( \ THE OMAHA DAILY BElfet FRIDAY , JULY 7. 1893. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bcnifiticaal Crop Reports Gave Wheat n Wood Lilt Yeitordftj , FACTORS IN THE DAY'S ' FLUCTUATIONS Frlrntn Wlro Hitmen Scomert In lie ( Irnrr- lljr In Cloin Connection with the Crop Klllrrn nnd Were Active In Hint Line. CHICAGO , July G.-Fonstillonnl crop report ! RIIVO vrlienl a good llfv today. The timrkol turned from n ratlirr weak tnno and closet' Ironic , with ft Rtiln of Ic per tin. over uicnltii | | prlrt-s nnd Jc { above Its yesturdny'H elo lnp quulnlltim for fcVptember. Coin opuncd Urn mid IniMdiftcd In pilco nnd llrmncss 119 tht tfiMon ptoptcsscd , closltiK with a nut Ku'nol ' Hi' . Provisions wcro dull , Imt linn. The preliminary wuakncsc In wliuul wits dm to llm nbnncu of cubits , the niltm lust nielli nnd ( lie CL-ncrnl luck of buyers. Soon , how c\cr , liiHl ciop tcpotlH began toponr In fron the notllincbt. Nearly i-vcrybody on tin floor ( wrmcd to Imvo n slice of llic unl.iinltj rmwK.ind Itilldnol take lonff to work up con- ildurnlilo oxcllutuont. Thn crowd win evidently short nnd ac thcmnrKut bocmtU develop Its bullish tonik'iicy , tltoro wiih notni lively pprlntliiRtlono to Kot under covur. Tin tltnld liulls also B t up ti Rood duiil of courage nnd thuro was qtilto llucral Investment buj In ) . * . Tlio prlvnto wlrolinti r sei-ined toboKCir crnlly In dona connc-utlim with tlincroii Ulll < or * , and wuro not slow In itlvhic out tin Bloomy in-L'dlctloiH wnt tn liy tholr t-nrio' bpomk'iits , and worn Industrious \uiiklnt tip a hull M'lillmi'nl. ' whU-li many hulls un kindly Intlnmli'd WIIH for the purport ! of n-ll- Ing on , thi'icliy i-nulillHg thorn to unload mud of the prolllulilo IIIIIK client. H was obsoi-vcc that m-lllit-r Mlnni'iipolN nor Iltllutli HIOWLM | nny Rrcnt amount of an.vlt'ly ever the ( luiiiiiKi reports , anil krpt way huhlnd Clilcu 'o In tlu ndMincc until late In Ilio day. A dispatch \vns shown around , fmld tnlinvc conic fiom I'lllhhury , saylnu that Mlnnoot:1 : nnd the two Dakotiis would not ciow ( iB.UOii , . 000 Im. of wheat this your analnsl lOH.UljO.OOl last year , and 1117,000,000 two yours URO. The market at tlio opening was front > < : l < He lower than ycMi'iday'h closlmr , anil thiM iiccaino ( Inn and prices wcro a < lvanci > d will only slltsht ilttci tiatlons fiom l.'fo to lic , thci nascd oir sIlKhtly and closed steady at ! i ( from the top. Tli u Improved tonn ot corn was attribute ! Inrituly to a bettor outlook to the rash slttia tlon , tlio ( Icintinil bclni ; nulto hrlsk , smi'iu round lots bi'liiK reported worked for dliei1 ! rximrt. The niaikut .started < ] itt with yi'stoi- day's closing figures nnd under a good < sold nn with llttlo reaction ftotn ftclolc 1'tlcrs later receded finni ? > i' to 'ic aiul at tin close had gained fiom ! ic to he. Oats avuiagcd higher , mainly In sympathy \vltli corn and owing to a bettor demand. Tin fcattiro was the trailing In May , the lln > to tllCMMIhOII , I'rlCOS Opened ' , } C higher fol .Illlj and advanced 7 < : moro , hut roiicled ? c Jim closed stviuly ; September advanced from ? < toic ' , tint lost , most of It. i. Thi-ru was a sllsht amount of activity In tin ] ) ro > Islon market at thu niu-nlng , hut It wn1 hoon all over and diiilnt ; thu rcmnlmliT of tin < lny thuro wns hardly onoiiL-h doliiK to fnrnlsl half-hourly ciiotatlon.s. | 'I iirro WHS no gri-u amount of oiruilncs and con > .eiiii-ntly | It dl < not rciilio | the rIVorts of the bulls to keel iirlccb up. ( 'ompnrcdvilli last nlilit pork I : Oc hlKhiT , bird llliiO mill rlba 1'JiJi- . I-Mlma'cd receipts for tomonow : Wheat 75 care : corn , " & 0 cars ; outs , li0 cars : hogs 23,000 head. The. lending futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations werd as follows : KI.OUU Wcnlc ; concessions the rule. WHEAT No. u spring. 0-iiac.i'c : No. spring , f. o. I ) . , &BZl04Ci ( No. 2 red , G-lfG4r c COUN No. 2 , 40-ic. ! No. 3 yellow , eloping u : OATH No. 2. 28.i'c ? ; No. 2 whlto , f. o. 1) . , 33c No. 3 while , f. o. b. , aa > i32Jc. ! IlVU No. 2 , 46c. HAHI.EY-NO. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , no sales No. 4 , f. o. h. , 33c. I-'I.AX SKEI > No. 1 , $1.11. route .Mess , per bbl. , $10.3510.37'i : larr per 100 Ihs. . * 'J.G2'i9.05 ! ; short rlhs. side ( loose ) , JB.'J&iBO.OOj dry baited shoulder Ihoxci$8.70ffi0.00j ) short cluiir sides ( boxed tO.BO0.75. WmsKV-UIstlllcrs' finished goods , per gjil SUOAII Cut loaf , C'fc ; grnnulntod , 5.70 Btundard "A , " 5.04. The following \vcro the receipts and ship muntH for today : Now York .Markets. NEW Yoitic , July G. Ki.oini Hecolpts , 51 000 pkgs. : exports . , 11,20(1 ( bills. , 10,000 sacks " " - ' ' ' - - - ' 'y easj i while . MlniK f 3.304i4.0i ( : Minnesota'pateiits J4".00a4.45. nH'-l'rt1. ' ' , MAI/-11' : "dy : yellow westeri f * . .OO * . . lO , Itrn Dull ; western , 5CQC8c. 1IAHM3Y MAi.T-Qnlut , steady ; western , G5 ( WHEAT Kecelpts , 403,000 bu. : oxnnrt 850,000 bti , ; sales , 1,000,000 Im. futures , OH . . , . . . . . . . . , , 74 , .w. ,1'J oilil , llf r ; MI. M Iwaukeo , 71c. Optionsontint-d weak anddi cllned iiOfiC on foreign M-lIlng , large rceulpt email clcatanccH and local realizing , udvanct SiWlc , fell UHc , and closed steady ut Ufc" . ' No. y. 71u ( 714e , closing ut 71jc ; AIIKUS . JMc.eloRlng nt 73 ; e : Soptemher.744 7&yi' , clohlng.nt _ 75Jip : October , 7IIKtt77 i clo'liig" at 77JiCi IH'cember , 80JtiitBli < Closing nt Hl'sc , CoitN-Hucolpti : , 00.000 liu.j oxports,4l,0 ( lU. ; sales , 200000 Im. futures , 80,000 b s pot. Spots dnlUlriner : No. 2 , 47 ! "t48Vc : e levatorIBMUMllJic nlloat. Options stead dull. Ko higher , uloHine weak ; July. 47Ji4h ( ( Clo.si | | iK nt47.\c ; Augiikt , 48V6&4UHC , closh at 40 ! < c ; huulembor , 4U ! < < 350o. OATS HBCelpts. 207 bu. ; exports , 89.01 tu. ; hales , 45,000 bu. future * , 134,000 li spot. Spots ( Inner , falily active. Optio dull. ( Inner : July , 3Bc : August , 33&3Hi ) closing at 33o ; Sentembor , 32a32iich ( ! ; Jngat32ciNo. 'Jwhltf. 37c : No. 2 Chh-ai ; No. a Chicago , U4G34Mci No. 3 whli c : mixed western , 35O'J7c ! whlto wci cm , 3U4i4&c. HAV l-'itlr deiimml , steady. .nvV.1.'SrlJl.l.lotill"b ) ' ! stl1.1" ' coinnion to choU . ' . . I'aclllc . lOft'JIUc ; coast , 10f621fc. ! HlliKs Steady , fairly uctlvo. 1 riuivifiioNb-t'ut iiifuts.uulet. steady ; ulc led hums , mtiaiic ; mlddlek Inactlvo. Ui quiet , linn ; western steam closed at tl,82i ) liomliinl ; salon , 2&0tlurcen ut 19.82U ; OIUKI cules , none ; July closed at (0.80 ; k-ptemb closed ut H0.45. 1'orlc , easy. HUTTKii-Stoady ; weotein dairy , 16i i22lcbU'r" \ cri'1Ltry' I7aa i Klfli CiiKKttt : Pair demand , steady. Kr.iis-ftendy ! rerolpts , 2,004 pkgs ; wei cm fresh , l&yeioiic. TAUX > W ( jului. CurroNDiiKU Uii < Klriii ; crude , 3fif37c. ( { I'Mlioi-tim-Neglecti-ilj rcnnsylviinhi i jpot bales none , Atlgiut. oiitlons sales , noi 6 7 Ho bid ! Lima oil ; bales , nonu , 2c ! ) bid ; tot § ules , IIOIIL . , Ito.siN No sales , Tum-KNTlNK-Qulot , weaker at 28 C20c. KlCE-Actlvu , steady. Moi.AtiBES N w Orleans open kettle , good choice , dull , steady , HtKlAit Haw , firm ; eitlcp , GOO tone , 105 hh and 2,700 hagK iliucovado , 80 d-ui , at 3 and 0,600 hags contrlfUKaU , DO tebtut4 < > refined , HCtlvc. linn. I'm IKON Steady : American , H 2.7 6 ® 15. Corrtii-Wciik ; Hike , (10.45. ] , UAI > Hltmdy ; domcutlc. (3.75. TIN Hli'iidy ; Htrnltu , flO.UOQlO.96t plat dull , steady. i-i'Ki.Ttii-OuIet ; domestic , (4,17i. ! Wool .Market. HOSTOK , July 8. The deinnnd for wool itlll rather inodcrutu. Manufacturers mi cautiously , un they nni not receiving inn ordt-rn for good * . 1'rlce.s for wtnil renniUi uU the same , In now Texas. Territory and < /'i lointu wool thuro hits boon a fair tradv 43ii45c for flue and line medium , ch lni ! 43c for medium. 1'ulk'd wools uro dull , w good buuers KvllliiK at 80&3& unU extra * p r Ib. Domestic courca wooU i In fntr dcinitnd nt n whin rnrij.0 n ( . Aiistrallnn wool U ntcdily nnd qulot and for- Dlgii cnrpct wool * hnld dMi.lj. OniHlin rroilucn Mnrkntt Hrrmi-Tlic ra.-irkrl win tc.idy and them WIK IIH ltni | < iitniit rhiinuo In the Mtuatlon , It U M i < it : : ilioto nro buyers who want bulli i and packing itock Is still being hid up us high ni 14i ; by come house * , 1'aticy eicana-ry | irlnt , 21c j fancy creameries , tolld pnrKrd , IPci fMr to Rood creameries , FOlhl packed , IOQ.18C ! cholco tofnncjrcountry , 1 dil 1 oo : fnlr to good oottntiy , iCc ; packing slock , frrsh , KUiJr.Hc. K tis--Tho market was steady without rhnngo. Tliu tecelpts lire nut largo but tlll there UijUlle a stock of eggs In the city , taking what nil the hoe > ps have on hand , Tlio local ( I ( MM ni id Is not Inrgp , hot theru are n few ship ments being timdu that keep the market cleared up jiretty well. The bulk of the talcs ute being iiHidfitt 11 He. I.IVK 1'ofi.Tiiv The market Is not very artlvo nnd prices remain about steady although the receipts nro not large , Spring chickens , nerdo/l.7f l3,50 ; chickens , he.st Tionx , tier II ) . , 74iict chlckenn , mixed C'lOlw , per Ib. , Gc ! old roosters , per Ib. . 4O6c ; turkt-y.s , per lh. , Oi/.lOc ; ducks , tier II ) , , 7Jbc. ( I'OTATOKs The demand Is good for good now potatoes and the matket Is In pretty fait shape. The arrivals are meeting with very iiMidyEiilc. Old potatoes , 50ii05c ; now pota toes per bo. . tl.0o1.10. lliuili.sTlio : : receipts of hlackhcrrlos were Inrgo add the intallty geneially good. The run of raspberries was only moderate and there wcro not many Oirgon sttawborrtcs on the ' - - " - much change. There was a flesh car of Toxa peaches on the market. Apricots , per4-baskot crate , tl.25Sl-IO ; plum * , wild geese and Clileknsaw , pm24ot. . crate , J2.5O ; I'allfornln peaches Sl.:5(31.jO : ( ( ; Tuxus peaches , BOciiH.Ol per H-bu. box. Mm.oss Watermelons aio coming In vcrj freely and the market Is lower than It was n few days ato. Watermelons , per 100. $18.00(2 ( JO.OO : united , 20e each ; cantcloitpcs , pet ' ' Titni-tCAti rituiTS. I'iNKAi-i-t.f.s 1'lotlda , porcaso of 0 to 7 doz. , $5.r.oa7.oo. OIIAMIS lilvorsldo Mediterranean sweets { 3.5033.75 ; lilvcrxldo seedlings , { 3.25. I.K.MOXS Messinas. extiu fancy , 55.nOttO.00 ! Messlnas , per box , choice to fanny. S5.00U-5.50 IlAXA.VAs-lVrhtlili.-li , largo , { a.urtfja.TO ; pel bunch , small to medium , S'J.OOit2.2G , minis , TAU.OW , irrc. HIDKS No. 1 gieoi : hides' , 3c ; No. 2 grocti hides , 2e : No. 1 green malted hides , U'c ; No. ' - gieen bailed hides , il'siNo. ' ; . 1 crcen salle < ! hides , an llw. to 40 Ills. , 3'o ' ; No. U green salteil hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 'J'ic : No. 1 veal calf 8 His. to 15 IDs. , lie : No. 2 veal calf , 8 llw. tt 15 UK. , 4ii : No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7c ; No. 2 tlrj Mint hides , fie ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 5c. . I'ait. cured hides ! 5c per 11) . less than full } cured. Sniit' : : I'itTR : Grerm salted , each a&cftf l."C > { green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each 15Tt'jr > c ; dry hhearllngs ( shorl wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each 5iilOcdrj ; i-hL-'irllngs ( short wooh'd early skins ) , No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nuhraskii lintchorwool polls , per Ih. , actual weight , 103 lie : diy Hint Kansas and Nebra-ka Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 7Q10e : < lrj Hint Colorado tuttcher wool pells , per In actual weight , OUlOi-s dry Mint Colorado Mur- ialn wool pulls , per Ib. , actual weight , 7'Lt'Ji ' ; ; dry plecet and hunks , iiolunl weight , 5S7c. TAI.I.OW AMI ( JuiiAsi : ' 1'iillow , No. 1 , 4U < n 4'Jo : tallow. No. 2 , 3W5l4c ; grease , whlto A 4H < ii5c ; grease , whltu 11 , 4c ; grease- yellow , 3'icj grease , dark , 3c : old butter , 'J < 2,2 C ! beeswax , iirlmo , 1052i25c ; rough tallow , 2V ! ItONLS Car lots weighed and delivered li Chicago : Dry ImtValo , per ton , S10.OOItl8.00 diy country , bleached , per ton , J10.00i613.00 dry country , damp and meatv , 58.00SJ10.00. St. Imils Miu-kc-u. ST. LOITIP , July 0. I'r.ouii-FIrm Im linrhnnged ; patents , 3.10Jt3.2G ; cxtr : fimrv. .603.2.UO ; fancy S2.40ffi'J.5U ; choice J'J.UiStU.UOj family , Jl.UO < a'2.00 ; rye Hour Wnr.AT Dei-lined V o early.hnt subscquentli regained the loss and closed ! 4c above yestcr day ; cash and .Inly closed at G2'Je ; August 04"fo ; Peptember , flli-aC. Cons Closed ViiliC above yesterday ; cash 7c.Iuly : , 37ic ! ; Hi-ptember , 38' c. OATS i-tionger ; cash , 30c ; July , 275c ! ; Au list , 24Jc. ! I'novisiONS I'lrmer : pork , current make oliblng , $18.r > 0. l.iird , JO. Dry salt meats oo o shotildciH , iH.l'J'.i : longs and ribs , JO horts. JO.37'S ; boxed lots , 15c moro. llacon boulders , t'J.25 : longs nnd ribs , $10.25 liorts , S10.50. Sugar cured hams , $13.U02 4.0U. UITTUII l-'irm ; creamery , 10ffi20c ; dairy , II ® 17c. KECnii'TS Flour , 1,000 hbls. : wheat , 20,001 bu. : corn , 42,000 bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu. ; ryi ind harley , nono. Siiir.MESis Flour , 12,000 bbls. : wheat 0,000 bu. ; corn , 123,000 bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu. rye , 1,000 bu. : barley , none. KIIMMIH City Miirkotn. KANSAS Grrv , July 0. WHEAT null , bu rlllo higher ; No 2 hard , 54Hffl505c ! ; No. 2 reel i5ffi50c. COIIN Bull and Uc lower ; No. 2 ml.xcd SaHQaSc : No. 2 white , 33c. OATS Dull , but strong and He hlchor ; No. : ulxccl , 25S205o ! ( ! : No. 2 while , 27@27JSc. live Weak at 47c. KiA.xSnin-08c. HAV Unchanged ; prairie , J7.40S8.00 ; tint othy. SG.00510.50. Firm ; creamery , 1619c ; dalrj Ko(3S Steady at 10o. ! HECEHTS Wheat , 6,200 bu. ; corn , 0,700bu , oats , none. Hliti'MKNTS Wheat , 44,000 bu. ; corn , 8,00 bu. ; outs , none. Cotton Market. Nr.wOm.EANS , July 0. Futures sales. 13.50 January. J7.07&7.98 ; February , { 8.l05i8,08. Hood middling , 7,1ic ; middling , 7 7-lGc ; lo\ \ middling , 7 3-lGc ; good ordinary , 07ji ! ; net an gro-is receipts , 2,304 bales ; sales , bOO bales lock , 00,188 bales. Milwaukee -MnrkctH. MIMVAKKRR , July 0. WinuT Firm ; Scr ember , OO'.jc ; No. 2 spring , 035404c. CoiiN-Dull ; No. S , 30c. OATS Quleti No. 2 white , 33 ; No. 3 , S0y ( , 31'ic. HAHI.EV Quh't ; No. 2 , 55o ; sample , 30c. ! live No. 1. 51c. I'OUK $18.85. _ Collco Mnrlirt. NEW VOIIK , July G , Options , steady nt points down to 5 points up ; closed quint , 5 t 10 points down : sales , 1,2M ( ) bags , Inclm Ing : July. $15.05 ; August , J15.857116.00 ; Hoi tember.J15.7fiftl5.85 : October , H5.i5ffil5.7 ( December , Sl&.45ftl5.GO. Spot HIo , dul toady ; No. 7tlG.75. Oil .Miirkfts. Cir , CITY , July 0. National Transit 001 tlllcatcs < ipcned at 58 ; highest , 58 ; lov cst , 58 ; closed ut 68. Pities , 12,000 bbls shipments , 154.870 blilk. ; runs , 102,880 bbls. I'iTTHiitmn , July G National Transit cei tlllcates opened at 58 ; closed at 5Bhlgies ; ) & 8 ; lowest , 68. _ _ _ _ _ _ I.lvorponl . Iiivr.nrnnt , , July 0. fMiii ) I'rlmo wester : 48s porcwt. CIIUESI : Aii.crlcnn finest colored , 4Gs Gd pc cwt. cwt.HIBF Extra India mess , G7s Gd per tierce. UACON hong and Miort clear , 65 Ibs. , 5 ( per cwt. _ Nnw York Dry < ioo < U Mnrkot. NEW VOIIK , July O. Noiv buslnefs In di poods continues Inactive. Fuw buyers hai appeared In the market since the holiday , ui there Is nccordliigly llttlo to note and i change whatever. The fact that money easier does not atVect the trade at once , Cincinnati MnrkrtB. CINCINNATI , July 0. WIIUAT Knsy ; N 2 red , ( ( ) . COIIN In light demand ; mUcd , 41c , OATS In fmr demand ; No. 2 mixed , 31 < 232c. Firm at $1.12. l'hlhiilflihln | ( Iniln SlurliPt. I'lin.AiiKi.fiiiA , July 0. WHEAT Firm , No , red. July , UuQOSUc. ( 'OIIN Finn anil higher ; No , 2 mixed , Jul 7lt4c. OATS far lots firm ; futures higher ; No. white. July. iiCitaoiju. _ MiiiiiriipulUVhfat .Mur lie t. MINNEAPOLIS , July 0. Market better wl gradual advance ; cash Hrmor. lleculpth 1 cars. Closu : July , dOr ; Atlgilbt , 02c ; uptei iHir , 04i e. On truck : No. 1 hard , 62c ! { ; No not them , COijc ; No. 2 northern , 67ftt68jc ! , Itultlinoru ( iriiln .Mnrkot. lUi.TiMOttK , July 0. WiiUAT-Stroiig ; No. red , spot and July. 07Uc. COIIN 1'lrmer ; No. 2 mixed , cpotundJu 47f bid. OATS-Qutef No. 2 white wcbtern , 8Bc. Tcili'ilo ( irxlu iMarknt , TOLEDO , July 0. WHEAT Higher ; No. ash unit July , ! > 4Vc. COIIN Steady ; No. 2 cash , 40o , bTOCKS.VM ) Teiulvnry of l'rlri' Jurtnif the Alornl U'HI l > o\Tii\viiril Vfitrrdiiy , NEW YORK , July 0. The slock market v oxtrcnu'ly dull 'oday. The tendency of prli during the morning was downward , I'ullm fullolT 4 pur cent , National Cordage 2S I cent.Chicago ( las 2 < { per cent , Mnnhuttun per cent , Electrlo li ! per cent , Cotton be Oil Hi percent , Denver & HIo Grande p ferrcd li ! per cent. Cordage preferred 154 | cent , Sugar 1'i per cent. As twin us t lircssuro was lifted and the lean ititrtcd m cover Iho temper of upocnlntlnn look nidinrp change for thn hotter. The rlno continued to inako ptogrcsi. Thocnnrcllallon of (100,000 Clearing Ilimv loan cottlllCNtc nho exceeded The advance In slocks from the Io oit WRS cntlnl to an tier rent In Kloclrli1 , 2 percent In Miinhntlnn , i' iicr cent In Sugar and from M to 1'j percent In Iho rest of the list. The market closed linn , with most stocks nbovo lait nlpbt's final ( | uotntlons The trnti- nctlons In railway nnd miscellaneous bonds were larccr thanon yeMerdiiy , Iho onlc.i footIng - Ing 1111,87,000 , against 548.01K ) on yesterday. The dealings wcro well distributed. The I'ost sayss Money rates wcro nominally enslcr today , but It was tliu enso which comes from market stiiRimtlon , The demand fortlso In < ipcculntl\o purclm.sc ! , of stocks li nlmo t wholly absent , speculators knowing perfectly well that bankers will not loan freely for such n purpose and that an aggressive movement would defeat llM'lf through Its Immediate un settling Inlluoncij on the Stock exchange loan ing rates. i\cn : were this result not certain tncrcnntllccuMomcrs Imvo at present an un doubted prior claim on bank accommodation. The surest snfcgiiatd of the situation U the protection nt nil hazards nnd any sacrifice of this btanch of trade. Wnll street. It may bo added , has n decidedly better outlook through the certainty that llt tlo by little tliu July disbursement money will seek reinvestment. The yielding of call money rates adds to the probability ot such n move ment. The following are Iho closing quotations on the lending stocks on the New York Stuck ei- change today : The total sales of stocks today were 101,00(1 ( shares. Including : AtchUon , 3,100 ; Iturllng- ton , 5,100 ; Chicago Uns , 3.100 ; ( leneral Klec- tric , 0,800 ; National I'oriliuro 0,40(1 ( ; North- westorn-3.500 ; Heading , 12,200 ; Kock Island , 3.0UO ; St. 1'aul , 8,300 ; Sugar , 1.200 ; Western Union , 7,200. Sales sliver , 50,000 ounces. I.oiidini riniineii ( Cnni/rfuhtnl IStHtrj Jumei Onntnn llenn'.tt.\ \ LONDON , July 0. [ New York Herald Cabli Special to Tin : lieu. ] Huslness In tbomoncj market was extremely quiet , with abundance of cfl'erliiL's on dividends now due. Kale- tliiaiiKhout were easy. Short money advancer ! 6 to ? * pur cunt mill thwo months' bank bill- ! to IH per cent. Silver Is unchanged al 341 d. The bank return was ubout eoual tc expectatIons decrease , proportion to liabil ities , 43.40 per cent. No bullion was recelvet at the bank. Ntnv York .Money .tlarket. NEW YOKK , July 0. MONKY ON CALL Was easier at 4 per cent ; lust loan , 4 , closec olTeiedat 4 percent. I'niMU MKiicAM-n.ul'Ai'Rit GfflS percent. STCIILINO K.SCIIANOI : A shade lower , will actual business In bankers'bills at { 4.82'JfiJ ' 4.82i for sixty-day bills and f4.824(2.4.82 ! ( ? : for demand. SILVIMI MAIIKI-.T Quiet and weaker ; cortlll' cates old ut 7373ic ! , closlni ; at 73'c. UOVCU.S.MUNT lloxiis StroiiR. State bondi dull. dull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds ; Fllianciitt 'Sntos. HAVANA , July 0. ExoliiuiKe , 4 per cent. 0Nr.w OIILUANS , July 0. Clearings , tl.271 KANSAS CITV , July 0. Clearings , Jl.70-1 000 , New YOKK. July O.-Clcnrlnas , { 104,440,08 balances , * fjoa4S07. lUl.TliiOHB , July O.-Olenrlngs , J2,89ll balances , 8475.05& , Money , 0 per cent. Pnu.Aiir.i.i'iiu. July 0. Clearlnss , ? 12CO f > 88 ; balances , tl,687,543 , Money , 0 jier cei CiNriNKATi , July 0 , Money , oaM per cei Now York exchange , par , Clearings , } 2OM,0' MBUI-III * . July 0. Now York exchiinc selling at (1.0 premium , Clearings , J2U0.2S balances , f3G,32fi. II03TON , July 0 , Olonrlngs. J17.82&.74 balances , { 1,801.038. Money , f 3 10n r cei hxcliangu on ? ew York , 2Stf40c ( discount , HT. Lotus. July 0. Clearings , $4 ,034,4C balances , J401.0&U. Money , iulct | ut uaa ( ii cunt K.\chango on Now York , 6o& ' til count Ciuoxno , July 0 , Clearings. tlo,003,4t New York exchange , 7&e ( ilscouni. Htcrll exchangeimlot ; sixty. day bills , (4.83. Mon bteady , O&Y percent. Nr.w YDIIK. July O.-lPpcclal Telegram TllK IlKK. ] hxchniiKo was quoted as folio * KHliiy : Chicago , 76c dlscnuit ; lloblon , 2r > c 40c discount ; tU. I-otiU , & 0c to 7&c discount. 1'Aiuii , July 0. Tlireu per cent ri > iiU" t 82n for thu uccount , The weekly slate-incut the- Hunk of Franco shows un Incieaxo 2&or > , ( )00f gold and n decrease of UltHi,0 ( . silver. l.n.siioN , July 0. lluto of discount In t open market ( or both short and Unco immt bills , i > , percent. The bullion In thu Hni ofKngliind decreased i'374,000 durlnu Ilio jit jti-ek. The proportion of the Hank of En land's rt'kvrvo to Imblllty. which last we was & 0.3& per cent , Is now 43.40 per cent. Hitniiia City I.UB MotX KANSAS CITV , July 0. OATTI.I : Uccclp 4,300 head : bhlpmi'iits , 4,600 head ; maik strong to 10c hluht-r : Texas MCOH , f 2.3Cil4.tJ ( Tuxufc cotts , fl.76 < 2.2.Gi ( ) shippers , f4.il ! > tA.4 | natlvo cows , il.MKU4.10 ; Imlcher stuck , ta < B4.35jMockuriiuiid feeders , t2.40Q4.10 : ' bu and mixed. * 2.003.oo. Uous-Kucelptu , 0,100 head ; ihlpmeu 2.100 hcnd ! tnarkrAriTlfd lrninr rind lOeto IBc higher ( luring moM of Iho ttiidln ? . closing weak ! liulknf ftaleiWn.Vi.Min.UOi heavies. l.'i,75 OO.OOi pnckcr * , fr,7u : < aiU ) & ! mixed , tA.70t 0.00) ) llalil. Ki.foJtn.UUI Yotk M , { G.OOU0.10 ( | lilRK.f5.10iilO.00. , , . SiiKKi'-HecelntB , Aboo hcndi dhlptncnts , uOOhcad ; market steady. OMAHA I.I V 1 } ( j-T O C K M A U K KTS. Cnltln Trnilo Untndr ling Hnyert Ncr - 0111 nnd Triced Shirpty : Advnnrnl. iJl ! , TntmsDAV , July 0. So far this week cohipared with last receipts shown shortage of ( iVout 3,500 cnttle , 22,000 IIOKM nnd 1,600 fhccp.v This comparison , however - over , Includes bnl Oin days lids week to tour last , Tuesday liolng.nliollday. The supply of entile wns rnthcr limited nnd of the 1,800 cattle hero nearly 000 wcro ToMinft , bought at Kansas City nnd billed di rect to n locnl killer. Huslness opened out rnthcr slow with prices not more thnn stonily for nny grado. Kastem mntkcts were re ported llrmer nnd for that reason there was n llt'.lo bettor fthlpntng demand than there usually Is on n Thursday. RtroiiKer , iiullo n suing of good 1,137-lb. steera bringing J4.CO. Ik-nvy rattle were no bettor than Wednesday , irooil 1,260 to 1.450-lh. steers selling ntfromik.co tii4.85nnd the common half fnttod stuir was not In much rcquestnt 3.7fi to $4 , 10. Toward the close there was n rather llrmer tone to the trade nnd by noon tli supply was exhausted. 1 ho cow market was tolerably active and fully bteady. Receipts did not Include much over n do/en loads nnd they changed hands readily. 1'oor to nrlmo stock brought , from J1.25 to 84 , with fnlr to good butchers' cows largely nt. from J2.30 to $3.40. Calves were steady at from J2 to H.&O and rough stock easier , poor to good bulls nnd stags selling at from f 1.00 to $3.20. Tnu feeder trndo wns not partlctllnrly active but potentially strong. Hcgular dealers were wnnting supplies nnd there wan n , fnlr demand from the country. A string of very fnlr Da kota feeders brought } 3.30 , nnd common 320- II ) . yearlings sold as low ns J2.30. Uood stock was In active demand nt strong prices. Hup- re.sentntlvo sales : 1 COW. . . . 020 32 25 1 cow. . . . 000 $2 25 1 htcer..1300 270 12 steers. .130(1 270 130 heifers. 045 3 25 47 feedern.1050 3 40 1 steer. . .1200 040 1 steer. . .1240 340 lstccr..H30 340 2 steers. . 1015 340 77 steers. .1174 340 lions The run of hogs was again light , Icsi than half as many as wcro here a week ago. / shortage so far this week coi-iparcd with las of about 22,000 hero and a corresponding de crcaso In supplies at other markets madi buyers nervous and the result was anothc wild market and n 25c to 35c advance Ii prices or n jump of 50 < : to 55c In two days There was a good Ihio of buyers on hand , am trading was lively from the start. Good ti choice hogs of all weights Mild at from JO ii | to $0.10 , while the common grades solU from Jt down toJS.OO. Everything chanced hands h good season , the hulk at from (5.05 to 10.0. against J5.05 to J5.75 Wednesday and fron K .05 to J5.70 u week ago. liepresentatlvi sales : 1.00 - 4 00 3. , . . 200 - 0 00 { 111:1:1' : : Hut two douhlo decks were receive uiiil they were hilled direct to a local shingl teiur and not olfered on the mnrkot. T ) . markut Is very dull with ptlcett weak , In yn pathy with the eastern markets , I'alr to goo natives , 54.OOft4.75 ! fair to good western 83.O(8rJ.50 ! ( ; common nnd stock shonp , J2.50' ' 3.50 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb , Iambs. H. ' . < 25.75 ? _ JtccelutR nnil'DlKpoiitliiu of .Stock. Oltlclal receipts jVn'cl disposition of stock a shown by the bjoki.'of the Union Htock Viird company for the ItfCJHy-foiir hours ending i O o'clock p. in. .Iuly,0 , , IbtK ) : - Chlcu'-u l.lro.Stiu > ( .Murkut. CIIIOAOO , July 0 , iSpi-cIiil Telegrnm TIIK llii : : . ] Thu call In market was in nun better shuito tlmn \\Vdnfn.lay , The rcculp were smaller by homethlng like 13OOO hen nnd theru appeared ( olio a general rehtoratli of conlldencu , At all uvtmt.s , the sever clnsws of buyi'i-i toau hold In nn lntcn < st < way , and for anything that Milted their fain they wore not avertito paying an udvun citial | to the previous day 'x decline. Unit that hhlpper.- dri'ssvd ' beef linns could u advanced fiom lOc to lf > c , TlicrJ w n U s di'cldi'd ' chunyo In butchei nnd < : uliners' sKH'k. but thvro wns nothli rcsi'inbllng a bullock for which the maik w.-ih u jot utrungor Ihun at any llrno ycsturda Crass htvertwi'if In no belter favor than h fore , nobody unntlng thvin , hut thu t > cint : MI plv < if > i good dryfed cattlu helped them on Sales of fcti-er WPIO principally at frumf4 16. and at from fti.2& toia.lo were thu rulli lirlcct , for common to food COWH. ( 'ulves we dull and wruk. The rt-celptt , of Toxascatt Here futlmaled ut ! lfOO head. They we llrmer t ban on ychtcnluy , useful t-orlHsollli at from ( ic to lOc higher , or only u llttlo low thnii ut Ibocloboot last ncc'k , Thu hog murket wub uctlvo and strong tb tuorulng. Tliu receipts were 8,000 bead Ic inn for Wedtip dny , nnd for nn hour or two l 'ro wns free buying at MI ndvnticool IDo , mllrndt ) noon < | tiieted down nnd the cl < no vn < wenkrr. l < or the wcnkar turn no one at- rmplod toelvonno.xplaliatton , liccclpli for horcmnlmlerof Iho week bid fnlr to bo light nil the totnl for the last four clay * l.i lonio 7,000 bend les thnn for the aatiio tlmo ln t vcj'ki hut Iho fact remnliii that the close win nil and weaker. There were unles of exttn nicdliini nnd heavy ut from ? 0.nr > to (0.40 nnd n few llghtwclehtfi were tnkcn nt from t0.3n o 0.40 , though from { B.16 to J0.80 were the Hipular prices , fulls cro quoted nt from 3ro to ? fi.0. The receipts of sheep npnln exceeded the 'ftliitntM ' not far from Id.tiuo hcud arriving , any in the day the opening wnq nt ste.tdy irlces , 'while further along holders found It iccessary to innku concessions of from lOc to &c. Anything not grading holler limn n. ledltini was n drug nt any price. Thousands f poor and common sheep had to bu carried vor. I rein tl.60 to t2 ! for poor stuff there ere sales nil nlong up to from $ -1.76 to S4. 00 or cholco. 1'rlces In-low J4.DO bought the argcr part of the olTcrlnKs. At the close It ook n likely bunch of Micoti to bring that igurc. There wn i nn nhtindniil supply ot atnbs , and prices were quoted nt from 3,70 O id. 25 , Itecelots ! Cnttle , 10,500 head ! cnlvcs , 13,000 iMid ; hogs 17.000 hcnd : sheep. 16,000 head. The ICvenlng Journal says : OATTi.K-Kccolpts , 11,000 hcnd : shipments , ,000 head : choice fat cattle lOttl&c higher ! therh steady : best liuuvns fG.OOud.CUj good. 4. 0014.4.01) ; nu-dliim. f4.4on.l.50j coiutiion ami riisserH , fa.i)34.UO ( ( ) : Tuxnns , 82.45413.05 ; ows , $1.15a3.35. Hi9-Uecclpts ( ; , 17,500 head : shipments , ,0)0 ! ) head : market loa20i ! higher at thu pcnlnir , ut the close the advance wnt lost : ilxed and packers , } 5.0l 5t0.25 : prlino heavy nd butcher Weights , 40.25aO.35j light , { 0.15U .35 , HitKKf Uccolpts , 14,000 bond : shlpineiiti , ,300 licnd ; native * steady : others Hl4il5 < i erj natives , M.OOaG.OO ; westerns , W.OOit .25 ; Toxnns , ? 3.HOtB4.aO ; Inmbs , J3.0oau.40. St. l.ouU l.ivn Stvck MnrUct. ST. I.oiJti ? , July 0. OATTt.n Uecclpts , 3.HOO icnd ; shipments , 3'JOU head ; market lOc ill'lu-r : fair to good natlvo steers , S3. 00tt4.30 ; rass 'I'exans , J3.SOijn.75. llons-Uecolpis , SI.COO head : shipments , 1- 00 head ; market opened lOc higher , but the iiyiinco was lost : top price was JO. 15 : while bulk of sales were ati.'i.uriQ.O.lU. Simnp Hecelpts , 200 head : fclilpments , 2- 500 head ; market steady and unchanged ; mixed latlves , J3.750t4.35j Texans , i3.263.90 aoixa xo in : nuuui ) AL SciiFiitlonil ; : ICxpnrlniFiit to Ho Tried l > > Mind Itcuder Seymour. TOU-DO : , July fi. Seymour , the nil nil ctulor , nucoinmntud by his son Afthur , ins arrived in Toledo on his way tc riiiengo. wlicro lie Ja to attempt ft tosl hut will , if successful , mukohimfumom the world over. Seymour performed iomo wonderful feats in the streets ol Toledo seine months ti o , when he found i medal hidden in the library building jy a local no\vsapor ) committee , driving to the building blindfolded throuch tlu streets. Seymour is going to Chieagt to bo buried alive , after the allcgec ; nanncr of the East Indians , who saj they cnn suspend animation for anj ) oriod by swallowing their tongues and controlling the heart and mind. "My collln has gone on ahead , " sail Mr. Seymour. "It is a fau simile of the ono in which General Grant's remain ! now he , and it , cost $ . ' 1,000. , It is mndo it ; hrco sections , ono fitting inside the ithcr. I will bo buried six feet decj in the cpllin. Signals will bo urrnngei 10 that if things don't go rig-lit I cat comimmicivto with the toldiors on the outside , who will guard the grave Directly after I am buried a crop o barley will bo sowed over the grave. ' will remain buried until the gornv. sprout , grow and ripen and the crop is Harvested. Then the disinterment wil take place. I won't come back to eartl till September 2. I am positive that ] can do it , and the scientific men win are assisting me to conduct the expcri ment are commencing to think so too. ' Must Incor | ir.itn In Tennessee. NASHVILLE , July 0. Under an act o the general assembly in 1SSH. all foroigi corporations doing business in Tonne's sco wore required to lllo copies of thcii charters with the secretary of state Compliance with this act , the compam'ci claim , made them to all intents and pur poses domestic corporations. The con stitutionality of the act was tested bj the Phoenix company of Brooklyn ant the supreme court held that it wai valid. Many of the foreign insurnnci companion , after a futile confer cnco with the state ofllcials , dccidci to withdraw from the state am KO far about fifty have gone put , the ; claiming that under the act their capita slock can be taxed. The secretary estate state was so much in doubt as to tin scope of the act that some weeks sinci ho asked the attorney general for ai opinion on the subject. Today he re ceived a reply to the elTect that none o the resident mercantile coruoration polling in this state by drummers or b ; sample , and in no other way , and bavin ; no local oliico or establishment in tin state , are not within the requirement of the act as to filing charters. Thi means that all foreign corporations hav ing agencies in tlio.state must file copic of charters at once or bo subject ti heavy lines. riuher Mcniyini Tullent / T.nst. NKW YOHK , July 0. Kev. Dr. Me Glynn has at last said something abou the recent visit to Homo. "I went to Rome , " eaid he , "not t settle or to reopen my case. Mgr. Sti tolli had settled St most patisfactoril , and months before. I did not have t go anyway , but I had promised Mgr Hatolli I would personally pay my re spects to the pope and receive his apot tolio benediction. It wns an act of com to. y which I was very glad to porfonr No arrangements for a permanent pastorate torato have yet been made for mo. " Ilomoved iv Colored Collector. GALVKSTON , Tox. , July 0. N. \ \ Cunoy , the colored collector of customi today received olllcial notification of h removal. George P. Finloy , the ncwl appointed collector , will take charge i soon as his bond is apr roved. Mr. Guno ; who is the leader of the republican part in Texan , feels sere over his removal , i his tkno would have expired July 20. Ii attributes his removal to the bitter o ] position of Senator Coke , who was dote mined that ho should not serve his fu term. Ho has made ono of the best co lectors Galveston over hud. A remedy which , Jf used by Wives about to cxpcrlcnco tlio painful ordeal attendant upon Child-birth , proves an infallible niiecl- llcfir , ndol > Tlalc3 the tcrtures of con- flnemcnt , Icetonlnc t he dancers thereof to both mothernuil child , bold ) > y nil dniKfliata. Pentby czproAS on receipt of price , Jl.&i JKJI lot tie , charges pre paid. EHADFICLD HEGULATOn CO. , ATLANTA. Ok , S O UTTI OM A .II A. . Union Stock Yards Cooipaay , South Opnaliai Bett Cattle Ilo nnJsli3jp uiurotlatbi wai' . COM Ml 3 11 1 HO'JJtt. ' _ Wood Brothers. J.lvo Stock CommU lee Merohimtt Telepaono I5J | , Cblcn JOHN I ) . DAOHM AN , I WAI/l'KK K. W.iOi ) . Murket reports by mall and niro cheerful ! ur ulbhvd upouapullcatluu , DELUGE OF BILLS EXPECTED Jnny Prescriptions for Hcmotlles for the Ailmcuta of Undo Sain. CONGRESS WILL HAVE A LIVELY TIME llvorltcn Will Try to Crowd Out rinnuclnl I.rcUlMtlim by Introducing MMiurcn AlIcrlliifT Ilio TiirlfT mill Other llr.uichca at ( lovornuient. WASIUXOTOX , July 0. The opinion is gaining ground that the extra session vlll bo diverted from its umln purpose of omcdylng the ( Innticinl situation by jffortR to nttoct various ether brunches if legislation , It Is certain that a Hood of bill ? ! will bo presented for repealing ho federal election laws , for restricting rndos In "futures" and "options , " for oforming the pension laws and for in- nuiuornblo special and general appro bations. The advocates of these nonsurcs will push them with moro or ess persistency in npito of the olTorts owurd a speedy solution of the llimnctnl irobloin. Tlio tariff reformers arc confidently conntincr on a hearing at the extra ses- ion. Word hns como from Mr. Springer hat ho hns been at work on a titrilT re- oi-m bill through the summer and will lave it ready by the time congress meets. Various other tarllT reform bills have jcon submitted to the president and to Secretary Carlisle , and others arc in irocoss of formation. So far as the art- ninlstration Is concerned , no exact pro- rrum for getting up a revenue reform ) ill hns boon formed. An erroneous impression prevails * In seine quarters that the extra session mist confine its labors wholly to those luustlons for which it Is especially as- pombled by the president. The presl- lout's recent proclamation mentions only the linanehil question , for had it not been for the high tension in tlntuu'tul circles the tarllT and all ether questions could have waited until the regular sos- ilon in December. The extra session ms been culled for a special purpose , jut it is nevertheless open to all general questions. The fear of the anti-silver non is that they will bo much delayed jy the demands of the advocates of tlio various measures for a hearing. The ovcnuo reform element promises to bo nest emphatic in demanding atten tion , and seine of the leaders of this element insist that it should have iroeodencc to the llnaneial question or mylhing clo. This demand , however , s not likely to receive much eonsidora- : ion by the committee on rules , which is : ho "steering committee'1 of the hou.-o. tt will bo impossible , however , to prevent - vent the introduction of tariff and all > thcr bills. The silver men will un doubtedly assist in creating as much confusion as possible by the introduction if tariff bills and various ether measures , fhoy will , of course , bo a unit in voting in favor of considering revenue reform ahead of the financial matters. This will give them a very formidable voting [ > ewer , which , coaplod with the sincere revenue reformer * , will bo welt nigh majority of Iho party. It cannot bo doubted thnt the silver men are much moro cheerful and oven aggressive than they wcro lust week. They utulin to Imvo canvassed the sen- ' - . * nto and to Imvo found n majority ot seven , While they do not bollovo they nro strong enough to ilofcnt the ropunl , tlioy mnintnln that 1111 unconditional re peal such as the ndiulnl.stratlon domandi cannot bo accomplished. The forthcoming oonvontion of Ilio frco Bilvorltos nttrnuts but Httlo niton * tlon horo. Similar conventions have boon hold In this city nnd the speeches and resolutions to no delivered and f adopted uro nil fiimilitvr to members of „ t congi'css. The coming convention is ox- * * peeled to Imvo the sumo old delegates , the sumo old platform , the sttmu old speeches , together with the Biuno old statistics and the Biimc old resolution ? . Many inquiries are being made ns to the status of Bilvor should the Shormun law bo repealed. The coinage laws are &o voluihlnoiiB uiid Imvo been nddod to BO frequently durlm : the last 100 years that few of the m noy exports know whnt the condition of atfalrn would bo. It in assorted by many thitt silver will eoaso to bu a momiy metal and that sil ver dollars and sliver corlilluntcs will only pass current at u discount. A lead ing treasury ollloial talked today con cerning many popular errors. Ilo made it clear that with the purchase clause of the Sherman law wiped out there would still bo a great body of llnancial laws fixing the ratio between gold and silver , the classes of coins and the uses to which the various classes of coins nnd paper money could bo put. Thcso would operate oven if congress fulled to provide something to take the place of the Sherman law. Singularly the first of these coinage laws was enacted just 100 years ago. It has never boon re- ponied , and with the Sherman law out of the way , the ancient act would still remain as the basis for our silver and gold circulation. \Yunliier nnd tint \Vliiftkv Triut. PROUIA , 111. , July 0. Anent the startIng - Ing up of Woolnor's distillery , which was withdrawn from the Whisky trust some days agoPresident Grccnhutof the trust has not decided what wtop to take. Ilo has summoned the trust attorney , and sutisoqueut action will be ba cil on a consultation to bo hold this afternoon. It is moro than likely that an injunction I will bo sworn out and the case will como , up shortly. Mr. Woolnur's act may bo purely for the puroso ] of testing the - . | question of ownership , which has been > ' pending over since the house beccdcd. None of the ether secedors have yet started up , though the Northern is at j present uudorgoing some repairs. The J others will likely hold olt until they ECO how Mr. Woolncr fares. Looking at it < in any light , it means protracted litiga tion for all the parties in interest. ' Toil Condemned IndliiiiK KcspltcMl. MUSKOGEK , I. T. , July ( ) . The ten , Chcetaw Indians sentenced to bo shot. " Friday at Wilburton wore last night ( 'ranted writs oC habeas corpus by Judge Stewart on the grounds thnt the Indians did not have a fair trial. OHicora are on the way to serve the writs and seine trouble is apprehended. What Leads You . to use the imitations of Pearline ? Some trifling1 prize , cheap prices , or because the grocer or peddler says "same as" or "as good as ? " What do these amount to , if your things are ruined in the washing ? They may be. And you can't see the dam age that a danger ous washing compound - pound is doing , until the damage is done ; with the poorest , that takes some time. With these imitations that nobody knows about , you have to take your own risk. Been on the safe side , and use only the original Pearline. Mill ions of women can tell about that. Ask some of them , and satisfy yourself. Get their experience. \ < P , lU ro - , „ , ! cnmo unsrninuloUS procerswill tell VOU " this 5s OS good OS1 * , never eddied , ! Back JAMES PYLE , New York. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. " BUY 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. OMAHA U AWNINGS AND TENT3. MliaTcnt-Awuing Wolf Bros & Co. , COMPANY. Manufacture of Tent ) . IIOI13K COVKIIS. AwnlnK' , tc , " 03 and Ilia Kornnm Stroat. 705 1 . ICUi htreut , Bcmis Omilia Bag COMI'ANV. , Imnorlort mid inanurno- turtri of flour tackt , burn > l > , twliit. ( BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coe Slioi Company. . llo RrUJt . Onice-1107-IIOJ.IIIl , * .D < 1 Factory-IU'.i'1131-llW Howard St. . Mauiirauuran of lluoH nl Wo urn lha OXI.V S'U ' > u ? ° lo'Bluroil 'nlJi > W ttl1 to ! our nuwtaotorr HABDWABE. Rector & Wilhcluiy Lobeck & LiQD , COMI'AMf. Doalori In tiardtrar * an * Corner 11th and Jackion mc'clmnlci1 tnuli. Btroeti. HUf Douulai Htrott. HATS , ETO. | IKON WORKS. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iron VYIioloinle WOIIK3. Hall , capi , uruw goodi , Kttf lvnulti , ) atl woo gluovai , mlltaai. Kill Iron tUutler > and Or * uud Horner ttreoti. eapei. Uui Andraao , 1U and Jackian LUMBER. John A. Wakcllcld , IminttdArvrloan ; 1'ort- lund ctiroont , Mllwau- kou cuincnt and Qulucr wlilto lluio. LiaUORS. Frlck & Herbert , Wboleiale liquor detluri 1001 Karnam HU PAPER. l OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Go. Carru full atock of l > rlnllnil wrapping and lltUoad and lubricating writing pai > o , ourd pupuri , olo. elli , ail * great * . l . PRODUCE COMMISSIOM. Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & cp. Produce , frulU of all "utter , eteet * . poultrr tad ga t. klDdi.oriUra. 8U M. Ulh atrj t STOVE REPAIRS | BASH , DOORS Omaha Stove Repair M , A. Disbrow&Co \70HKb. btOfB repilri > Unuf ctur ri aad wat raUaobmtati Hoer , lor any klad or itore muuldlagi