Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1893, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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All Lost Week Omaha and All America
Oried for Monoy.
Thla Wan llodton Store' * Clwooe Wo Hi-
changed Mnro Money for DiioiU nntl
Got More do D dn for the Money liver lUforc.
Boston Store's spot cnslr purchases
have filled up the Boston Store with bar
gains ns It never 1ms been filled before.
All will IMS closed out tomorrow , as wo
can't toll what each next day may briny
10 men will bo solliiiL' as fast as human
handa can measure them 400 pieces of
summer dress goods nt 2oc n yard , con-
elstini < of all wool imported French nov
elties , all wool French nnd German
Henriettas , all wool fancy beiges , blade
nnd colored and fancy printed all wool
French chnllics in fact soiling all the
goods from n largo bankrupt dress goods
stock at 2Tic n yard.
20 salesladies selling them as fast a.
human hands cun measure them. Over
20,000 yards of all kinds of summer
wash-goods in our basement , including
French organdies and novelty wash-
goods , half-wool challics , French sat
eens , new ginghams and hundreds of
styles of printed wash-goods , none worth
less than 2"c. all go tomorrow nt Gc a yd.
Ladles' lOc ribbud vests , 2jo.
Ladies' ' 2 , " > c ribbed vests , Oc.
Ladies' COo ribbed vests , IGc.
Ladies 7oo ribbed vests. 19c.
60c black silk mitts , Ific.
76c black silk mitts. Uoc.
12 salesladies belling ladies' shirt
waists as fast as human hands can handle
them , fcclling 200 do/.cn women's shirt
waists with luumlried collars nnd culls
In the latest styles at 40c.
Now bertha and shawl shapes in fancy
Irish lawn waists blue bateen waists
nobby rorcalowaibts , 7"c. > . worth $2.00.
10 salesladies selling Bourclonno laces
as fast as human hands can measure
them. 1,000 pieces line Bourdonno laces
at 4ircnynrd. )
10 more salesladies.selling 500 pieces
Bourdonno laces at 25c n yard.
N. W. corner IGth and Douglas.
TlmtTrip lo Tcxns
costs only $27.25 , Omaha to Houston and
return , If you join excursion June 20.
For particulars and for information on
southern Texas and Houston Heights ,
the safest invebtment in the state , see
John A. Milroy , 1001 Farnam street.
Bnmucl Burns Inaugurates the semi
annual pitcher pale Monday morning.
00 dcctirntcd pitchers , 2oc ; formerly
60c.CO decorated pitchers , 50c ; formerly
50 decorated pitchers , 75c ; formerly
Thrco Excursions to Chicago Juno 18th
via the Burlington route.
Wo insure } fast time and perfect ser
vice.For particulars call on W. F. Vaill ,
1824 Farnamstreet , , Omaha.
A. Hospo , jr. , 1513 Douglas street ,
John Rosicky , editor Pokrok Zupudu ,
James G. Carpenter , 525 South 20th
street , Mr. Ours , prop. Cross Gun Co.
and thousands of others wear and endorse -
dorse the Kimball anti-rheumatic
ring , as n positive cure for rheumatism.
Sold only by B. W. Schneider , 041 N. Y.
Life bldg. Cure guaranteed.
To Loisetto Memory Students : There
has been n class organized to study to
cethor. Meet Tuesday evenings , Omnhn
Commercial college. All are invited U
join. It will prove beneficial to you.
F. A. MANQUit , Secy.
8400.00 lots $25.00 down ; sec page 14.
Conaorv.uliu and Round.
The olliccrs and stockholders of the
German Savings bank are to bo con
grntulated for the splendid endorsements
monts nnd prompt expressions of coiv
fidonco in their solidity that was showi
on every hand durlntr the Hurry of las
week. The organization of this institu
tlon was based on conservative princi
pies and the same conservative polici
lias been the leading factor in its man
ugomcnt from the beginning. The cap
ital stock of five hundred thousand
dollars was subscribed by the mos
prosperous nnd conservative citizens
who made themselves personally re
eponsiblo to depositors for ono inillioj
dollars , showing by this their implici
conlidonco in the institution and the determination
termination cm their part that no depositor
positor should over lese a dollar o
money deposited in the German Saving
hunk. .
The regular annual meeting of th
I " Presbyterian association of Omaha wil
r ho hold in the parlors of the Youiij
Men's Christian association building o
Thursday evening , Juno the 22 , at
o'clock sharp. A full uttonduneu is dc
elred as thcro is important business t
transact. W. F. MILROY , President.
U. G. TUUAX , Secretary.
$100.00 lots $25.00 down ; sco pngo 14.
Jewelry , Fronzor , opp. postofllco.
llcttcf riiiui Iluiika.
A first mortgage on good Omaharci ,
optato drawing 'i\or emit.
Wo have forsato at probont mortgage
In amounts as follows : $100.00 , 8150.0I
$200.00. $400.00 , $ r > 2r > .00 , $700.00 nn
81,000.00 , and larger amounts. Just th
thing for puopln that have drawn thoi
tnonoy out of the hanks and don't knd
what to do with it.
It will cost nothing to investigate tli
matter and look at the property.
ai : Board of Trade.
8 i\CUUiiIONS : XAl T
Yin the AVulKuh Itiillroiul.
No. 1. For the Kpworth league co
vontlon atClovoland , O. , Juno 20 to .Iu
2. The \Vnbash , in connootion with tl
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation cor
pany , will make a rate ol $10 for tl
round trip from Chicago.
No. 2. For the V. K S. 0. E. conve
tion at Montreal , July 5 to 0. Only $
from Chicago via the Wabasljj In a
clltion to the regular bleeping cu
clpgunt now tourist cars will ho attuchi
to this train at 81.50 per borth.
Foil TICKETS , sleeping berths or
tourl6t-foldor , glvlnpr list of bide trip
VfitH cost of same , call at the Wiihas
olllccs , 201 Clark stront and Deurboi
elation , Chicago ; 1502 Funmui strcc
Omaha , or write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. A t. , Omaha , Ni
Ninety Exouriloui to ChlcaRii Durlnjr Ju
vU the Burlington route at very reduci
For particulars call on W. P.
* j3 i Furauui btreot , Omaha.
Have Arrived llolilrrn of Ticked , Atten
Our souvenirs have been received.
All Indies holding tickets kindly pre
sent them nt our olllco nnd get the
beautiful souvenir you are entitled to
free.Our free distribution of souvenirs was
such a grand success that we shall re
peat it again in the near future.
Wo are the originators of this plan In
Wo will always give you something
that will bo of vnluo to you and some-
thhip you will thoroughly appreciate
nnd have for J cars to remember the W.
R. Bennett Co. by.
Mark what wo say and BOO if others
don't adopt our original plan of giving
our customers something free.
Watch for our announcement of free
distribution of something you will ap
preciate in n little while.
In the meantime remember wo nro
headquarters for every thing at very low
Chicory in Collco.
O'Nnir.T , , Neb. , June 10. To the Ed
itor OMAHA BHE Dear Sir : Having
many inquiries from the people of
Omaha since the manufacturers expo
sition , as to what firms handle the
grade of chicory used there ; and in what
proportions it was mixed with coffee ; wo
take this public way of answering all.
The chicory can bo found at Hobart
Williams' ' 1407 Douglas street , Flora-
ming & Co. , The Boll Department store ,
und Haydcn Bros.
The proportions were one-third chic
ory to two-thirds coffee made in what Is
called the "French" colTco pot. Two
table spoon full of coffee and one of chic
ory making one and a half quarts of cof
fee. Very respectfully ,
O'Neill , Neb.
Trimmed Pnttorn llit HcRiirillesH of Coat
nt $2.50 , $3.08 nnd $5.08.
Goods worth from $5.00 to $15.00.
C ALICC ISAACS , Agent , ! ! 07 South ICth
Samuel Burns has reduced the stock
of refrigerators to 15 , which ho wants
to clobo out at 10 per cent from factory
At cost , at cost.
Fine trimmed hats and bonnets.
Madam Boutin , IGOi ) Farnam.
Frescoing and interior decoratingde-
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohmann , 1508 Douglas btreot.
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; sco page 14.
Victor flour , made by the world famous
Crete Mills , has no superior.
Arctic Ice Co. , reservoir and lake ice.
All orders promptly filled. Tel. 455.
Oilico 220 So. 12th street.
Trimmed hats and bonnets
at cost.
Madam Boutin , ' 1G09 Farnam.
All kinds rubber goods at Sherman &
McCounoll'H proscription drug store.
World's fair souvenir coins of 1893 for
sale at First National bank.
Read Alice Isaacs' advertisements.
$400.00 lots $25.00 down ; sco page 14.
The examinations for admission to the
University of Chicago will bo hold in
Omaha at the Y. M. C. A. building June
21 , 22 and 23. For program apply to
Homer P. Lewis , 3023 California street ,
Come and secure bargains. Hats and
bonnets all at cost.
Madam Boutin , 1C09 Farnam.
To the World'K I'lllr.
Save time and avoid the crowd in Chi'
cage by buying tickets over the
and stop off at Enplewood , near the
World's fair gate , Electric line fron
the Rock Island depot direct to the gate
time , ten minutes ; fare , 5 cents. Yoi
can check your baggage to Englowoot
and avoid trouble und save expense , ai
Englewood is In the great suburban hole
district near the fair , and you can have
your baggage sent to your hotel at ence
Remember the Chicago , Rock Island < S
Pacific is the World's fair line for rea
sons given above. Ticket olllco 100 :
Farnnm street. CHAS. KENNEDY ,
General Northwestern Puss. Agent.
Alice Ibaacs , agent , has just recoivct
about 200 trimmed pattern hats , whicl
pamc too late ; imibt bo sold regardles :
of cobt in three lots
At $2.50 , 83.U8 and $5.08.
Mibs Alice Ibaacs , agent , 307 Soutl
10th Btreot.
"Tho 1'lrnle of the Season. "
The third annual picnic of David Gil
bert council American Order Steam en
gincors at Fremont , Neb. , Sunday , Jum
25th. Special train leaves Wobble
street depot 8:00 : n. in. , via Fremont
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , re
turning same evening. Dancing , music
games , amusements and rofrcshmontE
Tickets , $1.00.
Ladies , ask your druggist for Hawley1
unique curlono , or call on Miss Johnso :
211 S , 10th st. and have your hair curie
Raymond & Co. , gravel roofers. 140
M , O. Daxon , bicycles , 120 N. 15th st ,
riding bohool in connection ,
Road Alice Isaacs' advertisements.
8 rxitsujf.tii i'.4iijait.ii > iis.
:1 : Uyron Clark of Plnttsmouth Is In the ctt ;
o W. II. Thompson of Grand Island Is a guei
r at the Paxton.
V Colonel Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska Gil
Is nt tlio Paxton ,
Henry T , Oxnurd , the Grand Island boi
sugar magnate , la nt the Mlllurd ,
C. D. Woodward and G , H. Henderson <
Grand Island nro at the Merchants hotel.
Horace Hurt and family leave today f <
Chicago , to spend some time at the World
Dr. II. F1. Stanley and II. Pottibono , tl
mediums , arrived yesterday and arostopplt
at 17 ± J Capital avenue.
Governor Crouuso returned ycstorda
from Chicago , where ho has been attcndli
the fair. Ho lett last evening for ICnnsa
and n 111 bo absent from the state a week i
ten days.
E. L. Lomax Is expected to return fro
Chicago this morning , when the questlc
of meeting the Great Northern's rat
from Puclllo coast points will undoubted ,
bo settled.
At the Mercer : H. II , Wallace , Tekamal
II. P. Johnson , Davcnnortj A , J , Sliumwa
Hanisburg , Neb. , T. H. lirannon and wif
Carrel JJover , O.j .1. E. Groves , Uliriehsvill
O.j L. J. Mosroy , Lincoln ; Charles Spot
man , Grand Island ; ,1. P. Hunlon , Cbadro
Neb. ; A. H. llird , Uoadwood , S. U.j S. 1
Kin ? , Minneapolis , Minn. ; Ualph Daniel
S. Hern , Chicago.
NEW Voiut , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram
THE lieu. ] Omaha ; W. L. Selby , Broadwi
Central ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brando !
Miss Hutu Urandcls nnd J. L. Braadels le
Windsor hotel to sail on the liambur
American Packet hue for Euro j > . Kearne
A. Frauk , Plaza.
Omaha School Twichers Plan to Enjoy
Much Needed Rest.
Snmn Will Seek thn Cooling Itrecrci of Ilio
So.ifittorc Other * Prefer the Moun-
tulni loivu u it Hot Tavor-
Ito for Mnny.
The season when the teachers of the
Omaha public schools formulate tholr plans
for summer recreation is at h.ind , and In n
few days the exodus from Omaha will begin.
The plans of the teachers for the summer
vacation arc as follows :
Mary U Alter will pass the summer at
Knglewood. 111.
J. Li. Alvlson and W. H. Allen remain in
Ada C. Alexander will have her headquar
ters In July at the Hotel Omaha In Chicago.
ICato Armbrustcr will bo in Chlcapo two
weeks and In MarshnllUnrn , la. , for the re
mainder of the vacation.
Elizabeth Allan will visit Chicago during
Kll/nbcth Atkinson goes to Mlddlcport , O. ,
for sovcn weeks , Chicago two , and returns
to Omaha.
Lilllo M. ilrunor will attend the Evanston ,
111 , , school of music all summer.
Bertha A. Birkett will bo in Chicago ono
week and the remainder of the tirao in
Mary D. Ballantino will take a trip to Chl
capo and pass the remainder of her vacation
at Brooklyn , la.
Frances Buttcrflold will bo in Omaha till
Aunust 1 and then go foru month to Chicago.
Harriet A. Bccdlo Intends to divide her
tlmo bi'twcen Chicago and Omaha.
Mlnnlu B. Baker will bo in Omaha , but
will take a short trip to Chicago In August.
Mary E. Bruner goes to Chicago for two
weeks amt returns to Omaha.
Mary E. Brolliar will visit in western
Nebraska during July , and the World's fair
during August.
Minnie L. Burplund visits in Lincoln.
Mary Bromisan will not leave Omaha.
Jeannctto Boycl goes to Asbury Park , N. J.
Molllo A. Brown goes to the world's fair.
Other places unknown.
Cnrrlo Boutello will bo a World's fair vis
Liz7lo I * Banker leaves Omaha July 1 for
Montreal , Canada , taking a trip down the
St. Lawrence. Thence she pees to Elm
Cliff , near Elizabethtown , N. J. , whcro she
will remain most of the summer. Hcturning
she will sco the World's fair.
Margaret Boyd expects to bo in Fremont ,
la. , all vacation.
Eva Baitlott will bo in Chicago during
July ana Colorado Springs during August.
Lida Burnett docs not contemplate leaving
Nellie 1C. Bauserman has not fully deter
mined where she will go.
Uoso A. Brady expects to summer in Chi
Lucrotia S. Bradley , after visiting Now
York and Chicago , will take up her abode at
Saybrook.'Conn. , until September.
Alice Chambers intends going to the
World's fair.
Emma Campbell will spend tno summer in
i-orrainc A. Cornish will do likewise.
L.lllis Crummer will pass July in Chicago
and August at Elizabeth , N. J.
Emma J , Carney will summer In Oswcgo ,
N. Y. , taking in Chicago enrouto.
Jessie S. Durbin goes to Chicago and Ohio
for the summer.
Ida Dysart expects to summer in Cliau-
tauqua , N. Y. , stopping , of course , for a time
in Chicapo.
Mima Doyle will remain in Omaha , but.
may take a trip to Chicago.
Isabella Doyle will bo in Chicago two
weeks , and the remaining time in Baltimore.
Hattie M. Duncan , after a visit of two
weeks at the World's fair , will summer at
Kcokuk , la. *
Clara B. Duval will bo at the World's fair
two weeks , in Ohio for a time , and will then
go to Atlantic , la.
Agnes M. D.uvson intends to ho two weeks
In Chicago , three WCCKS in Wisconsin and
Uockford. 111. , and the remainder of the sum
mer at Kansas City , Mo.
Emily Dorn expects to bo in Omaha all
Julia M. Davis will summer in Omaha , but
expects to take a , short trip to Muscutinc ,
Minnie Dye in Chicago two weeks
and Milwaukee eight.
Minnie Davis will stay in Omaha.
Caroline Day will do likewise.
Evolyw Dudley will spend the entire vaca
tion at Colorado Springs , Colo.
Mary S. Edmonds will take a short trip to
Chicago , then go to Hochcllo , 111. , for the
Lucy W. Evans will remain in Omaha.
Susie Evcloth's program is : World's fair
two weeks ; Detroit , Mich. , two weeks , and
Austin , Minn. , six weeks.
Camilla Elliott will spend ono month at
Chicapo and return to Omaha.
Lizzie M. Ek-ock pees to Van Wirt.O. , and
possibly to the World's fair and Montreal.
Matilda Evans expects to return to
Ilattlo S. Eddy will bo In Chicago ono
month and Bellevue , Nob. , the remaining
s Clara E. Elder will be iu Spokane. Wash. ,
nearly all summer and may visit Chicago.
James H. Ferris will bo in Chicago two
weeks , Marshall , 111. , two , and Omaha the
rest of thu summer.
Hattie L. Forbes will spend the summer
at Chicago aivl different parts of Illinois.
Koso Fitch intends to bo in Chicago twc
weeks , Minneapolis , Minn. , ono month , and
Des Molncs and Omaha the remaining tlmo ,
Mathilda Fried will take a trip to Chit-age
and return to Omaha.
Mlnnio Furlong will visit Chicago after
Juno 25.
Catherine Fees will visit the World's tali
for three weeks In July , and pass the remain
Ing tlmo In Omaha and Blair.
Anna Foss will bo in Omaha most of the
summer but will visit Chicago.
Allco Fawcett goes to Chicago for throe
weeks and then to Galena , 111.
Superintendent Frank A. FIt/patrick will
bo luOnuiha , all vacation with the exception
i of the tlmo during which ho attends an cdu-
1 cational convention at Chicago , which be
gins July 20.
Anna Fahorty will bo in Chicago twc
weeks ; St. Paul , Minn , , four weeks , and
the remaining titno In Denver or Dubuquo.
Mary Fitch will spend the summer In Chi
capo and Its suburbs.
Frances A. Flak will go to the World'i
fair , to Michigan , and to Chautauqua am
Elmtra. N. Y. , and Newark. N. J.
Jennlo E , Fair will bo In Chicago during
July , and In Cedar Huplds , la. , during Au
Lottie L. Oassotto will bo at the World' !
fair two weeks and then at Albion , Mich ,
until August 14 and will then return ti
Kate A. Gardiner visits Chicago In Jul ;
and during August will bo In Omaha ,
Adelaide Uoodson expects to spend Julj
In Chi.-ago and August at Morris Plains
N. J.
Maria J , Gallagher will bo at St. Mary's
Kan , , all summer ,
Annlo I. Glllis will stop at the World1 !
fair two weeks on her way to Evansvllle
N. Y. , where she will stay the remainder o
her vacation ,
Grace Garrett will visit Chicago am
points cast.
M. I..U/.IO Hewitt will spend the summei
at Auburn , Mass. , taking in Chicago on th
way.Ucno U Hamilton will bo In Chicago tw
weeks and In Quebec eight weeks ,
Clara Hutuiaker will divide her tlmo be
twcen Chicago and Omaha.
Alice S. Harper will bo at the World'
fair two weeks. In Wisconsin two week
ntul in Now York state the remaining time
Corn M , Hawcs will spend the summer a
Dus Molncs , la. , after a visit of two week
In Chicago.
Mary ilogan will go to the World's fal
und return to Omaha for the summer ,
Grace Hungerford will cither tro to Sant
Fe , N. M. , or remain in Omaha all summoi
Mary W. Hay will sojourn in the incur
tains of Utah , and possibly take a trip t
Portland , Oro.
Agnes Hutchtnsoivwill spend her vncatio :
in Hichluud , Center , \VU , but will visi
Chicago for two weeks.
Ada Hopper will sojourn In Chicagro an
vicinity ,
Mattlo L. ilussoy has no plans as yet.
Allco illtto will bo ia Lincoln , Nvb. , uut
.Inl.TlO , nnd will vthcn take n course at the
Northwestern unl + trsltv it Kvntnton , III.
Fnnnlo B. Htirlbtlt will visit both Chicago
nnd Gnlosburg , Ill.t
Nclslo P. HughesTcmnlns In Omaha.
Evelyn Hobbs will visit In Minneapolis ,
Minn. , Chicago anlL3Joston.
Kato Ilungcrford-Avlll go to Chicago nnd
Harriett H. Htonax will take n short trip
to Chicapo nnd retnrn to Omnha.
Dora Hurnoy will go to Colorado Springs ,
Colo. , for the culms lime.
Amy \ Hughes-will bo Inl'lttsburg , Kan. ,
during July , nnd W Chicago during AURiist.
Margaret Hamilton will spend July in
Chicago nnd Aucnst in Bradford , Can.
Belle Humphrey nf tor visiting the World's
fair for two weeks , will go to Gnlesburg , III.
M. Neppa Holllclay will attend the World's
fair two weeks and go to Mackinaw , Mich. ,
for the summer.
Carrie M. Hicks will spend the summer In
Jollot , 111. , making occasional trips to Chi-
Esther E. Hcston will sojourn In Milwau
kee nnd make frequent trips to the World's
fair.Nelllo Hyde expects to remain In Omaha ,
but may possibly go to Columbus , O.
Llda Itiintin will bo In Omaha until July 15
and then go to Whatcom , Wash. , for the
Mabel Hyde expects to summer at 1'acoma ,
ICato Hutmakcr goes to Detroit , Cleveland
nnd Chicago.
Mary U Hedge after visiting Chicago for
two weeks will summer In western Now
Nellie Ireland will visit the World's fair.
Hulda F. Isaacson will go to Chicapo ,
Moberly , Nob. , and different parts of Ne
Mabel .Tcnnlson. during the greater part of
her vacation , will bo m Chicago , the re
mainder of the tlmo at Osage , In ,
Mlnnio Jourdan will summer in Chicago.
Cordelia Johnson will remain In Omaha.
Ida J. Johnston will probably not leave the
city.Decio A. Johnston goes to Chicago nnd
L. Alice Jordan will visit the World's fair
and return to Omaha.
Mary Johnson has Kock Island , 111. , for
her objective point.
Ada C. Jones' plan Is Omaha six weeks ,
World's fair two and Lincoln , Nob. , two.
Mary A. Krcbs , during July , will bo in Chi
capo and during August Omaha.
Mary L. Kiddcr will remain in Omaha.
Lulu Knight will bo In Chicago during
July and Irvingion , Neb. , during August.
Earl J. Kclsoy will remain in Omaha.
Carrie Kumpf will do likewise.
Virginia Kennedy , nfter a two weeks trip
to Chicago , may bo found In Omaha.
Flora Leighton roes to the World's fair ,
Canada and Now York.
M. Florence Littlcllold will visit Chicago.
Grace Lillle will do the same.
Nancy L. Lewis intends remaining in the
Lillian A. nnd Emma D. Littlcflcld will do
Helen E. Lloyd will go to Boston.
Eliniocth B. Latey will remain in Omaha.
Mary A. Landis goes to Rochester , N. Y.
Belle H. Lewis has no matured plans.
Homer P. Lewis is as yet undecided whcro
o po.
Irvi In Lovlston goes to Chicago for two
veeks and returns to Omaha.
Bnssio Latey will remain in Omaha.
Myra La Hue may bo found at her father's
, ome in Corning , la. after n short trip to the
Mary Lucas expects to summer at Dubuqnc ,
Mary E. Lntojvwill not leave the city.
Nora H. Lo.non will bo In Chicago during
uly ; plans for August undetermined.
Minnie A. Lawton goes to Chicago and
/linton , la.
Emma R. Loncrgan will remain In Omaha ,
houph she may visit the World's fair.
Jessie Lozear goes to Denver to reside
Ida A. Maclcwlllibo in Chicago the entire
Lime ,
Jcannetto McDonald on July 1 will start
_ 'or Montreal and ipolnts on the St. Law
rence , where she will reinaln eight weeks.
Agnes McDonnld'will'spond two weeks of
July in Chicapo.
LillloViMlckle-wiinxj Itf Omaha , with
the exception of a two weeks sojourn in CU1-
Edith Morton will attend the Northwest
ern university at Eranuton , 111. , and return
o Sheldon. la.
Zorn-McKnight will bo In Chicago two
weeks and in Pomeroy , O. , six weeks.
Anna J. Mack will bo m Chicago during
July and in Omaha during Aiigust.
Florence L. Moore will visit Chicago for
two weeks and then go to Marseilles.
Juliet McCuno will dlvido her time bo
twcen Omaha and Chicapo.
Margaret L. McAra will summer at Belle-
fontaine , O.
Mary Meyer expects to pass her vacation
it Manitou , Colo.
Kate J. Meyer will remain In Omaha.
Mary McMahon will do the same.
Louise B. Mann goes to Arlington , Neb.
Maggie Mctaughlin , after a trip to Chi
capo , coes to Waterloo , Neb.
Charlino P. Morgan will summer nt Loavcn-
wortli , Kan.
Jennlo M. McKoon will visit Chicapo in
July and bo in Omaha during August.
Elizabeth Morell will bo a Chicaco visitor
during July and a Washington , D. C. , visitor
during August.
Jesslo McHoberts will go to the World's
Minnie V. Moriarty will remain in Omaha.
Kato M. Miles will summer at Flint ,
Grace McCauley will visit the World's
fair In July.
Helen McCIaln will visit in St. Louis , Mo.
Daisy M. Manning will remain in Omaha.
Emma F. McCllntock will go to Topcku
for several weelts and possibly to Chicago.
Mary E. Munro will travel in the cast.
Florence McCoy will summer in Chicago.
Lois G. Morroll will boat South Evanston ,
111. , the entire vacation.
Sarah M. McChearo will attend the
World's fair thrco weeks and go to Chau
tauqua , N. Y. for sovcn.
Margaret McCarthy goes to Boston.
Mary B. r\owton will go to Chicapo.
Loulso Nccso will remain in Omaha.
Helen Morton will summer in Milwaukee
and also take In the World's ' fair.
Ida Notson will do institute work in
Omaha and Iowa.
Eolla W. Nichols will stop two or three
weeks nt Chicago and at St. Charles , 111 , ,
and the remaining time at WilllHton and
other points in Vermont.
Helen M. Nave will go to the World's fail'
und Galena , III.
Julia M. Nowcomb will take a trip to
Chicago in July.
lloso E. Nickel will sojourn In Chicago and
Fanny Novlus will visit Chicago for two
or thrco weeks and go to Kearney und Den >
ver.LIzzio II , Nocdhnm will visit the World's
fair July 15.
Nora O'Connor will visit Chicago ,
Allco D. Orr will spend six weeks ai
Chautauqua , N. Yf-taking in Chicago on the
way. '
AutlonottoOgdcn will tour through the
Hockics and then KO to Chicago.
Maria O. Key willivlslt Chicago , Mcndota
111. , and different ; jpma of Iowa and No :
bruska ,
Alice Otis will remain in Omaha.
Junnlu M , Phelpa will bo in Omaha during
July and in Chicagoiluring August.
Martha Parroltilms the satno program.
Allco Parker will go to Chicago.
Sadie B , Pittman.has no matured plans.
Alta Peacock irill bo In Chicago ant
Omaha during ihojsuinmer ,
Amelia Peursonrwlll bo In Chicago threi
weeks and in Onuilia the remaining timo.
Ella B , Perrin will visit the World's fall
nnd bo in Hillsdalo'tho remaininc titno.
Muttlo L. Powell-will bo In Chicago during
July and in Amboy , 111. , during August ,
Phobo D. Perkins will remain in Omaha
Allco E , Points will do likewise.
Nelllo Powers will bo in Carroll , la. , until
July 15 und iu Luke City , la , , the remaining
titno. .
Anna Phenlx will go to Chicago , Leaven
worth und Kansas City.
Lida Pittmau gooa to Mount Pleasant , la.
nnd Chicago.
Mary E. Quackcnbush will visit Chicago.
Jennlo M. lloss is undecided.
Helen llogors will visit Chicago and White
hall , Mich.
Allco Hoot will visit Chicago for two week :
nnd Beatrice , la , , for the remaining time.
Ivy Heed will summer in Boston.
Nettle S. Hhotl will bo in clmrgo untl
Isabella lloss will go to the World's fair.
Mary A. Held will summer at Peoria , tal :
ing In Chicago.
Elizabeth Kooiiey will visit Chicago.
Helen Koot will bo In Omaha until July 15
then visit Chicago and Streator , III.
Ctibclla and Uassunura Bcbollcr will re
mnln in Omnhn and may tnko a trip to Chi-
capo. *
Emma N. Dradslmw will bo In Chicago nil
Ircno C. Byrne will spend two weens nt
the World's fair nnd return to Omaha.
Jcsslo Byrne will first visit Montreal , Que
bec nnd Halifax , taking a trip down the St.
Liwroncc nnd In August will visit the
World's fnlr nnd return to Omnha.
Orio Brown will bo nt Newton , In. , with
the exception of tlmo spent nt Chicapo.
Kate Bradley will probably remain in
Omnhn all summer.
S. D. Boals' plans nro undetermined.
L. J. Blake will stny In Omnhn.
C. A. Blake , after n two weeks' trip to the
World's fair , will summer nt Chnrlton. In.
Anna Broadlleld will bo In Chicago two
weeks , remainder nt Uockford , 111.
Lydla Bruechcrt will be at Grand Isl-
Jand , Neb. , ono week , Atlantic , la , , thrco
weeks , and In Omnhn the remaining time. :
Ida Blncktnoro will attend the World's fnlr
ono month nnd bo In Choboygan , Mich. , the
remainder of her vacation. '
Minnie Burgcsswlll bo nt Chicapo ono week
nnd nt Washington , In. , the remaining time ,
Ncllto Bennett will visit the World's
Alllo Campbell spends two weeks in
Chicapo and eight in Omaha.
Martha W. Uhristinnuy divides her tlmo
between Chicago nnd Onr.ihn.
Dora M. Coburn will remain in Omaha.
Mollie A. Conoycr will tnko n trip to Chi
capo and bo in Omnhn the remaining tlmo.
Clara T. Cooper will pass July In Austin ,
111. and August in Cleveland , O.
Kate 10. Crane will bo in Chlcapo during
July nnd in Morrlsville , Vt. during August.
Ell/uboth A. , Craven will visit the World's '
fair and then seek some shndy nook In the
May L. Copcland goes to the World's
Stacla Crowley remains in Omaha to care
for an invalid mother.
Stella M. Champlln's program Is Chlcaeo
lourwceks , Evnnston , 111. , two and Omaha
Ella A. Carlisle will have her headquarters
at Aurora , 111 , , and tnko n trip
to Chicapo among other places.
Margaret Head will visit Washington , D.
C. . and Chicago.
Hottio E. Heed will summer at Madison ,
Eftlo Held has no dollnlto plans.
Eilu Itced will remain In Omaha.
Harriet S. Kay will po to the World's fair.
Lucy P. Hoys will visit Chicago and the
Jennlo L. Ilodflcld will spend her vacation
nl Milwaukee , taking In Chicago also.
Currio L. Robinson vtill bo In Chicago for
three weeks and In Omaha the remaining
Lizzie M. Rondobush" bo in Topeka for weeks then possibly go to the
World's fair.
.lonnlo Roberts will go to Chlcaso and
Shelby , Neb.
Llda Shullonberpcr will bo in Sioux City
ono month , Chicago two weeks and Omahh
two weeks.
Eunice Stcbbins will visit Chicago for a
Jennie C. Salmon goes to Chicago , the
akes of Wisconsin and then to Michigan.
Mary E. Slinonds will spend July In Chicago
cage and August in Ouray , Colo.
Hattie E. Siuionds will go to Chicago and
then to Independence , la.
Penclopo Smith will attend the Cook
County Normal school at Chicapo for thrco
Annie F. Smith will bo in Chicago during
July and in La Porto , Ind. , during August.
Villa B. Shippcj will go to Chicago , Chau
tauqua and Gownna , N. Y.
Ida Street will summer In Chicago and
and Montreal.
Bessie J. Snyder will take a short trip to
May E. Sanford will spend two weeks of
her vacation nt Chicago and the remainder
at Avoca , la.
Sadie Schlcsingcr will visit Chicago for
two weeks.
O. B. Shields will bo in Conncrsvillc , Ind. ,
and will take In Chicago cnroutc.
Emma Stiles will go to Chicapo in July.
Jane S. Smith will bo in Omaha seven
weeks and Chicapo three weeks.
Elizabeth Shirley will summer at Ma-
quoKcta , In.
Harriet Squier goes to Grand Island ; other
plans not matured.
Margaret Scott will visit in Tarkio , Mo. ,
hlcago , Monmouth , 111. , and northern
Sarah E. Thompson goes from Chlcapo by
lake to Duluth and summers iu St. Paul ,
Ella Thorngato expects to visit Chicago
nnd then go to Weeping Water , Neb.
Grace C. Tisdalo will go llrst to Platts-
mouth , Neb. , then Davenport , la. , and Chi
capo.Mary E. Thompson will pay the World's
fair n visit.
Helen Thompson will bo in Chica&o forone
month and in Omaha the remaining time.
Anna Pierio Truland will summer on a ,
farm in central Illinois and visit the fair in
George M. Turner will visit Chicago and
Now York.
Ada Tabit will po to the World's fair.
Neva Turner will remain in Omaha during
July and then go to Denver nnd Lake.
Emma J. Uro expects to spend two or
three weeks in Chicago and n short time in
Cedar Rapids , la.
Suzanne A. Walker goes to Wellcsloy Hill ,
Mass. , for the summor.
Emma Whcatley's program Is : Chicago ,
two weeks ; northern Illinois , two weeks ,
und Du Quoin , 111. , during August.
Minnie J. Wood will go to Chicago during
Kato M. Wlckham will summer in Colorado
rado Springs , Colo.
Minnie Wilson expects to remain In
Emily Wood has no definite plans.
Jcannetto Woodward will remain In the
Inglcclta F. Ware will visit Chlcapo in
July nnd return to Omaha.
Elizabeth J. Wilman expects to remain in
the city.
John Wigman goes to Chicago for six
Lulu Wcnrno will pass the summer in Chi-
caco and among the Wisconsin lakes.
Ella White goes to Chicago , New York
City , Pennsylvania nnd Iowa.
Anna Withrow will bo In Minneapolis ono
month and Chicago two weoks.
Artio D. Webb ill probably take n trip to
Emma Whltmoro goes to Chicago und
Martha's Vineyard or Michigan.
Anna Witman will remain in Omaha.
Winifred Wallace will do likewise.
Ellen M. White goes to Chicago , Now
York and Montpeller , Vt.
Kato A. Wolcott , after n short trip to
Chicago , will go to Elk City , Nob. , her
Lily M. Wilbur visits Chicago and spends
the summer in Denver.
Kathcrlno M. Wright will po to Chicago
and ihcu to Nebraska City , Nob.
DiKlursno Tiihu U'orkn In Trouble.
PlTTSDtmo , Juno .17. Judgments negro-
paling $ 'U3,32J were yosterdjiy entered
against the Duquestio Tube Works company ,
whoso plant Is at Duqucsno. Of the judg
ments ono Is to W. A , Dunsheo for ? 'JOO,800 ,
and the other Is for $12rG23 to the Tyrone
Iron company. The entering of the judg
ments was hastened by the publication that
the company had inadomn assignment , No
assignment has boon made. The company
lias had n largo output , employing about SOU
men , until the amount of capital stock was
placed at $1,000,000 , divided hi o 10,000 shares
of the par valuoof $100. Ameotfng of the stock
holders was held and the confession of judg
ments decided on. The liabilities nro likely
to oxcocd $100,000 , but the claim is made
that the assets will exceed the liabilities.
A statement is being prepared. Ono of thu
officers smld Itwns too much huMnras nt
ruinous prices which first cnuscd tholr om-
bnrrassment , nnd the present stringency In
the money market dlrootly caused the
Opened l.nut livening Amlil n lllnia of
( llory.
At last and nftcr jcnra of waiting , Omaha
has secured n watering plnco nnd plensuro
resort , one that Is right nt her doors nnd ono
that Is worthy of the name.
Courtland Beach opened In n blnro of glory
last night , nnd If the crowd that was In at
tendance was nn Index of Its popularity ,
HID place with ono bound has jumped
into public favor. The fact that ycslerdny
would bo the opening day had not bcon ad
vertised to any great extent , but notwith
standing this fully 8,000 persons visited the
beautiful llttlo sheet of water during the
afternoon nnd ovcn'np. ' Durmp the after
noon the motor line running to the
beach wns crowded to its utmost
capacity in handling the people
vtho journeyed out across the bottoms
nnd to thn grounds , whcro they were enter
tained by the strains of music rendered by
the Second Infantry and the Boyd theater
bands. But when tlio sable robes of night
were pathcred over the city the rush com
menced and until long Into the evening every
car was crowded until standing room was nt
n premium , whllo hundreds drove out in
their carriages , until the entire shore
line of the inko presented the appear
ance of n crowded paddock nt n first-class
horse race. For once the elite and the common
folks of the city mingled in ono happy
thronp , each and every individual bolni ?
loud in the praise of the lake and the enter
prise of the management. It wns n peed
nalurcd lot of people nnd they nil took It
kindly as they were Jostled about. In fnct
it was n holiday nnd the millionaire did not
scorn to care If his broadcloth brushed the
dust from the coat of his poorer neighbor.
Manapcr Grlfllths was happy , too , nnd as ho
stood on the balcony of the pavilion nnd
gazed out upon the sea of humanity ho .felt
proud , for In that moment ho
know that Courtland Beach was
not only a winner , but that It was n money
maker for the projectors who had Invested
their wealth In an enterprise that would
furnish nn outplace for Omnhn's thous
The people wore not idle , for they found
something to do , nnd those of a musical turn
of mind found enjoyment in listening to the
music , whllo others took u turn at the
switch-back ns the cnrs rushed over the
slopes and Inclines at n rate of speed that
took nwuy the breath nnd tinged the hair
with gray. While some were engaged thusly ,
there were ninny who were pulling the oars
of the UK ) row boats which have been placed
upon the lake , or riding on the two llttlo
steamers which floated about lilto n pair of
ducks. Of course there were many who did
not tnko to this kind of recreation. Among
these people there were any number who
pulled their limbs into the MX ) new battling
suits and tried the efllcncy of the water.
Still others sat upon the balconies of the nu-
vilion and the boat house , whllo a few who
had sufllclcnt courage went out into the park
and watched the antics of a huge griz/ly that
performed for the exclusive amusement of
the small boy , who was present in largo
The grounds and the shore line of thu lake
are lighted by ! K)0 ) incandescent lights , which
In a meaburo turn night into day and throw
their glare far into the ivjacid bosom of the
little sheet of water , giving it a pleasing and
beautiful appearance.
So far ns the opening dav has been con
cerned the management Is well pleased ,
though the members express their regr"ts
that , they wore not prepared to pivo the
people better accommodation. Everything
wns new and the workings were not as
satisfactory ns Manager Griftlths do-
sired. The car service wnsnot , quite up to
his expectations and thcro were several
rough edges In the running of some of the
affairs about the grounds that had not been
perfected , but these things , ho promises ,
will work themsohcs to perfection in time.
In making his pledge to thn public the
manager promises that the beach will Do
made n first-class resort and that no dis
reputable persons will bo allowed about the
placo. Refreshments will be served in the
pavilion , but the s ilo of intoxicating liquors
will not be tolerated , which fact will prevent
the most fastidious from becoming offended. ItKKVLTlLS.
The Plumbers , Gas and Steam Fitters
union has arranged for an excursion to
Sarpy mills , where a picnic is to be given on
July I ) .
The Musical Union Military band will give
a concert nt Hnnscom park at ! ) p. in. today.
The program will consist of twelve entran
cing musical numbers.
A satisfactory settlement has been effected
between Ed Mnurcr and the different insur
ance companies having risks on his stock of
liquors and the restaurant furnishings.
An inquest was held yesterday on the body
of Mrs. Ella B , Jayncs and the coroner's jury
brought In a verdict of suicide while laboi ing
under n temporary aberration of the mind.
Number 223 was the lucky number that
drew the late Captain Cox's meerschaum
pipe in the radio at Kol Prince's last evening.
About $ r > 0 was realized for the family of the
dead fireman.
The Gorman club is still increasing in
membership. At the reception of the Ger
man journalists , a month ago , the club dem
onstrated that It was maiio up of represen
tative German-Americans ,
Negotiations are s.iid to bo pending
whereby the German Tribune and the
Festner Printing company will be consoli
dated , and that Mr. Iy > uis Helmrod will bo
interested in that concern.
All the general offices of the various rail
roads In the city were closed nt 1 o'clock
yesterday to permit the omplojcs to attend
the Young Men's Christian association ath
letic games In behalf of the llremcn'b relief
fund ,
The musical and literary entertainment
given bv Working Girls Assembly W.U ,
Knights of Labor , last Friday evening ,
was attended by about 403 people , ovorv one
of whom enjoyed himssllo the fullest
The first flro alarm in six days was turned
In from No. ' .I engine house at 0 o'clock Inbt
evening. The bhuo was In a barber shop at
Sixth nnd Paclllo streets nnd wns extin
guished before the liromen arrived. The
damage was trifling.
It Is understood that some of the Ice dealers
are repenting their barpnin entered Into
with local assembly ( Ml , Knights of Labor ,
and desire to abrogate ) the contract with
reference to the discontinuance of delivering
Ice on Sundays. A special mooting for the
cofiddorutlon of Important business has been
called for next Monday evening at the hull
by local assembly fl.Hl.
A gentleman from Vic.oria has been put
ting in a few days around the city hall. Ilo
has a binoko consumer nnd fuel gas machine
combined , and says that while the outfit Is
consuming smoke it turns out fuel guu nt a
cost of a cents per 1,000 feet. According to
his statements there arc 7,000 In use in thu
British possessions and they nro to be Introduced -
ducod in this country. Ho makes fuel gas
from sawdust or the poorest gaados of coal.
It Is for Individual use. Ho went nnd
will rctuin to this city In thu pear future.
The ladles of Omaha are looking for-vnrd
with much anticipation to Mmo. M. Yule's
free lecture on beauty , which takes pliico to
morrow at U:30 : j ) , in , at Boyd's now theater.
The subject of the locturois : "Jjow to
Restore Youth and Cultivate Beauty.1
Mine. Yule will show the power of her art.
mf * B
Powder :
The only i'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Anuuouia ; No Alum.
Used ill Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
ntier lecture ho will ItluMrnto how nn old
vommi may bccomo young , how n homely
ftlrl o n blosiom Into beauty , nnd how to
rrnipdv bnd complexions nnd how to euro
nkln dwoftio * . Mmo. Yftlo Is said to bo pro-
Iclcnt In the nrt and will 0 | > cii n Trmpla ot
Icanty In thli city In the Knrlwcb block ,
vhcro ho will hold publlo receptions for ono
veolt , commencing , luno 10. She comet
ilghly endorsed by press nnd public.
inlntln : t.nit running Trrnilimlnl Her Offl.
clnl Vlilt to tlici Nntlnn.
N'nw VOIIK , Juno 17 The Infanta Eul.ilta
nml party , somewhat tired with nil the
ilRht-seelng nnd entertainment provided by
the west , arrived In this city nt 8tir > last
evening. Tlio trip from Niagara Mills was
undo without nny startling incident. Tlio
rain ran nhc.ul ot tuo schedule tlmo of the
Imltcd express all the way from HulTalo ,
and arrived nt the Grand Central station
sixteen minutes nhcail ot time. Quito a
croud gathered to meet the princcu. Mr.
I. U. Cob.illos , who had placed his house at
the disposal of the Infanta , wns on hand to
rccclvo her. The princes * nnd party
entered carriages nt once nnd were
irlvcn to the Cob.illos rcsidcnco.
Commander D.xvls said last evening that his
hitler ended the moment the princess' foot
; ouehcd the platform. The nation Is no
ongcr the host and tlio princess Is nbso-
utcly free ' from ofllclnl obligation of nny
The Notorloim Koblior Hnlil to Have Ilaon
Wininili'il tiy Olllrorn.
LtTTM : HOCK. Juno 17. H was reported
icro lust night that Henry Starr , the
famous bnnlc robber nnd lender of the Starr
rang , bad been shot In Indian Territory ,
jut the report Is not continued , The posse
that Is pressing tlio gang Is composed of
over twenty United States deputy marshals.
After getting Into Indian Territory the
gang separated , Henry Starr , the leader ,
taking a southerly course. Oilier moiubcri
of the gang nro fl.vlng in an opposite ill-
reetion with the olllccrs close nt thel
1 > ol'l
Farnam St , Theater
Stitunlny nml Sumliiy Juno ITtli nml 18th.
iN < : Ar.iiiMi.xrit : VOUDINAKY.
Tlio dlstmziiMiotl tlloir-lit render , In Iili
sir.-inn ) and fasclnuttni : ovcmpllllcatloni o |
rcailiiiL' tlio litimin mlml. The lir.iln tin onoq
book. Melodies transmitted fioin mlml la mind.
Ladies' Misses' and
Gents' Rubber
Lined Bags to car
ry them in.
In new styles , at
$1O , $12 and $13.
Se them this -week.
1619 FARNAM 5T OMAHA " "
Ol'P. N. Y. Lll-'fi IlLDO.
35 < J
iron suMMKit m-u : T
wn H AVI : AN Absimr-
$2.00' '
HI $3.5,0
$5.00 :
Novelties and
inimcnts. Shampooing
peeing , bangs cut
and curled ,
11. II
. 'J
1520 OMAHA
Musical and Dramatic.
ThocompoUllonoMliu riumi jmiillH of Hint well
Viicnvn IciMlimloii look plucu ut Clilcktiln ? Hull ,
jiKl nuTijf MiiniK'h menu liiK'iI'M lo tlio Mmlcnte ,
thnii lliu ailviiiicul trailo ( pout trrailuuloH ) woruto
I'oiniii'lo fornn iiprlKht Kiiintl ptniiu > c 'my onciua
y lliu ouliool ami pri-M-ntnl llilii time by ClniHu llrou.
( , ' < ) . of Mii kce.iu , jiiilvi-x on Unit cn'oaulon
\viT0MrH. KtKln-t VV.ilHOii , Mr W. H. II. Jlalliuw *
unit Mr. llaiitt von Bcliiller. lee m > ll known to hup >
poHoof any JmorllUms. Tint I'Uno ' WUH uwartlud
lo Mr Arnfl Oliluwtr , after a vnry rluRo contest.
Tim commi'iicuinuiit cxorcl n will lakii | ilu'i on
June r.'ntl , Fri'ii und partial bclioluj-Hhlps will ba
onvrcil to well dcHGrved und lalcinlHl students.
Application ! * for any munlcul or dramatlouvpart *
iiioiil mum bo nmilti Imforo Auguat li > . _
109 feet on I'urk nromie. oornr Shirley
itroet. ouposltetlie park pavilion.
1(0 ( feet tlt'orKlk uvonUD , east front , H , W ,
rorner bulrley moot ,
60 ( rot on I'urk uremia , cunt ( root , | lot %
bluokll ) , Huiiicom I'lnce.
And V ) foot Urolihton llolgliti ( lot 18 , block U
Au early purchaser fill tot a tmrgalu. Aq
a t ess J , H. 8U 111 VAN. ( O wiior ) .
ctr Prom * Jouroul , OliKrgP , tlllttt *
> jH