THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . WEDNESDAY , JUNE 21 , 1893. SPEGIRL NOTICES. A DVKRTISf-.MENTfl FOR THESE COLUMNS 1 0 . /V trill K ? tjiUcn until 111 30 p. m for Ilio nvAnlng f-.v - nnd until 830p. m. for tlio inonilnit and Sunday edition" . . i , AdtrrtlFinrB , by rcquoMlntc n numbered chock caiilinvollicJrmiBWprflnJarrBBwl to numbered letter In carr of THE Hrr. . Answers so nddromcd will be delivered upon presentation of Itio check. t * = = r rBlT UAJnOKlT WANTED. Rate * . 1 Wn n weird flrnt Insertion , In A vronl there- HfU-r NuliiliijT tnUcn for Ions Ilinn 250. " - I AM A TINNEIVUNDERSTANDTHE ItAllD wnrfi mill implement buslnc'cs thoroughly ! tvni. position In fair lzed counlrytowit. Acldnwi KB lice. 282 - POSITION AS BARTENDER OH GROCERY clerk by young German , Address K B , lino. WANTED , SITUATION . .TO.WO . LIGHT A housework or ns inirso girl. Inqulro 10U Wulmler Hlrcut , 32721' WANTED-MALE HELP. ' Itatcn.lKc a word first Insertion , lea word tlicro- Bfler. Nolhlng taken for lens than SCc. ! TJ. WANTED.TRAVELINO SALESMEN EXPER- JJlonccd 111 Htock food trade ! n-fpreiieo required ! pnod money to ( rood men. Address Wilbur Sefd Meal Co. , Milwaukee , Ws. 622130 * T > - IK YOt ) WANT A GOOD PAYING JOI1 WHITE JJllio Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , 'Win. MG35Jy3 - , COACHMAN , NONE NEED AP ply without thu very best of clly references. IU2 Douglas Bt. 031 13 MM ) 0001) . THUIFTY MEN , WOMEN AND Jjehlldn-n , n od to Held work.'wniitrd In tx-et flold at Norfolk and Grand Island. Address Nor folk Roet Sugar Co. , Norfolk } Oxnanl Heel Sugar Co. , Uraiul Inland. 120 21 WANTED , A GOOD WOOD TURNER WHO B can do oilier work about a planing mill : good wages mid Moady Job lo the right man. Adiltvss Falrbury Planing Mills , Fnlrbury , Neb. 15 : T > - WANTED , A HOOD 11UEAD AND CAKE a Jbnkor at onrc. Fleaso slalo wages. 1nrmnn s ba'trry , box 612 , York , Neb. Mi07 ! ' 'M' - UNITED STATES MUTUAL ACCIDENT Association of N. Y. writes Ilio moil liberal IxillclcH nnit charges lest than nny oilier company operalliig under the HlaloliiHUranco laws. Special Inducements to agents. II. A. Wagner , state agent , Omaha , Neb. M'-2I ) WANTED , MKN TO TRAVEL. $50 TO $100 B per month. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wls. 'n ' - WANTED , LABORERS ON RAILROAD JDwork In Iowa. GoodWIIECH. fron pass. Kramer &O'llearn Labor agency aoi : South 11 th St-n 'n-WANTED. ' TWO MEN OP GOOD ADDRESS JJIoHollcIl and ell goods ; alao two lady ngonls. Call HID ; ) Howard St. 280 ' , ' 1 * - , AGENTS FOR FASTEST SELLING B-WANTED market , Rig prolltH. Call after u O'clock n. in. , room 41(1 ( , lleo building. M301 22 * B ; -WANTED , OFFICE BOY AT 222 11EE nUILD- lug , Apply between 2 and 1 In the afternoon. 32020 * B-WANTED. MAN WITH PUSH TO INTRO- duce a new article among merchants anil ntablo- tnen In Omaha and every city and town In Ne braska and surrounding states ; payn * 3:00 : per day ; Bells on Bight ; no competition. AcUlrcBB. with Btiimp , American Mfg. Co. , 431 Race atrt'ct. Phila delphia , Pa. M34G 23 * MEN WANTED ; SALARY AND EXPENSES. B Permanent placo. Apply at once. Brown Bros. Co. , NiirHi-rynien , Chicago. M33321 * ' -n WANTED. ARE YOU A CATHOLIC ? ARE J/yon unemployed ! Will you work for $18.00 | ) ov week ? J. R. Gay , 00 Fifth avenue , Chicago , 111. M337 21' B-WANTED , A MAN TO REPRESENT A LE- gltlinalo money making buHlncHa In tldn city ; particulars eo J , C. F. McGrltT , Meicer hotel. M33I 21 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. UaleB. lUo a , word llrst Insertion , 3c .1 word thcro- ptlcr. Nothing taken for less than 2i"e. C 1-WANTED , LADIES TO WRITE AT HOME. Enclose stamped envelope. Ella Werst , Soe. , go ; nth Ileiid , Ind. 43U C-LADY CLERKS FOR PLEASANT , PROFIT- able liomuwoik. Prof. McLean , Arcailo hotel , Pouglaa and 13th streets. 081 21 * C -WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work In Niuall family. Good cook preferred. Good wages. Apply 030 N. 20th Htreet. UOO 20 * -WANTED , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN Binall family , Apply at 2018 CliarlcttBt. 131 Vv-W ANTED , A GIRL FOU GENERAL IIOUSE- V-'worlf 2200 Dodge , MrH. HayUen. _ 281 21 ( ft WANTED , LADIES OR YOUNG MEN TO vvtaku light , pleasant work at their own homes ; $1.00 to 13.110 per day can bo quietly made ; work .jeent by mall : no canvassing. For particulars ad- dreftH Glebe Mfg. Co. , Box 5331 , Boston. Mass. Ea- tabllshi'd 1880. ' M312JylU * / -GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; V gooil wagea. 1120 Georgia Avc. M307 21 * -WANTED , A GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOTISE- CWANTED work , family two , wages good. Mia. W. C. Ivca , 132 N. 30th at. 3 ) 20 * _ _ CWANTED , LADIES TO KNOW THAT ALT. pnrtlrH advertising for "Ladles to ilo writing etc. , at home , " are merely Imitating JllHS Flora A loni'H. For particulars and best wages addrcst with Bolf-addreBBKl Blampiil envelope , "Blush ol lloses" ( "S"J Soulh Bend , Ind. M33'J 21 * C-WANTED , GIRL FOU GENERAL HOUSE woik. Mrs. L. A. Garner. 2527 Callfornli street. M333 FOB BENT HOUSES. natcH , lOea line each Insertion , $1.00 a line pe : month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. " " " \-vl"lENTiuuSI3N"LL"ARTs"OI JL/tho clly. The O.F.Davis company , 1505 Farnam \-10-ROOM HOUSE , 2100 DOOOLAS STREET 'Enqulro of Morltz Meyer , cur. 10th and Furnam I-rl0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , GOOD LOCA .D tloni rent moderate. L. S. Skinner , 1011 Faniam 413 .DDi - HOUSE. EAST FRONT , ALL MOD Di em , * .T..OO. Fidelity Truit Co. , 1702 Farnam. its D -1 ! AND 4-HOOM AI'AUTJIENTS. VON IXIl ] block , with Hleanij.-eferonceB required j810S'--'i : 447 TV-FOH HENT , 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSf J-'BiillahU ! for roomers ami boanlcrn'Oil Harnc Blii'ct. 10-ioom mwlern liouuo , L' IH TA > avcmvort Btri'ot , only sf'-TKlKI. Some nleo cottat'Cb. H. C Clark .V Co. . I''IH Harney Blrect. TV FOR Rl'.NT , 3-ROOM COTTAGE FOR COt JJoicd people. 208 North 13th. M802 DIROOM FLAT , * 17. II AND 7 ROOM FLAT ! illtl. Opp. Joltersoii square. RobertH , lOlHChl cngo ht , . 21305 J27 * I ) --UOOM HOUSE , GOOD REPAIR. INOUIR 2711 Douglas Hlivet. M05-J J ) S LOOMS CHEAP. COSN 1RTH ST. ST.M8S8ylO ] * DI'OIl RENT. H OR 10 ROOMSFURNISHF.DO mifnrnlHliod , J2 blocks from court house. Bout Omaha cars , hot water boat , modern convenience Itefi'ivncen iciiulroil. 300 S 17th. Oil U"FOR inrNT.2FI.ATS IN GLOBE I1UILD11U 11 rui'iim ' ami bath ; modern : can rent either < luilli to ono jmrty i nultablu for olllceu or rchldeuc GlobeLuan Si. TriiHt Co , 704 22 " 'VOR RENT , MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE.BAT 'mutyafi , pee < U > avu. asphalt iKtvi-dHtroi'tcorue cm tilucil Ironi motor. Apply W. L Kler ton Drwey & .MOHI } Furnlluro Co. . 21023 THRHENT CHEAP. A GOOD BARN , u a/nRTroomnvmliM'H , 514 North 22d utivrt. Ah two iilcufou'U-room collages , Rood yard , hai in'i'H vi rv near ' lo cable or iiiolor ; 4-25.00 ai * 27IHI I'iicli , MOID 1TjTlKNT , SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , $23.0 < J'barn If-dculrnd ; nlco lawn , trueu , city wan cIMorn , ri'inrnlul collnrB. bath , near motor. Si owm-r , D , V , Stovoiia , UOl Puxlou block. MD3U \ \ 7 ROOM COTa'AGE. MODERN CONVE1 J h'liPi' atiOIl ! ! I aveuworth. 187-20' 18llOOM HOUSE. MODERN , CONVENIEb JJfor bUHlncBH or wholeualu men. Apply 11 Bouth loth Hiivet. 411 Try ClIOIC'E FLATS IN THE P. E. 1LER BLOC JA-orner mill ami Jackson mivcta. Vi'lll rent the chi > il | > . -'all RlOHl South lUtlmlriiet. lit TIF YOU AVI LL TAKE THE TROUBLETO ( J-'anil bco Ihu P. E. lIcrllnlH.cormirllUhand Jac HOn hlR'rlH , It n 111 pay you. Cull at 010 So. lUlh 1"\ NOW liTYOUR CHANCE TO GET A FIRS J-'ulahM rial clioap. ' 1'hnyuro In food repair u conveniently ai-raiuri'd : hnvu all huproveinen Call a.1510 Soulh lUlh blrix'l. Ul ' | S-'F01l A FEW DAYS ONLY WE OFFER Ol JvcholcollalH lo families at nlowrato. Como once If you wluh lo get a ban.'Ulii. Call at 510 Son ItltlfBtroet , P. E. Her block. 111 " ' | V CORNER FLAT. 8 ROOMS. 435 , 2D FLOG -l range and all other convenieticoB. Call nloiv , 701 South lUth btreut lit 10 a. in , Ueoi ClOllbOC. 131 " - FOR RENT , MODERN SIX-ROOM FU nUlitil hoiibu for'J mouths , eood location. y. Butta , 220 South 17th utrvcl. 230 2 TV FOR" RENT , SIX ROOM HOUSE AND HAH _ U14.0l ) , 828 80. 37th llluol. 2S5-2U n- DELIGHTFUL IIOME.EIGHT-ROOM HOU ! J-/inodcrn couvculcnceH.barn , lovely lawn.naln Hhado UVCB , 38.00 per mouth. Inqulro at 2t 1'lerco St. 88 2 _ D-A SPLENDID SIX-ROOM MODERN HOU with burn , uloaaant uurrouiidlarb , electric i'Ji M. Q. MaclcoU. 014 N. Y , Life. M3UO 2 , 10-ROOM HOUSE , 1721 DODC modern linproviuncnts. luuulru next di or 131 8 Faniam , M308 2 _ ' 'TV-FOK RENT , ONE * 8 AND ONE $ o HOU -L'24tli and Mason MrueU. A. f , Tukoy. FOR R-ENT HOUSES. ConUnunl , D-FOR RENT. WOULD LIDE TO RENT TO nropor partlppi , JII.T honso. funiluhcd. for July nn < ( AiiRitnt. location. N. W. Cor. 20th and SI. Marys avenue. Wurran SwIUlor. 320 gil -FOR RENT , THREE ELEGANT HOUSES , 3157 Faniam. 3000 awl 8003 MAROII Miwt ; npioifilld nelchtwrhood : tlrsl-cla" > < i tvpalr , ehoap ; alHoodlro rooms , coninr , Ololw bulhllnir. Olobo Loan & Trust Co. , Sixteenth and Dodgn. M33. 23 T\-FOR RENT , HOUSE C ROOMS. INQUIRE J833 S. 22d Rlrret. M341 23' 1'OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Rates , 1 Wo a wonl llrst Insertion , le a wordlhero- aflcr. Nottilng taken for less than 25c. -3"FmViusiiEbJnoo for man and wlfoRonl taken lu boanl'310N.17Ui 001 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN- E-PLEASANT llcmen only , 1510 Howard street. 750 JyU E IiAKQE SOUTH FnONT ItOOM,2502 niXNOO. Mggajai' TI'-VMJASANT , WEMi FUnNISHKI ) KOOMS JLJ with all modern conveniences , 113 Ho. gotli m. M BO'J T-PUHN1SHEB 11OOM WITH ALCOVE FOH J-'Btntlcnien.tuoilerii conveniences , U''O North ana. E-NICELY FURNISUKII SOUTH UOOM , 2003 Haniey. MlUly-14 ] E-NICELY FUllNISIIEU SOUTHEAST FIIONT rooms , modem conveniences ; private family ; OUN.aiHt street. 18120- E FUIINISIIK1) T.OOM FOU OENTLKMAN OH laily. 1722 Lcavcmvortu. Slum 22" - FIIUNISHED UOOM $8.1)0 ) MONTH ; E-NICELY ITIIi. iiU'J Ul HENT. FllONT UOOM. 40n NlpTU. - NICK FUUNISHEl ) 11OOMS FOU E-THHEE lluht hoUBekeeiiliig anU 1 ! furuluhed roomn. 1 HI North 15th. M305 20 E-FIJIINISHEI ) OU UNFUIINISHED UOOM IN modi-ni brick hoime ; i > rtvato family ; rcfen < nccs. 120 North UOlh htreet. MlliW FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOAB.D. Itntoa. 1 KO a won ! first liiHrrtlon , le n word thero- alter. Nothlns taken for le than 23o. p-THE DOLAN , 200 AND 211 N. 18TH ST. YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CAUE OF Ji1 WOIIKUI'H Christian anboclatlon , 111 S. 17th Ht. 400 Ij1 FIIIST AND SECOND FLOOR UOOMS , WITH alcove , fnrnlshol or imfurnlsheU , at Tlio Fren- zcr. llON.UStliBtruot. IBii 'JU * HOARD AND ROOM FOR YOUNO LADY , private family , $3.00 per week. 013 N. 'JjM nt. * 11 o 12il _ ROOMS AND BOARD. 2225 DODGE STREET. ' 208 21 * BOARD AND ROOMS. $4 AND $5 PER Week ! house modem. 2421 Dodgo. 201-25 * I ? NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD , only $5.00 IKT wi-ek. Good location , all modem conveniences. 2400 Cass street. 207-21 * - FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT F-NICELY alcove and bay window , modern con- venlencoH , private family ; board. No 022 South 20th direct. JI1821 * FOB , RENT TJNFUBNISH'D BOOMS Rates. IKc. .1 word first Insertion , lea word there after. Nothing lakeu for less than 23c. nENT OnuNFulNsHEb IIOOMS. GFOI1 modern Improvements , beautiful lawn and Bhade. N. E. cor. 21d ! and Miami streets. M700 G II ROOM FLAT , BRICK. 1GOO LEAVEN- wortli Bt. M251 23 * - LARGE ROOMS , NORTH AND SOUTH front : modern convetdenees ; funiUliod ornn- furnlihed. 2082 Harnoy. MllliO 27 * THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN COT- 'tago , U''ii South lillh Htreot. M313 23 * FOR KENT STORES AMD OFFICES Raloa , lOo n line each Insertion. SI.HO a line per month. Nothing liiken for less lliaii2Jic. l TOtlUEN"TV S Tm ro -i block. BUltalilo for meat market , hardware or dry goods store. Inaiilru ( SOU S. lilth St. 451 -FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY11RICK BUILDING , J OK ! Farnam Ht. The building has a llroproof. cement - mont basement , complete Btoam heating fixtures , wntur on all Ihu lloor ; ) , gas , etc. Apply at the olllcu of The Uou. tilt ) 1 FOR RENT , CHOICEST SECOND FLOOR BUSI- J-ni'HH corner In Omaha Glebe building , 10th and Dodge. Glebe Loan & Trust Co. 452 ONE OF THE LARGEST VACANT STORE buildings In Omaha , situated In Ihu wholesale quarter ; It Is 130 fret deep by 20 foot wtdi > , Uireo or llvo Horn-Hand basement : the front Is entirely i of plalo glass and Iron and snltablo for either wholesale or manufacturing ; will bo rented for reasonable rt-iit for a term of years. Inquire at Natatorlinn , 1813 Howard Bt. 150 J21 * T-OFFICES EN SUITE OU SINGLE. WITH OR * without llroproof vaults ; cheap. Wlthnell bill. M742 jyti * T-CHOICB BRICK STORE , 2700 LEAVEN- -1 worth , cheap to good tenant. F. D. Wcad , lllth and Douglas. 281 21 AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOe o line each Insertion. $1,50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. f AOENTs'ElfHER SEX WANTED TO SELL " our new kettle cleaner , bread and cake knives and other new articles , Easy Hollcra , big protlts , terms easy. Clauss Shear Co. , Kansas Cltv , Mo. M310 jylO * WANTED TO RENT. Ralos , lOoallno each Insertion. $1.50 a line pei month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. WANTED. AT ONCE , 7 OR B-ROOM llOUsi- near any union depot car lines , all modern con veniences and stable. Address Mrs. John Hob' reciter , jr. , No. 810 South'22d street , Telophonc No. 1703. M137 22 RENTAL AGENCIES. Rates , IKc a word first Insertion , lea word there' after. Nothing taken for leas than 25c. L"-LIST'YOURIIOUSES ' , VOR BENT Vmi W ; D Berry k Co. , 717 N. Y. Life. JI805 STOBAQE. ItiUos , lOcallnouach Insertion , SH.r.ll a line pe : month. Nothing taken for k > sa than 20e. , shipping of pianos and fnrnllnri ! ; storehousi 1114 DoiiKlas , onU-olf.OO Dodgo. Omaha Van am Express Co. Tel , 1550 , M , llcklim , Mg'r. 7U2Jyll M I-STOR AGE.WILLIAM8 .tCUOSS.l 214IIARNE1 10:1 : M -STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; clean and cheap rules. I' . Wells , 1111 Farnam 451 WANTED TO BUY. Rales. 1 tea a wonl first limorllon , lea word Ihcro after. Nothing taken for let , than 25e. li J- > goods , oto. . or will anil for owner lu our nuctloi Bales. R. Welta , 1111 Farnam. 451 AT FIRST MORTGAGE PAPERS. H. A. AR XNnold , 005 lleo bldg. M'-'ill 'NT WASTED , ONE LADY'S AND ONE GENT7 1 > bluyelu , good order. Call lllakn , llnico i Co. June 21ut , 5 to 7 P. m , C. A. Malr , Elliott. . . 32120 * FOR- SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ratcn , m a word Orel Insertion , icnwordthurc after , JS'othln ? taltcn fur lodn than 25c , Q-Fplt SALE CHEAP , GOOD SAFETY II ! cycle. Inquire 1002 Furuaiu bt. 1U020 * FOR SALE , NO. 3 CAL1GRAPH TYPI QwFOR writer. In excellent condition , with deuk , vur cheap. Rev. J. A. Hcudoruou , 2015 JuckHon t. 322 22 * ' CLAIRVOYANTS. T Lil Rates , lOo a line each liiBcrtlon , sfl.SO a liny pi month , .Nolldni ; taken for less than 'J5c. i" . S-MRS. DR. M. LEGRAVE , PROPHETESS , DEA traucu clairvoyant und llfu ruader ; Hilla you llfn from craillo to grave ; ran bo coiisulteil on a uttalraof llfu ; has thu celebrated Egyptian brca plato to unilo thu separated and caubo marrfui with ona you love , Como om > , como all , and I convhiciHl of her remarkable powers. Olllcu in ruHldonco 417 S. lllh utrevt , IIOUI-H 0 u. m. to I ) p , i Strict llfu chart and photo of your fuluru wlfu < husband sent through mull for (5.00 ; chart ulon 4 > 2.00. All cuiuainlinr . cents In Btauii promptly ana\yiuinl. Mti81)y4 ) * C-MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYAN' Orvllublo buaiiiebaiucdliiuii 5th year at ll'J ) 457 S' DR. H. T , STANLEY OF NEW YORK , TKS' bublnosa and medical medium , 17'JJ Caplt avcnuu. M201 24" S-H. PEITIBONE. PHYSICAL MEDIUM , UI arrived and located ut 1722 Capitol uvciuie. M201 21' R- Ra. a. i MASSAGE. BATHS , ETO. Rates , lOoallno each Insertion , $1.50 a lluu p mouth , Nothing tnVen far leas than 25c. I fv MADAitE rSM"ftli" B02 s ! ISTH ND PLOO iSi -L Room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , blcuui.tmlphi lua aud baths. ' 03 uea m211-24' 1 -MMH. . CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , I JB Jlloor , room 7 , inaasaga , ulcoliol , aulphnr und u rB. bathB. M102-23 I _ ADBTRAOTS OF TITLES ior \ r-AIlSTRACTS-THE MIDLAND GUARANTJ and Trust company , abstracts , conruyunce 3E Tltlva porfuotvd uud cuar nlu l. Owu tliu 01 complete auntraot books In Douxlas County , K 2 uiovud to room 310 New York Lltu Uulldlur , iOl PEltSONAL. "THB FIRST HOAT WAS NAMED P1O. U Commnnlcato with partnnr * In It , ursrnt. " 180 jyl * U-MISS K ! A KEARNS , TEACHER OF plnno : iH-ol l attention to nidlmcnlnl princi pled. Sulto 40 , Midland hotel , 10th And Chicago. M331J37 * TTWRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU- tlfnlly Illustriited Matrimonial Journal , con taining many photo-cntrravlnirfl of handsome women nnd rallnnt HIMI who wish lo wed. llrowii I'libllshliig Co. , Temple court.Toledo , O. M711-3P MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths , ncalp and hair treatment , manlcum and chiropodist. Mrs. Fosl,310M S.16th , Wlthnell blk. 458 U-CUT THIS OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN'S Photo Sludlo , 2123 Cumlngnt. . and you will bo entitled to 12 Arlslo Cabinet Photos , very best , on Bill nlgrd cards , and onn 8x10 for framing , for $1.0U | without this , $3.IW | for 10 days only. M244Jy 17 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc .1 line each Insertion , $1.RO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than BOc. " 2YKTir oAN30NCITYA5ll FARM Wm . Reed \Solby , 344 Board of Trade. W-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES Tlio O. F. Davis Co. , 1RU5 Fnrnani struct.lUtlo MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved anil unlmprovnl real estate , 1 to u cars. Flilellty Tnist Co. , 1702 Farnam. 4U'J W-OMAHA SAVINGS IUNK MAKES LOANS on real eslatn at lowest lnarkrt rates. Loans maile In nmall or lareo minis for short or lone time. No cominlHslon Is ch.irgeil and tha loans aru not nolil In the wist , but cnn always bn foiitiil at the bank on the corner of llith and Douglas Mis , 401 \v FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOE LOANS ; low rates. Alex Moon' , 401 lieoblilff. 471 W-LOANS , J. W. SQUIRES , 213 HUE BLDQ. 473 TVANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. * Llfo , lenils at low rates for ehulcu BccurJty on Nebraska anil Iowa fanim or Omaha city property. 470 1VT CENTRAL LOAN A TRUST CO. , UEEBLDO , \\r-LOANSONIMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city properly. ? HOOU and tinwanli , f > to OH1 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnaiu Smith & Co , 10 & Hnrney 4GU W -LOANS. G. G. WALLACE , 312 BROWN BLK. 47'J \v T-LOWEST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST COM- pauy , 1702 Farnam street. iOa \\r-WANTEDATONCE LOANS ON IMPROVED ' Oni.iha proiwrty ; low rales. Fidelity Trust company , , 1702 Farnam street. 402 -MORTGAGE LOANS LESS THAN ,7 PER cent , Including nil charges. Charles W. Ralnoy. Omaha Hat , bank bldg. 408 WANTED , TO BUY 8 PER CENT NOTES SEcured - cured by mortgagog Omaha city or Donglaa Co. proiwrty. Rood & Sciby , 33S Board of Trado. 407 W-WE WANT A NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS for loann on clly or farm properties at low rates. Private funds. No delay If security Is Bat- Isfactory. Goo. J. Paul , 1000 Farnam. M217 22 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , lOea linn each Insertion , $1.00 alluapcr month. Nothing taken for leas than 20c. X. THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , ROOM 4 WITHNELL BLOCK , 310H SOUTH 15TH , CORNER HARNEY ST. \ \ \ WILL LOAN YOU ANY \ \ \ SUM LARGE OR SMALL FROM \ TEN \DOLLARS\ \ \ UP. WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE , HORSES CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND. / WILL /DO / WELL/ / TO / /YOU / / ONUS FIRST/ / FOR / OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL. You can pay thu money back at any tlmo and In any amount you wish , and thus reduce the cost of carrying thu loan In proportion to amount you pa > \ IF YOU owe a balance on your furniture or other personal property of any kind wo will pay It oil for you and carry It an long as you desire. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM THE TIME YOU MAKE APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , BO that you get the use of both money and property. 47(3 ( V-CALL AT THE OFFICE OF i OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. i 1NCORPORTED. IF YOU WANT MONEY , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , V HORSES , WAGONS AND OARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Wo will lend yon any amount from $10.00 to $1)00.00. ( ) ON THE DAY YOU ASK FOR IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amount you wlHh.andat any timo. and each payment BO made will reduce tlio cost of the loan. Remember that you hove the use of both the property and the money , and pay for U only as long as you keep it. There will bo no expense or charge Itopt out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the loan. Before borrowing elsewhere call and BOO ua and you will flnd It greatly to your ndvautairo. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 10TH STREET , nrst lloor abovn tlio street. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty ; alrictly conlldeutlal. A. E. Harris , room 1 Continental block. 478 X MONEY , 30. 00. 00 DAYS. CHEAP RATES and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , live Htock , oto. , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Dull Green , room U. Barker block. 470 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOua line each Insertion , $1.50 a line pet month. Nothing taken for lusa than 25c. Y"Ha Handicapping ayateni neta $15.00 weekly on $200.00 Invealinent. Soootid successful year. Safa , Conservative , Practical. Prospectua 18113 fre . o , D. Rowe , Box 137 , Brooklyn , N. Y. M100 J23 * -FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT. HOTEL 26 rooms , all occupied with iwrmancnt boarders ! modern Improvements. Beat location In S. Omaha Capt. John O'Douahoo , 203 N. 10th St. , Omaha. Neb - * _ M11I-JJ23 YWANTED , A PHYSICIAN WITH SOMP money , to take charge of a Keeley Institute. . Ad' dross It. 212 , McCuguu bldg , Omaha. , 820 -BRICK SIDEWALKS-SIDEWALK BRICK TC nxchango for cash. William J. WclMmnB , 414 Karbach block , MU48Jyl2 FOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH , AK established bakery and confectionery at Wayne Neb , , county seat of Wuyuo Co. Address A. W Breltllug , Wayno. 183 23 _ V HARDWARE AND IMPLEMANT STOCK FOU 1 aalu In good town. $15.000.00 bustncbH las year and doing as good a biiBluras now. Gooi reasons for Belling , Addrosa J 02 , Hoe. M200 25 * -WANTED , A LOCATION TO OPEN A TA1LOI ahop ; good reforeucea , Addrcas W.J. McKunzlu Alma , Neb. _ . ' 121 21 * -PAHTNEIl WANTED WITH $1,500 TO TAKI J- half liiterexl lu a good paying hotol. Best o n'feroneoa. ExiHjrlenco required , " An A No , 1 ehaiico to mnko money for thu right party. Ad divsa K 0 Omaha Boo. 323 21 * -FOR SALE. A WELL ESTABLISHED ANI paying business : hooka , news , music , stationer ; and wall paper. Is paying $2,000.00 per yeui Owner niuul neil ou account ot health , Adilresu K7 , care Dec , M3 10 21 FOB EXCHANGE. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion. Sl.EO a line pe month. Nothing taken for leas thnn 20c. , . . . . . . IN NEBRASKA , KANSA ' -/and Dakota. Will Boll cheap or exchange fa iudttu.uoraes aud cuttlo. TO.Frankfort.Int . 481 rA CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSI tJWlll taUurcal estate uud money. Uox .US , Frank fort , , hid , 481 V-480 ACRES OF CLEAR LAND IN ONE OF Till iJbostwInior whuat districts In Kaunas to ex change for 10 or 20-acru tract near Omaha clt limits. Will pay c.ibli dttfeivnco If property I good , Address , irlvlni prlco und location , o 2(1 ( llfi 205 _ rA CLEAN STOCK OF DRY GOODS. CLOTH llmr , BIO. , lor lands and cash. 11. IV , Watkhm Co. , Frankfort , Ind. 823 23 * r/ CHOICE REAL ESTATE IN CITY OF HOUi /Jlon , Tux. , for good meruhandlsu block. 11. I Patterson. Omaha. Nub. M222 y-WANTED , TO EXCHANGE FOR GENERA /JincrchamUao , Council Ulnila prefeiTed. houi on luived btrvct In Omuha. Ulvo value of good 1C 8. Uoo , M342 2.7 * FOE BALE BEAL ESTATE. Itatea , lOaallnu each Insertion , $ a line pi month , Nothluff taken for Itfca than 25c. 17OR SALE , 0-ROOM COTTAGE AND LO' 1 worth $3.300 : will lake PJ iOO ; $1,200 uncun brunco ; monthly payment ou balance. Hou newly pmwrul , city water , bath aud water clout Addruas owner , J 18 Hue. 70H ID T70II SALE. 0-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT WIT ja -L barn , In Kounlzo place- house newly pahitu nicely papered und painted liibldo , fumaco , li and cold water , gau and bath. Proi > erty cheap $4,000 , Incuuibranca $2,500 ; will suit ou eai tcrius tor $7,000. Address owner , J 10 Beu. 7U7 " " D3"TRAOT3. THE MIDLAND CUAUANTi and Trust company , abstracted ! , ceiircyancei Tilled perfected and guaranteed , Own the on compleio abstract books hi Douglan comity , II uiuvud to luoai 10 Now York bulldlui , ' . 4D' . FOR SALE Il&Ii ESTATE. Cotlflllllfd TI KAti E fl-ROOM COTTAGE ai1Jot , Hanwotn aplondld location. $3,600.1x1. , COTTAGE and south front lot near 30th and Pa- clno , It sold quick , only SI OO.OO. NIOB HOUSE nnd lot near Hanscom parlC ( $3r.oo.oo. . 8-UOOM HOUSE near 32d. nd Popploton ftrcntic , will pay inixTConl on money lnvesle l , $ , ri < )0.oo. ) ELEGANT brick and f rtlno cotlase , 32d and Pa- cine. * 7.2W.OO. ( HANDSOME 10-room liotiionoarSOlh and Pacific , all modern convcnU'iiccs tO OO. KLKUANT double brlqk , msldenco , comer 32d and Poppleton avo. , sotnti rtiid cast front , will yield 10 percent on money Invested , $13.M)0. ) SPLENDID residence imnwrty. 76tl50 footcast front , with two honsos , Nos. lly.S nml llilo S. : Unt ; two beautiful homos ! will yield 10 per cent on In vestment ! price , ft l.OOO. NICE RESIDENCE LOT north of Itnnncom Park , covered with line nhadn. and fruit trees , grapes , cto. , pleasant location , only $2 .00. FINEST SOUTH FRONT lot near Hnnscoiu | wrk , 00x170 feet , clpgant trees , paveil Btrects , stone walks , etc. No special tax. $ 1,200. , CORNER 8(1x145 ( foot , 30th and Pacific , elegant location. Wlllmitxllvldo. Call for prlco. CHOICE FIVE-ACRE tract , close to clly , n first class Investment , only $2,000. TEN ACRES with cottage Just outside- city llmltl. Splendid place for small fruits. No Hucr plnco around Omaha. Prlca $4,500. FORTY ACRES , close lo now Rlmwood parlt and Hell Line railway lo Went Omaha. Will plat Into 200 bcatillful lots ; ono of the llnost pieces of actn proiwrty around Ouiaha ; Bploudld Investment , at $350 per aero. HOO ACRES. Greoloy county , Nob. , only two miles from North Loup , on U. P. railway ; good soil , running water ; will mnko splendid stock farm ; listed for quick nal at * 8.00 imr ncro. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 305 N. Y. Llfo IlldS. M310 21 USTHE SOLD. NICE COTTAGE ON PAVED M Btrcct ; Hiuall cash payment. AilclroHa J 4(1 ( , lieu. UUO 2 ! ) A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS. EAST front lot Lowe avenue ( Pnnnlcton park ) , easy aeeess to motor. Owner golnff Into business. Will neil very cheap for cash. Also lot HaiiBcom Place. Ills bargain for cash. Address L. F. , 1' . O. Box 380. MMfi. pHEAP FARM LANDS. Wo have the following Inndn , sltualod between Crook , Colo. , and Ledge Polo , Neb. , both railroad stations. Section 25-12-48 Logan county , Colo. , nearly all Binooth land ; good Boll. Socllon 27-12-48 Logan county. Colo. , two-thirds nice HmoolH laud , balance broken ; good soil. Secllon ,13-12-48 Logan county. Colo. , nearly all smooth land , slightly broken on the cast ; good soil. East Hot flection 20-12-48 Logan county , Colo. , smooth land ; good soil. Lots 1 and 2 and S. M of S. M of soctloii 21-12- 48. Log-au county , Colo. , rather rough , but coed soil. Lota 1,2 , 3 and 4 , In section 21-12-47 , Cheyenne county. Neb. Quito roiutli , but bus splendid sprhiff of water aud considerable hay land. Wo wish to neil thin land , 2.5RO acres , If possible , In ono body , or.lf necessary .wllldlvldo It , It haHbuon appraised by the railroad company at from $0.00 to 9HMO per acre. Wo will sell the whole tract at $4.50 per acre ; or any onu section or inoro at $5.00. It Is a first-class Investment , and nt the prlco quoted the cheapest land In the market. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 305 N. Y. Life bulld- IIIB. M31U 21 J < OR SALE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS : A south front collage , (1 ( rooms , $1,350.00 , 50 foot. A south front cottage , 4 rooms. $1,100.00 , 50 feet. A Bouth front liouno , U rooniH , $ feet. A north front cottage , 0 rooms , $1,100.00 , 50 feet , A north front cottage , 4 rooms , $1,000.00 , 50 feet. A north front house , 0 rooms , $1,800.00,60 feet. A small lirst payment and easy monthly pay ments. Small clear lota will be taken In exchange. Seu N. A. Kului , druggist.IBth and Douglas. M1S3 ! ] y 17 WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE PRET- llost Blx-room cottageIn the oily , llghlcd by eleclrlclly , having furnace , bath , hot , cold water , tnnuti'l , grate , marbh ; top wash bowl , sewer connec tion , trees , stone walk , paved street , etc. Located lu Avondale park , ono mlle from postotllco. Price only 43,800. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Faniam at. MD57 Jyl u 1GHT IN TOWN. Between 2lib and 27th sts. and Spauldlng and Spragus. $100.00 Is the price , $25.00 ( town , . $25.00 down , $25.00 down , $10.00 a month without Interest until $100.00 are paid. Balance 2 and 3 years at 7 per cent , 'AMES , 1507 Farnam St. j ; * . 320 20 OR SALE-S5X130 EAST FRONT ON 20T1I ST. bet. St. Mary'Bavo. and Half-Howard for only $0,3" > 0 until July 1st. This price and location need uo comment. AMES REAL ESTATE AGENCY , " 1007 FARNAM. 283 25 OR SALE OR RENT-GOOD HOUSE , 20TII near Bristol sta. A. P Tukey , New York Life. 2115 TF YOU WANT A HOME YOU CANNOT AF- J-ford to rnlsa ihls opportunity to buy a lot STOEPEL"'PLACE. SPECIAL SALE. SAFE INVESTMENT. Best residence part of Omaha. Will soon double In value. These lots are Belling fast. Corner lots $300.00. Inside lota $275.00. $50.00 down'balance to suit. NO INTEREST Will bo charged until after July 1,1804. The above prices and terms good only until July 1. Look these lots over before buying elsewhere , and you will llnd the best and cheapest bargain In lota over offered. Call on or address W. A. WEBSTER , 402 Boo Bids. M223 O INVESTORS. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN IMPROVED OMAHA REAL ESTATE. iKl.WIO.OI ) buys place paying 10 per cent , $4.000.00 buys property yielding 10 percent. $1,900.00 buys choice Improved paying 10 percent. $5,000.00 buys olrgnnt place paying 10 per cent. $5.noo.)0 ) buj-H prupertyyleldlng 10 per cent. $0,000.00 buys cliolco piece paying 11 per cent. $12,000.00buya gilt-edged property paying 10 per cent. $17,500.00 buya fine Improved paying 12 per cent. WE ARE AGENTS FOR SOME OF THE FINEST IMPROVED PROP ERTY IN TH IS CITY. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 305 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. M31021 FOR SALE. AT A GREAT BARGAIN , B-ROOM lioiiBct , barn and nil modern improvements. En- qulro room 0 and 0,1023 Fiunam alreut , M112 21 * EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM LANDS FOB sale by Huutsberger Si Clements , Lyons , Unrl county. Neb. M713JyS T ) 1GHT IN TOWN ] Bvlween 24lh und 27lh sta. and Spauldlng and Sprague. $100.00 IB thu prlco , $25.00 down , $25.00down , $25.00 down , , $10.00 a month without interest until $ loo.oouro paid. Balancu 2 and 3 } jffira ut 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Faniam Bt. 5 ? 820 20 "VJEVER WAS A HETTJJllTIMETO INVEST U -11 real estate , and look utlhiu for bargains hi In Bldo property , JJ ; | ' 4 lots , lOlh and Center , forth $1,200 each , onlj $000 oicli. " ' 1 lol lu Orchard Hill , worth'$1,200 , only $700. I corner lot on Military < . , luat oppoalto Cllftoi Hill , worth $1,200 , only * 7iHK Lot ou Marcy st. , betwocu 3l8t mid 32d , wortl $3.000 , only $1,1100. , , t Finest lot In Crolghton Jlolghtir , worth $1,200 , only $775 , 3 lots , LaFayello pltuji. ' Walnut Hill , wortl 1 $2,500-00 each , forl.OUU JJivich. Avondale park , lusldo otio mlle line , Webstc street lots , with paving , curbing , utona sidewalk Bcwer , parklngoloctrlc lin t.ctc. The fluent Insld resldeucn property hi IhoWy , at Iho lowest price worth $2,500:00 : per lot j"ou7i > rlco only * ! ,500.00 pe lot , half cash. Hurt street fronts In Avonital park ; only $1,300.00 per lot. It will pay you to hi VCISUlflltH tills. Fourteen lots In Roes place , on Georgia an Virginia avenues , between MaHon and I'acltic. Fn ca h wn are olTerlng this property at 5c ( ) on Ih dollar. Fora homu tliero IH nothing liner ; as an hi vi'Htmunt It Islmpoislblo to tlnd unyllilng bcllci Always a plcanuro to bliou- any or all of thla prui urty. urty..FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 1702 Faniam. 17ARM LAND- X' H S rpy county Is sold. Vl near Omaha , Wl.l an ncro , U Hurt comity , * : tO an aero. H York county. fc35 an aero. bO nuar Sprlnrfl ld. $4,200. 140 near Bouth Omaha , $7,500. 40 near Omaha. * 70il. 10 acres near Omaha. * 1,260 , U. F , Harribon. 01. N ! Y , Life. 831-22 \\7ANT A SAFE INVESTMENT FOR YOU " uipneyl I can offer real estate iieHlnt'7 IM cent to lu pnrcunt iwruiiiiinn. or choice flrsi uior eugf ut 7 purcunt. Coin" and ECO G. G , Wulluc 312 J. J. lirowu block , lllth and Douylaa. 163 21 TOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. Continual. _ ' _ J IGHTINTOWN. _ TUMwecn 24th and 27lli BU. and Sp.iulillnff ami Spragtio. WOO.oo Is Iho price. $25.00 down , $ . ' . " > . oo down , . . $10.00 atnnnlh Without Interest until $100.1)0 ) are mid. Halanca 2 and 3 years nt 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Faniam St. 320 20 rpWO NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGES JUST NORTH -iofllanncom park , nplrmlld locationete. It sold locother , only $3,750.00 each. Hicks , HO. % N , Y. Lltu Bldg. Mil 1(1 ( 21 1 > A11OAINS IN HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS. J. JL N Frenzor , room 0 , Frenier block , opp. P. O , Mill JyU T > 1O1IT IN TOWN. . Between 24lh anil B7th sts. aud Spauldlug and Spragua $100.00 In Iho prlco , $25.00 down , $25.00 down , $25.00 down. $10.00 a month without Interest until 9100.00 are paid. Balance 2 and : i years at 7 ix > r i cent. AMES , 1C07 Farnam 81. 320 20 WORLD'S JTAIlt HOTELS & KOOMS llatos , IMc n word tlrst Insertion , lea word there- after. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. \VOIir'B'3 PA" ' FURNISHED ROOMS. YOU ' take no chancu nor pay any money In advance. $1.00 i > er day. 1311 Farnam street , Omaha. 053 J30 riMIE OROSVENOR , 0217 SHERIDAN AVENUE , -L Chlc.U'O. a nclect family hotel , within U inlmUc.s walk from the iirlnclpal enlrances to thu fair. Good reforuncos. Rennoiiablo rates. Applv lo O , C. Shinier , 211 Now York Llfu building. Omaha. MlU5Jy 10 Ihu ( treat elevated road.putllni ; you oil fair grounds In eighteen minutes ; iirlvutn family ; rellned sur- rouiullnsrs ; gas , balh , hot and cold water. Address E. W. Finch , room broker , 225 Dearborn , rooms 418 and 410. M101 22 TVTEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AT $1.00 PEP. A'day , ono mlle from World's fair entrance. Ad- drcaa D. E. Lang , 151 COth street , Englcwood , 111. J1344 21 * LOST. "llatos , IKo a word lire ! Insertion , leaWordthorc- uftor. Nothins taken for less than 25o. T OST , IN BENSON CAR SUNDAY. BLACK JLJthorn cane , IUTBOII relurnlu aaino to 501 N , 10th St. vtlll bo liberally rewarded 328-20 T OST , ON MONDAY AFTERNOON , LADY'S JLJopcn facn small Hllvcr watch , with gold chain attached. The Under will bo rewarded by leaving U at 1310 Faniam or'JSOO California street , IlilO 20 * LOST-A POCKETBOOK BliTTWEEN CLARK and Blnneyon 24th at. , Under return to41022d Bt. and rccetvo reward. 32(1 ( 20r SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Rates , lOoallno each Insertion , $ allnopor month. Nothing taken for less than 2 , " > c. YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN SOON ncqulro a worklnir knowledge of shorthand and typowrltlnir at A. C. Van Satil'H hchool of short' hand , 513 N. Y. Life. Tj-powriters to rent. 483 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2. > c. CW. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. Jacobs , deceased , later with M.O. Maul ) , under taker und cmbahncr , 315 S. lUth at. Tel. G'JU. 482 PASTURES FOR HORSES. Rales , IHc a won ! first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. \\rEHAVEHJOACRES OF 11LUE GRASS PASture - ' turo for horses. Board fence. Spring water. Barton & 1'holps. Gllmoro , Nob. , or A. W. Phelps < K Son , 207 N. Y. Life building. M40U J2b * PAWNBROKERS. Rates , 1 Oca line each Insortlnn , $ l.r,0 a line per monlh. Nolhlng taken for lens than 25e. SONNENI1ERG. DIAMOND BROKER , 1303 Douglas Bt. Loans money on dlanionds.watchos , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tul. 1558. 485 DRESSMAKING. Rates , lOcn line each insertion , $1.50 u line per mouth. Nothing taken for less than -"o. " " L ADiEs1 " "AND CHILDERN'S DRESSMAKING : also undcrgarnicntH to order ; inusllu furnlahed If desired. 1707 Mande'rson. DS1 Jyl * SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , Sl.fiO a Hue per month. Nothing taken for less than 25e. OTi s * nAliinYKiA LT3Rlfi1S All makes bought , sold , exchanged , rented. 013 N. Y. Llto bldg. Tel. 558. 484 _ SCALES. _ Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for loss than 25c. SECONDlANl sovLEsALl . Addtx'ss llordcni Sellcck Co. , Lake at. , Chicago. 480 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rates , I o a wonl first Insertion , le a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. G F. GELLENBECK.BANJOIST AND TEACHER. , .1810 . California street. Ull A BTSICTLY TUBE ARTICLE. A MOST DELICIOUS CHEWING GUM. A VALUABLE BPE- CIFIC FOB LTJNO ft THROAT TROUBLES Made by Curtis &Son , Portland , Mo. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER The Future Unveiled. Arrival oxtraordlnnry of the world's mot fmnnus medium. Mrs. Dr. F. Sherman , recog nized bv the press , medical faculty ana oclon- tlstg generally aitho mot celebrated medium Df modern times. Itomaln not In darkness und lanoranec , but seek the light of knonlodgo and learn what the mysterious future holiis for you , Whtloontrnnaod will reveal ovcry hidden mystery In lite. Olvo3 aid und advice wldoh will ovcrcnmo vour onomlos , rnmovo family troubles , restore lost affections , make tnarrlaKo wltli the ono you love no fallnrol remove ovll Inlliioueos , bad habit' , euros wllehoty , flts. and all ! and niyi- tnrlnus dlso.iRcii will Rlvo correct Intorinatlon on lawsuits , slcknos * , death , dlvorrci , absent frlonds , ovorythlm : ; never futll.ii' ndvlca to youtitt motion ninrrluso nml how to olioo'O ix wltn for happiness and what business best adapted for speedy riches , stoek spcoulntlon n specialty : recovers lost , stolen or burled prop erty : locates troisures and minerals ; tile ilvcs Indlspensablo iidvloo to vounz ladlca ot love , courtship anil innrrlaRC , If vour lover Is true or false. The mysterious and successful manner In which -"ho troiitt mutters of the nt- mnst obscurity ImHKlven much universal sat isfaction that her nnmo has Docomo a proverb In thousands of housobolds made happy by her nttl and ndvico. Hours I ) a. m. to 8 p m. strict. N. H. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by mall. Bond stamp for Illustrated circular with special terms to Mrs. Dr. 1' , Sherman , parlors 0 & 7 , The Midland hotel. 31D N. 14th s t. Omutia PATENT BUREAU , SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Bnilrling , Omaha , Neb , 4 yearn Examiners U. S , 1'at. OOlco. Advlcofroo No fee until patent is obtained. IILIU Has Opened a IN OMAHA Branch of Her Famous New York and Chicago Houses. Old Faces Made Young1 , Wrinkles and All Skin Blemishes Permanently Removed. Consultation Free. At no tlrao In the world'slilstory has woman over accomplished what MuUamo Yiilo has. ilia appOHrs on tlio scene llko an niiRol to hur sex , siiyliiK to the old and UltcouruRod wo- inun , "mourn not , dear ono , 1 can rcstoro you to youth and make you more beautiful than you could hope to bo. " Mma. Yalo'M appearance At her lecture on Montlay last created a Ronulno sonaatlon. lloyd's tlieatro was erowclod to lla utmost oa- paolty wltb Umalia's society roprcsontiitivos , all anxious to see and hoar tills musical wo- innn , who , at 40 , looks Itko a young beauty of 18. 18.Mmo. . Vale Is ono of the colobrltlosof the world. Bho is endorsed by covernmunt nml stuto cliotnlsts , rccoinniPluloil by thu medical fraternity having treated thocrownecl heads of Europu and the loading famllica of tills and other countries. Litdlos duslrous of becoming bountiful or Improving tliolr personal upnouranco nro eor- diully Invited to call upon Mine Ynlo. Twenty years can be rurnovod from the ap- poiirniico of any fuco In ft few weeks. A perfect uomploxlon cultivated In a vary short timo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gray Hair Restored to Its natural color wltli Mmo. Yulo's Kxeoleor Hnlr Tonic , 61 , \Vrlnlctoa Roiuovoil wltli Excelsior SUIn Teed , prlco 81.50 and SJ. ! Froolclos Removed with La freckle , the only freckle eiuo knowi , . 81 , Comploxiou > Blcnohod pure pink und vvlillo with Mmo. Vulo'n Exculslor Oomploxlon llleacli , prloo 8U , lloautlfylug remedies for curing every blemish known , at Mine. Yulo's. Mull orders prnmplly Dllod , Address nil orders to. MME. M. YALE , lloauty and Complexion Epuolallst , TEJVlPLE OF ICooms 501-2 Karbach lllocic , Cor , 15th and Douglas Sts , , Omaha , Neb /WT UITAI ITV Btm 7I1r ( ; < > ulfWr ra I iliM VMALIII toroil. tiorroui UuWllty L.UUI ii i nui i i > clr , ' Clllla b' INDAI'O , tlia great Illndaolteiiiedy. H'lld with writ- t u _ uaraiit of cure , ftufnitl * M'ut Ire * * * Aildreii Orlmtul MeUlctl Co. . ts llir laU. > ! , Iblcug , III. THU HKAI.TY MAKIUJT. 1NSTHUMENTH placed ou record Juno 20 , 1803' : WAIIRANTV DEKDJ. L H Kent to O 1' lliitts. lota 10 and 11 , block 41 , yuiith Umaim. $ 2.00C South Omaha Land company to Joseph Vavumklorlehz , lot 4 , ulock 350 , t > umo , . . , . , , J,48C N I'JCIISIMI und ivlfo to ClirU Drawn ot ul , n ii of lot 1 . block 101 , llrst odd lo S-ottth Omiiliu , O&C B A Hmltli to 1' M Hack , lot 8 , block 108 , Ui-nmlrluw 1,20C , It Iv ( iaylord , trustee , to H II Harder. lot U,1 > leek U , HurlliiRlon I'laoo 40C Omuha und Klorotiuo Loan und Trust company to 1'uter U'ltourke , nu no ao-lU-13 , 4.00C A U Davenport nndwfoU | > lTKeano , loll.VauyU & WMilUlv MX W A Kaunders lo M U Miller , lot D , blank 12 , Orchard Hill C0 ( L A Harmon ami wlfu to K li Harmon , lot-1 , block 'Jti3 , Oiuahu , , . . . 6,00 ( E L llannoii to 11 M Harmon , lota 11 und 1'J , block 4 , Golden utld 10 ( 0 1 , llrunlzur et ill to I' U Urlllitli , lot 4. WituKh&Wii subdlv 2,001 Elkou KollKbohn and wlfo to U M Darrow. 1.0 foot oil south fildo inld- Ulo M lota 10 and 11 , Uourtland 1'laco 821 QUIT CLAIU IJKLDS. Jl'l'utrlck and wlfo toO B Kelir , lot . 2 , block 75 , Omaha 12,00' ' Total amount of trunifori , . . , , . , . . ( & 4U5 BULLETINS PnTorablo News Becoivocl from Nearly Every State Reporting. WHEAT HARVEST BEGUN IN THE SOUTH Cheering Ailrlret Come from tlio Corn- < 1 rowInc Slntra ( iond I'mipectii for n DoitntlCul llnrvett NobrniUti Condi tions Now Moro V.ncournglnif. WASHINGTON , Juno SO. Generally the weather hns been inoro favorable through out the south whuro crop conditions hax-o Improved. The Imrvesttiifr of vrhoat Is im > - pressing M far north as contra ! Illinois , In diana , Itnnsas anil Ohio rttul the recent warm weather has produced normal seasonal conditions throughout the central ralloys , but the season Is rotnrtlcd by from ton to twenty days in the northwest and ou the Pnclllo coast. ItpporU from States , Texas Cotton Injured by wet weather and grass over parts of east Texas ; worms re ported from seine sections , but have dam- nRod crops very Httlo. Corn Rood ; wheat thrashed la turning out very well , Missouri Everything propitious and out look improving dally ; wheat and clover har vest lina lioKUn ami will bo general In the llrst of next wcolc. Illinois Conditions favorable for crops and farm work , Oats and wheat maturing rai > - Idly. Corn planting practically completed ami the early planted has made excellent growth , Minnesota Souio barley and timothy heading ; wheat and oats doing fairly wollj fruit prospects below thu average. lovnt Corn baa inado rapid growth and Is now receiving second cultivation ; oats and other small grain niado progress , but rank growth reported in some localities. North Dakota Copious showers In the latter part of the week revived all grain , which Is now in line condition. South Dakota No serious damage re ported from any part of the state on account of drouth , but small grains uro sufloring ; corn doing well. In Nebraska. Nebraska Very favorable week , except dry in a few localities ; corn has inado rapid growth and is in excellent condition ; small grain maturing rapidly. Kansas Wheat harvest progressing In south ; will commence in central counties this week ; corn growing rapidly. Montana Crops doing well ; prospects for hay good. Wyoming All crops doing well where there Is stifllcicnt moisture , but Irrigation Is necessary and urops not irrigated are drying up rapidly. s Idaho All crops reported in good condi tion und growing nicely. Fruit prospects 4\ \ excellent. Grasshoppers and crickets doing i much damage. Colorado Irrigated crops in good condi tion ; llrst crop ot alfalfa bolncr harvested : native grass short ; ditches in south central portion running low. Arizona Water getting very low In small streams ; crops of all kinds are in good con dition and nro satisfactory. Utah Crops have grown well , except rain , which lias been scorched some by hot vinds : good crop of alfalfa. Washington Damage to fruit becoming nore gcifcral ; trees severely attacked by in- .cots . ; wheat and other grain reviving , Oregon Vegetation looks well but needs I nero sunshine ; all crops assured ; fruit pros- iccts fair ; grass never bolter. California Cool weather and southerly Lvluds have greatly improved the grain crop , ivhlch is below the average ; harvesting bo- jun ; apricots and peaches in markets ; hops rapidly vining ; sugar boots doing well. tromising largo yield ; good prospects for iuans ; peach moth increasing ; raisins drop- ing in Fresno district ; fruit prospects 'avorablo. _ Outlook In JlllnoU. 111. , Juno 20. The tempera- .uro . was normal in the north and from 2 ° to above elsewhere. ' Sunshine was above .ho . averapo and the rainfall much below the vcrago In most of the counties , and in the iouth almost none. A hail storm in Schuylcr : ounty on the Mth did great damage to reps and fruit. Corn has made an excellent growth , has a good stand , Improved in color , nd cultivation has made considerable progress. Destruction by the army worm in some places Is'roported Wheat Is mntur- ng rapidly and in some southern counties ivili bo harvested the coming week. Scab uid rust are reported in some localities , llyo s in bloom with prospects of an average iold. Some will ho cut this weok. Meadows 'ind pastures are in excellent condition. Worms are working in meadows in some lo calities. Potatoes promise igood yield. Oats are In line condition , but making a rank growth In some places. The Indication is that the yield will bo above the average. Haying In some localities is finished and. the yield abundant. There 1ms boon no material change in the condition of fruit. Mhowcra would greatly bonollt all vegetation. ( NeUrailm Cuiulltloiifl * CUBTE , Juno 20. Weather crop bulletin , No. 11 , of the Nebraska weather service , ssucd from the central oftlco , Boswoll ob servatory , Doano conogoCroto , for the week ending Tuesday , Juiio 20 , 1893 : The past week liai boon ono of sunshine- and lsh tumporatnro , the mean averaging about 40 above the normal for this souuon of tlio year. Italn hns fallen In somnpartof nearly nil : ountle.s , but lias fallen only In showers covor- iK ) limited areas and immorally iimountlnK to ess than half an Inch. In u vm-y few places It ins rouehedor slightly oxeedud an Inch. Corn Jm.s iiKUlnu rapid growth und Is re ported in o.xcollent condition , uxcuut In west ern counties , wlioro MHMCI wan Injured by hlsli winds Ihu llmt part of the week ; corn Is belni ? cultivated HID second time. )4mal ) xi-aln ban bUlVorud \vosteriirountlon from drouth and hlKh , hot winds , hut elsewhere ItlmsKenurully Improved In condition. HiiK'ir ' heels are maUlni ; a flue growth und potatoes aru overywhei-o repot lud In good con 1 dition. Tliu hay urop promises to bo lleht. ( Wfi'U lor lowu Crops. DBS MOISES , Juno 20 , The crop bulletin says : Araroly good week has pushed all crops rapidly forward , The mean temperature - aturo and suushluo were above the average. The rainfall was light , oxcopi in a few local ities. Corn ha.s made wonderful growth , and second cultivation In in progress. If the season continues favorable tlio state will ex ceed Its former high record as n , orn pro ducer. Oats and other u'liall grains havfl made good progress. In some localities a rank growth is reported. The season nas boon exceptionally favorable for pasture and meadow , and the hay crop will bo heavy whcro grass roots were not winter killed or Injured by insects. Small fruit Is abundant , The apple crop will bo very light. Hclioul Aluuinl. The annual reunion of the Omaha High school alumni will bo held ln > the High school building next Friday evening. Preparations are now In progress to make this one of the most enjoyable reunions over held by the High school alumni. The reception commit- tco will moot at the High school building promptly at 7 o'clock on Friday night. The following have been selected to repre sent their mspcotlvo classes on the recep tion committed Friday evening : Btacla Crowley , ' 70 ; Will McCaguo. 78) ) M. J. Truland , ' 7U ; Jessie Allen , ' 81 ; Quslo Phclps , ' 83 ; Huldah Isuacson , ' 63t Lizzie Van Sant , ' 84 ; Edith James , 'SBj Jly order of the executive committee. Wallace Broatch , ' 80 : Chas. Jj. Elguttor. ' 81 ; Ida Komington Kotson , ' 88 ; Howard Wilbur , ' 93. Life Is short and time is llcotlng , but Hood's Sarsaparllla will bless humanity at the UKCS roll on. Try It this season , AVntor llrntu Due July lit. Payable at odlco , Jloo buildlnif. 8 pot cent illBcount if paid on or before July 1st. Failure to rccolvu bill will not ou- title aiiyonu to dUuount after July Jut. onico upon till 8 p. in. Wednesday ! und Saturdays till July 1st.