Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE ! rs'O. 13 PlSAIlk
ty carrier to nny part of Vis cltj
lltiulnc Ofnco . J12 J ?
. No. 23
N. V. Plumbing Co.
Dos ton Store for sun umbrellas
MlHonbcrgcr is the hatter , 502 Broadway
The Mayno Heal Kstate Co. , 021 Broadway.
A meeting of the city council is to bo held
Monday evening , at which contracts for
owcrs , sidewalks and paving will bo lot.
The now Iron fence which was ordered
norno time ago for the lawn between the city
Jiulldlngs arrived yesterday and will bo put
In position at once.
Tlio Council Bluffs Rowing association Is
making arrnnpcTncnts for ono of its pleas-
nnt parties nt Its boat house at Manawa
next Friday evening.
A largo delegation of Itcd Men from this
city went to Omaha Friday night to wltnr s
the Installation exercises of Omaha tribe
No. 18 , a now brancli of the order , which
starts out with a membership of sixty-five.
George H. Meschendorf yesterday closed
out his Interest in the Meschendorf Meat
company to Mr. Ostcrman , n Incmbor of the
firm. Mr. Meschcndorl will not leave the
city , but will re-cngago hi buslncsj within a
The smoker which was to have been given
next Saturday evening by the members of
the Wheel club to the Omaha club has been
abandoned , and instead thcro will bo a picmu
a week from today , at a place to bo decided
upon hereafter.
The Young Men's Institute Is making ar-
rangmcnts for a parly in ito hall In the
Wagner building on Main street next
Wednesday evening. Thcro will bo a musi
cal program , at the conclusion of which
there will bo dancing.
The drill night of liter Dodge Light Guards
will bo on Tuesday nluht hereafter , and all
members of the guard will report Tuesday
cvcnlnif , Juno 20 , at 8 o'clock sharp for drill
nnd Instructions. By order of O. S. Wil
liams , captain commanding.
Thcro will bo n lawn social given for the
benefit of the Christian church next Thurs
day cvenine at the residence of Ed Ander
son , 210 First street. Good music and
refreshments will bo provided and the lawn
will bo brilliantly Illuminated.
Tlio Pottawattamlc county teachers' Insti
tute will meet in this city August 14. This
is considerably later than In former years ,
nnd the date was flxod as above in order
that the teachers who go to Chicago earlier
in the season will not llnd their visits cut
abort unnecessarily.
The Ganymedes will make a run'today to
Bcnnington , Neb. , nnd return , a distance of
forty-three miles , In company with the
Tourists of Omaha. This run is to take the
place of the joint run that was planned for a
week from today to Blair , the latter run
having been abandoned.
Oscar Linder nnd Miss Hulda Luchoiv ,
both of this city , went to Omaha last Thurs
day afternoon and wcro united in marriage ,
Kev. T. J. Mackay ofllciatlng. It was totally
unexpected to all the friends of the parties.
they having purposely been kept in the dark
ns to the intentions of the young couplountil
the latter returned from Omaha nnd intro
duced themselves as husband and wife.
Mrs. Augusta Boveo called nt the ofllco of
City Clerk Xurmuchlcn yesterday afternoon
nnd poured into his sympathetic ear n story
of how her husband , Charles Bovcc , had run
off with her baby , after knocking her down ,
nnd had taken it to Blair , Neb. , where he
now has it. She wanted something dono.
As the best thing that could bo thought of
nn information was llled charging him with
OBen Sharpc , a colored man who drives a
garbage wagon , became Involved In a diffi
culty yesterday with Hichnru Green at the
lattcr's residence on Park avenue. Green
ordered him oft the premises , but ho refused
to go. Instead ho throw two largo black
fists at Green's head with n great deal ol
force. Green filed nn information charging
Sharpe with assault and battery , and he
was arrested and jailed last evening.
The L. Y. C. girls entertained a number of
their boy friends nt a picnic nt Fnlrmount
park last Thursday. The following were
present : Misses Helen Stoddard. Carrie
_ Wlthrow , Stella Mclntyro , Jesaio Wallace.
Anna Walker , Etta Otis , Edyth Wycoff and
Alice Foster. Messrs. Percy Jameson , John
Stoddard , Ben Meyers , Charley JelTorios ,
Charley Sales , Tom Askin. Will Marshall ,
Frank McKesson. Mrs. Durllng went as
Harris , the man who stole n chain from
Gomel's jewelry store , was rnlcased yester
day afternoon , having served a sentence of n
joar In the county jail. His confederate ,
Fox , alias Baxter , alias Webb , alias several
p other names , went to the penitentiary fet
nine months but Is now back in the countyjat
with several charges hanging over him whlcl.
will probably prevent him from getting an
unobstructed view of the universe for some
time to como. Harris is given an exceedingly
peed name by Sheriff Hazcn , who has mad (
him a ' "trusty" for several weeks post.
Messrs. Luring , Davis , Atkins , McNlf
nnd Brock , wly > compose n guitar nnd banjt
quintette ttint has made itself very ponulai
of late , ncntout on a serenading tour las
evening. The Ilrst place they struck wai
that of W. H. ICemp on South Soventl
street. After they had played several selections
lections they were invited in and line re
frcshmcnts wcro sot before them. Tlioj
epcnt the rest of the evening then
until a late hour and the remainder of tlu
serenading tour went over until some othci
si'ioi.vr : , BATUMI : ! . SAI.U MONDAY
At the Ittiaton Store.
AJ1 these who contemplate visiting
the lakes , mountains or World'8 fait
nnd require a satchel , trunk or tclO'
Bcopo Butehol , wo would warn them tt
take advantage of this great Batchol
Bale Motulny. Our prices will bo fount
from 25 to fiO per cent loss tlmn the >
can bo duplicated for any whoro.
UOSTON S-roni : ,
Council Bluffs , la. ,
Originators of low prices.
Mr. and Mrs , J. II. Arthur are homo fron
a visit to Chicago.
Mrs , U. C. Francis leaves this morning fo
Chicago , to spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Morohouso have re
turned from n visit to Chicago.
W. J. Jamison and family loft ycsterda ,
for a visit with relatives In Maine ,
Ml&s Mory Duncan is visiting In Chicago
She is accompanied by Miss Walker.
nMIss Mecca Doughty Is In Glcnwood spend
lug her summer vncnslon with tier parents ,
Mrs. J. F. Barstow and Miss Anna Patter
son leave tomorrow for Sioux Falls , S. D.
where thuy will visit friends.
1C. L. Shugnrt has returned from n trip t
Kxcelslor Springs , whetu hoent in th
lioiia of bonctltlng his health. Ho U leelini
much bettor.
Mrs , M. A. Klngsbury has pone to Kansa
City to visit a few days. On her return sh
will bo accompanied by her mother , wli
will bo enrouto to Colorado.
The Harlan delegation to the Dromon'
tournament nt Sioux City stopped severn
hours In Council BlulTs yesterday on it
May homo. The delegation consisted of th
W. L. Baucrhn hose team and u number o
the leading citizens of the place , Ainon ,
the number wcro : Mayor W. L. Baughn
Senator Cleveland and \V , C , Campbell , ed
tor of the Harlan Tribune. Tlio ruunlti
team was composed ( is follows : A. G
Moore , leader ; Lou Crammund , P. Downs
M. Moore , Tom Newby , A. L. Parker , 1
Stanley , W. T. Smith , Hugh Wylund , E <
Parker , Bruce Turner , Frank Hille , Harr ,
Bwaina , Sam Allison , H , J , Hoberl , Arthu
Bowlin ; couplers , George True , Davi
Booth : manager , C. G , Warren.
The ladies all like to trade at Homer'
grocery for the reason that they got tin
nicest , freshest , high grudo groceries
and provisions to bo hud in the city
Fancy fruits will bo a specialty thi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Great clearing eulo of inilllncry-
( /oing out of business everything Ics
tbau coat. The Louis , .5 S. Muiu St.
Bold Attempt to Hold Up a Twin Witbin
the Oity LlmlU.
They Answer tlio llnndlM1 Volley of PMtol
Shat wlth'n Stream of llolllns Wnter
Six SiupcctJ Have Ilocn
An attempt was mailo to hold up train No.
on the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council
Bluffs railway Friday ntpht. The train left
the local depot nt 10:15 : o'clock. AsIt after
ward turned out , there wcro half a dozen erse
so passengers that the train crow know
nothing of , and they did not make their ap
pearance until the train reached the Wnbash
crossing , a short distance south of the city.
When the train stopped nt the crossing
several men leaped Into view on the tender
nnd commenced shooting at the engineer
and fireman. Five shots wcro llrcd , Intliiono
of them took effect. Before the last shot
was fired the Ilrcmnn had siozcd a hose pipe
connected with the hot water boiler anil ho
forthwith ff nt a stream of boiling water In
the direction of the attacking party that
dampened their ardor for human gore. They
Jumped headlong from the train , the
engineer opened wldo the throttle , and the
train was soon out of reach of the robbers.
CiuiKlit Two .liupi'cts.
At Island Park , the first station south of
Council Bluffs , a telegram was sent to the
"police station , and Marshal Temploton , his
, wo deputies , James Anderson nnd Frank
-'owlcr , and Ofllcer Murphy started out for
ho south part of town to run down the of-
'cnders. When they reached the yards they
illvldcil , Anderson taking in tlio "Y" on the
Wabash and Kansas City roads. There wcro
twelve or llfteon cars staudtne on the "Y , "
and ho proceeded to Investigate their con
tents. As ho reached the second car ho
leant n sound from within. Ho had a gun In
ils hand which ho calls by the name of
'Black Maria. " It was about a foot long ,
nud as ho'reached up over the top of the coat
car It must have looked llko'a small cannon
o the two men , who proved to have made
the sound that had attracted the deputy's
attention. Ho called out to them to hold up
their hands , and when they saw what was
stariuir them in the faoo they obeyed the in
junction with alacrity. Ho then made them
clamber down , nnd put the handcuffs on.
About this time Oftlcoj Murphy came along ,
nnd Anderson turned over his two captives
to him.
The party then went on further and In a
short time ran across a party of four men ,
who wore coiled up In n space about three
feet square on top of n pile of lumber in a
closed cur. Several guns leveled in their
lircction caused the fellows to come off the
jierch , and the whole half dozen wcro hand
cuffed together nnd taken to the police
station , where thcv gave their names as
Dick Tucker , J. H. Allen , William G. Wat
son , Thomas O'Conncll , L.cF. Dctwiler and
C. B. Grecnlco. Two of them answered the
description of the men who had made a raid
on the train , while nearly all had clothes on
appearance of which strongly indicated that
they had recently been treated to a shower
All Were Unarmed.
Not a gun was found In the outfit , what
ever firearms they had about -them having
been made away with when the first pre
monition came to them that they were about
to bo run IP. An ollicer went to the scene of
the capture yesterday morning nnd made n
close search through the high grass and
weeds , but failed to Iind any shooting irons.
Wftcu the four wcro captured ono of them ,
who were n largo white hat , by which , his
identification had been made easy , pro
tested that ho had not done nny of the
shooting , but admitted that ho had been in
the crowd when It was done. Ho claimed
that the men who did the shooting had gone
"off there , " pointing in the direction of an
open place to the southwest. The marshal and
his men listened nt the jail door after tlio gang
had Dccn turned loose inside and heard a
few bits of conversation , which , even In the
absence of any other testimony , would show
that not only the right gaug was in custody ,
but that the motive had been robbery , and
not malice , as was at ilrst thought tniuhl be
"When I got on the train , " said ono , "I
didn't know there wns going to bo any hold
ing ut > done. Now I'm In It just as deep as
any of you , and Iwas innocent. " Ho then
proceeded to lament his futo in words that
wcro eagerly taken in my his audience at
the koyholo.
Two IHoro Arrested.
It was about 0 o'clock when the first six
were deposited in the lock-up , but lour hours
latter two moro were captured , whoso names
wcro given as William Kclley and Phil
Stingor. A telegram was sent to St. Joseph
yesterday by the officials of the railway
company hero , asking that the train crew
bo sent back here as soon ar. possible in
order that they might identify , If possible ,
the supposed robbers. They will probably
nrrlvo this evening or tomorrow .morning ,
when addit'onal ' particulars of the ulfaii
may bo obtained.
Lon Kendall , yardmaster for the Milwau
kee , identified live of the prisoners yester
day morning as having been loafing about
the yards during the afternoon. Conductor
Pctrio of the Burlington freight which
leaves the city about 'J ' p. in. had some
trouble with n gang of men during tlio evenIng -
Ing nt almost identically the same spot , and
it is thought from the description ho gives
that the two gangs are the same.
Council Itlufr * ItunnliiB Tcnm Tlilulc Tiioj
IIuvo 11 Klolc Cnmliiff.
The Council Bluffs running team , the Vet
eran Firemen's association and the Druir
corps , together with n few outsiders wh (
wont to Sioux City to attend the meeting ol
the state firemen's tournament , , returnee
homo yesterday morning , AH in all , It wiu
the sickest crowd that has como into towi
for some timo. In the Ilrst place the running
team , which It had been hoped would scon
first place , had failed to mnka better than
second in nny contest. This would not him
been so bad , but when the contests wcro all
over and the Bluffs team hat
won prizes amounting to 250
the Marshalltown team protested againsl
the records being considered in making the
final awards , on the ground that thcro wni
a professional foot-racer in the toun. Tin
board of control sustained the protest , am :
Council Bluffs was ruled out , thus giving
Marshalltown fourth place In several of the
contests , and enough money In prizes to pa }
their expenses to the tournament , ,
The statement was freely made that Conn
cil Bluffe would never enter another tourna
men t , nor send a delegation , although thai
statement is dented by members of the asso
elation hero who are n llttlo less hasty thai :
the rust. That thcro is dissatisfaction , however
over , extending beyond the boundaries ol
Council Bluffs cannot bo gainsaid. With OIK
or two exceptions every man appointed t (
any olllco for the ensuing year is i
now man , nil the old wheel-horse :
having been given the go-by. The whec
horses are naturally somewhat clmgrlnet
over this , and although they do not say much
It can easily Ixi Imagined that their assist
aiico will not bo so freely given in futun
tournaments. Sioux City has also announced
nouncod it ? intention of drawing out of tin
association on much the same grounds HI
Council Bluffs , ono of the representatives o :
that place who was entitled to a prize
was n member of the Sioux City tire depart
mcnt , but was ruled out on the ground o
being a professional foot-racer ,
lloUciiii | round Guilty ,
The case of the state against Wllllan
Bokemper , charged with seduction by Amu
Dauntz , a girl who lives In Lewis township
was completed and given to the Jury ycstcr
day afternoon. After a short absence tin
Jury returned with a verdict of guilty a :
charged. Bokompcr's attorneys iminedi
atcly filed a motion for a now trial. Bokcm
per has never denied doing anything thai
the prosecuting witness charged him with
but several mouths ago ho agreed to marr ;
her and oven went so far us to procure ttu
required license. After ho had done so tin
girl rcfusca to marry him unless bo woult
put up n bond of $3,000 that lie would Hvo
with her nt least thrco yews rvftcr the cere
mony wns performed. This lie refused to
do , ns hoVAS afraid that she would innko It
sovnnn for him thilt lie would hnvo
to lenvo. under which circumstances she
would become the possessor of the $3,000.
IJokcmpcr is well connected , his mother
being the owner of n largo fnrm In I/cvvls
township. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ulcnntlo S.ito Monthly.
A ilny long to bo remembered. Don't '
miss it.
1 case of Indies' regular 75o quality
summer corsets , Moniluy 29c pair.
f > 00 Indies' corset covers , good nm-
torlnl , with icarl buttons , worth 35c ,
Moiulny lOc each.
Every item advertised for this sale is
not i regular price.
T. J. Clurk represents on the road
Wlicolor , Herald & Co. , Council Bluffs ;
only perfect qpltl storage plant in the
west. General commission business.
Fruits a specialty. Bettor prepared
than any competitors to pot best results
from all consignments. Write for quo
50 pieces of Shangton pongee beautiful
wash fabric 32 inches wltlo , light and
dark grounds , sells everywhere at 15e ,
Monday only DC n yard. Don't forgot wo
are headquarters on wash goods in this
city. You pave money by buying of us.
Big sale of dress goods und silks.
G pieces of all silk Iron frame grena
dine that wns 75o , Monday only Hoc yard.
f > nieces of 40-inch all wool blucli nun's
veiling , beautiful summer fabric , Mon
day 48c yard , worth 7fic.
Wo are cutting down .the prices on all
dress goods and silks , now is the time to .
fi pieces of 10-inch black china silk
Monday at half price , only 2ocynrd.
4 pieces of black china silk , 112 inches
wide , Monday G8o yard.
2 pieces of Cheney Bros' , black china
silk , 32 inches wide , worth SI.CO , Mon
day cut to OSc yard.
2o dozen line quality bath towels , size
18x110 , only i priceMonday , lOc each.
Big sale of 20-inch silk umbrellas at
$1.00. $1.48 , 81.98 , $2.50 nnd $2.1)3 ) each ,
worth $1.50 to $5.00. "
Big sale of lace und chenille curtains.
Monday wo olTor 50 pairs of cllenillo
portiere curtains , best quality , beautiful
dado and fringe top and bottom at }
regular price , only $ , ' 1.98 pair.
Big sale of luces at J price.
Bargains in every department.
Bonnison Bros.
Gathering ; of the Iowa Claim In Council
IllullH Tim U'oolt.
Tno state encampment of the Sons of
Veterans , which is to bo held this week ,
promises to bo a very interesting affair , as
the most elaborate preparations have been
made by the committees In charge , and
everything Is being done to insure a good
time for the visitors , borne of the advance
guard will arrive in the city tomorrow even
ing. but by far the larger part will arrive
Tuesday morning. The encampment will
open at 2 o'clock Tuesday , and the first ses
sion will last all afternoon. In the evening
thcro will oo a camp flro at the Masonic
temple , at vhich patriotic speeches , inter
spersed with appropriate music , will bo the
order. The big feature on Wednesday ) \ ill
bo the parade In the afternoon , in which not
only the visiting posts , but all the citizens
nnd societies of whatever nature are In
vited and expected take part.
The executive committee has invited the
following societies nnd organizations to par
ticipate in the street parade. It has been
the intention of the committee to Invite
every society or organization In Council
Bluffs. If any have not received an invita
tion it has been n matter of oversight. Each
and every society , regardless of creed , color ,
politics or rclU'ion , is cordially invited to
participate in the street parade given under
the auspices of the General G. M. Dodge
camp. Sons of Veterans , on .Tune 21 , at 1. p.
m. The following societies have been in
vited :
Bluffs City lodge No. 71 , Ancient , Free and
Accepted Masons ; Excelsior lodpe No. 71 ,
Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons ; Ivan-
boo commandery , Knights Templar ; Eastern
Star society ; Independent Oruor of Odd Fel
lows , Council Bluffs lodge No. 40 ; Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows , Hawkeye lodge ;
Independent Order of Odd Fellows , Hum-
bolt lodge ; Twin Brothers encampment , Pot-
tawattamlo canton , Daughters of Rebokah ;
St. Albans ledge , Knights of Pythias ; Con
cord la lodge , KnlRhts of Pythias ; captain ,
Bluffs division Uniform llanK , ICnights of
Pythias ; MUpah Temple Pythian Sisters ;
Calantho Assembly Pythian Sisterhood ;
Abe .Lincoln post , Women's Holiof corps ,
Union Veteran leeion , Ladies Auxiliary
Union Veteran legion , Daughters of Vet
erans , Ancient Order of Hibernians , Catho
lic Knights of America , Knights of Labor ,
Tyiwgraphleal union , Hcd Men Pocahontas
tribe. Ancient Order United Wcrltmen. Mod
ern Woodmen of America , Iloynl Neighbors ,
Modern Wooamcn of the World , Itoyal Ar
canum , Council Bluffs Maenncrchor society.
Treibund society , Pittriotlc Order of Sons of
America. United Order American Mechanics ,
Danish Brotherhood , Danobo society , Ameri
can Protective association , Ladles Auxiliary
American Protective association , Dodge
Light Guards , High School cadets , Order of
Railroad Trainmen , Switchmen's union ,
Young Men's Republican club , Pot-
tawattamic Democratic association , Cigar
Makers union , Ganymede Wheel club ,
Robert Livingston post , No. 2S2 , South
Omaha , Ni. ' . ; Bill Kearney post , No. 43 ,
Fort Omaha , Nob. ; George A. Custor post ,
No. 7 , Omaha , Nob. ; U. S. Grant post , No.
110 , Omaha , Neb. ; George Crook post , No.
2W ( , Omaha , Neb. ; Grand Army of the Ro-
nubile post , Glen wood , la. ; Allan post , No.
'JOH , Tabor , la. ; Provnld post , No. 414. Car
son , la. ; Bolden post , No , fill , Missouri Valley -
loy , la. ; William Layton post , No. ffiiS , Oak
land , la. ; Harlan post , No , U. Hurlan , la. ;
Llowcllln post , No. &M , Corning. In. ; Wash
ington post , No. 0. Grlswold , la. ; Dick post ,
No. 40S , Walnut. In. ; Grand Army of the Uo-
public post , Plattsmouth , Neb. ; Council
Blurts lire department ; Council Bluffs po
Wednesday evening there will bo a recep
tion and ball. All Jay Thursday will be
taken ui > with business of the encampment ,
nnd In the evening thcro will bu an installa
tion of oftlcers. It Is expected that every
camp of the order will bo represented nnd
the number of delegates is likely to run well
up into the hundreds.
Monday Hpucliil Sale.
Another parasol and sun umbrella day
for tha benefit of thobo who could not
got waited on Saturday during the
great rush , wo will offer our entire line
of parasolsa ml umbrollusat COST I'luci- :
for Monday only. Wo Jiopo all these
who could not got waited on Saturday
will avail themselves of the opportunity
Loaders and promoters of low prices ,
Plcnlo trains , until further notice ,
will leave for that great fishing resort ,
Hay's Landing and Manawu park , Mineral
oral Springs , German shooting grounds
Manhattan beach and Mnnawu onor ;
house ( whore two performances will be
glvon during tlio season dally nt 4 and
8:30 : o'clock p. m. ) us follows : Nine ant
11 a. m. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and ovorj
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : ui
night. Last train will leave Munawt
for Council Blull's at 11:55 : n. m.
er & JtiindleU'i luo Cream.
Try Motzgor & Rundlult's pure and
delicious ice creams und ices and yov
will order no other.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main etroot ,
largest and best bicycle stock iu city.
Andrew * Opera Company.
The list of names of these who wish com
mutation books for the coming season o
opera the lust half of this week will hi
closed Monday night , These wlshltfg tin
books will have to leave their names at tu
Opera House nliarmaey not later than Mon
day night. Tuofjbooka will bo delivered
Monday and the advance dale will bo put on
for subscrlbcrs.a'ucsday morning and for
the general pub/Fc\Vedho. / day morning.
The Andrcwjvcqnipnny baa boon packim ?
Kostcr's opera , hSiiso In Dos Molncs all this
week nnd will oiicu their season hero Thurs
day night wlth < Aujcr'8 famous and bcaull-
ful comic oper.-O-Fr.i Dlavota. " This Is ono
of the best or'Kngllshcomic operas nnd
deals with the i-fdMng sc-cns 01 the romantic
career of the wMilbrful bandit and robber
chieftain ttf thuvtlnmc ,
A. W. Mafllnt will Introduce his unique
' - which ho made
grave dlegcr' , with
such n hit at tlyj ( faslno in Now York last
Ornnil ll.illoon Ancrntilnn nnd rnrnrhtito
l.rap by Ml s Urlbblo Sundi.v , Juiin IB.
The world renowned lady aeronaut ,
Miss Estclhi Gribblo , will give a thrill-
Imr exhibition nt Manawa Sunday. She
will ascend in her air ship to the
height of several thousand feet , and
then leap Into space nnd descend by the
aid of a Irall parachute , positively the
most daring feat ever undertaken by a
woman. At Lake Manawa , Sunday ,
Juno 18. The Fort Omaha Military
band will glvo a concert during the
afternoon nnd evening.
At tlio Itixton Store.
From 7 to 9 p. m. , 200 pieces challies ,
beautiful patterns , 10 yards for 20e. Only
ono pattern to a customer.
Monday evening only.
Fothorlnghatn , Whitolavv & Co.
AVIioro to Worship.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church Class
meeting 0:80 : n. m. 1'rcnchlng 10aO : by Hev.
H. Luring. Sunday school 12 m. Preaching 8
p. m. by Hev. C. Hover.
First Baptist Preaching morning nnd
evening by the pastor. Morning subject :
"God's Holiness ; " evening , "Frccncss of
Salvation. " Sunday school nt 12 in. Preach
ing at Twenty-ninth Street Mission
at 4 p. m. Young People's meeting at 7 p. m.
.lames H , . Davis , pastor.
St ! John's Encllsh Lutheran Services on
first floor of Men-lam block. 'JOS Main and 20'J
Pearl street , at 11 a. m. ana 8 p. m , Hov. G.
Snyucr , pnstor. Sunday school at 0:45 : a. m.
Young People's song service nt 7:30 : p. m.
First Presbyterian , Hov. Stephen Phclps ,
pastor Preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 a.
in. and 8:00 : p. m.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Preaching 10:30 :
a. m. and 8 p. m. bv Hev. Bartholomew of
Sidney. Sunday school 12 in. C. W. Brewer ,
Bcrean Daptlst Church Text In the
morning , "Tho Unjust KnowothNo Shame. "
In the evening , "Tho Ciiurch of God. " Sun
day school nt 11:45 : a. m.
Broadway Alethodlst Episcopal H. P.
Dudley , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. At
the close el morning service the class of
l > robatlonors will be received into full mem
bership. At 8 p. m. Uev. W. S. Hooltcr , the
liresldlng elder , will preach and administer
the sacrament oC the Lord's supper.
Congregational Hev. John Asldn , D.D. ,
imstor. Preaching morning and evening.
Morning subject , "Tho Courage of Faith" ;
evening , "Knowing One's Neighbor. " Sun
day school at 1'J m , ; Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in.
Second Presbyterian S. Alexander , pas
tor. Preaching iit < 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ;
Sunday school at 12 m. ; Young People's
meeting at 7 p. n\ \ .
Ten On yd ut tlio World's Tnlr.
Itwill cost you less than S50.00 , every-
thine necessary. included. . This means
liomes In private cottage , clean , safe ,
close to grounds * and on the beach of
Lake Michigan. Write to J. T. Chyno-
weth , Windsor Park , 111. Refers to H.
W. Tilton of Tun BEU , or Jacob Sim's
of Sims & Buinbriogo , Council Bluffs.
The Uriinil Hotel ,
Council BlniTV. The mqst elegant in
Iowa. Dining Voom on seventh floor.
Rate , 83.00 and $3.00 u day. ' E. F. Clark ,
Prop. '
Nothing is cooler or more sanitary
than Chinese and .Tap mattings for sum
mer use. Tlio Council Bluffs Carpet
company is closing out a Jbig stock at a
big reduction.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms.V. . C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Stop at the Ogclen , Council Bluffs , tie
best $2.00 house in Iowa.
ComiaurolHl rilRrlmi.
Recent reports from the headquarters of
the Commercial Pilgrims of America show
that the order Is growing rapidly. Sioux
Falls council No. 18 was Instituted at Sioux
Falls , S. D. , last uljht. Charles Thombcrg
Is organizing a council at Sioux City. Nor
folk academy No. 8 , Pilgrim Sisters , was In
stituted Saturday evening , Juno 10 , by Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Haworth of this city.
At the last meeting of Council Bluffs coun
cil No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of America ,
suitable resolutions wcro drafted over the
death of M. J. Alworth.
Grecnshiclds , Nicholson & Co. have
moved their real estate olllco to b'OO
Broadway , opposite postolllcc. Tel. 151.
A beautiful line of ladles' and gent's
pocketbooks , purses and curd cases just
received at Davis.1
To every lady visitor at Davis * drug
store will bo given u , glass of soda free
on Thursday , 21.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
The following marriage licenses wcro is
sued yesterday :
Niinmund address. Ago.
1 Chailos Watson , Pottawattanilo county. . 23
I Delia Walker , 1'ottuuattnmlo county . 21
j Josonh Wolloslnky , Omaha . 23
\ Uold Wlouberg , Council lllulTs . 2U
Music for balls , parties , picnics , so
cials , etc. , by Muciclans Union. J. J3
Follott , Mgr. , 400 B'way , Council Bluffs.
Every lady purchasing $2.00 worth at
Davis' will bo presented a 7fic bottle of
Toln water for the complexion.
Cook yov meals this summer on a gas
rango. At coatat ho Gas company.
High Toiiiporitttlro Will A era In Prevail In
Nubrutilui Today.
WASinxoTON-Juno 17. Forecasts for Sun
day : For NobnlHka Fair ; continued high
temperature ; so'iUh wlmU ,
For Iowa Fair ? east to south winds.
For the D.ikotfts Fair ; followed by Increasing -
creasing cloudincs ? In North Dakota ; cooler
in South Dakpia ; south winds , becoming
variable. *
iJh ni itcrorii.
OrriCE or Tiii : > WniTiinu BUIIBAU , OJUUA ,
Juno 17. OmahftTCCord of temperature and
rainfall , compavtvJ with corresponding dayc
of past four years :
c t 1893. 1S92. 1801. 1800
Maximum tpmprraUiro. 87C 7 o 710 hflc
MlnlimuujU > mi > vr ( uro , . ooo r > HO 040 G8 =
A erngu oinpura\uro. . 70 = > ooo OHO c.
I'lt-clpltatlon . . . . ' . . 00 T . ' 3 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation ut Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , 1W3 :
Normal tomtiornturo. . . , . 770
Kxcensfortho day . , . 40
Dutlclonryblnco March 1 . 24HC
Normal precipitation . 20 Inch
Deficiency foi-tuoday , . . . , . 20lncli
Excess blnce Maich 1 . l.'JSlnel
Gnoitais 12. HU.NT , Local Forecast Official.
I'rotoxt of 1'rojicrty Owners.
The committee on streets , alloys , anil
boulevards held a mooting yesterday aftoi
noon in the city hall. Woolworth avenue
and Hickory street property owners were
present to protest against the award ol
damages mudo bv the appraisers , for the
opening of these streets from Thirty-second
to Thirty-sixth street. The committee do
cldoU to report favorably on the Woolwortli
avenue award. A do ou property owners or
Hickory protested against the opening ol
that street , and the commUtoo hua the
matter under advisement.
Gash System Adopted in Payment of Salaries
Proves Popular ,
Curlton'n Narrow Kurnpn from n Lynching
Party A Young Womnn llobbrd TrloiuU
Who Slirltcrod Her I'lillco Court
lolii ( ; MitRlo City Uonlp.
I/nils Gotham , son of the old German who
was murdered In Fremont , hns moved from
South Omaha to Iowa , taking with him his
younger brothers nnd sisters , Henry Strath-
man accompanied the boy to Fremont , where
the remains wcro burled ,
Lauls says his stepmother told him that
she was awful sorry that she had married
Carlton. She did not know what made her
do it , for she did not Icvo Mm. She was In
nocent of the killing , she claims , nnd did not
know the deed had been committed until she
was called in to identify the corpse of her
Stratham says that after Carlton killed
the old man ho carried the body from the
sitting room into the kitchen nud started to
wipe up the blood but soon gave that Job up
nnd going to the city gave himself up to the
Strntham also says that a posse of farmers
got together one night in Fremont with the
intention of Ivnchlng Carlton , but were per
suaded to wall until after the Investigation.
Carlton was bound ever to the district court
without ball to answer to the charge of mur
Cnsh System la Popular.
The packing houses In South Omaha have
introduced anew fc.ituro and are now payIng -
Ing oft tholr men iu cash. Thojvorkmon
will bo glad If the now rule is keptup , as it
will bo n benefit all aroand , A great many
of the workmen are foreigners who know
little or nothing about banking business.
When one of them presents his check nt the
bank ho Is paid. It would bo impossible for
the bankers to have all of them idcnttlled.
In case ono of them should lese his check
it would not bo difficult for the Under to
cash it ,
Only n few days ago ranmor was sot afloat
that a certain packing company had gone to
the wall , that ono of their checks had been
thrown out , and the rumor spread like wild
lire. The fact was that the saloon keeper
who had been in the habit ot cashing checks
for the workmen on pay day , was unable to
got money nt his bank , and when one of the
workmen presented his pay check to him to
bo cashed ho said ho could not do It. The
workmen took it for granted that the saloon
man was doubtful about the check being
good and the word was passed around to
that effect. Had the workman been paid in
cash that rumor would not have been started.
liotriiyml ConlUlcnco.
Miss Clara , the daughter of Frank Pin-
ney , the well known blacksmith , has caused
n warrant to bo issued for the arrest of
Nellie Haucglowming.
According to Miss Pinnoy's statement to
Judge Fowler , Miss Ncllio is a very un
grateful creature as well as dishonest. A
few days ago she called at Mr. Plnnov's resi
dence at Twenty-fourth and P streets , and
claiming to be an old friend of the young
lady's mother , who is dead , asked for food
and shelter for a few days. The request was
granted and the woman wns well provided
for until she could llnd a place of employ
ment. Sometime during last night Nellie
packed her clothes and disappeared , taking
with her , so Miss Pinney claims , $ y.50 that
did not belong to her.
The police will endeavor to locate the fe
male with the jawbreaker name , but it is
quito Ulccly that she has left South Omaha
never to return.
Will Accept OepoMtg.
The Cuclahy Packing company has sent out
the following letter to all of its employes ,
and so far as TUB BEE reporter was able to
learn last evening the proposition is looked
upon favorably by the men :
SOUTH OMAHA , Neb. , Juno 14 , 1893. Occa
sioned no doubt by the financial conditions
now ruling , \yo have been solicited by a
number of our employes to accept deposit of
funds for their account. With the object of
accommodating only our employes wo have de
cided to receive deposits in any amount , but
not to exceed a total of S.'HJ.OOO , on which wo
will pay until further notice 5 per cent inter
est on amounts remaining in our hands
thirty days or over. Interest will bo cred
ited somi-annually. Deposits will be
received through the cashier.
Mngln City tio.mlp.
Miss Anna Mason Is visiting in Blair.
Miss Julia Kyno of Lincoln is visiting
friends in this city.
Mr. Joseph McICernan and Vide are homo
from a trip to Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Bills of Boone , la. , are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Calkins.
The firemen wore called to the Dclmonlco
hotel on a falsa alarm last evening.
Miss Cassio Hiloy , Miss Annie Sullivan
nnd Miss Aggie Hlloy nttcndca the Young
Men's institute picnic at Calhoun yesterday.
The Misses Huhnma and Grace Glasgow of
Washington , la. are visiting at the homo of
Dr. Glasgow. Sterling Glasgow of Peru ,
Neb. is also hero.
The Womans1 Uclicf corps lawn social nt
Polsloy's grove last evening was a grand suc
cess. High iivo , music and refreshments
were indulged in.
Hugh Hanson , Cnrist Hughes , Jd Wells
and William Mullen wcro lined SD.fiO each in
the police court for disorderly conduct. A
dozen moro persons wcro examined and dis
charged. Captain Austin rounded up the
town last night and made twelve arrests.
The most of them wcro Idlers ,
Bill Harper , the colored man wtio was
caught in the act of robbing the Yost jew
elry store , was sentenced to thirty days in
the county jail. When Harper was arraigned
to bo sentenced he said , "Excuse me , judge ,
I'll ' bo back in a moment , " and started for
the door. Ho was stopped by un olllcor and
took his medicine quietly.
Mr , Freeman's horse broke loose from
where It was hitched In the alloy back of his
ofllco last evening and , dashing up Twenty-
fourth street , created quite n stir for a short
timo. The animal turned at L street and
came back down the sidewalk to Glynn &
Holmes' barn , where It was caught. The cart
to which it was attached was wracked.
When Otto MaUror's bartender went to
open up .tho place yesterday morning ho
found the door unlocked , Tlio money drawer
had been tapped. It contained about S3.
The hack door wns also unlocked so that tlio
thief must have had a key or used nippers.
The police are working on the case and it is
ijulto likely that an arrest will bo mado.
Mr. TIcknor Is certainly out of luck and
concldcrs that ho has had about all the
water that ho cares about. During both the
recent heavy ruins , his basement was flooded
nnd hlb household goods ruined. A few
days ago ho moved into the Lister block
while his basement was being repaired and
yesterday during the flro , what few goods ho
had saved from the last Hood , were ruined
by the water turned in by the llremen. Ho
has no insurance.
The graders at work for Ed Phalen were
paid off Friday night. Some of thorn claimed
that they were to receive ? 'J5 a month but
only received 120. A number of them drank
frei-ly and several rackets were reported to
tlio police. Captain Austin went over in the
vicinity of where the mnn are at work , west
of the L street viaduct , unit arrested Dennis
Whulcti nnd Pat Vaughn for disorderly con
duct. When Whulcn was placed under
arrest ho had n largo brick bat in his sleeve
and bcomcd to bo spoiling for u light. They
wcro lined S3 each.
Star Chamber Somlnn.
There was a meeting in the council cham
bcr yesterday afternoon to which nowspapei
men were not invited. It was u conference
of the council committees to ngrcu upor
some attorney to defend the city In the sul
brought by Major Balcombo. Those prcsen
WLTJVhceler , Huscalt , Saundcrs , Steel
Parker and Back. It required just thirt :
minutes to agree upon Judge Wakeloy as tin
man to look after the council's interest litho
the caao , and Saundcra ana Wheeler wen
cunaworou to employ him.
Why the "Ono-Curo" Plan Fails
In the Treatment ofDlsoaso.
Vtirreln ( .liUrntliloned .liottimU Atn Not
Only 1'ulnlul iiiut Obsolete , hut Mirliaron *
nnd Injurious nnd Why the Mild , rolnl.-M
ninl Sclriitlllc .Modern Mctltoili of Dm.
Copolunil mill Shopiirit Succeed Wlicro All
Others I'nll.
The best hospital practice of this niro has
otiK slnco decided thnt "cntnrrli Is , \ dlsonso
vlth severe , dls.uruoablo nnd dntueroiM
ou.jl symptoms , ns n rule Involving llio iron-
cnil constitution , nnd can In no c.isa lo cured
except by n course of constitutional remedies.
as ? stod by local treitiucnt. " No on * rc-moily
sill apply. Any statement U t It will Is n *
nbsurd ns It Is fnlic. nnd could only bo wndo
iy persons who nro wllllni/ Unit thinking tico-
ilo slioilld Know thorn for quuck nnd cluirln-
nns If they can Ruccood In liniiotltiK upon the
Kiiornnt nnd credulous. Ihoiouro pconln
iiisiirupuloui onoiiBh to do IhlR-tilunty of
thum-iinrt tlioy wilt follow Hup with ohoap
mil ( liitixcrous [ ipplliuicoiiindclioinloiil ? . Tlio
litest Bok'iitlo , ( trcntincr.t of ciilnrrli Is piiln-
ess. Iho old > fiitihloiiGl method * unit the
chc p"ono-curu" nppnrntusandmodlcnincnts
ire often painful nnd nlwnys Injurious ,
rlui modern , approved nnd suvucisful moth-
orl of constltutionnl nud loonl treatment for
this dlnonso unit Its coinpllcntlunt Iniiiunrnt-
pd by Drs. Upnolnml nnJ fchopiird IR tiilnhn ,
7i'in.ti//i ( / / an ! tfflcl n' . Tlio syototu or trout-
nplit pursued by tUoni In the euro of this din-
in BO , In nil ItHcoinpllciitlons , Ishiist-d upon tlio
ntost doinonstrntod roincdlcs fioni the host
losiiltilMnnd mliidsof tlio roiinliy. It Is both
oonl and cnnstltuttonnl , nnd It Isproporly nil-
iilnlstorod ty these thorouffhly onpablo phy-
stcliins who nro tnt.kliig dlsuusoJ nnd
tholrcuro nllfo study ,
In n NiitNlu-li.
Mr. Wnltor AditniB. for thlrtoon years n fir
mer iind stookninn lit Wlotii , Unss county. In. .
Is wldoly known. Ho nui it this wnyt '
"My bond nnd whole system scoino-l affoct-
oil with HUIIIO trouble , which Dr. bhcpard said
.vas . cnt-irrh. Kor Hvo years I Iind ncailnchcs ,
nssltudo nnd n close I up noso. TliiMloetnr
removed n lloshy tumor from my left lH ) trll
without n bit of pilu nud nt oneo my honit wns
clour iind opi-n. The first diiy nfter this 1 full
nt If 1 had a new bend nil through. Under
treatment my whole svstoin Is ncttlnt In
splundld fill ipo. I wns iillliiK und complnln-
IIIK all thn time. Now 1 urn eiilnlng right
iiloir.In fuel , uJt.-r n mouth's treatment , 1
am nearly all right. "
J.OVOUKN. the well known roiil ustatodoiilor.
Ufi Ilrown Dlock. wns treated by Drs Copolaml
and Shepard. Ho now says : "In my ease
lysDOpslii nnd catarrh nearly ruined n.if. I
sulVered nil thoilhitress that uoes with these
diseases ; ndded to llila my UUIVOIH system
WIK : thonnulily cxhnustud. louring mo with
out life or ambition. Drs. Oopelimd ana
Shupnrd enred me IS niontliq MIO. 1 am all
rUht now and hnvo been over since. "
MKS. MAltY A. L1VKHMOKIX the world-
famous lecturer , uuthore-s and phlltinthroi-
Ist , known to every woman on the continent :
"I can endorse the Copclnml tioatmont in
successful. beeiii o 1 Imvo been under the
euro of thvso physicians myself , nnd I spoalc
from cxpurloni-o when I say that It Is most
skillful and ell'ectlvo. I can" heart ly 10:0111-
niend It. "
MAYOR U. W. DUNN , rranklln , I'a. : "I
don't know whit : other physician * can do.
but 1 Know that Dr. L'oiielnnd and his asso
ciates s.ixod my life , and 1 henrtlly rec
ommend thorn Ju the treatment of Incipient
consumption. "
I-'AI'IIHR 1' . , T. KCRNAN. of St. fiabrlcl's
diurcli. OTSK. IlTth-s- . . Now York : 1'ho treat
ment of 1'r. Copeland nnd his n ° * oc nti-s was
successful In my e.'ise. I know from observa
tion nnd i-xperlonco Unit they are < lulnj Rood
In the community , and I am glud to publicly
recommend tlinm. "
MA YOU 1. W. SHIUVnit I'ralrlo Clty.low.i :
" 'Iho work of Dr. Copuland nnd his nsbjclntei
In my case is sj bcnullL-inl that I have no hesi
tancy In recommending the Copolttnd pliysl-
elans as thorough , painstaking nnd conscien
tious. They wcro sneccssfiil In my case. "
Senator Allen Greeted by n I.aree Audience
at Alum
ALMA , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bin : . ] lion. Wm. V. Allen spoke to a
RC nnd appreciative assembly of Ilarlau
county's citizens at the opera house this
evening. The house was packed to suffoca
tion , and for two hours a tut a half tlio sena
tor expounded to his constituents the popu
list's plun of llunuco and other issues of the
day , advocating the substitution of free
coinage of silver for the Sherman law , a
graduated income tux , and other measures
of the populists. The day was very warm ,
but notwithstanding many fanners wcro in
from n , distance , and much enthusiasm was
manifested by the audience.
Enjoyed a 1'ionlo.
BEM.CVUE , Juno 17. [ Special to THR
Ben. ] The woods surrounding the old
picnic grounds were greatly enlivened by
the many merry voices of Sarpy county's
frolicking pedagogues , who , together with
their many friends , participated in their
annual picnic hero today. The program
consisted of songs , speeches and frolics.
Members of the barpy County Teachers
association present were : Profs. JUoto ,
Wedgcwood andDobcor of Paplllion ; Prof.
Speedy , Misses Graham of Hprhigilcld :
Misses Bcssio , Bertha and M.yra Ayer and
Miss Jessie Ireland of Papilllon ; Miss Jessie
Flynt , Miss llcllcn M. Longsdorf nnd Hon.
J. Q. ( .loss of Bcllovuo. The titno and place
of their next picnic arc not yet determined.
llcntrlcu CilinliKiI * Hcntonrod.
BnATincn , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to
THE Bni ! . ] The following criminals wcro
sentenced this afternoon : John Hall , high
way robbery , IIvo years in Iho ponltentinry :
AllHU't Kdwards , alias Kdward Allen , ami
Charles Johnson , for being found with burg
lars' tools in their possession , each eighteen
months. Sheriff Kyd will lake thoin to Lin
coln the first of the weolc. William Ter-
liuno , for attempting to pass a foiged order ,
wns given thirty days in Jail , this light sen
tence being given him because this seemed
lo be his lirst offense.
r/inci > ! ii Mini Arrostnil.
LINCOLN , Juno 17 [ Special Tclegnun to
TUB BUB. ] A week ngo the romalna of a
dond hnbo wcro found lloatlng on Salt creek
neatly wrapped in pnper. Tonight William
O'Coiinor , u well known man about town ,
was arrested as Detcctivo Mnlonu had as
certained that ho wns probably its father ,
O'Connor said that a prominent and roput-
ablu physician of this city had taken the
body away from the house with him as the
babodicd soon after its birth. The physician
was seen and acknowledged having done so.
Occiinlnnuil hoinu Uvcltdlilfillt.
NnmtASKA CITV , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins Biu. ] Some excitement was
occasioned yesterday by the visit of Lawyer
Seymour to General Van Wyek. Kumor said
the general was worse and Seymour had
been summoned to innko his will. Dr. Whit-
ten , the attending physician , uho accom
panied the lawyer , said the general was con
siderably Improved slnco his last visit.
Lincoln' * .Mil ) or illy.
LINCOI.K , Juno 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BKB , ] The attorneys in the mayoralty
contest devoted tlireo hours this afternoon
to arguments for and against the admission
of the returns and ballots of the city elec
tion in evidence. At the conclusion of the
arguments Judge Lansing too'.t the question
under advisement until Monday morniyg.
CJmrerd with llomu Htvullutr ,
NEIIRASKA CITV , Juno 17. [ Special Tele-
grain to TUB BBK. ] William Smith was ur-
rested nt yesterday by Sheriff Hoyd
Hind lodged in Jail on the uhurgo of horse
stealing , Joe Saydor's horse and Smith dis
appeared last Saturday , hence the arrest ,
The evidence in entirely circumstantial.
Smith Is In Jail unable to glvo bond.
llnuvy btuuk Hliipinnnt.
NEI.SO.V , Juno 17 , ( Special Telegram te
TUB 111:1 : . ] A special loft hero this evening
with sixteen cars of cattle nnd six of Hogs
belonging to Frank Spurck. They will ' { C
through to Omaha.
Oiiclarcil n DUIdenil , 1
NBW YOIIK , Juno 17. Tcnnessoo Coal and
Iron Kullivu.v company has declared the reg
ular semi-annual dividend oH per cent on
the preferred stock , puyablo July 10.
Autl Do You XVntit thii Um-xcttlleil Mull
Then wrllo for tlio "itniptom blank , " whlcl.,1
Urn. Conol n nil .V t-lii'paril send to tlioso who j
oxlrotu tnkn tlin famous I'opolnnd A : Shop4
nrd treiitmrmt ly ; mall. Tim IiUtik | < Ineen-'l '
loiKlvilovhuil , nml yon run find yours/inn-
tniiitln It Just tn voniloln thi-so cine * . Ho-
tuniPil ( o enables Dm Cnnolntiil !
nnd bhopard to dlauiiOMi your uiuo pcrfootly. J
TioHltnunt Utlicii pro < n'rlbcd. medicines ox-1 ,
pressed mid corroMiondcnro showing prnjriuM
mill cnmlltlnn loqiilrcd Try tlio mnll ttont-
incut If you cnniuit conio to I tin tilllco.
l'UmD : IIY MAH.--W. W. IHvU , nrc mcctocJ ,
nnil roltnblo merchant of Mioimmlo.ih. In.H
wrlli'si "I upgan your truutmtml over r > l
liionlli around already fool much t > cltfli [
fact Ilko n i-ew man. I think 1 urn nonrly ntll
rlirht miw. for I have HOMO of llio short bronth ]
or tlroil , wqiik feollnr. Thcro Is no clogging ]
of tlio hunt ) mul 1 tool first tula. I can hearl ,
llv nilvlMi till ontiirrhal people to so to
A Notable Cnie Stunting I'crmanrnt Hoi' '
Munition tn llnnltli.
Nearly ono yrnr ncn MM. J. V. U\n\t , 2M4 |
Avenue (3. Council llliHTs. wlfn of tlio wol'l
known ( liitrviiinn. was treated by Drs. Copo-'l
Innil nnd bhuptnl. Tlio results livvo broi'J
poriiiiinuiit niul Mrs. Hunt todny teUtfloft t |
tlio lusting nnd perfect bcnullts Mio roiillrcd a , I
the hnnns of tneso physicians. Hor's was r
formldiiblo ousn nnd nno Unit wns n ntron
test of the tnorltRof tliu troilmont omployodll
llnth Mr. and Mrs , Hunt mvlto searching In 1
qulry by nny sincere doubter Into Ilia faot'J
given herewith. Mrs. Hunt niyss < f
"The publicity nttcndln : a printed state- ]
montot inv easu Is not entirely agreeable tO'T
me. still t foul It to bo rnther In the line of inj
dntv to spi'ak. When I nup led to Drs , Copeland -
land and Shupard I felt that thn worst would ,
conio iinlu- I eonlil llnd soaio ono who thor- '
on-jlily unilurstood liingionipiiilntsnnd could ) ]
clvo me local mid constltut nnal trjixtmcnt , , !
1 could su ircely wallc around the house or ucT
the slciH without help. My bruath was ahorll
nn > l my limits weak und sore. I could nut go ? !
Into cliurcli or a crondeil room without of
mnotlioiinic fcclliiK. My IUIIL-S felt stopped ]
tip and It was hard to net i ir Into thorn. AI
poor npiK'tlte , renUrss tililit * , constant liawk-l
ins and s | > ' , ttln2. with ho lUm-ho tliat war ]
porfrctly n\vfnl to bear , xtoadlly i-onsnmool
my llcsli and brought mo to n ilunjrcrom state ]
ot nervous and plivnle il exhaustion , A rack-f
liu cough wiirrle.l mo nlcht and day. nncI
w.irnoil mo of a Blowly developing consump
tion.This was my condition for thrco years , dur-.l
In ? which time I WIIK troatwl bv various doo-1
tors In Omaha and Council ll'.uirs. but with mil
benollt tospuuk of. 1 W.IH named that my I
limns woru very bu-l and that a sllRht coldfl
even , won d brlni ; on ijnlek consumption. Ir.J
Aiuust , IS'll , upon thn iiilvlco of u physician ! "
1 went to Colorado , hophu the mountain nil
would euro me : but 1 c.unc lioino with no lui-
provmniMit. Almost leudy to nlvo up , I wet
led to tc't the special Inui ; treatment of I raf
Copclnnd nnd Shcpard iind found It iiconi
lileio RIICCO H. It Man m i lo mo better and
htronior than" I have upon lor ye ir . 1 bultovt. '
It has perfectly cured nm and will bo of last- '
Ins bunollt. It has alrcad ) mood the test ol
montli' . When other dot-tors anil a eluumo of
cilmato fulled mu Dis. Copuland mill SliutKiroV
ivstorcd mo to perfect hu.ilth. I appreclatf ;
It and am soiullntj thum all the patients 1 can.- *
nuiujiNo. OMAHA. Nna
Every Curable Disease Treated * il
Office Ilonrs-l ) to II a. m.2 ; to 5 p. m. : 7 to8 m ( I
in. Sunday 1J a. in. to 1in. .
Minrlll'H Sulo.
Under and liy virtue of u writ of vomit la
sued by Krnnk K. Moores. Cleric of the District
Court within and foi Don liia County , No-
liraslta , on llio Sihdnyof Juno. A. t ) . 1893 ,
in tin notion In enld court wherein The ( Jnmlin ,
Nntloiml bnnk Is plnltillfl nnd Charles F.
bliook nnd Jolin A. I'utlorsoii. trading nnd
rtoln4 business as Shook , I'uttcmon nnd Cora-
p.uiv , iiTH dorondiuitH , I will on tlio 2 d dnv of
Juno , ISO. ! , commencing at 10 o'uU > c' ' < u. in. of
B ilrt day , In rooms 1 to 5 on the second floor of .
t bo thrco CD story brlok Imllillns , sltimto and
known us No a. 15KI und iril.'i Douxlns utruot ,
In tlio city of Omnlin , Donslna county. No-
brnskiii neil the zoods and chnttels mentioned
In said writ , und liuiotoforo lovloJ upon by mo
by vlrtuu of nn exouutlon Issued In the uliovo
entitled action ( mid nlsolovlud upon by virtue
of other writs ot execution Issued from the
an in o court in actions therein ) , ns follows , '
to-wlt :
Tlio ontlro stock of wntcho , Jewelry , stiver
aim nliitod wiirn , furnltnru nnd fixtures. In-
eludliiK Iron safes , H loves , desks , uhulrH. coun
ters. Rholvliu und show cnsos. books and book'
accounts , null nil urtlolns of merchandise nncU
other property contained In suld rooms ono (1) ( ) '
to llvo ( .1)011 ) tuo second Moor of tlio ImiUllntt
Known n H iNos. in III nnd 15l."i Duuglns strcat
nbovotleiorlbud. ,
Buld proportv will bo sola In lota to suit pur-
chnBorrt or us u wliolo ( should It bu ik-eiuod U
the best Interests of nil concerned BO t3 dc
Tlio Bale will bo for canh In liund , us tlio totu ,
IirocouilH of Hiilil s-ilo , loss o.\iunso.J. will bi
turned Into court In pursuance to llio orJo.
1 ShoillTof Douglas County. Nob. l-l
Oiunhn , Neb , , Juno V , IbM. J1U d2t ! il ,
.S'otlco by riibllt-iitliiii for Meeting of CraU'l
Etnto of Nobraskn , Douirlns Pountv , 89 ! „ .
the County Court of UmiftUu County , Nr < M
briiekn. T
In the iimttor of the nablgnment of Magnu//
Wuber , lucolvont. JL
The ero'lltorHot ' Macniis WoDur and nil oth- ' < |
cr norsons InturuHted In suld inntter nro hero-.I
by nntlHoil Hint on the 12th dny of Juno. A. I ) . , I
Ih'.lll. Huld iimttor ciiinooii for liuurlnn on tbp'l
Inventory of llio usHUnor. niul It WHS ordered
by this court , thnt tlio1st dnv of Juno , A. D ,
lh'Jl ! , nt IU o'uloalt n. in. , be fixed n tlio tlino for.
n nieollni ; of thocriidltorH uf thusild : Mavnus
Wolirr. nt tlio county fouit room of Hiilil conn-1' '
ty , for the purpose of ohooslnit un iiHSlgnoo to. (
huccoodtliu sliurllf In nuuh trum , 11
Witness my hnnd nnd ofllulnl oal ; |
[ Soul. ] tula 12th duy of . .himA. . D.lbDJ. ] ' ]
Jlldst ' County Judge. } 'l '
Special Notices.
niul IOIUIH. Farm and clly proporty-
A1ISTUACTS Hold. 1'iibuy A , TliomaH , Council
/ i AUllA'ii : ri-movdl , ciBH | > olH. vanlln , elilinni-yu
VJcli-aiii-d. KU Ilurku , ut Taylor'H grocery , 010
1 > I3AITIFIH ( lioinni all inoili'rii coiivi'iilf-nci-Bi
J > low prlcuH ; I'JiHy teruiH , A J. Manilrl , C' . Ululta.
TIOMI'.S-I will tnulo my i-qiillli-s liiifc-oortwo ' ,1
111:0011 ilwi-llliiirH forcli-iu-lolH. llulancu oa lonir . ,1
timo. 11. J. AilaniH , UIK I'cjln uveniii- , f
Hale , 7U by : > UU a-c-t on Franklin I
avciitii' , if-IrjOi,0i. ( ( j
' . " 'hi ai-n-ii lirtwi'i'ii lBtnli-PC-1 niul Franklin nvo-/ .
HIMJltHl iilaltlm ; | iriiii-ily | In tliouliy. tf.'oii O.OO.y
Two lutH oiinonltu Tlilnl Htri-i-t Hi-liuol , * 1DUU.OO , f
f-m lot In WllHOii 'IVrini-ii. iHir.O.Oll ,
Tliu-i' lotB , ournur Wain Hlr.n-t anil llMli nvriiue , '
Ili-ht Hlto for hiijili-iiii-iit lioiiHulii llioi-lly t7.CUO.UU.
Loiiifi-i ) & . Towld , ' 'IIS 1'i-arl Blu-c-t.
'nKAUTIKlUj homo for : il In nuiHl ili-Hlrablo
- I'loc.illlythn Krrillniiiul Wlcn ii'i.lilracu. No. Ill )
S. Hlh HtirL-t , All inoiU-rn coiivi-nlunceH , b.un , elc.
lay .t JlrtjS , iigc-ulH.
, | Hl-aoroRood ( , iminovixl farm In KPC. 1J7-32-11 ,
' Co. , Nub. , furwilunt H.OIMIDU. Thin f ,
jHiiway billow HH valiio. JoliiiBtnu Vnn I'alloii. '
IO YOU want lo rent your lioimn'i If HO cull UI
I ) HID Muynn 11 > 1 Kstntu Co. , ( IJ1 llro.ulway.
/Mi ) ACHKStfooO land In < lo ! > er county Net ) . , tor ' !
Uoxrliuniru for Improved property hi Council
UluilD. 'i Im Mayno Ucal itat : < i Co. , Hal llroailway.
XT JOB COTTAOKS8"UT4l of tlii-in for H.llu : low
i > iirlct-H niul very e.iBjiaymint | . Tlio Mayno
Itcal K tile Co. , U'Jl liro.-ulvvuy. _ _ _ _ _
OHKAOB wnntwl near Council HlufTH In ex.
chiuik'ii fur 1VII iicn-H llmi land In nurllierii MU-
Hourl , near lowu linn. of liifimitmim-u , Tlio
' . li''l Uiu.ulwi' '
Maynu Kuul K tutuC'o. , _ _ _ _ _ _
111(1 ( ACIlKSImiirouxl lai.'l In nuillicrn Kun : in.
.1 clear of liiciiinln.iiHMii will f-xcliaiiifii for land
near Council UliillB. Tliu M.iyno Uwil Kulato Co. ,
U'Jl Uruadw.iy.
ANTEI-hIUutloua H.-ileBlaay In dry woods
urmllllnury byuludyot uxiii.-rlfiu.-u. AildrubU
Z , IGIU Ud Btioot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I"OH KXCHANOK Well Imniovnl Ml-ucro Iowa
farm neur uod town , clear of liiuimiOrmicu :
u 111 I'lcluniK" fur idcn rt Bhlt-ncu In Council lllutfa
und | i < iy c-UBfi illnttn-nvu , TliuMn > mi Ituul
Co. , O'ji ll
KXCIIAHOK , nlco lot on bottom for
anduuftyOitcnuhlclUtt ,