Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HflElL\VE : ! \ ONES DAY. JUNR 21 , 1803.
Wheat Was Weak and Reached the Lowest
of the Season.
Stliftl Cercnl Kiilrrt Actlvo Mot of the Ses-
lon with the TcHIng tlnnnttled nnil
I'rlon lrr K"li r Slock *
* nud lloiulii
CniCAOo , Juno CO. Wheat wns weak today
fct the lowest prices over known and , compared
tvllh last night , closed nearly lo lower for
July ami lUc lower for S-epictnber.
Corn wus oixslcr on realising rales on corn
and good reports of the growing crop. It de
clined lie since yesterday.
Oats was comparathely firm ) llio decline
In 'July being only ! < c. Provisions wcro
weaker ! ribs selling oir 25c. Tight money was
the cry from llio wheat spcculalors nil day.
About 30 jior cent Is being paid In Chicago , as
reprcsetiled by a sprcnd of 6c per bu. be
tween July nnd Poplendior opllons.
That was tlio paramount Influence In the
market. In fact , news of nnolhor kind was
Fcarcoly listened to. There was u report that
the London people had arranged lo carry the
vrlicnt hero through Iho Hank of Montreal , but
that It win declared could only bo trim on the
mipposltlon Hint London people hud the cash
Brain which Ihcy bought for July delivery ,
which Is not generally believed1 lo bo Iho cnse.
Armour & Co. are , It Is said , prepared to carry
nil Hint It will bo necessary to provide for.
Thoopenlng wax about Iho same asyeslcr-
dny's close , and prices declined Icfor July
nnil Uc for September , then held steadily nnd
the closing was about Ic lower for September ,
nnd from 7ic to Ic lower for July dell\ory
than llio closing llcureH yestottlny. It was
Bald Unit some of the hnnkH had refused to
renew loans on wheat , nnd the fantvhattho
Heptomhor premium widened out to 6c
strengthened this belief. Later the ptcmlum
WIN only fiom 4t * to 4c.
There wus considerable Interest In corn , the
murket ruling quiet and netl\o most of the
session , With Iho feeling unsettled andpilces
Irregular. The conlllctliiR foreign advices In
regaidtn DIP duty question made operators
moro mixed than OMT. as to which side of
the market to favor. The lone nt start was
Btiong , and Ihu llrst sale at about closing
quotations of vesterilny , n Purls cable coming
Instating that the assembly hail passed a bill
to temporarily suspend thn duties on corn ,
nnd that tlio German government was also
contemplating Ihe same , lint Ing u very bullish
circct. Ulleilngs , however , were gieatly In
creased , f-uM'iul piondnciit concerns , supposed
lo bo long , sold freely , which curried
prices down fiom ? .c to 3c , prlvnto advices
coming to hand reporting Iho proposal to abolish
ish duties on com had Deen declined , which
tuis ronslderul later nnws , and Iho market ic-
nclctl uccoidlngly. Liter the prices worked
nil ; , c on the estlmpti'd rect Ipts for tomorrow
of 210 mis , declined f c nnd at the close had
lost fully from ? ic lo 'ic. The crop bulletins
were bearish factors.
In oats the feeling early was strong , but
c * Inlcr weakness duvoloped in sympalhy with
oilier grains. Prices had u rnngo of JiC und
the clOM ! was al u net loss of He to i5c.
Theiewasa lltllo circus In Iho provision
trade , A few packing houses , headed by Ar
mour and Ihc Chicago Piicklm ; company , un
dertook to sell some short ribs. In this they
were anticipated by Wilglit , who raised Iho
miiikt't In a way that made prolllablo sales
dilllcult. Pi Ices were near Iho host of the dny'n
range at Iho closo. Compared \\lth lulost
prices jcstcrtlny , September Is 6c lower , luid
Is oir lfc nnd rlns lost 25c.
Kstlmuled reculpts for tomorrow : Whunt ,
88 ears ; coin , 210curs ; oats , 130 cars ; lioirs ,
10,000 hoad.
Tlio leading futures ranged ns follows :
Cash quotations wnru us follows :
KI/OUII Knsy ; nominally unchanged ,
WIIUAT No. 2 spring , C4 > ' , ffiU-l3ic ; No. 0
sprintf , f. o. b. , CCc ; No. 2 rod , G4H < 3G4 ? c.
Co UN No. 2,41ic. ! No. 3 , SSJfc. No. yellow ,
closing , -I0o.
OATS-NO. 2 , 30c ! ; No. 2 white. 345Jc ; No.
B white , f. o. h. , 314C31C.
IlYE No. 2. 40c.
UAHI.GY No. 2 , nominal ; No. S , t. o. b. , 42c ;
No. 4. no sales :
TIMOTHY HEED 1'rlmo , J3.G5.
1'OIIK Mess , per bul. . 820.02 (220.05 ( ; Inrtl.
, .or 100 Ihs. , iO.75SO.77J4 ; short ribs , sides
( .loose ) , $9.97'saiO.02'dry ' } ! siillod shouldora ,
( boxed ) . iO.50 10.00 ; short clear bides ,
( boxed ) , S0.75nro.00.
WHISKY Distillers' Oulalied goods , per gal. ,
UrtAiis UnclianRed : cut loixf , OIJc ; cranu-
lalcd , 6.7G ; Ktandnid "A , " 5.G4.
The follovrliiK wcro the iccclpts and ship
ments fur today :
On the I'roduco exchange today tlio butter
market was oaslor ; creamery , lutUOJsu :
duhy , ISQilCu. CSKS , dull ; strictly fresh , 13
3'c. '
Now York Mtirkets.
NEW YoitK.Juno 20. Ki.oun Kccolpta , 41-
814 pkRfi. ; exports , 0,954 bbln. , 10,574 backs ;
sal , 10,400 iikgb , ; market moro active , eas
ier : winter wheat , lowgradi'ifl.D52.45 ; win
ter whont , fair to fancy , S2.46 < S3.45 : winter
wheat , patents , f-lO34. : 00 ; Minnesota cleai ,
f2.60S3.00 ; Mlnnokota stratKhls , i3.30Q4.00 ;
Ulnncsotii patents , 4.00324.46 ,
COUN MiAir-lulI : , hteady.
live Dulli nominal : wcslcrn , B7c.
WHKAT Hecolpls. 420,300 bu. ; oxporls , 200-
741 bu. ; salon ; 4,300,000 bu. of futures , 100,000
bu. of spot. Spot nmikot fairly active , canler ,
wllh options closing steady. No. 3 red , In
atoro und elevator , 71 ! > c ; ulloat , 72c ; f. o.
b. , 7272ic ; ungraded red. 70a72Mc ; No.
1 northoin , 72u ; No. 1 ] iaril,7Hac : No. 2 uorth-
cni.70J.fc. Upllons were moderately aetUe
nnd Irregular , closing weak at ? W7 c duultno ,
BH follouliiK the west with local longs and for-
olRiiors soiling freely ; Nt ) . 2 red , Juno , 71 * ®
72 ? c ; July , 72fi73 7-lGc , closing at 72'iu ;
August , 76liia763ir , closing at75uC ! : Hoptem-
) er , 77'f tt7HJc ( , ulOhlttK at 77Mu ; Docuuiber ,
b2KilHkcloHtnu ( : at HU < iu.
COIIN Uccolptb , an.oOO bu.t experts , OB.OOC
bu.t Bales , lul 0.000 bu. futiireH , IU.OOU bu
BpoU bpots moderutoly uctlvi- , ? 4lo lower
toady ; No. 2 , 40JtfMi > tie In elovator. 50)fd )
OO.Vc ulloat. Options opemnl iitlbc advanoi
on Arm cables nnd foreign buying and n roporl
Unit Uernmny had removed tlio duty , hit
later denied , and prices fell Ic and closet
toady nt illlTia loss for llio dny ; trading fair
Euntomher , July nnd August most active
July , 60 ! & < aM'ic , closing at 60io ! ; Augiiut. 5 :
Ci&Oc , closing ut 61 > ic ; Hoptembcr closing a
ClMc ; Ootohor , Ol o ,
OATf Heceljils , 111,000 bu. ; oxporls. 70 (
Ini.i BHlca , 105.000 bu. futures , 115.00U bu
ipot. hpots quli't , llrm. Options ( inlet iim
Inner ; Juno , H7 > 4C , closing ut 374ic ; July
l7 > iG37io ! , closing at U7Uct August , 35 > , , ( i
ibuc. closing ut 35ic } ; t-'optoi.ibor . , : iy ? < i
I33HC. closing at 93 c ; hpot No. 2 uhltu. 40c
4o. 2 ClilcaKO , 30c ; No. 3 white , 38.f ! UDie ;
mixed ucnern , 3bU30u ( ;
HAY Quiet : choice , steady ; shipping , J7.6C
Wool/- Quiet , about btuudy ,
VnoviKioNB ( . 'ut meats , llrmer , nulot ; mhl
fllou , dull , rasy. l.ard. nulut , easy ; wester
at (10. Options bales , none ; Juno closed , f 10.0
nominal ; July i-IoM'd ut tio.05 , nominal ; Hej :
tembcr cloicd ut S10.07 , 1'ork. moro ucllvi
HUTTKH Moderate demand , firm ; wester
dairy , 14Q10ia ! ; iiins : | , 2022c.
C'liKirsETalr dumiind , bteudy.
EOUB Hti'tidy , Him domund ; recolpts0,40
pltg , ; wcbtern freuh , 14JiU10c. (
CorroNHEiu ( ) n < ( julut , weak ; crude , S0 (
yellow prime , 4S&44c.
I'KTiiui.LUM-C.Uilet. cntdo loner ; Wubhtni
ton In barrel * . H.'JO ; Wukhlngtou In bull
12.40 ; United closed at OOo bid.
ItOfilN-Qulct , easy.
Tuitl'tNTiNi. Quiet , easy ; 20'5(230o ( ,
Nui.Abbt.t.New Orleans , iiuoii Uetlk- , good I
choice , btuudy , quiet at yui 3Bc.
BUUAU Hiiw , Una , dull ; fair rolluliig , a.'i
ci'ntrlfucalB , 00 test , 4ic ; rctlned , llrm , fuiri
active ; oir A , 6 1-10W6 0-lOc ; mould A , & 0-1
Ci&lfi" ktaiuluiU A , fi ? < 25 0-lGc ; contectloucr
A , &H 5 7-lGc ; cut loaf , & la-lGCCOu ; crublu-
C 13-lcaCc ; powdered , 6-U < 6 15-lGui gram
luted , 64if ) ? c : ciiliou , bhW > 13-10c ,
1'ia IIION Qulel uiul btcudy ; America
U2.75 < air.,60.
Coi'i'jsn bti-udy ; lake , f 10.00.
LEAU-Qulot ; domemlc. (3.00.
TiN-I'luu ; Hlraltn , (20.15 bid , (20.25 nsxci
n , dull. Spelter , quiet ; domestic , (4.20 ,
N ir York Dry ( loodt M rhot.
VoiiK , June 20. lluslntts In dry goo
continued luoduiately to bu governed by t
flu uncial bltuatlou. Ihu oveiith louglookv
for In regard to bleucbed cotton * took pla
todny with thn foltowltie reiulli M to prices :
I'mHoftho loom 4-4 bleached nhlrtltiu , re-
durcd ' { c nyntd tnSUo ; lxn dnto4-4blenchPl
hlrlltlgl , reduced loS'tc ; Cumbvrlnnd to 8c ,
lllnckiiono lo 7W , Hope to 7d : rilclivlllo , 7c ;
roriiot-Me-Not , 0' < C ! 1'armors choice , o'4C !
Herkclpy catnbrlcs. OHrj Uoronvt cambric ,
7Uci bleached cambric , BL < C.
Onmlin Product ! .Mnrkct.
Tlio market on country protliico nn i notdN-
tlnculMicd by any % cry great chariKo In prices ,
and the trade as n whole \\ns devoid of special
fen lure.
Tlio receipts of ee nrn not very largo , but
nlthoFiimo time there la no ery Croat de-
inanil , The fact thnt the run hn Unlit Is the
only rnison for cotninlislon merchatils bolns
nblo to keep the mnrkat BO well clonncd up.
At present iirlcoi llicro Is no outlet for eirgs ,
c\cn If tlirto was a Miriilua , and that , together
with the fact tlmt it Ilbrral liicroasu In tlio re
ceipts U anticipated for the nour future ,
causes a weak feeling among n good many
dealer ! * .
lltittcr Is not at nil plenty feu- this season of
the year. It Is estimated that tlio supply Is
short of last your bv fill per cental least.
Heavy IOWH shippers claim that they arc not
packing moro than n third ns much us they
did last year. At llio same tlmo butter men
are anticipating an Int'rcaso In the rccelpls
for the last nf the month nr the 1st of July ,
The tnaiket , on poultry Is about stonily , Old
fowls und chickens nro the ohlv kind of poul
try that Is coming. (7cese , ducks nnd turkeys
nro out Of season , nnd only nn occasional ship
ment Is rccclM'd ,
The locnl pnrdcnorH are fupplylnp tlio vcgo-
table iiinrkia almost entlruiy. and there Is
very lltllo bolnu shipped In In tlio way of now
\cgetablci. 'Most all kinds nro now plenty
and cheap , ocept string and wax beans.
Now potatoes are coming Incry freely and
nro going lower tupldly. lurlngiho ) last few
days the receipts linto been largely from Ar-
knnsas and otni-r southern points , \\hllo C.ill-
foi nla hns not hpcn such n heavy shipper to
this nun Kol. The late arrivals fiom llio south
nro of % cry good quality.
The aulvuls of homegrown strawberries
uro on the Increase. Whllo some of the stock
Isofjuelty fulr quality a gieat doalofjtls
small and knotty , Tlio best bonlcs are com
ing from nour-by points In louu. NobruHkn
growers do not uppour to Imvo lenrncd the
secret of producing good berries. Theio vns a
shipment of sti aw berries In fiom Oregon that
tin ! veil In splendid shape In spite of the fact
that ( hey Imil bien on the road for four days
In a common express cat without ice.
There were u few crates of blackberries
from At Kansas , but hardly enough to make a
market ,
lllack rnspborrles were aNo In light supply.
as 1ms been the rule so far this bcason. Uood
stock found n icady rnutkel.
. .
TOMATOES MlsslbslppU-baskotcrntcs , $2.00
UAUFO NIA OAniiAOE Crates , per lb. , 2
G3c ; Ht. Louis cubbnpo , per crate , Si.00ilt3.25. :
Nuv I'OTATOns i-outhrrn. per bbl. , S3.25a (
3.60 ; California , nor lb , UttaWc.
SritlMl IlUANS 1'er bu. box , $1.60.
I'PAS 1'erbu. , onordeis , ? 1.
t'uciHliiciia 1'or doz. , homo grown , 75c ©
? 1.00 ,
UAtiMFixiwrn-Kancy. per 1)11. ) box , il.75.
ONIONS fc'outhfrn , per bbl. , J4.
I : I'tTdoz. , on 01 tiers , 20JJ25c.
KADISHI.H 1'ofdoz. , on eiders , ifi 'JDc.
liliCKN ONIONS I'er doz. , on oidura , 16 < & 20c.
Asi-AIlAOUH 1'er doz. , 3540c.
Niw HKKTS 1'er do ? . , 40it,50\
Niw TuiiNira 1'er doz. , 25530o.
SQUASH Per 40-lb. box. Sl.U3ai.GO.
CAMroitxrA CiiEitniKS 1'or 10-lb. box , SI. 20
.STitAwiicnnina-Por case , on orders , J4.00 ®
4,25 ,
Per case , $3. CO.
HI.ACK HASl'iiniutiES 1'er 21-plnt coses ,
$2.25 ; 24-quui t cases , S4.00A 1.25.
OiiAMiES-KlversIdo seedlings , $3.0033.25 ;
Illversldo Jlcdlterrnneiin RWOOIS , 93.75 ; moun
tain Medltuiianeun s eots , i3.00ffl3.25 ; moun-
Inln oinnges , $2.602.75.
llLACiuiKituiLS 24-qunrt rnBOs , ! 4.
Jlisbouui UiiLituiua 1'cr 24-tit. case , S3.00 ®
rouTiir.itN ! Pr.n\is Wild geese and Chliika-
saw , per 24-qt. rabO , ? 2.50.
PiMiAl'i'Li. ' 1'er doz. , $2.00(22.50. (
Al'lilCOlS Percrato of 4 baskets , JJ.50.
Per 100 , S30.00a35.00.
niiTTEn Strictly fancy country , small lots ,
15Q10c ; packing block , 12'Jc. '
Kt ! s Ucnoiul market , HH12c.
I'oni.TiiY-ChoIco hens , 7J ! < 28c ; m\od | coops ,
C4t7c ; roosters , 60Gc ; geese and ducks , 7@8c.
.fJVKT T.'A0.Iulrkot ' ; oa Bood upland hay.
SG.60417.00 In car lots.
VuAii Choice and small fat , 75J74c ! ; largo
and thin 3BOc.
_ _ _ _
St. I.ouli Alnrlccts.
BT. Louie , Juno 20. Fr.oun-Wcolc and dull ;
WHEAT After openliu ; strong turned weak ,
became unsettled ; No. 2 red. 02 > * c ; June , C2c :
July , G2Sc : August , G5jc ! ; tfeptembor , O7',5c.
CoiiN After making u rapid advance early. ,
declined and closed ? ic off ; No. 2 mixed , 383 c ;
June. 38c : July , 88 0 ; September , 40c. ' '
OAtS-Nomlnal ; No. 2 cash , 28 > 'sC bid ; July ,
27Hc bid ; August , 28c bid ; September , 25ViO
PitovisiONS-Lower and drncglnK. Pork , cur
rent market , $18,75. Lard , $ a.25f0.87)t. ! { ; ) Dry
salt moats. loose shouldcis , J8.755 lonza nnd
ribs , $10.20 ; shorts , $0.00 : boxed , 15c more ;
bncon , packed shoulders , $0.75 ; shorts , 4lOC2
( 10.75. JInius , ingnr cuicd , 133 > 14e.
UUTTEH Unelmnged.
KKCEHTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu ,
SuiI > MENT6 Flout , 10,000 bbls ; wheat , 2,000
bu ; corn , 168,000 bu. ; outs , 33,000 bu. .
Unnsua City Markets.
KANSAS Cur , Juno 20. WHEAT Weak and
lower ; No. 2 Imrd , cnsh , 57 < 267ie } ; No. 2 red ,
6Ctt68c. (
Coftu Dull nnd unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
33Vic : No. 2 while , 84c.
OATB Weak , and \c \ to Ic lower ; No. 2
mixed , 2G't(327'c ! ( $ ; No. 2 white , 28a28Mc.
ll\t Weuk at 61c.
HAY Weak ; timothy , 50.00S0.60 ; prairie ,
ituTTEii Firm , unchanged.
KOQS Weak : lo'ic.
ItKCEii'TB Wheat , 0,000 bii. ; corn , 4,000 bu ,
Smruujds Wheat , 17,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000
Liverpool Haricots.
LiVEnrooi- , Juno 20. WHEAT Quiet ; de
mand modeiulo ; holders offering moderalely
Herelpls past thrco dnys , 231,000 centals , In
cluding 130,000 American.
CORN Steady ; ctemund moderate ; mixed
weslorn , 4s5 ! id percental. Hecelpts Ameri
can corn past three days , 51,200 centals.
Amctlcan finest white , 4Cs percwt. ; Amcilcau
Uuost colored , 40s. ,
Milwaukee Markets.
MILWAUKEE , Juno 20. WHEAS Easy ;
July , 03ic ! ; 2 spring , 04c.
CoilN-Dull ; No. b,38c.
OATS-hteudy ; No. 2 white , 84ioi ! No. 3
while , 3"JJJc.
1'OltK-JuIy , 120.05.
Wool Alurkct ,
ROSTON , Juno 20. The tlcmnml for wool has
boon moderate and llio bulosuroln smiill lot !
only. Territory wools mo quiet on u bcourot
basis of 47fi447u for line , 45c for Hue mod I UN
and 4O'ijM3u for medium. Toxrxs , Callforuli
and OrcKon wools aie dull. Pulled wooU tiule
ut 30Q36O for A and U supersi , Aubtrullun
wools quiet and llrmj foreign carpet wools
Cofleo Mitrkut ,
NEW Yoiiit , Juno 20 , Options oocned dull
uiichangt'il to 20 points down ; closed barol ;
Hleatly , 620 points downisalos , 0.25O bRgb. In
eluding : July , (16.30 : August , (15.16 ; Boo
tombur , $15,60 ; November , (14,2514.QU ; Do
runilior , * 14.70 < ai4.76 , bpot Ulo , Uull , steady
Cotton Marker ,
NEW OHI.EANS , Juno 20. Kasy ; coed mid
tiling. B S-IOc ; middling , 7 c ; low mtddllnn
7 7-1 oc ; good oidlnaiy , 7 ! c ; net rocelpu
1,422 biilebi BIOSS. 2,107 bales ; exports to th
continent , 700 bales ; bales , 1,300 bales ; stock
114,000 bales.
Ilaltlmoro Onilu .Market.
IlAi.TiMoni : , Juno 20. WHKAT Bteady ; N
2 red , bpot and Juno , OOc ,
COIIN Strong ; mixed bpot nnd Juno , 40 ! {
abked ,
OATH Quiet and steady ; No. 2 whlto wcslon
42o asked ,
_ _ _ _ _
IMilladeljihla Oraln Murket.
No. 2 ted. June , GB'iiloUe.
n COHN ateudy , eukunil lower ; No.2mlxc
June , 48i5i4IJc. (
K ) OATS Weak ; No. 2 while , Juno ,
MliiiiuuuoUa Wlioat Murket.
June 20. Market dull ; cm
weak. Itet-elpts , 2OO cura wheat. Close : Jun
SHtJc ; July,6 Uc : hontoiubor , 04c. Uii trncl
No. 1 liurd. Olijc ; No. 1 , nortliern , 60Ji }
No , 2northuin , 60 > itt57Sjc.
Olneliinall JlurUoti.
OINCINNAII , Juno 20. WliCAT-ralr d
muiid ; No. 2 lull , GOQG2c.
Cou. > Soiueu ; No. 2 mixed , 40u.
UAIB rirni ! No. 2 niUod , 32ia33c. !
Toledo ( Iral i M.irket.
u- Tpi-KiK ) , Jnno 20-WllEAT Active ! No.
uII cash und June , Glue ,
II , Conn-Dull ; No. a cash i , 42c ,
OATS yuli't ' ; cabh , 30o.
Havana Sugwr Mnrkct.
HAVANA , Juno 20. BUOAH Quiet ; on 1
iiiolasies suisur. 87 degrees polarization sold
4,33)4 ) gold per iiiiluml ,
, ) , ) I.Ollduu 111141.0191 ltUVlO\T.
lie * ( CopuHghlcU isyj 2 < v JU.TIM Gordon /itniit , ]
dLONDON , June 20.-Now [ Yok Herald Cat
eo I Bpuclal to Tuu IJuc. ] Tlicro was uo bu
nrsi totlny on the Block exchangenUlioimh
the weather wiiscoolcr nnd prlce-i Rcnorally
lower , llrantl Trunk stocks wcro especially
wo'ik , d 'spltri the RITISS Incroano In the week a
receipts of i'G,700. To minors of Gnuld con
trol Is now credited the recent rise. They arc
simply dun to the bull rlnjr , American rail
ways woio easier but there wire no stiecl l
features , Ihiod biokcrs rpcommendotl the
Ritltlng down for a few months of most stocks ,
but the public wns slow toblto. ronfldeiico In
American rnllwnys was slower of recovery
limn over before. Homo securities wcro lint
gfltioiiilly , These declines were In foreign
stocks but the movements were not Impor
tant. Plherwns loner nt 38'fil. A Milling
amount of bullion wus taken out tif bank , The
money market wns Inclined to harden.
Spcculntlon on the itclinnco : Wns < ) ntot
Agnln Vostrrdny.
Nnw VOIIK , Juno 20. Speculation nt llio
Stock PAchnngo was qulot again todny. Trad-
Inir In railway and miscellaneous bonds
amounted to but S88G.OOO. At the opening
Manhattan , Cordngo preferred and Omaha
prcfciroil wcro i-onsplcuoils for strength , Man
hattan rising 2 per cent to 131 < 4 ; Corrtngo pre
ferred 4 per cent to 64 , and Omaha preferred
2 per cent to 112. Manhattan wus favorably
Influenced by the concessions granted by the
rapid Irnnslt commission yesterday. Still
later tlio stock fell to 127 on statements by
Ulrcctor Hilssoll 9ngo Ihal ho would oppose
tlio payment of (175,000 yearly to the city.
Cordage ns belter on llio iirospccls for an
catly reorganisation of the properly. Soon
after the openlnz London sold n lltllo Krlo
Atchlson. t'nlon Pacific , St. Paul and houls-
\IIIo nud Xaslnlllo , nnd nt the s'imo tlmo
money on call advanced Id 25 percent ,
This gave the room tinders , who are uni
formly benils-h , nn opportunity lo bring nbout
a decline of ' , { to 1M. Mttlo support was
given the rnniket , but for that matter
Iho prcssuro to sell wus not largo by any
means. A further break In sterling e.\chnngo
lul to talk of Impoils of goltl nt an cntly
date , and this together with n lot-up in
the ri\toM for money near the close , when call
loans fell H per cent , brought nbout n llttlo
rnllv. Manhattan rose to 120V2 on what was
termed Insldo buying. Near the close , howe -
oer , C'orthigo ran olt to 12'i nud Sugar to 83
on modoruloly largo tiansmitlons.
Tuo untiouncemont that the Hunk of Com-
mcico had applied to thn Clearing Ilottso lonn
committee for # 1,000,000 In cerlllicalcs hud no
Inlluonco. Now thnt the Dank of Commcico
bus shown Iho way , smaller Institutions , and
others not In as good slmno financially , will
probably follow suit , anil money In consequence
quence should'ou&u up.partlculaily In mercan
tile click's. In the loan department active
Mocks lent nt from 5 to 25 per cent for cany-
Imr. The mniket loft oil weak.
Tlio Post says : There as lltllo or no fallIng -
Ing oil todny In the oulllow ot Interior money
shipments , and to this slr.iln Is now added Iho
usual piopnrntlon for the July Inlerest and
dividend disbursements. Chicago exchange
Ills true , has advanced a trlllu and there Is
reason lobt'lle\o Hint the banks of thai city
have. In part , abandoned their policy of a
\7cekagoliihelplng out western grain bpocu-
Intois at the expense of westein mor-
chanls. ThoMiolo proceedlng ought ,
lion over , lo bo kept prudently in mind
by eastern banks when appeals como In ,
later In the Minimcr , for Uiti lonowal of nd-
\nncpt on Inteiior commorclal paper. The
negotlallon of sterling loans on our own
money market was something of a factor In
today H icnowecl collupsu of oxchnngo rates ,
hut it must not IK > forgotten thnt With such
titter absence of buyeis In the market for ex
change the disposition to draw ami linnsfer
London funds ugnlnst sales of sterling bills Is
In n gioat measure discouraged. The Httun-
tlon of Ihe moment , In short , is of such ab-
noiinal and unprecedented character that
speculntho ventures on all the markols are
huz.iidous , a fact as veil appreciated In Lou-
don as In Chicago and Now York.
The following are tlio closing quotations on
the leading slocks ou the Now York Stock ex
change today :
The total union of stank" ) today wcro 120,000
shares , Including : AtclilsOn , 4,400 ; Uurllnu-
ton&Qulncy , 8,300 ; Chicago OuS , 5,500 ; DIs-
tlllliiir , 8,000 ; Missouri ruclllc. 7,000 ; Now
York Uenlral. 7,500 ; Hooding , 10,800 ; St. 1'aul ,
12,500 ; btisur. G.UOO ; Western Union. 4.GUQ.
Noiv York Money .Murker.
Nnw YonK , Juno 20. MONEY ON CAM ,
Wus active nmglliR from 0(225 ( per cent ; last
loan 8 per cent ; closed offeied nt 8 per cent !
PiuuisMbncANTH.n I'AlT.u 0B8 ( per cent.
bTEHUNO EXCIIANOK Heavy , with actual
business in banUorx' bills -J.BlUQ4.8ly for
slxly days und 81.83 (24.83 ( for donmnd.
OOVUIINMEM lio.sod rirniur. State bonds ,
Tliocloalns quotations on oonrts :
CHICAGO , Juno 20-ClearJne , 112,021,314.
jo'jooo8 ' ClTV < Junu 20--clour ua < , :
'lo ' IJOSTON , Juno 20 , Clearings , 114,317.68
il- | balances , (1,40'JBUO , ilotioy , GQ > ? pur cei
A t
Kxclmnso on NowYoik , 18O25 per cent discount
count- , Mill
Mr.w Oni.cAss , .Jnno 20 , Cleat IHB , M-
000,516. "rjj
I'Anis , Juno 20. Tlirco per cent "renloo , 07f
7&c for the nccomiU-
Kr.W YoilK , JnArx'tO.-Clcarlngs ' , Jl 10,280-
403) ) balances , JOUfl9iG2. ;
OMMIA , Juno S < Clearings , 8798,400) )
same dny Inst wcoUSl,020,0'JO.
llAt.Tivioiit ; .Itino 20. Clenrlnas , $2,61fl,772) )
balances 8180,080. ' Money , 0 per cent ,
PlIlI.ADKM'ltlA , .thno 20. ClParlliR * , . -
880,034 ; balances , Yl,557,080 , M , GS6J4
per cent. ,
LONDON , Juno QO.- Amount of liulltbn with
drawn from llio Hank of England on bninnco
loiby , .C2.000. '
MKMIMIH , Juno So. Now York oxclmtitto
st'llliiK nt Jl.&Ojiromlum. Clearings , I188ail )
bnlanco , { 39,771.
CINCINNATI , Jnno 20. Money GO9 per
cent ) Now York exchange , GOcQM.OO discount.
aoirliiKsJl,8UnG50. !
IlKin.iN , Juno 20. The stattmionl of Iho Im
perial Hunk nf ( lermnny hhows nn Incrcaso In
spcclo of bO.UOO marks ,
Sr. f/ouis , Jnno 20. Clearings. $3,030,004) )
balances , 1 103,002. Money tjulot , ( VQ8 per
cent. Kxchntiiro on Sow Yoi K , U0c3$1.00.
NKW YOIIK , Jnno 20. Kxchango , S1.25 dls-
counl. Stcillnn uxrliniiRO , weak , sixty-day
hills , J-l.b-ll duinanil , ? 4.8 , ) . Money , titilot ;
discount imchatigedi 0 per cent being the
ruling rule , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HocolptR Much Mnro Llbornl I'rlcrn t.otror
All Around Trailing Active.
TUESDAY. Juno 20.
Hecelpts ot catllo for Iho past twodayi show
a tnodcrato Incruaeo over thoIlrat | t\\o ttays of
last week of about COO head , receipts of hogs
litoo Increased about 7,000 head , or ncaily 60
percent , and thcruliavo been neatly 700 mure
The supply of cattle todny was very fair , not
a great deal heavier than a eek ago , but con-
shloiably heavier tlinti the iictuiil necessities
ofthecaho ( leinanded , As mule the finality
was good. Tlierons uory fair pioporlloio
of rlpo heavy catllu , but ul the same tlmo Iheio
wcro moro limn thu tKuiil number of light
half fat stcors. The demand V.UH light and hut
llttlo dllVeictit In character fiom what It has
been for at least ton days past. Local droist-
beef houses 1110 all after light
present and paid prices steady to lOo lower
than Monday for good to choice fat light 1,000
to l,17&-lb , steers , or from J4.10 to ? 1.60.
Shippers Nero not ovnly unxlous to trnile , but
boUKht. 1,2GB to 1.327-lb. steers tit fiom J4.10
to J4.0D. A hunch of choice 1,073-11) . beeves
biotight ? 4.BO , whlluuiy good 1,607-lb. steers
sold for $4,06. On the warmed up , half
and shott fed 000 to 1,100-lb. slecrs
the Him kut was badly demorallred.
bales \\vio made at fiom jt.GO : to
J4 , or right around $1 lower than
the same calllo brought Icssthan a month ago.
It was u dull , ii an inatkot from the start , but
as sellers were all anxious to unlo'id in the
fact ) of bad reports from the cast , Iho move-
munt was faliiy stuudy , and \ery fair clear
ance was cllcciud.
| Cows sold lower , not a great deal lower , pcr-
1)111)4 ) ) , on the good fat cows and helfurs that
sohl around S3. 60 to $3.75 , but 6c to lOc lower
on Iho gonei al run of butchers' stock that sold
at fiom } 'J.i.r ; ) to and canners' that
changed humls at from 81.70 to $2.25 , Grass
cows are a druz on the market at prices all
of $1 lower than two weeks ago. The calf
rjmiket was steady , fair to cholco stock bulling
at fiom $3 to 36. Bulls and slags ami itmgli
stock ccneinlly sold ut blinded prices from
8.2.25 to } 3,76.
Tim feeder trade was simply flat. Quito a
few fresh cattle were recohcil , und with regu
lar dealers already overloaded and tcaicely a
country buyer In the yaids the market waa In
bad bhupo. Dealers bought a few cattle at
pilcos 15c to 20c , lower than last week , hut
could Inn illy soil them aguln ut any pilce.
Times are too hard to buy feeders now , l ep-
rescntatlvo sales ! ' "
No. Av. Pr. 1'r.
4 . . . 025 $3 00 , 84 10
i " . 760 3 60 4 10
22" ! . 020 3 ( > 0 4 20
21. . . . 884 3 05 4 20
1. . . . 10UO 3 LD 4 25
20. . . .1001 3 05 4 25
20. . . .1108 3 05 4 25
20. . . 1027 3 CD 4 25
20. . . .1108 3 05 4 25
1. . . . 020 3 70 4 30
21. . . . 871 3 72V3 4 SO
52. . . .1024 a 85 4 35
17. . . .1020 3 87'S 4 35
23. . . .1081 3 00 4 40
21. . . . 02 ! ) 3 00 4 40
20. , . . 080 3 00 4 10
33. . . .1080 3 00 4 45
45. . . . 050 4 00- 4 45
20. . . .1021 4 00 4 60
18. . . .1188 4 00 4 60
24. . . .1120 4 00 4 55
19. .1105 4 05 4 65
lit. .1U48 4 05 4 05
21 1100 4 10 4 BU
05. . .1208 4 10 10 1238 4 50
33. . .1083 4 15 12 1271 4 55
30. . .1127 4 15 21 1304 4 65
40 , , .1214 441 20 1327 4 G5
20. . .1182 4 15
3. . 1000 1 75 . . .1055 2 60
1. . . 010 1 75 . . . 830 3 00
4. . . 717 1 00 1. . . . .1010 U 00
7. . 005 2 00 1. . . . .1230 B 00
1. . .1300 2 00 1. . . . . 030 3 00
0. . . 704 2 00 13. . . . . 887 3 10
o . 750 2 10 1. . . . .1140 3 15
sal ! . 747 2 10 1. . . . . 900 3 25
" . 808 2 15 5. . . . .1038 3 25
4" 1012 2 25 1. . . . .1140 8 25
i. . .1080 2 35 0. . . . .1072 3 30
7 . . 001 20. . . . .1105 3 60
i , . .1000 ' . . .1055 3 50
i. . .1000 2 50 i.'i ; . . .1150 3 75
7. . . 380 1 70 3. . . BOO 3 40
' ' . 31)0 ) 1 70 14. . . bO(3 ( 3 50
3' . . 570 2 86 1. . .1050 3 75
3 , . . 000 3 25
1. . . 00 3 00 21 . 147 4 75
3. . . 200 3 50 2 . 100 0 00
, . 105 4 00 2 . 135 0 00
, . 130 4 00 3 . 173 D 00
.1110 225 .1400 2 60
.1240 2 30 1. . 1200 8 00
1 1100 2 30 1.l .liiGO 3 00
1 1270 2 60 l ! .137(1 ( D 10
2 1540 2 60 1 , .1210 B 15
1. . .iSlO 2 60 1 , .1&0 B 25
1. . .1400 3 76
0 455 2 80 60. , . . 778 3 ID
' ' ' ' 040 3 00 22. . . .1013 B 60
13. . . . . . 4B3 3 00 12. . . .1000 3 Cfi
8 00 1. . . . 810 S 06
Q MO 8 05 ,
lees ror the Second tlmo this year receipts
{ ut over the 10,000 mark. Ucnleis expected
irtivy mil and were prepared for It so that
when Imyeri started in bidding u good lOu
lower than Monday they found most Bellcr *
leady to moot their views. As a result trade
wus ucttve , and tha pens were cleared by 1C
o'clock , dealer ! ! Inking less tlmo to dispose ol
over 10,000 than Ihcy tjulto frequently take to
dispose of less Hum u llftli us many. There
was the usual good demand from Bhlppois ami
speculator , nnd although ono local house ,
bwlf t , was only buying to ship , prices were low
enough to Induce free buying by piickom und
they ( took something like oer half the receipts
It wus practically a 15.00 uuukot , futr to gooc
liofs of nil weights selling \ cry largely at that
iltturo with 104 to 313-lb , liogs fiom that up U
IB , nnd rouKl ) nnd mixed hogs of ull wolghti
from that ( loun tofrj.bll. Trading wus vorj
15 ;
70 . . 220 40 600 48. . . 275 120 0 02U
75. 227 120 600 71. , 268 HO 5 0'JU
ni , 228 40 6 00 60..800 200 6 024
74. 211 480 600 72 . . 243 ISO 6 02(4 (
71. 221 80 6 00 r,0..280 800 B 05
rii..2 ! < u 210 r > oo r > o..nia 240 6 05
70 , 220 100 6 00 73..200 BO 6 05
7.285 5 00 02.200 120 6 05
47..281 80 500 83. . . 234 200 605
70.,243 280 6 00 63..242 120 6 05
05..222 M ) 6 00 1 > 1 . . .207 80 6 OS
02..212 ICO 6 00 67. , 286 5 05
GO . 10H 40 6 00 65. . . 220 120 5 05
69..220 200 5 00 00..217 80 2 05
75..272 200 5 00 60..272 6 05
68. . . 201 1GO 600 08 . . .287 320 6 1)5 )
G8..208 200 5 00 03..203 100 6 05
00.227 ICO 6 00 66..281 40 6 05
71. . . 250 100 500 60 , .104 80 605
61..318 80 6 00 10..274 6 05
(13..232 ( 40 6 00 157 . . .230 120 6 05
03..202 200 6 UO GO.-287 80 6 05
60 " "J-O 6 00 6,7..302 BO 0 00
74..237 400 5 00
3G..183 40 0 10
HllKiv : Three lends wcro received , ono of
them billed direct to Cudnhy. KiiUcrn mar
kets wuiu all In bad shape anil buversbld fully
lOc lower again today or 100260 lower than
Ihoclosoof last week , Trade was slow. 1'nlr
to good natlvex , $4J > OJt5.00 ! fulr lo good west
erns , Jl.OOJI5.OOr fomiium and stock sheen ,
* 2.60ft4.0 < ) ; good lo choice 40lo 100-lb lambs ,
llnrnlpli anil l > l pcmtli > i or Stnvlt.
Official recolpts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of llio Union Block Yards
roinruiiy for Iho twenty-four hours ending nt
5 o'clock p , m , Juno 20 , 18J ! ) :
Clitc.iRu l.lxo stock .tlnrkct
CIIIOAOO , Juno SO. [ Special Tolepram ( o
Tin : llii.l : The cattle nmtkot was unchanced
In Its general fcntutos. It was not moio actUo
than on tlio piecedlii ) ; half dn/en days nor
woio prices pciceptlbly llrmer. The tone ap
peared to bo a llttlo butter allttlo healthier
and that was the extent of the lmpro\eiiient ,
If Improvement , Is the word. Tlioio was a
small inn of iiutho * , csllmated at C.UOO bead ,
butlhuro weio onoiiKh Tovas cattle hero to
bilng the supply nbout up to Tuesday's ner-
IIKO. Texans i-old with some fietdom and
were steady. It looks as thoURli prices weio
now about down lo bed lock , and that any
clianno In tliu near future might bo for llio
With less than half the number of hogs of-
feied yesterday the market was weak anil un-
o\enly lower today. Theie were about 13OUO
fiesh leccipts and not more IhuuIgGOOslalc ,
but that small supply was adequate as would
appear from the fact thai salesmen did not
succeed In getting llio stun out of their hands.
The weaker condition wnsascilbod to the con
tinued hot weather and llio fact that Phila
delphia buyers and triiulics of Hustoneio out
of the niarKet. The early Hading was close to
Monday's quotations \\hllo the close
\\as lOc oir and voiy dull. Closlns
sales were on a basis of $0.40 for
the best heavy and medium weights and $0.00
for clioleo assorted light. Train f 0.25 to $0.15
bought most of the hoRs. Light sold princi
pally nt from SO.GO to JO.GO , tint the supply
was small. Culls anil sklim wcio utiotuU at
from $ I to } 0.
The sheep trade was no worse than before
It couldn't well bo. The demand was uulni-
pioved and so wore prices. The fact that theio
wcro some 7,000 head less than ycstoiday did
not count for much , In view of tlio fact that
the pens vroro well tilled with the lca > Ings of
the day before. Tlioio was only u veiy liniltuil
local aemand and scuicely any Inquliy for
fahlpment ; consequently tliosu holduts who
succeeded In closing out at the low prices of
the day betoio thought themselves foitunato.
Tlieiu was a llttlo trading on a b.isis of $2.25
for poor to choice Texaiis and from f 2.75 to
$5 for nalho and western. Lambs weio quoted
atflomH.25 toitG.25.
Hecelpts : Cattle , 5,000 head ; cahcs , 1,500
head ; hogs , 13.COO head ; sheep , 10,000 head
The Evening Journal lonorts :
OATIW : Hocotpts , 5,000 head ; nhlpments ,
0'iOO head ; market slow ; fair demand stead
ier ; IOD pllces , $ I.OOHt5.30 ; medium , J5.2U ®
5.15 ; To\ans. J2.704.10 ; nutlva cows and
hulfers , J3.00Q1.15 ; canners , Jl.OOQ'J.bO.
lloas Kecelptb , 12,000 head ; shipments ,
4,600 head ; marmot aliened steady to lower ;
ml\ed and packers , $0.10 ; heavies , Jli.45iJO.DO ( ;
light , $0.40 0.55.
SnuhP KecelptB , 3,500 head ; shipments ,
2,000 head ; inarltot light , steudv ; stock ewes ,
J'J.502.75 ; Texaus , 42.75(22.85 ( ; natives. J3.H5
& 5.3I ) ; ncslcius , i4,25iQi4.05 ; spring lambs ,
w.5oao.oo ,
Kansas Oily Live otualc Market.
KANSAS OITV , Juno 20. CATTLE Uccalpls ,
0'JUO head ; hhtpmunls , BOO head ; market
steady tor best stulT ; others lower ; Texas
steers , 2.2 ! > < (2 > 4.20 ; shipping steurs , $4.yOii
5,55 ; nutho cows , S1.70ii4.2B ; butchers'
stock , 83.50a4.40stockois ; and fooderH.J13.60
@ 4.35 ; bulls and mixed , 41.60543.60.
lions Kecaluts , 10,100 head ; ohlpuionts ,
400 bend ; the market opened 610c higher ,
closing slionger foi lights , lower for heavies ;
bulk at iulus , IO.103G.20j heavies. SG.OO&G.25 ;
p.ickors , JG.C)51 ) > ,25 ; mixed , 60.26 ; lights.
t5.UOa6.30 ; Voikcis , J0.2&ii0.35 ; pigs , S4.26
Diibui1 Receipts , 300 head ; shipments , 1,000
head ; morkat barely steady but unchanged ;
muttons sold at H.0ufc4. ( > 0.
St. Louis Mva Mock Market.
ST. Louis , June 20. CATTLC llocolpts , 5,200
head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market slow on
natives , stiong on Tcxnns , although quality
was poor ; lop for nUUo steels , < 0 ; top for
Tuxas steers , iJ,70.
Iloos Hecelpts , 2,700 head ; shipments , 300
head ; market stronger on light grades , easier
on others ; light , JO.OOaG.3U ; mixed , $5.70ffl
0.16 ; heavy , j5.UUttG.20.
Biii'.ci' Kecolpts , 2,200 head ; shipments ,
4,200 head ; market dingglng ; no quotahlo
chant'cs ; good uutlvca , J4.75 ; Texans , e3,50iU
Custor Citizens I'nul _ Times Kasy nnd I'ro-
iluco I'luiitlttil.
BKOKEN Bow , Neb , , Juno 1C. ( Special Cor
respondence to TUB BEE. ] Custer county ,
ono of tlio largest counties in the stnto , hav
ing territory enough for four average coun
ties , is situated in the central part of tlio
stnto nnd has n population of over 24,000
people. It is ouo of the banner agricultural
counties of the state , ImviiiK talcen first pro-
inium three successive times lit the state
fair and is now burred from competition.
Its numerous trudluc point1) and the train
loads hauled in und out are the best evidence
of its woRlth-producliiR qualities. Its num
erous streams , many line fertile valleys , hun
dreds of thousands of acres of line upland
Brass-growinK country , indicate its adapta
bility to stock raising or grain growing ; uoth
of which are extensively engaged in. it has
two lines of rallrtmds running through it ,
the B. & M. to Dendwood and the
Kearney & Black Hills lino. The
county has been politically favored
in the past few years by furnishing
state and national ofileors , O , M. ICoin , con
gressman from the Bit ; Sixth district , has
been u resident of the county for more than
twelve years , and is nulto popular among
his party in this locality. Ous Humphrey ,
the present lund commissioner of Nebraska ,
has resided in this county for several years ,
and ran largely ahead of his ticket in this
county , showing that ho has a stroni : per
sonal and favorable acquaintance at homo.
Judge Holconib , district Judge of the dis
trict , who was elected by eighty-one votes
over Judge ilamcr nearly two years ago , la
surprising his friends and making friends ol
his enemies by the tact , ability und prompt
ness wiih which ho dispatches business.
Whllo hlf > judicial decisions arc generally
flrm and fair they are tempered with mild ,
ness to the unfortunate whoso criino has not
intentionally or willfully wronged the state
" '
is a scientifically prepared Liniment
nnd harmless ; every ingredient IB of
recognized vuluo nnd in constant UBO
by the medical profession. It short
ens Labor , Lessons Fain , Diminishes
Danger to lifo of Mother and Child.
Book 'To Mothers" mailed free , con
taining vuluablo information und
voluntary test imonials.
Sent by express , charges prepaid , on receipt
ot price , 81.50 per bottle.
Bold I'j all druggists.
or their neighbor ; Jmtlco muted on ttili syg.
torn Is surely rlghtcoimons.
Cttllawny , the rreacnt terminus of the
Kearney & Ulnclt Hills rnllwny In the south
west part of the county , Is thrhlnw town
of 1.500 ( icoplo nml hopes ns soon as the
county can bo divided to becoino the county
scat of one of the now counties. H has
banks , nowsnapers , merchants by the dofcn
with plenty ol qooits , good brlclc blocks , am
bitious citl/cns nnd every thing nesessary to
make n llrst-class county seal us soon as she
can pot the people to tttko a vote upon the
question of illvtdlr.q the county.
Mason City. ) , Ansloy , Ansohno.
Arnold , SVcstervlllo and several other Rood
trading points , plvo the people an opportu
nity lo market their grain stock aid produce
to iidvnnttiRC.
lirokcn How , the county scat ot a county
nearly ns largo In aro.i as the state of Hhoilo
Island , Is n ton M of : i,000 people , with thrco
banio , thrco nowspiipors , two school hotisoa ,
several churches , the prominent civlo
societies , all of which seem to bo tnloylnc a
lifo of prosperity , se\eral minor factories
doing a coiifcrvnthc but good buslncs i , nil
being fed by the hand of an Intelligent tind
prosperous farming community.
Ciood hotels await the festive drummer , of
whom there are many who visit this thriving
community owing to the extended trade of
the merchant In the city. Times are so easy
hero Unit even the republican postmaster
has laltcn his famllv for u trip of three
weeks to the Whlto City on the lakes nnd
further cast. Cuater county has been visited
Di timely and plentiful rains , so that the
crop outlook was never better , o\en In this
much favored nnd blessed country.
My doctor fiavs U nets ci'ntljon tlio itomnch ,
liver nnd khlnevs. niullin plciinnt latnino. 'I lit ]
drink Is made from ) > erli . anil Is prepared for use
us easily us tea. HH railed
AlldrueRletGOfllltaUOc.umllltiyacknsc. It you
cannot got it , ciul yoiirnddrcas forafrep mmplc.
Lane's I'amltr Medlrlnp inoM' the bowel *
each day. In order tnhp ! i < "ithytlilAls ] necessary ,
AadreMOilATOU * ' vv \v\"n i ' T'MV x.V
Every Man whose watch
has been rung out of the bow
( ring ) , by a pickpocket ,
Every Man whose watch
has been damaged by drop
ping out of the bow , and
Every Man of sense who
merely compares the old pullout -
out bow and the new
will exclaim : "Ought to have
been made long ago ! "
Itcan't betwistedoff thecase.
Can only be had with Jas. Boss
Filledand other cases stamped
with this trade mark
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. .
TJ. S. Depository , Omaha , Nob.
W. . prrsl-
Officers and Dlrectors-Henp ; Yntpj.
. . . . . Maurlu- ,
rt < nt. U. C. CUHliliii ; , vlcr. i.rofcUlent. C. S.
W , V. Moroo. John S. Collins , J. N. II , I'atilcK ,
LuulB S. Hucd , cauhlcr ,
. , . .
wo werotho first tnftnnfnotnrprt on Uil *
Continent Our Idlest ImrroTeincnt unrpassci
nnjtliln/tererbctoro / iiroifiiPOAl. i5o.S3a&M.
per tin. lie mro to hnvo SUAntmx'a , Sat
for tUun tprond on cotton cloth.
Prevent on In holler than onto , by IntrnlnJ
incso ctinillei Imd smells In hfincmenfs , closets ,
Ao. nro destroyed , nud tmucimtaRtoiKcltscngcs
nrokGrtawnrt nl o useful for oxpclllnfj moa.
qultos iiranrrltntliigliiscclg. I'tlco , Ko. cacli
.Hf-RO AfilffioWAltlLLEsT
which In burning , dIMafect nnd produce A
f rnRranco refreshing nnd Invigorating. S5o. per
box of .
12. eolo Manufacturers ,
rimrninconllcal 1- , , . . . . . . - . _ , ,
, 's
/JJ >
Spwlaclcs aal
Calirrh euro cures c.itnirh ,
1 AIIUniKKlitt. Wo cuts.
MllUilOAI. llISri.NAUV. .
( UllMHItltlltKIII I'rCP. )
In iiii iirpisscil In tlio treatment
of nil
Ouronlo , Private and
Aorv IIH ) ll en oi > ,
\\'rlo ( to or consult pcrjunnllr-
fltlv.AI''MK.Vr IIY .M.V1L.
wltti otiiup for piN
t tlculnri which will bo until In
plain vnvolcpo. I' . 0.110x05) . Olllcc. 119 S. Mft
street , Omuhn ,
idSand Hotel
COr. 16thand Ghlcoao. _ . ,
Jefferson Snuaro Pnrk ,
I llulldlng and fn ni-
_ f turo entirely now.
Auicrlcnn plan , f i I i.ri-ir I SpoclnlrntPs
Kuropcnn plixn , 81 f ltriln f by tlio week
I'oiiTunlcnt to nil cir lines to nnd from ilopon
Oiroranllcomforts.coinlcnuacosnnilfnro of li iinor
pflccilhoiols. Uvery roohi nout Mo room. Kloo
trie lights , cull belli , Kna , Imtlis.cte.
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
Cor. 12th nud Uo\varJ Stroots.
40rooms { ' .BO per duy.
40 rooms $100 per ( lay.
110 rooms with but It ut J3 per clay.
0 rooms with buth at $1.50 per ilar.
Dloduru In Uvory llentiecr.
isuwly KiuiiUho cl
C. S. ERB , Pro : ? .
, ' ' " ' ' "
_ "
- -
J - tJllnrTnju J-U-
Union Stool Yards Company ,
Best Cattle llo nnJMuep marfcotln tha wait.
Wood Brothers.
Llvo Btoolc Coinrali'iloa llorohunti
Eo'ltliOmaha-Tolophono 1157. CulcaiJ
Mprltot reports by mill nud wlro oheorfullj
Omaha Tent-Awning WolIBros&Co. ,
Manuf'clurergof Tents.
nonsK covKtis. Awnlmj * , fto , 70J and
inn Kurnam Btroot. TOS. lOthbtreot.
Oemis Omaha Bag I
Importer ! and mnnufno-1
tureri ot flour tacka , |
burlap , f tnlno ,
Morsc-Cw Sbios Company.
We are thoyo'n.v JUnufftJturon of Boot * and
to in.pect
SI. E. Smltli&Co. KtlpalricK-KocuDry
Off Roodi , nolloni , fur * Notloni , KOPU1 . ? .ur.nliU ;
rltblug ifoodi , cocuur nil guodi , cur. Illu
IHU uud Howard BU. llaruojr blrfBti.
OuialiaUpuolsteriug Beiec & Ilunyan
UpboUtored furniture , COMl'ANV
HUHSl tilcbulai et.