HPTTT ? riAf A TT A nitTYr mW. TTT\T1 ? tfj tone 8PE01HL NOTICES AriVKIlTlHKMEJJTS FOlfTHKSK "COLUMNS will Ix- taken until 12 80 | > . tn. for HIP evenlmj nnfl until 8.W : p. m , for Ilio momliur and Sunday editions. Advertisers , by rwiurRlInc ft numbered chPCK run liavH their answers addressed to .1 numbered letter In cnrr of Tin : IIKE. Answers BO addressed will bo dellvernl upon presenliillon of th click. . SITUATION S WANTED. Rates.me n word first Insertion , lo n word there- flor Nolhlnif taken for loss than 230. wnwAKr.u. VNDERSTANDS CUTTING /Ynniimun * Do plain scwlntf. $1.00 wi k. AdOres - Ores * K 111. Ili-c. Mult ) 2 < * _ " " - WANTED , YOUNO LADY , REFINED , WELL ediicaled. would Him position as clerk , offlco n - Klslanl or cashier. Ik' t of reference f urnlshed. 1C B7. Ilec. M. > , m 27' . _ WANTED MALE HELP. Hales. li-.enwonl . first Insertion , lea word there- lifter. Untiling taken for less Uiflii 2Sc. _ Jlipiircil In Block food'I'n'irto ; ' rcfere'iiee rcciulredj rood money to good mm. Address Wilbur S < > o < l Meal Co M'llwankeo. WIs. 022130' - H' YOU WANT A OOOD PAY1NO JOI1 WRITE Iho Hawkft Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wl"- . , „ , TV WANTED. ALL STENOGRAPHERS. 1IOOK- JUkeetiero , salesmen , phannaelsts. clerks of all lilnkB. main or female , ont of employment In Iowa , Nebraska or Wyoming to send ns their names and address. We ran l of wrvlco to you In nldliiff you to nocnri ) lioslllons , Western Ilusl- i Aceney. 310 N. V. Life lltdg. 3l8Jy20 "IJWA NTKlifTTiA VKLlNfl SALKSMANl MUST Jihavtixpirlpncp. . Call uefont noon. I" . A. Sal isbury , III 1'e.irl Mrcvt , Coimcll Ulufts. M3U3 i7 ! ' " " WANTK1) . llOY"sr'lTtSTLKRS. : ) " IN OMAHA and nil clll'-n and towns In Nebraska for a Htiap. No capital required. Wrlto at once to II. R. L"o , iiwocd : , Neb/ M728' _ " B\V"ANT BII , LAUNDRY JIAN tro RUN AND tnltu pluinra of mnall laundry In Iowa. Nonu need apply Unt Rood all around man. Call at Slier- mini avemubarn. . MO0 * _ _ TVANTKD. . A GOOD STOUT HOY AIIOUT 10 J Jor 1H to work In more. Address with city refer ence only , K JJ8 , lloo olllcc. MS 1 5 18 ! _ I \VANTKILA110Rin30N : RAILROAD WORK In Iowa , teams on railroad work near Chlcacoi peed wanes ! freii pass. Kramer .V O'Hoarn , Labor iiEcncy , ilOIt South 1 lib street. MB4 1 18 ! WANTED HELP. Rates. 1H ° n word first Insert lou.le. a wordlhere- fler. Notlilng taken for less than -'c. i . _ rl-WANTKD , LAD1R.4 TO WR1TK AT 1IOMK. L/KnclOBo Htampcd cnvclopo. Klla Werat , Sec. , Bouth liend. 1ml. - 3U _ -WANTRD , LAUIKS OR YOUNO MRM TO ako lleht. pleasant work tit their own homes ! f 1.00 to H-IUIO per day can bo quietly mnile ; work pent by mall : no canvasslmr. 1'or particulars ad dress ( Helm Mfg. Co. , Uox 5331 , lloston. Mass. Es tablished 1HHU. MUl'Jjy ID' _ C WANTRU. A OIRL FOR GKNIMIAL HOIISR- wnrk. family two , WJICUH good. Mrs. W. C. Ivea , 13'J N. JlDlli Ht. 311) ) VU' C- EXPERIENCED OIRL WANTED. 2 IN FAM- lly : good wages. Apply Mm. M. Elgutlcr , 1112 P.llilhst. - - 14 _ -G1RL WANTED AT NO. 1010 SHERMAN avenue. Jlrs. J. M. Commman. 437 30' C-1IEST OF WAOES TO COMPETENT GIRL , inimt t > > ( rood cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M. Thtir ton , 24US Farnam Btreet. -110 ' WANTED , LADIES AND OENTLEMEN. WE will pay you $ r to * 12 per wci'k to work for n nt your IIOIIIOH ; no canvanslin ; ; Htrlctly homo work elld Bulf-ad'lreaBwl emelopo. (1. F. Eminoim & Co. cor , llattcrymarch and Water StreetB. , lloslon , MaKS. M15020 * C GIRL , AIIOUT 17 OR 1H YEARS old. 210. * > Douglas HI. 520 _ ' ri-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL L/at 1411 North Eighteenth Btreet. M5I3 i ! -WA NTED , OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- woik , Binall family ; German preferred. 1211 Bolith 21Hh Btreet. M533 20" FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates , lOca linn each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for ICSB than 25c. fS-Foit RlTNTV ffoUSESTIN" PARTS OF .1' J-'lho city. The O. F. DWB : ! company , 1505 Farnam. \ - 10-ROOM HOUSE , 2100 DOUGLAS STREET. /KiKinlro of Morltz Meyer , eur. 10th and Farnam. 441 D-10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , GOOD LOCA- tlon ; rout moderalu. L. S. Skinner , 1014 Famam. 443 -7-ROOM HOUSE. EAST FRONT , ALL MODern - ern , 23.00. Fidelity Tnmt Co. , 1702 Famam. 415 -3AND4-ROOM APARTMENTS. VON DORN block , with Btiumn.urenee8reuulredalOS211d. ; ( ; 417 TV-FOR RENT ; 10-UOOM HOUSE. ALL MOD- J-'cm ImprovementH. 1721 Dodge. Euqulru next door or I ill 8 Farnam Bl. 403 2(1 D-FOR RENT , il-ROOM COTTAGE FOR ored people. 208 North Klih. MS02 I-ROOM FLAT , * 17. 0 AND 7 ROOM FLATS , $30. Opp. JefCei-Bon Bjuare. Roberts. IfilHChl- cage Ht. M3U5 J27 * TTJ a ROOMS CHEAP. G08N 13TH ST. 1 roil RENT CHEAP. A GOOD 1IARN. IN- -l-Mliillo on premlweH , 514 Korth 22tl fatrert. Also two nice koven-room cotlagcB , good yard , Bhadu i trees , very near to cable or molor ; 423.00 and * 27.00eacli. M01U - TO RUNT , SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , * 23.00 ; ham If ilcslmili nice lawn. lree . pity water , cistern , cemented cellars , bath , near molor. See owner , D. V. Slevcim , 001 Pnxton block. M03U -R.ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , CONVENIENT for buHlnrBB or wholuaalo men. Api > ly 1112 South 10th street. 4 13 T % FOR RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , X/L-ingo block , mm South 13lliBl. 3K2 28 - NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO ( JET A FIRST- elaHH Hat elu-ap. They are In good repair and conveniently arranged ; have all Improvements. Call at filll Eolith llilli street. 110 "r\-FoTl A FEW DA 'S ONLY WE OFFER OUR J-/choh'o llalH to famlllt-H at a low rate. Conical once If you wish to get a bargain. Call alOlU Sonlli 10th Btn-et , P. K. Her hlock. Ill ) o r 7-ROOM COTTAOE , ALL MODERN. 3013 Loavomvorllr 432-20' D CHOICE KLATS IN THE P. E. ILER BLOCK , comer Kith and Jackson HtiuctM.-Will runt them cheap. Call at 310 Soiilh llilh Bll-uet. 110 TJ IF \v7LLTATdrTmTl'ROUIILE TO GO J and Bee the P. E. Her namcorner Illlhand Jack- Bon Htri-etB , It will pay you. Call at & 10 So , 10th Bt. 110 D 7-ROOM"cO'lvTArET ( ) RENT. CONVENIENT fur U. P. railroad men. Inquire 1112 S. 10th Bl. 413 D- FOR RENT ; NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE , CEL- lar. elBtiMii , city water , etc. , fu \ month. In- qulrelillH Farnam. 403 20 ii T\-FOliTlKNT , II ROOM COTTAOE 3017 CALI- Ufuniln Ht. EiiiinlninexChousueaBt. 41120 * TV FOR RENT , 10-ROOM" * ! OlERN llOUSl- : , 4JBiillabli.i for roomers mid boarders. 2011 Hartley Mrcet. 10-reoin modern IIOIIBK , 2218 Learenworth Htn-i't , only D-2"i.lio. Komo nlcu * collagca. H. U. Claik A Co. . 1218 Hartley Btivet , M5ll ; VI'HNISIIK IIOUSK FOR RUNT AiikS'pt. . on Capital Hill. Ill roonm. lart'O yanl and barn , to Hiuull family only. K 20 lloe.ISO ISO W A NTED. A TKNENT FOR A FINELY FUR- nlHhiHl Ill-room hoimn on Georgia avcnnu dnr- IIIR July and AIH.-IIBI. Rom nominal to party fur- idHhhiir HallHfacinry referenceB. Apply to C , E , rtmmier at the Omaha Loan mid Trimt coini > anv or ( IMA ( ieoricla livi'iuie. M ll'O ' 27 D- FOR RENT JULY 1 NEXT , TWO OKTHO3E nlco new hoiiHi'H on 15th and llnnlello BtroetB ; newly paitonsl ; 7 nwniH ; modern Improvements , luqiilru John Dale , VIOD New York l.Uo. MJ77 27 * U- MODERN 1IRICK , 10 ROOMS , FACI PARK , awnlnirB , Beii'fim , ctu. . Mill S 20 avenuu , ff'8,73. "OS New Yolk l.lfu , M170 27 D FOH RKN r , TUB MOST CONVENIENT , riniifortablii , cuscy and romplelo eUht-room oiiK-i In Oinuhii , Electrlu uellB , hanl wood Hour. nnedry cellar , fnniaru , ranee , fn , bath , hot and cold waler. Now and KOIM ! onler. K2U S. 2ftlh nrt-mie. For rt-nl lo irood piirly. AUo line 12- rooiu hotiKu H , e. corner 24th and Dodnu. Funiaco , ranxis lialh , hot nnd rold water. toiHl Unlit roouiH ) oleiiiint localloii. rent moderato. Apply lo N. HIA , Kulin. 15th und Ilonrlait. ildOO Jyl i V DVOK RKNTT A NEW EIGHT-ROOM COT- Uun , every modern roirvfiitrnve , cor. 2litU and ' Howanl. Room C01 , lloyd'u nuw Iheater. 'li Iheater.M4PO27 * FINK 7-ROOM FLAT , COM Pt.KTEIY FUR- nlhhi l \ > llh lli'Hl clans fnnillnni neaily new , 33. or uiifin-nlHluHl * 27. Call nt more. 701 South lOthBlivut , at 10 u. u. Oeort-c Cloubcr. 020 D- FOR RUNT7 A FEW ELEGANT HOUSES ! rood location. Iircimun , I ivo , v Co. , Paxlon block. M5Jly3 ) 3fOR KENT FUKNI61IED IIOOMB RutoH. l Uo a word flrot InRBHIon , lea word thoru- alter. Nolhlnir Uktn for lub Hum 'J5o. E-NICKLY I'DRNISHKD llariioy. " | -PLKASANTFVnNISIIKn i ROOMS FOR CJEN- J-iilcnicn only , 1610 Howard street. 761) jyU L P-FURNISHEU ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR * Jjeiitli-BieuiucKlera couv ule cea , 320 North 23d. > _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ M730 , WELL FURNISHED ROOMS rn couvvulcucoa , 110 So , coih at. M603 _ E ' -FIRST FLOOR MODERN FLAT FURNISHED forllcLl liouackcvplniri will lake board lu ox- ie ; also two Oneljr ( urulthcd t > ouih frunl i , S003 Hurt trel. U50 [ > 27' FOR RENT FUHNISHED HOOMSJ Continual EFtJRNISHEI ) OR UNFURNISHED ROOM IN modern brick hoimo ; private family ! refercneen. 120 North 20th street. 21383 E FOR RF.NT. TWO NICELY FURNISHED . roonm ; ono with alcove. Call at 182:1 : Farnam. MSI2 a EXAMINE THIS IIAROAIN : AT A SAIRIF1CK. lo-room hoiiAf1 , modrni Improvements , nrranred lo aeeomodatn one or two families , eaul front eon- MMiU-nllo Cn-lKlilon collfirr. linn puhllo nchooU nnd motor cart. I'rlco * ; I.IIIMI , $000 cash , If nold before July 1st. B2M N. JKnil HI. 081 FURNISHED ROOM8 AND BOARD. Rate * . lUo n word flrst Insertion , le n word llioro- nfler. Nothing taken tor less than 23c. ir-THE ' DOLAN , 200 AND 211 N. 1STH ST. JLIL. - - YOUNG WOMEN'S IIO.M12. UNDER PARK OF J- Woaian's Christian association , 111 S. 17th Ht. 4150 -FURNISHED ROOM AND FIRST CLASS -L board. 25ll : : St. JIary's avo. : I50 27 * F-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAN nnd wife or two gentlemen , with board ! also day board. 2209 Farnam. M3U7 28 * ? COOL SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , AWNINOS , summer rales. 238IHarney. M3S ! ) 28 * [ -NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD AT 107 S. 17TIL M410Jy23 * -FIRST AND SKCOND FLOOR ROOMS , WITH J. alcove , funilshpil or unfurnished , at The Fron- rer , 110 N. UOth street. 4H ! ! 10- 'I,11 , ROOMS AND DOAHD'J823 DODOK STRERT. Minn U7 FOBBKNT TTNJFUKNISH'D BOOMS Rates. Ike a wWl first Insertion , lea word thoro- Bflcr. Nothing tlikun for less than "JSc. FoRMTofJ i UNFURNilRI ) ROOMS , modern Improvements , beautiful lawn and shado. N. R. cor. sail and Miami streets. M750 G - 2 LAROR ROOMS , NORTH ANll SOUTH front ! tnoileni convpiileucesi fitrnlHhPd or un furnished. iB8' ! ! Harney. JI11HU 27 * -TO LF.T. 1'LRASANT UNFURNISHEInOU fundHhed room-.U7 Mason Hlivet , nearl'ark avenuo. M310 US' Il-ROOM SUITES FOR LIOHT HOUSRKERP- IniT ! 141U North 17th Bt. M1 F. Roys , 201) ) S. Ifitli street. 404 20 FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES Rates , lOc a line each Insertion. $ l.r 0 a line per month , Nothing taken for less than 25o. ' ' - J block , Hiiltablo for meat market , hardware or dry fowls Hlore. Inqulro GOO S. 13th Ht. 451 T-FORRRNT. THR 1-STORY 11RICK I1UILDINO , J 010 Farnam st. The building has a fireproof , ce ment basement , complete steam heating fixtures , water on all the Hours , tus , etc. Apply ut the odlco ofThollco. 10 I -FOR RRNT , CHOICI'-ST SRCOND FLOOR HUSI- l IK-MS corner In Omaha Globu bulUUntr , 10th and Dodge , Globu Loan .t Trust Co. 452 T- OFFICES KN SUITE OR SINGLE. WITH OR J without llrouroof vaults : cheap. Wlthnell hlk. M742 lyii' AGENTS WANTE1I. Kates , lOc a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. our new Itultlu cleaner , broad and cake knives and other now articles. Kasy sellers , biff prollta , terms oauy. ClaiiHS Shear Co. , Kansas City , Mo. M310 JylO * 1 THE A H O INVESTMENT IIOND3 PAY ' $ "iOO.UO In from one to live years , lluy one. $3.00 cash and $1.00 a month afterwards until paid , llest paylni ; Investment extant. A rnstllnt ; aifent wante < l in every town and county. For full particulars apply to The American Uond company , 530audC31 1'axton block , Omaha. M".87 Jy22 * 7 WANTED. AOENTS FOR "PHILLIPS ' Ilrooks , the Man. Ilio Preacher and the Author. " lleantlful memorial volnmo of America's foremost preacher. Introduction by Jouoph Cook. "Alto- Bi'thiTiloe.s justice to Its preat subject. " Klon's Herald. Ono lady sold 20 books In it hours. An jiirent In taking 8S orders only met with 0 refusals. Atfents onlerlnsj 100 books apiece. Wo IIOVIT before - fore imbllHhiKl a book that Bold so fast. J. K. HaBtlniiH Cornhlll , Iloslon. Mass. M033 27 * BENTAL AGENCIES. Rates , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for leas than 2uc. L-1JERRY & CO. , RENTS ; 717 N. Y. 370 _ T TURN YOUR RENTAL I'ROPERTY OVER TO -LJIJcnawu & Co. If wish - you prompt and sum re turns. 6111 Jy 2 STOBAGE. Ratna , lOc a line each Insertion , $ l"ll a line per month. Nothln ? taken for ICBS than 23c. M WR DOTHR PACKING ! . MOVINC ! , STORl'NO , slilpiilm ? of pianos and furniture ; storehonso 1114 DuiiKhiH. nlllco 15011 Dodire. Omaha Van and KxprcBttCo. Tel. 1530. M. lieklns , Ms'r. 7tl2JyU * MSTORAGEWILLIAMSiCROSS,1211 HARNEY 453 -STORAGEFORHOUSEHOLDGOODS ; clean mid cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 431 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , W-c a word flr t Insertion , le a word thoro- nfter. Nothing taken for less lhan 23c. "rV-OASII FOR FURNITURE , 'lIOu"sElioLI > -I' goods , etc. . or will sell for owner In our auction sales. R , Wells , 1111 Farnam. 431 N -FIRST MORTGAGE PAPERS. H. A. ARnold - nold , 003 lloo blilg. M21H NN J-WANTED , SECOND HAND ROLLER TOP Vlusk. ono standhi ) , * dCHk and ono mirveyor'H lorel and target. D , U. Uoauo , 111 Chamber of Coniineruo : IT3 XT-PROM ONE TO THREE OOOI ) FARMS ( IN Xicentral Nebraska ) and caxh to exchange for merchandise. J. M.C. , No. 10 West 21at Bl. , Kear ney , Neb. ! I77 20" FOB SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO Rates , 1 Oca line eacli InHortlon , * l.fia ) line per month , Nothing taken for lea.s than 2c. P-FOR SALE , VERY CHEAP FOR CASH > family horse , nound anil kind , 7 years old , with Ural class phaelon and harness , nearly now , In- qnlro ut Lawrence's blablctf , 28th and Harney St. 378-28 * P-FOR SALE , FAMILY HORSE AND I1UOOY. -L Charles Ogden , 301 Paxton blk. 373 IFOR SALE , fiOOD FAMILY HORSE AND Bplcndldphauloii , bliO So. 21ntBtreut. M115 27 * p-100 CARRIAGES. JL Wo carry the largest stock of warrantable vehlch'H In ihe city , consisting of family carriages , Biirrles , plurtons , vlctorlaH , rockaways. depot wagoua , ( ioililanl Imggh'B , wagoucttKB , jump heatti and novelties In latest dcHlgim ; new and second hand ! bedrock prices , Call and bo convinced. Urummond Carriage CoIHtli and Hurnny atreetu. M1U3 Jyl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. RalcH. Ike a wont llrBt InHortlon , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for IUBH than 23c. Q -NO. 1 SPRING FRAME RAMHLER IIIOYOLK , _ uimhlon tire , nearly now. Very cheap. Ad- ilrouij K U , Ueu , Jia.lli Jy 21 Q-FOR SALK. 4 FIRST-CLASS CK1LINC ! FANS , electric , In eood onler. W. S. Ualduff , 1520 Far nam. MiU2 ; 211 -VOK SALE OR TRADE. 2-HORSE"pOWEll ! enuluo In food order. Call at 111 Hoard Trade , J1510 U0 > Q-VICTOR ARCH TIRE HIOYCLE , MODEL "II , " 1)2. In ( rood condition ; 13S wheel for * 70 , Addroua K 2(1 ( , liuo. JI.'iliH 2B * MISCELLANEOUS. RalcH , 1 Wo a word tlrat hiHerilon , le a word Ihcra- nf ler. Nothing Ukeii for IL-BH than 2 Jo. -FOillENTrA NEW PiANO TO CAREFUL , ruuponalblo parties. Addruaa K 10 , Hw. OLAUiVOYANTS. . lOa a line each InHcrtlon , $1.5(1 ( a llnu i > cr month , Notliiiiblukun for loss than 25c > UNUaNANNIK iV.VVARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , t rcllablu bu Uiuaa medium' 2th year al 110 N.ltlih 487 Q-MRS. DIl. M.LEORAVE. PROPHETESS , DEAD Oiraiu'u clalrvoj-ant and llfo ruader ; tella your llfi < from crudlu to KMVO : can bo coiiaullud on all analruof life ; lian Ihuoi'lobraled Esryptlan breatt plalu lo unite thu separated and cau o niarrhiKO with one you loro. Co mo one , como ull , and uu ouuvluced of hur remarkable powora. Oftlcu and ivaidcnce 417 a. lllli alreut , lioura 0 a. m. to U p. m. Slrit'l llfo churl and photo of your future wlfo or hualuud Built through mall for 43.00 ; chart alone , & -J.OO. All letters contalntiitf i ccnta in Btanipa promptly answered , MOblJyl" C-MRS. MORRIS OF DENVER HAS ARRIVED Mill ihuelly ; will he one week hvru ; ulvua road- Inua on ull affulri of llfo. Don't fall to butt her , daa him In iniburpaabod aa a bualnuaa and lest medium. 1 lloo Howard Btrool , room 4 ; circle Tuesday and Friday evenings. M 111" 28 * SMMK , PKDERSON , THE FAMOUS TRANCE clairvoyant , known throughout Kuroiw and America , now on her lour through thu WCBI , bun alopped In Omaha for a short Uuic. Como ye who buffer aoil bo healed. Come yond bpcculatora uad bo advlseil. Come yo lovcra and win yuur idol. Come yo broken hearted wlvea. Como all who are lu trouble and learn to bltaa this | wonderful luodlum , All uhullenire * accepted , and In return ohallenvu the world. Truth lella and cnnuUcoma. iladainohan no rival In the ndo fcsalouuiid alandtt without au equal before ohu public. Sallbfactloii I'uuranloc-j , Oftlee hourb f roiu 0 u. in. to H p. iu. . Metropolitan hotel , eorntr 12th uud DougUs lr cu. O''U ' 'B' MASSAGE , BATH9 , ETC. s , lOo ft line oaeli Inv-rilon. tl.BO n linn per rnpnlli. Nplhliig taken for loss limn 23c. rjv MADAMF-SMITil , fi02 S. 1 STItf 2ND i'LOOlT -I Room a. Maisaec , vapor , alcohol , Btram.siilphnr- Ine and Be.t balln. tm4S7-Jy 1 _ rP OIE. CAItSONTTl 21 OUOLAS STRKKT,3O J Moor , room 7 , inassaicn , ntcohol , sulphur and oa baih . M420-30 * . MACK OF CHICAGO OIVES 1IATHS. niairnetle. massaco Irealmcnl. 110 North Ifith St. , second floor , room 1 , 433 U7 * PERSONAL. Rateo. lWe.aword first Insertion , le a word there- ler. Nothing taken for less than 25c. U-MAS3AOE TREATMENT. ELKCTRO-THF.il- inal b.ithn , scalp and hair trealmout , manlciira and chlroiK > dlsl. Mrs. Posl,310 > is. IClh , Wlllinell blk. 458 U-MISS K. A. KEARNS , TEACHER OF piano ; special attention lo rudlmental princi ples , Huttu 40 , Midland hotel , lUtu and Chlcaeo. MS34J27 1 f WR1TR FOR A FRF.IJ COPY OF OUR I1KAU- < tlfully Illustrate ) ! Matrimonial Jomial , von- talntii ? many photo-enffravtnirn of hnmtsomo WOIIIPII and Kallanlmnn who wish towed. Ilrown J'ubllshlm ; Co.TcmplocourtToledoO. M711-ill * U-CUT THIS OUT AND PRK3F.NT ATCOWAN'S rhoto Studio. Ul'Jt : Cuinlnc nt. , and you will bo entitled to la Arlsto Cabinet Photos , very best , on Kilt cdped cards , and ouo 8x10 for framlnir , for * l.UOi without this , $ J.oof for 10 days only. PERSONAL , TT--THR FIRST 1IOAT WAS NAMKD I'lO. * - > Communlcato with parlnora lu U , urgent. " 180 Jyl > ABSTBACTS OF TITLES Rains , lOc a line each Insertion , $ l.fiO n line per month , Nothing taken for lens than Sue. V-AWTUAOTS-THB MIDLAND GUARANTEE ' and Trust company , abstracts , conveyancers. Titles perfected anil guaranteed , Own the only complete abstract hooka In Douglas County. Removed moved to room 310 Now York Llfo building4BO \r-WANTED , PRIVATE PUPILS FOR THE Bummer by a graduate of an eastern university , who Is also nn experienced leacher. Address Tutor , room 202 Merrlaiu block , Council muffs. M31I ) 28 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.30 a line per month. Nolhlng taken for ICHS than 23c. r-TAN lTYl RT VNTbN Cl Y VND FA"RM Rued &Selby , 341 Board of Trade. 407 W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES The O. F. Davis Co. . 1003 Farnam alrcot. 400 a -MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON years.Improved and unimproved real eatalo , 1 to u years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnani. 4U2 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS ' on real eslato al lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo Bums for short or long lime. No coinmlSBloii Is charged and Ilio loans aru not sold In the cast , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas sis. 401 W FIRSTAND SKCOND MORTGAGE LOANS ; ' low rales. Alex Moore , 401 Ileo bldg. 474 W LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 248 BEE DL1)Q , 475 \ VANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO.,318 N. Y. ' Life , lends al low rates for choice security on Nebraska and Iowa farm a or Omaha city property. -470- W -CENTRAL LOAN .t TRUST CO. , DEE BLUR. 403 TV-LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' i city property. $3,000 and upwards , fi to ( Htf per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co , 10 & Hartley 400 -LOANS , O. G. WALLACE , 312 UROWN I1LK. 472 -LOWEST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST COMpany - pany , 1702 Farnam street. 402 \\r-WANTEDATONCE LOANS ON IMPROVED " ' Omaha iiroixirty : low rates. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street. 402 \ \V-WANTED- BUY 8 rKU CENT NOTES SE ' cured by mortgages Omaha city or Douglas Co. pro perty. Reed Si Selby , 335 Board of Trade 407 W -WANTED TO LOAN. $200 PRIVATE 'i money on good centrally localud security. Ail- drei.s . K 23 , Bee onico. 528 27 * HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOca line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less lhan 25c. V CALL AT THE OFFICE OF ; OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. : : INCORPORTED. : 'IF YOU WANT' MONEY , ' You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend you any amount from $10.00 to $1,000.00. ON THE DAY YOU ASIC FOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount yon wish , and at any tlmo , and each payment so made will reduce tlio cost of the loan. Remember that yon hevo the use. of both the properly and the money , and pay for It only uu long us you keep It. There will bo nooxpensoor charge kept ont of the amount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the loan. Before borrowing elsewhere call and sou us and you will find It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SOU SOUTH 10T1I STREET , first Iloor abnvo the Btrept. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. -177 r DO YOU WANT MONEY ? k. THR FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 WIT1INELLBLOOIC , 310W SOUTH 15TH , CORNER HARNRY ST. \ \ LOAN YOU ANY LARGE\ \ OR \ SMALL' TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP. WE MAKE I/JANS ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND. ' YOU /I / CALL / ONU OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. You can pay tlio money back at any tlmo and In any amount you wish , and thus reduce thoeost of carrying tlio loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU own a balance on your fiirnlturn orothur personal proinirty of any kind wo will pay It oil for yon and carry It as long us you dpxlm. YOU OAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , HO that you get the uao of both money and properly. 470 -WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SK- curlty ; strictly conlldcntlal. A. R. Harris , room 1 Continental block , 47H X MONEY , 30. 00. 1)0 ) DAYS. CHEAP RATES and aay payments , on fnrnlturo , pianos , llvo Block , etc. . without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker block , 470 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOo a line nach Insertion , $1.10 a line per month. Nothing taken for IOHS than 25c. V SicirS Dliw 'LKSIDEWALIC imfclc'TO .1. exchange for cash , William J , WeUhana , 411 Karbach block. M018Jyl2 J-nO YOU WANT TO 11UY , SELL OR EX- L chaneo a buBluuBB , ival euloto or laudB ? Doyen yon want lulillllonal capital In your buHtncxB ? If BO Bun uu , wu can help you. Call or wilui foronr bullelln. Oftlcen In ull principal clllea. WoHlern ItiiBinoHS Aeency , 310 N. V. Lift ) llldg. 348 JyL'O r BUSINESS OP'NINQ3,8743HENANDOAHIA. 4PJJy22 Y-FOR SALE AT A GREAT I1ARGAIN ; LAUN- dry plant and room for rcnl , cheap. Kminlru 1318 Farnam , 403 20 V-CHOP HOUSE DOING A GOOD HUSINESsi .L line location , well iwtahllHhud trade , completely furnished ; good opening for the right rn'raon If taken alouce. Apply ul 002 Soulh 13th atroel , up- alalra. 4BU FOR SALK. A WELL ESTAHLISHED GRO eery bualnosa , Hinall capllal required , Addreau M481 27 * Y FOR SALE. A WELL ESTAIILISIIED AND paying business ; booksncwamimic , alullonery' ami wall paper , la paying 42,1)00.00 ) pur year. Owner must acll ou account of health. Aildrcsa , K7 , care Ileo. MG05 30 -FOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH , AN catabllbhcd bakery and confectionery ul Wayne , Neb. ; county bo.it of Wayne Co. AcMroaa A. W , Ureitllng , Wayne. 0232 Y-FOR RENT. A SMALL WATER MILL. AD- Jilreas box 03 , Lincoln , Neb , 021 V-FOR RENT , RESTAURANT WITH 18 ROOMS J. centrally localud ; partly furnished. Addreas K 24. Itee. M537 ) yli * V-A HARK OPPORTUNITY. THE OLD K3- i tabllahed and well-paying general Btaro bual- nesa lo be Bold , with buildings and tola. Reilrliig from bublnoaa. Inquire Poalmaatcr , Lowell , Neb. MS31 jy2 * FOR EXOHANQE ! Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line par month. Nothing lake n for Itaa ihau 23c , r480 ACltKS OF CLEAR LAND IN ONE Ol'THE /'bual winter wheat districts In Kanaaa lo IKx chnnre forldor 20-aero I rat-1 near Omaha city limits. Will pay caeh Ultfuruuce If property K good. Autin-kb , giving price aud locailou , O 'JO 1)00 , U03 FOR EXCinLNOE. WANTED , $ SO,000.00"ltUITY ) IN FIRST- fJe\n \ * Inside business prrfflbrty In pxchnnira for J20.000.OO stock mprchandlsJLJtid $ .10,000.00 tin- Improved city property , freoJopncumbranep. E. H. Sheate. Council muffs. M.ll'7 21) r/ I OWN 100 FARMS IN NKI1RASKA. KANSAS Aland Dakota. Will sell uhcap or exchange for mdso.horscs andcalllo. Adaroox 70Frankfort. Ind , /-WANTED. TO KXCILWOH FOR OKNKR.VL /merchandise. Council lUUffs preferreil , hou eon on paved street lu Omaha/'HHvo valun of goods. K 8.1100. > ' M34227 * rA CLEAN STOCK OP , GENERAL MDSK. t.JWlll take real eslatonnd money. Uox 203 , Frank- forl , Ind. 481 t- Z-FORSALE ORKXCHANOK , ASMALL MANU- fftclnrlngpstabllslimenlliiagood line , wllh good biisliiesx , will Ixi exchanged for a farm or vacant city lols. Address Lock llox 378 , Omaha. Neb. ' M303 27 y-FOR EXCHANOE. I/T ON MAIN 8T11KKT 'Jto trade fo , ' ladles' or gent's pneumaltu lire bicycle. Address J , M , lllrdImperial , Neb.02rt 02rt 27 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ratea , lOo a Una each Insertion , $ l.r > 0 n line per month , Nothing taken for lest than 2 * > c. \VB HAVE JUST COMPLF.TED THE PRET- < < llest Blx-room cottage In HID city , lighted by electricity , having furnace , bath , hot , cold water , mantel , grate , marble lop wash bowl , sowcreonuec- tlon , trees , stone walk , paved street , elc. Locati-1 In Avondale park , ono mile from postoinco. 'rlco only $3SOO. Fldellli' Trtisl Co. , 1702 Famam si. MJ'iYJyi TfOR SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A south front cottage , 0 rooms , $1,350.00 , fie feel. A BOitth front cottage , 4 rooms , $1,100.011 , 00 feel. A Boulh front house , 0 roonm , $2,230.00 , 100 feet. A north front collage , 0 rooms , $1,100.00 , 50 feet. A north from collage , 4 rooms , $1.000.00 , r > 0 feel. A north front IIOIISH , 0 rooms , $1,800.00 , 00 feet. A Hinall llrst paymonl and oasv monthly pay ments. Small clear lots will bo taken In exchange. Sco N. A. Kulin , druggist , 10th and UoiiRlnn. _ _ EASTERN NE11RASKA FARM LANDS FOR sale by Ilunlabcrgcr & Clements , Lyons , Hurl county , Neb. M713Jy.1 * A nsTRAcra. THR MIDLAND OUARANTKK - .and Trust company , abstractors , conveyancers. Titles perfected und guaranteed. Own the. only complete abstract books In Uoutrl.is county. Ru- moved to room : IH ) New York Life biilldlii.48U IOR SALK , 0-UOOM 1IOUSR AND LOT WITH barn , In Konntzo place : house newly painted , nleely | iapeml and painted Inside , furnace , hot and cold water , gun and bath. Property cheap at SH.OOO , Incnmbraneo $2BOO ; will Hell on easy terms for $7,000. Address owner , J 111 Ileo. 7117 irOR SALR. 0-ROOM COTTAGR AND LOT , worth $ ; l,500 ! will take $8,300 ; $1,800 oncum- brancoi monthly jkiymcnt on bilance. House newly papered , city water , bath nnd water closet. Address owner , J 18 lieu. 708 A CIIANCK TO 1NVRST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe avenue ( Poppleton park ) , easy aoocHS to motor. Owner Koine into business. Will null very cheap for cash. Also lot Hanscom Placo. lllg bargain for cash. Addre s L. F. , P. O. Uox 'MO. M145. -\TEVRRWA9A11RTTERTIMRTO INVEST IN 1 > real OBtate , and look at this for barjalns In lu- Bldo property. 4 lots , 10th and Center , worth $1,200 each , only StiOO each. 1 lot In Orchard mil. worth $1.200. only $70(1. ( 1 corner lot on Military avo. , Just opposite Clifton Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700. Lot on Marcy st. , between 31st and 32d , worth $ .1.000 , only $1.1100. . Finest lot In Crelghton Heights , worth $1,200 , only $7"n. 2 lots In Lincoln Place , Worth $1,200 each , only $000 for both. 3 lots. LaFayette place , Walnut Hill , worth $2,500-00 each , for $1,500.00 each. Avomlalo park , Inside one ; nillo Hue , Webster street lots , with paving , curbing , Rtonc sidewalk , sewer , parking , electric light , etc. The finest Insldo residence property In tlmclty , at the lowest prlco , worth $2,300.00 pcrlot ; our prlco only $1,500.00 per lot , half cash. Unrt street fronts In Avondale park ! only $1 ,300.00 per lot. It will pay you to In- vpHturatn thin. ' Fourteen lota In Keen place , on Georgia and Virginia avenues , between MiiHon and Paclllc. For cash wo an ? offorlmr this property at 50o on the dollar. For a homo there Is .nothing liner : an an In vestment It Is Impossible to find anything better. Always a pleasure to Bhow any or all of this prop erty. erty..FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 1702 Farnam. 127 _ BARGAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. J. N. Frcnzer , room 6 , Frenzor block , opp. 1' . O. _ . _ Mill J.V14 FOR SALR-THE BEST .BUILT HOME FOR the money In Omaha , motor ears two lines- reach U.placo cost sji2.SOO.no , will sell for $2.300.00 , 5 roonm on 1st Iloor , can furnish four moro np- stalrs. $500.00 ea h. balance to ault. Ames Real Kalato Agency , 1507 Farnam. M ISO 23 PALIFORNIA A GOLDEN SOUVENIR ( ILLUS- O trolud ) of Southern California , clvlng facts and testimonials from ranchers , fruit growers and others , sent free to anyone. Adiliiiss II. L. Mutr , No. 13lO F St. , San Diego , California. M458 30- T ARGE SOUTH FRONT LOT , 52ND Ju Franklin , Clovtmlalo addition , Now 5-rooni house , closetH , pantry , brick cellar , cistern , fence , bis stable , prlco $1,1100 , $800 cash , Several vacant lots for Bale adjoining. Sue owner on premises. F. Rolls. M450-27- RICE OF STOEPRL PLACE LOTS Will 1m Increased $23.00 a lot on and after July 1 , 1803. They are HPllltur now for leaa than half their vuluo and Belling fast , TF YOU WANT A HOME YOU CANNOT AP- -Lford to mlBS this opportunity to buy a lot In - STOEPEL PLACE SPECIAL SALE. SAFE INVESTMENT. Debt residence part of Omaha. Will Boon double In value. Corner lota $300.00. Insldo Iota $275.00. $50.00 down , balance to suit. NO INTEREST Will bo charged until after July 1 , 1894. The above prices and lerniB good only until July 1. Look these lota over before buying elsewhere , and you will llnd the best and cheapest bargain In lota over offered. Call on or address W. A. WEUSTER , 402 Boo Bid ? , A BARGAIN : NICE U-ROOM HOUHE AND corner lot.only 2 blocks from motor.very cheap. J , 1) . X.lttle. Ill-own block 353 1OR SALE AT A BARGAIN ; NEW 4-ROO3I L eotta n , cellar , city water , cistern , neil and Ireos , only $1,230 , on easy paymentu. Ennnlro lillri Famam. 40:1 : 20 A FEW HARD TIME RARGAINS-NICE BO-FOOT lot In Bouth p.-irt of city near HlthBtrec't , $ 100.00 ; 2 ! > lotH on Ames avenue , 2 blocks from car line , hlih and Blirhty , al $1.10.00 each ; 7 honueHanil lotH adjolnlni , ' Kounlzn Plaen al from Sl.fiOO.OO lo lMOJ.Oeach. ( ( ) ThlB property pay 10 per com. Aero properly on Dodtru Btreet , $100.00 IHT aero ; 4 collairi'B In South Omaha , near p.icklin ; hoimea , well rented. Any of the ntxivo proiierty will \ > sold on Hinall payments and u.-iBy lernm. Invent your money In real uHtato ; Hl Bafer lhan any bank. Wrlfht & Laahbury , llltli and Howard. MH18 87 SNAPS FOR SALE , 0 LOTS $250.00 KACH , worlli $000.00 , 2 hnuBt-H. rooma each , full lot , $150.00 each , worth $1,000.00. 2 houses , 4 rooms each , full lot , $700.00 each , worth $1,000.00 , n room lionw , lot -llxlil ) ; cloao lo huslneas , $1,800.00 , worth * : i,000.00. i H houses , Q rooms uieh , lota 32x00 , prlco $1.-100.00 each , worth $2,600.00. fi room house , Iot30xlOO , lirtco $1,000. Must bo bold quick. ' ' E. F. Ringer , 1S10 Famam , , MC17 37 * \VANTED , 10 ACRES , $ lni ) AN ACRE. Y Wunliil. 20 acres , * l)0 ( ) < 6 $200 an aero. Warned , Ilio near Omaha ? > Wanted , 100 for $1,200 cattli. Wauled , 40 for $0,000 ( near Omaha ) . Wanted , 100 , $ A.OOO to * dKMI ( cash. WantMl , $4,000 to * d,000 place ( part cash ) . C. F. HarrlBOn , 012 N. Y. Llfo. 023 28 $ 1,000 , $2.000 CASH , IlliYH A I1EAUT1FUL H- room modern houau , IIuiiBcom Place ; IIOUBO fompleto lu every reaped , wllh bath , iraH , water , furnace ; clone to car lino. J'artlea leuvlmr thu city and muttt boll. C , F. Harrlaiyj , 012 N , Y. Life. .J 82-J 28 _ _ PASTURES FOR HORSE3. Rates , IKc a word first lKserlon ! , lo a word thereafter. Nothlnir taken l r ICBB than 25c , \VKHAVK1GO ACRES OF I1LUE GRASS PAS i turofor IIOI-BOH. Hoard fence , Sprtnir watur llarlon k Phulpa , Ollmoro , Nub. , or A. W. f'helim It Son , 207 N. Y. Life building. M40U J2ti' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWKITINO. Ralea , lOonlluo each Insertion , fl.SO a line per month , Nothing taken for loaa than 25c. \TOUNG LADIES AND OENTLEMEN CAN SOON X acquire u working knowledge of Bhorttmud and tyiKiwrltlni ; at A. C Van Sanl'a school of bhort- liand , 013 N , Y. Llfo. Typewriters to rent. 4B3 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Ralua , Idea line each liia rtlon$1.60a line pur month. Nothing taken for lesa than 2Sc. W. HAIDER ( TOHMKULY WITH JOHN O. . Jacoba. decuanod , later with M.O. Maul ) , uudur- lakt-r und vmbaluicr , U13 S. ICUi BU Tel. U'JU. 482 80ALE8. JEW & SECOND HAND SCALKS. ALL KINDS I Addrcbn IJorduu & Sulluck Co. , Laltu bt. , Chicago WOHLD'S FAIR HOTELS & ROOMS RMes , l * < o n word first Insertion , IP n wonlthoro- nfter. Notulne 1-iSen for lem thi\n Vfc. WORLD'S FAIR FURNISHED ROOM * . YOU take no chanc" nor pay any money In advance. $1.00 per day. 1311 Farimm sircot , Umnha. Umnha.flfifl flfifl .130 riMIE GROSVENOR , 0217 SHERIDAN AVENUE 1 Chlcairo. a ( "elect family hold , within I ) mlntitei ) walk from the principal pntr.inees to tlio fair. Hood references. Reasonable rates. Applv loC. C. Shinier , all New York Llfo bulldlmr. Omaha. MISSJy 10 \VOUI't 'S FAIR -WILT , RENT ONK.TWO Oil llireo rooms In my liouto In l"'Ht resident lo cality nnil within Hvo minutes walk of the exposi tion , Frank 11. Stone , C027 Monroe ave , Chlcairo. MC.OI-Jy I * 1JOOM3 FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS ; -I vjpicndldly furnished with nil modrni convent- ernes ; a blocks from ninln entrance ; lo fair cnunds ; 1 block from clrvnti.nl road and Illinois Co Ural. Star Hotel , 0443-4& Star Avis , Chleairo. M.VIU 27 * _ DRESSMAKING. nates , lOc n line each limerllnn , Jl no n line per month. Nolhln ? taken for leas than 2&C. " .i Ailso tinderjtannentH to order ; muslin furnished It deMn.nl. 1707 Mandorson. OH1 Jyl * rAgiiioNAiiLK itonks : WORK UY HAY OR week. Inuulro 17i ! I Capitol avemio nf ler 7 p. m. Msa 3o PAWNBROKERS. Rales , 1 Oca line raeh Insertion , 91.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2Be. 1 SONNEN1IERO , , DIAMOND ItROKElt. " DouvlaH Bl. Ix > ans money on diamonds.watehes , etc. Old gold and silver bouBht. Tel. 1339. 483 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rates. l ! ( a a word first limorllim , le. a word liereaftor. Nothing taken for less than 23c- GF.GBLLEN11ECK.11ANJOI3T AND TEACHER. .1810 California street. 014 AfANTED , PRIVATE PUPILS FOR TUB SUM- mer by n eradiiato of an eastern imlvnrnlly , vlio Is also an experienced timelier. Address Tutor , room 252 Morrlam block , Council IllurtH. MB07 27 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Kates , lOca line each Insertion , * 1.00 a line per lonth. Nothing taken for less than .Tic. BOYLES & HA1III. DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS. All makes boupht , sold , exchanged , rented. 013 H. Y. Llfo bid ? . Tel. 538 ' -181 LOST. T OST I1KTWRHN 1BTH AND SOTH ON FAR- JUnani , or between Farnam and Dodge , on 20th lreut , Hinall twist clasp portmonali' , with two flat cj's altac.hcd fastuni.nl with tape string. . llclurn o Uec oillcoi suttublo reward for keys.Mfi47 Mfi47 27 T OSTIlLACIC AND TAN OORDON SRTTRR Ajpiip | > y : t ir No. 100S. Return lo 10111 1'ark avo- uo and net reward. M.VW 18 ! % FOUND. Rates. l ! < e a word llrst Insertion , le a word thero- nfter. Nothing taken fur less than -T c. AKKN HI' : A DARK DROWN PONY ; OWNKR can have him by provlm ; property and payltip . 'or this ncld. Call at room : )0. ) Darker block , or at 4'J05 Eraklno street. W. F. Cai aon , 01 ! 1 28 PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Building , Omaha , Nol ) . 4 years Examiners U. S , Pat. OOlco. Ad vlco free No fee until patent is obtained. RRILWRY TIME OHRD Lnaves ICHICAGOTBURLtNfiTONTk Q. | Arrives Omaha I Depot 10th and MUHOU Sts. I Omaha 4.20 pm .Chicago Vestibule. . H.OO am ll.4B.-im . .Chicago Express. . O.DO am 12.10am Chicago Expresa 4.25pm JMTjmi . . . . . .Chicago A Iowa Local. . . . . . fi.flSpm "Ixjavsa [ "Arrives Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sis. Omaha IfU"5"ain . . .Denver Express" . 4.00pm 10.15am .Deadwood Expresi 4.00pm Denver Express 11.30am 4.50pm Dcnrur Llmltud 12.05 am 0.50pm . .Nebraska Local IRxcoptSun ) . . 0.50pm 8. Iff am . .Lincoln Local ( Except Sun ) . . 11.35am Txjavcs I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. I Arrives Omaha [ Union Depot 10th & Marcy Sis , | Omaha 10.30am Atlantic Express 0.00pm 3.50pm Chic. A Den. Vcstibulo Limited 2.00pm 7.10pm Night Express 8.00am l.OOani World's Fair Limited 2.28am 0.10pm Lincoln , Falrbury Local. . . . 10.25am 2.30pm Chic. & Den. Vestibule Limited 3.40 pm 2.30 am World's Fair Limited 12.SH am * Leavcs . c. , ST. .i. , t cm. | Arrives Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sin. I Omaha 0.50 am . . . .Kmmas'Sity Day Express. . . . 0.15pm K. C. Night Exp. via U.P.Trans. 0 45pm .St. Louis Express. "LeavcTT UNION PACIFIC. TAnTves" Om.iha lUnlon Depot loth A Marcy Sts. | Omaha 0.50-i m Denver Express I 4.03 pm 2.15pm Overland Flyer " . . . 7.00pm 4.15pm Boalrlcn.tSlromsb'gE'C ( ox Sun ) 12.30pm 0.40pm Pacific Express 10.40am 0.30 pin . .Denver Fast Mall | 4.20 pm "Leaves r Arrives Omaha U. P. Depot and Marcy Mtn. Omaha 5.30 pm I Chicago Expriht I 0.35am 11.30 ami. . . . . . . . . Chicago Express | 5.60 pm Loaves I CHICAGO A NORTir WRSTN. I Arrives Oinahal U. P. depot. 10th A , Mnrcy 8ts , I Omaha 7.21) ) am ( Ex. Sun'y. ) Carroll Passenger il.CO pm 10.40am . .Chicago Rxpr HS. 0.05 pm 4.05pm . .Vostlbulo LlmltiHl. 0.20am 7.00 pm .E.uiterii Flyur. 2.15pm 0.20 pm ( Ex. Bun. ) Chic. Pasa. ( Ex. Mon. ) 0.20 am Leaves MISSOURI PACIFIC. I Arrives Depot Uilh and Wobstnr Sta. I Omaha 1. in pin .St LoulH ExpreHS i r .5lam ) 10.00am .St. Louis Express 4.25pm 5.25 pm . .Nebraska Local I H.S.lam Loaves I C. ST. P. . M. A O. lArrlvcs Omuhal Depot 15th and Webster fits. | Omal ia H.50 am I..Sioux Clly Accommodation. . ) t.03pm 1.15pm Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun. ) 1'J.lOpm 6.40 pm I St , Paul Limited 0.25 am C.10pm'Einiir ' oii I'.Tiaungor ( Ex. Sun. ) H. 15 am Lnavus I HIOUX CITY A PACIFC. " Oiualiaj Depot , 10 and Marcy Sta. 7,20 am I Sioux City Passenger | 10.20 pra 4.00 pm | St. 1'anlKxprens 110.0(1 ( ai Loaves I SIOUX CITY Jk PACIFIC I Arrives Oinahal Di'lioC , mill and Wnbstor Sta. I Omaha C.45pm | St. Paul Lhiiltud. . . . | 0.23am Lnaves OMAHA ST. "LOUIS. ( Arrives P. Depol _ , HI Ih _ ami _ Marcy. | Omaha 4.00 pm | . . . St.LbutB Camion Ball . 1 12.33pm CITY TAXES. Property Owner * I'nyliiB Up to Avoid the Penalty That Oomag In July. City tuxes become delinquent this year the llrst day of July , and there Is a constant stream of pcoplo passing to and from the of < flea of the city treasurer. The total tax for this year amounts to $900,000 , , nnd of this amount about $50,000 has boon paid In. It Is expected that by the 1st $100,000 will bo re ceived. The amount In this ycur so far is In excess of that received for the same period of last year. After July 1 there Is n penalty of 1 per cent per month for nonpayment of taxes , Vet there Is invariably but u small amount of taxes paid In previous to the date of do- llnriuonoy , and the property owners do not manifest much of a desire to escape the pan- ulty. The laigeut day's receipt at the treas urer's olllco waa pu the day of the rccnnt run on the savings bunks. On that day W0,000 ) was passed over tlio counter. Collections at the close of the current .year generally fee t up 80 or B5 per cent of the total tax , ' There Isu great change taking place In the payment of taxes , " said Deputy Coulter . "Tlio lime was not long slnco when wo rarely | transacted business with a woman und they > were infrequent visitors In our ofllco , Ncni it U entirely different. Fully two-thirds Of the taxes uro now paid by thu women , and It It keeps on our transactions will bo almost wholly with the fair sex when It co 11103 to paying taxes. I can't say that I object to ; tlio change. Wo llnd them very reasonable and lovcl-headcd in most Instances , and they conduct themselves In a very businesslike way. In fact.mauy husbands might learn very valuable lessons In business and affa bility from their wives , I attrlbuto tlio chaugo to the fact that the men are busy , and as It requires considerable tlmo und Is quito tedious work in securing the tux lists , they shift the responsibility to the woman , " No foreign substance enters into Cook's ; Kxtra Dry Imperial Chumpagno. It's thu pure juluoot the crapes naturally fermented J PRESIDENT CLARK IS SICK Forced to Quit All Work nnd Worry for tie Time Being , WILL SEEK RELIEF IN PENNSYLVANIA Hcnil of tlio Union Tncino t.pnvm for nn Knitcrn Ke ort ntulVI1I Nut lleturn Until Ilo U Improrril lu illealtli-Unit t'rcstilont S. II. H. Clark of tlio Union Pa- clllc Is .1 sick nun. So sick Imlcoil that ho lolt yc.stcnlny for tlio cast , possibly Creston - ton SnrliiKs , 1'a. , where ho hopia by the In- vlRorntlng' cllmnto of that Allegheny resort to ho nursocl hack to health , Ho will ho ac companied as far ns Chicago by Mr. 12. li. Ixiuiax. At Chicago Mr. Clark will bo Joined by Mrs. Clark nnd possibly by his son Hoxlc , who will accompany the Union 1'a- ulllo president on his travels In search of health. Mr. Clark has not been feolttiR well for some time. Ills old throat ntTectlon has Riven him more or less trouble , the ellmato of Omaha soomlngly aggravating his nfllle- lion. Recently , wlillo on a tour of Inspection with Mr , V , Ij. Ames , anil from which ho re turned Saturday afternoon , ho caucht n severe cold , which njJKravated the trouble to such an extent that his physlcmu has ordered complcto rest. As ho sat In his odlco nt Union Pacific headquarters yesterday , tht ashen color of his face , the ileop sunken blue eyes , with the lines of care more predominant than usual , told In n latitruago all tholr own that S. II. II. Clark needed n complete clinugo. Speaking to it reporter of Tins Uii : ! of his sickness , Mr. Clark said : " 1 inn n sicker man than 1 presumed I was. I am coin- polled to glvu tip all work , all worry nnd care , if such a thing Is possible , and > ! o somewhere to rest. I leave all busi ness behind mo and until I am stronger will glvo no thought to the interests which com mand my attention. I thought I was grow ing stronger when I left Omaha recently , but It seems as if 1 hart been living in a fool's paradise. I cannot say when 1 will return , certainly not till 1 am bettor. " The Illness of Mr. Clark will bo read with feelings of sadness by those who know him In Oniahn and along the line of both the Union 1'nclflc and Missouri Pacific. Tulliliif ; of Maximum KutcA. The rate makers of the Nebraska rallroada are attempting ( o adjust the maximum rates llxed by the new state law to the conditions surrounding the several roads. This work. It Is said , is being done that the directors of the roads may know the exact effect of the enforcement of the now law. Whether or not they will contest tlio law in the courts can then ho determined. Two sets of tariffs have been prepared by the rate makers , one giving Omaha the basing point the other making Lincoln the point of vantage. Uut the work devolving on the rate checkers docs not end hero by any means , as they still have to check up rates from local points based on the new differential as well as prepare comparative statements for the benefit of the presidents. All this takes time , and It will bo two weeks before the work is finished. Today the West of the Missouri Freight Hate committee meats in Kansas City to select a successor to Mr. George Mc- Fadden , who takes the position of general freight agent of the Paducah , Tennessee & Alabama railroad. So far as known by the Omaha lines there is not u candidate for the position and It has been suggested by a freight man that the members'of the committee elect a bundle of baled hay for the place. The committee has served Its purpose and outlived its usefulness. A stronger agree ment Is needed to hold the lines intact , be cause rates are being cut in the transtnls- souri country that the roads may have use for their idle freight cars which crowd the yards of tlu > companies and line the sidings along the systems. In view of the mooting today in Kan sas City the gentlemen who tire working on the maximum rate bill will resume their duties in the rooms of the committee there Instead of continuing to pay rent at the Mlllard , while their quarters in Kansas City stand idlo. Messrs. Wood of the Union Pacific , Crosby of the Uurlington and Merchant of the Klk- horn left last evening to attend the meet ing. Kaihvuy Notei. General Manager Dickinson will go to Chicago - cage about Wednesday to attend u mooting of general managers. .T. H. Buchanan has gojno to attend the meeting of the Western Passenger associa tion today in Chicago. The Union Pacific is losing business at every turn out of the box on account of fail ure to meet the rates from Portland , Seattle , Spokane and Helena. Arc You NorvoiiH , Arc you all tired out , do you have that tired feeling or sick Headache ? You can bo re lieved of all those symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , which gives nerve , men tal and bodily strength and thoroughly puri fies the blood , li also creates a good appe tite , cures indigestion , heartburn nnd dys pepsia. Hood's pills are easy to t.ike , easy in ac tion and sure In effect. " 5 cents a box. POLICE MCKINOS. Mon \Vlio Foil In tlio J'ollco Urnj Nut Over .SniiiUy. "Tho lame loading tSio blind , " remarked Judge Korku as a ijiiurlut of vagrants charged with street-begging was brought before him yesterday. They gave the names of Ud Chandoo. D.ivld I > ynch , Ed Urodoriclc and Warren Downiii } ; . Ono was blind , twolamo , while the fourth , a moro boy , had churgo of the party. Tlio ceremony of showing that the lameness was not feigned was dispensed with und they were given nn opportunity to lo'ivo the city by the shortest possible route , Mrs. ICohun , living ut 021 North Twenty- fifth avcuuo , wax a complainant against her husband In thu police court yesterday. Ho called hli : wife all the ubustvo names IM his vocabulary and brandished u carving knife with threatening aspect. KITorls to pacify him only led to blown and kicks. When an oulccr was called ho found 1 Cohen lying In the collar hugging n half-empty demijohn. The duughtor of "mM , Kohcn also tcstliled ngalnst her stepfather , who was iliicd 575 and costs. Yesterday the police arrested Willlo Lulllln , u 1'J-yoar-old lad who ran away from his homo in Chicago n couple of weeks ago. Willie is trying to learn to bo tough and is progressing rapidly. Ha says that his father is u tinner in the Windy City nnd that ho only run away to have seine fun. Two other boys of about the aamo ago accompanied young Lafllln ns far nsCouurU HluIT.s , An ofllcor will arrive today to tuko the young runaway homo. Uharlos Carliuugh appeared before the Judge yostorilay to answer to a complaint illcil by his wife alleging an attempted assault upon his ID-year-old daughter. The prisoner pleaded no ; guilty and the trial was sot , for Thursday. Carrie Kuohn , the young girl who was in- ducod to Icavo her homo In Davenport to como hero and lead a llfo of shame , was sent homo today by tlio county onicials , The girl's parents nro too poor to pay her faro , and yet wanted their daughter to rolurn homo and reform. D. 11. Anthony , the negro who stele several boxes of line cigars from Tracy's , Sixteenth nnd Douglas streets , was bound ovur yestur- day morning to the district court. Hull was llxed at * li00. ! Sunday night the room of W. J. Rood at the Travelers Homo was entered by a sneak and a few dollars stolen. As the thief was loav- Jug Ueed got up und saw who it was and yesterday Oftlccr Hoylo arrested Henry Handera , an ohi-tlmo thief , Hood called at the jail und identified Banders , and the judge lined the thief W > and costs , Dr. Homers culled at the city Jail yesterday and examined Annlo Itoblnson , who is sup- posed to bo insane. The doctor hud the woman removed to tha county jail. Chief fjeuvey is in receipt of photographs and descriptions of three United KUtet > mili tary convicts , who escaped from the Ijoaven- worth military prison on Friday last. The I names of the escaped convicts are ; Joseph ! I I Btrovcl , Frank Foster and Albert Martin. Vor the arrest of thoao men the fjovornnient will my ffiO nplece. Hello Brandon , the keeper of the touch Eighth street dlvo , was flnod fV > and costs for carrying concealed WO-MOII * . The other complaint against the woman for keeping a disorderly house was continued. In order to nlloir Almo. Hrandoii to soil off her effects nnd lenvo town. At noon yesterday ,11mano , the sandbag- per nnd all around thief , escaped from the chain finiifr , and Is probably bv this tlina.infd on Iowa soil. On .Saturday the nollco Judge gave I/.MIO n $ .V ) line to work out on tlio streets , nntt ho seized his llrst ooKrtnnllj | to escape. Piles of iiooplo - vo piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hnzol Salvo will I'.ttrj thorn. OUT OF COU11T. Indue Seott Strike * Noarlr Three II n ml rod dura from th Docket. The calling of the dismissal iloeuot ! .i nn Interesting oveut In the history of the dis trict eourt , ns it always disposes of anj Jiumborof suits that hnvo become thorns In the slilos of the Jmlgos , they not knowing whether the partloulnr cases will ho tried or continued. This docket Is called nt the end of each term nnd Is passed n round from Judge to Judge. This tlmo Judge Scott drew thoprlzo , which ho opmiud tip last Friday and cloaod yesterday , hi"lng : disposed of ! 3SO wises , the Riii.ito.it nuiuhor that over appeared upon any dismissal docket in the history of the county. Not nil of these cases were dis missed , however , for seventy-eight of them still stand , to ho tried at some other session of the court. All of the eases bronchi against Douglas county to recover the purchase prlco paid on the iwor farm lot ? which were sold some years ago were continued pending the de cision of the Doano nnd Kollar case , which Is now before the supreme court for a Until adjudication , The oldest legal chestnut of the hooka was the case of H. S. Hall ngalnst the city of Omaha , a suit which was brought in 1831. That was the year when tho" grade of Farnam street was nnd changed ro-ostab- It llshi'd. Hall owned n lot out nt Twenty- i' | fourth nnd Farnam nnd was nllovvod $300 damages by the appraisers . J. Kennedy , Thomas Swoho nud A. L. Strang. The amount was not satisfactory nud ho wont into court , nnd for nine lone years the case has been pending , though a settlement was olTected many months ago. The Klkhorn quarrels were among the cases which disappeared Irom the court records , hotii factions being willing that they should bo dismissed. Throe yoara ago Gus tavo Kaessnor , by his conduct , did things that were not lu strict accord with the pro visions of the ordinances of tha town and as n natural conscqucnco ho was arrested and thrown into the village h.isttlc , which happened to ho in uloso proximity to a largo sized nml hcnltny hog pen , the stench from which Gustavo uvorred smellcil to hoavcn. When ho got out of durance vile ho sued the town for the sum of $ , ' 1,0011 , making all of the trustees defendants - , fondants nnd their bondsmen co-defendants. ' This club ho held over tholr heads for a tlmo ami until they saw through his game , after which they called him , am ) , on motion of the attorney for the defendants , the case was dismissed. Al. T. Patrick's case for f 15,000 against the city of Omaha was brought into the legal Held about as long ago ns some of the old residents can remember. When North Twenty-fourth street was located the city had to take some of Patrick's ' land in the north part of the city in order to got.i thoroughfare of the required width , nnd as the councllmen could notmako the proper kind of a deal , they took the land , Air. Patrick's protests to the contrary not withstanding. Then ho went into court nnd sued , but the case was settled long ago , though it was never stricken oft the docket until last Saturday. .5 OCJIJKN WILL Km mil. Financial Attractions of the District Hcticli Are Ovoralridowuil by the Work. ' It now develops that there Is another one. of the judges of the district court who has tired of the labors of the bench and will stop down and out , retiring to private lifo as soon us his term of ofllco expires. This man is Judge Charles Ogden , who presides over ono of the law divisions , Judge OgUen has an nounced that ho will not bo n cnndidato for rcnomlnation , simply because the salary and the labors of the olllco do not go hand in hand. t : He declares that the salary of $3f09 per year is too little , und that he can nmko more than double the amount by resuming the practice of law. In the criminal court only Is a jury en gaged in the hearing of evidence ana there the case of the stutu against Ilobcrt Park is the attraction. The particular chnrgo is that last December John .Tackman went into n saloon and restaurant at N and Twenty- sixth street , South Omaha , for the purpose of buying a lunch. He walked up to the bar 10 got u glass of beer to aid in washing down the bread nnd cheese , and us ho was in the act of raising the glass to his lips a hall that was Intended for John Hcdmun came along und struck him In the shoulder. Although the bullet was intended for another man Juckman swore out u warrant charging Purk with shooting with Intent to kill. Judge Ferguson has partially recovered from Ills recent illness , und ycstorduy was upon the bench for the purpose of hearing motions and granting defaults. Judge Walton has served notice that this afternoon ho will devote his time to hearing Jofuult cases und taking testimony in unrontcstcd divorce trials. The trials und tribulations Incident to the running of u drunk cure factory lire heitig ulrod in Judge Ogden's court , where Cyrus Arndtis Booking to obtain a close.r view of some of tlio money which he hloived into u Sioux Fulls , S. D. , fuetory two years ngo , He has brought action ngalnst John A , Me- Keen , alleging Unit ho ( s olio of the head push ers in the concern. At the lima when Arndt bought a part of thu institute , ho alleges that he got g-2r > ,00 ! > worth of the stock und that since that date the drunk euro has cleaned up an even ? lMl ( ) ( ) of pro 111 , but of tills amount he has not received a solitary cent. What ho now wants is to have the court order the Htnclchohlors lo account for these prollts und pay him his ah uro. PllcH of poopio have piios , ut Dj wltt' Witch HiDiol Salvo will cure them. Department of thu I'littto Noton. General Ilrooko Is still fishing In the vicin ity of KortMcKhmoy. He la expected at Hot Springs , S. D. , on Captain Crowdcr and Mr. Txiwo of tlio adjutant's ofllce returned ycstorduy from Fort McKhiney , whither they went throg wcuks ago to collect evidence In the dlspuU thathasnrlsonovor tlio management of tha canteen nt that point. The dinii'ulty Is ol longstanding. It pertains to the manugo. incut of thoscantccn during the years IH'JO mid Ib'Jl , when Captain Huttoit was In charge. The accounts did not coinu out right nnd have never yet boon made to balance. The present investiga tion 1s for the purpose of fixing UIKIII tha guilty parties the fault of bungling tha accounts of the canteen up so that thu nctuul condition of the business has never been made straight. Captain Crowdcr was non committal with regard to his discoveries ex cepting that no remarked that his report would necessarily have to bo sent on to Washington. The captain came home con- slderahly Indisposed , He U suffering with a severe attack of rhounmtlo sore throat. Mr. Lowe says that the country above Ha- vcnmi on the li. & M. road is looking very much parched. They saw several pralrio llres , and at ono place the train was stopped for some tlmo to allow the train men to assist in putting out a tire that threatened a railroad bridge , Piles of people have piles , but Dowltt' Witch Hazel Sulvo will euro them. Marrluu" I.loeiuei. The following marrlago licenses were Is. sued yesterday ; Name and uddro&s. Age. I Martin Slanlster , Omaha , , , . 2B ( Mary Dulujb , Omaha , I I'ulir NuUon , Colon , Nub- , . , . . , , . . , . . . , . 80 1 Ohribllana Jolintou , Omaha 33 j Frederick I.uml , Omaha. . , , . , 23 j Maria Johnson , Omaha , , , , 29 j Churloi gnlrtirloy , Kouth Omaha , , 38 I Almu Johnson , Oakland , Null. . . , . , , . , . . . , , 91 i Frank L. Ktovrart. Omaha , , 90 ( Nellie M. Ucwinan , Oinalm , 30 Piles of people have piles. Out Ue Wltt't Witch Hazel .Salve will cure them.