TIIR OMAHA DAILY IH3Ei SATURDAY. JUNE 21 , 1893. SPEGIRL NOTICES. FOR THESK COLUMNS ADVERTISEMENTS wilt txtlnkon until 12:3(1 : ( p. in. for Iho evening and until 8.30 p. m. for thu morning and Sunday editions. Advertisers , by reriucsltng ,1 numbered check cnnhnvotholr answers addressed to a numbered letter In onni of TliR ltr.r. . Answers so addressed tvlll bo delivered upon presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. nates. lUcnword first Insertion , lea word there- nfter. Nothing tnken for less than 25c. .A ware ami implement business thoroughly ) wat. position In fair l .eil country town. Address K 2 llco , 282 tt5 * _ " AsmtATioN "WASTED AS CLURK , KTC. Ilookkevpor , having tmn ye.ir s experience In general More. Address K 13. ll - ! . M428 2tl' ' ' 'WANTED MALE HELP. nates. IHc a word first Insortlon , 1cn word there- nttcr. Nothing loUim for ICRH than asc. _ - , .lilcneod In Block fooil trade : referenrii requlretl ! peed money to cool men. Address Wilbur Seed Meal Co. , Mllwaiikeo. WIs. Bitg)30 ) * _ IIF VO WANT A OOOI ) 1'AYINO JO1I WRITE JL > the HawkB Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. B-WANTKI ) . COACHMAN , NONK NKEU Al > - ply without the very best of city references , 012 Douglas St. WS1 B-WANTED. ALL STENOGRAPHERS. I1OOK- keepers. salesmen , pharmacists , clerks of all fclnks , male or female , out of employment In Iowa , Nebraska or Wyoming to Hcnd us thnlr nmnos nnd address , Wo can bo of service to you in aiding von lo secure positions. Western Ilusl- ness Agency. 31 N. Y. Llfo llldg. 48 ) y20 7J-WANTI5I ) , CARRIAOK TRIMMER. OMAHA JJCarrlngo Top Co. , 211 South 12th SI. 371 23 * B--WANTKU--MKN OR WOMEN NOT AFRAID of work nnd of moderate ability lo call and In vestigate ; between 10 and 4 o'clock. 1707 Dodge st. M3l)3 ) 1M , * - , MKN TO TRAVEL. $30 TO SIOO B-WANTED per month , Slono & Wellington. MadlHon , WIs. -WANTED7TIIAVKLINO SALESMAN ! MUST havei-xperlenco. Call before noon. r. A. Sal isbury , 31 Pearl Blrect , Council llluftB. . M3'J3 27 WANTED , SALESMAN FOR CALIFORNIA JPwIiics ; $100.00 IK.T mouth mill expenses , with chance for advance : commission If preferred : no xperlenco nxitilrvtl. Address , Inclosing D BUimps , W. A. Vandercook , O 16 Wine dcp't , Los Anselcs , Cal. " .M12221 * -WANTKD , IB MEN TO WORK ON HRICK OJyanl nt AvcryH , Neb. , on U. P. R'y 3 mllen below South Omaha. Omaha Hydraulic Press llrlck Co , Ml 14 25 * - , TRAVELING SALESMEN TO B-WANTED linn nf blankets , flannels , dress Koodn , etc. Address The GumellDalu mills. Ilex f.OO , Philadelphia , Pa. M120 24 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rales. 1 Kcnwonl first Insertion , lea word thcrc- nfter. Nothing taken for lens than 2fle. C-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME , nncloso stain pe < l enveloiw. Ella Werst , ffcx : . , South llend , Ind. 43U 1 WANTED , OIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN wuall family. Apply at ' 'D18 Charles St. 131 C-WANTED , LADIES OR YOtINO MEN TO take light , pleasant work at their own homes ; $1.01)10 ) $ H.oo per day can be quietly made ; work pent by mall : no canvassing. For particulars ad dress Olobo Mfg. To. , Ilex C331 , Iloston. Mass. Es- tabllshed 1880. M312 ly 11) ' C-WANTED , A OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work , family two , wagea gooil. Mrs. W. C. Ives , 1.12N.31llhat. 310 2li * C-WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE- wotk. Mrs. L. A , Garner. 2327 California Street. M333 ' /-I-WANTED , OIRL TO SEW AWNINGS : $ l.fiO C < perday to oxixjrt ; 131 Pearl btreet. Council DhilTH. M308 24 ri-WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR SMALL FAMILY. L/Rood cook , good wages ; UilO N. 2lllh. ,383 28 * C--WANTED--LADIES WHO HAVE HAD EX- pcrlcneo as sollcltora to call between 1 and 4 | > . m. , und Investlfato. 1707 Dodge street. M300 24. * C-WANTED , A SEAMSTRESS TO WORK IN private family. Immediately. Address Mrs. F. Eomioiisehulii. West Point , Neb. 410 23 r-l-KXl'ERIENCED OIRL WANTED. 2 IN FAM- \Jlly : coed wages. Apply Mrs. M. Klgutter , 1112 8. llllh st. 414 C-WANTED , A THRIFTY GERMAN WOMAN to llvn on the premises and taku charge of n Wock'of six stores and apartmt'iitu on South 10th ntrei-t. Address with references , "Baxter , Mlllard liotel. " M127 25 - Oinnhn.1IOUSRKKEPER ON A FARM near Oinnhn. German ( platdentsch ) preferred. For particulars -write nt once to C. G. . 1 * . D. 085 , Omaha , Neb. M430 25 * CWANTED. ! . KNEI1OETIO LADY AGENTS IN every locality. Old oHtabllMluil houso. Busi ness pleasant uud profitable. Klngcry Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati , O. M41U 24 * FOB BENT HOUSES. Rat , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2Sc. i run. itr.it AJ iiuuflr..T jN ALL PARTS OF /the city. The O. F. DavlH company , 1DO3 Farnam. r10llOOM 1IOUSK , 210fi DOUOLAS STRF.KT. X/Enuiilre of Morltz Meyer , cor , lUth and Faniam , 411 Tl-10-KOOM MODERN HOUSE , ROOD LOCA- jJUtm ; ivnt moderate. L. S. Skinner , 1(114 ( Furnam. 443 r > -7-ROOM IIOUSK. KAST PROMT. ALL MODem - em , J'JS.UO. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Faniam. 415 D > -3 AND 4-ROOM APARTJIENTS. VON DORN block , with Bteuniirefereucesreiiulred810S22d. ; 447 IV FOR RENT , 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , J-'HUltnblc forroomerH nnd boarders. 2011 Harnnv Httvvt. 10-room modern hoiihe , y.'lH Ix'avenworth Htreet , only * -.ri.lln. Some nlcu cettuscs. H. O. Clark A. Co. , li18 ! Ilimiey ulroet. M531 T'OR KENT , 3-HOOM COTTAOE FOR COL- oi-i-d people. 208 North lath. MSOtf D rl-UOOMFLATfl7. ! I ) AND 7 ROOM FLATS , WO. Ojip. Jeireruou aquaru. lloberts , 1(11 ( H Chi- Ht. M3U5 J27 * \-n-HOOM IIOHSB , GOOD RKPAIR. 1NQUIRK 2711 UouelilH Btieet. MOW \ -S ROOMS CHEAP. CO N 13TH ST. ST.MSSSJylO MSSSJylO * D- FOR RENT , H OR 10 ROOMS.FURN1SHEDOR unfurnluhod , Ii ! blocliM from court house. South Oinnhii ciiis , hot water heat , modern conveniences. lleromii'VH muilrul. 30' ) S 17th. Oil | Y-J'UK 11KAT UJlKvllA UUUII 1IAU , IN- J-'ntilWU prfliilRes , fill North 22d Ktreet. Also two nice wevi'ii-room collagen , wood ya l , Rhnde tnu'H , very near to cable or motor ; 425.00 and It27.tll ) each. Mi ) 111 Tn-TO RKNT. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , U23.00 ; 4'hiirn If ileHlrnil ! uleu lawn , treeH , city water , t'lhlern , cemi'iiUol eiillara. bath , near motor. Si-o OHui-r , 1) , V. Slevi-iib , lilll Vaxlou block. JID31) ) T8ROOM HOUSE. MODERN , CONVENIENT .I-'for biudneHH or wholesale men , Apply 1112 fvllllll lllthhllL'lM , .111' C'ltOIt'K FLATS IN TIIKP. K. ILKR I1LOCK , I'onicT lilth nnd Jackson blreels. Will rent them i-heap. Call at nitlSouth lUlhHtn-ct. nil 1D -11' YOlFtVILL TAKE THE TROIJI1LKTO CO anil Heelhu P. K. IKirllath.VoriixrltUhiind Jack- eon BtrcelR , It will pay you. Call at 510 So. ) Uth HI. D FOR RKNT. 7-ROOM MODERN FLAT , LaiiKi ) block , Him south llllh st. 38228 T\-NO\V IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A FIRST- 4/flUMH Hat cheap , They am lu goud repair and ronvriilently arranged : have all Itnpi-oveiuentu. t-'all nt Mil South llllh Mtreet , 110 'iy-FOil' T FEW DAYS ONLY WE OFFER OUR J- uhf > luoJlats to families at a low rate. Coimt nt mien If you wish to get n bargain. Call nt SID South IDtli stivel. P. E. lUirblouh. 110 D-tt. O.Of > WILL RENT A MODERN 8-ROOM hoiiHe , 1210 Park Wild avenue , only fourblockH from U. P , depot. O , D , HutchlnHon , 1023 Ff.rn.ini , Vlo.no for 4218 NlehulaH. $10.00 for 4110 Nlcho- Inn. HnlchliiBOu , Iti-'U Fariium. 372 ' . ' 4 'n FOR RENT , MODl'illN SIX-ROOM FUR- J-'nlbluil hoiiBo for U uiuiithu , t-ooil location. (1 , F. llnllH , . " . 0 soulh 17th Mroel. 23021 1 - DELI < rilTFini HOME , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSIi. J 'moilcrn convenlenceij.barii , lovely lawn , natural tihmlo lix'cs , * M3UD pur tuuuth. luqiilro at 2003 288 2S FOllBNT. AN ELKHANTLY FURNISHED . 'liotcl Inn irood loenllty. Just fr.rnlHhi l nnd never been oK'ind | : , For particulars rail at 1303 DoiiKlashln-et. MittlO 25 * TTmiNERTiAT ; , 8 IU10MS. RANGE ANlTALL -L/olhi-r nonviMilenccB : no liner ll.it In the cliy ; 39.00. Call nt Htuiv , 701 8oulh 10th btreut. at 10 n. m. George Clouber. MUbt > TV f-llOOM COTTAOKTO RENT , CONVENIENT JL/for U , P , railroad iiien. liiQulm 11128. loth Bt. 413 'H- FOR RENT. KINK ROOM HOUSE , 'J721 JACK- J-'Bon St..all iiKxlorn coiivi'iildiK-i's , puvul Btroct , nlreel rare ; Hiilcndkl uoluhliorhood : K30.00 t.H iiioiitli to wnall ( iiinlly , KeyH nt Whv < ! ler Wheeler , Donirlaa uud lilh Ktb. 4U2 V3 B-FOR RKNT ; ID-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MOD- ern lintiroveiiiciitH , mi DoJo. Enquire next door oriala Faniam kt. 403 2tl J "fV"'OHHKNTj NB\V 4-ilOOM COTTAGE.CEL- J-'l.ir , clsli-m , cltj' water , etc. , 'J a luonih. lu- quh-o K1IB Fttrnim. jU3 80 TWMRS. QKO. A. M'COY's"ROSE-HMWOWERED J-/cotliii ( ( furuthhcd or iinfuriiUlifd > uu north 24th Hli-oot , No. 'i7U7j reut low. 407 23 * Ihr yOB'itENT-i-FUKNlSHED r - - BOOMS E-NICELY VURN1SUEU SOUTH "llOOM , V008 Uaniejr. M101)14 ) * FOR ItENT FURNISHED BOOM9. ContCtiuM. ' En -PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ( JEN- Irinen , only , IftUI Howard ntrwt. 7AO jyl ) E-LAROK SOUTH FIIONT ROOM,23 < WnLONDO. M U28 | 21' 7-FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALTOVE FOR JLjgcntleuiCTi.modeni conveniences , 320 North 23d. M 730 " " Tl'-PLEASANT. WELL""FUHNISHED ROOMS "with all modem conveniences , 110 So , 20th st. -3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPINO for man and wife. Rent taken In board'310 N.uth -THREE NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping and 'I furnished rooms. 1 ID North Kith. M30.-i 20 * -FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOM IN modern brick house ; private family ; reference ! . 120 North 20th street. M332 EXAMINE THIS RAROAINl AT A SAIRIFICK. ID-room honsu , moilcm luiproveniotils. arranged to ncconiodatn ono Or two families , cast front con venient to Crelghton college , linn pntille whoom nnd motor can. Prlcn ffll.oiKI , SiOO cash , If Hold before July 1st. B23 N. : i2nd St. 381 E-FOR RENT , TWO NtflBt.Y FURNISHED roonm ; one with nlcovo. Call at 18'J.l Faniam. M41I1 27' FUKNIBHED BOOMS AND BOARD. Rates. IKc a word first Insertlon.lcaword tharo- nflcr. Nothing taken for leas than 'J5c. ITi-THE DOLAN , 201) ) AND 211 N. 18T1I ST. JL 440 Tf YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CAHE OF 1' Woman's Christian aHHoclallon , 111 S. 17lh st. 450 -FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR ROOMS , WITH alcove , rurnlHhul or unfiiriilslietl , at The Fren- zer. llON.asthBtrcet.lBi ! 23 * , - AND ROOM FOR YOUNO LADY , private family , $ S.OO per week. C13 N. 23d st. ; -I7-ROA AND ROOMS. $1 AND $ S PER Jl- week ; house modern. U421 Hoilgo. 2U1-U.V 1-FURN1SHED ROOM AND FIRST CLASS -L board. 2633 St. Mary'H ave. 330 27 * I-FURNI3HKD ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2105 J. Douglas St. 332 21 * "I7-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAN J-'nml wlfo or two cpiitlemen , with board : also day board. 2209 Faniain. Jitl7 : ( 28" T7-COOL SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , AWNINGS , A Hummer rates. 2384 Hartley. J1339 2a * 17-NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT ( UD room with alcove ami bay window , modern con veniences , prlrato family ; board. 022 South 2lHh street. . M424 2U T7I1 - NICE ROOMS \7ITH BOARD AT 107 S. 17TH. I1 M410Jy2.r FOR RENT TINFURNISH'D ROOMS Rates. IMc a wonlflrstlnBertlon. Icn wont there after. Nothing taken for less than ' - ' . ) C. FORYlENTs ouJNFuiNsHED ROOMS , modern Improvements , beautiful lawn and Bhadn. N. E. cor. U2d and Miami streets. M750 2 LARGE ROOMS. NORTH AND SOUTH front : modern conveniences ; furnished or nn- furnlsheil. 258'llarnoy. . M33U 27 * _ THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN COTtage - tago , 023 South IHlh street. M121) ) ' - ' p-3-ROOM SUITES FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- VJlug ; 1411) North 17th St. M' F. Keys , 200 S. 10th Btreot. 4012 ! ) _ WANTED BOARDERS. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. r WANTED , A FEW TABLE BOARDERS , 11)00 ) ICapltol avenue. 41)5 24 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES Rates , lOc a line each liiBcrtlon , $ l.r > 0 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than -'Ac. J FoinrarrsTORE ox srinti STM LANOE block , suitable for meat market , hardware or dry goods store. Inqnlru tlOl ) S. 13th St. 451 -FOR RENT , THE 4-STOUY IIRICK IIUILDING , J 1)111 ) Faniam nt. The building has a fireproof , ce ment basement , complete steam heatlm , ' tlxtures , water on all thu Hours , gas , etu. Apply at the olllcu ofThelleo. 010 f FOR RENT , CHOICEST SECOND FLOOR HUSI- J-ness comer hi Omaha Globe building , lUth and Dodge. Glebe Loan & Trust Co. 452 T OFFICES EN SUITE OR SINGLE. WITH OR Jl without fireproof vaults ; cheap. Wlthnull blk. M742 ] yO * _ AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOe a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for lossthan _ 2'c. " ouriiovrkottloeluanor. bread nnd cake knives and other new articles. Easy sellers , big prollta , terms easy , Clauss Shear Co. , Kansas City , Mo. M31U jylO * _ JN CANVASSER FOR A BOOK. INQUIRE COS North lUth Htreet at 12 o'clock. M3UO 23 * T THE A B C INVESTMENT BONDS PAY > ' $ . " ) i)0.0 ) ( ) In from one lo II vo years , liny ono. $5.00 cash and $1.01) ) a month afterwards until paid , llest p.'iylng Investment extant. A rustling iigunt wanted in every town and county. For full particulars apply to Tim American Bond company , 030 and 531 Paxton block , Omaha. M387 Jy22 * J WANTED. AGENTS FOR "PHILLIPS Brooks , the Man , the Preacher and the Author. " Beautiful memorial volume of Amerlca'H foremost preacher. Introduction by Joseph Cook. "Alto gether does Justice to. Its great subject.--Zlon's Herald. One lady sold 20 books In H hours. An agent In taking US orders only met with 0 refusals. Agents ordering 100 books aploen. Wo never before fore published a book that sold so fast. J. K. Hastings , 47 Comhlll , Boston , Mass. M121 21 * WANTED TO BENT. Rates , Wen word llrst Insertion'lea word there after. Nothing taken for less than 25c. -WANTED. BY YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE , pleasant south room and board with prlvalo ( amlly ; ( 'enlli'inan away most of tlm ; references exchanged , Address K 13 , btatlng terms.M417 M417 23 * BENTAL AGENCIES. Rates , lOnnllnn each Insertion , $1.51) ) a line per month. Nothing taken for lesa than 25e. L ' BERRY & CO. , RENTS ; 717 NY. . 370 _ STOBAGE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1..10 a line per month. Nothing luken for less than 25c , wjDOTKPMjaN.MOT shipping of pianos and furniture ; Btorulransii 1114 Douglas , olllco 1BOO Dodgu. Omaha Van and Express Co. Tol.13.VJ. M. Beklns , Mg'r. 7 2Jyll' STOHAGK.WILLIAJISiCROSS.l'JIlHARNKY 463 M -STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clean and cheap ratea , R , Wells , 1111 Farnam , 454 WANTED TO BUY. Rates , IKc a word first Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for lesa than -3e , \-tjASH fen FURNITURE , 1 > goods , etc. , or will Hull fur owner In our unction Bales. R.WellH. 1111 Faniam. 454 _ " " N -FIRST MORTGAGE PAPERS. II. A. ARnold - nold , UOS Beu bid ; . M20 1 N-WANTKD , SKOON ! ) HANI ) UOLLKR TOP ilnuk , one Hlumllnir ili'nk ami ouu Hiirveyor'H level anil target. I ) . U , Doano , 111 Chamber uf Cuiumereu 373 - T\J l''nOM ' ONKTO THKKK OOOD PAHMS fIN i central NobniHka ) ami eash to exchange for merehanahw. J. M.C. , No. 10 West 'JIM t. . Kear ney , Neb , 377 ' . ' ! > FOR BALK HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1 J-FOU SALE , A NIGH 1ILAOK , TllOTS OR - iinc'C'H In harnuHH or Hlmrle foutx under baihlle lu ; i mliiuteH. Will w > ll with old phaeton ami har- . Iloi-Bii aloiu < ro l SI5ll.ni ) n years ana. iJan , at Gcu , HulTmiiu'u Itith street utablen. M37U I'D IJ-FOR HALE. VERY CHEAP FOR CASH 1 family home , bound and kind , 7 years old , with first elasn phaeton anil lianu't > n. nearly new. In quire at Luwruuve'a blubleu , 28th uud Harney St. 37b-28' P-FOR SALV : . FAMILY HORSK AND UUGOY , J. Charlea Ogdvii , 3UI 1'axloii blk. 370 Tl-TWO OOn"\YORK TEAMS WITH HARNESS ' -1 nnd wagou ft > r Kale cheap on lime , Wllllama & Mlttau , room 313 McCnguu bldf. , oujiosjtu post- ollleo. M400 26 1J-FOR SALE , HORSE , HARNESS AND PHAE. I ton. Horeo tciillo and a No , 1 driver , 1611 Norlh 31bt St. , Oiimha. M380 25 P -Toir 8ALK , GOOD' FAMILY HORSB AND . Bplenilld pluit'ton. 830 So. 21st street. M11S 27 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. lUtas. IKo a word flrat hiHertlon , 1 o a word thero- afler , Notliluir taken for leva than ' 'Jo. Q-NO. 1 SPRING FKAME HA1IBLER BICYCLE , cushion tire , nearly now. Very cheap. Ad- drcsa K t ) , Bee. _ M3M Jy'Jl -FOR SALE , 4 FIRST-CLASS CEILING FANS , electric , In good order. W. S. Balduff , 152O Far nam , M3U3 VU Kates , lOo n Hue each Insertion , 9 1.50 a line per iiionih , Niilhlnt tiltcn for lca than 'JCo. . .MuoVANT , reUiblo luibluiuuiiucilliuui Slh year at 116 N.lOta 467 OLAIKVOYANTS. ConHnu'd. S-MUS , DR. M. LEGRAVK.PROPHETESSDEAD Iranco clairvoyant nml life ro-vlcn telln your Hfn fromcradlo to ( travn ; can bn consultixl on all nffnlrsof life ; hai the celcbrnted Eiryptlati breast plain to unlto the ftcparatrd ntnl cnuno ninrrlniro with ono you loveComn one , comn all , nnd wi convinced of her remarxablo jwwers. onicw and residence417S. llthBtreethoursII n. m. toll p , m. Strict life chart and pnftto of your fnluro wlfo or husband ncnt through tnnll forfS.OOi chart alone , f'J.oo. All Icllera conUtlnlnr 4 cents In stamps promptly answered , MOSI Jy 4 * S-DR. H. T. STANLEY OF NEW YORK , TEST , bunhicni and medical medium , 1722 Capitol avenue. M201 24 * O-H. PETT1I1ONE. PHYSICAL MEDIUM , HAS Oarrlvcd and located at 1722 Capitol avenue. M2ll 24' MASSAGE. BATHS , ETO. ri-MADAMB SMITH. C02S. 13TH , 2ND FLOOR. Ju Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , .msulphur- . Ino and Be.t batlm. m211-24 * fl'-MMK. CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , 3D * floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and ne.i baths. M425-30 * T'-MME. ' MACK OF CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , magnetic , massage treatment. Ill ) North intli St. , second floor , room 1. 374 23 * PEKSONAL. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion. $ l.f > 0 n linn | > er month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. ff "THE FIRST BOAT WAS NAMED PIG. * - > Communicate with partners In it , urgent. " 180)yl ) MISS K ] Xi KEARNS , TEACHER OF piano ; siieclal attention to nidlment.il princi ples. Suite 41) ) , Midland hotel , 10th and Chicago. M33IJ27 * 1 T-WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR I1EAU- l tlfully Illustrated Matrhnonlal Journal , con taining many photo-engravings of Imudsomu women nud gallant men who wish towed , llrown Publishing Co. , Temple court , Toledo , O. M711-31 * U-MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs. Post,31UH S. 15th , Wlthnell blk. 45S U-CUT THIS OUT AND PRESENT AT COWAN'S Photo Studio , 2123 Ciimlng'Ht. , and you will bo cntltlcHl to 12 Arlsto Cabinet Photos , very best , on gilt edged cards , anil unu RxlO for framing , for $1.01) ) ; without this , f5.00 ; for 10 days only. M214yl7 ] ABSTBACIS OF TITLES Rates , llo ) a line each Insertion , $1.E ( ) a Hue per mouth. Nothing taken for less than 25c. V * " BSTllXcT 7n-r fDIjANiraTuR NTEE niulTriiHt company , abstracts , conveyancers. Titles perfected and guaranteed. Own the only complete abstract books lu Douglas County , Ru moved to room 310 Now York Life building. 451) ) MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. ir 1 AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND mortgages. Heed &Solby , 341 Hoard of Trade. 4117 W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES The O. F. Davis Co. , 1003 Farnam Direct. 4(111 ( a TVr-MONBY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON ii improved and unimproved real estate , 1 to D yearn. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170'Faniam. . 402 -OMAHA SAVINGS BANK MAKES LOANS on real ewtale at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo Hums for Hliorl or long time. No commission Is charged and the loans nro not Hold In the east , but can alwavs bo found at the bank on thu comer of 13th and Douglas His1(11 W FIRST ANDSECOND MORTOAOE LOA1JS ; ' low rates. Alex Moore , 401 Hee bUlg. 474 LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 219 DEE ULDO. 475 \V ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 31R N. Y. I Life , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha elty property. 470 ttT CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO. , HEE DLDQ. > V 403 W LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property. $3.000 and upwards , n to UK per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith iCe , 1C &llarney 4UO W-LOANS , Q. G. WALLACE , 312 BROWN I1LK. 472 TV LOWEST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST COM- II pany , 1702 Faniam street. 4G2 T\r WANTEDATONCE LOANS ON IMPROVED ii Omaha property ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Faniam street. 4112 -WANTED , TO I1UY 8 PER CENT NOTES SE- curcd by mortgage * ) Omaha city or Douglas Co. proiiurty. Uecd Ii Solby , 333 lioard of Trade 407 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. HatcH , lOc.i line each Insertion , $1.GO. a line per month. Nolhlng taken fer less than 25c. X -DO YOU VvANT MONEY ? THE FIDELITY LOAN OUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 W1THNELL 11LOCK , 31f ) SOUTH 15TII , CORNER 1IARNEY ST. YOU \ ANY OR \ SMALL DOLLARS ! UP. WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE. HORSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE HECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF A1Y KIND , YOU / WILL A CALLOU / /t / CALL : ONt OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. You can pay the money back at any time and In any amount yon wish , and thus reduce the coat of carrying thu loan In proportion to amount you pay. IF YOU ewe a balance on your furniture or other personal properly of any kind wo will pay It off for yon nnd carry it as long as you desire. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONR.HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , HU that yon get the use of both money and property. 470 x- CALL AT THE OFFICE OF OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. INCORPORTED. IF YOU WANT MONEY , Yon can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAKKIIOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OH ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend you any amount from $10.00 to $1.000.00. ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay thu money back lu any mnuintt you wish , and at any tlmn , and each payment uo made will reduce the cost of the loan. Remember thai you hovn the use of both the properly mid the money , and pay for It only an Ion ; us you keep it , Tliero will bo no expense or charge kept out of thu amount wanted , but you will receive thu full amount of thu loan. Before l > orrnwliig elsewhere call and see us and you will llnd It greatly to yuiir advantage. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 1UTH STREET , llrst floor tibove thn street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- cnrlty ; Btrlctly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 Continental block. 47H X MONEY , 30 , 00 , 00 DAYS , CHEAP RATES and easy paymouts , on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. . without delay or publicity ; cash on hand , Unit Green , room U , Barker block , 47U BUSINESS CHANGES. Itales , lOcallne each Inserllon , $1.50 a llnu per month. Nothing taken for less lmn 25c. V-BRSrsiTEWALKS E\VALlTT -L exchange for cash , William J , WeU , Kurbach block. Ml)18Jyl2 Y-FOR SALE. ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH. AN established bakery nnd confectionery at Wayne , Nub. .county Beat of Wayne Co. Address A. W. Breltllng. Wayne. _ 183 ' . ' 3 V -HARDWARE AND IMPLEMANT STOCK FOR Jl salu In good town. ilS.OOO.OO business last year uud doing as euod a bvisincjib now. Good reasons for eUlng. Address J U2 , ll o. M200 25' V-DO YOU WANT TO I1UY. SELL OR EX- i change a business , real estate or lands' Do you want additional capital In your business ! If HO BOO us , wo can help you. Call or write for our bulletin. Offices lu all principal titles. Western Business Agmicy , 311) N. Y , Life Bldir , 3JH JyL'O V-BUSINESSOP'N1NOS,874SHENANDOAHIA. 1 _ 412Jy22 Y-FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN ; LAUN- dry plant and room for rent , cheap. Enquire 131U Furnam. 403 20 V-FOR SALE OR TRADE , BLACKSMITH AND Jl machine hop at u bargain. Addruus Cleveland llroa. , YeraalUca , Urowu Co. . 111. 411 23 > ' FOB EXCHANGE. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , * l.r > ( ) a line per month. Nothing taken for lean tlmn 25c. Y SALE , STOCK MERCHANDISE ; NO trade ; uiUHt bo Bold by July 1 ; owner has other O. E. You nt : k Co. , shenandoah , la. M3D-J 28 * i/-A CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSrT /JWlll take real cataloged money. Box 21)3 ) , Frank- fort. Ind. 481 r/-l OWN 100 FAIIMS IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS /-'and Dakota. Will sell cheap or oxcuauxo for indHU.Uoreea and cattle. Add.bax 70 , Frankfort , Ind. _ 481 -WANTED. TO EXCHANGE FOR GENERAL merchandise , Council lllufr * preferred , lioubo on vsvetl Hrect In Omaha. Glvo value of jrooda. K 8 , Bee. M31C 7 _ _ -A CLEAN STOCK OF DRY OOOllS. OI OTIN lnroto..forUudiauil cash. B. W. Watklnn It Co. , rrackfori , lud. sa 32 * FOR EXOH7CNQE. Oonlliiiif.II I/-4RO ACRES OF CLEAR LAUD INONROPTHH /Jbont winter wheat district ; In Kminni to ov chnmrofor 10 or ao-ocro tri\cf nc.ir Oniah.i city llmltB. Will pay cash Olrtt-iVnco If jirouorty In cootl. Atldrcn * , glrlnf price aftil Icxutlon , O 'M Htv\ , ffl i03 ! r/wANTKii , jso.ono.no njouiTV IN FIRST- /-/clnniltnldo bmlne t property In oxcnanco for r.'O.ono.iMi mock merchitmllii ) ) , ami $ : io.Om > . ( H ) un improved city properly , true of Incumbranca. K. It. Slionfe , Council lllulTn. ' j/imi ! 20 _ TOR SALE "REAL ESTATE. nates , lOo a line each hnr-jlJbnl..V ) month. Nothing lakcn for liMjhaii 2i c. \VR HAVE JUST COMPliRTED THE PRET- ' llest six-room cottage lirtho city , lighted br electricity , having furnace , balh , hot , cold water , inanlol , grate , marblotopwaslibowl.sowcrconnec- tlon , trees , mono walk , p.ived street , ete. Located In Avondale park , one tulle from iwstofflco. Price only $3,800. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Faniam st. M3.-.7 Jyl 1VI USTI1ESOLD. NICE COTTAGE ON PAVED street ! small cash payment. Address J 40 , Bee. U'JU 23' T7HJR SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ! A fwmlh front cottage , n rooms , Jl.1.10.00 , BO fecu A notitli front collage , 4 rooms , $1,100.00 , fill feet. A Houlh front house , 0 rooms. $2,2AO.l)0,100 feel. A uorlh front cottage , tl rooms , $1,100.0(1 ( , 00 feel. A norlh front cottage , 4 rooms , $1.000.00 , r.O feet. A north front house , 0 rooms , $1,800.00 , 00 feet. A Hinall llrst payment nnd easy monthly li.iy- luentH. Smnll clear lots will be taken In exchange. See N. A , Kulin , drugglsl , 15th und Douclas. M333 Jy 17 FORSALE-BSXlnO EAST FRONT ON 20TH ST. bet. SI. Mary'H are , and Half-Howard for only f < it : : > 0 until July 1st. This prlcu and locution need no comment. . AMES HEAL ESTATE AOENCY. 1007 FARNAM. 283 25 EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM LANDS FOR Hale by HnntHbcrtfcr & Clements , Lvonn , Hurl county , Nub. M713 JyO * BSTRACTS. THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE and Trust company , abstractors , conveyancers. Titles ixTfoctod and Ruar.iuteed. Own the only complete abstract books In Doimlns county. Ru- moved to room 310 Now York Llfo bulldlnj. 4GU OR SALE , n-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT WITH barn , In Kouulz < > placu : house nuwly iialnlod , nicely iinpcred and tialntod Inslilo , furnace , hot and cold water , pan and bnlh , Property cheap at $ j,0l)0 ) ) , Inenmbranco $ 'JCOU ! will Hell on easy terms for $7,000. Address owner , J 1U Hoe. 707 FOR SALE. 0-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT , worth iflt.r.OO : will take C2.CUO ; $1,200 encum brance ! monthly payment on balance. Ilonso newly papered , city water , bath and water closot. Address owner , J 18 Bee. 7U8 "CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe avenup (1'oppleton ( park ) , easy access to motor. Owner going Into business. Will nell very cheap for cash. Also lot Huimcom Place. Bit' bargain for cash. Address L. F. , P. O. Ilex ! 1SO. M145. NEVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO INVEST IN real estate , and look at this for bargahm In In- Btdo property. 4 lots , 10th and Center , worth $1,200 each , only $000 unch , 1 lot lu Orchard Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700. 1 comer lot on Military av . , Just opposite Clifton Hill , worth $ 1 , ! > 0 < ) . only $700. Lot on Marey st. . between 31st and 3'Jcl , worth flt.noo , only $ l.ioo. ( Finest lot In Crelghton Heights , worth $1,200 , only $77fi. t ! lots In Lincoln Place , worth $1,200 each , only $ ! IOO for both. ! l lots. LaFayctto place ; Walnut Hill , worth $2,3UO-OU each , for f l.OOO.OU each. Avondale park , lusldo ono mlle line , Webster street lots _ , with paving , curbing , Btono sidewalk , acwcr , parking , electric llghtctc. The tlucst InsUlo residence property In the cltffi Uho lowest price , worth $2,500.00 pcrlot ; ourprifco only $1,000.00 per lot , half cash. Hurt streoi'tfronts In Avondale .park : only $1,300.00 iwr lotiIt ; will pay you to In- vostlgalo this. , v Fourteen lots In Rces place , on Georgia and Virginia avenues , between Mason and Pacltic. For cash woaroollering this property at 5Uo on the dollar. Fora honiis thcru Is nuthltig liner ; as an In vestment It Is Impossible to itlnd anything better. Always a pleasure to show any or all of this prop- " ' .FJDEUTY TRUST COMPANY. 1702 Farnam. 137 ! _ T MUST HAVE CAS1I-3-STORY BRICK DUILD- -llng right In the heart of Ihe city , pays better than 10 per cent net : price , $ Jl,000 ! , worth $20,000 ; them Is $ < ) ,000 mortgage.4iyiara | to run. 0 per cent : musUiavo $ : it)00 ) cash. Qulanco to suit. Ad dress H. 84. Dellond hotel. ' ' ' ' ilSl 23 OARHAINS IN HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. J JN. . Fronzer , room 0 , Frcnzcc " block , opp. P. O. ' Mill Jyl4 T HE PRICE OP .STOEPEL PLACE LOTS Will be Increased S25.00 a lot on and after July 1 , 1RU3. They are selling now for leaa than half their value and Belling fast , TF YOU WANT A HOME YOU CANNOT AF- J-ford to mist ) this opportunity to buy a lot STOEPEL PLACE SPECIAL SALE. SAFE INVESTMENT. Best residence part of Omaha. Will Boon double lu value. Corner lots $300.00. Inside lots $275.00. $50.00 down , balance lo suit. NO INTEREST Will bo charged until after July 1,1804. The above prices and terms good only until July 1. Look these lots over before buying elsewhere , and you will llnd the best and cheapest bargain In lots ever offered. Call on or address W. A. WEBSTER , 402 Bee Did ? M300 A BARGAIN : NICE 0-ROOM HOUSE AND corner lot.onlyi ! blockH from motorvery cheap. J. D. Zlttlc. Brown block. 333 T OST. PROBABLY NEAR WEBSTER STREET J-/Ji'Kt ] , black silk hand bag containing purse and sundries , llcwardlf returned to 1113 South 33rd street. 37D-23 * _ O3xl 10 , TWO HOUSES , PAYS BETTER THAN 8 Opercetit uerycar : net rental , $3.000.00. 0-room house , clU' water , sewer , water closet and bath room ; rental paya 8 per cent per year. L. . 2-story brick store , Military road , Clifton Hill , pays 10 per cent per year rent , $2,500.00 , worth * 3.500.00. For these and other good Investments BOO G , G. Wallace , 31'- Brown Blk. , Kith and Douglas. M301 24 ft-ROOM COTTAGE , FULL LOT. $1,200.00. ' ) 5-room cottage , full lot. $1.400.00 , 0-room cottage , full lot , $1,750.00. Above all from ono to four blocks from motor Hue , Bfhuul , church , city water and paved Mroel. Why pay rent ? The rent from these properties pays better Interest than the banks can do. Inves tigate. G , G , Wallace , 312 Brown Blk. , Ifilh and Douglas , M30321 I7ARM LANDS. J. 120 near Springfield , $5,000. 147 near Omaha. $7,500. 320 near South Omaha , $00 an acre. ! { II miles out , $123 an acre , 210 near Sprlngtleld , $ . " > _ ' an aero. 320 near Springfield. $ .10 an acre , C. F. HairlHoii. 1112 N. Y.-Llfe. 400 23 1TOR 1 SALE , 44 FT. , EAST FRONT , ON 30TII ST. , near Half Howard , * ' . ' ,300. A. P. Tukey. 40125 FOR SALE AT A TURGAJNl NEW 4-ROOM cottage , 'cellar , city wutir , cistern , six I and trees , only $1,250. on easy payments. Enquire 1318 Funiam , ' 403 BO -I70R SALE. THE KLEOAN TEN-ROOM HOUSE , J-No. 1103 So. UlHtSt. . corarr 31at and Pacltic. New and modem built wlthaUjCouvcnlencos ; ele gant hard-wood llnlsh , inuulv floors , tlrat clang plumbing , with porcelain luXx , slatn sinkslaun dry , electric lUfht , Blono watto' . aiived streets , etc. Onn of the finest residence.lociilloiiB In Omaha. Call and let ns show you this 'iiroiwrty und unolo you price. If you want n .bi'autlful home at a bargain It will pay you tolnrestleatu this at onco. Hicks Heal Estate Agency , N.TLife Bldg , 'U- 408-24 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO GET A cheap home In a first clasu location , For Bale , two nice cottages near 30th ; uiU 1'aclllo , two blocks north of HUIIHCOIII park , uplimujd location , elegant nulghborhood ; must bo uuldTiogethcr : only K3.UOO each or i7,200 for both , 'jlfcka' Real Estate Agency , 805 N , Y. Life bld . K 401)24 ) WORLD'S FAIB HOTELS & BOOMS Rates , IKo a word first Inscian , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for lesbian 25c. ORLD'S FAIR FURNISrfriD ROOMS. YOU take no chance nor pay any money In advance , * UU ) iwr day , 1311 Furnam htreet , Omaha. 003 J30 ri'HE GROSVENOR , 0217 SHERIDAN AVENDE , J- Chicago , a select family hotel , within 0 minutes walk from the principal entrances to the fair , flood references. Reasonable rates. Apply to C. O. Slilmor , 211 New Yorl ( Life bulldlug. Omaha. M105 Jy 10 CHICAGO , 35 25TH ST. , FACING THE LAKE near World's fair and buuliifan center , pleuuani roomsj meals It dublredj reaaouable. M423 ' . ' 5 POOMS FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS ; gpleudlaly furnished with all modem convrti- leiiceu : 'J blockH from main entrance to fair grounds ; 1 block from elevated road aud Illinois Central , fatar hotel , 0413-45 Star uvvnuo. Chicago. M11H 24 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BEOOND-HANP TYPEWBITBSS. Ralca , lOo a line each InEcrtlon , $1.50 a linn per month. Nothing taken for Icab thau 2Sc. TfJO YLES & D A.BD , DEALERS IN Tyi-EwillTERs" JJAll make * bouzht , o2d , ttch4n frd , rcattd. 613 M. Y. Lift bln , I'.l. CCS. 461 You Hit the Bull's Every tlmo When you use Every bright housekeeper \vants it , All bright grocers keep it. TTNDERTAKER3 AND EMBALMEKS Rales , inc.i linn each Insertion , $1no n line per mouth , Nothing taken for less than 'J5c. W. RAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. . Jacobs , deceased , Inter with M.O. Maul ) , under taker nnd cmbulmer , : I13 S. lUlh st. Tel. UUU.4S2 4S2 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , 1 Oc a linn each Insertion , $1.60 a line per mouth , Nothing taken for less than 'J.'c. OUNO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON acquire a working knowludgo of shorthand and typewriting nt A. C. Van Sanfs uchool of Bhorl- hand.ni3N. Y. Life. Typewriters to rent. 483 PASTUBEB FOB HOR3E8. Rates , mo a word llrst Inscrllon , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 2ic. ( WE HAVE 100 ACRES OF I1LUK GRASS PAS- turo for horses. Jloanl fence. Spring water Harlon & Phnlps. Ollmore , Neb. , or A. W. Phelps A Son. 207 N. Y. Llfo building. M40U J''ti' DRESSMAKING Rates , lOea line each Insertion , $ l.fi ( ) a line per month , Nothing taken for less than 2lc. r AD1ES' AND CHILUERN'S DRESSMAKINQ ; Mlso undergarments to order ; niualln furnished f desired. 1707 Mandersou. Ml Jyl PAWNBROKERS. Rates , le ( ) a linn each Inhortlon , $ l.r,0 a line per noutli , Nothing taken for less than L''o. SONNKNDKUG , DIAMOND 11ROKER , 1303 .Douglas Bt. Loans money on dlamonds.watehes , itc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. 135s ) . 483 SOAI.ES. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $ l./iO a line per lonth. Nothlnsf taken for less than 2 c. VTEW Jk SECOND HAND SCALES. ALL KINDS JA Address llordenA Solleck Co. , Lake St. , Chicago' 48U MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rates , IHc a word first Insertion , Ic .a word .hereafter. Nothing taken for less than t5c. ! . OELLENDECK , HANJOIST AND TEACHER. GF. .1810 California Btreot. 1114 LOST. Rales , IHe a word first Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing lakcn for leas than 23c. T OST , PUQ DOR FROMB-.tM-HEADQUAnTERS JL/Thursday n. in. Reward will bo paid for return 0 Room 8 Ii. .V M. Headquarters. M I'J'.I 24 PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , Omaha , Neb. 4 years Examiners U. S , Pat. Office Advice free No fee until patent is obtained. TRAVELERS CHEQUES OK TUB AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. VrSITOUST OTHE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN Xl'OSITION will llnd these Cheques ospeo- ully convenient and avoid the risk of carry- lit ! monov. I'uylni' ofllcca on Fair Uronmls and nt 200 other places In Chicago. No Indoii- tlllcatlon roqulrod. RRILWRY TIME GRRD Leaves | CIIICA G dTllURL INGTON i& Q. "Arrives" Omaha I Depot llllh and Miison Sin. Omaha 4.20pm .Chicago Vestibule. , H.OO am I1.4fiaui Chicago Express. . . . , n.noam 12.10am Chicago Express. . . . , 4.25 pm 7.17pm Chicago A Iowa Local. , 5.55 pm 'LIIAVCH I Arrives Omaha I Depot loth and MaBon Sta. [ Omaha lO.inam Denver Express. l.DOpm 10.15am imiDeadwood Express. . . . . . 4.0D pm 4.50 pn : Denver Express 11.30am 4.50 pm Denver Limited 12.0.1 nm (1.60 ( pin . .Nebraska Local ( Exeepl Sun ) . ( l.nipm ) 8.1 fi am . .Lincoln Local ( Except Sun ) . 0.35 am "Leaves I CTOCAfiO. 11.1. i PACIFIST Arrives Omalia | Union Depot 10th AMarcy StH , Omaha 10.30 urn Allan tie Express 0.00 pm 3.50pm Chic , i Den. Vestibule Limited 2.00pm 7.10pm Night Express H.OO am 1.1)0 ) am World'B Fair Limited. -.2R am ioimrr-c . From West lUnl Depot 10th A Marey Sts. West 0.10pm Lincoln , Fulrburr Local. . . . lO.-T. am 2.30 pm Chic. .V Den. Vestibule Limited : t.4lpm ) 2.30 am .World's Fair Limited I'J.fltt am Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. It C. B. Arrives Omaha I Depot llllh end Mason Sis. Omaha o.noam . . . .Kansas City Day Express. . , , 0.55 pm 0,45pm 1C. C. Night Exp. via U.P. Trans , U.411 aim 0.45 pm St. LonlB Expresa 0.40 am Leaves | UNION PACIFIC , Arrives Omaha I Union Depot 1 nth & Marey Sts. | Omaha II.Ml am Denver Express 4onpm y.inpn : Overland Flyer 7.00 pm 4.115 pm Beatrice Ic StromBb'g Ex ( ox Sun ) l'J.3 < lpm 0.40pm Pacific Express 10.40am 11.30pm Denver Fast Mull 4.20pm LeavuB I CHICAGO , MIL. .t ST. PAUL. I Arrives Omaha I U. P. Depot and Marey Sta. I Omaha "s.Il : > pm | Chicago Express I 0.35 am 11.30 am I Chicago Express , | S.COpiu L av < ! I . F. . E. AMD. VALLEY ( Arrives Omahal Depot Ifith anil Webster Bts. I Omaha Leaves CHICAGO & NORTH WESTN. Omaha U. P. depot. 10th A Marey Sts. , eaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. Arrives Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha 1.10pm .St. Louis Express O.Wiam 10.00 am , St. Louis Expreaa 4.2.1 pm 0.25 pm . .Nebraska Local. . . . . . . . H.S5am O. ST , P , , M. & O. lArrivoH Omahal Depot 10th and Webster Sis. I Omaha > Slight Clew tp Work Upon. An old gentleman who lives ut Ninth and Hickory streets , but who declined togivohls name , appealed to the police yesterday to aid him in finding his 18-yenr-old boy , who ho suspects has run away from home. As the anxious father refused to glvo his own or his boy's name , as he feared it would got Into the papers , tbo police could not render any assistance. Later on the old gentleman took a train for Papillion in hopes of finding his wandering offspring , num. IJAMlLTON MTliurd Oaldwoll. son of Sharlcs W , Hamilton , aped 87 , died ut 4 p. ' m. Friday , June 23 , at the residence of his parents. The tlmo for the funeral will be announced hereafter , THIS HKAI.TY MAHKKT. INRT11UMKNTS placed on record Juno 23 , 1803 : WAUIIANTY IlKKtm. L .1 Onlirinnnn und wlfn to Henry Kuehl , lots B nnd 0 , block 2 , town uf Mlllard ! $ 250 J SI WoMorflold to W O Ardrcy. nnd ! J of n 80 foot , lots I and U , block U. Vowlcr 1'laco ' . 800 Same to same , und VI lot 3 , Missouri Avptiuu I'laro , 27G It N Khvell to M K HlcUe.v , lots 1 and 2 , block 0 , 1'ark Kori'st add 1,000 South Uninha Land company lo Frank llnjek , n Ji lot 0.-block 108 , Houth Omaha ICO Frank llajek and wife to Julius Hwo- hoda , snino..r > 460 G W Ames and wife to Anna McMeol , lot 20 , block1AniM Place 400 Lowe Avenue Terrain ) llulldlng asso ciation to Homo Investment com pany , lota 1 , 2 , 4 , 7 and U , block 7 , lots 2 nnd 12 , block H , lot 10 , block 0 , lot 2. block 10,1'opplolon 1'iirk 13,050 Same to U A Ktmmol , lot 18 , block 8 , same 1,050 Sumo to U A Collins , lot 17 , same 1,050 Same to A O OUR , lot 3 , same 0,250 U A Ktiiimel to Homo Investment company , lot 18 , block R , same 1,050 O K Collins to sumo , lot 17 , same 1,550 Michael 1'rchnl and wife to I'nink Kitrlovsky , s 4 lot 32 , block 0 , KouiilzD'.lil add 1,440 O O LabiiKli lo M 1 K Labagh. lot 15 , block 7 , ConUlIng I'lnco 1 Joseph 1'rlborsky and wife to John 1'rlborsky , s y lot 1 , block 10 , lCoiinl7.ul : < ladd 1,500 Bohemian Loan and llulldliiK associa tion to Joseph Jiimbor , s ! i lot ID , block H , Arbor 1'laco COO G i : Harker ami wife to 1) W Lyman , lot 11 , block 4 , On-hard Hill 070 1' 11 Johnson ami wlfo to Hans Nelson , n Vt lot 0 , block 10 , llrown park 700 Same to Itusmus Larsen , s ! i samo. . . . 700 QUIT CLAIM liKIS. : John H Shaw nnd wife to K H Hyan , lots 1 to 4 , G , 7 and 8 , Shnw's siilidlv , und ! i lot 3 , 4 nnd s 10 feet lot 2 , Collins 1'laco , lot 7block 300Oinahu 1 1C U Kyan to Julia Shaw , uanio 1 J H Drown to K A Northtip , lot 4 , block 3 , Hillside add No. 1 1 Total amount of transfers t 31,854 SKIPPED WITH CLUB FUNDS. Clerk of the Athlctto Club Slmkea Oiimlm Itonlty from 111) Heels , William Hlllman , late house clerk of the Omaha Athletic club , Is n defaulter and has absconded with thotunds in his possession. From all accounts it Is learned that Ililluian loft the city on Sunday last with all the money ho could scrape together. When the club house was opened Monday morning Hillman did not appear , but nothing was thought of the matter , as the clerk fre quently spout Mondays in collecting and paying bills. What caused the first suspicion was the appearance of a deputy sheriff from St. Paul with papers for the arrest of Hlllman on the charge of forgery and embezzlement. When this fact was reported to the directors they sot to work overhauling the books , but as , ho accounts were in such bad shape it was lard to lull at the time just how much money ; ho club was out. Only the day before , the directors had mot and had passed a number > f bills and had placed the money in the lands of the clerk. Ono of the employes of the house is out ? 1'J5. All the dues collected , luring the past two months went with the absconding clerk. Altogether the total sura will probably reach WOO or $500. Hillman was llrst employed by the club some ten months ago. When the board of directors changed he was made house clerk , and to all appearances ho was keeping the records in good shape. President Tuttle of the athletic club was asked about Hillman-s connection with tlio club and saU : "Wo heard several stories ibout the man nnd began to look them up. Wo had a man who kept watching him and I do not bellovo ho got away with any of the funds of the club. Ho had been collecting dues nnd since his discharge wo have em ployed a collector who has visited many of the members of the club this -week and so far wo nro unable to llnd that Hlll man failed to account for any of our funds. " "Ho was discharged for incompotency and wo expect to hlro n now secretary shortly. Ono thing Hlllman did was that he brought several different women to the club ana introduced each of them all as his wifo. T do not know anything about the man oclng wanted in Minnesota. I don't think the club has lost anything. Tlio No. 0 Wheeler & Wilson with its ro tary movement , is the lightest runnin machine In the market , and Is unelphllo for speed , durability uiul quality of work. Sold by W. Lancaster & Co. , CM South Six tecnth street ] I'riiam'iito lirniulnn. Belle Brandon wasbrought up from her soli tary cell yesterday to answer for shooting at "Duuo" Gibson \vhiloconUned in the city Jail , Both women were sober , for a wonder , and were able to talk Intnlllgently , Assistant County Attorney Slnbaugh had n tnllc witn the Gibson woman nnd decided that ho could not lllo n complaint charging the Bran don woman with shooting with intent to kill because l > Dudn" Gibson said that the pistol was not pointed toward her , but toward the colling. The decision of Mr. Rlabaugh settled the matter as far ns the nlato was concerned , but City Prosecutor Cochrnn didn't propose to lot such n woman as Brandon is gut away without some punishment , as wns shown later by thu illing of two complaints against her , The llrst Is for carrying concealed weapons nnd it is moro than llkuly she will get the limit on this charge. The other complaint alleges that Hello Brandon keeps u disorderly house nnd also maintains a house of 111 fame. Both complaints will bo pushud by the prosecutor. Suld Mr. Coclirau In speaking about the case ; "Wo Imvo had so much trouble with this woman that I have decided to stop all this nuisance by closing the houso. It is u disgrace to the town and I now propose to prosccuto ho , under the state law ami rid the city of om of its most disgraceful resorts , " Piles of people tiavo 111103 , but Do Wilt's Witch Hand Salvo will euro tiiom. Wheel * In II U ( lurriit. "William January" was the name given by a smooth-faced young man to the Juduo yes * torduy morning as ho came to a halt before the Judicial desk aud started in to tell why ho had boon arrested , "I wns only sitting on the grass , your honor , when n follow came along and brought mo hero. " William's intellect is impaired nud ho don't oven know whore ho came from or what ho has boon doing lately. Ho will bo sent before tbo insanity commission. The Only Truln fur St. I.ouU Which can-loan ( lining cur leaves Omaha via Iho Burlington route at U-15 : p , in. and reaches St. Louis early the next afternoon. Through Blooper Omuha to Bt. Louis , Olty ticket olllco J324 Far nam street. TWO SENSATIONAL SUITS Directors of the Defunct Capital National Requested to Explain , STATEMENT OF ASSETS EXAGGERATED Irpo ltor Would l.tke to llnvoThom Alnko ( > oo l Their l.n r Were Vnry IR- nornnt nf tlin Institution' * Condition , Ltscot.x , Juno 3,1. [ Special to TIIK T\vo sensational volitions were IlloiUiulls- trlct court toilny nRiilnst O. W. Moshor , R C. Oiitcnlt , II. O. Phillips , C. 10. Yates , I ) . 13. Thompson , H. J. Wnlsh , K. P. Humor nml A. P. S. Stunrt , illrctitors of the broken banlr. The pctltlonors worn A. M , D.ivts nml Julia Cntdwoll , who hnvo tloposlta of ( CilVIS.OAaiul ( ? 3.K)0 ( ) respectively In the broken Institution. . They nllcRO thnttho ilofciulants us Jlroctora hnit entire control nml mnmiKomcnt of the bank , nml that it wns tholr duty for the Information of the public , nml ospoclnlly for the Information of the uimtomcrs of the bank to make nml publish n Into and correct statement of the resources and liabilities of the bank from thr.o to tlmo na the snmo inluht bo called for. That they did so Isstto slatomcnts. but that these made March 7 , May 17 , July 13 , September ! K ) and Decem ber li , ISlti , were false ami untruo. nnd by each of the defendants known to bo so , in that the resources of the bank were In onch case grossly cxncKorntod , The March state- iiiont was signed * by C. W. Moshor , A. P. S. Stuart nnd U. E. Yates as directors ; that of April by the same parties ; that of July bv Mosher , Yutcs nnd It , O. Phillips ; that of September by llnmcr , Stuart nnd Phillips , nml that of December by Moshcr , Yutcs and Phtlltns. The ( ) lalnttTs ( say the liabilities of the bank at the several ilatps named were wry much larger than shown by the statements nml that the Items of resources nnd liabili ties voro false nnd untrue , nndvhllo said statements showed the bank to bo solvent nnd In coed condition , It was In fact insol vent and If true , full nml correct statements hud been made nt such times they would hnvo shown the bank to have uooii Insolvent at ouch nnd all of tlioso time ? . Directors Know of It , The plaintiffs further allege that each and nil of the defendants cither had full knowl edge of the fncts set forth or willfully nnd negligently failed to examine the books , paier.s ) nnd business of the bank ns from time to tlmo they were bound to do as direc i tors thereof , nml defendants held the bank out to the community ns solvent nnd in good condition , The plaintiffs further say that the defendants neglected nnd fulled to per form the duties of their trust ns direc tors of said bank and failed to cxamino the kind , amount nnd character of the loans made by the bank , as they wcro In duty bound to do , and that they entirely failed nnd neglected to glvo the attention nud euro to the management of the affairs of the bank that they wcro in duty bound to give thereto. Neglected Their Trust. The plaintiffs further say that they were personally acquainted with all of the do- fcmlants nnd know that they had Iho repu tation of exercising prudence , care nnd cau tion in their own business affairs , nud rely ing upon their exercising similar care In the bank's affairs nnd upon the published state ments mentioned , and believing in the con dition of the bank ns shown thereby , deposited - posited their money In the above named amounts in the bank , or loaned It , taking ns evidence of such loans ccrtillcatos of de posits therefor. They say that they were induced to make the loans by fncts cited , nnd would not have loaned the money had tno defendants caused the publication of accurate nnd truthful reports concerning the condition of the bank. They say further that the defendants 1 either had full knowledge of the facts or willfully and negligently failed to examine the books , papers and business of the bank as from tlmo to time they were bound to do as.directors thereof , but held such bank out to the community ns solvent nnd in good con- " ditlou ; but they failed to perform the duties of their trust ns directors ; that Mosbor and Outcalt well know the true condition of affairs , and that had the others given the slightest attention to the matter and per formed tnolr duties as , trustees of the fund entrusted to them by customers of the bank , would also have known , If they did not know in fact , that the bank was unable to moot its obligations ; that they permitted the bank to continue business Ion ; after it had become hopelessly insolvent. Worth 1'lrty Thouanml. A ? Ii. D. Trccman and C. W. Spears have made the following appraisement of lots nnd lands in the cases brought by O. N. Humph rey and H. M. Turner airuiii.st the directors of the Capital National bank , which wuro attached by the sheriff : Lot S3 nnd east half of lot 7 , block 0 , Lincoln Driving park , Jlrst subdivision , S street between Twen tieth and Twenty-first , flOO ; lot 0 , block ± 3 , Lavender's addition , K street between. Eighteenth nnd Nineteenth , M,000 ; lots 7 , 3 nnd west half of 'J , block ! I5 , the Moshor res idence nt Fifteenth and 1C streets , * 2r ,000 ; lots 11 nnd 12 ! , block 11)0 ) , the Outcalt rest- denco at Eleventh nnd D streets , § 12,000 ; northwest quarter of section 24-y-O. $10,000 ; total , $51,400. Htnte I'rlntini ; Hoard In Snailon. The State Printing Board , comprising 2 Auditor Moore , Treasurer Bartloy and Sec retary of State Allen , mot this afternoon , nnd opened bids on state printing for the next two years. Thorn was some httlo sur prise evinced by the majority of tiicj printing houses when it was discovered that the speculations had been changed from the previous ones , nnd tlmt tliero would bo n perceptible Increase of several thousand dollars lars to the stato. In cases where bctoro the commonest itlnd of Hat paper had boon called for this time onglnc-.sl/.od paper wns called for. Engine-sized paper costs from 5 to 7 cents a pound moro than ordinary Hat. An other change was that In blank books ordi nary ledger paper was used before , "but this tlmo Weston's hlgh-grado ledger was I specifically stated. Consumers ofVcst6n paper must pay some 40 per cent for the name , but the African In the woodpllo , ns pointed out by some of the bidders , is thai the Journal company is the WosUm com pany's agent , and could underbid any other company some ! W per cent , from that point of vantage. The bids on ull the loading Items except on miscellaneous blanks were as follows : North & Co , bill fMoxtra for 500 bound copies of the Nowbcrry bill , and tlio Idncoln PrlnllnK company HUbinlttod u bid of10 for the ttaino work. H. 1) . Hnthuwny pro- tostud that the rail for bids on session luwi Included thu Nowberry bill , nnu that n Bui > arato bid on that iiartiuular part of thu uessiou lawn wns not porinUslblo. Ho Intimates that ho would most norlously object to the letting of the con tract for the session laws except upon the complete bids , Mr , North declared that ho would mn-talnly enjoin the state board from awarding the session lawa to thu State Journal company. The board put lu nil the afternoon tabulating the hlds on miscellaneous blanks , and will not UnUU until tomorrow. It U claimed that the bids arc only about half as high as tlio bids sub mitted by the combine SQIIIU treulu sincu. Are You Thluklnc Of vrlmt you ought to talco with you when you KO to the World's fair ! Your outfit will not bn complete without n bottle of Clmm- bcrlain' * C'ollo , Cholera nnd Dlarrhcua Uom- fjily. Thu nlmiiRO of water nnd diet , fatlguu nnd Irregular habits during your trip are almost certain to produce dlarrtuua and a dose or two of this rmnody may save you serious blcknesa und perhaps much oxponso. Procure it before leaving homo. 5 and M com bgitlcs for sale by l