Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Including Several Candidates with the
Characteristics of Oliver Twist.
Office * to He Pllloil nnil n I'nrtlnl I.lit of
the Men Who Are Anxloun to Till
Tlicm I'romlio of a Wnrin
Whllothofallclcctlon will'not Involve as
great consequences as a presidential election
or the election of a United States senator ,
It will still bo of great Interest to citizens of
every locality In the state. In fact , the average -
ago taxpayer Is moro Interested In county
nnd city ofllclals than ho Is In the president
of the United States or a United States sen
The men whoso duty It Is to collect and
disburse nearly 3,000,000 a year In this city
nnd countv oxerclso greater Influence and
affect the welfare of the community In n ,
greater degree than do the men who control
the destinies of the republic.
So far as the state la concerned the issues
are comparatively Insignificant. But two
state officers will bo voted for a Justice of
the supreme court and ono regent of the
state university. Possibly two regents will
bo put in nomination , ono of which Is to fill a
vacancy caused by the resignation of Uegent
I.ornl Olllcei to lie I'llloO.
In this county there will bo elected the fol
lowing onlccra : Sheriff , treasurer , clerk ,
Judge , register of deeds , three Judges of the
district court and ono commissioner.
Thp city oftlces to bo filled are : mayor ,
clerk , comptroller , treasurer anil nine coun-
cilrnen at large. Whllo It Is somewhat -
what early to present names of can
didates for these ofllccs , nnd the
weather Is dccUlcdly too hot to engage
In any contention over these candidates , it
may ho of Interest to give the public an idea
of the persons already talked of.
Sheriff Bennett will seek another term.
Among other candidates forthoonlco may bo
mentioned : Councilman E. E. Ilowell.Mem-
of the School Board H. W. Gibson , County
Commissioner Van Camp , Nat H. Brown ,
John Drexel , Colonel E. P. Savage and
Judge Leo Hclsloy.
County TreasurerIroy ( rep. ) will ask for a
second lorm. Against him before the repub
lican convention will bo pitted George
Ilcirnrod , who two years ago might have
hail the nomination had he not declined it.
The democratic aspirants have thus far
kept their soaring ambitions tightly locked
in their own bosoms , realizing that there
will bo ample time to swing open the door
between now and convention day.
County Clerk Sackett ( rep. ) lias had but
ono term , and will bo In the race for ronoml-
nation. There has also been talk of John
Jenkins ( rep. ) the present deputy clerk , but
ho happened to run across the boom the
other day , and ho promptly sat down on It
with a vigor th it completely crushed out its
youn > j life. B. C. Smith is another of the
employes of the oflico who has been announ
ced as cherishing nn ambition.
County Judge Eller ( rep. ) lilies Ju
dicial life so well that ho is wholly unable to
make up his mind to glvo It up , nnd Is anx
iously scanning the Held for opposition , hut
sitiL'o his uyo was injured sotno Mine ago his
sight has not been of the best.
I'atrlots lit rrofuRlutl.
The oflico of register of deeds means a
four years term , and for that reason it is beIng -
Ing eagerly sought after by the fellows who
do not llko to move so often. Among the re
publicans who duslro to shlno In that par
ticular quarter of the olllcial constellation
are Deputy City Comptroller John N. West-
berg , M. G. Mncleod , M. II. Hoerncr. the
present deputy , J. C. Ish. Charles Unltt ,
Andy Wiggins , Jonatha'n Eduurds and ex-
County Commissioner Stanley of South
Omaha. Councilman Elsasser is the leading
democratic aspirant.
For C. II. Van Camp's place on the Board
of County Commissioners there are'aspirants '
in the persons of J. M. Counsman ( rot > . )
Councilman John McLcario ( rep. ) and ox-
Commissioner L. M. Anderson ( dem. ) .
There was originally a great number of
entries In the mayoralty futurity , but some have fulled to keep jjp
tholr payments nnd have dropped out.
Mayor Uomis will bo in the He'd ' for re
election. Comptrollertlsen ) is Imbued with
the belief thatalthough a rather diminutive
pleco of humanity , ho is plenty heavy
enough to hold down the mayor's chair.
Ex-Mayor W. J. Broatch has the fever
biggcr'n a house , and puts on his political
clothes every mornajjig. W. F. Bcchcl ,
president of the council , E. P. Davis , ex-
president of the council , and ox-Councilman
C. L. Chaffeo are each reported to bo
republican candidates for this high oflico ,
whllo ex-City Comptroller Charles S. Good
rich is accredited with aspirations from tv
democratic standpoint. Chris Ilartman ,
Truman JJuck , John Brady and Dr. George
L. Miller are other democrats who are being
"talked of , " 'vhilo A. P. Tukoy , A. J. Simp-
eon and J. J. Brown are being urged by some
of the republicans to become candidates.
Senator C. O. Lobcck is understood to bo
not averse to running for the place , and
W. V. Morse has also been mentioned.
City Clerk John Groves has had but ono
tornrslnco his ofllco was made an elective
ono , and ho 1s willing to worry uloi'g with its
unpleasant features for two years more.
Becchur Illgby ( rop. ) would , however , take
the oflico rattier than have Mr. Groves im
posed upon just because hv is good naturcd.
In case ho makes up his mind that the
road to the mayor's olllco is too long aud
crooked to bo easily traveled City Comp
troller Olson will bo content with another
term where ho Is.
Council manic Candidates.
Down In the First ward there are so many
candidates who want to boat Councilman
Back that It Is impossible to glvo anything
llko a complete- list of them at this tlmo , hut
It may as well bo understood that "Shorty"
Hcnsel ( rop. ) , who , once upon n time ,
achieved undying fame by Melting Tom
Lowry.wlll bo In It with his lighting togs on.
The Second ward Is now the only ono that
Is not represented among tliA councllincn-at-
largo , the Seventh having two , but It will
have a chance this full to got oven , as of the
Seventh vurdera Councilman Steel Is not a
candidate for ro-olcction , and Councilman.
Houoll Is In the raca for sheriff.
Councilman Prince , ( rep , ) , Is from
the Third , and ho wants another term. His
&dvcisary has not yet unmasked himself.
Councilman Bcchel , ( rop. ) rosldi-s In
the Fourth , but ho docs not want another
term , as ( ho statutory limitation of the city
charter declares against moro than two con
secutive , terms in the council. Thus far no
one bus started madly after Mr. Bochcl's
moccasins ,
Mr. Munro , ( rep. ) of the Fifth. U said
to have debated u llttlo with himself regardIng -
Ing the mayoralty , but was apparently
worbtcd In the argument , as ho will devote
himself solely to securing a ro-elcctlou , IIu
will find W. fl. Mallory , ( rop. ) nnd
Gcorgo W. Holbrook , ( rep. ) in the Hold
against him.
In the Sixth Councilman McLearlo ( rep. )
Is barred from another term ut the urescnt
tlmo , but lie doesn't care for that If ho can
capture County Commissioner Van Camp's
job. Ixmis LUtlcllold ( rop. ) is grooming him-
eelf for the council from that ward , and the
democrats are debating as to whether to
run Bob Holmes or William Siovcrs against
All U suspiciously still In the Seventh , not
a sound being heard us ttf possible-or probable
Out In the Eighth Councilman Jacobson
( rop. ) 1100ins to have plain sailing so far as his
own party U concerned , and the opposition
lias not yet declared itself.
In the Ninth Councilman Edwards , ( rep , )
holds the fort thus far and if tharo
are to bo any political births out there bo-
Uvoen now and election day no advance tips
have M yet been received.
AVONed candidates for the district bench
aru not numerous , as the salary of 2,500 a
year for the Incident hard work U not a
suftlclcnt Inducement for attorneys who aVe
doing well In their chosen profession by
practicing at the bur. There are * omo
aspirants , however , who want the honor
moro than the money and there are others
who are being pushed by tholr frleiuU. In
ono class or the other are ; J. W. Carr. A.
B. Churchill , O. F. Breoklnrldge. J. H. Blair ,
U. M. Hurtlutt. W. A. Uedlulc and Judge
Uaisotl of Sarpy county.
Celebrated Cni of tlinCommlialonera nobi
ITp Atiln ,
In the equity division of the district court ,
prcaldcd * cr by Judge Ferguson , William
Olmstcad was knocked over the ropes yester
day morning and atonco lost all desire to draw
the salary of county commissioner from the
Third commissioner district of this county ,
nnd at the * .imo tlmo ho was fully convinced
that Gcorgo H. Williams was n four-tlmo
winner nnd that ho would hold the ofllcc
until the expiration of his term.
The story of the Olmstond-Wllllams con
test has been told until It has become fa
miliar to every woman and child In the
county , nnd most of thorn know that Will-
lams won at the polls , before the Jury nnd
then before the court , where Olmstcad's at
torneys not itatisflcd with the findings , In
sisted that Williams should draw cuts to de
cide whether or not ho was entitled to hold
the position which ho had won so many
Monday tfio lawyers devoted the tlmo
to arguing the question , Mr. MaHoney con
tending that It was the proper thing for the
two men to toss up pennies nnd "take their
chances on the result , whllo Mr. Estabrooko
co in bat ted any such idea by denouncing It
folly and Iwys' play , .ludtro Ferguson lis
tened patiently and then took the caio under
advisement , reserving his opinion until this
morning. When the court convened all of
lhn attorneys Avcrc on hand to see what the
Judge would do with reference to Mr. Ma-
honey's novel proposition , tu which ho
wanted all of the former proceedings de
clared off nnd the whole election declared a
tlo for the purpose of casting lots' for.
the oflico nnd the salary. They
did not have long to wait , for
Judge Ferguson at once i relieved
them of all further anxiety by holding
that nothing of the kind.would be tolerated.
The courts of the county , ho opined , had noi
reached the point where they wcro to bo run
as a lottery , nor were they to bo worked
over Into n game of chance In which a man
who was born under a lucky star would bo
winner , without any consideration of the
merits. Everything , ho said , tended to
show that the trial had been conducted In a
fair and honorable manner , showing that
Williams had won. at oacb and every point.
Taking this Into consideration there was
nothing to indicate that Williams should bo
subjected to entering into a gambling opera
tion to hold a position which was already
his. This sottlod'tho case and the motion to
shako dice , draw straws or Hip pennies for
the oflico was promptly overruled.
When TriivellitB.
Whether on pleasure bent , or business , take
on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs , as
it acts most pleasantly and effectively on the
kidneys , liver nnd bowels , prevents fevers
headaches and other forms of sickness
For sale In 60c and ? 1 bottles by all leading
druggists. Monufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
Balloon toliight and tomorrow night ,
Ames moved to 1617-Purnara.
I'nlconrr'n Oust Ciiiti Snle.
Everything Roinp at cost except a few
lines of corsets , E. & W. collars and
culTs. mile end spool cotton and nonotuck
Lace at cost.
Embroideries at cost.
Silks at coht.
Dress goods at cost.
Gloves at cost.
Hosiery at coat.
Underwear at cost.
Linens at cost.
DonissticH at cost.
White poods at cost.
Gents furnishings nt cost.
Ladies waists at not cost.
Notions at actual cost.
Wraps of all kinds at cost.
Lace curtains at cost.
Chenille portieres at cost.
Draperies all at net cost.
How's ThU ?
New train to Lincoln leaves Omaha
daily at 9:10 : a. in. from union dept via
C. K. I. & P. railway , arrives at Lincoln
10:40 : a. m.
> * .
Cool nnil lli'.TUtlful
Is Hot Springs , S. D. , best reached from
Omaha by the Burlington route.
Through sleeper from Omaha to the
Black Hills leaves at 10:15 : a. in. daily.
City ticket olllco , 1321 Faruam streot.
Judg * tiler's CoiiRtitblR Huns Afoul < Sf a
Drputy Sliorlir.
The powers that rule the movements of
the district and the county courts of this
county have locked horns and a numoor of
interested parties are standing around ,
watching the outcome of the entanglement
into which the Judiciary has been worked.
The troubio nil grows out of the failure of
A. L. Sllberman , a junk dealer nt 113 South
Eleventh street , who suddenly departed for
the east a few days afro , leaving his affairs
in n somewhat unsettled condition. The es
tablishment covers two or three lots , and the
stock in trade consists of broken stoves , bottles
tles and thousands of other articles that
have been gathered from the back yards and
alleys of the city.
Shortly after Sllborman left the city ono
of the banks which had a claim attached
all of the plunder and Sheriff Bennett at
once took possession , placing ono of his
deputies in charge. For two days ho made
himself at home , staying there until Mon
day , when ono of Sllbcrman's employes
went into the county court and swore out ro-
nloviu oapers , ho claiming that ho was the
owner of all the property , and that It was
sold to him sjmo tlmo ago. County Judge
Ellor had no hesitancy In issuing the writ ,
which ho turned over to Constable IClnp ,
who prrceedcd to the premises , whore ho
was not long in securing possession.
Yesterday mot'iilne the matter was
called to the attention of the sheriff ,
who armed another deputy and hurried
him away to the scene of action ,
where ho tried to reason with the
constable. Constable Kins was not In a
reasoning mood nnd so informed the deputy.
Ho Informed him that hp had possession and
that ho was holding It under the authority of
the county Judge of the county , and that
that authority was good enough for him , or
at least In the case at Issuo. Now It
so happens that whcro the two
courts como in contact the sheriff
regards the district court as the
superior and docs not take much stock In the
writs of the county tribunal. This being ono
of these cases the constnbla was taken by
the baggy parts of his pants nnd pitched
bodily Into the street , from which place ho
gathered himself nnd hastened away to re
port the undignified position in which the
court had been placed.
At this tlmo there uro talks of law suits
nnd damage suits and the end Is not yet ,
as the district court has declared that Its
right * and prerogatives shall not bo trampled
upon by a court of lesser Jurisdiction.
There are tnreo tilings worth saving-
Time , Trouble anil money-and DoVUt's \
Llttlo Earlv lllsors will save thorn for you.
These llttlo pills will save you time , as they
act promptly. They will save you troubio u'a
they cause no pain. They will save you
tuonov as they economize doctor's bills.
Lady rcronaut goes up tonight about 8
at Courtland bcaoh ; also tomorrow ,
Amos moved to 1017 Farnum.
Peculiar Plight of a Muchly Married Mm
from Iowa ,
riRjurod In Two ticixatlnnnl Marriage * nncl
ilccroli nt I.onut Ono of Thorn Smmheil
by nn Unknown l.ctv Dnvvy' * Itnior
I'lay 1'ollco Itcmii
lint ! Major H. D. Cnrbco hccdocl the warn
ing of the elder Wcller to "bovnro of the
vldders , " ho might not now bo n sojoutnor nt
the city Jail , but ho failed to put up n strong
dofcnso against their churms , anil because
of It the portals of Fort Madison peniten
tiary yearn for him once more.
Six years ago C.irhco Jointly enjoyed high
Hfo anil the plaudits of the admiring multi
tude when , as drum major of Dalbey's band
In Council Blurts , ho struck spectacu
lar poses nt the head of that
organization , wielding n gold-headed
baton and resplendent In gold ,
brass buttons and bearskin. The major was
some tiling of a speculator , anil Ills ventures
wcro generally successful , but In nn ovll
hour his lucky star disappeared from the
ilrmamcnt , and sineo that time peace and
prosperity hnvo known him no more. It so
happened that the band had raised about
S1UUO , and Invested It In nowuniforms , which
wcro entrusted to the keeping of the major.
Ono night , whllo rovoHuR In bright dreams
of the future , the major eloped with the uni
forms. and then and there ho forfeited the
honored cognomen of Carbco , and his name
became Major Mudd , - *
I.oicd I. : i nulls nt l.ock mlthx.
To make a long story short , ho was cap
tured and brought back to the burg on the
prohibition side of the river , where , In splto
of the vigorous exertions of a buxom widow ,
yclept Mrs. Alia Arnold , ho was found
guilty of grand larceny and sentenced to
three years Incarceration In the pen nt Fort
Madison. On the day before Sheriff CVNclll
was to start with him for the penitentiary
Mrs. Arnold appeared at the Jail , accom
panied by a clergyman , and with Carbeo on
one side of the bars and the willow on the
other the ceremony was performed that
gave the pair certain proprietary rights in
each other that could not bo mortgaged or
given away. The bride was on hand the
next evening to see the start , when her be
loved major shuffled out to the walilng car
riage , heavily shackled to "Tex" Baker , a
notorious negro who up to the time of his
conviction had presided over a small but
perfect counterfeit presentment of hades
within the corporate limits of the Bluffs.
When Ills term was up and ho was once
moro a frco man the major returned to his
waiting bride at the Bluffs and began lifo
over again by soon thereafter fading com
pletely out of sight. Now ho appears again
upon the Held of action , charged with em
bezzlement and bigamy.
U'oocd Another Widow.
His story is that last December , whllo on
a sick bed In Chicago , ho received a tele
gram from his wife in the Bluffs , telling him
to come to her immediately If ho wanted to
sco her again allvo. lie was unable to
travel , and in a few days received a letter
conveying the news of her death. Ho sup
posed himself a widower , and at once sot
about looking for another wife. He went to
Sioux City , without making any inquiry as
to the funeral or the llnal disposition of the
remains of the former Mrs. Arnold , and in
the city up tno river ho ran across Mrs.
Cr.indall , a woman who had found the bohds
of wedlock palling , and had therefore in
voked the aid of the courts to giro her back
.her heart. The major laid violent stego to
the citadal of the grass-widowed affections ,
and the garrison surrendered uncondition
Itoturn to UiR rirst Lore.
A wedding took place In Sioux City last
April , and the major was given n warranty
deed to anothereurgo of connubial bliss. Ac
cording to his statement , ho learned a month
later that his first wife was still alive and
enjoying good health in Omaha , and ho
forthwith set sail for this city , leaving Mrs.
Carbeo No. 2 securely anchored at Sioux
City. H6 has boon living hero with No. 1
ever since , because ho ' 'thought the most of
the first ono , and wouldn't have thought of
getting married again" within four months
of his supposed bereavement if he had had
oven the slightest inkling that his jail-
marncil spouse was still alive.
It is No. 2 who Is making the trouble , but
Carbeo has great confidence in nis ability to
prove that ho acted in peed faith. Ho
laments that an unlucky fate Is pursuing
him , and says that no matter how hard a
man tries to do Hunt after having had a
hard turn , the world is bound to go dead
against him and ho might as well knuckle
To euro nervousness your nerves must bo
fed by puio blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla
makes pure blood. Take it , now.
Balloon tonight and tomorrow night.
A racs moved to 1017 Farnara.
IlcMV'n Tills ?
New train to Lincoln leaves Omaha
dally at 0:10 : u. in. from union depot vlu
C. u. I. & P. railway , arrives at Lincoln
10:40 : a. in.
Mortsnseo * ' Sulo.
Beginning Wednesday , July 12 , ttio
Sloan , Johnson fs Co.
Stock of groceries , cigars , etc. , etc. ,
will bo olTercd for sale. The trade is
solicited to call and examine the stock.
Wurorooms corner Jackson and Ninth
streets , Omaha.
JMuilrrn MatlioUfl
of car vonillutlon and car illumination
are clmructoristlc fouturos of tlio Bur
lington route's tri-clully service between
Oinnhiv and Chicago.
Each and every car dining1 , sleeping -
ing , chair and smoking ; which
forms a part of tlio equipment
of its 11:45 : a. in.1:20 : p. m. and
12:10 : a. in. expresses is brilliantly
lighted and splendidly ventilated.
The Burlington is the great frce-
froni-dust route to Chicago.
Try it. Ono way rate. 89,23 : round
trip , 817.50.
Baggage checked direct from resi
City ticket oflico , 1321 Farnara street.
Glilcngn , ICork Idanil & I'uclllo ICulhrny.
Leave Oimilm p. m. , arrive Chicago
8 n , in. , leave Omaha 5 p. in. , arrlvo Chicago
cage 0 a. m. Returning , leavoOhicago
at 5 p. in. arriving in Omaha at 0 a. in.
Vestibule limited trains and Itock Island
dining ears. Passengers for the "fair"
by taking this line can have baggage
checked to Engiowood and take eloctrio
line to main entrance , ton minutes rldo
from Englewood depot , thus saving time
and the unnoyanco of transfer through :
the city. For tune cards , rates , sleeping
car reservations , call on or address ,
1002 Farnara St. G. N. W. P. A.
The cmly Pure Cieam of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
I'roipecti thntlttbo Mlver I'ront S < | im1 > Mc
Wlllimn Ho iewc < 1.
The sottlcmcnt.-wlth the river front squat
ters turns out not ) do bo a settlement at all.
Only ono has plcItbJ up and sought an abode
elsewhere. Those remaining are obstinate
and rcfuso to vacate , with two or thrco ex
ceptions , wh ) will probably vacate by the
latter part of the wcok. Indications nro
that before the city has cleared the strcoti
of the trcsn.issers heroic measures will
have lobe adopted.
Sergeant Sli\vart has been down among
the bottom dwcllbrs during the p.iit two
days. The map prepared uy John Werner ,
ono cf the squ ittcrs , at the instance of Pat
O. Hawcs , who Is responsible for the settle
ment as agreed to by the council , Is , it Is
alleged , a fraud. It shows the or net location
of but a few of the shnntlcs , and only takes
In the territory from Sixth street cast to the
river , and Lcavcnworth and Marcy streets ,
whllo the understanding all along has been
that the territory to bo cleared was that
south of Jackson and cast of Sixth. Mr.
Werner himself resides nt the intersection
of Fourth and Marcy streets , and has the
most spacious and palatial residence * of them
all. Ho prob.illy took the view that the
preparing of the map would entitle him to
an occupancy of the street , and ho neglected
to show the location of his house on tliomap ,
nor docs his name appear on the list of these
with whom settlement was to bo effected.
Another peculiar feature is thatsomoof
the squatters approached by the sergeant
were surprised that some ono had agreed for
thorn to remove from the streets , when In
fact It Is that same thing that they most
strenuously object to. As for Pat O. Hawcs ,
they insist that they have never heard of
that gentleman. They have rrcaru it ru
mored , so they tell , that a lawyer was to get
money If they moved , but they did not know
that the city was to plvo thorn a cent
for vacating the strrets. A largo percent
age af the squatters are Ignorant to the ex
treme , and It uould seem that some ono has
been Imposing upon them and taking advan
tage of tholr limited knowledge of such mat
The council adopted the proposition to.
effect the settlement on the recommendation
of Mr. Hascall , chairman of the committee
on police , which had the matter In ham ! .
The map prepared by Werner was accepted
as correct by the council , upon the snyso of
Mr. Hnsciill and Mr. Hawes. Its correctness
was not Inquired into and the engineering
department was not asked to investigate.
Cliiof Scavoy sajtf that his men have done
all they can in the matter. All of the squat
ters have been Interviewed and hut a few
are preparing to move. The Werner map is
incorrect and misleading and cannot bo ro
lled upon.
When Mayor Bcmls' attention was called
to this matter hcrcqucstcd the citv engineer
ing department to prepare a map showing the
lines of the streets and the location of the
abodes of the squatters. This is being done
and the map will soon bo In readiness.
What the future course of the ofllcials will
bo is not yet decided upon. It now looks
as if some other stens than those contem
plated by the proposed peaceable settlement
will have to bo taken. The squatters are
loth to leave the urescnt hamtation and do
not take to the terms of that settlement
with the alacrity It was hoped.
Judge Haucs Insists that his agreement is
all right.
_ _
Busy pcopio have no time , aim sensible
people have no inclination to use pills that
make them sick a day for every dose they
take. Tlioy have learned that tno use of
Do Witt's Little Karly Uisors does not in
terfere with their hc.ilth by causing IKIUSJI
fialn or griping. These llttlo pills are per ,
feet In action and rcsultc , regulating the
stomach and bowuls so that hc.idachos , dij-
zlncss and lassitude are prevented. They
cleunso the blood , clear the complexion anl
one up the system. Lots of health hi Iho33
_ _
Ames moved to 1G17
City Attorney Will Huvo a Word on the
' raving Mmlillo.
City Attorney Connell returned yesterday
morning from Chicago , where ho has been
with Mrs. Connell sightseeing at the fair. Mr.
and Mrs. Council-witnessed the terrible con
flagration Monday afternoon , from an ad
vantageous position , being nearly on a level
with the roof of the destroyed building. Ho
gives a graphic description of the scones
enacted during the few minutes when the
lives of twenty bravo llromon wcro sac-
rillccd. They saw the doomed men as
ono after another leaped from the cupola to
meet an Instant death. At ono time Mr.
Connell counted twenty-seven llrcmcn on the
platform surrounding the tower , huddled to
gether and waiting for the fate that was to
claim them. One bravo fellow stopped to the
edge and leaped , and then in one , two and
three order the others lolloped , with the ex
ception of one , whom ho witnessed go down
with thp tower as it collapsed.
Mr. Connell will remain in the city for a
few days. He says that ho had no intention
of the paving cuso going over until Septem
ber , and his stipulation with Attorney Hall
was not to that effect , but only to give him
two additional days In which to Hie tils
Driofs so that no further moves for delays
would bo possible. Mr. Council will make a
public statement of the matter.
A Mini's 1:3-0 : Vluw ut the World's rnlr.
CHICAGO , July 11. [ Special. ] Visitors de
siring to enjoy the illumination of the
grounds at uight can do so from the Park
Gate hotel , situated immediately across the
street from the main entrance , corner C3d
and Stony Island Ave. , Jackson park. Being
run on the American and European plan at
jl.GO per day and upwards makes it the
choicest of locations. All outsmo rooms.
HOW'H This ?
Nowtrain to Lincoln leaves Omnlm
dally nt 0:10 : a. in. from union depot via
C. U. I. & P. railway , arrives at Lincoln
10:40 : a. m.
Toll Dead WIil'o nt Work.
Fred Ileaber , a laborer employed In ex
cavating a cellar in the rear of the Max
Mojcr building near Eleventh and Farnam ,
fell dead whllo at work yesterday shortly
after 8 o'clock. The deceased was J'J years
of ago and resided with his wife and sovcn
cTiildrcn at Seventh and Cedar streets , The
body was removed to Maul's morgue , It Is
supposed thai death was the result of heart
disease , but an Imjuost will bo held to inves
tigate the circumstances.
With nerves unstrung and heads that ache
Wise women Uromo-Seltzer take.
Vanilla Of perfect purity-
Lemon Of great strength-
Oranao Economy In their use ,
RosoiU Flavor as delicately
and dellciouelv as the. fresh
Catarrh Curj
All Orug.'lita. Mo eoti.
As you have herctcfore done , for a
We ate now makloc one. with Deep Points ,
equal to a y In the market ,
FOR 20C.
Sold by all the ( .tailing
Uin' Furnlihiri.
The Monarch Is the best warm weather
Shttt. Solid comlott and complete latltfac-
tloa guaranteed ,
This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of the Oflicinl Physician to the Court of Spain.
" Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Mail anil Woman.
An infallihlo remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by DebilitatingBosses : , Excesses or Ovcr-Iudulgeiiccs , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dissiness , Jyoss of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach nnd Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral liabit.
Ilavo you abused the laws of nature nnd injured your nervous system 7
Are you despondent and melancholy with confusedideas nnd gloomy thoughts ?
" ESPANO " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and
is remarkable for awakening organie action throughout the system nnd an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bonbs , nerves , hair ,
nails , skin , blood nnd gives vigorous lifo to the unfortunate who has exhausted
his powers , prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month and is
wortli many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for
$5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case men
tioned above that it docs not cure , the money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address ,
OO. ,
1 Sioc&ton Street
An nblo Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially
consulted , entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above
Dr. W. H. BETTS ,
Prlncioal nnd Senior Member of the
Famous Klnn ot
Physicians , Surjeom anl Spsciallsts ,
"Aro they dohiR a lire business ? "
Is n. question often a ° ked concernlni
Ir3. llotts & Holts. Innulrars urn
requested to road the following
summary muljndzo forthomsolvoji
Number of yuan * In prnctlcn S7
Olllces In ODOr.-iUon In various cities. . . . ' 11
Assistants employed 29
Capital Invested In business J2MOiK )
Avoraco Hnnual ovponses 00,003
Aver.iRO nnnil il receipts 1-12,41- !
Number ciiscs In " 7 yo > rs N-ll ! !
Complete euros olToctod 6-1,1M
Greatly bonelltlod 1,042
Kolleved and Improved 'JUJ
Not cured . . 20
Costof proposed now Institute 125.030
Costpor iimiUMt of advertising. 113,003
Iloal catato owned by firm 200,003
No wonder { hut Ir.V. . H. llett ? ,
the head of this great firm , Is re
ferred to by his friends us "tho gr.iy-
Imlrcd old doctor. " for to his nntlr
Ins ; energy nnd perseverance , his
signal ability , both as a business
nnd professional man , has the busi
ness of the firm grown from abso
lutely notliliu to Its present zlgan-
tlo proportions. To croaio nnd
maintain so great an enterprises u
enough to turn any man sray.whllo
the glow of honest prldo tint slilnoa
In h's kindly f.ico , his ruddy feat
ures nnd quick , llrin. olaatlc stop ,
nil bespeak the joy ho fools In the
great success lie has won and the
good ho has bestowed noon his fol
low ninn. The s'.ok and the sulTar-
Ing will find In him a true anil last-
Inn friend
H9 S. (4ih ( Sfrest ,
Cor. Douglas St.
OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
Is n town In Uriuuay , South America , on
the rlvor 1'lnto. It would not bo celebrated
except Unit it Is whcro the colobrutod
comes from , nnd In the foitllozr.'uin.r fields
u round It , nro run od the euttlu wh oil are to 2.00J n day to imilto
thlx famous product , which ls known 'round
ttio world nu thu stundaid for
Do you wear them ? Wheq next In need try a pair ,
' Boat In the world. 1
§ 3,50
2.25 I.7S
2.00 $1.75
, '
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE , made In the latest
styles , don't pay $6 to J8 , try my$3t $3.50 , $4.00or
$5 Shoe. They fit equal la custom made and look Knd
wear as well , If you wish to economize In your foot ey (
do so by purchasing W , L. Douglas Shoes , Name and
price stamped on tha Lotlom , look for It when you buy.
W. I 1JOUGLAS , Brockton , Mail , Sold bjr
Jgnatz Newman ; Elms. Svonton ; S.
\V. Uowtnnu & Co. ; C. J. Carlson ; F. S.
Ciossoy , Bo. Omnha.
Mu do by Curtis &Eon , l'oiUuud-M ,
\Vo refer you to U , ! > M p itk nts.
Nnt'l lUnlt of Commerce. Omaha.
Gormm : S.tviivs Il.uilt , Omaha.
No ( Intention from business , Nu operation. Invest
tlfrnto our method. Written KUurnntoa tu absolutely
euro-ill Klnclb of UUITUlci : of both saves without th *
use of knife , no mutter of liow Ions stuntllng.
307-3bS N. Y. Lifo Bu iaiis , Omaha , Nob.
SEMI roil Uiacur.Ait.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent aooclnllit In norvous. chronic , prlrato. blood , akin and unnsrr rtlnoei. A rcgnl r u
registered gr.iduato In modlclno , ai cllolomai and ODrtlfloMoj will how , U ntlif tracing with thu grtttei
§ uccc , c.Marrh. lost linnhooil , nominal woiknem , nUlit losses and nil forrai ot private dlioaias. M
mercury uiotl. New truatmont for Ion power. 1'orlHn uniblo to vlilt mainnr botrcmtod ml ban
by corroapondonou. Modlcliio or Instruments sent br mall oroxpras * fncuMty pAOkodt no mark * So lad
cato contents or tender. Ono personal Interview Draforrad. Coniullatlon free Corrojpondonce itrloSl
Srlvata. Uook ( Mr tcrloa ot Life ) ont fres. OUlo lioura , 0 a.m. to U p.m. Sunilijri , 10 a. m , tall
ad ; stamp ( or circular.
Unsurpassed eourso or - ,
rtyiiSfeTVi- Music , art. llicra- IOncollticnlUc > ibc.i in MitJ
f MSoi3otntN3Wluri-clooutlon'buslnMS' & < 1 fiourt Appointments modern/
0TT '
S-y ° &lT' ? fnl iJWiirSK ? t-o"'lon UcttWvyand pitas. MuilondArl Toacncr * '
- " ' MjJpT fe 'i&J ttnl- Oas , atcr , slcam Sptibllsls Illiutritfd cau'
* * - 1" rJe1 - ? * j8lh year opens 5epl. nth lojUP llr T P Wntloii ;
IVf .ld nl.-i
R T.\7.A.WIl onA M.Pr l. | . , .uiin. ! „ ? ,
LcilnRtnn , Mo. SlI ' " l. * lnmon , Mo.
" &l
.rVJ * "i > _ . "ill . . &
- jCI Li y parlmcnuotlnstrucuoa. IB < .M. | L o.dcsl oiiliury school In
-P sBrTA rt
y- * -
* ofllccra and .
leathers. Con MUsocrl llt.illlilul lout
servatory ot raualc. Art lllon. Hoason.ntilc tcrtnv 1)0 )
Gmnasium. Motlcrn up- ' 'lualraitil
' raialocua
polDtmenta. VSlti year , lllua1
tratcd oaulnrua M t.l S. Slil.l.Cltl ,
A. A. JOS PH. I'rr.'l.
For all
Private and
Special DIsaastt ,
of lut'i
Ftnotnro nnd nil otnst troubles troitoi ]
at reasonable elmrges. CUM3ULTATION
FUELX L'ulloiior nddro
Oppoatto II lydon Ilros.
( ClIIIHIlltllllOII 1'lCf. )
l unsurpassed la tUo treAtraont
of ull
Unroulo , . Private null
Write to or consult uoriuimlly
Acjdrujs with > timii : for par-
HculurB , which will bo mint In
plain unvolcipo. ' . U. Uux 051. Onica , 119 U. 15th
ttreet , uniaha.
I W.n.rAHKKU , MD.No,4 IJiiIflnehBt. ,
DCBTOK . . , ofA *
Mi < JU JUVtt chitconiultiny phviMun - r -
was awarded tlio OOMI urnii. ty , tl,1'AJI ; ° *
UEUicn.AsfiociiTloN/01 tbcIMIIZI ! J'-NHAYon
KihautM Vitality. Atrop J , A' rro i anil'Ayjjcol
l > dilUtyoil oil JHifa.,1 anil ir uH i ol J ffn.
niini'n thetown , Uw tntildlt-agtd nu ° ' 'i
lillHrS. Conuultatlon In jwrtou nr byc.t'"t / , .
UUnCu i > ronp rtui with tostlmoulalr , KHKK.
Larite book. SOtKNCK OI ; ' I.IKK , OH NKr.F-
I'l&SIUlVATIOH , S < 1'PI4 ' ln > aluaLlu Jiro
wriiitlomi. tu ullt.only 41.0" ! w mall. o lul
U the only
Women Excluded.
1H yran experience.
Circular * free ,
lituand l''arnom Ste. ,
For Voiinc l.uillcH. Clet pMrlon opens Snptemb * *
l.ftli , 1KB. I.'clnclio coursoti in all I.aiiuuiiura ana
Sciences , IHilHlr , Arlin < l Ijoniillon , bteutmil *
nrofewMirn nnd twenty ladles. Ituaullfullr situated la
VMley or VlrglnK , an N. A W. It. It. near Iloanok * .
niuuiiliilii BCfnery. . .lllnrrulvnlcr . Cllmtl *
Quexcoued. Writa lor Illustrated catalogue to
CIIAS. L. , L'UUKI ! , Hunt. , Ilalllna , Va
fillit t/fiir. I'lcpnialori ColliKlnln , Mu'li * . Art Course !
Kits for Wcllcily.Hniltli.Vauar Stud rnrllluttratodCatJ
Addreoli r. 1)UU\U1 ) > , A. U. JatLsoaTllle , lUy
High Class Photography.
At I'optilar I'rlcoi
313-315-317 , S. 15 th S treat.
VI Omaha , Nob.
The Original and Genuine
Xmpirti tb moat ddlcloui t to iM MB !
TI.KMAN at Mad-
ru , to hla trothar
Bt WOltCEflXJUl ,
that tbolr MUC U
Ilidla , aiidUlBuy
Ojiiiilon. Uio luttai
paUtablv , ai wU ]
a tlio ) r.o t wliolo.
noino tuiuco Uiat U
tatde. "
eoo that you got Loa & Perrins *
every Mtteof Original ft Otmiloi.