* * 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEKs MtDAY. JUNE 23 ABANDONED THE CONTEST Ijlayor WolrLofl In Undisputed Possession of the Lincoln Hold. fcRAIIAM VMS EASILY SATISFIED. of the First CanmwNot Materially ft Altered by Uio Recount-Some- tiling : ni to the Cost ot the Suit. L.ISCOI.N , Juno 22. [ Special toTnn BBB. ] u7ho mayoralty contest , In which each side lias charged the ether with all the crimes on the electoral calendar , came to nn abrupt ending In county court this morning , when the recount and Inspection ot the ballots win Completed. The totals showed that Weir had received on the undisputed ballots 2,703 and Graham 3,008 , with 13U disputed ballot * . Of these sovcnty-nlno were for Wolr on the face , and sixty for Graham. The latter was hon confronted with the disagreeable al ternative of cither dropping the contest or going ahead nnd piling up costs. The Weir 5 * men Insisted that If tlio cntiro 0,000 ballots ; Vroro counted by the court they should insist on each being received and marked by the court as nn exhibit. As the court Is entitled to charge 10 cent * for each , It would cost Mr. Gralmra about ffXX ) to ilnu out thn exact plu rality of his opponent , and ho promptly do- cidcd to give up the ghost then and there. Tried It with Mnrphtno. Mrs. Henry Small , wife of a painter living et .Sixth nnd F streets , attempted suicldo by wallowing some morphlno this moraine , but thought bolter of it and called in assistance. tTho woman , her sister and several brothers Indulged in a little Jubilco with a boor keg ns the central figure tbo ether day , and tvhon her husband discovered it ho berated tor soundly. She took it to heart , and took & dose of morphlno as scheme of vengeance. Another story Is to Iho effect that her lius- imiid looked too fonuly upon a neighboring jBvoman , and she took the morphlno method to resloro his oblique morals to a perpendicular. Catn of Srir-Ucamictlun. Coroner Grim hold an Inquest today over the remains of Loulso Moyors , alias Jessie Adams , who was found dead in her bed yesterday afternoon. The evidence showed that the woman had frequently stated that pho intended getting rid of herself , and the resolution was crystallzed by the desertion of her lover , a bridge builder. Dr. Graham , who had attended her , tcstllled that the girl had frequently requested to know what was iho easiest method of killing herself , and iho coroner stated that the glass by her bedside bad ovluontly contained a solution of morphlno and strychnine. A verdict of belf-dcatruction waa rendered. City in Itrlnl. Frank Weber , William Snyder and Frank Robinson , three boys of about 18 , were nrrestcd this morning on the charge of burglary. On the night of the Oth inat. the bicycle rooms of Hooper ft Marshall were broken into and two wheels stolen. The theft was traced to the boys aud their arrest followed. Weber served a term in the re form school. In district court today .ludgo Tibbotts nnd ( I Jury are struggling with a 55,000 damage case In which Unbecca Atkins seeks to re cover for injuries sustained by a fall through in open trap door in the dry goods store of NIssloy ft Co. In Judge Lansing's court the case of Npblo against the Gund Brewing company Is on. The plaintiff , a 0-yoar-old boy , claims $1,000 damages for being bitten by a dog that was domiciled in the defend ant's ' storehouse. The defcnso is that it Doesn't own the doe. The long-oxpoctcd $ l,02fi estimate on tbo Viaduct contract , which the Burlington and Union Pacific railroad companies had once refused to pay , was paid today. The two en gineers employed by the city on the work were ready with drawn warrants , and ewooped down on $200 of the money , while the contractor took in the balance. It is ex pected that some moro trouble will ensue when the railroad company hears of this action , ns it had announced , its inten tion of reluslng to pay for any superintend ence by the city. The Axtcll Cot pipe company of Axtell , Jfob. , llled nrtlclesof Incorporation with the secretary of state today. The capital stock is * 2.500. The Board of Public Lands and Buildings had another mooting today , but did nothing po long as Tin : HUE representative lingered | n the vicinity. The following cases were filed In supreme Court today : State ngainst Daniel Mc Aleese , appeal from Chcycnuo couaty ; Wil liam D. Mead against George J. Paul ot al , error from Douglas county ; South Omaha National bank against Farmers and Mer chants National bank of Fremont , nnd porsoy Bros. & Co. . appeal from Dodpo county ; C. W. Goodwin against John Henry JPluggo , appeal from Colfax county ; Build ing and Loan association of Dakota against jlninca M. Cameron , appeal from Lancaster county. ; fur the Itonnlnn. ISLAND , Juno 23 , [ Special to THE JQcK. ] The chairman of the reunion com- biitteo , George P. Dean , has called a meet' Ing of the committee nt > the city hall Satur day evening , July 1 , at 710 : ! o'clock. Every Incmbor is urged to bo present , for a full program of entertainment will bo made and prepared for publication and advertisement. Quartermaster Harrison has now In print & alcgr.tm showing the position of Camp Ix > gan , with streets and avenues , booths , , speakers' stands , baggage rooms , .press headquarters , etc. The booth market Is open and applications may bo miulo to Hon. S. N. Wolbach. this city , in a low da.vs Quartermaster Harrison will send circulars to the commandants of. all the Grand Army of the Republic posts In the state ask ing for information as to how ninny soldiers nro likely to bo present anil ho-v many VUltors are expected to accompany them. Nrliraskii Crop I'rutpcrts , Lroxs , Mob. , Juno 23. ( Special to THE BEB. ] The crop prospect was never hotter nt thin season of the year than at present. Corn has made a wonderful growth within the lust week. Small grain of all kinds promises n big yield. Potatoes In some localltloi need a little rain. Good rains have fallen in many sections about hero within the last ten days. Farmers say they only need ono moro good rain on tlio small grain. The straw will bo very heavy this year. Tame grasses need rain In some localities , but the pasturage Is good and into kinds of stock are looking well. OAK. Nub. , Juno .a. ( Special Telegram to Tint BEK. ] Crops in this section of the country aio looking lino. Fall wheat harvest Kill bo commenced about July 5. Corn is icodlng rain. l'r inmit Nutoi ami I'cmaimU. FiiKMONTJuno23. [ Special toTiiBBBB.J Among these returning from the World's ( air yestordrtv were ; C , M. Williams , cashier of the First National bank , und wife ; Mra. H , \Yoolcott , wife of the | x > stmastor , a.nd their daughter IncHay ; Nye and wife , lioss. Hammond and wife , C. Chrlstlanson mid family and Prof. Hamlln , president of the Fremont Hualnoss college , A very largo majority of these who will have to pay their faro are waiting for u reduction In railroad rates. Several members of the Improved Order of Hod Men went to Lincoln today to enjoy k hunt in Lincoln park. Table Itaok Improvement ! . TAIII.E HOCK , Neb , , Juno 22. [ Special to HIK HUB. ] The now opera house is uoariug completion , the two stores being already occupied , ono with a clothing house , ttio other with a drug store. It vtlll bo com pleted next week. The fltirens having donated a lot fora hotel , ground was broken on Monday and the work of excavation goes steadily for- vard on the now building. It is near help business center , and will bo a valuable help to the town. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wevpli'K AVatnr Cniiimencemeiitf. WF.EVIHO WATKH , Neb. , Juno 22 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BBB. ] The commencement exercises of the academy occurred this evening - ing in the Congregational church , which was filled. The following are the names of tbo ; graduates with subject presented ; Cuarrlo Jlullcr , "ilirrors" ; Charlc * llcod , "UraeP * ; Georo F. Ulclmrdson. "Under lh Yoko"s William Torronco. "Iumo' Great Kulor. " Mrs , ICnlthloy and Mac Street each rendered vocal solootlous , nnd Dora SwoflrlnRon nnd Chnrrlo Hutlor , inUrumcntaL Diplomas worn presented by the president , Hov. Hlndtoy. The church was ilccoratoa beauti fully , The floral tributes were numerous. i'ouud i > J.IY Wlr . KKAUXBT , Juno 22.-Special [ Telegram to THE HBB.J This morninffwhile Thomas Phillips , n lineman for the Kearney Electric Street Hallway company , was doing some repairing , ho accidentally took hold of a live telephone wlro. The current wat so strong that It gave him n terrible shock ami ho was unable to lot go. Ho soon managed to con * ncct the nearest wlro to the ono ho had hold of by using his elbow which broke the cur rent * nd ho was released. Quo hand was horribly blistered and the ether badly Durnod. Judgment * Agnlrmt Knrmnr * . HASTINGS , Juno S3. [ .Special Telegram to Tun HEB. ] The Farmers Union Insurance Co. ot Grand Island n short tlmo ago be gan suit ngalnst 100 Adams county farmers In a local juitlccs' court. This i a mutual company , and the suits nro for assessment1 ! which tVo Insured refused to pay. None of thcso have jnt been tried on their merits , but today Judgmcul was taken by default on eight , and a number of other cases con- tlnucd. The farmers are combining to resist the suits. Oi k Will C'oloJr to thn Fourth. OAK , Nob. , Juno 22. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Oak will celebrate the Fourth of July In old fashioned stylo. C. E. Adams of Su perior has boon secured as speaker of the day. The Oak Silver Cornet band will ren der some of Its choice selections. The sports will consist of blcyclo races , horse races , foot races , foot ball and numqrous contests. Tlio bicycle race will consist of a throo- mile race , purse STM. A special invitation has been given to the city of Superior to at tend. Mnrrlod nt .Mlnilnti. DUNUAU , Nob. , Juno 22. [ Special to _ BEE. ] Thomas Hall , a prominent farmo * In" this vicinity , and Madgo Davidson , primary teacher In the local school for the past flvo years , were married at MInden Tuesday evening. On arriving hero yesterday after noon they were givun n grand reception at the clogaut homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Hall. Dcuth ot nn Aged Nclirnnka J.ncly. VAU-AHAISO , Neb , , Juno 22. [ Special to Tun Bpu. ] Grandma Stephens , mother of Dr. I. C. Stephens and .Tool Stephens of this place died at U o'clock last evening. She would have boon W years old next month. Senator Alton uu I'limnce. CI.AY CKNinit , Juno23. ( Special Telegram to Tun BIE. ] Senator Allen addressed a fair audience hero this afternoon , explain ing his views on the financial question. PRINCE'S "PLAN. ICepllos to a CrltlcUm on Ills Idea for n Working (5 Iris Homo. The subject of establishing n homo for working girls has created considerable in terest and discussion. Speaking of the matter yesterday to a BEB reporter Sol Prince said : "My conversation with a representative of TUB BEE has Docn the cause of some com ment , and the World-Herald in nn editorial , calls my attention to the fact that such a homo is already established by the Women's Christian association and urges that there should bo no rivalry but a unity of interest. In answer to this I dcslro to dclino my plan and position exactly. "I do not decry or underrate the ef forts of our noble women who are engaged in the good work of ameliorating human suf fering , bo they members of the Women's Christian association , the Creche , the Open JOoor , the hospitals or the Hebrew La- dies"Aid society. God bless them all. They nro all doing a blessed work. They are all exemplifying the teaching , 'The greatest of these is charity. ' Their existence is neces sary , but not for the women to whom 1 refer In my plan for a working woman's homo. This homo should bo so conducted as to remove - move all idea of charity , of religion or of any dependence whatever in connection therewith. Now , lot us look Into the matter , first as nn investment , and second as to practicability. I propose that a lot should bo purchased , not too far Jrom the business renter , on which should bo erected a build- ingcontaining200 sleeping rooms , parlor , bath rooms , spacious dining room , kitchen , etc. " ' This building would cost Jto build , with ground , approximately ยง .V,000. , Of the 200 rooms 100 should bo double , to accommodate two pcoplo each , and 100 single. Thus , wo have a homo capable of caring for 800 boarders. Now , a to the expense of running sucli nn institution and providing good meals , clean beds and bright , cheerful , sur roundings. As nn old hotel man. I claim that this can all bo done at a cost of $1.500 per month , including all expenses. "Now , lot us add to this a fair interest on the money invested say 0 per cent on $50,000 , or $250 per month , which , added to $1,500 , will make ? 1,750 per month. To provide - vide for all contingencies lot us call it $2,000 per month. This would require a charge of n little less than 17 per month for cich ten ant. The parlor should bo nicely furnished and provided with a good piano , and during the winter months , at least once a week , pleasant entertainment could bo readily afforded the guests by local talent , who would , I am sure , volunteer their services. No objection should bo made to any lady re ceiving gentlemen callers in the parlor , nnd I opine , that this alone would have a saluta tory effect on the morals of some men who would loam the lesson that a girl who works for her living , however humble that work may bo , is none the less n lady for that. "To conclude , my Idea would bo to make this , not a charity institution , but rather a working women's co-operative association , whcro mutual assistance could bo rendered. All the comforts of.homo could bo enjoyed , and incalculable benefits could bo mutually secured to the poor working women of this city. I < ecturo on the Art i\lilblt. Mr. 4V. 13. Curtis , formerly of Chicago , but now a resident of this city , delivered a very interesting lecture on the ' 'Art Exhibit at the Fair , " to a small but appreciative audience dionco at Young Mcns1 Christian Association hall last evening , Tlio siwakor dealt moro especially with the dis play of liberal arts. His description of the exhibits of the various nations was the next thing to a personal view of the gal- Tlio artistic arrangement of the buildings and landscapes of the AMilto City received some attention in the opening sentences of the address. Mr. Curtis stated that the art exhibit at the World's fair was fully 50 tier cent larger than that nt the Centennial , but ho was disposed to crjticho the arrange ment. The pictures woroscattored all over the galleries. These representing the United States vvcro displayed In eleven different rooms and tbo French exhibit was scattered through nearly twenty apartments , The catalogues were BO arranged that It was Im possible to toll In which room various paint ings were located nnd the visitor who wanted to find a certain picture had no recourse ex cept to search all through the exhibit. Ono of the striking features of the nx- hlblt WAS the absence of many of the works of the old masters. The exhibition was de signed to represent the work of the nine teenth century and but few of the paintings were of nn earlier date. According to the judgment of the speaker. Germany , the United 'States , Great Britain and Franco ranked In the order immod in the compara tive excellence of their exhibits , ' Inillllrrrnt to DniiRar. Complaint was mudo to the police last night that the one-story frame dwelling at 1515 Harnoy utroot was unsafe on account it the undermining of the foundation In ex cavating for the now hotel at Fifteenth IXid Harnoy streets. Tbo excavation reaches ido the alilo of the house and the bank Is out straight down for nearly thirty foot below the stills of the buildlug. The bank is now caving away , leaving the east side of bo house without propo- support , and it Is feared that ono of these Juno days it will coma tumbling down Into the excavation , The bouso is occupied by n colored family named Fields , who refused to move on their dangarous situation was explained to them , The building inspector was ad of the clrcuuibtauces aud will investigate the matter today. AMBITION OF YOUNG HEARTS Qlftddcnod by Promotion from the Eighth Grade to the High School. FAREWELL TO FIELDS OF FORMER STUDY Progrnm of Kxerctiei nt Kollom School Largo Clans nnd KvlUonco of 1'ro- flclener Dr. Din-yea nir $ tlio 1'niilU Some Candid Atlvloe. The eighth grade class at the Kellom school gave a very pleasing and crodlUblo Brogram yesterday afternoon , Itvas a farewell to the teachers and pupils of the school prior to tholr taking a stop higher into the High school at the opening ot the fall : term , fLt The principal of the school and Miss Lucas , teacher of the eighth grade , had both taken special pains to have the prepara tions complete , and the event was very much enjoyed by the visitors. After the . . . exorcises by the class , Dr. Duryoa was in troduced and delivered an admirable talk. Ho said , among other things , that ho hoped the members of the class would go to the High school next year , rather than bo sont. Young people who were sent to school rarely did as well as these who went. Ho then touched upon the central thought in work and recreation , saying ho had known people who really enjoyed wont , although as a rule : , it was natural to shrink from that which : required the exercise of the will and a good deal of energy to accomplish. Ho hoped the young people before him would learn to love mental work. When that had once : become the habit of life , then the pos sibilities for improvement were simply limitless. The doctor struck sonic of the folblos of fashionable society a fo\v vigorous blows , nnd advised the girls of the class to nut in but very little time before the look ing glass or In the hands of the fashion makers. IMucatlon Uefore Crimps. "Wo used to hear a good deal about this alleged ovoreducation , " said the enthusias tic ilivlno. "When I look nt fashionable so ciety and consider how Unlit and trifling It Is I am persuaded that It wilt bo a very long time before wo.noed to fear anything like over-education. No man can bo too well ed ucated to bo an honest man and a good father. No woman can bo too highly edu cated to bo a true and useful woman and a good mother. " Ho cautioned the boys that they should not sot their mark too high. Their chances of being president of thoUnited States were , to say the least , rather slim. Neither was it by any moans certain that the young men before him would over become rich. If they did they would probably have to go through the same experience with nearly every ether man in the country who had grown rich , "thoy would have to fall once or twice. " But there is ono thing that they could bo. They could bo honest aud useful men. This , ho held , should bo their aim. Ho wanted to see each of the young people before him resolve to make his or her mind a kingdom in which they would have enjoyment of that substantial and enduring kind that no dis aster or failure in life could deprive thorn of. In closing ho expressed a hope that every member of the class would como to the High ' school next fall filled with a dcslro to make the most , of all the opportunities there pre sented for developing tholr minds and en larging their fields of usefulness. 1'roRrura thut IMonsod. Miss Arnold , teacher of music in the schools , favored the audience with a song , which was heartily encored. The program of exercises as presented by the graduating class is as follows : Music WHIloMyors 1'rusBiitatlon of Itouqiiots Kobert Johnson Salutatory May Htocklmm Song Welcome to Spring School Ilumlet , 1'rlnco of Denmark Charles Klchelborgor Dramatis I'orsonao Hope ConUiln Fate of the Principal Characters In Hamlet AnoKlkjor Ophelia I'earlo Sunderland Tlio Uravo Digger Albert Innls Frank Smith Mary Christiansen Quotations from Hamlet. . llosslo Gnrmon Muuda Miles Tlsha llulloy George Johnson linmlct'a Advlco to Players I.ouis Muslim Horatio Ppoakos Jeislu Wilson Hiimlet'H Soliloquy Robert McUlulland Thu Swiss Mountaineer Song School ( Jlass Prophecy Cl'ira Percy Kitiownll Sara Hnrpur Ked , Whltound llluu School p Chlmea of n liheitmic Doll. Notorious Bell Brandon , whoso euphonious title has appeared on the police- record at regular intervals for many years , Is again in trouble. This time It Is n charge of shooting with intent to kill. The crime was com mitted in ono of the cells of the city jail , whcro tlio pugnacious Boll was confined for intoxication and disorderly conduct. "Dude" Gibson , one of the minutes of the Brandon resort , was arrested yesterday afternoon for disturbing the peace. About 7 o'clock last evening the Brandon woman ap peared at police headquarters for the pur pose of liberating her friend. She was ac companied by n "Jag ; " of liberal proportions nnd had no sooner explained the object of her visit than she began to make things ex ceedingly lively around the Jail. Jailer Havoy finally put her out and she continued her performance on tlio sidewalk outside. After the matinco had continued a few minutes Sergeant Whalen went out n'id ar rested the exhilarated femalu. who greeted him with n volley of profanity that was audible n couple of blocks away. She was locked In a cell with the Gibson woman nnd loudly called to Whalen to come down st.iirs as she wanted to kill him. Nothing was thought of it at the time , but it afterward transpired that the woman meant business , as EMU ) 1114U tt 88 caliber revolver leveled tUn/u li the bars rcndy to Insert a bullet In tbo ottlcor us soon as ho tnndu his upponrnncn. Uolnff disappointed In the appearance of tbo olllccr , she turned her attention to tbo woman whom she bad como to relcaso. She accused her of bolus , responsible for all her trouble and llnally leveled her weapon In her face imd flred. .Luck ily the Amazon was too much in- toxlcatod to win a prize In a shooting con test , u\ul the bullet passed through the dress ot the Qlbson worattn without Inflicting nny serious Injury. The shot brought down a couple of ofllcers , who disarmed the unruly female and locked her in a solitary coll. Student ! Drowned , DETIIOIT , Juno 23. Aspoclal dispatch from Toronto says : Edward Kelly and J. N. Clothier , law students , nnd Edward Uivard and Camilla Maguln , medical students of JoIIot college , were drowned by upsetting tlinir boat. Mrl. Olnvoliinil ut lltiizurU's liny , Duziuiin's BAT , Juno 23. Mrs. Cleveland , her child and nurse arrived on the steam yacht Onolda today , with tlio rain falling in torrents. The parly was assisted onto the steam launch and transferred to Gray Gables. NOTIIINO STANDS AS ' as a remedy for every wo manly uilmont , 'na Dr. Picrce'a Favorite Prescription. Here is Uio proof. It's tbo only medicine for women so certain - tain iu its Directs that it can bo maranteed. In every cose , If it doesn't benefit or euro , your money to returned. Can any thing elsethough it may bo bet ter for n tricky dealer to bell , bo 41 just as good " for you to buy I "Fnvorito Prescription" la an invigorating , restorntlvo tonic , a soothing and strength * onlng nervine , and a cammcto cure for all the functional de rangements , painful disorders , aud cbronlo weakiiftbcs poculiur to the BOX. For young girls just entering womanhood ; for women ot iho critical "change of llfe' | > for women approaching confinement ; nurs ing mothers ; and eiery woman who U "run-down , " tired , or overworked it la a bafo , and certain help. If you have an iucurablo case of Catarrh , UIB projiriotoraof Dr. Bage's Catarrh Remedy will pay you * 500 cash. They bellovo that they con euro you. THE FACT That AYEIVS SnrsapArlllii CUIIES OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases , Eruptions , Hells , Eozoma , Liver rind KUlnoy .Diseases , Dyspepsia , lUiou- tnatlsm , and Catarrh should bo con- vlticing that the fcrtine course of treatment WILT. OUUK YOU. All that has been said of 'tho ' wonderful cures effected by the use of , AVEIR'S Sarsaparilla during the past 60 years , truthfully nppHea to-day. It is , in ovcry sense , The Superior Medicine. Its curative - tivo properties , strength , effect , nnd flavor arc always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYEIVS Sarsaparilla is taken , they yield to tills treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla , don't be Induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes , which are mostly mixtures of the cheapest in gredients , contain no sarsapariiia , have no uniform standard of ap pearance , flavor , or ofTcct , are blood- puriflcrs in n'amo only , and nro of fered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver&Co. , Lowell , Mn . Bold by all Dritggliu ; Price $1 ; lx bottle * , $6. Cures others will cure you Dr. w. H. SETTS , Principal and Soiilot Monibor of the Famous Firm of Physicians , Surgeons anl Specialists. "Aro tlioy dolnpal'nr o business ? " U a question of ton a ked concerning Drs. llotts & Bolts , jlmiulrers arn requested to road tbo following BUinniary nnd Judge for themselves : Number of years Inpractlcn " 7 Offices In opontlon In various eltlos. . . . 11 Assistants employed 21) ) Unultal Invested In business { 203,000 Avorase annual expenses 00,03 : ) Avor.iKoanmi ilrocolpts 142,4'U Number cuses In 27 yo irs M.42J Complete euros olTootod Si.KS Oroatly bciicllttod 1.U12 Kellovcd and linprovoil 2)2 ! ) Notoiired 20 Cost of proposed now Institute 125,030 Cost per minimi of udYOrtlsliu. JIXUOO Itoal estate owned by firm 200,000 Nowondorthat Dr. W. II. Uetts , the lioail of this great firm. Is re ferred to b v his friends ns "tbo grny- hulrod old doctor. " for to his untir ing energy and perseverance , his slRiiul ability , both at a business and professional man , has the busi ness of tbo firm grown from abso lutely nothlu ? to Its present Blgan- tlo proportions. To create and maintain so great nn enterprise u enough to turn any man cr.iy.whllo thn glow or honest pride that shines In his kindly fiico , his ruddy feat ures nnd quick , firm , eli 9 lo Rtop , all bespeak the joy ho fools In the great fluucoss ho has von nnd tlio Rood bo has bestowed upon his fol low man. The s'.ok and the sulTor- Inc will find In him a true and last- in ) ; friend DRS. BETTS & BETTS , 119 S. I4fh Street , Cor < Douglas St. OMAHA , - - - - NEB. New York Hospital TREATMENT. Chronic , Nervous , Prlsate and Special Diseases , of bofi HEN AND WOjIBX ! Ftnotiiro and nil other troubles treated at ressoimbla cbiirBea CONSULTATION I'UEli Oallooor ' il DOUGLAS BLOCK , - OMCAHA. NEB Opposite II uy dp iji Liroi. . ttr , . 'RTl\nV'Ci Cntarrh' JOuro ouroi caiairh DllVlM liii O All UrUiiuijU. Ua euti. e CAN BE CURED IN 10 MINUTES 1 > V UbINU PRICE 35c PER BOX. Your Druggist UAMJi'AGTIUCKU 1 > V OMAHA , - NB3. SPECIAL SALE ON SATURDAY OF MEN'S AT THE CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE. O-OO3DS GBEAT HALF PRICE UNDERWEAR SALE. BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 25c , 38c and 40c , worth double CONTINENTAL , 1 fl This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. "Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility , Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused by Debilitating Bosses , Excesses or Over-Indulgences , In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dissiness , I < oss of Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages , or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine or Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? 11 ESPANO ' ' will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nerves , hair , nails , skin , blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last ono month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 0 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at ono time and n guarantee will bo given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure , the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address , oo. , 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. , U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above address. STRENGTH.VITALITY , MANHOOD .n. IMIlKKlt.M. . , lio,4 Uulduch at * 'Xf , Uji ) . , chief coniultixg pkyilclan oIM I'KAKODVMKUIUAI. . INSTITUTE , to wh" ) waa awarded Uio OOLU MKIIIL by tlie HATIONIC Vi'jucUTlON fo. tbo PltlZK KS8AV on atUiiAtfop ytXtrtouttMH'liyiUal all IHtta * and ll'eatniu of Uvn. niinf'O the younp , Uiu mlddlt-ayid and aid. lillHrN Consultation in ptrnoii or tjr U-tltr , UUIILO l'ro , ; > fxtui with WlmouUli ; FKEB. Urge book. S01KNCE OF 1,1 FK , OK BEI.y- 1-UKSKHVATIOX , SCO pp. . 126 lnv lu ble pro l KtX ouly 41.W im mall RUPTURE J'KHMANIiNTI.Y CURED or NO PAY , NO PAV UNTIL CURED. Wo refer you to300 p-Ulvnti. [ IUHUniHl DtCCDtUPN Nut'l Hank of Commerce. Omaha. rinflNlilfll lurtlUIMl U rumu H.vvlnx * IIuuU. Omaha. Nn detention from bimlnusi , No operation. luvo * . tlgnto our method. WrlUun guarantee to nlHolntuly euro nil kinds of KUITUKK of both voxel witlioul th use of ktilfu , no mutter of how long Uiullnj { , EXAMINATION FREE. THE 0 , E , MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 N. Y. Llfo Buildiug , Omivlm , Nub , SEND roil