THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JULY 9 , 1803SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PEOmLNOTIGE8. Will 1:91 IX in r.ntll la. 0 p. In. for 11m evening in.m'11 S SOii. in. for tSu iriotidn * and Snnd.iy Hl't'onw. . AiU'rillacfj. by tmjtfuiln/ numoereu eiiecK r.nlinTOllii'jrnniiv.-iitniirrc ! sctl ic n numbered Wlior in carp ol Tut Un. AIIHWOM to niMroiiHtd vrlll t Mlcllvcred upon pre * : < MitMloii ol f.ia check. SITUATIONS WANTED. * 1 ip n wwrt fl'M lr > . r''oi ' , Ic , \ v.-ord there- I'otmnff for ks limn 2C < ! . _ . POSITON A A heat of njtcrcncca clvcm InQUlro IDlf ) Paul St 0154 | WANTED MALE" HELP ? tUilci.l' < eawon1 fltft In \wonltliero- after. Houilnir l.ikett for IO H 2.16. " -i JJlt"ctxiM. ftolowiien , pharmar-liiu , clerkM of nil Unkn , rialo nr female. out of rtnplorurnt in lorn , HplirnMiA of Wyoming lo sr-ii'l u * , Incii nunon nwl nddrrn < Wo can ho of hcrvici' to you In aiding you to necttro pof-lltonn. Western Ihml- 'itmi Armey , 310 N. Y. Llfollldg. U4S J.V20 " " -sAriKSJiTCyr no YOU \VAXT TO ur.coMr n Orf.-clasM falcsnian , with chunco nf Vieromlnq ft tollcctor. mid \voik for tlio Slnrer Mfir. C0.1 II ' to , npjily nt I' n.n. . g'narp , IMUIlomrlan. M'hlMB " " B -SALESMAN , A LIVE , AOTIVI1 SALESMAN can h.iv < ! a Htondy position with advnnccmeu ! cponllm- merit , In n very popular hushiest ! Call bet. 8 and II a. in. lf > 28 Vluloii. M78S 15 li-WANTKn.MENiNKvnRY COUNTY TO DIS" 4 Jtrlbuto circulars for big advertisers. $3.00 pet IhoiiHUiid | ial < l. Send Ktr.tllVilBon Company box , Indianapolis , luil. _ Mi < OH lu ' B-1P''YOU WAJiTA ROOD PAYING JO11 WRITr tlio HawUh Xurfabry Co. , , Wls. MMIVa3 -OENTLIMIN OF aonu CHARACTER TC reproi'em our iniHlnosn. liiHur.uico men pm- 117 llitibiilMlng. M837 _ -WANTED. TWO FIRST-CLASS COAT M.AIC- ors tit oncn , hleady work utul good pay. N KIllDcn , Fremont , Neb. Natlu 0' T > WANTED. ELECTROTYPE FINISHER ANI I'plnte. rovlucrut otieo. Htalo Journal Co. , Liu- coin , Neb. Mil31 10 _ B-SALESMHN TO SELL ROODS TO MKU- chantsby namploi $ lliii.0l ( n month for workers samples and CIHO furnished free ; Inclose Htainii Model Mfg. Co. , South llona , Ind. MU''fi I"1 B -WANTED , EXPERIENCED MALI' ' ! STEN'OO ruphcr , by Jobbing house. Addrosu L 10 , Dee 043 10' T > -RELIABLE MEN WANTED TO U1STUI1IUTF JJclrculars for largo advertisers. C.l9li paid. Ad dress wllli stamp Advertising Bureau , 08 Broad way , New York Clly. B-WANTED.EVEUY INSURANCEAOENT ANI b'.ihlni'ss man to write for our fortune-make ! plans life , endowment , etc. ; regular bonanzas best on earth and largest p.iy ; mention paper am .lute experience. The Agency Co. , No. B , Unloi Square , New York. 1 ) MEN WANTED , SALARY AND EXPENSES Impermanent place. Apply at once. Brown Bros Co. , nurserymen , Chicago. B-WANTED. aTNERAL AGENTS SELLINf new articles to dealers ; evelnslvo territory ; m competition ; no capital required ! "on to : ui ( per cent protlt. Columbia Chemical Co. , 31)7 Sedg wick stieel , Chicago , 111 , -WANTED , FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH good wages and steady employment guaruulcoc to sober , imlustrotu ) man. AudroBS L S , Bee. M057 13 * -TRAVELING MEN THAT HAVE HAD TW < years experience In selling proprietary medl clues lo druggists. Tlio Dr. A. P. Sawyer Medlc-ln Co. , 101 Colorado avenue , Chicago , 111. 1151 ' n-\VANTED , SALESMANMN l VERY TOWN T ( nt up onr electric bi'lH. No exporleneo ru quire . Send Htainp. P. Shnnian , ; ns Coltae Urov , Chtcaco , l)5S ) U B-SALESMEN WANTED. BY LEADING MAN nfucturcr. to carry line fabric gloves and milt lo retail dry goods trade us side line on coiumls 'lion. Write , giving permanent address , territor Ind references , Amsterdam Silk Mills , AniMcnlan S. Y. 1147 0 B-SALESMEN TO SELL DAKlNfi POWDEII Wo put onr goods In Uluss Hulling Pins 10(1. ( ( ) ( ) month nnd expenses , or con-mission. Chi lago Baking Powder Co. , 707 Van Bnren street. Clil I.1BQ. M OJS-A 7' TJ A TRAVELING SALESMAN , WELL AC IJcinalnted in Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas , cu procure the management of a branch now estulj llshed in Omaha repreHentlng n tlrst-clans castor tompany. J2.000.oo bond required. Salary pult Address Hotel Paxton , room 140 , until Jnlv 12. MU02 10 * B-WANTED , WALL PAPER HANGERS T sell nnd hang paper. Reference required. Ai' ' Oress with Mumped envelope , B. .t R. , can ; Rlcl krdson Drug company , Omaha , UU2 0' -WANTED. TWO BRIGHT. SMART YOUN ladles not under 20 to usslBt In our city ordi aepartment , ( I hour * dally. Must bo willing an quick to learn. Salary * ll.on. Call after 0:30 Mot day , olce ! ) of superintendent , room 12 Crclghto block. 081 0 B-FIRST-CLASS SHOEMAKER WITH TOOL ! E. F. Flynn , room 103 Bco building , Mnnda morning. 102 D * WANTED FEMAI E HEL.P. R. l > c .1 word firm limerllon , Ic a word there NothliiK taken for ICUB than -'uc. -WANTKD" LADIKS " "TO'WUITB'AT "IIOMI EncloBO ntampcd envelope. Klla Werbt. Sec Eolith Uend , Ind. * _ 430 P WANTED , LADIES OH YOUNG MEN T V-/t ko lleht. pleasant work at their own homo fl.OO to 3.00 pur day can be eiuletly imid < ! : wor cent by mall : no canrnimliiir. For particulars tu dress ( Jlobe Mfg. Co. , Box 0331 , lioston , Mas * . Ei tnbllBbed 1880. M31iJylU ! -WANTED , LADIES TO WHITE AT IIOMI Eneloso BUiniped envelope. Vern.i Lamrdoi Boiitli llend , Ind. M077 Jyao * FOR GENERAL IIOUSEWOUK. W. I i Stoctzcl , 1221 S. 'JUth , between Poppleton an \Voolwortli nve. 802 C-LAU1KS OP OOO1) ADDUESS TO 1NTIIODUC our IniHlnesH amomr friends. * 7S.)0 ( ) to * ll ) ( ) . ( ] ealary to right purlieu ; 417 Dee building. M830 p WANTKU. OIKL FOll OKNERAIi 1IOUSJ v/worki Binull family , 18'J3 Corby btreet. _ M871 0 * -PUPILS WILT , DE RECEIVED UUIIINQ JUL , nnd AuciiBt at Madam Corbett'tt Ladten' Tallc Drcssniaklnii college. ; ulrlH will bo fnrnlBhed pos tloim when competent. 601 Drown block , KM and Uouulus. MHUtl 12 * p-WANTED , OIHL , OENKKAL IIOUSKWOIll $5.00 week , 11311 South ill St. M8'J8 C-NKAT Ginit FOR OENKUAL HOUSEWOKI must bo b'ood plain cook. 1422 SSti bt. 1)120 _ _ p-LAlHES , 1 MARK GOOD WAGES. YOU CA v make V.'f'.oo a week if yon duvoto your tlmo ( ho work , For partleularB , address with alumni mveloiK ! . Voilena Toilet It Uemedy Co. , 8oui Demi , Ind. Lock llox 1UI18. p-WANTED , ENEUGETIO LADY AOENTS I V cvury locality. Old eatabllshiHl house. Hun DOBS pleasant and prolitablo. Klneury Mfir. C ( Cincinnati ! O. MO'-J U" p-COOK AND LAUNDHESS.MUS. M. UOOEIt V 331 80. : i7lh Btri'Ct. 031) lo _ _ p-wANTEU , NUIISE GI11L. 1U'J4 EMMETT S1 U 1115 II _ -LADY AOKNTSCLEAH MOUE MONEY SEL1 1m ; our llycvla coruetH than at anythlnir elu Kor frt-n Bamplo onlllt iiddresa Wuttturu Corset C ( Bt. I.cnilH , Mo. _ n-I W1LI , I'AY A FEW LADIES A SALAII V/of $10.00 IHT week lo work formn In their 1 rallty nt lioiuu ; llelit work ; ( rood pay for i > arl llm Write wllh Htiiimi. MrH. E , E. llUBsett , Biilto inl Marbhull Field bldg , Chleaito. MOU8 15' ' C -WANTED. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , U will pay yon ts.oo to jl'.OD per wevk lo i Btrlclly lioma work for us nt your homes ; no ra vusslnc. Send Belf.addivBscd eiivelopo to G. EmmoiiB * Co. , llatterymarch and Water btreel liOBlun , Mass. MII5U 13' -WANTED , A HELIADLE LADY IN UVKU city and town to ell and Introduce Dr. Snydei UenuHllal Soap to famllleH ; no capital rennlre cue caku of BO ; > P and u-mm malliHi on receipt lOets. T , ll.tsnyder A. Co. , ClncUmiitl , O. V 1H80' ' _ _ TOR" RENT HOUSES. KntcB , Ido a line each Insertion. Jl.r.O a line ) i Bontli. NotUliiif taken for Uisa than 2Sc. D-5-HOOM GOTTAO K j 031 SOUTH 17TH ST. 84H 0' ' _ _ -FOR IIENT , HOUSES JN ALL PAUTS" ! thu city. Tuu O. V. UavU company , 1005 Farna . _ 44tJ -3AND4.HOOM Al'AHTMKNTS. VOHl)6T block , wllh HtfauitruCvrciiccHn-qulnslttfius' " . . 44 D-3 liOOMB C11EA1' , tObN 13TH ST.M . MflhfilylQ1 -8-KOOM HOUSE. MODERN. CONVKNIEt for tiiiHlneBv or wlioleBMo men. Apply 11 BouthlOthutreut. _ 44 ; -7-HOOM COTTAGE TO KENT. CONVKNIEt for U , l . railroad men. Imjulru Illy a. loih 4U L _ _ _ _ D-VQH .KENT , .NO. aja N. 17T1I. U 11OOJ ! two ttoorij tnrnlshiHl , near new poBtum llto. Bcu Cieo. J , Vex , 1U18 Hariiey Bln-et. MB70 jy : > ; D-FOll ItENT. PLEASANT FUIlNlSlTi lioiibe. lor Bummer , at low rent , to deiilnil tenant. Thuo , L. Itlivvwalt , ' . ' 025 St. Marya aye. UK _ _ _ _ - . COTTAGE , 8017 CALIFOUN1 Kmp.ilru mixt door , _ M870 U D-DELKiUTKUL I1OMK , KIQKT-UOOM HOUfc modern convenlenepB , barn , beautiful law paturul bhadu tivco , * 33 IH.T mo. limuli-o ! i'lercu Bt. b8 - - IIUICII HOUSE , NO. Wl 1'Al D-NINE-KOOM Haiibvom park , nearly new , liu KOod llnUh , tlrat elaua modern convenlenveu , ] tulruatNo , lllSb. a-Jdm. uu l ; -FOll HKNT , LAUGH STABLl D illFOll ill ! IS Uodtfu ktrvuu FOll RENT HOUSES. CoiiHmttil. D-fl-llOOM 2-PT0HY IIOVSK. 3210 CARS ST. ! modon ! convoiilPiicur. . tins location , J23.00 per month. K , A. Korthnp , lax dcp't II. & M. Ry. 90S 15 * * D--TWO HAST FRONT 7-UOOM COTTAGES . all modern nod III excellent tvp-ilr.hAlf n block from car linn. Will mm together to di-ftlmbln lun < Hutu-very cheap. Fldtlllj- Trust Co. , 1702 Famim , D--I1-RGOM COTTAGE. I" ! : JOIIT1T 2TT1I ntroot , nwly ixipnrnl. cl"t"rn aurt eliy water , fin.UO. V.U. WIKI-I , Ifitli ami Uoupl.iH. 1)01-0 ) -foil UKNT. xfciTn-nooM iroosK NEAH HOth nnd I'ictnHniiBCom lilaco. Wo ! ! ti3 ) ( P.iclflc : Ml tnodurn pfinTcnloncci ; uplMidlil loo.i' tlon. ItlckH real cfiUtu ngoucy , ntis N , Y. Mft llldg. i'J20 ) ' -roil KENT. i34 ! S. 17th Blrcol 4 rocmiH ? ll.noS rooms f 11.0(1. ( n rooniB $211.0(1' ( City wutor-Aillh each. 1IW < - > f. ! ! 7lli , 4 rooms , city wilier. $5.1)0. ) fS.dO nnil ff room hoMicn , city water. E. 0. uarvln X Co. , ' 'OS Shncly block. ni U 0 n-ron JIKKT , TUB MOST CONVKNIKNT -I'comforlal'ln , co fy ntul romplulo clcht-room hntto In Oittnlin. lllcclrlo 1--c HH , hanl wood lloor , nnoilry cellar , fi-.jnac" , r.nnjrc.uMB , bath , hoi nnil - ' . S. ' 'filli cold water New ntul i-fioil oiih-r. H'J.1 nvninn. Vor n-nl lo peed turty. Alho flno 12- room honno K , o. ronior' ' lti ! rtnil DcrtKO. Fnrnnco rntiRu , bnth , liot ntul colitvnttT , irOCHt lli1il roomm riepant Inr.illon. vent inoduriitc. Annly to N. A Kuliii , ir.lli mid UoiiRlns. MUllO 10 FOR , KENT FUKN1SHED ROOMS HatoK. IJ on won ! IIr'lln ) prllonlct\vord ! thcro- after. : ? olliln ? taken for ICHS than -'Jo. M 10Uy-14' E-FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR geutlenicnmodern conveniences , 320 North 23d. M 730 fil-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , 'WITH Ol ! J Without board. Call at 2107 Douglas Bt. Bt.uao 12 r -TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEE -Lvioomn for rent. Inquire 1101 Park avenue. avenue.M 710 ' ' ' ' -JWboarder's , 2lt ( ! Doughxs' MlOl'lO * 7'"LEASANT SOUTH ROOMS WITH * OH without board , lu prlvalo family. 114 Nortl Twenty-alxlli. MS0.10 * TJNICELY FURNISHED SOUTHr.AST FRON1 i-JrocniB , modern conveniences , prlvuto family KCiitleinen preferred. 014 N. Hint st. 111012 * E-FURNISHED ROOM , J8.00 MONTH. 001 S. 17 1)13 ) U' 17-N1CELY FURNISHED ROOMS , MODEltt Juconvelneiiccs ; 2007 Cuss street. 1)01 ) 13 * -FOR RENT. TWO NICELY FURN1SUEI rooms , with bath and nil conveniences nl 821 So , 17th St. M030 I ) ' -LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE Ol smaller side room ; modern honso near mote and Y , M. C. A. athletic grounds ; reference re quired , 221 n Miami St. M014 0' E-FUUNISIIED IIOOMS. 1017 AND ll2a ! CAV tolnrcuuo. MU7U A7 T7-I.A110K FUONT IIOOM , FUUNISIIKU Ol Jjiinfnrnlshed , wllh or without board. U417 Jonei street. Ub3 U * P-FUHNISIIKU AND UNFUHNISIIED ROOMS 1./1H14 U.ivenport Ht , Ub7 l ) 7-FUUN1SHED IIOOM. 2017 HAUNEY ST. E 1000 10 FUKN1SH.ED ROOMS AND BOARD , Kates. IKc a wonl llrst Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than ' 'So. b-NICELY [ FIIKNISHED FllONT IIOOMS II modern brick house , bay window and xinallc coins ; O'J'J N. 10th St. UOO 0 * V-T1IE DOLAN , -JO'J AND 211 N. 18TH ST. 440 F-N1CE IIOOMS WITH DOAttD AT 107 S. 17TI ! MllUJj-Jil * 17 YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE 01 -L Woman's Christian asboclatlon , 111 S. 17th st. 4SO 17-HOME TAI1LE HATES , MODEHATE , 102 L Pariinm btreet. 0,17 jy'O' 17 NICKLY FUIINISHED SOUTHEAST FRON' J. room with nlcovn and bay window , modern con venleiiees , private family ; board. 022 South 201 street. M030 U * F-NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD ; ALL MODER ! conveniences ; board * J.OO per week. 2020 Hat ncy. JI103 11 * FOR BENT TJNFURNISH'D ROOMI Kates. lUe a word first Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing taken for loss than 2" c. -F UKENrTccmn UNFURNISHED 'ROOMS modern Improvements , beautiful lawn an shade. N. E. cor. 22d and Miami streets. M7SO G KOR RENT , 4 NICE UNFURNISHED ROOM suitable for housekeeping , city water , pas. eti Low rent. Northwest corner 17th and Wcbsti streets. 5i'j ) G UNFURNISHED PARLOR AND I1ED KOO.\ two furnished rooms , private family , three ca Hiiea. 2020 Itnrl Bt. ooy 0 * 3-ROOM FLAT. 1009 LEAVENWORT ] G ; st * * t. M105 14 * FOR KENT STORES AND OFFICE ! Rates , ] 0c a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line pc month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. T -FOR RENT"sTOUE ON S. 13 til 'ST rLANG J block , Bitltable for meat market , hardware c dry goods store. Inquire 000 S. 13th fat. 451 T-FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDINC J lul > Farnam St. The building hug a llroproof , cc mcnt basement , complete Bteam heating fixture ! water on all Iho lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the oftlc of The Bee. 010 I -FOR RENT. CHOICEST SECOND FLOOR BUSiness -iness corner In Omaha Globe building , lUtli an Dodge. Globe Loan .V Trust Co. 452 I-SECOND FLOOR , 24X100 FT. , 100 FT. SOUT frontage , northeast corner 18th and Hurnej mutable for lodge rooms , hall , school , offices , i S. Curtis. 303 McCague building. o 14 0 AGENTS WANTEU Rates , lOc a line each Inserlloif. $1.50 a line IK month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. T-WANTED , AGENTS IN COUNTRY TOWK u to Bend their acanalntauccB to Hotel Bancrol Calumet Avo. and 2itli ! St. , Chicago , at $1.00 con mission paid for each person. Write for elrculai and partlculara. MW2U 0" T WANTED , GENEItAL AGENT TO ORGA > " Ize corps of canvassers to sell In city and com try onr hitperb art work , "Scenes from Every Lund containing over 000 magnlllcent photograph views ; Blze , 11M by ] 4 Incites , with Introductic by General Low Wallace , author of "Hen-Hur and descriptions by Edward Everett Halo , D. 1 Russell Conwoll , D. D. , LL.D. . Hon. win , C. ] Ilrecklnrldge , Hon. Henry Wutterson and other ta ented writers. Ahead of all competitors , inrgi views , liner photographs , twice as many of thei moro handsomely bound and lower In prlco ; sel at sight to people who never bought a book in the llvi'B. Absolute control of territory. Cash salai and eommlhblon. A splendid opening for the rlgl man , Must bo able to control a number of hlgl cl.ihs professional agents. Address at oneo Mat Crowcll .t Klrkpatrlck , Sprlngtlold , O. lisa 0 * T-WANTED , . AGENTS TO HANDLE RAND M ( " Nally .t Co. H World's fair guides. TIICHU are tl most rellublo gulden published , from lliu fact th .thu Information therein contained is supplied I Biich eminent authorities as Mrs. Potter Palme president of Itoanl of Ludy Maniigeru ; the conntei of Aberdeen , Mrs. Schuyler Vun llcnssclaiir , Mr. 1 II. Bnriiham. chief supervising urehltect ai director of works ; Hon. W. E. Curtis of Bureau i American Republli's ; Mcfcsrs. Adler fcSulllva nrchileots of Tr.uisnortiilloii nnd oilier building Mr. Henry Ives Cobb , architect Flslicry btilldlin Mr. W. J. Edbrooke , arcliltecl Government bulli ' . ' ! ? , ' , Mrt , ' > 'riWkv' t"01" ' . deBlgncr battlcHh 'Illinois1' ; Mr. Henry Van Brunt , architect i EU-ctrlclly bnlldliig and many ( other architects main , utato ami foreign bu.ldlngu , etc. , i'tc. Ptv fUHely IllitKlruteil , Easily Bule.ibVo. Liberal tern | ; > agents. Apply to Rand , MeNally & Co. , pit' ' llbheru , Chicago. . 1107 ( i 1-lAGENTS EITHER SEX WANTED TO SBf. 'oia-nuw kettle cleaner , bruitd and caku knlvi nud other now urllclcs. Easy boilers , big profit terms oasy. Claubn slicar Co. , Kansas City , Mo. M310 JylU' 1-TIIE A R 0 INVESTMENT BONDS PA > * . ' .ilil.HI ( in from ono to live years. Buy on t.voocush and * l.oo a month afterwards un liatd. llt-bt paying Investment extant. A ruullli Iigent wanted In i-very town nnd comity. For fi partleuluiB apply to Thu American Bond cotnpaii DSL ) and Ml Puxton block , Omaha. MHB7 Jy22' T-WE OFFER "AOENTS BUT MONEY. IN K : i ehiHlvo territory. Onr safes sell lit hteht In d rich. Omi'twill Inonuduy cleuivd WI..M ) . .Son you. Cutalovuu free. Addr ( ia Altilno Safo'C < No. 300-371 Clark utrcct , Cluclniiuil , o. T-A FEW FIRST CLASS AGENTS TO HANDI " our India ilbi-r whlbks and bruuhes In fan coloru ; Houiellilng now uud Jitbt Iho gomlu I Mli-b and plcnlcii , ThoiihandH mv making L money with tlii'in , Samples with mut-lal terms f SOo. Adilrcbb Cllppor Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati , O.UUSU' UUSU' WANTED TO RENT , RateH , Ike a wont llrst liifcertton , lo a word ther after. Notlilinflakeii for ICMI than 2l5c. -WANTKD. BY LADY ANDi DAUGim room und board In prlvuto family. AddresH 0. l'- ' ' . MUOO t ) ' r WANTED. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AJ boanl In private family where Ihero aru : other boarders for man and wlfu. Will c-xchan Jpferences. L7 , Iletj , . MU33 U' ' KVW-ANTKI * IIY YOUNG COUPLE , NEAT 0 ( li-room votUiirii near car linn ; will leaku If pro erty denlt-able. Address L 11 , Beo. MII50 II' ' - ROOMS WITH BOARD FOR FAM1I T,0'll"x'0 wltliln ti-ii minute * nf pofclofflex : hoi : with larvoyardpvfenvd. Addrt-Bi. L 10 , U e. nua i . _ _ _ _ _ _ K'-'J UNFURNISHED ROOMS , 4 GENTLEMK SUB , batbi wUulu 6 blocku lieu olllco. Addn L lb , lieu. MI n RENTAL AOENOIE8. _ RalPH , lOanllno each Insertion , tl.ftO aline per month. Notlilnir tnkcu for le g tlinii gBc. " ' - 370 STORAGE. r..itB , lOoHllnoonpli Innortlon , $ l.SO a line per inonlh. Nolltliiff ltk : > m for lp a than 25e. AT 403 STORAGE FOR HOfJSlfllOLn GOODS ; INI c'.enu and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 454 WANTED TO BUY. R. l ? < c a wont flrsl Inset lion , Ic n word thoro- nftrr. Kotlilnir taken for ICBR than 25c. -CARH Fbn"KtmsiTUiiH. * 'HOUSEHOLD A > roodf , ule. . nr will Koll for owner In onr auction sales. 11. Wolli. 1111 Faniam. 4'.t AT-WANTED , SECOND HAND UOt.MUl TOP .l-Mlosk , one Btanillnc rtenk j nd one mirveyor'8 Inrul nnd tnigct. U. U. Doane , 111 Chnmlior ot Commerce 373 VT-LUMIIEU YAHt ) , HOINO OOD BUSINESS IN -1' n pooil town In castum Ncbrattkn. llrown A llollon , 112 South 13th St.LincolnKob. M8I5 18 * TVT-WANTED.TO 11UY FOR CASH A STYLISH i-iyounirbiiiniyliono , must wcleh not less than 1,100trcntle. Hound nnil for lady to tlrlve. Olvo fnlldcBCrlpllon Address L 0 llec. " 38 H AT-W ANTED , SMALL LETTEfl COPYING 1 > prcBSi Htiilo price. L13 , Jleo onice. 1)72 ) 0 * AT-TO UUY ONE TO TEN ACHES WITHIN OH -I. ' eloHn to city ; niiiHt he n bargain. AcldreHB with full partlcnlttrH L 11' . Dee ofllci ; . V'G 0 * FOR SALB FUUNITURE. Hates , Die n wonl first Insertion , lo n word there- nftcr. Nothing taken for IIHH than 2uc. -FUKNITURK OF SIX-KOOM HOUSE , IN- cludlntr new piano , cheap , 11137 N. i7tli Htn-ct. MU70 10 * O-FOIl SALE , HOUSEHOLD FUUNITUIIE nearly nuwi nt a bargain. Call nt HD43 Daven port street. UOO-0 * FORSAKE HORSES , WAGONSETC Hates , 1 Don line each Insertion , $ n llnoi > cr liiontli. Nothing taken for lc a than a c. ' 1)-FOU SALE. I1AHOA1NS IN SECOND I1ANC bncRlea : 2 phaetons , hand nnido ; 3 open btiR- irlcs ; I ! lop buirglcH. Druinmond & Co. , S. IHlh inu' lliirney. 7U8 0 1J-TWO SPAN YOUNG , ROUND MAKES. HAU- . IIOHH and watTon for anlo. Wllllnnm .VMIItan room 313 MeCa'giio bUlg. , op. poslofflce. MH08 U , | ) -FOU SALE , I'ERCHBltON STALLIONS ANE -L innreu , reclBtered , fu'OU to f 500. Wrlto for cata. IOBUU of breedlne and pricuu. Drett-Ilakor Co. Henry , S. D. jj8'-ll * FOR SALE MISOEIiLANJSo'uS. IlateR. IWoa woitl llrsl insertion , lea word there after. Nothing laKcn fur ICHH than -5c. -NO. 1 SPUING FKAME UAMDLEU niCYOLE ciiBhlon lire , nearly new. Very elieap. A V UroHH K II. lleo. ai3.'iU JyJl Q-FOH SALE , THE 1'RETTIEST SHETLANt pony In Nebraska ; broke to ride and drive ; coal blaek , stylish , trentUs and spirited. Can he seen ai J'Jnd anil N streets. South Umaha , or will drlvo It your residence on command. J. M. T , , care Deo. M7021) Q-FOU SALE , CO THOKOUOlinUED 11UOW > LceliurnclilckH , with mother , prlco1.00 : II winie , price i.UlO ; also Boino older fowls. 100 ! South stud street. Mli4 ) ! 0 * Q-SECOND HAND OFFICE DESK AND SHOW , case for cash. Apply room a , Continental block 111' ' 0 * - LAHOE DOUBLE YELLOV Q-HANDSOME head parrot 7 years old , a line tamer and whistler lor , large cafe. I'rlco S''G. 400 S 18th St. , Conncl muffs. 1140 14 * Q1 | > UO PUPPIES , ROOM 30 , DARKER BLOCK M700 A2 - FINE PUG PUPPY FOR SALE AT 4221 Nicholas street ; half prlco. M074 11 MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , l ! < e a wonl first Insertion , lea wonl there after. Nothing taken for ICBH than 2Ce. 1MAHIUAGE PAPER CONTAINING r,00 AD JVvertlsemcnts of marriageable people and thel photos , yonng. old , rich , poor , from all BcctloiiE free. Gimnets Monthly , Toledo , O. CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $ a line pe month. Nothing taken for less than 2 ! > c. STe bnaineBH medium' Oth . year at 110 N.HHI 407 S-MRS. DR. M. LEGRAVE , DEAD TRANC1 . clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your life fron cradle to grave ; photo of your future wife or him band .with Initials of name sent through mail ; lit chart S2.00 ; Egyptian breast plate to unite tin separated and cause inarrlago with one you love Otllco and residence 417 South Eleventh Btreel near Howard street. Letters containing 4 cents li stamps promptly answered. MS04 12 * MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rales , IHJe a word first Insertion , Ic a won thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. T " -MADAME SMITH , 002 S. 13TH. 2ND FLOOIi Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , Bteam.sulphur lue and Bca baths. mil , ' ; ) 10 * f | * MME. CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , 31 J _ lloor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and BU : baths. M027 1-1 * rp-MME. MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS L magnetic , massage treatment , lit ) North 1511 St. , second lloor. room 1. 85311 * PERSONAL. n.itt'8.1 } { c a word first insertion , le n wonl there * ter. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. F-WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR DEAU tlfully Illustrated Matrimonial Journal , con talning many photo-engravings of handsom women nnd gallant men who wish to wed. llrow Publishing Co. , Temple ? ourt , Toledo , O. M711-31 - THIS OUT AND PRESENT AT CO WAN- U-CUT Studio , 2123 Cumlng St. , and yon will b entitled lo 12 Arista Cabinet Photos , very best , o : Kilt edged canls , and one 8x10 for framing , to * l.UUi without this , * 3.00j for 10 days only. M241jy 17 * WRITE FOR FREE COPY OF OUR IIEAU U tlfully Illustrated marriage journal. llrow Pub. Co. , Toledo , O. MSOO nO * U-SANTAO , FOR MEN ONLY. GREATEST BK Btorcr.ind developer known. Strengthens , In vigoratCH. Price $2.00. Guaranteed , bend M-ini for circular. Dr. II. T. Miller , 2 Quliicy bt , , Chicago. U-TONTE.TONTETHE LADIES FRIEND WIL positive enlarge tho.bust 0 Inches or money re funded. Guaranteed. Not a painful liiMrumei : but a pleasant , etllclcnt , external nppllcatloi Price $2.)0. ) Send Btamp for confidential clrculai Mrs. Dr. II. T. Miller , 21 Qnlncy St. , Chicago. U-MRS. L. W. PATTON. PRIVATE IlOAKDINi house , 100 44th streetChicago , 111 , Correspond dice solicited for World'B fair accommodations. U-JIM. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AN p'.ano for sale at U07 N. 27th street. Think wi suit yon. Call tomorrow , JCBB. MU70 10 * U-ATTENTION. LADIES ! "EMMA" BUST Dli velopi-r will enlarge your bust 0 Incheu. final nnteed , 8cnle < l Instructions 2c. or 24-pigo Illiu trateil catnloguo lie , by mall. Kniniu Toilet Uaza lloston , Mass. MONEY TO LOAN BE AL ESTATE Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line pa month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. 472 400 \\r-l AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FAR ] mortgages. Reed &Selby , 344 Hoard ofTradi 4U7 W -MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE The O. F. Davis Co. , 100.Farnam blrect. 40U \ \ Ir LOWEST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST CO ' puny , 1702 Farnam utreet. 402 _ \V-WANTED ATONOE LOANSON IMPROVE ' Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trui company , 1702 Farnam Btroet. 402 \V-FIItSTAND SECOND MORTGAGE LOAH ! > l low rales. Alex Mooru , 401 llti ) bldy. 474 \\r-MONEYTOLOAN AT LOWEST RATES O l Improved anil inilmprovul real estate , 1 to years. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 4U2 \I ) LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 248 DEE 11LDG. JJ _ 475 \ \ ) -ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO.,318 N. "I " Life , lends lit low r.itoa forcholou socnrlty o Nebrabka and lowu fanns or Oinabu city proix-rt 470 _ _ _ f\r-CENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. , UKKI1LDI ' 403 _ _ Atr WANTED , TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES 81 < i cured by morlKUgeu Omaha city or Douglas C property. Reed k Sclby , 33S Board of Tradu [ 4U7 _ _ \\r TO f i'.iMio.oo TO LOAN AT'ONC 'i on choli'iulown town becurlty. K. F. Suiiv 430 Ramgu lllk. MII1U U LOST. RateH. Ik'e a word llrailnuenion , lea word then after. Nothing taken for less ihun ' 'fie. T OST-ON THE"4TH OF JULY EVEN'110. C -lJ lBO of Hlduwalk ul fair Kroundu , a bnichel wl tlHhlnir incklii In It. Pleuho return to 417 1 ! llutldlnir , where unluble reward awaits finder , 1 > C5 I T OST. SMALL HUNCH KEYS. FINDER PLEAS -L 'turu to Kluitler'k Drug btoru. llewanl. 10- MONEY TOrYAN | ! ) CHATTELS. OMAHA OUTGA LOAN CO , it It. i. " " " " * ' ' ' "iFYOIVVA'N'T'MbNEY , You , evn Iwrrow on IOUSEIIOLI > FUftSITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND OA1UUAOES. VA11EHOU9E liriQEII'TS , MERCHANDISE , OH ANY-OTHER SECURITY. We will terM von any amount from $10.00 lo f 1 .000.1)1) ) ) . ON THE HAY ! YOU ASK FOll IT without publlclY.T ! > r removal ot property. Yon can pay the money back In any amount yoit , vlih.nnilnt any time , and each payment so made vlll reduce lhoco , tot the loan. Remember that you hove the mo of both the iropcriy nnd the money , and pay for It only aa Ion ? is von keep It. Them will bo no expense or chnrgo kept out of he nmotint wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the lo'in , Iiefore borrowing nlsowhcro cnll nnd BOO us nnd ou will llnd H irre.itlv to your advantage. OMAHA MOUTOAOE 1/JAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 10TH STRF.KT , drat lioor nbovo the Btn-et , THE OLDEST. LARGEST ANI ) ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X DO YOU WANT MONEY _ ! THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 W1T11NELL WAXIK , 310K SOUTH 15TH , CORNER HAUNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY SUM \ LAROE \ on \ SMALL ' FROM \ TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP. WEJIAKE IXAN9 ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND / WILL / DO : WELLTO / /YOU / / ONI FIRST/ / FOR OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. i o\t can pay thu money back at any tlmo nnd In any amount you with , and thus reduce the cost of carrying the loan hi pvoporl'.on to amount you pay. IF YOU own a b.ilanco ou your fnrnlluru or oilier personal property of any kind we will pay It off for you and carry It as long as you dosln . YOU CAN IIAVK YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of properly , BO that you get the IIBK ot bolh money mid property. 4to WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curtly ; Btrletly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 Continental block 478' BUSINESS CHANG 53. Ilntei , Hie a linn each Insertion , tl.M ) a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. Y-BRICKSI DEW A LKs sTi > EwAuTnRTcK "TO J exchange for cash. William J. Welshans , 414 knrbach block. MO IHJyl'J Vr-1'0 YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR EX- J. change a bushiest , veal estot-3 or lands } lo you want additional capital In your bunlnnss ? If BO see us , wn can help yon. Call or wrltn for our Imlletln Olllces In nil principal eltlsa. Western Buslm-bS Agency , 'ilti N' , V. Llfo Dirty. 848 Jy'JO Y-BUSINESS OP'NlN Sd74SHENANDOAHIA. _ 4121y.2 > V-FO RENT. A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- JL clrusi iS box afi , Lincoln , A'eb. 621 Y-FOR SALE. HARDER SHOP AND HATH room , located in the business part of ellv and excellent business. For particulars address , 1C 37 , Hoe. 004 ; io Y FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR IMPROVED L farm proiK-rty , a first-class buller and cheese factory , capacity 10.0110 pounds per day. In ono ol the bent valleys in Nebraska ; original cost , 3-7.200.- 00 : present owners have other business. Address 1C 03 , Bee. _ MS 17 11 V LUMBER YARD r AND REAL ESTATE IK L good eastern Nub.rliska town of 3,000. ( Jooii business : want city Oi'.farm property or merchaiv disc. Address L 5 , Boo. MS07 0 * V-PARTNER WANTED TO TAKE INTERESI A In a paying manufactory ; trade established ] $1,000.00 required. Call 1308 Dodge Bt. T. Slgler. . M M033 11 * _ V A GOOD OFF1QE. POSITION IS OFFERM ' .to a man who tfluMoan : employer $ t ( $800.00 for one year , Address L 14 , Bee. lllll 0 * \ -FOR SALE-A RESTAURANT IN A GOOI town In Iowa : the only one In town ; rent cheap Address llox 14 , Woodward , In. MOUU 10 * FOR SALE , 'DRPO STORE IN KASTER > Nebraska llnely. farnlslied ; doing good busi ness , situated in ojieof the richest farmiiig dis tricts where failure Jwas never known ; stocli clean and In good shape. Address L 17 , lleo. ' ' nil I Q * _ _ Y -$1,000.00 WILL PURCHASE THIRD INTERest - est In a pronutblu inisinesaKiiarameelng double the amount Unit year. An office man preferred Address L 10 , Bee. _ 0)0 ! ) U * V WANTED , $ S,000.00 TO PUT IN MACIIIN i ery in a wholesale and retairbualncss U1U10't tabllRlicd coinu-ctlon in North and South Dakota Minnesota , Iowa and Nebraska , No compt-tltloi west of Clileugo. The closest investlgjitloi courted. Western Business Agency , 310 N. Y. Lifi building. . 101 o FOB EXCHANGE. Rales , lOc a line each" Insertion , $1.50 a line pet month. Nothing taken for less than 2uc. / * 25obb WORTH OF CLEAR LAND TO EJC clnuigo for merchandise. 212 McCague bhlg. Mllll r/-l HAVE $2,300.00 EQUITY IN 100 ACRE ! AJOO miles from Omaha ; also H20 acres In Mis Bonrl , all clear. Will well or exchange for stool general merchandise , boots and shouH. horses o cattle. J. R. , 41)04 ) Leavenworth btreet Omaha. M085 27' Z A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE Will take real cBtate and money Box 203 , Frank fort , Ind , 481 Z-IOWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will Boll elieap or exchano foi mdse.horacu and cattle. 70Frankfort , Ind 181 Z-TWO BEAUTIFUL MODERN RESIDENCE ! and barn , on motor line ; best location for bunV stock , merchandise or clear land. What have you Hex "OU , Omaha. M78110 V WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER FOR A LARGE f-lKonml , handsoiiUMiromlsIng , fashionable regls ten-d trotting stallion. Positively guaranteed. F G. Hoxle , Ogalalla , Neb. M032 0 y-CLEAR LAND AND TOWN PROPERTY II tJColorado , Dakota , Kentucky and Nebraska , wll trade for Omuha icsldencc , mcrchandlbc , piano Jewelry , live Block , or Hull on long time. Aililresi T K 02 , Bee. l.j'j ) ' Q Z MERCHANDISE , CONSISTING OF INDES trncttble klndlerH and fuel , about $ , r > , uoo.OH Canvasser can easily turn Into cash ; owner lias m time ; want real estate. E. E. Bunker , Sioux Falle S. U. tius 0 * FOB BALE BE AI , ESTATE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a Una pei month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. A south front cottngo , 0 rooms , $1,350.00 , fin feet A south front cottage , 4 rooms , $1,100.00 , fill feet A south front house , 0 rooms , $2,250.00 , 111 ! ) feet A north front cottage , 0 rooms , $1,100,01) , 50 feet A north frontcottagu , 4 rooms , tl. 000.00 , no feet A north front house , 0 rooms , f 1,800.00 , 00 feet A small tlrst payment and easy monthly pay ments. Small clear lots will bu taken In exchange See N. A. Kuhn , drugglut , 15th and Douglas. _ M303 ly 17 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN LAND AND QK' Jrlch. Wo offer for quick B.-ilo 10 choice llttlo plnnta lions of ten acres each , at Mlllurd , only ( llO ) IH- acre. Yon can llvo there und work or do bind nous In Omaha , livttl thliur over offered. Call earl If you would secure one of thesu elegant pieces a land , uny ono of which will product ! a living fo yourself and family. Dosnelt Hill , 140S Furnatu si _ , , < _ 003 Jy 20 SOME BARGAINS.IN HOUSES AND VACAN' lols. F. K. Darllgllurkcr ! ) lllk. li 2 0 TUY LOTS IN STOEPEL PLACE. Chcapcpl'and ' l > st lota In - OMAHA. Speol.'il prlco und terms to "HOME BUILDERS. Stocpcl Plaeo lots will always advance In prlct for the city must grow * westward. Call on or ad druss W , A. Webslur. 402 Bee bldg. M677 J70K SALE. A GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN FAR ! -L of 408 acres In Harrison county , lowu. on vur reasonable terms. [ AsWress L. H. Raymond , Mag iiollu , la. , M8J2 A3' 17AKU BARGAIN. ! ' IMPROVED 100 ACRES 11 L central Nt'lirukkaJi'liunhK ' , utablo. well , wind mill , over half In cropj'only 3 miles from town o II. & M , railroad , $ H IKT ucrn. Hmull payment , cas balunen to Hull ynurutlf. Williams k Mlltan , root 313 McCuguo bulldiugtj9Ppoblto postofllce. _ , , . . " 883 0 BARGAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. . N. Frcnzer , room 0 , Frenier block , opp. p. O. Mill Jyl4 CHEAP FARM LANDS-BOO ACRES NEA1 North Lonp , Neb. , good soil , running water , etc closu to two railroads ! will muko Una stock furm only W.OO IK.T acre. 040 UC-ITH near IxMigH l'ol < Neb. , nearly all smooth , tillable land , good uol etc. ; HiiiTOUiidlnir land no belter Is held at IHUKI t IW.OO per uere ; can offer this Heclioii for IM.'JOO , 1 will pay you to look tlieso bargains up at onct Addn-hB Hicks Real Eatute Agency , 305 N. Y. Llf bnlldlntr , MIW3 o 17INEST DOUBLE CORNER IN SOUTH OMAHJ -L on 23d und G , on ruby termu ; also doublu conic 10th mid M. It will pay you to iuvcBtltfuUi. E. 1 llubcoek , Ida Grove , la. M1UB 17OR SALE-CHOICE INSIDE ACKE PROPKlir lit about half vnliui Ntco cottage and full Ic close to motor.$2,11110.00worth 3t)00.00. K.I Seavi-r , 430 Itauiyu lllk. MOID 0 EST BARGAINS YKT. ONLY 6 BLOCKS FRO ] 10th Mrviu viaduct ; U lots. 3xHO ( ) feet , high an dry. Just right for a home , iiulld a $500 cottag and you huv a suit ! thing on 12 per cent Interim Also two eiiut front. 7-room uottagcH , full lots , o Lowe uvi-nuo , half price. Lots In South Ojiuha nt your own price. A clear and will bell ou long term * . U. N. Wllhnel WHhuell block. U1U-10' t FOB SALE BE A L ESTATE. CoiiUiliifil , ' _ _ _ _ f'N TOWN $100.00. Motor * , Improvements , no encumbrance. . Cnsh , $10.00 n month till $100.00 Is paid : .BALANCE Two nnd three yearn , 7 per cent. . AllSTRACT Wllh every lot nnd warranloo dccil. ABSOLUTE Safely and future protll la ensured. NO ONE Can ludgolho Value of this property unless they BCO It , Take no one's word. NO ONE ; nn pet n safer way to onvu money nnd get a home han this one. NO ONE Ins over lost n cent bv xuoh a purcnas * . EVERY ONE us made money who has tried It. CHANCES Llko this are not often given you. AMES , 071 0 1S07 Fnrn m , 51. " JN TOWN. $100.00 , motors , Improvement ) ! , no encumbrance' f'J..OO Cnah , $10.00 n month till $100.00 IB paid ; BALANCE Two nnd three yeari nt 7 per cent. AllSTRACT With every lot nnd warranty deed. ABSOLUTE Safely and fulnru protlt Is ensured. NO ONE „ Jan ludpii Iho value of this properly unless they bco It. Take no one's wonl. NO ONE 3nn pet a nafcr way to ave money and jet n Itomc than this one. NO ONE [ Ins over lost n cent In * Much a purchase. EVERY ONE Has made money who II.IH tried It. CHANCES Llko this nro not often given you. AMES , 071 0 1807 Farnam Sf _ " rpHE SAFEST INVESTMENT IN THE WEST TODAY ISVELL LOCATED ACRE PROPETY CLOSE TO OMAHA An Investment In n choice five , ten or twenty-acre tract will yield better rntttrim than a golil mine. No worry , no city taxes , cannot be Htolen or curried oil. and unless Omaha slope m-owlng Is absolutely sure lo yield an Im- incline protlt. I can oltcr the following bargains In ncro property Hurronndlng Ihlsclly ; Five acres , with hintill cottage. $2,350.00. Five acres , a perfect com of a place , can bo divided Into20 nice lols$2.100.0il. Ten acres. Just west of city ; tint steady growth ol Oniidin will doublu Its value , * -WH.OO. | ) Ten acres with cottage , splendid location , onlj $1,200.00. Twenty acres lust southwest of oily , xplendid In vestment , will plat Into 100 beautiful lots S I''i.o : ) per acre. Forty acres In WoBt Omaha Just outside city limits near Junction of V. , R. A. M. V. R. R. and M 1' . Bell Hue , close to new fair grounds am Klmwood park , llnosl Investmenl in Iho west only $3.10.00 per acre. Tills properly It * Just outside Iho city limits , Him escaping the city taxes und regulations , urn yet at the same time obtaining all Iho benellli of Omuhu'H rapid growth , Every oneof tin above tracts are ottered at less than yon cat buy anything near them , and they will donbh In value In two lo llvo yeam. HlekB Real Estate Agency , 303 N. Y. Llfo llidg. Obil-ll TVEVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO INVEST IN -L > real estate , and look at this for bargains In In- Bide property. 4 lots , Iflth and Center , worth $1,200 each , onlj $000 oaeh. 1 lot In Orchaid Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700. 1 corner lot on Military nvo. , Just opposite Clifton Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700. Lot on Marey St. , between 31st and 32d , worth $3.1)00 ) , only $ l.HOO. Finest lot in Crulghton Heights , worth $1,20J , onl.v77C > . 2 lots in Lincoln Place , worth $1,200 each , onlj $1100 for bolh. 3 lots. LaFnycttn place , Walnut Hill , wortli $2,000-00each , forl,000.00each. Avondale park , inside one mlle line , Wcbstct street lols , with paving , curbing , Etono sidewalk , Bower , parking , electric light , etc. The finest Inside residence property in the city , at the lowest price , worth$2,500.00 pcrlotourprlcooulyl,500.00 ; pei lot , half cash. Bun street fronts In Avondal < park : only $1,300.00 per lot. It will pay yon to In vcBtlgato lids. Fourteen lots In Rees place , on Georgia am Virginia avenues , between Mason and Pacific. Fo cash wo are offering this property at OUc ou tin dollar. For a homo there is nothing tlner ; as an In vestment H Is Impossible to llnd anything better Always a pleasure to show any or all of this prop erty. . .FIDELITY TJIUST COMPANY , 1702 Farnam. ILT EDGED INVESTMENTS. $3.000.00 buys place paying 10 per cent. $1.0110.00 buys property yielding 10 per cent. $1.000.00 buys choice Improved paying 10 percent i > .UOO.OO buys elegant place paying 10 percent. $ .1.000.00 buys property yielding 10 per cent. Jii.f.oo.OO buys choice piece paying 11 per cent. $12,000.00 buys gilt-edged proi > erty paying 10 pc cent , $17,000.00 buys One Improved paying 12 per cent FIRST-CLASS PROPERTY , substantial brick Improvements ; yearly rental , $2,000.00 ; price $22,000.00. ELEGANT DOUBLE RESIDENCE on ono of tin finest streets ; rental , $1,320.00 ; price , $13,000.00 HANDSOME PROPERTY , splendidly improved pay 13 IK.T cent , $15,000.00. CHOICE PROPERTY , splendidly Improved pays $ ; | , SOO.OO per annum ; price , $40,000.00 $15 , 000.00 cash , balance u yours at 0 percent. Cull and sec the bargains we offer. Hicks Real Estate agency , 305 N. Y. Llfo bldg. Obli 0 FOR SALE-NEAR HANSCOM PARK , ELEGAN' leu-room house , handsome reception hall , spa elons parlor , library , dining room , smoking room largo bed rooms , etc. , handsome oak llnlsh , han wood doors , electric light , gas , furnace , splendli bath room , stone walks , etc. , must be sold at once Call for particulars and terms , Hicks Real Estat agency , 305 N. Y. Llfo bldg. UH1I I ) CHANCE TO SECURE A NICE COTTAG ] A home. Two collages und lots near 30th and Pa ellle , Bonth front ; splendid neighborhood , tineo location In city. If sold together only $7,20C $3,1100 for each. Hicks Real Estate Agency. Hl ( N. Y. Llfo Bldg. t ) 0 II SALE-SEVEN ACRES NEAR RUSER' ; FOR summer garden and Schutzeu park In Wen Omaha. Tlio paving of Centre Btreet will muk this property very valuable. Prleo $5.00 ( ! , Hick Real Estate Agency , ! ! 05 N. Y. Life llldg. 081) ) I ) IN MODERN UU1LT HOUSES NEA1 BARGAINS Haimcom Park. No. 3210 Poppleton avenue , elegant frame house south front , nlco lawn , brick cellars under cntlr house , stationary niarblK wushstund , fiirnuci etc. A beautiful home. Price , $7,200.00. No. 3210 Poppleton avenue , elegant frame cot tage , nine rooms , south front , splendid brick ci > j lars , llrst class plumbing , furnace , etc. , lot OOxlOC everything in complete Bhupe , a perfect hoim Price , $7,000,00 , Hicks Real Estate Agency. 305 N.Y. Llfo bldg. Drill II CHEAP FARM LANDS. 800 ACRES TWO MILE from North Loup , Neb. , good soil , running wutei $8.00 per acre. 04(1 ( acres near Lodge Pole , Neb , , can all bo culll vated , fl.OO per acre. 1.2KO acres clomi to Crook , Cole , , good sol ! smooth laud , $4.00 per acre. 100 acres , Knox county , Neb. , part cultivate $8.00 per acre. Hicks Heal Estate Ageney , 303 N , Y , Llfo bidg. 0 0 II INVESTMENT-MODERN HOUSli \ latest conveniences : will rent for IHIOO.OO pe year : elegant neighborhood ; healthy and pleusuu location ; only iO.r.uo.oo. Hlcku Real Estat Agency , 305 N , Y. Life bUlg. HMD tl AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT- Ten acres with small coiugo. , Just west ot cliy will inukiia beuullfiil homo and u splendid plac for fruit and vegetable gardunlng ; a big barguli Call for prlco. Hluks Real Estate Agency. 080 1) ) CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAS" front lot Lowe avenno ( Poppleton park ) , cas access to motor. Owner going Into business. Wll bell very elieap for cash. Also lot Ilaiiscom I'luci Big bargain for cash , Addivas L. F , , P , O , Box 3-st Ml 1C. ODERN COTTAGE HOME , HIX ROOM ! porches , lawn , garden , barn , etc , ; ncurmotoi $3.000io ( , > M cash , bulunco long time. Rlchardhoi 017 N. Y. Llfo llhlg. DSP U SWEET HOME. OMAHA CITY LOT ! HOME low prices , * 300.00 each , K25.00 dowi $1000 perimonth , 10 good reuhonu why 50 should buy ; 1st , Near street ears und pave btrcots. v'd. Neur hchool houses and churches. 3 < Near onn of the narks. 4th. Sightly level undo grade. Olli , No Interest charged on deferred paj inentu. Ulh. Easy payments. Hth. If purchu > u dies before lots nro all paid for will vivo deed ) hcli-H Immediately without Haul payment. Dili. 1 IK.T cent discount for all cash , loth. If you want homo thin luururuchuncu. If you want to muk money there Is nothing uufcr or surer , Cull on V A. L. Gibbon , owner , 12th and Hitrney streets. 1170 0 T HAVE FIVE QUARTER SECTIONS OF LAN llii and C miles from town ; will Hell It all wii from $7.00 lo $ " 0.00 tier acre. Thin land IB firs dabs land und If anybody wauls to get good , chea homu this U u chance , I got one ' . ( with runnln water , I > 0 acreb broken , 2 mllua from county BUU and by malting a mnull payment on this land I wl Bell It on 3 to II year * time. WrIUi at onwj or com and Hen me. O. Himck , Loup City , Neb. M070 17 * > FINE LOTS IN I1RIGG3' PLACE AND CAS < 5for u vacant lot. F , K. Darling , Ilurkcr lllk. 1)82 0 I7QUITY IN GOOD B-KOOM HOUSE. MOI ierii , only 3 blocks from Furnam care ; for clear lot. F. K. Darling , Barker lllk. tWJ u nARGAIN. SIX ROOM COTTAGE , BOUT Dfront half lot Burt between 1H unit ID. WI consider uny rcutomiMe offir , half cabh , tennu I milt on balance. W. N. Naucm , Room HI lioanl i ' Ml)09a ) FOB SALE REAL E3TATB , OlIlK'HiM. 2ioDKRN .KOOM otias : Niui i-ari I'll ! loll. Small cash payment and lomf tlinpf.ntial.inri > , Urnnhio b.ircaliin In thcac. V K. Duir.r. : .ukf blof k. H ! < 2 0 _ \v ii A v frTiiTJr.m'TioionuKsnittNCK" i.ors. ' 40x127 fi-r-l , for sale > ienr llnuscom part : , nl prlcen mnk * them r-upcelally deslrablu for l > eo-U | w.intlii : ; low-jirlced homen. TIoM : > Kits face north on MnKOi * lrrcl , tielwo. n SUM nnd aaiirt. high mid henllhy loentlonA-ltli liandwii'ialindu r.ud t.vcs. city wale. ' , sewer- lee , f ic. The contract hnn hcen let for pxvlrtg Mnr.on Ht-il to 31ststthln ouo-hall block of thin propoily. ti'i\ ° cnlt SCl' ' t'ici" ' ' > 1ot * ' * r SMT'0.00 each ou cany Yon can put n St. 5100.00 cn'.t.ijrc on one nl Otcno lots nnd havu n Iwinttful liomo nl a low t-ost. ir you wnnt to dccv.iV n nice homo firlvo or wnlk ftroui'i ! and f.e > them. You will \ \ nut ouf > suru. HICKS' UEAbESTATK AOKNrY , 300 Iv V. LIFE tlhltO. USD 0 _ SUnyilRAN HOMU , 1 * . ACRES VTIVIV AND t.-.trdcti ; Luilable for nurnerjman. . or ardir. : ; l.ttr lovvn ; thtx-o uilhoada. Address llox I US. P Wllt. Neb. inui 12 Kr.tes.lVonword ! InsertionIc a wordthere after , Nothing uken for lenj tlrtu 2.1c. ' ' 8 FAIR. HOTEL BOSTON , llMrapcHit Plan. ) C. W. PARDR1DGE. Prop. ( National Hank ol 111. R An plecant new brick and sloim strucluro. cnrnp,1 of Cot. aeo Orove tiveuuo nnd lUHh Rtrvel , couMst' ItiL'of UOO rooniN , all llnht nivl nlryvlthlnfew inliuites walk ot "iSrnnd Kntranco" lo world's P.ilr Urauuds. Coiuenluiil to all street earn and ele vated railroad. Wo are booking our roonm very fnnt , nml would advise you to secure your room early. ( ! o to a hotel where you nan trot an outside room and bo comfortable. The Hotel lluutou offers you these advantage ) ) , Uooiim , $ l.on lo $3.00 ptr day. Rcstnurant at- Inched , Meals , it. rents , "Thu owner of this hotel Is ono of the proprie tors of the lloston Store , which Is n sufllolenl guar antee of firm-class nccomniodatlona. " For tuitber Information address I'HILLH1 MUUl'HY , Manftccr. llStol'JI SlutoSt. . Hoston Store. . ChloaRo , 111. riMtE-tSUOSVENOIl , (1J17 ( SHKltlUAN AVENUE , - 1Chlcneo , a helect family hotel , wltliln II nilnutm walk from Dm prlnclpil entrances to the f.ilr. Ooo < l rurmviiciii. nnnnontblo r.UO'i. Apply to I ! , C. Shltner , ' . ' 11 Now York Llfo building1. Omaha. MllUJyKl _ \V111TK roa WOULU'S FAIU AND GltlDARO > i irtililu books ; mailed frce. Cosmopolitan Euro pean hotol. : iori and 307 Clark m. , Chicago. Hooms 75 centii to Sr'J.OO per day. US. L. W. VATTON , 1'KIVATE lioiiso. liui1 1th stivet , Chicago , 111. Correspond- cncu Bollellcd for World'B fair nccoinmodalloiiR. MUSIC. ART AND LANGUAGES. , lOca line each lutertlon , * 1 < " ( ) aline per Notlihis taken for leas than . ' c. . ISlUCitlltoriila slnsct. 014 1)IANO TAUOHT. TIIKEB LESSONS I'OU if LOO. Mlaa Truman , fl'JO North Hlth street. MS-IP 10' SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRiTINGr" . Hales , 30cn line each Insertion , $1. 10 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Uiic. TTOUNG LADIES AND OENTLEMEN CAN SOON JL acquire a working knowledge of shorthund and tyiHjwi'ltlnir at A. O. Van Saul's hehool of Bhort- hand , 513 N. Y. Llfo. Typewriters to rent. 4811 UNDERTAKERS AMD lIMBAIiMEBS Hales , lOoallnetjachJiiRertlon , ifl.0a line per month. Nolhlii ? taken for lesn tlian -"ic. ( \ W. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. w. Jacobs , deceased , later with M.O. Maul ) , under taker und o.nbalmer , 315 y. lUth st. Tel. U'JU. . FAWNBROKEBS : Rales , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $1..10 allnopsr month. Nothing tiki : > n for less than 2. > c. T SONNEN1IERO , DIAMOND ItROKI'.U. 13ns ( > .Douglas st. Loans money on dlanionds.w.itches , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. IBM , -isr. SOAI ES. Rales , 10e a linn each Insertion , a line per month. Nothing taken for less than -"c. " J EW & SECONl ) H ANI ) SOALKS , ALL KINDS 1ST Address Uunleni ; Sulleclc Co. , L'iko St. , Chicago 48U SECOND-HAND 1'YPBWRITERS. Rales , 1 Oca line naeh iimorllonl.r > 0 a line per month. Notlilng taken for less than -"c. TjOYLESABABn. DEALERSIN TYPE\VIUTrils" : -t JAll makes bought , sold , exchanged , rented , U13 N. Y. Life bldg. Tol. figs 4 ! < 4 PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , Oxnalia , Nob. 4 years Examiners U. H , 1'at. Ofllco. Advlcofroo No fee until patent is obtained. The Denver Investment Bond Co. 417 BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , N B. No safer Investment or greater profit ean bo ob tained than by purchasing bonds with this com pany. Wo pay BO per cent more towards the ru- dcmptlon of bonds und mature them In one-third less tlmo than any other company. Look Into out plan before purchasing elsewhere. Tor full par ticulars write or call at our onice. 417 BEK BUILDING , OMAHA , NJEB , H. Blolow , General Agent , PRAYEH BOOK COOKTAlIi , Conttrrnatlon Itnd Cnnfmlon Il * < ntlliiB from Iiunlteil lllcnltT- A iiiiitlntiiro trngcdy , Hacked trllh nn nroinn of delicnte perfume untl por- inrntcd with tlio pviitK'ont odor of oogiuio * brntidy , was enacted In front of Rev , Dr. Ufown's /nslilonnbto St. Thomt\s'c\uircli \ , Tiftlr avenue und Fifty-third street , Stho mornlnpnftoroariy service , snya the Now York Journal * Itvn9 n tragedy In wlilch two well kumn oocloty womoi : nnd a decorous Hook of Common Prayer , boutul in blnck morocco leather , olaycd the lomllnc imrfa. It wa.ii lrnjoily wlilch dlsclosod the awful truth that corlnin mombora of New York's ohurch-jTOlng Fourlliuulreil temper tholr rolljtioua devotion with Bii)3 of hijihly-soasoncd copnnc under the rose , whllo the Impnisloiiod , fervent won of Qed nre oxpoundlnir * the truths contained in the book of booko. The coiifirc-patlon of St. Thomas1 church had just filed out of thu build ing. The rear was brought up by the wife of one of Now York's wealthiest wholesale dry goods merchants. She was decorously dressed In black and walked alone. Her fiteo resembled the Madonna's. In her hand she earned a prayer book , llor eyes were llxed on thu ground as she walked sedately down the fashionable thoroughfare. At the corner of Fifty-second otroot HUO stopped to speak to one of her donrost friends. the wife of a Wall street banker , whoso private steam yacht Is one of the orntv inonts of the waters bummnding New York and adlneont summer resorts. "I am so glad to hear , my dear Mrs. X , " eoocd Dr. Brown's regular com municant swcolly , "tlu\t your little boy is much bettor. I have no doubt that his stay In the country will bring the back to his uheeks again. Kiss him for me and toll him that ho must bo as strong as a young lion when I see him again. " "Thank you so much , Mrs. 'A. How is your husband by the wayV" "Very well , indeed , thank you , bull couldn't induce him to accompany mo to church this morning , and I wad so anx ious to have htm with mo , too. Dr. Brown preached a beautiful tormon. as ho always does , and this is the last time wo will have an opportunity of hearing him again for some timo. Wo are late in leaving the city this summer , but wo expect to bo in our Newport cottage before - fore tlio end of the week. " I'liefo two high-born American ladies shook hands as only two devoted frionda can. and turned with sweet "good by" on tholr lips to resume tholr homeward walks. They had just turned their backs when Mm X.'s parasol caught in Mrs. Z.'s bonnet. The hitter's head was pulled back and her bonnet was jerked to ono side. The quiet , decorous llttlo blaek prayer book fell to the hard pavement. Thorp were apologies , explanations , ac ceptances and straightening of bonnets. Meanwhile the modest book of Common Prayer was lying where it had fallen on the cruel curb. Its life-blood was oozing out of it. A tiny btrcnm from it was dyeing the stone Nagging. It cast a piti- fill gltineo at its devotional owner. A look of pain , mixed with indignation and disgust rather than pity and sympa thy , was all the consolation the mute BiilYorer received. A llorid-faced , puffy , perspiring gen tleman , who was a silent witness of the tragedy , a few yards away , rushed to the assistance of the patient sufferer on the sidewalk. lie stooped to pick it up before - fore its owner could arrest his hand. His keenly attuned nostrils detected the odor of the liquid that had lied from the lihick body of the prayer book. It was cognac brandy nothing more. f "Tins is yours , is it not , niadamo ? " ha asked as ho picked up the lifeless body and held it out to her , with a merry twinkle in his eye. "No , sir ! How dare yon ? " Then she swept on. The Madonna-llko look on her face was gone. It was hard Sot and Hushed with shame and indignation. The spirit of religious enthusiasm had lied. So had the spirits from the prayer book. . The post-mortem examination revealed the fact that at the back of the book tnd attached to it was an ingeniously cut glass phial , covered with black leather. The top of it was held by a short silver thread and could bo readily and quickly unscrewed. A few drops of the prayer- book's life-blood still lingered in tha broken phial. It was brandy nothing more. ( 'It is the first time I over heard of a religious cocktail , " said the ilorid-faccd gentleman , as ho carried away the book in triumph. A few minutes later it was ' being ha'ndcd around to the members of the Union League club , who make that place their rendezvous on Sundays. It was only put out of sight when the un fortunate woman's husband strolled in and in a loud voice ordered a big brandy and soda. Rrundy ruled the day in that particu lar family branch of the Four Hundred social tree. BEFORE AND It Came Illgli , but There. Wcro No FlUl On tlio Old JMnn. "Yas , git right up and ride as fur aa I'm going , anyhow , " said the old man as ho stopped the wagon and reached mo down a hand to yet over the wheel , nays the Now York Telegram. I got a seat on the sheepskin beside- him , nnd as ho moved on ho continued : "I was over to Grufton to git some things fur my darter Juno. Lands ! how they do charge fun women fixln's ! Why , you kin bust a dollar bill to smash in no timo. 1'vo got over $7 wiith of stulT in that that * bundle , and It hain't ' as big as ton pounds of brown sugar. Juno'b got to hov 'om ' , though. She's going on a tower with her aunt. " "Going to the seashore ? " I asked. "Further than that. I'll hov to pay out over $10 to git her ready. " "To California ? " "Further than that. Look a-horo. " Ho took a small parcel from his pocket and bunded mo the lines while no re moved thu paper und exhibited a lot of cards on which wore printed his daugh ter's namo. I noticed that there were two lots. In the loft hand corner of on were the letters "G. to Y. " and in the other "B. to Y. " 1 couldn't make out the meaning , but didn't ' wunt to usk" . Ho was ready to explain , however. "These hero are to use before she goes , " ho Htiid , "and those uftor she gits home. Thorn kecrds and the prlntln * cost mo just an' oven 81. You see them letters down thar ? " "Ido. " "I had 'ern put tlmr myself. Do you know what they stand fur ? " "I must confess that I don't. " "Plain nu the noscon'your ' face. Thosa hero with the 'G , to Y.1 on uho'11 gin out now. That means , 'Goin' to Yurup. ' The oncd with 'H. to Y.1 on she'll iisa iirter she gits homo. That means , 'Din to Yiirnp1 und been every gotm durned thing of uny account from Dun to Uo'shebu and back to Jerusalem , Good Idea , eli ? Lots o' Nlos around , but none on your Undo William up to luut ro- ports1 ! Shakespeare's irauo , very much like a walkIng - Ing stick of today , ntiU Ida lug of cream col ored ourthenwaro were sold in Jxmaon ro- ct-ntly for * 7Xt ( ) A httlocarvod wooden panol. nine by sovun Inches , sold for 6.000 ami a # * ! 1 iiruyur book , formerly tlio property of Queen hllzuucth. bound in gold und euait.ol , sold for