6 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; 'liDNRSPAY ' , JUNE W. 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Timely Rains for Spring Wheat Unsettled the Bull Sentiment. WHEAT AT THE OPENING WAS LOWER Good Growing \VoMhtr nnct n , Slnck Ship ping Doiinuit CniHfit Corn to Do- cllno n Fraction Stock * nnit llonilfl , CmcAoo , Juno 27. People sold whoit today who bought It yesterday. Timely rains for prlng wheat unsettled lliolmll sentiment. At the close July wheat was SC nnd September Xc below yesterday's prices. The good grow ing weather nnd u Muck shipping demand CUUM d corn todocllnolo ilia extent of J c for July nnd Jic for Hautombor. Tlioro are some lustnlnlni ; ardors In pork awl tin ndvnnco of about 30c per bbl. I-urd and ribs closed with out change. Wheat ut tlia opening was about from > 4c to Me lower than ycstordiiy'H clotlng nnd prices receded from 'ac to ' { 0 more , then ruled stronger and prices nd\ancod from 3 c to ? c , but again ruled weak mid prices declined * ic for July nnd cforSi-plcnibur , held stonily nnd the closing waifrom ' 40 to > { c from the bottom. The December future mled compiratlxoly itrongir than the other futures mid closed about'c ( lower , rjioro wore numerous Influ ences which cunti Ibutud to the decline today. There \voro reports of cooler woitheriindiulns In the northwest , : ind one dispatch st itcd that iprlng wheat crops were not so hidly damaged as hndbccn loporlcd. Oiiblo ud\ices were ie- ccltcd which sild that theto w is xnnio Im provement , In the niiuinciin cl'ips iiudtluit the yield would bu larpcr titan nxpic'tid. I'.til of the Hading lodiiy was In thu wiiy of closing out July nnd trpinuliiK by diking Docenibi'i , which iiccnunu fm HID widening out of thu premium of I ho latter future' . Thpiunuiu 10- ports of small receipt * of HUM uliont , which af fected the market HOUR' , bt. Louts repotted tbrt'O cars tuid llultlmoio 2,001) ) bushels. On tlio bt < : ik Mime of thu slioit sclli-n bu .in to buy In and K i\u the maiUot a 111 tie tIw\v of activity nnd htreiiKth. Thou news camu fiom Now Voik that ariiiiiKCmi'iith ha < l been madi ) to Import iJ,0lO ( , ( > 00 lit gold fiom Kuropo to relieve the money stilnruicy. The uflict of this wni to en ate tnoio ronlldeiice Hut double dullness folium ( I , lusting thioutfhuut the rciiiiilnder of thu M.sslon Corn nan Lii y at the slm t , first ti .ides beliiR off a fraction , and the market sold down ' { u soon aflirwaids Thu lutlon of Wheat and tlu1 receipts overrunning I he cithu it s hud tliK tendency. At the uccllno the ilem mil Im proved , the Impression Koliu around thnt a prominent ti.ukr v an picking up a good de.il of September bavins a stiuiBtht'nlns in- llucnce. Olleihus fell elf consldi'i.ibly and the price ndvtincid from 4eto JiC , but thu ar rivals for tomuriow uimo lit heavy tmd 4-10 cnra wcro reporttd ' 1 lie pilcu agitln weak ened from He to ' ( c , rallied , ruled uublur and at the close had lost 'to. In oats them wns an easier fooling , pi Ices advancing frpin , 'uc ' to 'Jc , but Liter le.ictcd from ( { c to He and closed < iulet at .ibout thu same prlco as on yesterday. Harvey was a. largo buyer of cash outs. l'ioIsions opened 111 mcr at n slight advance In prices , because ot thu receipts of only about 15.OCO hog . Instead of 1U.OOO , as estimated yesterday. Theto.is a ducllnc fiom opening prices , duo to the attempt by the leaden In the mtukot to uuloid at Uiu Iniuiovuiiipiit , but , llmllng th it Impossible , they Insisted and bid for enough lo present .1 lire.ik of any extent Attention was directed to the receipts of hogs at Kans IH City and Oinah i , which , Altogether , amounted lo 20,000 head , and th it led to the Idea that bigger receipts \\tro to bu oxnteted here In the near future Estimated receipts for tomorrow : AMioat , 135 cars ; corn , 4 1U etiis ; o.us , 210 cais , liuus , B8.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations t\ero as follons : FI.OUH Jloio actlto for city trade pilcos unchanged. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , G5UG51Jr ; No 3 iprliiR , f. o. b , GOU07C ; No. 2 rtd , 05 > iiiiC5 ' c. CoiiN No MO'sc ; No 3 yellow , closing 395Bc I OATS No 2,29 cNo 2 white , f. o b , 33'i ' O36c ; No 3 white , 30'S'ii32c. riVlt No. 2 , 48c. HAiti.hY No 2 , nominal ; No 3 , no sales. FLAX fcM-.n No 1 , Sl.lu'J. TIMOTHY buiD l'rlmo , * 3 05G3 70. Pome-Moss , per bbl. $10 10310 17'4 ; lard nor 100 Ills. $0 55ft057ii ; bliort libs , sides ( loose ) , $8 87',0.8 02 , dry salted shoulders lloxei ) , $900(30 ( 50 ; shoit cleai sldcbbo\ed ( ) 10.600.75. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , BuiiAlt Cut loaf , Gfc ; ; gianulatcd , 5.70 ; stumliud "A , " 6 01 The following t\oro the receipts and ship ments for ted ly ; i. i.A A i.i On the Produce oxchaiiKO today the butter i market was steady ; creamery , 10 ,20o ! daily , 14Ol7 > Jc lirmor btrictfy fiesli ; eggs , , , 12H4B New Voile Market' . Niw YOIIK , Juno 27. I'l.otm Itecoluti , CO- 000 pkits : exports. 0,000 bbls , 4.500 s u-kn ; sales , 25,000pkxs. ; market weiuc ; inorodoliiK , wlntoi wheat , low Ki.idei. , Jl,0'2.45j winter wheat , fair to finey , $ J. 16i3.45i winter wheat , patents , $3.40G,4.0O [ Mlnncbotii clear , 12 60ffi3 OOj MlllllCbOtli 'btrnlKhts , JJ 30-ai.OO ; Minnesota pntents , $4 004.55. CoiiN MRAir-Dull , bteadyi yellow western , QllYK-Qul'ot , steady : western , 68c. WllbAi Hecelpth , 810.0001m ; exports , 239- 000 bu. ; bales , 2,000,000 bu. futures , 212,000 bu. cash. Spot market fairly active , lower , woakj No. 2 ml. In store and elcwitoi , 71" ! © 72ci afloat , 72K < a > 72"c : f. o. b. 7UJ&7Jyc : uncrailcd red , ( j8fl71'ic ; No. 1 northein , 71SJ © 7isii ( ! No. 2noUhein hard. 77'i77'iC ! No. U northern , Ga > i < iV70o : No , 2 Slllwuulteo , l > S > { < ft GOc. Options modnnitely nctl\e , weak and " 4i ficlonoi ; No.2rcdJuly.71 3-104J72 7-10ccloa- IIIB at 71'0o ; AiiKust , 74'7l5c. clo at 74Acs Boiitmnbor. 7li 6.ir > ® 70ij-10c , at 70He October , 7H1SB178 V , closliiK t 7HJJC ! December , 81 l-10 < f .81"e , closing ut 81'c. ' Uoits Itecolpts , 06.8UO bu. ; exports , 4,000 bu.j uales , 000.000 bu. futures , 80,000 bu. spot , bpots dull , oashir. closlmt btiady ; No. a , 4tt > ( Wa | c In oloxuior , 48k40Jfu afloat , Ojitlmisjliill. , ® lower. closiiiK weak ; July 4fl.Va-IHyc. closhiB ut 48'iOi ' AUKllM , 40 , ® 40 > fc , Lloblng nt 4Ujfc ; bontember , 50360)ic , closlnKatfiO'Je ; October. 60' ' ( o. OAis-Uecelpts. . . , , , .l./ / 171,000 _ . bu . . . . , _ ; . _ exports _ . . ! . 11- . 304i37o ! ; white 11'AY-'oiilotTHUuIily. Ilurb-btuiiily , tiulet. > \ ooi , Quiet , unsettled ; domestic 27ffi32ci pulled. nt.4ia7c ! Texas , lb < 20e. I'UOMWIONS Cut miuts , oasy. quiet ) pickled bellies , 12 Ibs. ut 12 , ci nildflhiii. Hull , eusyj short clear , O u ; lurd , quite , cnsloii western Btoain closed ut to OD | imlt.ii , nonu ; uptloiiH , SSVS " ° " ° i J ' ' Closed 0.8D ; July closeil ID.uq , nuinliial ; beptunibor closed 110,64 , , . . HUTTHi .Moderate demand , ilrinor ; west orn daily , Illittl7ci wotorn creamery , 17 ® 22c ; western factory , 1417c ; Kleins , 21 } , E Jflrm , fair demand , Ei ; Motlcrato dtnuind , btoady ; receipts , 1,000 piicknKe : wostern. le aiOo. * TAUXw Dull , easy , city , ( J nor pacKnge ) , Oii-Qulot , steady. I'ETIIOI.KUMTho market was practically ncBleeteil ; l'cnnshiinla oil , bpotsaku , nouu ; July options , Kales. 1,000 bbls , at 60'c ; Umu obaiKc. HO91N Steady , quiet ) strained , common to Bood1.20125. Tuiii-t M IM. - Dull , steady. Iticu Dull , film ; domestic , fair to extra , 2se2)iO ) ! Japan. 4 > a4c ! , iloi sshb New Orleans open kettle , good to choice , dull , btemly. , BUOAU Iluw , quiet , steady ! rellned , quiet t , steady , I'lolnONStoady , Quiet ; Aucrlcan , 11U.76O 16 60 , Coi'i'Elt Easy ; lake , HO CO. LlUlKafcy , domi'stlc , * J.47'i. TIN Quint , imminul ) StrulU , } 10.55 : plates , aulliteudy , bpolter , yteiid > ; domeatlu , * 4.JO. f.lvfrpuol Aliirkett. liiVEnroou Juno 27. WiitAT rinu ; do- niunu modenito ; holilurn otter modvrutolyi \ Ko. 'J rud wlutur , fin oaa&s Od per coutul. llo- colpt of who t for thn Jixnt thrno dnyn , 61,000 cotitiiKlnrlinllru 37,0H ) Anicrlcun. I'onv rirtui drnmnd fair , tnltfd western , 4 * 4'4d per rental , llccelnti of American torn the past three days , 22,000 centals , I'RAH-Uinndltin , 6s Ulid per cental. iMitn I'rltno western , 4S < Rrt per cwt. COMMON ICostv 3s Od percwt , Omiihi r Them was a , Rcnornl complaint of trndo boliiKdull In the produce dlitilct. Thcro was no snnp to anything imtl every ono appear * to bo holding back and doing ni llttlo business as possible. The butter market was firmer and nil olTor- Inu * found ready sale. Tim larjro receipts which liu\o been anticipated ha\o not nliiter- lallrcdand the dcinand Is still In excess of the supply. Nearly all the country butter arriv ing his to bo sold to the pnckoia.as very llttlo of It Is In shiipo by thu time It reaches the market to t > uiflrect \ \ to thu retail trado. 1'acklnx tock Is bringing moio money than It was , as will bo noted from the quotations. Butter Is , in fact , In the best demand ot any- IhlnRln the line of country produce. Kggs are corulns In more ficoly than w.n the case a week ago , but tit the same time there Is not such a > cry largo supply. Thcro are , how- n\cir , enough to inako these houses liavlngCKg" ) feel a llttlo weak. The lueelpts of poultry are light and the no- tniind may bo hot down as the s line. In ether words , thtro Is not much poultry on the mar ket and nut much Is minted. There wan not much on the market in the shape of beirlcs , but what there was mot with icaily sale , Thu potato m irket h picking up again at lor the glut , as thu supply Is being reduced nnd there Is not ho mut.li poor stock on the market as them was a short time ago. M-OCT UlLLtf. TOMATOES Mississippi 4-b.iskot crates , $1.75 ® 2.uo. \uronvtA OArmAOB Crates , per Ib , 2'4'ft ' 2'ic ; fct. I < otlls c.ibb.ige. per crate , * J.OOa3.26. riKW 1'orArofsSouthern , per bbl. , { 3 ; Cali fornia , per Ib , 2c. fci IIIMI Hi : VNH P r bu. box , $1,60. UucUMiims Pur do ? . , homo grown , 60SOOc. G.vtn.iH/owKii rancy , nor iloz. , $1.75. OMONS Smihcm , per bbl. , J4. ASI'AIIAOUS 1'ei ilo35 ® 40c. I ! ! . OAMFonsiA ClIEilltlLa Per 10-lb.box , $1.25 S1.60. ( -THAW iiHiuics Per case , on orders , } 3 , 50 ® 400. noosnirnuiiv-Percaso , ? 3 50. lli\ci < I ! vwntuui us Per 21-plnt cases , 82 ! 24-ttl ] u t C ises , i J.CUit J 75. Iii MOSS Cholco to fancy , 84 6036.00 ; extra fane vr > 60V 000. lU.NANAH-Pcr bunch , Including ciatcs and . . . - . . . . Uhoisido boedlltiKS , S3 0023.25 ; Ulverslilu Modltpriiinean sweets , $3.75 ; inotin- tnln Mudllei raneaii sWi'Us , $ J OUS3 25 ; inoun- liiln ur.iuci's , & 2 00712 73. Hi.AUKliriiutlvs IVr 21-qt. ca o , $ t. M issoiwt Cnutitirs IVr 24-it. | case , JJ.OOS 3.25. Sournmv Piuvts Wild sooso and Chlcka- stivv pot 21-qt. c iso , $2 00 ® _ 00 I'lNKAl-lM.ls-I'ci doS003250. . Ai-Hicois IVrnutoot 1 baskets , $2 00. \VAII itMHONs-l'ti 100 , J30. . CAM u.oui'M-rei do$2. . ' nuiri n , iuus : , 1'oui.TiiY. IlUTTPit-Strictly fancy countrystiuilllota lOaiOC ! II U'klllB BtOOk , U'iC. ' I.dus Oeuei.il market , ll'12c. I'ot'i.rnv Choice hens , 7ffl7'/Jc , niKod coops. Co ; roosters , 4iJ6c ; spilng chickens , $ -.76 © 4.00 ; ULCSO nnd ducks , 78c. Mt-Cri.LANLOlIS , II AV-Tho m irket on good upland hay , $0 50 © 7 00 In cai lots , . St. l.milfl HiukcM. ST. Louis , Juno 27 rt.oini Steady mid un- clnin id : winter p itonts , 52.00 ; fancy , } 2 15 © 2.55 ; choice. S2.15O2 25 ; family , * 1 OOM2 00. \\IICAT 'ofaihic luvvar ; No. 2 red , cash and Juno , ( > ! ' $ ? : July , 01/'S02'fc : ' , closlns atCl-Sfc , August , G4'ai)4iiC ( , closing nt G-J'Sc ; faeptoni- ber , Oli,5ri7'8c , rloslnK.it GG'iUCO'Sc Cons \\culfclosliiji it\coirj ( ? No 2 ra'xed , cash.nBi" June , 37'oc ; July , J8i38\c ( ! , clos ing at 38o ; bepteinber , 3a'Bi- , closing at 30'8c. OATS rirm. No. 2 , ciMi , 28J4c ; July , 2bc , AilKUsl,247a(5 ( < 25c , bcplLlilboi , J5c. I'uovisiONs Quiet , stcidv , pork , curient make. $18 50 ; otliciu all i.in liiK unchanged to lU'ir hlilier. Hrci iius riour , 2,000 bbls ; wheat , 0,000 bu ; corn , J5.0CH ) bu ; o its , 10,000 bu ; lye ind b u ley none , bllirvii NTS I'loiir , 5,000 bbls ; vvheat , 05,000 bu ; corn , 107,000 bu ; oats , .0,000 bu. ; lye and h it Icy none Hurmi lllnlier : choice ere imety , 10S20c : choice dairy. 10l7c KunsiiH City Vliirlteti. KANSAS CITY , Juno 27 WIIKAT Vt ry dull , noinlnilly uuchaiigLd , No. 2 hind , CCc ; No.2 red , 5jo. ( COIIN rirmj No 2 mixed , 3434Jjc ; No. 2 white , 34'sC. O.vrs Dull , weak ; No. 2 mixed , 202G14c ; No. il white _ 8Q2Blc. Hurrnt ririn ; etc iinory , 15Q10c ; dairy , 15 © lOc. Kens rirnipr ; 1010 > ' , c. Kf Chilis Whu it , 12lKJObu. ; corn , 0,000bu. ; outs none. biiil'Mi Mhcnt , 40,000 bu ; corn , 7,000 bu ; oats , none. Oil Markets. On , CITY , Juno 27. Nitlonil Transit cortlilcatesonened utSG1 , ; highest , 57'i ; low est , 51) ° , , ; closed at 57 . bales , 30,000 bbls ; clear.im.es , 111,000 bbls ; shipment130,000 hbl . , ruus/JO bbls v I'msnOliu , Juno 20 National Transit certIfluitusopened nt5GK : closed ut57'ihlih- est , 57U ; lowest , OOJi. bales , 1,0 10 bbls. Milwaukee * Alitrkuta * Mii.wAtncrr , Juno27. WIITVT Slentty ; Sep tember , G7l8c ; No. 2 spring , G3c. OArs-hlfiidy ; No. 2 white , 33Jc ! ; No. 3 white. 31O.3JC. llAIU.UY 55c. Uvr 51c J'uovibiorts Quiet ; pork , $10 00. Ctiiton "Murftur. " Nivv OIII.UANS , Juno 27. Futures steady ; h iU-4 , 2.77U b lies ; June , $7. M , nominal : July , $7 I ! < a7.4r > ; ' cpumbcr , $75454755 ; Oefobi r $7.04147 l > rt ; November , 87.71@7.72 ; Dciuiubui ? 7.78t4779 ; Jiinuuv , * 7.U2fe > 7 94 ; rubriiiuy f7.087'JO. how inlddlln0- 3-lGc ; good or- dlnir ) , U'oC. _ _ _ _ Ciilli-n MurUnt. Ni vv YOIIK , Juno 27. Options opened stcadv at 10 points down to 10 points up , closeil steady , unchanged to 15 points up ; tulo , 4,000 b.iRH , Incluilliu : Julj. $15 111 ; boptunbut , J.15.15 ; Deceinlior , f 14 00. bpot lilo , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , $10.20 , Now York Dry tiiiocls Murlcnt. NI.W YOUK. Juno 27 Weather conditions continued unfavoiiiblo fortiade , Thodem ind foi diy Koods , how evershown homo linpiovu- inuntou thobpotovi-i yostuiday , but us there were no nestein in.ills the totul volumuof builtiess vvus Hcht. polls U'lli'llt .Murket. AllNNrAi'OMP , Juno 27. Market llttlo ad- MiiiLCd , but steady ; cash , steady ; receipts , 215 cars Closu : Juno , 58'6c ; July , 58 c ; August , OtJsPj t'ejitoniber , b4c. On tiuck : No. 1 hard , blu ; No , 1 not thorn , 60c ; No , 2 north- oui , 6UQ17C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'hlliilelililu | ( Iruln Haricot. PiiiiiJtni i.rniAJunu27.VIIFT Dull , weak and hnver ; No. 2 icd , Juno , 08409c. I'OUNOptions Hteiuly ; No. J mixed , Juno , \M-Dull and weak ; No , 2 white , Juno , CliiLliuiutl .MurlditB , CINCINNATI , Juno 27. WIIUAT In light do- inn ml ; No. 'Jied , GOc. COIIN I'uMtr : No. 2 niKod , lOc. OATaiilot ; No. 2 mixed , J2&32ic. ! Wmsitv btcady ut il.12 , 1'iirflk-ti Oil Market. LONDOV , Juno 27. OAI/CUTK LINSPBD June mill July nli | | > niunt , 41s Ud pur quaiter. TtllirfNTIMk bl'IHITh2s4'j < l PIT UVVt. Amwi III' , Juno 27. I'MHOI.EUJI 12) ) f ptild uud sellers , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ilaltiiiitiro ( iiuln Vturl.i t. lUi.TiMonr , Juno 27. WIIKAT Ilusyj No. 2 rod , bpot and July , OU JO'J'ic. ' CORN Dull ; mixed , spot nnd June , 48c. OATS riinr No.2 white western , 40c. Toledo C.rillli IMnrkot. TOIFDO , Juno 27. WHUAT Lower ; No. cush and June , 05 > ic , COIIN Dull , steady : No. 2 cash , 42c. OATb Quiet ; cash , 31c. &TOUUAM > liO.VDS. Boourltles Oponud Tnvcrlili niul Lossoi \\ero ( Jultu hiiuill , Niw : YOIIK , Juno 27. The stock market opened fororlsh and unsettled , but ouUldo of General Electric , which declined 2ki per cent to C5'l , the losses wuroconllned within u range of U to 1 per cent. The downward iiicnemont was EOOII checked by thu placing of buying orders on allbeial score lummy of the loud- Ing stocks. The fact that the banks did not llml It necessary to tuko out additional clear ing house lo in certificates and the knowledge that the currency shipments to thu west had practically ceased , encouraged the bulls to ubkiiinu more uggrcssho tactics. The bhorts were considerably alarmed nnd thu purchases accelerated the upward mo > e- luent. It was reported that $2,000,000 gold had been engaged in London for shipment to New York and that thu directors of thu Delaware , Luckuvvunnu & We teru at their mooting ou 1'rlduy would raise thu rate of quarterly dividends from 1 * to 2 per cunt. limb rutnois vvnru > > ubspqueiitly denied , but novcrthuli'nii the market continued to Im prove , thuudvancuordeicd by thu eastern and vv intern cquUuleit ngoutsliuv1niu stlniultitlns etfect , as did also thu btutuiuvnl mudu by tlio.su rclosuly Iduntlllud with thu Uoiieial Ekctrlc Co. thut tliu usual quarturly dividend ot 2 ycr cent would bo dcelfircd during the coming week , Improvement In prices win equal to 4 4 per cotitln I.ncknwannn , 4 j per cent In Oeneral nicctrlc , 3 j per cent In American URtvr , 3 per cent In Missouri Paclllc , 2'i per cent In Chicago cage Um and 1 to 2 tier cent In the remainder off ho Hit. I , ate In the afternoon there wns a reaction of l ( to 1'i percent , but the dccllnq brought In a froMi batoh of buying orders and n prtlal rcco\ cry ensued. Among the spe cialties American Tobicco broke 3'4 per cent lo 53 J { , recovered to 57 mid finally reacted to 6G' ' < and 60H , Tcnncssco Co il nnd Iron was heavy , RollliiR down to 13J < . The market Closed firm In tone. The Post says ! Ono of the featurcsof the day was the further collapse In the prlco of silver bullion , \tlilch , after n drop of 3c per ounce yesterday , took another sharp pluiign today of 4c per ounce , thus making a drop of 7clntholwo dii\s nnd bringing the bullion \nluo of n Blher dollar clown to a fraction moro than 67c. The reported closing of the Indian inlnta to thu frcocolnago of Ml * or had llttlo ni irked effect upon the market , al though attention was called to the fact tint whllii this country waits to bo coerced Into re pealing the Sherman sllxorlaw , by a period of ilnaiiclal dlslrtnt and cmtiarras incnt , the llrltlsh goxcrnment forestalled possible dis aster by a repudiation of this country's policy of absorbing a depreciated metal Into the cur rency. The following are the closing quotations on thu loading stocks ou the Now York block ex change today : _ AtclilRon . . . . . . 2'-'J < Northern 1'nc. pfit AdimnKxpreRi . . . 145 W. I1. U. &U Alton , Ti rrc Haute. US Northwestern iloprefil . 1-lfi iln prefil no Ainurlcin llxpreaa IDS N. Y. Crnlnl Ililtlinoro.VOIilo. . 72 N. Y..VH.B Cui.idlnti 1'acllle. . . "OK Ontirlo A. Western Gin ula ' outlieni. . Si ( ! < On run Imp , , , . . . . . Central Pacific. . . . HO * Oroffou N.iv Clies A. Ohio . 17H O S I. .VU. N Cldcnco.V Alton , . . 1'icineMall. . C. IIA.Q . I'eorliUec. &E. . Chlcneo OIH . PlttsburB 140 CoiiBolldited Oaa , . ma I'ullm in Palace. . . C.C. (3..V < 3t Ij . " IlOldlnR foltou oil Cert . $ Hlcliiiioud Tor Del. X HuilRon . , do prefd. . . . Del luk. &Wost. i4nm KloOiimlo W'n. . . 1) fell O preftl. . * do prefd Ml DIM .VC.P. Co. . . . UJJ Hoi-HlHlind 70H KistTenn . . St I'.itil llVJs Kilo . . - . 17 do profd 110 dopnfd . 38 St. Paul .V Omaha . H7 Toil WIMIO . 110 do prof d 11 ) Oreat Norlli'nprd 1I H Southern 1'iclflc. . . M7 c1 A.K I pM . ll J .sugar Hennery. . . . HI HncklnirVillrv . . . Tumi Coil A ; iron. Illinois Cuilril. . . I ? " Tux is IMtllle St PaiilJlUuluth. Tel A.O OLII pfd. Kan. .t Tex. pfd . llll'rf Union IMclllc . . . . I.ikuKilo .t West U. S Expn us doprefd . till' ? W. S L & V 8 1. ikohliorc . 11MM do prof il . . . . . . . . . 1I1 LculTinat . Wells Farce Hx. . . lilt Western Union . . . H2 . 10 WheeUmr.VL U. . . 1)U M ml ) ut in eon . , doprefd U ) Memphis , \ Ch is , M A. St. L , lo Mlohli ; in Central . II ) I ) A. It , O 13 Missouri Picltlc. . . 32 National Unseed . Mobile. I. Ohio 111 General Electric . . K.islixlllo Clutt . HJ Cole V .VI K Itlcill ll COKt IBC do pief U. 8r > do pu.rd , . . . 40W.I It XT. C N J Cuitril . . T A A A , N M . . No.i , \ \ j > ref d , T St I. A.K C. . . Noith Ainer Co , do prefd 1U Northern Pacitle . bid. Thu total hales of stocks today were 270,500 shares , Including : AtchK > n , 7,3on : Ches ipn.iko . \ Ohio , 5,000 ; Chicago Has , 13,700 ; Delaware. I.'icKawanna \\Vstern , 35,600 ; Distilling , 3/100 ; General r.lectilc , 28,000 ; Louls\lllo A , Nashxllle , 0,500 ; Mlssoutl Pacific , 7,800 ; Not them Paclllc preferred , 4,400 ; Heading , 25,000 , Hock Island , 10 300 ; bt. Paul , 14,000 ; fcugnr , 35,300estorn ; Union , 8,600. Nrvr York . > Ionoi .Xlirlcot. NLW YOIIK , Juno 27. MOMJY os CAI.I/ Was easier , langlug from 0 to 25 percent ; l.i < jtlo in , 0 ior cent : closing olTeied at G per cunt. I'HIMI' MrtiCANTii.E PAfi'it-oas per cent. hriHMMl EXCIIMiii riimer , with actual business hi 1) ) inkeis' bills at J4 814.81'X for sixty-day bills and $4 83(34.8Ti ( { fordemmd. GovtHNMLNt DONOS bteudy. btato bonds dull. dull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds : U s Is n > c . . . . 100 StL .VI M Gen Ca U S 4s conn 110 St L > VS KGen M 10- U. S 4 H n-c . . . Ud bt Piul Consols . 12 PiclfletlHOf ' ! ! - > UK "St P , C .VP lHts 118 LoulHlanist'DciUs tia T P. t , G 'lr Hcts 70 MlHHOUll dS. 100 T P H G lr. Kcta 175b Tenn new setOa. . 101) ) Union P.icllle lets Kill Tenu IH.\\ net Tia , . rid West Shore Tenn new Bet.B . . 00 11 O. W Ists Cm id i bo 2d . . . tin AUhlHon IB 70 CcntrilPicInolBt 10" Ateh 2Ks , cl 183 A. 11 D .VR O iBta . . 115 G H. AS A.fiB . . . . 102 D A , H G. la 8-.H G II i , S A 2d Cs. H'l Krki .il HIM H A.T. C Bade 107 M K .t T Gen ( Is . 77W do con ( IB 102 M. K &T.GCH ca . 41) ) } ( "N CarollmOB . . . Uli Mil til ll Union Os . . 100 N. Ciiollna HO N J. C Int Cert. . . 10'U < S S C llrowns 100 N IMe. IHIR nr Tenn old08 . . .A . 02 N Pie ida ! los Va OB CO N W Consols . . i.j Vi Ex-Mat conn. . SB N W. Uobent isns 100 Va cons . 2il Berlea 00 bid ' asked. Ito tili stock Quotations. BOSTON , Juno 27. C ill loins , CQ8 per cent ; time loins , G per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Atch .Top A.S P. . i.3 ! : Wcstlngh. Ekctrle Ill AniLilcin Stiff ir. . . 81i do prefd do prctd 81 Win Contril ? * n-iv sntoOis ( ! > i Oin Electric 5s. . . 8 ' ' Atchlson 'Jds . . . . 4t- ! liOHton .V. Alb-inj. . _ (1J ( do IB 7t ? Iloston . 'w.M.ilnc. . . . ll > 0 Now KnglimdGs. . . 101 Chi .Ilur A , Q . . f > n > WlB Central Is . . 80 Kitchbnri , ' , piefd. . 80 Alloucz Mlntiif Co 1(1 ( Oi uural Ulcctrle . ( > ! > > Atlmtle Illinois Stctl 00 Iloston A. Mont nil 20W Mcxlc m Ccntr il . . 7' : DntteA , Iloston . . . N Y. A. New Kiie. . 21 CilumetA. llecli. . 280 Old Colon } . . . . 1HJ CLiib-niil il Orct-on Short Line 12 Frmklln KublH-r M Kt irs tree Sin DUiro Id Osccol i Union I'.icltlc y < > 7i 1(15 ( West End l.)8 amaiaclc 1.18 STII t'rinclsco Mlniiii ; Quotntlons. P\v I'ltANCihCO , Juno 27. The olllclal closing quotations foi mining stocks today wuro as lollous : AHi 10 Mono 1(1 Itclchcr . . . . ! > < > Not ulo Queen 5 lltstA. Ilclchor . . . HI Ophlr 135 llndlc Consolld ited . in Potost 12(1 ( Choll ir . Ml Su.igo l ( ! CoiiHollilil C'll.&Vl lfi" Situ i Noxadi (15 ( Crouu Point . . . . . < n Union Consolidated. bO Gould & entry . . . . Hr Yellow Jacket 105 Muxlc in . . . . H."i No\v Vor.t .MInliiK Oinituions. Ni vv YOIIK , J'ino 27. The following are the mining quotations : Con Cil AVa . . 1CI ( SUrriMuvadn 7U Ucidwood . , . . 1011 bt md.iiil me ( toiilcl A-Ciuiy . . 4fl U Io. Con K Hilo A. Noicioss. . . : ) Vtllovv Jitktt 100 HoniLstiUu 10(10 ( IionSHer 100 Muxli in lull Quick Silver _ 0 ( Ont.uio 1(100 ( do prefd 1C ( ) ( Ophlr 11(1 ( liulvvei 10 1'h mouth 25 London I Inaiiiml Kexluxr. IComn tuMttl 1803 bu Jamtv ( Ionian Ilcnnctt.1 LONDON.June 27. INoxv York Herald Cable .Special to Tin : Ht u. ] lluslness on the block oxchaiuo was xcry uulet today owing to the foitnlglttly settlement , but the xoliimo o business , to bo in ranged was not largo am money xxas easy , only 3'i ' pel cent per iinnnii Dclng charged for the account. In Amerlcai : r.illxvajs the principal movements xxoro do termlned by thu dearnesgof Kllvor , which wa1 quoted today at 35d pe-r oz. Owing to the closlngof Indian mints and the fixing of the \aliiuotthorupeontlsand 4d Indian council drafts were allotcd de-lay at oxer Ud. Hupou paper was strong at 71 , but there Is an ex pected adxanco to 80 or higher r.H it compares xery f.uorably xvlth htorllng Issues. American rallwuj.s opened dull nnd became xery xxuak but subsequently rocoxuied to bomo ox- tent. There was a decided disposition to hull Union Pacific , Donxcr& Ulo Uraiidc , etc. , xvhlchderlxo tralllc from the sllxer Industry. In thu foreign maikut the feature xras the weakness of .Mexican goxeminent bonds which closed ut G8H. othorwiho thora was no bpcclul moxeiucnt. lloinu bccurltlus xvuio dull. Kin tneliil Xiton , KANSAS CITT , Juno 27 , Clearings $1,300- Nuw OiiM'AiiS , Juno 27. Clearings , { 1,010- 772 , I'AKtfl , Juno 27. Three par cent routes 08f for the account. NEXX YOIIK , Juno 27. Clearings 1103,009- 327 ; balances 5,150,275. llAi.riMoui : . Juno 27 Clearings $2,200,185 ; balances , { 43JOJ1 , Money U pur cent , Pmi.AiiM.iMiiA. Juno27. Clearings , il 1,254- 63H ; balances , (1,080,043. Money , 0 pur cent. LONDON , Juno 27 Amount of bullion gene Into the Hunk of England on balances today , 110,000 * OiiciNNATr , Juno 27. Money , C2 > 9 nor cont. Noxv York exchange , $1 discount. Clearings , $1,005,000 , MKUrnis , Juno 27 , Noxv York exehanco soiling at H.60 premium. CUarln0'd , $153.2Jl > ; balances , JJ8.U04. IloaiON , June 27. Clearings , $12,678,203 , ; liiiliince , J 1,372,038. Money , 7 3 1O nurcont. Exchange on I\ew York , p ir to 16c dUcount. br , I.ouis. Juno 27. Oloarlngs , $2,070,830 ; bilance.-i , $211,204 , Money quint , 0S per cunt Kxchangu on New York , 75c dlscoun'.J CIIICAUO. Juno 27. Clearings , $12,650,018 , Now York exchange , 25c dlbcounr. frur- Hug exchange * , dull ; sixty day bills , $4 82 ; demand , N.U4.Money 11 nn. OM.YIIA t.ivi ; brouic Hun of Cuttle Very 1'ulr for u Tucs- tiny , TursoAV , Juno 27. Hccelpts for the past two iluyi , foot UP 4,162 , cattle , 12,877 hogs nna 1,628 sheep , as com pared with 4,377 cattle , 13,851 hogs aud 1,278 bheop the llrat two days ot lust wci Ic. The run of cattlu was xery fair for a Tues day and It looked us if prices would go lower , Thu Drci tone to oabtern udxlcos and the ap parent deblro to trade manifested by all classes of buyers made a fulrly btoudy aud tolerably actlxu uiurkut. lluuvy cattlu XTUIO lu buttur than ordinary fuipplfi tuid with a ( food domnnd showed sumo linrirxivoinaiiti In ( act , It was po lblo to. reailrn fully steady prices nnuny thing In thaboof line nt nil desirable. Ordinary crudes , th3 linflntshnd nud shipping stock , sold but Iiidlltercntly and not infre quently nt Blinded prices , and toward the close of the market there was n decidedly oaslor frclltiR on all crudes of steoro. Hood to choice 1,200 to 1,450-11) ) . MCCM soldnt from 14.70 to J4.00 , wlih rinuh l.UOO nnd l,30l-lb. ) stuff at $4.40 and 14.60. CJiolce 1.12G-H ) . beeves brought $4 Gfl nnd U was pretty common stock that hail to sell nt iinder $4.33. Thorq was quite n llttlo of II , however , that sellers found It no easy task lei dispose of nt from $3.75 to $4.25. Kv cry thins changed hands nnd In fairly Rood season , The cow market wns about steady , ueccipts were light and the ( letu ind ditto. Choice fat 730 nnd 700-10 , heifers brought $3.50 , and very peed ranKO cows sold for $2.00 , whllo there was illiberal amount of canning stock thnt J1.25 lo $ _ .26 bought. Very fair to choice calves sold at from t.25 to $525 , or about steady prices , and poor to nrlmo bulls , oxon nndhttiRsnt from $1,85 to $4 , were generally quoted about steady , Thcro was a fair business done In stockers and feeders , the country dom ind boliiR some what better than mil il and the fresh receipts fairly liberal. 1'rlces ruled about steady , cer tainly noBtronRer. A blR stilus ? of westerns sold for $2.70 , choice natives brought $3.23 and vuiy common stock $2,30. Koprosonta live stiles : nunssLii nr.EF. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 2 .1100 S3 50 20 .1274 $4 60 5 ! . 055 3 50 G8 , .1180 4 65 34 . . 803 3 75 10 , .1102 4 55 28 . . U.I. ) 3 75 2 * .12111 4 GO 0 . . 070 3 80 20 ! .1128 4 GO 20 . . 08(5 ( 3 UO 51. .1218 4 dO " . 7PO 4 00 05 . 1160 4 GO 4" .1105 4 00 22 . 1094 4 00 14. . .1044 4 00 GO t .1-09 5 GO 5 . .103G 4 05 58. . . . . .1202 4 ( > 0 41. . .1110 4 20 21 .1128 4 dO 5 . . 024 4 25 30. . . . . .119(5 ( 4 05 10. . .1101 4 40 21 . . 1120 4 G5 7 . .1185 4 40 20. . . .1248 4 70 24 . 1089 4 40 21 .1109 4 70 42 . .1108 4 10 20 . . .1200 4 76 14. . .117J 4 40 20 . . .1277 4 75 18 . .1177 4 15 22 . .1200 4 75 40 . .12 JO 4 15 21 .1214 4 80 37 . .1200 4 45 18 . .1178 4 80 40 . .112J 4 ID 10 . .122(5 ( 4 80 .1187 4 50 18 . .1312 4 80 . 010 4 50 20 . . .12.17 4 80 GO .12.0 4 60 67 . . .1355 4 80 38 .1227 4 60 U4 .1310 4 85 20. , .1178 4 60 30 .1388 4 UO 23. .1200 4 60 SltllTlMt AND K\rOIlT. 100 1150 4 35 30 . 1305 4 75 20 1105 4 55 37 . 1)25 4 75 13 1171 4 65 SO . 1110 4 00 22 . 1302 470 45 . 1308 4 00 1 1510 4 75 STUMIS AND 1IEI1LU9. 10 1175 4 75 MIXED. 18 722 3 25 COWS. C80 1 25 1 1170 2 75 1 . HBO 1 75 7 1012 2 80 22 . 735 1 80 1 . . . 1110 2 00 il 1070 200 5 . . . 1172 3 00 54 . 842 2 25 20 D < > 5 3 00 ; 1 1000 225 3 1020 3 10 704 2 35 .1250 3 15 1177 2 40 1010 3 25 888 2 05 . 070 3 35 IIBIIUIS. 9 G02 160 17 882 340 1 . . . . 510 200 21 790 350 1 5bO 200 25 732 350 3 083 300 1 . . . . 030 360 MILKERS AND TTUI.Sdl US. COTT nnd calf 35 00 cow and calf 33 OO cow nnd calf 3000 cow and calf 20 00 cow and calf 25 00 spiliiRcr 2800 springer 2000 CAI.V LS. G 128 4 25 1 100 5 00 100 4 50 i G 100 5 25 1 140 5 00 nUILS 2 1080 1 85 1 1270 3 00 1 1520 2 10 1 1570 3 00 1 1310 2 25 2 1G30 3 00 1 IGbO 285" 1 1200 3 25 OXEN. 0 . 1205 2 25 5 . 1728 4 00 1 ! . 1305 2 25 STAGS. 1 . 1030 3 00 STOCKER8 AND FFEDBUS. 1 530 2 00 10 887 2 90 8 712 235 13 1021 3 00 3 313 2 35 1 1000 3 15 7 510 2 60 21 014 3 15 4 003 2 50 3 1000 3 20 1 000 200 * 1 1120 3 20 27 8GG 270 8 1057 3 20 2 835 275 85 1125 3 25 30 682 2 80 30No DAKOTA CATTLE. No Av. Pr. 39 feeders 1103 $2 70 1 hull 1680 2 75 2 bulls 1420 1 GO 287 feeders 859 2 70 23 cows 889 2 90 \V YOMIMl CATTLU. 1 hull 1250 1 75 1 cow 1050 2 35 2 feeders 954 275 Hoes Most de ilers were ills ippolntcd at ho sio of the leeclpts today. No ono would itivo been MUprised ut 12,000 and few e\- iccted less than 10,000. As it was there woio only 8,600 hero and a correspondingly light run at Chicago uml u stronger market there , jellers wen- nerved to tisk higher prices and ) uyert > who all appealed tohuvu liberal orders iroeeeded to till them ut pilcesl&c higher hun iMoml.iy In most cases and not Infre quently the advnncu was even more. The best io0'b weighing nil the way from 208 to 297 Ibs bold as high as $5 85 and common heavy and ul\ed puckers sold ut J5 70 Tor fair to Rood mis of nil wolRhtb , however , It was prictlctilly i to 75 to $5.80 market nearly euoiything sell IIR at that figure as against $5 00 to $5 05 Monday and J5 85 to I5.0J on last Tuesday , iieprose-ntutlvo b lies : No. Av. bh. I'r. No Av. Mil. I'r. 3 273 80 55 55 G2 . , .284 200 $5 60 8. , .2J7 120 5 55 69 . , 28J 240 5 80 3. . .340 5 GO GO. , .285 80 5 80 1 , .210 6 00 79 . , 255 80 5 80 7. , .228 80 6 02 ! ' , 01 . , 219 80 6 80 0. , .208 0 05 78. . , 171 200 5 80 8. . .209 5 05 117 . . .252 280 5 80 10 . .200 6 05 GU. . , .239 200 0 80 4. 3J7 5 05 49 . , 210 5 80 1. . .320 5 05 00. . , .2-8 120 6 80 01. . .271 320 0 70 04 . . 270 200 6 80 27. , .2J8 210 0 70 Gl. . , .203 120 6 80 72. , .277 320 0 70 72 . , .239 40 6 t-0 72. , 251 40 5 70 70. . , 222 100 6 81) ) 00 . .275 320 5 70 05 . . 2-9 6 80 70 . 228 100 5 70 Gl 205 280 5 80 75. . .215 100 5 70 07 , . .237 60 5 80 58. . 200 300 6 70 72 , 2011 210 5 80 0. . .20J 40 6 70 05 , . .258 200 6 80 02 . .271 240 5 72 51 , . 291 120 6 80 .218 200 6 7 ! > Jt 114. 2GO 120 5 80 08. . . .288 100 5 7' ! ' , 01 . . 254 10 5 80 01 . . 218 200 5 70 01. . , 253 200 5 80 09 . .213 120 6 75 6' ) . , , .270 80 5 80 70 . . .260 240 5 76 69 . . 208 210 6 80 70. . . .211 120 5 75 69 . . .270 120 5 80 08. . . .207 100 5 75 G2 . .308 6 80 75. , . .211 100 6 70 69 . .255 120 6 tO 04. . . .225 120 6 70 49 . . .2GO 40 6 80 41. . . .209 120 5 75 71. . . .225 100 5 80 72. . .2JO 100 5 75 01. . . 270 100 6 80 05 . . 280 240 5 76 62. , . .202 200 5 80 70 . .210 200 5 75 71. , . .242 200 5 80 f > 0 , . 343 80 5 75 78. , . .184 40 5 80 02 . . .225 200 6 76 84. , . .194 100 6 80 51 . .270 120 5 75 05. , . .231 200 6 80 U3 .207 200 6 70 G8 , . .209 120 6 80 CO ,245 120 5 75 59 . 203 200 & 80 85 , , . 227 1GO 0 75 OH , . 2HO 200 6 80 00 , . 291 120 6 76 08 21 120 5 80 04. , . 247 240 6 70 GG 281 120 5 80 07 . 228 80 0 70 08 . , 20J 100 6 80 51 . .311 200 0 75 7U . . 220 100 5 80 01 240 120 6 75 41 . . 250 5 80 GO , ,200 240 6 70 07 . . 209 200 6 80 64 . 209 200 6 70 85 . . 245 200 6 80 00 24. ) 120 6 75 80 . 188 80 6 80 08 277 120 6 70 , 69 .239 120 6 80 74 . .211 80 & 70 70 270 200 & 80 00 2JO 100 5 70 08 28J 120 6 80 65. . . 271 80 6 70 69. . 273 100 6 80 58 .27J 200 6'VO 64 . 200 10 & 80 00 , .201 200 6 70 Gl . .202 1GO 6 80 71 . .202 280 5 73 GO . 210 120 6 80 70 . .248 240 5 75 79 210 80 6 80 73 . 25J 180 5 70 G7 .291 80 6 82 Y 75 231 100 6 75 G8. . .210 1GO 5 82 \ { CO 230 120 6 7& 05 .250 200 5 82 ( ' , 33 . 201 BU 570 ! 68 . .255 200 0 85 3 . 226 6 75 07 205 6 85 01 270 100 6-75 71) ) 23 . ! 120 0 85 144. 217 100 5"7r > H3 208 80 0 85 77 240 240 6 77V , 71 255 280 6 85 70 259 100 5 77' 09 2 tO 100 6 85 6. ) 2HU 80 68 273 10O 6 85 73 248 120 6 77 ! , 00 297 40 6 85 64 2b'i 1GO 5 77 4 72 210 40 5 80 02 2JO 120 0 771' G3 270 40 0 85 05 . 257 40 05 .207 40 0 85 I'lfW AM ) UOUUII. { 1 . . .240 8 00 1 240 860 bilKU1 There were light fresh receipts ol cheep and thu market was nominally un changed. The demand In comparatively light ut present and prices weak in fcymptithy vvltli eastern muikets which huvo been over blip- piled for bumo tlmu past Quotations aru ; Vulr to good natives , { 4 004J4.76 < ; fair u good westerns , t3 5034,75 ; common ant ] btlH'f hhii'pi 26oa360 ; good to choice 41 to 100-lb lambk , 14.2625.76 , Iteprcbcntatltt H.lllb ! C3 No. Av. I'r. 1 lamb , 00 53 50 laiumbs . . 60 375 117 425 Chicago l.ltoHtot k .Market. CHICAGO , June 27. ( Special Telegram to Tin Iltt.j Thejo was 110 Inipoitunt change toda : In ptlcesfor any grade of cattle. The qua luuul to Tuobdayx pnnalkd , shippers want Ing onlv a fuw cattle , but tlu tery modcratt proportions of thu supply made It eusy foi salesmen to hold the ant antago they gulnei on ( Monday , Good names woin htiong urn other grades wtro fully ftttuuy. 1'rlcea rangci from 11.60 to 15.70. Hubblsh bold at fron 11.60 to 11.76 uud extra 1,060 to 1,700-lb warn quoted i\t from $ . ' > 40 to 15 70 'Ihoro win very llttlo Irudlnu , however , below t2 Uft or nt bettor thnn $5 Toxa * catllo of the bettor cltiM ttcro ilrm , while thin sto k wm banly steady. The cnlf market wan alum- dnntly supplied and wan wcik nt from { 2.25 to 15 60 for poor to choice qimlltle < . There was continued nctltlty In the IIOR trndo and prices continued to advance. Ship pers botiKlit freely and fa did the local con- tlngpnt , and with s ; > mothlnir llko 23,000 tingi lo than for Monday another 10 < J per 100 Ibs. was easily added to iirlrcs. The best of the offerings fetched fiom iO 30 to $035 and only ntory llttlo trading \vns done below f0.20. Hut sllRlit dl"crlinltmtlon was made between light nnd heity weights , If there wii any difference It was In favor of the laltcr , the de mand for at eriges of less thnn 200 Ibs. not beIng - Ing as actlto as It was but recently. There was an untisuilly early clearance and the close was Ilrm. There were sales all the way from SI to J500 for culls to } 0 35 for extra quality. The sheep nmrkctwn n trlflo firmer for good natltos , the offerings being fow. Tor poor and common truck the sltuillon was oven worse than before. Thcro were no htijers for the latter at any prlcn tint holders could name. As IIMV as from } 1.76 to J2 was named without attriietlng bujoisatid sotoial thousand head still llo In the pens To" many days the mar ket for thin sheep has been very bad , and why they plinulci continue to tome. Is unaccount able. The present range of quotations is fiom M.75 to $2.60 for poor to common , and from S3 to to for good to extra. This Is a wider range of tallies than U often seen In the sheep maiket. Spring lambs are quoted at from 13 75 to to. Ill cril'TS Cattle , 0,000 held ; caltes , 1,600 head ; hogs , 16ooo hold ; sheep , 8,000 head. The Hienlng Journal reports : lUrri.K IJocolptH , 7,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; maiket steady ; top prices for steers , $000 ; others , $1.70ft5.1U ! common , B 7031.25 ; Te\ans , t. ) IKMI.26 ; native cows , J3 OlUW 00 ; cannot s , $2 65512.95 llods-lteoelpts , 15,000 held ; shipments , 0,000 head : maikut nctlto at 10c higher ; mixed nnd packers , tG.lUjrfl 20 ; prlmoho.ity nnd butchers tveights , i(1.20ao.35 ( ; prime. Unlit , JO.16aO.35. SiiKM' Receipts , 8,000 bond ; shipments , 3,000 head ; marketMoadv ; natlvo ewes , ? 4 00 Gii4 , ( > 0 ; all wethers , J5 OOftO 00 ; westerns , * 4 GO GO 20 ; 'loxans , J4.WjJl. 10 ; spring lambs4 00 CiJ4 GO. Kecplpts mill ll < pi > < tin i of Htot'K. Ofllclal receipts and dlsposltloi of stock as shown \ > r the books ot the Union Stool : Vards coiuj any for the twenty-four hours ondlm ? at 6 o'clock p. m , Juno 20 , 180) ) : ULCLIt'TS , DISPOSITION- . Illfl I US nous. iu P loklnir Co , 18 TlT ? The G II H tnimond Co . 3 H MvirtA.Co titn The Cud th > 1 * ickltiff Co 770 . ) w riile.iiro I' . A , ! ' Co nc.ii O It Wilson ir.i . Mm lair ir.iH Coo A , Co -H A lliiH V.um mt A. C irej H uiimund A. S liUS bhlPIXMsand feMHl Totil R rv > ; Knnsna Clt > l.lvit stoox MurUot. KANSAS CITY , Juno 27. CATTLV Receipts , 0,700 bend : shipment * , 2,100 head ; market strong and lOchlghei ; Texas steurs 82 5O-IB 300 ; shipping htotrs , t4 3OR5 15 ; native cows , $1.50i4.I ( ? ( ) ; butchers' , M 5O34.-IO ; htocktrs and feeders , 4200Q4.15 ; bulls and mixed , $1.401 25. lltms Hicelpts , 13,300 head ; shipments , 1,400 held ; maiket stiong to lOc higher ; bulk of s lies , $5 705JO 85 ; he it IPS and p nit ers , J5 00r , 85 ; mlMMl. JO OOas 85 ; light. J5 3r. Q5 05 ; Yoi kors , $ o.85' 45 05 ; pigs , $4 50 4.85. fcni EP liccoluts , 3,800 heid ; shipments , none. The m irket was stoady. Top prices today , & 4 50 < a5.00. St. Ioul < IA\o Stuck Market. ST. Louis , Juno 27 CATTI i : IlccelnK 3,000 held ; shipments , 100 held ; maiket slow on natltes , ste idv on othcis ; fair to good nitlto steels , H 0034.70 ; fair to good Tuxans , $3 75. Unas Keceipts , 4,000 head ; shipments , 700 hL.id ; market lOo higher ; hPiity , $ ri.70 ® G 00 : mlNcd , J5 8035 00 : light , $5 85(30.15. ( bun P KLColpts , 3,100 hcul ; shipments , 2,800 head ; market nctlto and stiong ; natlto muttons , S4 004 10 ; lambs , $5. ABOUT PUBLIC WORKS. AlosBugro from the Denver Ilo ird on AR- pluilt Miuluct I'lMiiH Head } . The Boird of Public Works is In receipt of a congratulatory letter from the Denver De partment of Public Works The Denver board is at present \\rcstlingwith the tis- phalt iminft problem , and has solicited the aiUicoof tlio Omaha board. The following extract is taken from the letter : This bo ird Is unanimously of the opinion that the only aj to get asph lit pitcmentof gnoJ quality and fall prli o is to burst the bub ble and rcali/e that the presumption should bo tli.it n mire , so piolillu as to other sub- st inees , was not so barren as to aspli ill , as to conllno the only kind fit for use to a small lake on a small Island lu the tropics. We are now wrestling \vllh an entire now sot of asphalt specific itlons , and are p iIng par ticular attention to the guarantee fe iture. Wo expect to let contr icts on open competi tion for six or eight milts of asphalt pit mm nt this year.o 1110 In full touch with your- solt es and Mr. Kosowator on the asuhalt ( lues- tlon and are happy to say that the community Is with us Wo ionised to acton pi-tltlnus that c illul for Trinidad 1 ike asuli ilt.'as wo decided th it iindei the leijulremcnti , of our lately en- ncted clmitcr such design itlon of the source of supply would not permit genuine competi tion. tion.Hon. Hon. John C Watson of Nebraska City has requested the Board of Public Woiks to RIVO him information legarding the macadamizing of the sticots , where block pavement has sorted its usefulness Nobiaska City h is sctcral blocks of ttoodcn p itemcnt that is in a state of dcc.iy , anil needs i-cpaiiitiR. Mr. ConneU has otcrv thing in roadincss lor the paving problem to go the supreme cout t and his brict in the case is picpircd. Hot till bo accompanied to Lincoln by Council man S lunders and Frank U insom. Sauudors has othai" business in the capital city and is not Kcing oxUusitely for the purpose of in- teict > ting himself in the puingcaso. The applicatiun for n urn of mandamus \tillbo hied this morning , and the Board of Public Woiks has had served upon it a copy of thu application and been cited to appear and make defense. In view ofwh.it Hood's Sarsitmi''a ' ' hi done lor others , is it not leasonablo > j bo liotc that it uill also bo of bundle to you , UP FOE , THREE YEAttS. An ix-niiilm : Cionlc Gcti a Soiitcnoa In Washington * Mortimer Fox , alias Jacob M" , Mjois , alias Colin , n scion of u prominent family of Berkeley , Cal. , pleaded guilty in the United States district court nt Seattle to the charge of having ImrRlarizcd the MicDougall & Southttick Co.'s box at the postofllco about n month ago , nnd was sentenced to tluro yoais'imprisonment. Ho will probably bo sent to Dotiolt , MiUi. Fox comtncncea his career in S in Fran cisco in 18b3 by robbing letter-boxes in rail- wajs , and was eventually sent to the house of correction for t\\o jears. On being re leased ho began opoiations in Oiklind , secuilnKlfiOOU bofoio ho came to Omaha , tthero Han Francisco ofllccrs located him Ho as taken hick. Indicted by the gland Jury , but set at liberty ou some technicality , Ho then went to Seattle. Fox is the Ind , foi whom United States marshals awaited at the door of Judge Kbtollo's court lo.iily to grab him as soon as habeas corpus proceedings were decided in hisfaior , A Mie light between the state and federal authorities took plico , the fod- cialsllnally getting him and taking him. to California. _ I'lro unit I'ollcc. The flro nnd police board has decided to place the names of the men uhocro killed or injured in the Shlvcrick flro on the piy roll for June. Sergeant Sheep and S S. Drummy were pruntod leaves of absence Hereafter the police and firemen's pay roll READYMADEMUSTARD PLASTERS Wovero the first tnanufftcturors on this Continent. Our latest Imnrcn emcnt surpasses an } tlilnu- ever before produoed. 15o , l5o. , S5o. iwrtln. Ilotmrotohavo bUAItUUV'ti. Ask lor them spread on cotton cloth. SEABURY'S SULPHUR CANDLES ; Prevention la bettor than euro , by burnlnff these candles bad eniells In basements , closets , &o. are destroyed , uud UiuscontaxiousiHie.ises uro kept away : ulso useful lor cxH.lllni | ; nios- qultos aud Irritating Inaeots. Price , -So. cacu. To I'urlfy slck-rqoms , apartments , eto.Lso HYDRONAPHTHQL PASTILLES , which lu burning , dlnlnfect and produce a fragrance refreshing and Invigorati . SSo. per box of is. Solo Manufacturers , JOXI1VSON , Vliarwuceutlcall CtiKiuliU. will ( Into from the ST.th of cich mptitlt. In- stond of the Ml , us horotoforc J'ho bcnrd dec Ided to ndvertUo for bid * for engine homo inmrtors for the now en. Kino nnd water lower In a location between Uovonth nnd rifteonth streets ntid bctwcon Hownnl nnd Doilgo street * . yiro box No. 74 , locttoil at Ktuhtocnlh nnd Plorco itrcotvn * reported ilam.igcd nt the Wnkoltolil llro. WESTERN PASSjiNOEitTROUBLE3 Unlnn rnclflo In lint Wnlrr O\or Cntu On Pnillln Count lunlncn. The mootlni ; of the Western Pa senRor assoclntlon In Chicago jcstorday moans n very great deal inoro to ro.xds compotlng for transcontlnent.il business than uppoara on the surface. The Great Northern lias practically con trolled the Munition regarding buslncis for north Pacific coast points by Us very ma- tctlul cuts In p.moncor nito * from saltt points to St. Paul. 'I'ho Not thorn Pacific has tiled to ineot the rates made by Its now nnd forimdnhlo riv.it , but \\lth very small success until jcsterdav , when the latter road announced an nll > rall r.Uo from S in Francisco to St. Paul of SPi flrst class nnd $10 second class , boltitf n cut of * 10 In the tirst class and fT.lK ) In the second class. This cut the railroads lu the Western Pns- sengor association nio consldcilng today , and should the roads viully Interested do- cldo to meet the rates uudo by the Great Isorthorn It would nomplicato matters very set loudly for Jttn Hill's ro.ul. The Union P.icllle In this connection is not having n bed of roses by any means , toilloon , and Mr. Ix > maIs kept guessing as to Just \ \ hat movement his sturdy competitor In the northwest Is bent upon linking noU. When tue Union Paclllc doin.uulcd certain debts regarding the long h.itil from the Missouri rl\er to the notthwoU it was thought It would bo absolutely consistent in loncedliig the same right to othots. But the I/nlon Pacific succeeded in making n contract with the Oliicaco , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha and , hiding reached St. Paul , proceeded to swell up with conscious pride to tno delight of the Northern Pacille , Great Northein unit other loads in that territory. It was easy sailing as long as the waters \\cioc.ilm and pc.ii.oful , but when the Gre.U .i < oithctn people made nwldoient in the rates , then a howl went up , which was hoard upon the farthemost shoies of Pugct Sound. It was a delight to Mr. Hill , and ho g.uo the crank another tuin. Itoduccil Train borxfco. nrastus Voung hi speaklni : of the chaiges made by the pioss of the state tint the Union Pacific had taken on" tr tins because of the maximum freight rate bill , slid : "It Is the height of foolishness to attribute the withdrawal of trains on the put of the Union Pacific to the maximum rate bill. If the raihoads were making money out of the trains itwould bo suicidal to discontinue them. A comparison , however , with cirnings of Juno , Ib'.tt ' , with Juno , 1881 , will show that freight ia- celpts h.ue fallen 50 per cent , passenger earnings alone , holding up railroad prop erties. People who have time to collate figures legarding the present sltiiitlon should turn their attention to railroad earn ings rather than Jump to the Ins mo conclu sion that the ralltoids ate making a mint of money , while the lost of the country is try ing to ptotcct itself against fin md il p inics , etc. The truth of the mitlor 1 that con fidence In the world of finance Is lacking. There is Just as much monu\ per capita as a j car ago.but not so much in circulationw lilcli of course makes times harder. Theto is no demand for articles raised on the farm , stock is at low ebb , nothing is being bouuht be cause of the scarcity of money , and that May depend upon the \ ay y o i treat t he w irn- ings which nature gives. A few bottles of S. S. S. taken at the proper time may insure coed health for a ) car or two. I here/ore act at once , for itS /S IMPORTANT that mture be assisted at the right time [ nevir fails to relieve the system of Im L purities , and is an excellent to"ic also. He Wants to Add His Name. " Permit me to add my name to jour many other ccrtificitesm commendation of the grent cuntiva properties contained in Swift's Specific ( b S b ) It Is certainly one of the best tonics I ever used. "JOHN AV. DANILL , Andersonb. C. " Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed rea. SWIFX SPECJFW CO. A.Uata.G . brings doubt nnd uncertainty. Hanks hnvo refused discount * nnd domnnd a dollar's worth of secuilti tot ovorv dollar lo mod , so thnt the whole financial situation Is moro or loss ln vol\cd ThU Is the condition as found by the rallrotd With nothing moIng our only iceourso hn * been to cut down nu wo hnvo done that wherever possible. All the tall- roads are fooling the present depression ami everyone is trjlng to lesson expenses. " UNION PAOIMO TAXES. Atitwor In the Compiin'n Injunction to Ha * " Mnilo N'o\t Mmnliiy , Next Monday Is answer day in the tem porary Injunction biought by the Union Paclllc to prevent the city council assessing the property of thst company within Its i Ight of-way , not returnable to the State Ho ml of Equalization. -J'ho temporary restraining order wns Issued when the council was holding a ses sion for the purpose of placing the property of the several railway , telegraph and tele phone companies upon the tat rolls. The Union Pacific was the only comp my not rep resented and entering n protest. It went into court , and as a icsuli nil proceedings were brought ton close , to await the out come of the suit for a perpetual Injunction. Unless the city wns able to sccuioa dis solution of .ho Union Pacific. Injunction the mombi'is of the council argued that it would bo useless to make the proposed assessment on the other companies. As a result no fin ther tfctlou was t men. Mr. ConneU w til make answ IT Monday. Ho docs not hope to secure a full hearing during this term , as Judge Duiuly w III bring the session to a close \\lthln the next few days Ho anticipates , howe\cr , that early in the September term a full honing w 111 bo gtauted. and that the fact of the matter being tied up by an injunction will not picjudlco the city's right nor chinccs In in iking the proposed assessment In case the Injunction Is dissolved , Suflurlnj ; with Il > ilr plinbtn. ADUIAN , Mich. , Juno 27. Miss Dortha Burnhtun of Dcorflcd , ngotl 18 , Is dying of hydrophobia. Two mouths ago she was bitten lit the hand by n stray ! > ug do , which immediately disappeared. Satin day , nt her father's store , ns cash ier , she paid out $1,000 ( pr wool. At noon she was soi/od with convulsions. Doctors give no hope. YOU CAN'T STAXD the big blundeilng , old-fash ioned pill , piobably. And there's no reason why you should. You can get better help , and iiioro of it , with things that arc easier to toke nnd easier in their wnvs Dr. Pierco's Plcahant Pellets. Thej'ro the smallest in size , nnd the ylcasantfst remedy , all the way through. In every derangement of tha li\or. stomach ; or ban els , thcso tiny Pellets will give jou moro good. They have n tonic or strengthening effect on the lining membranes of the intestines. This nssists nnd Increases the nrtduul action of the bowels , nnd jior- manently cures Jaundice , Biliousness , Diz- zinc > 3 , Bour Stomach , Indigestion , and con sequent stupor or drowsiness. For breaking up attacks of Colds , Chills , rc\ers , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and kindrid doi angcnicnts resulting f i oiu socro exposure , nothing can equal them. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction. In every cose , or j our money is returned. You pay only for the yootl you get. This is trua oiilv of Dr. Pierco's medicines. What offer could bo moro buslncss-liko I SOUTH Qj\f.AJJA > Union Stock Yards Company , South OjnaTiai fleet Cnttlo Ho nnJ "liecM > mnrltot In th3 iroit CDMK53mHgUS ) _ . ( Wood Brothers. I.lvo Stock Commission Mnrohunti Bo ith Omaha Tolcpliono 1157. Cbloail JOUNI ) IIAU14MA.N , Ufanninrr WAL.T15H. K WDOIJ , fMlllllll" > rr Market reports by in-ill and wlro chcerfullj furnished upon apDllcatlon. LIKE A GOOD JTEMPER SHEDS A1 BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. 1316 Doug-las Street , Omaha , Neb. s Thoemtnontsoecl llstlnnor oiis clironte , prlrat3 blood > Mn nn < l urinary dlaoisos A regular n roKlitcrod iiriiluate In mcillclno , ni dluloni i nnd odrtlilc.ue * will iliow , H mill troattn * with tlis oroateit > uccci3 , catnrrh loit munlinod , nominal W3iknuu , nl.'Ul lo eii an I all form ) of prtrate dl'cmes. No mercury used Now troittmont for losj of vltil power I'nriUn unublo to visit mo mnjr ho treated nt uomt t > 7 correspondence Modlclno or Instrutua.iti nun. liy mill oroxprou noouruly pacneli no mark < to Indt * cnlocoutuata or sender , Onu parnoiml Intarrluw profofrjl Consult illon frea Corroipoudonca atrlotlT private Hook ( Myttcrlon of l.lfo ) bunt freo. OUlco hours , a.m to 9 p m. Suudaya , 10 n. in , to 13 m , baud ; tttump for circular. AWNINGB AND TENTS. linaliaTcnt-Awniui WoHBros&Co. , Mannfacturer of Tents. IIOllBI ! OOVICH8. Annlnm , PIC , "Ud uud 1113 1'urnam Mroat. 70iS lotli Struct , BAGS & TV-INE3 Bcmis Omaha Dag COMPANV. * Importers nnd iniinufnO tur Vt of flour tacki , burlap , B twliiu. BOOTS AND SHOE3. _ Morse-Coe Shos Company. Illl Howard Ft Offlce-llOMIW and - Boleiroom tactorr-lll'J-1121'll" Howard St , We are the ONI.V Miaufixlurori of Ilootn anJ 8W n.Sf ! S A "f. w - to all to lancet our now factory. Klrkcndall , Joucs & Amer , Hand-Sewed COMPANY , Wuoleiale S11OUCO tooti ( liooi llotton mtr > agenti Hubber > rJboo Co. 1IU.- and rubber guod" , I.Oi 11U IIOflHarner Street UlUllurnefUtro t COAL , COKE. CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Colie & Eagle Cornice Works ilfmgalfanljol Iron cor- I.I Mi : CO , bard andioft nlie , w I mil tv cap > inu coal , H K cor. ICtu and tallc ikrlliihti Lic.l.tW Duuitlai fctroet. and IJIO I"rtrfUMrtot DRY GOODS. il. E. Smith&Co. HilpatricK-KochDry GOJUt ) LO. L'rr coodi , notions , fur- Nutloni , itenti' furnlib- rliUlu yoodt , coruor log iuoil : , cor. lltU and lltb olid Howard bl . lUrnay Street ! . FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Be'jes & Uunyaa OOMPAMT. UptioUtured furniture. HJllNlTUltB COMPANY UU/.IIU4 MctioUi ct- W-oUialeonl/ . ana I HARDWARE.