Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    5 !
ly carrier lo fttiy part of t'to cltj
. „ I lluMmOMco , , . . . . . . . t ? ° 'o2
suitor. rso.23
N. Y.PlumhlnKCo
Boston Store forsu.rum'brella'j
Judson , pasturage , 027 Sixth avenue.
Mlltonbcrfrer U the hatter , M Broadway
The Mnyno Heal Kitate Co. , G21 Broadway.
S. B. Wadaworth and family have re
turned from a visit to Chicago.
Charles Bono and J. 15. Hollonhcck have
returned with their families from Chicago.
R A. Moorchouso Imn ( 'ono to Mmllson ,
Wls. . In response lo a tolecrain announcing
tlio death of his grandfather , Wycarsof nt'-
Hov. T. MeK. Stuart , formerly pastor of
the Broadway Methodist church , now of
Uharlton , Is In the city visiting his son , D.
1C. Stnart.
Unity Guild will glvo ( i social Thursday
cvcnlnp at Mrs. J. Q. Anderson , 'yppcr
Broadway. Thcro will bo danciiiK mid card
playing. All friends of the Guild are Invited.
The annual convention nt the Council
UlulTs District ICpworth leapuo will meet In
the Broadway Mothodlit I'JpUropnl church
Wednesday , .luno28. ! Thcro will bo thrco
flcsilons at 10 n. in. , S to fi p. in. and 8 p. m.
It Is the duty of every Kiwortli leaguer to
bo there , nnd It Is hoped that each leaguer
\vill do his duty and iittcnu as many of the
sessions as possible.
Ira Jones had some trouble with Franlc
Cooper a few months ape ns the result of an
nllcpcd Intimacy on the part of Cooper with
Jones' wife. On trial Cooper was found
Kinlty and sentenced to pay ti line of t.W (
nnd spend fifteen days In the county Jail.
Yesterday morntni ; Jones c6mnienced suit In
the district court to recover ? 10K)0 ( ) damages
from Cooper for the alienation of his wife B
directions. All parlies uro from Neola.
In splto of the dullnuss of the times there
is a Rood deal of building ( joliiR on In various
parts of tlio city , and more yet will bo done
In the near future. E. A. Moorehouso has
Just had plans drawn for a now frame house
on Franlc street to cost $2.000. A. 13. Brock
will build another to cost $ : tOOU on Bluff
street just west of John Bennot's residence
on Willow avenuo. Thomas Polllnc w III put
Up an & 00 frame cottage on Hast Pierce
street Just above U A. Casper's houso.
Mrs. Fannlo Smith Interfered in u boyish
light yesterday afternoon and is now under
arrest for assault and battery. Her boy was
engaged in a squabble- with a number of
others and she undertook a contract to scltlo
them all. Amoiic the rrowd was a small
son of Olllccr Covalt of the police force. She
picked him out and winding her delicate
lingers about his Jugular , proceeded to choice
him. Covalt happened to bo at homo and
rescued his son from what ho is sure would
have been Mrs. Smith's death grip in an
other minute , 1 ho boy's neck was found to
bo bad.y lacerated and was bleeding pro
fusely An in forma lion was filed against
Mrs. Smith in Justice Vion's court.
Picnic trains , until further notice ,
will leave for that pi-eat lishinf , ' resort ,
Kay's Landing and Manawa .park , Min
eral Springs. Gorman shooting grounds ,
Manhattan beaeh and Munawa opera
house ( whore two pet-formaiiues will be
Kivon during the season daily atI nnd
8:30 : o'clook p. in. ) ns follows : Nine and
11 a. in. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and every
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : at
night. Last train will leave Mnnuwu
for Council Bhill'a at 11:55 : p. in.
WoVant to lu tu Chicago.
If you have tlio cash wo have the
pianos , and for the next thirty days you
can have them almost at your own price
Wo have too largo a stock and must sell.
Mueller Piuno and Organ Co. , 103 Main
I'EllSOSA 1. J'Alt.lUlt.lI'llS.
Miss Sue Badollot left Slmilny evening for
a visit of two weeks in Chicago.
The closing oxcrcisos of St. Peter's
Parochial school will bo held this evening.
Dcrtianl P. Wickham returned yesterday
from Denver and will remain for i\ visit of
two or three dnys in Council Bluffs.
A murrlago license was issued yesterday
to John Shea of Sioux City and Mary E.
Shipley of Omaha , Their apes were 27
and 'J8.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Atltins. Dr. T. B. Laccy
nnd Masters Tom Lacey and Clarence Empkio
leave tomorrow for bpirlt Lake hy the over
land route.
Justice Vicn leaves today for Weeping
Water to lecture on the subject of
before the American Protective association
it that place. Ho will bo the guest of E. S.
Barnett while there.
John Bojma Is on trial in th o distric
court on the charge of assault with intent to
commit murder. John Sharpo. the man
whom ho shot in the neck , it his saloon on
Lower Broadway about a year and a half
ngo , was the llrst witness. The case will
probably occupy several days.
Miss ICute Blaxsim returned yesterday
from Chicago , where aho has Just completed
n highly successful year's work as teacher in
the public schools. She has inmlo for her-
eclf as enviable a rccoid in the Chicago
schools as she had in those of this city , and
lias had an Invitation to continue her work
for another year. She has not yet decided
whether to accept the offer.
E. It. Fonda and wife loft last evening for
Chicago. M.'s. Fonda will stop there and
vUlt tlio fair , whllo Mr. Fonda will go to
Gettysburg , Pa. , to witness the dedicatory
exercises of the monument which is to be '
erected thcro to the memory of the soldiers
who died on the battlefield at Gettysburg.
Tlio Now York Monument association gives !
frco transportation to all the Now York
troops who took part In the buttle. Mr.
Kondix was a member of the famous 147th
New York volunteers. I'lio reunion will
occur on the 1st , ! ! d and iid of next month. 11h
John Green , who had a little difficulty with
Hobert Graham last week hy reason of his
determination not to allow Gr.ilmm to hnva
Ills house painted , is in trouble. C. N. Gahn ,
who was mounted on a ladder painting when
Green came along and commenced to chop l
the ladder down with an axo. Hied an in
formation before Justice Field yesterday
charging him with assault with Intent to ioP
prcnt bodily injury. At the time the chop ,
ping was done Gahn was thirty-llvo fcot
from thtMround , and If Green had not been
prevented hy Graham from cutting down
the ladder the painter would buvo neon
hurled onto n liarbod wire fence and badly
hurt. The case will bo heard this morning
at 10 o'clock.
It. C. Harris , a gardener , living east of the
city , had porno trouble last week because i a
man named Hull suspected him of running
off with his wife. Harris got out of that
trouble without any damages , hut ho Is now
confined to his bed by reason of u boating
that was administered to him Saturday
night by Ed and Fred Mortal , two hard
cases , living In his vicinity. Seven follows
went to the old man's house , and enticing
him out , proceeded to lay 1 im out In ttio
most approved fashion. What the mottvo
WHS Is not known , imt his experience with
Mrs. Hull Is thought to have been con-
netted with the caso. Harris Is t > o badly
used up that ho cannot como down town.
The two Morgals have been arrested ii.on
three chirgos , Hot , entering a house with
Intent to commit a public olTcuco , and as
sault with Intent to commit murder. They
will have a hearing before Justice Fox as
soon as the old man Is well enough to appear
ngulnsi them ,
Tlin I.lKlituat mill llrli.-lito t.
Conio nnd see tlio lightest mid brightest
elioo store in the city. 'Now building ,
now store , now goods , now firm mid now
prices. Morris Hros. , opposite post-
olllco ,
Tlio ( irauil llutvl ,
Council Bluffs. Tlio most olejjant la
lowu. Dining room on uovontu tloor.
Rate , & 1.00 mid So.OOu day. E. R Clark ,
Cook yot" meals this suminor on a gas
runt'o. At cost ut the Gas company.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Mala street ,
largest und best blcyclo stock in city.
Superintendent Stouo and Motormau Parr In
dicted by the Grand Jury ,
Thrrn ConnU In llm 11111 Agnlnut the Super-
liiteiiclont ( jnickly Arrcttcil bjr tlio
Hlicrlll mill Promptly Ilvlunsod
un Hull The Detail * .
The grand Jury , which has been hold-
In ? a special session for several days
past , returned Its Html report yesterday
afternoon about 3 o'clock and was discharged
by Judge Deemor. Two Indictments were
returned , and thov were the two that the
Council HluHa public has been looklnu- for
anxiously over slnco the Main street motor
tragedy In which K. F. Holmes lot his llfo.
The jury made an exhaustive Investigation of
the facts , ami about forty witnesses testified
so that thcro can ho no complaint that the
work wat not thoroughly dono. The two
parlies Indicted were A. 1C. Stone , the
superintendent of the motor comp.iny , nnd
Herman 1'arr , who ran the ear whloh col
lided with the Burlington freight. Stone is
indicted on thrco counts , the indictment
charging him with gross and criminal negli
gence in fulling to niako proper rules for
operating the tr.uns so as to Insure the
public safety , und for falling to compel the
men who ran tlio trains to stop at railway
crossings and Hag their trains. Both nun
arc Indicted for manslaughter.
Sheriff Hazen arrested Stone at the onice
and boarding a motor , paid faro for himself
and his passenger up town. At the same
time Deputy Sheriff O'Brien started out to
get Parr , who was running an Omaha motor.
Ho nut him under arrest but allowed htm to
run his train until ho was relieved by an
other motorman. Whether ho paid faro for
himself and his prisoner while ho was waitIng -
Ing for the relief has not been ascertained.
Both men were taken to thuotllco of the
county clerk , where tticlr bonds were ilxed
atSJ.olK ) each. John T. Stewart , the presi
dent of the company , signed the bond in each
case and the prisoners were released.
Mr. G. D. Bruce Tudor , the eye expert
of the Tudor Optical company , begs
leave to inform his Council BlnlYs pat
rons that ho has returned from his
Minnesota tri ] > and may bo consulted as
usual at the store of "Paul Schneider ,
druggist , Friday afternoon from 3 to 5.
If yon think yon have anything the mat
ter with your eyes , or your spectacles do
not suit you , we would adyjso you to see
him. No charge for examinations.
Notice to ItuHlileuts AIIIIIK tlio IClvcr.
William Wrido , foreman of the Mil
waukee Bridge and Iron works , working
on the Interbtato bridge at Kast Omaha ,
was lost in the Missouri river on the
morning of Juno 23. The sum of S100.00
will be paid to the person who will lind
his buly and notify the undersigned
promptly by wire. Description : Height ,
o feet 8 inches ; age , -10years ; hair partly
gray ; dark partly gray mustache.
Dress : Plaid coat , black shirt , white
huspondors , blue overalls , gold watch in
pocket. C. E. H. CAMPHKLJ , ,
Council BlulVs.
Corso I'nyton , nn Actor AVnntod In Council
ItlnfTs , SuiH | for Illinois.
S. T. Smith , a truvolln man who mnkcs
his hcadiiuartcrs In this city , has been tear
ing U ) ) n good deal of ground of lute over
what lie claims Is the ltldimi > ing of his two
children , Florence and Sammy , aired 8 and (5 (
years resucotivcly. Smith travels on the
road selling electric belts , and as his
business kept him away from homo nearly
all the time ho hired Wianlo McDonald to
Uko care of the children and to make his
electric bolts jn the meantime. Ills children
arc consider.iblv better known than ho to the
public ot Council Bluffs on account of their
proficiency In they have appeared
on the local stage a number of times , always
makini ; great , hits.
About > i month ago the Corso Pnyton Com-
cily company was at Dohany's , and during
tliclr engagement Httlo Florcncu did a spe
cialty net at ono of the performances that
took the eye of the manager to such an ex
tent that ho made an offer for the services of
the two children and their nurse. The offer
was accepted and the three loft with the
company , with the understanding that the
engagement was only tojast thrco weeks ,
unless the children wiintctl toinako it longer
at the end of the time specified.
Smith had been away from and , ac
cording to the story told by Miss McDonald ,
had neglected the children shamefully , atone
ono tlmo falling to write homo for moro than
seven weeks. About the 1st of April ho sent
$10 homo. Of this amount Miss McDonald
used i'J in buying material for moro belts ,
and had only 41 loft with which to buy the
necessaries of lilo for herself and the chil
dren. She wrote to him repeatedly for moro
money , but ho failed to send it , and she was
in absolute want.
About two weeks ago Smith found out that
his children had boon Hired to I'ayton. Ho
found them In DCS Molnes , Smllh took the
children and returned with them to this
city , .where ho appeared before .lustico
V'ien and swore out an Information
charging Pnyton with kidnaping. This
was Saturday , and Sheriff Ilazcn at once
telegraphed to the chief of police at DCS
Monies and asked him to arrest Payton I ,
stating that ho would bo there on the tlrst
train. Contrary lo the usual custom among
officials , the chief replied by wlro that ho
could not arrest dim , as there was no charge
mentioned. I la volunteered the Information ,
however , that P.iyton would not loavo.
Ilazcn left for Dos Molnes , and when ho
arrived there was surprised to learn that
about an hour before ho readied the city Itf
I'ny ton and his company had loft the city
for HIoomiiiKton , 111 , , where they had an
engagement of a week to fulfill.
Miss McDonald rotunioJ to Council Hluffs
voluntarily In order that she might put her
friends in possession of the facts from her
point of view.
Smith said that when ho reached homo ho
found all the furniture had been moved out
of the house , leaving It empty. Miss Mo-
Donald says that Smith was hero about live
wee Us ago , when the f unit t uro was moved
out , anil helped to move it. A mortgage for
( X ) , which had been executed upon It having
become duo. Of the $00 , all but $11) ) had been
turned over to him as boon as received by
Miss McDonald , who retained that amount
to bo used In necessary expenses , Shu also
states that she hud not dr.uui any wages
for nine mouths , for Smith had fulled teat
have any money on the low occasions that
he had visited his home.
Ton Diiy.i lit thu U'orul's'air. .
Itwlll cost you losi tliuii SSO.OD , ovory-
thlnpr necessary included , This moans
homos in private cottage , clean , 113o :
close to grounds and on the beaoh of
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno- |
woth , WlndhOi- Park , 111. Refers to II. [
\V. Tilton of Tin : HUB , or Jacob Siruj
of Sims & Hulnbridgo , Council UlulTs. UJml
T. J. Clark ruprojdnta on the road
Whcolor , llorald & Co. , Csunoil Bluffs I ;
only perfect cold storage- plant in tljo
\vo&t. General coiumiosiou btibinoss.
Fruits u specialty. Buttur prepared
than any uompetlt > rs to ( ret best results
from all cjusiyiuuontd. Write for quo I
tations ,
AUOUTTIII ; rosTtii'KicK.
Trouble 111 tlio OriiHicriilla Idmkt on Ac.
Coconut ( if uu Alli'ti'il "Ural. "
The contest over who stiall bo the next
postmaster of Council HlufTs is stirring up
thu democrats In u wonderful manner , and
discord is reignlncc supreme as the result of
certain rumors that have been sot afloat during
ing the last day or so by some of the moro i or
leis faithful. The ilrit thing that raised the I
trouble WAI the nnnouncom.cnt that
ox-Congressman Thomas Uownian had
espoused the causa of A. W. Hick-
man , who Is the latest candidate
for the pl.ico to como to the
front. This was followed quickly by nn-
other announcement to the effect that Mr.
Hownmn had sold his Interest In the Globe ,
the ofttclal organ of the democracy , nnd that
Mr. Htckman was the purchaser. It was
known several months ngo that Bowman
was very anxious to soil out , but the man
who would buy his Interest did not seem to
bo forthcoming. When thcso two reports
were made , ono right on the heels of the
other , It did not take the democrats
who had been favoring the candl-
dncy of some other man long
to surmlso that there had been
something In the nature of n ucal between
Howman and Ulckmnn by which the former
was to endorse Hlekman's candidacy with
the administration and Ulckmnn was to buy
the Ulobo at Its owner's figures. Up to
within the last few davs It was commonlv
supposed that S. B. wadsworth held the
Insldo track In the race for the postofllcc ,
and his friends lost no tlmo In letting their
wrath como to the surface. In this they
were ably assisted by the nntt-Howmnn
faction of democracy , which has been very
powerful In a number of election camtmlgns
and things took on an Intensely lurid huo.
The report that there was any deal bo-
twccn Itawtnan nnd Itickman h denied cm-
DhatlcnllybyJudgoJ 13. F. McQco , who occu
pies a position of vantage on 4hu inside. Ho
states that after Dowman bad sold out his
paiior to his partner , .T. U. Weaver , ho came
to him nnd offered him his support If ho
would become a candidate for tlio postmas-
tcrshlp. Hut McGco was not thirsting for
olllco Just at that tlmo and ho refused How-
man's assistance. Ho Is positive that If
Howmun had sold out his paper at that tuna
tu Hlckman with any provisions on the sldo
relative to the postoflico ho would not have
been able to offer him his supuort so unre
servedly as ho did. Ho also says that It was
not for some tlmo after Howman sold out to
Weaver that Uickman bought In.
Hlukman corroborates this statement and
scouts as ridiculous the idea that thcro was
any deal between himself and liowmnn. Ho
also states that In his opinion 13. S. Gilbert ,
a third applicant for the position , had a bet
ter chance of success than Wadsworth. but
in an unwary moment admitted that ho
thought the honor lay between himself and
Wadsworth. Front this It may bo scon that
Hiekman , who Is not In the habit of talking
unless he knows what he is talking about ,
bus received assurance from some ono in
authority that ho will bo the administra
tion's choice.
Domestic feoat ) is the best.
Mct/KLT .V Jtnmlli'tt's Ices.
No Sunday dinner is complete with
out Motzjror & Handlott's ieo cream and
ices. Leave your order today.
A few choice farm mortgages for sale.
Call and investigate. Piisej & Thomas ,
Abstract and Comi Co. . Council BlulTa.
Greonsliields , Nicholson & Co. have
moved their real estate olllco to 000
Broadway , opposite postotlico. Tel. 151.
Afck yotti1 grocer for Domestic soap.
Bless Bros. , the paperhangcrs , will
hang paper at 12Jo per roll. Our work
our reference. Room . ' ) , Everett block.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms.V. . C. James lias the
strongest companies in the world.
Every lady purchasing S2.00 worth at
Davis' will be presented a 75c bottle of
Tolu water for the complexion.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , tie
lest 1 J2.00 lioube in Iowa.
Use Domestic soap.
Sxvfmllurs Work Old Soldier * .
IIUNTINOTON , W. Va. , Juno 20. A
party of clever swindlers have been
working the old soldiers of Lincoln
county. They represented themselves
aa agents of the United States govern
ment and stated their business was to
organize lodges of old soldiers. They
organized a lodge in Lincoln county and
they told the old soldiers the secretary
of the treasury needed all the gold on
hand to meet the stringent demands of
the present times ; that if they would
assign their pensions , which are pay
able in gold , they would receive green
backs in return and the gold would bo
forwarded to Washington. The swin
dlers then cashed the checks with bright
now greenbacks , which have since
proven worthless.
Courtland beach fireworks ) tonight ,
also music , bathing , boating and switch
back. Take your family.
Indium Convicted of Murder ,
IlAHTSHOUN , I. T. , Juno 20. In the
Gaiiiea countv criminal court at Wilbur-
ton , Moses "Williams , Solomon Lewis ,
Kingbury Hawkins , Kobert Carter and
Thomas McGee , all Indians , wore con
victed of having murdered King .Too _
loklatublos , another full-blood , at his
homo , one mile south of hero , during
the Jones and Jackson election feud in
August , 1802. The trial of nine others ,
charged with a similar crime , com
menced today. There are now nine In
dians and one negro to bo shot by July 7 ,
with twice as many to be tried. The
older Indians agree that the convictions
will not reach executions , and the sig
nificance in which some of their expres
sions are clothed is ominous.
Kxciirnlon at ritUbiir Kiitslits Ti-mpliir.
I'lTTSiiuiiO , June 20. Three hundred
members of 1'ittsburg Commandory No.
1 , Knights Templar , and their ladles
started this morning for a two weeks
tour of the lakes and the World's fair.
The party will visit Cleveland llrst ,
leaving there this evening for Detroit ,
after which they will go up the lakes to
Mackinac , whore they will remain until
Sunday , July 2. From Mackiime the
party'will take steamer to Chicago ,
reaching that cltv Monday evening , in
tending to remain until the following
Mulling ( ircut Cycle Huron ) .
Lis , Juno 20. Wylic will
undoubtedly lower the record between
Now York and Chicago. Uo arrived
hero at It o'clock yesterday afternoon
after a seventy-mile ride and loft at B'M ;
for Lafayette. The dibtaueo from here
to Chicago Is 200 miles and , at the rate
ho is riding , ho calculated on reaching
hh dc&tination before midnight tonight.
Thirty-six hours of his ton days yet re
main and lie IB in splendid condition.
There Is scarcely a possibility that ho
will not reach Chicago in time. The
finish will bo at the city hall.
It's worth a half dollar to hear the
the orchcbtra at Courtland beach , bdt il
only costs lOc , Fireworks tonight.
I'oroiKii 1'liinnclal Itcvloiv.
LONDON , Juno 20. Discount was
quoted during the past week at 1J per
cent for three months and IS per ceni
for short bills , The market nardonci
early in the week owing to the dispatel ;
of a hinall parcel of gold to Now York
but afterward returned to its former
position. Silver was weak and un
settled. Business on the Stuck exchange
was btagnaiit. American railroads were
Condition "f Crop * In rrniirc.
PAIIIB , Juno 20. The oilieial statistics
just published represent the oat crop ti\ \
good in seven departments , fairly gooi ) (
in twelve , batlsfactory in fifteen , mid
tiling in thirty-bovcn , bad in ton. Tlio
buy is reported as good in five depart
moats , fairly good in eight , butibfautor >
in eleven , middling in thirty-two , itid
bad in thlrtv-iiino.
of Destiny to JP/css / His Luck to the
Utmost'Limit ' ,
It Will Ho Kn y iniiijli : | | to Overcome Tnm-
tnnny Antlp.itliy , They Si y I'tiMltillltles
of Carlisle milf flrc-nlutm llclng
Citiiilutnirs I
CHICAGO , Juno 20. The Record's
Washington correspondent tolcgrapiis
his pnDcr this morning thus :
There are friends of Mr. Cleveland
who do not hesltato to say that ho will
bo put in nomination again. To the
suggestion of the third-term antipathy
supposed lo bo bold hy Tammany people
the answer Is mtuto that another election
will not bo a third consecutive term , the
intervention of Mr. Harrison rendering
that objection practically void. The
gentlemen who talk in this way for Mr.
Cleveland belong to Now York
state and have been idcntlflod
with Mr. Cleveland's fortunes since
ho was uovcrnor. They are disposed of
resent tlio idea that there are presiden
tial candidates among the members of
the present cabinet , but they are forced
to admit that either Greslnun or Car
lisle would have a strong following in
the convention. Among Kentuckians
Carlisle for the presidency is announced
and no secret is made of the intention to
trivo him the delegation from that state ,
if possible. But this is on the theory
that Mr. Cleveland's present term will
end his public career , and that to pro
pose Mr. Carlisle for Mr. Cleveland's
successor is not disloyalty to the presi
The Gi-esham boom , if such it can bo
called , has less positivonoss in it. Tn
fact Mr. Gresham's future is discussed
in a speculative way. The friends of
Mr. Gresham say that if the general is
not appointed to the supreme bench ,
then , after Cleveland whom the
Gresham men also regard as being out
of tiic race ho is the one candidate who
can draw more strength from the repub
lican side , while holding the democratic
vote. Tlio recent illness and prospec
tive retirement of Justice Blatchford
points out a way for Gresham to the
supreme bench , and as ho is not a man
of fortune , nor one whoso ambitions
would not bo satisfied with the highest
judicial position , it is admitted to bo
possible that ho will thus bo taken away
from among the presidential candidates.
It will bo noticed that in this gossip
only the names of thot-o directly con
nected with the present administration
are used. No note is taken of outside
candidates , who , in 'fact , have nothing
to do with this interesting political situ
ation , it being held that the democratic
candidate for succeHf.or to Mr. Cleveland
will bo a member of this administration.
3WGII U.l3l'uK 111' FLOODS.
Clouiluurnt In Jflhrtoiirl Carries Away
ItrnlfCH anil Wrecks Trams.
HANNIUAL , Mo. Juno 20. A verita
ble cloudburst visitcil this section about
4 o'clock this morning , causing a great
amount of damage In Bear Creek valley
and other low parts of the city. Bridges
were washed away and the water in
vaded a number of > houses. The rail
roads were heavy sulTcrers. Thcro
were two washouts on the , Hannibal &
St. Joe between .this city and Palmyra
and trains ran by Moody Junction.
On the St. Louis , ICcokuk & North
western a freight train went through a
trestle that was weakened by high
water. The engine cropped in safety ,
but seventeen cars following went down
and pulled the engine down on the
wrecked cars. The trainmen escaped
with slight injuries.
The St. Louis & Hannibal was also a
heavy sulTcrer. Seventeen bents of the
pile bridge nt the mouth of Bear
creek arc damaged and seventy-five
feet of the approach to the Lindcll
avenue bridge uro washed out. Trains
are running as far us St. Louis Junction
over the Missouri , Kansas & Texas
truck. Several lumber yards suffered
badly , the Empire Lumber company
losing 50,000 feet of lumber.
Intelligence from West Ely , this
county , is to the olTect that tlio rain was
accompanied by hull us largo as hen's
eggs and that great dninugo was done to
growing crops and domestic animals.
Mm Sirr : < l anil Women Drowned.
DEL NOKTE , Colo. , .tune 20. Mrs. P.
T. Harris and daughter , 10 years old ,
were drowned in the Illo Grande river
yesterday bix miles west of Del Norto.
llurris , his wife und child , nnd a young
tiian named Tinker had successfully
crossed tlio river. On the ounlc the
horbcs balked and backed the wagon
over a bank into the water. The mother
and daughter were drowned nnd the
nen were compelled to go ashore to save
heir own lives.
Brings comfort nnd improvement and
tenda to per&dtiiil enjoyment when
rightly used. The many , who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more , with
, less expenditure'by more promptly
adapting tlio wftrld's bobt products to
tlio needs of physical being , will attest
' the value to hcidUi of tlio pure liquid
'laxative principles embinccd in the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence , ta duo to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste , the refrobbing nnd truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the gybtein ,
dispelling colds , headaches .Mid fevers
mm permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with tlio approval of the medical
profession , because it acts on the Kid
ney * , Liver nnd Uowcls without weak
ening them and it is perfectly frco from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for tale by all drug
gists in 50c and SI bottles , but it is man
ufactured by tlio California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whoso name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of I'igs ,
and being well informed , you will not
uccept any bubstltuto if ollered.
.l-lrw. I'rvo
_ - . tloo In Iho st.ito unt
fed urn I courts. Koouu lJ-7-3-9 ! ,
block , Uouuclluluir * . Jo.
100 pairs ladies' red goat Oxfords at $ t.oo pc.r pair , Regular price $2.00. 4
C , D and E widths , sizes 21to 7.
200 ladies to buy 200 pairs ladies' patent leather Oxfords at $ i.0o per pair.
Former price $2.00. D and E widths , sizes aj < to 7 ,
Reynolds Brothers' ladies' fine Shoes and Oxfords , the best shoes oil earth
for the price.
100 ladies to buy 100 pairs ladies' hand turn dongola button Boots at $2
pair. As good a shoe as you can buy at $3.50 in Council Bluffs or Omaha.
Misses' , childrens1 and ladies' Oxford Ties and Button Ncwports at 250 pair.
D and E widths , sixes 13 to 4.
50 ladies to buy 50 pairs infants' kid Opera Slippers at 150 pair. Former
price 500.
60 pairs child's Slippers at 250. D and E widths , sixes i to 6. Less than
one-half their value.
The ladies , misses , men , boys and youth of Council Bluffs to know that
S. A. PIERCE & CO. , NO. 100 MAIN ST. ,
sell the best and finest line of footwear to be found in Western Iowa ,
and when it comes to prices no other concern here is in it.
' 1
We carry the largest HUG of Sickles , Knife Headsy Guards ,
Rivets , I itman J3cxxesA : , lvalue Teeth , Oil Cans , launches , Coaj ( I
Chisel , etc.
We gtiarantee prompt shipments. Send us your orders. * i i
- %
13O4-G-8-1O Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa.
Evans will close out the balance
of his stock of Liultcs * Oxford Slip
pers and Tan Shoes.
Upon examining the quality and
style of these shoes will he sur
prised at the prices we are giving.
. .
28 Main Street.
27 Pearl Street.
l the only
Women EiclJdcd.
18 yriiri f < x | > f > rlonve.
Circular * free.
llthnnd Farnam Sts. ,
ipsfer Springs
Improved Hire's Root Boer.
I'rlviito families fiiriilsnecl wllh 1'iuo Drlnlc-
Inu Wutur , freali uvury nior.'iln ; . ' , nt fl.f/J pur
innnili ,
I'Hlronl/o Homo Industry nnd net pure
wutur uml wliolcrfouiu bimi'uur
Mynstor Springs Water Co , ,
Council Bluffs , la.
) ! . ! > I if ii > Hi HI IlifrU * rater , iio !
bi , i i fi > f o'H
A carload of fcrDon < 1oon , tcreoa win
dews nml icreon wire : bottom prlooi.
l.nriiu utoi-it of blorcloi. All kind ) of
blc/ciu ruimlrluv Uuua promptly.
41 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
l I\lotic2,3 ,
IlSTKACTH nil ( loaiiH. Knr.n imtl city property
ImtiL'lit am ! Hold. I'utmy & Tliunmu , Council
GAHIIAOKrniiioVfxl , c'fSHjioolH. vnillla , chlmnoys
clmiiiiHl. KU llurliu , ut TayJor'H ci-occry. 6 l >
1" ) AllOAINS1'or BUO , 70 by aori f ol on TranUlln
iJ.ivoniw , frl.MXl.Oli.
ii'JKuurt'H liulwcun 1st hlroi't nml Franklin avo-
nui' , IK-HI plaitlnir properly in tliti city , f MfltiU.QO.
TwulutH uiiiWBlKiTlilhl Hlnwt Bi-liool , tl.OOO.Oa
Ono lot In Wilson Ten ucu , WMMW.
ldtn , coiniir Mntn HirjcUuiil I''tli avonua.
mploim-nt houBoin tlMic'lty7MO.UO.
-a A. Tuwlo , 'J'tS 1'o.irl Htrcot.
' | HO-acro eoo'l , Improvn.I f.inn In IDC. U7-U2.11
'iKhi.-ilil.iu ( ft. , Neb. , rurHalti ill ifl.OHMiU. Thlu
luaway buluw Hn valiiu , Jolinnlon A ; Van ration.
IO YOU want to mil your liouna ? If HO cull 111
12 tlioMaynit Hi'al Ilst.itu Uo. , U'Jl Ili'O'ulway.
/ IO AOKKScoocI liliul III ( losp'M1 comity , Ncl ) , , for
V-fuxcliniiirn for linjirovcil proiwrty In Council
Tliu Mjyiio ilcal KNliituUu. , Kit I llro.iilwity.
\UCi ) : cOTTAUKS-Suvrrul of thorn for Halo : low
liirl"OH | uiul very cuny iiiymuntu. Tliu Mayim
Kual lMtHuCo.ttVl Uruadway.
ACKI'Ar Kw.mt4i | iioar Council IllulTH In x-
chain- ! ' for I'JO acraii line limd In northern Win-
Hourl , near Iowa linn , eliwr uf Inuuinbr.iiiuo. Tlio
M.iVim Iti-al linl'ilu Co. . ll'JIi Hro.iJ\
1 lid AC1US linproytxl l.niil In'norlhmi KaiiHau.
J clear of liiciiiiibr.iucu ; will cxeliaueo for laud
ni'.ir Council IJlnllH. Tim Muyuu Heal Ksl.ito Co. ,
lltil liroiKlmiy.
I'OiT fTxCIIANni-Wfll liiitirovod HO.ncro lowii
1 farm niuir nwl town , clcur of liiciiiiibrnnoui
will exulianiro fur nlcu ruulilencu In Council IJlulrn
and ] iiy c'lbliillireronco. Tliu Muynu Heal Uututu
Co. ll'Jl .
, Ilroadwiiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17OK iXCIIAK : K , Him lot on iKjltom for liorfxt
-1 anil Uueiry1Ori ) < 'iiiilijulilB. KIcliolHon A Co.
\ \VANTKI-- for Ki-iK-ral lioiwowork. Apply
ii lM-f < iri)7.illu. : in , at ilL'O Oalilaiul uvcnuo , "
thai hourut i : w Main Mlr > 't. ( ) . 1' . I' "
J JTlli uv. nnd Ifith av. , Butiuilay nflrrnoon , void
walc'h , Jtcturn Oi'iJJIli iyr. anrt Cft n-wiml.
\\rANTKI ) Klrat-clauu wulHt a-iil bVIrT inakent
> i atoncu ; ulbuuppiunllcu. Kulnon'B , luui FIUU
" \ \ rANTKIJ-Olr ) for itoneral liouncworlt. 413
( ilon itveiuu ) .
I oil SAI.UKnrnlturo for slx-roojn ) IOIIBO ( as
( -uod uu new , Iiuvlnir U 'u imoU but u uiiorl
lime , AUdruHU , I ( lb , Itvu ofdcu , OIU U5
\\rANTKI-I'aitU-H with liltlo tlmo ami capl-
' * lal to inaiiufuclnru nnd Introilucu patoiuul
llOM'lliob. II , J. AllUlUU. lib 1'CllU AVO. . C'UUUtll