THE OMAHA DAILY I3I3E : MONDAY. ' .TCTLY 10. 1803. JSPKOIBL NOTICES. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THESE COLUMNS will bo taknn'Cntll 13 : 0p. m. for the evening find until Biop. : m. for the morning nnd Sunday editions. Adrrrtlwrn , by rmtioMlre numbonM chock cnn have tholr nnnwrm addressed to n numbered lei tor In cam of TUB Bun. Answers no nrtdrrimcd will bo delivered upon presentation of the check. WANTED MALE HELP. nates , IKo n word first Insertion , Ion word thcro- nflor. Nolnlnif taken for less than 256. „ _ _ B --SVANTKI ) . ALLSTENOGRAPHERS , BOOK- kroporfl. nal mpn , iiliArmnelsM , clerks of nil Jtlnkn , main or female , out of employment In Iowa , Nchn1 ka or Wyoming to send ns their l names and Address. Wo can bo of Kyrvlco to you Innldlngyon to BPCUTO positions. Western Btisl- tiCBH Ageticy. 310 N. Y. Life Uldg. 318 } y20 -SALESMAN. DO OUWANT TO BECOME a Mmt-clann salesman , wllh chance of becoming n collector , nnil work for the Singer Mfr. Co.T If 10 , apply nl 0 n. m. sharp , 1610 Douglas. M780 IS 11 SALESMAN , A LIVE , ACTIVE SALESMAN Jicaii havn n BUwly poslllon wllh advancement Recording to merit , in n very popular buslni'jB. Call bet , ri and U a. m. 1628Vlnton. M788 IB _ O-WANTKD. MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO D1S- 4'trlbutfl circulars for big ndvertliors. $3.00 per thousand ptld. Bond Blamp. Wilson Ootnpiny , box , Indianapolis , Ind. M808 10' B -IF YOU WANT A OOOD PAYING JOB WRIT1J the HttWks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. M807 n 3 * B-GENTLEMEN OF OOOD CHARACTER TO represent our business , Insurance men preferred - forrod ; 417 Boo building. M837 n-WANTEO , ELECTROTYPE FINISHER AND JJplnto reviser at once. State Journal Co. . Lin- coin , Neb. MM I 10 B-SALESMEN TO SELL GOODS TO MER- chaiiMby flamplo ; $100 no n month for workers ; nampH'S and ciiso funtlohvil fn > o ; Inclose stamp. Model Mfg. Co. , South Bcna , Ind. MU26 17 * U-WANTED , EXPERIBNCElTMALH STENOG- JJr.ipher , by Jobbing house. Address L 10 , Beo. B-WANTED , FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH : good wages and Bteady ctnployment guarantcod to sober , Ilidustreus man , Address L H , Ben. II-SALESMEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER. J > We put our goods In Glass Rolling Pins. ff < 10.00 month mid expenses , or commission. Chicago cage Baking Powder Co. , 707 Van Huron Btrwl. Chi cago. M 038-A 7 * B-A TRAVKL1NG SALESMAN , WELL Ac quainted In Nebraska , loxvu and Kansas , can proctiro tin ) management of a branch now estab lished In Omaha representing a first-class eastern company. 8-y.ood.OO bond required. Salary paid. Address Hotel Paxlon , room 140 , until July 12. | ) DRUG SALESMAN WANTED , OF GOOD J > Blnnilliig with llio trade , to Boll ( side line ) an ar ticle In great demand. Will pay * 2r.00 margins jHir week ; H.imples small nnd neat. Only men nlruitny traveling need apply. AildrcBS Ward ic Co. , Clcvolnnil. O M1UU 10' T-WANTED , RIGHT AWAY , RELIAHLn MEN Jl'at homo or to travel , to keep our Bhow cards tacked up In towns on trees and fences along pub- llo roads. Steady work In your own county ; $75.00 n month and J.I.OO a day oxixsimcrt deposited In y your hank when Blarleil. J. II. Schaaf k Co. . ! )04 Walnut street. Cincinnati , O. M107 10 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Ralesl4vn wonlflrat Inscrllon.loawordlhcrc- nfler. Notlilng Uikcu for4uns than -'Bo. n-WANTED. LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. MKiicloso stamped envelopo. Ella Werst. Soc. , South'Hi-nil , Ind. 430 / " WANTED , LADIES OR YOUNG MEN TO V/lako light , iileasant work at their own homes ; Sl.OO lu $11.00 iwr day cnn bo quietly made ! work pent by mall : no canvassing. For particulars ad- dreHB Glolw Mfg. Co.-llox & 331 , lloston. Mass. Es tablished 18811. MillU jy 10- C-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. Enclose stamiwd envelope. Vcrna Langdon , South llviid. Ind. M077 Iy20' ri"OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. W. F. v'Stoetzel. lJil ! ! S. UUth , belweun Poppleton and Woolwoi th nvo. 80'J _ -LADIES OF GOOD ADDRttSS TO INTRODUCE our business among friends. $70.00 to $100.00 Balary to right pirlleBj417 ; Moo building. " M8HU C PUPILS WILLliirRFlblflVED"DURINO JULY and August at Madam Corbott'B Ladles' Tailor iiK college ; glrla will bo funilHhwl posi tions when competent. CU1 llrown block , lUth and ' MStfU la * _ % yANTED.'GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. . ' . .tl ) ) wook. 1130 South aist. M833 _ 1-OOOIC XND LAUNDRESS , MRS. M. ROGERS , ' .III I So. .17th slreet. B3B 10 C-I WILL PAY A FEW LADIES A SALARY of $10.00 per week lo work forme In their lo cality at homo ; light work ; good pay for part time. Wrllo with stamp. Mrs. E. K. Baaaett , suite 004 , Marshall Field bldg , Olilcago. 211)08 ) 16- WANTED. LADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN , WE V-/wlIl pay you $ r.oo to $ lli.OO per week to do ntrlctly liomo worlc. for ns nt your homos ; no can vassing. Send self-addressed envelope to G. F. KIIIIIIOIIB .1 Co. , Ilattorymarch nnd Water streets , Boston , Mass. M050 13 * C WANTED , A GIRL ABOUT 16 TO HELP take carp ot children. 1715 Caas si. B80 8' rt-WANTKD.A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- V workj no washing. 1420 3. 8th. 887-8 rt-WUNTKU. COOK FORCOUNTRY RESIDENCE Wnear Omaha. Apply at Omaha Elevator offlco , or U701 Dodge stivet. 801 8 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Hates , 10o.i line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month . Nothing taken for less than 20o. Dl I-FOR RENT , HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF the city. The 0. r. Davis company , 1C06 Ftimam. \-HAND4-ROOM APARTMENTS , VON DORN 'block , wllh HUainrcfcrcnccsniiuln. ; : diiaS22d. ; : 447 I ) 3 ROOMS CHEAP. C08N131HST.MBSBJylO' T\-8-ROOM HOUSE..MODERN. CONVENIENT -Ufor biiBliH-HS or wholesale men. Apply 1112 Boulh 10th utix'ct. - 443 -"V-ROOM COTTAGE.TO RENT , CONVENIIINT for U. P. railroad men. Inquire 1112 S. 10th st. 41il I-V-FOR RENT. NO. 212 N , 17TII. 11 ROOMS. Jl two doors . furnlshod , near now pnstoinco Blto. 800 Oeo. J , Fox , 1218 Harnoy stit-ot. M670 ) y 27 IV- FOR RENT. PLEASANT FURNISHED J-'hoiisn. for summer , at low rent , to desirable tenant. Theo. L. Klngwult. 2026 St. Marys live. 600 D-DELIOHTKUL HOME , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , inixlerii convi'iilences , barn , bcanllful lawn , tiaturill shade tivos , M5 tier mo , Imiulro 2003 IMurcu st. 84 _ TV-NINE-ROOJI nitioii HOUSE , NO. 1341 PARK J-'avenue. facing IlaiiHcom p.lilt , nearly new , bard wood tliilsh , llrht clans modern coiivenlciiceii. Iii- qnlmatNo. H15Si2dst. : Oil 12 TII'UOOM 2-STORY HOUSE , 3210 CASS ST. ; J-'iiiOiUTii cunvcidenees. line location , 123.00 iwr month E. A. Northnp , tax dup't II. ti M. Ry. UilH 13' D ( -TWO KAbT FRONT 7-ROOM COTTAGES : , all modern ami In excellent repair , half a block from car lliin , WllUiml together to desirable ten nuts ery cheap. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam , M010 ) D. FOR RENT. THE MOST CONVENIENT cuniforlable , cowy and coniplulii utght-ruum lioiiHKjn liuiha : , Electric hello , liard wood lloor , llniMlry eullar. furnacu , rangu , gas , bath , hot and ; cold water Now and gooil order. HUH S. 26th ' iivrmin. For rent to gnnd p-irty. Also tlnu 12- rooni ( ipiisps. c. rorner2llh nnd Dodge , Furnace , nuigi ) , batU. hot and cold water , good light rooms ; elegant localluu. nint moderate. Apply lo N. A. Kjjhii , 16th anilJoug\ \ , MUU5 10 "FiiRNiHiTmTcoiTAoi : . o ROOMS. SOUTH h nuur J.iukHon ; tmiall family , , very n-nson- InanlruOOj Sanlli 10th. UBO-b' JfOB KENT FUKN1BHED BOOMS Rates , 1H ° " word first Insertion , loa word thoro- kf uir , Notlilng taken for less than 26o , E NICELY FURNIHHKD SOUTH ROOMT > 2COa llai iit-y , MlOlly-14' _ -FURNISHKD ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR gritlenL'Umodcrit ) ) convciiluiiceb.a''il Nurlh23d. 3d.L. . NICELY FURNISHED HOO.M3 , WITH OR without board. Call nt 11107 Douglas St. QUO 1U _ -TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms for rent , liniuli-o llul 1'arU uvoiiuo. _ _ _ 0OE E KOOMSFORHOUSUKBBPlNa PRIVILEGE of UoanliTH. ' 'MOa Douglas. M101 10' -NICKLY VUnNlsilKD SOUTHEAST FRONT rooms , iiiCMli'ni cunvenlepcus , prlvatH family ; ( imtUuucn lmrcired. | 014 N. ' 'Lnl nt. U10 1D < 'T7 NICELY rURNISHE'D "llOOMSj""MODERN ljcoiiyi'liioiiet ! ; VU7 Cans Htrutt. U01 13 * ' < T'-FURNlSIIEirilOOMa. lof7 ND"l02il CAPI- , i ? ' aY. " . " " ° ' j. _ MU7a A7' E-FlIRNlsTl KD ROOM. 1000 10 ' * FUAtNISHED BOOMS AND BOARD. ' Rates. IKo a word Ur t Insertion , loa word thore- nftur. Notlilng tukeii.fpr lutts than 250. ' < , -THE DOL-\N , 203 AND 211 N. 16T1I ST , 440 - HIGH UOOUS WITH BOARD . IT- AT 107 S. 4YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER OARE Of JL lvWomuir Cbrlatlaii a 9Wlatlon , 111 S. 17lh t ' 460 IlT-HOilK ' TA1ILB RATES , MODERATE , 1024 f , 'Jfuiifua street. 637 if M' _ _ * f-NICE ROOi < 3 WITH BOARD ; ALL MODEllN * . ciMtveuleueu " * ; board # 4.ui ) per week. VO'JO liar- FOB BENT UNFtJBNISn'D BOOMS Ratcn , IMcn wordnrBtlnscrtlon.lon word thero- nflcr. Nothing tnknn for IMS than 25c. n -FOR RENT , B OR 0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. . /modern Improvement * , bountiful lawn nnd fthndo. N. B. cor. 23d nnd Miami MrooU. M7BO G-FOn RENT , 4 NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS stdUblo for housekeeping , city wmor. pa * , cto. I/owrcnU Northwest corner 17th nnd Webster dtrceti. 6UO G -IMIOOM FLAT. 1000 LEAVRNWORTH ntreet. M10514- FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Rates , 10o a linn filch Insertion , f l.RO n line per month. Nothing tafcon forOM than 2Sc. J r uifc linn aiuifcrc un n. inn ; ni' . , ui\a\m block , suitable for meat market , hardware or drypooiiisloro. InqnlroUOO S. l.tth st. 431 T- FOR RENT. THE 4-8TORY BRICK BUILDING. J 010 Farnam At. The building liiw a fireproof , ce ment basement , complete Btcam boating ntlunw , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the onico ot The Bee. Olil f FOR RENT. CHOICEST SECOND FLOOR BUSI- - ' IIOBI comer In Omaha Olobe building , 10th and Dodge. Olobo Loan ft Trutl Co. 46'J AGENTS WANTED. Rales , lOon line ouch Insertion. SI..10 a line per month. Nothing taken for li'.si than Uuo. f-AaENT3 KiTHETt SKX WANTKD TOI SELL our new kettle cleaner , broad and calm knlvi'i and other now artlolea. E y Hnllers , bin profits , terms easy. Claims Shear Co. , Khiisaa Cliy , Mo. M310 JylO" T THE ABO INVESTMENT BONDS PAY tl $51)0.00 In from ono lo five years. Buy ono. $3.00 cash and $1.00 a month afterwards until paid. Best paying Investment extant. A rustling agent wanted In evcrv town and county. For full particulars apply to The American Bond company , Sao and 631 1'axlon block , Omaha. M387 Iy22 * J-WANTED. GENERAL AGENT OR MANAGER lo take charge of pcrmanenl nnd pleasant busl- nrss and work city and surrounding country through corps of canvassers. Business strictly legitimate and exceedingly profitable ; cash salary and commission. Must bo a llvo , energetic worker as well as a good talker ; preference given to a man with a little capital , though lack of It will not prevent engagement If applicant stills In other re spects : n few vacancies In other elites. Address at once J , W. Jones , Manager , Springfield , O. WANTED TO BENT. Rates , I Wo a word flrst Insertion , lo a wordlhero- altcr. Nothing taken for less than 25e. K WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. NEAT 6'OR 0-roOin collage near car Hue ; will leaeo If prop erty desirable. Address L 11 , Bee. MU50 11 RENTAL AGENCIES. Rales , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. L-BERRY 4 CO. , RENTS ; 717 N.Y. LIFE. 370 STORAGE. Rate * ) , lOo n line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J.'o. M STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clean and cheap rateo. It. Wells , 1111 Furnam. 451 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , 1 Wo a word first Insertion , Ion word there- alter. Nutlilng taken for leas than Sue. i ' goods , etc. , or will sell for owner lu our auction Bales. R. Wqlls , 1111 Faruam. 404 N -WANTED , SECOND HAND ROLLER TOP desk , ono standing desk nnd ono surveyor's level and target. D. G , Doano , 111 Chamber of Commerce _ 37l ! N -LUMBER YARD , DOING GOOD BUSINESS IN n good town In eastern Nebraska. Drawn & Bolton , 112 South 13th St. , Lincoln , Neb. MH45 18' FOB SALE FUBNITUKE. Rales , IKc n word first Insertion , lo a word there after. Notlilng taken for lessthan iGc. ! fl-FURNlTURE OF SIX-ROOM HOUSE , IN- Weludliiff now piano , cheap , 007 N. 27th street. - M070 ! _ FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONS , ETC Rates , lOc a line each Inscrtfon , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less llian ' 'So. , r 5 FOR SALE , PERCHERON STALLIONS AND tnares , reglstci-ed , $200 to $300. Wrlto for catalogue - loguo of breeding and prices. Brett-Uaker Co. , UcnrS. . D. - 8bii-ll * FOB SALE MiaOELIiANEOUS. Rates , JWo a word first insertion , loa wordthero- aftor. Nothing uiKen for leas than 'J5c. rNO. . 1 SPUING FRAME RAMBLER BICYCLE , v * cushion lire , nearly now. Very cheap. Address - dress K 0. Boo. M3SI1 Jy21 Q-HANDSOME LARGE DOUBLE YELLOW head parrot 7 yi ears old , a line talker and whlst- iiT. largo cage , xiivuip ' v. 400 S loin aitt Council 1 Bluffs. 040 14 Q-PUG PUPPIES , ROOM 30 , BARKER BLOCK. M700 A2 -A FINE PUG PUPPY FOR SALE AT 4220 Nicholas street ; half prlco. M074 11' 0I _ , _ ! I - , : I08 Cailfo rrila st. oil 8 * CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nolhlng laken for less than iiOc. O MKS."NANNfE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT * , Oix'llablu business medium16th year ut 11U N.lOth 407 S MRS. DR. M. LEG RAVE , DEAD TRANCE clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your life from f radio to gravn ; photo of your fntiiro wlfo or hus band with initials of immo.sent through mall ; llfo chart $2.00 ; Egyptian breast plato to nnlto the Hvparatcit and cntiso marrlago with ono you love. Olllco and resldcnco 417 South Eleventh street , near Howanl street. Letters containing 4 cents In stamps promptly answered. M804 12 * " MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rates , Wa a word flrst Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leas than 23c. r-MADAME SMITH , 002 S. 13TH , 2ND Fr < OOR , X lioom 3. Mawwgo , vapor , alcohol , stcam.sulphiir- Ino and sea baths. oiDSi ) 16 * rp MME. CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , ! 1D -1- floor , room 7. massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. MU27 11 * i-MME. MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , -.magneticmassage treatment. 110 North latti St. . second floor , room t. 853 ll PERSONAL. Rales , Ilia a wonl first Insertion , lo a. wordlhere- * ter. Nothing taken for less than 26c. -WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con taining many photo-engravings ' of haiidsonro WOIIIPII and gallant men who wish to wed. Brown Publishing Co. , Tern pie iourtTol doO. M711-31 * T r-CUT THIS OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN'9 \J Photo Studio , 2123 Ciimlng Bt , , and you will bo entitled tu 1U Arlsto Cabinet Photos , very best , on flit edged cards , and ono 8x10 for framing , for tl.OU ; without this , if 3.00 ; for 10 days only. _ _ J M2Uyl7 ] * U WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfnlly Illustrated marriage Journal. Brown Pub , CO. , ToloUo , O. M80U : i6 JIM , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND ptuno for sale at 007 N , 27th street. Tlilnl : will suit yon. Call tomorrow. Jess. MH70 10' MONEY TO LOAN REAL J&STATJB. Rates , lOon line each Insortlon , $1.60 ( I line pur month. Nothing taken for less tlian 23e. ' LOANsTSToT WALL ACE.l ) 12 ITRO WiniuT 472 _ \V LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property , $3,000 and upwards. 6 to UW per cent ; tie delays. W , Farnam Smith&Co , 1320 rurnam 400 \\r-l AND 3 YEAR LO.\NSON CITY AND FARM M mortgages. Hoeilibolby , 311 Hoard of Trade. 407 lu.E3 r W- 1 TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES TheO , P.DavisCo.,1803 : Fapiam str6oi400" ; W-LOWEST RATES. FIDELITY TRUSTCOSl"- pany , 1702 Faniuni street , - 4U2 \ \ V.\NTEDATONOB LOANS ON IMPROVED > T Omaha proixTty ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company , 17u2 V'arn un Direct. 402 jot IV-FIRSTAND SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS ; V low rates , .tloxMuore , 401 lice UlUg , 474 \V7-MONEYTO'LOAN AT LOWEST RATES 3IJ ' i Improved and unimproved ival estate , 1 06 ycuru. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Furnam. 402 7-LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 243 BEE BLDG.47S 47S \\-ANTUONYLOANANDTRUSTCO.,31SN ) , Y. ' ' Life , lends at low rates for choice soonrlty 03 Nebraska und Iowa fanna or Omaha city property , 470 \\r-OENTRAL IXANA.TRUSTCO. , BEE BLDO , V _ „ _ * ? i. " \\r-WANTED. TO BUY 8 PER CENT N&TES SEcured - < ' cured by inartgagea Qinaha idly or Douglas Co- property , Hood i Sjiby , 333 Board of Trade 407 llatcs. IWo a wonl first InaoruonTo a ward thero- JHolKiugr'jakcu'for'iosa than 26c. T OST. SMALL BUNCH KEYS. FINDER PLEASE -LJreturn to Klnalor'a Drug Store , llewant. MOOS 10' T OST. BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND 25TH Capitol Avo. . geM locket and email chain , Initials " 3. II. J. " on one nldo and cross on reverse , Return tu 2625 CaM St. for reward of , 037-8 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rales , lOon line each Inoorllon , * l.f > 0 a line per month. Nothing uknn for trim than 93o. . " -CALL AT THE OFFICE OF OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. [ INCORPORTED. I Yon can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANO3. HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSF RECEIPTS , _ MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Vfa will lend you nny amount from $10.00to $ Ii ( ON THE DAY YOU A9 IK f OR IT without publicity or removal of uroncrly , Yon can pay the money bai'k In nny amount you wish , and at any limn , ami onoh payment so mada will reduoo tuo cost of llio loan. Krmiembcr that yon hero the use ot both the property and the money , nnd pay for it only as lonz asyou keen It. \ Thrro will Ira no cxpcnao or clmnro kept out of Urn nmonnt wanted , but you will rocclro the full nmonnt ot thn lo.ln. lloforo borrowing olnowhero call and BOO us ana you will lltnl It crr.itly to OMAHA MOHTOAOE LOAN CO. , 3110 SOUTH 10TH STIIEET , first lloornhovn the utroot. THE OLDEST , LAUOKST.AN1) ONLY 1NOOHPOR- ATE1) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X \-nO YOU WANT MONEY ! THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 WITHNELL HLOCK. mow SOUTH inTii , CORNER HARNEY ST. LOAN \ YOO \ ANY LARGE \ Oil \ SMALL ' TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP. WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURB , HORSES CAUIUAOKS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPF.RTY OF ANY KIND rYOU /I / / /U / CALL ONU OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. Yon can pay the money back at any tlmo and In nny amount you wish , ami thus rednco llio cost of carrying the loan In proportion to amount you p.iy. IF YOU ewe a balance on your f umlluro or other perHonal property of any kind wo will pay It oft for jou and carry It as long as you desire. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , so that you got llio UBO of holh money and property. 47U X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OP SE- curlty ; strictly conQdcutlaL A. E. Harris ) , room 1 Continental block 47B BUSINESS CHANGES. Rates , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $ l.uO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J5c. V-BRTcKSIDE\VALKS iiDE\VALK "BRICK "TO -I exchange for cash. William J. Wclshans , 411 KnrbAch block. Jill ISJylU T-DO YOU WANT TO BUY , SELL OR EX- changoa business , real esloto or lands } Do you want additional capllal In your business ? If HO see us , wo can help yon. Call or wrlto for our bulletin. OfTlccs In nil principal cltlea. Western Business Agency , DION. V. Llfo Bldg. 318 Jy20 T BUSINESS OP'NINGS,874SHENANDOAHIA. \ - FOR RENT , A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- 1 dn-i box 06 , Lincoln , Nob. 61 ! 1 V- FOR SALE , BARBER SHOP AND BATH J. room , located In the business part of city and excellent business. For particulars address , K 37 , Boo. 004 30 * V-FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR IMPROVED A farm property , a first-class butter nnd cheese factory , capacity 10,000 pounds per day. In one of the best valleys In Nebraska ; original cost , $7,200.- 00 ; present owners have other business. Address K Oil , Bee. M817 11 Y' PARTNER WANTED TO TAKE INTEREST In n paying manufactory ; Irailo established ; $1,500.00 required. Call 13UO Dodge 81. T. Slgler. M03B 11 * V POU SALE-A RESTAURANT IN A OOOD I town In Iowa ; the only ono In lown ; rent cheap. AddrcBS Box 14 , Woodward. la. MOOO 10' FOB , EXCHANGE. Rates , lOa a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. ry2S,000 WORTH OF CLEAR LAND TO EX- /Jchungo for merchandise. iil'J McCaguo bldg. . M011 Z-I HAVE $2,300.00 EQUITY IN 100 ACRES 00 miles from Omaha ; also 320 acres In Mis souri ' , all clear. Will sell or exchange for stock general merchandise , boots and shoes , horses or cattlo. J. R. , 4004 Leavcnworth street Omaha. MD8S 27 * TJ-A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MD9E. fJVi'lll take real ostatuandmonoy.Dox il'JS , Frank- fort. Ind. ' 481 Z-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKAi KANSAS and Dakota. Will Boll cheap or exchange for mdso.horscs and cattle. 70Frankf ort , Ind. -481 TWO BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCES nnd barn , on motor Una ; best location for bank , stock , merchandise or clear land. What have yon J Box 700 , Omaha. M7B1 16 FOB BALE BEAJJ ESTATE. Rates , JOe a line each Insertion , $1.150 a line "por- month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. pOR SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A souUi front pottage , 0 rooms , Sl.3no.00 , CO foot. A south front cottage. 4 rooms , $1,100.00 , 60 foot. A south front house , 0 rooms , & 2.H30.00.100 foot. A north front cottage , 0 rooms , $1,100.00 , ( iO foot. A north front cottage , 4 rooms , 61.000.0U , ffO foot. A north front house , u roonm , $1,800.00 , 00 foot. A small first payment and onsy monthly pay ments. Small clear lots wlll'bo taken In exchange. Sco N. A. Kuhn , drug-glut , 15th und Douglas. M353 jy 17 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND GET Irlch. Wo offer for nulck sale 10 choice llltlo planta tions of ton acres each , at Mlllanl , only iplou par acre. You can llvo thcro and work or do busi ness In Omaha. Best thing over offered. Call early If you would secure one of these elegant pieces of land , uuy ono of which will produce u living for yourself and family , Boggs A. Hill , 1408 Farnam st. 003 Jy 2(1 ( B UY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Cheai > cst and best lots In OMAHA , price and terms to HOME BUILDERS. Stocpcl Placn lots will always advanca In prleo , for tin ) city must grow westward. Call on or ad dress W. A. Webster. 402 Bee bldg. MS77 FOR SALE , A OOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FARM of 4Mb ) acres lu Harrison county , Iowa , on very rnasonabla terms. Address L. II. Raymond , Mag- nolla. la. Met 12 A3' TARGAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. J , 1 > N. Frenzor , room 6,1'rcnzor block , opp. P. O. , MlllJylt TEST BARGAINS YET. ONLY 5 BLOCKS FROM -IJlOlh street viaduct ; 0 lots , H0x80 fuel , high and dry. Just right for a homo. Build a $500 cottage and you have a sure thing on 12 per cent Interns ! Also two cast front , 7-rooni cottages , full lots , on Lowe nvenne , half prlco. Lots In South Omaha at your own prlco. All clearaml will sell on long terms. R. N , Wtthnoll , Wlthnell block. Olli-10' M EVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO INVEST IN J i real estate , and look ut this for bargains lu In side property , 4 lots , 10th and Center , worth $1,209 each , only ? t00 ! uach. 1 lot ) n Orclmid Hill , worth $1,200 , only f 71) ) I. 1 corner lol on Military ave. . , Just oinio-iliii Clifton Hill , worth H/'OO , only * 70U. Lot on Maroy st. . between 31st 'and ; > JI , worth 43,000. only $ 1,000. ( .1,1/u k * IJf * , t/VTUt Finest lot In Crelghton HolghU , worth $1,203 , only $773. 2 lots In Lincoln Place , worth $1,200 ouch , only flioo for both. ! l lots , LnFayotlo place , Walnut Hill , worth $2,600 00 each , for l,600 00 each. Avondale park , Inside one mlle line , Webster strecl lots , with paving , curbing , alone sidewalk , sewer , parking , electric light , etc. The finest Inslda rcsldonco proi > crly In the city , at the lowest prlo r" worth2,600.00 per lot ; our prlco only $1,600.00 per lot , half cash. Burl street fronts In Avondala liark ; only $1,300.00 per lot. It will pay you to ilnn vetttlgatn Uils. nnd Fourtt < cn lots In Roes place , on Georgia and Virginia avuntius. between uuson and Paclna. For casli wo are offering this property at 60u oil the dollar. For n homo them Is nothing liner ; as an In vestment It In Impossible to find anything better. Alwaya a plousuru to show any or all of this prop- trFiDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 1702 Famam. 1 HAVE FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS OF LAND J 1U and 8 miles from lown ! will sell It all wily from 4 > 7.0I ) to * ' ' 6.00 per acre. This laud Is tirst- class land and If anybody wants to g t gwrt , ap houiolhlulsiichaueo. I got ono )4 ) with Ing water , to acres broken , 2 mlleu from county seat , nnd by making n small payment on this La ml I will sell It 011:1 : too yuan * time. Write alouuo or come und BOO me. C. Hauck , Loup City , Net ) . ' } Il)70 ) 17 * TOWN $100.00. Motors , Improvements , no cucumbranco. * 28.0i ( Cash , $10.00 a month till $100.00 Is paid ! BALANCE Two and three years. 7 per cent , ABSTRACT With 01 cry lot and warrantee deed , ABSOLUTE Safety and future iiroilt Is ensured , NO ONE Can judge the value of this property unless they BOO It. Take no one's word. NO ONE Can got a safer way to save money and vet a homo than tuU one. VO ONE Han over losl a cent by such n purchase. EVERY ONE Has tnudo money who has tried U , CHANCES Like this are not often then you. 971 0 ' 1&07 Farnam , St , FOB SALE ESTATE , Continual. TN TOWN. $400,07 , motorfl , ImprOTomf hfa , no encumbrance * Cash , f 10.00 n montn till * 100.00 ts paldl II A.LJ A n C R Two and three years at 7 percent. ABSTIWCT Wllh every lot aHUwnrrapty deed. ABSOLUTE Safety and fntun * prodl Is ensured. Can juitirn the valua of thlrf property unless they see It , Take no ono'n wonl. . NOUNB Can get a safer way to sava , money and got n homo than this one. Has over lost a cent bv nnch n purchase. K V K HON K HAS nmJo money who han trtixl It Like this are not often given you. 0710 S UBURBAN HOME , 16 ACRE3 FRUIT AND garden ; BUltabln tor nursery man. milkman or gardncr. Llvo town ; thrco railroads. Address 110X103 , Do Witt , Nob. UUO 13 _ A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe nvonuo tf'opplcton park ) , oaiy nceess to motor. Owner going Into business. Will Bell very cheap for cash. Also lot llnnscom Place. Big bargain for cash. Address L. F. , P. O. Dnx : ! HO. M145. ARGAIN. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. SOUTH front half lot Hurt bolwocn 18 and 10. Will consider nny reasonable offer , half cash , terms to suit on balance. W. N. Nason , Room 111 Board of Trade. MUOO 22 _ WOBLD'S FAIB HOTEL3 & BOOMS Rales , IKc n wonl first Insortlon , Ic a , word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 26o. _ TyORLD'9 FAIR. ' HOTEL BOgTON. ( Europ > vin Plan. ) O. W. PARUR1DGE. Prop. ( National Bank of 111. Reference. ) An elegant now brick and stone structure , corner of Cottage Grove avenue and Oflth Btroot. consist ing of 200 rooms , all llrrlit and airy , within few minutes walk of "Grand Entrance" lo World's Fair Grounds. Convenient to nil street care and ele vated railroad. Wo are booking our rooms very fast , and would advlso you to secure your room early. Go to a hotel wnisre you can get on outside room and bo comfortable. The Hotel Boston offers you those advantages. Rooms , $1.00 to f3.00 per day. Restaurant at tached. . Meals , 83 cents. "Tho owner of this hotel Is ono of the proprie tors of the Boston Store , which Is a sufficient guar antee of first-class accommodations. " For further Information address PHILLIP MURPHY , Manager. 118 toll. 4 StatoSt. . Boston Store. Chlcntfo , 111. "THE GR03VENOR , 0217 SHERIDAN AVENUE , JL Chicago , n select family hotel , within 0 minutes walk from the principal entrances to the fair. Good references. Reasonable rates. Apply to C. C. Shimor , 211 Now York'Llfo building. Omaha. M105 Jy 10 MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1 60 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. " " FVOELLENBEC"K.BANJOISTANDTEA"CIIER. 1810 California street. DM TIANO TAUGHT. THREE LESSONS FOR $1.00. JL Miss Truman , 020 North 10th street. M840 10' SHORTHAND AND T YPE WB1TING. Rates , lOoallno each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for.loss than 26e. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON acfiulro n working knowledge of shorthand and typewriting at A. C. VnufSnut s school of short hand , 513 N , Y. Llfo. TypQTjrlters lo rent. 483 tTNDERT AKEBS AN D E MB ALMEBS Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.80 a line per month. Nothing taken forjesslhan 2 60. CW. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. . Jacobs , deceased , later .with M.O. Maul ) , under taker and embalmer , 310 sJltlth su Tel. 000. ? - . 482 PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line par month. Nothing taken for loss Ihan 28c. T SONNENBERG , DIAMOND BROKER , 1303 J .Douglas st. Loans inonuyjcm dlamonds.watchos , etc. Old gold and silver bdffiht. Tcl.18g8. 485 " SOAI/E8. * Rales , lOc a line each lus rtloni $ li60 a line per month. Nothing takeg. for lyM than ff" l ; . TVTEW i SECOND M AND ! SCALES'ABL KINDS 1 > Addrc8S' ordon& Solleek-Oo.rtakOfat. , Chicago -rf : . , , / - i -if' t > .i 48(3 ( SECOND-HAND TYPJ3WJIITBBS. Kates , lOc ii line each Insortlon , $1.BO a line per month. Nothing taken for losa than 20c. " YLE&HABBDBALEslNYP WBraKn3 All makes bought , sold , exchanged , routed. 013 N. Y. Llfo bldg. Tel. 058- 484 PATENT - BUREAU , . SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , Omalia , "Nob. 4 years Examiners U. S. Pat. Oflloo. Ad vlco tree No fee until patent is obtained. The Denver * Investment Bond Co. 417 BEE BUIKDING , OMAHA , N2B. No Bafer Investment or greater profit can bo ob tained than by purchasing bonds with this com pany. Wo pay 60 per cent more towards the re demption of bonds nnrt mature them In ono-lhlrd less tlmo than liny other company. Look Into our plan before purchasing olspwhcro. lor full par- ' tlculars wrlto or call at our'offlco. t 417 BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , NEB. R I * lllgolow , General Acionc. RHILWflY TIME ORRD "Leaves I'CIIICTfGOniURLINGTON'A Q.l Arrives Omaha | Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 4.20pm Chicago Vestibule M.UII am 11.4ram Chicago Express 0.60 nm 12.10am , Chicago. Express > 4.25 pm 7vl7jin . . .Chicago A Iowa Local. . . 6.53pm leaves Arrives Omaha Depot 10th mid Mason Sts. Omaha 10.16 am ; Dt'nvor Express. , 4.00pm 10.16am Dnadwood "Express 4.0i ) pin I.fjOpn : Denver Express 11.30iim 4. 00 pin Denver Limited 12.03 am 11.00 pm . .Nebraska LoeaUKxcontSuii ) . . 0.60pm H.16nm . .Lincoln Local ( KweptHun ) . . ll.MSnm Leaves I UlllGAOO. U. I. ft t'AOtt'iO. 'irrlvou Omaha | Union , Dnpot 10th AMnrcy Sts. Omaha 10.30 am I. . . . . . . . Atlantic Rxpiutn D.OO pm 4.00pm Ohio & Lincoln Vestibule Lm'td 3.60pm 7.10pm Night Express. , . . , , , , . . 7.66 nm 6,0llpin | WorUTs Fair Limited. . . . . 4.10am "Hoing r ciifcAGo .il. ori'AciFfrtr West lUnlon Depot loth & Maroy Sis. West (1.10pm YT..Lincoln , F.tlTCiiry . . . 10,2fl am 11.10 am Chlo. & Lincoln Vustlbule Lui'td 3.60 pm 2.30 pm r Limited 4.10 pm i Arrlvos Depot 1 Dili aiUMuson Sts. I Omaha l.r OAin . . . .Kansas CityTTjfj ) Expniati. ' . , . 6.63 pm 0.4.1pm K. C. Night E\p. ila U.P , Trans. 0.10 urn LHt.jjOuls K < proas. 11.40 am Leaves" ' FI0 Arrives Omaha Union Db'iioiljllliat Maroy 9ts. Omaha ( Uidnin U. 15pm 4,16pm 0,40 pm Leaves I , . Arrives - - - - Omaha J U. P. Depot und'Marey Sts. Omaha 'fi.fOpin : I , . , . , , . , , Chicago Mrp'ross 0.33 nut 1 1 .aOaml. . „ „ . . .Clilcago Htiurss Ji.80 pm P7.T17 I Arrives Depot 16th aniMVfeualer Sts. | Omah 11.10 ami Duadwoodr'j'xpress 6.30 pm 11.40 anil ( Ex. Hal.-Wyo. Elm ( Ex. Man. ) 6.30 pm 6.30pm Norfolk ( Ex Hunday ) 10.2S am 6.43pm St. Pai 0.26 am S O. P.ilf-pot. IQiUfoMureyStH. I Omaha 7.20am | ( Kx , Snn'y. ) Carroll Passenger tt.AD pm 10.40am . , Chli < agufpress. , , . , , , . , 0.03 pm 4.03 pm' . . , , . , .Vestibule .Limited. , , , , . . , 0.20 urn , 7.00 j > m' ' K intern Flyer , , , . . . , . , . 2.1ft pin 0.20 pm ( ( Ex. Sun. ) Chle. Pass. ( Ex. Hon. ) 0.20 am Loaves I MISSOURfPACIFIO. Arrives Omal hal _ Depot lath and Webster Sts. I Omaha " "l.lOpm St. ouis Express 6760 nil 10.00 pm , St. Louts Express , , 4.23 nilmi 6.26pm , Nebraska Local. . 8.63aui Leaves I C. ST. P. . M. & O , I Arrives " Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sta. _ ha 8.60 am . .Slonx City Accommodation. . 0 03 ham 1.16pm Sioux City F.xprdsa ( Ex. Sun. ) 12.40 pm 6.46pm St. Paul Limited U iS um 6.10pm Emerson 1'assuiufur ( Cx. Sun.l B.tSam Arrives Depot. 10 ttud tJarcy Hu. _ ha . .Sioux City Passenger. , lO/'O Tin ? - .St. Paul l Express. lO.oil am " Loaves SIOUX CIT"Yn'ACIFICI Arrives Omaha JJepot , 15th and Webster Sts. Qjuaha 6.16pm ' .8"t. Paul Limited. " 0.23 am 6.4 Spin .Chicago Limited 0.23 am Leaves OMAHA Ii BT , LOUIS. Arrive * Omaha U. P. Depot , loth and Marcy , Omaha " ' " " 4.00 p'ui ' " 12.33 pin ABOUT ELECTRIC RAILWAYS Already Ibcy Lead All Other Street System in This Country , THEIR , . GROWTH WITHOUT PRECEDENT with Wonderful llnplilltjr. for Outstripping Stonmll.illvriiy * In the Mnt. of Kxteiiftlnn statistic * He- , oentljr authored o i the Topic. The multiplication of olootrlc street railways in the United States has com pletely thrown Into the shndo the growth of steam railways and is without precedent - dent in road building , says the Now York Sun. After the successful intro duction of the first railway in 1830 , con necting Savannah , Gn. , and Charleston , S. C. , other lines in Now York state , Pennsylvania nnd Massachusetts were operated , Many obstacles had nt first to be overcome nud many dangers tofcc provided against. Improvements were cautiously introduced. Capital was gin gerly invested. Accidents were many nnd discouragements almost incessant. Government help was sought , nnd wns found necessary. Otherwise lines could not bo built and equipped. In Now York state the legislature grnnting n charter to the Krlo railway to construct a line from Now York City to DulTalo , allowed the projectors ton years from the date of the grant of the franchise to finish ono-quartor of the- road , fifteen years for half , nnd twenty yonrs for the whole lino. The state also loaned Its credit to the company to the extent of 93,000,000 , to bo paid back in. installments as the road wai completed , the state reserving the right to take the road with Its fixtures on paying the cost and accrued interest nt 14 nor cent to the projectors if they proved unable to carry on the business successfully. Notwithstanding such aid , the good In terest paid , the lands granted to the companies nnd the contributions of cities , counties nnd private Individuals , the Increnso In extent of American rail ways was very slow nt first. In 1830 there were twcnty-thrco miles In opera tion. In 1832 the total was 220 miles. In 1S35 It reached 1,01)3 ) , In 1840 2,818 , in 1845 4,633 , nnd in 1848 5,997. In no single year wns the incronso in mileage , which now averages 5,000 miles n year , ns high as 1,000. From 181 ! ) to the beginning of the civil war in 1801 , the extension of American railroads was rapid , the total mileage in 'that year reaching 31,000. Then railroad building languished until 1870 , when 7,000 miles were nddcd , and now the total is 215,000 miles. With the electric railway companies the case is entirely different. They have Increased , it would seem , almost by magic. They are limited to no section of the country. At the beginning of 1800 , when the plan of electric road building first began to be popular , there were 200 companies in operation , cover ing 1,041 miles of track nnd using 2,340 , cars. Today , so rapid has boon the mul tiplication of lines and so gonernl the UBO of electricity ns a meTns of traction , that there nro more than 7,000 miles of electric street railroads , divided among the states us follows : Now Vorlt 818 Kentucky 113 MtiBBnchUBcttB . . . . 724 Montana 11'2 Ohio BlIO Oregon 108 Pcimylvanla 4(14 ( Vlrcliiln 80 Illinois .170 Uhoilo iHlaml 83 Missouri 821 ! Connecticut 07 Texan 314 Maryland 07 New Jereey..t . . - . . 270 > 02 Michigan..v. . . . . 74 Utah. . . G'J Minnesota . . . . . . . „ 273 Malnu. , . . . 41 Indiana. . . . . ' 244 District of Columbia 30 , . -California. ' ! . . . ' 2:11 : North Carolina.SO Tennessee 210 Arkansas' 18 lown 203 Delaware 17 Wnahlngtoii 1118 New Hampshire . . . IS Nebraska 107 South Dakota 7 Georgia 102 Louisiana 6 Wisconsin. . : 14B Wyomlne 0 Alabama 183 Colorado 114 Total 7.213 Throe years ago the mileage of horse car roads wns 5,713 , of electric roads 1,041 , of steam roads 554 , and of cable roads 527. Now the electric roads lead nil others , with n total in excess of 7,000 miles , while the horse car roads have fallen below 6,000 , the cable roads have reached 1,000 , und the steam lines in cities have not materially increased. The cost of building a milo of cable road in a big city is put usually by engineers at 860,000. An electric road costs about $18,000 , n mile. The cost of operating horse car nnd steam street railways Is about the same per mile. The cost of operating cable nnd electric roads ifS about one-half of it. iSloctrio roads nro * 10 per cent cheaper to operate than cable roads , and their construction is CO per cent loss. New York has , In proportion to its population , the least number of electric roads , the trolleys being excluded from Manhattan Island except that small banksido corner of it which faces the Third avenue bridge across the Harlem. In the annexed district , however , there are three lines of electric roads and the promise of others by the Union Railway company , which has all the franchises necessary for the employment of Its 82.000,000 capital. In Brooklyn elec tricity has generally superseded horse power on street car lines , nnd in other cities the change of power is going on BO rapidly thnt the mileage of electrlq roads may reach 10,000 by January , a totnl Inrgor than the steam railroads at tained In the twenty-one years following their introduction. Stroner nerves , sweet sleep , good a ppotlto , healthy digestion and , boat of all , pure blood , are given by Hood's Snrauparllla , CONGBES3 OF ENGINEERS. livery Civilized Country to Uo Itopro- Hentad In 1- oral Interest among1 the nineteen depart- 1t nieiits of the World's Congress auxil 1- iary in connection with the Columbian , exposition at Chicago Is that to 1'S known as thoInternational , Engineering ' congress. From a paper devoted to its program , contributed hy Mr. J , K. Froltag to the Engineering Magazine , appears that invitations to partici pate in the engineering congress liuvo boon sent to all prominent foreign and American societies , insti 1- tutes , colleges and schools of engineer 1r - ing , as well aa to distinguished engineers - oors in all parts of the world. Corro - spondcnco has been cstahlixhcd wltl sovontytllvo societies in twonty-sovoi countries. This largo foreign ropro - sentatioii'insures the intenatioual eharac - tor of "the movement , and as thin is tin ilrsi international engineering pongros in the history of the world , the resul will bJf'wlthout ' doubt a succossfu' representation of subjects of living Interest - torost to oybry odglnoor. There will nbo original pa ] > ors and discussions by leuilorri in the profession in over ; branch , desoilblng now * processes , in volitions , works recently constructed liar in process of conbtruotlon In short , the advancement of engineering In heir nineteenth century , At thfi same tlmo with the engineer - ing congress , an international confer > - ' once on aerial navigation will bo hold . The practical and partially successful ox - porjinonts that have boon madu In IXho past few years on this still rudimentary Hiibjoot havO awakened the Interest of the scientific and engineering world. Suuh names as Elisha Gray , K. L. Cor- tholl and OofavoChanuto as a committee I insure a eoieutiQo and practical trout- mont of n subject , which for years 1ms attracted only vlslo'nary InvonUirs. The pajxjrs < and discussions will deal with the scientific problems involved aviation , 8Cbi ballooning , mechanical dinicultloa , etc. They will summarize the latest ro- scnrchos , and call for nn exchange of ideas nnd concentration of action among ' nion at work on this subject. Another congress which will bo hold nt the same tlmo , and which will bo of special importance to engineers , Is the water commerce congress. This is ono of ' direct International importance , deal ing , as it does with that great economic question , the cost of transportation be tween stutos and nations. The cheap ness of water transportation , as com pared to that by rail , accounts for the steady Increase of the former. In 1890 the ontlro coat of Inko transportation in the United States was something ever S2i,000,000 : , wlillo the cost of the same freight by rail would have been over SU3.000.000. The subjects of this moot ing will Include building of ca nals , deepening ol rivers , excavation of harbors ) building of docks , improve ments In steamers , proposed canals In the United States , and all relative topics , the discussions to bo confined to the economic feature of water commerce- The congress of art nud architecture will very fittingly convene In the same week with the engineering congress. Special efforts have ooon made to afford visiting engineers ovorv opportunity to examine American works of ongluoo r ing. A complete Hat of suoh works of note \ias boon obtained from some 200 cities In the United Slates , and letters of introduction to any of thosn cities may bo obtal.iod from headquarters. SUE KINO INFORMATION. A ChlcrtRO Jndijn AuM for Light on the "Lnyout , " A lot of gambling men were on trial before Magistrate Bradwoll yesterday morning at the Harrison Street polloo station , the result of a raid on II. C. McGuiro's place on F.ast Monroe street , savs the Chicago Times. The judge's desk was covered with a full faro layout board , cards , box , chips , markers , eas > o keeper and coppers. "This lavout , your .honor , " began Detective WllllaniH , "was found in Mo- Guiro's gambling house and " "What do ? " innocently you mean by a layout nocently inquired the court. "Is it with these tools that so many so-called suckers ave laid out ? " "That's as good a definition of the word as could bo given by the oldest faro oxpo'rt In the United States , " smilingly responded the ollicor. " "For the better understanding of the court I will state that that silver box In your honor's right hand , and in which the court is now placing the dock of-cards , is called a faro box. The cards are dealt from the top and placed in two separate pllos by the side of the box , just as your honor is now doing , and bets made with these chips are won or lost by their turn. Now , for Instance , I will Dlaco.a stack of these chips on the king and you make n deal. There , you see , I would have won , because " "No , you wouldn't. You put your money on the corner of the king and it took in the jaok ; it's a stand olT , for the jack showed on top ; but or ah , go on , Mr. Omcer. " "This little square piece of Ivory Is called a marker , and when a player puts it on a card like this ho " 'Markers don't ' go , Williams , " re marked the court , aa ho shoved the ivory block off the board. , "I thought the court desired some in formation regarding ! ' "I do : but you know the rules of the house about markers. " "I guess I'll not explain further about the garno , " laughed the detective. "Theso men around mo wore sitting about the faro table when I came Into the place. " "Were they playing ? " J l J * "No , sir. " "Then they are dismissed and on peti tion the case of the proprietor Is con tinued to the 15th in $ " > 00 bonds. Call the next case , Mr. Clerk. " "I've often hoard of a faro layout and was anxious to BOO ono , " blandly re marked the court as the gamblers filed out. "It would appear to mo to bo a dllllcult gaino to learn. " -o- WIDE STRETCH OF WATER. The ICIo do lu Plutn , Whoso Hunks Are ] Mllns Apart Wore It not for n decided difference in the color of the water you would never know whan the Atlantic is loft and the llio do In Plata is entered , sayj n writer to the Philadelphia Record. The high- rolling , whitccappcd billows are the same , and no land is i visible , for the grout covered is 125 miles wldo at ltd mouth , though with an average depth of only fifty foot. Sobustiuti Cabot , who arrived in the year 1520 , soon after the natives had murdered poor Don Soils , dubbed it River of Silver , not on account of its color , which might have won for it the more appropriate name of Golilon River or River of Chocolate , but because ho hufl wrested quantities of silver from the Indians. who swarmed Its banks , and naturally imagined that nn abundance of precious metal remained in the vicinity. In point of fact the terms Argentina mid Rio do la Plata ( botrnneaning the same thing with ref erence to mlvor ) are misnomers , for no metals of any sort , precious or other wise , are found along the banks of the mighty stream , or anywhere nour it , and the beauty argentiferous deposits In the hills of the interior huvo never boon worked , The Indians aforesaid prob ably obtained the silver which HO excited - cited Spanish cupidity from Peru and Bolivia , by some primitive system of in ternal commerce known only to themselves selvesTo thin day metals do not flguro in the exports of the adjacent countries Uruguay , Paraguay and Argentina , but euuh prosato articles as hides and tallow , "horns , wools , preserved and re frigerated moat , etc. for thulr wealth lies solely in grazing facilities and fer tile soil. ' Named Him Alter the Lord. Undo Den Is a rotfiiluf "old-tlmo1 Virginia durkoy , oao 9/ / the olasi so fust dying out. Born and raised on the Carter planta tion inuny yoara before the war , ho lias I never loft hla old iniiHtoi-'a family , saya the Now York Prosa. Some months ago Bon , though well stricken in years , took unto Jiiinsolf 11a young wife nud for a long tiino iloino.stio carea seemed to weigh somewhat heavily on the old man. Jjiist Thureday morning , however , ho came to hlaworlt with suuh un oxproa- biou of contentment on hid nublo countu- naneuaa to attract the attention of Mars' ' Tom. Inquiry elicited the fact that his wlfo had juat presented hint with a BOH and heir. "Bon , " asked Master Tom , "what are you going to call your boy Oil Bon stopped "currying" the old "Poto mulo" and said .with an expression of great solemnity , "Boas , , I givino call him after do Lord-rl gwlno call him Hollo- way ! " Marao Tom allowed that Holloway was a mighty flno namo.but did not quite gee hla oonncotlon with the Lord. "G'way from hyar , Mars' ' Tom , " said Bon , "ain' ' you done hear dat Lord's prayer whar hit say our Father whloh art In hobbon , Holloway bo dy name ? * 3 "Yaaa , eah , boaa , I gWliio1 to call him i after do Lord suro. " ON THE INK ) / OF ENGLAND Some Interesting Foots Regarding a Grant Financial Institution. IT IS NOW TWO HUNDRED YEARS OLD Started In 1001 to Aid the Kin ? In lllf Dilllculty With Prnnrn Magnitude uf Its lltislnrss llnw U llnnillos HU Hum * . Providence Journal : The Hank ol England Is the most noted Ihmnoliil in stitution in the world. On January 1 , 189 , " ) , It will oolobrato the second eon'ton- nial anniversary of its establishment. U was established in llllM , having been projected in 1(192 ( by n Scotch merchant , William Patterson , to rollovo King William III from the dillloulUoH expe rienced In raising auppllon to prosecute the war against France. The terms of the charter granted July 27 , IfflH. were thnt the Bums of l,000,00i > ( $0,000,000) ) should bo ruined and that the subscribers should form themselves Into n corporation styled "Tho Governor and Company of the Hank of England. " The bank win also to have the privilege of kooplng the accounts of the public debt , paying dividends , issuing notes , oto. , for whiuh an allowance of 4,000 a year was granted. The whole of the capital was to ho loaned to the govern ment at 8 per cont. This Interest , to gether with the 4,000 , allowance , gave the bank a revenue of 100,000 per annum. At Its very outset the bank was a servant of the government , and It has retained that character , but in some what diminished degree , throughout all the ages of Its subsequent history. The Uankof England first issued notes in 1093 , which wcro of the denomination of .C20. The 10 notes were issued iu 175 ! ) and the 5 notes in 1703. Atonotimo during the early years of the present century notes of 1 and 2 were issued , but in JS44 they were all withdrawn from circulation , and no notes nro Issued for loss than 011111 ! none higher than 1,000. Thcso notes may bo said to bo the safest pieces of paper in the world , as under any circumstances the hank could pay with gold every ono In circulation with out ono pound of the capital of the In stitution being touched. They are a legal tender every where in the United Kingdom , except at the bank itself , where they must bo paid in gold. Those notes are all made In the bank building , and when once paid back into the bank are never again ismied out. After going through a process of cancellation , they are kept for ten years and then totally destroyed. Lurgo quantities of gold coin and bullion are bolng constantly handled and puss In and out of the bank. 'On an average 45,000 , sovereigns pass over the counters every day. By the bank charter of 1814 the bank was divided Into two doparhnents , the jssuo nnd the banking. By the same act the debt then duo to the bank from the government wns stated to bo duo the issue department , and against this.thoy wore allowed to issue notes without .holding gold. The bank started with a capital , as stated , of 1,200,000. In two years this was increased to 2,201,000. In 1710 It was again increased to 5.500,000. , On Juno 20 , 1810 , it was raised to ita present sum of 14,553,000 , equal to ' about $72,700,000. , No reports of the 'bank are made boyoml the regular weekly statement , of which the follow ing Is a copy ' for May 3 , 1803 , .tho figuroa ropresonting'pounds sterling , each being worth about $5 of American monoy. ISSUE Um-AUTMEMT. Dr. Notes Issued 40,030,240 Or. Government debt 11,015,100 Oilier securities 6,4:14,900 : Gold coin mill bullion 128.080,2.10 40,030,240 , UANKl.SO nr.l'AHTMENr. Dr. Proprietor's capital 14,053,000 Host 3,110.021 I'llhllcdupiHlts 5'J44GB5 Other deposits 29,7B4OB4 Seven-day und oilier bills 103.42J 02,801,313 Or , Government sccurllles 11,21)8,101 ) Ulliur.iecttrltles 25,003,043 Noli-s 14,427.1UU , UuUl mill silver coin , . . . 1,722,808 02,801,313 From the foregoing It appears that the private deposits amount to a sum equal to about 3140,000,000 , , and the public deposits to abaut $20,220,000 , mak ing a total of $100,220,000 , As n matter of comparison It may be stated that the largest total deposits now hold by ono bank In this country do not exceed $23- 000,000 , while the sum total of the deposits - posits of the sixty-four associated banks ( total capital $00,412,000) , ) represented in the Now York clearing house on May l.'l , 1803. was $134,803,900. , , The deposits In the Bank of Franco amount to about $113,100,000 , , ana i the Imperial bank of Germany to $100,710,000. Whether on pleasure bout , or business , tnlco on every trip a bottle of Syrup of FMj's , us it nets most pleasantly nnil effectively on the hlilnoys , liver and biwels , prevents favors linndnelics and other forms of siclinnss For sale In 500 anil ? 1 hollies by nil loading dru ( ri ts. Munufncturcd by thu California Flu t > yrup Co , only. TEETJH OF TILE BEAVER. Slmrji us Chliulx , Tlioy Nnvur ( ! row Dull Hud Aru Vury 1'invurfiil. As in every "gnawer , " the boavor'd bkifll is armed with two long , ohisol-llko tooth In ouch jaw. Those teeth uro exceedingly powerful , and are to A bcuvor what an ax is to n woodsman. Ono such tooth taken from the lower juw of a inedluin-sizou skull ( tlioy can be removed without dillluulty , unlike the mo.-it of ours ) is bout into nearly a semi-circle , and measures Hvo Inches along its outer curve. Only ono inch of this length projects from the bkull. The oorrcanonding ono from the upper jaw IB bunt Into more than a complete - pleto half circle , and muabiiros from its outer face four inches , of which less than an inch protruded from its bone casing. In width each tooth is ilvo-oighlhs of nn inch. Ijxumlnatlon ot ono of thorn reveals the secret of how a beaver can perform Hitch fcutd as ehopping down u birch tree sixteen indies in diameter , not to apeak of boftur woods , lllco the busdwood , of much greater size. The tooth is composed of two ma terials. Along the outer face or front of the tooth is u thin plate of exceed ingly hard enamel ; on the * inner , form ing the body of the tooth , ia u uub tunco called dentine , The dentine , being softer , wears away with USD : the thin oimmel remains com paratively unworn , t > o that the tooth 03- mmio : ) the t > hapu of a keen chbul that never grown dull. The tooth Id hollow at its base for half its length and is tilled with a nourishing uubstunoo which kuopj it constantly growing. Thus , not only IB the natural wearing away provided against , but a certain amount of wear bccomeu an actual neccdbity. With Buuh iiibtru- menU the 'jeuvor is admirably JUtod for obtaining Us natural food , the bark of shrubd and trees. For all form * of dUorduruii stomach uia Uromo ulUcr. A pamtublu , i viupl euro.