A Tr A T A 1 T V TIP/ITS O A 'PTTl ) fA V TITTV 1 , t THE COUNCIL BL OFFlCKt NO. 13 PEARL STREKC terrier to ny part of tha clt II. W. TU.TON , - MANAQKK TEI.KPIIONra I Tln lnr sOfIlco. . . . No. 4 > TEI.KPIIONraKtKM \ Editor. No. 23 AI/AO/i .VB.VTJO.Y. N. Y. Plumbing Co Boston Store for sun umbrellas .ludson , pastun\gc , < 5tt9 Sixth avenue. Mlltonbcrgcr Is the hatter , HM Hroadway , The Mayno tlcal KUato Co. . C21 Broad way. tf Wanted , a bottler at O. Harris bottling rrorks , 182 Broad way. W. C. Estop lost a flno bay horse .venter- Jay mornUig through an attack of lockjaw. It was valued at $125. Thcro will bo a Sunday school convention held In the Inteicst of the Second Prcsb.vas lerlan rhurcli next Sunday night. A mnrrlapo license was Issued yesterday lo Joseph II. Hockcrof Lincoln , Neb. , nnd Louisa StlUoti of Atchlson , Kun. Their ages wcro'S nnd 111 respectively. Ono of the Manawa motors was sot on fire and burned up at the lake at an onrly hour In the morning. The loss was ubout $1,000 , and was not revere I by Insurance. A. M. Bcardslcy and II. A. Cox levied Uvo attachments on tlio property of W. H. l oi- tor yesterday for $222 and WOO. alleging that ho had absconded from the state ana was now a nonresident. The 4-niontbs-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Ous Heller died nt it o'clock yesterday of cholcr.i iiifiintum. The funeral will take place at ! l o'clock this afternoon from the residence , 141 Hldgo street. Edward , the ID-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. Larson , died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock of cholera Infantum" The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at U o'clock from the residence on Scconu nvonuo nnd 'J'hlrty.fourth streot. Jcrrv Hayes , who lost a suit against the First National bank of Council Bluffs the other ilu V In the district court , Illcd u mo tion for it new trial yesterday on the ground that the amount of the judgment had been reckoned up to bo ftIT , ! Instead of $4O.VJ , as It should have been. Atosa , the 10-inonths-old child of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Shcpard , died at K > o'clock Thursth day nlirht of cholera Infantum at the family icsldem-e , 710 Porin avenue. The funeral will take place this mornintr at { ) : UO. There will bo no services at the home , hut a short service will bo hold at Walnut Hill cemetery. The National Mutual tire Insurance romst pany of Council Blurts and the Underwriters Mutual Fire Insurance company of SiouxIsl City wcro made defendants in two suits tiled In the district court yesterday by the Kuglcr Lumber company and J. C. Kingston. i The amounts demanded wcro $1,000 and frHr. < )0 ) respectively. * x John Hachwltz , who lives nt 2100 South Thirteenth street , had his house entered by ' tramp's. Thursday afternoon. The follows Bet a shed on lire in the baeicyard , and while the family was busy putting out the tire they entered the house and made away with quite a number of articles of value. There Is no track of the thieves. The work of raising the Hock Island yards to the required level I * about completed , and the Milwaukee Is preparing to follow the example of the Hock Island In the near future. When this is done the paving of ( Sixth street from Eighth avenue to the Hock Island tracks will bo demanded by the property owdurs in the vicinity. Fred Barnes was arrested yesterday on "an Information Illcd before Justice Vicn chare- Ing him with perjury. J. W. Scott was the complainant and the arrest was the out- irrowtn of a dispute over pome hauling that Scott had done for him. Scott was also ar rested nn the charge of commuting un us- Bault and battery on Will Muckay. The entire Epworth Icneuo of Broadway- Methodist Eplscopil church , together with delegations from the Fifth Avenue and Trinity Methodist diuretics , will bo present at the Union Christian mission on Bryant street tonight and conduct the meeting , . Kov. II. I' . Dudley and Hov. C.V. . Bro.wcr , will speak. Everybody cordially invited. A gang of tramps stopped a Burlington freight train at Kmrrson a night-or two ago and asked fflr a ride to Crc'ston. TUo demand was refused , whereupon ono of the gang threatened to shoot the conductor. S'hus encouraged , the conductor agreed tolqt tho'gang riJo , but only as fur as Villisca , There oiilcors wcro met who arrested the man with the loud tongue. Bernard McSorloy died at 0:45 : o'clock yesterday , aged ft ! years of heart disease , complicated with bronchitis. Ho had been u resident of Council Bluffs for the past ( twenty-six years. The funeral will occur Bumltiy afternoon at 4 o'clock from the resi dence , 111" South Eighth street , and the ic- malns will bo buried In the Catholic ceme tery. tery.Dr. Dr. AVnertz of Omaha tried to economize by circulating n lot of hand bills about the streets of Council Bluffs instead of making ' the fact that ho needed business known to tlio public through the newspapers. too ( cent a man named Mitchell to this side of the river to circulate the bills. The man was arrested , of'coursc , and was lined 14.00 ) In | K > Hco court yesterday for distributing hand bills without a license. Wtiortz came „ _ / over during the dny and paid the Hue. 1Cd . The railroads continue to bo overburdened * with tramps. The Northwestern yards Bwarmcd with them last evening and freight trains had to be stopped twice in order to put off n number whoso anxiety to leave town exceeded their Hnaneial ability. The patrol "Wagfin waa called and eight seedy ' Id' specimens were gathered In'through the aid of a guu tired oil In the air to impress the bums with a duo sense of tho.majesty of the law. Ono of them managed to take leg ball without permission of any court while on his s way to the patrol box. Fivo'more tramps 1 were run In from the Burlington yards. \ Belle Clover wns tried before Justice Vlon yesterday on the charge of keeping COa bouse of 111 fame and was found not guilty. ' 1 Icr discharge was upon a technical ground ; the Information having been sworn to before n notary public Instead of before a justice of the peace , the notary public being in this case the same man ns the attorney for ho prosecuting witness , Amanda Hock. PS . Houlc did not show up at all , ami that , to gether with the f.ict that the Information was sworn to In tlio way above stated , led the court to belluvo that theru was a colored man hidden away In some quarter of the woodpile. _ . Williamson & Co. , 10J Main street , largest nnd host bluyalo stock In city. Stop nt the Ogden , Council Bluffs , to test a.U01iouso In Iowa , The tiraim Hold , Council BlulTs. Tno mot elegant in Iowa. Dining room on savonth lloor. Huto , $3.00 and W.OO a day. K 1 ? . Clark , Prop . ' _ DomoHtlo boap is the best. Mamuvii Trillin. Trains for Manawa will leave liroml- way depot at 0 nnd 11 u. in. , 1 , 2 , Mli : i , 11:30 : ] ) . in. , und every thirty ininutos thereafter until 12:110 : at night. Last Irnin will lotivo Munawa for Couneil Ululfu ut 11:55 : ] ) , in. Auk your * grocer for Domestic squp. St. Andrutv'H riciilc. The St. Andrew's society nf Council Bluffs hold a meeting last evening , at which i It was decided to have a plcnlo some time dur ing the last week in August , the exact date to be llxod by the committee on arrange ments. It will oo at the farm of James i Macrae , live tulles east of town , and every- s thing will bo served up in the good , old- f fashioned way that Scotchmen know moro X. about than any ono olso. Tho' following is the committee In whoso bunds tha details have boon left : J , H. McPhcn > on , John illsK. tiardlnur , Stymost Stevenson , William H. Htewart und Andrew C , Bull. The best building sand in the market by carload. Address N , Sohurz. 34 Bald win Block , Counoil Bluffs , la. I Cook yot" ineuls this summer on a gas I , range. At cost at i ho Gas company. I 3u 60 Domestic soap. NEWS FRQJl COUNCIL BLUFFS Eotura of Madatno Pollard to Push HorLiM Suit Against thpJorlcl-Herald , TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ASKED Thru Sum WnnteitM * Hnlm for Her Wounded reeling ! , llecntifto of the Publication of uu Item Hdlectliis on Her Cliar.ictor. Madnrao Nathalie Pollard has returned to Council /Huffs. / Tills statement will bo read with n gro.it deal of Interest by the mnny people who becnmo acquainted with her In n way a year or two ago through the coup ling ohot1 name with that of n young man named A. 'X. Bowcn , wjjo traveled with her as business manager. Mrs. Pollard has been engaged In her hualncss of lecturing ever since leaving hero and her success In getting her name before the public nnd keeping It thcro has been hardly less marked than while she was hero. She achieved a na tional reputation by having introduced into congress , a bill providing for abolishing nil divorces In the District of Columbia. The member of con- press who Introduced it would not father It , but disclaimed any interest In Us passage. When It passes confctvss and the scnato and becomes a law its success will bo owing to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Pollard and her powers of fascinating the men who stand at the wheel of the national government. Mrs. Pollard states that her bill is bound to become a law , und , as an Indication that others thlnlc as she docs , she points to an overwhelming crop of divorce suits Insti tuted in the District of Columbia since her bill was introduced , the men with nntl- matrimonial Instincts evidently thinking It n wise plan to lay in n coed supply of divorces in view of the impending famine. luliirllcil u ViMt Sum of Money. . Since leaving hero > lrs. Pollard lias fallen heir to an almost fabulous amount of , , money through the sad death of a brother. Her object in coming hero now Is to Igolt 'after the , welfare of a SJO.OOO damaso suit which she commenced in the United States court in this city about n year ngo ngalnst the World Publishing company of Oinnlin. by reason of certain damaging statements that appeared in one of the issues of the World-Ilcrald. She | says the attorneys whom she cnirnged when the suit was started : have been neglecting their business and she lias come back to admin ister a dose of forlu-d stick to them , and arouse their interest by showing them that she still has money. When she leaves here Monday she will go directly to Chicago , where ! slio has accepted an Invitation to de liver n speech on the pubject , "Foot Free in God's Country , " on tlio I'Jth ' , before one of the hesslonsvof the woman's congress. On August . > slio will deliver another lecture nt the same place on "Bubbles. " ANOTHER GK/YNU ClIANCi ; For tlio Tlioitstnt4 nf the Iloston Store I'.itrom Tonight from 0 to 10. 100 pieces light clmllics , beautiful pat terns , 10 yards 20c. 200 dozen Indies' lisle-thread vests , would bo goad value at 50c , for tonight 22e each. The above uro genuine lisle thread. This is certainly a chance of a lifetime. 100 gross Boston Store castile soap , 2 cukes for f > c ; everybody gets lie a cuko. for the bamo. - . 5,000 yards duchess 'mull , 32 inches wide , beautiful range of patterns , to go tonight from 0 to 10 p. in. , for Sc a yard. The above goods have never boon sold for less than 12jo a yard. They fa'o a bountiful light fabric and are certainly the best bargain of bargains over olTored this &eiibOM. Remember , fromOto 10 for 5 'a ' yard. Only one pattern to a cus- Uujio.r , 75 dozen gents outing flannel and French percale shirts that sold for 7oc and -$1.00 to go tonight from 0 to 10 at ' 50o each , gentlemen avail yourself of this grand opportunity. 100 doy.on ladies last black hose at 7c a pair or 4 pair for 25c worth lOc a pair. BOSTON STOKE , Fothcringham. Whitolnw & Co. . Lea dors and Promoters of Low Prices. Thcro is nothing in this country like the fruit kept in Wheeler , Hercld & Co.8 cold storage. No matter what the weather is it roaches the customer in perfect condition. Another car load of lemons was put in Saturday. Domestic soap ouUasts'eheap soap Smoke T. D. King < fc Go's Purtagas. TO IUALTII. : Omtilm Sinrcr U Emptying Its Filth Into Witter INml Tor Drinking Purpose * . A matter has just come to light which deserves - serves the immediate attention the city council of Council Bluffs. A now sewer has recently been built in Omaha , intended to drain n largo portion of tlio northern part of thocity. The district it i-overs Is 4,9fu acres In size , according to the plans drawn by City Engineer Ilosowatcr of Omaha , and the main outlet Is at Florence , a few miles north of the city. This throws the Jllth from the entire district into the river nt a point above the place \yhcro Council Bluffs gets her sup- ply nfdrinking water. This state of atT.iirs U one that should not > bo allowed to exist a day longer than Is noc - cssary. The attention of City Physician Macrae has been called to the mutter and ho intends to give it his inimediato attention. He states that from what ho has heard lie thinks the outlet of the Omaha sewer is so far above tlio source of the water supply that no danger need bo apprehended. The ; sewer Is not used as yet to any great extent , but as North Omaha builds up it will go on pouring out a constantly Increasing amount of tilth into the stream nnd pollute the water until It becomes n breeding place for disease. By requiring tbo water works company to move its pumping station above Florence this trouble can bo done away with. It Is probablci that some action will bo taken as soon as the city physician has time in which to make a report. . Another Improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Musio Co Temploloil Mianhif , ' , John \V. Tompleton , a farmer residing in Uarncr townuhlp , is missing und his friends are considerably worried over his long ab sence. Ho came to Council Bluffs a week igo today and atopno.l at Noumayr'a hotel. During the day ho called nt the First Na tional bank and loft some moioy | in his wife's name , remarking while thor.o that ho was thinking of starting for a trip to his old homo In Scotland on Monday. No trnco could bu found of him at any of the depots , aud it la hardly thought that ho can liuvo Ktartod on such a trip , for ho had made no preparations for it , although ho had buon talking of it nt times for a long while back. Some incline to the theory that his mind was unbalanced as the result of a sunstroke , which he suffered about a year atro , nut that ho has wandered off without knowing where ho was going. Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale and retail coal. Removed from 10 Pearl to 34 Pearl btreut , Grand Hotel building. Grooushiolds , Nicholson it Co. , real cs tat omul rontaltUOO ) , Broad way. Tol.lQl. Three-Dent I'ura. A meeting of the city council is to bo hold next Monday evening at which it is fttateU the ordinance prox ) > sod some time ago pro viding for a 3-cciit fare within the city limits on the motor line will come up for ildconsideration. . This has been in the hands of the city attorney for two .months past , having been referred to-him with instructions to look up the legal status of tliQ case. The executive committee - ap- polutod by the citizens ut the meeting of the Cosmopolitan club" several months ago hus had n meeting nnd decided to bo present next Monday evening and too that the ordinance bo brought up from under the city nttorney'a thinking cup or know the roiuon why. * * Jho quo wnmnto cnso which was brought by J. W. Cros land ngalnst the motor company to Imvo the inttor'i charter annulled will also come up Monday , n pclt\l wsslon _ being held for the purpose. The people \Vuo have been back of the motor agitation for so many months state that tboy have not given up the fight by any means , but have been merely letting go for the purpose of spitting on their hands. They have finished that very essential part of the operation now and nro in It for keeps. IUN.M.SU.V : nitos. Cntttnz Down the Prices. Bargains for Saturday : 100 fast black serge 2u-ineh sun um brellas , Paragon frame , beautiful natural wood handles , Saturday only t)8o ) each ; worth $1.50. ,100 20-inch gloria silk umbrellas. Paragon frame , with genuine polished horn handles , Saturday entire lot 31.GO ; would bo cheap at $2.50. Ladles' Halo thread vests one-half price. Saturday wo offer 100 dozen ladles' genuine lisle thread vests in high and low neck at one-half price. For Saturday only 2T > c caoh. Saturday wo offer our ontlro stock of misses' and children's extra line quality gauze vests , all sizes , 18 to JJ4 , all at one- half price , only lilc each. MOTHER HUHBAHD FOB 2oC. Saturday evening , 7 to 10 p. m. , wo offer 1,000 dress patterns of beautiful figured lawns of 10 yards , entire dregs pattern , 2oc. Everybody turn out. Bitos. , Agitators of Low Prices rr/j.so.Y/tr. i'A Miss 3 Kittle Bullard has returned from a Tlslt to Chicago. Mr. ] and Mrs. A. W. Askwlth left last evening for Chicago. H. C. Francis started yesterday for a two weeks visit to Chicago. Mrs. A. Hush of Los Angeles , Cal. , is visiting her sqn , Ira Scltoflold. Thomas Motcalf , jr. , has gene to Ohio for a two months visit with relatives. Mrs. George P. Sanford and son left last evening for i\ visit lo tlio World's fair. Miss Mollie Corcoran of Iowa City Is visit ing her sister , Mrs. K. H. Gwdy , 827 Sixth avenue. D. L. Hess Is visiting friends In Peters burg , 111. Ho will take In the World's fair before returning. Hov. T. W. Williams of the Letter Day Saints church has arrived and will occupy the pulpit Sunday. W. W. Loomls has returned from Chicago. Mrs. Loomts and Mrs. W. F. Sapp are ex pected homo Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Thornton , who has been visit ing her relatives hcio for several days , re turns to her homo in Kearney , Nob. , today. Mrs. Thomas and her niece , Miss Alma Pfciffer , have gene to Chicago to attend the fair. Mrs. Pfeiffer III will follow them In a few days. F. E. Glllilnnd leaves today fo'r a trip to Portland , Oro. Ho will bo accompanied by his wife as far as Salt Lalcc ? , where she will stop and visit friends until his return" E. H. Fonda has returned from Gottys- btirg , Pa. , where ho" went to attend the re union of tho'i-nth Now York oregitnent , which was hela in connection with the raising of the bltr monument in honor of the fallen heroes. Ho was given a post of Honor , in view of the fact that ho came from a longer distance than any other member of the regiment to attend the exercises , and ho was awarded the distinction of being ap pointed color bearer for the occasion. TODAY A I1 T1IK 1IOS,1'O.V STOItU. The Acknowledged Loaders by All. * 250 dozen misses' and children's gauze vests , extra quality , either in white or ecru , all bines 10 to 34 , all in at ono price , ICc eaeh. Our entire stock ot fancy parasols-that sold all the way from $3.50 to $7.50 , all in for today at $1.80. Our entire stock of ever 700 umbrellas and sun umbrellas , all at east price for today. N LADIES' WAISTS. Our entire stock of LADIICS' WAISTS all at COST PniCE for today only. Our line is known to be the finest in the city , our prices as 'they ' are the lowest , but still a deeper cut for today. COST PKICE , HALF WOOL CHAL-- LIES , our entire line for today at lOc a yard , don't fail to get a unttorn. Never neglect to visit the Boston store llrst anil got their prices , wo arc money buvw * . all through. Baston Store , Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. Arrested for Cuitlni ; l'ii siiirer Itntos. TACOMA , Wash. , July --The United States grand jury last night found in dictments against President Van Horn of . the Canadian Pacific and several of the local agents of the company , charg ing them with violation of the interstate commerce law in the sale of tickets. Ticket Agent Thompson und his assistants wore immediately arrested and arraigned nt'O o'clock by United States District Jtidgo Ilanford , who admitted them to bail in $50 each. Every olTort wns made to keep" the indictments a secret in order that President Van Horn could bo arrested at Boston on a warrant now issued. The company is charged with secret rate cutting on first class limited tickets from Tacoma to Boston , which it aold for $05 when the rate was $78.50 A Red Illcyctlst GoliiGT to the Pnlr. MASON CITY , la. , July 14. Dr. Garfield - field , aged 70 years , is on the road from Algona to the World's fair and will cover the ontlro distance on his bicycle. WKATMIKU Generally Fiilr nnil Cooler Are the Nc- hriKkn Prediction * fur Todiy. WASHINGTON , July H. Foroeasts for Sat urday : For Nebraska Generally fair on Saturday ; northerly winds ; slightly cooler. 1'or Iowa Generally fair Saturday , pro- opdcd by local showers In southeastern portion ; north westerly winds ; slightly cooler in extreme eastern und western portions. For South Dakota Generally fair ; north erly winds ; cooler in eastern portion. i I.ocul Itecord. . OrnCE OF TUB WBATIICH Buna\u , OMAHA , July -Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , comp.ired with corresponding day of past four years : 1893. 18D2. 1891. 1800. Maximum temneraturo. 00 = 003 70 = Olio Minimum tcmpuraturu. 70 = 003 &ns 72-3 Average tumperutuie , , , HG = &l3 073 81O I'reoipUutloi 01 ,00 .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , Iti'JJ : Ncrmal temperature , . , , , 8Qo for the day , . jo DullcluiicyKlncu Marc ! ) 1 , . . . , , 211O Normal lirurlpltatlun 18 Inch Dullcluncy for the day , , ? . . . , 17 Inch Uollclciicy since March 1 32 Inch Iteporti Irbui Other 1'ointn ut 8 | > ui. p. p.t. . t.t. . . .Tn OtouaB R. HUNT , Local Forecast oniclal. TENWIS .TOURNAMENT. Interodtlnij Donl > lTITontnt In Whloli Den- Inn nnilVllbpr "fll" the Mnitory. Notwltlisttxndln tlij/ / fuel thnt only ono match vni to bo | > tnycd Ust night In the Omaha tennis tournament there was as largo a gathering of spectators on the ground jlrmicy " - * - street wdVany day during the ft fras nearly 7 o'clock when Dcniso nnd Wilbur entered thffeouTts to do baltlo with Hart and A'oiuig for n place In the soml-flnal round of Vfio double's. Donlso's success in the SIHKJJS ngalust Hart gava Interest to the i match , and when the game started ibirtookcd for a while as If Hartsvoull | ( have his rovcngo. It was perfectly evident that Dcniso was less formluablo at doubles than at single1 ? , and hU-pUrtncr was weikcr than himself. Time after tlmo , however , was n ball sent to Wilbur and if ho got It back it would bo returned down Dcnlso's side-lino as a' winning stroke. By thU means Hart nnd You'tig , whoso combination was far superior , won the first sot at six games to four , and had won three to their opponent's two In the second. At this point , however , there was a change. For several games Dcnlso returned every ball that caino to him on the volley and thirteen consecu tive points were scored by his side. This altered the aspect of affairs alto gether and Hart aud Young , both of whom Boomed to become less and less accurate as their opponents Improved , took only ono game out of tha last ten. Though again beaten , Hart played n more acmrato and more ambitious game than he did In the singles , but the greater number of the balls , especially toward. the end of the match , wcro directed to his partner's side of the court , and Young Was given a little moro work to 'do than ho could manage success fully. It should bo said that the vollcyimr on botli sides was first class and , at times , oven brilliant. Deuiso nud Wilbur will next meet Mclvoll nnd Brown In the sdmi-llnnl round. In the upper linrf of the draw Brown and Haskoll will oppose Fosbomtcr nnd Lawrence In the soml-llnal , nud both these matches , the com mittee has decreed , are to bo played by Mon day night. Foabcnnor nnd Lawrence have got thus Tar without any play. They had a bye In the iirst round and should have mot Young and Cookson In the second. Cook- son , however , as stated yesterdaywas called out of town , nnd the committee last night decided that It would bo impossible to keep the event open for his return. By this decision ho and Young , who defeated the state champions ( Cullinghtun and Battiu ) , are oarrcd from further efforts toward win- ntng the urize , nnd Fosbcnncr and Lawrence nro given a walkover. . Tonight Cullinghauv will play Dcniso in the llii.il of the singles at U p. m. sharp. Mr. W. G. Doano , formerly tennis champion of the state , will umpire. The two matches in the semi-final round of the doubles must bo played tonight or Monday night and the final of the doubles on Tuesday. Score : DOTJUL.nB SECOND nOUND. P. Foslicnnor and O. Lawrence , w. o. ; 0. H. Cnokeon and U. II. Young , scratched. L. U. Dunlsn and E. Wilbur heat U. Hart and Klchard Young , 4-0 , C-3 , 0-1. CntcAoo , July 14. The championship hi singles of the Western Lawn Tennis associa tion was won bv F. Wrcnn this afternoon. In the first game of the day , a semi-final in doubles , the McCormictc brothers defeated Wardner and White. In the semi-final con solation Page defeated F. Wrenn and S. Mc- Cormlck defeated Noal. The first final was between F. and G. Wrenn , the former win ning. WILE , KEEP 3nBtoiVVJf fflE HOOF. Visitors to the VFArld'Ji Fair Will llavo to Forego VnbA I'leiiHiiro. CHICAGO , July > i4.-5rGreat precautions will bo taken to make a repetition of Monday's awfuldl&ftltqr an impossibility. Every olflcial Is1 artMsed and in the fu ture lircincn. enrplby.es and visitors will bo given full protection. In order that nothing moro may b'e said concerning the danger of tlio promenades on the roofn of the buildings , the administra tion vestorday'instruetod Director Gen eral Davis to keif ) tlfo people from the roofs. This wilrmos ] , affect the Trans portation , Administration and Manu factures building ; Mr-Ghe order met with fa vigorous proi'csi ir from tho' elevator 1r tor people- ; who hove a concession for carrying people to the roolj but the pro test was 'not ' considered. . The exposi tion compbny receives 03 per cent of the gross receipts and it'Ms been a highly profitable concession from the start. The magnificent view afforded from the roofs of the buildings attracted an im mense number of visitors every day , and while it was bath a profitable and ad mirable feature of the fair , it was ono fraught with danger which is now recog nized and will bo avoided. An indication of the possible danger was given the night of Decoration day. It was the Iirst extremely largo crowd at the fair. Four or ( Ivo thousand people had gene on the roof of the Manufactures building to &eo the fireworks. There was a plauk sidewalk around the parapet - pot of the roof Hiraply to make walking upon the roof unnecessary. Ono of the planks slipped u little , fao that when it was stepped on the other end flow up. There was no danger , but there was a crowd. Some one Bcreamed. There was an incipient panic. Everybody made u rush for the elevators. For.tunatoly the strong forces of guards were able to control the crowd and restore quiet , No ono was hurt , hut it simply shows what might happen in case of firo. The chances arc that in such a case exit by the elevators would ho out off the first thing. What would fol- low with a largo number of people > 1n the roof can scarcely bo imagined or described. As the concession is such a valuable ono there is a possibility that the con cessionaires may sue the exposition company for thus summarily cutting off their concession. They probably have a legal right to damages. Still there is an clement of suoh" frightful danger lurking in the concession that the con- ' cessionalres may bo willing to forego their legal rights. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. o Crushed In un Klov.Uor. CHICAGO , July 1-1. Eugene Thompson , engineer in the Columbus memorial building , was the victim of a terrible accident last night which will cost him his lifo. Ho was on tlio fourth floor of the building , standing in tlio open door way of the elevator shaft oiling the guides of the elevator cage , which was standing just ulpvqhlm { , The elevator boy appeared at ihoibottom of the shaft and , not knowing Thompson was above , started the cago'dp'vVft. Thompson was caught between chVA and the lloor of the building nnd terripty crushed. His back was broken. Tnbrois no hope for his recovery. Ir'ni i a f.o ' _ _ _ THE'NEXTMOHNINci I FEEL PRICHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IB BETTER. IJy doctor ujrg It acts ceniljr on the ilociscji , liver and kldneri. and I * n nle.iiant laxative. Thli drink U made from herbs , and la prtpued for unc aea-lya tea. LAKE'S MEDIGIHE Alldruicri > ta < ( liUalt3&andllapackacc. Jf you cannot get It , > tnd vouraddreu for a free eample. I.uneU Faratlr Medicine l"orr ibo bonclt * och dar. In orArr ti tie henltbr thUU i > c s ary. Addf aOltA'fOl'F , WOOU\V > nD.LKlUVN.V Al AT SOUTH OMAHA One of the Array that Never Dies Loses Some Long Green. TIGHTENING UP COMMISSION FIRMS Sweet Singer ot the CaoUr Stole Skeleton . Kc.r ( Irnntlmm Still Kerpi 1'coplo Queuing Among tha Mtittclaui Music City Closilp. A passenger on tlip west bound Union Pa- cldo tram was taken In for M yesterday while the train was stopping for passengers. The tourist was standing on tlio platform nnd seemed anxious thnt every ono should know that ho was aboard. Ho wns well dressed nnd wns jingling some silver In his pocket when two men approached the car nnd nsked the follow If Ho could change a 510 bill. bill."I "I should smile I could , " replied the pas senger , nnd ho pulled out his well filled purse. The first bill ho got hold of wns a $20 , Ho held this between his fingers while ho stsrtcd to fish out something smaller. Ono of the two men snatched the $20 bill and the tuo ran nway , dodging behind box enrs nnd making good their escape. The traveler was dumbfounded for n moment , nnd tils train pulled out before ho had time to make any complaint. Some of the depot men saw the transaction , however , nnd the matter was reported to the police. The yards worn searched from end to end , but the thugs had gone nnd will probably never bo caught. Tightening U | > on CoininUnion Firms. It Is only recently , in fact within the last few days , that the live stock commission men have felt the effects of the stringent condition of the money market. Ono of them said yesterday morning : ' -This money question Is getting moro serious every dny. It works n hardship on both the shipper nnd the commission man. It has got so now that when a consignment nf cattle Is made to a commission linn the local banker sends the draft in advance nnd will not start the cattle or hogs until the draft has been paid ana returned. The local bankers in fact have quit advancing any money whatever for any one. I am of the opinion that some of the commission men will have to close up their busi ness on account of not being able to got money to tldo them over until times got better. As it now Is the commission mi.ii must pay for his stock before It Is shipped , and if the drafts are not honored promptly ho will simply lose the business. The old way was far moro satisfactory. The shipper would start his cattle and draft at the same time and sometimes wo would have the stock here nnd disposed of before the draft arrived. Wo long lor the return of that sort of system , for it makes it easier for all concerned. " IA Jail lllrcl Nightingale. Bill Foley is a character who is best satis fied when in in jail. Ho is an Immaculate falslllcr aud at times acts as though he had n Ferris wheel In ihi $ caranlum. At other times ho appears to bo smart enough to earn nn honest living. But Foley will not work. He has been arrested In South Omaha a num ber of times. Ho was In again Thursday night and yesterday morning was sent to the county jail for fifteen days. Ho imagines ho knows moro about law than the average at torney , and every time ho pets before ta jtldgo ho demands a jury trial and pleads his own case. Ho claims to bo a blacksmith , tailor , shoemaker nnd several other things , but about the only line that ho stars in b petty thieving and bogging for hand-outs. As u jail bird singer he is n coo-co. Ainonir the Muslcinns. E. M. Bonnell , ono of the best musicians in Nebraska , took part in the Baptist church ; concert in Omaha Thursday evening. The Maple City Juvenile band will meet and reorganize on next Sunday , t The Boliemian band boys have started out to hit the-road for the summer mouths. The most of the mien were employed at the pack ing houses , and -the lads concluded that kit would bo a cooler job to travel from town to town for a few mouths than it would to work inside. They will return in the fall. fitciln Skeleton Keys. The Magic City Iron Works building was entered by burglars last night. The follows entered through a rear window which they pried open with an Iron bar. The thieves evidently knew the lay of things in the works , for they took nothing except some , skeleton keys. Several characters who are known to bo crooks hnvo been loitering around South Omaha for the last few days , and It was no doubt these light lingered in dividuals uho did the job. Orantlmm In Kllll Ion. The mo'thcr of Fred Gr.mtham , who lives In Marseilles , 111. , died early Thursday morning. Her son Edward , who was hero looking for the lost brother FreJ , left yesterday ' terday to'attend the funeral. No news has been learned of the whereabouts of Fred. Mnclo City Ooiilp. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Muthewson , a boy. > Miss Belle Holiday Is reported ns being y.U. . A number of the members of the Young | Men's Institute went to Omaha last night in now r > o YOU o when you buy shoes or clothing - ing ? Don't you go to the plncc ( if you can find it ) -where they tell 3'ou that 3'ou may wear the % articles out , and then , if you're not satisfied , they'll refund the money ? Why not do the same when you buy medicine ? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is sold on that plan. It's the only blood- purlller BO certain and Hfpctivo that It can be guaranteed to benefit or cine , in every case , or you have your money back. It's not like the ordinary spring medl- clucs or sarsapnrillas. All the year round , It clonuses , builds up , and invigorates tlio system. If you're billons , run-down , or dyspeptic , or have any blood-talut , noth ing can equal it as a remedy. ft body to attend n tuoctltic of the Omahn In- stltuto. MUj IMHH Jonci of Hlnir la rltlttnt ; MUi Eva Foloy. Mrs. L. C.irpcntor Is visiting friend * IQ Dnvcnport , In. The Baptist church will giro A Sunday school picnic next weak. P. A. Crcssoy nnd fumlly left lust evening fora visit with friends In Lynn , Mnsi. Mr. and Mrs. P. Uegloy nro rejoicing over the arrival of n dnuchtcr nt their homo. Bert Anderson , feed master for the Stock Yards company , returned this morning from Chicago. A vicious dog wn * reported to Garble Master Sntvcley fromiiMO S istroct this morning. J. I ) . Stftmlish , secretary nnd treasurer of the Hamniona comuany , with headquarters at Detroit , is In the city. Al Gary , n pioneer citizen and n lender In local sports , 1ms opened out n place on N street thnt ho has named the "Drum , " Mr. nnd Mrs. John Ferry mourn the lo of their daughter Catherine , ngod 14 mouths. The funeral takes place at 10 o'clocic this morning. ' Mies Nelllo Whlto lost n valuable gold watch clinln on the street last uvonlng. It either becnmo loose nnd fell or wns snatched from Its fastening by n thief. Unlloou tonight nnd tomorrow night. Jdonttlloit the Hotly. NoiiFOUC , Vn. . July 14. The ropro- Eontntivo of the Virginian has returned from Mototnpkln bench , where ho , In company wltii Mrs. Wallace , had gone to BOO if the body of the old man washed ashore ou the beach Saturday was that of Cicero Harrison Cat.o. Tlio body wns disinterred , was examined by Mrs. Wal lace and from marks on the body was recognized as that of her father. The body had boon robbed , the pockets of the clothing being turned insldo out andnot , a single article besides the clothing re mained. llolto Smith Doctorod. LAlct : CITY , Flu. . July M. Tlio Flor ida Agricultural college has conferred the degree of LL.D. on Hon. lloke Smith. Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. JInko your blood rich nnd wire , tone you whole Bystuni.ciiroovory nervous trouble with Nerve Boons , a now vegetable discovery of miirvolous power. They ronuw youth , restore vigor , tlvc clew of huttlth , doiihlo capacity for work or pleiiBuroVnmlorfiil for overwork and worry. Sold by ( Iruucht * . SI a hov. two weeks' supply , or by mall , NERVE UEAN CO. , liulTnlo. N. V. BETTS , Frlnelual and Senior Member of the famous Firm of Physicians , Sargeom ani SpjcialUU , . . "Aro tlmy dolnpt a larjo business ? ' . ' , la a question often asked conoernlni Drs. Betts & Belts. Inquirers arn requested to road the following nummary iindjudso forthomsolvds ; Nuraborot years In praotlco J7 Offices In operation In various cities. . . . II Assistants employed 23 Ouultallnvosloil In business * 2(5H ( Avorano annual expenses 110,033 Average annual rooolpts " 41 . Number cuses In 27 years ; . ! Complete cures effected bj,103 Greatly bouollttod 1.012 Kollevcd nnd Improved < 1 ' ' ' Costof prop'osod iio'w'instltnto 123,010 Cost per annum of advortlsln , ' . .Sfr'yP. ' Heal estate owned hy firm : . . . . 2WuoJ ( No wonder that Pr.V. \ . H. llott , the head of this great firm. Is ro- fe'rrcd to bv his friends as "tho gray- lialrod old doctor. " for to his unllr ins energy and perseverance , his slBiiul nblllty , both as n business nnd professional man , ha ? the busi ness of tlio firm Brown from abso lutely nothing to Its present zljjan- tlo proportions. To create and maintain GO great : m ontorprlso u enough to turn auy man er.iy.wlillo tbn Blow of honest prldo that shlnos In his kindly face , his ruddy feit- uics anil quick , ( Inn. elastic slot ) , all bespeak the Joy ho fcala ID the great BUUCOSS ho has won nnd the peed ho hus bestowed unon hla fol low man , The sick and the suiror- JnR will Had In him a true and last- IIILfrlond DRS. BETTS & BETTS , 119 S. 14th Street , Cor * Dotiglni St. OMAHA , - - - - NEB. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nud Improvement nntl ( ciula to personal enjoyment when rightly uscit. Tlio ninny , who live bet ter than others anil enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly mlnptlng the world's beat products to the needs of physical being , will attest the vnluo to lio.iltli of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Pigs. Its excellence is duo to Us presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleas- nnt to the Uiste , the refreshing nnd truly beneficial pro | > ertles of n perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , licndachca Mitl fevcra and permanently curing constipation. It baa given satisfaction lo millions nnd met , with tlio approval of tlio medical professio.n , because- acts on the Kid ney. " , Liver nnd Uowcls without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fics is for sale by all drug gists in OOc mm $1 bottles , but It is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whoso unnio is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accept any substitute if oflcrcd. > FOR THE1 " Insane In charge of the Slstors of Nlorcy. This renowned Institution Is .situated on the high bluffs back of nnd overlooking the city oi Council 1) ) Inn's. The apaoloiis K roil nils , Ita hlcli location nnd splendid view , maka It n most plcuslui ; retro'it for the nflllctod. A Rtixlt of eminent physicians nud n lurgo corpii of ex perienced r.nr cs minister to the comforts of the patients. Special oaro glvuu to lady pa tients. TERMS MODERATE. For particulars apply to SISTSR SUPERIOR , Frank Street Council Bluffs - - - , Iowa. Z Full SJB1T OF T elli oxtraolnl hi mornlnir , JTuwonoH innerwl ! afternoon b.imo clay. 1'erfcct ill euur- aiituut .Floor. _ Pnxton llloolc , , . lilli nnii I'nrJirim Street. Elcvutoron 10th Street. Telephone 108S. " IUC1NO THIS \VtTHYoa. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cor. 1-Lli and Hoivard Streets. 40 rooms * ir > 3 per day. 4n rooms iJJ.00 per day. ' : :0 : rooms with Until at $1 nor dar. UU rooms with buth atU.O paril.ir. Modern lit livery lluipner. Ma\viyPurntflioil Throusliout C. S. ERB , Prop. Special COilHQIl. BLUFFS. WANTKD A boltfer at G. Harris boltlliif work * lii'-'l llrcmdway. _ VUANTED-Urtii , ' clerk at Opera lIoiiBu pliur * V ? macy , Council IlluffB jit onto. YirANTEI ) parties with a lltllo llmo anil capita i to make und Inlrodiicu pati-nlwl nnri-ltlvH. U J. Ailanm , 118 I'erln avenue , Cumicll llhilTH. IISTRACTS ami toana. Farm ami city property bought and sold. 1'usey & ThoiiiiiH , Council Illnffrt . GAHDAOi : removed , CCHHJKJOIH. v.uiltH. chlinncya cleaned. Ed Uurlio , at Tuylor'a trouery , 010 Hroadway. FOB RXOIIANOn , nlco lot mi bottom for horaa and Lniffy. ( JiLSiiiHldeldrt , NleholHOn A , Co. RU1T PAUMS Wo have BOIIIH line iH-ailnit frnll farniH lor Bales niao t'ooil Iowa farnm ; ji cliolcn 24l-acro ( farm , : tU i > er aero. JolniHton Is , Vim I'alU-ii. . . T7OH 8ALB at a bnnmln If tnUen nl once. 1UB fcot > JL'bv 'Jill ffft on I'ark nvuiiunor will Hell lu mna'llor parcels If Ui'Hlnd. U. H. heafe , liroiul- way und Main Hlrcet. FOH SAI.n Nice yuiuiL ilrlvliiif mart ) , lihauiou and liarneHH , all hi good condition. C. A. LoncliB , U'ja Third Btreet. BICYCLE CLEARING SALE FOR 1893- Wo hnvo 3 high-L'n'tlo gents' pnoumuttca , 2 Indies' pnouimiucs , high grade , 4 hoys' ' and 1 girl's wheel in stoolc , till 18'J3 wheels , of latest design and bt rlotly high ffriido. Jfvo can got the cash cost of these wo will lot thorn go. inoeo include three of the host Known wheels in the world und not u mnr or aoratch on thorn. Wo nro ngontH for Victors , Now Mulls , King Kllppors nnd Wuvorlys , Our ronBon for donning un ut the middle of the blcyclo BOUBOII Is Auguat 1st wo iv III hnvo nrrivo C carloads of Btovoa 1 car Bockwith'a Round Oaks , 2 cars Haul nut Homos , 1 car Stowart's and 1 car wrought ranges. To make room wo must clo r ourBioekof all bulky goods. This is no advertising fake , but wo moan exactly what wo say. Wo uls'o have ono line Refrigerator loft Hint will go tit cost. 'Ihls will clean out our bulky seasonable goods. Don't wall till these are gene mm tuoa regret thnt you mlssod the chnnco of n lifetime. Out-Irlonds know wo uro doing u four-Btory husinoss in a two-Btory building , and are uhort room. COLE 8t COLE , 41 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. You Will Need Them AND NEED THEM QUICK. We carry the largest line of Siolcios , Knife Heads , Guards , Rivets , Pitman Boxes , Rake Tooth , Oil Cans , JPuno/ies , Co J Chisel , etc. ' ' \Ve guarantee prompt shipments. Send us your orders. ] - ' UNION TRANSFER OO . , ' „ * . . 1304-6-8-1O Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa. ' . _ .