n\rA rrx HATTV nun * . wmwrenAV Tirrv 10 ioni SPEBIHL NOTICES- ADVERTISEMENTS FOll THESE COLUMNS will bot&ken unul 18 30p.m. for tliflorenliiir nfl until 8 00 p. m. for the mornlnr nnd Sunday JUlTcrUnrni , by roqncntlng ft numbered choeX cMumvothnlrnnnworsiwiarcdWxl to n numbered leliw In cum of Tn * Hut. Answers .no nddrossea will tx ? delivered upon presentation ol the check. WANTED-MALE HELP. 4a awonl flrsl Insertlon.loa word thoro- nflcrj' Nothing taken for lean than 20o. n ALL STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKmen - JDkcoixirn , men , phannaclBln , cU-rks of nil Klnxa , main or femalo. out of employment in low * , Nnliratkn or Wyoming to m-nd ii their nauiPB and address. Wo can bo of f > T lcn to you in aiding you to ncciiro positions. Western nUM IICM Atrcncy , 810 M. Y.Ufa Hid ? . 318 Jy20 _ BflALESMAN. . DO YOuTvANT TO BECO.ME a flrHl-clasB salesman , with chance of Dooonilng B colleelor. and work for tlio Slmror * " ? Co * ' If go , apply nt 0 n. m. iiharp , 161u " poulas.M 8p IB _ T-flALE3MAN. A LIVE , ACTIVE SALESMAN JJcanDavonatpartyposition with ndvnncomciit acconlliiB to mnrlt , In a very popular hii-ilni-sii. Call U'U 8 and U n. m. 1028 Vlnton. M788 10 n-IF YOU WANT A OOOD PAVINO JOH WRITE Otho Hawks Nursery Co. , Mllwaukeo , Win. TJ-OENTLEMEN OF OOOD CHARACTER TO Orepronmit our business , Insurancu men pro- terrodl 417II < * i building. M887 n-SALKSMKN TO SELL GOODS TO MBR- J'chantBhy mmplnj $100.00 a month forworkorn ; lamph-M nnd case f unilahod free ; Inclonn Btamp. Model Mfg. Co. , South Bend , Ind. M020 17 * -WANTED ] FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITHS rood wages and steady employment ciiaranteod 10 sober , Indiistrous man. Address L S , IJPO. -SALESMEN TO SELL ! ) AKINO""pOWDER. Wo put our ROodH In Ol.iss Rnll tig Pins. K10.00 month and expenses , or commlnfllon. Cm- tngo Baking Powder Co. , 71.7 Van Burrn street , CM- - - fo. M US8-A 7 * B ! -WANTED , MEN TO TRAVEL. WO TO $100 per month. Stone It Wellington. Madison.N la. -WANTED , DRUG CLERK. P. O. BOX 018. 130 11 Tl-COLOHED BOY TO J1LACK SHOES AT "BEE" -Dbarbor nhop. Callalcuice. 143 ! ! -TEAMSTERS FOR WYOMING ON THE B. ft M. railway extension. Good W.-IBCB , frt-o pass. Kramor&O'lJcam Labor agency , 803 Roulli llth street. Ml 03 10 * -WANTED IlIOHT AWAY , IlELIABLE MEN at honm or to travel to keep our show cards lacked up Iu IOWIIH , on trees nnd fences nlonp win- lie roads. Slnady work In your own county. $70.00 a month and $3.00 n day nxpeiisPB ilcposltcd In rour hank when started. J. H. Schaaf A Co. , 304 Walnut Btrect , Cincinnati , O. M149 12 * BWANTED. . GENERAL AGENTS SELLING new nrtlelwj to dealers : exclusive territory ; no competition ! no capital required ! 200 to 300 imr font pront. Columbia Chemical Comptny , 307 lodwlell mreet. Chicago , 111. M101 12 * C-MEN WANTED ; SALARY AND EXPENSES. Pi-niiauent place. Apply ntonco. Brown Bros. Co. . Nurmirynien , Chicago. M100 12 * BBARBEIt : WANTED AT 102 SOUTH 1CTHST. _ _ . Ml 18 13 * J WANT ED. ARE YOU A CATHOLIC ? ARE - Jyou unemployed ! Will you work for $18.00 > i po.'weckj J. R. Gay , 00 Fifth avenue , Chicago , 111. } ( . ' * MIO 1'- WANTED FEMALE HELP. . . . - > ie a word first Insfrtlon , lo a word thero- nfler. Notlihifr takou for less than iiOc. 7S-WANTED ] LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. L/EucloBo Btnniped envelope- Ella Wcrst. Sec. , South Bend.Ind. 43 / -WANTED. LADIES OR YOUNO MEN TO wtako lluht , pleasant work at their own homoai $ ' 00 to S3.00 per day can bu quietly uindo ; work Bent by mall : no canvnssluir. ror particulars nd- dreBB Olohrt Mf . Co. . Box 0331 , Boston. Mass. Ea- tabllslu-d 1B30. M313y ] 10' /S-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. Vj'EucloBo ' stamped envelope Verna Langdon , South llcnd. Ind. M077 jr U * C-OIRL FOR OENERAL HOUSEWORK. W. F. Stootzol. 1221 S. 20th , between 1'oppleton and Woolworth nvn. i 802 n-I'ADlES OF OOOD ADDRESS TO INTRODUCE V/our biiHliiraH amonr frlunda. $70.00 to 8-100.00 salary to right parties ; 417 Bco building. M83U C-PUPILS WILL RE RECEIVED DURING JULY and AiiKUBt at Madam Corbett'B Ladles' Tailor DresmiiaUIng colloiro ! clrlu will bo furnished posl- tlonn when competent. 001 Brown block , Kith nnd Douglas. MBliil 12' -I "WILL PAY A FEW LADIES A SALARY of SlOOOpor wrt'k to work formo In their lo ) cality nt homo ; light work ; rood pay for part time , Write with Btamp , Mrs. 13. E. Bassett , sulto 001 , JlarUhall ITIold blilg , Chicago. M013810 * /-V-WANTED. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , WE VJwlll pay you $3.00 to $12.00 per week to do Btrlctly Iioinw woik forus ut-your homes ; nocan- VBSBlng. Send self-addressed envelope to G. K r.mmons , v Co. , Batterymaroh and Water Btreots , Boston , Mass. MOOU 13 * C ! -WANTE"D , QIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work In family of two. 3122 Fariiam street. M128 13 c ! -WANTED , IMMEDIATELY , GOOD OIHL AT 1711 Douglas BU 140 13' n-WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Owork , must bo u'OOd cook. 1813 Capitol nve. - 144 11 * „ FOB BENT HOUSES. Ratnn , Idcn line each insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for leis than 20c. D i RENTT IOUSES IN ALL "PARTS' OF Iho city. The O. F. Davis company , 1005 Famam. 440 D . . AND I-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN block , with 8tcamrofereiicc.srt'Quh-cdMlUS22d. ; ; 447 TV-8-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN. CONVENIENT J for bUBlneBs or wholesale men. Apply 1112 South 10th street. 442 ! 1) 7-ROOM COTTAGE 1X3 RENT , CONVENIENT for U. P. railroad men. Iiiquh-o 1112 S. Ulth au . 413 I IV FOR RENT. NO. 212 N. 17TII , 14 ROOMS ! JAuo floors furnlKhitl , near now poatoOlco Hlto. Soc ( Jeo. J. Fox , 1218 Harney fttwnt. M070 jy 27 Tl-DELIOIITFUL HOME.EIQHT-ROOM HOUSE , molcrii convenlenceu , bam , beautiful lawn , iiuturnl shade tittos , $30 per mo , Inqulro 2U03 MurcoBl. 884 4NINEROOM BRICH HOUSE , NO. 1341 PARK J7nrt-nun. fiicln ; Hanscom park , nearly uow , Iiinl wood Union , llrst class niodern conveniences. In- qulro at No. 1110 8.3iid Bt. Oil 12 TI-O-UOOM 2-STORY HOUSE , 3210 CASS ST.l | Ixinodern convenleiiuos , line location , $20.00 pur month. E. A. Northup , tux deji't U. A. M. Hr. | 008 13 * T WO EAST FRONT 7-ROOM COTTAGES. all niodi-ni nnd In excellent repair , half u block > from car line , Will mnt together to desirable ten- wits very cheap. Fidelity Trust Co. , H02 Farnain. " rOlfllENT-S , 1 AND 0 ROOMS , 03 IS. 0rn jjlrit't. JJetwocii Jackuou and Lovenworth. 110-17 * D"FOR RINT. : O-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IM- prmt'ini-nts , llvu minutes walk to the poat- onU'is O , F. Ia\l Co. , 10UJ Fariiam streot. 100 10 SBVKN-ROOM COTTAGE , EAST FRONT , .Mheniiali AVUIIIIO , lar.'u yard. U'H.OQ nor mouth. , lUtlinndllowanl , M131 13 * " -FOR RENT , 0-llOOM HOUSE ; fNOUIRE tiy S. 3'2d Btreet , M1SO l'J 1'OB KKNT FUKNIOHED ROOMS RatcH , lUaa\voiiinrstlnaorllonloa\vord thoro- af lor. NiHlilni : laUcu for K' J than ' 'Co. 1- NICELY FfJRNISliKU SOUTH ' lut jy-l i TFtIRXlSIlEI ; ) UPOM WITH " "ALCOVK FOU J irentleniciimodern cunVLMilunceu , 3UU North S3d. M 7SO FURNISHED. ROOMS. WITH OR jwltliout bo.ird. Call ul107 li > utfl.i til. Utlg 12 _ EN10ELY FUHNISHE1) SOUTHEAST FRONT rooiim , modern oonvcnl ncoa , prlvntu family : erred. OUN , 1'lht bt. Ole ia TWOrURNISHEl ) o Cirooiut fur 112111. Imiutro 1 101 1'.irU avenue. avenue.M 710 _ ENICELY FURNISHED l"f61 7s U7)ERN couiuliii'iicoai VOU7 C.IBI Htr.ict. UOl 1J" vfniNisituu nooMS talnrcnue. I ? MIHJ EUOR 3 FURNISHED ROrWl'OR HOUSE- Uei-puiu' . J > 1410 , Diucnpurt M. -Ijtll 12 * a ROOMS FORlHlU/SBiTEKl'ING / i'llIVILEQE Of Uoardun * . Sa08 Pouglaa , M100 14 .rimN ISHED ItOOMS AMP BOABD. nutca , Ike a word Oral iiiaartluu , Ion word there ftftor. Nolhlitg tuUmi fur lena thui 3c. 1 > N\OK \ ROOMS WITH BOARD AT 107 S. 17TH. _ Maujyaa * T3YOUNQ WOMEN'3 HOME. UNDKH CARE Of -L Woinun'a UhrlutlHii aasocl.itk' : ! , Ill U. 17th bt. 1 > * HOMB TABLH ItATKS -I' , MODERATE. 1021 - Furuam Btroet. C67y afl * 1 > - NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH ' 1' board. Dfulrahla loumlou. 1'rlrulo famll/i uloaly ultiuird. Bil7 ! Harnuy. Refcrencee. " " | > -FURNISHED R66M3""VviTH ' BOAHO , ALSO X' rvouin for > l lit lutuwuluwplof . 1707 Dodjo. FURNISHED ItOOMB AND BOARP. ConMnti'd , IT- ROOM AND nOARDJi AND W PRB WRBK. - houMtnodarni U421 Dodyo. 113 10 * - OOOD BOAno , FOR TWO gcntlemfm. 020 N. lOtli. 137 ia I7--FOR RENT , TWO NICELY FURNISHED X1 rooms , with or without board. 2010 Loavnn- worth. 12 18 FOB KKNT UNFUBNISIl'D ROOMS Ratcn , IMoa word flrntln ertloii , Ion word thoro- nftcf. Nothln * laki-n for less than 20e. " G nullablo for housekeeping , city water , ( ran , etc. Low rent. Northwest corner 17th nnd Webster Btrecw. OUO G -S-UOOM ; FLAT. 1000 LEAVEN WOHTU Btrcct. MI05 14 * FOR BENT STOHE8 AND OFFICES [ 2HntpH , lOc a line each Inncrtlon. $ l.r > 0 a line par month. Nothing taken for loss tlian ttSo. . ON s istii stl. LANOR block , nullablo for tnr.it market , hardware or dry goods ; Blora Inqulru ( IQil 3. 13th Bt. _ 451 _ I FOU KENT , CIIO1REST SECOND FLOOU11USI- iiofi oornmIn Oiuaha Olobo bulldlnr , lUth nnd ( Hobo I/o n ti Tnist Co. 4.VJ T-FOR ItENT , THE 4-STOHY PRICK nUILUINO J1110 Farrtam St. Tlio bulldlnir has a Hreproof , co- tnent basninnnt , coiuplcto Btcaiu heatln ; nxturoi , watrr qn all the Iloorn , sn , c W. Apply at the onloo ot Tim Hoo. OKI AGENTS WANTEU Ilatos , ino a line each Insertion , f 1.BO a line per month . Nothing taken for Icii than U * > c. I AGENTS EITHER SEX WANTED TO SKLL " ournowkctlloclouicr. bread nnd cake knlvos nnd other now nrtlelei. K.wy Bisllers , hi ? profits , tennu cany. Claiisi ylicar Co. , Kuimas City , Mo. MIIU : lylP' T THET A n O INVESTMENT tOND3 ) PAY ' $ .MO.OI ) ) In from one to llvo yearn , liny ouo. J..OO crxBh and SI.(10 ( a month afterwards until paid. HcBtji.iylnu Investment nxtant. A rcialllnif agent wanted In . every . . . . town . and county. For full particular ! ! apply to The American iiond ) company ; , 6UOandC31 Pnxtou block. Omaha. M.18T jyaa * RENTAL AGENCIES. natns , lOonllno each Insertion , $ t.BO a line per mouth. Nothlnff taken for IPHI than zgc. _ L-13EHUY & CO. , UENT3 ! 717 N. Y. LIFE. 37(1 ( _ STOBAQE. Rates , lOoa line each Insortlon , $1.00 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than if ! > e. 403 Tf STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS : Icloan and cheap rates. It. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 404 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , IKn n word Oral Insertion , lo a word there after. Nolmnff taken for lens thin L'Sc. FOR Roods , etc. , or will sell for owner In our nuctljn aaloH. R. Wollg. 1111 Faniain. _ 4B4 _ N LUMBER YARD. DOING GOOD BUSINESS IN a eood town In eastern Nobrankn. llroxvn & Holton. ll'J South 13th St. , Lincoln , Nol ) . M813 18' XT $1,000 TO INVEST IN A WHOLESALE OR Li manufacturlnc plant , P. O. box 12'J ' , Perry , Ju : 11B 11' _ FOB SALE HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC 3 3r Kates , lOc a line oaoh Insortlon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 1FOR SALE , PEItOHERON STALLIONS AND JL marcs , registered , * 200 to $300. Wrlto for cata- IOBUO of breeding and prices. Drctt-lltker Co. , Henry , S. D. 882-11' r > -FOR SALE , CHEAP , GOOD DRIVING HORSE -L phaeton and harness. Apply U417 Ersklno Bt. 141 IS' FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates , IWo a word first insertion , Ion word there after. Nothing taken for leas than ! 2uc. \-NO. 1 SPRING FRAME RAMBLER BICYCCE , . cualiloii tire , nearly new. Very cheap. Ad dress KO. Bee. M30U Jy 21 Q-HANDSOME LARGE DOUBLE YELLOW i head parrot 7 years old. n flno talker and whlst- lor , lurgo cage. PrIeo$2C. 4003 18th St. , Council Bluffs. 010 ' ' - n-PUG PUPPIES , ROOM 30 , BAltKER BLOCK. M700 A2 Q -A CENTURY COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC .bicycle ; Bpeolal bargain. Call or address D. L. Morgan , till North 24th. M123 10 OUAIBVOYAMTS. Raten , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for leas than : > 3c. Orcllablo business medium' Oth year ut 110 N.lOth 407 S-MRS. . DR. M. LEGRAVE. DEAD TRANCE clairvoyant and llfo reader ; tells your llfo from rradlo to ifravo ; photo of your future wlfo or hus band with Initials of name sent through mall ; life chart $2.00 ; Egyptian breast plato to unlto the neparated and cause , marriage with one you lovo. Offlco and residence 417 South Eleventh street , near Howard street. Letters containing 4 cents In stamps promptly answered. MH04 12 * MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rates , IHe n word first Insertion , lo a word thcnsaftor. Nothing taken for leis than 23c. idR. IT MADAME SMITH , 003 8.13TH. 2ND FLOOR , J JloomS.MiiBsage , vapor ulcohol , steam.Bulphur- Ino and Boa baths. niUJU 10 * rr-MME. CARSON. 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , 3D -I floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. M027 14 * rru- MME. MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , Linagiiotle.mansagg treatment , 111) ) North 10th St. , second floor , room I. 80311' T-MME. STOWE , MAGNETIC HEALER. 200 J. Douglas block. M127 AU = PEB30WAL. Rates , IKou word Ilrst Insertion , lo n word there- 'tcr. Nothing taken fur lens than 20c. F-WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con taining many photo-engravlntri of handsome women and gallant men who u lull to wed. Brown Publishing Co. , T mplojoin t.Tolodo , O. M711-31 * ir-CUTTIIISOUTANDPRESKNTATCOWAN'S U Photo Studio , -'lyaCuinlntrBt. , and you will ba entitled to 1' ' ArlMo Cabinet Photos , very best , on Bill odffud cards , and ono Hxio for framing , for ' tl.UU ; without thU , $0.00 ; for lUdaya only , M'.Mi Jy 17 * -I WHITE FOR FREE COl'YjOF jnKAU- U tifully llhiHtrated iimrrlnKO * journal. llrown I'ub. Co. , Toludo , O. M80U afl * MONiJY TO LOAN KEAX JiBTATB. W-LOANS. G. G. WALLACE , 312 BROWN IILK. 472 * \V LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ii city propoitv , $3,000 and upwards. 0 to | 1K pur cunti noddlays. W.Faniatn Smith i. Co , 1320FHnmm _ _ J _ _ _ _ 4tJU i ) _ Tir 1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FAIIM li niortgatfco. JlcxxlXbeluy,311 Board ofTrado. do.ES T-MONEY k TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES The O , F. Davis Co. , 1000 Farnam Atreet. 100 \ \ fLb > VlSTRATE3rFTDELITY TRUSUMTOM 'i pany , 1702 Fanum Hlrm-t. 402 AAr-WANTEDATONCE LOANSON IMPROVED Omnha properly ; law rates. Fidelity Trust " I ) . ' Farna'ii street. . 40'J SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS ; low rates , Alex Moore , 401 lieu bide , 474 \ VMONB Y"TOLOANAT LOWEST RATES ON i * Improved and unimproved real eatito ; , lloO ; > cara Fldo.lly Trust Co. . 1702 Farnain. 13 LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 248 BEE BLDG. 475 "XV VNTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 31 8 N. , Y. 'i LUo , leudi allow r.ite forobolca Bdcurltyo-i Nebraska and Iowa farum ur Omaha city pioperty , 170 > _ \ > - CKNTUAL LOAN . TRUST CO. , BEE H 1.1)0. _ 41K1 \\r-WANTED , TO Hus PKll CENT NOTE 1 1 cured hy morla ioo Omalm ulty or Duntlaa Co. property , Itued A. aelOy , a J3 Board of Tradu _ 407 \\T- I 1IAVJJ fl.OOO TO LOAN ON IMPROVED 'i llrBt inorifUKo Jann laud or elij propoitv. Nolhlni ; but thu bDatbivilllty "HI bo led. Addicts full lurtionluib to L 10 , MONEY ' .JO LOAN OHATTEI.S , V-CALL AT THE OFFICE OF OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 1NCORPORTED. You can boriowou HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIAN03 , HOUSE1) , WAHONS AND CARRIAGES , WABKHOUSB RECKIPT3. MEROHANDISC , OR ANY OI'JIER aECURITV. Wo will lend you any amount from $10 00 to Ul.OOD.OI ) . ON TUB DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or lomoval of property. You can pay tht > money baoU In nny amount you with , and at any tlmo , and ouoi | payment BO muJu \\111 luduco tlio cost o ( the loan , lluuienibur that you hovu the use of uotn the proimrty and Ihq money , uud pay for it only as Ion ; ueyou keep It. There will bo no expense or oharro kept out of toe amount wantud , but you will roculvo tha full umount of the loan. Uuforo borrowlnir elaowhoro rail anil eeo us and you will find it ervutly to your udvunta o. OMAHA MOUTt/AOH I/JAN OO , 300 riOUTH 10TH HTREKT , flrut floor ubuvtf tha ulroet. THEOLDEbTLAROE3TANDONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA , i77 MONEY TO X-DO YOU WANT MONEY ? THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , HOOM-1 WITHNBLLI1I.OOK , 310X SOUTH 10T11 , OOUKRU HARNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY SUM \ LAROB\ \ OH \ SMALL' ' FROM I TEN \DOLLAR3\ \ \ UP. WE MAKE LOANSllN FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PBOPERTY OF ANY KIND ' YOU / WILL /DO / WELL TO / CALL / ONUS FIRST 7 FOR / OUH TERMS WILL MEIUT YOUtl APPIIOVAL. You can pay the money back at any tlmo and In nny amount youwlah , and thus reduce the cost of earn Inir the loan In proportion to amount you piy. 11' YOU ovfo a balancu on your furniture or other personal property of any kind wo will pay U off for you and carry It an Icm as you dcslrn. YOUCANilAVn YOUIl MONEY IN ONE HOUIl nioM TUI : Tiiin YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , BO that you gi't thu tiso of both money and property. 471) V-WILL WAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OV SE- J curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. llarrls , room 1 Continental block 478 _ BUSINESS CHANGES. RatnB , lOoallno each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than -5c. J cxchanro for cash. Wlllllin J , WelBhaim , 411 Knrbach block. MUtBJylU Y-DO YOU WANT TO BUY , SELL OR EX- eliaugo n buslui'ii , real estotn or lands ? Da you want additional capital in your uustnesH ? If BO Boons , wo can help you. Cnll or wrltn for our bulletin , Offices In nil principal cities. Western Diislncfls Agency , 31U N. V. Llfo lllily. 318 'y20 V-nUSINESSOP'NlNGS,874SHENANIOAHIA. r-FOR RENT , A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- L dress box 05 , Lincoln , Nob. 021 7-FOK SALE , UAItnER SHOP AND HATH L room , located In the lamlm-fls part of city nud pxccllvut business. For parttoulara address , 1C 37 , Bee. 1)04 ) 30 Y-A RARE OPPORTUNITY , THE OLD KS- tabllshed and wcll-paylne ironeral store busl- noos to bo Hold , with bulldtiifftj and lotn. Rctlrliiv. from business , Inqulro Poslnmuter , Lo\voll , Neb. 131 10 -FOR SALE. WATER MILL. A NO. 1 , VERY cheap. In N. W. town. 3 run burrs , 1 act rolla , nil necessary machinery ! cost $ llpOO ! , will Hull forSJ.OOO ; forced s.ilo ; bo quick. O. W. IVMunt , Crab Orchard , Neb. 147 JlJ ! * FOB EXCHANGE. Rates , 1 Oca line uach lusortlon , $1.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for lesi than lI ! > c. Z-125,000 WORTH OF CLEAR LAND TO EX- chaiiRO for mcrchaudlso. 'Jl'J McCaguo bldg- . M011 _ r/-l HAVE $2,300.00 EQUITY IN ICO ACRES Al DO miles from Omaha ; also Sl'O ncrci Ip Mis- eoiirl. all clear. Will soil or exchange for Block Kcncral nicrchandlHo , bootn and shouH , horsus or cattle. J. It , 4UU4 Loavcnworth Btrcet Omahn. MU8S7 * rA. . CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSR fJ Will take real catato and money Box 2'J3 , Frank fort , Ind. 481 r/ I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS Dakota. Will soil chain or cxchnno for md e.horsca a nd cattle. Add.box 70,1'nmlUurt , Ind. 181 r/-1\VO BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIHENCES A/and barn , on motor line : best location for bank Block , merchandlBO or clear land. What hare you ! Box TOO , Oiuaha. M781 10 V-rOU SALE OR TRADE , rillST OLASS DRUG - Btor < ! , coutr.illy located , good cash bualnesB. C. W. I. , P.O. box 018. 130 11 Z-FOR TRADE , 300 ACRES IMPROVED CLEAR land , N. E. Nobi-neka , for stock hardware , $ -1,000. G. W. D'Muut , Crab Orchard , Nob. 140 12 FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. Ratea ] , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line pur month. Nothing taken for Ic93 than 25c. Fbii SALE ON'"EASY MONTIILY PAYMENTS : A south front cottage , 0 rooms , $1,350.00 , CO foot. A south front cottage , 1 rooms , $1,100.00 , 00 foot. A south trout house , ( ! rooms , $2,250.00,100 foot. A north front cottaue , Grooms , 41,100.00 , 00 feet A north front cottage , 4 rooms , $1.000.00 , 00 foot. A north front house , 0 rooms , $1,800.00. 00 foot. A small first payment nud o.iiy monthly pay ments. Small clear lota will bo taken in exchange. Sco N. A. Kuhn , druggist , 10th and Douglas M383 Jy 17 1NVEST YOUR MONEYIN LAND AND OET Irlch. We offer for quick silo 10 cholco llttlo planta tions of ten acres each , at Mlllard , only $100 per noro. You cau Ilro there nnd work , ordo busi ness In Omaha. Best thin ; ; over oilonxl. Call early Ifla you would secure one of tlieso clcirant pieces of land , any ono of which will produce a living for yourself and family. Bozgs A lull , 1403 F.irnam st. C03 jy iiO A HETTER TIME TO INVEST IN JL i real estate , and look at thla for bargains In In- Bldo property. 4 lots. 19th and Center , worth $1,200 each , only $ OUO each. 1 lot > n Orchatil Hill , worth 91,200 , only $700. 1 comer lot on Military ave. , Just opposite CUf ton JII11. worth $1,200 , only $700. Lot on Marey St. , between 31st and 32J , worth r.1.000 , only $1,000. . Fltioat lot In Crolshton Helmuts , worth $1,203 , only * 770. 2 lots In Lincoln Place , worth $1.200 oauh , only $000 for both. 3 lots , LaPayetto ; place , Walnut Hill , worth $2,000 00 each , forl,5UU.OO each. Avondale park , inside ono mlle Hue , Wcbitor street lots , with paving , curbing , stone sldowalk , sewer , parkin ? , electric light , etc. The ( Iticartffslda residence property in the city , at tho- lowest prloo , worth$2,000.00perlotourprlcoonly ; $1,500.00 psr lot , half cash. Curt street fronts In Avondale park ; only St.300.OU per lot. It will pay you to lu- votttlgato this. Fourtc-en lots In Roea plnco , on Georgia nnd Virginia avenues , between Mason and Pacltlc. 1'or CUBU wo nro olterltiic this uropsrty at OOo on the dollar. For n homo there Is nothing liner ; as an In- vcBtment It la Impossible to find anything bettor. Always n pleauuru to nhow any or all of this prop erty. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. 1703 Farnain. 1U7 ' T > UY LOTS UJ . STOEPEL PLACE. Cheapest and b > < st lots In OMAHA. Special ni leu und tonns to HOME BUILDERS. Stocpel Plaoo lots will always advance In rrlco , for the ulty must ( trow westward , Call on or ad dress W. A. Wobitor. 40i ! Ueo bldg. M577 FOR SALE , A GOOD STOCK AND OHAIN FARM of 408 uertfB In Harrison county. Iowa , on very roiHonablu terms. Address L. H , Itaymond , Mag- iiolla , la. . MrtJii A3- OOD KENTAL PROPERTY , 2 HOUSES IlENT- Ing for $20 per month , ( .1.000 , Stern building , well located , ulwaya rented for $280 per year , * -j,600. 2-rooui cottagu , block from motor linn , near ttcliool , full lot , $1,200 , worth * lBil ( ) . I'rolltablu and safii InvcatmcnlH for your money. Come < and BOO. O , O , Wallace , llrown block , 10 nnd nud Douglas. llu-13 f HAVE FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS OF LAND J IM and (5 ( miles from town ; will Bull it all way from , 47.00 to $ ' 0.00 per aero. This land Is fli8i- clnna , land nnd If anybody wnnta lo irct good , clio.ip j homo thla Is a chunce. I got ono W with running water , DO ucrus broken , ' . ' inlluB from county uoat. and by making n hinall payment on thU land I will ei'll It ou 3 to U yoiir > f tlinu. Wrlto ut once or comu and BOO mo. C. Hauck , Lotip City , Nob. M970 17' SUI1URBAN HOME , 10 ACRES FRUIT AND garden ; sultublo tor nursery man , milkman or curdner. Llvo town ; thrco railroads. Addroaa Ilex lOd , DuWItt , Neb , OUO 12 1 BARGAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. J. J JN. Frenzer , room 0 , Promter block , oup. I1. 0. Mill Jylt CEE THAT BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE SITE , t-J Jhlli and Davenport , ouo of the llnt-dt In the city , 120x250 fuel , uaut front , rlelit on thu rldgu , will & Bold for u Bhort tlmo at .SO per cent IHBH than valuu , Very few traotn llko It in thu ulty. Q.G , Wallace , lliown block. 110-1'J in.L : A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe uvtmuo ( Poppluton park ) , o-iuy nccubx to motor , Owner going into buuliieui. Will hell very cheap for cash. Aluo lot Hunscom 1'laua Illg b.irxuln for oush. AdJi-o > ia L. F. , P. O , Box : HD M140. 11AUOAIN. SIX ItOOM COTTAGE. SOUTH Ufrunt half lot Hurt botwuun 1H and 1(1. ( Will consider nny ivahoiiablo otter , half cash , toims to hult on balance , Vf , N , Nason , Ituuiu 111 Board tuot Tradu. MUUU 22 LOST. Hates. 1 ken word llrntlimoruon. luawurdthuro- after. Kouiliig takeii fur lens iji.ui 20c. STnAYEU-RED AND WHITE CY\V ( "iN'OALP IN fuw < layu. Ku\vanl for Infonnattou nu Iu - n > - nbonlB. Addrt-hs K , ilorrluon , Box 12J South Omaha Posuoincu. 110-10' WILL THE LADY WHO TOOK BY MISTAKE ' I Iho ladlea' gold ' haudlixi Ulucli alllc uiubiella at Deunulla' ' jeulurday afternoon ploauu leave it at QTUAYED. DARK BAY 4-YEAR-OLD MARK. * - weight about bOO , auddla murU on left bhlu , whltaon foiuhoadandiioso. F. A. Johnaon , da.MU Ploivc all-uct. I.110J . 12 WOBLD'S FAIiHOTELa & ROOMS lUtoa. Iko n word first tnacrllon , lo a wurd thoro- after. Nothing taken far loss than ' 'So. rPIIU OR03VENOH , O'JlT SHURIUAN AVBNUU , J UUlciu o. a Bolott uuilly howl , wltlitii u mluutoi walk from tha uriuuliul ontriucoa to the fair. Goaa raforouaou. lloiaonablo rut-rs , Apuly tu 0. a SUliuerJl } New York Ufa bulldliv. O.uuti.t. JIlDSJy ia ii , lOonllno prtch .Inf trtlon , $1,00 ft line par month. Nothing taken for } faf than 'Jgo. LADIES AND ORNTLF.MTIN OAN SOOM Arqul K worxtnir Unowl Uoof , sliorthatid nml B nt A. 0. Van Sftqt'd Bohool of shorthand - hand , 013 8. Y.LIfa. TVfKTWrltom to rent. 49.1 TTNPEBTAgEBa AIJD EMU ALMEBS natcfi , 10a a line naoh Inndrtlon , 91.no n line for month , Nothing tnkon for tc f than 23a. W. BAKER ( POllUBBIiV WITH JOHN O , Jacobs , dcooaiod , later with M.O. Maul ) , tmdur- tAkcr nnd embalmer , 31 J 8. Jpth St. TeL UUO , / 483 SCALES , Hates , lOo n line cnoli Insortlon , 91.BOn line per month. Nothing taken for loss than aoo. vrsv1" * "sEcbirb" HAND SCALIW. ALL KINDS J- > Address Uordcn It Sulleck Co. , Lake St. , Chloaio 480 PAWNBBOKEBS. Italcn , lOe n linn each Insertion , $ l.r > 0 a line pot- mouth. Nothing taken for luni than 25o. T SONNENBERO , DIAMOND BROKER , 130J J Douglan Bt. Loins money on dlamondg.watchrs , oto. Old gold and silver bought. Tol. 1353. 485 SECOND-HAND TYPEWBITEBS. Rntes , lOcn line each InBcrtlon , $ t.r > 0 a line per month. Nothing takoii for less than 25o. 11OYLES.I. DABD. DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS/ J JA11 makon botuht , Hold , exchanged , routed. 1)13 ) N. Y. Llfo bldg. Tel. 003 484 MPSIO. JVBT AND LANQUAOE37 Rates , lOo a line each iniortlon , 91 00 a line per month , Nothing taken for losi than 20o. nOELLENBECK. HAN JOIST AND TEACHER. .1810 California Btreot. < J14 Till ; 11KA1.TY MAKU.KT. INSTUUMEN.T8 plucoiFon record July 11 , 1HU3 ; WAltUANTY IlKKtW. John Wlcdunor ut. nl ( o Abraham Kosenbury , s 1(1 ft ( it n 132 ft of o CO ft. lot 1 , block 22 , West Ouialnv ( ru nic ) 9 000 Win " filovnri nnd wlfo to Louis Ounthor , "lot 15-10 , block 3. Postlyko plaro. . , . 2000 A V Ituinstw nnd wlfo to Kmlly llo po- Ior.n40 ft lot 0 , block 11 , E V Smith's ndd i. . . . , 107C I' L Peterson nnd wlfo In Peter Jensen , o H lot 0 , block 481 , Grand VHnv 500 Pred KruR Urewlnp lo Frodlc Krug , lot 1 , block 2 , Arbor plnco 2000 A L Ituocl to 11 U Hastings , 130x50 ft com at pt 00 ft s of nw corner lot 00 , Itodlck'a 2d add 1200 gUIT CItM DfiEDS.f n r4t Tiipgor to Harry TaRgcr , w lot 4t , Gm > a ndd ( ox n 133 ft ) . . . v M TutfRor and husband to 1112 Tan- per. sanio M1 ? ) Kylor nnd husband to Oeo and Miiry Gordon , s ! 4 lot 8 , Kllzaboth jjlaco DKEDS. E.TK Collins ( special raastor ) to Prod E.Thi Hrewlng Oo. , lot 1 , block 2 , Ar bor plnco 1SS4 G hiu lleiinottshorlir ( ) to V Q Lnntty , u 22 ft of 844 ftofoSO ft lollblock 121. ! Omaha 334 Totnl amount of transfers . I 9,200 PATENT SUES & CO. , Solicitors. t Boo Builrling , Oinalia , Nob. 4 years Examiners U. 3 , PjVt. pnioo. Advlco f roe No fee until patent is obtained. The Denveril I Investment -Bond Co. 417 BEE BUILDING } ? .OMAHA , NSB. No safer investment or nrliiter profit can bo ob tained thanby purchasing 'bonds with this com pany. Wo pay 00 i > or cent moru towards the ro- Uumptlon of bonda and matirro- thorn in ono-thlrd less tlmo than any other comiinny. Look Into our planbaforupurch.islne elbowhoie. For full par ticulars wrlto or call nt ourfoflleo. 417 BEE .BUILDING bMAHA , NEB. S. L. Hlsolow , Ocncr.il Auouu RR1LWRY TIME dHRD Golnir , . , Trom West lUnlon Depot 10th A Marcy Sts. | West _ Leavcaj onioAGo , MIL ; A ST. Arrives Oinalia I U. P. Uopot and Marcy Sts. Omaha "B.SOpml Chicago Express I 0.30 am 11.30am ! ChicagoExprcaa . . . , | g.COpni Leaves lAirlveo Omaha ) U. P. depot. Ulth A Marcy ata. I Omaha Leaves SIOUX " Oinnhii _ Doiiot , 1 0 aiid Marcy Bta. 7,20 am f . Sloux'Clly IHiasensror 10,20pm _ .00jin | at. Paul K3lB' ) . . . . . . . . , 00 urn Leaves" ! SfOUX CITv x ifAUWiu ArrlvtiH OmaliaJ Depot. IB th andWcbatcrSta. , Omaha fi.4S"pm | . "St , p"aufLV.uUod. . . , I ir20anT 0,4 Spin . . . . . . . . .Chlciuu Ljiullo'l. ' . . . . . . . . | 0.20am Leaves I 75MXH A ST7 < 'L6lH87 [ Arrivoa " Omuhaj U. P. Depot , lOtU diiid Muruy.l Omaha 4 OOpm | . , . ; . St , hami V/ANT TO RESUME. Atnnrlcnn Nutloniil Il ijtc OniolaU Dcilro Tuo Month * Time fordt An earnest effort is bftlrfR made by a largo number of the c rod 1 tors jijid stockholders of the American National luiik to got the af fairs of the institution ifne shnpo to resume business on tbo Hn t oiaSeptumber. Telegrams - grams to this effect jj 'o boon forwarded to the comptroller < i AOI Washington , and In all probability & dnlogatlou of Influential shareholders will visit the capital city soon to lay the \vholo situation before Comptroller Eckels. The comptrol ler haa oxpicsscd himself as bumj ; desirous of fieeing the bank IIKUIII placed on Us feet , yet ho lias not consented to tclvo the men ut Iho helm until September 1 to nnUe a ault- > nblo showing1 unluas they can give him posi tive assurance that tha bank will bu siin proper shJpo to rciUtno at that tltiiu. Ono of the ofllcers of the American National aald yesterday momlnij to a reporter that whllo he could not say that the comp troller had given thorn any doflnito en couragement in the undertaking to resume on Boptotnber 1 , yet the situation was indeed very satisfactory and ho hoped fora satis factory adjustment of the mutter within Ison short lima. Ho believed that thu gentlemen who Intend to visit Washington in the onto terest of ( ba bank would succeed in con vincing the comptroller that the bank could resume with safety on September 1 , BUDGET OF WESTERN NEWS Minors Wild ( hot a Wondortolly Hloh Dls- oOTOiy at Tilford , Oolo , GOLD QUARTZ ONE-FOURTH PURE GOLD ProiprctliiR In the 1'ltUln ( lolil Holt Alum flncer Mlno 1'ormt Firm ttnllroncl Project * Join ot Uouornl Intercut. The miners at Tllford , Colo. , nro wild over the discovery of gold quartz yielding 0,850 ounces ofpold to the ton. The rnport U undoubtedly authentic , and prospectors nro overrunning the country , tailing up claims. The discovery was made byvo old tiros- pectors nbout flvo miles out of town , and has boon kept qulot for some days. Many of the raon who are now looking for clntms are minors who hn"o boon thrown out of em ployment by the recent suspension of silver mlno operations. ( Ircmt 1'rospoctltig ; 1'lclcl. Pltkln's gold bolt continues To forgo to the front with rapid strides , sajs tha Pltkin Minor. During early days this famous sec tion was the solo attraction of mining men to the Quartz crock district , and for several years It was allvo with operating companies. The sole drawback , however , was the In ability to sccuro n process to srxvo the gold. Thus tlio extreme excitement dlod nway until recent years , when wonderful Inven tions of the gold saving process wai discov ered. This caused n revival of mining In that section , which , hns continued with renewed vljror. Tests have been made on the gold belt ores with startling results. In sic months It will bo the scene of n verit able excitement. The immensity of the ex posed gold ere bodies In the different proper ties'of that section has no equal In the state of Colorado. It is surprising to note that such a valuable gold territory Is not operated raoro than it is , but this Is accountable , for the llmo bolt has been years. The miniiiR world should carefully watch the progress of development in this famous gold bolt , as surprising results will follow. That human expectations are seldom realized has become a proverb , but when Charles Wuhl , of Tin Cup , ana William Alklro of Denver took a bond on the Gilt Edge , on Forrest hill they took a contract to disprove the old saying. Float runnlug hundreds of dollars iu gold had Inspired them to effort nud the work of trjclug It was rewarded this weak by striking the vein. This consists of n true ilssuro in the porphyry , four feet between walls , with two feet of mineral , "which will average over $100 in gold. The float extends over a largo territory and It is problo that cro many days it will bo covered with prospectors. The gold belt , which extends from Pltkln ta the head of Taylor river , is the ricUust la the Vollow .Metal AVortli 850,000,000. A gold prospector and miuer who lives in Denver , but who , for business reasons , will not permit , at this tlmo the use of his iiamo , has made a valuable discovery on some new placer ground located near Aluia , Park county. With the assistance of ono niun , part of the tlmo , this miner has taken out over 81,000 in gold in nine weeks. Ho pro poses now to put in sluice boxes and to work the territory in n systematic manner. The ground Is easily reached from the South Park branch of the Union Pacific ; is well supplied with water and convenient to market , so that supplies will not bo expen sive. English engineers who examined the territory at different limes within the past live years estimate that the placer grounds between Montgomery and Fairplay contain over 550,000,000 of the yellow metal. The working of the now placer will have the effect ' of starting up others in the vi cinity. Hill and his partners of Fairplay , who have been working between Fulrplay and Alma the past two weeks , have cleaned up In excess of $3 per day to the man. For lack of appliances , which they niYj now putting in. they did not work full time. This is the year for gold placer * . 1'lurco Forest Firm. Three mountain fires , the smoke of each of which can bo seen from LaraniioWyo. , nave been raging several days. Ono is at the head of the Big Ixiramlo , the second is on Fox creek and the third in the Centennial. The most serious tire , so far as information goes , is that on Fox creek. It has burned over hundreds of acres and has destroyed an immense amount of fine timber. "Tho lire is supposed to have been started in Bear Gulch by a couple of men who had been camping out and neglected to put out their Ilro com pletely upon leaving. The high wind soon took the Itanics to the tall timber nud they have been raging ever since. A quarter of a mlle of corduroy rood in the gulch hns been buruod out as well as all the bridges on the road between Laramiu ana North park. The stage is now compelled to travel by way of Boswoll's ranch , going a distance of at least ten miles out of its usual course. The stage driver said that the fire was so near on his trip to the park that it almost scorched htm , nnd was "running' like a race horse. " A great deal of flue gauio was seen , particularly oik and door , the Ilro having driven them from the timber. TraiiBcoiitlnnntiil Lino. Advises from Colts , on the Atlant'o & Pacific , state that contractors who are layIng - Ing track for the Noveda Southern from that point to Good Springs are rushing matters. The road is now runumg within live miles s.of Vnmlorbilt. ofn The latest nnd most important Information > concerning the now road is thlit a contract for building flfty-ono miles between Van- dcrbilt and Good Springs will be let on the 0th lost. This Indicates that the line is not to bo n branch of the Santa Fo system , but an incdepnueiit transcontinental line , connecting Denver with [ southern California by way of Sun Bernardino. Some hold the opinion , however , that the road is to con nect at Clover Valley junction , south nof Plocho , Nov. , to whli-h point a road from Suit Lake now ruus. The gap is less than 100 miles , mid the grudo is easy to construct. ) jior Plclit. The recent find of copper deposits four miles from McCnmmou , Idaho , is beginning to crcato u rlpplu of excitement , but nothing like what its importuned would seem to deserve. An assay of the ere has been made , showing this report 23 per cent copper > , seven ounces silver with traces of gold. ! Wcro such a discovery made in Colorado another Creede minim ; boom would Immedi ately follow , but In Idaho , for some unue- eouutJiblo i-oason , the discovery of auy kind of rich mineral deposits creates but little ; interest , ocltumcnt or discussion. The ere from the MeCummnn Held has not n slnglo refractory element in U and the amount of silver It carries would pay nil the expenses of mining , roilnlng and marketing. The fol low Ing named Pocatello citizens Imvo located clulmskr Suportondcnt Calvin , George Robe- than , Thomas Ball , O. Malvany , ISd Clayton nnd William Barnhurt. Thcso gentlemen will continue development operation for ona fovr weeks , and should the find Inuronso in richness , as is confidently expected , they will put in a working plant thut will bo oya credit to southern Idaho. The MrCnmmon copper Hold promises to startle the outsldo world with genuine merit. Jtlch Strilcu In Oregon , , Fresh fuel was added to the gold fo-cr in southern Oregon recently by u rich strike inado by the Donov brothers. They were prospecting on an old placer Hold in the Aulthouso district in Josophlno county , when they discovered a rich pocket from which they took ono nugget nelgluu ? twcnty-otio ounces ( 155) ) . Other smaller nuggets and u largo uinouut of coarse gold dust were albo taken out , Thu formation ton which the lucky prospectors luivo : ed their claims U rich edmi a placer bed containing many largo chunks of paying quartz. Uy dIt-dug u shallow ditch a fo\v huodrod feet in length a steady ( low of 1,000 miner's Inches of water cau bo obtained. The : strangest part of the Hud U that It Is In the center of a placer bed thnt was famous for its richness thirty years ago. It was worked | for many years und it U osllmutod that $1,500.000vorth of fold dust wus taken from it. The pi osout owners will form a stock company at once and proceed to work tticir , property for all it will yield. Dr. J. M. Toy- lor , a well known mining man of southern Oregon , vouchee for the nbovo statements , nnd o sorts thnt It Is the richest Una timdo In that section for lomo llmo. \Vnnlilncton. Anacorte * Is now shipping Derlng son codfish to Boston. At Mill Plain , nonr VnncouvcV the weight of the prunes on a 4-yoar-ohl true broke It down. On the broken branch were 8,837 prunes. The HopgrowoM association of Vaklm.iaro puzzled to know how to sccuro 0,000 pickers for Mil * year , wnoro 2,000 have heretofore been required. The measuring worm Is playlntf Imvoo In the great forests of flr. gprueo nnd Alaska plno on the lloqulnm rlvnr. In some places there Is not n living tree loft. The old town , Yaklnm City , Is assuming now llfo. H has lately secured the building of n woolen mill by raising a bonus of * 3,000\ A depot , that has long been deferred , is now iu course of construction. The Fourth was celebrated at Lapwal by n gathering of 12,000 Indians and 1.000 whites The Indians cama from different reservations and participated In war parados. daucootc. Chief Joseph was onn visit to his people and was the hero of the day. Two sea otters , dead , but with fur In flno condition , cnmo ashore on thoboach between North Cove ntitl Wcstport last week. The stage driver secured ono nnd n monitor of the llfo snvltifr crow the other. The skins are worth J100 or moro aplcco. 'Dudley Trlbblo. who Is known all over the P.tlouso country , has struck n rich Hold mlno. The ledge Is nbout eighteen miles east of Fnrmlngton and assays $ IBOO to the ton. Mr. Tribblo and his partner have already been offered WOO.OOO . for their claim , but have ! refused. The prollmlnory survey for Soattlo's cut off for the Great Northern has been coin- Dieted. According to the engineer's report , n grade of thirty foot to the mile can be secured - cured over the hill from Snohomlsh valley to I-ako "Washington. The preliminary line leaves the main line nt Monroe , runs thcnco down the Snohomlsh river , ere sci the Sno- homish near the forks and parallels the Lake Shore road from n point near Hcd- A pot canary bird In Falrhavcn has always had an aversion to his natural dross , nnd 1ms industriously pulled out every feather ho coula roach. The result li that ho has now a smooth , shiny skin , which looks llko polished parchment , two or thrco lonely tall feathers nnd a trlflo of plumage oirtho head and neck. In summer ho Is nil right , but the cold of winter bothers him. As soon as frost com03 ho Is clad In a warm ilauuol jacket , which ho admires Immensely. At night ho lies down on a bed of cotton bat ting , submits quietly to bo covered up and sleeps there contentedly till morning' . , Colorado , Colorado gold properties continue to pay dividends. The Uttlo Italia , Yankee Hill district , has frco milling gold ere worth $00 per ton. Some ot the mines in the Ourny district will resume operations and store the ore. Ore yielding flf ty-thrco ounces iu gold per ton has been discovered iu the Bucnn inino , Boulder county , x. Cook's circus played In Lcadvillo to about liOO people. The proprietor Is clear on the silver question. The Western Glass company of Colorado Springs will incorporate with a capital stock of $250,000 in a fuw days. The limestone shipments at Morrison have decreased from eighteen to live cars a day , on account of the reduced amount of smelt ing.Tho The Mabel Mining nnd Milling company has been incorporated with a capital stock of $500,000 to operate in El Paso and Fre mont counties. The railways of Colorado have been as sessed nbout $3,000,000 moro than they wcro last year , while in Kansas they have boon asses jed $ S,000,000 ) moro than last . . . . . . . . . . . year. . . . _ According to the report of the director of the mint , Colorado produces 20.0 per cent of the gold nud silver produced in the United States and 11.0 percent of the gold ami sil ver product of the world. A batch of 20,000 brtx > k trout was shipped from the Denver hatchery for distribution in the waters of l aslo river. Noixrly the same number was sent to Twin lakes. The Den ver hatchery has about 100,000 , trout remain- The big Seven Rivers reservoir , now nearing - ing complntlon , will hold 0,000,000 cubic feet of water. Suppose by some superhuman power this amount of water could bo frozen Into separate cubic foot of ice , and if it was possible to place thcso blocks end to end in ono direction around the earth , they would reach nearly forty-flvo and ono-ha'.f ' times around , or more exactly , 1,180,304 tulles. Dan Seward has a'vcry peculiar specimen , found on ono of their claims tbo Jumbo. It is a round , flat piece of brown Is ti rock about the slzo of an ordinary dinner pail and about two inches thick , through the middle of which is a layer of brilliant amethyst quartz nud crystals. In the center of the flat part is a regular handle ns perfect as though cbls- ciod out with instruments. Wcro it not for the streak of amethyst quartz running thromrh it would readily bo mistaken for some Indian or Aztec relic. Orvg-on , There is a good crop of pears and apples , nnd taken all round , it is not a bad year for fruit in Oregon. Coyotes have killed nearly all the lambs In the vicinity of Kcllogps , Douglas county , and stockmen have been forced to take their sheep off the ranges. The First National bank of BakcrCity has received from John Franco 100 ounces , or $3C > GO , tlio cleanup of Mr. Franco's placer claims near Mitlbcur City or Eldorado. Jcsso Steiwor of JofTernon lost a dozen head of oxtrn Jersey dairy cows. Some old white lend cans , which had boon lying about for several years , were thrown out where the cattle had access to them , and it is bo- lleved they wcro poisoned from licking the old paint. A boy in Polk county found a nest of that most beautiful of domesticated American birds , the golden-winced woodpecker , or "flicker , " in an old apple tree. Ho has taken out an egg every day for thirty-six days , the bird faithfully laying n now ono each time the nest Is robbed. , Some of the prominent prune growers of the country hud been doubtful about the prune crop for some tlmo , but an examina tion of tlio orchards now shuns the trees well laden und the ' prospects nro much hotter. It Is estimated'thai there will bo throe-fourths of a crop , which will make n largo yield ol _ prunes. John Aborn of Oswrgo sot flro to some old rubbish in which there happened to bo a number of cartridges illled tvlth flno bird shot. Ho soon was made aivuro of the fact and received in nil parts of the body over IliO gralas of shot. A doctor succeeded Iu find ing about thirty of the shot , but the romaln- ing 100 uru burled too deeply in various turts of hia anatomy. Tnero was weighed nt Dufur last week by Mr. Halnos , Br. , of Nnnscne a span of colts thnt nre hard to boat In iinv country. Ono , a Uelfounder lllly , 2 years old , weighing 1,100 , and the other , a three-fourths brqd English Craft colt , 111 months old. sired by "Sprots- bore Dandy,1'owned by n. Slgmanweighing 1,130 , measuring six feet live Inches around tlio heart and nearly sixteen hunds high , Tlio Inl ( U . There Is still considerable snow on the mountains In some portions of thu llluolc Hills. . A carload of concentrates were shipped last wt'ok by the ICoystoiio company. They are the cleanest yet produced iu thu Blncii Hills , Samples of iron from deposits nbout twenty miles west of Rapid City are on utX hibition ut the World's fair nnd are attract ing some attention. Kd , Doffobnoh of Plorro passed through Duffulo Gap last wcok with a bunch of 450 noises ho had picked un in Idaho nnd wus tukiue them to 1'icrro. A dispatch from Chamberlain , S. P. , an- nouncHs that the first stock shipment from the ocdcd Bloux rungoH , consisting of ten carloads , left for eastern murk o is. George AV. Williamson , u bhcon man tvho has hU Block ranch nbout ten miles cast of Hnpld City , is said to have clipped L',700 pounds of woorfrom a flock of 500 snoop this season. A fuw days ago while Contractor Collins wna riding along the grade- above Kllmoro's camp , says the Bpeurflsh HegUtor. a huge rook came down at it dropped from the sky , struck his horso'g hena and cut It off as clean as though dona by n catmon ball. vra till done so suddenly that Mr. Collins was completely dazud for a moment , hardly realizing what had huppouod. Fortunately bo escaped unhurt , but u few inches moro \vould huve uiadu tulucoiueat of him. SCHEMES OF SILVER MEN Champions of Free Oofongo Are Now form- lug Tholr Doming Campaign. THEY HAVE A VARIED LOT OF THEM When ConcrctA Convene * the White .Motnl Ailvocnicn AVII1 Try to ( lot Togutlior unit Acrco on Some Coitroxlon Irani the Other SUto. July 11. Treasury ofllclnls , nro speculating on the nrolmlilo ohnrnctor of the concession which the frco silver men will demand for the withdrawn ! of their opposition to the i-opoul of the Sherman litw , They have noticed with considerable amu. oinotit that every prominent free silver man who hut ) expressed his vlown on the sub ject declares thnt the frco wllver forces will not permit the ropoul of the Shot1- nuin Inw until they huvo secured lo ls- Intlon of n fnvornblo nntnro. But noono of the frco silver men 1ms yet Hinted clearly lust whnt concession will bo nccoptnblo. A review of the probnblo concessions demanded shows thnt they rnngo from nn out-and-out free colnuffo bill to the coinage of the silver bullion now In the tronstiry. The idea thnt t\ free eolnnjjo bill cnn pass Is absurd. The uoitmjjo of the bullion in tlfo treasury will , It Is believed by some ollluinls , bo thu concession agreed upon. There are 1U3,000,000 ounces of silver bullion now In the treasury. This cost the government n little over 3117,000- 000. If coined It would amount , by reason of blognorngo , to nbout $100,000- , 000 , thus increasing tha circulating medium about 910,000,000. It is the fnot of the Increase o ( the circulating medium that lends to the belief thnt n sullleiont number of the conservative silver mou will como into the adminis tration ranks to Bccuro the passage of the repeal. To coin this amount of bullion would require about flvo years. Among the other concessions proposed is one suggested by Representative Outhwaitoof Ohiowho believes that the most satisfactory solution would be the passage of the bill providing for the coinage of 3100,000,000 iu subsidiary coin. This proposition , it is olalmod by its advocates , would moot with great favor among the farmora and the work- iugmcn in the south and west , where the free silver sentiment is equally strong. Moreover , it would have the advantage of being nn exceedingly good financial speculation on the part of the government to work up some of its vast sturo of pig bilver into half dollars , quarters and dimes. Another proposition is thnt of Senator Vest of Missouri , who has announced thnt bo will introduce a bill providing for the free coinage of silver nt the ratio of twenty to ono. The present ratio ia sixteen to one , and when Senator Vest mndo this announcement ho calculated that the increnso proposed would inalco the value of the silver dollar equal to that of gold. Since then , liowovor. the price of fail VOL- has so much depreciated as . to make it necessary to increase the " ratio twenty-eight and"bcvcntonths to ono ( in order to make the silver coin equal the gold. This would go far toward making the silver dollar a de cidedly unwieldy coin to carry around. It is believed that there will bo a great many bills introduced immediately eon- gross is ready for business by individuals who will imagine that they have discov ered the panacea for the present finan cial ills. Should this bo so , a cations of the free silver men will bo called and nn effort made to determine on some single bill upon which they can exert their strength. , Balloon tonight and tomorrow night. BKID3E. Trains Will Uo Crossing : nt Kant Omnlm In Two Months. Notwithstanding the financial stress which obtains throughout the country the Omaha Bridge & Terminal company goes serenely along completing the structure across the Big Muddy at Kail Omnlm. The iron work on the pivotal pier is being put up and by the mlddloof September It Is thought by President Putter , twins will bo running over the now bridge. A letter was received vcsterday morning by President Potter statin , ' that two switching engines , Nos. 1 and 2 , had been shipped via the Erie Despatch from nn custom locomo tive works on July ! ) , nnd would arrive in Omah'i within n clay or two iu charge of a machinist who would put them in active service. In the meantime an export Is arranging plans for the yards of the Terminal company and after their completion , which will bo within a fortnight , another submission to the eastern capitalists Interested in the enterprise , bids will bo invited for grading the yards and putting them in shape for the tracks. Mr. Potter. iMtalkmg of this matter to a BEKreporter saul : "It is very imperative thai wo have good terminal facilities and thcro- for wa are making haste slowly. Ono of the bust yard exports In the country has inves tigated our grounds on several occasions and Is about ready to submit his plans for ap proval. But as there should bo no mistakes made iu this matter wo will sub mit the perfected plans to our eastern representatives to pass uixm before bids nro asked for. I think it will bo about a month ynt bJ''oro wo are In n position to HIK for bids to gr.ido and slmpo the yards. Tills , however , will bo In ample time , as 1 bollovo wo will not got trains over thu bridge boforu September IK , and maybe n llttlo later. After the bridge -is com * plotod wo Imvo two npproachna tracks are laid along the levee on the Coun cil Bluffs side touching nil the Iowa lluot and 100 fcut or moro will only have to be Juld to connect up the whole system. " NO FUNDS FOR SEV/EItS. Oflloliiln Drrldn thut Monny Uantiot ISu Tniimforruil from Otliur I'lindi , ThoconfproncoyoRtortlav forenoon hotwocn the city oflic'liils and the sewer cnntr.tclora was utt ended by City Attorney ConncllTivan iirerBolhi , Complioller Olson nnd Council * man Wheeler for the city , and Contractors C. V. Gallagher , John F. D.illoy , J. U Black , Samuel Katz , George Tillson and Attorney .lohii L ) . Howe , the latter representing Mc Donald & Ponlluld. The meeting , w.is for the purpose outlined In Tin : BKB , and terminated wlth-tho result that no funds can bo "provided other than those derived from the sale of thu bonds , Thu contiMctoi-3 urgml that the oflluiuls takn stops to provide funds until the bontU are disposed of. JJr , Council ! gave it ns his opinion that inonoy from other funds could not bo di * vcrtou for the purpose of Investing in war rants thut might bo issued against the sewer fund , to be lakau up wnon the bonds are sold. After discussing the matter pretty thoroughly the conference was brought to n close with the understanding thut If the contractors uro abla to nogollato the bonds with the bunks thu council will make them of the 5 percent lisub and the contractors can tuko them anil proceed with the work , With the work under way there will be an Indebtedness of t'W.O'X ) , with but tl2,000 la th' ) sewer fund to moot it , In case the con * tractors are unable to negotiate the bonds and accept thoin In payment for the work. tlioy will bo milled off , outl the contracts will not bo curried out until the bonds are sold. Mr , Connell , Mr , Cornish , Mr. Bolln and nearly all of thogoutlumon present expressed the bolltif that there will bo plenty of takers for bauds after thu Urn of September and