8 TITE OMAHA DAILY BIS-KB - ; Fill PAY , JUNE -23. 1803. AWAITING THE IDES OF JULY Irrestotablo Magnetism Drawa the Politician ? to Oily Hall. CANDIDATES THE MAJOR'S BROGANS Men Win Am Willlnjr nnJ Anxloiu to . Servo on tlio Ilonril of fulilloVork ) Some of the String * That Arc Heine I'ullcd , . At the present time the city hall U the Mecca of city politicians. The ofllco of Mayor Bcmls Is the most frequented corner. The magnet that draws the politician there Is a strong ono and its force Is Irresistible. More frequently it is personal interests to bo served that directs the footsteps of the manipulator of wires to his honor's quarters , but occasionally it is curiosity that prompts the visit. No matter what the circumstances , the politician drifts in and out during the day. This has been going on lively for a week , and bolero the eventful first Tuesday in July rolls around It will become a mad scramble for an audience with the mnvor. Omaha's chief executive pormltstho latcti string to dangle from the outside , and all comers are trotted with courtesy and their words given duo weight. Simmered down , it is a procession of appeals for the appoint ment of friends of these In line as members of the Hoard of Public Works. The Jlrst Tuesday of July of each year brings with it a charter provision for a roorganl/atlon of the board. The mayor is the appointing power and the council the confirming. Already thcro have been filed with Mayor Hemls nearly a score of ap plications. The mayor listens to all , keeps his own counsel and when the proper tlmo comes his views on the matter will DO made known in the shape of appointment. AVIioro the Solution Ilun There are two keys to the situation. One is iu the possession of the mayor , while the courts hold the second. There exists n question as to how many members shall bo appointed. A case In court , which will 1m reached within the next week , will probably decide the matter when a decision Is reached. This is a suit brought by Major Balcombo to recover increased salary as a member of the board. When the now charter - tor became a law it was found that under its provisions the mayor should appoint ono member each year subsequent to lbS7. When the charter was sent to Lincoln It provided that thrco now members should bo appointed in ISO : ) , ono for one , ono for two and ono for three years , and ono mem ber annually thereafter. A sleight of hand performance was successful In eliminating the figure 1893 and substituting 18S7. Ono { member was to bo chairman at a salary of i- ? 2,500 , another sewer commissioner and the third street commissioner at a salary of $2.000 each per year. This loft the charter provision In a badly mixed state and many constructions have boon placed upon it. City Attorney Council toolc the position thai the mayor should 1m- ) / mediately designate the members to scrrq as 45' sewer and street commissioners. Acting upon the attorney's suegestlon the mayor made the designations to the council. Not a member of the council favored standing by the mayor , and that body refused to recog nize Major Fumy us sewer commissioner and Major Balcouibo as street commis sioner with an Increased salary of $3,000 per year. The Judiciary committee looked Into the matter and reported that tlio designations should not bo made until July , at which time the thrco majors would have to step down and out , as they were legislated out of the ofltce. The majors went ahead nnd Bemls' ucsis- served according to Major - nutlon. When the pay roll came in and their names were there with the Increased salary opposite the council promptly knocked the item out. This caused Major Baleombo to bring his suit , nnd as ho expressed It , "not BO much to sccuro the small amount in addi tional salary , but to establish the fact that the mayor's dcsignaTion was proper , and that my tenure of ofllco docs no't end in July of this year. " Waiting on the Court. As. Mr. Connell had assumo-i an entirely , different position than the members of the council , Judge Wakeley has been employed to appear and show that Major Balcombo should .not have been designated at the tlmo ho was and that three new members of the board must bo appointed the lirst Tues day in July. When the courts pass upon the matter Mayor Bemis will then know without doubt whether ono or thrco members are to bo ap pointed. Ho is desirous of having the point at issue settled immediately. So are the numerous candidates. The applicants represent men of all elasscs nnd conditions. Among the names men tioned in connection with the appointment are the following : J. \Vlaspcar , Charles Unltt , Dick Smith , W. J. Kennedy , ox-Coun cilman Bailey , George W. Tillsou , Henri Cleburno , Gconro M. Cooper , John G. Wil lis , William Mack. W. N. Nason and Curtlss Turner. Major Birkhausor is also men tloncd to succeed himself. The imino ol Plumbing Inspector Duncan is also spokci of , but Mr. Duncan gives it out that ho is not a candidate and is not seeking tlu position. The claims of each are belli ) : vigorously pushed all along the lino. Mayoi Bemis says ho has nearly a score of name ! before him , but ho maintains silence am' does not glvo them out. "llniro Up" is a tantalizing admonition to these who al this season feel all tired out , weak , wlthoui appetite and discouraged. But the way It which Hood's Sarsaparllla builds up tin tired frame and gives a good appetite , 1 : really wonderful. So wo say , "Tuko Hood's nndjt will brace you up. " For a general family cathartic wo con fldently recommend Hood's Pills. $400.00 lots $2o.OO down ; BCO papo 7. Department of tlio LMitttn Notrj. The following named ofllcors have been dc tailed to meet at the posts indicated ns o > amlning boards for the purpose of cxamlnln noncommlHslonod ofllcors who seek uppoini incuts ua urdnanco sergeants ; At fort Nlobrara , Nou. Lieutenant Cole nol SamuolS , Sumner , Sixth cavalry ; Cu ] tain Frank West , Sixth cavalry ; Secon Lieutenant Edwin T. Colo. Eighth Infantrj At Fort Robinson , Nob. Lieutenant Coli nel Houben F. Bernard , Ninth cavalryCa ; ] Joseph Garrard , Ninth cavalry ; First Lioi tenant James A , Swllt , Ninth cavalry. At Fort Omaha , Neb , Major William I Worth , Second infantry ; Cautaln John Kit lie , Second infantry ; First Lieutenant Wl Ham U. Abercromblo , Second Infantry , At. Fort Sidney , Nub. Lieutenant Colom Wlllmm J. Lystor , Twenty-llrst Infantrj Captain William II. lioylo , Twenty-Unit li fantry : Second Lieutenant Munroo McFa land , Twenty-first Infantry. At Fort D , A. Hussoll , Wyo , Lloutenai Colonul George 1C. llrady , Hovontccnth li fantry ; Captain Clarence 13. Bennett , Sovo tccnth Infantry , Second Lieutenant IlenJ ruin F. Ilardaay , Seventeenth Infantry. In compliance witli Instructions in the pr ceding paragraph the following named no commissioned o Ulcers will report to the r epcctlvo presidents of the several bean convened by paragraph 1 of this order , fi examination for appointment as ordnam lorccanls , U , S. A. Sergeant Major Alphonso von Noycnheli : Sixth cavalry , Fort Nlobrara , Neb , Saddler Sergeant Ilobcrt Benjamin , Nlnl cavalry , It ml First Sergeant George Trao Iroop I ) , Ninth cavalry. Fort Kobliibon , No Sergeant George Lcfllcr , company K , Sc nd Infantry , and First Sergeant Hlehai rjoix'iuh , company I ) , Second Infantry , Fo Dmuha. Sergeant Jsaao B Henry , company ( Twenty-first infantry , Fort Sidney , Neb. Sergeant Patrick Mitchell , company Seventeenth Infftntry , Furl D , A , Itusso Wyo. & . VvntWiloil inul ( liii.l.l litoa Train f Ucnvor. Leaves Omulm via the BurlingU route daily at 4:50 : p. m. Fust tlmo and a perfect service llcojiliigr , dlnliik'i smoking and ( free ) r llinlng chair cars. Ono-way riUo. $12,50 ; round tri 120.00. City tloket ofllco , 1324 Furuarn B.rc < rnnl from N. II. fntonneri Our silk trade for tbo past six months lias been cnornnua. Wo liavo already jolil moro silks than wo sold nil of last year. Anticipating this great demand for Bilks wo bought heavily , too heavily In fact , for wu flnd our silk stock the heaviest in the house. Saturday wo will commence n sale of silks that will eclipse in every way any * llk sale that has over taken place in the world. Not n plcco of silk , satin or velvet in our entire stock will escape n reduction. Just what the reduction will be wo have not decided upon yet. Wo are going through the stock now ; today wo will print full particulars. Walt for this sale and watch tomorrow's papers. N. U. FALCONL3K. S-IOO.OO lots $2.j.OO down ; sco page 7. NICE BUMMER JOB. Commlmlonor * Giving llmploymnnt to Clorku Copying Some Oittlnwcd Kccimli. The county commissioners h.ivo just hit upon a schcmo by which they will succeed in removing several thousand dollars from the treasury without replacing * a corresponding spending amount or any Dortloii thereof. In other words the commissioners have laid the plans for providing places for six or seven additional clerks. At the last session of the board a resolu tion was adopted , Instructing the county clorlc to purchase books , hlro a force of clerics anil at oneo nut them at work , mak ing a copy of the delinquent tax list from 18.VJ to IS'Jl. inclusive. In addition to this , the resolution instructed him to order dupli cate tax lists for the year 18'jy. that ho may have an exact copy of the books In the ofilco of the county treasurer , showing all of the lands and lots In the county , as well as all of the personal tax. Those duplicate books are to bo In the custody of the auditor , who has been Instructed to have the vault in UiJ ofllco formerly occupied by the county sur veyor renovated and put in shape for the safe keeping of tip books. The county treasurer will bo compelled to make his receipts in.lrlpllcato instead of in duplicate , ns at the present tlmo , sending coiiies of the receipts , as well as copies of all warrants and lists , to the auditor once each week. The information Is given out that this now plan of doing the county business is for the purpose of having and keeping a complete chock uiwn the county treasurer. Some of the olllcials , however , look upon It as simply a move to put another lot of clerks on the pay roll. The uork of making up the delinquent list will require the hiring of a number of clerks for several months and will leave the books In the s.imo condition as they are now in the treasurer's otllco , with the oxcoptlon that the auditor will have a copy of the names of the men who failed to p.iy thuir personal tax during the territorial daysot the county. All of this old tax is uncolloctablo and was dropped from the lists some years ago. Kist : I'rom Chicago vln 1'cHiiiRylviuilii I.lucn tit Momjhilii mill OCCHII Itrnorti. Advantages peculiar to the Pennsyl vania lines miiko them the desirable thoroughfares from Chicago to Bedford Springs , Altoomi , Ebensburg , or any of the delightful summer havens in tiio cool Allegheny mountains. By no other route can Crcsson , the ideal retreat on tbo crest of that romantic mountain range , bo reached , as the Pennsylvania is the only line direct to it , and the only ono leading past the Pack Saddle and the Allogrippus , around the famous tllorsc Shoo curve and along the Blue .Tuniata , the richest of America's scenic gems. For reaching Atlan tic City , Capo May , Afsbury Park , Long Branch , Ocean Grove , Sea Girt , Elberon , Ocean Beach , Berkeley , Newport , Narragansott Pier , Martini's Vineyard , Nantuokot , or any of the nu merous watering places that dot the At lantic seaboard , thcso lines arc particu larly desirable. For a trip to the Adirondacks - irondacks , the Catskills and resorts in nortTteastorn Now York , Connecticut , Khodo Island. Massachusetts , Vermont , Now Hampshire and Maine , exceptional facilities for a delightful journey are offered via this direct route , over which 0 fast through trains run daily to the cast from Chicatro , ns follows : 0:45 : a. m. , 10:45 : a. m. , 3:15 : p. m. , 5 p. m. 7:30 : p. m. , 11:30 : p. m. The service - vice includes Pullman vestibule sleeping and dining cars. For details address Tlios. II. Thorp , Traveling Passenger Agent , Davenport , la. BRIDGE OF SIQHS. County CommUnloiiors Will Glvo It Their Attention Toiluy. The session of the Board of County Com missioners this morning promises to bo a most interesting ono. The business booked for it is the consideration of the First ward assessor's appraisement of the Union Pa- cillc bridge. The west one-half of the bridge Is assessed f in Douglas county at § 103,000. , The point i where the Douglas county valuation begins s Is at the center of the suspension span and 0 all of the portion west , and including the ? trestle work , is returned by the assessor. r A. i W. Scribncr , tax commissioner for 3 the road , has llled a protest against tlio val- 1 nation , alleging that he returned the valua tion at $80,000 , nnd that it was raised to $105,000 by the assessor without the knowl edge or consent of any agent or rcprcscuta- tive of the company , The county commissioners will hear testi mony on the application for a reduction ot the valuation and have summoned the wit nesses to bo present ut 10 o'clock this morn- IMerclmiitH AVuelc at the Fair , Secretary Engelman of the County Agricultural society , has Issued in vltatlons for a joint meeting of merchants manufacturers and business men at tin Board of Trade rooms next Saturday at t p. in. in.Tha object of the conference is to arrangi for merchants week at the coming annua fair , which will bo opened September C. The society has changed Its by-laws si that exhibits can bo made by persons fron any part of the country , and premiums wil bo rewarded for all meritorious exhibits. J show crcditablo of Omaha cannot bu madi unless all of our merchants , manufacturer ! and business men interested will unite b making it a success. The merchants' shov and parade of six years ago was a grea success , bringing lurgo numbers of pcopl from outaido the city , and materially bonotlt o DUirlcH Court Dome' , In the division of the district court prc sided over by Judge Hopowull , the case o Henry M. Leonard ngulnst the Iliunuiuni Packing company is on trial , the plalntll secltliiK to recover Jl/Jitil.UO to coinpunsat him for n hrokon rib , A year and a half age the plaintiff -was loading smoked meats hit n car that was-standing on thu tracks in th vicinity of the storuhouso , and on account o some Ice that was on the nlatform.ho slipnc ; and foil , sustaining the injuries hcrotofor mentioned. James McGnrvoy , the man who sued th ' Omaha and Council lilults Uridgo and Btrcc ) Hallway company in an action to recoro $15,000 on account of personal Injuries , whlc ho sustained by falling from a muring cai got nothing when the Jury returned th verdict yesterday , for the twelve me th found for the defendant. TIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO Lots of Good Things for Todiy All Over the Store. SPECIAL FEATURE FOR TODAY Ono of Those Olorli * 811k Uinbrcllnn with Itollcil ( lold Iliimllo , Worth 93.00 Aplpcc , Will lln ( liven Avrny with a 81O.OO l'urclir > o. Buy your dry goods at our Friday bar gain sale ; got u good umbrella with a $10.00 purchase mid vote for our World's fair candirtutos. Only one week moro of Iho voting con test. It's getting exciting. THESE ARE TUB I ! LEADERS. 1) . W. Tillotson has 14,202 votes. K. C. Davis has 13,400 , votes. " Rev. T. J. Maekoy has 10,523 votes. Ono case best indigo prints , 3o , worth 8c , from 8 to 12 only. Outing Ilannols , 3e , regular lOc qual ity. ity.30Inch 30-Inch printed lawns , Cc , worth lOc. Special sale of 30-inch China pongees , Oc : they nro Ifio goods. On the bargain table , main alslo , are 5.000 yards of Scotch ginghams , novel ties in wash goods , fancy mulls , etc. , worth anywhere from 25o to 40c , price to close them out. 12Jc. Best quality Clionoy Bros , silks , 75c , in vorv ' choice designs. Ono'lot of 24-inch India silks , 39c. Ono lot of 27-lnoh pongees , 4c. ! ) 5 pieces black nun's veiling , 50o. worth 05o. 1 case crochet bed spreads , 75c , the 81.00 quality. ' All lincn'erash , fie , real value lOc. 2,009 , yards brown shooting at Co yard , slightly damaged , regular 8c goods. Nainsook checks , 5o , value lOc. Bargains in every department. BASEMENT BARGAINS. Midsummer sale hero ; price cut on everything. These are pocketbook openers. 10 sots Gorman dinner sots , 100 pieces , all decorated , different designs , at $ U.U3 , wore $22.50. 20 tea Bets , 50 pieces , at $1.98 , were $3.00 , S'J.OO and $10.00. A 100-pieoo porcelain set for 60.49. Ono lot of toilet &ets at S1.93 , worth 82.50. Ono lot of toilet sets , 12 pieces , SG.75 , wore $12.00. 20 toilet sets at 81.50 to close , wore 80.50. 100 dozen tin wash basins for 3c , wore lOc. lOc.Daisy clothes wringers 31.52 , worth 82.00. Rival elothos wringers S1.S9 , worth 82.50. Clothes hampers 79e , worth SI.23. Cable hoop tubs 49c. Lurgo ivooden pails 7c. - > Cedar pails 17c. 0 china dinner plates 95c , worth 81.50. 0 china soup plates 9.e , worth $1.50. Decorated baucors 3o each. Many more such values too numerous .o mention. It will pay you to attend our Friday enlo. You will makojnoro than putting your money in the bank. You can got a good umbrella Friday with a 810.00 purchaso. Mail orders lilled on anything ad vertised. vertised.TIIE TIIE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. $400.00 lots $25.00 down ; sco page 7. Via the Wubngli Rtillrotiil. No. 1. For the Epworth le'aguo co n vcntion at Cleveland , O. , June 2'J ' to July 2. The Wabash , in connection with the Detroit an'd Cleveland Navigation com puny , will make u rate of $10 for the round trip from Chicago. No. 2. For the Y. P. S. C. E. conven tion at Montreal , July 5 to 9. Only 818 from Chicago via the Wubash. In ad dition to the regular sleeping cars elegant now tourist cars will bo attached to this train at $1.50 per borth. Fqu TICKETS , sleeping bertha or a touribt-foldor , giving list of bide trips , with cost of same , call at the Wiibtibli olllcos , 201 Clark stretit and Dearborn station , Chicago ; 1502 Furnam street , Omaha , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N.V. . P. Acr t. , Omaha , Neb xKs mi : cuintue Jt.wc. BLTFALO , Wyo. , Juno liS. To the Editor of THE BEE : The cowboys' race to the World's fair from Chadron seems to us to bo little clso than an advertising scheme for the benoflt of Chadron and llDoc" widdloton. When entries wcro flrst Invited , ono of our most skillful and determined race riders , Charlie Simmons , an old-tlmo cowpunchcr , who owns and raises some of the best stock in the country , determined to compote. Ho sent the necessary entry fee , and put both himself and Ills horses Into steady training for the expected race. Simmons is a horseman by birth , taste and training , a very light weight , and a bad man to beat over any course. His horses are well bred from gooil stock and to our thinking the interests of Wyoming were pretty safe In his hands. Others scorn to have thought the same. About three weeks ago ho received a letter from ono II , Weir , the secretary of the race committee , returning ills entry money , and politely rugrottlng that the race would not bo started. This was very disappointing , but the loiter was then believed to bo written In good faith. Just thirty-six hours or so be fore the race began , ho received another pollto communication from the same Secretary Weir , saying that the race would take place after all and that entries vtould bo accepted at the post. It was hoped that ho would Jlud it convenient to take part. The letter was dated Juno 'J nnd only reached Buffalo on Juno 111 Entirely too Into for anything without wings to got to the starting place from Johnson county. Meanwhile certain o her competitors , who apparently had the Insldo track , wore in constant training nnd eventually started. The whole affair , Including the dramatic sccno at the start , was cut anil dried evi dently tor nome consumption. Whether the $1,000 will bo forthcoming wo know not , but the prizes olfered by Colonel Cody and the other premium givers are no doubt genuine. Wo learn from private sources that a rider from Kansas by the name of Stephens is likely to upset tlio t > ot. Wo heartily wish him success. Otherwise all respectable cowpunchers - punchers are lluula to bo classed with "Doc" Mlddlctoii us thuir representative. ItUSTliEU. There are three things worth saving Time , Trouble and money-and Da VVitt'a ° Little Early HUors will s ivo thoni for you. l Thcso little pills will sivo you tlnif , as they act promptly. They will save you trouble as thoycaujo no pain , They will save you monov us they economize doctor's bills. $400.00 lots 825.00 down ; BCO page 7. lo lord rtU ' F. CE'S aking Of 0Pi owder Pi Tlie ouiy 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Auimouia ; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. FALCONER'S ' WASH FABRICS Thousands of TanU of Ohoico Wash Goods Word Sold Yesterday , THOUSANDS MORE WILL GO TODAY 'Til by liir tlio-Urnmlrnt nnd Most Stupon- iloui tlcniiltiollnrgnln tVnsIt I'nbrlo Sale llmtIInft liver Taken I'lnDO In Oiimlm. To make It even moro Intel-eating to day and Saturday wo will offer our ontlro stock of 'SCOTCH XEIMIYU GINGHAMS AT If.C . ] > or yard. No talking necessary to point this bargain out ; not n piece of these ginghams can bo imported for less than IDo per yard. All our beautiful stoeic of novelty silk Htripctl ginghnma , goods that liavo sold up to Crtc per ynrd , tomorrow ami Satur day they go at 2. > o nor yard. WASH FATmtOS AT IOC. Hundreds of yards of tbo growblo nov elty wash fabrics sold today ; moro will bo sold tomorrow ; every yard is worth 20c and you get it for lUc ; and mind you they arc new goods direct from the man ufacturers. Have not been in tbo house three days. IfiO SATEEN. ' Our loc sateens , too , are bargains that It will be impossible for you to dupli cate. Wo bought this magnificent lot of wash goods at less than COc on the dollar , from tin overloaded manufac turer. We offer it to you for loss than it would cost you regularly. MILAN HENRIETTAS IOC. This is the most durable wash fabric in existence. You never bought this fabric for less than IlSu per yard , at lOo per yard it is truly a wonderful Iwrgain. EXPO D'AMERIQUE 200. You cannot buy Expo D'Amoriquo for less than 50c in any other house in this country. At 20u per yard it is going as fast as the export clerks can measure it oil. MADRAS CLOTH 5C. . ' ( whole cases of line madras cloth , lOc. 12c } and Ific quality , go tomorrow at fie per yard ; this cloth makes the coolest kind of waists ; the designs are oxquislt. Don't miss this grand offer ing of wash fabrics ; you will never have another like it in vour lifetime. 'N. B. FALCONER. Thrco Dally Trains for Clilungn. Three vcstibuled and gas-lighted trains , consisting of sleeping , smoking , dining and free rcelining-chair cars , leave Omaha daily for Chicago via the Burlington route , at 11:43 : a. m. , 4:20 : 1 > . m. and 12:10 : a. in. Ono way rate , $9.2. ) ; round trip , S17.50. Baggage checked direct from resi dence. City ticket office , 1324 Farnam street. Water Units Dim July 1st. Payable at oflico , Bco building. 5 per cent dibcount if paid on or before July 1st. Failure to receive bill will not en title anyone to discount after July 1st. Olllco open till 8 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays till July 1st. Nebraska * Lunch. The next regular mooting of the members f the Manufacturers association will jo held on Saturday noon in the club oems In Tun BEB building. In order to relieve the monotony of a business meeting , nt winch reports of the condition of the issociatlon will bo presented , a lunch will bo iorvco. ' Thera will also bo some speech making on subjects bearing on the work of Uo association. While the whole affair is to bo informal , quite an elaborate bill of faro has been pro- jiared and it would seem moro appropriate to designate it us a banquet rather than n uncli. Every article on the bill of faro will bo of Nebraska manufacture. The different 'actorics in the state producing food pro ducts have sent in goods of their manufac ture which will bo served on the table. Cvery manufacturer belonging to the associa tion Is invited to bo present and n largo num ber of them have already promised to attend. MATURAL FRUIT FLW/ORS. / Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their us * Rose.ito. ' Flavor as'delicately and deileiouRlv as tha fresh DOCTOR FtUlAUolo 1)11. F. SI-M1U.KS , Constiltlnz Hur'con Graduate of Hush' ' MoJIoul Uolluso. ( I'O.N- hUi/l'ATloN I'JUUK. ) For the troutiiiont o AM ) Wo euro Catarrh , All DltuabOM of the Nose , Thvjat. Chojt , Stomuoli. Bowels and Liver. Blood. Skin and Kidney Dlionnos roina'o WnnlninthCH CURED. riLKS. PISTUl'A * tflSSUUU , neniiuucntly cured without Ihu UBU or knlia. llir.ituro or cauutlu. All mnlaillus of ai prlviito or delicate nature , o eltlii'r BOX , positively cured. Call on or adilronH. with btump , for Circulars Fico Hook mul Uuclues , T\n Omulm JPl QaaiOftC 11H South Ifitll St. Dr. beiriO ) a oGarios , UM.UI.\MH. Koxt Door to Postoffioo. THE NEXT MORNING ! I FEEL DRIQHT AMD NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS DETTCn. Hjr rtootor tnr It nets pcntly on tlie stomnch , liver nnd kldncvi , nnrt li n | > lea < tnt InxMlvc. This drink H mnile from herbs , nml Is prcp&tcd for use M _ e lly us ton. I AUlruelM.inrllttnt'.Oc.nmltl ntmcknee. If you rnnnotgel lt. cn < l vonr mldrc fern fret > untniilc. I.nnr'n I'nmllr Sloiljrliip imivp * Hit * lm\tpl rnrhdnT. Innrclortohelimltliy tlil Hnwr irr. " " " * ldf" O" Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow ( ring ) , by a pickpocket , Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop ping out of the bow , and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pullout - out bow and the new will exclaim : "Ought to have been made long ago ! " Itcan't ' betwistedoff thecase. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filled and other cases stamped with this trade mark Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co. . Philadelphia. * Th.0 * . HJISSStf bratcd NonTSpDc ; A.6LEa- ! changeable J . Spectacles Glasses for tf O ) snlcinOm- i B SSESQ " ' ' * * " " * " " "IV" alia by 3IAX MEYER & KKO. CO. , ONLY. A STRICTLY PURE ARTICLE. A MOST DELICIOUS CHEWING GUM. A VALUABLE"SPE. CIFICFORLUHG& THROAT TROUBLES Made bv Curtis &Son. I'orllnnd. Mo. S3 SHOE Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they will give you moro comfort and service for the money than any other makd Best In the world. $5.00 .43.00 $4.00 $2.50 63.50 ' 2.00 'FOR LADIES § 2.50 $2.00 § 2.25 § 1.75 FOR BOYS $2.00 FOR 41.75 W , L , Douglas Shoes are made In all the Latest Styles , If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't ' pay $ G to $8 , try my $3.50 , $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cus tom made and look and wear as weil. If you wish to economize In your footwear , you can do so by purchasing W , L , Douglas Shoes. My name and price is stamped on the bottom , look for It when you buy. Take no sub stitute , I tnnd shoes by mall upon receipt of price , postage free , when Shoo Di-alcrs cannot supply you , IV. L. DOUGLAS. Ilrockton , SIttEB. Sold by Magnus Wobboro , Kelley , .Stleor it Co. , O. J Wllinn. KllimSvauson , IguaU Aowinun W 1 > .O South Omaha. An all Ready to Put on Shirt ) MARKT Made In all Sleeve Lengths From 3O to 36. ( , H you have heeded the Correct Pointers we have heretofore been giving you , you are al ready wearing these shirts and are thus dally vcrif jing our statements. There Is the best service and the most perfect fit In these shirts of any ever sold. Satisfaction absolutcli ci CLUETF , COON & CO. DELIGHT YOUR FRIENDS WITH A PHOTOGRAPH MADE BY ATP3PUU1 313-315-317SautU IUi ! OMAHA. DRESDEN LAMPS. The new samples shown in our window todny give but n small idea of the assortment in tiie store. Hand painted rose and for et-mc-not ornamentations on banquet and princess lamps arc among the new swell styles , Also new silk shades to match. riFTEENTU AND DOU3tU , OVUHL. mmwmmmmmmmmmmmg | ARE YOU A PREACHER ? I Did you get up in your pulpit ami tell the members of 2 your congregation thut "there's a laud that Is hotter than g this ? " Dlil some of thi members lookskeptic.il , and wear a "whew ! l.iloii't-bjUeve.lt.lf.you.do-.sny-so" sort of a Z look when you told 'em ? \ " S Did you tell your depositors tlr.it "a run on a bank" was - J apt to make a man ho aiid the only thing to do win to Z 5 keep eool , no matter wTiat happened-It was more "In- teresf'ing ? . - * * u 3 Docs it make "warm under the " you collar" to see an ice Jg wagon leaving great big chunks of frozen river at a man's - g house , when he hasn't paid you for the coal thut kept him S from freezing last winter ? Preacher , Hanker , Coal man , Lawyer , Doctor , Traveling man , Laboring man , or any other man ? Do you want to look well in warm weather ? Did it ever strike you that the man that looked most comfortable . looked best these days ? That the man with a thin coat , russet shoes , negligee shirt , straw hat , and as few other things on as possible , looked much better-than the "dressed up" fellow ? Did it strike you that there's no place like ours to get thcso things at moderate prices ? IT That our straw hats at a quarter are exactly the same sort of hats that our neighbors get I'lfty cents for ? Did It SJ strike you that the black alpaca coats tlr.it we sell for seventy-live cents are usually a dollar and a quarter ? that we're opening thin coats , and coats and vests , this week , by the thousands ? That we carry any and all kinds alpacas mohairs serges brilliantinus iianncls cords drap d'etes blacks and colors ; regular extra and "long" sizes ? Tli.it a dollar hero is a doliar-u-a-Imf anywhere else ? One can always use an extra rug or two , and the time-to buy is when they are cheap just" now we are offering them at as- .tonishingly low prices- two can be bought for what one would ordinarily cost. You are not likely to have such an opportu nity again. ORCHARD AND WILHELM CARPET CO. Douglas , bet. 14th and 15th