STTi flM 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUIUUY , .TUNE 18 , 1803-TWENTY PAGES. _ ADVERTTsKMENTS lOlt"TH ESH COLUMNS will botnkcii until 12 30 p m for thae\cnlnK and until H .10 p m. for the mornlnir and Sunday cdlllonw AdrcrtlBcr * , by renupsllmr ft numbered check can hftto theirnnnwersndilreiioeil to a numbered fef.r In care of Tiir Iir > ' Answers o addretmed rvlll bo deiuered upon preRcntallon of the cheek. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ IlatfH menwonl flrnl Insertion , n wonl there after Nothing taken for less thin 25C. _ i i.OIST M ARRIKD MAN C YEARS EX- pfrUneo spfnkii Clurinin Danish , Enrllsh and French , w ell acamlntrHl wllh Lntlii , Good reeoin- rncndalloni , wauls twaltton. Mall sent In 2014 bincroft st , Omaha. 16 < 18 * _ " " WANTED 'OSITION AS nOOKKEEl'ER Oil tmuncrrof local lumber > nnl. Extierlenci d ! rntiBHe best of references. Address M O. Ji f- Tiles , Elkhoni. Neb 201 IB' -YOUNG PHYSICIAN WANTS LOCATION IM Homuthrhliutlowii or iidHlst In office piaelko In city. AddixBsJ 01 , Ileo. M20J 10 * _ - A SHOE sTLEbMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS. A-IIY ! 11 Ihoromthly pracllcil Hhoo llllir and can handle line trade ; Bilaiy moilcrito tocom- nitnce , Chlengo experience. AddrcBS J. 0l. Hce. ( ( WANTEJO MALE"HELP. . Rates IKciiword nrHt liiBertlon , lea word thcro- nfler Nolhlntf t U .u for less than 2Sc. _ T > WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN EXPER- -lilenc ( d 111 slock food nude ! 11 fen nee required ; rood monev to peed nun. Address \\llbur Sei d Si oil Co , MIlW iiukce , Wls. 62.'J 10' -IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING JOB WHITE Jj the Hawks NUIBI rj Co , Milwaukee , WIs . MiMSJv. ! * TJ-WANTED , COACHMAN , NONE NEED AP- -IJply without the my be t of cit > refeixnces , 012 UoughiH si. IIJ1 -WANTF.D , A FIRST CLASS VIOLIN PLAYER for a music ii ill. Address J. II \ \ hi elcr. New- castle. Wyo. M045 18' " - . GOOD , THRIFTY MF.N , WOMEN AND Jjfhlldren , usid lo Held woik , wantid In biet drills at Norfolk and Grand Isl mil. Addiens Nor folk Hi et Sncai Co , Norfolk ! Oxtiard Iket Suirur Co.Orandlflland. 120 21 11-WANTED , A GOOD WOOD lURNER WHO -Mean do othirwoik about n pi mint ; mill ! peed wac < s ami stiadv job to the light mill. Adilriss Falrbury PI inlng Mills. Fall bury , Neb. 10 J U-WANTED , A GOOD 1IREAD AND CAKE -IJbaker at once Pie i estile wages 1'imn m a bakery , box 512 , Yoik , Neb. MJ07 22' - UNITED STATES MUTUAL ACCIDENT B-THE of N. Y. writes thn most liber il policies and charcea Ii s thin anvothi i eonipiiiy operating under Iho si Ho Insur nice IIWB Spi cl il Indueemintstoagcms H. A Wagner , stile nfi nt , Omah i. . Neb Mj-'ll - , A MAN WITH EXPIUIIENCE IN B-WANTED lo mi rch mis on the pnmlum plan To a Kood pirti we wlllolTu a llbu il sil ir } or commlsHkm. Address lloxID. . ) I , Station II Phil i- aelphla , Pa. 101 18' - : , A SNAP FOR TRAVELING nun who \lBlt m inv towns amMHingis d illy pxpeimiBi iHllj made in 10 minutes whllo w iltlng fora tialn , appointing agents , no salis to m samples to cam. For p iitleulaiaaikhebs Rowlits , lock box 818 , Chicago. - , FOR OMAHA AND ADJOINING B-WANTED roprisentillM1 , limn of llrst- classbuslmsBablim nnd Rood tofi nncen toll uidlo n No. 1 line of lithographed no\ cities and line in- pra\ed Btatlonen. Addrcbs GcOigu Heiickcl,205 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. tRELIAI1LE MEN WANTED TO DlbrillllUTE -Oclicul-iisforlaigoaiUcitiBers Cishpild Ad dress wllh Bt imp AthuiUsing Uuicau , 08 Uro id- way , New York Clly. B-WANTED. EVERY INSURANCE AGENT AND bUBlin SB m 111 to wilto for our foiti no-maker plum life- , endowment , etc , rcgulu bouinzit , best on earth and lirgi nt pij : nu ntlon pipirand v male experience 'Iho Agency Co , No 8 , Union bquaie , New Yoik. ji B-MEN WANTF.D , SALARY AND EXPENSES , ' perm mint pi ten Appljatoneo. lliown liios Co , , Chic igo. WANTED TRAVELING REPRFSENTAT1VE B for IB ! ibllBhid hoiibc biluv * l > 5 (10 mil ex- pi IIBCH. Enclose leferenco and helf-addiesKcd Htamped HIM lope President , box P , Chk igo. -WANTED PROMPT OFFICE ASSISTANT , Biluj ! f7fcd 00 , rillw.t ) faro p ild heie , enclose nfirenco and Bilf-adiliessid btainiicd cmelope Nation il , box P , Clilcago. - AL GOOD SALESMEN AT ONCE WITH B-SEVER refiiinciacBlcui HrewoikB Co , 507 South 10th Btreet. 210 lb TJ WANTFD , A PLUMI1ER TO DO A JOH OP Uwork as tirbtpiMiienl on ahoubuand lol N' A. Kuhn , 15th and Dougl is M252 10 T > -WANTED , IIOYFlfi TO 18 YEARS OF AGE -IJlo leirnllnlBhlng on lounges The E M Hulso Co , 1.J07 Nlchol is Bluet. ' 27J lb' WANTED , A GOOD SPECIALTY SALESMAN to lra\el. No. 10 Pearl Btieet , Council lllnlts M2UO 20 -A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE of thouuccnuw.ire business Aiklicbs J ( ( I , lieu ollko. MJO. 10 -GOOD 11AKER WANTED GOOD WAGES , UY L M Macklcm , Fullciton , Neb 20g IB * WANTED , A MAN TO REPRESENT A LE- Blllmalo money inaklm-bUHlni BH In this cltj ; parlleul irB BCO J. C. F. McGilII , Meicer hoti 1. M21.0 10' WANTED FEMALE HELP. -WANTED , LADIF.b TO WRITE AT HOME " stamped cm elope. Ella Wcist , S < c , South llcnd , Ind , 1 JO ip LADY CLERKS I OR PLEASANT , PROFIT- viable borne woik. Prof McLe in , Arcade hotel , Pouglaa and liith streets 081 21 * WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- C woik In small fnmllx Good cook piefeirid OoodwiigcB. Appli O.lil N 2Ulh Blrecl. DUO 20 rv-WANTED , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK K l Binall family. Apply at 2018 Charles st. 191 ( n WANTED , A GOOD GIRL FOR OENERAI vJliousowork. Inqnlie Mis IJ. Niwman , 2501 Dodgo. 150 18 ri-GIRL IN SMALL FAMILY ! REFERENCE ! v-'rcQUlrcd. Inqulivioom I , llcobldg , M1UI10 C WANTED , WOMAN TO DO PLAIN SEWlNO 055 S 2lth ( Bt. _ 210 18' -WANTF.D , COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY Good wages. Gas ato\o. Apply 201)5 ) Pacltk mrett. 211 IH' p-OIRL WANTED , GENERAL HOUSEWORK Uoaa So. 27lh bt. M225 20 * CHICAGO , SO 25TH ST , FACING THE LAKE near Woild'n fall and buslm us center , pitas in rooms , meals if dcslicd ; reabonable , M10U 10 * P-LAD1ES WISHING TO MAKE $20 TO * t ( Vy weekly , by wrlllmr for mo at homu. teplx will htamiied en\clope , Miss Mjia A , Gordon , Jnllct Illinois. 103 lb C-WANTF.D-LADIFS OR GENTLEMEN W1K Beck prolltabloemplo } ment to call between K nnd 5o clock TtiiMlay and ln\iBtlK.ile Mldlani hotel , cornel Sixteenth and ( Jhkago. Ask for 21 M107 11) ) ' Jn $ 1,00 A DAY FOR A LADY IN EACH TOWN V addreBslug umlopiH Write , with stamp , li Wotnui B Hem lit Co , South liend , Ind. 105 18' ENEROETIQ LADY AGENTS I ! OM-ry locality ; old iBtiibllshid house. : buHlm B pli'iiHuut and piulltable , lUiik-cri Mt g , Co , ( 'Im In oatl.o. IBS 18 -LADY AGENTS CLEAR MORE MONEY SELL lug'our lliKela comets than at anjthlnt ; HHI For friu Bimploouillt add nun Wcblciii Coiuct Co Bt. LonU , Mo. C-WANTED , LADIES TO KNOW THAT AL parties advertising for "Lullis to ilo wrltlm etc. , at homo , " are mi ivl ) Imitating Miss Flori , ' Jones For pirtlcularB and best wageu addriN with self addiiBhiHl Btampid cn\eloue"llluiiUol , ' ( 'S' ) , boulh Ik ml , Ind. p -WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR GENERA 'hoiiBcwoik ' ; goodwagCB. 1121) Ucoiglaiuemn 2.11 18' C ! -WANTED , A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUS1- Work at 2115 South lllh Btreet , M217 20' C-A LADY MADE OVER * 5 00 IN ONE DA last wick Mllliiir Mount iln ROBII.Mican youi Write Jor pnrticulius Addreas 470 Mono Ulk. , ChkiiKQ. _ 2(1 ( 1 18' / 1 WANTED , A COMPETENT GIRL FOR OI3J. . V/cralhoiibewoik , Appl > at 2204Hlmti i btui W.I.U.0' I FOR JtENT HOUSES I-l-TOR RENT. HOUbKS IN ALL PARTS 0 -a-Mho cllj . ' 1 ho 0. F , Dala compaii ) , 1 505 1'.u n u 410 D-10-ROOM HOUbE , 2100 DOUGLAS STllKE' Enqulru.of Moiltz Mcjci.cor , Itllh and Fain u : 411 _ _ D-10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , GOOD IXO : lion ; rent moderate , L. S bklnuer , 1U1 1 Farii u 4ia -7-HOOM HOIJSK. EAST FRONT. ALL MO1 cm , * 25 00. I idelllj Trubt Co , 170. Farnam. _ DH AND 4-HOOM APARTMENTS. VON DOIl" block , w ilh steam , rufinncearcu.ulrc'd , 10S 2- 147 D-FOR RENT , 10.ROOM MODERN HOUs' miltable for lOomerH mid boaitknu , .Oil Harm btrici. Ill-room modiru IIOIIBU , .V1B Ix > aenw 01 1 blixi t , only * 25 00. borne nlco cotlafuB 11. I Clark A Co , Ittltt HaniO } Blreet. M6S1 IV * " 9'i ' ENiS.ROOM COITAGE FOR 001 Jored tn'ople. i-oa North latli. MbOJ D-btE 11. J , KENDALL , UROWN BUILDING. MIUJJIO D-4.ROOM FLAT , * 17 , 0 AND 7 ROOM FLAT tto. Opp. jcKcrbonuquai-u , Roberts , lillKCi tago bt. Ma05J.7 1T-B.ROOM HOUSE , GOOD REPAIR INQUIli * -/a711 Douisliia trei t. M05J D-4 ROO1IS C11EAP. b08 N , ISTII ST. i688JylO' JFOR ll NT HOUSE8. Continual D-FOR RENT. 8 OR 10 ROOMS , iinfiirnlnhi'd Mocks from court IIOUBP South Omnnti pirn , hot woter heat , moilcrn concnlences. . References rp < julred TOOSlTth. Oil _ D-FOR RKNTTSFI/ATS IN OLOI1K IHJILDIEO , 14 roonm and bith ; modern ; can rent cither or both to ono pirtyi Riiltnbla for offices or rcildcnce. lobo Loin A TrilBt Co. 784 22 -FOR RENT MODERN 8-KOOM HOUSE.nATH andpiB peed Imrn asphftll pi vrdBtrc-it , corner , one block from motor. Applj W. I , KIcrRtcvl , Dowc ) ft Stone Furnltliro Co. MU2.I _ D-l'OH RENT CHKAP , A GOOD DAIIN. IN- Uiilruoiipremlseii , 014 North 22d ntreet. Also two nlcoticenroom cottiirtH , peed janl , * liado treen , very near to cable or motor ! JJ5 00 and tii7 00 uacll. .M010 _ D-NINB ROOM DETACHED HOttSE.MODF.RN ImproMmentR , Imno laun , natural ah ulo 111 es. bnrn , J500 per month. Inquire 200 Plerco Mrect. aia IB' _ D-FOR RHNT , FHHNI9HED MODERN"lIOUSn for July and Ainrunt , to nsponMblo peoples \oryrcaionablo. 2010 Capitol lUenlie. 210 ! D only $12 00. Lnrire 8-room , IIOIIBU J2 1,1 HnriK y M..H600. Gio Pnul , nJoaFaimin. . 218 IS * -TO RENT , SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , * 2.t OOj him If ikHlrmli nleo liwn , tixea , city watei , clMcin , citnunUd te'llaiN , bith , near motor See owner , D V. SteuiiB , GUI Paxtoii block. MOJt' -7 ROOM COTfAGE , MODERN CONVEN- lcnceBat.)013 IA.enw 01 Hi. 187-20 * -FOR RENT , FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMmer - mer months. Good location , near bimluiwi. Atlilre8BJ42Hcc. U57-18 * _ 1A- FOR KENT , SEVEN ROOM HOUSE , MODERN L/coiiMiilenccH , 1 irgo barn , 2J17 Maple. 007-10' _ _ D-FOR RENT , A SIX ROOM HOUSE AND IIRN , $14 00 , 8J8 So. 27th street. M 17(1-18' ( _ D-8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN , CONVENIENT for hmilncBs or wholcBilo men , Apply 1112 South 10th Bin et. 442 D -CHOICE FLATS IN THE P. E ILER I1LOCK , eoiiiei 10th and Jackhon BlrcctB Will runt them chi.ip Cill ut fill ) South Ibth Blrect. 110 "H H' YOU WILT. TAKE THE TROUHLE TO GO i-'and BCU the P. E Her II UH , corner lillli and . I. ick- HOII BtrcttB , It will p ly jou. Call at 010 So Uith HI. -NOW 1S YOUR OHANCE TO GET A FIRST- clahB ( Hit chc ip Tlio\ lira In ( food re-p ilr and conMiilentlv arnmirid ! ln\o all lmpio\emenlB. Gill at 010 .South lUth Blrcct. IH ) _ -FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY WE OFFER OUR choice Hats to families at a low rale ! Come it OIK < If Vou w Ish to pi t n b u train Call at 510 south lUth Btrcet , P. E Her block. 110 D-CORNER FLAT , 8 ROOMS , 2D FLOOR , ramrci and all other COIIM nlences Call at Htoie , 701 bouth 10th street at 10 a in. Clouscr , 1HI ! D-l 110 S 'JITHAVE .MODERN 10 ROOM IHUriC , outlooks pule , : iwnlni.'t4 , HMCCUB etc Rent low to peed ten int. 708 N. Y Life. M 1,13-18' T\-rOR RENT OR SALE , 11-ROOM HOUSE , L'hinlwond UnlBh , all modi in linpiovcmentH bun clHlein , etc , IniroFiounds and well loc ited ; lent , W 00 pi r month to acceptable tin ml on nioiubiBls will bell Mitchell ) or mlu'ht trule forwelllocitedele irpiopoity. Address .10 cue lice 2J7 18' -FOR RENT , ELEOANT COTTAGE ALL D modem ; Impiovcmcnts , 2,110 Chicago sired. 211 18 D-LARGE 7-ROOM HOUSE FINE YARD , DARN If diBliid. CIU cistern and wellwalcr.$2. 50 per month aoil California Bticct. 21018' B-FOR RENT , MODERN SIX-ROOM TOR- nlshed htiuso for 2 months , good locitlon. G. F. Hulls , 220 South 17th stliel. MJ ! 0 18 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Rites l'4ca wordllrst Inseitlon 1 c .v w on ! thero- aftei Nothing liken for less th in 21c - PLEASANT FUIlNsHED io llemeii onlj , 1510 How uxlstieet. 700 JsO I-LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM.2502BLONDO. Ill M226J21' E-FIRST-CLASS , SINGLE OR ENSUITE , 1718 Dodge. M772 18' - , WELL FURNISHED ROOMS E-PLEASANT with all modern coincidences , 115 bo 2lth ( st. M60J E-FURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE FOR gentlemenmodem coii\cnleneeaUO Noith2 id M 730 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING for mm and w lfe Rent t tkcn In board J1U N.17th 001 -NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM , 2C08 Ilnney. MlOQi-ll * FOR RENT DURING JULY AND AUGUST , 3 nice furnlbhcd rooms for lioum Keeping , ground floor ccntial locallon , refeienceiciiuired. Adiln as J 10 Bee - 11018' -NICELY FURNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT rooms , modern coincidences , inhale f.imilj ; 01 IN. 21st Blieet 181'.0' -FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN OR lid ) . 172-'Le.ncnworlh. MJ152J * E NICELY FURNISHED bUIT OF FRONT rooms modem ; ehcip to m m and wife or to two Ecnllcmcn 1013 Tain mi 200 18' E-MODERN CONVENIENCES , TWO SOUTH fiont rooms newly and cliRintly furnished , alNO three ) looms [ mulshed for light housekeeping. 200r lluitSl M.T 8 20 * - FURNIbllED ROOMS WITH ALL E-NICELY nioiUrn comenlence Desliablo loeitlon. On ear line. 21. 1 Dodge Bt 251 18' FURNISHED ROOMS AND P THE DOLAN , 209 AND 211 N. 18TH ST. - WOMEN S HOME. UNDER CARE OF F-YOUNG Clulstl in association , 111 S 17th Bt 150 1 ? ROOMS AND DOARD. 22.'u DODGE STREET , i ] MII72 18 * I ? ROOMS AND BOARD AT 2113 CAPITOL AVE- J. nbe Rofiiencoiciiulied MU15J1U 17 FIRST AND bECOND FLOOR ROOMS , WITH Jaleuxe , furnlshid 01 imfuriilBhcd , at 'llioFrcn- 2CI , llll N 25th Btreet. IbJ 1 ! 1 * I/-1IOARD AND ROOM FOR YOUNG LADY , L1 prhato famtl ) , $5 00 per week. 51J N. IMd st 17 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , BOARD IK J-di Mrcd , come and look at them , OOJ bouth 28th.sticct. 2J718' I -NICJJLY FURNISH ED bOUTHEAST rRONT i room with alcox o and b iv w indow , modem eon- Minirnccapil\atu fimlly , boird. No O.'J bomh IDlh Bin el. 271-10' FOR BENT TJNFURNISH'D ROOMS Rales IKca w enl fliHI Insertion , lei wonl there- aftci. Nothing taken for leas th in 25c. -ron'RliNTrfi"6ir UNFURNisHED ROOMS modern tinpioieminls luautlful liwn ami bhade. N. E cor 22d and Miami atleets. M750 - . ROOM FLAT , IIRICK. 1000 LEAVEN- G-.l worlhBl. M251 2.1' FOB , "RENT STORES AND OFFICES Rales , lOca lluo each IIIBCI lion $1 50 a line pel month. Nothing liken for less thin 25c. , -Iblock , BUltablu foi meal maikil , lurdwaru 01 dry Kiioda stole. Inqulie tiOil M l.llh HI , 151 f FOR RENT , THE l-STORY IIRICK BUILDING J 010 Fain un bt 'Iho tmildliit- is a tin pioof , co mi nt basum nt , lumtilclo stiam hi itlni ? llxtuns watt i on all llio lloors , nun , etc , Apply at thu oiilci of The Ileo. 1110 I -FOR RENT , CHOICEST SECOND VLOOR11USI .1 noHH conn r In Oniiilu Globe bulldlm ; , loth am Dodtte. Qlolw Ixan .V Trust Co 45J T-CENTRALLY LOCATED , IIRICK STOR ] hnlldlnircrj cheat ) to pcimancnt tenant (1 ( I1. lIutlB , 2JOhoulh ntiiBticU. MB 17 J18 _ 1-ONE OF THE LAKOES1' VACANT STORI XbiilldlnVB In Omah i. situated In Ihu wholiNili nuarti r. It Is IHU fi 11 ih i p b > 20 fu t w Iclu , thai or tlvii lloorsand basinicnt : thn front IB inllitl ; of pi He k'luiH und lion and hull iblo for i Ithn w holt i-ato 01 inanufactmlni ; , will bo icnlid fo 11 iibonablu rent for .1 turn of Jtais , Infinite a Natatoituin , lillH llow ird Bt. 15(1 ( J.'l * I-OFFICES EN SUITE OR SINGLE. WITH Ol I without ilupiooHauUH , cheap \Mtlmcl | blk. M71-NM1' AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOon lluoiach Insertion it-1 50allnupc nonth Nothlm , ' taken for khti than 25c , I THE A II O INVESTMENT 1IONDS 1'A' I f. Mill 00 In fiom one to lUii jiars liny oiu t.'i on oaali and f 1 00 a month aflervvardu untl palilr DiHt poliik' liiMBtment iManl A uiHlllii uet nl wauled in liven louu and ( uunty. 1-or Jill panic iil.'ifH aiHili loTliu Amerle in Ilond compani OJO and SSI 1'iiMon block , Omuha. F ti 'Ihointi ton , ftni'nil at'ent for Doiitflai ) county. Dill l'i -AGENTS EVERYWHERE TO KEE1' U i' pobli il as to biislm as chaiu'es. licod pa ) . Sen Btamp Cincinnati Biiblntbs llu\ low , box 57. Fern bank.O. 205 IB' I YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN , MA1CK f3 i ) "daj worklntt formu at light eiiiplujment. AU dreus Co-operation , lock box 1J1 , Deloll Kan. 20J 16 _ _ 1-AOENT-A RELIAIILE 1'ERSON TO TAK1 i' thf .itrciuy in their town foi onu of thu bt bt pa ] liifailiclcb onlhe markcl , ixlallH foi 25 cemt pass 100 iiercint pro III ) belli * to e\i-r > family , in eloBu blamp. Hubert S. ) Vcbt , Clceluild , O | | 1U1 18 * _ _ _ 1-WH OFFER AGENTS IHQ MONEY. IN E.\ uclubhu toirltory. Our Bad. a bell at bit-lit Inch or country , Atfintu tint in Held aciuull ) elthi rich. Onoatruit In onu day cleartd ( Ul.&U boca luu. CataloKuo fret' . AddreuH Alpine bafuCo NoJOO-371 Clark 6tnel , Cluclnuali , O. T-GKNERAL AGENTS WANTED. bELLlNi ti nuw arlkluto iteaUia. eii-liihlvu tiTrltors , u compellllon , no capital miulrtd ) 200 to dot ) cent profit Columbia Cheuiluil Co , 3 7 trtwt , Uilcaju , 111. WANTED-TO HENT. Hales , lOc ft line each Insertion , tl (10 a line per tnomh Nothlmt taken for lew tlnn 25e. _ \NTAT ONCE T 'OR ' 8-ROOM HOITSI3 near any union dei > ot car lines all modern con veniences and ntablo AddreM Mrs John Hob- reekerrNo. ] 810 South 22d street. Tclephono No. 1K M1JI7 22 T O FURNISHED RED ROOMS board wanted for family in plcis-inl farmhouse In Nebraska , four or six weeks ; moderate tenns. Addrehs J 52 , lice. 141 IS' _ PHYSICIAN WANTS SUITABLE OFFICE IN citj , also cottage on South Side. Adlrtss J 05 , RENTAL AGENCIES. Rates IHcaworil nrBllnsortlon.lcnwonl there after NothliiB I iken for less than 25e. " _ L LIST YriiURlIOtJSESK'OR ' RENT WITH W. n , Dem A. Co , 717 N. Y. Life. MBOu STORAGE. Rites , lOon line ench Insertion , $1.SO n line per onth. Nothing taken for lesi than 25c. M WE DO THE I1 _ . _ . _ . . shipping of pliuos and furniture ! storehouse 1114 Douglas , otllco 1500 Dodge. Omaha Vail and Kxprcssto. Tel. 1551) ) . M. lulling , MB r. TO''ljU * M STORAOE.W1LL1AMS A.CROSS.1214 HARNEY 45.1 M -STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ! ; clem and cheap rates. It. Wells , 1111 Farn im. 1C4 WANTED TO BUY. Riles Wo a wonl flrnt Insertion , le a word thci-o- nf icr. Nollilnff taken for less than 20c. XT-CASH FOR FURNITURE , HOUSEHOLD 1' Roods , etc . or will sell for owntr In oui auction sales It Wplls , 1111 Fariiain. 1B4 MORTGAGE PAPIUIS. H. A. ARnold - nold , 003 lice bldg. M201 _ XT-WASTED , MODERN HANK FURNITURE 1 > for small room : must bo cheip Addioan , P. o box .173 , Corning , ti. MU40 18 * _ XT-ONE BILLIARD AND POOL TA11LE CHEAP. J > Address J 61 , care Ileo onicu. 128 18 * _ FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. Rales l' < c n w enl tlrst Insertion , 1 e ti w ord llicro afler. Nothlnif t iken for ICBH Hull 20C. Go\lRSENDsPAN CHEAP inukH Cheap for eiHh or on easy 18nlu Read's Stlbles , 2 Ith and Clirk streets. 2018 1)-FOR SALE , GOOD SINGLE DRIVER AND saddle horsd. 710 Now Yoik Life blilir.M21B M21B 10 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. * -FOR SVL11 A GOOD FAMILY MILCH COW. QFOR Inanli o at 11'4 Noilh 18th Blreet. 1154 QQ Q FOR SALE $2.IOOOO IN CITY WARR.VNTS di iwlnp 7 percent AddixssJul llee. 1518' -FOR SALE CHEAP , GOOD SAFETY BI- Q CjCle. Inquire 100. Fain mi St. 1UO 20 * FOR SALE , A ( H NUMBER 4 , PNEUMATIC Atnorlc in Rimbler blejcle , been used onH few QQ \s brand new. $110 00 cash take-s U. AddnasF. W. Hew ell , llcilnnd , Neb. M17"J 18 -FOR SALE GOOD MILK COW , CHEAP FOR Q cmh. ; , tS51 Ulondo street. M2U II ) ' FOR SALE , GUITAR VERY CHEAP. ADdress - Q I dress J bO lice onke 101 18' -FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , PNEUMATIC b ifely. Has Iveen used 2 months \ \ ill si 11 foi $75 or cxclntifc for ill imond Addi-ess J. B'l ' llei > 200 18' WHEEL COLUMBIA SAFETY FOR $ JO 00 , cost * 1.)3 ) 00. Call at 50U bouth 20lh bt 232 18' ri-A SF.COND HAND BICYCLE TOR SALE Wcluip Must hell at once. Address G. R Hod- Bon , KiJ. C ipltol a\cnue. 2.J.T lb' Q FOR SALE , NEW ifbO OO SEWING MACHINE , used enl } 2 months , $33 00 181(3 Chlciiuo bl 270 18. - FIRST 20 NEBRASKA REPORTS 13. Q \ \ hltc101 Burr block , Lincoln 205 18' MISCELLANEOUS. Riles , 1 Oc i line neb Insertion , $1 50 a line per month Nothing taken for Icaa than 25c. 1) MARRIAGE PAPER CONTAINING 500 AD- JLV\erllBcnicnlB of manlngeablo people and their pholoB , ) ounr ( , old , rich pool , from all becllons , fre-e Gunnels Monlul ) , Toledo , O. 1 > TURKERA , " FOR OLD MEN AND YOUNG JLxmin. The onlj de\eloi > er and rcslorer known : o m mklnd. It nc\er fills lo euro lost \lgor , i\cakness , pilna In lie bick. Price onlv $200. Send for se-iled p irtlculars. Di.Malson , 1)07 ) Wal- int Btieet , Philadelphia , Pa CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MRS NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , icllablu business medium ! Olh jeai at ll'j N Kith 457 w MRS DR M.LEGRAVE PROPHETESS , DEAD Otranco clalr\o\ant and life leadei , tellaour life from ct idle to gnve , can bo consulted on all affairs of life , his the celebrated Egtlm brcipt pi Ho to unite the Bupirited .1114 cause m irrligo wllh ono Jon lo\e Coinn one , Lome all and be comlnced of her lemirkiblo powers. Olllce and resldinco417 S llth street , hours 0 a. m to'J p m strict life chart and photo of jour future wife or .msb mil sfiittluoush mall for $5 00 , chirt alone , $ _ ' 00 All kite is cent lining 1 cents In stamps promptly answered , MU8110 * DR II. T STANLEY OF NEW YORK , TEST. S buBlneaa and medic il medium , 1722 Capitol .nenuo. M201 21' H. PETTIBONE , PHYSICAL MEDIUM , HAS 5 arihed and located at 172J Capitol UA < nuc 24' MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Rites , lOc.illne each Inseillon , $1 50 a line per month. Nothing taken for leas th in 25c. MV-MADAME SMITH , 5023 UTH , 2ND FLOOR , J Room J M issageapor , alcohol , aU amsulphur- Inoand Beabiths. ni ll-24' rp-MME CARSON , 1121 DOUGLAS .STREET , .ID i floor , loom 7 , m issato , alcohol , sulphur and be i b ilha M102-23' MME. MACK OP CHICAGO GIVES BATHS , - m ignetle and mish igo treatment. Room J , bee- ondiloor 12J Noithl2th Btn > ct. 010-18' PERSONAL. - TREATMF.NT ELECTRO-THER- U-MAbSAGE milbillm scalp ami hair tn itnicnl , inanlenrc and chhopodlst. Mra Post.'llOHS.lOth , Wlthnell blk. 158 U-M1SS 1C. A. KEARNb , TEACHER Of piano , apcclil altcntlon to rndlmental pilncl < plea , bultu 40 , Midland hotel , 10th and Chk igo M8J1JJ7' - FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BEAU F-WRITE Matilinonlal Jonrn il , con- tllnlntr man ) photo-engravlngH of hanilBoini woini n and g ill nit men who wish towed Ihowi iiio' Co , Temple com t , Toledo , O. M711-J1' ' - DESIRING PLEASANT AN ! hculthy homo foi llttlo children during the Bummer monthu plcaso call at 4d'l Parkei Bin et M1UO-1U' "THE FIRST BOAT WAS NAMED PIG U Communkato with p irtncra in it , urgent. " IbO Jyl U-WIDOW OF JO , WITH ONE CHILD , STORE biwmllliind tUHMMPO cabh.dealrcH to miirn au i neivettu man who can m mage her buslnisa Nelllo Orfilen , Box 447 , ChleaifO. HU IB' - CUT 1 HIS OUT AND PRESENT ATCOWAN i UCUT Photo Studio , 212.1 Cmulngst , , and jou will IM entitled to 12 ArlBtoCiblnet Photos , \irj best , 01 gill < dgcd cards , and one 8x10 for flaming , foi il U'.i , wilhout this , iJOOO ; foi lOdajsonlj. M214 Jy 17 * U-TONTETONTETHE LADIES FRIEND WILI posltlvociilaiKethe hiibt 5 Inchi B or . . money . . . . re ( undid , Guaiimliid Net u ptJnful liibirunun but a pliaBtmt , illklen , eMi In il upplkallon I'rko * 2 oo K"d btninp f clicular MIB Di. H , T , Miller , 21 Qulnc } bt , Chk i-o. U-SANTAO. FORMLN ONLY , GREATLST RE Blurei und du\ilojiei known , bliinh'theiis , In \iKoriKH I'lUoi-Jin ) UuaianteiU bend Bt lint for confidential circular , Dr , U. T , Mlllci , 21 Qulnc ) st Chicago U-MRS L W 1'ATI ON , PRIVATE HOARDIN ( hoHbo , Hi' , ) I Ith btrtitChicago111.Currespond cncu Bollelu-d [ 01 Wotldufali uecommodalluns , I TDR WILLIAMS. THE DENTIST , STI LI U imikeB 45 01) ) hels of teeth for sM 00. Hi bt * 10 Ol sets foi Sti 00 and wari luted , Fllllnir and extract' Ing painless. 401 N. 10th street. 26 1H ABSTRACTS OF TITLES \r-AIISTRACTS-THE MIDLAND GUARANTE ] land'lrubt eonipany , abatr.ielH , COIIM JUIHITH Tllks iicrfictid and Kuaranited , Oun the enl coniph te abbtract books in Doiik'las County. Ru mo\ed to room mo New York Life building , 45U MONEY TO LOA1T REAL ESTATE \\r-l AND 2 YEAR LOANS ON CITY AND FAR ! if monetises llcodi.bclbjJH , Hoard of'l'i.idi 4U7 \\r-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE il The O. F , Davis Co , 1305 Farnam Btreet. lUUi \V-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES oj " ImproMid und unlmprciicil nal culalu , 1 lo ) earn 1'idelli ) Trunt Co ,170. Faniain , 40 \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS UANK MAKES LOAN ii on lull I'Mutoiit loutnt market rates Loan made In email or laigu uimig for fchorl or long Him No eommUblou iBchargwl und the loans are n < Hold in Iho caul , but i an alwaju bo found at Hi bank ou the comer of Ijlh and Doiiflaa BIB , 4U1 ly-LOANS , O , G. WALLACE , SlFDROWinTLli H 47J \V-tOWFST RATES , FIDELITY TRUST COV 'I paii > , lOJ Farnam ktri-et. 40j \\r-WANTEDATONCE IXJANSON IMPROVE ii Omaha properi low raieu. ildcllty Trui comuuii } , 170 j Farnam klre-el. 4 VTr -FUlSTAND"sECOND MORTGAGE LOANJ 1 1 low raua , Al x iloorc , 401 Dee bltltf , 174 MONEY TO QAN REAL ESTATE , \V-tXJANS , J. W , i + JUIRES , 849 I3I2K DLUO ' ' t r Vp \ VANTHONY I.WAN AND TRUST CO , 318 N. Y. ' Life , lend sat 107 rates forcholco necurlly on Ncbnska and Iowa nrins or Omaha city property , i' 470 " " W -CENTRAL LOAN A TRUST CO , nEEIlLDO. 40 J \\r-LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city property , $1 Odd and upwards , n toOtj i > er ceiitnodelaSB. ; WFariiainSinltliACo. lOJtHaniey , 400 - MORTGAGE IX1ANS LESS THAN 7 PER rent. Includlni. all chnrooH Charles W.Ralnci , bank blilg. 408 \V-WANTED , TO J1UY B PER CENT NOTES SEcured - > cured by murtirivcH Onmlii cltv or Doiifflas Co. properly. Reed A , Selbj , .US Hoard of Trade1 , 407 \\r-WE WANT A NUMF1ER OF APPLICATIONS ' for loans on cltv or fmn properties at low rates. PrUato funds. Nodeliy If security is Bit- Isfactory , Oeo. J. Paul , 1000 Famim. MJ17 22' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rites , lOoa line ench Insertion , $1 r > 0 allnoiicr month , Xotlilnc taken for Ices than 2Cc. - - - - - - - - - - - THE FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , ROOM I WITHNKLLULOCK , niQVj SOUTH 1&T11 , CORNER 1IARNEY ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOO \ ANY \ \ * \ ' BUM LARQB OB BMA1.L FROM \ TEN \DOLLAR3\ \ \ DP. a WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE. HORSES ARRIAHKS. WAREHOUSE III CEIl'TS OR PER SONAL PROPERTY OF ANY KIND. , WILL WELL/ TO / ON /DO FIRST/ FOU / / I OUR TERMS WILL MERIT YOUR APPROVAL You cm p ly tlio money bick at any tlmo and In nu.\ amount \ouwlsh , and thus reduce the cost of earn In ? tin * loin In proportion to amount jou im. IF YOU owe a bilanceon voui furniture or other pe'r onnl properly of any kind we will pay Roll for > on and e irrv It as lonir as \ on desire \ OU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY IN ONE HOUR FROM Till : ' 11MEOU M VKB APPLICATION. Nopublkltj or ttiinoval of properly , so that \ou ect the tiso of both money and property. 4.0 x- CALL AT TH12 OFFICE OF OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO I INCORFORTED. IF YOU WANT MONEY , \ You can borrow * on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. \\n\\lll lend xouanx amount from $10 oo to $1 000 00 ON THE DAY YOU ASIC FOR IT \\lthoulpnbllcllj ornmioilof piopertv. YoucanpiN thn monebaek In am aniounl\ou v.lHh , < iml nt any time and each pijment BO made will milieu the cost of the loan. Remember that > ouhe\e the usn of both Iho piopcitvand thu munej , and pay for It onlj as lonf as on keep It Iheiuwlllbo noe\pcnsoor clmpo kept out of the imount wnnlcd , but jou will re'cel\u the full amount of the lo in llcfore borrow Ins elsewhere eill and BCO us and you will tlnd It uif Hl.v \oiirad\anUipe. . OMAHA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO , atHI bOUTH 11.TH STREET , llrst tloorabo\e thestrtet THE OLDEST. LARGEST ANDONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 477 -WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- eurltHtrlctlj A. E Hairls , room 1 Conlineiit il block , 478 \r MONEY , 80 , 00 , f > 0 DAYS , CHEAP RATES tVaml eiBj piuuents , on fiirnlttire1 , plinos , live stock , < to , without del ly or publleltj , cash on hand. Duff tiiecn , loom 8. Barker block. 470 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rites , lOcallnu tath Insertion , $1 60 a line per montli Nothlni ; taken foi less th in 25e . ' EXTERN TlACESI "ROWI2 S INPALLniLE T' Ilinullcapplnp BJfaU , 111 nets $15 00 weekb on J200 00 ln\eslmeut. faocond succeasful xear. bafe , ConBci\atl\cPiaclleil Ptosmctus Ibtn free C. D. Ilowe , Uo137 , Uiookljn , N. Y. M100J23' V 1'OR SALI ? , TRADE OR RENT , HOTEL 28 i-rooms , all occupied with pcnmnent boirdera , nodcrn impro\einnls llest locillon In S Omiln. - ipl. John O Donnhoe , 20d N. lOtb al , Oimha , Neb. M1UJJ2.1 * Y DO YOU WAST TO BUY , SELL OR EX- L cli inge a buslnesa real estate or lands ! Do jou . \ capital Injourbnalneaa ? If so see .is , wo can help } ou Call or write for ourbulle- : ln Onices In ill principal cltlca , Omaha branch , ilU Now York Life building. MOSUJ20 WANTED A PHYSICIAN WITH SOME mono , to take charge of a Kceley Institute Ad- iliebsR 212 , McCague bldg , Omaha 82(1 ( V BRICK bIDEWALKS SIDEWALK BRICK TO L exchange for cash. Wllll un J WelBhaim , 114 "arbach block. MU48J ) 12 Y-WANTED , A PARTY TO BUY MY HALF Interebt In well piUng bakeiy and restaurant business , dall > sale's about JO 00 ciah pel du ) , A ; oed ehince Conic and imcallgaic. Address G I. ! , Bee , Council Bluffs MUSI 18 V LIVERY BARN 1OR SALE AT A BARGAIN , i doing business of 4 ! 00 OO per month ; good rca- OIIH for selling. Ha\e good horses , buggies and ca.rlages Address J 48 , Bee. M11J 10' FOR SALE , A NICE CLEAN STOCK OF GEN- JL cral meieh millso , w 1th Btoro building , In count ) seat town : best location and good trade , one- fourth cash , balance on long lime. AddreBsJ55 , care Bee. v M108 10' ir-FOR SALE , CLEAR GROCERY STOCK GOOD i loc Ulon and trade In Omah i Ha\ other bind- IICHS Addicsa JOB , IJce. M100 18 * - SALE , AN EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE , good locitlon , well i stabllshcd , clean No 1 stock , cause , uoor health. Box 1210 Lincoln , Neb. 170 18' Y-FOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH , AN established bakeiy and confectionery at Wi ) ne , Neb.counu beat of.ino Co. Address A. W. Breitllng , Wijno. 18J 2J Y HARDWAREAND IMPLEMANT STOCK FOR silo in good town $15,00000 buulnehB list ji.ii and dohi ) , ' as good a buhlncss now. Good reasons for belling. AUdiess J 0Bee. . M200 25' -irSTOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE OF JL about J.7,000 00. Will lake farm for p irl , b il- anco cash of good paper. U. H Blew ator , Beatrice , Neb 20U 18' - CHANCE FOR SOME ONE THAT 1-GOOD w nils llrst-elass hotel and boarding buslncHS , Binltorlum and hotel combined , 50 1 irgu well f mulshed rooms , bo uilera pa ) fiomU 00 to $10 00 perweek. will take put cash and pirttndo foi Hist ) car sicnt : hoitis pieferred , AddiebsC N , Lena , postoftlco box 185 , Red O ik , la , 221 18 Y FOR SALE , PAYING REPUBLICAN NEWS piper In Iho town- good leasuna for soiling , AddrcasJOl.Bco. 22818' y-FOR SALE , LAUNDRY PLANT FOR b VLE Mry cheap and rent low. Enciulru 1.118 Fai- nani. M273 10 Y-A NO. 1 STOCK OF MILLINERY AND furnishings In No 1 low n al a b trgatu in south- ciul Nebiaeka ; partlculaiH upon Inquiry , Invoke about f.,000 00. Address Henry C. biiillh , Falls Clly.Neb. MJ07 1U U I HAVE FROM If500 TO $1,000 AND SER- J-lceH lo imcHt In Homo iujlug bualness. Ad- droba Lock Dux 12U1 , Lincoln , Neb 250 18 * FOR EXCHANGE. Rites , lOc a line each insertion , $1 60 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. 100 1 FAHMS i IN NEBRASKA , KANSAS -/and Dakota. > SIH bell cheap 01 uxcliangu for mdso .horbeu and cattle , Add box 70 , Frankfort , Ind. 481 r/-\ CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE , f-i\\'in takuical e'Htatuandmone ) Box 2U5,1'iank- forl , Ind , 481 y-lb ( ) ACRES OF.CLEAR LAND INONEOFTHE AJb ( st winter wheat dlatrlcta in KanHas I o ex change for 10 or 20-iuo Had near Omaha clly lliullH111 pa ) cash dlttcrcnco If property is food , Addrcus , glvliig price and location , o 20 Bee , ' ' f 203 V-A CLEAN STOCK OF DRY GOODb /-/Inir , elc. , for landu and caah. U.V. . Walklns & Co , Fiankfuil , . < .M ' ' I/-FOR SALE''A MILLINERY STOKE AND /JbuslncMa llefft location In Oinalia , Long leaue , chtipient , aales frvm b' > U to t.'Jll cash IH.T dij. \\llltiadufor uiltfiiciimbciud faun , Addn as J 50 Bee , . 121 1U' r/FORSALEOH EXCHANGE , CORNER REN- / lal propi rty live blocks from eouu hoime , al prkoto net iiurehuhtrU IH.I cent on lincatment , \MlldoubloliMaliiiIn 10)cats. Address owner , 101 F.unam Blreet. 118 r/-U40 ACRES GOOD L\ND IMPROVED C /Jinllea from good railroad town lo exch ingo foi mdao. Addreaa W. M. Buzlck , Imperial , Neb 120 18'D r/CHOICE REAL EbTATE IN CITY OF IIOUS- /Jton.Tex , for gooil mcrchandlBo block , R a Pultcrhon , Omuha Neb. M.'JJ y-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , FIRbT-CLAb /JOmahii mllllniT ) cfctabllaliinent. High clabB boardlnglioiibo with beautiful grounds near cenlir of city , buinU caw ! ) and frtillstpreln center of city. Saloon , centrall ) loc ittd Elegant drug store' , bout location in Hie clly , NcwBpaiwr und Job priming eelabllbhment. bncral good hoti IB Liw practices , ubntract , real c-Blato and Inaur aiicobuBlneBbetj btockbOfhunUvare , groctrica. drugs , dry goods gtncral uiircluiwllbo , oai ber Bliopa , bakerli a am numerous other largu und small bualneua chancci iuthecliyorc.o nir > . Whutha eou firlnif hi joiiroircrB. Wesleri Bublncss Agency , 310 N , \ . L. Bldg , r.'O 18 r/WHAT HANB YOU TO TRADE FOR 10 ( /J ucrcu of laud in North HurBcs , cattle town lots or mirchamuzo. AdUrgk * Lock BOJ 12U4 , Lincoln , Neb. 1'07 la' FOR 3ALE RBAIJ ESTATE. Between 2 lih and 27lh sts , and Spiuldlmr and Sprague. $100 no In the price. fan 00 down , J.'fi 00 doWn , $25 00 dow n , tlO 00 a month W Ithout Interest until $ lee 00 are pild. „ Balance 2 and 3 j cirs at 7 per cent. AMES , ISO * Farnam St. 243 13 J IOIIT IN TOWN. Between 24th and 27thsin. and Spauldlng and sprigus $ 100 00 Is thu price , $25 00 dow n , $ J5 00 dow u , $ . ' 5 00 dow n , $10 00 a month without Interest unlll $10000 arc-pild. Bilinco 2 and 3 jclrs at 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Farnam st , 242 IB II1 IGHT IN TOWN. IJelweon 21th and 27ih sis. and Spinldltig and Spraguo. MOO 00 Is the price , $ . ' . " 00 dow n , $ . ' 5 00 down , $25 00 dow li , $10 on a month without Interest until $100 oo anpilil. . Unlnncu 2 and II jears at 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Farnam st. 213 18 n IN TOWN. Hetweon 24th and 27th slfl. and Spauldltig and bprague . WOO 00 Is the price , $25 0(1 ( dow n , $25 00 dow u , $25 00 dow n , $10 00 a month without Interest until f 100 ( III arupihl. Lt-Uanco 2 and 3 j cars at 7 per cent. AMES , 1507 Farnam at. 213 18 11GHT IN TOWN. Between 24th and 27th sis. nnd Spiuldlng and Spinguo. WOO 00 Is iho price , $ jfi 00 dow n , S-2500down , t.5 00 dow n , , 610 00 a mouth without Interest until $100 00 irupild. Balance 2 and .1 Je irs at 7 per cent , AMK8 , 1607 Faruim Bt. S42 18 FOR SALE , U-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT , w orth $ , I,100 , will take $2H ( ) ( ) : $1.200 tncum- brancc ; monlhlv pajmcnt on bilancc. HOUBO newl > pipereilelt\ iterbath and water clot-el. Address ow tier , J IB lice. _ 708 Oil SALE. D-ROOM IIOII&E AND LOT WITH b irn , in Kounlre place , housn mwly pilnted , nlculj pipercd and palntul liiBlilu , furiuee , hot and cold water , pas and bilh. Property the in at $8000. Ino.timbr.mco $2iOO ( ; will sell on tasy tcrnm for $7,000. AddreSB owner , J 10 Uce. 707 M USTHE SOLD NICE COTTAGE ON PAVED utreet ; Binallcash pijmenl. J III , lle c. UDO 2J' FOR SALENow Now Is the tlmo to linest In chl ite In Om ih i. No sifer InyeHtmuit otleriil than those Elcg ml lols In ScMnotir s Addition. E\er % lolperfectlj le\il. $500 00 U1 $1150 0(1 ( each , f 'B 00 cash liilance lonu lime Lirpc llsl of houvcs and lotB on Eisvmonlhh pmmnlB Gcoige J. Paul , 1005 r.unam St. 103 18' A CHANCE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS EAST fiont lol Lowiaxeiiuu ( Popplcton p irk ) , o my access to motor Ownergolni lmohuslneHB Will Bellcreheipforeash Also lot H.mscom PI ice- Ulg birgaln for cash. AdilreSBL F.P. O lo ! < 180. Ml 10. YOU WANT A HOME YOU CANNOT AFford - ford to mlBB this opportunity to buy u lot In STOEPEL PLACE. SPECIAL SALE SAFE INVESTMENT. Best residence part of Omaha. Will soon double in % alue. These lots are Belling fast. Corner lots fJOO.OO Inside lots $275 00. $20 00 down , b ilanco to suit. NO INTEREST Will be charged until after July 1,1804. The abo\e prices and terms good only u'llll July 1. Look Ihese lots over before Inijlnp elsewhere , and jou will llnd the best and cheapest bargain In lotbc\cr olleicd Call on or address W. A WEBSTER , 102 Bee BUlg. M223 rOR SALE-New 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CITY waler , eell ir , ciatcrncry cheap , long tlmo Enqulio 1J18 Parnam. M27.I 10 E HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE PIIET- tleat alx-rooin cottage in iho cltv , lighted by electricity , ha\lnir furnace , huh , hot , cold walei , manlel , ( trate , marblelopwashbowhewereomuc- ] tlon , trees , stone w alk , pneil Btieet , etc. Loc Ued in A ondale p uk , one mile from ixmlofllco Price only $3,800. , Fidelity Triibt Co , 170. Fnrn im at. M037 Jyl LOT ,42 , FEET FRONT WITH .SEVEN-ROOM house on 2lth street , near Cisslne , price $ -,200 00 : monthly pajmenlB. Reed i , bolbi , .ill Board of Tr ide. M2.I5 FOR SALE , AT A GREAT BARGAIN , 8-ROOM honbe , birn and all modern lmprocinenls En quire room 0 and 0,1U'JD FaJnam utrcet. M112 21' EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM LANDS FOR s lie by Hiintabcrgei & Clements , L ona , Hurt oounty , Neb M71IJ > 5' AJEVER WAS A BETTER TIME TO INVEST IN J-iicilcHtato , and look at this for bargains in in- aldo proiH.i ty. 4 lots , 10th and Center , worth $1,200 each , only SCOOeich 1 lot In Orclnrd Hill , worth $1,200 , only $700 1 coiner lot on ) ave .Just oppohito Clifton Hill , w orth $1,200 , onlj $700 i Lol on Marej Bt. between 31st and 32d , worth $ .1 000 , only $1,1100. Finest lot In Crelghton Heights , worth $1,200 , only $770. 2 lots In Lincoln Plice , worth $1,200 , , only $ ' .100 foi both .t lots , LnFajctto plioe. Walnut Hill , worth $ . ' ,5UU 00 each , for $1,500 00 each. A\ondalopark , ineldo ono inllo line , Webster street lots , with piing , curbing , mono sidewalk , BOW er , pirklng , electric light , oto The flncat Inside residence piopcrty in the city , at the lowest price , worth $2,500 00 per lot ; onrprlcoonly $1,500 00 per lot , half cash Hurt street fronts In Atondalo paik ; only $1,100 00 per lot. It will pay ) oil to In- VI HtlgllttJ tlllH Fourteen lots in Rees place , on Georgia and VlrKhd.i s , between Mason and Pacltlc. Tor CJHlMM'nru offerliiK this prou | > tty at fiuo on thu dollar. For a home tin ru Is nothing liner ; n an in- vcHtmcnt it 19 liiiposHlljlo to tlnd anything beiier. Alwa > a a plcasuro lo uhow an ) oral ! of ihlu prop- eity. ,1'IDELITY , TRUST COMPANY , 1702 Farnam 127 ( 10 00 DOWN AND $10 00 A MONTHSECURES A Plot Inllizel TirracHor Shurlilau plueo , both in good locations , convenlint to street cars and well built lit ) Prices $500 lo * xoo each for a 50 foot lot. Parties lhal w lull lo build at once nnd not makitauy pi > meats for Iho jiars If tiny wish Absliucta furnlBhixl , Reed It bclby , JJ1 Hoard Trade. 700 AnSTRACTS. THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE and TniBt company , abstiaclcrs , icinijaiicern Tlllcs peTficlcd and guiiaiitieil. Own the only coinph mabsliaci books In IJourlas iiiunty Ho- muMKl to loom'.UO New Yoik Life building 450 IJAROAINS IN HOUSES . LOTS AND FARMS j JL > N , Frenzcr , loom 6 , Ficnzer block , opp P 0 Mill Jyll BUY A HOME CHEAP AND DOUBLE YOUR money limliln of thrio ji irs I nnil mone ) , tin n foiu I oiler the following b irgalna 2 7-i om liioikTii IIOUBPH , full lot lo each house , bull room , be.\\er and gas , east fronts on Lowe awiim * mur chlcaeo ; l > eBi pirt of eli > , woith $0 OIKI , price , S-l fOU eacli Also 2 largo lolHon South lUth ncir Cintir , worth &J.OOO , pike , $1200 , orwlllxull partof lots il.'ht luclti nocarfiuu AlHo41otsln bouth Omuha , on 30lli street , near Kock Ibland shop gruunUs and lurgu picking hoiiHtH , worth $1,000 each ; will Bc-ll for nioo , and bu\eril otlu r bupaliiB If ) ou have monc > ) call and bee mo No agrnlH. No commission. Will Bell for pirlcish and 7 IH.T eeut on balance R N. Wlllmell With- null block. 1511 18 _ _ tfl,000-MCASH WILL BUY 0 A"CRES 4 MILK' ipfrom thii iHJbloIllcc , 11 w ill makii a nice home and 1 a big bargain at thlu price. Call or addriNS 1810 dracii Blreet. 2.0 18' _ ALF THEIR VALUE WILL bELL THREf modern cottages clonu to ear line ; KOCH ! m Igh- borhood ! $ . ' ODD 00 each. Call aftei 0 or w rllu E F , biuver , OVU South 28th Btreet. MJ24 20 Q U YES , WE HAVE THEM. Good lot , end car line. West Farnam , $1.000 00. IScbl building lot In Orchard Hill , $1,500 00 , Bi at building lot , lit d ford Pluct > , at uacrlllce. Also choice corner , 100x161) fuel , roud house Walnut Hill , $2,85000 , EUtrunt rtulikm.ii prop crly , Lowe Are. , at Una than euut of Improt cinema All on cab ) icrma. You ahould kcu them Spencer A. Hum , Karbach blk. JJ230 10 _ I OR SALE-100 ACRES GOOD FARM LAND , t miles from Wcat Point. Neb ; all Kneed and under cullh.uion. A b irgaln Al&o dealrablu Omaha property on east fclJu o 24th Htre-et. iubt Boulh of Puul btr t , thcap. 21U Hoard of Trud , or Tclephono 108. 20 roil BALE HEAL ESTATE. Cqnttniifd ATi KSTATE UAUOAINS. 0-noOM roTTAor. "ituT lot , ilnnteoin Plioo , plcmllil locitlon * 3 BOO 00 COTTAGE nnil Koitiii front lot near 30th and I'a- Ulo , If ftohl nnlek , only $4,200 00 0 nua lot UCRr 1IanRcom 8-ROOM HOtW : near 32d and Popplcton a\onuo. Mll' " $ I'Mx'reiMil "nmomiv ln\c kil $050000 KLEOANr brick and frame cott-ise , 82d and PaUlo - Ulo , $7oii no , HANDSOME Ifl-room houoonear.ioth and 1'aclfle , Ml inoiurn coincidence * , Jl,5oo. ) LLEOANT double- brick rcMdcneo , coiner 32d nnil Foiiplcton no , south nml oist front , w III j leld H'l'er tout on money ImcMcd. $1.1 f.oo SPLENDID roMdcnco propem 7.1x150 feet , cut rout , w Ith twohouncR No < > 1128 mid 1130 S : I1M | \\nbpiulirullioiiic8i wlUjlcldlOpcrcout on In- \cstinpiit price $14 000 NICK RESIDENCE LOT north of H iincom Park , co\ered ; wllh llii ( > Bh.iilo ami fruit trees , gripes ulo. . Mointmt locution , only f2,200. FINKbT SOUTH FRONT lot lionr lliimcom pirk , (10x1,0 ( feet , olefr.iut trees. pi\rd streets , Mono WIllkB. I ( C. NO 0 p-C I 111 f\x , $4,200 CORNER ROxl 15 foet. nuth nnd Pietflo , elegant oc.nlon Will subdivide Call for prko. CHOICE FIVE-ACRE trict. close to city , n llr t clnHB liucMinrnt , only $2 mil ) . TEN 'ACRES w Ith cottairo Just outdid ? cltv limit * Splendid place for siniill fmltH No liner pi ice nrouml Oninhn Price $4,500 , FORTY ACRES , uloso to new Klmwe.od piik and Holt Lluo railway to WiRt Omaha Will plat nto ' . ' (10 ( be'iullful IOIH ! ono of llio finest pit ccs of aero property around Oniiihi ; splendid ImcBlmcnt , at t150 per iicro. BOO ACRES , Grcclev conntv , Neb , only two wiles from North Loup. on U. p. i.-illun.v , treed neil , nimitmr water ! will in ikn Rpltnillil stock faini ; Islcd for quick silo at $ H oo per aero. HICKS' HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. 305 N. Y. Lit. . ' llldif 27J18 _ _ _ POH SALK ON KASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS ! A BOtltti front cottiec , 0 roonm , * 1,1 Ml 00 , 50 feet. A Bouthfrtfntcottico , I rooms $1,10000 r > ( ) fi t. A south front house , U rooniH , $ . > , SMl 00 , 10(1 ( fi 1 1 A north front cottapu , 0 rooniB , $1,100 oo , nil ft i 1 A north front cott inc. 1 rooms , $1 ono 00 , no fu t. A north front homo , tl rooms , $1,800 00 , nil feet. A snilll tlrst piviiKMit iinil oasimmthlv PIN- nenlHSnnll oil nr lots \\lll tw > fikpn In o\ch.iige. | bee N , A , Kuhn , druggist , IGth and Domjlas ] _ _ _ " 111EAP FARM LANDS. J - nWohavn the follow hip 1 inil nlltntpd between Crook , Cole , and Loduo Vole , Nub , both lalhoid HtlltlOIIB Section 25-12-4S Louan county , Cole , nearly all smooth liml , good M > ll. Section 27-12- Loc-tn oountv , Cole . twn-tlilrdn ilcu Binoolh land , b il nice btukLii ; eoou soil. Section 31-12-4R Locan comity , Cole , neirU all Binooth lund , Bllghtly brokui on tlio t IHI ; b'oocl boll. KiHt ofBeclloii iin-l'J-lS Loean comitjColo , aniootli land , fooilKoll. Lots 1 nnd 2 and S M of S > { of soetlon 21-12- IS Logun cuunti , Cole , lather touch , but t'ooU eoll. I-otR 1 , 2. niul I In HPctlon 21-12-17 , Chn\enno count\Neb Quito rotiith Iml h iBBpli-ndld Bpihiff \\.iiorunil coimldLiabluli ly 1 mil. Wo wish to Bell this 1-inil , If posKlble , In ono ) Olv. or. If iieechHiirv , wlllilHlilo II Ith IB bun ippr.ilftpdbvtnoriUroidcoinpiiiy it from $1100 to ! HOt > in.r aero \\'o will Bill thuholn ti ict lit I N > per aero , ornn\ one Bictlou or * ' > 00. t IB .1 flr t-cla 9 IIIM BtiiRiit , nnd nt the prko Quoted thu cho iH6t ) land In thu inaikut. lllcka' ItcJil Estate Aecncy , 303 N. Y. Life build- "g. 27B 18 _ \VANT A SAFK INVESTMENT FOU YOUR ' nionov ? I tin offer leil ewt ito tutting 7 p > r cent to 10 iicritnt IM.M .iininin orLliok > iliHtinoit- iriiffi'B it 7 per c ( nt Come and hi o ( ! G. Wall itu. J1J , T. J. Ihuun block. 10th mil Doitirl IH I' , ' ! il ! OUSi : AND LOT 1U01IT IN TOWN , 1 > AVKD 8lmt.lilK IniKnln In lhl 3-JllO 11(1 ( c iMilul- inco $1,00000 , ,1 jcars F. K. DaillngIliiKir llluck. 2)1 ) 18 B ARGA1NS IN HAX COM 1'LACi : VROl'EKTY : OVER JSO 000 WORTH OP IIOUSKS AND LOTS HAVi ; HKKN SOLD IN HANM OM I'LACK UUUINO THU LAST SIXTY 1IAYS. THE VKR\ TACT 'I HAT MOlti : PHOVHIITY HAS CHANOK11 HANDS IN Tim PAST TWO MON1IIS THAN WAS SOLD ALTOOIUHKU IN 1802 INDICATES THAT THEIinAUaiPIIL PARK. THE PL1ASANT NEK.HUOHHOOD. r.VrUEMELY HEALTHY LOCATION AND Sl'LUNDILY VAVKD STICEHIS AUE ATTKACTIM1 THU 1'EOl'LU wno uusiur. IIKAUTIKUL HOML- CALL AND SEiTHKHARHAINS\"UORFnU. : HICKS UEAL KbTA'IU AC.ENOY , , ! 03 N. Y. LIFE I1LDO 17C ! 18 C-0.10 00 TAKES THU DUST SNAP IN WEST UP i- tot city. No N-tttr busaln than thin on the in irkit F. 1C D irlliiB , I ) irkcr block. 2J1 18 17OR < tAMJ AT SACHiriCK ON MONTHLY -I .piMiiL itB , modi nid-iootn cott IRQ nnd 1 lice 7- rooin lioiise. iliu * locution , must be Hold by July 1. Inquire 8087 Callforniii BtruM .MU 18 * GOOD FIFTY I'OOT LOIS HETWEEN DDNDEU IMiiLC and DciiHon niotoi lines to uxch imro foi McCiiKiie Si\liiB8 bank utionnlH. b & CnitU 108 McCiiguo biillillnfc' . MJ4) ID * rpo INVESTOR1 * L WE OKFE1V THE FOLLOWING DAROAINS .IN IMPROVED OMAHA RKAL LSl'ATU W SOI ) 00 buj B pi ice piMtiK 10 pit cent. I 0(1000 ( bin Hrop | ) < _ it > U < Idlnir 10 pel cent. f l.fiOd 00 bmBcliolcu Improvi d p i\lnL'IO pel cent. $ B 000 00 bujHcluant pi icopijInK lOpi-rccnt. Sr > fidO 00 bum ptopi nj jlulilliiB 10 per cent $0 r.OO . 00 bujHclioki' pkco p nlng 11 pert tut $12,000 00 buj a ellt-cdKctl ptoptrl } pajliiK 10 ] > cr cent $17 , COO 00 buys flno Improied pi\Ingp 12 percent. WE AREAOHVJS FOR SOME OF THE 1MNKST IMPROVED PROP ERTY IN THIb CITY. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , MS N. Y. LIFE ULDfJ. 273 18 WORLD'S FAIH HOTELS & KOOMS Rates l e a wonl first lnHertlonlc.i word there after. Nothing taken for less th in 25c. ORLDS FAIR FURNISHED KOOMb. YOU lake no chance 1101 p ty am money In aihance. $100puda > . 1.U1 F.unaiii blicet , Omah i 50 I .TIP \\fORLDS FAIR VISITORS ELEOANT ACCOM- ii mod itluns In private n sldi ncu 1" > minutes from fill , newly furnibhcd roonm * 1 00 peril i\ for 2 persons and up\\ arils AddicBs7 > { 41 Hiivunl a\enuo , II Minks , Lngk wood 111 M100 10' ' 1 > OOMS TOR WORLDS KATll VISITORS J-X splendidly fnriilHhid with all modem COIIM n- lone-en 2 bloiks fiom m ilu intrmce to fair grounds , 1 block fiom elevated 10 id and Illinois Ccntial. falar hotel , G14J-15 blai IMCIIUD Chk uo M17I 16' WHi : GUOSVENOR , 0217 SHEK1DAN AVEVUE , JChk igo , a Hell el family hold within ( I inlnnli n walk from the pilnclpil iiiltamin to Iho fall. Good nfeiencii Ri inon ibln i in H Atiplv lo C. C. bhlmer , 211 l < uu Yoik Life building ( Jmnh i. MlliSJy 10 LEGANT&LCONDSIORY I'RONT ROOMS IN- clndhin'mi Us1 75 per diy , orultli bii ikfast onlj * 1 50 ! Iwo In a room Rinen mlnuli-H walk of lliHKiiati1e\atidroid putting you on falrgimimlH in eighteen minutes , prlvalo family ii'lliud sur- lomidlngB , gas , bull , hoi and cold wall i Aihlicsi E W Finch , room bioker , 2J5 Dearborn loomi ) 418 and 410 - MIDI 'J I'ARTir.S GOING TO TUB FAIR Wean obtain onu or twoihiraiitly fnrnlshrd looms \crv cheap Bull iblo for ninn andwlfi * . 01 Bin ill family , only two hloiks fiom cats dlriet tu tlm grouiulH , 6710 Aiinour a\i nun , Chicago , 01 iipplj at ,10. ' . ' DoilBUBlriil , Mrs Riuil , 111(1 ( 18' NICF.LY FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITH- out nu alH , jirlMitu family , near World's fair Simmons , 501 E 47th bt , Chicago Hl.l 18- rimi LANCASTER HOTEL , EUROPEAN. ( IIST J-Btreit and U xlngton IIM mil' Chicago World's fall intrnnce 2 blocks , ikalid ratlioul htitllon 1W blocks , cxciUent nceoinniodatloiis $100 per da > and upward , ri'fi reins by lunnloslon Ar mour & . Co , Contliienlal National bank , llio 18' , ELEOANT FURNsHKDROOMS , 1 bliiBluoi i n Bull1 III mUatn KHldeiieo , bj the \\i fk or month duiliiL'\\oild H fall I blocks from maliieiilianoe Lirk'u Kromuls AddiisH Ownir. Mi H W.ifcliliiklou i\e'iiue , H > dul'aik , Chleifii , 111 Refuciicd * Rcimliuil 1BU IH' FAIR ROOMS THE CHA'IEAUA , 6471 Li-xtiiKlim IIM nne ( 'lili.iuii Ten iiihmli H fiom main ciiti.mcu , ti 00 pel day. Abbott A- Waldion 271 ! ' -\\rOHLDS FAIR ROOM 1'RIVATE UKiI- it ikniii South blihi. eomunli nt tu fair and In ait of clly 1'liBt claHB , 7. " ' eenlH to $1 00 p rd ; , pi r IH-ibon Ho udlf ihwlicd L S bart'cant HI Ilri- ant A\eChleairo,111 IhS ! fpHE JEKFERbON EUROPEAN HOTEL 6fiTH 1 umlJi tfi IHOII A\o .thiio mlmitiH \ ulclomaln ciiliancu ttorldH fair Wllluloibook 1H7 1U * pHOICE ROOMS Wl'UIIN EKilIT MINUl'LS. v/walk of Jaekbon paik 1'iUatu riBlilinin do- BlrabluHlri 11 AiUIn-ba Mrs Harrison iir > Homo IiiHtiruiico bulldlnif Chliatro Midi ' . ( I * \\rRITB FOR WORLDS FAIR AND CHICAGO il Kiililu books , mailed Jr < i > . Coumopolllaii Emo- Pt an hotel , W > and .11)7 ) Claik Bt , Chk.ifo HOOIIIH 7S cenlH lei itUU per day. HOTKL IIAI < CROFT , CHICAGO FIREl'IlOOF Calunu t aumuuiiid Tucnlj-iiliilh him i , 211 1 irKO , Unlit roomb , sti un In it , hot md cold watir , balliH ou e\crj lioorr firut-claBH famll ) hotel , In si location mar World's fair , * 'OUlo tlUUaduy. Wllleforcllculirlf > ou wluli lorcw i\uioomu. MRS L W , I'ATTON , 1'RIVATE UOARDINO homtu , llill Dili sln > elChlcaiolll Corn Hpond- cnce solicited tot World a fulr accommodallunu NOTICE-ACCOMMODATIONS FOR WORLDS fair \lBllor Debt of oicolhtni. , Blonu , lire- proof Imlldlmr , two inlnultM fiom 111. Ci nt. HI.I- tlon , IU iiiliiiilcH ride lo groundu Nlckhi fare. 1'rlvalo famll ) , will Ut three handbomely fur- nUm-d rooms , v n suite or bliitrlii. * 7 oo | icr day for biilte' . Uefi ri nccu , uddri HO A , 5 , Ailzona bliii ; . Lukuuveaud 13d bl. , Chicago. 2U4 IH' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. < P. OELLENIJECK.IIANJ01ST AND TEACHER. G " , 1810 calllorulu ettceU U1A DRESSMAICINO. Rites , mo n wont flint Inicrtlon , le . word thereafter. _ Nothing nkcn forks * tlmnSJc. T AWK9' AND CillLllElirN S DREPSMAKIN ? ! t dolnil " ! " " ' , ? ? , . ? lo order , mu lin Mnilohcit 1707 M tiiilomon 831 Jyl * CKAMSTRKSS WISIIKS TO HAVH A PLAOF.l Jimdi rstiind-j drrHsmnklnf and plain KOWIIIRI H SlOpad.u. Jtn , Iloo MU2 18' jJ "I OST , MILii lOOK. It. t-/or .s mill at. MHS is * O1000 REWARD WILL HE GIVEN FOR Tftri H'ili1nloll'oloUscot' ' { " cn'le eontalnliiffOTiinlen .if Indict shops lost In South Omaha , to flee onice. SoilucMloniiiiiikoil. M144 18 * I OST PARTY WHO PICKED t'l' 1WVF.LOPB JJ c0' ' " ' " 'P ' * " rrltirii lo W R Iliunettro , laps Capital ai B , and ri'celivw anl. 21018' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWniTING. Rates , Idea line etch liiHerllon , $1 TO a line per monUi Nothlmr taken tor lens llian 2Bc. VOUKO LADIES AND OENTLIWIEN CAN SOON Liiiiiulte a working knowle < liUof Micrtlmnd ami \po\\iltlnz nt A. C. Van S ml frchool of ahoil- innil SlitN. \ l.lfo. TMHJW liters torpid. 4s. PASTURES FOR HOHSE8. Hil < s , I c n wovd llrnl Insertion , le a woixl Ihcriiflei. Nothlny Inki n for lens than iCe. , - | \VK HAVE 100 ACRES OpllLUKT " UAS9"T A5t i ] ' tui-o for hoit-ei lloinl feme. Ppilnir water , lllilon.V Pliilps ( lllinoieNcb.oi A. W , Phplps ft b n , ' . ' 07 N. Y. Llto bulldlnir. MIOll J S' Rites , lOc illnneneh liiBerllonl.noa line month Nothlne liken tor lets than 2Sc. OW RAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN O. .laeobs.diccaml.l Her w Ith M O Maul ! , under * lal.erandembalmci , J15S lUtliBt. Tel. DUO. 482 _ _ _ _ _ _ , , SCALES. Riles , 1 Oca line each Inseillon , * 1.BO a line per month Nothing taken for IIHS thin 230. . Aildnss HoiiIe-u.V Sclleek Co , L-'iko Bt , Chlcaio. BEqOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. TJOYLESillAIHl , DEALERS IN TYPEWRITERS. 1JA11 makes bought , sold , oxcltaugcd , rented. 013 N. Y Lltobldg. Tel 558. 1H4 PAWNBROKERS. 1 ' ONNEN11ERG , DIAMOND HllOKER. ISO'S < ' .Dongl iHBt Lo ins moni'on ill imouilB watchua , itc Old gold and Blher bought. Tel. 155S IS6 K"NOWLEDGE IS POwM The Future Unveiled- Arrival o\tiaordluirv of the world's mojb f imotis moiinim. Mrs. Dr. Sherman , roco - nlred by the press , mcil oul faculty and scien tists generally HStho mobt celebrated medium of modem times Remain not In ihuknubt , and Icnoranec. hut seek thu llRht of knowloilito iml leiirn whit the mysterious fiitaio holda for you , Whllo entranced will ro\eal oery hldde-n mystery In life. Qhoi nld anil narlco which will overcome youi enomlos , remove family trouh'es , rcstotu lost affections , make inarrl IRO with the ono you love no failure ; remote o\ll Inlliiuncc , bad hublt * . cures vvluliciy. fits , and nil IOIIK st inJIni ; anil nivi- terlous dlhcusci : will Rlvo correct Information nn lawsuits.blekncHS , doiith , dlvuiees. nbaont friend * , o\or } thinK ; uoyer fiiilln ? advice to yoiinj men on in trrli > go and how to chooeo K wlto for linpplncss and what business best ) udaptod for spocdy riches stoeK speculation hpeclalty : rouovoralost.stolcnor burled prop- eity : looaton troisuros and minerals ; nlfo pl\eB Indlspoiiftublo ailvlco to youim luelleuoC love , courtship "id murrliiRO , if your lover U truoorfa'sc. The mysterious nnd Biiceussful mauiiei In which nhe troatu mnttors of the ut most obscurity ImsKlrcn inuoh universal aat- isfaetlou tluit her mime has occomo proverb In thoiisindh of housoliolilB made happy by her aid and ailMcc. Hours On. m. to8p m. strict. N 1 ! . Perfect satisfaction giiirintooil by mall , fccnd btitnip for Illustr ito 1 clrculur with snecifU tornis to Mrs Dr. bherman , purlori G & . 7 , The Midland hotel , ' 119 N. lllth st. Omuha BUREAU. SUES & . CO. , Solicitors , Bee Building. OjuiUin , , Neb , 4yoursKxamtncr'iUS. I'lit-Oniou Aavlcofro < * ' ISfo fee until patent is obtained , A Mutuli lur Iho itnt. Ilaitfonl Com ( inf. Our now bnttlcBtilp , tlio Massichusott * , Isn't the litrgest ship of Its class In the world , nor jot tlio spoodlest ; it wuBti'tclc&Lrnecl no * dcslied Hint it should bo. H is not too big to KOI In our harbors. H is not going to ells * tant wutoia in quest of an enemy , turn lias no call or need to run away from anything alloat. In battery and aunorlt is u match for the best battloihip lu the HriUnh navy which is all ona with saying tlmt it is a match for Hi" best bJttlefhip In the world , If it o\ur comes to lishttnsr , the Ma sacuu ott will bo found alfthero nud very inucu tUote.