Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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There Was Very Little Snap to the Markets
AVherit Opened Lower th'nn the Closing
l'l ures of U'cdnosdny nnd f.nter
I'luctitntod ntul Scored n
I'urthor Dcollnr.
CniCAno , Juno Ifi. There was no snap to the
markets today. The action of the Now York
Clearing Hou e association In deciding to
issue certificates , while designed to rollovo
mattershad temporarily aconlrarjr cITecton
the Hoard of Trade hero. Wheat broke over
and closed within 'ic ' of the Insldo figures of
the day. Corn , compared with last night , Is
Jicoir , 1'rovlHlons are down from 5c to 7c. !
There wns great nptitby In cables , the
walhor was all that could bo desired and the
Cincinnati 1'rlco Current's weekly report
showed a steady progress In nil crops. The
proposition of the Now York banks to Issup
clearing house certificates and the decline In
stocks on Wall street were used with effect by
the bears. The trade seems to have gonn long
on wheat durlmr the last week and was ills-
posed to unload , but as there was llttlo de
mand the olTort caused depression and
Weakness ,
There was Rome attempt to rally the market
by reports of hot winds In Kansas and drouth
In the northwest , hut It met with llttlo MIC-
Ct s. Trade was dull nnd narrow from start
to finish. The opening was about "Jo lower
than the closing llgiircs of yesterday , and
with some Hllght lluctuatlons prices further
declined Uc , then ruled steady , and the clos
ing was about Ic lower fo > Julv nnd He lower
for September. It wasRUcn out that Armour
&Co. mo to carry InUf the wheat In store here.
Corn was weak , the line crop prospects , dull
ness In trade nnd the Mump In wheat causing
It. Cables repot led nn ndvanco abroad , but It
did not belli tilings much. Tlio market , after
opening from ' ( c to Uc olT , declined tic more.
At the decline tlio demand Improved , but car
lots coming In smaller a rally ot from ! < o to
We followed , after which the price weakened
f < c and at thn close the market hud lost from
? ictolic. !
Outs wore weak In sympathy with every
thing else. Tlicro was a light trade. Prices
declined from He to ! ic , closing at about the
Insldo figures.
lluslness In provisions was confined to a few
trades In lards-and ribs. The market ruled
fulily htcady at a slight decline.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow ; Wheat ,
fUcars : corn , 280 cars ; oats , 1U4 cars ; hogs ,
18,000 head.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows !
No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 31'S < ; t3aj c.
llvr. No. 2 , 49c.
lUiiMtr No. 'J , nominal.
FI.AX SEHD No. 1 , 81.05.
TIMOTHY HEBU 1'rlinc , J3.G5.
1'OUK Mess , per bid. . MO.92Uiai9.On ; lard ,
nor 100 IDS. . ! l.02'5 9.05 ; short ribs , sides
( looio ) , J9.37 ia9.424 ! ; dry salted shoulders ,
( boxed ) , tjn.505610.00 ; short clear bides ,
' , ( boxed ) , f9.7fiftlO.OO.
I WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per gal. ,
* StiOAiia-Cut loaf , GKc ; granulated , 15.70 ;
Standard "A. " 0.72.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the 1'roUuco oxchnnKO today the butter
market was quiet : creamery , "IG'/S'SWO'jc ' :
dairy , loaiVKic. Eggs , qulut ; strictly fresh ,
Now York Market * .
NEW 'YonK , Juno 15. FIXMIR Receipts , 30- ,
000 pkcs. : exports , 0,000 bbls. . 0,000 sacks :
sales , 11,000 pkRs. ; market dull , generally
COHN MEAT/ Quiet , steady.
CojiN-No.-a. U0 ? c ; No. 8 yellow closing at
B J 40 *
UvK Dull , weak ; sales , 12,000 bu. at 67iic
IUnuv MAI.T Steady , nulot.
WHEAT Hccolpts. 18U.1CO bu. : exports , 2G7-
000 bu. ; sales , 2,150,000 bu. of futures , 100-
000 bu. of spot. Spot market lower with
options , fairly actlvo for exports ; closing
firm ; No. 2 red. In store nnd elevator ,
7272Hc ; afloat. 72 c ; f. o. b. , 72'a724-c ; tfn-
Kfoded rod.71it72Vc ( } ; No. 1 northern. 72'Jc ;
Kd. 1 hard. 707'JiSc ! ; _ No. 2 nprthorn , 71) ®
82KC. clOblnjf at B2c.
Conw-Kccolpts , 28,000 bu. : exports , 1,000
bii.flftloH , 875,000 bu. futures ; no bales spot.
Spots dull , lower ; nominal ; No. 2 , 48Uiu4'c ;
in olovntor , 48Mc allout. Options dull , weak
and Me lower ; July , 48 i4 ! ) c , closlnc at
dBKc ; August , -ISJ.O-lO.Vc , closing at 40c ;
September , 49U@50c , closing at 40 ; < c.
( JATg-Rocolpts , 00,900 bu. : exports. 8-
8GB bu. ; sales , 140,000 bu. futures , 29,000
bu. spot. Bpota dull , mixed lower. Options
moderately active , easier ; June , S7&(3a7yc ,
closing at 37c ; July closed at 3G ? 'c ; Septem
ber , 31 f31ftc. closing at 31Sc ; No. 2 white.
40c ; No. 2 Chicago , 38fc ? ; No. 3 , 37c ; No. 3
white , 384c ! ; mixed western , 07Ji < S33c ; white
western. 39H5i45c.
HAY Steady , fair demand ; good to choice ,
Horn Light oHVrlnKs. firm ; state , common
to choice , 1022c : 1'acllic coast , 1921c.
llinns Nominal , dull ; wet s.iltoil New Or
leans selected , 4& to CO 11)3. ) . 4i@Gc } ; Texas
selected , 00 to CO lljs. , 5t7c ; lluonos Ayres 21
to 24 Ibs. , 12 c ; Toxasdry , 21 to 27 Uis. . B ®
10)ic. )
1'novisiONB Cut incuts , qulot. firm ; pickled
bellies , 12 Ihs. at 11 lie ; middles , dull , oasy.
Lard quiet ; western stuam closed at tlO.10 ;
dales , none. Options , dull : Juno , tlO.05 ; July ,
110,00 ; Hoptumtier , tio.30 , nominal. 1'ork ,
siiodornto dumand , steady ,
UUTTiin Moduruto demand , Htcadv ; western
dnlry. 14'illOHci ' western creamery , "lGID20Sici
KlBlim , 20Wc ,
CUKKSE Jfiilr demand , steady ; part skims
Koos Oulot , weak ; rccelpt.s , 8,577 nkgs.
western fresh , MU14Jc ; western , per case
i TAi.t.ow-Qulot , weak ; city ( f2 forpU's. ) , 4'i <
risked ; country ( pkgs. free ) , 4Ti < 2uic ! , as K
( jtmllty.
COTTONBEED Oiir-Qulot , easy ; crude , 40o
yellow prlmo , 44c ; choice , 6oa&lc.
I'BTlioi.BUM The maiket was neglected ]
Prnnbylvanla oil , spot sules , none ; July op
tlons , bales , none ; G3c bid ; olforcd at 03c
il , KulcH , none ; 29iC ! bid.
N Moderately actlvo , btcady ; stralnci
common to Rood , . ' . ' ,
TuiireNTiMS Quiet , Urm at 28 , < S20yc.
lttctFlrm. . dull.
MOLASSES New Orleans , open kcttlo , good ti
cholre , quiet , htendy ,
tJudAii liaw , llrm , fair demand ; hales , 90i
tons Muscovado , 80 test , at She ; ruflnoil mod
eratuly actlvo , < lnn ; otr A. 415 10 < a5 B-lOc
mould A , 5 O-HXicOMo ; Btnndard A , 5 > . ( i
6 O-lllc : confoptlunerM A. BU 5 7-10oj cu
loaf , 5 ia.lUQOct crtubed , 5 13-lGttCe ; pow
( lered , 6 ll-lG < rt5Vc ; Kranuluted , SSOB 9-llic
cubes. 5SO& 13-lOc.
I'lq IitON-Qulot , steady ; American , 112.755
15 , DO ,
Coi'i'Kit-Oulel ; hike , tlO.GO ,
I.EAD-Diill , easy ' ; domestic , J3.70.
TlN-Stronv ; S'lrultu , I20.03 bid , $20,1
asKud ; platen , dull , utoady. Bpcltcr , quiet
domentlc , (3.70.
Knnsis City Ustrketi.
ICiNPAS Cirr , Juno 15 , WHEAT Dull ; No.
hard , 57U05Hc ; No. 2 rod.5HtaGOc.
COHM Dull and weak ; No. U mixed , 321tf
OSc ; No. 2 white. 83ie34c. !
OATH Light demand , tinner ; No. 2 mlxoi
2GU427 ! ; 5cj No. 2 white , 2828tjc.
crcamury , uaiSc ; dalrj
KuuttVonk ; He.
ItECKHTs Whuut , 4,000 bu.j corn , 7,00
bu. ; outs , noun.
Blill'UEMB Wheat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 3,00
bu. ; uau , none ,
l Mnrkots.
Juno 15. WHEAT Quiet ; bolt
crs otTer Miurlnxly.
COHN Hrm ; ilomand poor ; mlxod westcri
43yd pur cental ,
k LARD 1'rlmu wettorn , 40s 6d per cwt.
TALLOW-Klnu American , 2Gs Cd per cwt.
Cotton Market.
NEW OIU.CAMB , Juno 15. Firm ; ROC
, a 6-lCc ; middling , 7'ic ; low mUld
Ins. 7 0-lCct Rood ordinary 7MCI not receipt * .
1 248 bales ; cross. 2,400 baltt ; cities , 1.400
nMcn ; dock 109.559 brtloft.
Fiitnros , barely steady. .June , 17.76 ; July ,
$7.78n7.80 ; AtiRUit , IT.Sa .BO ; Bcptombor ,
$7,70 7.80 ; October , 7.85517.80 ; November ,
f7.014l7.02j Dccombor , 17. 97(0.7.08 ( ; January ,
% -
Omahn Produce Market.
At the present tlmo them arc only about two
grades of butter roconnlred on the Omaha
market. A few packages of the very best or
fancy country butter soil to the local retail
trudo direct at 15 < illOc. but only a small pro
portion of the best butter will brlns that
lirlcc , nnd If the retail trade will not take the
butter It has to bo sold as packing stock at
practically one price , .
There Is u good deal of complaint nlwul the
poor quality of the eggs that are coming to
this niarknt. Strictly fresh I'dps arc not nt all
plenty , anil Ills necessary to candle several
cases of eggs iK-foro ono case of Rood eggs can
bo secureMVhlIo the tops are selling at
pretty good prices there nro o many seconds
that the averngo Is brought down consider
ably. However , ecgs are higher on this mar
ket thafi on ( lib eastern mmUcts.
An occasional coop of very fancy old bens
sells for 'Sc moro than the quotations elven
below , but not enough to Justify a quotation.
Geese , ducks un'd turkeys are ptactlcully out
of season. . ,
Old potatoes nro lower nnd the supply Is
most too large. The demand Is now mostly for
now potatoes , nblch are not at all plenty. The
moot of thuoid Mock offered on the market Is
mixed anil poor. Now potatoes nro coming
very largely fioin California , as they can bo
laid dott n hcie for less money than southern
potatoes. Some pietty fnlr samples of now po
tatoes have been Jecehed from southern Kan-
bill.Homo crown vegetables nro hccotmnR so
plenty that the local crow crs are supply Ins
the trade very largely , thus taking a consid
erable p-opoitlon of the business out ot the
hands of dealers.
There are very few southern strawberries
coming to this market , and In fact not many
of any kind. Homo grown strawberries bavo
put In an appearance , but they are not plenty
and are not Ilkaly to lu. At the present tlmo
black raspberries tire attracting the most at
tention anl : are coming from Missouri. The
arrivals are mooting with quite ready sale.
TOMATO ns Mississippi 4-baskctcratesS2.25.
OAMFOIINIA OAUIIAOE Crates , per lb. , 2
® 3 , : ; Ht , Louis cabbage , per crate , S3.25.
Nnw POTATOES Southern , per bbl. , (3.75TB
4.00 ; per bu , , $1.35 1.50 ; California , per lb ,
bTiiiNfi IlEA.NS-1'er hu. box , Sl.SSaSl.fiO.
TEAS Per bu. box Sl.&O
CltcUMHElU 1'or doz. , homo grown , 75c ®
OAUMFLOWEII I'anoy.porbu. box , $1.75.
ONIONS Southern , per ubl. , $4.50 ; California ,
yellow , 2 , } e per lb.
LETTUCE I'IT doz. , 20l25c ,
HAKISIIKH I'ordoz. , 15B25C.
ClltEEN ONIONS 1'or do155120C. .
AsrAltAOUS I'er iloz. , 35S40C.
NEW HECTS I'er do40it60c ,
NEW TUIIMIS Per doz. , 40c ,
I'm l'iANT-l'or lb. . Ic.
pQUAmi I'cr40-lb. box. $1.50.
too I'I.AM 1'or crate , $2.
CAt.ironNiA CiiEiiniEs 1'or 10-Ib. box , 81. 50.
BTIIAWIIEIIUIES I't'r case , on orders , $4.
( lo08iuiiiniES : I'er case , 83. CO.
HMCK ItASi'iiEititiEs 1'or 24-plnt cases ,
2.255J2.50 ; 24-qunrt cases , 83,50.
LEMONS Choice to fancy , $4.5035.00 ; extra
fancy.J5.50SG. 00.
HANANAS I'er bunch , Including crates and
packing , 82.00142.50.
OIIANIIKS Hlvcrsldo seedlings , 83.25 ; Klvor-
slde Mediterranean sweats , $3.50 ( 3.75 ; moun
tain Mediterranean sweets , 3.25 ; mountain
oranges , 12.75.
lli.ACKHKiiniK4 24-quart cases , J3.50a4.00.
MlSSOUltl OllEllIUES I'er 24-qt , case. 83.25.
At' Very bcarco ; russotts 84.5035.00
per bbl.
SOUTH r.itN PI.UMS Wild geese and OhlcUa-
saw , per 24-qt. case , $2.50.
1'lNEAi' I'er crate of 5 to 7 doz. , 89.00
(31 ( 1.00.
ArincoTS Per crate of 4 baskets , 83.
WATEIIMEI.ONS t'er 100 , 830.
IIUTTUII , r.oos , roui.Tnv.
BtjTTCii Strictly fancy country , small lots ,
15561Gc ; packing stock , 12ftl2iu.
K na General market , ll'.Sai2c. (
I'OULTUY Choice hens , 75 7l4c ; mixed coops ,
G(37c ( ; roobtcrs , S < BGc ; geese and ducks , 7bc.
HAY The market on good upland hay ,
80.50 In car lots.
VEAI/ Choice and small fat , 78Hc ; largo
and thin , 3SGc. ( _
St. I.ooli Mnrketn.
BT. Lotus , Juno 15. Fl.onn In bettor de
mand , but unchanged ; patents , 83.2033.85 ;
extra fancy. 82.U033.00 : fancy. 82.5032.05 ;
choice. 82.1532.30 ; family , 82.0032.10 ; rye
Hour , 83.25O3.30.
WHEAT Wab weak throughout closing 5le
down ; No. 3 red. cash , C2c : June , 62Hc ; July
closing at63iaG3ic ? ; August , GGHc ; Septem
ber , G8l4c.
COIIN Weak , lower ; No. 2 mlxod , cash , and
JunoSOHc ; July closing at 37Jic ; September ,
38'.io ,
OATS Weak : No. 2 cash , 29c : July. 27Kc ;
August. 24c bid : September , 24'ic@24ic bid.
PitovisiONS Dull weak ; pork and hint un
changed. Dry salt incuts , loose shoulders ,
88.87i ! ; Tongs and ribs , 89.60 ; short" , $9.85 ;
boxed , ISe lower ; bacon , packed shoulders ,
$9.75 ; longs and ribs , $10.50310.G2.i ! ; shorts.
1 10.87 VI ; hams , uncluiir.'cd.
RECEIPTS Flour. 2,000 bbls. : wheat , 7,000
bu. ; corn , 187.000 bu. : oats , 20,000 hu.
SHIPMENTS Klour 0,000 bbls. : wheat , 2,000
bu ; corn. 110,000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu.
IlUTTKit Steady ; choice creamery , 19320c ;
dairy , lG17c. _
Minneapolis U'lunit Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 15. lluslnoss very heavy
today : cash higher : No. 1 northern sold at
0 1 i ' , ttG2c and No. 2 northern nt GOijc. Re
ceipts , 218 cars. Close : Juno , 59Mc ; July , GOc ;
September , G4ic ! : On track : No. 1 hard , G3'tc ! :
No. 1 , northern , Ol'.jc ; No. 2 northern , 59H < 3
60c. _
NswYonic , Juno 15. Options occned barely
steady , 10 to 25 points down : closed steady , 15
to 25 points down ; sales , 7,760 basts. Including :
July. * 150515.1 ( ) ; September , 814.80314.00 ;
October , $14.05ffil4.80 ; December , 814,05. Spot
Uio , dull , nominal ; No. 7. tlQ.C2j. !
Phlladoliililu Groin Market.
Pnii.AnET-PHiA. Juno 15. WHEAT Weak ;
No. 2 red , June , G9ffiG9c. !
COHN Dull and weak ; No. 2 mixed , Juno ,
OATS Dull anil woalc ; No. 2 white , Juno ,
Cincinnati Murlioti ) .
CINCINNATI , O , , June 16. WHEAT Irregu
lar ; No. 2 reilG2 < &G4 < * .
Conn Ilarely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 37c.
OATS Strong ; No. 2 mlxud , 82Si32Jic.
WHISKY Steady at (1.12.
UftHlmoro tlruln Miirltct.
BAI.TIUOIIC , Juno 15. WHEAT Qulot and
lower ; No. 2 red , spot and June , 70c.
COIIN Unll and easy ; mixed , spot , 47 ? c.
OATS Steady ; No. 'J white nostorn , 4'Jc.
Toledo lira In Market.
TOMCDO , Juno IB. WHEAT Active and
loner ; No. 2 , cash , G5c.
COHN Dull : No. 2 cash , 41c.
OATS Qulul ; cabh , 'JOijc.
Now York Dry Oood * Mnrkrt.
NEW YOUK , Juno 15. The dry goods inarkol
wan unchaimed unlusj possibly domund was u
llttlo more quiet.
i'.urly Ucullncn Wore Ghtrnctcrlzod by (
Hiittior U'onk Tone.
NEW YORK , Juno 15. The dealings on thi
Block exchange were charactorltod by f
rather weak tone early In the day , the boar
having raided the list on the strength of the
meeting of the clearing house commlttooof tin
Associated Hanks yesterday afternoon and tin
luck of knowledge as to what was accomplished
at that confiirenco. Lake Shore and Sugni
yielded l'i percent , but the duel I no In the ro
malndor of thu list was only ' , ( to 1 per cent
and comparatively llttlo block was shakei
out.It subsequently transpired that the offer
Ings for stiort account were Hh > orb2tl by operators
orators who fait sutlstlod that the clearlni
boiuo committee would recommend an Issu
of curilflcatos If noccss.iry , anil that thl :
would relieve thu tonblon which has ox
Istcd In tlio local money market. A
KOOU as it was announced that the clenrln
mlttei ) at HI. moutlng tlil. > aClernoo
had dollnttcly decided to ls-tio certllloates , bo
glntdmr tomorrow , Wall stri'ot oxporlonceu
fooling ot relief and this WIIK promptly re
I It-clod In the stock market , An advance a
from ) ito I1 , per cent enkiicd , Sugar , LaU
Shore , ClilcuKiiOas , Klwtrlc , Uuadlni
I.oulavlllo d Nashville and thu grangur * load
Ing thu upward movement. Now I nglund wa
exceptionally wti.ik. dccllnlm ; 1 % per cent t
l'Jii < i6-0 ; < , but this had mi percept Iblu clVoct o
the general murket which cloned steady at n
near thu top figures. Among thu spodnltle
National I ad was tlrmur on the decluratlo
of u quartet ly dividend of 1 per I'enlon th
stock , National Starch opened at 7i ! agnlm
! & > < , t ho last ruporttsl nile.iuul later rallied t
10. Thu second preferred , which closed u
29 > i yesterday , opened at 32 und uiado
further advance tu 35.
The Test Buys : Curtly , perhaps , because c
the expanded short Interest In the markv
Wall struct received the news of thoclearln
hoiiio move with great oquHiilmlty and xoo
bt'iiso. Tlio committee' * le.soliitlon yektcrdii ;
that clearing housu certificates bo uuthorUt-
for use should an emergency develop , was u
unusunl urocuduro. To tulio such action thu
far In ndvunco of the emergency was ut :
doubtodly to tlx u novel precedent. Tli
moakure , however , was omlnuntly wise an
was approved unanimously by the banker
committee ,
llrlully summed up , Its meaning U that tl
Now York banks hare confidence enough In
tlio Iwrrowlnit community , and In ono ntiothcr
to pool their entire rcionrccs for mcrcnntllo
accnmmodAtlon. A hunk which , by Itself , can
lend no longer to Its Rood customers , can
virtually , through nso of thi-io crtllllcatcs ,
obtain fresh money from All the other banks
and Increase Its own kmns to precisely this cv
tent. J'ar from being an expression of doubt
as to thu position of f ho smaller city banks ,
such action , taken nt such n time , announce *
clearly that confidence on this score Is com
plete. The moral InHiicnco of such tin an
nouncement can hardly fall to bo consid
General Cicctrlc. 0,000 ; Now England , 14,000 ;
Heading , 0,300 ; St. Paul. 20,300 ; Suirar , 11-
800 ; Western Union , 6.UOO.
Now York .Money Murltct.
Wasnottve , ranging from 0 to 25 percent : last
loan , 10 per cent ; closed ottered at 10 per
I'niMK.MEiirANTU.c PAPnn GQ8 per cent.
STCUI.INO KxciiANdc Weak , with actual
business In bankers' bills at J4.84524.84'/
sixty days and f 1.80 ® l.HGU for demand.
GOVUU.NMENT UONIJS Weak. State bonds ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
liostnii btnok Quotations.
BOSTON , Juno in. Call loans , GS7 per '
cent ; time loans , G7percont. Closing < juo-
tatlons on stocks , bonds nnd mining shares :
San Francisco Mining Oiiotutloiis.
BAN KHAKCISCO , Juno ID. The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining blocks today
Were as follows :
Alta 2j Meilcan 12 i
llclclior tin Mono 15
Ho t Allelcuor 110 Nevada. Queen 5
Uoillo Conaolldltcil. 25 Ophir 18i )
Ilulncr 15 Potoal 35
Cliollar DO Bavajc 70
Con. Cnla. A Vs. . . . . 190 Hlorrn.S'ovaJa 100
Cronn Polit 8J Union Con lolldatad DO
Goulil A furry OJ Utnh 10
linlc A Norcross. . . . 75 Vollow Jiotot 170
Now York Mining ( > unntlons. !
NnwYonK , Juno 10. The following are the
closing quotations of milling s'.oa'cs on the
Now York bo.ird :
St. I.onlH MiningQuotations. .
BT. Loais , Juno 1C. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Adams t l.OU Uranlto f.'ia . 'jO
American N. .S&3.40 tllopo : i.7U
lllnietalllo. . 4.7J [ , oo OS
Kllinbetli. . . .41 ® .4I > < rf. Hopes n&S
aiked 1 1 > I < 1
I.omlon I'lnincliil Kovlow.
lCop/r(3/ie | / / ( < t 1SXI lu Ja n ° . Gordon Bsnmtt. ]
LONDON , Juno ID. [ Now Yo'k Herald Cable
Special to Tun HEK.I The discount rnto
ot the Hank of England was unexpectedly re
duced to 21/ per cent today , but the altera
tion was fully warranted by the position , the
reserve being larger thlH week by J2.250.-
000. T/he / total Is now over $19,600,000
or 60 per cent of the deposits and liabilities.
The value of money Is hound to drop to a very
low level and the stock markets Mionld ben
efit accoidlngly. Huslno'-s on tlio Stock ex
change today was e.Mrumely qulot and the
prlco was generally dull , the public doing
nothing and speculators bclnx apathetic.
The condition was reduced by tlio trying
weather which Is exceptionally hot. The
feature In the American nmrkot was
weakness of Atvldson on advcrso ru
mors duo probably to the impending
IBSIIO of now uonds as provided
under thu reorganization hchmno. Most otlict
issues were distinctly weaker oxcoptl'ilo 8eC'
oniU , Pennsylvania and Ontario , the lasl
named twlng affected by a bull Interview will
Joseph I'rlco. Homo si-curltles are quiet , bul
there Is a firm forulgn market which li
Htrongor , especially for Houth Amorlcans , but
( loallngH were restricted until the result mil
known of the Argentina bondholders' mectlni
of Monday , iJIlvur Is unchanged.
NEW Oni-EANS , Junu 15. Clearings , 11,149 ,
325 ,
KANSAS CITY , June 15 , Clearings , 81 ,
NEW YonK , Juno 15. Clearings , $95,749 ,
748 ; balances , 85,776,134.
lUi.TiMOiin , Juno 15. Clearings , $2,300,070
balance * , 8339,089 , Monuy , G pur cunt.
I'lili.ADKl.l'lllA , Juno 15. Clearings , $11 ,
123,124 ; biiluncos , Jl.442,311 , Money , 4 Y po
MEUPHIS , Juno 15. Now York exchang
belling at 81.50. Clearing * , 821G,7C9 ; bul
uncos , J81.458.
CINCINNATI , Juna 15. Monov. 637 pe
cont. Clearings , (2,342,500 , Now York ux
change , -lUitiUj premium.
I'Aius , Juno ID. Tlio weekly fitatoment n
the Hunk ot Franco snows a doorcase In goli
of 2,2.r > 0,000f. and 4,425,000f. In bllvur.
HT , I , outs , Juno 15. Clearings , 83,609 ,
345 ; balances , 8321,010. Minify qulot , GQ
percent. Exchange on Now York , ? 1 dUcoun
HOSTON , Juno 16. Cloarlnzs , 114,154 ,
153 ; balances , 81,149,535. Money , 7 pu
cent , KxcliuiiKU on Nuw York , 25o to lOc uls
count ,
LONDON , Juno 16 , The bullion In the Han
of Knsliincl Increiised 1,911,000 during th
past w re. U , The proportion of thu Hunk c
Kngland's reserve to liability , which lust wee
wai 40.55 per cent U now 49.79 per cent.
Cattle Trailo Still Uiuottlcd IIof Dro
Another Dime with UHIO.
THUII8DAY , Juno 16 ,
Po far this week , compared with last , re
colnts show an Increase of over 4,000 cattl
und 7.000 hogs. There has been u slight fall
Ing off In Bhuep sunpllos.
The general cattle market was falrlv actlv
and n bhiide btrongor nil around. Uecclpt
wurunot largo und there was almost no out
bide demund , but ull local houses were aft <
buppllen ttud paid stroncor prices to got thou
Some of the moro doslrahlo fat light grade
bbowed a 6c to 100 advancu , but on moa
Krudaa prices weru hardly quotably hlKhor thn
Wednesday. Good heavy cattle were consulci :
ously absent , but good 1,1 60 to 1,250-lb. ateoi
wet with a ready sale at from H,40 to M.7
nnd fair to good.OOO to 1.100-lb steers Hold at
from 4 20 tctift.40.IV > or to fair light nnd
only warmed-nn itie'soid fxnywhcro from , to tt.16.1- _ i. . . . Was a fnlr amount of
IITo to the inartq < t > and by noon the offerings
had nearly all fchKngod hands. ,
Tlio cow market was In tlio main about
steady at the decline of the early part of the
week. Offerings were light nnilI changed
hands freely at from $1,76 to J2.G5 for can-
ncri and ta.oalo f3.00 for fair to good
hntehcrs' stock , onlves were nliout steady at
from f3 to J5.60 nnd rough stock was gener
ally unchnnged cMimioii tocholeo hulls , oxon
and sings selllniM from J2.30 to 14.
There was finrdly enough trading done In
the Htockcr and-fopdcr line to establish quota
tions , llegular-floajcrs bought a fowat about
Rtcady prlres , Imtrtjiero was almost no conn-
try demand. The nmrkot Is nominally steady ,
llenrcscntatlvomnlrs !
No. Av. Pn. No. Av. Pr.
1 feeder. . 990 $2 50 27 feeders. 984 $3 60
lions With another comparatively heavy
run , buyers wcr * ) enabled to tattoo ! ! another
lOo from hop values without oxcrcMirtlni ;
themselves. Thuruwuro only u few short of a
hundred cars received iiml , with bearish re
ports lit Chicago. only a moderate shippinc
and speculative demand , and both Swift and
the Uimilm Packing company not buying ,
buyers hud thln * i > iotty much thelrownvuy. .
The popular price for good hogs ot all weights
was { 6.20 , with t-everal louds of choice ll ht
and ImteheivreltfhtMioRs at S0.25 and $0.30
nnd nrlmo llsht'vjrts at $0.37J. ! Poor to fair
rough heavy and mlxod picking prudes sold
ntifli.10 and $0.15' mostly at the hitter price.
Helleis could sea nothing to gain by
holding out , as ithe market apparent ! v
prow weaker as tlio morntng advanced , and
in consequence thd movement was tolerably
IHely from start to llnlsh and by noon about
ovorytiilni ; wuffsoUttund neighed up. Trading
was mostly at , 50,1,0' ' anil $0.20 , against -$0.25
and S0.30 Wcdtfcsaiiy and $ G.3jS uud JG.40 a
week ago. eurdbeutatlvo sales :
. . . .
SIIECP Receipts were light , consisting of a
ingle deck of Colorado wethers. They woio
o ust , wee. u o i. .
5.25 ; fair to good westerns , ? 4.00ii5.00 ; com
mon anil stock sheep , JJ.DOii ! . ( ) ; good tu
choice 40 to 100-10. lambs , (5.UOQO.SO. Hop-
rcsontatlvo sales ;
No. Av. Pr.
07 western wethers . 83 f5 60
Receipt * nncl Dlipoilthiii of Stnulr.
Onichil racolptsand disposition of stock us
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
compuny for the twenty-four hours ending at
6 o'clock p. in. Juno 15 , 1803 ;
Lltu Stock Jltnrkot.
OIIIOAOO , June' 10 , I Special Telegram ti
TnKllKH.1-ln ntiossentliil jiaitlculnr was to
day's cattle niarJfut un liuiirnvunient on tlia
for llio preeuilliiK ( lays of tills Ttuk ) , lluyor
contlnunil to tttku hold very nilnclnijly am
tlioy Insisted upon Rottlnz the stult at stll
loner figures. During yostorduy anil today thi
market for native entile has ousod oil Iron
lUc to 20c. thn iirlnclpul docllno falling 01
hoary htocrs and cuunerh' stock. For the for
mcrthurH wushcarcoly uny Inquiry , the do.
uianU boluft almost wholly contlnud to cuttli
\\elelilnil lest than 1.40U Ibs , Averages o
from 1.U50 to l.UM ) His. are tlio U-i.t helhr
though not much fuult can be found with tin
WHY choice cows unu belters are soiling. Trad
Inisln native Htoors w ? mainly utfroinJl.'Ji
to and tbo nrovalllDK prlcus forcowa am
bull * were frOn ) 2 to 83. Tlmro was u Ilmltot
imiulry forBtockor * and focUera at from } 2.o (
to 14.40 and for veal calvci ut from 12.26 ti
f & .70 , Tvxas cattle were sulcablu at ubou
WedncsdriT'l prlcss. Thu recoluts werd bo
twoun S.bOQ and 8,000 ouud , nearly all of whlcl
Baa as was the state of the hog market yes
tarilay there was a still worse condition , < ? f
things today Surh grades as were taken oft
Tuesday at from 17,10 to 17.20 , nnd vostordny
at from 17 to 17 10 , went hogging for buyers
today at from f 0.50 to fG.CO , Indicating a lUtr
c line within the laH two days of from Ooc to
COc per 100 IbS. Of that los < f from i&c to 80c
was suffered today , tlib best sorts not being
caleahln at the close at over from 10.60 to
SO 65. Tliornuso of the prcsnnt demoraliza
tion li found In the rapid and altogether un
expected Increase within the last few days In
the arrival * . They have Increased nearly a
hundred fold , amounting since Saturday to
about 09,000 head as against 53,728 for the
same tlmo last week. The hulk of the hoits
that found huycrs today sold below J0.65.
Thrro were Isolated sales at from IG.CO to
50.05 , hut after 8 o'clock } 0.60 was a fair out-
ftldo quotation for heavy pradi's , From the
nhovo prices thorn was trading all along down
to from (0.25 to 10,35 for poor hits , and to from
Jlto JO for cults. I.lKht wolehts continue to
sell to the bent advantage. They have been
Kcarco of late , nnd nro In demand nt nn advance -
vance on the prices paid for heavy weights of
from lOctoloc.
There was n drooping market for sheep.
Cloud to best native and western were from 6c
to lOc lower than yesterday , and tlicro was a
di'cllno In common stuff of from lOe to 16c ,
unking a decllno ot from 15c to 30o within the
last two dnys. 1'oor ranged lots wore quoted
us low as from J2 90 to $3 , and very decent
grades Mild around $4. Tlio range of the nmr
kot for Tcvins was from J2.90 to J4.G5 , nnd for
itxir to I'holfo nathonnd wtstorn sheep from
* 3.2o to J5.25. Choloo yonrllngs sold nround
$5.60 , and spring lambs wcru quoted at from
Hcoolpts : rattle , 12.000 head ! calves , 700
hrad ! ho s , 29i > 00 head ! sheep , 11,000 head
ThoKvonlng Journal reports !
OATTI.U llecolpts , 12,000 head ! shipments.
4,000 hoadj market stvaily for good and
naslcr for common to lirlmn stivrs at $2.55 ®
0.65 ; others , J4.60JH.76 ; Toxiins 2.2.V7ji3.aoj
natlvu cows$3.Olif.3.75 ) ! ranners , I1.40U2.25 ;
Texas cannois , Jl.iioa2.76.
lloim Hecelpts , 8O.OOO head ! shipments ,
7,000 head ; market dull , und declined 'JSffiSOi : :
mixed nnd packers , $ fl.25Q0.60 ; heavy and
butchers' weights , J0.55O0.05 ; lights , $0.50
SitEisp llrcclpts , 12,000 head ; shipments ,
2,500 head ; matkct slow and lower ; common
to best native ) * , t4.00tt5.60 ; To.xans. $8.90 ®
4.00 ; westerns , $4.80114.00 ; spring lambs , $5.60
QO.GO ; others , i3.26Q5.76.
Kniuan City I.lvo Stock Mnrlint.
KANSAS OITY , Juno lC.-OATTir.-HecolptB ,
8,000 head ; shipments , 3.800 head ! best stock
was slow , but steady ; Tovtins weak ; Texas
Bteorn , $2.25 © 1.25 ; shipping steers , J4,355.GO ;
natlvu cons , 81.70Q4.26 ; butther stock , 13.00
(14.40 : stnckern nnd feeders , S'-.3034.40 ; bulls
nnd ml\ud , $2.303.GO.
Hooa Kecelpts , 10.GOO head ; slilpmonts ,
3,800 head ; mtttkot wuuk , 105l25c lower ; bulk
of S ! los. ft5.15afi.50 ; heavies. 80.00 0.25 ;
packers$0.10(10.25 ( : mixed$0.1030.16 ; Unlit ,
JG.3030.GO ; Yorkers , 80.4530.GO ; pigs , 50.40
( tG.45.
Siicui1 Kecelpts , 2,200 head ; shipments ,
000 head ; niarkotslow , 10i8l5c lower ; mut
tons ; 14.0Q35.00 ; liimbu , $4.76S5.50.
St. I.ouU I.lvn Stock JInrkot.
ST. Louts , Juno 15. OATir.c ll colpts , 3,700
liondishlptnonts , 2,200 head : market steady for
natives ; Te\ans weak ; good nntlvo steers ,
84.OOUl4.80 ; fair to good TU.MIIIS , * 3 OOfft 1.10.
llooa Hecelpts. 4,100 head ; shipments. 1,700
bend ; market 15525c lower ; henvy , S0.30 ®
0.55 ; mixed. JO.loaO.40 ; light. $0.4030.55.
HIIKBI > Hi'celpt-s HOO head ; bhlptnonts , 1.000
head : market steady ; good natives , J4.75 ; Texans -
ans , $3.50(24.30. (
Now York I.lvo Stork -Market.
New YOIIK , Juno 15. HBKVKS Hocclpts.
HOC ) head ; no trading ; steady ; dressed beef
dull at 740c ! ; bhlpincnts today , 1,000
beeves ; tomorrow , 100 bheou.
KIIUKP AND IJAMIIS Receipts , 3,000 head ;
very dull for sheep ; lambs dull and weak.
s r.iri : r.v x > yo r
Indians Still Hold tlio Doctor nnd Troops
llurrylnp ; to His Aid.
BRAiNnRD , Minn. . , Tnno 15. Company
D , Third infantry , United States regu
lars , with Lieutenant McCoy in com
mand , moved northward yesterday morn-
infr. The weather is extremely sultry ,
9C ° In the shade , nnd the inarch will
bo so slow that it will ho impossible for
the command to reach Leech Lake until
some time today. News by courier
from the reservation is to the cf-
fact that the Indians have thrown put a
double line of pickets in the direction of
Park Rupids , and are preparing to de
fend themselves from attack. Tlio whole
number of Indians in the recalcitrant
tribe is 400 , and the fear is expressed
that the sinplo company of regulars ,
without artillery , will hardly be able to
cope with the whole Indian camp. The
soldiers wore accompanied from this
point by Agent Ruffe of the White Earth
No news whatever has bcon received
of the fate of Dr. Walker. It was ru
mored that ho had been burned at the
stake , nnd Inter that ho was horribly
tortured , but was still nlivc. Mrs.
Walker and her daughter were in Min
neapolis on their way to Chicago when
the news of Dr. Walker's capture reached
them. ' They are now hastening1 back to
the reservation and are expected to
reach Park Rapids today. A courier
from the north last evening said the
troops had already gone to within seven
teen miles of the hostile camp , but would
camp for the night and push forward at
daybmvk ,
imOHGAMZlSa Till } CUK.MtC.lL.
Ono of Chicago' * lirokcn Itnnlis Will Soon
Ito Itunnln : : Again.
CHICAGO , Juno 15. The stockholders
of the Chemical National bank have de
cided to accept the conditions imposed
by the comptroller of the currency.
Those conditions were that the consent
of two-thirds of the stockholders to a 40
per cent assessment bo secured , and that
satisfactory arrangements with cred
itors bo made by July 15. Tlicro is
little doubt now that the bank
will be reopened on or before the latter
date , and on a much sounder footing
than before. At the meeting of the
stockholders last night fully throe-
fourths agreed to the assessment plun ,
and the work of reorganization will bo
pushed as speedily as possible. Pres
ident Curry said yesterday that the re
port that the comptroller had required
that an entirely now sot of olllcers bo
placed in control wai incorrect. There
was little doubt , however , that most ol
the present olllcors would bo retired ,
among the number being himself.
My docior 7 It ncta gentlf on Ibe loinach ,
llrer and kldnevs. and Is ft pleasant laxative. ' 1 nil
drink la made from Ijerbn. and la prepared for usg
u _ easily aj tea. It li _ called .
. . if you
raunot cet It. aepd your address for a frio nample.
l.anB'1 1'amlly Metllcllin inoT ( i llio boweU
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South OrnaTia.
Beit Cattle Ho andfiliae-p market In tba woi'
Wood Brothers.
Lire Btoolc Commission MorcUnntt.
eoitbOmaba Teleptione 1151 , CUloijj
MtrUctroportiby mall and wire cbcerfull ;
rn'shuu ' upon uppllaauon.
Emperor William's ' Pomnal Efforts Finally
Bear Their Fruit.
Over i Hundred Thousand 1'oopln Present
tu Obiorvo the liny and IVltnois the
Dedication of the Herman llutht-
Inc Other rcnturci.
CiiHuao , Juno IB. Today is a big day at
Jackson park. First and foremost It Is
German day , then It Is Indiana day , nnd
last , but not least , It is Arkansas day. The
melodious chimes of bells r.uijj out a glad
welcome to the Incoming hosts of music-
bvlng , patriotic Gorman-Americans. Never
did the whlto palaces look moro beautiful ,
nnd never did they entertain a moro
Joyous plcasuro-lovlntr crowd. Teutons from
far and near are present in thousands , Uy
10 o'clock it was estimated that 100.00D had
passed the catcs. The day js bright and
clear and a fresh breeze Is blowing from the
lake , tempering the sun's rays. Hands of
musicians are scattered In every direction ,
filling the air with tuneful melodies , and the
place is like a , very paradise.
The day's celebration started oy an
immense parade down town and then
the march to the fair grounds.
The parade formed at 8 a. m. on the Lake
Front park nnd it was made up of nine Im
mense divisions , composed of hundreds of
civic and military societies , Herman-Ameri
can veterans , Turners , sharpshooters , sing
ing societies , lloats nnd bands. It was 2
o'clock In the afternoon before the head of
the parade reached the grounds ,
IXcrcUcB lit the IInlldui .
The following program was carried out in
front of the German building in the exposi
tion grounds , commencing at 2:30 : p. in. ,
sharp :
Jubcl Overture C. M. A' . Weber
Ilulow Orchestra.
Deutschland Nuher Alles Joseph Haydn
IJerman-Ami'rlenn World's Pair Chorus and
United Singers of Chicago , U. Kutzen-
berger , director.
Greetings of the Hermans of Chicago to
the leproMMitatlvos of the Cerman
empire Harry Itubens
Introduced by I'icsldont V. H. Ifnllo.
Wncht urn Klipln Carl Wltholiu
Orchestra and Churns. II. V. Oppen , director.
Itesmmso by the ruproscntullxo of the
( lerman cmplio
German Ambassador Duron von llollonbcn
Oration Carl Schurz
Address by tlio Herman reprt-senttitho on
the World's Knlr
Imperial Cernian Commissioner Wnrtmith
DnsTuerao Dciitschuller ? Otto l.udwlg
Male Chorus , OiistavKnehoni , director.
Greeting by Carter II. Harris-Oil , mayor of
Match through the Manufactutcis building
to the Music hall under the leadcrbhlp of the
Ilulow orchestra.
The following numbers will bo given at 5
o'clock in Music hall :
I'rlescbutz overture C. M. V. Weber
Symphony orchestra
Theodore Thomas , dlit'ctor
l.ngllsh addressby ipproscnlatlvo of local
World1 * fair management.
Die KllroOottes , hymn lleethoven
Male und female chorus
S. Katzenuerser , director
English oration Mr. William Vocko
btar Spangled lianner
. .Slain chorus , Henry Schoonfeld , director
Fcst March Hlchard Wagner
Final colobratlon In the German village.
At 4 o'clock tiiinlngin the arena.
In the evening there willbD : i brilliant illu
imnation of all buildings nnd fireworks.
Indiana nnil Aritniun ) Dedicate.
Over at the Indiana building Iloosiers
were present oy the thousands. The dedi
catory exercises began early. The building
was beautifully decorated with palms , fpJLJ-
ago and cut flowers. ISx-Presldcnt Harrison
arrived just hol'oro the "exercises and
was greeted with generous applause.
After prayer Executive Commissioner Haven
delivered the keys to Kresidcnt Siudcbakcr.
of the Indiana board of managers , who in
turn presented them to Governor Claude
Matthews , who received them and con-
blgned the building to the use of the people
of Indiana.
At the Arkansas Planters homo Governor
Fisbback of that state , who arrived this
morning with his staff , received the building
from President Mitchell of the state com
mission and dedicated it to the use of the
pcoplo of Arkansas and tncir friends.
Taking Care of Excursionists ,
In the terminal station increased activity
was shown , for the World's fair excursion
season opened today. An cngino with a
party of pilots aboard moved over the net
work of tracks yesterday tracing all the
routes made possible by the tower men of
the interlocking system , for the purpose of
teaching the pilots the ins and outs of the
largest railroad terminal in the country.
This morning at 8)0 : ! ) o'clock an excursion
train over the Michigan Central from Michi
gan City pulled into the station and between
lOand 10 : KO three trains of nine cars each were
brought in by the Kiko Shore & Michigan
Southern road. The Baltimore & Ohio sent
in some trains full of Indianaians during the
morning. All that came were taken oarc of.
For weeks the terminal station men have
bcon patiently walling an opportunity to
demonstrate tlionot that they can lakofar
of seventeen trMiu of ( Iftoon cars ao.h houifl )
In a lottcr Snt out by SuporlntondonV ] f
Grcon to every railroad tuporlntcndont la'
the city ho Mkfdt 'Tor your Information W'
would itftto that we linvo storage capacllM
for MX ) cars , " This Is the mini' '
mum cnpncitv of the storage house , which
has twenty-live tracks. In addition tlicro Ik
trackage enough to store almost twice as
many cars , nnd this does ml Include the
thirty-five parallel track * used as termlnAls.1
The interlocking system used gives such
flexibility to the terminals that five minute *
notice Is all that Is ncocssnry for receiving
moro trains than can bo switched In ever
the HuHlmore &Ohln ntul Illinois Central
tracks , which lead to the vnril.
Totmrrow the llrst World's fair cxcurlons
from Plttsburg will lw brought Into the
grounds by the F\irt Wayne ro.\d. The Panhandle -
handle will nlso bring In a double seetl&t >
train from Dayton nnd tomorrow night the
llig 1'Viur will start trains from Cincinnati.
The Dayton nml Pltlsburg trains will leave
the terminal station Sunday night If the
fair Is open. If not they \rlli take on their
passengers nt the union depot. The bljy
roads will take turns In brlncliii ; excursions
from Ohio river points. Nc.\t week thai
Panhandle \rlll do lha business , bringing In JI
excursionists ovcry iltty. Krotu three to flvo tl
such trains nro expected ilnlly. The wool * [ il
following the Motion will do the carrying. ( J
An excursion train from Denver over thn 1
Hurllngton will roll Into the exhibition ;
Saturday morning.
Africa , Ituly nnd Dlnmnndt.
Energetic Africa Joined hands with sunny [ I
Italy In throwing open the doors of their roi (
spoctlvo exhibits In the Manufactures build'J
lug yrstcrdny nftcmoon. The open doors ot a
ono disclosed n rajah's paradise ; the other a .
viowofraro wood carvings , statuary aty ) < l
tapestries , Down Columbia n venue n numI I ]
ber of visitors wandereu. They stopped f
when they readied n handsome colonnade of
the American section near the big clock
tower. * Insldo the colonnade , arranged In Jl
wonderful groups nnd showing startling ofjl
fccts of color , the most valuublo exhibit In 11
the building Is displayed. Olio million f\ \
dollars Is the csllmntuu vnluo ot n eollectloti'f J
of diamonds which spnrltlo nud glow ou tho' il
velvet bods. The gem of this collection Is a'3 {
stone which has been placed nt the top of
the assortment. As it slowly rovolvcs on il
the golden rod supporting It till the light In fl
the pavilion scorns to bo concentrated In its ( I
many facets. The weight of this stone la ( f
125f , ctir.its , nnd its owners will paitwlth 41
it for $100,000. In front of the case , on a
bust tlguic , Is n strand of pearls , said to bp
the most wonderful over brought into thi ; ?
country , Tlio Inririst is about twice tlio
sire of a largo pea nud the smallest is a llttlo
over one-half us largo. A card attached to
this nccki'ico indicates the price ns J200,000. ,
Two other strnmls on the same figure , not
ijuito us largo or as well mulched as the ,
llrst , are marked 5100,000 and < 85.00D respect- <
Ivcly. At the right of this llguro is n woven
gold medtil of arabesque style. This conj j
tains twenty-one largo canary diamonds. ' 1
In the jewelry exhibit is shown some re
markable work in precious metals. The llrst
attraction in this part of the exhibit Is a re
production of n diamond collar worn by
Marie Antoinette. An attractive piece of
gem llower work Is a narcess brooch. Thp3
stem of tlio llower Is of green gold , thickljtj
studded with ilemantoils. The leaves qrp i |
fashioned in diamonds nnd a largo yclloW
sapphire represents the ( lower. Th B
phiro was drilled through the center n _ ,
cut to represent the sections ot the natural' '
llower. The wavy outer edges of the loaves
are set with rubies.
The following marriage licenses WC04
issued by the county judge yesterday :
Name and address. Ago
J Cimrgn U. Morris. Lyons , Neb . 28
I Hello M. Curtis , Omaha .
I Nols Nelson , South Omaha . 23
I Annie 0. Nelson , fcouth Omaha . 23
j Oscar J. binder. Council IllulTs , la . . . . 28
| Ilulaa U. Luckhow , Council mulls , la. . . . 21
Omuliii Vloiv Citizens' Chili. I
Next Saturday nicht the Omaha View Im
provcmcnt club will meet nl the ball , )
Twenty-seventh and Lake streets , for the ,
purpose > of completing the organisation and ,
also for the purpose of discussing the publlo.
necessities of that cud of the city. The club !
promises to have several eloquent speakers' '
in attendance. \
- - j
Ansrsinrs' Hooks All In. i
The last of tlio ward and precinct asscsv
sors have r/st timed their books to the county ]
clerk , who has a force of clerks at wo
making the footings and tabulations.
When this work is completed , the com- .
mUsioncrs will get down to business in thqj
matter of sitting as a board of cquallzattyrv
The river approaches to Lake Nicaragua j
abound with the only species of frosh-w.UorJ
shark known to scientists. ! j
For o\erv ono who has blood trouble , no matter.
In what shape or how long standing , prn\filed
IIDIIOof the Utal organs ha\o lieun so far Im
paired as to render n euro itnposullilo. S. B. B.
goes to the root of the disease , and rerao\cs tlia
cause , by expelling the poison from tlio body , and
nt the same time M a tonlototho whole sjstcin ,
llowovcr bad your case may bo , there is liuno ,
t Cured ire of n most malignant typo
of chronic blood trouble , for whtolv
I hud used various -
without effect. My weight increased , and ni ,
health Iniptovcd In o\cry wav. 1 consider8.8.8
the best tonic 1 ever used.
"S. A. Wninirr , Midway , Oa."i
Treatise on bloodbkln and rontnclous blood ,
poison mailed frco. SWIFT SWcfrlO CO "
Atlanta ,
Omaha Tent- Awning Well Bros & Co. ,
Manurnctnrcrs of Tenti.
Tionsn Awomgi , eta , 70 > and
1113 Furnoni btreot , 704 i. IKlhStreat ,
Bcrais Omaha Bag
Importer * unit msnutno-
tursri ot flour
burlap , i tnlna.
Morse-Cos Shoi Company.
blllce-llOMlOJ.llll llownrd St
! -
Balciroom OBI
nctory-lirj-ll2UllJ3 Howard SU
We nro tbo ONI.V Mnnufatur n of lloou and
BhAVnneJahr a Aw'SrSlU-aa.- alt to lnpo.l
Rirkcndall , Jones & Amer , Hand-Sewed
COMPANY. Wlioloiale
mfr , auenU liuilon BUOKCO.booti.
Krbbar bhoa Co. IIUJ- and rubber ( iood , 1AI3'
1101-111X1 Hartley btroet. 18IU llarnojr ritroit
Umaba Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr galranliodlroncor *
I.I 11 1 ! CO. , bard nk * , window cav , m -
coal , H. It. cor. lotuuiid tallolakrllflili , ctc-.U'ja
IiouglaiElrcot. and 1110 Dodge Street.
M. E. Smith&Co. Kilpatrlck-KocIiDry
0001)8 CO.
Drr goodi , ootloni , fur- Nollont , neon1 furnlih ;
rJiUluK goodi , corner ( MIC yooUi , cor. lltli and
) Hu and Howard tt . ilnrnej blroeti.
OmaliallpliolsteiiDg Bebea & lluoyan
Upholstered furniture , FUBNlTUne COMPANY
lluJ-llO * KIcliuUi e-
\YUoltU ] ? < " IJTi-
Rector & Wilhclmy Loueck'&LiDD , 1
palon In bnrdiraro anl
Corner lOtli ana Jackion uiuclinl ' tnoli ,
Streets. HuiDouiilu ijlroat. i , '
W. A. L. Gibbon & Co Omalia Safe and Iron
\Vliolonnlo WOflKL ,
Hati , c | u , mr tf Koodi , Faf , v uH . Jail woo '
Kluovoi , mlttoiii. 1'tli Iron thutlcri nail flra o
aud Uornof btreiti. cipei. ( iui Andrteu , 111
and Jaoknoa
John A. Wakefleld ,
Impoitid.Arwrloan Tori-
land commit. tlllivMu-
keo cement and Qulncjr .
iitillo lluia. I
Filck & Herbirt ,
Wuoloialo liquor doalen
1001 Karnara HI.
Carpenter I'aper ' Co Standard Oil Co.
Carry a full nock of
printing ! wrapping and lie flood and lubricating
writing pu ! ' r * , ctrtl
imp r , etc. elli , ailt uroaio , etc.
Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co.
Produce , frulti of all nutter , cbtoie , tlt * >
poultry uJ ftma.
klDdiorit ri , ill H. Utb blunt.
Omaha Stove Repair M , A. Disbrow &Co
WOltKd. Htor * rei lr > Manufacturer ! of faiti ,
Dd tur ttiObui at duori , blind ! aa <
for aur Una of itar * cnouldlagi , llranclt ul *
0 ( . 12tb anil UkiA