THIS OMAHA DAILY BEfe * FRIDAY , JUNE 23 , 1893. 3 THE DAILY BEE COUXOIMILUFF& - lOi'KAUI. 1'cJltetr-fl 'y rnrrlri to nny purt ct tli Ml : . w , rn.vox , - MANAOKH vre ' UtHliiOM Office. . . . . . . . . No. ' N1 > nlil KiiUur. . No. ' WA TlO.Vt N. V. MurrhlnffCM Bodton Htorc for turn \mibro\lA3 \ .ludsoti , pbslurnije , " 2" Sixth avenue. MlHonliciwer Is tha 'natter , rffll Uroadway The Mnyno Ks ! Ale Co. , < Wt Broadway. Alderman C. A. Tl'jbatts took out a permit yesterday for the cn-ctlon of tv 12,000 dwell ing tin lot 7 , block ? , Tlblwtts' .subdivision. The case of Bartlns against Witt , which has occupied thu attention of Judge Doomor for nbout two week ; , went to the jury JTS- tcixtny. Tlio funeral of William Stedcntopf will take place this morning at 10 o'clock from his late rcfddcneo on Kast Broadway , and the remains will bo taken to Fairviuw ceme tery for burial. Mr. and Mrs. John Burhyto celebrated their silver wedding last evening Y enter taining a party of friends at their homo on Benton street. A number of valuable pres ents worn received by thn worthy couplo. The Frco Methodists are arranging fona camp meeting In a tout at tbo corner of Avo- uuo B and Twenty-fourth street. H will commence tomorrow evening nnd meetings will bo hold every night until July 2. The tent U now Doing put , Into .shape. Thu lire department was failed out l.'ist evening about 0 o'clock by an alarm from North Main street. The City Steam laundry roof was ablaze , having caught from a chimnoy. The Hro was extinguished with out cllfllculty and the damage wan nominal , Cadmin , the valuable horsoowni-d by the Into Senator Leland Stanford of California , has recovered from his recent Illness , which has Kept him coiillned In Masc WIso's stable for nbout a month past , and will bo taken to Chicago in a few days to fullllll his summer engagements. i The ladles of the Christian church are very anxious to known w hat popular young minister It was that went to Lake Mnimwa last evening to see the balloon go up , nnd provided himself with a lifo preserver to effect n possible rescue of the aeronaut should she happen to tail into the lake. Articles of Incorporation wcro filed with the recorder by n now organization which has adopted the appropriate and suggestive name of "Tho Golden FIceco Mining and Milling company.1 The capital stock of the company Is ? GOO,000 and the directors uro Guorgo . Pierce , Henry W , Hodson , ICdwin A. Kent , David 1C. Lee nnd S. S. Kennedy , nil of Denver. A quiet wedding took place yesterday afternoon at the residence- Mr. Greene , the dairyman , cast of the city , the contract ing parties being Mr. Itoscoc Houston and Miss Carrie M. Greene. Hov. A. Overtoil ofllciated. Mr. Hi-aston Is In the employ of L. C. Boslcy. Mr.- and Mrs. Hcaston will commence housekeeping at the old Besloy homestead on Upper Broadway. The HuU-HarrlS'OUtllt , which was charged with adultery , was discharged by Justice FOK yesterday , nothing criminal being proved against them. Another information was Immediately lllcd before Justice Vlon , charg ing them with stealing Mr. Hull's ' furniture , which was afterward found in the house where tlio pair wiis found living together , nnd they were arrested as they loft Justice Fox's court room. The general synodical convention of the Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary society of the Lutheran church , now In ses sion at Omaha , will hold church lotconsccru- tiofi services on the lot of St. John's English Lutheran church , corner of Willow avenue nnd Seventh street , on Saturday from 70 : ! to S-)5 : ) p. m. Some of the most distin guished ministers of the Lutheran denomi nation will bo present. The public is invited to attend. The members of Fidelity council , Iloyal Arcanum , with their families , will picnic nt Manawa this evening , the occasion being the anniversary of the founding of the order. A special train will leave the corner of .Ninth street and Broad way nt 5 p. in , , which will connect 1 with n spccial boav that lias been engaged to take the party across the lake to the bench. All arrangements have been completed and those who go are assured of a good time. Burglars have been paying nocturnal visits to houses in various parts of the city re cently. The meat market kept by Pethy- bridge & Hutalllck is amour the latest to bo enter < ! d. The cash register was broken open 'and JS in cash stolen. Not long ago another burglar tried to got into the housu occupied by Mrs. Frank Hitchcock and chil dren near the Washington avenue school building , but Mrs. Hitchcock seized a re volver that happened to bo lying near and tired n shot in the direction from which the sounds emanated. Ho immediately do- cumpcd. The grand jury met yesterday and heard evidence In regard to the recent motor acci dent on Main street , for the purpose of fixing the responsibility of the tragedy. Miss Maud Bryant , George Burke , tlio conductor , nnd J. W. Iloyinui wcro all able to bo present , although "they nro far from \\oll. Mr. Bixb.v is suffering from a broken breast bone , and It is feared will not bo able to appear before the grand Jury for some time. The broken bone is thu cause of a crcat deal of pain at times. Mis ? Bryant is scarcely able to walk , oven will : assistance , and Mr. Hoyman uses u cane. Wo Wnnt to ( Jo to If you Imvo tlio cash wo have the pianos , nml for the next thirty days yoi can hiivo them at your own price Wo have too largo a stock and inuat soil , Mueller Piano and Or an Co. , 103 Mail 1 Btreot. Stop at the Ogilon , Council BlufTa , .10 best 2.00 house In Iowa , I'KJlSUX.l/4 1'Alt.l UH.ll'Ill , Mrs. J , J. Gravatto has gene to Chicago. Miss Ulara Troutnuin Is visiting friends In Glonwood. Mrs. W. S. Cass will leave today for a visit to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Woolsoy are homo from Chicago. John Schocnticon roturnud yesterday from nn eastern trip. Dr. A. 1 > . Ilunchctt returns this morning from n trip to Chicago. H. 10. Ingrnham has returned from a visit of two weeks to Chicago. Mrs. O. W. Graham and two children loft for Chicago last evening. J. J. Stork and family of Dcnton street loft yesterday for Chicago , where 'they will re side. side.Tho The members of the Andrews Opera com pany are tiuurtcred at thu Grand and Ogden hotels. N. W. Williams nnd family will leave shortly for Idaho Springs , Cole , , whcro they will spend several weuks. Mrs. Charles Lunkley is visiting relatives in Adams , Neb. , nnd other towns. She will bo gone six or seven weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Da via and their father , J. S. Davis , returned yesterday from a two weuks visit In Chicago , W , 0. Hoycr has returned from Chicago , whereho represented thu Omaha Tyw- | graphical union at thu international con vention. Miss Fannie Walker of the South Dakota Bchool for the Deaf la spending her vaca tion with her father in this city , A. 1) ) . Walker. George Van Houten- I nor , who has been In the city during thu past week at tending the Sons of Veterans encampment , is on his way to Honolulu , where hu will spend some time looking over thu country and the inhabitants. Mrs. J. A. Hart of Cedar Haptds , MUs J. Stoner of Dos Moines and Mrs. Itobert Wynn and son of Newton , la , , delegates to the Luther Missionary convention at Oiimha , are the guests ot Uov. and Mrs. G. W. Suydor , 217 South Seventh street. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main Btreot , largest and best blo.vulo stock in city. Another improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Musio Co UbO Domestic soap. NWS FROM COOSCIt BLUFFS Appointment of a Receiver for tlio Omaha & St. Louis Railroad Company. CAUSE GIVEN TOR TAKING SUCH ACTION T , r. IlnrnnrJ , n Wnll Known tlallroml Mnn , 1'lHCCil In CliMrco of AIT.ilm liy the Court A. Statement Ironi n Director. For several days vast J.'F. Darn mil , a rail way man who U kuowu all over the country , has boon la Council ItlnlTs , but no ono seemed .t'o know exactly what was the business which brought him ho o. Yester day noon the rumors that have boon nbout vaguely In railway circles as to the object of hie. visit wore all sot nt rest by tlio announcement of Ills appointment to the ofllco of receiver for the Omaha & St. Louis railway. A petition was lllcd In the United States district rourt at ICookuk late Wednesday afternoon by the United States Trust company of Chicago , asking for the appointment of u receiver to wind up the affairs of the company. Judge % \oolson hoard the case ynstcriay morning , granted the petition , appointed Mr. Barnard , approved his bond , and the receiver toolc hoW of the duties of his olllco nt noon. A visit to tno general olllccs of the company In the Murrlnm block yesterday found Mr. Barnard up to his neck , to all appearances , In work. Ho said that hu had hud no limn to examine Into the affairs of the company a.s J-ot , so that he could give but llttlo Information that would bo worth anything. Ilo professed not even to know what waa the ground upon which thu Union Trust company had applied for the appointment of a receiver. R M. Uault , the manager of the road , was out of the city and will not bo homo until some time today , so that it could not bo learned positively how the change In management will altecti him , but It is rea sonably certain that his connection with the company will bo severed. Onn ot tlio Director * Tall , * . W. II. M. I'usey , one of the members of the board of directors , was sen yesterday nud asked for n statement of the issues between the Union Trust company and the railway company which had led to the present situation. "About two years ago , ' ' ho replied , "at a meeting of the stockholders and bondholders of the road It was decided to pass the payment of interest which would como duu last July and last January and to use the money which would , otherwise bo used In paylnc off inter est coupons in Improving the road. At that time the company was in very bad financial straits. This decision was per fectly legal , as a majority of all the stock holders united in it. There weroothers who were opposed to it , hoxvover , anil they have now united in this action to have the man agement of the road put into other hands. The receipts of tlio road will now bo used in paying off the interest which was passed lust July and January. " Ilo admitted , however , thai that was a small amount , comparatively speaking , so that it is prob able that there are other circumstances con nected with the case which Mr. Pusey is keeping under his hat. Sl'I'.CIAL. SALU OnVull 1'apcr , Monlilln H nml iioiilc * Tor 3 Pays nt the ISoUon Stnre. FRIDAY , SATURDAY ami MONDAY , JUNK 23 , 24 and 2(5 ( , wo will sell WALT , PAPKK , MOULDINGS and BOOKS , nt prices novel- hoard of in this part of the country before. During1 this sale wo will sell papers at prices that oven other dealers cannot buy at from the manu facturers , ami every roll wo g-uarnnteo lull weight and length or money re funded. If you intend buying anv paper or want any papering done , DON'T MISS THIS CHANCK. CHANCK.WALL WALL I'APEUS. All our Sc and lOc mica and gilt papers to go during this sale at 4Sc per roll. All our 12c } and IScmetallic lilted poods for 3 days at 7Jc per roll. All pur 20c full gilt papers and coppers during this sale for lOc a roll. All our embossed papers that sold for iMe and 33c a roll for 3 days nt 12Jc a roll. All our ingrniu papers during this sale for lOo a roll. All our UOHDKHS of every description at HALF rillOE for II days. KOOM MOULDINGS. H-inch hardwood mouldings for 3 days at l c per foot. 1-inch pink edges and gilt and pink ornamented during sale at 2Jc per foot. IHnch ornamental moulding in (5 ( styles and colors , regular price 7c per foot , for 3 days nt 3Jc per foot.Jinch gilt beading , regular price 3c per foot , for 3 days at He per foot. i and 5-inuh ornamental headings , regu lar price -le per foot , during sale at 2c per foot. 110OICS. 200 paper covered books , regular prieo 2oc , for thrco days at fie each ; a good assortment of titles. 1,000 12-mos. cloth bound books , choice from nil the best authors , publishers' prices f > 0e and 7fio each ; for 3 days wo will soil thorn at IHc each. 100 Drmuinond's addresses , all com bined , bound in half vellum , regular price 81.2.'for ) ; 3 days at 37Jo each. 201) Doro illustrated banks , Dante's Iri- fcrno , Dante's Purgatory and Paradise , Milton'sPnntdii-o Lost and the Doro Bible Gallery , published at 20.00 each ; for 3 days they go at 7c ! ) each. I All of the above items nro only to bo seen at tlio Boston store. No 0110 can duplicate them. FOTIUCUINQIIAM , WlHTKLAW it CO. , LKADUHS AND IMIOMOTKHS oi < I'HIOKS. BIoss Bros. , the pnporhangors , will hang paper at 12c ! per roll. Our work our reference. Hooin 3 , Everett block. Sontrnci'il Ilokitinper. William Hokeniper , who was convicted of seducing Anna Damltz lst week In the district . . trict court , was sentenced by Judge Thornell yesterday to a term of fourteen months in the penitentiary , Ilo will appeal the case < to the supreme court. The jury In the case of the state azalnst Frank Peach , charged with stealing a lot of tools , returned a verdict of guilty. T. W. Hodson , tlio Kust Omaha man who was charged with obtaining money under false pretenses In a trade , was discharged. Ilotli sides had announced themselves ready for trial , the jury had been empanelled and was in the box , nnd a witness was on the stand , when It WAS suddenly discovered that the Etato did not care to prosecute. The case has been pending for two years , and during n good shuroof that time HoJson was in jail , being unublo to furnish a bond , Muimua. Picnic trains/ / until further notice , will leave for that great llshing resort ! , Hay's Landing and Mamiwa park , Min eral Springs , Gorman shooting grounds iBI Manhattan bench and Miumwa oporn ' house ( where two performances will bo ' given during the season dally at 4 and aiO : ; o'clock p. m. ) as follows : Nine and 11 a. in. and 1 and 1 ! p. m. , and every thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : at night. Last train will lonvo Manawa for Council Blutl's at 11:55 : D. in. "Great clearing sale of mllllnory going out of business everything less cost. The Luuis , 25 S. Main St. Domestic soup is the best. DUucrcoiuciit llulMfcn IMrtnerj. W. II. Barton and George Gchriug , who have been keeping u restaurant at D13 Hroadway , have hud u fulling out , and the former , In u petition tiled in the superior court asking for the appointment of era receiver airs his woes. Ho states that , although the business requires a suave uud polite uiuuucr ou the part of the roe printer , Ochring has driven < xwny customer * by n $ t.iill.jiis ni'Klcct to live up to the rules of the books on ctlnunlto. Ho also claims that the junior member of the firm ha gone about the place looking RO slovenly as to take ' nwny the nppctltc.i of the guest ! ) . Ho wants a receiver appointed In order thnt the affairs of the firm may bo wound up. err rou TIIKIII IIUMLS. Cloto of the Sons of VelcrAnn Kncnivtpmcnt Olllccrft ICIectcd. ' The closing session of the state encamp ment of the Sons of Veterans was held yesterday. Most of the visitors loft on the ' afternoon trains , nnd nearly nil the balance took the trains that loft In the evening , BO that the streets , which have been bristling with blue uni forms for the past three days , will rcsumo ttielr wonted appearance. The principal Item of business transacted yesterday was the election of ofllccrs. TliQ Sons of Vet erans and Ladles' Aid society held separate meetings ] , and the following oftlccrs were chosen for the succeeding year : Sous of Veterans Commander , Owen Smith of Dos Molties ; senior vlco comman der , W. H. Jenkins of Sao City ; Junior vlco commander , William 1) . Stewart of Mar- shalltown ; division council , E. C. Wcinpart- ncr of Davenport , C. J. Thibet of Mnrcngo , and C. H. White of Waterloo ; dclegatc'-at- largo to the next encampment , It. Shawvan of Icnlson ; delegates , J. 1) . Lyon of Mis- sourl Valley and George 11. Gray of Wash- ton. ton.Ladles' Aid Society President , Mtnnio Clampltt of DCS Moines ; vlco president , Sarah Uuohlcr of Dubutpio ; council , Mrs. A. D. Hunger of DOS Mtmilu llcach of Ottumwa and Pearl Stevens of Washing ton. ton.Tlio Tlio next meeting will bo hold nt Port Madison nt n time not later than July 10 , 1SIM. The exact time is to bo selected by the division council. ' Ten Dnyi : il thu World' * 1'iilr. It will cost you less than & " > 0.00 , every thing necessary included. This means homes in private cottage , clean , safe. close to grounds and on the beacli of Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno- weth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to II. W. Tilton of THE BEE , or Jacob Sims of Sims & Baiiibridge , Council Bluffs. The r.rnml lintel , Council Bluffs. The most elegant In lowu. Dining room on seventh tloor. Rate , $3.00 and $3.00 a day. E. F. Clark , Prop. _ Y. fll. t ; . A. rielil l ) : y. The field day which is now being arranged for the Fourth of July by the committee appointed from the Young Men's Chris tian association promises to bo nn in teresting affair. The program will cou- r 1st of short and long distance running1 , bicycle races and other athletic contests. All amateurs will bo admitted to these con tests free. The committee wishes , through the columns of THE Bun , to express its desire that every young mnn in the city , who is at all able to take part in the contests do so , ill' order that as interesting nn ex hibition as possible may bo prepared. The program will bo published at an early date. Thu committee on arrangements will bo glad to give information concerning the Held uay. and any ono wishing to take part Is rc- qui-sted to call upon John Hclwig at the as sociation rooms , or on Will J. Wallace , chairman of the committee. T. J. Clark represents on the road Wheeler , Herald & Co. , Council Bluffs ; only perfect cold storage plant in the west. General commission business. Fruits a specialty. Bettor prepared than any competitors to get best results from all ounsigninonts. Write for quo tations. _ To every lady visitor at Davis' drug store will bo given a glass of soda free on Thursday , 22. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. \Valliicu Hiitchor. The funeral of Wallace Hatcher , whose sad death was a shock to the community , took place yesterday afternoon from the rcsi. dcnco of Captain B. W. Hight on Fourth street. A large number of friends wore present , and the services , which were conducted by Uov. Dr. Askin , assisted by Kev. 10. J. Babcock , wcro v ? ry affecting. Music was furnished by thn surpllccd choir of St. Paul's church , of which the deceased was a member. The following j'oung men astcd us ushers : Will Souiro , Clinton Spooner , Frank Stacy , Robert Baldwin , Thoron Jossclyn , Will Wallace. Nothing is cooler or moro sanitary than Chinese and Jap mattings for sum mer use. The Council Bluffs Carpet company is closing out a big stock at a big reduction. Music for balls , parties , picnics , so cials , etc. , by Muclcinns Union. J. 13 Follott , Mgr. , 400 B'way , Council Bluffs. Cook yoi" meals this summer on a gas range. At cost at Iho Gas company. I'm IH'tvolo. The Andrews Opera company began n thrco nights engagement last night at Dohany's with "Fra Dlavolo. " Opera in midsummer is somewhat of an experiment in this city , but the enthusiasm that the Andrews people awakened solved the prob lem satisfactorily. The audience was en thusiastically delighted and called the vari ous members of the company before the curtain rcnc.ilcdly , and uncoro followed encore until the company was almost wearied. Tonight the company will present ' "Dor othy , " and the probability Is that there -will bo no vacant chairs oven In the hot balconies. Mctzcnr & Ksindlelt'K Jco Cream. Try Motzgor & Rundlott's pure and delicious ice creams and ices and yon will order no other. Groenshlolds , Nicholson & Co. have moved their real cstato olllco to ( iOO Broadway , opposite postollluo. Tel. 151. Protect your homes against destruc tive storms. W. G. Jamoa has the strongest companies in the world. Murrluc" I.lemur * . The following marringo licenses wcro 1s- sued yesterday : Niitno nml address. ARO. I John Woytliniun , Omaha 21 I Clam llirelianl , Onuiha 20 i Itoscoo llenstoii , Council Itluffri 26 j Ciirrlo.M. Green , Council lllulfs 10 J John J.owli , Tnrkc'o City , Mo . 23 I Llhhlo Hall , Turkeu City , Mo . 18 I James Anclurson , Council III all's . 27 ] _ Aummli : Uumiurson , Council HlufTs . 21 Every lady purchasing $2.00 worth at Davis' will bo presented a 75o bottle of Tolu water for the complexion. A beautiful line of ladles' and gent's pocketbooks , piiffcos and curd cases just received at Davis. ' Ask your grocer for Domestic soap , IHtluranoo In Aiirul rucnltio . A rather peculiar misunderstanding seems to exist between the residents of South Kinciccnth street , immediately south of JucKson street. At CUj uouth Kinotcenth street Is a boarding house presided over by Mrs. Frmk. Karly last evening some of the neighbors telephoned to the police station that some ono had been shot at the boarding house. A pistol shot had been heard , but 3J 3S no gore was observed It was thought that no fatalities had resulted. When asked for particulars Mrs. Frlnk professed dciiso ignorance. She had heard i a shot just ns stio wus seating herself at the supper table , but had no idea who ilrcd it. 3t That ono of her boarders should commit such an indiscretion was preiiosteroua. They wcro the nicest young men in town and the story that ono of them hud brought home u jag and in the exuberance of his joy dls charged a pistol , wus u campaign Ilo of the blackest dye. " On thu other hand , a dozen of the neighbors could not bo dissuaded from the certainty that some one had "llrod a shot within the precincts of Mrs. Frluk's board ing house , and there the matter wus allowed to rest. f Ji IfAPTl llftl C' ntMlllPfM UTPrv MOST ROADS nJSEPREStNTED J.r J.ri i < Passenger Agents of Omnlm Meet and Or- ganiza a Local Association. " * * - , _ GNAWED THE BIG feONE OF CONTENTION Jtrprcnoiitnlloii VlRnromly DUctmcd Con- ( lilornlilo n.irllRnt 'Uncil ' Without Ac- coin pll liln 5 Anything Committee to Or.nii theKnotty 1'rolilom. "Chin-chin" nmy bo said to fairly charac terize the Initial meeting of the local Pas senger Agents association yesterday after noon , when an effort was made to organize the association under the rules recently adopted by the Western Passenger associa tion , At the suggestion of Chairman Caldwcll , Chief Clerk .1. W. Munn of the passenger de partment of the Elkliorn , called the meeting to order. The following roads were represented : Union t-'nclflo by Messrs. C. Mackenzie and Harry ' P. Dcuol ; Missouri Pacific , W. II Barnes ; D. & M. , Assistant General Passen ger Agent A. B. Smith and W. F. Vnlllj Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , W. J. Dav enport , Council Bluffs , who also represented the Kn lisas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs ; Chicago , Hock Island & Paclllc , J. U DcBcvolso ; Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , F. A. Nash mid C. J. Carrier ; Chicago & Northwestern , George F. West : Wnbash , George M. Clay ton ; Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha , C. A. Mitchell ; Elkhorn , J. W. Munn. Hardly had the temporary chairman ex plained the object of the meeting when the question of representation was raised and for thrco quarters of .in hour the passenger lights sparred baok and forth until It was finally agreed to leave the question of how many votes each s.vntcm should have In the meeting to a committee composed of Harry Dauel , W. F. Vuill and George Clayton , which committee will report this afternoon nt2 ! o'clock to the association , when it is thought an organization will bo effected and n secretary elected. COMUIAIIO-UTAU COU.MISSION' . Slight Itcclitctlon Mtuto by It In llutcs Ktoetlim of Scorclnry. DENVEII. Juno 522. This morning the Col orado-Utah railway commission had things all Its own way at the Brown palaoo , the Transmlsslourl association having completed its business , and many of the olllclals having loft last night for their posts in the cast. The entire morning was/taken up In discuss ing the rules -us they are applicable to the lines doing business between Colorado and Utah and with only a few minor changes they were adopted the same as those govern ing the Transmtssouri association. Immediately following the revision of rules , the election of a secretary was t.ikcn up and P. J. Flynn unanimously chosen to 1111 the position. In the matter 6f rates a reduction was made between Colorado common points and Utah common points. At present the rate onu way is $2r . Co'hi'ihcndng July 1 It will bo reduced to $ 'JO.I ! The round trip rate to the same points Is-hlso reduced $5. This completed the business of the committee and It adjourned sino nic > Another Cut on IMcilln Following the cut ' 'Of the Great Northern yesterday J. W. Ifarihafonl , general trafllc manager of the Northern Paclllc , announced that on Juno 5 the iNorthcrn Pacific would put in effect'a first-class rate of $25 , St. Paul to Portland , and a' ' second-class rate of $18 , being a cut of $1P ( and $3 on the Great Northern's rate ' made last Sun day. But Mr. ' Hill , not feeling the body blow ) dealt him by the Northern Pacific , announced yesterday that the Great' Northern would put the same rates Into' dffec't Juno 25 as made by the Northern Paclllc , on the ground that while rates wcro somewhat cut the rate made by the Great Northern to Pacific coast points did not quite adjust the differ ences on rates previously mado. And so the merry war goes on. The Union Pacific has done nothing toward meeting this rate and i > robablv will not as Mr. Hill is just a trifle too swift at the pres ent time for transcontinental roads. Paying business to him would bo ruinous business to any other road. President Caldwell of the Western Pas senger association , getting tired of these cut rates on the Great Northern's part , has called a general meeting of the association for next Tuesday at' Chicago , when the mat ter will bo discussed und some method de vised to stop the bold buccaneer of the northwest in slashing rates In the middle. ThoHo riiiKxr Kiitog. Omaha wholesalers und importers of sugar are by no means satisfied with the now rates just promulgated on sugar from Now Or leans , objecting to thu discrimination in favor of St. Joe , which takes the same rate from the Gulf as Omaha , permitting thu1 city to enter what is clearly Omaha torrl tory.Tho The New Orleans Trafllc association which is ono of the strong associations o the country , Is responsible for the now r.itcs which , on their face , are almost prohibitive , giving Omaha only the Ulack Hills country and the territory nortl of the Platte river. The only bit of satlsfac lion vouchsafed the Omaha merchant found In the rates on sugar from Now Orleans to Sioux City , which are higher than from Omaha. This gives this- city an ad vantage over the upriver town , but the dif fcrcntlal is so small that the jobbers hero are by no means enthusiastic , and will ask the Commercial club to do something toward righting what is clearly a blow at Omaha's industries. Ilr illii ItolmlillltiiUnn il'lun Almniloneil. Pmi.ADKM'uiA , Pa. , Juno 22. The board of managers of the Heading road has decided to abandon the plan of rehabilitation. The decision wus reached because not enough holders of securities assented to the plan. The officials of the company said after the mooting that foreclosure was now regarded as Inevitable. The failure of the Heading readjustment plan Is to bo attributed to apathy on the part of New York bondholders , notwith standing that the largo banking houses with foreign connections have dcposltnd the se curities controlled by them. Now York liorders say it is unfair to ascribe the failure of the plan to thorny Somebody will have to put their hands in their pockets nnd take care of certain collateral loans in order to save important lateral roads in the Heading system nnd to inept the July Interest. ItnllrpacU nt Outs. MONTHEAL , Junui"2. The reported rupture between the Great Northern railroad and the Canadian Pacific Is confirmed , the former company having refused to accept the tickets of the lutter. It is claimed that the result of this- will bo that the Great Northern can da ftp business with Winnipeg. Secretary tel''u < 1deii KANSAS CITV , imo 22. Secretary Me- Faddcn of the Transmlssourl freight com mission has tendered his resignation. Miiirt Kuni. H. R. Hitchlo of'th'o ' Northwestern is mak ing u short tour uver the road. Mr. John Francis of the Burlington ar rived from Denver yesterday. John Sebastian and party of general pas senger agents returned from Denver yes terday. Messrs. Phllltppl and Godfrey of the Mis souri Pacific and Krastus Young of the Union Pacific are fishing at Lake Washing ton , Klki Ktect Ofllceri. DETUOIT , Juno 22. The Elks elected Allen O , Myers of Ohio grand secretary , after a vigorous fight , by a vote of 103 to S3 cast for Peter Hush. For grand exaltca ruler the contest was between Percy Williams of Brooklyn and A. Apperly of Louisville , the latter winning on the lirst ballot , Governor I.ewclllnit'i Scheme. TOI-BKA , Juno 22. Governor Ixiwclllng today addressed letters to the governors of North and South Dakota , Nebraska and owa Inviting them to participate In a more- ncnt to persuade the railroads to rcduco Vorld's fair rates. Ho believes n joint letter o the Western Passenger association signed ) .v the governors named or a letter from ach governor would reopen the question among the railway passenger agents and ultimately result In a liberal reduction of rates. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAUA. Tonra from n Motlirr Urine ft Wiiywnrtl (1'rl to Her Semen. There will bo something worth looking at In both the High school building nnd parochial school today and tomorrow. It Is an excellent display of the work done by the pupils of these schools. Art , music , ncoalo work , fancy work and domes tic sowing , all done by the scholars , will bo displayed there In nn attractive style. 2vory one Is welcome to call nntl look over and inspect what there Is to bo seen , It will ) lcaso the pupils to have you go and you will bo well repaid for your trouble. The owcr rooms will bo used nt the High school building and at the St. Agnes school you will nlso see some handiwork Hint will sur prise you. All should attend these displays tvho possvbly can. Wore I.onritomn , \ peculiar Incident took place in Justlco Ujyy's court yesterday afternoon. Some time ago Dr. Gust Schuttlcr sued John ICtlker for professional services jind the case was put down for n hearing yesterday. At torney Dnyllfts had been'retained by the defendant nnd Attorney O'Donohoo bv the plaintiff. Judge Levy called the casonnd the moment lie stopped speaking Bnyliss arose nnd gave notlco to the court that his client was dead. "So is my client dead , your honor,1' said O'Donohoo. Before the court could announce that the case would bo canceled O'Donohoo asked for n continuance. "On what grounds. " asked the Justlco. O'Donohoo said ho would make out nn affidavit unit started to draw up the document when I uvy said thnt ho would have to satisfy the court In his affidavit that Gabriel would send angel substitutes for plaintiff nnd defendant. O'Donohoo was satisfied to lot the matter drop. 1'iireiili' t'craiiitaloiis Prcvull. The bend of a well known family in Council Bluffs was in South Omaha on a sad mission yesterday. Ho was In search of a wayward daughter , ami ho found her In a disreputable House on Railroad avenue. Ho pleaded with her to leave the place and re turn homo with him , but the girl , who is only li ) , closed her cars to his arguments , nnd the father was compelled to leuvo the house without his charge. Ilo went directly homo nud told his wife of what ho had seen and done. Tlio mother then eamo to South Omaha , and , by the aid of the police , suc ceeded in getting the girl out of the house and Into tlio police station. The tears nnd pleadings of the mother brought the girl to realize her foolish position nnd she consented to return home nnd lead n different life. Out of respect to the parents the name of the girl Is suppressed. Their home is on Vine street in the Bluffs. O1U ( Jlory Will llu There. The United Order Trucbund will cel ebrate the fifth anniversary of its organiza tion in South Omaha on Sunday. The live lodges In Omaha will attend in a body and there will also bo representatives present from Iowa and interior Nebraska. Two now" handsome llacs will be dedicated. One is n lodge Hag and the other is the stars nnd stripes. The former cost $175. The program as arranged Is as follows : lie- ccptlon of visiting lodges at 1-1U : , after which they will march to Blum's hall. Music. Presentation of Hags by Mcsdames JM. Humpcrt. 13. Trenklo and M. Spoettlo. Song by the Maetmerehor. Grand paradu through the principal streets , return to hall , song by Maennerchor ; address by Jacob Hauck ; music ; concert ana ball. Snlvo lor Wounded I'riilc. John Duhlg , through his attorney W. F. Bayllss , has commenced a suit in the dis trict court against Thomas Brcnnan , ex- chief of police , for $ . " > 00 , as damages alleged to have been incurred through .false im prisonment. Thomas Hyan nnd Patrick Howley , who wore Brcnnan's bondsmen , are also included as defendants in the action. Duhig was arrested on the day after elec tion on the charge of illegal voting. Ho was tried and acquitted. He claims that he was locked up by Brcnnan without a warrant be ing served , nnd that ho was totally innocent of violating any law whatever. Will Knterttiln. The alumni has made elaborate prepara tions to entertain the High school graduates on Saturday evening. The reception takes place in the High school building when the following program will bo carried out : IMnno bolo Miss Ktbul llovoy Invocation Huv. t ) . N. DI\VM ; > II AildruhsofVuIcumu / Mary 11. Itucd Vocal .solo Miss Joiiutto Hoyd Mullen Address 1'rof. A. A. Monroe Vocal cluot J. It. Stiillbiind.l. ( . ! . Uarloy Class address Murlon Thompson Vocal holu I. II. Smith Benediction Kev. J. K. Hos.i Miiglc City ( iiiKHip. ' Born , to Mr. and Mrs. William Hill , a son. Joseph Bogcn is spending his vacation in Lemurs , la. Miss Anna Morgan of Lincoln Is visiting Miss Nora Cox. John 'J'odd ot the Hammond company left for Chicago last evening. Ab Wojgoner. ; the commission man , has gone west on a business trip. City Clerk Dltzon was nblo to attend to his official duties yesterday lor the first time since ho met with the runaway accident on IN HIGH PLACES ! It is vnot strange that some people do wrong through ignorance , others from n failure to investigate as to the right or wrong of a matter. But it is strange , that individuals and firms , who are fully aware of the rights of others , will persist - sist In perpetrating frauds upon thorn. High-toned , wealthy manufrcturing firms will olTor nnd hell to retail mer- clmnts , articles which they know to ho infringements on the rights of proprie tors , and imitations of well known goods. Wo want to sound a note of warning to the retailers to beware of such Imitn- tionsjkud simulations of "GAUTEit's Lrr- TLK LiVKH PILLS. " When they nro of fered to you , refuse thorn ; you do not want to do wrong , nnd you don't ' want to lay yourself liublu to a luwsult. Bon Franklin said "Honesty Is the host poli cy" ; It is just as trtio that "Honesty is the best principle , " Monday ovonlnp. His leg WAS badly ftprnlncd and ho Is still suffering from the effects of the Injury. , Mrs. May Webber of Chndron , who hits been Tlsltlnff Miss Ularo Davis , returned homo last evening. MrJacob Paulson In suffering from a serious Attack of erysipelas and is being attended by Dr. Krnhout. The tallies of the Methodist church will give a lawn social at the homo of Mrs. William McColllstcr on next Monday even ing.Mr Mr , Holmes , thn gentleman who has charge of the printing department at Cudn- h.v's , vcturnoJ homo last evening from Chicago. The work of paving the west side of Twenty-fourth stre'ct from ,1 to A streets has beciin In earnest. It will bo paved with nsphaltum. The clerks have succeeded In getting a majority of the proprietors to sign the peti tion for early closing during the hot weather. Tlio proposition la to closu all the stores nt GitO : o'elocu on Tuesday , Thursday and Friday evenings. Some rceroant broke open the city dog pound last night and turned loose twenty- seven dogs that hnd been shut up by the city dog catcher. John Snlvcley says that ho will pay $ ! ' ) for thu apprehension of the person who commuted the act. Miss R Sampson and .Miss Kk'n ! united their pupils In the Albright school yesterday anil made the closing exercises of the term very Interesting. Recitations , declamations and songs were rendered nnd the half day was pleasantly passed anil beneficialto all concerned. Klllrd by I'ollco Olllocr. VCRMIM.IOX , S. D. , Juno 22. .lames Glim shot and instantly killed l.ueo Breycr nbout 2 o'clock this morning. Glnn , who is chief of police , attempted to arrest llroyer and some others who were driving through the streets too fast and making considerable noise. His story is that ho llred at the ground when ho told them to stop. They whipped up their horses instead of halting nnd ho attempted to take the team by the bits , when a blow from one of the parties stunned him and ho fired the second time. Inquest is being hold this afternoon. Giuii Is in Jail. T Woiu-l.Ml nf Life. GtiAXD HAVIDS , Mich. , Juno 22. J. A. B. Mead , one of the most prominent young cap italists of this city , committed suicide this morning. No cause Is known. TTo Otf'cr rou a Remedy tr/ile/i Inauret Safety to Zlfc of Mother and CMM. Itobs Confinement of its fain , Horror and Ills ! : . Aftcraslnffoncbottlcor"motlicr'BPrlptul" utTcrcd but Illtloiialnnml tlhluot experience that vrenknria afterward usual In eucli cases. lira. AN.IIC OAQE , Latnnr , Ho. , Jan. ISth , 1991. Btnt by express , charpca prepaid , on receipt c l > Hco , $1.50 per houlo. llooU to Mothers malli/il free. GULATOIl CO. , ATLANTA , CA. EOU ) BY ALL DIUIGC.IRTS. HOTELS. Tlie iTa HoTeT C or. 16th and Chicago. Jefferson Square Park. Tiicj-f- Hnlldltitj and furni- ( JUSL uru untlruly now. American i > lnn , fs I . . . . . . , , . _ " ' ( . Spool'ilrutoi lru' ' European | ilan , ill - ' ' f bv the week Convenient to all car lines to nml from dopant Ollornall comforts , convlononcoinmlfiiro of li Khor llrlci'd luitolK. ISvi-ry room on autnlUo roam. Klco trie lights , call belli , K I < bnllis , etc. M. J. FRANCK , Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cor. V.'lli and HowurJ Streets. 40 rooms J'i.'iO per day. ' ' 4(1 ( rooms $ .100 per dny. . ' 10 rooms with bath ut & ) per day. 110 rooms with buth ut Sl.oO per day. Alodcrn In livi-ry Itespcct. .Newly Furnished Throughout C. S. ERB , Pro ) } . 6235 to 024 1 OCLESUY AVE. CHICAGO. FlrBt-rlaisR brick Hri'-proof Kuropcnn Hotel , only thrcu blocks tnim tlm bUtty-n-'cona 8t. entrimcu to tlio World's Fiilrurutmclfl. Our roomn nro nil llplit uud nlry , mostly . rooms , Imldlni. I rum lliruo tonlxpcoplocacli. Prices pur room , MU ) ! 4.IO mid fi.UU per liny. Awnliics , crroom In every window undelivered playziin on every floor. The lintel Is openited by the owner amlli will cost you nciil. Ink- to pecuro rooms In advance. A lirM'HiiPS Dlnlntg Uoom connected ultlj the hotel. C. it. cini , n.o.ncr. /IK'T I/IT / A I ITVn"u Vlg'r l""cki > r ro t-uui VllALlll stored. , , , , . tllrH Ncrvoun C11o ucblllty | < l INDAI'd. the ( jreat Hindoo Ili-medy. KaM with writ. ten ftunrnntrii of cure * Nnttiple nciit tree. Addrcg * OrU-utitl Jli'dlcul < ; , Ca I'ljr.atli I'litr , ttltico , Ilk Full OP TJ3J3TI-I Ti'Ptli extracted In morning , ' , Nt'W OUCHinsi'rtrclafternoon name day. I'urluct lit euar- utUuml. tlnl J'nxtoii Itlnolf , Hit I ntl J'nriiiiiii fit real , Klcvntor on liith Street. Trie-phono IIM. . HKINC1 THIS WITH YOU. DR. . RflcCREW In the only SPECIALIST WBO TBKAT8 ALfc PRIVATE DISEASES nnd DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 18 years experience. Circular * free. 14tUnnd Fnrimm tita. , OiiAUA , NED. _ id all tlio train ol KVI1.S , WKAK.NKbSKS. DKIIII.ITV , 1STG , th tnc- coinp.iny them In men QUICKLY nnd I'l'.llMA- NKNTIiY OUIIK1 > . 1'ull bTHUMi'I'II nnd tone Rlvon to every part of tlio tody. I will nonil itu- curulr pnclicd ) KllICK to any mUorer tlio pretcrlp- tlon Dint curocl mo ottliaie troubles Addrcn , M. A. UHAD1.KV , IIATII.B CHtKIC llll'U. DOHHNY'S THBHTBR JOHN DOHANY - - MANAGER. Hpoclal niimmrr oiiRngcmont o ( tlto ( 'ulouratod for Thrco Night * Juno 22 , 28 nnd 24. * In roportolra of thrco comlo operas. Thursday , Junn ? > , Auhcr's do * llghtful comlo opera. rrldny. .1ntio23 , Collier's V.iigllsh ComlaOporn utDopOTHY' " Saturday , Juno ! . Gilbert , t Sullivan's Matlr.oo Snturtlny nftcrnonn , Holders of cotnmutiitlnn books limy cot tholr soiits reserved - served tomorrow at I o'clock. ODOII to publlo Wednesday rUU o'clock. DETROIT Noise Smoke + Engineer Repairs Heat Dirt Fuel Mnclitnoi from ono-cUht to olghty liorsd power. Wnrraiircd 'o ' clvo satisfaction. Wrlto ns. \ \ \ V. UAKHIt , IlOO nntl niOShimartttloolf. Council Uluirtf. Telephone 221 rrckldcMt tit C53fl .MHO I CAT , Ktlfl AND MlllCU I ( 'A I , illSriiNSAIlY. ( Consiiltntinii l-'rrp. ) Is uniiirn.itsuil In llio trontmonl of nil O.ironlo , Private niitl i > orv us JJi4'iiscs. \Vrlta to or consult personally , AililrcJ1) with Ktntup for pur- tlculnrj. which will bo noni In plain envoloiiu. 1' . 1) ) . llux U5l. Olllco , 113 S. l&th Ktroct , Oimihn , Q O NATIONAL BANK. TJ. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob. CAPITAL , - 840OOOO > SUHPLUS , - 805,000 Officers nnd Dlrectora-Honry W. Vnlcn. prr-sl- oYnt. H. ( ! . UiiHlilnjr , vleo pivHldcnt. U. S. ffianrlco , \V. V. MOI-HC. John S. Collins , J. N. II. Patrick , H S. Kiiil , easlilur. THE IRON BANK. EDUCATIONAL. HNSTDTUTE' I IIOTETOUllT Hl'lCl.NCS , Vn. For Voiniir l.inlli-N. Mst rnnrian opoiu September I ISth. IRQ. Ucloctlo coursca In ill I.iinHimHi-n and I Artand ICIiiculliin. Hlglitnuila t > rofestinra nml twenty Inilleg. llnautlfully situated la ' Vnlley of Virginia , on N. A W. It. It near IloAnoko. . niniiiiliilit oiM-ncry. .lllnernl ivutcrN. Clliuilo uucxceUod. Wrltu fur illustrated catalccuo to CII AS. I. . COCUIi , Kupt. , llolllns , V . Special CQUH3II Bl'lrH. AHSTHACTS and lo.-tim. Farm nnd cits' properly bought and Hold. I'nwyFarm Tliomaa , Council GAIU1AO1ri'innvc'il , cfHupooK viiiiltH. chtinupyB cleaned. IM Itnrlto , lit Taylor'H grocery , Oil ) Ilronilway. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 > AUOAIJ > S- For Kale , 70 by IlOO foal on Franklin JMvpmir. . ifl.SOd.OII. S.'liJi.'iffreHlw.'twi'iMi iKtiitrcrt anil Franklin nvo- imi' . HCBI platllnir prnpin-ly In thu city , ifL'O.ODO.OO. Two lolK opuosltiTlilnl Htrei't school , ! rl,600.00. no lot In Wilson Ti-rnii'p , * lir > 0.0ll. Thrco lolf ) . corner Main Btroot anil I''th nvcniio. Heat Hlto fur Imnli.-inenl IIOIIH iln llnu'lty7MK.HO. ) Longeo j ; To win , -'il.'i I'i'arl Htrot-u 1 ,18-aci'0rooil ( ) , linnrovuil fann In wo. 37-32-11 'Ishc'rlilaiiL'o. . Neb. , fur Hal' ] at * 1 .OilO.OO. This ! IB away bjlow tin vnliiti. JoliiihtonA Vnn l'al * ' iu I \O YOU want to rent your IIOIIHO ? If HO eall at i/thu Maynu Keal Kstalii Co. , 0 1 llroaJwuy. IMlKSKOOil land In llnuiisr county , Nob. , for for Improved ni'i'iifrty In Council llliiir , TlioMayin n Ilenl K Htatu Co. . il'Jl Uroadway " \T1CK of thoni for bale : low 11 prleeH and vi'ry cany payinenln. TIiu Jlayna Itcal Ksjmto C'o.ll31 _ llruiiilway. . I A OUKAOK wanli- l ni > : ir Council Hinds In ox- ' j\ulian o for 1'JU acrt'H line l ntl In northijrii Mia-'ar Inwallnii , uli-ar of IniMiiubranco. The Mnyno Iti-al KHliilu Co. . Il'Jl HroaUwav , ! 11)0 ) AUHIvS Improved lanil In northern Kaimua. J-clcarof Inennilirancoi will usiiliiuiBo for liinil I iic-arCoiinullIlUiffH. Thu Maynu Houl i : tata Co. , Il'Jl llroiulway. i 17OH RXOHANOK-Wi'll liulirovecl HO-acro Iowa * A farm ni'ar uooil town , ul'vir of liicumbrmicnt will exolnuiKO for nlco iitsldHiicu In Council lllulli nnd payraBlirtlirciruneo , The Mayno Hual l.HluU > Co. , il'Jl llruailway. 1 17OII KXOHANOK , nice lot on hotloin for lioruo "Jli' ' 1"l- | > 'y' HroeiiBlilt'lilo , NleliolHOn A-VO. \\7'ANTMD-Oool ( ulrl for irrnvral lioiiHoworlt. I M ( lood wiiiKM.Viji. . Caiinlntr. ' . ' 117 Hlxtli uv. \ATANTKH-OlrT for itcneral lioimowork. Apnly > bofum 7 iiill a. in. ut Il''d Oukluml avcniici , uftur Ilial hour at I'.IIIJ Main hli t.Ti. 1' . HeKfHuon. _ t " \ \ rANTKIllrl for general liouuowork. 413 Ulen avenue. Cortland Delivery Wagons j < ? Aio the Btron eat. Most U.irublo Wuon ? on the Market. No. 51 Three tnrlnz heavy huslne.s waxon. Wu carry many ntylea of delivery wa70n * . an3 a full line of the ccleurnteJ Uortland Carriages. Hurries , llugglus , Hoa Wuxona uud riprln Wufous. It will uay you to sen u before buying elauwliuro. Correspondence ) solicited. UNION oo , 1304-S-8-10 Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa.