Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Yesterday Grain Wa * Quito Weak and Pro
visions Unusually Strong ,
Though More limn Forty Thousand HOB
Were Kocclved nt Clitcnco nnil Lower
1'rlcon-\Vrro Expected the Decline
1'nlled to Mutorlnllzo.
CniCAOO , July 10. Todny prnln wn < weatf
nnd provisions strong. When ! closed nta do-
cllnoof J4o and corn loit c. 1'orK li UBc
hlRlior and lar < l nntl ribs cncb 74c ! over Satur
day's doting prices. DlMnppoliitinont over the
visible fctipply statement wni the chief Influ
ence In tlio wheat pit. fahorts bulged pro
visions ,
There was only a sllirht dcero-iso In wheat ,
The opening ns nhotit ? ; c lower than Satur-
Ony'scloslnp , nilxniiccd Me , declined f c , held
stcndy nnd the cloilng price was nt Insldo fig
ures. A rca'on for the slow tr.ido was that
operators were Incllnid to w lt for Iho pov-
cinme.t report. \Ululosupplys1iowod
nn IncitftEcof only 407,000 bu , , against a do-
crcuc.0 of 1,102,000 bu. a year npo.
In corn buRlness was largely tocnl. Thoprlco
wnsKoxrrnod by wheat , the receipts overrun
ning the cstlnmto. lluslncss ns larijoly local ,
first tnidrs being nt from Ji to ; decltno and
afturM-'tlltiKorr Uc more , rallied n fiiioilon ,
rnlfd rithler nnd ut Iho close had IOH fiom
If ( ( _ j a p ,
Thu feature In oats was the tradlnc In Sep
tember. The opening was unsettled at from
! < to Vfc decline ami after \irlous ; cbnngts
closed nt We loss.
Thorn i\cro 41,000 lirgsrrcclod today where
only 28,000 had been loolied for , and consequently
quently ox ury ono expected lower prlt'cs for
tlio product" . Offerings , linnatpr , did not
como nnd shorts who stood trndy to tnl.o
them , RWiillowod tholr dlsappotiuinnnt and
paid lilghi-r prices tlianonbaturday. Tlio close
wns at at out top prices.
Kstlmntu icceluts for tomorrow ; Wheat ,
100 cars ; corn , 730 cars ; oats , 2 0 cars ; hogn ,
20,000 head.
The loading futures ranged as follows ; <
Articled. open. llleh.
July nr.n nr.M
Sept ia.4 70JH 70 > < ' (
Dec 70M 70H
July. . . . 41W 4IM 40 ?
AUff 41
Sept. . . .
July 2BI < Sfi'f
Sept 26J1
July . OS
Sept 20 10 20 45 M 10 45
July. 17k
Sept 10 r.av 1(1 71) 10 r.av 1.7k
Ocl 10 w 10 27M 10 iy 25
July n 2fi n nn n 2ft 30
Supt 9 to u to ; n ; i" ! 00
Onsh quotations were as follows :
Ki-OUH Unchanged ; Bprlng patents In sacks ,
13.25 ; bakers' , $2.25.
\VnrAT-No. 2 spring , 05yc ; No. 3 spring ,
61flC5ci No. 2 red , i 'ir.
COIIN No. 2 , 40yc. No. 3 yellow , closing nt
40c.OATSNO. . 2. 29 rc ; No.2 white , 33G34c.
Ill K-No , 2 , 60c.
FI.AX bcicn-No. 1. $1.0054.
TIMOTHY SFEU I'I line , $4.10. *
I'OUK-Mcss , per bill. , $19 GD MO.G7 * ' , : Inrd ,
per 100 Ibs. , $ Hl.l7Jiil0.20 ! ; hhort ribs , sides
( looRO ) , $0.4lQn.4254 ) ; dry suited shouldem
( boxun ) , $9.2BiB9.75j short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WIIISKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
SUOAIIS Unchanged ; cut loaf , Gj c ; granu
lated , 5.70 ; htandard"A5.Gl
The following were the receipts und ship
ments for todtiv :
On tlio Produce exchange today the butter
market \MIS ijuiut , with no cpcclul change to
note. CSKS , I4c.
Now York Market * .
NKW YORK , July 10. rr.oun Itocelpts , 34.-
DOO pkgs. ; exports , 295 hbls. , 18,000 sacks ;
tales. 0,100 pkgs ; market llrmer , chocking
Con MEAT/ Quiet , steady.
lUnt.l.v MALT Qulot , steady ,
WIIKAT Kecelpts , 42,000 bu. ; exports ,
804,0001)11 , ; sales , 875,000 bu. futures ; 00-
800 hit. spot. Hpot market moderately actho ,
flrm ; No. 2 red , In btofo and elevator , 78Jc ;
nlloat. 73i7-U4c ! ; f. o. b. , 73tt74Uc ; un
graded red , U85i72c ; No. 1 northern , 72J 4i73c ;
No. 2 northern , 714i71HC ! No. 2 Mllnaukco ,
7272 c. Options were dull and closed steady
at 'tiauc decline. August. 745i74iJc , closing
nt 74c ; Soptembor. 70 l-lCQ/flitfc , closing at
70Hc ; October , 78'5 < a78ic ! , closing at 7bJc } ;
Pecember , Bl'iCS'Ji' , closing at B2UC.
COIlN HccPlliti , 77.000 bu. ; oxjiorte , 1,400
bu. ; sales , 525,000 bu. futures , 179,000 bu ,
snot. 1'irin , fairly actho ; No. 2 , 48/c In
olovntor ; 40)fflt9catloat ) ? ; ungraded inKed ,
4a'/Ji5-19c. ( Options were dull und weak , k ® c
IONMM on f > aHlorcabIec.Tuly,48KQ484.ic , closing
at 48JicAugust ; 49 49 } c , closing at 40Jjc.
OATh -Kecelpts. 70.000 bu , ; experts , Cl.OOD
bu. ; sales , 210,000 bu. futures , 130,000 bu ,
spot. Hpot llrmer , moro active. Options
falily nctho , easlei ; July , 35 Cl30c , closing
BGc ; AugUht , 88 < 21l3'tC , closing , U3c ; September ,
Bl , C32c. ; closing 31 ic ; No. 2v\hlte , 88aiOc : ;
No. 2 Chicago , fl7Ki337J'.c ; No. 3 , 35 1
mixed western , SGB'JMc.
HAV Steady , fair demand.
Hoi's Quiet , steady.
HIDES 1'iilrly iiclho , steady.
I'ltovmiONS Cut meats , qulot. steady ;
middles dull. Lard llrmer , < julotwestornrtoan ; :
closed at flO.-10 nominal ; bales , none , Option'
lales none. July closed { 10.40 ; Soptomboi
closed $10.00. 1'ork , dull , steady ; nuw moas
I10.00 < il0.50.
ItUTTEll Moderate demand , stondr ; western
16'/OlBc ; factory , 15'ffll75c ! ; Elgfn , 22c.
OllthSK Steady ; fair demand.
Kaos 1'alr demand , steady ; receipts , 0.621
pkgs. .
TAI.LOW Quiet ; city ' ( $2 per pkg , ) , 4 3-lGc
CorrONSiJKU Oll1'lriuur , quint ; crude , 3 (
C37c ,
l'iruou'.yM-Was : neglected ; 1'ennsylvanln
oil , spot salen , none. Tor August options then
was not a bid or olfor at the Consolidated ttx
chiingu. At the btoclc exchange 3,000 bbls
> oldat57 c ; Lima oil bales , none ; total hales
6,000 hbls.
KosiN Dull , steady.
Tuiii'EMiNE Qulot ; nominal , ZBiH S' c.
lltou I'alr demand , steady.
buiiAit Itnw , tlrm , dull ; reflncd , fairly ne
llvn , llrni.
I'm liiox-Qulot , steady ; American , H2.6I
D15.M ) ,
Coi'i'eii Enslcr : lake , { 10.35.
I.EAU Steady ; domestic. $3.70.
TIN Steady ; btralts , HB.GO ; plates , cmlot
Bt'tLTEit Weak ; domestic , 14.10
HI. l.ntil * .Iliirkotii.
BT. Louis , July 10. lYouii-Qulot , but lirm
WltontH , * 3.1itJ.26 ( ( ; extra fanev , { 2.805 2.9C
fancy IJ 40tt2.60 ; cholcit. * 2.15U,2.25 ; famlb
ll.Ulfc9. ( > u : ry Hour , 13.26513.40.
WltBAT-CAMli lilKliort fl3Vi < UG3 > jc ; option
low and closed Scil'jC ' below baturday ; .lull
6SVjc ; August , G5 ? i ; ; September. G7W5jri7ic.
CuHN-Cnhli , hlglier , 37' ( aa8c ; ( iptliin
rlosed hlow but Him ut Uo under Snturdiiv
July , 37Uc ! ; September , 3'Jo.
OATh Lowur all through ; cash , 30c ; Juls
S7Uc ; August , 24"c ; heptembur , 2Bc.
ItVE Lower ; 4fic.
I'luiviHiONA I'ork. loner : current make
Jobbing , J18.37'S ' : lard. 10.37'i ; dry salt 1111,11
loose shoulders , $7.87'4 ; longs mm ribs 10 HI
horts , J'.I.OO ; ho\edlots l&c moro ; bacon , bill
tiirtMhouldei8 ; , J'J.&O ; longs ami Mb , , $10.51
shorts , JlO.BOj bugtir cured liams , tia.OO ;
14 00.
IlUTTKii Qntot aim dull.
UECtiiTH I'lour. 3,000 bbls. : whont , 100 OG
bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu.i rv
2,000 bu.i barley , none.
BmrilENTS-nuiir , 6.000 bbls. : when
7.000 bu. ; corn. 270.000 bu. ; oats , 6.000 bu
rye , 1,000 lm. ; barley , none ,
KIIIOIII 1'lly ltlnrl < ot .
KANSAS CITV , July 10 , WHBAT Dull : No
liard. ) { No. 2 rod. 57c. ' '
Cous Htciitlyj No. 2 mixed , 33o ; No , Q whit
OATb-Klrm ; No. 2. 20ffi27c ; No. 2 whit
lIuiTtii Klrmt creamery , lOaiOc ; dalr
KGUS Steady i lOc.
ItBCKlirsVliuut , 0,000 , bu.j corn. 7,000 bu
otttn , 1.000 bu ,
B Wheat , 0,000 bu. ; corn. 3 0 (
Iw.j outs , 1,000 bu. '
Cotton Slurknt.
NEW OIH.IANB , July 10. rirm ; good ml
jr , 7 15-lOcj mlddllne. TKci low mlddlln
7 e : good ordinary , 0 1-JOc. Nut receipt
4,307 bales ; gross , 4,4 12 buleii ; Balen , Hi
bali'H ; utock. 104,810 bales. Kuturtui tin
inlrs , 7OOO bales. Including July , 7.04 bl
AugUkt , t7.G4O.7.t > 5 ; September , J7.74 : Oct
Inir. f7.B8a7.BU ; November. < 7.0Cii7.'J7 | I )
rombur , ta 07TW.OS ( : Janunry , t8.2oaB,2
February , tB.28itB.2Ui ( March. (8.30(28.38. (
llritlili tlrulu Irmle llrvluir.
LONDON. July 10. The Mark Lane .xvrc
In it neokly ruvluir of the HrltUh grain trac
cuyst The Imrveut begun on Thurkday on t
outliern slope and Uuon In urogrvtbiuBi
-ox. U will commuucoou the 17tU luitant
tmrt < of Kent ntnl llnmnshlrc. Onlhobc t
IntuU ncmp of good qilnllty , rondltlon nnd
weight U expected lull the plnnt I * ton thin In
tlm ground for n big yield It Is expected that
the rlold generally wilt lw IB per cunt under
the ml n\erajn. The nvoruRo price of Kng-
lUh nhoit I * still n long wrvy on tlio wrong Kldo
of 30 shillings. Thnra M nprospoctof n Abort
crop In Iho north , hut this lias not exerted any
Influence on the mnrkot.
O in nlm Proituro .trnrkat.
The mnrkot was steady tvt
the quotation * given at the close
of last wook. The receipts continue
cry light and there Is not much Ufa
to the trade In fnct , no ono Is getting enough
butter to nrnko n stir with. 1'ancy creameries ,
ftolld pncUcd , lOc ; fnlr to good creameries ,
itolld packed , 101J18c ; cholcn to fancy country ,
U.itUlc : fair to good country , Ifiut picking
stock , freNh , 13'c ' (
KIHII Tlio gcnornl inarUct Is ixliout steady ,
A gx ( > d many IIOUSCB nro only getting about as
many eggs as tholr locnl trade will take. The
larger recohur , howoxcr. mo talking rather
weak , Tliu bulk of the sales are reported at
ll'ic. '
LIVK rout/rliv Thcrowas very little poultry
of any kind on the nmrkot , the supply h.tvlng
been cleaned up at the cloo of last week nnd
the fresh receipts b Ing light , fcprlni ! chickens
do notnppear to bu very plenty , imt It ( locinot
roiiulro ninny to supply thu demand. A good
many of the springs rccohod nioory small ,
and are slow sale at any price. As a commis
sion man expressed It , they are so small that
when tholr crops become empty they fall
through the cracks In the coop. Spring chick
ens , per dor , tl.75ia3.00 : host hens , per 111 ,
< 4J7JJc ! mixed coops , per Ih , Go ; old roosters ,
per lb. , 455c ! turkeys , per lu , , oaioc ; ducks ,
Der lb. 7G8c.
I'OTATOFI The mnrVot Is lower nnd the pros
pects would seem to faxor still lower prices
for the nonr future. The arrivals of the llrst
of Iho week are not lurin ) but the demand Is
fulling olT rapidly owing to" the coming of
homo grown potatoes which the local gardcn-
irij aru bringing to market. Old potatoes , 60
Oi > 5c ; now potatoes , per Int. . $1.00.
Ai'i'i.M Tlio southern
receipts of apples are
on the Increase nnd the nmrkot Is pretty well
fcuppllcd. boitthein , per ' { bu. , UUi-etLOO ;
California , per bu. box. tJ.5l ) .
lluniiii.s lllncUbcrtles absorbed the most of
the attention on the market. Healers are lookIng -
Ing fora Mill lion lor run and perhaps lower
prices. There were about 85 c.ises of Oregon
straw hot rlos and a fair showing of Iowa homegrown
grown laspboirles. Huckloberrles were lu
Mry light supply. Ilorrlcs of all kinds
appeared to bo In fair request ami
tlio onYiliigs were picked up qulto early.
J-tiaberries , Oregon fancy , J3.50 ; black
berries , per 24-qt. case , 13,50 ; black raspber
ries , p r 24-qt. ca e , ? ,1 50 ; huckleberries , J.1.50.
SM t.r. I'lttiiTS 1'rlcns tire low on most Mn ts
of fruits but thodomand njipuars to bo rather
limited and the movement Is baldly aslholy
" * might bo orpectoil wltli prices
wlioro tlioy now are. Apricots per 4-baskot
crate , $1,25 ; plum : ) , wild geese and Chlck-
iis-iw , per 24-qt. erate , J2.50 ; California
peaches , Jl.1631.25 ; Texas peaches , 80ciitl.OO (
per > j-bu. box.
MFI.ONS Watcrmolons , per 100 , $18 ; crated ,
"Ue.ich ! cantaloupes , per doz. } 2 ,
PINKAITI.ES I'lorltla , percasoof Oto7 dor. ,
$5.50 7.00.
OIIANOES Khorsldo Mediterranean sweets ,
! 3.r > UU > : ) .70 ; KhersIdobecdllngsiJ.25 ; brlghts ,
C2 60if 3.00.
LL.MONS , e\tri : fancy , $5.50110 00 ;
Messlnns , per box , choice to fancy , $5.00 15.60.
1UNANA8 I'ur bunch , I'lrgo , $2.2502,76 ; per
bunch , small to medium , # J.OU2.25.
llinr.s No 1 green hides. 3c : No. 2 green
hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 3c ! ; No. 2
green salted hides , 2 ! { ! No. I green salted
Hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 lta , 31ic ; No ii green salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2Wc : No. 1 % eal calf ,
8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs , Gc : No. 2 eal c.ilf , 8 Ibs. to
151bs,4c ; No 1 dry Hint hides. 7c ; No. 2 dry
Hint hides. 6c ; No. 1 dry silted hides Gc.
1'art cured hides Jlc per lb. less than fully
SHEEP PEI/TS Green waited , each 35cffi$1.25 ;
gieen "nltod sheirllngs ( short noolcd oaily
hkins ) , each 16ffi25c ; dry hhearllngs ( shot t
wooled e.irly skins ) . No. 1 , each 5S10c : dry
shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 2 ,
each 6c ; dry Hint , Kansas ami Nebraska
butchet wool pelt.- , , per II ) , actual weight , 105i
lie ; dry Hint Kansisand Nebraska Murialn
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 710c ; dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb ,
actual weight , OBllOc ; dry Hint Colorado Slur-
rain wool polls , per lb , actual weight , 7'ttOc ' ;
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 637c.
TAM.OW AM ) UIIGASIJ Tallow , No. 1 , 44 ! ®
4Kc ; tallow. No. 2 , 34 < fJ4c ; grease , whlto A ,
455c ! ; grease , while 11 , 4c ; grease , yellow ,
8Jic ; grease , dark , 3c ; old butter , 22Jc ! ;
beeswax , prime , lU&25c ; rough tallow , 2 }
© 3c.
HONES Car lots weighed and delivered In
Chicago ; Dry hulTnlo. per ton , $10 00318.00 ;
dry country , bleached , per ton , S10.002tl8.00 ;
dry country , dimp and meaty , < 8.00U10.00.
Commission men are predicting that now
potatoes w 111 sell at GOc on this market before
the end of the week. There are not ninny
potatoes In bight , but n good many are reported
on the road. Most every one expects a car or
two during the next few days.
A romai k w as made the other day to the ef
fect that TCMIS shippers hud n good deal to
learn before they could give tholr fruits and
\t3getahIeH a reputation in distant markets. A
commission man points out a bhlpment that
would seem to bear out that assertion. There
woio grcon poppers , cantaloupes and eggplant
all tumbled piomlbcuously Into ono barrel.
The b-irrcl was covered with a piece of bur-
Ups. The vegctabtob p icked In such : i slov
enly manner could not well escape bulng dam
aged from the boat and were In poor condition
to bo offered on the nmrkot. ron If the vege
tables had arrived In good condition the pack
age would bo against them and they would not
bring as much on the market as the carefully
crated \egetables fiom other states.
It IB dlfllcult to account for the good move
ment of butler and promptness with which all
grades are taken for cash except In the fact
that the surplus has been thoroughly wined
out throughout the entire country , and that
the drouth Is causing n great deal ol
the low grade butter now produced to bo ox-
potted , bays the Minneapolis Produce Hullotln ,
Through tno month of Juno prices for western
o\tras morago a fracllon iiboto 20c In Now
York , which Is n mighty satisfactory showing
for all concerned. Wo hear , howo\er , com
plaint ! ) from various quarters among dealers
that profits on the Imttoi of 18'J.l are might }
light. The hard times In other branches ol
business hn > o made every one so careful lhal
they want every cent there Is In the business
and In order to make a profit from transac
tions the Indlspcnslblo middleman has to watcl
matters pretty closely.
Oorteo Mnrkot.
NEW YOIIK , July 10. Options opened steady
at 10 points down to 15 points up : closed ( Inn
10 to 30 points up ; bales , 20,000 hags , Includ
Ing : July , 8Hi.25'icl0.40 ; Auguht , $10,201610.45
.September. $10.15 10.25 ; December , 15.901
10.00 ; March. $16.50 1505. Bpot Ul <
( Inner , fair demand : No. 7 , $17.25.
Itio ur. JANHIIIO. July 8 , No. 7 O oxstand
14,950 nils per 10 kilos ; good seconds , 14.10C
rein. Itecolpts ' 'urlng the neck , 42,000 bags
purchases for the United St.Uai , 23,000 bags
shipments to the Unltoa States , 1,000 bags
stock , 134,000 bugs.
HAr.T < )3 , July 8. Good average Santos , 14 ,
600 i els per 10 kilos. Purchases for th
United Statou , IB.QQO nags ,
MllniiuUte Mitikots.
MILWAUKEE , July 10. WIIKAT Easy ] September
tember , l > 7 > 4c : No. 2 spring , G3'Jc.
Cons Quiet.
OATH Stonily No , 2 white , 33c.
llAIII.EV 660.
KYK 67c.
PHOVIBIO.NS Quiet. Pork , Poptcmber10.4 (
I.lvirpiKil MiirKoti.
LiVEitrooii , July IO.VIIEAT Steady ; dc
mruiil moderato ; holders otter nioileriitolj
reil western , Gs U diiGs 4'Jd ' percental ,
COHN Casler , dimiand moderate ; mlxc
woMern , 4s 5d per cental.
HACOK Long clenr , 45 Ibs , , 64s per cxvt ,
LAUD Prlmo western , 60s Od per owl.
riilludelphlii finilii Marker.
I'Hll.ADEM'iuA , July 10. WHEAT rirm ; Ni
2 red , July. G'J } < < cjU9 .ic.
COHN Klim , but iiuloti No. 2 mUeil , Jul
OATB Car lots quiet ; futures ( Irmj No.
white , July , 37Vti38'4c.
MmnoupiillVh ut MurUut.
Mi.NNEArous , July 10. Ti.ide In fiitun
onslor ; ciuh ut huttirdiy' * llgureu. Itecrlpt
28 c-iirH. Clo-o : July. tiO'Hi- : August , 02'8 <
hontouibur , Ufi'ii' . Un irack : No. 1 hurd , OJi
No. 1 iiortlioin , OlJic ; No. 'J northern , 68 > i' '
Nxvr Viirk IIry ( ioiiiU Mitiknc.
NEW YOIIK , July 10 , The mull order di
maud for diy goods wus not huge , but ruthi
boiler limn for hovurul Momliiya past , un
there WIIH un occasional good sulo In brow
bleached und colored cottons ,
Clncinii ill
CINCINNATI , July 10 , WHUAT Fulr doraani
lower ; Ni > . 2 rod , oOe.
I'OUN 1'lrm ; No , 2 mixed , 41 Vic.
r , OATS Dull , steady No. 2 mixed , 81c.
WHISKY Steady , moduralo demand , (1.12.
llnlllmnro ( ir.iln Al.irknt.
nAi.TlkioiiE , July 10. WHKIT Stoadyj No.
rod , f pot and July , G3c.
UOIIN lUsy ; mixed * pol and July , 48c.
( MTB rirmer : No , 2 whlui weitern , "
No. 2 mixed , 32tic.
YUiblu ( supply of drain.
NKV ? YOIIK , July 10. The visible supply
grain U us follows : Wheat , 01,8 0,000 lu
corn. H53.400.000 bu. Oats , 300,000 bu. ; o
Ue - 302,000 bu.j barley , 390,000 hu.
el ; Toledo Grain Murkot.
Touino , July 10-\ViiET-lull. lower ; H
2ciihh , Guc.
I'outi Dull and firmi No. 2 cash , 42c.
' OAT-Qulotca ; h , 8Uic bid.
lo ,
liu ° " MarK u.
s- Ou , OITT. July 10.-Natlon l Transit cc
in tlUcatcs opeued at9 ; highest , & 9H : lonu
Prvtos-- ,
tnnntK , 180,392 blih.t runs , 114,181 , bills ,
I'lTTHitumi , July 10 National TrMnltccr-
tldcntos opened nt 69 ; closed nt 69) ) highest ,
69'4i lowest , 69 ,
LONDON , July 10 rAt-Ctrm LINSKKII Spot ]
40s per quarter ; llnsncd oil , -Os Od per cwt.
Securities \Vcrn AVrnk During the Greater
l > nrt of tha II ly.
NEW YonK , July 10. The slock mnrkot wns
wenk ( luring tlio greater part of the dny. The
general mnrkot opened with losses ranRlnB
M to 1 per cent In the general list nnd 1 { per
cent In llnlon Pacific and 24 ! per cent In Man-
hnttrui. The depression was duo to the re
ceipts of lower quotations from London and
of selling from that center which was nt-
trlbntcd to alleged cmbarrnssmonts of firms In
tlio South Australian trndo. The market for
foreign account continued n steady advance.
The local boars were umtsuUly active , Inking
Advniitugo of the situation abroad nnd of the
failures at the west to unsettle confidence.
The grangers wcro n special object of attack
nnd yielded ! { per cent for Hock Island ,
Northwestern and S . Paul. Chicago , Hurling-
ton It Qulncy hold comparntl\ steady. The
other prominent shares yielded ! 4 to 1V ( per
cent. Ioula\lllo A Nnshvllle. Missouri Puclllc
nnd Lnckawannn led the dccllno.
Towards the close , on easier rates for call
money and lower quotations for sterling o\-
chnngo , prices milled 'j to ? i per cent
nil around , The declaration of the
usual dividend by the I.oiilsNlllo &
Naslnlllo also had a good olTcct. Not-
xvlthstnndhig the disturbed condition of trndo ,
the leading commission houses generally re
port Increased orders for slocks forhuest-
nipnt. The market loftolTsloady In tone.
The Post says : Locally tha natural course
of today's stock nmrkot would Imo been fur
ther p-ir.ilysls of trading , for Iho sentimental
Inllttenco of Saturday's bank stutoment was-
bad and mnney today wns still moro closely
hold. An early break In prices , however ,
canio from nnotlicr source. A London con
cern which has been barely holding Hi head
nbovo walor since the collapse of silver secur
ities , throw over Its holdings this morning , In
ndvaiicoot the regular Stock Kxcliango's set
tlement and Its s lies were largely m ido up of
Amoilcnn securities. Under this ndvorRolti-
lluence prices In London broke from U to 1
percent before the opening nnd thu drop In
quotations wns equally violent during the
forenoon hero. The local bear operators ham
mered prices , nml on sales of no very great
magnitude succeeded In continuing iho do-
cllno In some stocks up to the close. There
was Homo moderutoly faxotablo Incldcnin In
the nnrkot , among them the renewed dccllno
In sterling. This brings uuttial demand rates
once moro materially below the gold Import
ing point.
The following nro the closing quotations on
the lending slocks on tlio Now York Slock cx-
chnngo loony :
The total sales of stocks today were 151,200
shares , Indudln ? Atolil on , Ul > 00 ; Ilurllngton ,
4,000 ; Chicago Gas. 8.-200 ; Distilllnir , 2,400 ;
Goiiornl Klectrlc , 3 , ( > 00 ; Loulsxlllo & Nash
ville. 4,300 ; Missouri I'liclllc , 8,200 ; National
CoiditKU , 4.000 ; Now England. 10,200 ; Nortli-
wo&torn , 4,500 ; Northern 1'aclllc proforrodf
3,800 ; Heading , 5,100 ; Hoclc Island , 0,000 ; St.
I'uiil. 35,000 ; Sugar. 5,200 ; Western Union ,
8.800. Sales of silver curtlficutos , 165,000
Now York Money .M.irkot.
NEW Vonic , July IO.MOMST on CAi.ry Plrm ,
ranging from 4 to 10 per cent , last loan 4 per
cent , closed offered at 1 per cent.
1'iiiMU MEHCANTII.V I'Arnu 0310 per cent.
bTEiiMNO EXCHANGE Unsettled , with actual
business Inhankors' hills at * 4.82K for sixty-
day hills uml J4.841for ilonmnd ,
biiA'FH MAIIKET Huli-tl firmer during the
early dealings , afterwards became weaker ;
certificates sold at VlSGTB c. closing at 72J4
GOVEHNMENT HOMOS Strong ; state bonds
Tlio closing quotations on bonds ;
London rinunolKl Kevlow.
\Cop\irloMf \ \ < J ISJ < by Ja-ntt nimtoii llinruU.\ \
LONPON , July 10. [ Now York Herald Cub
Special lo TUB HEK. ) A gloomy tone goi
ornlly prevailed on the Block Oxchnngo todu
owing lo Iho lack , of any real . -ipport olthi
npfcululhuor Invcstnioiit uml nlsp to ton
lo close the hull ucrounlii prior to se
tluineiit which boKlus tomorrow , Thuro win
larKo rcnlUuttoiis. Ituslnubs In fo
oltii sccurllle * was tlrm. It mu
bu rcmomborud thut only small talus a
neudcil to lower prices umtorlHlly. blhur
uncliunuod ut 33(1 , but nil dependent sucurltli
nro weuk ; Mexican klxes dropiwd to ( iU'j ni
Denver & Hlo Qrundo profernsd to 8211 ; u
lean railway Issurs Keuorully were ulso > ei
WL'ak. Moxlcan Nutloual boutU closed 2 p
conCdonn at8. . All American rallvru
were weak , omioclally Atchliomi , Ml
wuukcca , Illinois Centrals , Limuvllli
NurUioru I'ucltlu proferrvd , Union 1'acl
und Wabauli Usuvn UotplU ) all st4t
monls to the contrary , the AtcliUi
oompany's position Is IhouKnt doubtful und
Is feared UllUcuHics may occur when tuu pre
cut ndvnncc * In kofliiSn nanln't tlio Ixinil * nro
cnliniNted. llomn MtcnrlflM ixro nil lint , P -
ppcliilly rnltwny WiCk * . nn trndo report * nro
very Imil nnd the illridcnd outlook ftloomy ,
The fenturcs In forolcn stocks WM tlio wpnk-
lies * In HpnnlKh imtl Itnllnn bond * , ospoclnlly
the latter , llotli countries nro ticllavml In da
npproiclilne biukruplcy. riimiiclnl nnw
from It.ily h ropardod ns speclnlly dl cournK-
Corporation stoik VIM \erjriim In I'oru-
J'oJt'a riniinclnl Unhid
Nr.w YOIIK. July Jo. The 1'ost's financial
cnblo says : 'tho markets wore lint todny , with
n Rt-nornl disposition lo liquidate. Thcro Is n
report thnt tr.o city ( Solicitor , lately ft member
of n prominent flr'u , has lost ASO,000 ! through
unlucky bull .speculation In Americans.
.Money will probnbtjrho-cho.ip for margins to
morrow. Short time money Is unlomlnblo In
Lombard street , ThlHy thoimnd pounds In
gold went Into the batik today. There Is no
export demand yet ,
I'lnnncliit Notes.
HAVANA , July lo. Exchange , quiet.
KANSAS CITY , July 8. Clearings , $1,642-
I'Aitls , July 10. Throe per cent rentes 07f
C5c for the account.
NEW YOUK , July 10. Clearing * , $72,620,841 }
balances. $3,833,221 ,
OMAHA , July 10. Clearings , $1,133,334 ; same
day lust week , $1,189,810 ,
llAI.TlMolin , July lO.-Cloarlngs , $2,234,011 ;
balances , $420,013. Money , 0 per cent.
Pim.AtKti > iiiAluly 10 , Cloarliigs , 18,500-
404 ; balances , $1,774,708 , Money , 0 per cent.
MEMPHIS. July 10. Now York exchange Roll
ing nt $1.60. Clearings , $183,404 ; balances ,
$30,454 ,
LONDON , July 10. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hunk of Kn.lund on balance todny ,
, July 10. Money , GJ18 per cent.
Now York exchange. 25 discount to par.
Clearings , $2,267,760.
Nr.w OllMAN8 , July 10-Clcarlngs , 8731-
703 ; Now York exchange , commercial , 75c per
$1,000 ; bank , $1.60 piemlum.
ST. Louis , July lO.-Cloarlncs , $3,837,584 ,
balances , $330,210. Money qulot , GU8 per
cent. Exchange on Now York , par.
HUSTON , July 10 , Clearings , $12,802,031 ;
balances , $1,330,438. Unto for money. 7 3 10
nor cent. ICxchaiigo ou Now York , 25c to 40c
CmoAdo , July 10-Clearings , $10,033,970 ;
Now j ork exchange , $1 discount : starling nx-
rlmngodull ; sixty-day bill * . $4,82J4i domund ,
$4.94 ! { ; money steady , 7 percent.
Onttlo Tiilrly Acttvn nnd n Slinilo Lower-
ling * Drop n Ills Nlclclo.
MONDAY , July 10.
The week starts with fair receipts of all
kinds , supplies being considerably heavier
than on Monday of last week. Almoit double
ns many catllo were received us were hero
cither Sattiiduy or a week ago , and for the first
time this year a good propoitlon of the offerIngs -
Ings were western rangers , There were m the
neighborhood of 50 cars of branded grass cattle -
tlo In the yards , but 22 cars of
them , 544 head , were TOMIIIS bought
nt Knnsas City nnd billed direct lo
to Cudnhy nnd Hammond for Immediate
slaughter. The other western cattle were
from Wj omlng and nil on the feeder order al
though soiiioof them had accumulated enough
Ilosh lo make ery respectable beef.
The general market was slow. Chicago had
a heavy run , about 19,000 , and for that reason
moro than nny other prices ruled lower on all
but Iho best dry lot steers. I'rlces were very
iinuton. Gcod salesmen quoted prices nearly
stently on about uvorylhlng In tliu beef steer
line , whllu others hold prices fully lOc lower
on nil grades. Snlesrncluded cholco 1,335 lb
bcc\os at $4.80 , nnd 1,219 lb beeves ns high as
$1.85. The fair to good 1,000
to 1.150 lb steers sold largely
nt from $4.25 to $4.50 with small bunclfs of
Inferior green stock ns low us $3.50. While
there was hut lltllo llfo to the tr.ulo the noon
hour found thu useful cattle about nil dis
posed of. _ „
The cow trade waft ( lull with prices lOc to 16c
lower than Saturday particularly on grass
Mock. Fnlr \erygood cows nnd heifers sold
very largely nt froih $2.15 to S'i95. Hut few
cuHosweruollored for sale and prices paid
were fully Meady , veals bringing $4 and $3.
Rough stock was generally unchanged , fair to
good bulls , oxen and sings Helling ut from $1.90
to $3.60.
In feeders regular dealers wcro the principal
traders. Fresh receipts wcrfl liberal , hugely
westerns and they sold at prides steady to a
dime lower than last week. Kalr to > ory good
slock brought from $3 to $3.45. ItoprcscntutUo
bales :
mtns-SED nnr.F.
No. Av. I'r. ' Nn. Av. Pr.
2 910 $350 20 1051 $440
4 757 380 8 1100 440
1 940 0 80 02 1124 4 40
4 1016 880 21 1005 440
17 1172 4 00 07 1007 4 45
3 1270 4 00 40 1202 4 60
20 1017 4 00 19 1235 4 50
19 1012/410 22 1149 450
72 1085 4 20 23 1217 455
20 1031 4 25 18 . . . .1627 4 65
3 1190 425 102 1240 405
20 1135 4 25 GO 12H2 4 75
40 1112 4 35 98 1279 4 75
11 1112 440 1 1250 480
8 1045 4 40 90 1335 4 80
25 1300 4 60 30 1342 4 75
70 1241 4 00 14 1219 4 85
23 1330 4 00
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
4 955 1 76 2 950 2 30
71 893 200 2 9)5 250
2 1050 200 1 980 250
12 852 205 23 . . . .1068 276
1 1100 2 10 4 930 2 75
1 750 2 15 1 1050 8 00
60 808 2 10 2 1605 3 60
1 1080 225 20 1017 400
0 888 2 25
5 430 1 76 3 803 8 75
1 330 1 75 08 184 4 60
1 110 400 1 120 COO
1 300 4 00 1 150 0 00
1 1020 190 1 1640 225
1 1200 100 1 1290 200
1 1130 2 10 1 1420 3 25
1 1190 2 20
STAG1 ? .
1 1480 3 60
1 , . . . 540 2 40 22 914 8 25
8 1038 8 25
S'o. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow 880 $1 40 1 COW. . . . 800 $1 40
3 helfcis. . 623 1 40 11 cons. . . 810 1 75
21 COWS. . . . 720 1 80 1 COW..1100 2 00
1 cow 720 200 19 cows , . . 839 200
2 COWS..1105 200 1 bull..1200 200
1 cow 700 2 10 1 cow . . .1120 2 10
1 bull 1270 2 25 2 feedersiooo 2 GO
29 cows..1040 21)5 1 feeder. 790 276
7 feeders. 098 2 76 1 feeder. 910 0 25
123 feeders 9114 8 25 1 calf , . , 300 3 25
2 calves. . 105 4 50 4 calves. . 1G5 4 7G
1 calf 190 5 00
20 bulls. . , , 1478 210 2cows.,1190 250
2 o\eil.,1795 300 C5steers..1185 8 4C
Icow 1270 250 UrottH. , . . 905 2 6C
7 COHH. . . . 980 260 21) feeders 1005 841
D heifers. . 420 176 Oco H..1042 1 8C
1 bull 1290 200 8 bulls.1133 2 _ ( .
67 cows , . . . 893 235 2fei-dors 710 2 Ht
19 feeders. 881 805 1 feeder. 900 8 4C
24 COWH. . . . 938 235 108 cows..1017 291
21 feeders.1312 800 117 feeders 1037 8 4
8 feeder.1398 276 1OOfeeders 1201 3 4E
lions Offerings were llbornl for tlio 111 Hi
dny of the week , und the quality wus us usua
good. There wns : i'ry fair local Inquiry nni
some shipping and spcculalho demand , hui
with un exceptionally houvy run and n bin
brcuk In prices , at Chicago buyers hud link
dllllciiltv In poundlrig out u 6c dccllno heio
The hogs chunged hunds freely nt the decline
houo\or , and within ucompnruthely nnriov
range. Cholco hullllot1' ' lieuvy und light
sold up lo $0 , mid Inferior Mock , boll
heavy und light , sold down to $5.85
1'or fair to good hogs of nil wolghti
il was priii'tlcnlly n $5,90 and $5.96 market , tin
big bulk of the fnlr to good hogs of nil weight ;
helling ut those HgiirfH , ns against $5.95 und ( (
.Saturday and $5.41 } and $5,50 one wcik ug <
today. Kepresentutjvo snles :
No. Av. bh. Pr. No. Av. Pli , I'r.
2,280 $580 09,250 280 J5 90
GO..216 200 6 US' 11..230 6 90
4..812 6 H5i 63..280 6 02' ,
70..277 120 6 00' B8.2i0 ! 120 6 9/
04..240 120 6 90 00..248 5 92 >
70. . .238 100 6 90' 03.,200 80 6 95
00.282 100 6 9O GO.239 240 6 115
29.,204 120 6OO 14. . . 250 605
75.209 luO 6 90 76.19O 120 6 95
G5..239 280 6 90 71..250 6 95
68..229 80 6 90 GO..207 1GO 6 96
30..268 40 6 00 04.252 6 95
72..204 200 6 00 04.260 80 6 95
04..281 120 6 90 08..217 120 6 05
08..250 80 6 OO BO.228 120 5 95
04.,300 120 5 90 f > 8,2&2 40 & 95
CO , ,248 200 6 00 64..205 200 5 95
( > 3 . . .241 120 6 90 65..294 80 6 95
79..235 820 6 DO 1..1HO 6 96
4..182 6 90 10..270 6 05
CO.,208 120 6 90 76..194 80 6 95
01..262 5 90 CO.240 6 95
02. . . 2C9 6 90 GO,249 80 6 95
65..230 440 & QO 70.,220 1GO 5 96
03..244 200 6 90 US-38 240 & 96
CO.,296 6 90 08.273 40 6 96
72..231 200 6 90 8..101 6 OO
3 .goo 6 9O 67.237 80 0 00
.71.254 693 6. . . 293 OOO
0..621 80 690 27.,285 80 0 00
7.290 6 90 7..228 G 00
07..230 6 00
BIIKEP I'our doubles were received an
sold right uround steady prices. Fed wetter
lambs averaging 69 His brought 14.60 un
ftilr 80 lb Wyoming suoup brought $3IX
There la no quotable rlmngo In thu markc
Fulr to good natives , 13.00 4,76 ; fair to coo
western * , 13 00 4 f.O ; common find stock
shpi'p , S ? 6tVl3 f.O ; good tncholro 40 to 100 lb
lambs , $0lit ! ) 70 , Hoprcsotitnllva n1oi
Nn. Av. I'r ,
182 woMeni lambs , fed 69 $460
251yomliig , ( trnss 80 3 00
IteecluU unit IHipniltln \ of Htnuk.
Oftlclnl rccolpts and dl < p-"ltlon of stock m
nhowubjr tholKMks of th * Union Stock Ynrdi
company for Iho forty-olRht IIOUM ending at
& o'clock p. in. July 10 , 1893) )
Chlcuso l.lxp Stock Murltnt.
CHICAGO , July 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Itnn.1 Hoodcattlo were fairly nrtlte nnd
sold fulrly woll. Thnro wns u llbornl number
of well fated ( steers , but not too nrniy for tlio
demand , which was reasonably nc'hu. Local
dressed bcuf llrms wcro fico buyers ntul the
wants of eastern shippers nnd exporters WPHI
qultusulllolont to nlisorb iho supply of rlpo
beeves. The situation In gra s cntllo wns not
so snllsfnrtory. Thuy comprised a largo pro
portion of ( ho receipts , and as Ihuio were be
tween 0,000 nnd 7,000 Tc\ns catllo In tlio
yards sellers were at n dliad\niilngo , Sains
indicated a decline of about lOc. From $1.20
to $5.05 wns tlio iiingo of xnines for native
cattle. It needed to bo something 111010 tban
ordinarily llnu to bring ns much as $ and
sales at better tliiin $6 were scnttcrlng. Kroni
$2lo $2.35 nought most of tliu ronsiindillio
prevailing prices for steers wpro from H to $5.
Tlio mnrkot for Texas entile wns netlvo nt u
small decline. Tlio tatpply. thoutrh huge , was
closely bought up on a basis of from 1.75 to
(4,20 for pool tocholco soils.
Today's receipts of hogs wcro remarkably
heavy , footing up about ! 1,000 head. Tbeso
nro tlio largest receipts oxer known at this
time of year nnd for a while tills morning tliu
market was pnialyred. Ituycrs Insisted oil
concessions of from IBc to 'JOc per 100 Ibs ,
nnd got tbcm , but tlio mnrkot soon righted up ,
nndbofoioO o'clock 6c to lOo of this loss bad
been rocovoied , tlio close being actho nt
about lOc n from Saturday's quotations.
Theio wns an nctlvo demand nnd most of tlio
hogs wore bought up. the bull : of them
at from $0.10 to JC.25. At tlio opening * G.UO
bought cholco hoes , and later In the day $0.80
waspild for no bettor hogs. Light and
weights sold at substantially the --nmo inngc.
Tlio run of Miocp was not excessive , O.UUO
head being Iho estimated supply. . Good sheep
wore rntliur scarce and were strong and tlio elf
grades , though receiving bill , llttlu nttuntlon ,
were saleable at as good prices as Iruo lioun
paid ut any time within the last fortnight.
There were buyers for good to cholco imtMo *
nt from $1.60 to * 5 00 , and for prlmo Texas
sheep ut from $4.35 to J4.40. Poorer grades
were quoted anywhpro from $1.75 to $400.
Lambs sold better than at the close of last
week. They were quoted at from $3.75 to
$0.75 for poor to e.Mr.i.
Receipts : Cattle , 10,000 hond ; calves , BOO
head ; hogs , 44,000 heud ; sheep , 0.000 head.
The Evening Journal repoits :
CATTLE Receipts. 10,000 head ; shipments ,
10,000 bond' nmrkot 10ffll5c loner ; prlmo
beoxcs , $4.00IS6.40 ; good , $4.3534.85 j medium ,
$4.10314.35 ; common , $3 50K4.00 ; TCMIIIR ,
$2.50S4.15 : stockcrs , $2.753.25 ; cows , $1.10 ®
3,25Hooa Kccelpls. 44,000 head ; shipments ,
0,000 head : mnrkot oiiencd lOT&lOc lower ,
closed strong , decline mostly logulnod ; mined
packets , 600020.20 ; jirlmo heavy and
butchers' weights , $0.50 < iG.BO ; light , $0.15 ®
0.30.MiEEf Receipts , 10,000 head ; shipments ,
1,100 bead ; mnrUctutendy tostrong ; nathrs ,
$4.00a5.40 ; westerns , 84.00S4.50 ; ToMins ,
* 3.85(2,4.50 ( ; owes , S4.U030.30 ; lambs , $3.503
Nr > * York LUo Mock Marker.
KKW Yonic , .luly 10 DEGVUS Hocolpts for
two days , 5,200 head ; trade slow , but a sh.ido
firmer for cholco natlvus : poorest to best
ntitlvo htoers , $4.402.5.40 ; Tet.ins , J3.50Q3 90 ;
dressed beef dull at 70c. Shipments tomor
row , 480 beo\es and 1,200 ( inuiters.
OALVKS Uecelpts for two days , 3,237 bond ;
dull and lower ; veals. $5 00 7.1)0 ) ; ml\ed lots ,
$4.1635.55 ; buttermilk c.ihes , f2.001S3.00.
SilUM1 AND LAMIIS Kecelpts for two days ,
14,880 bead ; hheep stoidy , firm ; lambs actho
and We lower ; sheep , $3.SO'OiS.OS ; lambs , $5.00
© 0.75 ; diesscdmuttou,7S10u ! ; dressed lambs
Ion ur lit Q ® 12c. !
lions Receipts for txvo days , 0,087 ; nomi
nally bteucly nt0.1O30.75.
Kausna City I.lvo stuck Mnrkot.
KANSAS CITY , July 10. OATTI.E Rocolpts ,
0,000 hond ; shipments , 3,100 head ; mnrkot
steady for best ; others wenk ; Texas steers ,
$2.25'S4 ' 00 ; Texas cows , $2.00a2.75 : shipping
steers , 64.25S5.35 ; native cows , , Jl.50fe4.GO ;
butchers stock , $3 O0'it4.30 ; stackers and
feeders , 32.50&4.00 ; bulls and mixed , $1.50 ®
lions Receipts , 3,700 head ; shipments ,
5,000 head ; m.irkot lOc lower ; bulk of suits ,
J5.751i5 85 ; shippers , $5 0505.76 ; mixed , $5.05
© 5.00 ; light , J5.COSb.00 : Yorkeis. $5.85(3.0 ( 00 ;
pigs. $5 00 5.85.
biittEP Recelots , 4,500 hnad ; shipments ,
8,700 bead ; market slow and weak.
St. Louis Ilxo Stock AInrket.
ST. Louis , July 10. CATTf.H Receipts , 5,200
head ; shipments , fj,500 tioud ; maiket nctlxo ;
fair to good natlxo steers , $3.0034.80 ; fair to
good Texans , $2.25 4.HO.
lions Receipts , 2300 bond ; shipments ,
2,200 head ; maikot easier ; heavy. $5.70 ®
0.00 ; mixed , $5 GOS0.10 ; light , 85.HOio.l5.
MitKiKecelpts , 1,300 head ; shipments ,
2,100 head ; market unchanged.
Kale H W Il'ni / ( jt07i.
On BOmo sylvan errand bent , Diana
chanced to catch hot' reflection in an
unrullled pool. She saw neither glitter
of diamonds nor gleam of gold , hut
what , being only 18 , Bho deemed of
greater worth beauty , wondrous beauty
and content therewith Bho sut down
and reflected thus :
"Thoro is a world outside these pas
toral Holds called life , whence everyone
goes ; Strophon nnd DuphuiHtaking their
flocks with them , Bacchus his wives ,
nnd even Pan has gene thereto do his
piping. There , I hear , none either toiler
orviillc , but ride onu mighty Merry-go-
round to the in URIC of pipe and Bong.
Iloncc , too , will I got mo. for full surely
this desert land is no place for such 0,1
I ! " And she smiled as she pictured how
at sight of her wonderful beauty the
Knights of the Morry-go-round _ would
drop from their hot-fees to "worship nt
her foot ; and making her ready she departed -
parted and in time reached the Merry-
It whirled ccafcolobsly past her. n daz
zling spectacle , nnd many a knight in
passing , said : "What a pretty girl ! "
Others more enthusiastic , oxclnimod :
"By jove , bho's n btunnor ; " while not a
few , forgetful of worldly wis-dom , hold
out their arms to her and cried :
"Come ! " hut not ahorse was demounted ,
not a knight knelt ut her foot.
Thus pnbsed thrco brief , bright
seasons , and again Diana got her to the
pool. She looked in its binooth depths
and lo ! like Nurcibsus of old , for very
love , she btoopOd and kissed the imago
there reflected , for tlio beautiful bud
had burst into bloom , oven beyond ita
first promlto.
"They Hlinll yet kneel , " she tald ,
turning' again to the world of Life.
"Beautifull beautiful ! beautiful ! "
murmured the Knights of the Merry-go-
round und bowed low their uncovered
heads with the instinctive homage men
vet viold to chaste beauty ; and many
bcgg'ed her "Como , " but still no horse
was abandoned , no rider knelt ut her
Ono she saw coming afar off , and the
flutter of her heart said , "At liibt ; he
will kneel. " Ho culled to her and hit
voice was the music of the spheres. Ik
hold both arms out to her , and in joyous ,
confident tones cried , "Come , my dar
ling ! "
Then , as she did not respond , he
slacked his speed in amazement to in
quire into it.
"Got off your horse , " she said , recall
ing the rolloction in the pee ) . .
"But I cun't , you know , Dl , " ho replied
impatiently. "Please do bo reafonablo ,
that's a dear. ' Of course I would love U
kneel at your foot forever so long , but il
wouldn't do ut all. uro bcurco 01
this whirligig , and a fellow that's luckj
enough to get ono has got to hong on t <
it , unless , of courbo , ho gets u bug of golt
by dismounting , for that will always BO
lanuktuieis 9 lofcis Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Mnnnficlurcrsof Tonti ,
HOR9n COViil3. AvnniK i ilc , 7UJ nail
70 S Itth btroc't ,
Bcmis Omaha Bag I
Importers nml inixnufio-
turen of Hour Backs ,
tiutlup , twine.
Morse-Cos Slios Company.
Salesroom nd onice-llOT-HOMlll
ractory-lU'J-USl-1123 ' llownnl 8U
Muniif islurori of llooU an !
Wo are tha osfcv
axloaaoa to all to tn.poct
Kirkendall , Jones & Amcr , Hand-Sewed
. Wholoialo
COMPANY. nifrs , ncenU lloston SHOE CO . boot * , uliooj
nnd rubber [ Ood" . IfcW-
llubborbhoo Co. 110- ! (
HOi 1100 llnrney btrcct 181U llnrnuy atro-t.
Oinafta Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
Mf ra K > 11anliCd Iron cot-
L1MK CO.h rd nnd Jft nice , wlnilow cais. % no
oonl , a K. cor. 10th ami tulle BkrllKliU , utc.UJS
Mruot. Biiil I31U IJodEcMruct.
M. E. Smith&Co. Kllpalrlck-KochDry
Err KOOdB , nolloni , fur- Notloni , Hunts' furnish-
rlgliluK Kouils , cornt-r put u'uoili , ( .or. Htli auil
llth nud Howard 5ts. llnrnc ) btreeU.
Omaha Upholstering Beiiee & Runyan
Upboliterod furniture , FUIINITUIIIS COMPANV
UOllUi Mcbolui at.
\VaoUialoonlr. and 13tb Strea
tire him another. So just jump up ,
Htlo pirl. 1 will cntch you , and hold
ou so fast , and youbhall wear diamonds ,
tndowill have the jollicst kind of a
line all the way round ! "
Tno horses behind were pressing him
lard , for however sympathetic their
idcrs might be , the whole Merry-go-
round can not stop for ono man's wooing ,
and as biana was obdurate , hnM volun
tarily , half by force of his surroundings ,
" 10 passed out of her sight , telling her
: ts ho went that ho know faho would
regret it which she did.
Some way , after this , the sight of this
ceaselessly revolving machine wearied
"icr the 'sight of big men on little
wooden horses , and little men on big
wooden horses , all going up and down
"n the whirl around , responsive to the
solf-bamo pulse ; and she turned and Hod
to the woods , where she wept a hcason
hrough. At the end of that time she
dried her eyes and murmuring "spilled
nilk , " said , "I will go back and ob
serve. " And this is what she observed :
1. That unadorned beauty commanded
only the call "Come. "
2. That tlio glitter of croiflf and .the
chink of gold was all that would itnhoreo
the Knights of the Merry-go-round.
a. That it did , indeed , go hard with
such knights If they got not the gold.
Being all unaccustomed to walking ,
iniinv having never oven crept , they
wore mostly lost in the desert that lies
outside of the orbit of Life , although oc
casionally ono wns clover chough to
catch another mount.
1. That the women had to do most of
the holding on , once they were mounted
In a style varying according to their dollars
lars und cents.
Again fiho wont to the pool to BOO If
her eyes showed her year of weeping
and to try to calculate her own worth.
She wag 25 , hut hoi- reflection showed
her she was Diana still.
"Ho shall bo line looking"sho decided ;
"have a good horse and hold out both
hands , anyway ! "
Again from the Merry-go-round she
heard murmurs of adtniratUn , and
hands were hold out to her in great
variety widowers , bachelors , and
romantic youths with downy llp < i , who
still rode on tholr father's Horses but
none of the many met her requirements ,
Thiib two more scuuons pabaed , Diana
did not go to the pool.
"I am 27 , " nho higlied ; "I will shut my
oycs and catch on , and may the gods bo
kind ! "
And they woro. IIo was BO very com
fortable comfortable ambition , com
fortable deposition , comfortable mount ,
and comfortable to look at. IIo had
called "Como" to ono or two who had
failed to respond , but that was long ago ,
and when , to his surprise , ho found him-
belt captured by Diana's shapely arms ,
far from displeased , he bald :
"JlyJovo , I'm lucky ! Dl's a beauty if
bho Is poor ; and had bho been homely
enough to stop a i clock , I'd have had to
give In juat the bamo. This is such a
chivalrous ago ! "
Piles of people tmvo piles , out Oo Witt's
Witch Ha el Salvo will uuro thorn.
Kuiluoeil Tlmlr Alan' * Wugci.
TOLEDO , July 10. TUls morning the Mil-
burn Wngon company , whoso works are the
second largest in the world , served notice on
Us 800 employes of a 25 per cent reduction In
wages. A largo number of inon at once litlil
down their tools uml wnlkcd out und ttila
afternoon not over a score or so of men ro.
turned to work. Tlio company thinks tliitt
most of the men will roturu to work to
morrow ,
Rector & Wtllieliiiy Lobeclt & Linn ,
Dcalnrn In harOvnro n8
Corner 10th anil Jackion tools
Htrools. m Htreat.
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron
Wtiolointo WOKK3.
IlfttB Cnpfl , BtruW ROOdB , inf iviuilts. Jnll troa
Klunros , mluons. ltti Iron tliutturi anil lire
nnd llnriior btraots cnic9 , Andraon , Id
anil JackBon
John A. WaKclicld ,
Imported.Arwrtorin I'ort-
land commit. Mllwau-
koo coincnt and Qulncy
\Tlilto lime. I
Frlcfc & Herbert ,
Wholesale liquor dealers
1001 Fnrnam St.
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co.
Cnrr > a full stock of
and IteHnoJ and lubricating
writing pAp card
jmpors , etc. oils , azl groin. to.
- Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co.
Produce , frulti of all Uuttor. ohogK , ( ggl ,
poiiltrr and gaoas
kliHi9oy tor . 817 M. Utli Mrtat
Omaha Stove Repair M. A. Disbrow&Co
Vr'OHKH. Slovo repairs Manufacturer ! of
uud wutor nttiiflbmenth doors , blind ! and
lor any kind of ntoro uioulillu s , Uranoh of'
made. 12U7Uouiiaa | it. 11 co Uth and U.rA.
Union Stoci Yards Company ,
HcstCattlo IIo nnitShoop iniriot la tlio woii.
House. ; .
Wood Brothers.
Live Steak Commission Morcli'inti
? o-ith Oranlia Telcpliona 1157 , Chloau
JOHN I ) UAtt- MAN , I , ,
WALTHIl 13. WOOD , f Vnnllnr
Market reports by mall and who clioorfull )
furnished upon application ,
Time is Money.
A miss is ns good as B
mile. A second is as
long as a day , some
times uhen you miss a
train. If time Is money
ri %
, lo you then you should
RUBY JEWELED \cnrry \ nn accurate time
ADJUSTED tij. 7lvccpcr. The Ducbcr-
11 a m p d c n 17-jewel T
watches the
arc time
Bavers nnd keepers.
Would yon llko to know which watch b most
uio'l nn America's ( Irciitcut ItallromlT If so.
write for rlmilnr "A ( Jiastlon of Hecouda. " Tu l
Uuuuuii WATCH WUJIKS , Cautou , o.
ITiiirr. wxnK Moi Rjrn j
fAlllntf Heruory ,
I'Bltlll. HCCIllC ! l3 > l , UmLlHH . - tHe - '
He , anil quickly but turelx rtttorrn l.otl Mlulllrw
9) ) < 1 nryoiiiiLr Fanllr rurrlHd In vift pocket , rrlci
( l.llOn | mcl < f . Kli fur f > OO wltli u urrlllcn Kuur *
iitri'turure or inonrj nfurl't il. Don't Irtuiiy al.
I rliiLh lcU drUKrl tMI IDU any klndtif fmltiittttn In *
lift or , hnvlni ; INKAI'O nonu oilier If lie lial nal
lot II , will ttiulli by ninll u | > on milplol prlci ,
I'-nii lilcl In ( cnlmi uivtloiie fiif Aclilrtu llrlcuta ]
Jltilli-ul fo.r > a I'ljliioulli 1'lnri , < hU-u o , III.
SOLD liy Kulm & Co. , Cor islh and Douglai Six ,
anil I. A. I'ullcr & Co , Cor. Mtli end l ) : 'n'
Sli'OMAHA. NED. , | jy Paul G Schneliltr. 51 !
llroadway anil-C 1'eail St , COUNCIL IiLUH'3 ,
IOWA , anil other I.e dlnc DrueEiits.
liuldo , outnlde , und all the
by drluklni ;
ThUgroatTumporuricedrink :
% a * UouUtiful , ai U la pleasant. Try