the AMEHIOAN EXPHl S COMPANY especially convenient , a\oldlnc the risk of cirrylnu money. 1'uylng ollloos on Kiilr Grounds nml at f > other pliaos In flhlcago. NO INlK.\TiriCATION UKQUIUEl ) . RH1LWRY TIME GRRD "Loucs | CHICXGO ftURLINOTON7. Q I Arrhcs Om ihn I Depot HUli md MIBOH SIB | Omihi Ltives [ Arrlos Om ih.i [ Depot lOthand MO AII Sts Om ih 1 i Depot Hth A. Marcv Sts I West TCeaTes" Omaha Union Depot IQth&Marcy Sta.l Omaha liUUOS I CHICAGO , MIL &Sr. PAUL. Arrives Om ihi U. P. Depot and MarcySts. . Oinih i "B lOpml Chicago Express I 0 Hnm 11.30am | ChicagoBxprosa | S 50pm Loaves I P. , E & MO VALLEY I Arrives Omih 11 Depot 15th and Webster Sts I Omahl Lei\os I MISSOUP.I PACIFIC. ( ArrUes Omnlial Depot intluiiid Webster Sta I Omalia 1.10pm . St. Louis Express. . . . 550am 1000pm . St 4 25 pm 5 25 pm . Nebraska H 55 am Leaves 1 C. ST. P. . M A. O [ Arrives Omaha ] Depot 15th and Webster Sis Omaha LOIM.S .SIOUX CITY & PACIFO. I Arrives Omihil Depot , 10 and M ircySts. I Omaha 7.20 am I Sioux City Pissonger 11020pm 400pm- | > St Paul Express llOOOam Leaves I "SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC [ Arrives Omah 11 Dupot , 1Mb and Webster Sta. I Omah i n45pm | St. Paul Limited I l)2T.un 5 45pm | Chicago Llmltdl | 025am Lo ives I OM Al IA If ST. LO UISl | Arrl\es OmahaU.P. | Depot. 10th and Marcy.l Omihi " 3 00put.r | SlTl < oulsCannon liTTl | 1J JOpnt THEY'RE AFTER HIM. I.ntryor * Want a Whack nc Younc Sir. Leonard' * Hunk lloll. The younR man from Boston , J. O. Leonard , alias Frank C. Howard , who came west on his wedding trip that ho might see n sure enough city , and who fell by the wajaldc whllo taking In the town ami learning some of the Intricacies of the dnluslvo paine ol stud poker , has Jumped from the frying pan into the fire , so to upoalc. Yesterday llils young man was 1 ap- pinness Itself when ho hoard that County Judge Kller had ordered City Jailor Havoy to pay into court ? 150 of the money which had been taken from the iramhleis. that It might bo on hand when the merits of the case woio finally dotoiinfiioil , but today Mr , Leonard , alias Mr. Howilrd. is a i > orfcct4 > Ic- turo of sadness nnd again lib , , 1ms refused tc bo comforted , as ho has/discovered that n goodly share of his hard earned wealth has Bono a-gllmmoring , no matjir which vyay the case comes out. / , n , After the young moji Jcarnod that his money had gene over the groan und was bo youd his control , his Jlrat thought was tc hire an attorney to holpihirirout of thp bail job In which ho had .tJAmt , caught. The moro ho thought the inonj. ttrinly ho became convinced that ho could. ) ( lot do business without one of these stmlouts of Hlackstcno At last ono was hired , " anil through his alt the court order was mlldfl , , but jestordaj when the man from Uo'ton wont up U the court house Just for tlio'ViurposQ of ones moro gazing tiK | > n his i dollars , ho was in formed that the man of fcg.il lore hud tiled i Hen on an oven # 100 of thoitnonoy that was taken from the possession of the gamblers As ho meditated oVer tho1 now turn thai affairs had tanon ho Inwardly declared thai If ho got out of the country with a whole skli ho would swear off on wedding trips ant would never again venture outside the corporate porato limits of his native town. The "No. 0" Whocler & Vllson , with It perfcotoil tonUons , upiier and tower , is tin only loolc-stltch niaehino thut makes ui elastic seam. It is the dressmaker's fuvoriti 6n thut account. Sold by Goo. W Laucaste & Co. , S14 South Sixteenth street. Balloon tonight und tomorrow nigh it PERTAINING TO THE POLICE Many Offenders of the Law Jerked to Jail and SUMMER HARVEST OF SWELTERING SIN ChnrloJ Onodo Ilniin It ul Ilocord Dlncmnn linn HoRUtorcd Axiiln Homier Ilolenseil Unlnxy or 'IhntrlcU Nninct on tlio Blotter. Charles Geode scorns to boa bail man. Ho \vns arraigned boforu Judge Borka on tlio charge or highway i-obbory , said ho was not guilty and was sent b tok to Jill to await the , xi rival of nn important Witness. Qoodo arrhod In tlio city it few days ago anil that old sleuth , Scigeint Orinsby , ni rested the follow on the charge of slug- Ring mul robbing M. 1) . Sprlngllold of S1G3 on November 2J , 18U3. Ooodo It said to huvo become acquainted with his victim hi Sioux City and porsu-tdwl him to como to Omaha , whcro ho robbed him. Tlio robber rseaped , but ventured Inuk and now will bo tried If Spt incllolil can bo found. Geode li.is told many contradictory stories sluto his arrcsl , but ho h.is boon idontillod by several officers. Ha had n stranger In tow and was visiting tough saloons "blowing In" hu com- jmnlon for all he was worth when the nirost was iiuulo. Jlegulur Ilocord. John DIngman , n constable from Justice Brandies' court , by hard work succeeded Im gottlng his name on the police court records again josterday. Thoronro Iwo notv cases now pending against htm , and John feels slighted If he cannot ho arrested at least four times n weoic. This time John levied on the goods of H. O. Stolnimirker , n tenant In the Cunningham block on Thirteenth and Jackson sttcots nnd after the eviction ho piled the goods on the sidewalks , ohstiuetlng the passage This Is contrary to the pc.xco , dignity and ordinances of Omaha and a po- Hc iuan swore out n wariant for John's ar rest. Hoappciredln court with three law- jers and pa\o bonds for til.il. Ho ro- rmulcod that If they didn't quit airestiug him ho would glvo them something lo arrest him for before long. 'il in n riio * . "I got a gold w.Uch for defending tint fol low , " said Pat O , Hawos to Chief Dotectl\o Haze j cstorday In speaking about a thief who had been disposed of some time ago. "Well , you are Iho man I am looking for , " answered llio chlof. "I have found the owner of the watch , und as It is stolen prop erty you had bettor brim ; It Into conn. " The smllo which had been illuminating P.ittick's genial countenance disappeared and his face became longer than a MllwauKoo schooner as ho said : "Well , some fools talk too much. " Itoeilor Ilpluii4t.ll. John Reodor , alias "Scottywho Is al leged lo bo ono of the principal assillants of. Olllcors Crafts and Wlatt of the Council Bluffs police force , was released yesterday morn- in ? on another habeas corpus proceedings. The county Judge llxed Uoedet's bond at $ jjl > 0 pending the airiv.il of Chief Scanlan ot Council Bluffs with requisition papers Hoeder was loloased on his own cognizance tnrough Iho efforts of Attorney Mahonoy. 1 ouil iif tli'welry. James Leo , who is charged with grand lar ceny , was analgnodyostei day afternoon and pleaded not guilty. His case was sot for Tues day nt 10 o'clock , and Patrick Hawos will defend him. Lee is accused of stealing ow olory to the value of $120 from Blrdio Vlann's domicile. Ho was caught with nine ino ring on his finger , which belonged to Miss Mann. KcliorH of the tfniijf. H. L. Harris , who has boon on nn extended jpreo , was given ten days In jail to sober up. Lirzlo Shields was fined $15 and costs for loins an In ma to of a disreputable house in ho "district. " "Roxy" Robinson , accused of. assaulting md robbing John Burku , was hold in the sum of WOO to the distilot court. Another batch of "gltls from the district" were fined the regular amount yesteiday moinlug for belonging to Iho half world. Tom Wilklns quit plowing coin long enough to buy a now suit of clothes and a oyful Jag at the same timo. Tom was asscbsed $1 and costs for the privilege. The sheriff of Woodbury county , Iowa , will arrive in the city today w.lth requisition ) apois for H. D. Klrby , nlias Hawk , who is .vauted in Sioux City for embezzlement and bigamy. Ofllcors Hare , Kcyser , Wllbor and Pioscott rounded up a baker's do/en of hard looking l > ox car bums last night In thoMlssouti Pa- lillc switch yards. They were put to work on the streols. George Crowo , n hasher In the Now Idea chop house , was charged with petit latcony. Ho pleaded not guilty , gave bonds ana will have a hearing today. The young man is alleged to have stolen some watch works fiom an express wagon. John Doe ovci loaded his stomach with bllgo water last night , and not having the price of a bod. took a lower bet th on the cool side of an alloy. The pitiol wsgoa itidoly disturbed his slumbers nnd Iho Judge chaigcd him 81 nnd extras for his ude. John Bronnan , n son of the ' 'ould sod , " was sent up for three davs. Ho was ar rested three days ago with an nblo-bodlod Jag of tarantula Julco from which It took : him two dajs lo recover. Ho will tank u ] ) on Missouri river molsluro timing his cOBlInomont. A , S. Collins , the clerical forger , was ar raigned before Judge Boika ycstoiday after noon and hoard the sovoial chatges toad against him. Ho demanded a piellmlnaiy heating , and the ovldonco will bo hoard at 10 o'clock todnv. Collins' ' wife appealed in the court when ho was arraigned. Two moro checks have turned up against S. A. Collins , the i ovorond forger. Those checks nro all drawn on the Ashland , WU. , bank and ono Is for f 18 and the ether Is for & > , cashed by James Alnswoi th , the laun- dryman. Collins nays ho will make the chocks good If the holders will not proso- culo. II. L. Harris is in J ill with a well devel oped Jag and case of delirium tramons. The man could see a greater and moro vailed nicnagoiio than that of Cail Hagcnboclc at the World's fair. Dr. Patsoy ll.tvoy asslslud by Dr. Al Bceboul have been attending the follow und have succeeded In loduclng his tumporaluto , Tay Tcmploton , Pauline Hall nnd Lauia Ward were the names which appeared on the police court blotter yesterday morning , The people who nssfmud the names nro iloni/ons of the Tcndot loin dlslilct , and they slopped up bofoio the Judge with n Bowery swag which cost ihom Si and cosls nplcio. They were charged wllh Immorality. Court Ofllcer Walker Is In tccolpt of a letter - tor fiom ihodlslrlcinlloincvof Gagoi.ounly , in which il Is slated that Taj lor. llio man charged wild criminal assault against liU slopdaughlur , had boon hold by the Gage counly grand Jury for l.-ial In September. The attorney expresses sliong hopes of con- vlcllng Taylor , The caao of John M. Wilson , chaigod wilh not constructing a sidewalk In accordance with Iho plans and specifications of the city engineer and the Board of Public Works , was heard In the police couitycstorday. The defense contended that Iho Board of Public Works hivu no authority In the mailer , nt Iho council had refused lo accept Iho spool filiations since- the new charter 1ms boon it : effect. Arguments will bo heard on TUBS day.Arthur Arthur Woods , a round-faced colored youth , with pink shirt and tan shoes was U | : on a charge of assault and battery. Ho has a "Lulu Girl" named Whlto , Miss While belles her name , but Arthur thought she smiled with too much frequency on othn ohouolalo colored young men nnd ho uhas tlsoJ her for her Intldollty bv hitting hum few Jolts in the neck. Arthur promised tc THE DENVER INVESTMENT BOND CO. WILL. PAY YOU OOO fox * Call at 417 BEE BUILDING for Proof. i Irchixvn anil Lulu I * repentant so Ihn JtitlRO dlsinlsscit him ns ho had boon In j ill two nml n half IMS n\r.\ltltiR trlil The iinrlv.illort bonjliol tint Cook's Kxtrn Dry Imporlitl has , has made It n fi\vorlto with nil good MUST COME DOWN , Worlil'4 r lf Uric * still Itrrrnrilnil Too lilch 1 > r thn Donr I'onplc. * When Oonoral 1'iissonRor Agent Sobistltn of Uio Koclc Ulaml rouls Mr. Uhailos Kenned - nod } ' uimvor to n Ituiulry rosanllnu the prospects for the llrst co-toll excursion from Omnh'i next Monliy , \vlllrcnllfO tint the people of the west do not look with any gront fuvor upon ttioVoslorn I'ftsscneor nssocl.tlloii trust. Mr. ICminodv liulloatoJ It. his ropli' that the prosti ] > a(9 for the couMi oxourslun were oxcooilliiKly small ami that the r.Uoi matlo bv tlio chiefs of llio association gxvo llttlo salhfnction. About lallrond \ostciilayiuornliiK botsworo ftooly made that fifty round trip tlikotsotiltl not bo sold by the four rouls directly ciiaaccd In World's f.tlr busluoss , the Uurlltmton , Mlh\ntil < oo , N'ortlmosteiii nnd Hook Island , and several of the olty ticket nifcnts ovoti placed the tinxliiutiu at tblity tbkotshloh Is inUhty i > oor busi ness ut this stneo of tlio Riiiio. Wh tt Is most roinarKod at this tlmo Is the position taken by the Ucntt.il Tnifjlc associa tion in making tt 1-cont : t tnllo rate lo thn na tional Grand At my of the Hoinibllo encamp- munt nt IiiillaiiiHUs. | | which U loss limn half faro , jot the railroads in the \Vcsturn 1'as- songor association still hold out for higher rates than these nt picsunt gianlcd tlio lrn\ollUK public. I'coplo have bocn eduoited to cut rates nnd rate wars nnd naturally oxpouttoiido to Chicago for ono faro or loss , some oen nntlcipatlng that the rate from Omaha to the Whlto City would bo about ? . ' ) , but the lowest round trip r.tto yet made ( $15) ) Is only lOffcctlvo for ono day , next Monday , and lim ited to rotmn In 30VOH or ele\cMi days fiom d.tto of Issue , nnd then on n Fildav nt that. But there aio ether consldoiutloiis nttichcd to this special ticket which will make it particularly obnoxious to touilsts , conllnlng their use to coaches nml excluding thorn fiom sleeping or unlor c.ns. On the s nno day a ono \\.ty rate of $ S will bo offcctho whicli vM gl\o poisons intend ing to Uslt oastcin citlos an oppoitunity of Rottlmj back to tholr old homes Aory much choiucr than under existing conditions. Those ono way tickets will bo used to some o\tcnt but by no moans us ponoral ns the members of the Wcstcin I'assjtiger uasocia- tion had anticipated. The falluio of this cheap exclusion will show p tsseiigcr agents tint it will tuUo a much cheaper rate to mo\o the business and the meeting in August will undoubtedly see the latos going still lower. > upltcbes. 1C. L Loinix Is in Chicago. Messrs. Dickinson and McDonnell return ftom their wcs'oin tlip next week. O A. MuNult , traveling pissonjicr agent for the "IC.ity , " is in Omaha , accompanied by his icccnlly chosen helpmate. Count Oloff D.fidoff nnd n party of four Hussiin noblemen went west icstorday nftoinoou via the Union Paclllc No 1 , bound for the Yellowstone pule. T. S Howliintl , Bcciotary of the board of diiectors of the Chicago , Buillngton tc Qulnoy'Who has been the guest of Hon. J. \Vooluoitli , husrotuiiiod cast. The Chicago & Alton people ha\o an nounced fieo excursions for all their cm- ploics to the Woild's fair. No sui'h courtesy has been extended by western toads as yet heard of. Engineer Harry McConnell of the Union PaUlle , who broke his arm several weeks ago while assisting his llroman to t-tko water at Columbus , will go to Hay View , Mich. , for an outing before resuming his tun on the road. Citculars ha\o been received at local rail way offices fiom the Intcistato Commotco commission giving notice thut nil railways must adopt n standard height for draw bats on freight cus nnd fixing that height at thirty-four Inches for standard ami tw oaty six inches for narrow cause roads with ! tlu eo inches of play between loaded ana empty cars. The whole matter is in pursu ance of an act pissed at the last session of congress and apptovod March 2 H.iUu.ija are requested to 'change their drawb irs to the standard Height as soon ns possible and ate gi\on until July 1 , 1S'J. > , ns thu uttoimost limit within which they can make the change. _ Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel balvc will cure them. Commercial Club DIHOIIUPB the Action of 11 l'o\r Klimnolcrft. A meeting of the bureau of Jobbers and impoi lets of the Commciciil club was held at nt H'llO jcstorday forenoon in the club looms iu the Board of Tiado building to take some action with lofcronco to the icwnt decision on the part of the Clearing ilousa associa tion regarding increased chaiges for the handling of outside checks. In the absence of Chairman M. J ? Smith , Mi. Allen T. Hector was uilled upon to pre side. A diffcicnco of opinion was mani fested as to what should bo done , but.thcro was a unanimity of sentiment to tlio olTojt that the action of the b inkers was nn impo sition in view of the ptovallliig h trd tlmiM. It was stated that it was perhaps Just what the wholes ilo grocers wanted , and thov had in fact endorsed it at a mooting of their own , but H could not doothervvisu than work n hardship to other Jobbcis In ether lines , who sold on longer time , as it would suiely nffoi-t thplr collections. Mr. Gibbon silted that it frequently hap pened that whc'i a customer In an outslilo town was called upon to pay n bill of possi bly $200 ho might have but $151) ) In the bink , but ho would send a check for the whole amount , and then rustle up the lomaluim ; $51) bofoio the check pot bauk there foi col lection. In this way the Jobber ( jot his money , when , if the customer was com pelled to buy Omaha or oistoin exchange the Jobber would not got his money ut that time , or would only got pail of it , and would have to wait , perhaps , another month for the balance. Ilu said tli.it llio tlmas weru now too ticklish for the onforeiwiont of nn nt biliary rule , yet ho objoatol to the Innks lov } ing n lax of fiom & 3 to $ ir > .1 u ty on each Jobber ns charges on thcso outRlde checks In addition to the cost of collection , It was staloU that as thu Jobbers had to buy o is torn oxchiingo In making their pay ments , their ouuomeisouuht not to insist nn their also practically bu > Ing it the other WAV. which will bo the iiMult of Iho action of the clo uhig hotiso unless the country cus tomers make their payments in Omaha or eastern exchange , and It was docidud byii unanimous votoof the tiijmboisof the bu reau lo Issue Iho foliovln0' Uiuular to the tuidc : Whereas , The clou Ing hnnsu nf this city has ndnptod a olnllim ngrcolii ) ; up in n i4hun'o : upon local chrcUii of ID routs poi $100 und upon o.ich chcrk for n ksi ainoiinl , In aildlllon to the cost of collection : thurufoie , bu It ltn > l\i.d , That thu tr.ulu bo iiijnostcd to in.iko thi.'li lumlltancoi In Omaha or eastern exchange , > Telogiams from St. Loub and IC.ins.ts Clti woioioad to show thut the binks in these cities extended to thu Juhbeiu thu ftvor , which the b inks hoto Imo ilciliicd to cut off , and Homo ho ivy Kicking will ho done to induce the cleat Ing house to icsulnd its ac- I tion , at least for a wnllo , hut Iho call far Omaha cxchanga w ill go Just/ / the saint ! , Piles of poopln ave imos , nut JJo Witt's Witch Hiuol Salvo will c.iro the n departure for Lincoln justcrday where they will put in some tlmo la the em ploy of the auteluming tradoi in the house that 13111 Dorgan cooatiuctoJ. That there might bo no duuht ub-jut llicso porg'jus nmk- ing the trip on schedule time , they wmo lie- companted by SUorlft Boiinott , who paid all of the bills and took partluul if attention in guarding tholr personal liberty. The individuals who took thn trip were ; D. W. Anthony , con vie ted of stealing tlu contents of n cl ar store and Himtuncod to seven years ; Jlcnry Miirllu , vitio oxtr.tuol from Hullo Dntndon'a poukul whllu nlu was slooplnrf off n howlInK old drunk , and Anna Brown , thocoloro'l woman whn throw a lighted lump onto Bella Arnold , tlmi caiu Ing her death. Martin mid thn 15.-o\vi woman will uofl > o jt'Mj each. * headachet pivinptly ctirod b > Brou-o-StflUer-iiM Lvttlo 10c : NOW PAYING MUST PROCEED Supwmo Ooiut Untie * the Tangle Info Which ? ubllo Works Drifted. LAW IN THE CUSE LAID DOWN PLAINLY Ilnnnl at 1'itbllo Works Directed to M Onoo I'tnoiMMl In C'onlorinky to the 1'clllluiM niul tlio Contincti Knit of tlio Cimc. On Juno I" the question of whether or not Dclos P. Heard could Ho lip all of the p tvlug hi llio cltycamo up for heat In ? In Judge Walton' * rourt , anil after being argued by the attorneys was taken under luhUement , the point being ns to whether the temporary restraining order should bo dlasohod or ni.ulo peim ment. Board's attomoy contended that the prop erty ownois had noAcrbeon invited to sign a petition inking for the uoatlon ofp.uing districts ; that .tho water , gis and sowur . omii'ctions alonir the streets which It w.is Intended to pi\o had novcr been made , ami thu the council had advoi Used for bids for pa\lng before consulting the propoity owncts ns to whether or not they wanted the streets pivod. City Attorney Connell admitted that It wan true that the propel ty ow m rs had not been consulted as to the aiulsiblllty of creating the dlstilcts , and th it such a thing was tin- bond of In the history of any city hi the land. If suc'.i a eourso was pursued none of the streets w ould uor bo paved. In rovlo\y ing Iho case ho uxpiossod the opinion thut the asphalt comptnli's were bohlml the In- Junctl ns and proponed to piovout the tin- movement of all sticoU In the city , provided they weio not given the work. ( Iraiitril tlio Injiilii tiou. On the second day following Judso Walton granted the Injunction ns'tod for by Board , ami the icsult was the ti Ing up of all p ivlng in the city. Several attempts were ni.ulo la himg about some adjustimint of the matter , with no mail. At ono tlmo the Board of Public Woiks undcitook to push the work In dollancu of the Injunction , with thu lesult tint the membeis were huiled bofuro the honoi iblo coutt and roundly line 1 for con tempt. As soon as possible the matter was taken to the supiunm ootiit , but ov\lnglu an unfoitunato stipulation between the attoinois It was uunentod from coming on for a healing at the last tot in , and in the ordinary couiso would not bn ho nd bofoio September. This would ha\o h ul the effect of pio\outing any but a sm ill poitlon of the neil ; 1 lid out for the summer fiom bolnuciomplished To get around this illniculty the mombiis of thosumenie coutt , Chief .lustL-o Maxwell , Justice Norval and Justice Pust , auiucd , at the expense of their vacation plans , to hold n special ses sion for the puipoao of dotei mining the question at Issue This sesljn was hold j cstorday , and the c.no came on under the tltlo of " .State ex 10 ! City of Omaha against Blrklmuser and Othois" Last o\oninjr the court h indod down the following momoiandum In the case with tlio statement that the opinion would uoiilcd later. ' 1 In 10 I'nliiH Sattlnd. 1. The miyornnd city council of n oily of the motiouolltau cl iss irtMi no Inrlsillrtlon to ciuito stii'ut | ) > \unnt illstilcts or to onlortliu PI\IMK tlitm'ln , unless n natltliin tliurofur slime. ! by the on HUM of the majority of thu fool fionliv o ot the lots In sui-fi pro- linsiil ( listilct , U Hut picsuntud to tlio city couiu-ll. " . Wlioroan liniirovcmoiitor pavlns district bus hiiiii fnrniod without 'iny DLtltloii thuro- foi lining licrn presoiited und .ifiuruards a Dolltlin ot tlio property ownois tepiowntliiK n ilinjoilly iif thu fuut fioiiln\'o of thu lots or 1 milIn said dlsti let us'cliiK for the | ) ii\lnn'ot thn sliools unit ulloys In Hiirh dMrlut , utid spi'Clfj Inu tlu Kind of m vti'ilal to bo used , Is presented to thu city council , mid thuy act thcicon by pisilngnaoidlii uico orJurln tlu puhiRof thu slroiils and allies , all urrois , ilo- fecw anil lrrc ul.ultlc < In the nroreodliiKScu- utliM juch linpiovunicnt districts uro thereby enroll. I. Tim kind of mntcrlal to bo u-od In thn lUvhiR , iciivliu r in icad iinblnit of the htiuuts shall bo siicjh as thu majority of tliu piopoity o Minrs In tlmp i % liiKdlstrliM shall do- tc'nnlmi , and In casu snoh onnurs Tall toiloslu- nuto tlio mi'oi lul tlioy ili-iliulo USD In Midi llmmnfinuntlthln thirty d tytlio innyor und council-ill ill dutiMiulmi upon the material tohoiisod. The jiropur city uiili.uillliis may mUurlUo for mid iciuho bids for Diving ha- torn such designation for in iturlals It made , audit Is not iit.soliituly nuiessaiy lii.it thuy sh ill ngiln .id\oilliu fut und ri'colvu bids after such doilsn itlon. t. Undortho admitted farts It was hold that It Mas thu duty oT th lesponilonts. the B'mul ' of Public UotKsof llio city uf Uniiihu , to forthwith - with ontoi Into a roiitiact on behalf of tlio city with thu lnttu-,1 rc-sponslblo blildor for tlio ] ii\ln'or Iniptixoiiiuilt district Ni > . & 1J , with the Ulml of in ituil il si'loctcd by the properly otMiursof b lid ( listilct. \Vhut Aitiiriuiy Itansiim Haya \ Mr. Fiank Ransom , who appeared as spe cial attorney lor the city council In the ro- contcusoof the city of Omaha against the Bo lid of Public Woiks , decided josterday by the supiomo court of Nebraska , was soon last night by n reporter , and being asked to say something about the case and the decision ho gave tlio following explanitlon of the situitlnn and the status of thu ciso : "I have not sucn the court's opinion and cannot s ly to wlnt extent all the points laisod wcro dobidod , " sild Mr. Hnnsom. "What I asked the court to do- cldo and the points ptosuntud were , first , th it the city council h is authority of Its own motion to uv.ito a paving district and to older It paved. Second , that * after a dlstilrt has bocn creatoJ and the cnuiu-ll delajs inaklm ; the Improvcmont tlio propoity owners in that dislilft may compel the city council to piouccd with tl'O work. Tlilid , that any number of propaitv owners in ly ) ) jtllion the eounell to create n paving district and older the simu paved without coit to the city for intoivsoctlona , 'J'lioso questions were raised Hlrectly enough to c ill for the judgment of thu court on ( rich of thorn , hut , of com so , I cannot say whether the decision covers all of thorn. "The wilt of mandamus was ullounil ninl the opinion , no doubt , is th.it the Board of I'ubllo Worlm must proeood with the Im- irovomont in th' ) distilct niintlom.'d ( , H the LMSO. Thiiio mo u number of similar cases In other districts and the boaid will also have to pioroed in thorn. This was a test case , mid was designed - signed to co\or all similar dlsti lots. I lia\o no doubt that the law disclosed In this cnsu v , ill make It an easy inatlur to have the In junction in vim Bcatd casa dlssolvoil. When llio opinion of the court Is published In full its suopa ran bu moio oislly dotuimlaud. " o Piles of pa > i > lo hivu puos , out 1)3Witt's witi.lili.ucl b ilvj w 111 Dun ) thu n Luiit ot IIl < 1'iirliiiiOi It Is not frequent , tint the work of A biographer is to bo found upon .1 silver eer- tiflcuto , but such n ease has dovclopcil , Jerome Coulter , of the city troasuroi'i oftlce. has in his possession n $ J nllvi r ccitlllcilu with n biography writtm upon It. The biography is nhoit and ti the point , and path ip * II l n'lruj ono. Not onlj Is the biography there , but the ciitio has gotten in UUoik In vury toiso Ian- icuaijii. Here are the words fol tlio bioKiaphor : I'Hoioi * tl.o hist of $11,000 an IH-ipont lifo women , wiiuj und cards have ruduioil mo to poxorty. " "I'ho crltli : pisses Judgment ns follows : 'Whati ' n h 1 of a good time you must huvo. ' The silver ujrllfiVato c line Into thu posses sion of the deputy troiiouior yostonlay , und xv.ts pihsod over the counter by tt gcntlcm in who paid Ills taxoj. Ilu did not know the history of the bill , On a 5uri | > ttirn 'Hiunit , Oscar Albrooht , the clover ) K > y ixrtlat of Omaha , -vno has been noticed aovoral .iintu In TIIK Urn on amount of xrorlc that ho has done , has cn < dltahlo plocoof era j on xvork now on exhibition in Uo o'8 art storo. The thnmo of the plUurn Is the dovotlon of Ruth to her inother-ln-Uxv , Naonia , an rciatod in the llrst chapter nnd ilxtnonth verse of the ) lonko ( Ituth : "And RutU stla : Kntroat ) nu not to UMVO theo , or to risturn from foi. lowing after thod , for whlthor thou goost I will go , and x/horo thou loilgost I xvlli lodtfo ; thy ptvtplo Bhall ho my pwi'ltf and thy God iilull be my Uod. " IMIuiof pj > pn Invo piioi , but lawltl' Uth Htzil Sa'-.o will uuro tKeiu-