Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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i .u
tnrrlcr to nny part of the cltj
tIltHlnf Onicc. . No. 43
TKl.El'HONr.8 } NRlt , | Kdltor No , 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co
Boston Store for sun umbrellas
Mlltonbcigcr Is the hatter , O Broadway
The Mayno Heal F.Jtnte Co. , C,21 Broadway.
A building permit has been taken out for
the erection of the German F.vangpllcal
church , to cost $ -1,500 , at the corner of Pierce
nnd Glen uvbnuo.
M. Saltsmann , who is charged with breakIng -
Ing down Jacob Stein's fence , nas taken a
change of venue from the court of Justice
Vlen to that of .Justice Fox , nnd the case
will bo tried Thursday.
The people of Macedonia have determined
upon having n suitable Fourth of July cele
bration , and nro making ample preparations
for the event. C. O. Saundcis , csq. , of this
city , will bo the orator.
A couple of crooks were arrested by the
police last evening with six or eight pairs
of gloves on them which had evidently been
stolen. The stolen goods are at the police
station awaiting an owner.
Allmcmhcrs of Abe Uncoln post willre [
port at Grand Aimy of the Kvpublio hall
promptly at 1 o'clock p. m. Juno 21. to take
their place In parade. All old soldiers are
cordially Invited to Join with the post. By
order of G. W. Cook , commander.
The Hohekah Relief association will bo en
tertained nt the homo of Mrs. D. J. Gates ,
607 , South Seventh street , this afternoon. A
full attendance Is requested as business of
Importance will bo brought before the meet-
Ing. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Lottie Beadle , whoso aflllction was re
ferred to some time ago , has been sent by
the commissioners to Clarinda for treat
ment for Insanity. She was a graduate of
the public syhools. and until recently was a
teacher in ono of the schools In the county.
Fidelity council No. 150 , Royal Arcanum ,
will glvo Its annual picnic next Fi lilay after
noon and evening nt Manawa. It Is in honor
of the anniversary of the establishment of
the order. The committee of airangements
Is making nil possible preparations to give
those who attend a good time.
A meeting of the city council was held
Monday evening nt which the ordinance
which was passed recently to compel the
motors to stop at all railway crossings and
the conductors to run ahead aim signal to
their motormcn It the road was clear , was
repealed nnd a similar ordinance was passed ,
so as to apply to the Manawa railway as
neil as to the electric line.
Dalbo.v's band/nrnlshed the various news
paper ofllccs in the city last evening with
serenades. The band is now under the
leadership of E. D. Pattnn , and it is not
stretching the truth a particle to say that
they are in better condition now thin ever
before. They have been practicing vigor
ously for sovcial weeks past , and has made
themselves into an oreanfoallon of which
the people of Council Bluffs are justly proud.
Oscar Jones and It. II. Robinson , colored ,
who have been litigating to a considerable
extent in the justice courts for the past few
days as the result of a free-for-all light ,
came Into court yesterday afternoon and
stated that they Had had fun enough for hot
summer months and wished to coinpiomlso ,
They were told that the case could Lo dis
missed upon the payment of the costs. Thuj
made up a purse and paid the costs , and the
Jones-Koblnson feud is a thing of the past.
A certain family living on'Lincoln avenue
was visited with measles ti short time ago
but having a deadly dread of the \cllov >
card , neither reported the case according tc
the state law. nor hired a physician for fcai
that ho would report It. The boy who hac
the measles Is now up and around , but a da }
or two ago llio city marshal discovered thai
ho had had the disease. Ho according ! }
went to the place and tacked up the card
which will have to remain in statu quo un
til the thirty days have expired. The family
In question has come to the conclusion thai
it doesn't pay to try to beat the Board ol
Health and the city physician.
Frank Long and a friend were riding alonj
South Sixth street , near the railway tracks
when for some icason or other they became
unable to manage the horse and it ran away
upsetting the buggy and throwing the ocou
pants to the ground with a good deal o
force. Tlio hoiso continued its journey
leaving the two young men lying on the
ground almost stunned. Word was sent' ti
the police station , nnd the patrol wngor
went after them. The rumor Immediately
spread that a horrible catastrophe had oc
currcd In which an almost unlimited numboi
of people had been killed. The two .vouii )
men lost a good deal of gore and expcricncci
a general shaking up , but the accident wu1
not more aeriousT
Don't forfjot the baleen ascension thii
evening at 8 o'clock sharp , at Manawa
Estolla Cribble will go to the clouds.
Domestic soap is the best.
I'.lH.UItt.ll'ItS ,
J. N. Cusaely , Jr. , went to Chicago Monda'
J. C. Lange returned yesterday from a tri ]
to St. Joe.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorlmm , i
Mrs. J. Mueller is visiting relatives ii
Mrs. IIowo and daughter , Miss Jennie
loft last evening for Chicago.
C. Boson and family leave this evening fo
a visit of several weeks to Albany , Mo.
Jacob Lontzlngor is t-xking in the World1
fair and visiting bis daughtur , Mrs , S. C
Mrs. O. W. Butts and daughter Elsl
leave this morning for i two weeks \islt t
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graves have re
turned homo from a three weeks trip t
E. C. Hnldy loft last evening for oastori
Pennsylvania , boin-j called thcuco by th
serious illness of his brother.
John Kerr , sheriff of ICcokuk , Leo cor.ntj
is in the city attending the Sons of Veteran
encampment as a delegate from the locii
Mrs. Dwlght Haggorty and son hav
gone to La Crossc. Wis. , for n visit wit
J-olntlvcs. They will also vs > lt Chicago hi
fore returning ,
The family of S. P. Vanatta arrived yci
torday from Plattsmouth , Nob. , and wi
make their homo in Council BlulTs. The
will reside In Wilson tcrraco.
The Misses Florence Wllcoxson , Fannl
Kddlo , Ollvo Brucnlng , Florence Clcmei
nnd Fannie Glenn , teachers at the Si-hot
Tor the Ueaf , are < aklng In the World's fal
Albert S. Luting has returned froi
Greencastlo , Ind.horo hohau been attcn <
JngDel'auw uiilven > lty , and -.UH spend hi
summer vacation with his parents in th !
city ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Barhyto will colobral
ttio twentjMlfth anniversary of their ma
rlago next Thursday evening. In vital lot
have been Ubued for u reception to the
friends , g.
J. II. rtJRBtt , ' piretdcnt of the Stai
Board of Pvurmncy , is lir tho'clty on olllcl ;
business. 110"Is also atlinuling the tJona i
Veterans ciira'mpmcnt. Ho is stopping i
the G rand hotoK ,
J. F. Batnard , vtco president nnd goner ;
manager of the OhUi k Mississippi rullro.i
with headquarters a'f-Cincinnati , O. , was
the city yesterday , HtKvas formerly a tcs
dent of thlh city and was general manager i
the KHUSUSCity , St. Joe & Council Bluf
railway ,
A largo party of Council Bluffs people le
last ovftmii : for the World's fair ovur tl
Northwestern. It was composed of the fi
lowiuf , nil of whom will lomaln In Chlcai
two weeks ! Prof. 13 , H. Eastman , moth
and bister , Mis. Frank Grass , Miss Do
Grass , Miss Bertha Grass , Fred Grabs , Mi
W. A. Dorlmid , Mn > . S , J. Hodda , Mrs. Mori
Moore , Mr. H. U. Jones , F. A. Rowe , I
Miller. Mrs. Cleriugton und mother. Mi
Monger * Jtumllctt' * Ice Crcum.
Try Motzgor ft Ruiidlolt's pure at
delicious ice creams uud iced uud y <
will order no other.
Ueo Domestic bc p.
Sad Tragedy that Olossd What Would Have
Been a Happy Excursion !
Andrew St. .lolin rirotl n Hlllo nt Nothing
nnd the llnllct lilt III * rrlcnil In
the Ucnil-DdAlM of
the AfTiIr.
A party of boys whoso ages ranged
nil the way from n to 17 went
out to Hanthorn laUo , seven miles northeast
of the city Monday morning , for a few days
camping out , but their fun was put an
cnrt to by a traijte event that took place yes
terday morning. The party waseomposcil of
Itoy and 1'nul Hazcn , sous of Slierld John
T. Hazeti , ICarlo and Andrew St. John , sons
of S. S. St. John , Wallace Hatcher and Harry
nines , two boys who live with their relatives ,
Mrs. U. P. Snow and Captain 11. W. 'light
o Fourth Street.
About 0 o'clock yesterday morning the
boys \\cri ) having n good ttmo on the shore ,
of the lako. Hatcher was ilshlng , nnd a few
feet above him on the bank Andrew St.
John was playing with a small target rllle.
St. John suddenly came to the conclusion
that it would bo a good plan to see whether
the gun would shoot across the lako. Ho
shot. Just at that Instant Hatcher s.uv his
cork go uiulcr the water and leaped to land
his fish. The ball , a 2U-call her bullet , caught
him in the b.ick of the head and knocked
htm over. Ho foil Into the water , which at
that plnco was quite deep.
At llrstSt. John could not hollovo that he
hail sho' . his friend , but ho immediately
Jumped Into the water , and with the assist
ance of the other boys towed Hatcher to
Blioro. A neighboring farm hand was at
once sent to the city with the news of the
trnijcdy. When lie arrived hero ho said
It was Hlnes who was shot , Instead of
Hatcher. Tills pave rise to the report which
was current upon the streets during the
earlier p.u t of the day.
Captain Hlght left at once for the scene
of the accident in company with physicians.
Just about the time they arrhod Hatcher
breathed his last. This was about 1 o'clock
in the afternoon , and as soon tis the body
could bo gotten in readiness It was removed
to the residence of the family on Fourth
The itead hey was a member of the boy
choir at St. Paul's church , and \\asonoof
the best singers anil best liked bo.xslntho
choir. Arrangements have not/ yet been
completed for the funeral , but it will prob
ably take place Thursday afternoon. Tno
coroner will ultso hold an inquest on Thurs
Sons of Vptcrnim Outlier from all I'nrts ol
llio St.Uo fur u HiMinliMi.
The Fens of Veterans of Iowa took posses
sion of the city yostcrd.iy and will keep It
in their hands for two moro days. Every
train yesterday morning anil up until noon
brought in delegations , until the city fairly
swarmed with them. Everything possible
was done by the reception committee to in
sure a good time for the visitors , and to all
appearances their attempts wore successful.
The afternoon was taken up with a busi
ness session , at which but little business of
any Intelest lo the outside public wns tran
sacted , In the evening there was a camp
IIro at the Masonic temple , the largo hall
being filled almost to suffocation. The ex
ercises were very interesting after they got
to going , although , ouintto mismanagement
on some one's part , it was U o'clock before
the program was commenced.
An address of welcome wasmndo bv Judge
E. E. Aylcsworth and a response by Division
Commander lj. A. Dilley. utter which a num
ber of short addresses were made by J. D.
Houston , Emmet Tinloy , Miss Belle Gray
nnd others. Ualboy's band , under the dlreo
tion of 13. O. P.itton , made a great lilt , its
first selection , ' 'Recollections of the War , "
being encored , as was a qinrtot rendered by
Mrs. W. II. Wakeiicld , Miss Ncolo Ogdmi
and Messrs. C. II. Ogden and W. L. Thick'
stun. The songs led by U. M. Birdsall
were joined in enthusiastically by the audi
ence , anil altogether the musical part of the
program was in keeping with the rest , al
though It was considerably hampered by the
neglect of the committee on arrangements
to have an instrument on the stage.
This aftcinoon there will bo n grand
parade , starting at 2 o'clock. The order anil
line of march have been given in Tun BEB ,
and it is expected that there will bo a grcal
parade. It is hoped that the city may be
decorated as much as possible today. J\ \
largo number -of business men decorated
their places of business yesterday , but many
moro should fall in lino. The parade will b <
reviewed by Division Commander L. A
Dilley from a stand which lias been crcctei
at the corner of Fourth street and Broad
In the evening , there will bo a rcceptioi
and ball at the JMasonio temple , and It li
hoped that many of the people of the citj
will bo present and improve the opportu "
of getting acquainted with the visitors.
Watch the daily papers for the GunAi
Thursday's papers for prices ,
Fothoringliain , Whitolaw & Co
Picnic trains , until further notice
will leave for that great llshing resort
Kay's Landing and Manawa park , Mineral
oral Springs , Gorman snooting grounds
Manhattan beach ami Mnnawa open
house ( where two performances will b <
given during the t-cason daily at1 am
80 : : ! o'clock p. in , ) as follows : Nine am
11 a. m. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and ever1
thirty minutes thereafter until 120 : : ! a
night. Last train will leave Munawi
for Council Bluffs at 11:55 : p. in.
Tlclil liny on the 1'oiirih.
The Young Men's Christian assocmtioi
has taken matters in hand and proposes t
furnish some entertainment for the public o :
the Fourth of July. A committee , coiiBistln
of L. O. Dale. Oeorgo H. Mnvno , C. F. Monl
poniery , Fred Gr.iss and Will Wallace , ha
been appointed to engineer the project , an
is now at work preparing for a Held day n
the driving park. An excellent program o
events has been prepared and any youn
man not a professional is to bo allowed t
enter , The prl/os uill bo mostly medal !
\vhlch it Is thought w ill be donated by th
merchants of the city. The object of tli
Held day is to raise funds to pay Socrotnr
J. C. lloso. who is now lying dangerously 1
at Dos Molncs , and to whom the assodatlo
Is still indebted qulto a sum.
Ten Jliiyn at llio Wurlil'g Pair ,
Itwill cost you losa than J50.00 , cvor\
thing necessary included. This mean
homes in privnto cottage , clean , saf (
close to grounds and on the bunch c
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chync
wctli , "Windsor Park , III , Refers to U
W. Tllton of THE HUE. or Jacob Sim
of Sims & Balnbri&go , Council Bluffs.
The ( Ir.uul Hotel ,
Council Bluffs. Tlio most elegant i
Iowa. Dining room on bovcntli llooi
Hate , S3.00 and So.OOa day. E. F. Clarli
Grconshlolds , Nicholson & Co. hav
moved tholr real eotato ollleo to ( if
Broadway , opposite postotllco. Tel. 15
Wlllliim SK'dfiitopt Dtuil
William Sledentopf died yesterday mori
ing at a:4U : o'clock of pneumonia , after
illness of three months , aged 47 years and
months. Several weeks ago it was a
nouncod that bis recovery was extreme
doubttul , in view of the fact that his cousi
tutlon hud been undermined by nn uttuck i
la grj ! > | K > , but his friends continued to heifer
for the best. Hi death \ \ ibo \ \ n irre ,
shock tb the community. He has becu f >
the past thirty years , uluuut. 01
of the foremost figures in Count
Blurts business circles , . Ho was boi
in Uonuauy and came to Council Bluffs
IBM. ilcio Uo uiet aud married Miss Ma
nurhop. They hadi two children , William
F. nnd Kllen M. , both of whom survive.
During his residence hero ho became largely
Interested In real estate , and by good busi
ness foresight amassed a fortune that
cansfed him to bo regarded as ono of the
ftolldost business men of the city. Ho held
the oftlco of aldcrman-at-largo for two terms ,
from 1882 to 188(1. ( The funeral will take
place from the resilience , Woodland park , on
Upper Broadway , but the time has not jet
been decided u | on.
T. J. Clark represents on the road
Wheeler , Herald & Co. , Council Bluffs ;
only perfect cold storage plant in the
west. General commission business.
Fruits a specialty. Better prepared
than any competitors to get boat results
from all consignments. Write for quo
AVe Wnnt tit Uo to Olilcnjo.
If you have the cash wo have the
pianos , and for the next thirty days you
can have them almost at your own price.
We have too largo a stock nnd must sell.
Mueller Piano and Organ Co. , 103 Main
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. W. C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
rirc on Lincoln Avenue.
Yesterday morning at 2 o'clock a residence
on Lincoln avenue , owned by J. L. Mtiruy ,
burned down. The bl'izo originated In the
back end , on the outstdo of the woodshed ,
and was undoubtedly started by incendl-
aiies. The house had been empty for some
time , but a tenant had Just conuncneed to
move his goods in during the day. A lot of
furniture belonging to a son of Mr. Marcy
was stored in the front end , but ns it was
some distance from where the lira originated
It was alt gotten out before the tire reached
the front of the building. The damage
amounts to several hundred dollars , as tno
house was almost entirely demolished and
there was no Insurance.
Watch the dally papers for the CHEAT
Thursday's papers for prices.
Fatherlnglmm , Wliitclaw & Co.
Nothing is cooler or moro sanitary
than Chinese and Jap mattings for sum
mer Uhc. The Council Bluffs Carpet
company is closing- out a big stock at a
big reduction.
1.000 bales of good fair hay , must bo
sold at once , at lOo and luc per halo ,
llowo llawkoye Mills.
Will ( in to lluItrfiirni Hclinol.
The career of Andrew James , the boy who
snatched a pocket book from a small son of
J. E. Evans , seems to have been cut short
rathev unceremoniously. Ho nnd his com
panion. John Limerick , were brouuht before
Judge MtGco yesterday morning fora hcar-
intr. Limerick was discharged , it being
shown that ho was only in the position of
poor dog Tray , and really had no part in the
robbery. James' case was taken under con
sideration by the court and ho will bo sent
to the reform school.
Every lady purchasing S2.00 worth at
Davis' will bo presented a Too bottle of
Tolu water for the complexion.
1.000 bales of good fair hay. must bo
sold at once , at lOc and luc per bale.
IIowo llawkoye Mills.
Abk your grocer for Domestic soap.
Thrco Guilty Criminal * .
William Sullivan , who was on trial in the
district court on the charge of burglari/ing
William Arnd's store , was 'found guilty by
the jury yesterday. Ilts pal , whoso name
was Sir Edward Daniels , according to his
own statement , but plain Ed Skerry on the
grand jury's books , entered a plea of guilty
to the same charge. George Welch , who
stoio a lot of clothing from Mrs. Monroe's
boarding house , uleadcd guilty to the crime
as charged in I lie indictment.
A beautiful line of ladies' and gent's
pockctbooks , purses and curd eases jubt
received at Davis.1
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluffs , t ic
be&t $2.00 house in Iowa.
llauil H K.i77i-r.
Two colored men named Wcse and Cam
Fane got Into a quarrel yesterday noon at
Price Glnson's saloon on North Main street ,
Who commenced the difficulty could not be
ascertained , but it was learned that Fane
grabbed a chair and made for West , where-
uix > n West whipped out a razor and used it
on Fane to so good advantage that Fane's
hand was badly cut on the inside. There
were no arrests.
To every lady visitor at Davis'
store will bo given a glass of soda free
on Thurbday , 22.
Williamson & Co. . lOii Main street ,
largest and best bicycle stock in city.
Mirrliio | Mucnicj ,
The following parties took out marriage
.Icenses yesterday :
Same and address. Ago
George \V. Ilroivn , Lincoln , Neb 3 :
Mima GriniLM , Lincoln , Neb 3 (
It. 1) . Uinblc , Council IllulTs 3 (
Luna . Wind , Council Hlulls 2 !
j Ah In Gates Council llliilrs 2 !
I KlUabcth Iu ) u , Council lllulTs 21
Music for balls , parties , picnics , RO
cinls , etc. , by Mueicinns Union. , T. K
Folk-It , Mgr.100 B'way , Council Bluffs ,
"Great clearing sale of millinery-
going out of business everything less
cobt. The Louis , 25 S. Main St.
Numc * Omitted.
I3y mistake the names of several teacher
who were duly elected to teach In the cit ;
schools next year were omitted in ycstcr
day's report. The following nro the name :
so omitted : Misses Flora Van Order , L
Amy Turner , Margaret Whistler , Ncllio M
Wudsworth. Luella Willets , Willie Whit
and Llciii Young.
Cook yot" meals this bum in or on a ga <
rango. At cost at the Gas company.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Another improvement to the populai
Schubert piano. Swanson Muslo Co
General Orilcr Tor the Gathering of tli
blnirpnliootorii rromulg.ilml.
The following order has been issued b
General Brooke with regard to the forth
coming cavalry competition at the Bellovui
range :
In compliance with orders from head
quarters of the army , iho cavalry compotl
lions lor the Departments of the East , th
Plutto and California , preceded by thrc
days' preliminary practice , will take plac
on the Bellevue Klllo range , Bellevue , Neb
under the direction of Lieutenant Colont
Daniel W , Bcnham , 7tli Infantry , inspecto
of small arms pr.ictti-o , department of th
Platte , commencing .Monday , August 14 , next
1'ost commanders will send the cnllbtc
competitors selected from troops' from post
under their command in time to report t
Captain William V , Ulchards. Sixteenth ii
fuiury , who will command the depurtmcu
rillo camp , on the range , Monday. August'
next. The descriptive list of each or
lUtcd man to bo sent to the competition wi
bo mailed so as to reach the commandln
ofllcer of the camp oy August 5 next. Bac
competitor wih bo required te take wit
him his ctiibiuu and revolver , full dress an
fattfiuo uniform , Ith overcoat , forage ca ]
futlguo hut. and equipments complete , li
eluding his Held cartridge belt , bedsack un
bedding. Post commanders will see that I
-addition to the articles mentioned , eac
soldier takes with him ull proper and necei
sary clothing that ho may require during hi
stay at the department rlflo camp.
As commutation of rations U not provide
for competitors while at the place of comp
tltion , the department commander direr
that each troop commander forward to tl
acting commissary of subsistence of the d
partment rillo camp $ J for each enlisted cot
potltor , to purchase vegetable * for mess >
coa < ; > otltors.
in the selection of competitors duo regai
will bo had not enl th t the men sent to
the competition are of'&tiod ' habits nnd relia
ble , but also tint their piccllimco In marks
manship Is bawd tiim' ) tholr proficiency In
both Individual an.l sji-trrfllsh llnnp.
Af 0 * the selection or the competitors is
made they will , nt their respective posts , bo
practiced at least sljr diijs nt known dis
tance nnd skirmish HHtiRs before being
sent to the competitions. Ucport of
the amount and. the kind of
such practice had by each compet
itor will bo made by posit commanders to the
inspector of small arm's ' practice of the do-
partment. when the competitors leave their
respective posts.
The attention of post commanders Is called
to the requirements of paragraph 6J7 ( , Firing
Regulations for Smnll'Arnis.
rounder of the Sncrcil Ilcnrt Convent In
Uiniilin lllns In the in t.
Tno announcement of the death of Mine.
M. .It Dunne , who died at Kenwood convent
on the Hudson river , near Albany , N , Y , ,
Juno ID , cast n gloom of sadness over the
sisters and scholars of the Sacred Heart
convent In this city yesterday. At 8 o'clock
this morning , the hour set for the funeral ,
solemn mass in her memory will be held , In
which Mgr. Satolll , Bishops O'Gorman and
Scanuoll and the sisters , mothers and
scholars of the Sacred Heart cotuent will
Mine. Utinno is well known in Omaha
and came to this city ten years ago. She at
once established the Sacred Heart convent
at Ninth and Howard streets In J. A. Me-
Shane's old residence property , and when
she began this good educational work she
had nluo scholars. Since then two schools
have been established and the pupils are
lumbered by the hundreds.
Her kind , charitable disposition nnd pure
Ihrlstlan character attracted to her many
iimiantial ft lends , who lent their influence
, o aid her in her noble work. She came
icro from the cast and undertook a work
lilch a less courageous Christian might
i-ivo shirked. But she was thoroughly im-
mcd with the spirit of her duty and she
ivcrcomo all obstacles , and since then has
iccn the loading spirit in Catholic cduca-
.loiuil work in the state of Nebraska.
After ten years of untiring labor in the'
ivoi-k , which had become her life object ,
ine. Dunne found that her health was fati
ng and that she had become a victim of con-
lUinption. Upon the advice of solicitous
'ticnds she was persuaded to gho up her task
mil go In snarch of health.
Accompaincd bv Mine. Alicia Dunne , she
loft hero in December in ISM , and went to
Atlantic City , and other eastern points , and
was placed under the care of eminent
ipeclalists who prolonged her lifo , but were
inablo to overcome the ravages of that
' .rcadcd . disease.
Mine. Dunne was W years of ago , and she
intercd the Sacred Heart convent in New
York in 1850.
At that time she was not only beautiful ,
nil quite wea'thy and has since devoted her
[ fo and fortune to the work which she so
luccossfully carried put in this city.
Mass will bo hold in the churches through-
mt the state out of respect for this good
woman's memory.
fair nnd Cooler Are the Prcillctlonn for
XchrnHkit Toil-iy.
N , June CO. Forecasts for Wed
nesday : For Nebraska Fair , cooler In
central anil western portions , south winds.
For Iowa Fair , warmer in extreme cast ,
colder in the vest ; Southwest winds.
For South Dakota , ' Fair , cooler in central
and eastern poitions , variable winds.
Locnl Ituconl.
Scott Diiorco Case Itcvlvoil.
DnAi > wooi > , S. D. , Juno 20. [ . pcchl Tele-
; ram lo TUB BIB. ] Last iiovcmber Lloyd
M. Scott of Philadelphia was granted s\ \
cllvoico from his wife , Herzwig Elmlra
Scott. Scott set up in his petition misrep-
Lcsontillon before marriage , and on trial
brought testimony to show the bad charac
ter of his wife prlgr to marriage. Since fvt-
ling his divorce i-'cott has remained in Deadwood -
wood , practicing law. Today Judge Thomas
cited him to appear and show cause why his
divotco.should not bo set aside. This sum
mons Is based on an : > nswer and aftUluv.ts
from the wife , denying the's sloi y
and setting up that she was the victim ol
his misrepresentations , before and aftci
marriage ,
ItiilldinB Permltn.
The following permits to build wcie
issued yesterday by the inspector of build-
Shurimin Wllcox , 2430 South Twenty-
fniirlh , dwelling $ 4.00C
II.V. . Itanium , 1421 North T , , Uy-
Ihlril , repairs COC
Btaiulard Oil uonipany , I'lfteontli and
Locust , brlclc addition to w.irulnniso 2,0f ( )
North Omuhii mission , hlxleenlli und
Oxden. chupcl C0 (
John NoUon , Second und Surlng , barn 40 (
M\o minor permits , , , , 62. '
Ton permits , nKsrrogiitlns $ 8,451
Busy pcopio Imvo no time , and scnsib'c
pcoplo have no Inclination to use pills thai
inaleo thorn sink u day for every dose tho. .
take. They hnvo-Joarned that tno use oDe
Do Witt's Little E.u-Jy Risers does not in
tcrfero with their hilth by causing nausoi
pain or griping , Thiso ; little pills are per
feet in action : \ml \ reunite , regulating the
stomach nnd bowels so that headaches , (1U
zlnessand lassitude nro provento.i. Tho.\
clcanso the bloo.l.'clear the complexion an )
one up the system ! . . Lots of health in thosa
littlofollows. *
Ilcrry In l.ui-lt.
The gamblers , Berry , Smith , ( Miller am
Shepard , were given a hearing before Judge
Berka yesterday 'morning and Miller was
fined $ if , while , Shepard and Smith won
comiipllcd to put up fX ) oach. Berry wai
discharged. |
not strange Unit som& people d (
IK through ignorance , others fron
n failures to investigate an to the right 01
wrong of a mutter. But it is strange
that individuals and firms , who ure full ;
nwuro of the rights of others , will per-
Hint in perpetrating frauds upon them
High-toned , woulthv manufrcturinj
firms will offer nnd neil to retail iner
chnnta , nrtloles which they know to b
infringements on the rights of proprietors
tors , nnd imitations of well known goods
Wo want to Bound n note of warning ti
the retailers to bowuro of such linlta
tions aud simulations of "GAUTKK'S LIT
i Livnit PILLS. " When they nro ol
fered lo you , refuse them ; you do no
want to do wrong , and you don't want t
Iny yourself liable to u lawsuit. Do
I'Vimklin said "lloiiobty is the best poll
cy" ; it is just us true that "Honesty i
the best principle. "
Half the Funerals Will Uc of
Little Children ,
Unless More Attention Is Paid to
the Proper Kind of Food.
How Cholera Infantum May Best Bo
Juno , July , niul August !
The months when babies suffer , ntul
the mortality of children under five
years la dreadful.
Half the funerals in these months are
of children , and this season promises to
bo a particularly severe 0110.
What then of the '
fathers nnd mothers'1 ;
Tholr single thought should bo how to
keep the baby well. If they only know
thitt with all tholr loving care their 109 are in danger in the suinmor
JT n Ipally from being Improperly fod.
how q ilekly would they run to correct
tlii.- ' .
t 1' '
Such is , however , the plain , true
statement , llots of Inmccnt babies ,
watched with the utmost c.tro , have died
because their badly nourished bodies
could not resist the summer dangers.
Unless lactateel food ia used , feeding
is fraught with difllculties. Mother's
mi'k will always bo the ideal food be
fore the baby is weaned. But if for any
reason the mother's milk is not perfect ,
if boby is to bo weaned , or if the little
ono is inclined to bo nervous and fretful
in the summer boat , then lactatcd food
is to bo desired above all else.
It is as harmless ns the mother's ' milk
nnd as capable of sustaining lobust
health. It is prepared with unrelaxcd
watchfulness. Its purity and an abso
lute impossibility of contamination ia a
purpose never forgotten in the wpnaer-
fully clean establishment up in the
Green Mountains of Vermont whoic it is
Tills exceeding earo has borne fruit ;
hundreds of physicians in every state in
the union use Ini'tuted food in their daily
p 'actico , conlidcnt from years of oxpen-
orco , that it is a bate diet for the young
est nnd most delicate children.
It-is used in the most famous public nur
series. Countless numbers of thankful
mothers have tcstillod to its merits.
Lactntod food is so made that ago , cli-
mutb or variutionsof temperature do not
alTcct it. Sugar of milk isTlio basis of
mother's milk , und it is the basis of lactated -
tatod food. With it is combined pure
barley malt , the ilncst who-it gluten and
the nutritious elements of the oat. It
is thoroughly cooked by high steam
heat and a pro-digested , nutritious food
that fulll is every requirement of the
growing child is the resu t.
Thousands of happy infants have bcon
brought un on it.
Mrs. L. " W. Hills , of Riverside , 111. ,
says : "Liotntod food saved my
llio. At the ugo of five weeks 1 pnt him
on artificial food. Not being successful
with the lirst brand I discontinued that
und tried condensed milk. That did not
socm to contain nourishment onotigh
nnd nt the ngo of five months ho wns so
poor nnd sickly that I had no Idea I
would raise him. Heading of Inctatod
fooel I Rtivo it a trial. Ho began to im
prove within a fovv ilnya nnd hns con tin-
ucil to do so. Wo Imvo not given him tx
drop of incdlcino slnco nsinp IncWtcel
food. I consider that it saved his life ,
and whenever my baby U praised for his
bright , healthy looks. I never full to toll
Ills admirers that ho is tv lactated food
baby. "
Says B. Frank Ponnv , of the Now Bedford -
ford , Mass. , Standard ; "Shortly
after our baby Willie was born ho hntl n
severe attack of sickness with symptoms
of cholera Intnntum. Wo tried various
foods nnd remedies , but ho grow thinner
everyday , until woqegnn lo despair of
saving his life * Finally iv friend recom
mended Inctatod foo.l and wo began
using it. Tlio olTect was extremely gmt-
ifylng. Ho began to gro\v bettor t\t
oncn , and in u short tlnio hovn ? ( aland
strong und the very picture ol health.
Wo have fed him on lactated food ever
sineo and ho hus not boon sick aslnglo
day. "
Mrs. L. L. Bartlctt , 603 W. Sunborn
St. , Winona , Minn. , writes : " 1 nursed
our bnuy until ho was four months old ,
and my health wns in Hticli n terrible
state that it throw him into inllnmma-
tlon of the bm\ols of a severe typo. His
lifo was despaired of. I him liosird
about luctatcd food , nnd by the advice
of tlio attending physician wo purchased
some. The baby Hkod it from the llrst ,
uiel it agreed with him. lie got well
and begun to grow fat ut once. At six
months of ngo ho weighed twenty-five
pounds. lie never bud tlio sll < jhtosl
trouble with teething , his teeth coining
without our knowledge until wo ciut-il
see thorn. On tliu whulo he is ono of the
happiest , sweetest b.vuios one would c.iro
lo Leo. "
EeotCalt Shco In thovroild tor tuoprloo.
W. L. . DoUcla8BhoeBO.roBoldevoiywtero.
Everybody iibould wear them. It It a duty
you ewe youraelt to Rot the bout vnluo lot
youvmouoy. Cooaomlzo layout footwear by
purchasing W. L. Douglas Shooo.vJliloU
roproa-jnttbo boat value nt the priooa ad-
vuit'-Bed above , co tboucando can xcatlly.
JCS-Tnko No Subatltuto.iMT
Hovrnro of friuid. None ceai'luo without W. I.
rjomlai untie and jirlco ctampea ou bottom. Look
lor It nlienjou tuy.
MT - - < : nl 1 ,
Mmrmii Wel > laro , Kolioy , Stlucr AsCo. , O. , T
WIKon , IjlliisSvniison , Igimtz Xowumii W K.U
South Omaha.
Hl'KINCS , Vtt.
For Yniniir I.nillcH. M t fp son opens September
1,1th , ItiU. Kclcitli ) coursfii in all l.iitK' ! " > M" anil
. rionrCN. illiihlr. Ai tnna 1.Incut Inn. Liftht tnnlo
nrofepHorfl nnil twenty lilies llp-iutitull ) KitutiUd In
Valley of Virttmin , mi K. .V W It. U lu-nr Kn/ino.n. !
ftlniiiitnlii M'i'ncry. . .Illiu'rulinUir < * Climate
uneicelleJ. Writu for iUuttratod c.iUhiRuo to
CIIALL. . COCKi : , MUH. , Uolllns , Va.
THOMAS t'.HI'.liyj.V. WmllhKt o
I ) . C. No utty'a foj until pit. Is oil
tulno.l. Writatuf Invuiilurj eiiilil
'ij ) tlcu In the slit. ) mil
federal courts. Ilootns 203-f-S-'J , bhu art
block , Council Bluffs. I.u
Yea , Verily ,
The World Moves
111 TIIIO ( t > 1
IN Inlo ol
A"of7i/fifr HO ( j-oo'7
it cvimiot ' < o Ini'
l > ruvoil
No Deaths
No rlroa
It clooanot doponcl on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Incor-
corporatod under the laws of Iowa , for m-
orniutlon , rooms III : ml JJ > Murrl-im lilo } k
Council lIluITu , lowiu
Epoct&l summer emRftRcniont of the
Tor Tlirco N
Juno 22 , 28 and 2-4 ,
In ropcrtolru of thrco comlo operas ,
Thursday. Juno 2 , Aubor'8 de
lightful comlo opera.
Friday. Juno 23 , Collier's KnglUh Oomlo Opera
Saturday , Juno ! 4. Ollbort & Sullivan's
Mntlr.oo Saturday nftornonn. Holders of
coniiiiiltntlon books iniiv col tliolr soils ro >
sr-rvcil tomorrow at 1 o'clock. Upon lo publlo
VYoilncsilay at U o'clock. _
Tlio bCHt inj IIIK Investment for n housow , Ifo la
I'lio lixcclsior Hoinc-iliikcr and Roaster ,
ea lire.-ul tasty , leaves ll niolnt ! meat will tx
jnlevmd rich , HiveM one-third null Ittona element * .
Nu inily ean ilo \ \ Ithoul It alter having tried 1U
Wilto for clicularn ,
Coimi'll ItlulTM , Jinvo.
Machines from ono-utuht to utility horsS
power. Wari.inicd < o nlvu satisfaction.
Wrlto us.
W. V. IIAKnil. 309 nml 310SMuinrt ! lllook.
Council Itlnirs. Tolo | > hnno22l.
Nolle a 3.
AliSTIlACTS ami IO.UIH. nml city piopcrty
bought ami Bold. 1'tiHuy ,1 Tlioin.lH , Council
/"JAnilACfEirmovpil , cesspools , vaults , chimneys
VJelonnuil. 1M IJurku , at Taylor'u t'locuiy. 010
II roadway.
BKAUTII'Ur.1 homo ; all modern convi'iilcnccat
low iiileoHi c'.iHv torniH. A J. MiiiuU-1 , C. HlnlTa.
BAUOAINS-Kor ( tale , 70 by : il)0 ) foot un Franklin
.IVI'IIIH' , tlriOO.U ( ) .
-u " ! iiciiH bcleiii iHthlroot and rranhlln are-
nnn , JtL'Nt ] )1 mini , ' puipcitv In tliDolty , $ 'J1 > ,0K ( > 00.
Tuolots omiosltu Thlnl Htrn-t nuliool , $1,00000.
Olio lot In Wilson Tnr.ico. i-IIMUm.
TliKi'lntH , conipr Jlahi Blr.iot.nul llilh avcnuo.
Rust Hlto for Implement hnnsdhi lhnltv , t7.r OU 00.
'O & , Toy , k * . -I5 : 1'i'iirl stroot.
E BAUTirori hoinn for B-iln In mom di-str.iblo
loc.illtvtlin Kunllnnml WOH | i-onldi'iico. No. Ill )
S. hth htruut. Allmoiluin cosncnluncus , birn.uto.
Day A HesH , neontB.
/I SO-.icrp irooil , tinpiovnl fann In we. U7-HU-41
'i .Shcrlilim Co. , Nub. , forb-ihiat l-I.OiillOO. This
lKa\\iv below UH v.iluo. Jolnislon A , Van rmtont
J > 0 YOU wnnt tort'iityour lioimo ? If BO c. ill at
tlioM.iyiiBltml KsUitoCp. , Oil ! Hio.tilw.iy.
( JIO ACKi.5iooil : laiiilln GoMper county , Neb. , for
vJi'xalianuo for Improved proiwrty In Council
IlluftH. Tlio Hay no UuaniBtatu Co. . Dil ! llroulwiiy.
TSJICi : COTTAGlM-Suvi-ral of tlii-ni for H lie : low
J-'pilci'H and vorv cany pivinenla. The Jlayna r.Hlatiil.'n. , ( I'Jl Hio.idway. _
CIll'AGi ; wanted Council UlnfTu lu ex-
A i.h.ui'-0 for liid aciei line land In northern Mla-
Kourl , near low a line , clear of Incmnbrancu. Tha lS tate eo : . li'Jl llto i
! ) ACHKS liiiiioVLil | I. mil In noilliarn KUIIHIS.
eh-.ii-of Inc'iimlTiiu'evlll ; exelrm t for linil Council lIlnffH. ll'it.Uo Co. .
W ANTIM ) Situation no H-ilcHlaily In dry cooda
oriiillllncry by al.uly of uxpci lenuu. Addrcsa
I'Oil HXrilANnn Well Improved 80--icro Io\va
faun neur i oed town , i-leir of Itictnnhrtinco ;
vlll uxchani'o for nlco lusldi-ncn In Council Illnrta
nnd i > iv r.iHh dllleruncc. Tlio .M.iyno i : tita ;
Ca , tj'jl Ilrii.iUw.iy.
J OK IJXCIIANQi : , nlcn lot on bottom for horsa
_ _ uiiil Iniiftty. GreeiiBliloldH , NluliolHun A.CO.
AV ANTK1I Oooil Kill for ceni'ral lioiiMawortb
Good \\ageH. Win , Cannlii ! , ' , 11117 hlxlli av.
ici'netal lioiiwnvorlc. Apply
iH-font 7.30 n. in. ut - > ( > o.iUl mil IIM-IIIU * . nftc *
tlial hour at lilOi ! Main mivut , 0. 1' .
IfANTlID-OIrl for general Iiotibuworli. 41S
i Ulenuvuiiuu.
All klmlBOf Dyolnu
andUluanliu done In
tliu hUlioiit Htylo of
the urt. Killed ivnj
btulned fabrlun in ado
to lout : as coo I , aa
nuw. Wont proniitly |
done anJ dollvoroa
all parlu of tb
country. HuuJ for
prluu I fit.
llrcuihvuv , nojr North *
wcsturn Uopot ,
Tolophaiio Xi !
CortSand Delivery Wagons.
Are the Stroncst , Most Durable Waoiis on the Market.
No. 50. Three BDrhu noavy buslnesi vrarfoii. Wo c.irry many styles of dellvurvr wazons. nnrl u full line of tha celebrated Uortlaa4
b'arrlunes. s'nrrluH , Uuuglus , Ituu Wunons uuel tiprln t Wagons. It will u y you to bco UK Leforu buying uUewhere.
Correspsudence solicited.
1304-6-8-10 main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa.