Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Oomplalnta from Nobraifca Towns Over Oar-
tailed Train Service.
M j Fight Itnuia Itnll 33 Unto Clerki In
fieislon The Unliin 1'nclllo Olrei
Jim Mill n Pointer In Ilnte Cut
ting Itnll Humbles.
Tlio action ot the Burlington nnd Union
Pacific In taking oft passenger trains on the
branch lines of the companies Is receiving
considerable attention from the state press ,
the newspaper men not being backward in
charging the onlclal-t with throwing dust In
the people's eyes. Tlio majority of the
papers make no bones about asserting that
the trains nro being alscontlnucil not so
much on account of lack of patronage
as one of the results of the maximum r.vto
law. The IJurlington discontinuing the pas
senger trains In the North I'latto country
Irom Aurora affects thocounticsof Mcrrlck ,
Howard , Sherman , Oreclcy. Valley , and the
thriving towns of Garflcltl , Central City ,
Palmer , St. Paul. Jxwp Oily , Onl. Cou-
conlln , Oreclcy Center and IJurrcll in a
manner that will undoubtedly call for pro
tests from Boards of Tr.ido and other
representative bodies. Some of the
papers siato that , business will bo
seriously Impaired on account of a lack of
proper mall facilities and general stagnation
result. Towns on tlio line of the Union Pa
cific having to suffer the decrcaso in the
passenger service are Just ns "warm under
the collar" as Butllngton towns , already
concerted action being advised looking to
some adjustment of the difficulties.
Minimum ItUo Hill.
It Is by no means rcrlain that the maximum
rate bill will bo put into effect by the rail
roads of Nebraska. The opposition to
putting in the now rates on the
part of tlio Burlington , the Elk-
li orn and the Uock Island has had its effect
to sueh an extent that the presidents ot the
t Northwestern , Burlington , Hock Island ,
Union Pacific and Santa Fo are meeting In
Chicago to decldo just what course shall
bo pursued.
Secretary McFadden of the west of the
Missouri freight rate committee arrived in
the city yesterday and gathered about
him the rate makers of the lines in Interest
to look the ground over and take the prelimi
nary steps for checking up the rales should
tno presidents decide to go ahead and en
force the law.
At 10 o'clock the following freight men
wcro present at the rooms of the commlteo
In the Mlllard hotel : G. A. Klmb.xll. assis
tant general freight agent of the Chicago ,
Hock Island &Pacllc ! , with headquarters at
Topcka ; J. U. Stein , representing the St.
Joe & Grand Island ; W. B. Knight , rep
resenting the Missouri Pacific ; George
Crosby , of the Burlington ; Elmer II. \ \ oed ,
of the Union Pacific ; A. II. Merchant and
W. F. Murphy of the Klkhorn. The follow
ing other roads It Is expected will send re
presentatives on Wednesday : Missouri , Kan
sas & Texas , Santo Fo , Kansas City , Fort
Scott & Memphis and the St. Louis & San
Thcro was little done and the consensus of
opinion seemed to bo to lot the law become
effective find then some one of the railroads
begin an action testing its constitutionality.
Secretary McFadden , . speaking of the
merits of the bill , said that it didn't have
any merits except demeiits. "Its passairo
has added to instead of lessening the con
fusion that already exists among
the railroads of the state. It will
bo a task of weeks to put thcso
rates into effect and will seriously involve
railroads in Kansas , Missouri , as well as
Iowa , necessitating rovislons of their tariffs
to conform to the rates included iu house
roll "J3. "
Will Meet the Cut.
Previous to Mr. LiOtnax's leaving for Denver -
ver ho gave instructions to meet the Great
Northern's Portland one-way castbound
rate to the Missouri river ( $35) ) , effective
Juno 23. The adoption of this rate practi
cally does away with the second-class rate ,
being In effect the second-class rate made
some time ago.
The reason Spokane anrt Helena rates are
not mot also by the Union Pacific is found in
the fact that they take lower rates , thus
Riving greater opportunity of domoraiizlne ;
the local business and seriously interfering
with rates made by other lines. This Mr.
Lomax socks to avoid , the Portland rate
being made to protect the interests of the
Union Pacific from the Sound countrywhich
fates are based locally on Portland rates.
The general passenger agent , however , did
not stop hero , but also put Iu round-trip
rates from Portland , Spokane and Helena
to Missouri river and eastern points , effect
ive today. These rates are based on the re
duced ono way rates made by the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific , good for
continuous train pass.igo with final limit of
November 15. Mr. Lomaxin putting these
rates in , argued that the great volume of
business originating In tlifs tnrrltory would
bo World's ' fair business , tourists returning
to thcso points ID any event , and so ho puts
on sale these tickets , making them good
ever the Union Pacific In both directions ,
not being interchangeable with any other
road. In this way the Union Pacific gets the
ontlro haul , whereas it might only get its
proportionate share under other conditions.
The round trip rates now in effect from
Portland to the Missouri river are $ TO ; to
Cnlcngo , fSO.'JO. From Spokauo the rates
are , to the river , $ ) , to Chicago $70.20 ; from
Helena to the river $50 ; to Chicago { GG.20.
This rate It is thought will move the busi
ness of the west , and If not kept up during
the summer will undoubtedly make money
for the roads , but should the Great Northern
people Insist upon all the rates made by
them remaining then it will cost ctho
Northern Pacific , which is the Great
Northern's direct competitor , millions of
dollars to meet the wholesale cut.
, 'l'lu , 1.11(1108.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety with
which ladles may use tlio California liquid
laxative , Syrup ot Kips , under all conditions ,
makes It their favorite remedy. To got the
true and genuine article , look for the naino
of the California Fig Syrup Co. , printed near
the bottom of the package.
WOO.OO lota 82o.OO down ; see page 7.
fh Faiuoui Make I.iullour'i Shoe * nt
1,500 of these elegantly finished stylish
ihoes cut from 51.50 to $2.48.
It has boon two months since wo secured -
cured Biich n decided bargain in these
well known Ludlow shoes.
Wo have them now.
They are stylish , too.
Blzea 2 to 7.
A to EE widths.
Every Indy knows
How nlco they tiro.
84.50 hand-turned ,
Ludlow's oxtriv line
Shoos. Sulo prleo $2.48.
"Wo hnvo sovoritl hundred Ludlow $3.00
llioos that help to inuko it rush.
Ludlow's $3,00 shoes will goat $1.50.
Remember , $3.00 shoos , 31.50. '
Remember , $1.50 slices , $2.48.
Shoo Department.
Raymond & Co. , gravel roofora. 1400
Ccironer'i Infant.
The coroner's jury , called for the purpose
of Investigating the reason which led to the
death of Firemen Curry and Cox , who lost
their lives during the Shlveriok llro , mot
again this morning and after listening to the
testimony of several witnesses , returned the
following verdict :
We , tlio jury , einpnn llrd to'lnqulro Into the
cauie of tbo dotith of U. 1) . Cox and It. P. Oury ,
tlnd by the testimony submitted that the de
ceased como to tliclr death by the fulling o (
tliu wall of the Brultu building on tlm north
j of 1'urmim street bbtweon Twelfth anil
rtconth streets , occupied by Charles
§ vcrlck furniture company , on the night ol
10 9 , 1693 , Tlio kuld vrnlu ( oil during the
U ) t occurred tiitt ulglit.
Special Sale on Tnrfcish Towels , Wash Hags ,
Toweling , Etc ,
Turklnh Towel * , full Solrmlgo , for B Cents
Uncli lltRh Ulan * mlki nt Your
Otrii 1'rlrn Slinntontc I'ongco
nt 21) Cents n Yard. *
Special sale on Turkish towels , vrnsh
rags , Turkish rugs nml Turkish towel-
ing. 50 dozen plain unbleached Turkish
towels , full bolvcdgo , only fie each. " 00
dozen In fancy stripes or plain Turkish
towels , fnst colors , nt lOo each. 175
dozen in plain or fancy striped Turkish
towels nt luc each. 100 dozen fancy
striped Turkish towels , fist colors , at
lOc each. 500 dozen Turkish towels in
) latn or fancy stripes , fancy tidies , fancy
scarfs , the largest and best line ever dis
played by any house , the largest and
icavicst towel ovnr shown in this lot , all
Incn colored Turkish towels , full
Reached , etc. , choice of all at 25c each.
Extra quality full blenched Turkish
Lowols , fiOc , 7oo and SI.00 each.
Turkish rags , very fine , blcnchcu or
unbleached , f > c ; cheap nt lOc.
Turkish bathroom rugs , l)5c ) each.
Bleached Turkish toweling , 20c , 25c ,
'iocuml 40c yard.
f)4-lnch wide fancy striped Turkish
toweling , fast colors , only 75c yard.
Thcro are a lot of fancy novelties in
this lot you can't duplicate ; those prices
wo quote you can't duplicate ; It will pay
you to attend this great sale of Turkish
High class bilks at your own price.
Wo call your attention to pur un
rivalled offerings for our special Juno
clearing sale of silky. Our s-oinl-nnnual
inventory takes place in August and wo
dcsiro to reduce or stock 01 silks at least
ton thousand dollars in order to make
room for the largest and best stock of
silks that will bo brought to Omaha this
full. For the next' six weeks every
piece of silk or velvet in the house will
bo offered to the public atvlcs5 than the
wholesale cost. Wo have only bpaco for
a few items , but dcsiro you to under
stand that prices are ns low on every
thing in the stock as on the Hues which
we quote herewith :
Chcnov Bros.1 00-Inch solid color
China silks. Those qualities are far
above other graded in the market , and
meet with approval from all who are ac
quainted with values. In all the new
delicate and dark colors , only 75cayard.
Shontung pongee , 2o ! ) a yard.
22-inch plain China bilks , ! Wc a yard.
24-inch plain Ilabutai bilks , OSc a
21-inch colored faille dress silks that
have never been sold for less than SI.25 ,
wo place on bale at 75c ; all now desira
ble colorings.
Our assortment of black silk grona-
nlncs is well known to bo tlio largest in
the city , comprising the well itnown
plain iron frame , satin stripes , small
basket weave and brocaded. Wo olTcr
the entire line at the ridiculously low
price of OSc a vnrd , although there are
81.50 , S1.75 and $2.00 qualities in the lot.
Remember wo guarantee these to bo ab
solutely every thread bilk , and only 98o
a yard.
Changeable taffctta silks , 59c ; colored
bongnlino silks , 59c ; double warp black
and white plaid nnd striped silks ,
4c ! ) yard ; black and white striped
satin morvollleux , worth 81.50 , at
70c ; black China silks at GOu ,
75c , 85c and OSc , worth much more ;
black gros grain silks at 75c , 85c , OSc
and up.
Black ttilTotu silks at COc and 75c a
Armuro roynl black dross silks , worth
$1.155 , at OSc. Now is the time for you to
buy silk at you own prices. We advise
patrons out of town to send money by
mail. Orders promptly filled. Sending
for samples causes great delay and dis
appointment , as often the advertised
goods are sold before customers can be
Heard from. IIAYDEN BROS.
Ladies' percale waists , in blue , pink
and purple , milled front , regular price
75c , tomorrow only 40c.
Ladies' porcnlo waists , in light and
dark colors , stylish mado. which wo sold
at 87c , Ouc and $1.00 , will go tomorrow
at 75c.
Ladies' wash suits , regular price 52.25 ,
tomorrow at only OSc.
Ladles'porcalo street costumes , regu
lar price 82.50 , tomorrow only $1.50.
Ladies' black sateen skirts , 95c , $1.00 ,
$1.25 , $1.45 , $1.50 , $1.75 , S1.85.
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see page 7.
Three Dully Trains fur Chicago.
Three vcbtibulcd and gas-lighted
trains , consisting of sleeping , smoking ,
dining and free recllning-chair cars ,
leave Omaha daily for Chicago via the
Burlington route , at 11:45 : a. in. , 4:20 :
p. in. and 12:10 : a. in.
Ono way rato. $9.25 ; round trip , $17.50.
Baggage checked direct from resi
City ticket oinco , 1324 Farnam street.
Shtverlok'4 Carpet * Oo liy Auction.
Commencing Thursday , Juno 22 , at 10
a. m. , at Nntltorium building , Kith and
Howard , I will sell all the carpets , rugs ,
etc. , saved from the great lire , ever
10,000 yards of good carpets of all kinds ;
lots of good rugs , nil more or less dam
aged , but yet very good. No limit or
reserve. Sale for two days , morning
nnd afternoon. ' Draperies and furniture
later. Now if you want carpets got there
early. ROIIEUT WULLS , Auctioneer
S400.00 lots 825,00 down ; eco page 7.
A VcatlliuleU and Giis.I.lchtod Train for
Don tor.
Leaves Omaha via the Burlington
route daily at 4:50 : p. in ,
Fast time and a perfect service of
sleeping , dining , smoking and ( free ) re
clining chair cars.
One-way rate. 812,50 ; round trip ,
City ticket ofllco , 1324 Farnara street.
Tlio Only Train for St. l.ouls
Which carries a dining car leaves Omaha
via the Burlington route at 9:15 : p. in.
and reaches St. Louis early the next
afternoon. Through sleeper Omaha to
St. Louis. City ticket ollico 1324 Far-
imm btrcot.
Closing Out All of Onr Summer Silks
this Week ,
82.00 ( Inlil Ilnnillpd Sun Umlircllni OOo
100 OutlnR Clnthi 30-81.23
811 In 7Bo I'nm lllnck
Hoio 8 l-3c.
There's no difficulty in keeping prices
down with tnulo na active as It is hero.
It's very natural for n merchant to nffcct
that Ins stock is the most desirable , but
the people , men , women and children ,
find out lots of things for themselves.
Wo are doing some heavy Belling this
week. Witness the following :
" 00 him umbrellas just baught from a
largo jobber , the balance of his stock.
" 0 Inuhes , with rolled gold handles , well
worth $2.00. Wo are belling thorn for
Ono lot of striped outing flannels , 3c
Fast black lawns 12 } , reduced from
2o pieces black organdies 2oc , wcro
37c { and 50c.
Jio pieces of , ' 10 inch printed mulls on
our white counters at 2oc a yard , choice
designs , this seasons goods. Ilavo boon
Belling at 40o and 'inc.
18-inch linen crash fie , worth lOc.
81.00 bed spreads , Toe.
lOc nainsook check , Cc.
Irish lawns , liic.
Choice silk striped ginghams 2. > c ,
worth 50c.
8c brown cottons , 5o yard.
Best indigo prints , 5o.
Wo are closing out all of our summer
silksi this week. By fur the best silk
ottering of the season. Best goods ; have
boon sold in town for $1.25 all the sea
son. Our price 7."c ; choice colorings.
Buy a silk now.
now.HOSIERY. .
Fast black seamless hose , Sic.
This stocking cannot bo matched in
town for less than 15c.
Ladies' fast black $1.00 hose , 7oc.
Ladies' fast black 7 c hose , 50c.
Ladies' fast black oOc hobc , 40c.
Ladies' fast black lOc hobo , 30c.
Ladies' fast black yOc hose , 23c.
Ladies' fast black 2'jc ho o , lOc.
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; see page 7.
Vln the Wubnsh Itnllrrmil.
No. 1. For the Epworth league co n
vention at Cleveland , O. , Juno 20 to July
2. The Wabash , in connection with the
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation com
pany , will make a , rate of $10 for the
round trip from Chicago.
No. 2. For the iT.'P. S. C. E. conven
tion at Montreal , July 5 to I ) . Only $18
from Chicago via the Wabash. In ad
dition to the regular sleeping cars
elegant new touribtcars will bo attached
to this train at $1.50 per berth.
Fqu TICKETS , sleeping berths or a
tourist-folder , givinc list of side trips ,
with cost of bamo , call at the Wabash
oillccs , 201 Clark street and Dearborn
station , Chicago ; 1502 Farnam street ,
Omaha , or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha , Neb
I"l adl n iT or thn Assessors In Douglus County
and Oiuulin.
The work of footing ana compiling the re
turns made by the ward and precinct asses
sors has been completed by the eounty'clurk
and the books are now open to public inspec
Last year the several assessors found
property iu the county of Douglas ngcrej'a-
tinir J''jjUOT aa.TS , but this year they
have not been so foutunato , as the re
sults of their labors show that they have un
earthed but , ? 24,925.730.i ! ) , though when the
banks are assessed by the Board of Equali
zation , it is thought that fully $ .100,000 will
bo udded to the aggregate. As matters now
stands there is a shortage of $747,702.84 , as
compared with the assessment for 1892.
The following tublo shows the assessment
of personal property In each ward imd pre
cinct and ulbo the comparison with lust
year :
I'rcclncts. 1802. 1F03.
Clllc.llfO . $ B'.HiUOO58,105.00
Cloutnrf . r.'O.OO fiUSUO
Douglas . 2753.7fi ! 23fi07.00
nikhorn . 17,115.00 17.W)00
K.ISI Omnh.i . .id , 07 1 oo 'jr , 111,1 , no
riori'neo . , ' ,
1-401 00 12,111:100 :
JclIiTBOn . 34,12100 28,01000
Mlllanl . 32,410.00 2,2I2 ! ) ( 00
McAnllc . SH.OtfiOO U8USO ( ) ( )
Valley . 4K.IO.jOO SI , 105.00
Union . HI.IIOO : 83,304 oo
Waterloo . i2fln fl 00 24 I4C..OO
South Omaha . 20H.US3.00 lUD.URl.OO
Went Omalia . 2J,2M ! 00 .ill , 10,1.00
FliHtvartlOmafti. ; . . 410082.00 427,2'JOOO
Second ward . 10I.H72.0O 102.H11800
Third mini . 1H2HU01.7I ) 803,3.111 00
Fourth ward . lMl ! ! 9.4i (1.12,7211 00
Firth Willil . 2)5,241.7O ! ) 220,411100
Sixth \\.ml . 100,71000 111,220(10 (
Suieiithw.ini . 77.227.00 83,105 OU
Kllfhlli ward . 103,22000 1)0,60000 )
Ninth ward . 7ll.U5U.00 120,035.00
Total . $3,810,322.00 $3,213,351.00
No city in America offers so many attrac
tions to tourists as St. Louis , the financial ,
commercial and manufacturing metropolis
of the west urnl southwest. Visitors to tlio
World's fair should arrange to spend n few
days In that great city before returning to
their homes. In its unique development and
splendid prosperity St. Louis Is a typo of
American progress and success and should
bo visited by o\ cry seeker uftcr knowledge
and entertainment.
City of Omnlm itottinliicil from Making
Ccrtiiln lini > ra\omonti.
The case of Deles W. Beard against the
city , brought to restrain the council from
ordering the paving of the most of the
streets designated in the general paving
ordinance , passed during the early days of
the season , was passed upon yesterday by
Judge Walton , who granted a temporary in
junction ,
Tn passing upon the case , the judge said :
This is an action brought by the plaintiff
against the city to restrain it from making
certain improvements by way of paving
streets in the city of Omaha , upon the
ground that no petition was presented for
the .formation of Improvement dis
tricts ; and that no petition was
presented to the city council
cil asking that the street bo paved , and
( third ) because certain pipe and sewer con
nections had not boon mudo , and other ob
jections set forth in the petition. A restrain
ing order was issued , nntt the matter now
comes up for the issuance or rejection of a
toniK | > rary Injunction , restraining the city
from making these Improvements during tlio
pendency of the litigation.
1 have given this matter the best atten
tion possible , owing to my limited titno , and
The oiily Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Auiwopia ; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Yeajs The Standard.
have concluded ttNgrant the temporary in
junction as prayed.-
It Ii very clean , according to the pro
visions of the tnty charter before
any steps can by taken by wny of Improving
the streets or ( alleys within this im
provement district , a petition of a ma
jority of the lot owners shall bo pre
sented to the city ircotmcil. When that is
done the improvement may bo ordered : but
before the ndvcrtUtnncnt for bids Is had the
lot owners shall determine the material to
bo used. This Is Apparent , because no sensi
ble bid could bo mndo until the material to
be used Is selected * The law also provides
that if they fail to select the city council
shall select. Now , it being con
ceded that no petition for the
paving of the streets in question was
over presented to the city council , and that
bcinp a jurlsdlctlonal one. the city council
had no authority in law to proceed to order
the improvement made , or to advertise or
award contracts thereunder.
The further question as to whether { a
petition Is necessary to form nn Improvement
district this court will not pass upon at the
present time , but will leave that to the final
adjudication of this case.
Other Court Cimn ,
In order to hasten the business and get
through before the sweltering days of July ,
the criminal division of the district court
was run in two sections yesterday , Judge Key-
ser holding forth in the large room and Judge
Scott on the bench in INO. 2 , whcro ho pre
sided In the trial ol a murder case that
seemed to have littloor no public Interest as
a side attraction. The case in question was
that of the state ng.Utist Annlo Brown , who
is charged with having killed Bella Monda
Arnold , on or about Juno 4. Both the killed
and the killer were women of the town and
colored. During the evening in question
thcro was a row in one of the disorderly
houses of the 'Ihlrd ward ami as it pro-
pressed Annlo Brown picked up a burning
lamp and throw it at the Arnold woman.
As it struck her it exploded , thrqwlng the
burning oil over her person , burning her so
severely that she died the following day.
With Judpo ICcysor Tom Carter is on
trial , accused of having broken into Frank
Parnmleo's store nml stolen therefrom guns
and pistols of the value of $00.
John P. D.ivis , an erstwhile Omaha
lawior , but now a resident of parts un
known , has brought suit for STi.OOO against
TUG BEE , alleging that one year ago , when
his methods were exposed , several great
chunks wore knocked oT ! his reputation.
John had this case ready for trial at
the present term of court , but the duy on
which it was called it was dismissed for
want of prosecution.
Ncuralpio headaches promptly cured by
Bromo-Seltzor trial buttle 10 cts.
Of perfect purity
i Lemon | Of great strength-
Economy In tholr uso.
Flavor as dollcately
and deiiciouslv a * the fresh
Handsome Women Can Loss Wolgrt
Fast. Homely Mon Look Qottor
M Thin. Try Dr. Edlaon'a
Syatom. NoDlotlns.
Band worth Twloo the nflonoy.
Offlco of n. SI. Hurton , Hardware , Oary Sta
tion. 111. , Jan. 14. 1S33. . . . ,
Ur. Edison Dear Sir : I am well pleased with
your treatment of obeilty. The band U worth
twice the money It cost , for comfort. I h ivo
reduced my wolsht tun pounds , I welsh 23J
uow. ana 1 did weluu SI *
They Are Doing Mo Good.
UarlTille , III . Mnr21. 1333.
Coring k Co : Inclose * Una tl 5J for which ploasa
nend mo tlio other two bottloi of lr. ICdlioa's ObesIty -
Ity I'llls. 1 Uavo used ono anclllilnlt bof nro dotuz
the work. & 11. 1ULEV , 1 > . O. llox 7i.
Talk So Much About Your Pills.
Pcorln. Ill , Juno 19. 1392.
Hoar Sirs : After hoirlng ono of my f rlgnili tain so
B nch about your Oboilty I'llls onU tlio bonolUliuli
dorlvluif from tlioiu 1 think I will try them oiyjolf
1'lcnio tcuil mo i ) bottles C. O. ! > . , ami oblluo ,
J. Mounts. 100 Terry Street.
Fool Bettor andWoIgh 13 Pounds Loss
Gotlion , Ind. . Bopt , IS. 1603.
flantlomcm Inclosed 1 Bond you II , for whloli you
nlll plcnuu goad mo throe bottles of the uboilty pllli.
Amtnklmr tbo fourth bottle nnd fool very much
bettor and wuliih 13 pounds loss tlmn when 1
taking tuoai , I will cuutlnuo your truatiuonU
Mils. J. U. McCos.v ,
boutu Rlxta Street.
An Individual whoa height Is
6 feet 1 Inch should noluD 135 pound !
6 foot B Inches " " IU )
6 feet 10 Inthos " " 170 "
Dr. Edison snyet "It cany bo well to point out
tlmt In my eiporleoco , which Is necessarily rery
considerable , many traablosomoskin dlioaaos such ,
ccesicma , aiono. psoriasis , utlcarlaetc , nro prim
arily ctiuod by obesity , and us the fat nnd nosh Is
reduced by the pllla oud Obesity Krult Halt mil tlio
action of the band Uoso uUoinloni uaro almost
musically disappeared. "
Ilio Obesity Krult Baltts used In connection wlta
the Tills or Hands , or both. One toaiuoouful Inn
tumbler of water makes delicious soda. Tastes
Ilko champulzuo.
Tlio bans coit U.M each foranyl onxth up to SI
Inches , bufor ono lugur than .1) IncUoi add IU
cents extra for each additional Inch.
I'rlco off rult bait , f 1.00.
Tills fl.HO Tor llottlu , or a Dottles lor II01
bent by 1111 or Uzpress.
Cut this out and keep It. and baud for our full (3 (
rolumiUurtlcIo on obesity.
Loring & Company
1 Hamilton PI , DopU 20 , Boston. Man , 113 Btata
6t. , lloptZI , Chicago , 111. , iJ W , Una St. , Ucpt 2i ,
l < ow York City.
For sale in Omaha by Snow ,
Lund & Co.
Lady lladly Afflicted Three Years.
Tries iMany Doctors Hero and
in Unhand Without Hone *
fit. Cured by Cuticura.
Mv wife having suffered from Ssrofula sores
on the buck for three ynurs , nml at times she
could not Ilo down lit nl lit , nnd she tried nil
tlio doctors 1 could get , nnd nlso wont to Kris-
land to try nml bo cured there , nnd nil of
them failed , nnrt told lur they could do noth
ing for lior ! nnd hiulnt trk-d nil klnni of
remedies t nt last tried nao box of your CUTI-
CUKA lUMKtiiKs nnd today flho Is ns neil us
slio ever wns In her life , nnd licr buck Is UN
clear ns uny person living , nnd I , for cine , run
rocotninemi CtTTUUltA Kr.Mr.iiis ) na the only
one 1 could Uud to effect u euro *
0.V. . JONI.S. Constnblo ,
23 SnylcB Street , Cleveland , Ohio.
I had n running eoro In inv cur of u Scrofula
nnturofor tun voars. llnd licon truatod by
eovoril uliyslolans , but obtained no relief un
til I tried CiJTict'iu. which healed It up in n
fowdnys. This was more than three yours
HKO , ami I h.ivo liul ; no trouble with It since.
I vnnoldor your UUTICUIIA HBMKDir.4 unex
celled for tlio diseases you alnlrn to euro.
ticutlcrnood , So. Dak ,
tire the greatest Skin Cures. Illood Purifiers
mid Humor Kut.icdlcs the world has over
CUTICUIIA. Itcsnt.viiNT , the nuw Hlood nnd
Skin I'urlllcr Internally ( ti > cleanse the blood
of nil Impurities ami poisonous elements ) , nnd
OUTlcmiA , the urcut Skin Sure , mid CtmcuitA
HOAI > . nno\niisltc ! Sk n I'uriller nml Itcnutl-
nnr.eilcrnully ( to clear tlu skin and scalp and
restore the hnlrf , cure every disease nnd
humor of the skin , sonlp and ntcod , with loss
of liulr. from Infancy to itpe , from pimples to
RCtofnlulion tlioIxnt physicians , liopltnls ,
and nil other remedies full.
Sold everywhere. I'rlco , CtmcuitA , fiOo :
SOAP. 2.c [ Kmot.vKNT. $1.00. I'ruparcd liv the
Host nn.
Mf'How to Cure Skin Diseases , " 01 pases , CQ.
Illustration , -aid lOOtestliiionltils mailed dee.
LOVE LIKssr.Wliltcst.ClonrostSlvIti nnd Soft
est Iliinrisproduced uvCimcuitASoAV
With their wonry. dull , ueliln ; , ' , life
less , nll-Kono Bonsutlon , rolirvcit In
mm minute by the i.iitlouni Atill-
Pulii Plaster , the only palu-UllIng
Untrimmed Hats
at Half Price.
Novelties and Or
naments. Shampooing
peeing , bangs cut
and curled.
: . R. H-
1520 OMAHA
313-315-317 SautUlJti Stroat.
W. H. PARKER. M. D.Ko. 4 UtilflncU St. ,
on , Mjiua. , cMif coniulitng phviician of M
MIS atvariltj tbo GOLD MKIUL by the
UEiniUL AS/IOCUTION foi the 1 > 1UZK KSHAY on
Kzhnuttttl Vitality , Mvr-'y/ti'trroui and 1'fiyili al
ivM/liy. / ani ) ttn jilta..t nod Iftaiiuu of J/tn.
fllinfO 1 ° ° V ° unfft tn ° mlJJle-agtd and old.
lilmrN Consultation in person or by letter.
UU1IUU 1'rospcctus with tostlmoolal * , FUUB.
Carve book. HOUJNCK Of I.irK , OH 8KLF-
t'ULSKUVATJON , BOO pp. , 125 Invaluable pro >
'crlptlons. full ulJt.oalytl.i5n tor mall , to&lul.
VTTIIE SAME DEGREE of perfection attained by our
I watches as timekeepers is to be found in the filled
case AVC sell for $10 as in the highest priced gold
case. All guaranteed perfect timepieces.
AND oouat.ii ,
you get up iu your pulpit anil tell the members of
your cniiKrcgutiun tint "there's n Ituul that Is hotter than
this ? " Did some of thi members look skeptical , and wear
a "whewl I.don'" sort of a
look when you told 'cm ?
Did you tell your depositors that "a run on a bank" was
apt to make a man hot and the only thing to do was to
keep cool , no matter what happened it was more "in-
teresfiug ?
Docs it make you "warm under the collar" to see an Ice
wagon leaving great big chunks of frozen river at a man's
house , when he hasn't paid you for the coal that kept him
from freezing last winter ?
Preacher , Hanker , Coal man , Lawyer , Doctor , Traveling
man , Laboring man , or any other man ? Do you want to
look well in warm weather ? Did it ever strike you that
the man that looked most comfortable . looked best these
i. i
days ?
That the man with a thin coat , russet shoes , negligee
shirt , straw hat , and as few other things on as possible ,
looked much better than the "dressed up" fellow ? Did it
strike you that there's no place like ours to get these
tilings at moderate prices ?
as- *
Tiiat our straw hats at a quarter are exactlytlic _ same
sort of hats that our neighbors get fifty cents for ? Did it
strike you that the black alpaca coats that we sell for
seventy-live cents are usually a dollar and a quarter ?
that we're opening thin coats , and coats and vests , this
week , by the thousands ? That we carry any and all
kinds alpacas mohairs serges brill iantiiies llanncls
cords drap d'etes blacks and colors ; regular extra
and "long" si/.es ? That a dollar here is a dollar-ii-a-haf
anywhere else ?
One can always use an
extra rug or two , and the
time to buy is when they
are cheap just now we
are offering them-at as
tonishingly low prices-
two can be bought for
what one would ordinarily
cost. You are not likely I
to have such an opportu -9
nity again.
Douglas , bet. 14th and 15th