Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Queer Somersault Was Turned by the
Wheat Market Yesterday.
Chin W i In the nice of the Government
Crop Iteport Indicating f Smaller
Crop of Wh t Stocks
nnil Hond * .
OIIICAOO , July 11. A rjuoor tomorsault
WM turned by the wlient market today. The
Utcit vrhlII of the flnnncml l > llr.iard seemed to
be the reason. There was a fall of IKc a bu.
In tlio price of the cereal right In the face of
the government report Indicating . smaller
crop of nhoHttbanla any year slnco 1886 , and
with that exception , than on any year since
1877. Compared with last night , wheat , at the
tloio , had lost Ike , corn decllnt-d Ho anil oats
Ko. Provlilonu prices were also heavy.
Wheat opened fully Ho to Xc higher than
rostorclay'i closing , but ruled weak , Immed
iately began to dscllno , prices receding In nil
l fc for September , hold steady and the close
was about l ? c lower. Corn oloBcd about lie
lower than yestordav.
The market was a decided surprise to opera
tors , who had expected higher prices today on
llio strength of the government report. The
higher opening was the result of this report ,
nhlch Indicated u crop of 597,000,000 bu.
against a crop of 401,000,000 bu. a month ago.
The shrinkage ws ontlroly In spring wheat.
Hut there were other Influences which out-
neighed the effect of the government report.
Tlicro were the failure of a real estate firm at
DC HUT , 'he failure of u commission liouso and
k bunk nt KansaiCltyundabankln Australia.
ilallroad Mocks at Now York wore much
lower. It was thought there was a good deal
of long wheat on account for the sus
pended Kansas city flim to bo sold out.
I'linrn wns a. general desire to soil ? nest
of the session and the saino disposition
was shown to buy. It was easier
to follow on the breaks than on the bulges , be
came the news In corn was iiumtly bearish.
.I'hocrop ratlimito in corn lost much of Its
force because tlio trade had already dls-
eountod a good Improvement In condition
whllo rccelpto were good , but those were olTsut ,
[ caIng losi than 600,000 bu. of No. 2 In fstoro.
rhero wus a rally on the light estimates to
morrow. Later wheat cot panicky and corn
dropped with llartlutt-Frazlor , 1'arkor and
others buying on those breakN. All the vessel
room nvnilnblo was taken for corn , which
Opened with from ! 4o to Me loss and hold off
from ? Jc to Me , rallied for J.c , closedshowlng a
lecllno of from ? ic to lu.
The feature In oats was the strength and ad
vance of Jic In .Tilly and the weakness and do-
pllno of 'ic from yuhtorilny's close In Septem
ber , the cloo showing a net ndvanco
for the duy of * < e In July and
Ka decline In September. The strength wus
duo to the fair buying by shipping houses.
The weakness In thn now crop ft'iitutes was
attributed to freoholllng on the go\crnmcnt
crop roport. The advance of yesterday In
provisions was wiped out. but the weakness In
the grain nmrkoM. the KniiMis City failures
indhomi ) selling by packers and raiding by
Wright did the builiipss. Armour and Allcrto .
brokers tried to sell ilbs. I.ogun and HchwarU
told In a way to break prices. Lard and ribs
lost heavily. The foimer lost ! ! 0c cf Its Sep
tember prices and 36e for October. b'optcm-
bor libs are 2'JJic lower. Llttlo attention was
Klvcn to pork. It WHS marked down lOo from
current prices.
There was a good demand for vessel room at
Ic for wheat : ind corn to HulT.ilo and Port
Estimated rpcolnts for tomorrow ! Wheat ,
Cash quotations were as follows :
Fl.ouu Knsy , but no established change.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 04 fl4Sc ; _ IS'o. 3
> c ; No.
No. 8 white , f. o , b. ,
KVK No. 2 , 60c.
ilAiu.EY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales.
FLAX HBF.O-NO. 1. 1.08.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime , $4.10.
1'onic Mess , per hbl , , $19.5519.57 ; lard ,
per 100 Iba. . $9.85&9.87S4 ! short libs. Miles
( loose ) , I9.17U@0.20 ; dry salted shoulders
boxen ) . (8.2MJ8.60 ; short clear bides ( boxed ) ,
. . .
WHISKY Distillers' flnlshod goods , per gal. ,
BUHAIIS Cut loaf , OHC ; granulated , 6.70 ; *
itnndard "A , " 5.04.
The following were the receipts und ship
ments for todav :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was fctoadyjcroamoiylG19)c ) ; dairy ,
1417Jc. Kggs wcro tlrtn ; strictly fresh , 14
-Vow York .Markets ,
NEW YOIIK , July 11. PI.OIIH Receipts , 45- ,
000 pkgs. ; exports , 0,100 bills. , 80,000 sacks ;
sales. 7,000 pkgs ; market quiet ; offered freely ;
COIIN MEAtJ-Stcady , falrdomund.
WHEAT Uccelpu , 300,000 bn. ; exports ,
410,000 bu , ; sales , 1,640,000 bu. futures ; 10B-
000 bu. spot. Spot market fairly nctlvo ,
lower with options closing llrm ; No. 2 red , In
Btoro and elevator , 72Uc ; ulloat , 73ic ! ; f. o. b. ,
71i < iV74c : : ungraded red , 0873c ; No , 1 northern -
orn , 72oNi ; ) . 1 hard. 70 c : No. 2 northern ,
70 > < e ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 7l ; < e. Options advanced -
vancod HQftc on governniont report and
flrnior cables declined lH < iCljo on financial
trouble In KantusClty , weiikor Chicago , easier
' late cables and longs realizing , rallied He , hut
'closed weak nt Ic under yodtrrday. Specula
tion was moderately active ; July , 71v4t72"Ae ,
closing at 72c ; AugUbt. 72\'tt74 ? c , closing at
7Bie ) ; September. 75 1&-1G5J7GKC , closing at ,
76Mo : October , 77i7Hic ! ? , closing at 77'ic ;
December. BU > 'Q62 ( * , cUmlnB at 80c.
COIIN Urcoljils , 130.000 bu. ; exports , 30-
000 bu. ; sales , 350,000 bn , futures , 130,000 bu.
spot. Spots , lot , * active and UtoKc lower , clod- i.i
Ing steady ; No. 2 , 48H4Bl ii In elevator ; 49o
atloat. Options declined Jjc with wheat and
the west , closed dull ; August 4tiiQ40c , clon
ing at 48 ? c ; September , 4Uij > 40. c , closing at
49 ( * .
OATS-IlccoIpts. 01.000 bil.t exports , 36,000
bu. ; bales , 345,000 bu. futures , bu ,
spot. Spots Urui and Ic higher : demand fair. 1-
Options firmer , fairly uollve ; July , 3GUQ37C ,
closing at 37o ; August. 32 > f < il33o , closing at '
83c ; Sopteiiibor,31 ? { < 33Hc ; , closing at 31 C i !
No. 2 whlto , 80rt < 240c ; No. 2 Chicago , 38 iei
No. 3. 37e ; No. a whlto. SHWMOrt mixed west
ern , 37t } < & 3'Jc ; whlto noutern , 39Q-14C.
MAY Oulut ; steady.
Holm-Quiet , steady ; state , common to
cholco , itMVJUCc ; 1'iu-llle coast , 104i21c. (
lliiius-lnlr aemund ; btoudy.
\\OOi. Quiet ! nominal ; domestic fleece , 27 ®
02c ' : pulled. 2037c ; Texan , 1020c.
I'liovisloNB Cut moats. iiilet. | btoady ;
mhldli'H , light denmiHl. furd. ijulot , woaki
wCBternutcam closed at (1U.20. HalPS. 50O
tlorcca at (10.2010.45. Options , Miles , 500
tiercvd ; July cloicd 10.20 ; Poptembor ,
110.85. clos ng at UO.I56. 1'ork ( julut ,
now uicfcR , fl8.50 < UlU,00.
HuiTKU-Oulot ; cholco , 2022c ,
CiiKKSK-K demand ; tirmorj fancy , U
Euos-Oulot ; weak. IteeclpU , 0,000 pkgg ;
western , lreh , 15 ( < < 3ilCc. '
TAUxiw-DulIl ( Inn ; city | I2 per pkg..47 ) c.
CorrOMiiiiiuOlL-Qulelj easy ; yellow 'prime ,
4 1 nc ,
I'KTitOMtuu-null and weaker ; I'enniylvanla
oil , kpot sales , none. August option * , sales ,
2,000 bbls. ; opening , 08sc ; highest , G8jci ?
lowekt. OOc ; closed , 08e bid ; Lima oil kales.
none , 29c bid ) toiul bttlt-s , 2,0(10 ( bbls.
lUwiK Dull und weak ibtrulned , common to
good , $1.1 tit 1.20.
Tuui'ENiiNE-Qnlet and ciiby at28O281Jc.
ItiCK-Stoudy und fairly active.
Mpi-ARShs-kow Orleans , ouon kettle , g < x > d
to choice , quiet but steady.
BUOAll Haw , nulet butbtoady ; fair refiulnir ,
8 c ; centrifugals , 1)0 ) test , 4Hc ; rvlined , lulrly
ctlvo und linn. '
I'KI IIION Dull but steady ; American. 112.75
Coii'EBVenk j.lHke , 110.25.
LtAI > - Steady : domestic. 13.07)4. )
TlN-Stlvnut StrulU , 110 bid ; 110.25 asked :
plates , btcadr but ijultit.
; ilomestlc , H.12SJ
New York Itry Uooili Mark t.
Ntw YOIIK , July U , The drx goods market
continues far tbo most part quiet , although I
iiutaluod bj the Improved feollus aud outI I
looV noted during the prut few < lnj * . In small
transactions Ihoro I * n fair builnr n with
Icndlni ; houwn , more partlrular In staple cot
tons. Thrro Is no disposition yet toiinilclimlo
wants , which conscrvatlstn l not regarded by
nollcru , nt they feel that business Is sifcr
under the circumstances , Compared with a
fortnight ago the ultuatlon li better , nna It
tuoms to bo slowly Improving ,
Oinnlin I'roditoo M rlcet.
The mnrkot was without change or
Interesting feature of any kind , rancy
crcatnorlcs , oolid packed , IDu ; fair to good
creameries , solid hacked , 10ll8e ( ? ! cholco to
fancy country , IfJillOo ; fair to good country ,
16 ! picking stock , fresh , 134c.
ncms-Tlio tnarkrt was steady at former
tniotiitlons. OiimmUslon inorchaiits say that
there has lieon so much moUtuto In the titnios-
phero thin Reason that eggs do not stand up as
well as usual , nnd that there Is a good deal of
loss In the shipments. The bulk ot the sales
are being madont ll'fc.
I.ivn I'otlLTiiY 1'oiiltry of all kinds was In
very light supply. Some cholco old hens
brought ns hUh as Be. Spring chickens ,
per dor. , J1.7.ii.3.60 ; best hens. Dor H ) . .
7O7Ucj mlicd coops , per lb. . Oc ; old roosters ,
per lb. , 4f > c ; turkeys , per lb. , Offlloc ; ducks ,
porlb. TSiSc.
POTATOES The market continues weak , but
still the receipts move off quite freely. Old
iiotutoc.603U5c ; now potiUoe.i.tuor bu. , OOc ®
itcnumg There was a liberal run of black
berries nnd , as predicted , the n.nrkol was
lower. Uaspberrles were not jilcnty and the
mnrkot on thorn was about steady , There
wcro no strawberries on the m.irKot except
forlsoven cases from Oregon , which arrived
Inerypoor condition , Oregon fancy , t3.50 ;
blackberries , per 24-qt , case , J3.00 ; blnck
ni8phorrleipor24-qU case , I3.50 ; huckleber
ries , S3. 50.
S.MAI.I , rnuiTS The parly California poaches
do not move off ns rapidly as they might , owing
to the number of Routhorn peaches on the mar
ket of good quality. Aprlopts , per 4-baskot
crate , $1.25 ; plums , wild geese and Chlck-
a aw , per 24-qt. prate , J2.50 ; California
peaches , fl.10Ql.25 ; To\as poaches , OOc4M1.00
per H-bu. box.
MCI.ONS Wntorniolons are plenty und are
moving very slowly. The market is bare of
cantaloupes , Watermelons , per crate , ono
do ; , & 2.5Q , .
TiioriCAi ,
PINEAPPLES Florida , per case of 5 to 7 dpz. ,
$5.50 7.00. '
OllANOES Klvorsldo Mudltorrancan sweets ,
J3.50a3.75 ; Klversldosecdlliigs3.25 ; brlghts ,
LEMONS Slesslnas , extra fancy , J5.503C.OO ;
ilesslnas , per box , cholco to fancy , J5.00&5.50.
IlANASAs-IVr bunch , largo , f2.25Q2.75 ; per
bunch , amall to iiiodlunii
HIDES No. 1 gtcon hides , 3c : No. 2 croon
hides , -c : No. 1 green halted hides Hiic ; No. 2
green united hides , - ! ; Nn. 1 qrcon salted
tildes , 25 Iln. to 40 Ibs , , iliic ; No. 2 croon salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to-JOlbs. , 2JJC ! No. 1 veal calf ,
8 Ibs. tolSJbs. , Oc ; No. 2 veal calf , a Ibs. to
161bi. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7C ! No. 2 dry
flint hides. Oc ; No. 1 dry salted bides , Gc.
1'iiit cured hides ISc per Ib. less than fully
PKI.TSOrccn salted , each 35c ( $1.25j
gicen sHlted hhoarlhiRs ( short woolcd early
skins ) , each 1525c ; dry shearllnys ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each 5atlOo : dry
shuarltnifs ( short woolod early skins ) . No. 2 ,
each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
butchorwool polls porlh. , actual welKht , 10U
lie : dry flint Kansas anil Nebraska Murrain
wool polls , per lb. , actual weight. 710c : dry
flint Colorado butcher wool pelts per lb ,
actual weight , OIMOc : dry flint Colorado Mur
rain wool poll ? , per lb. , actual weight , 7Q9c ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 6S7c.
TA 1.1.0 w AND GiinAsn Tallow , No. 1 ,
44c ! ; tallow. No. 2 , 3M@4c ; grease , whlto A ,
444i5c ; grea"-o , white 11 , 4c : grouse , yellow ,
3ic ! : grease , dark , 3c ; old butter , 22 > ic ;
beeswax , prime , 103,25c ; rough tallow , 2H
'HONES Cur lots neighed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry bulTalo. per ton , $10.005418.00 ;
dry country , blenched , per ton , SlO.OOiilS.OO ;
dry country , damp and meaty , J3.OOaiO.00.
Ut. I.uuU Markets.
BT. Louis , July 11. Kr.ouu Steady , un
changed ; patents , J3.10il3.25 ; extra fancy.
82.80-ft2.00 ; fancy $2.402.50 ; choice , S2.15 ®
2.25 ; family. Jl.9032.00 ; rye Hour , 83.253.40.
WHEAT Was extremely weak early ; the
.market continued to Roll down and closed Ic
off ; No. 2 red , cash. 02'c ; July , 02 > < c ; August ,
G3ic ; September. C04c. !
COIIN Was depressed by wheat , closing He
below yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash and July ,
37fc : August , 38c ; September , 3B"o.
OATS Weak ; No. 2 cash , 29c ; July , 27c ;
AuKUst , 23Mc ; September , 24c ,
HYU-NO. 2 , 43c bid.
Stiff. 57c east track.
Eoos Lower ,
I'novisiONs Firm , rather hotter for moats ;
pork , current make , 418.37 ; lard9.009.25 :
dry salt meat , loose shoulders , 98 : longs and
ribs 80.35 ; shorts , J9.75 ; boxed lots 15c more ;
bacon , packed shoulders , $0.50 ; longs and
rlbs , lO.C2H ; shorts. J10.87K ; hums , $13.00 ®
14.01) .
KBOEIPTS Flour , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat , 70,000
bu. ; corn , 64.0CO bu.j oats , 33,000 bu. ; rye ,
1,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , -4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1,000
bu.i corn , 52,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. ; rye and
barley , none.
Liverpool Markets.
' July 11. WHEAT Steady ; de
mand poor ; holders .offer sparingly ; ' No7 >
California , 6s lldQGs Id percental ; red west
ern spring , GBl ( d@5s lid ; No. 2 rod winter ,
5s 6d&0s 9d ! ; receipts wheat past three
days , 657,01)0 ) centals , Including 342,000
UOUN Easy ; demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4s 4id ! per cental ; receipts Ameri
can corn past three days , 55,000 centals.
IlACON Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 51s
per cwt.
TURPENTINE Spinixs 21s Od per cwt.
KunnuB City Markets.
KANSAS CITY. July 11. WHEAT Dull and
weak ; No. 2 hard. 545&Jc ! ; No. 2 red , 50c.
CORN Dull and He lower ; No. 2 mixed , 33c ;
No. 2 while , 33Hc.
OATS-Stcady ; No. 2 mixed , 20327c ; No. 2
whlto. 2B@28Ho. *
IIUTTKii 1'lrm ; creamery , 10E20c ; dairy ,
KGOB Weak : lOc.
UECEIITS Wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ;
outs , none.
fauii'itUNTS Wheat , 19,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000
bu. ; oats , nouo.
Cotton Sllirknt.
New ORLEANS. July 11. Futures steady ;
snlfs. 25,100 bales , July , 87.50 bid ; August ,
87.50il7.51 ; September , 67.59167.00 : October ,
$7.72@7.73 ; November , J7.80 ; Dccembor , $7.90.
Good middling , 7 16-10c ; middling. V/c ; low
inlddllnK,7Uc ; good ordinary. 015-lGc. Net
receipts , UH3 bales ; gross. 1,233 bales ; experts -
ports to Great Britain , 4,040 balrs : to the con
tinent , 0,8'JO bales ; coahtwlbo , 729 bules ; Males ,
2,200 bales ; block. 93,933 bales.
Mllrfuilkcu Murkcls.
MII.WAUKEB , July 11. WHEAT Lower ; Sop-
temher , COJic ; No. 2 spring , , 04c.
COIIN Hull : No. 3 , 38SJC.
OATS Steaely ; No. 2 white , 33 (234o ( ; No. 3 ,
DAHI.BY Unchanged , 65c ,
I'ltovisioss Irregular ; poik $19.40.
Collen Marlcot.
NEW VOIIK , July 11. Options opened barely
steady at fioin 10 to 20 points dvcllne ; closed
barely fateiidy ut lOZ'M down ; sales , 24,700
hags , Including : July , JIG.'JO ; y.ugust , 110.20 ®
10.BO ; 8oiitemborJ10.10310.30 ; OctobcrlG.05
CIO.IO ; Uocombor. 815.75315.90. Spot Hlo.
quiet , btoiiUyj No. 7 , J17.25.
I'hlliulelplilii Oriiln niurknt.
, July 11. WH BAT Weak and
lower ; No. 2 red. July , ( ! H CGH c.
COIIN Weak and lower ; N6.2 mixed , July ,
tJATU Wprcssed and lower ; No. 2 whlto ,
July , b7K < &H8c.
Jlaltlinure ( iruln Mnrkot.
11AI.TIMOULJuly 11. WiiBAT-Eat.y ; No. 2
rod , spot and July , 08J4c.
COIIN Kusyj mixed , spot and July , 47K bid.
OATS-tjulot , llrni ; No.2 whltu wuktern,37Hc ,
Minni'iipulliiVlicnt Mnrkot.
MINNEAVOMH , July 11. I'lituiesnulet , weak ;
ciiih , woak. HocelpU , 108 carx. July , 09Uc ;
August , eo. c ; September. 04Uc. Ou truck ;
No. 1 hard , l > 2c ; No. 1 northern , GOc.
Toledo ( Ir.iln Mttrkot. , July 11. WHEAT Weak , lower ; Xo.
2 ciibh , G5c.
I'oiiN Acllxo , steady ; No.2 cash , 42c.
OATa-juletcash ; , Ultjc.
\Vtml Murkrt. f
PIIILADUM-IIIA , July 11 , The market was
qulot , and prices largely nominal , Muntunu ,
12itlOc ; territorial , OilOc.
Lonilon hiitur Markot.
LONDON , July 11 , SUQAII Cuntrlfugals , 90 )
test , 20s p'orcw't.
Drprciilon In Security Clrclo More I'ro-
nouiicoil tlun liver Veatcrilay.
NEW VOIIK July 11 , The
, fooling of appro-
lit'iialon and distrust which has prevailed DIn
stock circlcn for bonio tlmo was still more pro
nounced today und the bears met with unusual -
usual bueccbs In beating down prices. Sales
for London account and thu failures ut that
contvr combined with Uiu umbarrusbinont itof
wvktorn houses to dnprobs the stock markut.
Tliokclllng movement gulned momentum us
the day drew to a close , when It wus currently
reported that u lending
capitalist with strong :
Yundurbllt uflltlatlous hud been forced to
liquidate , '
The bears In order to give color to the
rumor , which was emphatically denied , uuado
thu Vanderbllt stocks tvspoolul target an l put
down both Northwestern nud Lake Shore from >
4X to Ji cent. This
per extended to the eutlro
list , howoYor , mud Chicago Qa * broke 7K l er
rent , Ucneral Electric OU P < "r cent , Man-
lialtnn 4' per cent awl other active Mock *
anywhere from 1 to-3'4 per cent. There was n
heavy prei uro to soil and conMdernblo ox-
cltptnent prevailed In conipqitcnco of the son-
satlon.Tl rumor * put afloat. Late In the after
noon there wa n rally of J4 to 2 per cent on
purchases to cover short * , but the advance did
not hold and final quotations wnrc about the
lowest touched. There was some buying , how
ever , by commission houses nt the lower rnngo
on account ot Improvement In the financial
situation. Among the specialties Colorado
Fuel and Iron wns offered down to 00 and pre
ferred ( iown to 70. The last previously re
ported transaction In the regular were at 30
and 108 respectively. . Tht market closed
The Post says ! Several events In todays
news played Into the hands of Jho boar oper
ators , and they niiula the best of thotr oppor
tunity. London oold stocks again , the govern
ment report showed reduced wheat averages ,
and there were reports toward thocloso of dis
tensions amonir the trunk line managers over
thoquestlonof Worldi fair rates. That the
bear operators should utlllio either of the o
facts fora violent attack on values was the
logical result.
The position of these market adventurers ,
Indeed , has grown to bo somewhat dubious.
Unless renewed demoralisation In prices could
bo forced ihoro was at least a chance that r
fltablo retreat from tholr present market posi
tion would bo cut off. With duo maaclty the
London tottlomctit was chosen as the time for
such renewed attack ! ) , for It Is this period , It
must bo remembered , In which thofulldamaga
from'.ho collapse In the London prices , after
the full In silver Million , wns bound to bo
brought to light. Most ot thcao revolutions
huvo now been made ,
The following are the closing quotations on
thn loading stocks on thu Now York Btook ex
change today :
AtohlHOti Norllien > l'.ic.pfd. aux
. . . . Un tl. P. D. AO .
Alton , Tcrro llauta Sfl Northwestern . 07
( loprof'il. . . . , . 115 Mo prof'd . 137
Ainuilcan KxproRs 100 N. Y. .
H.ilUmoro.lOhlo. , 70 N. Y.'A-N.K .
CnnaillanPaclllc. . . Ontario A , Wcateni
Canada .SotiHuTn. . Oroiron Imp. . . . . . . . 10
Central 1'tictllc. . . . Oregon Kav . GG
ClieB. A Ohio . O. S. L. AU. K . GGn
Chicaco A. Alton. . , 130 Pacltlo Mnll . in *
C. II. AQ . Hi ! | PcorlaDec. AB. . . .
Clilcniro . 1)0)4 ) ) 143
Connolldatod G.IB , . i'O Pullman P.ilaco. . . 1(10 (
C.C. C. .VSt. L . 38 1(10MM
Cotton Oil Cert . 30 Hlchmond Tor .
Del. .V Hudson . do pref'd .
Del Iick. : i West. 140 HloOiMndo Wn. . . 1(5 (
D. A.H. O. profd. . . 211 no prufd . C3
Uis. .to. P. Co . Uocft Inland . 00
KanlTonn , . St. Paul . OOK
Erie . 14JI do pref'd . 110
do pn < fil . 3 J St. Paul A Omaha. .
Fort Wnyno . no doprof < r. .
Qroat Norlh'n pf'd HIS Southern PnclQc. . .
C. A.K. I. nfd . Sugar Heflncry. . . .
Hocltlnc Vullcv. . . Tenn. Coal A Iron.
Illlnola Central. . . . 88 Texas Pacific .
St. Paiil.tUiiluth. : . S1W Tol. AO. C. pfd. . . . 70
Kai . .t Tex. pfd. . . Union Pacltic . 21
LnkeKrlo it West U.S. Kxprcss . CI )
do pref'd . 08 \V.S. L. A P . "
Lake Shore . 114 duprcfd . 7fl"
LcadTriiat . 20 Wells P.IIVO Ex. . . 130
Louisville , VN.iHh. Woatern Union. . . .
LoulBvIllo i. N. A. . Wlieollnir A L. E. . .
Mnnhaltan con . doprcfd .
McmphlBiV Chna. . M.ASt. L .
Jllelilffan Central. (10 D.AH. G .
Missouri PaclQc. . . General Electric. . . Ol'i
Mobile A Ohio . IB National Linseed. .
Nnshvlllo Chatt. . . bO Colo. P. A I .
Nntlonal Coi-dase. . doprcfd . 80
di ' . II. AT. C . 3
N J. Central . . 01) T. , A. A. A N. M. . . .
NoAW. , . profd. . . 10 T. St. L. AK. C .
North : Amer. Co. . . . 73 do prct'd . 10
Northern Pacific. . .
Noi'I bid. t nnkrd.
The total Bales of stocks today were 271,800
shares , Including : AtchUon , 11,900 ; Burling
ton , 18,700 ; Chicago ( Ins. 10,000 ; Chesapeake -
poako Si Ohio , 30,000 ; nistllllng , 2,800 ; Krlo ,
4,000 ; Goncral Electric , 26,000 ; Lake Shore ,
0,300 ; Loulsvlllo & Nashville , 3,100 ; Man
hattan. 4,400 ; Missouri Pacific , 8,100 ; Nu-
.tlonal Lend , 4,200 : Now YorK Central , 4,000 ;
ifow England , 0,800 ; NorthwoUurn , 10,000 ;
KoudliiK. 10,700 ; Hock Island , 10,000 ; St.
Paul , 40,900 ; Sugar , 21,000 ; Western Union ,
18,500. Sales of silver certificates , 110,000
London Financial ituvlcw.
| Coj i > yrIj'if ' < < I 13H by hnitt Gonlin flenn'tt.\ \
LONBO.V , July 11. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin ; HKK. ) The stock market was
again flat though the closing was above the
worst. Two failures have so far occurred , ono
J.res T. II. Head , ono of the oldest and most
respected members and a dlrcctorof the Great
Eastern railway Ilankorsadvancodratos2 to
3 percent i on Amur-leans and from 3 to4 per
cent ! for the account. Silver Is slightly harder ;
rupee uaper Is up fad. Apart from the small
gain In Ontarlos , Americans were flat. The
close was rather firmer. Illinois Central lost ! i
per cent , Denver preferred and Ohio &
Mississippi , U per cent o.\ch , Union 1'aclflc 1
per cent , Milwaukee 1M per cent , Mexican
National A 4 per cent and Mexican railway
preferences lost 154 per cent each , Canadian
NrK H per cent and Grand Trunks about ! J
per cent. A financial house Interested In
American and Mexican securities Is believed
to be In difficulties. The foreign market was
Irregular. It Is reported authoritatively that
Prcxol & Morgan recently attempted to buy
the Financial News , but would not pay the
terms asked , It Is bollovcd thut In consequence
quence a now London financial journal will
bo started. George Gould , after much Hitting
between Long's hotel and the Grcshain house
{ In this city , Is now In I'arls , Mild to bo Intent
on marketing Western Union on this side.
Novr York Money Murlcet.
NEW YORK. July 11. Mower OK
active , ranging from 0 to 12 per cent , last
loan , 6 per oont ; closed offered at G per cent.
PIIIME MERCANTILEUiraii 0310 per cent.
STEHI.INU EXCHANGE Weak , with actual
business Inhunkurs' bills at $4.81H for sixty-
day bills nndM.831fordouiund. .
bn.vitu MAUKET Weak ; silver certificates
sold at 71'c.
GOVEUNMENT BONDS Strong ; state bonds
The closing quotations on bonds :
U.S. IB ms Ill StL. A I. M. Gen. 5s. 80
U.S.-lseoui ) 111 St. L. AS. F.Gcn.M. 102MJ
U. S. 4Ws rc < r 91 Paul Consols. . . 121
PucllleOaor Ur. . . . . St. P.O. AP.lnts. 113
LoulBlanaat'ped 4s T. P. L. G. Tr. Hcts
MlHqourl IIH 1(10 T. P. U. G. Tr. Rets
Tenn. now Hot Os. . . 100 Union Pacific luta
Tenn. now Bet fin. . . 08 Wtat Shore 09
Tenn. now set 38. . . 07 K. G. W. Ists U5
Cnn.idn So. I'ds 00 Alclilson 4s
Central Pacific 1st 1 1 ! Ateli. ' 'h'H , Chios A.
'D.AH. O. lulB. . . . 114 O. II. AS. A.Ca ill )
I ) , A U. G.4s 7 < 1 to. H. A S. A.'d OH 103
Krlo 2da 88 II. A T. C. CB 102
M. 1C. A T. Oen 0 . . 77M Irtocon. ( is 101
M. K. AT.Gcn.Os. . an tN. Carolina OH 125
Mutual Union Us. . . 100 N. Carolina la 05
N.J. O. Int. Cert. . . S. 0. Ilrowna 100
N. Pac. iBtB Tenn. old fla. . ' . U' '
N. Pac. ids Va.Us CO
N. W. Coimols 13'J Va. Ex-Mat.coup. . 35
N. W. Uobent'rsBs. 103 Va. cons. , 'jil eorlea CO
bid. t asked.
lloiitnii Htook tJilDtjitloiii.
HO9TON. July 11 , Cull loans , 710 percent ;
tlmo loans , 0 pur cent and commission. Clos
ing quotations on stocksbonds , aud mining
shares :
Atch.Top.AS.P. . do profd . 70
Ameilcan . . 70 WestlnBh. Electrio
do pref'd 80 dopri'fd .
Bay SiatoOas 0 Win. Conl . 1-
lU'll Toluphono. . . . 188- Alchlum Ms .
UOHIOII A Albany. , ' . ' (18 ( Atclilson . 7(1 (
lloston AMaluu. . . . ' Now EiiKlandnH. . . mm
' 140'1
do prcf'd ( ti'ii. Ktc-clrlc 5s. . .
Cld. . Iltir. A Q f < 3 Wla. Central Is. . . .
nichbunr 711 Alloiicz Mlnlnt' Co
Oenentl Klectrlo. , (12 Atlantic .
lll.Sloul CI ) llosion A Montana
Mexican Central. . , V ( Ilulto A lloslon . II
N. V. A New Eiiif. . " ) ' Calumet A Hecla , , ' . ' 80
Old Colony 180 Centennial .
Oregon Short Line 11 franklin . I
San Uleiro Oacoola
Union 1'uclflc Qnliicy 105'
West End 13 Tamarack 137
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suit Francisco Mining ( juiitatlniii ,
SAN FIIANCISCO , July 11. The ofliclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were ax follous ;
Alia 10 Hnlo A Norcross 20
Helclier , 40 Mexican 0(1
IlestA Belcher. . . , . , , US Mono , , . , n
Iloillo Consolidated , . n Oplilr , . , , , , . 00
Ilulwer n PlltOBl , , . , 60
Cholliu 30 Savaco no
Conbolld'dCal..VVa. 12R Sierra NevjiUa 4D
Crown Point in Union Con > 40
Gould A. Curry ! ) S Yellow Jacket 70
New York
Nuw VOIIK , July 11. Thu follow Ing are the
mining : quotations ;
Crowii Pofnt 10 Plymouth , ' . ' ( )
Con , Cat.ntul Va , , , , 111) ) Sierra Nevada , fi
Quad wood. . . , . luu Standard , , lid
Oonld A Curry yn Union Con. . , 40
Halo A KururoHn. . , , 10 Yelluxv Jacket 70
HoiMfbtulto , , , , , 7CO Iron silver 16
Mexican , . . , , 4G Quick Silver. . . . . . . . sou
Ontario ( HIO do profd 1600
St. I.uuU Mlnliiff yuot > tli > rn.
ST. Louis. July II , The following wore the
closing quotations on mining stocks today ?
. . riimiiflul Noti-t ,
OMAHA , July 11 , Cleurlngb , 1 00-1 ,024.
NEW OIU.KANB , July 11 , Cluarlngs , (1,739-
189 ,
KANSAS OITV , July 11. ClourliiKS $1,007-
I'.uus. July 11 , Three per cent rontm 97f
COc for the account.
NKV YOIIK. July 11. Clearings , J9S.247.209 ;
bttlancosl ,704I12.
-HAI.TIUOIIE. July 11. Clearings , f 2,708 , 250 ;
balances , * 255,754. Money , U pur cvnt.
, July 1 1. CloarlngH , 1 10,4(33.- (
058 ; balaiicfi. , ei,608,190. Money , U pur cunt.
CINCINNATI , July 11. Money , 0&7 per cent.
Now Vork oxclmngu , par , Uluartut's , tl,903-
CHICAGO , July ll.-Oloarlnge. 114,600,600 ;
S !
Now York exchange sola from BOc to II dli-
rmmli tcrllnp * I'Xatiftowenk ' ! nitty-day bills ,
8,2) ) demand$4-fftj money , 07 percent.
MRMIMII ? , , i 111 * [ ] ' 1 , * . Now l urn exchange ,
. .60 premium. CUTarlngs , $109,398 ; balanced.
(39,8(0. TIT ! ?
, LONDON , July < Lt'J-Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hnnk of.Cy Zlfind on balance today ,
July 7 > U Tlio statement of the
Imperial Hank At flertaany shows a tlecrcaso
In spcclo of 11.500,000 mark" .
ST. Louifl , July'il.-Clcftrlng ! < . (3,773,7881
balances , (352,114. Money quiet , C < aa per
ccnu KtchangcfiUJNow York , 60c discount.
HOSTOV .Tuly'lr.-rionrlnii ' ; , J15.090.450 ;
balances , H,7D3/Jl3. Monoy. < 8 10 t > er cent.
Norc.Yj > rk , 33o to 85o discount.
Hotter Tone to the Cnltlo Trndc Hogs
Tnka n sharp Upturn.
Hccolptsof alt kinds wcro again fairly liberal -
oral today , There were In the neighborhood
of 3,000 cattle received of which nearly all
wcro natives more or less corn-fed. Conditions
were much the same as on Monday and at least
as far as the good , ripe , fat cattle worocon-
corned the market was not radically different.
Eastern markets wore reported active nnd
steady and there was indisposition on the
partof Hpoculattvo shippers to dosomo busi
ness. Dressed hoof men were also want
ing moderate supplies , ntul nil classes of
buyers were apparently willing to pay very
nearly steady prlocs for fat , light nnd medium
weight beeves. These showed little If any de
cline , fair to good 1,050 to 1.25011) ) . steers soil
ing largely at from J4.25 to $ 1.05. Heavy cnt-
tlo , unless cholco , weio slow sale at
prices. Good tocholco 1,250 to 1.50011) ) . buovus
brought from $4.70 to $4.00vhllo there were
sales of coarse 1,200 to 1,30011) , steers ns low
as 4.25 nnd $4.35. The grassy , warmed-up
and loan cattle sold very slowly at fully 10 .
decline , a drop In prices for this dais of stock
FO far this week of about 25c. Hales were very
unovonat from $4.20 down. The good cattle
mostly changed hands In good season , but
holders ot Inferior grades found It nn all-day
Jo' ' ) to got rid of them.
The cow market was aboutstendy.tmt not at
nil active. Offerings were limited and the
quality as a rule common. The oxru-mo range
on common to good stock wns from 81.76 to
J3.50 , with the bulk of the trading ut from
$2.30 to $3. Calves wcro In light supply und
firm at 55 nnd (5.26 for cholco veal stock.
Prices ruled fully steady ou rouith stock , com
mon to cholco bulls , oxen and stags selling at
from S2 to $4.
Trading In stockera and feeders was on n
small * scale , but at about steady prices. Regu
lar dealers had u good supply on hand , and the
country demand not nt all pressing. Oood to
cholco feeders are quotable at from $3.25 to
$3.70 , fair to good at from $2.75 to $3.25 , und
common btulf at from $2.25 to $2.76. Kc-pro-
scntallvo solos :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . 710 800 22 . 1128 425
1 . 1050 BOO 15 . 1188 425
1 . 1040 8 50 89 . 1159 4 30
1 . 1020 3 60 20 . 1050 4 30
3 . 693 8 60 19 . 1281 4 85
2 . 735 2 50 20 . 1070 4 35
3 . 1010 , 8 76 64 . 1008 4 35
43 . 052 375 24 . 1125 440
8 . 810 875 14 . 1094 440
21 . 1005 375 21 . 1314 440
22 . 1020 876 20 . 1248 445
23 . 904 880 21 . 1119 446
45 . 1007 380 85 . 1102 445
1 . 810 4 00 10 . 1031 4 60
5 . 091 400 24 . 1055 450
11 . 004 400 72 . 1359 460
23 . 1074 4 UO 39 . 1210 450
1 . 1070 400 12 . 1234 465
3 . 977 4 00 81 . 949 4 55
18 . 948 4 10 21 . 107G 4 55
24 . 1054 4 10 10 . 1217 4 55
1 . 1070 4 10 21. . . . 1290 4 GO
23 . 10015 4 10 13 . 1283 6 05
00 . 1180 4,20 19 . 1239 4 05
55 . 1087 420 1 . 1040 4 UO
18 . 1283 4 25 33 . 1403 4 90
4 . 1092 3 60 47 . 1220 4 55
27 . 1102 400 40 . 1230 470
05 . 1206 635 28 . 1378 480
22 . 1100 4 85 20 . 1305 4 80
35 . 1400 440 19 . 1497 400
21 . 1108 450 20 . 1355 480
20 . 1250 4 60
st COWS ,
G . 781 125 1 . 1120 2 50
16 . 935 1 70 2 . 1140 2 50
11 . 794 170 3. . . . . .1130 250
2 . 805 1 75 21 . 802 2 50
1 . 070 1 75 1 . 1030 2 50
1 . 070 175 10..rrr. 871 276
8 . 979 1 85 2 . 940 2 76
10 . 803 200 4 . 930 275
1 800 200 1 910 276
46 838 2'00 2 900 2 80
1 1000 200 , 6 924 285
10 . 801 200 ' 1..1100 300
1 1000 200 ! . . < ! . .1000 300
15 780 210- 2.1185 : 800
13 90213 15 6..1010 ! 310
2 900 2 > 15 1 1050 3 10
0 823 2 15 1 1280 8 15
1 980 210 2 . . . .1275 325
19 808 220 11 1072 325
4 1000 225 4 1005 825
3 . 800 225 0 8-58 325
20 . 028 225 2 . 11180 350
10 . 984225 1 . 000 850
20 . 900 2 30 2 . 1150 3 50
4 . 907 2 30
1 700 3 00 '
14 241 2 15 2 200 4 75
2 305 275 3 17G 476
1 120 400 1 190 600
3 140 450 2 100 525
1 1220 200 1 1420 225
1 1040 200 1 1020 200
1 1140 210 1 440 275
6 1484 215 1 1320 276
1 1210 220 1 1400 290
1 1320 220 2 1655 315
l..15bO 225 4 1002 326
1 1230 275 1 1070 400
1 1070 8 50
2 1725 4 00
1 1030 200 1 1110 825
4 707 275 14 1142 325
5. . . . 784 285 65 891 330
7 737 3 10 24 935 3 SO
13 900 8 10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
79 cows. . . , 987 $2'30 1 bull..1410 J2 00
09 feeders. 1077 3 00
Hoos-Bupnltes today , whllo not atall ex
cessive for tno second day of tlio week , hardly
came up to what dealorb had been led toox-
pect , and this , togotlicr with the fuvorublo
tone to early report * from Chicago and the
active Inquiry from all classes of buyers , es
pecially local packers , enabled sellers to sly
Izoprlcosslrongtoanlckelnlghorthan Monday
for their holdings. The tradb was active from
the start and was all over before word was ro-
celvod of the lower close to the hog and prot
vision markets In Chicago , As the morning
advanced the market grow stronger. Early
sales of fair to good hogb wore largely at $5.90
and J5.95 und later tales largely at fc5.95 and
SO with choljo loads at tO.f 6. Tlio bulk of the
hogs sold at $5.95 and JO against $5.90 und
$5.95 on Monday. IteptcBcntallvo sales ;
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
3. . . .227 $570 17.247 40 IS 95
1..360 685 61.280 80 695
1..850 690 115..239 400 695
8.200 40 600 77.218 80 605
15..815 600 03..275 280 605
03..233 200 6 CO 64..280 80 605
0..221 6 UO 00..255 100 6 95
7..204 5 00 00..251 200 6 05
6..294 6 90 76.248 240 6 95
50..800 200 5 90 04..234 200 6 05
58..253 100 6 9J GO..239 280 6 97J !
38. , .208 80 6 00 74..196 120 6 97i'
2..280 6 00 07.242 280 6 07 } ' ,
64. . 216 ICO D 90 ' 70.207 200 6 97',4
03..305 120 ' 6r92V4 70.255 440 6 97'J
03..205 280 6 02',4 07.210 200 6 97W
54..2B3 120 ,0,92 ' , ' , 100.280 200 5 0714
00..234 120 'S'02K 09.242 820 6 1
01..238 200 .6 02J4 71..243 200 6 971/
00..231 120 6 Uitft 15.316 6 07J4
07..252 100 695 72..237 240 $ )
69. . .279 120 6 Oil 60..279 0 00
43..220 80695 67..325 200 000
68..275 80 595 79.,217 200 GOO
6(1.,239 ( 120 05 130.247 120 0 00
46..288 HO 6 85 BO./J32 100 000
03..202 100 695 GG..225 80 000
70..239 100 'D'96 ' 65.270 12(1 ( 000
76.220 80 ' 6 06 GO..274 120 000
72..200 100 005 0(1.,253 ( 800 000
76,240 280 696 73..246 120 000
61..290 80 6'05 ' 09..239 120 G 00
71..254 80 fi35 ; 03.603 200 GOO
00..241 280 6 95 72.,200 100 0 00
70,202 40 695 66.297 100 600 )
07..242 120 696 CO..274 100 000
49..278 80 6.U5 08 , , .262 240 0 jj jJ
49..320 100 6 05 70.240 100 0 (10 (
CO..202 900 6 95 69..269 280 0 00
72..236 200 6 95 02 , . .22b 100 0 00
08.,238 bO 6 95 05.288 120 0 00
70..219 120 505 73..239 0 GOO
69.316 200 6 95 G1..232 240 G 00
09.,251 240 6 95 72 , . . 223 80 0 ji
184..242 280 6 95 G2..205 100 0 00
69. . . 282 200 6 95 02..209 0 00
85. . . 238 240 5 95 04..24.5 80 0 UO
68.,252 400 6 95 66.332 200 0 00
G2..217 120 596 69..204 100 U 00 :
69..249 160 695 00..802 120 GOO
10..230 6 05 76..260 100 0 00 [
4..312 6 95 68..317 100 0 00 [
68..254 200 6 96 49..294 200 C 00
8.310 6 95 CO.,201 40 G 00 [
09..226 240 6 95 Gl.,265 160 0 00
61..308 120 6 95 02..265 100 0 00
07 . . .260 32U 6 05 68..287 80 0 00
69..320 40 6 95 183..231 120 U 00 [
74..224 80 5 95 63. . , 196 40 G 00
60. . . 284 80 6 95 06.,203 UO 0 00
H5. . 222 200 6 95 77.236 160 0 pb
01..216 1GO 6 95 78..199 200 G 00
08..204 240 6 96 03.209 160 6 00 t >
G2..223 bO 6 95 40..321 120 0 00
07.,217 505 08..239 200 ti 00
05..194 80 6 95 73..234 bO 0 00
73.224 80 5 95 66..246 100 G 00
S..240 0 96 09..200 80 0 00
00 . 281 40 6 95 S6..2S3
fi9..202 100 6 95 73. 230
G7..2U5 0 09 40 293
SIS ! S2 600 77 . .213 40 S02IJ
. . . .
100 000 64. . . 837 00 5 05
6 . .214 t , flu 04..203 80 0 05
0..295 6 05 ? 4 223 80 0 06
129 .232 120 5 05 70. .230 0 05
vies ANI > uaunit.
1..8f,0 8 00 2. .350 4 00
1 . . .350 3 fit ) 1. . 280 4 f > 0
SHEEP ItccclpM consisted of six double-
ilpcks of western Rrasiurs hat-dly good cnotiuh
to suit the slaughterer * ) . As there was no
Inquiry for that kind of stook from feeders
thofthecp were not sold , There Is nothing now
In the .situation worthy of note and prices are
nominally unchanged. 1'alr to good natlrci ,
3.60S4V5 ; fair to good wcstotim , } 3.WKJI.r > 0 ;
common and stock sheep , * 2.508.3.60i good to
Cholco 40 to 100-lb. lambs , J4.25n85.76.
HrcolpU and Diminution or Htoi-k ,
Official receipts and disposition of ntos ! < at
slionnlijr the books of the Union Stock Yards
cornpnnr for the forty-eight hours ending ai
6 o'clock p. m. July 11 , 1SU3 :
lions. SHEEP. iionirn.VMi.s
Cars. Heart Cars. Heart Cam. Head C.un. Head ,
133 2,000 143 0.510 0 1,571 13 Z89
Chiclui > Ijlvu Mork .Market.
CHICAGO. July ll.-rspcclal Telegram toTitn
IIKC.1 Only about 2,200 native cuttlo arrived
today nnd a considerable part of that number
was of the kind that go Into cans. Thcrofoio ,
had tluTo boon anything llko activity In the
demand prices must have advanced , but as
nolthor shippers nor oxoortori worn disposed
to do much , Kellers hud to bo content with
former prices. 1'or the lower grades of na
tives , such as go to local butchers and can-
tiers , the market remained In a limp Mute , not
because of a lack of demand , but In sym
pathy with the weakness In the Texas branch
of thu market. The receipts of Texas cattle
were about 7,000 head. They were dull and
lowor. The supply on today's niarkot could'
have been turned over at full prices but for
the prospect for largo receipts for the next two
days. Siilosoftho "long horns" were princi
pally nt from 81.00 to $2.30 for cows and at
from $2.76 to $3.50 for steers. Natlvo cows
bold largely below $3 nnd from $4 to $5 were
the prevailing prices for steers.
The hos market was active and averaged
strong. It wns u trlllo higher early In the duy
nnd showed signs of weakness toward the
close. The late weakness was caused by ro-
norts of unusually largo receipts i\t Kansas
Ulty and Omaha , these two points
being credited with 25,000 head. However ,
prices did not suffer any quotable decline ,
closing quotations being from $5.85 to JO.30
for poor to cholco grades. Thuro wcro a few
trades at 10.35 and ono atG.40 at the opening.
Tlit-ro was a stiff packing demand , and
although shippers were In smaller number
than on the day before there was enough com
petition from that quarter to hold up prices.
The close of business found some hogs In
speculators hands , but nouo lu the hands of
commission men.
There was not a solitary now thing to bo
said of the shcup market. For peed muttons
there was a well Mistalnod demand and con
tinued " firmness In prices , the numnor answerIng -
Ing to" that description constituting only a
small part of the current arrivals , the bulk
not grading bolter than common. Therefore ,
whllo cholco qualities sell around } 0 , there Is
vuryllttlo trading at ovor$4.00 , natives going
largely at from J3 to M.50. and froui 82.50 to
$4.25 taking most of the Toxans. In the lumb
market there was a fairly active trndo ut
from $3.75 to 40.50 , thq outside quotation bc-
Inc for extra quality. (
Uecolpts : CaUlo , 0,000 head ; calves , 1,500
head ; hogs , 10,000 head ; hheep , 0,000 head.
The Evening Journal reports :
OATTI.IS Kecolpts , O.OOU head : shipments ,
1.7OO head ! nnth cs steady ; Texans IOC lower ;
prime beeves , J5.00S5.40 ; medium , $4.20 ®
4.40 ; grnssors , $3.604.10 ; Toxans. 82.4045
3.70 ; stockois , S2.102.70 ; cows 81.00 3.25.
IIoos liocolpts. 10,000head ; shipments ,
0,000 head ; market opened and closed weak ;
mixed and packing , JG.OO(2 ( > C.25 ; prime heavy
and butchers' weights , JG.25&G.30 ; light ,
SHEEP Itocolpts , 0,000 head ; shipments ,
1,800 head ; best natives and lambs lOchigher ;
good western and Texans , steady ; common ,
neglected ; nativesJ4.255.50.
Kunanft City Llvo block Mnrkot.
KANSAS OITV , July 11. CATTLE Kocolpts ,
10,300 head ; shipments , 1,000 head. Best
cattle iwero strong , others weak ; Texas
steers ! , $2.504.26 ; Texas cows , ? 2.00@2.00 ;
shipping ] steers , $4.25@5.35 ; native cows , 21.40
© < 3.75 ; butchers' stock , S3.25S4.40 ; stackers
and feeders , { 2.50Q4.00 ; bulls and mixed ,
HOGS liecoipts , 13,100 head : shipments.
1,100 head : market OffilOc hlpher ; bulk of
sales. 85.805.'J6 ; houvle.s , J0.70S5.05 ; pack
ers , 85.75 < ftG.OO ; mixed , J5.755iG.00 ; light , ? 5.75
© 0.05 : Yorkers , J5.05SiG.05 ; pigs , $0.00(20.00. (
SHEEr Uocoluts , 2aOO head ; bhlpmunts ,
1,400 head ; market dull ana lower ; common
stock lambs llrm. $5.55.
Sr. Ioul Ulvc Stock Market.
Sr. Lotus. July 11. OATTI.E Kocolpts , 5,300
head ; shipments , 000 head ; market strong on
natives and easier on others ; fair to good grabs
To.\an stuers , 82.70413.50.
Hoas Uocolpts , 4000 head ; shipments ,
none ; market opened lOo hlghor , advance lost
at the clone ; top price , $0.25 ; bulk of bales ,
Itecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments ,
100 head ; market steady , unchanged.
Balloon tonight nnd tomorrow ni lit.
Iteports front Neljruxkn nn the Htntu : . of
Crowing Grains.
Tno following weekly weather crop bulle
tin was issued by the Nebraska wc.ithcr ser
vice from the Omaha observatory yesterday ;
The week bus been favorable for corn and
potatoes , und especially for corn , which Una
grown ilnely and continues in excellent con
dition , but except in the northeast
section of the state , is beginning
to need rain again. In the southeast section
wheat harvesting la progressing rapidly nnd
the outlook is satisfactory for good yields.
Oats are nearly ready for harvesting , but
the crop will bo cut short by rust , complaint
of which Is quito general. In the northeast
section most all the reports are favorable
and wheat harvesting is about raaily to bo
gin. In Wayne county some damage was
aouo crops on July 0 by wind and hail.
Reports from the central and southwest
ern ; section are uniformly favorable , and
the ! prospects are uioro promising than ttioy
huvo been during the past two months.
8outlirunt Section.
York County Haying and harvesting
progressing Ilnely. Corn beginning to need
Otoo County Winter wheat being cut ;
barley mostly in shock ; corn about all laid
by ; outs injured by rust.
Clay County Fall wheat nnd hay being
harvested ; yield light ; oats injured this
week ; corn 'prospect excellent ; u < rcago
Butler County Tlio dry weather and
high wind of tlio post week have been In
Saundcrs County Corn nearly all laid by
in excellent condition ; outs damaged some
by rust.
Polk County Corn continues to make n
good growth ; too dry for other crops ; all
busy cutting wheat und grass ,
Klchurdson County Full wheat nearly all
harvested ; oat harvest begun ; corn und
pastures nojd ruin.
Fillnioro County Wheat harvest begun ;
will mnko ono-third a crop ; corn ana
potatoes ncpd ruin.
Cuss County Corn making' rapid growth ;
pastures good nnd all crops doing fairly well.
Howiml County Very dry and hot ; corn
needing rain ; curling in the middle of the
day ; rye all cut ; n light crop.
Hull County Harvesting , commenced ;
tame hay looks good ; sugar beets in excellent
condition ,
Jefferson County Corn is growing nicely ;
harvesting well commenced ; wheat and outs
u poor crop.
Korthruit Section.
Antqlono County Fine mint : nil crops
doing well ; corn iu excellent condition.
Cedar County -Small gr.iln though somewhat -
what Injured by drought , will bo ni-nrly
an average crop ; corn promises to exceed ull
former yields j liuy an uvorago crop.
Thurston County Nearly through cull rot-
ing corn ; ull crops growing well.
Holt County Corn making rapid growth
aud all ciops doing well.
Wuahiugton County Corn making fine
growth ; outs slightly damaged by rust ,
Wuynu County Hall storm and high
winds damaged small grain und rut corn
badly on the Oth ,
Platt County Corn looks well , Out need *
ruin. Small gral u very poor.
Central beotlun.
Merriok County Ilaln much needed. Hay
ing commenced ; crop will ba light.
Ouster County Good growing weather ;
: orn three to four foot high nnd Intd by lu
ucolloiit condition ; small grain bndly Inured -
ured by drought ,
Huffnlo County Excellent project fern
n peed corn crop. Small grain ttlu nrnko
n fnlr crop.
Dawson County A good giowlng week for
orn. Wheat ntul rye harvest commenced.
SoutlnrcHt Section ,
Hitchcock County -Still dry , coin late nnd
unc\cii : alight improvf-mont In pasUircs.
Konrnoy County Corn has inmlo n pho-
'loniennl growth nnd nearly nil so largo that
ilowlng must cense ; harvesting of winter
ivhcat and barley bt-gun.
Purlins County Kino week for corn , pota
toes , grass nnil Vegetables. Some hall , but
slight dnmago.
Hnrlan Cojuty Corn advancing rapidly ;
xeoptlonalty clear ot weeds.
\\ebster Couuty Corn In exceptionally
good condition.
Untidy County-Corn In need of riln. ;
Writ Soul ion.
Lincoln County Corn Is doing bettor than
nt nil.V time before tills season.
Thomas County Corn has tnado ft rapid
growth nnd Is mostly laid by ; small grain
ha ; improved and promises half n , crop.
Scotts niult County The line wins last
week have caused the crop to grow well the
pas week.
N'ortliTe t Section.
Hock County-Small gr.iln la short , but
[ lending nicely ; corn in some lorulltlcs line ,
in others Miinll.but growing nicely.
Cherry County Corn looks well , small
grain nnd liny improved by ruin the past
Sioux County Crops In most part of the
county iu fair condition : corn doing excel-
cut. Uuoitnu E. HUNT ,
Weather Uuronu Director ,
lawn Crop Conditions.
Dns MOINKS , July 11. [ Special to THE
BKE. ] The following Town weather aud
crop bulletin was Issued today :
The dally moan toiiiiirratumof the past week
was sllirhtly above normal. Tr.o rainfall was
generally iilmnclunt nnd excessive measure
ments are reported from the following coun
ties : Hamilton , 4.23 Inches ; Franklin , 3.27 ;
1'owoshlek , 3.12 ; Juspar , 3.10 : Howard , 2.83 ;
Hancock , 2.30 ; Monona , 2.25 ! Allamakec , 2.02 ;
Polk. 2.14 ; Illack Hawk. 2.20 ; Webster , 2.02 ;
Washington. 2.15 ; Iluetia VUta , 3.47.
Nearly nil crops have neon benellted by
these copious ruins' , but In some localities
damage resulted from washing and overflow.
The most hcrlous drawback to the generally
favorable weather conditions of the week was
the tornado of the ovonlng of the Oth Inst. ,
which destroyed the thriving little town of
I'omeroy , and wrought great destruction of
llfo , buildings nnd crops Itu a pathway nl.\ty
miles In length and one-third of a mi To wide ,
the line of desolation reaching from Clierokeo
county to the eastern part of Onlhoun.
OutNtdoof this track , however , the damage
by wind was not very heavy and the general
crop outlook will not bo materially reduced by
the severe local Htorms of the week ,
The July reports from ovetj OO crop corre
spondents of this bureau show the following
average condition of staple crops : Winter
wheat , 01 per cent ! spring wheat , 03 : corn ,
103 ; oata , t)5 ) ; rye , 03 ; barley , 94 ; flax , UG ; tim
othy , 05 ; clover , 02 : mlllot , 00 ; broom corn , 07 ;
sorghum , 05 ; Irish potatoes , 103 ; sweet pota
toes , OG ; hay crop , 07 ; apples , GO ; pears , 50 :
plums , G7 ; poaches , 74 ; grapes , U5 ; small
fruit , 87.
A largo number of correspondents Btato that
their estimates of the condition of corn were
made by comparison with the crop of 1802 ,
which fell bofow the average. This accounts
for the high ratine of that crop. Its present
condition throughout the Rtatc , compared
with the normal , Is undoubtedly about 00 per
cent. The outlook for corn is certainly very
I'rfupcrt * In Illlnoli.
SrniNOFiKU ) , July 11. The temperature
for the past wcok was normal in the north
and center , and from 1 to 8 degrees above In
the south. There was an average amount
of sunshine. In the northwestern half of
the center the rainfall was above the average
and beneficial to growing crops ; elsewhere
it was considerably below the averago. In
many places there was no rain. Wheat har
vesting is completed In the south itud some
threshing. Indications are that the yield
will be less than anticipated. In the center
nil wheat will be harvested during the com
ing week. Some fields have been cut in ttio
north. In some of the central counties the
yield will be poor in quality nnd quantity.
Oats harvest is being pushed in the extreme
not strnnpo that some people do
wronp through ignorance , others from
n failure to investigate 113 to the right or
wrong of a m\ttor. : But it is stningo ,
that individuals and firms , who are fully
iiwnro of the rights of others , will per
sist' in perpetrating frauds upon them.
High-toned , wealthy manufrcturing
firms will offer and 'Ttoll to retail mer
chants , articles which they know to bo
infringements ' on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known goods.
We want to sound a note of warning to
the retailers to beware of such imitations
tions : aud simulations of "CAUTUU's LiT-
TM : LIVKR PILLS. " When they are of
fered ' ' to you , refuse thorn ; you do not
want to do wrong , and you don't want to
lay 1 ; yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin suid "Honesty is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "Honesty is
the best principle. "
icmth. Thlt crop will generally bo fine.
Hint is reported In lomo plncon. Corn li
( oncrnlly iluo nnd growing excellently , ntul
ts prospects were never better. Hay cutting
is still progromlnff. In some sootlmi * ilngi *
ngo by rain Is reported. Potatoes have boon
In jut oil by wfirra , dry wonlhor. Kyo har
vesting Is In progress throughout the stutor
Balloon tonight nnd tomorrow nigl\t.
noun HMITII.
Urn ml Annj Men Tnklntr Action Ho
thn .Su ] trii lnii of t'onnlonrri.
FiTTSMUim , July 11. In reference to
the fooling In local Qnuul Army of the
Republic posts ngnlnst Secretary Iloko
Smith because of the alleged unjust suspensions - .
pensions of pensioners , Stuto Comninti'
uar Thomas O. Stuunlo In speaking of
the uontumplutod notion Mild :
"Tho executive cominittoo Is prepar
ing 1 to Issue a call to nil the Grantl Army
posts In western Pennsylvania to attotm
a mooting at which this nmt tor will bo
thoroughly dtsoussed. This meeting will
bo secret nnd will bo hold
In about two weeks In Plttsburg1
or Allegheny.'o will formulate our
action and prasont It as the expression of
the Grand Army posts of western Pennsylvania
sylvania nt tho'nutioiml encampment to
bo hold In Indianapolis In Hto first week '
hi September. Then the feelings of the
Grand Army as tin organization will bo
expressed In no unmeasured terms anil
the people of this country will know
4vhoro wo stand. Uiitll this Is done no
post has any right to take any nation In
the matter. "
Balloon tonight and tomorrow night.
I.on Ancolri lliilikn Itcopon.
Los ANOKLKS , July 11. The Southern
California National bank and University
bank have opened their doora Only two
bankn now remain closed of the six thut
closed two weeks ago.
Cninpanln llroUo the tlocord.
GoTitHNUunci , July 11. The t4mo
mode by the passengers on the Cntuvril
line steamer Uatnpaiita to this place , 8
days , U hours aud 13 minutes , beats
the record.
xj - Tryy , - , ; rn , P
It Cures Coldi , Coughs , Bore Throat , Croup , Infla- ]
enia , Whooping Couch , BroncbltU and Asthma.
A certain cure for Consumption in fint itagei ,
and a sure relief in advar.cpd etudes , uie at once.
You will tte the excellent diect after taklnf tot
r t do e. EoM by d n.lcr3 cviirywherc. Lorg *
l ROY WIT AI ITV n"Q v'ecr n i k > y ro
f lliS I VllALMl .
uuui vi i HUM i Btorcd. ct iurol Nervous cured Debility , )
INIIATO , the ( troal Hindoo licmrdy. Bold wllli vrrlb
Ion cunrnntco of eure. Multiple wnt lrr. Addresl
Oriental Medical Co. . U 1'lri-ialh PlMi. Ctltno. 111.
To Well Contrnctorm
Bids will bo received at the ofllco of the clti
clerk until July 17 , 1H03 , at 6 o'clock n. in. o ]
said day. to bore two six-Inch (0) ( ) wells and
furnish two four-Inch points for the city ol
Hlalr , Nob. ; depth of wells from 100 feet to 10J
feet ; same to bo completed by August 10 , 1893 ,
Plans and specifications 011 file at ofllco of 1 }
J : 1'arr. water commissioner.
Hlght reserved to reject any and all bids.
G. H. OAltlllflAN ,
Cltv Clerk of llltilr , Neb.
Blair , Nob. , July 0 , 1693.
M Jy 10d7t&6unJy 18
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutri Opiaha. j
Uc t Cattle Ho andSlioop in.irkot la tin trail , j
Wood Brothers.
Live Block Commls-don Marahunti.
aha Telephone II5T. Chlo j
. " " " err
Market reports by mall and wlro chcerfullj
furnished upon application.
Omalia Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
ManufttClnror of TcnU ,
iioasi ! covicna. AffnlniK , etc. 70J nud
1118 Fariinm blresu 706 . 10th Blroet ,
Berais Omaha Bag
Importortf nnd mnnufAO
tnrut of flour
burlap. twins.
Morse-Cos Shoe Company.
B le ' oem nd Ofllco-IIOT-llOMIIl Howard SI
Faotorr-lirJ-nzl-IlM Hoirnrd Bt.
We are the ONLY Manufasturon of Uuot nd
BbAT. % au5iw- .I . to .1. . to in.poot
W. i L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iroi
WnoUialo WOIIK3.
Half , caps , itruir goodt , vHUlta , | atl woo
KlooTO > , mltleoi. ltb Iron hutter and dr
aud llarnoy Strooti- oapoi. ( iui Anilroen , lj
and Jaokion
John A. Waliefleld ,
land cemonc , Mllirau.
kau commit and Qulno/
while Hum ,
uauons. I
Frlck & Herbert ,
Wlioloiale liquor deaUri
1001 farnam 8t
Omaha Stove Repair il.A. Disbrow&cST ? !
DtOTi repalrt Uaauraoturvr * ! itiT.w"
aud wntar alliobuanti doors. biln t aoi
aoj . kind ot lor zaouldlDif. Uraaeh o
Act lltb ama but.