THE OMAHA DAILY HER : "SATURDAY. JUNE 21. 1803. THE DAILY B.EE COUNCIL DmC'Ct O. 12 1'EAKL STUEKT rt ty c.irtltr to nny part of l'i city It. W. TII/rON. MANAOKIl r-r-t ftmnwri. ' Illl'ltHM HOlCC. . . . . . . . . No. 43 TEMJ'IIONKh ( Nylil ( tailor . No. M HIAOH N. Y. Plutnbiiic Co IloMon Htoro ft. ? stm'iimlirellas .Itidson , pftsttirAgo , 027 Sixth avenue. MlitC'tibi-i-Rcr la the hatter , tftJ llroadway The Heal KsUlc Co. , 021 IJroadway. The I'llRrlm Slsteri will hold their rotrular meeting this owning In tholr hnll. Charles Chrlstrnson took out a permit yesti'nlav for the erection of a Jlf > 00 lost- ilrttco 111 llaubltt I > licc. : Mr. James Anderson nmt Miss Amanda Gtinnerson , both of this city , wcro mnrricd hv llov IJrower at their own residence , 1H15 I-'lftlr avenue , Thursday evening , ntO o'clock. The c.iso of llobert Johnson acatnst Tliouins .lohnson , Involving n board hill cliilmcd to bo duo from the defendant for tils son who was talcon are of by the plain tiff , was tiled In thodlstrlot court yesterday. The Iowa ladles Attending the missionary convention pli-a .antly Biirpriscd Mrs. Hov. 0. W. Pnydcr yesterday by making her a life member of the frcncnil society. She Is the llrst enrolled incmbor of the society In thu whole church. An Inquest was held yesterday In the case of Wallace Hatcher , and after all the boys who MltncMrd the sad event had been railed upon to testify , n vonllutof accldontnl shoot- Iiifj , the only thing that could possibly have been done , as roturncd. Lilrziu V. Connor died yesterday afternoon at lltlfi o'clock of ronsumption , after a year's illness , aped 25 years. She was : i tcai'hcr In the st'liools and u member of St. Krsinois Xavior's Catholic church. The furmral will take place at " o'clock tomonow afternoon from the residence. 715 Fourth street , Uov. Patrick 5tny the emulating. Fred Stone , a 'colored man , pave himself til ) to the police yesterday morning and will have a hearing this morning on tlio charge of uss.tultlng Ulchaiil Green. Stone was Iti ! a colored man named Sharpe , who was originally chained with the offense , but Sharpe was discharged on a showing that it as Stone , and not he , who did the deed. Stone has managed to keep away from the ofilcets until yesterday , when ho drifted Into their clutches of his own accordT The lot consecration services of the St. John's English Lutheran church lot , on the corner of Wjllow nvenuo and Seventh street , this evening at 7M : ! ) will be very inteiesting. \V. A. Mynster , esq. , will inako a welcome address on the part of the congregation , xvhlch will bo responded to by Mrs. A. V. Hunter of Columbia City , Mil. , president of the Woman's Missionary convention at Omaha. Short addresses will bo made by Hcv. M. W. Hnminn , D.D. , of IJaltimore , Kov. D. A. Day , D.D. , of Muhlenberg , Africa and Ucv. J. N. Scnltoy , western secre tary of the Lutheran Hoard of Church Ex tension. Uov. S. H. Barnltr , D.D. , of DCS Molnes will perform the consecration service. All aio cordially invited. Plies of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. III ) ; Diiyx lit l.nko Minmwn. This evening at 8 o'clock , Estolla Gribblo , the daring aeronaut who has been giving exhibitions at the lake , will make another trip into the clouds nnd lonp to tlio earth in a frail parachute. If the weather is favorable the balloon will bo sent up for all It is worth. She will also make an nboension on Sunday afternoon. The ( Iniiiil Hotel , Council BlulTs. Tlio most elegant in Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor. Hate , $3.00 and $5.00 a day. E. F. Clark , Prop. _ L 1'A'ilS. John Undt Is In ICcokuk. Judco J. U. Heed loft last evening for Chlcngo. Mrs. W. G. Dorland nnd family are visit ingIn Sheldon , la. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iko Dcpow loft Thursday evening for a visit to the World's fair. F. A. Nash , general agent of the Mil waukee at Omaha , wus In\ the city yester day. Superintendent H. W. Sawyer and son nro spending a portion of the summer vacation at Hainiiurg. II. J. Dricsbach , who attended the Sons of Veterans encampment , 1ms roturncd to his homo In Harlifn. H. S. Messmorc , ono of the oldest and best kiiouu conductors on the Northwestern railway , has moved with his family from Boor.o to this city , and Is living at 1017 Sixth avenue. John P. Mergcn , son of John Mcrgon , re turned yesterday from Atchison , Kan. , where he has Just graduated from St. licno- dlct's college. lie Is the youngest member of his class , being but 17 years of ago. Ho was accompanied homo hy his classmates , Messrs. HughcD , Noumayr and Spniik , Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. T. J. Clark represents on the road Whcolor , Herald & Co. , Council BlulTs ; only perfect cold storage plant in the wost. General commission business. Fruits u BpeciaUy. Bettor prepared than any competitors to got host results from all consignments. Write for quo tations. To every lady visitor at Davis' drug store will bo given a glass of soda free on Thurbday , 22. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. I'niicrul ol William Nliiilrntojir. The last rites over the remains of the Into William Sledontopf were performed yester day morning at his residence on East Broad way , in tho/presonco / of u largo company of Borrowing friends. Hov. Dr. Pholpa con ducted an impressive service. A largo num ber of iloral tributes wcro sent in by the friends of the family. At the close of oxcrclsus the remains were conveyed to their last resting place in Fnirvlow cemetery , the tollowlng gentlemen acting as pallbearers : Christian StraUb , M. F. .Itohror , Flnloy llurlio , John Ueno , John I. Lutz. J. N.C'asady. William Moore and A. W. Uolkninn. America's grcalest beverage Is Cook'a Ex trn Dry Imperial Champagne. It Is the pure juice of the grapes naturally fermented. * * MHzsiir Jc iCitiiillnit'H Iccn. No Sunday dinner is complete with out Mol/gcr < fc Handlott's Ice cream and ices. Leave your order today. Nouland lodge No. 51) ) , U. O. T. B. , will Imvis a picnic Sunday , Juno 25 , in ' licok's garden , KiiHt Pierce htrcot. Mtibio by Dalboy's band , Admission 25u. " " Ladles free. : For rout , btoro room , corner Main etrcot and Hth avenue. Inquire W. A Wood & Co. Siilvldnliy . . The coroner received a message yeslcrday morning Informing him that n young mnn named Johunnsen , who lives near Walnut , had been founds dead in n barn. The coroner did not care tope po bo fur nway from homo and au thorized the mayor of Walnut to hold an in. quest. The particulars received nt this end of the line were rather meager , the barn fuel oflhesulcido belwr about all that could bo ascertained. Johauusen ivtis _ S years of ago. , P.Uf8Mf I'eJll , ° hny. ° ItIes' | but Do Witt's Hazul Salvo will cure thorn. Stop at the Ogdeii , Council Bluffs , io lest J2.00 hoitfeu in Iowa. Williamson & Co. . JOiTMaln street , largest and best bioyclo stock in city. Another Improvement totho popular Echubort piano. Swuneon Mmdo Co Use Domo-tlu soup. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS b'ad Accident on tha River Near the New Interstate Bridge , FOREMAN WILLIAM WRIDE IS DROWNED Snout from n llont WMIn doing to Work , llo Sink * llenentli the Troarlicr. ou Waters Three Other * Hiiro Close Calls. \ViHlam Wride. who has been acting as foreman for the Milwaukee llrldgo company at the now Interstate bridge , was drowned yesterday morning. About 7 o'clock lie and seven of his men got Into a boat and rowed across the river from the Nebraska side to begin their day's labors. There is a rope stretched across the river for the purpose of ( tiding bo.itn to cross nt right angle * with the current , but it bus stretched and the weight of tno water It had absorbed brought the rope almost ' .o the surface of the river. The men nlartcd qulto a way up the stream , but In descend ing the current got the butter of the men nt oars and carried the bott : under the rope. Four of the occupants wcro swept off Into the water , while the rest managed to retain their scats. Tw > of those who wcro knocked Into the water managed to selro hold of the boat again anil were lifted In. A third caticht the rope and climcd hand over hand to UiC' shore. The seven men bat ! all reached land huforo any ono dlscorurell that \Yrldowas missing. Home mm ' .hon recollected to have sewt him swimming alone behind the bent , but in the excitement and rush that accom panied ilia recovery of the. others , the fore man was allowed to shift for himself. The accident took pluco near the most easterly of the wooden " piers , which Is known as "No. a1'by thoMllwaukeo gang. As soon as W'rldo's disappearance was noted a force of men were put at work dredging the river for the body , hut to no purpose. The current was very swlf t and probably carried Us burden miles before dropping It. The deceased had been in the employ of the Milwaukee Bridge company for some time , and was regarded ns a goon workman. Ho had a wife and two children living In Grand Island , Nob. , who were at otico notified of tlio .sad event. \viri. JAH TIII : AI.DIH.MIN. : rorlccil Stick Will Hn rrosimt lit tlio Next iK of thu City Council. Since a committee wns appointed some time ago from the city council to consult with the Omaha council and Board of Trade with reference to a fi cent faro between the two cities nothing haa been done , and the project has oocu lying _ in n still slumber that would * je u credit to an actual corpse. Some of the gentlemen who have taken the lead in the matter hum announced tlielr intention to liavo nothing more to do with it in that direction , as they gained a very decided impression from the actions of most of the members i.f the committees from both cities that they were owned , body and soul , hy the motor company , and it would be n \Misto of breath to try to Induce them to take any action that would null the strings any tighter. They have not lost hope altogether , how ever , hut have been merely spitting on their hands preparatory to using their clubs with the greater vigor. At a mooting of the Council IJluffs council several weeks ago Alderman White introduced an ordinance providing for a U-cent fare from Oak street to any part of tlio city. The ordinance was promptly rofcned to thu city attorney for revision , In order that it might ho made to cover all the tracks of the motor company in the city limits. Al though several meetings have been held since that time nothing moro has been heard from the ordinance , und it is doubtless re ceiving a thorough sandpapering In the legal carpenter shop of City Attorney Huzclton. The same gentlemen who refuse to confer any further with the councils of the two cities with reference to a reduction of the faro state that they will bj present at the ncx't meeting of the council and dcaiund thut the ordinance bo presented forconslderatlon. 'J hey projKJso to make somebody show his hand , and llml out , if possible , who Is to hlanie for this delay. Sl'UCIAI. SALE On Wall Paper , Mouldings nnd Hooks Tor 3 Iny nt tli I test on Bturc. FIUDAY , SATUUDAY and MONDAY , .TUMI : 23 , 24 und _ (5 ( , wo will soil WALT , PAPKII , MOULDINGS and BOOKS ut prices never heard of in this part of the country before. During this sale wo will poll papers at prices that oven other dealers cannot buy at from the manu facturers , and every roll wo guarantee full weight and length or money re funded. If you intend buying nnv paper or want tiny papering done , lOXTT MISS THIS CIIANCU. CIIANCU.WALL WALL 1'APEItS. All our 80 and lOo mica and gilt papers to go during this sale at 4Sc per roll. All our 12Jo and 15c metallic filled goods for . ' ) days at 7jc per roll. All our 20o full gilt papers and coppers during this sale for lOo a roll. All our embossed pa-pars that gold for 25c and H5o a roll for II days at _ 12c a roll. All our ingrain papers during this tale for lOc a roll. All our lioiJDEUS of every description at HALF PIUCK for 3 days. ItOOM MOULDINGS. 14-inch hardwood mouldings for 3 days at Ijc per foot. 1-inch pink edges anil gilt and pink ornamented during bale at 2 jo per foot. 1 j-inch ornamental moulding in (1 ( styles nnd colors , regular price "c per foot , for .1 days at 3jc per foot , -i-inch gilt beading , regular price lie per foot , for II days at Ho pur foot. 4 und 1-inch ornamental headings , regu lar price 4c per foot , during bale at 2c per foot. HOOKS. 200 paper- covered books , regular price 25o , for thrco days at f > c each ; a good assortment of titles. 1,000 12-mos. cloth bound books , choice from all the best authors , publlbhors' prices fiOc and 7f > c ouch ; for 3 days wo will sell them at lljc each. 100 Drummond's addresses , all com bined , bound in half vellum , regular price $1.25 ; for 3 days at 37jc each. 200 Doro illustrated books , Dante's In ferno , Danto's Purgatory and Paradise , Millon'bParadiso Lost and the Doro Bible Gallery , published at $0.00 ouch ; for 3 days they go at 70c each. All of the above items are only to bo seen at thu Boston store. No one can duplicates them. FOTlIKIUNCJHAJr , W f IIITKLAW & CO. , LlIAOICUS AND I'JCOMOTEltS OK LO\\ ' I'HICKS. Bless Bros. , the puperhnngors , will liiing pupor at 12Jo per roll. Our workout out- reference , Room ; t , Everett block. JMiniwn. : Picnic trains , , until further notice , will leave for that great tishing resort , Hay's Landing and Manuwu park , Min eral Springs , Gorman shooting grounds , Manhattan beach und Maimwu opera hotibo I where two performances will bo given during the season daily ut 4 and b')0 : : ) o'clock p. m. ) as follows : Nine and 11 u. in. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:110 : at night. Last train will leave Manawa for Council Blutl's ut 11:55 : D. m , A C'allui'tlon or C'aut. Franklin Crawford was arrested yester day on three separate charges of grand lar ceny , and It looks very much now as though it would Uko a special dispensation of Provi dence to keep him out of the penitentiary , Burly this month David Hauser lost a cow and could obtain no trace of it anywhere. Ijist Monday night G. U Jowctt nnd W. A. Copcland picketed their two cows in t'.e northwestern part of the city not fur from their residence * for tlio night. Doforo the evening was over they decided to change the strikes , nnd went out for the purpose but found the cow * missing They Immediately surmised that they had been stolen , nnd started off for the motor bridge , where they ascertained that a mnn hate passed a short time before on his way to Omaha , driving before him thrco cows , two of which answer1 the description of the missing ones , The owners then Interviewed the Omftlm police , and after ix time sue- cecned < In running Crawford down nt n farm house A few miles out of Omaha. Ho had the cows In his possession , and they wcro nil brought back nnd identified by their owners. The thrco cases will bo tried together | before Justice Fox Wednesday morning at U o'clock , and la the , meantime Crawford is out on bonds. TJlIit : ) TO IIUIUK OUT. Two Tiilitcli rrlsonrm Make n llnlo In tlio Wnlln or the City Il.iMllC. Ofllccr Easdalo was passing the , back end ot tlio city Jail yesterday morning not Jar from 4 o'clock , when bo noticed a brick fall out of the south end of the building and drop with quite n thud to the grdund. Ho stopped to watch , and a second Inter saw another brick fall , together with sbino mor tar. Ho notified thu jailor nnd the two ro turncd to the rear end of the building and soon bad the men who wore working awuy insldo covered with their revolvers * George Meredith and TJinmas McGlnty , who are nerving out a sentence in tlio streets for assaulting Oftlccr Murphy , turned out to bo the two fellows who were trying- make their escape. They are suspected of being all-around croolts , and aru thought to have been Implicated in some burglary or other scrloUs crime. In some way or other they bad managed to procure u couple of heavy Iron b.irs with which thgy pried open the locks which fasten the door to the rear corridor. They had then used their iron bars to tear loose the brick wall , whlrh , being somewhat shaky at best , soon suc cumbed to tholr efforts. When discovered they had n hole about six laches square made in thu wall , and it would not have been long until they would have ) had an opening largo enough to admit of their workIng - Ing their way out. Their anxiety-to getaway away has strengthened the suspicions of the ofilcers that" they aru wanted somewhere , and an effort is to bo made to lind out where. * IlKNMSON HUO3. Snturdiiy anil Suttmlny Hvoiiliig's lllg Another jubilee for our customers. Bargains still greater than ever. Enormous ribbon sale , 800 pieces of all silk , satin and gros grain ribbons , NOH. 7 , II , 12 and Ji ( , every color of tlio rainbow ; Saturday cntiro lot lOc yard. Big sale of wash dress goods. _ 00 pieces of Shungtong Pongco , light and dark grounds , beautiful styles , Sat urday at half price , Oc yard. All our Ific fast black Pacific lawns Saturday lOc yard. We are culling down lhe prices on all thin summer goods. Now is the time to buy. 50 pieces of half wool challios at half price Saturday , l. " > c yard. Suturdnv we offer all our 75c and SIt Indies' pure silk gloves , in tant grays and black , at ono price , cntiro lot 3lc ) pair. Don't miss this bargain. f > 0 dozen children's and misses' fast black and tan hose Saturday half price , lOc pair. 1.000 ladies' shell hair pins Saturday Ic each. Special umbrella sale at $1.00 , $1.50 , Sl.'JS , Sli.50 and J2.9S each , worth SI.50 to 85.00. Big hale of ladic.s' short waists at 50c , 5o ! ) , 75c and OSo each ; only -J regular price. 25 do/.cn gents' balbriggan shirts and drawers Saturday 25c each. You can buy them only at Bcnnison's at this price. Gents' satin stripe madras cloth negligee shirts at 81.00 , worth 81.50. Sl'KCIAL , SATURDAY EVENING. Saturday evening , 7 to 10 p. in. , we will olTor 1,000 Japanese funs , worth 15c to-2."ic , entire lot 5c each. 2CO dozen ladies' and gents' handker chiefs in plain white hemstitch , also ladies' 25c quality fine Swiss handker chiefs , all at ono price , Saturday evening - ing ! ) c.The greatest handkerchief saloon on I record. BiiNNisoN Buos. Open Saturday cvcnlucr until 10:30. : Ten Ouyi * lit tlio World's Fair. Itwill cost you less than $50.00 , every thing necessary included. This means homes in private cottage ) clean , safe , close to grounds and on the beach of Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno- wcth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to H. W. Tilton of 'THE BEE , or Jacob Sims of Sims & Bainbridge , Council BlulTs. Oxror.l'rt und MlpjiurJ lit Cost. Evans is closing out his oxfords and slippers at cost. v Nothing is cooler or moro sanitary than Chinese and Jap mattings for sum mer use. Tlio Council BlulTs Carpet company is closing out a big stock at a big reduction. Music for "balls , parties , picnics , so cials , etc. , by Mucicians Union. J. E Follotl , Mgr.100 B'way , Council Bluffs. "Great clearing sale of millinery- going out of business everything less cost. Thu LOUJH , 25 S. Main St. Cook yoL" meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at < ho Gas company. Domestic soap is the bcbt. ivrnliiir ; of Opi-rn. The Andrews Opera company prcsonCcd "Dorothy , " Alfred Collier's comic opera , last evening to another good sized audience , al though to a smaller one than tlio merits of the company deserved. The performance was in many respects superior to that of Thurs day evening , all the players taking their parts in a manner than evoked the heartiest applause from the audience. Today will close the season. There will ho two per formances , "Pinafore , " Gilbert & Sullivan's well known opera being the bill at the matlnoo and "lolantho , " another popular success by tlio same authors in the evening. All who have witnessed the previ ous performances of this company will wish to see the rest , and those who have not taken advantage of hearing a Ural-class operatic performance cannot afford to let the season close without doing so this afternoon or evening. Piles ot people ave piles , Out Do Witt's Witch Hiucl Salvo yrlll euro them. Notice to Ito lilBiiU Amonj ; thn Itlver. ' William Wrido , foreman of the Mil waukee Bridge and Iron works , working on the Intern tutu bridge nt Katit Omaha , was lost in the Mibi-ourl river on tlio morning of Juno 2 ! ) , The bum of $100.00 will bo paid to the portion who will lljul his body and notify the undersigned promplly by wlro. Description : Height , f > feet 8 inulicB ; ago , -10 yearn ; hair partly gray ; dark partly gray mustache. Drcs : Pin id coat , black shirt , white biispondcrs , blue overalls , gold watch in pocket. C. E. II. C'AMi > jiErL , t Council Bluirs.- GrooiiHliioldH , Nicholson & Co. have moved their real estuta olllco to ( SOD Broadway , opposite postolllco. Tel. 15,1. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. C. James has the strongest companies irv the world. Every lady purchasing 12.00 worth at Davis' will bo presented a 7fio bottle of Toln water for the complexion. Cool , comfortable , olegunt , stylish oxfords nnd slippers , Evans1 Jinest goods , closing out at cost today , A beautiful line of ladies' and gout's pockotbookti , purtics und curd cases just received at Davis.1 Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. FIVJB DOLiARSaFOR A WIFE Raoo for Heart amliiHand of a Pretty Hou39 _ ( per. ROMANCE OF AN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Tliomnt 1'nrrlOi ComrV to Oinalin In Scnrcli of n Doinc'lloVyiiit Mnlicl ilorilnu Accompmilv ) Him Home lllv- nlry of Itntnl Love. Cupid is omnipresent. Tlio latest caper of this dealer In hearts , Is to perch in nit Omnba employment ofilrc. ' 'Wives while you wait , " would make the intelligence broker an ex ceedingly popular Individual , if the trafllo became general. Hut cases of a job and a husband with cncli order are rare. Instances of n position with a choice of thrco husbands nro still rarer. Out In Fnirvlow precinct , near Pnpllllon , Thomas Parrish follows llio plow. Ho Is a gentleman of culture. In fact agriculture. Parrish owns a good farm. The other day bo took an Inventory of his effects. Ho had everything but a wife. Then Parrish felt Cupid's light , tapering fingers playing a love solo on his heart. Ho decided to gut a wlfo , itit bo had no time to fritter nway on ice ream sociables and n long courtship. Anally nn Idea struck him and ho struck Omaha. Parrish stopped in front of an employment oftlco in this city last Tuesday. Ho paused , moothcd his nccktlo , blushed n lew times mil then sped tin the stairway with all the grace of a man vltli n connubial quickstep. Once inside ho confided In the employment gent. Ho wanted a housekeeper and would glvo the agent 62(1 extra fee If the house- { coper would become Mrs , Parrish. It votild save wages and supply u domestic want at the Parrish farm. The deal was made. Pretty Mabel Jordan , igcd 18. accepted the position , but would not ; lvo a uctlnlto answer on the other proposi- Ion until she arrived at the farm. On the vuy to his homo It is said that Patrish ircssed his suit in a manner that would nnko Homeo's ghost turn nn ethereal envious green. Thu answer that ho looked fl 'or never came. Hiicu Tor Ilcurt nnil lliiiul. Near the Parrish homo resides William 3owman , a handsome young bachelor farmer. He fell In love with the flower of the Omaha employment olllco. t was a race for heart and hand jctwccn Parrish and Bowman. The woods were full of marriageable men. Every tree. In fact , seemed to bo llllcd with love-sick Farmers. Tom Boyer , another agricultur- st , shied Ills caster in tlio arena. Bo cr 3 said to bo the Bunlhorno of the iclghborhood. Ho know the powers ol " : iis persuasive eloquence , before which feu.- Inino hearts bowed in obeisance. Boyer , nowovor , finally inude a proposition to Bow man , so It Is said , to throw his inllucn o In 'avor of Bowman for the sum of ? 5. I'urrlili Was Not In It. Bowman ncqulesed. In tlio meantime , r Parrish was on the ragged edge of uncor- t : ainty. Ho had imported the 'fair ho ise- Jj ceoper and now thcrp was a conspiracy to rob him of the pride of his heart. .But the combination won. Tlio county clerk issued n marriage license tq "William Bowman and the fair Mabel , Thursday last and the wed- Omg took place at Buyers' . Parrish naturally , feels grieved over the affair , but Boyer proposes lo do the fair thing by him and , ' * has agreed to come to Dmaha next week and get Parrish another housekeeper whoso personal churins will pos sibly equal those possessed by Mrs. Bowman , tlio Pride-elect. ' IWJXHKlti Showers nnd IocilJjtormi U What Nc- lirasku Miij'Kii > crt Toil ay. WASUIXQTON , JUifo L'y. ' Forecasts for Sat urday : % Fj > rJ5obraska Showers and'proba- bly seve're local storlftsj cooler ; winds'shift ing to northwest. - For Iowa Showers and probably local storms Saturday ; cooler in extreme cast and extreme western portion ; cast to south winds , becoming variable. For South Dakota Fair , except showers in southeast ; cooler south ; north winds. Local Ituconl. OFFICE OP-run WBATIIEH BUHIAU. OMAHA , June -Omaha record of temperature and rainfall , compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1803. 1802. 1891. 1890 Maximum temperatureB33 84O ole 040 Minimum tcmpcriituiQ. GIO 073 070 ( > | O Average tompuruturo. . . 7 _ = > 7GO 70 = 7'JO Precipitation T .00 .00 1.10 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation at Omaha for the 'day and since March 1 , 18U3 : Ncrinnl temperature. . . . , 73 = Deficiency for thu day lo Deficiency slnco .March 1 , 228O Normal nrcclpltutlon 21 Inch Deficiency for the < hiy. . . 21 Ineli Excosa olnco Match 1 1.D4 inch Itoports from < > tii > r Points ut . ' ! p in. IndlcatHH trace. G , a HUNT , Ucal Forecast Ofllelal. KNOWLEDGE Brings comforj and improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tlio jnany , who live bet ter than others ami enjoy life more , with less epcnditure'by moro promptly adapting the wqjfjfl's best products lethe the needs of physical being , will attest the value to lietiLtli , of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the * remedy , Syrup of Figs. Ita excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a j > crfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the bystem , dispelling colds , headaches ivnd foyers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met 1 1 th the approval of the medical profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and Dowels without weak- enlng them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs h for sale by all drug gists in COu and $1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Byrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every package , alw the name , Syrup of Figs , nnd being well informed , you will not accept auy bubatituto if pilered. LABOR'S ' CAUSE Men and Women With out Vacation , Tired , Monotonous Expres sions on Weary Faces. iVhat Ono of tha Lenders In Boston Snys. J. Cl. CUnktiiM of IJulUUns Trades Council. Was Losing Sleep on Account of Nervous Stride. Six o'clock shops ami olllcos nour out tholr crowds of workers. Who would Imaglno tlio buildings hold so many ? Tired , monotonous expressions on most of the fncos. llunds of flrma , clerks , shon-gMs , nil end the day tlrotl. It la evident from their anxious , worn expression ? . When worry and anxiety tire udded to this excessive activity , digestion becomes - comes impaired , the Bight of food tils- tnstoful , 11 xronr.'od feeling creeps oror the body , tuid the mind got confused nnd dosiondunt. ] Josepph G. Cllnkurd Is n man well known to the workingmen of Now Eug- Innd. llo has occupied nearly every po'ltton of honor nnd trust in the Itibor organi zations of Boston. Ho served nearly two yours us presi dent of the Boston Central Labor Union when that body numbered in its nlllll- atcd" bodies 30.00J to 35,000 waefo- workers , Up to within iv few weeks ho was tlio president of the Uuildlng Trades Coun cil which is compused ot unions in tlio building trades and estimated to huvo tin iiniliuted membership of 15.000. Ho is n carpenter by trade nnd has boon probidont of Carpenters' Union No. .12 , luid is now the business ngont of nil the carpenters' unions in the city of I3o > tou. Mr. Clinlcaril has traveled nil over the Nu\v England stiles in years gene by , Mil. .lOSKl'll O. U organizing unions of carpenters and has been ready to visit meetings of worlc- ingmon at night and address them on the labor question. Ho is a lluer.t , easy , and practical speaker , who always talks to the point. Recently the Building Trades Coun cil gave their llrst annual ball in Muslo Hull , at which woto present Governor Rubsell. Mayor Mathews nnd other dig nitaries. Mr. Clinlcui'd was chairman of the committee of arrangements and lloor marshal , leading the grand march. His extra exertions to make this affair tv success combined with the amount of energy put forth by him in bis regular nailing during the day , brought him nearly to the verge of extreme nervous prostration. His condition and its result - sult can best bo described in bis own words in tlio following letter : BuiLDixoTiiADCs COUNCIL OF BOSTOX AND VICINITY. BOSTON , April 15. 1803. Dear Sir : On account of the cxtr.i work I was doing. workir.g late nights and losing sloop , the strain on my norvcs became so great that I was suffering with nervous prostration , to the extent that I was losing my memory , and haa a peculiar dizzy sensation in my head , that at times took away my eyesight and numbed my bonso of" feeling so that I was unconscious of what was going on around mo. I became greatly alarmed , and on recommendation of my wife , who bad learned of the peculiar virtue of Paino's celery compound , 1 began to take it. At first it seemed to do mo moro barm than good , hut after tlio first dozen doses erse so , I began to fcol bolter , and the rheu matic pain in my right lung which h id also boon troubling mo began to sub side. I am now beginning on the third bottle and all the'nervousness and dtx/.i- ness is gone ; my memory especially is especially bright , and I now sloop like a baby. All my friends speak of the change In my looks , nnd ask mo what I have beoa taking In these days o"f worthless patent med icines , I believe it a duty to my friends , and to suffering humiinily In general , when I find a medicine that is good to let people know It. lean highly recommend Paino's cele ry compound , und for those who are suffering from overwork and nnrvous- nothing Is better to restore them to their former strength und vigor. Yours truly. Jos. G. Ci.iNKAHD. Messrs. Wells , Richardson &Co. . Burlington , Vt. P. S. As the above has been unso licited you have inv consent to make such use of them as vou see lit. lit.J. J. G. C. EVANS' FINEST OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS AT COST " " " RS TODAY. mpkie-Shugart Go , lOn-lll-lltt-115 Main Stroot. Largest 3toc'of BUILDERS AND GENiRAL HARDWARE In the city. Agents ol the Celebrated Gurney Hardwood RofM arators. Agents for the Oil Gas Stoves , the safest and newest stove out. Wo are exclusive agents for the Genuine Boynton Furnace , and all furnace work is supervised by our Mr. Lautornasscr , who is ono of the best furnace men-in the west. Wo carry a lull stock of Field Seeds. City ngonts for the Pioneer Imple ment Co.'s goods. Attarnoys-at-lrw. t' .i tlca In the stuto ntnl fmleral courts. Uaomi , 1MJ-7-S-3 - - - SUugurt bloc ! ; , Council ulultd. \ , \ DOHRNY'S ' THBHTBR JOHM DOHANT . - - MANAQEK. Special sninincr engagement of the Celebrated Concluding pcrformnucps. Matinee , Saturdiy Afternoon , June 24 , Gilbert and Sullivan's " " "PINAFORE. SATURDAY EVENING , JUNE24. _ " " "IOLANTHE. Retreat L OR THEi Insane Inchnrjoo thoSlstors of Moroy. This renowned Institution It uttuntcdoii tl.a high blu ( Ts bitokof and overlooking the city of Council HliilTa. The SIJIOOIH ! grounds , Ha high location nnd sploadld vlow. make It a mo < .lploislns rotront for the nllllctoil. A stiff of eminent physlolnin nu , | n o eorpi of ox porlonccd ntirios minister to tlio comforts ot thotKitlcnti Special care slvun to lady pa * ttiMita. Term * Mortnrrtto. 1'or ptirtlctilnri nppty to SISTER SUPERIOR Frank Slreot - - Council Blum , lo POSITIVELY THE BEST VAPOR STOVE > r Ml Apirlnnit Homo UjfrliiJritortlio bl ' . v ' i > o.'ooltoro I. A cnrtniil of screen ilonr * . screen wlu- Omvs niul scrbon wire : bottom price * . \M\va \ uliiek or McyuliM. All ktnili of bic/cio n.iiilrlnif | dona promptly. 41 Mnln St. , Ccuncll Bluffs. cautnii BUI- ; ! . A11STHACTS anilloitm. r.irm : nul city proparly lu > nilit : inil Hold. Puioy .V Tliomn : , Council IJUlltM GAHIlAfii : n'liuivcil , coHspoolM , vaults , ehlnmoya eliMiiiHl. lit Ilurku , at T.iylor'B k'rocory , Oil ) llrouhva.v. : 1JAHOA1NS Kor alu , 70 by 8'JO Jcet on Pranklln ii.ivcnne. * lMK.0l. ) ( J'J'i ' ncron between InlHtrvct nnd Franlilln live- mil' , Ili'nt plaltlii ; , ' proin'rly In tlui city , if''ll.ilOd.OO , T\vo loin opi ) Hlti > Tlilnl Htivct Huliool , tl,5UU.lU. One- lot In Wllion TITIMCIfil.MUH ) . Tluro lotH , corner Main Hlrool anil 1'Jth nvpinio. Heat Httis for ImpkMiiiMit hoiihpla Uinclly.fT.f.Oll.OO. A Toxvle. S ! ri 1'oarl Ktroct. .iPO-acruirnnd , itniinmil farm In nee. 27-JI'J-ll 1 Sheridan Co. , Nob. , for Kiln at f l.omi.oo. Tills iHiav.iy iH'low UH x'aluc. JolniHton .t Van I'atton. | " \O YOU waul ton-ill you'r lioimu ? If so call at -l/llio aiaynu K tile ! Co. , tiL'l llrujdxvay. Oil ) ACHKSirood land In Oosiiorcoiinly , Neb. , for i-Kc-liiuiBi' for Inuirnrod proiity In Council llluirH. Tliu itayiio Kstal.- . . tl'Jl llroadxvay. VTICi : of tlioni for H ilo : loxv 1 > jirlui-n and very IMHV luyiiiciim. ThoJIayuo Ksl.ilo Co. , il'-'l Dro'idxx ay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ACUKACJllxvantcd lipir ; Connell lUuffH In nx- clian ( - for 1'JO aeri'H line I.ind In northern Mis- nniirl , nc.irloxv.i Hue , cU-ar of Incuinbr.mcu. The M.ivno 1 Ilfctato Co. . il-JI lli'o'wlwav. li'H ACItr.Slnipvnx-c'il Innd In northern Kaimis. Aclcarof liipiiinliKini-i-i will exchanso for liinil M-irCoiinull lllutlH. The Mayno llu-1 Kal'ito Co. , tl'Jl llroHdxv.iy. F OR rcxbllANGn-WoUliimrovvd RO-acro loxva farm irowl IOXXMI , clnir of InvuinbiMiico ; will < -xt-liaiiifo for nk-o roHlilcnco In Council lllniTs nnd li'iveaulidllTen-ncu. The Mayuu Uoil : Gututo Co. , t L'l llro.iilwuy. 17OU KXCHANon , nice lot on bottom for horao -t and buggy. _ ( iri.-ejialil > 'UlH , yicholHoii A , L'o , WANTKll-OIrl for Buncral lioilHoxvork. Apply utfon7.JIO . in. at ii''li Oakland avenue , after that hour at liioa Jlnln Btn-i-t. 0. 1' . Mi-KrBsou. \TANTUl ) Olrl for ccnural 113 i oiuii .ivunnu. e Works.1' C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proorlpjor. 'Dyeing , Gleaning and " " " OP GOODS OV EVERY DESCRIPTION. Council BlulTs office and worlts. cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Telephone 310. Bend for circulars and price , list. Omaha olllco : 1521 Furntim Tel. 1521. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK All kinds of Dyeing find Ulu.inln ; clone In the hUhout style of thu iirt. Kit'lotl unJ Rtulnod fubrlcs tnude to Ioo I : us Kooil UK now , Worn promptly doao iina ilollvoruil In all parts of tb country. Bond for Vrluu lilt. C. A. MAOHAN , Projirlotor. Hrcudwnv , iiour North- wcntoru IJciLot , Tolouhonu au Them We carry the largest line of Sickles , Knife Heads , Guards , Rivets , Pitman J3oxes , Kalcc Teeth , Oil Cans , launches , Coal' Chisel , etc. We guarantee prompt shipments. Send us your orders , UNION TRANSREIR. OO. . 1304-S-8-10 Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa.