Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMA1I/V DAILY I3EE : FRIDAY , JUNE 10 , 1803.
I Vy Carrier to any pirt of * h < el'3
irrTT-niinNra I Htnlnr OTlcr ( ! . . . . , . , . . Jv12
TELEPHONES \ NlRt ) Kdllor No-g3
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston Btoro for sun umbrellas'
MlUonbcrgt-r Is llio hatter , WO Broadway
The Mayno Heal ICfttateCo..G2l BroaeUvay.
I'lio mchibcrs of tlio High school class of
' 03 liata group picture tal < cn jcstcrdny
morning ,
A marriage llccnso was Issued yesterday
toll , H , Harris ami Bella M. Mikt-iell.both
of this city. Their ages are 'Ji ! and 23.
At the last meeting of encampment No. 8 ,
Union Votcran legion , appropriate vcvAn-
tlons woio passed upon the death ot rr.
An attempt xvns mudc to burglai'ro Woll-
ninn's jewelry store Wednesday night. 1 ho
thieves got the collar iloor hi the rear open
nnd one of the windows partially raljcil. but
wcro frightened away before they had time to
Btcnl anything.
.lustlco Fields rendered his dcclMoti yes
terday , In the enso of which \Vllllam Hall
was ciiarged with threatening to Kill , by
binding him over in the sum of $500 to hpeii
the poaco. At last accounts Hull was still
hustling for n bondsman ,
Thrco now memorial windows have re
cently been completed for the new Grace
Episcopal church. Ouo of tlii-in Is for the
Christian homo In honor ot Wllllo McCourt ,
the little crlpnlo who died recently , the BCC-
otul for Mrs. John Iloagland , nnd the third In
memory of Ida M. Beno.
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
will hold a literary and musical entertain
ment this evening at the Young Men's
Christian association rooms. After the ren
dition of n short program refreshments or
Ice cream , strawberries nnd calto will bo
served. Admission lOc. Refreshments li > e.
Public Invited.
Hennlson Bros , have arranged a somewhat
sensational sale for today at their storo-m
the Sapp block. They purpose thiit u clip
ping from Tan Bin shall bo used In part
payment for goods. The Item to bo clipped
is an advertisement on this page this morn
ing announcing a special hosiery sale. raKcn
to the store today It will bo worth from ' .Oc
to DOc In payment for ladles' hosiery and
The splendid program at the benefit con
cert nt the First 1'resbytcrlan church last
night , rendered by Air. M. A. Kingsbury ami
the young ladles nnd gentlemen who as
sisted her. was a surprise nnd a delight to
the largo audience that gathered there. Mrs.
Kingsbury makes n success of whatever she
undertakes , and last evening slie was well
prcparcel bv havlnc the assistance of some
of the best local talent in Council Uluffs and
Omaha , includliiir such artists as Mr.
Charles and Miss Daisy Hlggins.
To every Inely visitor nt Dnvis' drug
Btoro wlll'bo given a glass of sotlu free
on Tliurbdny , 21.
All summer milincry goods ntMlss
Ragselalo's must bo closed out before
July 5. Circat bargains in all lines in
next twenty clays.
Another improvement lo the popular
Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co
Every lady purchasing $2.00 wortli al
Davis' will he presented a 75c bottle ol
Tolu water for the complexion.
John Bennett nnd family leave today foi
the World's ' fair.
Miss Colby , teacher of music in the clt >
schools , left last evening for a trip to Chi
cago.Mrs. . H. H. Glover and Mrs. W. M. Gcddo-
of Grand Island are in the cltv visiting theli
parents , Mr. and MrSi H. II. Field.
Dr. J. I. Allen , who loft hero about a yeai
ago for n trip to Alabama and other''sonth
crn states , returned yesterday moruiug''nni ]
will make his homo hero. '
Judge W. I. Smith and wife have returnee"
frdtn Hnrlan , where ho has been holding it
term of district court. The Judge loft yes
terday for Avoca , where ho will open a now
term.Mrs. . J. J. Stewart , Mrs. J. K. Cooper , Mis ;
Maggie Britton , Miss Mary McMlllen am
the Misses Hlchoy of Portland , Ore. , win
have been the guests of Mrs. Stowart. have
departed for Chicago to see the fair.
Moses Bloom , whoso death was rncntionce
In Tin : linn telegraphic columns yestcrda ;
morning , was formerly a resident of CouncI
Bluffs. Ho owned "Bloom & Nixon's" hal
on Pearl street , which was at ono time tin
place where many of the swell events of th <
llttlo struggling frontier village used to tak <
place , but which is now an unused roon
over F. H. Evans' store. As one of th
early settlers ho was noted forliis entci
Ten Duyy nt tlio World's Fair.
Itwlll cost you less than 830.00 , every
thing necessary included. This mean
homes in private cottngo , clean , safe
close to grounds and on tlio beach c
' Lnko Michigan. "Writo to .T. T. Chync
woth , "Windsor Park , 111. Refers to I ]
W. Tilton of THE BKE , or .Tacoh Sim
of Sims & Bainbrldgo , Council Bluffs.
Olllcor Dninon.
The marriugo of Mr. William P. Office
I * ami Miss Mary Damon took place ycstorda
afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the residence of ti !
groom's parents , Mr. ami Mrs. Tlioinn
Officer , on Willow avenue. Only the in
mediate relatives of the brulo ami grooi
were present. The ceremony was performe
i by Kov. Stephen I'helps , i ) . D , , of the Firs
[ ' Presbyterian church. At the conclusion n
frcshinentswore served , and on the nfto
noon train Mr. und Mrs. Officer loft for Ch
CORO , where they will spend three wccli
taking In the wonders of the World's fai
They will make their homo in Counc
BlulTs , which has l > ccn the homo of bet
from childhood. Congratulations nro o :
tended by a host of friends.
Cold Ktorufo mill COIIIIII | | ( MI.
"Wheeler. Horold & Co. , cold storng
nnd commission. Only perfect storug
plant in western Iowa ; fruits mid pr <
( luce a specialty. 134 East Broadway
Council BlulTs.
Alumni Hrrojitlon.
A reception will bo given at the Mason
temple this evening under the auspices <
tlio Council Bluffs High School Alumni ass
elation. Elaborate arrangements have bee
made for the event , nnd ii will doubtless I
uhurnctorizeil by the same air of hospltalil
na on former occasions of the same fort ,
musical program will bo rendered , nt tl
closn of which refreshments will be servc >
Toasts by n number of the alumni will fc
low this feature of the entertainment. Tl
graduates of the Hlgli school are oxpccte
to bo present without any formal invltatio
Muimuii Theatricals.
Mnnawa Theatrical company , con
motiving Sunday afternoon , will givetv
liorformunccH dully. Program fe
afternoon and evening , "Tlio Mom
tain Waif. " Curtain ribcs at 3:30 : ur
8:30 : , now puvlllion opera house ut Ink
Groonshiolds , Nicholson & Co. lun
moved their real cbtato olllco to lil
liroudwuy , opposite pobtolllco. Tel , 15
llruku u 1.1mb.
Mrs. M. L. Pullon , who lives in Mudlse
park addition , had a bad fall Wcdnesdi
night. She was walking about the hou
when she fell down n cellar way , the tn
door having been carelessly left open. SI
sustained u coini > ouiid fracture of ouo of hi
limbs near the nuklo. It is feared tin
nrnputatiou will bo necessary , as she is si
fering terrible pain from the injured niui
A beautiful line of Indies' and genl
pockotbookt ) , purses and card cases ju
received ut Duvia. '
Stop at the Ogduii , Council BlulTg , t
tcfct (2.00 house iu Iowa.
Sheriff Dennis of Hitchcock County , Ne
braska , Found Dead in Bed.
He Went to III * Itnoin t the Grand Ho
tel nml Maria n MlMnUo In 1'utllnc
Out the MRlit Tlio Cor
oner' * Inquest.
Sheriff B. A. Dennis of Culbertson , Hitch-
ock county , Neb. , found lying dead in
Is bed at the Grind hotel , jestcrday
morning nt n o'clock.i
Ho came In Wednesday night to attend
he meeting of the Interstate Sheriffs asso
ciation. Ho accompanied tlio rest of the
Iclegates to the convention to Lake Manawa
n the evening , remaining only a short time ,
lo was back at the hotel a few minutes bo-
ore 10 o'clock and asked to bo shown to his
room , saying that he was tircu and wanted
o rest. Ho was taken to room 112,1.
About o'clock \ In the morning Day Clerk
5. J. Cook , who rooms directly over room
S3 , awoke and notlccd the smell of gas. Ho
naefo a round-up of the hotel , trying to locate
ho room from which the odor emanated. At
ast ho ple'Ucel out room 323 ! and pounded on
the door to awaken the occupant. Upon
'ailing to get a response ho went Into an ad-
olnlug room nnd illmbod across by the cor-
ilce to the window of the other room. When
10 got tnsldo ho found DeiinU lying on the
> cd. Ho had apparently boon dead for omo
.lino. .
Looked I.IItn n Suicide. '
In splto of the hot weather , which
caused most people In the city to
, ako possession of every brcczo that
stirred , Dennis had carefully closed
every window In his room uuon retiring. If
the window shad been open his life would
probably have been saved , but ns It was It
must h'uo taken the gas but a short time ? to
: lo the work.
Tlio fact that the windows wore closed led
some to bellovo that death had been premed
itated , especially when It was stated by
some of the sheriffs who had been with him
during the afternoon and evening that ho
had but llttlo to say to any one. This theory
was abandoned later on , and the bolicf now
Is that he noticed that the roof of the annex
to tlio hotel was on a level with the window
of his room , nml he decided that It would bo
unsafe for him to retire with ttic wlntlows
open for fear that some ono would rob him.
There wcro a great many of his actions
that showed that ho was not much accus
tomed to the ways of town life , and his lack
of oxpcricnro might easily have led him to
bo less careful in turning off the gas than ho
might have been. The theory now is that
ho turned ono thumbscrew and found it did
not extinguish the light , anel then turned
the other without having turned back the
first one. The two thumbscrews are within
a few inches of ono another , und it might
easily have been done in this way.
Dennis was known to very few of the
sheriffs who wcro present , but ho Is said to
bo a total abstainer , nnd it was noticed that
he refused to take any llejuor while out with
his comrades Wednesday night.
Wns Purely . \cclilcufil.
A coroner's Jury was cmpanclcu nnd nn in
quest was held in the afternoon. Judpo
Dcemer was the first witness called. He
stated tliat ho thought It would bo necessary
for n man to climb up into a chair iu order
to blow out the gas , and ho noticcel when he
went Into the room just after the alarm was
first given that there was a chair standing
under the gas fixture. Whether the chair
was put thuro before the discovery or after ,
ho did not know. E. F. Clarlc. G. H. Stein-
man. C. W. Colter , S. J. D.tvis and John
Stctnkopel of the hotel , nnd G. A. Odell , 15.
K. Davis anel W. II. Noyes of tho' visiting
sheriffs were called to testify as to the cir
cumstances surrounding the death , but the
information elicited from them did not tnro\v
much light on the affair.
After the oviucneo was all in the Jury retired >
tired and soon brought In a verdict of acci
dental death.
Miim\vr ! .
Picnic trains , until further notice ,
will leave for that prrcat fishing resort. .
Ray's Lamling nnd Mnnawa park , Min
eral Springs , German shooting grounds. .
Manhattan beach nnd Mannwa oporr
house ( where two performances will be
given during the reason daily nt 4 ant
8:30 : o'clock p. in. ) as follows : Nine ane
11 a. 111. and 1 and 2 p. in. , and ovorj
thirty minutes thereafter until 12:30 : ai
night. Last train will leave Manaws
for Council BlulTs at 11:55 : p. in.
"Great clearing sale of millinory-
going out of business everything lesi
than cost. The Louis , 25 S. Main St.
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street ,
largest nud best bicycle stock in city.
SllKItirrs IMU'AHT.
Sioux City Will Knlurtiiln the Convention
In June , 181) t.
The Interstate ShcHlfs1 convention clew
yesterday nut ! most or the delegates left fo
their homes on the afternoon and ovcnini
trains. The sad death of Sheriff Dennis a
the Grand hotel throw a damper over thei
oc Joy mcnt , anel but n small part of the pit
gram which had been proparcel for the da ,
was carried out. The idea of taking a driv
about the city was abandoned as soon as th
fact became known. At the business se ;
slou a fund w s raised to assist In the burin
of the dead man , and suitable resolution
wcro passed.
The following officers wcro elected for th
coming year : President , Gcorgo A. Bonnet
of Omaha , Nob. ; first vice president , Joh
T. Ilnzcn of Council Bluffs ; vice presidcn
for lo\va , W. M. Hitbeo ; of Independence
vice president for Nebraska , W. H. Hum ! '
ton of Ivcxiii rton ; vice president for Wiscoi :
sin , A. II. Koysor of Aludison ; secretary nn
treasurer , W. II. Noyes of Primghar , Ir
The next convention will bo hold la June
1KH , nt Sioux City.
Cutting Straw .Wiittlni ; * .
Y.ou can got .Tup and Chinese ma !
tings cheap now. From now on iintl
the stock is all sold the Council BlulT
Carpet company will boll all their uiatt
ings tit greatly reduced prices.
Music for balls , parties , picnics , EC
cials. etc. , by Mnolciuns Union. J , Ji
Follctt , Mgr.100 li'wqy , Council Blullt
Protect your homes uguinst destrnc
tivo Btorms. W. C. Jumoa has th
btrongest companies in the world ,
Kuxtcr Hound Over.
James Baxter , who was arrested In Mr
o' coin about a week ago , was brought bcfot
J Commissioner Steadman yesterday for
' hearing on the charge of burglarizing tli
postofilco nt Aubudon , and wns bound ovc
to the grand jury , His bond was fixed t
J1.500 , and , being unable to furnish it , li
was sent to the county jail for keeping , III
three companions , who are charged \vit
complicity In the crime , wcro grunted n coi
tinunnco until next Monday morning at
o'clock. There is a suspicion afloat to tli
effect that beforu iho grand jury will have
c-bunco to investigate the case Baxter wi
have sui'ccctlcd in getting n bondsman an
then skip the country. In order to provei
against any such contingency an inform !
tiou has been filed against him in Justlc
Vicn'a court , charging him with burglar !
ing Iho rcbldenco of Mrs , Emma Metcul
east of the city , on the night of August
1MK ) , and In the event of his securing n r
lease he will bo Immediately roarrcstcd un
huld for trial in the state court , in whlc
case his bond will bo pushed away up to tli
top notch. Baxter is hnov > n to DO a shrou
and desperate criminal , and It U hard !
likely that ho will- find it | > est > lble to rail
' the necessary funds for a bull bond In a fo
8 days.
it .
Pure Ice
From Missouri rlvor channel.
Mulhollandit Co. , Brown building.
Telephone 102.
- Snip.
To test Tin ; OMAHA BKE nneltolot
th $ JiuUcs of Council Uluffs know , the
clnss of fnsl blnck hosiery wo carry wo
will sell for tills day only our finest
quality of Indies' COc and We fnst blnck
hose nt 29c pair. Positively none sold
without prcpontntlon of this nelvcrtlsc-
mcnt. To mnko this Palo still more In
teresting wo will sell this day only
ladles' jersey ribbed vests , nlco quality ,
worth 20c , at 1m each.
Bring this with you.
you.BHNNISOX Bnos.
llrnrllt Concert.
A concert was given In the parlors of the
First Presbyterian church last evening
under the direction of Mrs. M. A. Klnsbury.
It was well attended , the audience being at
tracted by the excellence of the program ah-
nounced yesterday , and also by the object
for which is was piven , the proceeds all
going to aid the Second Presbyterian church
In Us building project. Mrs. Kinpsbiiry sanu
several difficult and brilliant solos , nud Mr.
Charles A , Hlgglns. the well known young
violinist of Omaha , played two solos. Miss
Daisy Hlgglns also rendered several piano
solos in n brilliant manner. Miss Mabel
Uockhold spng n contralto solo , and piano
music was furnished by the Misses Viindo-
Bogart and Covalt. The accompanists were
Miss Hlgglns nna W. U Thickatuti. Miss
ICdyth Thomas cave two pleasing recita
tions. The program was nn excellent ono
from first to last and the entertainment
netted n neat sum.
The Urittul Hotel ,
Council Bluffs. The moat elegant In
Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor.
Rate , 33.00 and $5.00 n day. E. F. Clark ,
It.tnillvll'rt Ice Cream.
Try Motzgor & Rnndlott's pure and
delicious ice creams and Ices and you
will order no other.
Cook yov mculs this summer on a gas
rnngo. At cost ut the Gas company.
Author * of the MiiKC.itlnn Ontrnco llnvo
lUuilcd tlio Detectives.
MUSCATIXI : , Juno 15. Several weeksi have
now elapsed since the recent elynainlto explosions
plosions ruflled the usual tranquil city of
Muscatlno , and. although the citizens com
mittee appointed for that purpose has suc
ceeded is raising and maintaining a fund
sufficient to keep a number of Chicago
detectives employed nt $3 n , day each ,
no result from their work has yet
been made public. People arc growing im
patient. ns they have boon led through well
founded rumors nt timds lo suppose that
arrests would soon bo made in which start
ling revelations would appear , 'iho Injunc
tion suits which are popularly supposed to
have brought about the dynamite deal , have
olToctually" closed all the old saloons , but new
ones seem to be rapidly taking their places ,
and liquor fiows in seemingly plentiful quan
tities from many mysterious sources. The
ccslaenco of Mr. Kesslnger , who is
wealthy , has been rebuilt , but these
of Mr. Mahln and Attorney Hoson-
berpcr ; still stand in the condi
lion left the night of the explosions. A nuin
her of "law and order" meetings have been
held , and many suggestions to raise funds
for rebuilding the ruined houses have been
made , but the very needful adjunct , money ,
has not been subscribed in any quantity that
would bo noticed. The belief that the con
spirators will never bo caught seems to bo
daily gaining ground , and rumor has it that
some of the detectives have given up the
chase. Houovcr , this is only rumor , and
the city is doing everything within its
power to bring the guilty to Justice.
Work of Gomt TumplnrH.
DCS Moiscs , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bnn. ] The International supreme
ledge of Good Templars was occupied nearly
all day with routine reports of committees.
The salaries of officers \vero fixed. The
grand chief templar Is to get 81,000 per an
num and fees not to exceed SJ,000 in addi
tion. These officers wcro elected this after
noon : Hight worthy grand chief templar ,
Dr. D. H. Mann of New York ; right worthy
grand counselor , Joseph Mnlinsof England ;
right worthy grand superintendent juvenile
templars , Mrs. America A. Brookbank of
California ; right worthy grand vice tem
plar. Mrs. S. E. Bully of Virginia ; right
worthy grand secretary. B. F. Parker of
Wisconsin ; right worthy grand treasurer ,
George 13. ICaUenstein of California.
Tonight the supreme ledge was tendered a
reception by the Ministerial association.
The program was ns follows ;
Our Order OronyhaW. Teldia , M.D. , Canada.
Uood Tumplars as an Auxiliary to the
Oliurch Kuv. Jninci Yuninf , .Massachusetts.
Prohibition ; Uoneral , Not Local Albert
Hedge , Michigan.
Individual I'ower in Our Work L. J. Beau-
chump. Ohio.
Remarks Itev. J. ISooy , Ies Molncs.
The Hrotlicrs llesslc Kuufor. Connecticut.
The Mstem t'olonulJ. J. Illckmun , Missouri ,
The I'utnro Church , a Temperance One
Kov. G.V. . Davis , Ireland.
New York Good Templars , the Lurfiest
American Jurisdiction . Martin Jones
Now York.
Our Work Among tlio Children Cora V
Taylor , Ohio.
Our Work In Now South Walcs-N.T. Collins
Now South Wales.
Furowell Words Kov , II. O. Brecdo , pastoi
Church of Chi 1st.
Missouri Vullry .Mini 31lBSliij. (
Missouni VALLEY , la. , Juno 15. [ Spcda
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Considerable spccu
iation and excitement has been caused ii
this city by the disappearance of II. II
Claibourno , foreman of tlio News office. lie
loft hero Saturday for Omaha , where he ha1
been traced , his mission there being to rais <
funds to purchase u house and lot for whlcl
ho had bargained. What makes the mattei
moro complicated is the fact that ho was tc
have been married to a Miss Tamislci
today. Ho left a number of unsettlcc
accounts , and , it is said , attempted to secun
money at ono of the banks on a sight draf
on an Omaha bank , but failed. It is fearce
by some that an accident bus happened tc
him. Ho was a man of good habits and sup
posed to bo reliable.
JMiirrleil ut Corning.
CORNING , la. , Juno 15. [ Special to Tin
BEE. ] This evening occurred the marrlugi
of Hobert Drennan and Francis Voorhecs
Monday was Miss Voorhecs' ' eightccntl
birthday and a clandestine marriage hat
been arranged. Miss Yoorhccs' mothc :
hearing of It declared thai part of the pro
gram off and seeing that they were deter
mined , consented to otbelr marriage. The ;
will depart In a few days for Hcnnsoy , Old ,
where Mr. Urcunun will engage in the bank
ing business. _
A > * illlo < l tlio
CIIESTON , la. , Juno 15 , [ Special Toleprair
to TUB BKB , ] II. C. Fordyco , n prominent
and wealthy citizen , was arrested this evening
ing on a charge of assault on the person ol
Justice Jerry Hurley. The dinlculty oe
currod in Justice Hurley's court room over
collection. Fordyco claims Hurley attackee
him with a cano and ho acted In sulf do
loun riijslelniiH In Mission.
OTTUMWA , la , , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE BBE ] The Des Moines Vallo ;
Medical association , the largest in the state
mot hero today with UOO present. Dr. H. C
Esuliluu'h of Albla was elected president am
Dr. A. O Williams secretary. A scries o
topics were discussed and the meeting closei
with the annual banquet.
Coe Collt'co Commmiccmcnt.
CEDAII HAI-IPS , la. , Juno 15 , ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BKE. ] The graduating oxer
rises of Coo college wcro held in the Firs
Presbyterian church this afternoon. Ther
\\oro thirteen graduates , the largest class litho
the history of the college , The valedlutor
address was given by Miss Frances Touilln
bloux Ulty
SIODX CITV , June 15. [ Special Tolcgrai
to TUB BEB. ] Webb Bros. , coal dealers
today assigned to secure an indebtedness o
fJO.UOO , naming H. T. Norris ns assignee. N
ichcdulo was tiled.
I.eintim' Nvw Church. '
LEMAUS , la. , Juno 16. [ Special Telegrat
to TUB BBS. ] The corner stone of the nui
$15,000 Methodist church was laid toda
with appropriate ceremonies , a. W Pratt ,
presiding elder oltlils district , wns In charge
of the program. * IHa expected to have the
church completed by fall.
Killed Ji'fMr Inspector.
Mtssouni VAttETJjjJunc 15. [ Specia Tele.-
gram to Tar. BcEJ-fFred Hanson , a car Inspector
specter , was run ever In the ElUHoni yards
hero today nnd fcW/bty / mangled. Ho lived
but a few hoursllnd .tatcd before death that
the accident was ( he result of his own fault
In not patting out a danger signal ,
\rllMlliMl n Swetlo.
Sioux CITV , Juno'-15. [ Special Telegram
to Tan Bee.1 VVIUJam Ncad , Charles Car
penter r.nd Bob Pur/cll wcro arrested today
for confldcnelnji Aflelrow llanscn , an Inno
cent Swede , out of $241 nt cards. They wcro
held to the grand Jury.
t.ntF < t Srlinnp to Ont Out of Its IMIUcnllles
l > l < uMtU'nrl1on of.Shareholder * .
Nnw YOIIK , June 15. The World will say
In the morning ! ] \Vhat \ Is vouchcel for by
those who should know as to the report of
the Corelago trust rcorcanlzallon committee
wns given out In substance yesterday after
noon. The plan , as printed , lllls two pam
phlet pages. It says that the National Cordage -
ago plant Is worth $15,000,000 , exclusive of
letters patent , good will and contracts
outstanding. It contemplates the float-
Ine of $0,000,000 in bonds nnd S,000-
000 In preferred stock. . Ono million of
the bonds will bo retained In the treasury as
working capital , with the amount raised by
the proioscd | assessment of 10 per cent on
the common und " 0 per cent on the preferreel
slock as It now exists. The floating debt of
$4,000,000 will bo retired by the sale of
$5,000,000 in bonds at 80 or 85. This plan has
received the sanction of all the banks Inter
ested. Two or three prominent bankers will
bo in the new directory if this plan goes
Thcro Is opposition to the plan of reorgan
ization. Notice has already been given by
law firm representing holders of common
lock that their clients will not pay any as-
cssmcnts , and that an attempt will bo made
o get a majority of the holders of the pro-
erred to take the same stand , The , reor-
anizatlon committee , it Is said , has pro-
ided n way of elodglng this obstacle , by
tating In its plan that the old company may
o reorganized or a now comp'iny formed. It
s proposed , in the event of serious objection
o an assessment , that the creditors shall
ell out the present company and organize a
ew ono with the stockholders who nro wili
ng to submit to an assessment.
Judge Lacomb , In the United States cir-
lilt court , has Issued an order limiting the
Imo in which creditors may file claims
gainst the Cordage trust to August 13.
1st of These Who Jteglstcruil at the State
COICAOO , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to
'HE Bnr. . ] Secretary Nobloy of the Nc-
iraska World's ' Fair board got word from
Norfolk Beet company today that
n n few du5's it would sot up nn exhibition
the State building demonstrating iho
complete process of sutjar making.
Omaha ceoplo hero today included : E. W.
Low. B. 1C. Stone and wife , B. P. Hastings ,
M. E. Barber , Gcorgo C. Banner , Mrs. J. S.
Brady , G. Michcls and Miss L. H. Potter.
Those from Lincoln wore : Postmaster C.
II. Gecr , Judtro I'ound , Mrs. Pound anil Miss
Mvti Pound , G. M.'Lnmbcrtson. A. 11. More-
1mm , G. W. Barnes , "M. H. Garter , James
Tyler , F. M. Glenn1.
Other arrivals'includod : William Anyon
) f Grand Island , Charles L. Mcissncr ol
Yorktown , U. N.iFox of Kearney and H. C.
Myers of Wayno.- > .
Total Attendance at the Fair.
A table of paid admissions to the fail
Elncothe opening Xny 1 , including today ,
shows the total attendance to have been
2,700,123 , as follows :
"Irst week , May 1 to'C . 254,571
Soceiml week. Mily 7 to 15 . 215,58 (
Third weuk , 'JO . 07.1D (
Kourth week , May Ml to 27 . 370,721
rifthucck , May28td3uno3 . 577,30' ;
Total for Muy.v " . I/T Msi
PKtli week , Juno , 4 to 10 . 091,09 !
Juno 11 . : ? . : . ; . 71,04.
Juno 12 . : . : ju : ; . : . 75,87 !
Juno 13 . n-4,41 !
Juno 14 . 83,451
Juno 15 . . . 103,57 , !
* The fair was closed Sunday.
Arrested on Suspicion.
George Herman and Charles Kellnor wen
arrested by the police last night as sus
picious characters. Herman is said to b <
the man who broke into Gray's photograpl
allery on Sixteenth street Wedncsdaj
night and stole about $ > 70 in cash. Ho was
formerly employee ! at the pallery and had a
key to the building. Kcllncr is said to hi
a well known safe blower and burglar am
has recently finished a term at the For
Madison penitentiary.
Killed In n Itnllnay Wreck.
Juno 15. The eastbnum
passenger train , flue at 5:20 : a. m. , wa
ditched three miles east of Holbrook. Thi
engine , mail and express cars and the fron
trucks of the day coach are off the track
the wreck being caused by a broken rail.
Engineer Oscar Frost and Fireman Snyde
were caueht In the wreck and botli ar
badly , If not fatally injured. Three tramp
wore stealing rides on the "blind baggage
and ono of them was killed outright.
flraln Clonrlnf ; liuuso KHtnblMlinl.
Dui.uiir , Juno 15. The Board of Trade
hero has appointed a committee to establls
a grain clearing house for the business o
the board , These clearing houses nro nc
only applicable to money and stocks , but t
grain as well , and nro already In business a
the Chicago Hoard of Trade and the No
York Produce exchange.
Cutlicrlno'H I.ittlo Ilntchet.
Catherine Dee , a colored woman , is lockc
up at the police station for an alleged n
tempt to brain Edward Strong with
hatchet. Strong is also detained , and sport
n deep gash on the sldo of his head , whlc
ho claims was inflicted by the colore
woman. The latter is charged with nssaul
with intent to kill.
Vnlr , Warmer , with I'rolialilo Showers til
Prediction for Nclimuku Today.
WASHINGTON , Juno IB , Forecasts for Fr
day : For Nebraska and the Dakotas Gor
orally fair , probably preceded in the morn
ing by showers ; warmer in eastern Nebrask
and eastern Dakotas ; cooler in wester :
No"rth Dakota ; variable winds ,
For Iowa Fair , probably preceded b
showers in southern Missouri : warmer , o >
ccpt cooler in southeastern Missouri j var
able winds. ,
Local Heroril.
Juno 15. Omaliiy record of temperature an
rainfall , com pared with corresponding day
of past four years. ; , ,
1 .J803. 1B02. 1601. 160 (
Muxlmum tcmpcra uio. 80 = H9O B9 = 82' '
Minimum tempernturt ) , , 680 ouo 71 ° ctj' '
Average toinperut ro./74 ° 70O BOO 701
I'rcclpltatlon . . . . .Ct.'fr T ,00 .01 .00
Statement showing 'the condition of tern
porature and precipitation at Omaha tor th
day and since March L 1803 !
Normal tomnorntuYo , . . . . . . . . 72' '
Excess for the day. , . . . , . 2 <
Dollclonrytdnco Miirclil. . 254' '
Normal precipitation , ' ) . 20 Inc
Deficiency fortliu Uayj. . . , . 20 Inc
Excoas blnco Maroji 1 . , , . , . . ,2,80 Inc
Itepurt * I rum ( > lior ( 1'olnti at 8 j > . in.
"T"ladloitei trace.
G. E. Hcxr , Local Forecast Official.
lomanism In America na Viewed by a Meth
odist Divine ,
Crltlrl e Itoinnn Cntliollc * ' AllfRlanco to
the 1'ope I'rlonthoml Ilccelvc * 1IU At.
tciition ttppllrn to rnlhcr Sherman
I'olltlcal 1'owcr niicuiscd.
The Farnam street theater was packed
rom balcony to pit last evening with people
, vho wcro there to hoar Hov. II.
D. Brown of lowau lecture en
'True ' Americanism. " After { ho crowd was
catcd the speaker announced his topic
s "Homainsin ns n PoliticalPower. . "
There was n largo number of la.dles in the
.udlcnce. . On the stage wcro fifty prominent
Itlzcns , IncludlngiMnyor Ecmis , Comptroller
Olson , Judge Baldwin , County Treasurer
roy , Sheriff Bennett , Judge Stcnburg , Hcv.
Mr. White anil many others.
As soon as the theater was well lllloel the
udlcnco was requested to Join In singing
'America ' , " The response was hearty.
Mayor Bcmts arose nnd said Om.ihn was
irovcr blal for her fairness , nnd was always
: cady to hoar n discussion of both sides of
my question. Hev. Mr. Brown was then
ntroeluccd by the mayor.
As Hev. Brown stepped to the front ho
ivas warmly greeted. Ho prefaced his re
marks by saying that it hail been nelvcr-
tlscel that he would speak on "Americanism"
and reply to Father Sherman. Ho said that
Mils was nn error , ns ho proposed to tell of
( omanlsm as n political power , and ho said
ho did not Intend to reply to Father Sher
man's lecture , "as ho had failed to
find anything" In that lecture that re
quired answering. " Ho assured the
Catholics that personally ho had nothing to
say against them , and that any man had as
good n right to bo n Catholic us another did
n Methodist , nnd to enjoy all the rights of
worship and religious freedom.
"I am not opposing Homan Catholicism as
a church , but as a political power. When a
church enters politics auel un'lcrtakcs to
elect ineif to office ami control the
entire political field , the public mind
condemns , " said the speaker , ' 'Itotnanlsm
is n political power. There Is no better
organized force than Romanism. It has
leudorshln , another thing that Is necessary ,
nnd It is carefully observed. When Mgr.
Satolll came to this country the diplomats
of foreign nations votcel that he bo admitted
to their councils. "
Tlio speaker then stated that the proposi
tion had been made that the United States
should send a legation to bo represented at
the Vatican , and he lnow It had aroused a
number of thef people.
I'otout I'ollilcnl 1'nctor.
'A political party always cast a solid
vote , " said Hev. Brown , "nnd so does
Romanism. Any politician knows that nil
he has to do in a locality Is to make arrange
ments with the pope nnd the solid vote of
Uomanisra will bo cast. "
Ho saiel that Homanlsm was not only a
political power , but n foreign one , nnd the
pope , professors in the schools and priests
were foreigners.
"Father Sherman said there wcro 10,000-
000Romans in this country , " said the divine.
"Admit the statement true for argument
and I say that there are 10,000,000 subjects
of a foreign power in this country.
"Romanism has declared openly and above
board , " ho continued , ' -that it aspires to the
possession of the government of this coun
try. " In support of this position ho quoted
several selections from the writings and
speeches of various Catholic writers , ami
then began to explain the methods by
whicli the Cathollo church hoped to attain
the desired end.
"The priests. " ho said , "aro political
agents all over the country and their people
vote according to their direction. For an
other thing the priesthood wields the com
mercial patronage of 10,000,000 of people.
The merchants of this city know what that
means. They know that when they break
with Romanism they lose theS patronage of
their Catholic customers. When this power
is wielded by shrewd politicians It means a
good deal. Again the Catholic church has
unlimited wealth which It has been accumu
lating for centuries an I which is always
potent iu politics. "
Church nml Citizenship.
Tiiospeaker then dealt at some length with
the query "Can a good Homnnist bo a loyal
citizen of the Uniteel States ! " "They
teach , " ho said , "that tliQ first allegiance Is
duo to the pope , ami that any other allegi
ance may be set i.sido by him at his will.
The decree of the council of Constance
taught that no faith should bo kept with
heretics , and if a Roman Catholic should
violate his oath of allegiance to this country
how easily a priest could absolve him. When
a man is sworn to support Romanism first
and last , 1 can see no way in which ho can bo
a loyal citizen of the United States. "
"Father Sherman told you , " continued
Rev. Brown , "how bravely the Catholics
fought during the war , but ho forgot to tell
you what the Roman Catholics know about
the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Ho
did not tell you that moro than one-half the
deserters from the union army were Roman
ists , a nil that the pope sent his blessing tc
Jeff Davis. Father Sherman said a good
deal nbout the constitution. Now , I tell
you that ho nnd his church nro the most
bitter and determined enemies that the con
stitution 1ms. The constitution says that
the govermcnt must bo by the people , but
Romanism says that the pope is supreme
and the people must obey. The constitution
bays that congress must never puss a law
abridging the right of free speech. Here ,
* ' not strange that some people da
wrong through ignorance , others from
a failure to investigate ns to the right or
wrong of a matter. But it is strange ,
thnt individuals nnd firms , who are fully
nwaro of the rights of others , will por-
Hist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn.
High-toned , woaltliv manufacturing
firms will offer and hell to rotnll mer
chants , articles which they know lo he
infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known goods.
Wo want to sound a note of warning tc
the retailers to bowuro of euoh imita
tions nud simulations of "GAHTKU's LIT-
Ti.15 LlVKR PILLS. " When they nro of
fered to you , rofuao tUom ; you do not
want to do wrong , and you don't ' want tc
lay yourself liable tJ a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin said "Honesty is the best poli
cy" ; it Is just as true that "Honesty la
the best principle. "
ngnln , the Catholics differ with it , for
Fnther Sherman nil vises hi * CM hello
friends to RO to the courts and obtain injunc
tions to prevent out speakers from making
tbethsplvcj heardv &
' 'Ali6 ' ucr Way Jn which Homo builds up
her political power Is by petting hold of the
municipal governments of our e'ltlcs , " said
the lecturer. "Now York. Boston nnd Chi-
caco nro dominated by Catholic Influence
nnd 00 per cent of the city employes are
Catholics. Until recently the result of the
national election depended on the result In
Now York state. The state went ns the
city of Now York went , nnd Now York city
went the way Romanism went , So , behind
it all , Romanism practically controlled our
national elevtlon. "
Another fact that helped to raise the
hopes of the Catholics was thnt a largo per
centage of the immigrants coming into the
country every year were adherents of their
faith nnd most of them were voters. It was
by means of nil these that they hoped to
accomplish their purpose.
Quote * Ditnlcl VTrlntrr.
"I like tholnneuageof Daniel Webster , "
concluded Rev. Brown. "Ho said that ho
was born an American , lived an .American ,
nnd would dto an American , "
Ticmindous aprlaufc followed Ihlfnsscr-
tlon. In the midst of the tumult someone
yelled , "How nbout P.ktrlck Henry I"
Rov. Ill-own then discussed the objects of
the American Protective association at
length. _
Nntloiml Hrpubllrau I.cniriir.
CHICAGO , Juno 15. The executive committee -
tee of the National Republican league Is In
session hero to elect a secretary. Four can
dldatcs are in the field cx-Connrcssman
Allen ot Michigan , Henry Tlepko of Rhode
Island , V * . 10. Ktlcy of Kcntucicy and Jamo
F. Burke of Pennsylvania. The commute
will also select permanent headquarters
Matters of party Interest will also bo ells
I.o of \VlintliiR Hark.
NEW Bcuronn , Juno 15. I. H. UarMott &
Sons , agents nnd part owners of the whal
ing bark Sea Ituugcr of this port , received a
n dispatch from Port Townscnd ted y stat-
inu that the vessel was a total loss. No par
ticulars wore received , and the fate ot the
crew of thirty-fhoor forty men Is unknown
If Your Cistern
Is Oat of Order
or Sojt Water is scarKs
don't worry yourself for a moment-
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference.
The clothes will be just as white ,
clean and sweet-smelling ; , because the
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago ,
New York Hospital
' ' '
For all
ChroniCj Nervous ,
Private and
Special Diseases.
Of bDt'i
Ftnoturo anJ nil othsr troubles troitert
at roasoimblo clmrRes. CONSULTATION
FREE. Callouoraddress
Opposite ) IlnyUcn liros.
Machine from ono-clclit to olKhty liorsi
power. Wurrunrcel * o glvn satlbfiiutlon.
Write us.
W , P. UAKER , 303 nnU .llOShugnrt Illook ,
Couucll Ulullu. Telephone 221
federal courts. Hoonu J3J-7-3O , tihujurt
block. Council ujultj , la.
A ? A SUPfOnt ,
for Mbruutexl , narrota , )
OTerworkoel women , }
nothing can do A * much !
M Dr. rietco'a Fnr 4& . ,
Proscription. It f&u- ,
Into * and eisslsts U U > *
nntitrnl functions , jj rer'
conflicts with them , wul ]
It MroiiRthpix nnd builds ]
. tip the tchinlo sySUTn Itv
: n vrnjr of Its own. <
1 Nursing mothers nnJ
1vometi 1 nnpronchlng con I
Iflnomeht * will find Ib'
exactly Jlttcd to their
ncxvK It lessens tha pains nnd burdens of
chlld-boarlng , en'wres ' lifnlthy , vigorous off
spring nnd promotes nn nlmndnnt secretion
of nourishment on tlio part of the mother.
It's nn Invigorating , rostorntlvo tonic , a
soothlnz nnd strcngthcnlnc nervine , nnel
tlio only 0t < n Wilfred rcinexly for woman' *
chronic Ills and nllmonts. If It iloren't bono-
flt or cure , In the cnw of every tired or of-
Utctod woman , she'll Imvo her money tack.
On thcso terms , can nnything clso bo "just
as gexxl" for you to buy I
You'ro offered > 00t or n euro ot Catarrh ,
by the proprietors of Dr. Bago'a Hcinody.
lAmltcxt Stuole of f ho I'tnovt In the
B. It. trnnlh-x opcnoil n nhnlosilo liquor store ivt
No. K I'orttl street , Cornell UlUiTu , mil lia put I
nlnrec nml well lula'.H utooltot Wlno ) .
nliUUov clc. ltl .Tv.ict norinr ot mention that
Mr. KorJ Is tin forlnnato ros o or of noirlr forlr I
birraiiiif thonnoUvlilikr tn tie ! UnlUvl futoi. '
In ! Ssulia bivjiiht tnrontviivo btrroliol KontiiQkf
I' . F. UT.ilor w'jlskr. nnd U WAI not until nbout I
thmiya.usnnf ) that no placed the noo.U on Inn'
mntkat. Of this stock lie lim loft nlioiit forty tiM-l
rclt.nnd exports nil iironnunco U ninolutcly tha
IliiP't wliMky In tie country ! lla soil ! It milnlrl
lot imlllc lornio.llclntliDc , niltli too coitlr for
thoromilnrtmdo. Hit worth oror III par mtlon.
Ihcro Is not nnnthor brand of mich nhlsVr In tha V.
h. Ills slock ot brnmlUx nml wl ia < comas troll th
nmous lol hd Slnnfonl vlnornrilj n Oillfornl *
nnd have n hlnh reputation for collonoj anil
purity. . , '
Our til Apart mnnt Homo HofrlR rater , the
boil vnlnocvor otturcd.
A ciirioiu ! of vcroon door ; , screen win-
down nnd scroun wire : bottom prices.
l.nmo Block of bicycles. All kinds of
blcrclo repairing ilonu promptly.
41 Main St. , Ccuncll Bluffs. ;
Yea , Verily ,
The World MovesJ
$1,000 $ , III THIS $1,000 $ ,
if. Ciumot
No Deaths
No Flros r
It doosnot dopand on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Counoll Bluffs , Inoor-
corporatud urilcr the laws of Iowa. form * ,
ormtitlon , rooms211 anJ 2Ji Morrlam bloo'lc j
Council IllulTs , Idwa.
Special ] otic 2 3.
AIlBlHAOTHamlloans. Pnrm nn1 cltr propsrlr.-
bought und oulJ. I'usjjr li Tlio un , Council *
; romovoil. ojanw'l * . vnulti. ulilaiiun
GAUIIAOi U < 1 llumu , ut Tuylor's grosjr311. .
llrontlway. _ i
lioms : nil modern convonloncoi |
BKAUTIKUIj , o.isy toruu. A. .1. .Mnuddl , U. -
- will Ir.idomy utilities In ono or twoj
Kooddwjlllnjj for clfir loti. Iliilanoi on loait
time. II. J Ailunj , 1113 I'orln uvanus. f
TJAIieiAINS 1'or sulo , 7'J by S'JO foot on Frnnkllu
JtliiTunno , fl 5'Ki K ) . t
fi > * ucrt'H bctweun lit struct nml rranklln avcaua.
lloil iilattlne propnrly In tlio city , tAJ.OHO . ) . /
Tivn lots oppunlto 'I lilrd BtroKt oclioul , JI.6W 0 } . J-
eno lot-In WlUun TurrftOL- IUOI. t
Tuieo lots , cbriu-r Jlaln straot ana 12tli avnnuO , .
licit itltn for Imiilumlit lionid In Ili-j city. t7.MJ.09. '
l.oiuao &Tu > vle , 2)'i l'orl ttroot ,
liiniin for silo 'In most dCBlrablo
BSAUTIKUfj Ferdinand Wles rotldonuc. No. lilt
H. Bill Btrt-ct. All modern couvoulonccn , barn , etc. '
Uuy.V liote , BBOuts.
.IbO ncrn Kooil , Improved farm in seo. 27-IJ-ll Buorl-j
Jdun Co. , Neb. , for unlu ut SI.OJIU ) . This In un y ,
bolou ItBVnlno. Johnston & Van I'nttjn.
\O VOU it nut to rent > our IIOIIBO ? If no call at
/tlio Muyno Henl Kstiito Co , nil llroiilwoy.
ACIll B Rood land In Cosnor county. Not ) . , for
exchnnua for Improved properly In Council
IllulTa. 'Ilia Mnynu llcal Untato Co. , C21 llrondwsjr ,
; e.'O'll'ACIWHavurnl of thani for nalu ; 10 < rJ
prices nnd vary un > r purmunUi. Tha Jlnjrno
Ilcul Kstalo Co , AH llrunilwny.
. nnnted nnar e'ciunnll lllulls III ox-
rlmiiKO for I''l ) ucros Una Inna In northern Ml -
oiirl , Muiir low u HMJ : uhur of Incuinbranco. The
Mnyno Heal K t tuCo..eijl llroadwuy ,
ACUKB liupruvol luiHl In northern Knri a ,
clear of IncnmbrHiiootlll oxchaniiu fur lunU
ni'iir Cuiincll lllull * . Th9 .Muyuo Itval Kstuto Co. ,
ei.'l llrondivuy.
ANTICD-i'ltiiatlon nt nnlcil.uly In dry wood *
or millinery by a ludy of oxpsrlunco. Addron
/ 151.1 d slre-ou
1 ? Ml ISXt'llAMiB-Wull Improvoil W : iuro Iow
1-farm nuir lion I tonns c' of Incnmuranoin
will uxchaiuii tor nloj idildonai In Council lllulH.
nnd pny cukh ilinurunce. The Mnjno f.ual llilat *
Cu , l > lllruaanny. \ .
Cortland Delivery Wagons.
Are the Strongest , Moit Durable Waon3 en the Market
Ha ML Three eurlnx heavy buslnesj wagon. Wa carry many styles of dellvirr nnxonR. und a full line nf tlio e > clcliriln' 0 > i-.icl '
OiirrlttKOj , urrlei , Uugglui , Hoa WBEOD * and dprlni Wagons. U will oay you to sco un beforu buylnx u.suuliiriu.
Correipondonce Boliclted.
1301-8-8-10 Main St. , Council Bluffs Iowa * ,
* g < M- * J.