wti * ' ifii < P . . . * " + * * * $ & * -ww w v * : * ' * ' ' H I 3 W , * : " 'iH 'fl ? lf1iWF'W-f"-.w---T- r. j-pj--- * nt * rf * - { sns < VP- - j f w , * 4 H H THE OMAHA DAILY HUE : Vh WSSDAY. JUNE 21 , 1893. 6 Hi IIOSIIER'S VICTIMS IN COURT 1 I * , pepositon of the WrooTtod Capital National IS of Lincoln Begin Litigation. HUNKS GARNEAU IS EXTRAVAGANT Auditor Moore Decline * to Aocept R Number of Voucher * Prmrmteilij Nebn > * ka'a CommUilonnr Gen eral of tha World1 ! fair. LIXCOI. " ? , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The first of what will doubtless bo B series of suits ngalrut tno directors of the broken Capital National bank , holding them individually liable for the safety of the deposits entrusted to the keeping of the bank , was begun this morning in district court by O. N. Humphrey , who has $3,23 , ! ) deposited , and K. M. Turner , who has 13,023. Along with the suits were filed DfildavlU of attachment setting Up that Moshernnd Outcalt have disposed of prop erty to defraud their creditors , and that the affiants have reason to bollovo and do bollovo that D. li Thompson nnd the Lincoln Gas company have real estate , personal property nnd corporate stock belonging to Mosherand Outcalt , and are Indebted to them in an un known sum. Orders of attachment were issued and served this morning. I Thompson Is also president of the Lincoln Gas company. Several moro of the famous 'Western ' Manufacturing Co. . K. Hurlbut , Manor. ' * notes have also turned up In court. The First National bank of Hurloy , Yvls. , und tbo bank nnd Mosher on ono for $5,000 , nnd the First National battle of Negaumco , Mich , , ono for $2,500. So far , the suits filed phew that Mosher had sold these notes In nil sections of the cast , Vermont , Now IIami > 3hlro , Massachusetts , Ohio , Michigan , Illinois , Now York and Wisconsin banks having already made returns tlicrcou , Mr. Moore's Cmntlo Letter. Auditor Moore has indited the following Bettor to Commissioner General Gnrneau , which brought that gentleman down In a fcurry today : , IiiNCOi-x. Nob. , Juno 17 , 1803. Hon. Joseph uariionu. jr. . Commissioner General for JNU- Imnltu , World's Columbian Exhibitor , Onmlm , Pfoh. : My Dear Sir Replying to your favor of recent dull1 , 1 homl you liy this day's mall , tinder si'parnlo cover , Ronurnl fund warrant tfo , 77,81 ! ) for J5.000 as nor your estimate nnd uqucst , which nmkos SiO.OOO that you have Iruwn of the appropriation crunted by nur lORlslattirn for thn Nobruskan Columbian ixlilblt. Your voucher } : ire rorolvod. llu- lluvlns that you are llko nil good Nohrnskuns Very much Intorcstcd In the frugal nnd wlso expenditure of this fund for the Nahraska exhibit und feeling that I urn mutually Inter ested In this question Itsocms to mo 1 would lie neglectful of my olllclnl dutlc < i If I should ( all to call your cspoulul attention to what appears to bo unwarranted and Extravagant expenditures nnd without the purvlow and intent of the net under which you uct us COM- tntsiloncr Knnor.il. In examining the vouchers .you have filled In this ciftlco , I llml thorn to ho very unsatisfac tory , both In form and substance , und I can- Hot tipprnva nmuy of them at nil. I find that Jrou luivo about fifty pnrions on the pay roll , /which / MH'ins to mo to bo a number so lawu thivt I cannot itimrovo It. I observe that you Imvo purchased 8132.05 worth of dishes of all Boris , which I cannot approve. Vouchers iiro returned .showing the expenditure for suits nnd cup * , of the sum of $14 ! ) for employes of the stain bulldliif ; ; this 1 must disapprove. I nntlcotlmt In tulilltlon to paying liberal inlaries to employes some of the vouchers dls- cIoHO that you pay tholr room rent , nnd In one particular Instance you paid $150 ITURCS for play and $00 expenses for the sumo month. tThiH nnd similar vouchers um.'t bo rejected by Dio. Kroquent charges areuaudo for sleeping crir , carriage hire , hotel bills , dlnhiK car , etc. , by employes nnd yourself , a.s well us your per- ( tonal nntol bill In OhlciiRO at to per day , which PtI will hot approve. Numerous vouchers are filled \Yith tills ofllco clmrginc railroad fare between Chicago nnd Nebraska points when , as I urn credibly Informed , the parties travol- IDK rode on passes or bomu other form of free transportation. I must disallow and disap prove all of these vouchers. Kvldcnua of Indebtedness Kequlred. Many of the vouchers for largo sums of money are not accompanied by any original evidence of the Indebtedness which I Insist must In all Instances be picscntcd.as In all other accounts against thu btate , und without % > hlch they cannot bo apuroved. Tholr dates nnd contents satisfy me that some of thu vouchers are for money paid on obligations Inclined by the old Columbian commission. nnd not piopeily charges uculnst the uppro- pilatlon inndo at thu time your olllco was created , nnd they must be disallowed , except o fur as they bo for the legitimate perform ance of the Incomplete contracts inher ited from the the old commission and the payment therofor. In the brlof time I Imvo had to o.xnmliie. your vouchers I find that fully half of them In value and tnore than that amount In number are incor rect and Incomplete and many of them , us I ( loom It , toll of expenditures wholly without the purpose of the law , und I must refuse to audit nnd approve them or to Issue any further on additional warrants on the fund provided for that purpose until a full and complete accounting Is had. The Instances and vouchers I have cited are but a few of the many to w hlch the same or Blinllar objections are tenable and are only used by way of Illus tration. I trust that you will fully appreciate the gravity of the situation nud ronderyour- pelf and this olllco a just service by at unco ftnd completely conforming to the entire spirit .ml Intent of the law , by giving Nebraska and her citizens the very best possible representa tion and exhibition for her money. J am very cordially yours , EUOEM : MOOHK , Auditor Public Accounts. Air. TIiorton'H Trouble ! . The troubles of the Alliance-Independent , which \voro very fully elucidated when the Action for a receiver was before the courts , are again attracting considerable attention by reason of the action of the president and editor , S. K. Thornton , calling a nicotine of loading lights In the party to raise sufficient jnonoy to prevent the paper from goInR Under. The Lincoln Newspaper union has attached the press and folder for workdono , but are allowing the company to proceed in the hopes that its Indebtedness will bo paid. Mr. Thornton stated today that when the present management took hold the debt under which the company was staggering amounted to about f5,000. This had been reduced to n little over 1,000 , but notes to the amount of f.r > UO nro duo nnd outstanding , nnd the holders will not extend them. The balance of the Indebtedness consists of n f 1,500 note en dorsed by Van Wyck , Wolfe and others , and U is not being pushed. A meeting of prominent indepandents was called , and they ngmed to muko : i valuation of the plant and issue stock on the not valuation to present holders , nnd enough additional to cover the Indebtedness. Of the $2,500 oscr tlfth has boon subscribed , but the old hold- pra of stock are fearful that the now one.-- will crowd them out of control , as the valua tion Is put at what they term a ridiculous ! } low llguro , &I.200 fnr the properly und 61.70H. for the good will. The crisis will probablj bo reached in u few days. Auothur Hank < Jonc. The Citizens Exchange b.uilc of Grant Perkins county , a small moneyed institution closed its doors today. The slate banking board was notified and Cleric II. II. Townlej will go out and take charge us temporary ro ' coivor. city In iiricf. The casn wherein J , II. Filbert was denioi by the district court of Cuss county the cus tody of his two children now in the care of tholr rr-indparoius , ItU. . Schroeder id * wlfo of I'liittbiiioutti , was lllud in supruim pourl today on appeal , The uaso will rccal to old-timers the memory of a sensational In cldcnt in the history of Phittsmouth , tin Did ono of woman's perfidy nnd subsenucn tloath , und of man's betrayal of his friend The school ooard last ovuniug awarded th ' contract for heating the now building a Twenty-third und Viuu atroots to the laaai Buioad company for l,2iO , with $400 for dr.- closets. A little bcrap occurred over tin matter , but It did not last very long , and thi : Bmead contract went through easily. The mayorailty contest is stillou In count , court and some twelve preejuuts have bee : counted with but slight changes. All di : putod votes are laid usido to bo passed upoi later by the court. A number of tine ixjint of law , in regard to what shall or shall nebo bo counted , will como up for decision , Tw precincts of the Third ward turned up mis : Ing this morning , but it is thought they ire Bomowhero in the big heap of ballots in tb , tin box , Other cases filed In supreme court toda WeroJ. 1 > . Thomas ugaiiist J. IX Thoiuai Allen 13 , Spi'iico against the mayor and ity council of I'lattsniouth , nnd J , Muckla against J. U. Ulckuy , errors Jrom Cus rouiiiy. Articles of Incorporation of the Nutlou ; Ounrantoo Investment company with the portcntoiw capital of * 1,000 wore/lied / today The stockholders are J. H. Jnckson , 1. It. , M. I ) . , and J. M. Campbell. Nolllo M. Rlchardi filed with Auditor Moore today nn attorney's lion of $1,500 against the appropriation made by the lORli- laluro to reimburse the county of Scotls niuft for the trial of G. S. Arnold. She pushed the claim through nnd wants n portion tion of the caslh Soldier"llnrilcneil With Sin. HEU.KVCE , Nob. , Juno 20. [ SpoMal to Tnr. DEC. ] At the Holiness revival mooting last night "Sister Unto" gave n ooldlor boy a touch of her power that ho will bo slow to forgot. It was during the aflormeotlng when several sinnora were writhing In transi tion from "nature to grace" that Sister I > lzzto announced that she was burdened with the ins of some of the unregenerate nnd Immediately fell on the floor. There she lay In a cataleptic state , motion less , except ono arm and a nervous twitchIng - Ing of her face. Soon she hold up her hand with thrco lingers extended , nnd this was Interpreted by her follow workers to moan that she was burdened by the sins of three unrepentant spectators. If the people would only grasp her hand she would signify who were the guilty onos. After some hesitation a soldier from the rlllorango took hold of the upstrotchcd hand , when Sister Lizzie closed down on him with a grip llko n vice. After some wriggling ho broke away from lior. Others tried it , but she clutched no ono olio. From this It was argued by some of the skopstlcs that the sol dier bore sins enough for threo. A physician , who examined Sister T. lzzlo during her unconsciousness , said her condi tion was merely hysterical , the result of nervous excitement. On the other hand , the promoters of the Holiness doctrine claim her lit was a manifestation of divine powor. Nclirnskii Wedding Hell * . Ftfu.EiiTON , June SO. [ Special to Tns One. ] A < iuiot wedding took place at the residence of A. Drowcr , corner of Third nnd Germond streets , at 10 o'clock tills morning , Dr. W. H. Plllsbury officiating , The con tracting parties were Ur. J. F. Johnson , a prominent physician and surgeon of this city , and Miss Ncttio Mlllard , ono of the teachers In the city schools. The happy couple loft on the noon train for n short trip east. east.Asm.AND , Juno 20. [ Special to THE Dnn.j llov. Irving K. Barter , rector of the Epis copal church nt York , and Miss Florence Williams were married at St. Stephen's church in this city at high noon today. Ulshop Worthlnntou and llov. A. Grant Mus- son officiated , 'iho happy couple left on the ! i o'clock train for the cast. They will bo at homo to tholr friends ut York after Septem ber 15. FIIEMONT , Juno liO. [ Special toTnn Bir..J : Mr. Joseph Koberts and Miss Emma M. Hicks were married in the i'resbytorlun church at high noon today by Uov. N. Chest nut , pastor of the Presbyterian church. Miss Hicks has bcon a teacher in the public schools for several years. Both are well known and highly respected. Ornnd Inland College Cloned. . GRAND ISLAND , Juno 20.Special [ Tele gram to Tun BBE. ] The first year of Gr ; nd Island Baptist college closed successfully today with the oratorical contest between C. P. Klrby and W. D. Smith of Grand Island and Miss Allco Dillon of York , the latter winning the honors. She chose ns her subject , "Tho Unturned Cako. " which she used as suggestive of persons who had a one-sided development. The oration was happy In its composition nnd the speaker's delivery was easy and gracoful. Dr. Wilson , president of the college , will take the chair of Latin In the State univer sity at Lincoln next year. These connected with the college hero are sorry to SOQ him leavo. His work in the past year reflects great credit upon him. A largo audience at tended the reception , which was held in the college chapel. Nebraska I.aiut In Demand. HASTINGS , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnn.J Three sales were consummated today which show the tendency of Adams county farm realty. They was ono oy Gcorgo Murrpy to a man named Hanson from Denmark , 320 acres , § 14.100 ; ono by the Nebraska Iloal Estate and Live Stock asso ciation to Murray , 320 acres , $12,000. and a small tract of cightv acres was sold to an Immigrant just from southern Itussla for 83,000. Ho says that largo numbers of Rus sians are preparing to como to this section of the country to engage in farming and that they will bring with them all the way from 8500 to 1,000 each. Clay County Mortgages. Ci\i CcxTRit , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Clay county1 ? mortgaco in debtedness record for the month of May is as follows : Nineteen farm mortgages filed amounting to $22,027.03 ; twenty-eight satisfied , $25- 839.43 ; twelve city mortgages filed$0,2.'r.CO ; fourteen satisfied , SUGO.OO ; 122 chattel mortgages Hied. ? 24,8T9.20 ; sixty-four satis- fled , $27,353.80. , Included in the farm mort gages mentioned are four amounting to 55,500 given for part of purchase price. High School Commencement. OSCEOI.A , Juno 20. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] The sixth annual commencement of Osco- ola's High school was hold nt Monson's opera house last night. Long before the time of beginning the services the building was crowded by Osccola's best pooplo. The names of thu graduates are : Miss Mertlo U Whaloy. Miss Elsie M. Daymudo , Miss Grace M. Wbooler , Miss Bertha E. Mlckoy , Mr. Jesse Ward andf LaVorgno Gregg. An address was delivered by Superintendent Goudy of Lincoln. Solit Mortgaged 1'roporty. OSCEOLA , Juno 20. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Judge Wheeler received a plea of guilty on the part of John Granborg and sentenced him to a term of ono year in the penitentiary at Lincoln yesterday for selling mortgaged property. Ho sold a buggy and horse nnd then skipped the country. Ho was found in Iowa. Smalt lllnio at 1'lutUmontli. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Juno 20. [ Special to TUB .BISK. ] A vacant building belonging to Gcorpro Davoy , located near the r.iilroad tracks , was destroyed by flro last night. Knturtntuml Good Tomplnm. 'LYONS , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui ! . ] Fifty Good Templars wont to Bancroft tonight to bo entertained by the , ledge at that placo. - To Survey Uunclaa Count ) ' . - The United States geological survey under appropriations made by congress , has . boon engaged for many years In making , not only geological but topographical sur veys of the country. The result of this sur vey is the production of maps of great value , for many uses , not only from thu standpoint ! of the geologist , but from these who bollove In better and chopper methods of transports- y lion. These maps have been of special im - portance In the making of good roads , that the producer might cheaply bring the products of his labor to the nearest market In making these surveys preference has been given to localities where there was supiKisod to bo mineral deposits. For this reason tlioro lias been no survey made of Nebraska braska , though ujwn urging by Senator Man ilerscm that such a survey was doslr.tblo nor . irrigation purposes work in central UIK ' wcHtoru Nebraska had been ordered uj Major Powell , who U the dlrestor of UK . survey iu the west. 9 > f MurrliiKO l.lceiiinn , The following marriage licenses won Issued by the county Judge yesterday : Nuino anil nddresi. Aeu : I I.uurlt.s K. Larson , South Omaha , , . , 30 ! ' ] Inured I'ohrsou , South Uinalm , 20 ty ( Ueorgo 8. Hones , Omaha . , . , . 25 tMury T. Hulght. Omuha . 31 is. I Ourl Iamll > orKSttuiton , In. . , 30 I Mlnnlo Mlllor , Oinahu 20 j Juiuoi L. Illco. South Omaha . , . . . , 23 1 Manila K. VUlsun , South Onmha. . , , . 2 j W. II. Qruham , Omaha . . . , „ . 2 I Martha A. IlaUcy , Omaha j N. 0. Carey , Austin , Minn . , . 3 jo I Del M , 1'orlow , MusonUlty , la . 2 " * , Kotle-a offlvc llnet or lea under ( 'ill ' hM'J , flfl ccntii ; melt ( iiWIUuiKtl line ten ctnti. loy Mll.l-KIt Dr. It. U , aie CO years , 10 inontl nnd 2U duyn. Funeral frum rualduncu , 101 UuiidiiK utruot , Wudneodiiy. June vl ! , utO : ° ual u. iu. , to l'n puct 11111 , i'rlcuds luvltoit. PUPILS OF PROFICIENCY Commencement Exorcises at the Institute for the Deaf , PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE TRIUMPH Sir arnilnntot Hccelre Diploma * Well Knrncil Nnnr tlio Flatter of the Flng riomoiit I'rogrnm of Music , l.tt- erntura and Art. The commencement exorcises of the Ne braska Institute for the Dmf wore observed yesterday afternoon In the presence of a very largo audtcnco of visitors. The aur- foundings of the Institute were never more beautiful than now , nnd as the visitors approached preached the building through the largo , spreading , shadolrccs that lend grace and attractiveness to the campus , they were de lighted with the congenial environments that surround the students of the instttuto. A hugo American flag floated In the breezes from the top of a high flag polo near the building as the first objcot to greet the visitors upon entering the grounds. The Interior of the main building was tastefully decorated and the chapel In which the commencement exorcises \verj hold was particularly inviting. Superinten dent Glllcsplo uiul his estimable wlfovcrj , as usual , very ofllciont and painstaking in their efforts to make everybody fool at homo nnd to make the exorcises enjoyable to both the pupils and visitors. Kvon Half linzon * , There were six graduates and thrco post graduates hi the cla.is that bid goodby to tl.o instltuto yesterday. They were : Asa Harold Bcahm of David City , James An drew Boggfl of Elton , Leroy Maynard John son of .Lincoln , Charles August Klupo of Saltlllo , Froa Pearl Panl of Pawnee City , Henry James Porter of St. James , gradu ates ; and Elonor Cornish of Omaha , Olio Belle Crawford of Lincoln , nnd Harry Dill- worth Mercer of Gibbon , post-graduates. In addition to the essays of four of the gradu ating class there were n number of panto mimic pieces , and exhibitions of art work , and of the methods of teaching employed In the school. After the Invocation Miss Bertha Jan- kowskl favored the audlcuco with a choice selection of music. The first essay was by James Andrew Boggs and the subject was "Arctic Explora tions. " Tho.voung man traced In a vivid and interesting manner the futile efforts of explorers In trying to discover the north polo. Ho showed that ho had read to good advantage and had taken a keen interest in the books devoted to Arctic explorations nnd closed with some clover and timely sue- gcstlons with regard to Lieutenant Peary's experience in the polar regions and his plans for another expedition. Fred Pearl Parli chose William the Con queror as a subject for his ossay. In this production there was evidence of a keen appreciation of great and dramatic events in the history of the English people , The article was well written and like the others was given la both the sign language and by oral enunciation simultaneously so that everybody In the assembly could under stand it. The pantomimic piece "Nabbed" was heartily enjoyed by the audience. ArtUtlo Transformation. At this Juncture in the program the stage was transformed into an art studio. The pu pils of the art department took possession and ex-Senator Saunders was requested to sit for a sketch. Half a dozen pupils sketched the portly and distinguished citizen of Omaha in full view of the audience , each taking the subject from a different point of vlo\v. The work was watched with the keenest possible interest by the audience and heartily applauded at the close. Following this came some very interesting performances by the little tots from the kin dergarten department. They were raptur ously applauded. The methods of teaching articulation were then illustrated by ono of the teachers and a class of half a dozen young pupils. Both the oral and aural features of the worlc were inado very plain to the audience. I'Htlonro and Porstvcrniico. The oral class , that Is these who had learned to speak slightly and were well up in lip reading , gave a clover Httlo exorcise called the "House that Jack Built. " Miss Olio Bell Crawford ro.id an essay upon the subject , "And Yet Again. " The young lady speaks quito distinctly and suc ceeded in holding the attention of the audi ence from first to last. The central thought of the essay was that very little could bo accomplished without ffreat paticnco and perseverance. The writer had evidently prepared the essay with much care and had exercised good Judgment in making her illustrations and in making apt quotations to accentuate the many excellent points in the production. Three boys nnd a like number of girls ap peared in a pantomime called "Pants O'Mlno" that created a vast amount of fun and was greeted by a generous share of ap plause from both pupils and visitors. Miss Elcnor Cornish road an excellent essay on "A Daughter of Eve. " The piece was well written and both the reader and the sign speaker who accompanied accom plished tholr work In a satisfactory manner. The visitors were delighted with the unmis takable evidence of the success of the insti tute as exemplified in the delivery of the essays. Marvoli of Improvement. The marvelous Improvement that has boon made in the methods of teaching the deaf and dumb cannot bo fully appreciated until ono sees the actual results of a few years training such as the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf provides , Superintendent Gillcsplo awarded the diplomas at the close and delivered to the graduates a few words of good advice and a parting benediction. Miss Mabel Uillcsplo closed the program with a charming piano srolo that was heartily applauded. The visitors nnd friends and relatives of the pupils spent some time in looking about the building , inspecting the art work , the wood carving in the manual training depart ment nnd the display of kindergarten work. It was ono of the most enjoyable commence- ment days in the history of the institute. There are three tilings worth saving Tinio , Trouble and money-and Da Witt's , Little Earlv Hhors will save them for you. These little pills will save you tlraf , as they act promptly. They will save you trouble as they cauio no pain. They will save you uiouov as they economize doctor's bills. Toinnnrarllr Smpondod , It Is reported that owing to a misunder standing between the parties Interested in - the building of the proposed Interstate - hotel , operations in the line of construction are temporarily suspended. It is believed , . , however , that matters will soon DO satisfac torily adjusted , and that building operations will l > o pushed on to a speedy completion. - - VIOliKffOE. That la what the ordi nary jiilla nnd bowel medicines depend upon. .That explains why your IfcVbtem U in -worse condition afterward than before. And that is the reason why Dr. Pierco'a Pleasant Pel lets are the best thing * in the world for every Btomach and bowel trouble. There's no disturbance , 110 reac tion afterword , and their help tails , They absolutely and permanently cure Constipa tion , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , Sick and 23 Bilious Huadachos. One tiny , sugar-coated 23 24 granule in a gentle laxative or regulator ; Uirto are cathartic. ' 24 3'2 They're the smallest , tbo easiest to take and the cheaixt , for they're yuarantced to give satisfaction , or your money Is returned. Bur of reliable dealer * , With nny others , something clso that pnyi them better will jirobably bo urged as "just as good. " Per- ilia Laps it u , for ( Item ; but it can't bo , for i/ou. / 117 iSO For a perfect and permanent euro of Ca tarrh , take Dr. Sago's Catarrh Ilemody , THE FACT Tlmt AYEH'S SArfcaparilla cunr.s OTHKU9 of Scrofulous Diseases , Empllons , Bolls , Eczema , Liver nnd Kidney Diseases , Dyspepsia , lUtoti- matism , and Catarrh should bo con vincing that the isamo course of treatment wiLtvTtmK YOU. All that has been said of the wonderful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past 50 years , truthfully applies to-day. It is , In every sense , The Superior Medicine. Its curative - tivo properties , strength , effect , and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYEU'S Sarsaparilla Is taken , they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't bo Induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes , which are mostly mixtures of the cheapest in * gradients , contain no Sarsaparilla , have no uniform standard of ap pearance , flavor , or effect , are blood- purifiers in name only , and arc of fered to you because there is moro profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla PronfircdbyDr.J. O. Aj erfeCo. , Lowell , MIWB. Bold by all Drugl t ; iVlco $1 ; tlx bottles , $5. Cures others wilt cure you fl Dr. W. H : BETTS , .rrlnclual and Sonltir 'Member of the Famous Firm of Physician s , Sir eo'nsani ' Specialists. "Aro business ? " they doing a Inrgo Is a question often tt ked concornlnz Drs. Uotts & BdttS"Inquirers urn rcqucstqd to rondArtho following summary iindjndKoforthainsolvos ; Number of yonra In nnxctlco T Offices In onor.itlon In various cities. . . . H Assistants employed , 29 Onpltal Invested In business * 2fl3.000 Avorr.KO unniicl expenses 00,000 Avor.iRO unniril receipts lU.-I'U Numberciises In27yo irs B1.4J- ' Complete euros oftootod 81IBS Greatly boneflUod l.Oli llellovcd and Improved J- Notcurcd 20 Cost of proposed no n instltuto 12.1.030 Oostpor nnituin of advertising. 3."i,000 Itodl ustato owned by firm 200,000 Nownnderthat Dr. W. II. lletts , the head of this great firm. Is re ferred to by his friends as "tho Rrny- hulrod old doctor. " for to his untlr- ing energy and perseverance , his signal ability , both as a business and professional man , ha ? the busi ness of the firm grown from abso lutely nothing to ! ' i present cljjan- tlo proportions , to create and maintain so great nn enterprise is enough to turn any man gray.whllo thn glow of honest pride that shines In his kindly face , his ruddy feat ures and quick , firm , elastic stop , nil bespeak the joy ho fools In the great suoeoss ho has won and tbo peed ho has bestowed upon his fol low man. The sick and the suffer ing will find In him a true and last ing friend DRS. BETTS & BETTS , 119 S. 14th Street , Cor. Douglas St. OMAHA , - - - - NEB. A Cup ofjl Rnnillinn I'alatablc. Pure , llofresli- OUUU11UU nmultttln. can bo made in three miriutos , thus : talco a cup of boiling hot vcatur , stir In a quarter teaspoon ( not moro ) of Liebig Company's Extract of Beef , Then ndd an and BOino sherry if llkod season care fully . . . . Fun SBCT i cxtrnclexl In nioriilne' New ono liiKorU-d atlumoon B.iini ) day. 1'c.Tfect Ut ( 'imr- anU'c'd , intli ninl 1'nfitnm fitroot- , Elevator on 10th Streol , Telephone 1085 , BKlNti THIS WITH YOU. CAN BE CURED Iti 10 MINUTES IIV USINU V Miaulo nClllillbllCWUICi PRICE 25o PER BOX , Your Druggisi flIAJUl'ACTUltlJJ ! 1ST OMAHA , - NEB. "Not to be Caught With Chaff. " DllrCWQ LJU.yGl 5 will examine well the quality and style of materials offered at reduced prices before placing their orders it pays to do so- "The cheapest is not always the best" but "The best is always the cheapest. " Our Suits at $2O will bear close inspection ! grades at $2g ; S3O , and $38 Q/Mc & Samples Mailed. TAILOR 207 S. 15th St. PAN This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility , Nervous Prostration , Creeping Paralysis , Weakness caused j by Debilitating Bosses , Excesses or Over-Indulgences , In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis , Dizziness , I/oss of Memory , Confused Thoughts and all Brain , Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages , or indulgence in the Opium , Morphine ot.Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER Have you abused the laws of nature nnd injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas nnd gloomy thoughts ? " ESPANO " will positively euro you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remnrknblo for nwnkening organic action throughout the system and nn improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles , bones , nerves , hair , nails , skin , blood nnd gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last ono month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at ono time nnd a guarantco will bo given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure , the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing wo refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars nnd testimonials. Address , OO. , 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. , U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially consulted entirely free of charge , personally or by mall , at the above address. 4fcafc ye > ' < ya'fc 5 / > fc/ MAKES THE BEST Photograph REASONABLE RATES 3BSO Douglna Stroo. The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) LEi&PMMS' ' , SAUCE lmr rt the moot dsJldona U to and oat EXTHAOT BOUl'U , OfftLETTEttfrora aMKDIOiLOKN. tSHAVIESt TI.KMA.N at Mid. ru > to his brother Hiy , 185L HOT < k COLD "Tell LKA h PEnillNB' thit their eauoo la bishly eitotmed to JniJli , and Into lay opinion , UiO moat Palatable , a veil u Ujo most wuolo- RAH1IUIT8 , f tuit 13 noma &uco puule. Oee. Beware of Imitations ; Bee that you got Lea & Perrins1 PletutorooneTory liottleol OrUriu 5 4 Oonulna. JOI1N PUNCAN'H BH.Nti.NEW VOKIC. DR. MCCREW If the only SPECIALIST WDOTKI1TS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY. Women Excluded. 18 jrenrt ezptrlence , lltbnnd VarnaraSU. , OMAIU , Nxu. RUPTURE PJCBMANENTMT CURED „ NQ pjft NO PAY UNTIL CUBED. Wo refer you to 3,500 pitlcnts. [ lUflUPIfll IKCCDCWfU Nat'l Dank of Commerce , Omaha. rlNnMulnL litmulMI Uommn Saving Hank , Omaha. No diilrntimi from btiRlnosH , No operation. Inves tigate our method. Written ci'arnntue to absolutely cure all kinds of KUl'TIIUti of both sexes without th use of knlfo , no matter of how Ions stundlni ; , EXAMINATION FREE. THE 0. E , FILLER COMPANY , 307-308 N. TT. Life Building , Omaha , Nob. SEND FOII Oiucur.Aii. DrDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent D8dall t In narroui , ohronlo. prlrato. blood , kln aid urinary dlietioi. A regular ul rexlitared vraduutu In raadlolno , ni rtlglorum and oartlfloMei will she IT. li till treatlni with tha crCAtoil iiccoif , ofttarrb. lo t manhood , somlnol wotknou , nl/lil lonai and all formj of prlruto dliuioei. N4 mercury u > od. Now traitinaat ( or Ion of vital power. l'artl unnblu torlitt ma mi ? liacroalad lit Uoint t > j oorroipondcnoa , Modlclnuor Instrument ! iimt bf mail oraipron oourelr packmll no mirki to Indl. catocoutentinr lender. Ouo perjoiml Intorrlow orafarrad. Caniultatlun frua. Oorreipandonca ttrlotlr prlrato. Hook ( Mritcrlai of Llfo ) ont freo. Offloahaurg , 0 a.ia. to U p.m. SuaUuj * , 10 a. iu , to H m. beaa ; damp ( or circular. PROTECT AMD Our Spectacles and Eyeglasses Arc thu IS .st. EYES TESTED FREE , SATISPACTIOil GUARANTEED. OPTlsai oeM 222 s , lea st , New York Hospital TREATMENT. For all Chronic , Neryous , Private and Special Diseases , ofbifi MEN AND WOMEN , DOUGLAS DLOOK , - OMAHA , NEB Oppotlto tlujdcQ llroi An all Ready to Put on Shirt ! THE : MARK Made In nil Sleeve LonQtho 30 to 36. Hyou have heeded the Correct Pointers ra have heretofore been Riving > oii , you are al ready Mcarine these shirts and are thus dzily verilylDR our statements. There Is the best service and the mot perfect fit In these shirrs ol any ever told. Satisfaction aLuoluttly guaranteed. 11 til f U WO n.l . all th train ol KVJI.4 , WKAKNKbBHa , Uilllll.lTY , liTlX. lU t uo- companr tlum la inun QUICKLY uiid 1'XllMA- NKNfJ.V CUIIKK. Full HTIlKNdTJI nnd tooa Ulvon to ororr l" rt ot the todr , I will .end i o- curulr paclmd ) FIIKIC to BOT luflorer the prctcrlp. tlon that cured mo of tlie trouble * . Addruii , ii. A. UUADL1SY , IIATIL1 Ca K MlCIL