Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Celebrated Oaso of Olmstead and Williams
Bobs Up Serenely Again ,
Olmitrnd Ilrlnc * rtacecdlng * In Ouilor
Acnlnst the ITonent Commissioner Ac-
ciitcd of Krrpmi ; n J'cnrc Von Horn
Wmnti AnotherSnlc Court Culllngs.
The contest case ofVllliam Olmstcad
ng.ilnst Ocorgo li. Williams , wherein the
plaintiff Is seeking to oust the defendant
from the position of county commissioner
from the Third district , was given another
nlrlnir In .1 micro Ferguson's court yesterday
afternoon , with the attorneys for the re
spective litigants presenting the law In the
case and trying to convince the Judge that
the Jury returned a compromise verdict
when the members of the panel found that
Olmstcad was entitled to live moro votes In
Plntto Valley precinct than ho was credited
with by the Judges of election.
Olmstcad , by his attorneys , has filed n
motion , asking that the entire precinct bo
thrown out , alleging that the fact of Olm
stcad having been billed ns a prohibitionist
when ho was a democrat , not only misled n
largo number of the voters but lost him the
position 'which ho claims ho could have cap
tured If ho had uccn given a fair show for
his white alloy. His attorneys claim that
by reason of the error having been
made in the printing of the of
ficial ballots , and Olmstcad hav
ing been branded as a prohibitionist when
ho was not , the entire vote of the precinct
Was illegal and void ana should not have
been counted. Should the court hold with
the attorneys for the plaintiff and throw out
the vote of the precinct , Olmstcad would
have clear sailing , as in that event ho would
have the necessary number of votes in the
Third district and something like 100 to
Williams' attorneys nvor that there Is
nothing in the motion to throw out t'latto
Valley , nsldo from a large load of buncombe ,
ns the proof has shown that when the elec
tion was held but live of the voters were
misled and that there was no evidence of
any fraud or collusion In the printing of the
tickets. They also assort that ithero Is no
law by which the voters of an entire pre
cinct could bo disfranchised , simply because
five of the voters of that precinct did not
happen to know the political affiliations of
ono.of the candidates for one of the ofliccs.
Von Dorii'H Case In Court.
Another section of the Van Dorn and
Mengcdoht row has reached the district
court and now T. L. Von Dorn has sued Fred
Mcngedoht in an action in which ho alleges
that there was the grossest kind of fraud
perpetrated. In his tale of woo ho alleges
that on or about April 25. 1SU3 , the Von Dorn
apartment house at Twenty-second and
Leavenworth streets was sold by O.
O. Pope , a special master commissioner , and
knocked down to Mengcdoht for the sum
of $18,000 , the auctioneer declaring that ho
was the highest and best bidder for the
Now Von Dorn claims that the property
should have brdOght a good deal more money
than was Did and that it would if there had
not boon collusion between the special
master commissioner and the purchaser. Ho
LIT also charges that thcro was fraud and that
Mengcdoht did not pay Into court the money
that lie is alleged to have paid. The plain
tiff declares that ho can prove this state
ment and on tlic strength of the charge he
IT wants the sale declared fraudulent and sot
Clnlin of u Soda \Vntcr Alan.
With Judge Ogdcn the c.isoof Samuel
Montgomery and Peter J. McNalley , two
South Omaha merchants , ( against the Union
Paeifleallallway company , is on trial.
The plaintiffs allege that n year or two
hgo , ono of the partners was 'driving n soda
water wagon over the tracks at the inter
section of Q street , when a switch cngino
came along , striking the wagon and scatter
ing the contents over several acres of ad
joining country , besides breaking up and de
stroying about $ I00 ! worth of properly. They
aver that the man in charge of the cngino
had time to pravcnt the accident , but that
ho collided with the wagon Just for the fun
of seeing the water ily.
Accused of KuepliiK a Fence.
In the criminal division of the district
court , presided over by Judge ICoysor , the
case of the state against Emma Brown and
Minnie M. Thompson was given a hearing
yesterday , the defcndantsobelng required to
answer to the charge of operating a fence for
the benefit of burglars and thieves who have
stolen property which they want to secrete
or dispose of to Innocent customers.
The arrest of thcso women was brought
about by thn robbery of Altimm's North
Sixteenth street store last March. When :
the robbery took place the house .whore
thcso women resided was spotted and a
short time thereafter n quantity of the
stolen property was found in their posses
llltt ( iota u IHvorco ,
The divorce case of Hltt against Hltt was
agaiu called In Justice Walton's court yester
day afternoon , II. C. llltt , the lawyer , seek'
ing to secure a bill from his wife , who descried -
scried him some years ago.
Ono week ago , when the case was on , Mr.
Hltt had the Idea run through his head that
ho could clean out the court , bailiffs and all
of the attaches , but today ho was as inccli
as a lamb and gave his testimony in such an
innocent way that the decree was granted
and the marriage declared off for all time.
OberfeUIer'a Silk Stock to Ilo Closed Oul
ThU Week.
Hero nro some bargains ,
10 pieces black surah silk Worth 50c
yard , wo wo going to soil at 2ic ) a yard.
50 pieces colored surah silks in cruatns i ,
lavender , tun. blue , etc. , at 29o a yuril.
25 places solid color cliinu silks wortl h
COo , go at 3 < Jo a yard. hn
Black surah silk worth 7Gc , you car
now buy for 50c.
Black ehlna silk , 2t inches wide , beau
tiful quality , worth OOo , gees at 05c.
Regular 51,00 * quality black china sllh
for 7Co. " "
Wo have about 25 pieces of handsome
light ground printed silks , 24 inehos
wide , well worth $1.00 , to close wo otfoi
them at 05c u yard.
All our $1.25 quality best printec
china silks go during this sale at 7Ci
yard ,
If you want a good black silk dress i
will pay you o call and see what ronllj
flno silks wo are soiling at prices whlcl
ordinarily buy shoddy , poor silks , bu
which now will enable you to got a ilm
dross at a nominal prico.
Clitup UxcuraloiK to Moiitrcnl.
The O , K. oxoursions for Montroa
lonvo Omaha via the Burlington rout <
at 12:10 : n. m. , 11:45 : a. m. and 4:20 : p. m.
July 3d , 4tn , Cth , Oth and 7th , makinj
connection at Chicago with spoela
trains for Montreal ever the Wnbasl
and Canadian 1'uclflo railways. /
special party of Nebraska delegates wil
take the 4:20 : p. m. train of .Monday
July 3d.
Faro , Omaha to Chicago and return
(17.50 ; Chicago to Montreal and return
818.00 ,
For full Information call on or wrlto t
W. F , Valll , city ticket agent , 132
Farnam street , Omaha ,
$400.00 lots 825.00 down ; see pngo 7 ,
Wnter IteatH Duo July lit.
Payable ut oflleo , Boo building. 5 po
cent discount if paid on or before Jul ;
1st. Failure to receive bill will not entitle
title anyone to discount after July 1st.
Oflieo oi > en till 8 p. in. Wednesday
nod Saturdays till July 1st.
MOUSI : IMIV minus co.
ftprclnl Odd unit Knil S l In Itnuomrnt.
Wo commence today a clearing
out of all odds and ends of house furnish
ing goods at prices so small that their
smnllncss will surely interest you. The
heavy Belling of the past two weeks In
this department has left us with many
odd pieces and sots which will bo sold
Wo offer French , Japanese and Gor
man china coffee cuns and sanccrs nt 2oo
each , worth 45c to 7 < > c each.
Milk and cream pitchers lOc , worth
20c to 40c.
China fruit plates at 15c each , worth
20c , 2oo and . ' 10c.
The celebrated clans saw blndo knives ,
3 In a set , atCOc , value Sl.OOovorywhoro.
10 decorated china tea sets , have been
810.00 a sot , will bo closed out at $1.1)8. )
7 china dinner tote , 100 pieces , have
been $22.50 , will bo closed out at $0.93.
Glass water pitchers lOe , were 25c
and 'tOc.
Glass Bets of 4 pieces , worth SJG a set ,
go at 13o. D.m't m ss buying a set ; the
price Is Irresistible.
A $1.50 beautiful vase lamp at OOc.
A $2.75 beautiful vase lamp at 81.59.
Largo half-gullou lee water pitchers ,
29c , value 50c.
A lOo tin wash basin at 3c.
Special drives In woodonwnro.
4-foot heavy stop ladders , 49c.
5-foot heavy stop ladders , CIlc.
( i-loot heavy step ladders , 75o.
8-foot heavy stop ladders , 99c.
Largest size wood tubs , 09c.
Largo slzo wood tubs. 59c.
Medium size wood tubs , 49o.
Wo are making special prices on ham
mocks. G9c for n largo size Mexican
hammock worth $1.00.
All the above prices hold good through
the week if the goods last. The quanti
ty is largo , but at the prices quoted are
liable to go with a rush.
Only 5 days moro voting contest.
Rev. T. J. Mackoy has 17,703.
D. W. Tillolson has 10,053.
R. C. Davis has 14,80 : ) .
ComiiilHslonois Overrule a Protest nnd Order
the Property As < c8HuiI Other 1'rolcsts.
Sitting as a board of equalization , the
county commissioners entertained a horde of
people yesterday , people who wcro all of ono
opinion , that the ward assessors had given
them the worst of the deal In listing their
property , and that their neighbors had been
the favored ones.
The common people came first , made their
complaints , which were filed away lor
future action , and then came the railroad
magnates to register their kicks , declaring
with ono accord that the assessors were
down on corporations and that they had
listed the vacant lots at higher prices than
they had the lots thaj wcro improved and
were bringing a revenue to the owners.
Final action was t'iken in the Missouri
Pacific case and the protest against assess
ing lands and lots was overruled and the
clerk instructed to charge up between § 10.-
000 and 512,000 worth of property that had
been assosscd by the state board. The
propertv which the commissioners ordered
assessed consisted principally of lots in this
city , lying oatsido the right of way. They
had been formerly returned to the state
board and assessed as a part of the mileage.
The Omaha & Southwestern Hallway com
pany lllcd a protest against the assessment
of its lots in the city , listed by the assessors
at the sum of $ UT ! O , claiming that they
were a part and parcel of the mileage that
had boc'n returned to the state board and for
that reason were not taxable by the com
missioners. Upon this question the commis
sioners will hear evidence , but as the case is
on all fours with that of the Missouri Pa-
clllo , it is anticipated that the ruling will bo
the same and that the property will have to
pay Its proportionate share of the taxes of
this county.
Visitors to th6 World's fair from this sec
tion are as n rule arranging to purchase
tickets to St. Louis and remain a few days
in that city before going on to Jackson park.
The additional expense is' trilling , ana St.
Louis offers so many attractions to the
tourist that the small outlay Is very much
moro than justified.
8400.00 lots $25.00 down ; 'sec page 7.
An immense stock of all kinds of fire
works has just been received. Wo are
prepared to make very low prices on lots
to suit. IIAYDEN BROS.
Vln tlio.Wub.isli Jiiillroud.
No. 1. For the Epworth league con
volition atClovoland , O. , Juno 29 to July
2. The Wabash , In.eonncotion with the
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation como -
puny , will make a rate of $10 for the
round trip from Chicago.
No. 2. For the Y. P. S. C. E. conven
tion nt Montreal , July 5 to 9. Only $18
from Chicago via the Wabash. In ad
dition to the regular sleeping cars
elegant now tourist cars will bo attached
to this train at $1.50 per berth.
Foil TICKETS , sleeping berths or a
tourist-foldor , giving list of side trips ,
with cost of Bamo , call at the Wubash
oillces , 201 Clark strcot and Dearborn
station , Chicago : 1502 Farnam street ,
Omaha , or wrlto G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Act. , Omaha , Neb
I'ropoinla for Itoom for Knglne House.
The Board of Flro and Police Commis
sioners will receive proposals until 5 p.
in. , July 3 , 1893 , for room suitable for
engine house , to bo located between
Howard and Dodge streets , llth and
, 10th streets. A room 22x132 feet with
alloy in rear is preferable. The right
to reject any and all proposals is re
I'or World' * I'.ilr ViilCJ.i.
Low rates !
Fast timol
0 Perfect road bed !
Magnillcont Pullman elcoporsl ,
Free reclining chair cars !
World-famous dining cars !
d Comfortable day couches and smoking
io cars !
Baggage checked direct from resi
dence !
Three vcstlbuled and gas lighted 1
trains dully !
That's what the Burlington route of *
fers World's fair travelers. Try It ,
Trains leave Omaha at 11 ; 15 a. m. , 4:2C :
p. m. and 12:10 : n. m. dully.
I'lrcwor { .
An Immense stock of nil kinds of flro'
works has just been received. We arc
prepared to make vervlow prices on lots
to suit. llAYDEJN BROS.
By Special Hoqnost Onr Great Discount
Silk Sale Continues Ono Day More- .
I'rlcnili Xot IlelnK Able to Como In Until
TcxlnjWe Milt Also Add a
Still Mnro Intercntlng Itoin
Today , Nain6ly ,
\\ro will tnko out of our stock 50 pieces
of China ami Itullii silks , none hnvo sold
nt less than oOo , and most of them sold nt
02ju anil 75c per yard ; most all fully 21
Inches wldo. This Is the greatest sacri
fice \vo have yet mado. The- crowd for
these 25e silks will bo enormous
and in order that every cus-
tumor may got a share , a limit
of one dress pattern to a customer will
bo made , not more than 15 yards to any
one customer , and positively none to the
trade of this 2oc silk.
25 pieces moro will bo added to our
C8c line of silks. Mind you , there is not
a yard in this G8c line worth loss than
$1.00 , and almost every piece sold at
SI.25 or moro. Wo are unloading and
willing to sacrifice profits.
All the balance of our magnificent
stock of black , colored and fancy silks ,
satins and velvets sell today at 25
per cent less than regular price. You
could not pay regular prices if you
wanted to. Today will positively bo the
lust day of this offer.
Third Wiird Ansimor Ulvns His Hcnson Tor
ItalaliiR 1'urruU'H Kutlnr ; ,
Dominick Cosgrovo , the Third ward as
sessor , ( tunics with extraordinary vchomonco
ana multiplicity of words that ho ever ilc-
mandeil to know of Dan Farrell or anybody
else "what there was in it" for him in con
sideration of malting a favorable assessment.
He says that ho gnvo Farrell a schedule to
fill out , and called at his place of busi
ness several times before ho found
that gentleman In , so that ho could get
it. Ho then found that Farrell had listed
his merchandise at $1,003 and Ills ofllco fur
niture at ? r > 0. ilo usked what part of the
stock that represented and Farrull replied
that he did not know , after which the as
sessor informed him that ho had sworn to
the list when ho did not know what ho was
talking about , and that the matter would bo
looked into , whim , if it was found that the
amount was too small , it. would bo raised.
The amount was $ " .000 the .year before ,
and the assessor says that after consulting
Brudstrcct's directory ho found Farrell &
Co. quoted at J75U75. Ho concluded that
? 1,000 was altogether too little and thereupon
raised the assessment to $10,000 , which Is
live times what it was the year before. Ite-
garding the charge that his assessment on
Third ward real cstato falls a third of a mil
lion below what it was last year'hosaysihat
ho made a reduction of 20 per cent on
everything cast of Thirteenth street , both
north and south of Furnam , ns ho thought
it was altogether too high. Ho knew that
this took in all the railroad propertv , but
that wasn't his fault. He also reduced the
Orchard and .Shlverick propsrtios after the
fires , and that explained $24,000 of the defi
Ilo said that the board of equalization had
cited him to appear at the hearing that waste
to bo given Farrell's case on the afternoon
of the B'Jth Instant , and that ho invited all
persons and corporations that claimed to
have Drlbcd him to anpcar and tell about it.
He had managed to live before ho had this
ofllce , and ho could live without it. All ho had
was his reputation , and ho valued that moro
than all the money the boodlers could scrape
together. His assessments had always been
dictated solely by his conscience , and ho
wanted to see the color of the man's hair
who twlil to the contrary.
Doll'8 WcililliiKItnccptlon. .
A church full of innocents is something
that isn't scon every day , or on Sundays
cither in Omaha , or anywhere else. But
last night such a sight was observable at
the Westminster Presbyterian church at
Twenty-ninth and Maso'n streets , where a
"dolls' wedding reception" was in progress ,
given by the httlo ones of the infant class of
the church. A prettier sight for a lover of
children could hardly have been imagined.
The dolls were beautiful , but the flesh and
blood little ones "took the shine off" the
There were several hundred of the small
performers and their diminutive friends ,
and their faceS expressed their happiness.
The entertainment consisted of little songs
and recitations of nursery rhymes just lltted
to the size of the people who took part , and
the big folks in the back of the church
generously applauded every effort , for each
one was worthy of applause.
Thoj'o are tnreo things worth saving
Time , Trouble and money and Do Witt's
Little ISarlv libers will save Uioiu for you.
These Httlo pills will save you time , as they
act promptly. They will save you trouble as
thoycauio no pain. They will save you
inonov us they economize doctor's bills.
$400.00 lots 825.00 down ; sco pngo 7.
Low Itutos to Cleveland , O ,
The Burlington route ofTors very low
rates to Epworth Leaguers and tholi
friends attending the first national con
ventlon at Cleveland , Juno 2'J-July ' 2.
Three vcstibulcd and gus-lightoi
trains for Chicago daily. Close conncc
tions in Chicago with Lake Shore trains
for Cleveland.
Call on or write to W. P. Vuill , city
ticket agent , Uurlington route , 132-
Farnam street , Omaha.
I'lroworUs , '
An immense stock of all kinds of fire
works has just been received. Wo arc
prepared to inuKo vorvlow prices on lot
to suit- liAYDEN 13ROS.
John A , Wakollold , lumber , lath
lime , etc. Temporary ofllco , 1721 Leav
worth street.
Raymond & Co. , gravel roofers , MOC
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see page 7.
Nottee of flvt llnta or leu umlcr tMs head , fl\ \
ctnti > ; cachtiMttluiialItneten centi.
lIUUKLKY-Mrs. I'runk J. Ilurltley , aged ai
died at 10 o'clock lu&t ulfUt. Notlco of fun
ernl hurcufter ,
The only Pure Crcatu of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
not strnng thnt some , people do
vronp throiifflulsnornnoo , others from
\ ftiiluro to invcsilftnto ns tothoriRhtor
wronp of n maUor. But It Is atrnnRo ,
hat InJlvltUiitlB nnd fir MIR , who nro fully
uvaro of the rijthts of others , will por-
ist in pornotrnluip frauds upon tliom.
li ih-toned , worn thy tnanufrcturinff
irms will offer tind sell to rotnll mor-
shnnts , nrtielc3whleh tliu.v know to bo
nfrinRomonts on , the rlphts of proprlo-
ore , and imltntions of well known goods.
\Vo want to sound a note of warning to
ho retailers to ibowaro ot such itnltn-
ions nud slmulntions of "CAUTKll'9 Lil1-
: r < K LIVKU PILLS. " When they are of-
ored to you , refuse thorn ; you do not
vnnt to do wronp , nnd you don't want to
ny yourself Ihiblo to a lawsuit. Don
? rnnkUn suid "Honesty is the best poll-
" it is thnt " Is
y" ; just ns true "Ilonosty
, ho best prlnoipla"
nit. P. r , . sn < viti.ts : , consulting Surgeon
Orndutuo of Hush Mo. ) leal Oollu o. ( UO > -
Ul/KATlON I'lllJU. ) LV > r the treatment of
Wo euro Catarrh , All Diosixncs of the
tfoso , Tlu-jat. Chest , Stomuoh. dowels
ami Liver.
Blood. Shin nnd Ki-luoy Diseases ,
Fonmlo "Woakupssos CURED.
PILES. FISTULA , F1SSUUE , iHinuiuiently cured ,
without thu to ot knife * , llirnture or caustic.
All nialtirilcH ot a prlvntu or ilullcato tuturc , of
cltliur HOX , positively cured.
Call on or address , with stamp , for Circulars ,
Free liook nnd Huclpcs ,
Dr. Searl63 & Soarles ,
KoxL Door to lostof t'ioo.
the most dsHcious tabto and zoat < ,
EXTRACT sours ,
TLEMAN at Mad- hia brother FISH ,
May , 1651. HOT & COLD
that their Bauce la
blKhly ostcomod IQ CAME ,
Indin , nmliniuruT
opinion , the most WELSH- -
palatable , 'na wall
an the inOBt-.whols- RAKUIUTS ,
some pauco that it
see that you get Lea & Perrins' '
Blfrnatnro on every bottle of Origins' & Genuine.
it is easy to steal or ring watches from the
pocket. The thief gets the watch in one
hand , the chain in the other and gives a
short , quick jerk the ring slips off the
watch stem , and away goes the watch , leav *
ing the victim only the chain ,
This Idea stopped
that lltlle game ;
The bow has a groova
on each end A collar
runs down inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
ma Into the grooves ,
firmly locking' the
bow to the pendant ,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by all watch dealers , without ,
cost , on Jas. Boss Filled and other
cases containing this trade mark-
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. <
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
At n modlcnl comfort nnd stimulant. Tlio
Medical I'roftmlun rucouimondi hUlilr the uuo
In nil cases of wcnkncisnnn'dlKcatlvo disorder-
Try n cup whan oxlmustod and sou how ru-
freslilnn It Is.
Tula U n of Justus
focslmllu von I.ltblK
blgnaturo un the jar ,
/nQl l/ITAI / ITV ami Vl
uuui iiint-iii I stored. Nervousl/el.illty
etCj , urel curt > d b'
IMAI'O. the ercmtllindoo Kiniedy. Sold wlih urlt'
ten sruarnHtve of urr. Rnmple rnt tree. Addieiii
Orltulol JU-dk-ul > - . It I'ljrnilh rlxe , Ctltxu , III.
Spectacles aal
Hi . i Hi fi
W. II , I1.ItKEH. M , t > . , No,4 Ilulflncfj et. ,
UtiKTCR , M3Betiief eoniullingptiyitcian oj tht
ou awarded the UOLO UEIUL by the NATIONH
JlEmail , AfiocUTloN/oi tuol'IUZE KSBAVen
Kthautttt ntallliMvp VA' rrou and /'Auili al
l > cHtiliu > 'l all jiiita.ei od Wtakntn of J/b-n.
niinfn the youn ? , Uia "ttJJlt.aptJ and oiii
IillKhN C'onwIUtlon to pt-rton nr bv letter.
( JUIIUO J'jospfctus with tcetlmonUle , FUEE
SMSO book , SC1KNCE OF I.ll'K , OH RKLF-
1-KKSKUVAT1ON , SCO pp. . 116 Inraluablo rrv >
icrlpUonu , full uUUeol * tlW Ur oulU Kiled.
i Attention Given
to groups. Our facilities
i for this work are the best
1 Largestllght and opera-
i ting room In the city
"I which enables us to glvo
k the sitters free and easy
High Class PhotoRrjxpliy. V
At 1'opular I'rtcn * .
313-315-5U7 , S. 15tU Etroot.
Omaha , Neb ,
CCr. IGtllOllcl ChlcflKO.
Jofforaon Square Pork.
fbv TPr1 ( .HiillilliiK nml furnl-
\J > .
JJC11CU. f lure entirely now.
American p'nti , 12 I . , . I Simclnlr.ilot
European plnn.Jlf lcriln' f ty the week
Convenient to nit car lines to nml from Oeyols
JirorBiiHcomforln.coiiTlL'ncntoinml furj of holier
| ) f Icc'il liotels. ISvory room nn ontjhto room , litoo
trie lights , call bulls , Ktis , batlis , etc.
± * r jurlotor
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
Cor. 12th ami Howard Streets.
40rooms $2.53 per ( lay.
40 rooms J.IOO per tl ny.
yo rooms with buth : it M nor day.
HO rooms with Uatli at SI. . > 'J per day.
Modem lu ICvory Ui > sicct.
Aowly l < 'nrnlilicd Throughout
C. S. ERB , Proa.
0235 to 0241 OCLESQY AVE. CHICAGO.
FlrBt-olnsilirlck ttrt-i'ronf Kuropcnn Hotel , only
turco Mocks lium Ui Mxly-secuml St. cnlmnrn tu
the World's Pnlr grounds. Our ruums tire nil lliihi
nn J nlry , mostly outaldo rooms , holding f i om tune
to Blxpt'oplo each. 1'rlcoa per room , MU ( (1(0 ( nml
fS.U ) pur ilay. Awnlnc ! * , screens in every window
nnil covered plnzznsim every lloor. Tlio Hotel Is
operated by the owner nnrtlt mil cost you mittilng
toBCcuro rooms In lulvimcc. A llrst-clnss Dining
llootu connected TClta tuu hotel. C. n. UUAY , XamgMv
The JBest.
Manufactured heretofore in White Goods
only , fs now to be had in a variety of Oeoirablc
and Attractive Colored Patterns , in neglige
styles.Ask Your Daolcr for Thorn.
It will be worth your while to refuse any sub
stitutes for this full-valuc-provcn brand of
( CuiiHiiltiitioii Prci * . )
IR unsurpassed In the truntmont
uf nil
Carouio , Privnto and
n orv TIB Diseases.
Wrlto to or consult personally.
' ' . . . .
i'UKAi'.Mi.Nr ; itv .MAIL.
Address with etinip for par
ticulars , which will bo tout In
plain onvolouu. 1 > . U. UoxUJI. UUloo , 118 S. litU
street , Oimina ,
gnm mmmmwmmmm wwmmw
I ninn-r . .rm-rfj 3 :
like this "cut" cnn be used to
represent 'most any kind of n
shirt a fifty cent'r or a two-
fifty one- Shirts nil look alike
In the newspapers. We didn't
make this "cut" wo bought
We're s oineto ; make a shirt
"cut" this week all our own
fi * going to "cut" something ; like
two thousand fancy shirts
with laundried collars and
cuffs in all the newest effects
down to
Bear this shirt tale in mind.
COURSE , if you have n good watch we can't inter
OF est you , otherwise an early inspection of our im
mense variety of styles of all perfect timekeepers
will be decidedly to your advantage.
AND D3UJL. U , GUI 1 1.
Wo refer yon to 3,5W p itlents.
nun linn I nnrnciinn Nat'l Hank of Commerce , Omaha.
FINnNCIflL lUrEHtNun Uormun Sav.iii . Hank. Omiiua.
No il t < > iitlnn from business , No operation. Invoii
tlento our method. Written guarantee to nhsolutolj
euro all Kinds ot UUI'TIJKK of both BOXCS wltliout tlil
use of knUo. no mutter of liow Ion ? standing.
THE 0. E. milW COMPANY ,
307-U08 N. Y. Life Bu Idiug , Omalm , Nob.
SE.SD fun Giitcui'Ait.
This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded
from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain.
" Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and "Woman.
An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility ,
Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused
by Debilitating-I/osses , Excesses or Over-Indulgences , In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dizziness , I/oss of
Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages ,
or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit.
Have you abuEcd the laws of nature nnd injured your nervous system 1
Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts 7
" ESPANO " will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons nnd
Is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the eyEtctn and an
improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nerves , hair ,
nails , skin , blood nnd gives vigorous lifo to the unfortunate who has exhausted
his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry
in the pocket. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month and ia
worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for
* 5.00 if ordered at ono time and a guarantee will bo given that any case men
tioned nbovo that it does not cure , the money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to
any address in United States or Canada. Tut up in plain wrapper with no
mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address ,
CO. ,
_ Stockton Street
An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo
consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at tbo above
address ,