Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi'PmURSDAY. ' JULY 0 , 18 ! > 3.
Apprehension for Her Child's Safety De
thrones Mrs , Ulll'n ' llcason ,
tlurllngton Oniclnli Kt Lincoln Conmdrrlnjr
H Serlon * Cnno 1,1st of T.nnoaiter County
Indlvlilunli Who Were Injnrtd
on the Fourth.
Ltricot.x , July 5. ( Special to THE BEE. ]
Mrs. Jack Hill of Qunnlson , Colo. , Is confined
In the county jail , a raving maniac. The
Burlington eastbound train was wrecked
yesterday noon at Iloggcn , Colo. , nnd two
women , passengers , and the engineer and
fireman slltrhtly Injured. The engine nnd
four cars went over an embankment , nnd the
delay caused the train lo roach here six
hours late , nbout 4 o'clock this morning.
Mrs , Hill was ono of the injured , nnd shortly
before the train reached Tioro she created
Intense excitement In the train by leaping
up nnd attempting to throw h6rsolf and the
babe from the train. Twlcodldsho make
the attempt , but each time she was frus
trntcd. She Insisted that her bnby was
killed In the wreck and the ono that w
With her was not hers.
She wan taken from the train to the
county Jail , whore she calmed down some ,
and was finally removed to the sheriff's '
office. Hero she wns again seized with o
paroxysm , and picking up a largo rock used
ns n door prop hurled It through ono of the
blir plata glass windows , and snatching the
baby attempted to leap with It through the
window. She was caught by the officers just
In time. She was then taken back to the
Jail and the baby removed to the Homo for
the Friendless. Again she grew violent nnd
it was necessary to send for the babe again
Bho told Mrs. LAtigdon that her name was
Mrs. Jack Hill and she wns on her way from
Ounnisou. Colo. , to visit with her parents at
QulncyVls. . At times she complained of an
Injury to her sldo , but will not allow n
physician to examine hor. She Is n bright
winsome little woman of nbout 21 , and her
babe , nbout a year old , n bright yountrstor.
It was unconscious for some time after being
pulled out of the wreck with Its mother , and
It is thought the agony of grief the young
mother endured while watching over her
child during the interval of unconsciousness
coupled with a probable Injury to herself
unseated her reason for the time being. The
railway authorities are oudcavorlug to com
mini lea to with her relatives.
At the Stnto House.
A. S. Woods , F. J. Borthwick and E. L
French filed articles of incorporation nt tin
tnto house today for the American Sana
tarium Remedy company of Omaha , The
capital stock will bo ? 300,000.
The case of W. D. Matthews nnd Chnrlc
A. Manville vs Sarah M. Jones was filed
lu the supreme court today.
Ytntonlny'n Accident I.Ut.
W. M. Shuch of Thirty-second and Potter
streets attempted to shoot off some rocket
whllo out driving with his family lasfnight
The horses frightened nnd ran away. Mrs
Shuch was picked up with a broken colla
bone , her baby wns badly bruised , and ho
mother painfully but not seriously hurt.
Is" J. W. Jordan , secretary of the I inc
Printing company , was not nwaro that a
Synamlto firecracker could bo exploded
without being ignited. Ho knows better
now , but would much rather have the miss
ing portions of his lingers than the exper
ience ho acquired. It was not necessary to
amputate any part of them , the dynamite
aid that for him.
Herman , son of Chris Bauer , had his leg
broken by being thrown from n wagon. Ho
was driving with his father and sister along
the West Uncdln road , which is being newly
graded , when ho ran onto n projection , and
the wagon was thrown over the ombank-
hiont with the above result. The others
were bruised up somo.
Charley Miller fell from a haymow at his
homo lu Knob Hill last evening. This morn
ing ho was very ill , and nn examination by n
physician disclosed for the first time that ho
had broken thrco ribs on his loft sido. He-
was removed to tbo hospital.
Lou Bacon , nn Iceman , was admitted to
the hospital this morning suffering from a
knlfo wound In his sldo , But not serious In
Jts nature. Ho declines to state how ho re
ceived It further than that ho attcmptea to
disarm n drunken companion , who wanted
blood , and was cut.
( loot-go IIiirt'H Crime Itecallncl.
GUAND ISLAND , July D. [ Special to THE
Dei ! , ] The pardon of George Hart from the
fctato penitentiary Is meeting with a great
deal of comment horo. His deliberate shootIng -
Ing of Michael Cress is well remembered by
old-time citizens. Ho cscapod from Jail
whllo awaiting trial , but wns captured near
Huntings while hiding in n hay stack. His
scaffold had boon prepared and tested , and
the news of the commutation of his sentence
reached hero only a short time before the
execution of the sentence of death , \vas to bo
carried out. His threats against some of
the witnesses against him nro remembered.
On the other hand , some of these who have
soon him recently In prison express their be
lief that ho will bo a law-abiding citizen in
the future.
At the C ntrill Olinutnuiinn.
FIIBMONT , July H. [ Special to Tnc BEE.I
The regular program at the Chnutauqua was
Tory successfully rendered today , closing
with the popular lecture by Dr. A. E. Win-
Ship of Boston , "America -Tomorrow. .
Tomorrow afternoon at.1t : ) Dr. Wlnslnii
will deliver his last lecture hero.
Tomorrow will occur the opening ot the
Odd Follows' encampment on the Chau-
W tauqua grounds. John DeWitt Miller ol
Philadelphia will deliver his popular lecture
"Tho Uses of Ugliness , " tomorrow evening.
Fnday , July 7 , will bo fanners day. The :
speakers will bo United States Senator
Btawart of Nevada , Hon. Lafo Pcnco ol
Colorado und lion , A. L. Louks , president ol
the National farmers alliance.
Uavlil Ottjr Aohool AITUIrn.
DAVID CITV , July 5. [ Special toTim BEE.J
The July meeting of the David City school
board was hold last night. After the old
board had closed up the business of the pasl
year and elected S. Cllngnmn to fill sta
vacancy caused by the resignation of H
popper , who has removed to Colorado , ho
now board organized with five rs
present , two of whom are ladles , A. rsJ.
fcvans was elected president , Mrs , Haskoll
vice president and S. Clingman , secretary
The number of children of school ago returned
turned by Mio enumerator Is 705 , a gain oof
nineteen over last year.
Itohrou I'eunln Hurt.
Ili'.nuox , July fi. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
The son of W. A. Lookwood was shot in
the leg yesterday morning by ISrnesI
Correll n boy of 14 , while playing
with a revolver. The bullet was cut out.
Herman Txthmann , ono of the men \vlic
entered the homo races n * , Dcshler , fell fron
his horse und was trampled upon by tin
other horses. He received ton cuts whlcl
crushed his skull nndbroko his noso. Tin
physician says his recovery Is douotful.
Ilrnvy Until * In Nitiruka. )
RoQEits , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to Tin
BBE.J A heavy rnfn commenced to fall nd
continued for several hours last night. J
good corn crop is now assured. Small grali
on table lands in the northern part of ho
county had suffered and will yield about one
half a crop.
DAVID CITY , July 5. { Special to TUB BEE.
About half au inch of rain fell hero las
flight , which was very much needed ,
Work of Tlilevea at Fremont.
FIIRUONT , July 5 , [ Special to TUB BEE.-
Durlug the parade yesterday some and or
torod nnd thoroughly ransacked the real :
deuce of F. M. Smith In this city , taking :
gold watch aud chain.
The chief of pollco received n telegrat
from Cedar Bluffs today Haying that u lad ,
by the name of Crounso lost at the Elkhori
dcK | > t last night one tioto of $5,001) ) , ono o
fJ.WX ) und t75.40 In cash.
Itaulcil Joint.
BEU.EVUB , July 6. [ Special Telegram t t
fas ' BEB. ] Judge Laugdon imposed a fin
pf _ | 100 on Fruuk Miller lor runulug a boo'
lc ( ? Joint t Tort Crook , nopiillo * McC rty
nnd Wheat rnldod his plnco Sunday
with n noiirch nnrrant nnd succoodcu In un
covering his slock of booto ,
Itotr Savcmt Town * lit th Str\t Ohncrred
thM Fourth.
O'NniLi. , July 5. fSpoctal Tolcfr\m ! to
'HE ' BEE , ] Fully 0,000 people gathered In
, hls city yesterday to celebrate the nation's
ollday. At daylight the farmers com-
rnoncoil pouring Into ttio city and nil the
trains brought largo crowds. Splendid
muslovns furnished during the entlro day
' iy the O'Neill Silver Cornet bund. An ad-
rcss of welcome wns delivered In the navll-
-on by Mayor Dlckson , which was loudly ap
plauded. Ho then Introduced the orator of
ho day , Hon. T. J. .Mahoney of Omaha , who
pokn to the vnst assembly for an hour and
i half. At the conclusion of the oration bo
ivni loudly applauded.
' 1 his county wns visited with ono of the
heaviest rains of the season last night. The
fanners nro happy ns this Insures for thorn n
good crop thl * season.
1'Ai.MVitA , July n. [ Special to Titr. BBE. ]
On the ovoof the Fourth cnmoono of the
iicst rains of the season , hut the clouds soon
broke nway nnd sunshine prepared the way
Tor the grandest celebration over held In
this part of the state. The program was
carried out without a break omccldont. The
address by Judge Davidson wns well ro-
colvod. The trades display surpassed the
expectation of nil. The racing wns good ,
whllo the dlsplny of flnnvorits in the even
ing closed the red letter day for Palmyra.
SiiWAitn , Nob. , July C. ISpocial to Tun
Biit : . ] The Fourth wns celebrated lu
Sflwnrd by the largest numhnr of people
over scon In the city on any occasion. The
lay was line nnd everything passed olt
pleasantly nnd according to program. Hon.
\V. F. Qurloy , of Omaha , delivered n line
oration. A display of llrovrorks in the even
ing wound up the fostlvltlos of the day.
QIUNII ISLAND. July 5. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] J. O. Dligcr , whllo rolling ten pin
biills yesterday broke his leg. This was
the only Fourth of July accident. Not ono
arrest was maito nnd all went orderly.
PLAIN-VIEW , July B [ Special to Tun Dnn.J
The celebration nt this place yesterday
was u grand success. Fully 5,000 , people
were In town ahd everything passed off
smoothly. Hon. W. F. Bryant of Harilng-
ton was orator of the day and delivered a
logical speech. On account of rain the day
before the farmers were all happy.
HVANNIS , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKK. ] The Fourth was celebrated in
Hno style at Hyannls. Quito a number of
people were present and ono of the most en
joyable occasions in the history of Grant
county passed olt. The program was carried
out fully. Chaplain HowoT of Lincoln was
the orator of this dtiy and everybody was
pleased. The day was pleasant and the fire
works at night was the grandest display
over scon hero.
United Stntcm 1'lsh Commis
to I.ocnto Flnnt Tlicro ,
Lese PINK , Nob. , July B. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBC.J Dr. B. W. Evorman
United States fish commissioner , with a
party of scientists , nro in town for the pur
pose of making an examination of the Long
Pine river to decide in reference to the loca
tion of the United States ilsb hatchery for
which the town has made application. A
petition and recommendations were filed sev
eral months ago , nnd were favorably con
sidcrcd. An order was given for an investl
gallon to bo made as soon ns the weather
would permit , nnd it is upon this order thai
Dr. ISvcrman is horo. They will make thor
ough tests of the water of the Long Pine
river ns well as of other rivers and lakes in
this vicinity.
The Chautauqua had the good fortune to
secure the consent of the commissioner to
have his name placed upon the program , and
tomorrow ho will deliver an address upon
"Northern Pacific and Bering Sea. "
Tonight Hon. James Morris gave an instructive
structivo lecture upon the subject of "Uses
and Abuses of Immigration. " The nudlonc (
wns very attentive and praised bis offer
The Fourth of July celebration was a grant
success in every particular as planned
Early in the forenoon the grounds WOP
thronged with country visitors and th
crowd was greatly swelled by the passenger ;
from the excursion train which started from
- Norfolk. The weather was perfect until
after dark , when a heavy rain Interrupted
ho llroworks display. The Atkinson band
urnishcd the music nnd President J. W.
Slunchcr of the Hot Springs Chautauqua
lellvered the oration of the day.
'Inlnvlow Citizens Insist that the Klkhorn
Compnny la Not Fair.
PLAINVIBW , July 5. [ Special Telegrnm to
CUE BDE. ] For the past year the Ellchorn
las been running dally pnssongo- and freight
trains on this branch of its system , nnd has
> cen giving very good service , for which the
icople paid. Today the company has taken
olt both trains , and in their places has put
on a mixed train , which passes througli this
ilaco at 7:30 : a. in. and 5 p. m. It is Known
is the "hog" train , and everybody is mad.
The company charges 3 cents per mile to
Ido , however , and takes all it can got for
muling freight.
Several business men along the line have
declared that they will not order any moro
; oods shipped over the road and will do nil
In their power to force the company to give
bettor train service. Some of the Creighton
merchants will have their goods shipped
over the Short Line and haul them from
hero with wagons. Tlicro Is also some tnllt
of petitioning Govcrror Crounso to call an
extra session of the legislature to pass a law
- to compel railroads to sell second-class
" tickets for second-class trains. This action
of the Elkhorn Is generally condemned. By
this action of the company Omaha whole
sale houses will lese considerable trade and
- Sioux City will bo the winner.
, nay Drowned nt Illitlr ,
! BLAIII , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BBE.I Fred Carter , while out bathing
with several other young men , was drowned
in Donnoy's ' lake yesterday , in what Is called
the deep liolo. Ho has two brothers , ono a
conductor and the other a brakotnan on the
Chicago , St. Paul , . Minneapolis & Omaha
railway. Ho was about 20 yours old. The
family with other friends were at the lake
on a picnic excursion , ilo was the son or
the late Nathan Carter ,
a Klovntor nt Mutton Ilurnoil.
SUTTO.V , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] James Cannon's elevator was
. burned at ! i this morning. The grain was
not insured. The engine was saved. Loss
. So/JOO. The building was insured as fol
- lows : German , Freeport , $1,000 ; Caledonia ,
$1,000 , ; Underwriters , $ ' -W. Cannon oxpoots
to rebuild soon.
Bcliool Hoard Work.
HASTINGS , July 5. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
Thu school board at Us last mooting ratified
the selection of teachers made by the re
tiring Iwinl , and ro-olocted ns president for
the ensuing year Jacob llalloy , und Ira Ford
secretary. James N. Clurko was elected
vlco president.
u Iturclnr.
HASTINGS , July 5. [ Special Telegram tc
THE Hi'.r. . ] M. S. Adklns , a Phetps countj
burglar , was sentenced to ono year Imprison
ment lu the penitentiary.
A In Kentucky.
IMEZ , Ky. , July 5. Walter Dcsklns was
shot and killed Sunday at Nolan , W. Va. , bj
Andrew Farmer during n drunken row. Tin
nssasslu was pursued by a | x > isa nnd wa
] overtaken nnd surrounded Monday night
but ho llrod on his pursuers and fatallj
wounded George Deskins nnd n man unmet
Thompson. In tiio confusion ho mndo hti
escape , but the posse continued the pursuit '
and lie is now surrounded by a mob , whlcl
threatens to lynch him. Ho will undoubt
cdly bo caught by tonight , and unless tin
a sheriff consents to give him up , blood wll
How frooly. A skirmish occurred today , bu
full particulars have not yet been received
KuUctt offivt Una or leu under ( /ill nemtJtftt '
tent ; Mch lUldlUonat Hue ten ( full ,
HOSRNSTOOIC-Joe j'liVy'nToSo' ' "
tit ) yuan. 1'unorul 1'rlrtny ut 'J p. in. ( run
hU Into rtfttldoucc , 2303 C'it s a trout , to I'leus
nut 11111 comutory. Sun b'raucUco uud Hal
- tlmoru papom ulo&se copy.
Western Passenger Agents Act as Peace
makers In the Rate War ,
Lomax SlglilnR for the Sculp of th * SBgo
of St. Pnol 1'roipooti ot l'cnc In
Fa t nger Circles X
In General.
The roads belonging to the Western Pas
senger association have been trying to act ns
peacemakers In the rate war between the
Union Pacific , Great Northern nnd other
transcontinental linos.
For a whllo they prevailed upon the
Union 1'acific not to enter the fight , but now
that road has shied its castor In the ring and
henceforth will bo strictly In the 'push. "
Tno Union Paclflo passenger ngonts nro
now selling first-class limited rtckots from
Sioux City , Omaha , Kansas City , St. Joe
and Lcavonworth to points in Mon
tana , Idaho , Oregon and \Vnslilugton
for $30. The eastern rates nro the
same between these points nnd east of the
Missouri river they are offering n bnsln rate
of $2T west of the Missouri river. The Union
Pacific does not moot any ot the second class
rates of the Great Northern , but It is
thought that the latter road will see the
Union Pacific and go It a few points better.
The war has already bouofitod the pee plo
In the far western states nnd they nro tak
ing advantage of the reduced rates to visit
the World's ' fair.
General Passenger Agent Lomnjc of the
Union Pacific Is In Chicago , and at his re
quest the Western Passenger association
hold n special mooting Monday evening.
At this meeting Mri Lomax wanted to know
what the lines cast of the Missouri river
proposed to do In case the Union Pacific mot
the reduced rates made by the lines west of
St. Paul.
Sighing for 111118 Scalp.
Ho said ho could not see how the Union
Pacific could keep out of the fight an ;
longer , but ho had not yet received any In-
lormattoii from his superior officers , nnd
could , therefore , not toll yet what would bo
done by his company. Before deciding upon
definite action ho desired to know what aid
the Union Pacific could expect from Its east
ern connections. The latter would make no
promlsps , It being their desire to keep out of
the fight if possible. After discussion It
wa decided to request Chairman Caldwcll
to at once call n meeting of all the lines in
the Western Passenger association , both
east and west of the Missouri river , to beheld
hold on Friday to take action regarding the
light between the roads In thonorthwcst , and
also to agree upon low excursion rates from
all points in the west to the World's fair.
Definite action regarding reduced World's
fair rates will have to bo taken at Friday's
meeting , as the Santa Fo , Rock Island and
some of the other roads will not submit to
further delay in the matter. These roads
find that their interests are being jeopardized
by the present condition of affairs , as the
people emphatically refuse to como to the
World's fair If the rate is moro than ono faro
for the round trip. With the exception of
two or three of the roads which are known
to bo clandestinely manipulating the rates
the earnings of all lines show a decrease in
passenger earnings during the last week
They have now como to the conclusion thn
they can no longer afford to keep up high
rates for the solo purpose of benefiting a few
of the roads which lina that the high rates
give them a chance for manipulation , and i
the latter do not como to time next Friday
several of the roads stand ready to givi
notice of withdrawal from the agreement.
Northwestern Kntoi.
It is understood among passenger agents
of other roads that the Northern Pacific has
determined to push the fight against the
Great Northern and that within n few days
it would put in effect a blanket rate from
north Pacific coast points and Idaho , Mon
tana , Washington and Dakota points of $10
to St. Paul and Chicago. By making Chicago
cage a common point with St. Paul it will
have n great advantage over the Great
Northern , as it has n through line to Chicago
cage via the Wisconsin Central while the
Great Northern has no independent outlet
from St. Paul to Chicago and will have to
seek alliances with the Cnlcago Great West
ern and other lines cast from St. Paul. The
quotations of through rates to Chicago by
the Northern Pacific via its Wisconsin
Central division will compel the Great
Western nnd the other competitors of the
Wisconsin Central to reduce their rates from
St. Paul cast to such figures as will enable
the Great. Northern to get through to Chicago
cage at equally low rates as these made by
the Northern Pacific.
Won't Allow .Ionic Kntei.
Chairman Mldgloy of the Western Freight
association has issued notices ordering the
cancellation of joint wool tariff through the
eastern seaboard from the Mississippi river
at less than the duly authorized basis. Mr.
Mldgloy's conclusions are that It is not com
petent for any line In the Western Freight
association to issue nn individual tariil from
the Missouri , unless it bo a duplication of
rates promulgated by the association ; that
it Is contrary to policy and ogrecmeht for
any line In the Western Freight association
to surrender any portion of its earnings be
tween the Missouri and Mississippi rivers
in a division with lines east of the Missis
sippi river , of a through rate sought to 3JO
established between the Missouri river and
points east of the Chicago line ; that it Is
contrary to the agreement of the joint rate
committee for any line west of Chicago to
join in the publication of loss than the
agreed proportionate rates east of the Mis
sissippi river , and apply them on transmls-
slssippi river t radio destined to or originat
ing at the Atlantic seaboard.
Sjmrlm ami Clnileri.
Pnssengor ngonts for local lines report
good excursion business on all the roads
C. W. Smith and Judge Irvine and famili
are booked over the Burlington for a visit tent
the World's fair.
James Wallace , who has boon assistant
croncral superintendent of the Northwester
in Chicago for the past twelve years , died at
Kavcnswood , III. , Saturday and wa
buried on Monday.
Mull Carrier Tillotson , who won ono of
: the Morse Dry Goods company's populai
prizes , which consisted of free transporta
tiou and expenses to the World's fair , lof
for Chicago over the Burhucrton Tuesday
afternoon. Ilov. T. J. Muckay , who woi
the other prize , started for the World's fail
Monday evening.
The Chicago , Itock Island & Paclflo Rail
way company makes a great showing ror
Juno , 18' . ) ; ! , being the heaviest it has had ii
any ono month In several years , The itlof
, mated gross earnings of the entlro system o
the company , both east and west of the Mia
sourl rlvor , for the mouth of Juno , IS'J.'I , ire
# 1,717,103 , au Increase as compared with tin
estimated earnings for Juno , 18UJ , ot-4t'JK )
An erroneous Item is going t' o rounds tha
the Burlington route Is going to abandoi
Pacific Junction as n division station , onml
transfer the division to Lincoln. Owing t
an Increase of eastbound freight business
the Burlington people have given twofrolgh ;
crows longer runs and the layover point
will bo Lincoln and Crcatou , instead of Creston
ton nnd Pacitlo Junction. This will iot
ullect Pacific Junction In any other rnaunei
, , Foreign Kxlilullor * ArroitetL
CHICAGO , July S. VIvan Lovotto tnd
Legaro Habluovitz , representing the Hussla
Silversmith company of Moscow , who ha i
' charge of an exhibit in the res
. bulldlmr at the World's fuir , were ted
today charged with selling exhibits on whlc
no duty hud boon paid. They admitted thol
offense and were hold to the grand jury , Th
government will prosecute the meu und a
. similar cases hereafter.
Tlitiy Itobbuil the Compniif.
LEXINUTON , Ky , , July 5. A comblno tins
existed on the freight department of the :
Cincinnati Southern railroad tor sou
months , whereby the road has been robbc
- of between 10,000 and $50.000. Eight pen
conductors and eighteen engineers , logo.hi
with the llmokcopCf't ' rmvo boon Ismlng
fraudulent time chcckft The chocks were
mndo out by conductor * ' nnd engineers nnd
honored by the tlmoWdo'por. The trouble Is
on the Somerset dlvlJfdn.
Mnd DOE * Seem tti ijo ricntlfnt un the
Utrectt nl 1'rcicnt.
During the olcctrlcalstorm on the morn
ing of the Fourthnllghtnlng struck the
residence of G. P. Wloknrt on Twenty-sixth
street botwrfon D ami JE. It was about 1
o'clock nnd the family yvoro given qulto n
fright. ThachlmncrSvrfs torn to pieces and
the shingles were rippXxl from the roof for n
space of several fcou.nlnstnntly tbo house
was filled with smoke and the family rushed
out into the street in their night clothing ,
thinking that the house wns on fire. Noth
ing burned however , but the damage will bo
about f > .
Another Cno ot Ilnl > les.
A dog owned by Mr. Pcrrlno , the commis
sion man , living nt Twenty-third nnd I
streets , went mnd yorterday. The actions
of the dog frightened nil the children In the
neighborhood , It ran around biting nnd
snapping nt everything It cama In contact
with. Finally it ran up onto the porch nnd
rolled over Into a tub of water. The dog
then went Into spasms and was killed by
Mr. Perrlno.
Noonnn Hroko thn Itocord.
At the South Omaha butchers' picnic on
the Fourth Larry Noonan broke the cham
pionship record of sKlnning a steer. Ho did
the act In four minutes nnd twenty-eight
seconds under the Washburn rules. The
Kansas City man who was to compote with
him wns present , but would not cntnr the
contest , ns ho said ho was sick. Jerry Gugan
skinned two sheep lu flvo minutes nnd ten
seconds. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Muclo City UiiMip.
Al Keouan Is assisting his friend Tom
Flynn In the lattor's gonts' furnishing store
while the latter is away replenishing his
Husaell Condon received the congratula
tions of his South Omaha friends yesterday
for winning the bicycle race at Lincoln on
the Fourth.
Miss Eva Mason , cashier at the Homo
bakery , was on ono of the motors In East
Omaha Tuesday night when the collision
occurred. The young lady was riding back
wards at the time and rccoivcd a severe
shock. Asldo from nursing a stilT neck she
will probably bo nil right in a few days.
Beginning tonight the majority of the
business houses in Soutli Omaha will close
their pla'-cs of business nt 7iO : ! o'clock thro * ,
evening : * each week. This Is done to give
the clerks aTest during the heated term
whllo business Is slack. A petition wns cir
culated nmong the merchants asking that
this bo done and the most of them signed
the paper.
It was a very bold thief who entered the
rosldcnco of Louis Ultz at 10'J South
Twentieth street yesterday In broad day
light and helped tilmsolf to n now suit of
clothes. The family was at homo all day
so the thief must have entered whllo It
was tlicro. Ho effected nn entrance through
a window which ho loft open upon leaving.
Nothing was disturbed except the clothing.
Joe Kolowratzka'Sanies Korsok nnd
Alexander Altman , the trio who caused each
others arrest on the night before the Fourth ,
assembled in Judge .Fowler's court with
their witnesses yesterday evening and after
giving In conflicting ! ! testimony for three
hours the judge discharged them all. It
wns a three-cornered neighborhood row , all
being moro or less responsible for the dis
turbance. '
Michael Markinson , ; captain of No. 2 en
gine house , was grautod.a leave of absence
for flvo daj's by Fire Chief Smith yesterday
Ho will leave in tliii morning for \Vdston \
la. , for a brief visit , and Ills friends say that
when Mtko cornea back , ho will have to bear
the expense of two instead of ono. Mike
has always said that there were no girls
that would compare w .th ' , the kind they
InWcston. . r'
Martin Egan was la.tho act of scrapping
with all coiners on IWllrbad avenue Tuesday
evening wjicn he , ran.into the arms of OUlcor
Thomas , Egan at first concluded not to betaken
taken by any'ono , but ( is Officer-Thomas Is a
man of very fow' ' words and considerable
physical power , the young man suddenly
changed his mind ana went to the station.
Ho was hold in the cooler until last evening
when ho wns called before Judge Fowler and
fined $10 und costs.
Splondlit Program I'resontod and a Good
Sum llrnllzod Last Kvonln. .
The benefit at Boyd's theater last night ,
tendered to the vtldow of Captain Cox , the
bravo fireman who lost his hfo in the per
formance of his duty during the Shlverick
fire , was a decided success and was attended
by a largo audience , notwithstanding the
torrid condition of the weather. Nearly
1,000 tickets hud been sold , though they
were not all represented at the benefit.
Jinough people wore present , however , to
fill the first floor , witl a goodly uumbor in
the balcony.
The parties who took part In the program
were all well known musicians and oloc u-
tlonlsts of the city. They were there with
out reward , or hope of reward , except a
widow's gratitude. After an overture by
the Gate City orchestra. Dean Gardner of
Trinity cathedral , who acted in the capacity ,
of master of ceremonies , delivered a short
address , saying that the gathering of the
citizens was In a good cause. They were
, there to express their sympathy and to
praise the bravo deeds of a bravo flroman.
They were men , ho said , who In responding
to the calls to duty , took their lives in their i
hands nnd so long as memory remained , the
people of Omaha would say all honor to the
A violin sok ) by Prof. Dworzak captivated
- the nudlonco and resulted la an encore
- while the bass solo by A. H. Findlay was received
ceived with high appreciation of the gentle
man's ability. Mrs. Frank B. Millar was oiy
the program for n solo , but was unavoidably
n detained at her homo by sickness. This was
a sore dlsappointmant , but the number on
the program was filled by Jules Lombard
the famous buss singer , delighting his uudl-
once with , "I Fear No Foo. " A banjo solo
by Prof. J , Harlan Smith was ono of the
musical features of the evening's entertain
ment. Mrs. Frances Moollor. one of Omaha's '
! best known vocalists , sang "Tho Children's
Home" and was loudly encored. She was
: followed'by MUs Myrtle Coon , u delightful
soprano singer who glvos promise of soon
: being ono of the best in the city. "Deacon
O'Kearnoy's Courtship. " recited by Mrs
Mathcson , put the , , ui4lonco in the best s.or
humor and provoked many n hearty laugh
The lady Is a , 'Hub ' elocutionist and
did herself proud ht | night. The Onmtir
Banjo quartette camp la with two selections
"Golden Bolls Waltz , " und "Sounds froir
- the Cotton Fields , " to'tho ' great delight of
: everybody , for all of , ( . .h.p > members are prlmt
in favorites with the ijmsle loving people of
- the city. The lust number on the program
of but not the least Intm'OAtlng by any means
. was the recitation , lUNaturo's Voices , " bj
Dr. I * A. Morriainl.who possesses u fini
voice , and was in urnisually fine form las'
night. All of the pldtto accompaniment'
were by Mrs. Black nud. Mmo. Hcss-Fuchs
both of whom are nuifiborod among the bcs !
of the musicians. ' " '
to The benefit netted'al-oat ' sum. which wll
, bo turned ever to tyi'6 , . Cox , she recolvlni
ht the entlro amount , as Governor lioyd mad
no charga for the i&d'of ' the theater. Th
- piano which was uscdtwas kindly furnlshci
by A. Weber , one oMUo rausio dealers of .ho .
. city.
And every kindred dbeaso arising from Impure
bluoU cured by that never-falling
and best of all medicines ,
. . .
Book on lllood and Skin Diseases mailed t re *
ii your nnil the aensnn of the y nr
opoclnlly when people ncoil to lin cnrofnl.
There I * ilUenRo In tlio nlr ntul tlicro Is tnoro
of It fjomlni ; I nun ulironil ns hut \vrntlinr
npprimcho. Mtilnrla l oonntimtljr prevn-
lent , miimncr dlnon ox nro linmtnotit ntul
oholorn M expected. To keep tlm blood ptiro
nn > l circulating , to nvolil innlnrm nnd pro-
aorvn the liorxltli , utroiiRtli nnit produce
Imppliiesn , thorfl U nothing equal to UitlTf '
Furo .Mult WhUhey. Insist upon yourilrue-
Kl t or jjrocor having It for you nnil do
nut lie | > or undod to ti\ko nuy nthnr. Send
lor IllUfttrntml pamphlet , to DUI'I'V MAI.T
IN 30 DAYS FOR $2 $
11 y using Klmball's Antl-Khoumatio Finger
Ulns. The gomilno Is put up In velvet llnoa
boxes. Dottaro of Imitations. Bold only by
Mandrnko Pills have n value as n house
hold remedy fur beyond tno power of lan
guage to describe. The family can
hardly bo true to itself that does not
keep them on hand for use in emergen
Is the only vegetable substitute for that
dangerous mineral , MuitCUiiY , and
while its action as a curative is fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon
the bowels without disposing thoin to
subsequent Costivoness.
No remedy acts so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick
Hcadoche , Sour Stomach
ach , and Biliousness as PILLS.
those .
For Sale by all DruRplsts. 1'rlco 25 ct. . per
boxt 3 boxes ( orOieti. ; orsont by mull , nost-
nsto froo. on receipt of price. lr. J , II.
SchcncK & Son , I'hlhidolphlu.
includes the great temperance drink
Lit gives New Life to the Old Folks ,
Pleasure to the Parents ,
Health to the Children.
, Good for Jill Good AU the Timo.
packacemakes Flv
r Bt
Dislodge Bile ,
Stir up the Liver ,
Cure Sick-Headache ,
Female Ailments ,
. Eemove Disease and
Promote Good Health.
Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating ,
Famous the \vor1d over.
, Aalc for Ueecham'a and take no others.
Trice 25 cents a box.
ME , "
KKKUI.TB In BO JAVS. Curei . ,
. , ierron. Dlieafe. , Failln Memory ,
I'ureiU. sleonletintw , Weakiif r > . + *
. itc. . nrtfUlckly | Uutiurely n-'to'e * I.ixt Vitality Ik
jldoryounir. AHMearriM In vest pocket. 1'rlctt '
1.00 a package. Hli for * I4.l ( < > wrltli a wrlllon cuur *
antrntorurii or money rrfurii'il. Don't Int niluii
lirlnolplMdraKirlst mtll you any kind vf Imitation. In *
, ilit on ImrliiK INltAI'O non other. If ha lial ncJ
. vra will etudlt bjr nmll upon receipt of pried
ftmphtotln voalnil env lol'A flee. Aaare * * Orlento ?
Hidlrol Co. , CO 1'ljiiio.iin I'lui-f , Chlcugi. , Ill ,
BOLD by Kulm & Co. , Cur , isth and Douglas fitj. ,
and J. A , Fuller & Co. , Cor , I4tli and Dec '
, Sis. , OMAHA , NED. ; br 1'aul G. Schneider , * } ! !
, Broadway and C I'earl St. , COUNCIL. BLUFFS.
IOWA..and other Leading DrucsUts.
' ' , PALE FOLKS ;
3t Miile your blood rich und pure , tone you
whole Hystoin , otiroevory uorvou trouble with
Nerve Boons , a DOW vegetable dUuovery of
inurvuloub power. They renuw youth , reatoro
vigor , Kive u'low nf houlUi. ilonblu eapuulty for
work or pleasnro.Vaiulorful for overwork
and worry. Sold by Uruuslns. 81 a box. two
wuek1 Hupplv. or hy mull , NliUVK UKAN CO. ,
liullulo. N. V.
\Vo will xnil you tin roaritlout H
rriucli l'r rr llon CALTHOBp.
frM , ncl a legal KUiruUr Iliil
tAI ) < TIIUd "IH Uvtloro your
Dlcnllli , itr uIU uuJ Vigor.
Address VON MOHL CO. ,
Hol iB ri M i | H CliiboU. Okie ,
And just before stocktaking we make special
inducements on Suits and Trousers. We
have a number of lengths just enough for
a pair of trousers , and some lengths just
enough for a suit which we do not want to
invoice. We prefer to cut the price on these
rather than carry them over.
The assortment is complete ,
( in remnants ) to order , pO.OO
Worth $8.OO
oUlltS ( m remnants ) to order ,
Worth $3B.OO
Special reductions on all goods.
207 S. 15th ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent soeclallit In norvous. chronlo , prlrnto. blood , iMn anil nrinnrr dlseam. A roirultr n
registered graduate In modlclna. in diplomat and oortldo&tos will thair , Ii still treating with the eretUH
ucceis. c&tarrb. lost munhooa , lomlnalwoiknaM , nlzht lonei and nil forrai of prtrau dlienoa. Me
mercury mod. New tronliuont for Ion of vital power. Iartl unntilo tovlilt mo mar ba trotted ml bom *
bj corroipondenoo. Madlclno or Instniineati aont br mall oroiprnM luouralr packed ) no murKi lo Indl-
catocoatunts or sender. One uoraaual InterTlovr prtfarrod. Comulutlon free. Corraipoudeno ittietlr
private. Book ( MritorlM ol Life ) lent freo. O01c houn , 9 a-in. to II p.m. Sunday * . 10 o. m , to 13 m.
Hind ; itamp ( or circular ,
Unsurprt'scil course .ot . " Younu l.ailic * Momtfchaul
, _ wji-ws-- . Music , ort. lltera- i or the oldestMat in Mil.
ji rt. AppomtmrnlHmodorik '
D' $ $ $ 13 Locution . pica , f < Music and An , TYacncri
J.W.lfe.'SHjjSgonu Cos.vraicr , steam heal iSpcclalitu. Iliuitrou-dcata-
-5j8henr optniScpt. nth ( Oglln Bt .T. P. Vrnlcoa . ,
' .
Ber.W.A.WiUoal , K.Tml i. * * , . I'rf.l , „ , „ „ * ! * . " M ! 1 i ,
Lcilogton. lo. Sli iff- ; L li lo. , Mo.
partmontaollnttruclton. II Oidnt mlliury ichoolln
offlc rs and teacbora. tCon- MUiourl. llcallhlul lt . j
| 8 rr tori ot muslo.An tlotv Hcaaonatilo wrma. II * ,
OymDaslum.- * Modern -
ap- lualralcJ culnlocui
pololmenta. X > 1jear. \ . Illua .
MA.I. a I
A. A. .KINK * . Pr . 'l. Dm 981
MUSIC lleit Initniotlon In all dirart-
I mm inenta of Musical Study . Finn
V.I mf W Art" . Klocutlon , LtuigMouni ,
Eto. , Add.E. V. DULLAHD , A.M.Supt. JackBonTlllo.ltL
tyr HTtD JULYZI'flM6
Bro Co.
T7. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob.
SURPLUS , - * 65,000
Onicors and Dlrootorn Henry W. Vnlcn , prosl'
dent , It. 0 , CilHlilnir. vlco prt'timcnl , O. H. Maurice ,
W. V. Murno. Joint H. Uolllim , J , M. 11 , 1'atrlok
Luwia S , Kocxl , canhlur.
Ii the only
Women Eicluded.
IB year * ei | > erlonoe.
Circulars free.
14th nnd Faruara BU. ,
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
Cor. l-'tlt und HovrurJ HtrooU. i
40 room * -M per day ,
room . ,
LO rooms with hull ) utilnordar.
yjroomn with bath nttl.5 ] porduy.
Sloilurn lu jvory Uoapunt.
.Nmvly I'nriiltUtxl Throughout
C. S. ERB. Proa.
_ _
iTr\Tt7i CorCottuiri ) ( Irovci Avo. und n 1th
HOTEL S t. . ChlwiKO. KliHtulaut. Kurt )
puuu. SuiKTlur Dhitnir Hooiu.
' "lnuu-s from .World'u Pair.
UKHUTato. StMid rorclreu-
W. N. I'iiXUZK. : Supt.
forWeatorn World's i'Jtr VluHur * .
New York Hospital
For oil
Chronic , Nervom ,
Private and
Special Diseases ,
Etnoturo and all otber trouble * trotted
at ronsonablo charges. CONSULTATION
Oalioaor uddrosg
Oppoilta II tydoa Bras.
rrealdrnt nt
( Oninulintlnn frer. )
la uniurnaned In tno trualmanl
of all
Ohronio , Prlvftto aul
norvina ul > oaioi >
Wrltu tu or ooniuU ptr ) ouatlf
with itarap for par *
tlculnrs. wlilcli will be nont In
plain unvolopu , , u. Hoc ui. omco , us u. uth
otroot , Omaha ,
W. n. I'AItKICH. M.I ) . . No.
Horror , iljus. , ehltf roniiillltiy p ilctan of < A
; i awarded the ani.u ; ir Ai. by the
'itiH < ! JJttcr jt > ' < rroiiiuut < il'til/tlial
a > \ all Jllto . * t nnil IfVnJtiirit of tlan ,
niinPP lna V ° " " 7i the nIJttlt-uglit and old
lillnrX ' - , by IcHi-r ,
I'onru Italian -a pcnon or
UUIILO ) .ro.c-clu vlth itostlmoplatt , KUUKi
( .arsa book. SClKNCK OF 1,1 VK , OU
I'llKSKIlVATroX , 200 pii. . 125 Invaluable prt
i-rljiUoniu lull n.-t. onlv IIJ 'or mall , aualod
Teeth extracted lu morning.
New on niiiHurtiHl afternoon
B.IIIKI day. 1'orfwl lit Vuur-
l 1'iir/iniii Htroot *
LlOYUtor on 10th Street. Tuluuhoiiu 108S. \