f THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'iffitlTRSDAY , JULY 0 , 1893 , 8 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL Ot'l-'ICKi XO. 1'J PEAKU STREbT furrier to nny ptrt of the cltj 11. W. TII/IGN. - MANAGER , IHuilnriiOfllce . No. 43 " " { NKhl | Editor. . . ! , ! . No. 23 i/K.\Tiy.v. K. Y. Plumbing Co BoMou Store for sun umbrellas JudRou , pnaturage/JiO Sixth avenue. MtUoulicrper Ift the hattur , KB Hroadwny Tlio Mayne Ucal Kjtatc Co. , 021 Uroadwny. l.nAles ixujclllary No. 17 of the Union Vet- or/in Loglon will trlvo n social tomorrow evening nt the rctldcnce of L. Sherwood , 120 IList Broadway. Hufui Wnldron died nt 3)K ) ! > o'clock ycstcr- dny afternoon at his residence , four miles ciiit ot the city on the ICcg Creek road , after MI Illness of one week. The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Kngltsh Lutheran church will meet this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. S. Sab- bard , IfeO" Fifth nvenuo. Dick Webster was given n trial yesterday on the charge of tapping n saloon till to the amount of about ( I , nnd was given llvo days m tlie county Jail by Justice Fields. M. Marcus' atoro was visited by three shoplifters yesterdav , who attempted to run oft with some clothing. They wcro caught in the attempt nnd compelled to disgorge. The dUtrlct deputy grand regent of Fldol Ity council No. 1.10 , Hoyal Arcanum , Grand Secroliiry H. A. Snyder of Waterloo , Will bo at the council meeting tomorrow evening. AH members are requested to ho present. W. M. Shepard of Madison park lost n valuable Jersey cow ort the morning of the Fourth. She line been tethered In the back ynrd , but beeatno entangled in the rope nnd falling , broke her neck. Her owner valued her ut S100. Olive T. Thompson hns commenced nn ac tion for n divorce from John Thompson. They were man-ted In Januarv , Ib'.ll , bv ex- Justice Hammer , but the husband skipped out the next Juno and has not been seen nor hoard from since. During the short time they livrd together tbo plnlnttlf claims her husband gave her several sovcro whippings. An information was filed before Justice Fox ycstcaday by John Hamilton charging C. A. Curl with disposing of mortgaged property. It is alleged that on the 10th day of last January ho disposed of two horses , u sot of double harness , n spring wagon , two hops nnd n sowing machine , all of which were covered by n mortgage hold by Hamil ton for the sum of J10.75. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics gave aipiculc at Wilt-ox park cast , * V of the city last Tuesday. Over a hundred members of the order and Iho friends made up the party , nnd they were conveyed to the grounds in the good old fashioned way , by means of liny racks. Among the amusements wcro n shooting contest nnd n game of base ball between the married men and the single men , in which the latter were victorious. Oscar Hull took n change of venue to Jus/ tlco Vlen yesterday and was given a hearing on the charge of assault with intent to com mit murder , preferred against him by old man Harrison. After the hearing the court dismissed the cnso and directed that a now information bo drawn charging the defend ant with assault nnd battery. On this charge ho wns found guilty und sent to the county Jail for thirty days. The two other charges ngalnst him are still pending , and ho will bo tried again ns soon as the term ho is now serving has expired. The other men who wcro arrested at the same time with Hull , charged with being his accomplices in the assault , have nil been discharged. John Vicklcr , N. C. Oleson and John Christiansen formed a trio last evening that hud been organized lor the purpose ol confiscating all the liquor in sight. Tho.\ succeeded In n largo measure , but beforu they had made a complete success of It then spirits arose and they found it necessary to have some sport. The Salvation army hap pened to bo havlnc n drill nt the corner of Bryunt street and Broadway , and the three fellows amused themselves by standing off nnd pelting the members with oranges They wcro run in on the charge of drunken ness and dlsturuing the peace. It was after wards learned that Vickler had run across i bicycle rider and had tilted him into the street , hurling him considerably. After Thursday Miss Hagsdalo's millinery linory store wilLbo found at No. Pear street. Slop nt the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , 110 lest 82.00 house in Iowa. . I'AltAOKAVllS. George Schindcle is homo from Chicago. Miss Belle Harkncss rotuincd yesterdtiy from n trip to the World's fair. J. H. Mather of ! K ) North Eighth strjct has gone to Chicago for two weeks. Mr. und Mrs. John Heimor nnd daughter Alma , of Grand Island , Neb , , are gucstqfof J , Q , Anderson and family. Mrs. F. J. Schnorr Is visiting relatives In Crystal LukOj 111. She will spend the re mainder of the summer thcro und at the World's fair. Miss Flora Shlloy , who has been visiting Miss Delia Fenncr , left yesterday for her homo In Missouri Vulley , Miss Fenner ac companied her for n visit. Mrs. E. J. Shubert loft last evening for Galvcston , Tex. , to mnko an extended visit , together with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ynncoy. She will bo gone for several months. Mr. Ed and Miss Lena Morchouso of Mis souri Valley. la , , and Miss Nellie Anders of Crcighton , Nob. , are visiting with Charles Morchouso of Owatonnn , Minn. , ut the resi dence of Hugh W. Goss , UJS Third street. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith , Mrs. H. W. Hnzolton , Mrs. C. E. H. Campbell , W. W. Hnntborn , D. W. BuHhncll , Miss Stimson nnd Miss Xurmuohlcn are among the recent Council Bluffs departures for the World's fair. fair.Miss Miss Dora Wright of Lincoln , daughter of "Doo" Wright , a'well known former Bluffito , Is in the city , n guest of tbo family of W. H. Kemp on South Seventh street. She has lust completed a course ut the convent In Lincoln , Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest and best bloyclo stock in city. _ _ _ _ _ * Mtmnett Kind ol n Thief , Mrs. C. Watts , who lives at the corner ol Seventeenth street and Avenue Ahad her confidence m the genus trump severely shaken last evening , A seedy looking in dividual culled nt her house nnd wanted tr show her some articles that ho had for sale She allowed him to do so , nnd so great was his persuasive ability that It wns not loii | < until she had ngtccd to inako some pur chases , Mr. Tramp then stated the principal object of his visit , which wns tc get u taste of some of that plo that tin larder contained. Mm. Watts went to the other room to get the wherewithal to sutlsf j her visitor's uppetlto , Heturnlng n few niln utca later , she found the vimtor mUslng. up petite und nil , und ho hnd taken udvuntngc of her absence to make away with liei pockelbook. which contained $ T In cash nndi pair of gold stlcovo buttons valued nt aboul t3. The iKjllco were notified of the then nnd furnished with a complete description but which , it is hoped , the thief may hi caught. Domestic soap is tlio best. Cook yet meals this summer on range. At cost at the Gas company. Not n I'liinnrlul burccm. The field day held by the Young Mon'i Christian association on the Fourth wns i success in every way except financially , Tin committee only secured enough money to pa ; the expenses , BO that the settlement will Secretary Koao Is atllla thing of the future A number of the young men who took par In the contests are making urrangemeiiti for n genuine college field meet at Manuwi on or about August 1. The audience at tin drlvinirimrK was nn enthusiastic ono , am the publlo will doubtless bo glud of an op portuuttyof witnessing another utcrtaiu incut of the same kind. Use Domestic soup. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' Mee Little Scheme Attempted to Bo Worked bj the Poll Tax Collector , GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR BIG PROFIT Mr. Mlhrlell't Plan that Would Undoubtedly Itmult In Iti'iielH to Ulmtcir Som - thlne flint the Cltf Council Should Bit Down Upon Itnrd. The poll tax collector has Just put into operation i\ plan which , wlnlo very fair to ook Upon at first , will not bear the light of a very clear day. He calls upon the citizens who nro liable for tbo tax , nnd after serving .hem with the usual notice asks them to re- .urn the notice to him for a time. "Tho way the poll tax business Is run now , " says he , ' 'the ' money Is not spent fixing up the streets or cutting dctfn the weeds , or anything of that kind , but Is put Into the city treasury mil used for paving or sewers or nny other purpose that comes handy. If you will glvo mo the notice I will see that a man works out your tax on the streets , and then you can pay him $ U when ho presents you t.ho notice. " This plan. If followed out , would virtually | iut the poll tax collector-In charpo of the work done on the streets , Instead of the stroct commissioner , whoso duty It is plainly made by law. Of course no charge can bo made against the present incumbent , but his little schema is ono which might bo used to great personal profit by a man who was not strictly above a little sharp practice. No record of the amount of work done on the streets would be kept by any ono save the collector , and no report need bo made to the city council , except of the number of notices served. The SU could be slipped down Into the Jeans 'of the col lector and any man whom ho might cheese as his pal. The men who work out poll tax' on the streets do llttlo enough now , as every ono knows , but if Mr. Mikesoll's plans were allowed to bo followed out , the time would undoubtedly come when the bulk of the receipts of the poll tax col lector's oflleo would llnd its way Into the pockets of the collector and the city treasury would bo made the victim of an out-and-out steal. The subject is ono to which some attention might bo given by the city council. The Present collector has shown himself rather independent on one or two occasions before , violating the clearest provisions of the law by taking more pay than he is allowed , and It Is likely that nothing but a good , hard case of being sat down upon , similar to that which the council practiced upon him a few weeks ago. will bring him to terms in the present instance. MlUKtWII. Picnic trains , until further notice , will leave for that yreat fishing resort , Kay's Landing and Maimwu , park , Min eral Springs , Gorman shooting1 grounds , Manhattan beach and Mauawa opera house ( whore two performances will bo given during the season daily at 4 und BtO : ! o'clock p. in. ) as follows : Nine and II u. m. and 1 and - p. in. , and every thirty minutes thereafter until lliiltO at night. Last train will leave Munawa for Council Blul7s at 11:53 : p. m. Mctzgrr und Kiindlett'a Ices. If you want something fine , leave an order for Mctzgcr & Randlett's delicious ices. Delivered in all parts of the city. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. rmii > , iiur MISSUU. J. A. S til ( lord Hits ii Narrow Kscapo from Two Murderous Negrito * . Conductor J. A. Stafford of the Chicago , Itock Island & Pacific railway , had a narrow escape from death yesterday morning at tno hands of a couple of negroes who boarJcd his train at 2 o'clock for the purpose of stealing a rldo. Ho discovered them about the time the train reached. the school for the deaf , and immediately called upon the porter of the train to help him put them off. After ho had succeeded In getting rid of them ono of the negroes turned suddenly and llred a re volver in the direction of the conductor. The ball missed its aim , but struck the car and sent a splinter Hying off , which struck Mr. Stafford in the face and reminded him that something worse might have happened. The police wcro notified of the occurretiv'o , but wcro unable to secure any trace of the two miscreants. Thcro is nothing in this country like the fruit kept in Wheeler , Hereld & Co.'s cold storage. No matter what the weather is it reaches the customer in perfect condition. Another car load ol lemons was put in Saturday. Tha Cjritiiu Hotel , Council Blulls. The most elegant in [ owu. Dining room on seventh lloor. Rate , 83.00 and 85.00 a day. E. P. Clark , Prop. JlcsulIH of the Fourth. Robert Golden , an 11-year-old boy who lives with his mother near the corner ol Third avenue and Ninth street , was the vic tim of a bad accident Tuesday night. Some of the neighbor * had been shooting off big dynamite firecrackers , and ho and his brother , a llttlo older , had been watching the sport. Ono of the crackers had burned as faras the end of the fuse and then appar ently went out. Hobert went to pick it up ot the requestor the man who had throwi. It , and who supposed the llro was out. Jint as ho picked it up the cracker exploded. Ilia right thumb was almost torn from his hand , but was loft hanging by a shred of skin , The end of his second finger was also blown off , so that It had to bo amputated nt the first Joint. The thumb , it is thought , will bo saved by the aid of several stitches. Sherman Casey , a young man residing at 21'J ' Thirteenth avenue , was firing off a small cannon on the glorious Fourth. Repented explosions had heated the metal in the gut ' to a high temperature and while Casey was loading It thcro was a premature explosion. . His face was literally filled with the burn. Inn powder , his Hkin being discolored so m to render him almost unrecognizable. Hi will bo permanently disfigured. lioouo Hnrdman , u young man living on Avenue C. between Tenth and Elovcntl , : streets nnd a llttlo girl named Ida Currant t were engaged in firing off an old muzzle-loud Ing shotgun , and the quick succession It ' which the volleys were a ischarged wnrmct up the old weapon to a great pitch of en thuslusm , in u paioxysm of which it won' ' off too soon , in fact , before the load had beci rammed into place. The explosion fillc ( "Hardman's fuco with burning powder and hi Is now suffering severely from the c ( Tec I a The llttlo girl stood by with a ilask of pow dca In hur hand , and this , too , went off r lacerating her fnco badly. It is stated tha they will both bo all light as soon as tin scars have had u chance to heal over. Grconshiolds , Nicholson fc Co. , rca cstatound rontaltiOOBroadway. ) ( Tel. 151 Manhattan Beach restaurant nm open. Fish suppers a specialty. Break fust B'jrvod for llHhing parties. Frci Itupp , proprietor. Another improvement to the papula' Schubert piano. Swunson Muslo CoNe No Mutflii nt Hie Park. For some time past the question of huvln music ut Falrmount park on Sunday aftei noons during the summer has been uncle consideration. Dalboy'n band wants $ -10 day for Us services and the motor coin pun would not pay that amount. A proposltio was made by the company to the park ron mlssionura to go Into partnership , each po : ing half , but to this the commissioners woul not agree , reasoning that as it was th motor company that made all tlio mono through Increased patronage , it ought to b the motor company that put up th stuff. The commissioners gave their fin : il answer yesterday , being unanimous in thel opinion that such nn expenditure of th public funds was uncalled for , It is like ) ; too , that they do not care to run the risk i damage suits which might bo brougli agaluat tutvr boudstuen by certain citizen of chronic kicker cndMicles. Superin tendent Stone of the motor line says that the refusal of the commissioners to put up half the money settles the question of muslo nt Falrmount park this summer , as the com pany will not foot the bills nlono. SHOT AT Tilt ; UAIUUKS. Arrest of n Young Mnn fur TryliiR to I'ro- tret Illiixrlf. A young man named Schlfcrll , who works nights for the Hock Island company , had a misunderstanding with three colored men Tuesday ovcnln ? that came near resulting disastrously for one of them. The trouble started nt the corner of Broadway and Ninth street , where nil four of them wcro waiting for a southbound Manawa motor. Nothing very serious took place thcro , but when they alighted from the train nt Manawa the battle was renewed. Who was to blntno could not bo ascertained , but t nil events Schlfcrll , evi dently having the worst ot It , pulled n re- solver from hla pocket and shot It off In the direction of ono of the colored men. For tunately It did no damage , nnd Mayor Kccd , who happened to bo present , valorously took the gun away from Schlfcrll before ho had any further chance to practice. Sehlfcrll was then put Into the Manawa Jail , but dlir- Ing the evening ho managed to burst the masslvo bolts and bars and make his way out to liberty once more. Tniiiplctoli OolT. The residence of H. U. Jonns at the coiner of Sixth street nnd Washington avenue was the scene of a pleasant social ovcnt last evenIng - Ing , the marriage of John L. Templcton and Miss Carne Goff. n uleco of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. About twenty-five neigh bors and Intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony , which was performed by Hov. J. E. Simpson of Urnro Episcopal church. Mr. Jolin HuntIngton - Ington acted as best man and Miss Josie Clausen as bridesmaid. The bridal parti- stood under a beautiful floral canopy , while the vows was being administered. The evening's enjoyment closed by the serving of delicious refreshments. A.r. Templcton occupies the responsible position of city marshal , and It Is to bo doubted If thcro 'is a young man in the city with moro friends. His brldo has been a teacncr In the Wash ington avenue school for some time past and has the esteem of nil who know her. They will begin housekeeping in a few days m a cosy dwelling , which the groom has had erected near the corner of Sixth and Mill streets. _ Manhattan Beach restaurant now open. Fish suppers a specialty. Break fast served for lisliing parties. Fred Hupp , proprietor. Only tin All Around Myth. Louis Grell made the . acquaintance of a traveling man named T. J. Whitney about a month ago , nnd ho has the very best of reasons to bellovo that ho was the victim of small swindling operation which Whitney s now practicing in other and fully as green fields. Ho represented himself as agent for the firm of Noiihnus & Co. , 115 Lake street , Chicago , merchant tailors and custom shirt makers. Ho ordered about $7 worth of goods aud made n cash payment of $1.7i > , or " . " > per cent of the whole amount , Whitney giving him a rcceiut for the amount on a printed slip bearing the firm name and stat ins that a5 per cent payment would be re quired with all orders. This was June 0 , and neither Whitney nor the goods have been heard from since. A day or two ago Mr. Grell began to wonder if ho had been swindled , and upon writing to Chicago ho ascertained that thcro never had been any such firm as Neuhaus & Co. ut the address given. _ ' ' ixniK WHITE vi rr. Dedication of the Veiier.uolu anil Costa Itlni IlillldlllKKi'nir JSntfH. CHICAGO , July 5. Two American republics dedicated their buildings at the World's fair today Venezuela and Costa Rica , Tlio foreign buildings are all now practically finished and a few days will find , tho- fair complete in its entirety. The finances of the exhibition , too , are fast assuming amore moro satisfactory condition and tbo city of Chicago is becoming truly , grateful for the largo number of visitors from abroad. An evening paper estimates that "in the period embraced within tbo last twelve days of the fair , a sum ranging from $120,000,000 to § 150- , 000.000 will be brought into Chicago by vis itors and left here. " Certain , jt Is that every day shows a gradual increase In the nuintjer of attendance. Today opened fair and cool , with a bracin breeze , and the crowds began to flock through the gates. The government build ings of Costa Rica und Venezuela wcro dedicated today with exercises of un in formal character. Elaborate preparations are being made to receive the Columbus caravels , which are expected to arrive about the 7th , having en tered Luke Michigan. The man-of-war Michigan , accompanied by a Hoot of vessels , including the coast survey steamer Bhiko nnd the revenue cutter Andrew Johnson , will go up the lake to moot them. When they nrrivo at the grounds there will to a parade of United States troops , sailors and marines , with detachments of French , Italian , Rus slan and Spanish sailors , ana a muster of queer people from Midway plaisance. It is also intended to include soldiers from all the countries of the earth as far as possible ] The address of welcome will be delivered by Hon. John Sherman. A number of other senators and prominent men , including Alli son of Iowa and ox-Speaker Reed , have been asked to participate in the exercises. The World's fair national commission met at noon and. for the first time since its or ganization , immediately went into secret session. Commissioner Tousloy , in making the motion , said there were many things to bo talked over which should not bo blazoned to the world. Matthew J. Swatok , ono of the stock holders in the captive balloon company , filed a bill in the circuit court today ask ing that .1 receiver for the company bo ap pointed. Judge Collins appointed C. R. Matson - son to take charge of the CDuny's affairs , The complainant claims to ,1 twenty-live shares of the stock , valued a. $00 each. The capital stock of the company is § 50,000. divided into 1.000 shares , which , it it claimed , is uclng dissipated by mismanage , mcnt. WILD CMlEKIl OF A QHW V.llf- Hrondwiiy , Now York , the Scene ot an K- citing Accident No One Jujiirod , Nisw YOHK , July 5. Thlsaftcrnoon a cabh ear became unmanageable on Broadway neni the City hall park aud started on n rampag ( } toward the Battery. The gripman was un nblo to release the grip , nnd under the cir cuinstanccs the bra It o beam became useless In front of tbo postolllco the runaway ca crashed into the rear platform of u horse ca : ahead , The driver of the horse car rcinei his horses to ono side Just in time to savi , them from being run down. Both horse t were thrown to the street and the trace ; 0 torn away , With the partly demolished horseca ahead , the still unmanageable cable cur con tinned on its mad rush. The gripman struggled glod and strove with all his might to reloasi the grip , falling in which ho shouted warn ings to overybydy In sight. Ills bell rang a a double rate. The passengers In both can became alarmed nnd nmdo a rush for th < doors , but the conductor obstructed the ! way and prevented anybody from leaving Near St. Paul's churchyard on Droadwa thcro was u bloouiuto of horses and wagons and u number of trucks were standing 01 the truck. The runaway cars dashed Int the first one. The wheels -or tin vehicle wcro torn off and tin horses thrown down. wlnlo th driver was hurled against the wall of th churchyard. Ho escaped with slight lu Juries. Still the cars rushed on , ploughlni , through trucks nnd knocking down horses The drivers usually had warning nni escaped , but owing to the blockade the , were unable to save their horses and wagons 10 When the cars had cut a passage througl the blockade seven horses were strutchci ujion the ground and about live wagon were rendered fit for the repair shops When it was seen that nothing could stoj the runaway car , somebody rushed to th nearest telephone and notified the Housto street power houso. The cublo wua stoppc Immediately und the cars came to a Htund still below Trinity church. Trade on Broad way was suspended for a while. HORRIBLE DOE MURDER Two Sisters FrightfyHj , Mutilated Near Their Home an Kentucky , THEIR THROATS CULFROM EAR TO EAR v tti t Two Ilunilrcil Men ScrirchliiR for the Fleml with tlio DotrrmtifRtlnn to Muko Short Work otiUlmVhou Discovered. CAtno , III. , July 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn.J Two slaters wcro found by their mother this morntn ? murdered. A train" Is supposed to Imvo killed them. The elder girl , only 18 years old , had been mutilntod uftcr the manner of the White Chapel murders. The other a more child , only 7 years old , had evidently been killed after she witnessed the death of her sister. In each case the girls' necks wcro cut from carte to car. The crlmo occurred near the homo of John Kay , between Fort JolTorson and Hardwoll , Ky. , nine miles from Cairo , this afternoon. Kay is a , county o nicer nud ono oC the most esteemed men In this part of Kentucky. His two daughters are noted In the county for their goodness und beauty. They loft their homo about 7:30 : this morning to pick blackberries In a patch loss than UOO yards from the house. Their mother saw them less than half an hour later and they wcro then separated by some distance , each ono Intent on lllllng her pall with berries. About 0 "o'clock the mother heard the younger daughter scream as If she wcro in mortal agony or fear. She rushed toward the place where she had seen her lust. In order to reach It she had to mss the spot where the older ono had bccu standing' . florrllio ! Discovery oT the Uuriicr. Without warning she came on her dead body lying on the ground. Her throat had been cut from car to ear. The mother screamed frantically for aid and throw her self upon the body or her ( laughter. J. F. Dupoyster , foreman of a gang of mil- road laborers , was at work with Ills men iicar the Mayliold bridge. They hoard the child scream and started to ascertain the cause. Then the mother's outcry followed and guided them to the spot where she und the dead body of her oldest daughter lay. Search was at oneo made for the other girl. She was also dead when found. Her body was partially concealed by the black berry bushes only a few yards away. Her throat I.ad boon cut as her sister's had been. The elder girl's body had been horribly mutilated after the manner of tlie Whlto Chapel murders In London. It Is supposed that the little ono came upon the. scene at that instant , had seen the full tragedy and uttered the scream the mother had heard and that the murderer , in order to prevent the child from proving a witness against him , hud caught and killed her , too , and tossedhcr body into the bushes. Within ten minutes' titter the discovery of the crime fully 200 in'cif Were on the ground. The murderer had bperi so daring in his work that he was reckless of the fact that so many wore close afl Hand. Near the body of the elder girl was found a man's blue ( lanncl coat. The wnolo community is aroused , farms , threshing machines and oven villages are deserted and all the people are engaged in the 'search. A number of suspects' wore arrested1 and though they gave fair accounts of themselves are still held. ' F.IT.IL COLLISION UF MOTUllS. Una Mnn Killed und Eight Others Injured ut llrookjyn l.-nt Nljht. New YOUK , JulyS. Tw-o trolley cars of the Brooklyn City Railroad company crashed together , at Sixty-fifthi. strcetj and Third avenue at a late hour -last night. Nine per sons wore Injured and ono died an hour later. The killed ami injured are : PATRICK M'HUail , killed. The injured : U. W. ( iKTTlXniTAM. JOHN ( JiLCiuiisT , conductor. AI.KXASIIKU MILKS AND wm : . KICIIAHD I'IIKI.IN. ( iioitnrj : STAT/ . H HUMAN TONK. TIMOTHY WALSH , motorman : -lx Killed In a Hiiiinwnjr. . OncaoN CITV , July B. A team driven by M. B. Bradley , ran away and upset the wagon , throwing Bradley , his wife and four children over a forty-foot prcclptco , killing Mrs. Bradley , fatally injuring two children and bruising the others. FAIKMOUNT , Va. , July 5. Will Sturm , a well known oil operator , was fatally in jured and his wife and baby killed by being thrown from a can-lime by a runaway horse. J'iro Killed by I.rliiiilnsr. GAOETOWN , Mich,4July 5. A farm house four miles northeastof this place was struck by lightning and burned early this morning. A man named Babcoek , his wife and child , a man named Frost of Fostorla. and a child of Roberts , a tenant , were burned to death. Kobcrts1 daughter was fatally hurt. Five others In the house escaped. 11otn Sh it to Kill. TAiirox Si'iUNGS , Fla. , July 5. While tryIng - Ing to make an arrest last night City Mar shal Whltehurst was shot and killed by Bird Stevenson at Sapling Woods. White- hurst returned the fire , fatally wounding Stevenson , I'urs Loit In ii Fire , Nnw YOIIK , July 5. Fire in the fur store of Henry Soldo caused a loss of SJ50,003. , Much of the damage fell on Soido's cus tomers , whoso furs ho was carrying for the summer. Thrcn Killed In n I'lcnlo Tight. LOUISVILLE , July 5. John Marzo , James Francis and Dempoll Smith wore killed In n fight at a picnic yesterday. It is thought Joel Mitchell fired the fatal shots. No ar rests. Four Drowned in Luke. Tnhne. CAHSOX , Nov. , July 5. Alexander Frascr , Patrick Daly , James Morris and J. S , Carl' son wcro drowned in Lake Tahoe by the up setting of a boat. JSII/.VJJ.IV VIMKIXH. 1'rostdcnt I'nliuttr of the World' * Fair ni ICiirnont Ailvooiitn of It. 0 CHICAGO , July 5. President Palmer of tin World's fair stlrrod jp ! tin national com mission this aftcrno n n "Sunday opening.1 Ho urged the adoption of the Hundley. Tawsley resolution , which has for Its pur pose the closing of the gates on Sunday. In his speech President Palmer said tha the members of the commission had pu themselves in an attitude of antagonist ! toward congress ; t\\\\ \ } \ } they were In i fulso position. Ho4'yijs ; B'c't ' ' and lira of the potty ; .qvpsion that pretends tends that the opeiiig , ) ( of the gates 01 Sunday was in ai-cordanco with law , Tin repeal of the Sunday-closlng act had ncvci been in ttio courts , . , for the final dcclsloi hinged upon the matter of Jurisdiction , am not upon a repeal of thq rule. The openlui of tno gates \yhs ° in violation o faith , was \vitlicMt sanction of lav und had Injured j'tho good name o the commission. Iftfbo motion to anop the resolution is.lost now , I glvn notice tha Ihall , movou reconsideration und keep It ui us long as iho commission sustains mo , Thi original closing rule stands and will stain unless a majority of the commission sees ft to repeal It. Several other members made speeches am then Commissioner Martlndalo asked fo postponement until tbo written opinion o Justice Fuller , which , it was claimed b ; Commissioner St. Clalr , would eottlo point under contention , could bo had and laid be fore the commission for guidance. President Palmer assented to this and th commission adjourned. Committed Suicide. ST , Joscru , Mo. , July 5. Victor Langfcldl a German of noble birth , committed suicide taking morphine last night. Cause , despoil dency. the result of ill health aud Uuaucia i dimcultics. Htuto Homo for Hojri anil Ulrli. At a meeting of the Young Men' Christian association last evening It wa decided to transform Hescuo hall Into a S-ato Homb for Oepemlent Boys and Girls. Sovcral Improvements will bo made and facilities cmarecd. .v/irs * ' ruts Color ula. A Mexican sheep owner at Grand Junction shows the pelt of i lamb born on the Grand mesa n few days ago. It has two bodies , with but ono head. f Although nearly all of the producers will close , many of the men who are thrown out at Crccdo will still have a chanca to raako a living In gold mining. McUvoy , Shay & Frasson of Aspen , Colo. , have bought the Aspen mine In this ( the Kuby ) district , for fcl' OOO. They will this season do development work to the amount of $10,000. The Union Coal company has struck a five- foot vein of the same quality as the Canon coal In its now shaft at Wllllamsburg , at a ( leoth of WO feet. Preparations arc being made to mlno WO tons a day next winter. Ono of tlio samplers nt Idaho Springs Is still purchasing ore , and , as a great number of the properties In this vicinity are gold producers , many of the leasers leaving work in the silver mines will go to work at gold mining. The Pharmacist laid off twenty-five miners this week , because the smelters re fuse to handle the ore. Three cm-loads of Pharmacist ore now in Denver are still un sold , as most , of tlio ere from this district needs silver and load ores as n llux in smelling. The recent purchascrsof the Independence , Washington and other claims , who paid $155,000 for the different properties , have let a contract for the mining ofJ.003 tons of ere from the Independence at $1'JS per ton. All of the veins will average about $12 per tin under stamps. A miner from Planco , Tex. , was killed by a she bear .it the head of Ute creek. Ho had been prospecting and met the bear , which had long been a terror to cattlemen In the vicinity , followed by two cubs. Ho shot und wounded all three , when the mother gave liursult. Ho climbed a tree but was caught and terribly torn about the head and body. Ho escaped but died at Klngman's ranch. The German mine pool , now operating at the head of Virginia canon , about four miles south of Central City , which has been steadily developing its property for sonio months past , has made a valuable strlko in the 180-foot west level , where the mill dirt recently opened out to three feet wide. Tlio present rich streak Is seven inches and shows bunches of free gold In spots through It and Is no doubt tlio best ere yet found hero. Thu Piilcotuq. Granite has been struck In boring the Webster , S. D. , artesian well , and it is prob able the well will bo abandoned. Pierre , S. D. , boasts of a female lawyer ana an Indian lawyer , both admitted to practice before tlio supreme court of the state. By the caving in of the Placer trench near the Homcstako mlno at Whltmore , Charles Buneman and live others were buried alive. Three have been rescued. About " 00 delegates and visitors'are In at tendance on the Grand Army of the Republic - public and Woman's Kelief corps encamp ment at Uovil's Lake , N. D. William Phelps had his left ear bitten oft by a stallion. The latter bit at another horse , which Just got out of the way , and the groom received the attack and lost his car. car.Tho The Daily Capital is authority for the statement that the Pierre artesian water will cure inflammatory rheumatism and dys pepsia. A number of cases have been cured already. Agent LillibrlJgo of the Cheyenne agency , is authority for the statement that there are now upon the Cheyenne reservation , seven teen missionaries , all Indians but two ; ten churches and four moro being built. Joe Bear came down last evening from Hill City and stated to several that a rich strike in gold ore had Just l-ocn made in a claim in which ho is interested on Tepee gulch , and that a rich body of gold ere had been uncovered. ' ' A largo number of now churches and school houses are being built upon the In dian reservations in South Dakota this year by the different denominations , the Catho lics , Congrcgatlonalists aud Episcopalians being the leaders. At several places in South Dakota where efforts are being made to sink artesian wells much trouble Is being experienced on account of the drills striking rock , supposed to bo granite. There seems to , be a ledge of this granite extending the length of the entire stuto under the Jim Valley. Mining and smelting m the Black Hills go on without Interruption. The condition of the silver market does not affect them in the least. The hills constitute a gold-bear ing country and the silver mines arc un developed , aud from the present outlook will remain so. .Miscellaneous. The first fresh figs exhibited at the World's fair came from southern Nevada , Butte has done ' herself proud by annexing South Butte and'ttho Parrot addition , In creasing her population by 2,500. A petition lo congress to open the hot springs portion of the Shoshone reservation to settlement is being circulated. The annual sun dance of the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians , at which the.young bucks made ' -braves " the are , occurs at Aparahoo reservation next week. Thcro is yet a great deal of snow on the mountains in Slocau district , and several of the trails leading to tlio mines will have to bo shoveled out in order to get in needed supplies. There arc about fifty pack animals on the Nakusp-Slocum trail , and about the same number strung out between the end of the Kaslo wagon road and the mines and camps around New Denver. By the 10th of this month the shipment of beef cattle from the ranges of Wyoming will begin in peed earnest. There has never been a better lot of beeves for shipment than are now to bs seen all over the state. For the week ending Juno ! M thcro wcro stored In the warehouses at IJkiah , Cal , , ! HJ2 bales of wool , aggregating35(1GK ( > pounds. This amount represents the clip of 101 sheep ranches of the northern portion of Mcndoclno county. An electric car loaded with passengers re turning from the park caught tire near the city limits at Helena , Mont. It burned rapidly , and the panic-stricken passengers barely escaped with their lives , many being bruised in the mad rush to get off. J , N. Adams of Loring , Alaska , has coma down'from Port Simpson on the Princess Louise. Ho represents In Alaska the Cut 3 ting Packing company of San Francisco. Occasionally ho goes out prospecting und has discovered an island ot quartz near Lor- imr , to work which ho will try to form a company In San Francisco. The eastern company which Is preparing to develop ere , oil , coal and soda interests In Wyoming announces that It will this season commence the construction of a railroad from Kawllns to Great Falls , Mont. , to connect - nect the Union Pacific and the Northern Pa cific. Work will KO forward without regard to the condition of the money market. Over filfiUOOO has already bccu expended by the company. Hnniuit Farmer * Don't Need Help. . July 6. Governor Lowclling has been Importuned to call an extra session ol the legislature to take action for the rellel of the farmers in the western part of the state who have no seed wheat on account ol the drouth. Ho says the exigences of tin case are not great enough to warrant sucli a course. Wlillo wheat Is a failure , the corn prospect was never better. Mitkc * the Uaunl L'liilm. PUEBLO , Colo. , July 5. The Bonk of Flor cncoat FlorencoColo. , closed its doors toclaj It is a branch of the American National banl of Pueblo. The usgets and liabilities an unknown , but it U claimed that the deposit tors will bo paid in full. Gcorce llntn't Abdicated , LONDON , July D. It is reported from tin United States that King George of Grccci has abdicated and republic proclaimed The Greek consul general here pronounce : the reportjireposterous. 11 Juitlce IllBtchrord' * Condition Critical. NEWroiiT. K. I. , July 5. Justice Blatchfon Is in a critical C"ndltlon. Ho is reported ai refusing everything except liquid food , PERISHED IN THE FLAMES Destruction of. R Floating Hotel Anohorau in the River at St , Paul , SIX CHARRED BODIES ARE RECOVERED Four Men Supposed to UI T Uteri rntalljr llnrnetl l > eirrntn lUttto for Lite by the Inm ilei Other Dliai- troui rirci Itcporteilt ST. PAUL , July B.-SIx persons lost their tvos in n llro in this city tonight. At W fire broke out lu the Floating Bethel , n homo for river men , anchored t the foot of Jackson street. The struc- uro was two stories high nbovo the nil mid dry as tinder. Consequently the nines spread with great rapidity , and m ess than llvo minutes the boat wns a sooth- ng mass of llro. Thcro were n number of lorsons on board , most of whom were asleep , nd before nny could bo aroused , six , two if'whom were women , supposed to have been mploycd by the stewardess , and four others , nalu lodgers , ncrlslicd. ICscapo was lin- losslble , mid they met n horrible ate , their charred remains being omul In the ruins after the lire v-as oxtiitguUhod. Their names cannot bo btalned. The athcrs barely escaped by umplng into the river , hero they wcro licked tip unhurt. Four men were rescued nllvc , but their In- urlcs will probably prove fatal. rciiimylviiutn Town Iliirnlnc. PiTTsnuito , July 0,1:43 : n. m. A message ias Just been received by the llro depart ment from McDanald , ' Pa. , nn oil town .wcnty miles from hero , asking for assist- inco , as the town Is likely to bo destroyed ly llro. Five engines have loft on a special train. rnchlo'a Smi-ltlng Works . PUEIILO , Colo. , July 5. FIre at midnight destroyed ono of the outlying buildings of ; lie smelting works. The damage will unount to about $ . )0ODO. The main build ings , while In great danger nt times , were not damaged , .V I'.ICIMV ll.lTKS. .owcr Faros from \Ventorn 1'olutn to Chl- C.IRO Itnllroud Notes. CHICAGO , July 5. The Union Pacific nn- ounccd today that beginning next Sunday t will tnalco the following first class eastbound - bound rates : Portland. Spokane , Garrison , Butte nnd liclcnu to Chicago , $33.00 ; .o the Missouri river , $30 ; to St. Louis , $ ! H. The basing rate for points jast of the Missouri river will bo The same rates ns quoted above wll bo put into effect from O < jdcn. In making hcso rates , the Chlcago-St. P.iul rate is eft untouched , wliilo the rates in Western assenger association territory east of the Missouri river are cut Jl.fiO. This is likely to urovoko considerable discussion in the as ociation meeting tomorrow and will probably - ably load to u reduction in rates. The meeting of the Western Passenger association tomorrow will , unless all signs fail , end in the establishment of a one-faro rate for the round trip to Chicago during the World's fair. The proposition to establish such rates will be made at the meeting , and if that or its equivalent is not done two of the roads will threaten to with draw from the association. Matters may reach this stage , but are not likely to go any further. None of the western roads are doing any great amount of business , and several of them which have spent largo amounts for extra equipments are beginning to worry over tlio failure ot peoDlo to crowd the trains. The result is al most certain to be n reduction of rates. Chairman Caldwell of the Western Pas senger association has 'decided that under the revised association agreement officers of the regular army must pay full faro. The ruling was asked by the Atchison , which alleged that some of its competitors wcro grunting them reduced rates. Ituto Committed In Scuslon. ST. Louis , July 5. The rate committee of the Southwestern Railway und Steamship association mot hero today , G. A. Jpwott acting us chairman pro tern. The meeting Is for the purpose of disposing of the dock eted subjects which were not considered nt the meeting held In Chicago to consider the amended agreement for reorganization and to obtain signatures of important interests necessary in perfecting the organization nnd elect a permanent chairman. On account of thcro not being nny business of importance , llttlo was done today. The committee will meet dally until the business uovv pending is disposed of. Chnap Kxctiraloiis to the Fair. CINCINNATI , July 5. After several efforts to agree on a general reduction la World's fair rates , the principal railroad lines of Cincinnati scorn to have decided to act sep arately. The Pennsylvania line has taken the initiative by announcing the first cheap excursion with a ten days limit. It has made u $7-round-trip rate for July 11 , tickets permitting ten days stay in Chicago. Hold the Hand. SAVANNAH , Gu. , July 5. i'ho Darlcn Short Line railroad , nineteen miles long , from hereto to Durlco , Ga. , a near connection with the Savannah , Florida & Western railway , has been sold by decree of the court obtained by the Continental Trus't company of Now York. It was bought by Mr. Lovorman of New York , representing the northern bond- It Cures Coldi , Cuujhi. Sort Throat , Croup , Infla- enia , Y/hooplnr Cough , BronchltU and Atthma , A certain cure for Coniumptloa in firit atageii and a lure relief In advanced itagei , Uie at once , You will ice the excellent effect after taking the first dote. Bold by dealeri mrywhero. L rje bottler 0 cenU ac-i $1.00. hohlors , At 1000.000. The roiul vtaa bonded for fSO Ornntail th Kccclrera' It qutt. PniLAi i.riiu , July B. The petition o > the Reading road receiver * for leave to ( III * solve their npreomcnt with Iho Pennsyl * ratlin , Poughkccpsto & Do.tton railroad wat granted by Judge Dalhrd , United State * circuit court today , the dissolution to t&kt place at the end of the present month. Henry Un ! In the Nnrthvreit. MINNCM-OUS , July B. Reports received hero show hcixvy rains through portion * of Minnesota and South Dnxotn. At L.IKO Ucnton , Minn. , high wind and hall did considerable damage to crorrlntr crops. At Hlghmoro , S. I ) . , several houses were unroofed nnd ft number of stock barns totally demolished. A Mrs.Vhlpplo > \as probably fatally Injured. At Ulunt , S. 1) . , n two-story building wa torn down and other minor diun.igo dono. At Aberdeen , B. D. , an Inch of rain fell la nn hour , for which the rainmakers are ro- uclvlng the credit. Movttinnnt * of Oeann Stonmcr * ituljr S , At Now York Arrived Majestic , fropi Liverpool ; Hcctn , from Copenhagen ; Lahn , from lire men ; Uubblcday , from Rotterdam. At Movlllo Arrived Ancboria , from Now York. At Southampton Arrived Sprco and Allcr , from Now York. At Uondon Sighted Edam nnd Spar- damn. Fucrst Ulamarck nnd Gcllcrt , from Now York. WlC.lTllKIt Knitcrn Nchrimkn Tlireiilcnail with Scrcro liocnl Ktorim. WASHINGTON , July 5. Forecasts for Thurs day : For Nebraska Ijoeal thunder storms followed by clearing weather ; probably sovcro local atorms In eastern portion ; vari able winds. For lown Severe local thunder storms ; southeast winds. For South Diilcota Local rains In eastern portion ; fair in western ; local winds , becom ing variable ; warmer in northern portion. . fatCIll KCTO 'll. OFFICE ov THIS WBATUCII IJuniuu , OMAIU , July -Otimha record of temperature and rainfall , compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1803. 1B02. 1801. 1890. Maximum tcnmcnUuro. H'J = 70 = Hl < = 03 = Minimum tunipurittiiro. ( i)3 ( ) Gl = > 155 = 113O Avi-raKolnmpuraturo. . . TOO 700 73O 78 = > I'rcoipltutlun . T .00 .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of tempe - po rat uro nnd precipitation at Omaha for the day and slnco March 1 , 181U : Normal temperature . 7fl , ° KXPOSM for the day . OO Dullclency nlncu Miirch 1 . 230O Normal precipitation . ViOlnch TAKE STEPS IN TIME. When your blood la out of order , you can't afford to wait A. slight cold. In this scrofulous condition , is enough to threaten you with Consumption. At ttbo first symptom of any > vrcnkncss In the lungs , or with nny cougb that you can't seem to got rid of , you should take Doctor Herco's Golden Modlcal Discovery. For Consump tion itself , except In tna most advnncod stagei , and for all the conditions that lend to it , this is a positive nnd proved remedy. Consumption is Lung-Scrofula. You must depend upon the blood for a cure. The "Dis co very" roaches it , through the blood , 01 nothing clso can. Not only this , but retry form of Scrofula. In Consumption , weak Lungs. Sovcro Lingering Coughs , Asthma , and all Bronchial , Throat and Lung Affeo tioTfg , it is ptiaranfwJ to benefit or cure , or your money is returned. For Colic , Diarrhea , Dysentery , Cholera Morbua nnd Cholera Infuntnm , tnto Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. IIOTTI.EUS or Mynster Springs MINERAL WATER AND- Improved Hire's Root Beer. I'rlvuto families furnlsnod with I'nro Drink * Inz Water , frosli every moralim , at ( I.0 per month. i'utronlzo Homo Industry nnd cot pure wutor und wlio.esorno hiini'iier drinks. Mynster Springs Water Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Special CQUHm W ANTKD-Sober. Industrious mail , who under' Hlamlu care of line liortteH. WANTED Farm hand to work by the month Apply to Samuel Avery , cor , Frunkllu unil Ilemiutt uveuucu. ABSTRACTS mid loanfi. Farm nnil city property liotiL'lit and Hold. 1'uuoy & Tliomau , Council UllllfH _ p GA1UIAGK removed , ccHupoolR , vault * , chimney * cleaned. KU llurko , ut Taylor's Krosery , Oil ) IJroiidway , - . , Improved fur.n In BOJ. 'J7-31J-41 4Hfl-ncroiroo.I , Nul ) . , for H.ils nt SI.OJO.IIJ. TIlU IB uvvuy below Ita valuu. JohiiHtoii & Vim l'.Utui. 17OK KXCHANOE , nlco lot on bottom for liorai i. ami bluffy. Uriivimlilcldu , Nicholson A Co. _ , a yoimir man lo work About tlin WANTUU , Apiily ut olflcu of Leonard Everett , Pearl Hired. Gill ) Sleaii pge Works. O. A. 8CHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Dyolng , Cleaning nnd ttoflnlshing OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Council Bluffs oflleo and worki , cor. Avo. A and 20th Ht. Telephone 310. Bead lor circulars and pnoo list. Omaha ofllce ; 1621 Purnatn Tol. 192L