Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1893, Part One, Page 10, Image 10

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How the Promise of Oonquistadoro do Vargas
is Kept in Late Timra.
Convoying the Imngn nt tlm Virgin from
the CutlicMlrnl to the Church of the
Itnunry Corpus ClirltU'1
llrnro rroccuMon.
When a snobbish Englishman said Amcr-
fca was an uninteresting country because It
had no ruins or antiquities some Americans
felt a llttlo guilty. That WPS because they
had n sensitiveness unworthy Americans
nnd bpcauso they wcro not posted on their
own country. Any man who wants antiqui
ties may Und plenty of the most Interesting
kind down In the wonderland of the south
west. Much has boon written of the ruins
of that section , but llttlo Is known to the
outsldo world of some of the ancient customs
which still survive among the simple people.
Most curious of those nro the religious pro-
ccanlons of Santa Fe , N. M. , ono of which attracts -
tracts devout visitors from all parts of the
Down in the City of the Holy Faith , lying
almost In the shadow of the Heckles , but
under a burning sun , the pious natives have
nn annual ceremony for propitiating God nnd
bringing rain to their thirsty land. Two
hundred years ago , when Ulogo do Vargas
Xapatn Lujnn I'onco do Leon ( "restorer , con
queror nt his own cost , reconquoror nnd
founderof Nuovo Mexico , " us no loves to call
himself In his chronicles ) camped before the
Pueblo stronghold of Santa Fo , ho made n
vow. Other Spanish commanders had been
trying for twelve years to resubduo the re
volted I'ueblos , but in vnln. This nious
conqulstadoru sought heavenly aid by prom
ising , if granted victory , to erect a church
nnd make , a yearly pilgrimage to it. Ho
easily drove the I'ucblos from their mud
houses , und ho creeled on the site of his
camp the church of Santa llosario ( Holy
Hosary ) . Hut In time de Vnrgas passed
away , und the good padres seized upon the
annual pilgrimage as n means to Impress the
simple natives with the potency of prayer.
Santa Uosario's mud walls still stand , nnd
the procession to H Juit before the rainy
season marks ono of the most remarkable of
religious ceremonies.
Juno has faded into July. Wild roses
vrhose iierfumo u few dnys ago filled the nlr
with wondrous fragrance have ripened and
fallen petal by petal till only their bare
heads crown the bushes. Dally the sun
glares more llorcely , while the dust coat on
the plnons und the scrub cedar deepens.
On Its stem the alfalfa droops , und the
blades of the innizo' are curling. In the
ncoqula the few drops of water that now
run are but feeble reminders of the cheer
ing torrent that bore to growing crops
energy and strength last week. In the deep
nroyn no trace of the torrent Is found. Un
less rain comes tortillas will bo few and
frljoles scarce next" winter. And , Blessed
Virgin , here is the rntny season's tlmo como
these five days and not a drop of
water have wo had from the
sky that bums like burnished copper
by day und shines lilto brightest steel by
night. Even the dews are failing , and while
the crops wither the prayers uro fruitless.
But not yet is hope become hopeless. In the
Blessed Mother of God still Is trust reposed
by her children , and by her interposition yet
may the ral'i bo brought in time to save cho
furnishing fruits of the earth. It Is ap
pointed that on Domlnno next the people
shall gather nnd with duo ceremony and
reverential procession convey the Imago of
the Blessed Virgin from its rest , in the great
cathedral to the little church of the Holy
Hosary , whore , in communion and conjunc
tion with the luiairo of the Blessed San Jose ,
she can Intercede for her faithful followers , her benign influence thus auspi
ciously exerted bring on the long delayed
.rains. .
" * It Is n Solemn Sunday. f
Sunday li hero. In semi-tropical wrath
the sun beats down on the baked earth.
Every living thing shows the need of the ro-
froshliig rain. At the cathedral , at
San Guadalupo , at Santa Hosarlo , at
each church nnd chapel this mornine
mass is said with more than usual
solemnity and pious ceremonial Heads are
bent with contrition , each of ihocongroga-
tlonRlnvain endeavoring to place the sin so
grievous that has resulted In the with
drawal , of the rain , while each heart in
humble devotion avows a ponuanco to bo
performed if the prayers In silence uttered
nro answered in a shower. With the after
noon comes the assembly at the cathedral.
Now is the supreme test of faith. In the
absence of the good bishop , the reverend
father , who officiated as celebrant at high
'mass this morning , approaches the altar ,
and voices an earnest prayer. Deep tones
train the organ precede u solemn "Avo ,
Maria , " surpllced boys swing their censers ,
tile hot opiircsslve air Is rendered almost
insupportable by the pungent odor of the
smouldering spices , then a solemn march
nbout the cliuncol und from her pedestal
is lifted the gilt Image of the Virgin. By
hands that touch with deepest reverence , it
is borne and placed on the richly decked
chair on which the good bishop sut last
Corpus Christi , and beneath the same
canopy of silk. Outsldo the band from the
monastery strikes up it solemn processional ,
and borne on the shoulders of four stalwart
maidens , the blessed imago starts on its
Journey of'about a mile to the church of
Santa Hosarlo.
In the meantime the great throng of
people In' front of the cathedral has formed
into nn irregular parade. There is no
attempt ut bravo display. No holiday attire
is Indulged. It Is nn occasion too grave to
warrant the show of worldly vanity. It Is u
stop taken only ns Is extreme unction , when
in ettremh. Before all marches n black-
robed sacristan , and nftor him , in pairs ,
como the monies in cowl and gown , their
hoods drawn forward ever their faces , their
tread j\s slow as if proceeding to n funeral.
They , in turn , are followed by the acolytes ,
who nro dressed In the severe garb of the
neophyte , who has sot his foot on the way ,
but has not attained the monnstlo decree.
Its brnzon Instruments wailing forth a
hymn that is almost u dlrgo , so
mournful sound its strains , comes the band.
Behind .It march the choir boys , bare
headed , nnd clad In surpllcn , chanting ; u
hymn in praise of the Blessed Mother of the
World's Uedeomer. Other Iwys swing i-on-
sors , and the air is filled with un nromatle
fragrance strangely different from the pecu
liar odor of burning plnon nnd cedar to
which the dwellers In the Cit.v of the Holy
Faith have become aceiistomnl. In gowns of
deepest black und bonnets druwn forward ,
their hands folded in front of peaceful
breasts , or tolling the beads of their rosa
ries. Is n double file of nuns. Sisters of Hu
mility , who fool the deep signllleanco of the
proceeding of which they are part. Then
clad In purest white como u group oi
rauldeps , virgins to do honor to the Lady so
devoutly worshipped by nil good Mexicans.
They ore the eapuolnl escort , the guard ol
honor , of the Imago. And then the Imago.
t A llullU llrr Qllfcnly Hlittlnn ,
On a platform six foot wide by eight foot
long , draped with costly rugs , sits a chair ol
Ute , adorned In regal fnshtou. Bright
jjrlmton is the silken fabric tlmt drapes the
teat nnd flows in sweeping folds to the plat
form. Over all is u canopy of silk , in blue
and scarlet , the heavy fringe of gold hangni"
deep on every side. H is such n chair nt
monarch * might desire to bo borne U
triumphal feasts on. Carefully balanced h
' ' the chair Is the imago of the virgin. Will
, n stop more gentle 1)11111 ) she over made li
the graceful vulso despachlo , each of tin
v four bareheaded maidens inarches sober1 ! ,
along ) each conscious of the high nonor thai
has fallen to'her lot und awuro of the glfi
ah * will have to bring to the shriuo of the
mother for thus having singled her out froii
among her slaters to aid In so deep u rellglou1
duty in such conspicuous munnor.
Hundreds who have not the courage
\ mornl or physical , to bravo the burning hoa
of. the sun , line the sideways of Palace ave
'HUB along which the procession moves. A
the lucrlitnn comes in vlinv heads uro uu
, jCQTored and in reverential qulbt the throni
awaits the approach of the imago. Ever
knee is bent uud every voice mutters i
.prayer to the Mother us her gilded present
-meat passes.
, After the imago comes another group o
Bitldens in white , all swelling a hymn ii
pnlso of the Virgin. Then- more nuns ii
tno prloJts. Next come the p c
pic. Old nnd young , the gr.indsiro nnd the
babe totter side by side , the ono from ngo ,
the other from lack of It. Matron nnd tnnld ,
sturdy manhood nnd adolescent youth , they
trudge nlong bareheaded , most of them bare
footed , breathing the nlrnow burdened with
clouds of dust raised by the tramping footof
these boforc , but unmindful of all these dis
comforts they go , berne up by the trust that
from this act of devotion will como the boon
they nn much crave , the ruin.
All this Is strung out nlong the broadest
thorough faro of the capital fully n mile In
length , Thcio are several thotnands of the
Ilrm bolloyors In the rite In that column
which slowly winds Us ny nlong the dusty
nvenuo , and the head of the procession has
almost reached the destination before the
end has fairly passed the cathedral. But
not for this do they halt , It Is a pllgrimngo
inndo for the purpose of personal salvation
In Its most materialistic , nnd the Jour
ney must bo done in Its entirety , or the
labor may bo in vnln ; fern lack of courage
may mean n lack of faith , and the reward
of little faith is naught.
U'lion Fnltli linn Onnn lt l.onctlu
Before the door of the llttlo chapel the
head of the long column swings round , the
band fora moment ceases Us mournful wall
ing , n reverend priest pronounces u bcnedl-
cite and the door Is opened. And then ,
whllo all kneel In silent adoration , the
bearers 6f the imago move forward with
slow step nnd enter the precincts of the
chapel , whore for the next seven days
the Mother of the Savior will with
her earthly husband plead for the
boon of rain for the blessing of her
faithful followers. The maidens and the
nuns enter the chapel. After them the
priests , and there amid the odor of sweet
spices , In words of love nnd devotion , Is
voiced nn appeal to the glorified parents of
the Son of Man to fiilllll the desire of the
peoplo. It Is a slmplo ceremony that is per
formed in that chapel , typical of the simple ,
trusting fulth that resorted to this rite.
Then the candles nt the altar are ex
tinguished , the censers nro lowered , the
chant Is hushed , nnd quietly the maidens ,
nuns und priests , the people , all withdraw
from the sacred presence. The doors of the
chapel are closed , nnd for seven days they
will not bo crossed by mortal foot ; for
within will bo a communion too holy for
human mind to comprehend , whllo the
angels from heaven gather with the glor-
illed couple and join them In their appeals to
the Most High.
It Is u livelier strata the band plays on Its
homeward march ; one year It was partly
"Ynukeo Doodle , " "Marching Through
Georgia" and a nameless quickstep made fa
miliar long years ago by the circus bands in
the north. The people , too , showed the con
sciousness of a good deed well done. Had
they not fulfilled the commands of the
padrol And would not the ruin comni Was
lot the Mother nil powerful , nnd would not
he bring the showers ail so longed for ?
Mnnnnnt Qnlrn snbff
In this particular instance the rain fell on
lie Wednesday following the procession on
Uu it Corpus Ctirlitl Suinlny.
In strange contrast to the funereal aspect
f the procession that escorts the imago of
ho Virgin from the cathedral to the Church
if the Hosary Is the Corpus Christi parade.
There Is some confusion us to the exact sig
nificance of this ceremony , but there can bo
10 mistake concerning the spirit in which it
is olworvod. Acquaintance with the north
ern mode of dress has robbed the procession
jf much of Interest to the onlooker from the
states , for the quaint Spanish-Moxlcun cos
tume Is missing. Yet , aside from this , the
event Is notable'in ninny ways. In times
crier to 1SSH it was the chief festiviil of the
church ; although the other fixed events
ivoro observed with becoming ceremony ,
uono wore mantel by the pomp nnd clrcura-
tanco that characterized Corpus Christi.
It is a bright Sunday in Juno , when the
sterile sands of the country around Santa Fo
nro showing their bravest efforts nt vcgota-
llon. In the mountains the wild flowers ,
roses , violets , blue bolls and many other rep
resentatives of the indigenous lloru uro
cnding out great waves of sweetest fra-
; runco. T'lne tree and fir. cedar and mes-
julto are decked In vernal splendor , their
shades of green blending in a monochrome
of emerald. Blue of the bluest Is the dome
that reflects the rays of a sun , tempered to
; lwcllors on earth by the cool breeze that
fulls not till the hot days of solstice are
passed. All nature seems attuned to the
coromcny the faithful uro nbout to partici
pate in. At the cathedral the throngs as
semble. None who can walk Is absent.
Many have already traversed on foot
miles of sandy waste this morning in order
to take a part in the parade. Musi is said ,
nnd now the line is forming. There is a llt
tlo delay Jind some confusion , but soon the
great column swings Into motion.
It Is u Womlortul Column.
Standing on n portico past which the pro
cession must' pass , wo have every opportun
ity to view the features of the display
unhampered by the sun or dust. With a
dignity that comports with his high oftlco ,
marching backward * , bareheaded1and bare
footed , comes the black robed sncristan.
Following Is a group of surpliccd singing
boys , who continually voice a hymn in praise
of the Hedceriier. Then u body of monks ,
who add their hcarso bass to the shrill tones'
of the boys. These are followed by another
group of boys who bear great baskets con
taining the petals of llowors. Many un ucro
of roses and violets has boon stripped in pre
paration for this event. Then the censor
boys , swinging their pots of smoking spices ,
nnd then , berne on the shoulders of four
stalwnrt young men , comes the Host. An
other body of monks nnd then the band , it
heading a long column of members of u grant
religious order , the ofllcors ot which make
much show of their insignia of rank and
authority. Moro boys have other baskoU of
rose leaves and then come the nuns , in
solemn file , tolling their beads as they march.
Preceded by the altar boys , swinging high
the pungent incense , comes the venerable
Bishop Lamy. Ho is seated on a gorgeous
chair of state , supported on u platform and
covered by n canopy , the whole draped in
silk of crimson , blue nml gold , rich in its
brilliant coloring , and berne by four strong
men. After the bishop march the acolytes
from the monastery , the novitiates from the
nunnery , and the children of the Sunday
school. And then como the peoplo. It Is an
unformed column. They inarch as they
plea so. Hero they nro strung across the
narrow street , filling it completely from
wall to wall ; then they inarch In pairs. But
not n bund is covered. Many feet nro naked ,
The child , scureoly nblo to toddle , clings to
its mother's hand. The old man , to whom
this Corpus Christi may ' bo the last , leans
heavily on his stuff us ho'strugglos with feu-
bio feet to keep his place In the column.
Hero nnd there is u bit of bright color seen ,
% yhero BOIIIO cureless miild or vain young
beau has decked the sombre costume with u
bit of ribbon or silk. But the prevailing
tone Is black , The gorgeous
rtorapo Is laid aside , und the sombrero bus
been loft , athomo , whllo the black shawl
hliles whatever of color there may lurk in
the bodice. It Is a religious holiday they
make , und there. Is no need of flaunting the
vanity of earthly things in march of the
I'ruUo us Tlioy Pii .
As the procession moves along the
sacristan claps n signal ; down 'on bonded
knees sink the following thousunds ; a brief
prayer Is said , nnd , singing the gloria , nil
arise. In rising the boys who boar the
llowers cast great handfuU of the ( ratals In
the air , and so the way of the liost nnd the
bishop Is literally strewn with roses. An
other Hftcen paces , und the throng kneels
ugnln in obedience to the signal ; another
prayer , another gloria , and more rose leaves
uro thrown in llio air. This Is repeated
throughout the entire march , which
usually covers about throe miles. While the
way of the bishop Is strewn with roses ,
and the nlr ho breathes is sweet
witli the breath of llowers and the
fragrance of Imicnso , It is not so with the
thousands of his flock who.tviulgu the dusty
way lifter him. Keeling und rising , marchIng -
Ing uud halting , the myriads of feet stir up
u dense cloud of dust ; this mingles with the
pungent odor of splco and renders the air
almost \tnbreiitlmblo. I ng before the lust
lilcn have passed the outlines of tliu throng
are but dimly tllsccrnablo In the dense cloud
of dust thut hovers along tho'lino ; Jaut on
they trudge , kneeling nnd rising , saying
their uruyurs and singing their glorias , till
some three hours after the start from the
cathedral , the head of the procession has re
turned thcroand the feust Is over. Several
hours of sunlight is still loft , und this Is
spent iu the sports that most delight the
heart of thoSp.iiiUh-Auierican ; at Santa Fo
it is cock lighting and inonte , bull llghtlnguud
( Sunday duncmg being prohibited.
T , Wt McCuiJ.oiun. :
The No. 0 Wheeler .t Wilson with Us ro
tary movement , U the lightest running
iimchlno in tlm market , uud is unequalled
for spued , durability and quality of work.
Sold by W. Lancaster & Co. , 014 South Six
teenth street
The Wretched Condition of England's ' Low-
Olas3 Tonautrp ,
U'nkemnn Graphically Describes the Wolitl
Kxlitnnco of ISrltltU I'aiippr * . nml
tlm l > rptlii of Docrndntinn to
Which They llnvo 1'nllcti.
, JS3.7.1
Juno 20. [ Specnil to TUB DEn. ]
My companion was as Interesting a char
acter as 0110 can easily 11 nil In London. I
made his brief acquaintance at a time when ,
turn Ing coslarmonpor , I hail rent to pay for
sonio coster friends and myself In the un
savory precincts of llaro Lano. I seeraeil to
Interest Mm ; he truly Interested mo ; and xvo
grow to ho friends , or us much so as his
natural suspicion of all humanity , as a Lon
don rent collector , and his ll\cd and amlitblo
Idea that there \voro lit tno wliolo world , out-
stdo of London , few people and llttlo terri
tory "worth worrltln' a body's 'cad about , "
would permit.
Ho had In oarllor days boon a polled Inspector
specter , and bore something of a record of
vigorous experiences In the Kast 12nd re
gions , from certain mlailng lingers , sonio-
what less provision of nose and oars than
originally allotted , with various and
vaparous gerrymanders of his face , noclt and
scalp which unpleasantly hinted a riot , am
bulance surgeons and curious capillary and
cutlclo transplantlngs in the general hospi
tal. A period of ethical and physical rouoso
as beadle , which followed the efforts of some
Billingsgate "mobbors" to convert Him Into
a mangle with which to playfully "smooth
out" some of his fellow Inspectors ,
which retired him from the force with portions
tions of his organism Intaut and n small pen
sion , gave him something of a beniini look.
This was curiously blended with a wlso Ju
dicial air , for having for n time , as truant-
school "visitor , " inspector or dotoctlvo , en
gaged in chasing truant scholars up and
down gutter-spouts , into and out of cess
pools and sewers and up chimney-flues and
beneath their mother's petticoats , to dually
land them behind the wall of the "Hugged
Scliool" prison.
Ho was indeed , though stately and calm in
demeanor , a man literally of parts. Duty
had , us It were , rendered him plainly divis
ible. And I never had higher esteem for his
short , broad , energetic and always prcspir-
ing wife's exactitude of description than
when she groaningly remarked that "Wil
liam 'Enery Hovans was no less than a
hobjec. " "A hobjeo , " she would repeat in a
sort of exultation of dejected admiration ,
"Hi must remark it ; a hobjoc as if 'o goes
on a gottln' seppunitcd by wagabones an'
houtlaws , an' Hi outlives'iin ' w'lch I prays
Hi don't I " 11 put mo on the peers rates a
buryin' Mm in bits. "
Air. Evans , whom 1 always addressed for
his service record as "Mr. Inspector , " and
who always returned for the snmo u line of
ficial salute which displayed tno two re
maining lingers of his right hand to the best
udvantugo , was now in the charities and the
rents. Ho was employed during certain
days of each week by one of these London
charity organizations which support as many
oflleors and committees as wards , to unex
pectedly drop in upon its few dependents at
their homos , and observe if the tea and
tracts bestowed wore effecting upright liv
ing ; and it was from his reports , from which
ho wisely eliminated the separation of his
own members , that data were secured for
these touching annual reports of bcneflconca
which draw tears from honest liritish eyes
and shillings from plethoric British pockets.
"It's wery risky usldii' u cove , " Mr. Inspector
specter often said to mo , "as 'ow Ms soul be ;
portickler on mornin's w'en 'o alnt quite
outon a overnight gin crawl. 'E aint rightly
hissolf ; an' w'ilo 'o's niutterin' 'damyour-
tcaan'tracksany'ow ! ' my 'abit Is to mind
lest 'o sends on a'ond a chair cr firm er
'atchot ' to intordooco 'is 'eated ' remarks 1"
All other days at Mr. Kvans1 disposal wcro
occupied in the collection of rents. I should
not like to repeat bis observations regarding
this vocation , or the people with whom il
brought him into business relations. On the
one hand were some of the worst , and tome
mo the most pitiable , of London's lowly : on
the other were two maidenly sisters , over 70
years of age , Immensely wealthy and far
uglier and greedier than they were rich.
Among their properties were scattering
small houses and tenements beyond the
Bethnul Green region , to the north of Mile
End road ; some of UICHO in the most con >
tested of London districts , and others strag
gling along desolate half-country roads.
Endless dinning anfl dunning were necessary
to secure any manner of returna-upou thoso.
It was always a problem with my friend
which wns the worst end of a day his
rounds among the vigorous-lunged brawlers
in his endeavors to collect rent , or his moot
ing with the undent dames when ho turned
In his potty daily returns. Tlioy received
him in high dudgeon and chintz wrappers
and with cudgt < ls like a policeman's billy ,
their shrill inveclivo being emphasized by
crashing the cudgels upon n hugo oaken
strong box standing between them , us though
it were the heads of their recalcitrant tenants -
ants or Mr. Evans' own picturesque cranium ,
which , ho couildcd to mo , ho always kept as
conveniently near the open door as consist
ent with his obligations as a man and n col
Ho also often related that these inter
views always terminated in a mild protest
on his part "as 'ow 'oaven itself couldn't
muko Britons true out 'o 'scampers , ' " where
upon the old ladles went right away Into
"conwulsions , " yelling "Hoot ! tootP at
him and sot to boating the chest with
greater vigor than over ; during which
martial thundering ho always quietly with
draw and it was my study of this word
"scampers" which enabled mo to discover
that thcro are supposed to bo moro than
100,000 families in London so Itnown to
landlords. All of this brought mo to Mr.
Evans' door at an early hour of a recent
morning for the purpose of accompanying
him on u day's rounds for the collection of
Mr. Evans , in his ancient , boll-crowned
lint , high collar , broad stook , short top-coat ,
long waistcoat , baggy black trousers and
huge thick-soled shoes , looKed every inch a
man of allnirs. An inlc bottle was slung to
one of the bit ; buttons of'Ills shiny waist
coat ; n well-worn pocketbook lilted with
blame receipts , arrears records and quit
notices was under ona arm , and a very heavy
walking stick , glvlnir Its owner .something of
un oflicltil , was hold handily under tlioother ,
Ho scomeu glad and relieved at the prosxct |
of company. As wo trudged along Cheap-
side and U'hltochapol road ho favored mo
with un analytic- disquisition upon London
"scampers. "
' .Scanners , " said Mr , Evans judicially and
firmly , "is u bad lot leastwise nearly all on
'em. They're llyors , llltterera ; sllppin' in u
'ouso tinboltnown ; stnyin' as though they
hownod it , to th1 point of summonses , an'
scat ) away they goes like a uassol o'
Gypsies.1' '
'Ow does they git that way ? Some on
'em's born so ; most of 'om. Some on . 'em'a
ground so. Some pn 'oui's chased so. Some
on 'cm iluits others scampln' , an' Jos * takes
to it llko costors does to buttons and
rumpuses. Many on 'em's mudo so by rog-
Isterln' . summonsing Ilnin1 and the work-
us ; fur if once the School board claps its
pawn on ycr youni ; mis , It's pay the' ralo er
work a tine , un' ' noihink but death an'
sramplu' can keep the young uns thcirsel's
school ! " -
outen or prison
In justicu to the old rent collector's truth
fulness 1 should udd that even tins strong
language docH not convey the faintest Idea
of the endless war going on In the great
citici of England between the school boards
and rortuln classes of the poor und Ignorant.
Tim state , through its various statutory
provisions for compulsory "frco" education ,
enacted during the past twcnty-threii years ,
in effect says :
"You , Tiny Tot , nged 5 years , nro to
attend such school us wo may provide , or
your parents select , every school day of
your life , until you Are 18 years of ago , or
have passed tlm sixth standard , or wo will
clap you in n criminal institution ; und you ,
Tiny Tot'fi father , must pay fgr what wo
coinpol your child to i\o , or wo will line you
for every absence recorded ugalnst It , und
tax you for the exist of its imprisonment
whenever wo finally shut It up ; nnd then. If
you cannot pay Its' hitrucil fee * nnd lines ,
and accruing judgments npnlnst yourself ,
wo will nlso clap you in jnll until they nro
paid or are Itquldatfd by Imprisonment ;
when wo will then , . rojoaso you nnd again
begin the .tamo whole-iomo care of yourself
and your offsprlngl" '
Out of thi oxqtrislto system has grown ,
naturally and In order , millions of school
haters and ll.irs ; hundreds of thousands of
potty law breakers b'dforo the local magis
tracy ; tens of thnnsnhds of children. crim
inals among the po'od and bad allko ; an army
of "vliltOM , " Inspectors nnd detectives ,
whoso unompowerod though universally ex
ercised brutality among helpless children
and distracted nnd 'Ignorant mothers is luox-
prosslbly Infnmodv. and hundreds of so-
called Industrial 9clw61s , or "ragged" ' nnd
"truant" schools , us they nro more popularly
termed , which , whatever their merits of
management on the line of their legalized
purposes , uro an Inexcusable outrage upon
the inalienable rights of clilid-llfo and homo-
llfo In any civilized land.
The first places on the collector's list wcro
found In u noisome court In which the sun
light never came. On our approach there
was u lively scattering In every direction of
tlmt portion of the half naked population
with whom wo hud business , who cither
totally disappeared or barred their doors
against our entrance. Such unpromising no-
gotlatlofis as were ixmlLile were of necessity
hold through keyholes or broken panes of
glass. As was the collector's custom hero ,
hi shortly announced In n loud tone of voice
that , us he had nothing'also on hand that
day , wo would sit down nnd wait. Wo did
sit upon the Ulthy ilrm wiilch had juat been
vacated. Certain indications of restlessness
were soon plainly audible front within.
This seemed to communicate itself to these
neighbors on the outside who , themselves
being accustomed to similar experience from
other sources , through the natural alliance
of misery , began u series of maneuvers for
our dlscomllturo. A basin full of dirty
water suddenly ruined down upon us , nnd
the old court rang with coarse laughter.
Strapping barefoot clrls , in a sort of horse
play began hustling us as If by accident ,
making handy use of their elbows nnd lists
while avoiding pretended tumblings upon us ;
nnd this became so threatening that the col
lector's stout stick was culled Into effective
use. Then some rotten cabbage fell softly ; and this was followed by a well
directed discharge of cinders and nshus.
Coals could not bo spared , or our situation
would have proven exceedingly rostlvo.
Then the women of the court began edging
up to us with crooned commiserations for our
prisoners. They lauded their ;
plorod their.mlsfortunes , und decried the
sad spectacle of such line folk being "wor
rited for a beggarly bit of ront. " Mr. Evuns
remaining unmoved , they suddenly became
hysterical with ubuso : shrieking unprint
able maledictions and anathemas until , in n
frenzy of sorrowlul indlenity , they bared
their scraggy breasts and besought us to
strike them down , us they were sure wo
were brutes enough to do ; supplementing
this by entreating us to murder their "bin-
fnut hoffsprings afore their hoves , " the said
skinny mites of misery being hold out to us
for that beneficent operation.
The imperturbable Mr. Evans , in an
"aside" to quiet my own rising trepidation ,
whispered , "thecows'as no 'arm in 'em ' ; "
nnd quietly taking a metal whistle from his
waistcoat pocket gave it n significant move
ment to his lips , following this with the
soothing remark : "Laulos , ill 'ales to sum
mon the pollisl" whereupon every one of ttio
mob scampered away to her respective habi
tation. Final negotiations in this cesspool
of tilth and degradation resulted In serving
two notices to quit , a week's full payment
from one tenant , sqlonm promises und tears
from others , and u sixpence , ha'penny from a
blind female beggar who swore , to strengthen
her excuses , that she had lost her dog. the
latter making a farewell viciousassuultupon
Mr. Evans' heels In proof of her misfortune
and probity.
It was now neatly noon and wo were
gradually reaching the moro open districts ,
though it seemed characteristic of all tene
ments entered that the same huddling and
crowding of humans , the sumo want and
squalor , the same .tilth and ignorance , the
same sodden indifference to the least of
lifo's decencies and the sumo universal ad
diction to the curso'tof' drink , existed as are
true in the worst sections of Cheapsido ,
Shoreditch , Whltcohapol and the Minorics.
Attempts at decoration nnd cleanliness ,
where in exceptional cases cheap prints
adorned the walls and the tiny living rooms
wore fairly hubitublo from oven occasional
application of soap and wutor , though the
meanest necessities of llfo wcro wanting ,
were rare , because frowned down by the
vicious majority who scorn merely to llvo to
drink und drink to llvo. Wo found ono
place that had been completely wrecked because -
cause the offending family had dared put n
bit of. cheap muslin over the window.
"This sottin' thecrsel's '
n hup o'er their
neighbors "ad to bo made a hoxamplo on ! "
The daily tragedies of lives with better
aspirations , yet forced by want to this in
conceivably deadening and hopeless associa
tion , wcro u thousand times revealed to mo
this day.
In one abode where wo called for rent , four
nalced children lay huddled in u corner of
the bare room under a handful of rugs , be
cause the last clothing from their bodies hud
been pawned for drink. The father came
home often enough and remained long enough
to boat the mother nnd snatch some utensil ,
scrap of clothing or bit of furniture and run
away with it 'or drink. "Wat's n body to
do with such houtlaws J" groaned the collec
tor. "This place 'nsn't paid the missuses a
ponny'orth's.ront in n twelvemonth ! " At
a rag fair near 1 got for less than a shilling
garments enough to cover tv.elr nakedness ;
for another shilling loft them moro food than
they had devoured In a fortnight ; nnd on
lines of friendship compelled Mr. Evans
then and there , while denominating mo va
rious snecles of "hossos , " to receipt a
month's advance rent for the filthy coop ,
against that much ctianco for n family's life
in the world's metropolis. As the mother
cumo running homo from cleaning foul , cast
off boots In u near mojdy booth , she shrieked
ever her good fortune as though the coffers
of the Bank of England had been poured In
her lap ; and the neighborhood was sot
awhirl by the mlto of charity as though a
Uro or a murder was In progress.
A few Gypsy families were encountered.
Every ono paiu promptV. } Groups of costers ,
huddled In genial communistic fashion , in
variably badgered Mr. Evans with promises
of Jolly beatings , but finally paid , leaving
him 1'or the time scnthless und wliolo. At
various places the budinago was fearful ,
and at no place did wo full to receive sarcas
tic Inquiries as to whether wo wore "how-
dashus" enough to regard thorn as "docks , "
"lud mayors" and the like , coupled with
still wittier requests for the loan of any
thing from n "thrlp'onny bit" to a "bob" or
n "quid. " In ono house wo encountered u
child actually dying In Its bed from consumption -
sumption , Its mother , who sold-vegotables ' ,
had placed an unfilled prescription from' ttio
parish doctor in its lUtloss hand , as excuse
against the collector's call. I loft some
thing else there , but'1 tfifl ctilld wua too far
gene to even smile its ' thanks , And ao , on
itnd on through u day > 't , to mo a year's , In
describable scenes qf. tfo hopelessness and
despair , until the vor.y last place on the col
lector's day's list vvasroacheU.
"No trouble 'oronlsiild ! Mr. Evans gayly
as a skinny hand-'Wiiclicd through the
broken panoof u basement window with
the amount duo audwas withdrawn the
Instant the receipt ivasphcod within It , I
thought differently ) ! ' dusconded the stairs
and pushed Into tha'foul basament room.
"Don't , don't ' , slrP'fca voice pitifully
pleaded , "They'reuoti alwuys thut way ,
sir ! " i I
The wliolo story , such an ono as the mas
ter , Dickens , was wont to so thrllllngly tell ,
wns Instantly rovoaloUa' ' There on the dank
concrete tloor lay twtf hlileous objects , father
and mother , swollen.lUi/iost purple and in
sensible from drink , The speaker was u
dwarf girl with huiuii bapk and huge head ,
skinny , white , horrible , She kept tins hope
less homo together by working day and
night at chopping un old harrols and boxes
for "khtdlers , " getting beatings instead of
food , even kcoilng the beasts of parents In
drink , and with such bravury , sacrlllce pa
tience und terror us wo'of bettor fortune can
never know , living the hcll-llfo dauntless
and true , Bruises und lushes showed on
her head , neck und arms as she looked up
scared and pleading , I was two half crowns
worse , or better , oil for this pitiful sight ,
She clutched them tlgcrishly in her hands ,
then cuddled them ngulnst her breast us a
mother might u new-found child that had
been lost , then she fell upon her hatchet and
kmdlcrs in u strange looking heap , uud us I
rojolnod Mr. livuns who \vus still varying
his species of objurgattonul "hasses , " in
view of my "soft" conduct and wo turned
toward the nwukeulnp ; city lights , I hoard
this bravo little dwarf suiting forth upon ute
to her , before unknown journey within the
human region of grateful sobs und tears.
Delightful Trip is Assured These Who Take
the Lake Route ,
Snmo fntolllcont 1'lnn ot Hoeing tlio Itnlld-
IIIRI Should llo Mnppocl Out In Advance
1)7 tlm Short-Time VUllor
Novelties In Wntchos.
CIUCAOO , July 7. [ Special lo Tim
The most comfortable nnd delightful route
: > y which to roach the exposition grounds Is
J.V the lake. Numerous' steamers ply bo-
twccn Van Buroii street wharf nnd Casino
pier. But It pays to wait for the whnlo-back
stcamorChrlstophcr Columbus , and a beauty
she is from stern to graceful , slender prow.
3he plows the waters of Lake Michigan ,
caving In her wake a narrow truck Of snowy
foam. She is lilted out with machinery of
the latest make uud her cabin Is handsome
and commodious. Sweet inu.'li1 delights the
liasscngors who rest upon the cushioned
scats. Muny prefer the decks , where they
can view the approach to Jackson park ,
which , Indeed , Is rather n disappointment ,
as the buildings do not show up from the
lake front to much advuntace , nor present
us line a view us when seen from the ele
vated railroad.
While visiting the fair it is a real neces
sity to have some Intelligent plan of doing
the buildings , nnd unless the visitor , und
especially ono who remains but a short time ,
does arrange some program , the result will
invariably be the memory of it conglom
erated muss of everything under the sun
nnd nothing In particular. A good plun is to
tuko one building nt n time , passing quickly
the exhibits that do not interest you and re
maining for a minute Inspection of those
thut do. For in this varied collection from
all over the world there can bo found objects
of Interest to all.
By the side of ono of the doors of the
Italian exhibit in the Manufactures building
hangs u maglo mirror thut affords consider
able amusement to the passers by , trans
forming , us It docs , persons rofliicte'd in its
pollshcd'surfaco Into regular little fat dump
lings of men and women. Timid ladles
blush , laugh and hcsltato to pass before It ,
but the gentlemen all seem to enjoy the ri
diculous change and delight to pause and ad
mire their now shapo. The door bcsldo this
looking glass loads to a display of all kinds
nnd shapes of i ilrrors and screens , center
tables , brackets and stands , all of glass.
Ono of the screens is of heavy plate glass in
the form of u lurco open fan some five feet
across and hnnd-patnted in pink roses ,
mounted upon silver. Another lurgo three-
paneled screen is of smoked glass in a carved
oak frame , decorated with purple flag lilies.
Also un odd threo-cornerod hall mirror , with
white Inco insertion in the frame.
In Switzerland's flno display of watches
can bo seen beauties and oddities well re
paying a close inspection. By purchasing an
album watch the devoted father of a largo
family may carry the portraits of fourteen
members in his timepiece. Or , If u gentle
man wishes to bo always on tlmo. he should
provide himself with a pocket chronometer
which is warranted not lo vary six seconds in
a month. Then there are repeating watches ,
striking hours , quarters nnd minutes ;
perpetual calendar watches indicating the
days of the week , the dnto of the month and
the phases of the moon ; also watches for Uio
blind , with raised figures on the dials.
The very latest gentleman's timekeeper is
called the "Toubilllve" und is worth $1,000.
A handsome parlor watch three Inches in
diameter is of silver , engraved in llgures ,
the wo.'ks richly jeweled. It is valued nt
? 2COO. The smallest watch in all ihe oxposl-
lion is to bo found in the Sulsso exhloit. I
judge Its size to bo nbout thrco lines. The
exquisite und uulquo designs in ladles'
watches are certainly not surp.tssed
in all the world. Ono llowor design
is thut of a fuchsld in red enamel hanging
suspended from a diamond pin. If a hidden
spring Is touched , open , fly the petals of the
flower nnd n miniature timoplcco is disclosed.
In another , the heart of n diamond daisy
conceals u tiny watch. Or you mny carry n
timepiece the face of which Is hidden 'neuth
the diamond wings of u lifc-sl/.o beetle of
red enamel or iu the long body of a yellow
butterfly with wings of sapphires or rubies.
Or perhaps you might admire a rherry of
rod enamel , the stone of which is
represented by a llttlo watch. Judg
ing by the articles In this nnd other
displays marked "sold , " the inference may
ho drawn that the foreign exhibitors will
leave In this country , In return for American
gold , many specimens of their line workman
ship. A ladles' elegant watch of blue or red
enamel may bo purchased for foO , ' which is
very cheap , or ? T50 will pay for ono in u di.i-
mona pendant , or ? : r > 0 for a golden swan
with pearl and ruby v/lngs.
Across from this display may bo seen that
of the Holland delf ware , composed of vases ,
plaques und pictures. Very dainty looks
this blue nnd white china from the cleanest
country on the globe , where the farmers'
wives decorate the cows' tails with ribbons
and scrub Ihe sidewalk every morning before
fore breakfast.
In the Japanese exhibit are some curious
cabinets of hand carved obouj and others of
inlaid cold and black laquor-work. Two pe
culiar looking wooden animals attracted my
attention. I thought they must be servants
to bis satanlc majesty. But upsn Inquiry
of the polite Japanese attendant ho ex
plained thut they wore the curious growth
of the roots of trees with two glass eyes in-
serled into dog-llko faces. Two inquisitive
females took possession of the obliging Jap
anese whoso accent and articulation of the
EnslUh language wns well-nigh perfect and
asked him how long ho had been in America.
"Two months" wns the reply.
"Have you learned English since you
cume ! " wus the next Idiotic question for
they were evidently bent upon a personal
interview with a real llvo Japanese und their
list of qucrrles was calculated to discover
his past history and future intentions.
Admirers of the nude Inurtcanllndsiuules
In the human form divine ut all points and
intermediate points of the compass. I'oor
old Venus do MIlo , whoso nrmless condition
Inspires n scittlmcnt of pity , bus bocomosucji
a well known figure that ono feels llko grcut-
Ing her with the salutation and inquiring
after the state of her health this warm
weather , while marble Adams gaze llorcely
down upon the throng , and numerous ICvcs
droop tneir stony eyelids or look up beseech
ingly into the llcooy clouds as It to bog a little
tlo dripery in which to robe tnolr classical
limbs. UIIAUI :
There uro tnreo tinnifj worth saving-
Time , Trouble und moneyanil Dj Witt's
Little Eirlv UUors will mvo thorn for you.
These llttlo pills will save you tlmr , as they
act promptly. They will save you trouble us
they oauio no pain. They will save you
monov as they economize doctor's bills.
A lover , like a kernel of com , turns white
when he pops.
Clara Why nro you so bitter against him
lust because ho proposnd und you refused
himf Maude The wretch 1 Ho said ho
would never nsk mo again.
The marriage of Mr. DoWolf Hopper is an
nounced , Marrlago with most people is nn
event : with some It Is ahapponlng ; but with
Mr. Hopper it socms to bo merely an occur
General JC/ota of Salvador and Miss Alda
Dent Wright of Georgia are to be married in
Now York oftrly In the fall. Wright is
a typical southern girl and is said to bo one
of the most beautiful of the Georgians. General -
oral Kiutu is vlrji president of Salvador und
will be president next year ,
DA bevy of pretty glrln at thoboach were
muKlng Impressions in the sand with their
foot nnd measuring them to sue which had
the smallest foot. Whllo thus engaged a
bright girl , the daughter of u politician ,
with u laugh , said : "This is far from inter
esting. .What we need , girls , is men , not
measures. "
Congressman W. C. P. Brocklnrlduo of
Kentucky Is to marry Miss Madolln Brcck-
Inridgu Pollard , also of the Blue Grass state ,
She wus formerly a department clerk In
Washington and was dismissed because of
some indiscreet remarks upon the death of
General Sherman. Mr. Drocklnrldgo Is a
widower with several grown children ,
It Is now looked upon ns a certainty by the
London society Journals that Prince Alfred
of Kdmburgli will eventually marry the little
Queen Wllholmlnn of the Netherlands. Several -
oral obstacles nro In the wny , however , ono
being the pre nrlous lionlth of clior mnjosty ,
nnd another the possible objections that
may bo raised by William ilolienzollcrii of
Berlin , who has n covetous eye on the King
dom of Holland and who designs the llttlo
queen to bo the wife of ono of his numerous
progeny ,
The engagement Is announced of Miss
Mary IAJUISO Curtis nnd Mr. Kdwanl W.
Bok , editor of the Ladies' Homo Journal ,
The young lady Is the only child ot Cyrus H.
K. Curtis , proprietor and publisher of the
Journal ; she Is 17 years ot ngo and was born
In Boston. Miss Curtis Is n boatlllfill girl ,
nnd her gr.iclousncss , amiability and sweet
ness have endeared her to all who know
her. 1 he marriage with Mr. Hok will not
take place Just yet , for Miss Curtis Is deter
mined Uu | > n a collcgtalo course , and she en
ters ihornupon next autumn.
The Min.llniro'M , whi Inhabit n tract of
country in Africa , nro strict Mohammedans
In religion , but , curiously enough , thov still
retain many of the superstitions of the negro
race from which they sprung. Consequently
their marriage ceremony Is a mixture of the
two , and , although It Is performed by n mar
about or holy man In the mosque , U contains
ono very ridiculous element. Next Iu Im
portance , to the mnrnbout Is the bride
groom's sister , nnd when the mnrriago cere
mony roaches the imlnt whore the visible
bond , usually typified In civilization by the
ring , appears this sister steps forward , nnd
in phuo of the ring presents the lady with n
pair of trousers , which nro Immediately
donned , The ceremony Is concluded by a
very mournful song sung by the companions
of the bride , who then conduct her again to
the homo of her parents , ns owing to the ex
treme probability ot ono or the other roll-act-
ing at nny moment by reason of un un favor
able omen , no houao Is built until the cere
mony Is completed. Polygamy Is the rule ,
but each wife has her own house lo keep her
from quarreling with the other wives. They
nro the most tyrannical wives In Africa , and ,
hntlng each other , band together against
their husband and rule him with n rod of
Iron. *
AIt7.SlC.lA A Kit Ull.lXlA.TlO.
Boston Is to have her now music hall , and
so will save her Symphony orchestra. The
$100,000 needed for tlio building bus been
Mr. Donmnn Thompson hns announced
that ho will not aiipcar on the stage next
season. Ho nnd Mr. George Kior , the author
of "Tho Old Homestead , " will collaborate
on u now "hajscod" drama.
Although "Be3ket" has boon played 100
times at the London Lyceum theater , it con
tinues to draw crowded houses , Mr. Irving
continues his revivals of old plays us a prep
aration for his American season.
Miss Malda Cralgen and Frederick Pauld-
ing , who have accepted an emotional play ,
by Alice E. Ives , have signed n contract to
produce it early In their tour which begins
.September IS. The scene of the pleco is
laid in Russia.
A Now York caterer says that on Wag-
nonan evenings ho sclU live times as much
lager boor than usual. Strauss is the com
poser who makes tlio wine flow. Directly
n Strauss waltz is played champagne is
ordered largely.
Miss Louise Wiilta of Chicago has Just re
ceived a letter from Anton Rubinstein offer
ing her the leading role in "Dei Muccubaor , "
to bo presented in La Scalu , Milan , Decem
ber Hi. She Is under engagement to appear
at that time In St. Petersburg.
Mr. William Gillette , who has boon south
uiosi of the winter , is now in Hartford ,
Conn. , at work on a piny of American life.
This is the first.drama Mr. Gillette has at
tempted since ho wrote "Hold by the
Enemy. " Mr. Gillette may star uguln In
comedy next season.
Mrs. Oscar Beringcr's play "Boss , " which
has just had a trial in London , does not ap
pear lo have won much favor. It Is u lugu
brious story of n mother who sacrifices
everything , even life , for the sake of a
worthless son. Genovleve Ward was only
moderately successful In tlio principal char
Miss Alice Elton , who has been sometime
absent from the slapo because of ill health ,
hns gone to Now York with the expectation
of signing for next season. She was for
two years with the company of Daniel
Frohninn sent out to play "Tho Charity
Ball , " and made quite u success of the part
of Phyllis Leo.
Mudamo Janausohock Is getting ready to
bid farewell to the stngo again. Her last
nppearunco will bo made in Philadelphia
some time in September , und it is announced
that G. W. Chllds of the Lodger will take u
prominent part in the obsequies , having
made all the arrangements und being the
general organizer of the affair.
Adolina Pnttl has returned to Cralg-y-nos ,
and has put Into study the now opera by
Pizzi. which she will include in her lour in
tlio United Stales next winter. It Is enti
tled "Gubrlello , " and the text is by Charles
A. Byrne , on American newspaperman. The
action passes in the reign of Louis XIII ,
Pivtti In llio first act playing life part of a
nun. The heroine is said lo bo idcnllcal
with the "Charmanto Gabriello" of tlio
song ultributod to Henry of Navarre. The
composer recently gained the \rr\w \ \ in n con
test ut Bologna wltli an opera upon Heine's
"William Katcllffo. " the
story , Upon story
of IfcitclilTo , Muscagnl has nlso recently fin
ished an opera.
Edward Hnrrigun hns gene llshlng in the
Adironducks , James O'Neill is not nt Ills
Now London cottage , but ut Greenwood
lake. Thorosu Vaughn will spend her vaca
tion nt Red Bank , N. J. , where she bus a
cottage. LouU Jumc.s is ut Wastjwrt , near
Kansas City , nnd Marie Wainwrlghf is ulso
out west , and actively engaged in changing
her mind in regard 'a her next season's
plan. Henry E. Dixey will seek recreation
in Europe , returning In time to begin his
tour September 10. Mrs. Leslie-Carter is
spending her summer vacation in Now York ,
nnd will not bo seen on the slnure again until
Into in the autumn. William Gillettu will
enjoy himself ut his old homo in Hartford ,
whore ho hopes to complete the play ho Is
writing for Charles Frohmun. Adelaide
Prince will spend the summer in London und
Paris , returning to assume the leading roles
In the company ut the American thoaler ,
Now York. Modjcsku will spend the months
of July nnd August In southern California ,
where she owns a largo ranch. IClslo Do
Wolf expects to remain nt her homo in Now
York city until the fall , when she will re
sume her place In the Ramsay Morris com
Busy poopio have no time , and sansihlo
people have no Inclination to use pills that
make them sick a day for every dose they
tuko. They have learned that ttio UHO of
Do Witt's Little Early Rlsurs deus not in-
torfcro with their health by causing nausea
pain or griping. These little pills are per ,
feet in action uud rosulto , ivgulutlng tha
stomach and bowels sa thut headaches , ill/-
zlnussuiul lassitude are prevented. They
cleanse the blooJ , clear tli uompluxion undone
ono up the system. JxiU of health in thus J
OMAHA , July 0. To the Editor of Tins Bun :
Please answer In Sunday's Bins nnd give some
Idea what is meant by "Sint'lo Tux. A. W.
The term "A Single Tux , " Is applied-
such a method us would centralize all tax
upon land the hare land , This would leave
nil Improvements go froo. There U no au
thoritative basis from which to determine
how far franchises , stocks or other forms of
wealth nnulagouH to luncl would bo tuxed
under this rulo. It U banod on the theory
that land is not productive mid should boar
the tux Instead of its being borne by wealth
thut is productive. Wealth In no form , however -
over , is productive , becoming so only when
used in combination with labor. I/iiid , true
enough , U a monopoly , but not moro so than
wealth , for it is ptirchaiublo to all allko who
have wealth enough with which to buy.
' *
Colvln.Ln. , Deo. 3 , I860. My-wifo used
MOTHER'S FRIEND bifora tier third
confinement , and sayi the would not bo
without it ( or hundreds of dollars.
nn ( All VAUBftUaaiCTft. _ ATLANTA , OA.
Hnndsomo Women Can Uo3o Weigh
Fast. Homely Man Look Better
H Thin. Try Dr. Edlaon'a
System. No Dlotliijf.
Bnntl worth Twloo the Monoy.
onion of It. M , Itiirlon. Hardware , Oiirr St .
tlnn. III. . Jnn. li. ISM.
Dr. KilNoii DoitrSIr : I ixtn well ptoixsod with
your troatiiicnt of obesity. The li.tnd li worth
twice the innnny it cost , for comfort. I h ivo
ruilucutl my weight ton pound * . I woluli 2JI
now , ana I did wolgli 2IYour * truly.
11. M. lltniTON.
They Arc Doing Mo Good.
Knrlvillo. 111. . Mny 21. 1931
l.orlna A Co : Indiito.l lliul Jl.S'J for \ fMaawa \ \ \
* oml mo the other two bollloi of lr. Killwn'i Ohoi-
llf I'llln. 1 linvo u oil ona nnilthlnk liar nro ilnini
Uiowork. 8. M. lUI.KV , I' . O. Hot 7J.
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
IVorln , III. , Junn 13.1301.
Ponr Sirs : After hearing onu or in ; frlvmlt talk so
Bnrli nbout your Uhuilty l'lll nniltlu bonolltholi
dorlvtiiKfroin thorn I think I will try thum mrJJlt
I'lpngo send mo 3 liuitloi C. O. ! > . . nml nblltf ) ,
J. .Mourns. 400 IVrrjStreet. .
Fool Better nndWoIgh 13 Pounds Loss
no.ihnn , Intl. , SopU 13. I83J.
( lontlomcn : Ineloiod I noml you $1. for nhloli yon
nlll | > lm o9oml inutliroDboltlo.t of uiiom ! llr pills.
Am Inking the fonrtli boltlu nml fool vorr niunli
licttor niul trelKli ISpoumli Ion tlmii whoa ( bo/.ti :
tnkliiK tliuui. 1 will contlmio your trosl uunU
.MUM. J. 0. MUCO.V.V ,
South tflxtliStrook.
An Inillvldtinl whcuo hol-'litl )
A foot I Inch shoulil woUa HS ponndi
5 foot 8 Inclios " " ma
6 fi-et 1U Inches " " iti ) "
Dr. Killson imyiii "U rt.iy bo vroll to point out
tlml In my oxperlnnco , wlilcli It nocossnrlly Ti-ry
cunnMcrnblo , nmiiy trimbluaoni'iakln illsuaii-i sunn ,
oci"ioma , nzono. i > .iorlnsl9 , iillenrla. oto. , nro prim *
nrlly caitaoil by olr.'jlty. nnil in tlm fut niul tUsh H
ro.lucert . by the pills nml Oboslty Fruit Suit mil tin )
notion of tlm burnt tliou ntTuinloni liavo nlmuit
mniHonlly illsnppoaroil "
Tlm Obuslty Km It S.iltl ujo.l In connection wltn
tlio 1'IIU or Imnda , or both. Olio tompuonfui In it
tninblor of water nmkoj n eleltcloui noilv Tinlui
llkrt clinmpulgno.
Thn bain co < t } ! .W oioH for itnylonitUi < ip to .11
liiclioi , liiifnr OHO Inrxur thnn 31 Inchui ndil 19
cents oxtrn for oai-h tMilltlomil Ino .
I'rlco of Krult Suit. JI.OJ.
1'lllsSI.WI for llottlo. or i ! Mottle * lor SI.O ) .
h'ont by .Mall or lixprosi.
Cnttlils oiitiuu ] koj ] > It , niKlsDiiil ( or our full (1 (
rnluiunlurtlcla on oboiltr.
Loring & Company
3 Hamilton PI. . Dopt. > < ; , Boston. Mam. , 113 Statf
St. . DoptSI , Chicago , 111. , JJ W. Una St. , Uopt il ,
Now York ( 'lty.
For sale in Omaha , by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
Dr. W. H. BETTS , mid Senior Member of the
IKiitnoiH I'lrm of
[ Physicians , Sur0eoa3 anl Specialists ,
"Aro they ilolnsd lurco business ? "
Is a question often nlod ooncornln :
Drs. Holts ft Hulls. Inquirers urn
reiinoslod to road tlio following
Kumnmry nnd judge for thouisolvoj ;
Number of years In prantlcn 37
offices In oi > oritioti Iu various oltlm. . . . 11
Asslstunt.1 nmployoil 'i
( J.inltnl Invested In business JM.1,0W :
Avoruze iinnuul expounds IIO.OO'I
Average animal rouolpts H2.4.U
Number eitacs In'.V yours ftIi2 )
Complete ourosniroolod BIiH |
Orontly buiicllttod 1,1)4J )
Uolloved and Improved -"J2
Notcurml 21
Cost nf proposed now Institute 12.V ) ) ' )
( Jest per annum of ndvorllsln : i"i,0)l )
Itual estate owned by linn. . ' 200,00 }
No wnndor that Dr. W. II. ItntU ,
the hn.ul of this great Ilrm , Is ro-
forrrd to by his frlomisns "llio gruy-
Imlrod old ooctor , " for lo h'.s nntlr
In ? enemy und por.sovuranuo , his
slRnul liblllly , both us u hiHlnoii
and professional man , liny llmlmsl-
IIOHS of the Ilrm grown fiom abso
lutely nothlir , ' lo Its nruseiil i-l an-
tlo proportions. To create und
nmlntiln so great an oulorprlHO u
enough to turn any limn ur.iy.wlilH
llio glow ol honesl prlilo tint shines
In his I ; ndly face , his ruddy fout-
urus und quluk , Ilrm. el'.iBllo slop ,
nil bo.spouk the joy he feels In the
great Hiiuueai ho has won nnd tlio
( rood ho IIUH bestowed upon his fol
low ninn. The ncc ! ! und thu Hiilfer-
ti\Z \ "III llnd Iu him u true und last-
Imr frlund
119 S. 14th SireDt ,
Cor. Douglm St.
OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
New York Hospital
For all
\ Chmlc ,
Private and
Special D1S51533 ,
Ftnoturo and nit olhsr troubles trusted
at reasonable charges. WNSUSTATION
I'hKK. Gallon or iiddroM
IV ,
Opposite II tydon Jtro u
. wvFAnil nil tlm
- - w - train of
ruiiiiiaiiy them In men gtJICKI.Y uua 1'KUMA *
Clvunlouvury | i.irto ( Iliu body. 1 will Hfmil ( no-
cuiulv puvUudl niKH ta.-tiiy Hiirforur llio prosorli
I luu that ciirftu mn ot tlifuM truulilv ' * '
A. miAIJLKY , UtlltJ Urvuk , Mloh ,