Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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w THE OMAII/V DAILY ttEKi friIUUSIAY , JUNE lo. 1893. :
, > .
At tlio Start Fooling in Wheat Was Firm
on the Oablos.
Trading Wn < Agnln Firm nnd Still Higher
1'rlce * AVcre rtcorod , but the
Full Advance \Vn Nut
CniCAOO , .7uno 11. Avalliiblo wheat stocks
were reported this tiftcrnoon ai allowing a
flecrcnsoof 3,500,000 uu , Wheat , ns a con-
hcqucncn , closed nt top price ? of Iho day. The
better tone to cables , the unsettled financial
conditions , the project that the big stocks of
cash ttlirnt \ \ 111 be cured for by the clique , nnd
tliu brinks'.Tilly report , hcliird topro'luco the
ndviinco. The fnct that evport nnd cash sales
were light was the chief obstacle tn ahull
innrkct. Corn closed * ic hlfihcr. L'onslderlns
the liberal receipts of hogs they showed consid
erable ) slcadlne'-x , and the declines ninnunted
to Cc In poll ; , 13ic ! In lard and 12c ! In ribs.
At the stait thu feeling In was firm
on the cables. Iteain covered a consldcrablo
line cif shortw and tlitre wus not much for sale.
Hut the crop bulletins were nearly all favor-
nblo nnd some additional bank troubles ) being
reported In the woil the feeling gradually
grew weak. Armour beraino a good seller on
receipt of news thai , harvesting hod already
begun In Kntiiis. There us another ilovelop-
incut of htrengtli during the closing hours ,
however , on the Itlpher continental cableund
largo decrcnf.n In the available bupply 10-
ported hy Itradstreol's.
Thcio were Mime reports of hot winds In the
northwest having done some damage to the
crop , and It was also said that the weedy con
dition of the Ik'hmhad allected the mouth of
Miring wheat. Theniatltot atthoopening WHS
liboilt the Kiino ns yrMt'Mliiy'H closing , nd-
vnnct'd from lie to ? < c. euscil oil1 again from > , ic
to "in , recovered fully , and tl.o closing win
uuoiitjic higher than yesterday. Keain was
quoted ns haying ho thought wheat would go
up Ufjo hefoio It went down 3f.
Another aetlvc day was witnessed In the
roi n pit. The feeling was again firm and still
hltzhcr prices scoied , but the full advnnce was
not maintained , The price was helped largely
by the stronger cables , continued llheial out
Inspection nnd very modeiatu iccelpls. which ,
fts on yeMeiday , had ti tendency to make
hhorts u llttlo ainlous. The opening was
firm at about } ( c adxanco wltlia very good
ilemand , nnd particularly for Hentemher.
Tlio market held steady fora while , hut later
rased oil'Uo. when thodcmand beoamo moio
urgent , under which thopilco worKcdlip jjc.
Iteall/lng after the bulge carried Iho prlcu
back ! ic , but the malUel still ruled firm , and
nt the close had gained from ? c to ! Jc. Trad
ers are boniowhat stirred up over Wilght's po
sition In corn. Many think ho has a deal on.
Them wasaftlr trade In ciat.s nnd an un-
KCttled feeling. Trices for July advanced 7Be
Curly , with good buying , but later reacted
from he to ! io , then advanced from ? ; < . to lie
nnd closed steady , with a net gain of from ? ; o
to le. Scptemher advanced from Jju to 3ic and
closed with a net gain of He. Kccelpt ! > weio
With the run of live bogs at the yards con
siderably In excess of the estimates and lower
prices for them the market , for provisions
opened weak. Thoio was , however , nothing
doing hoyond a few trades In lard and a llttlo
soiling of ribs for September delivery. The
market rallied with wheat and corn. An actlvo
demand existed for shipment.
Estimated iccuipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
88 cam ; corn , 350 cars , ; oats , 1BO cars ; hogs ,
27,000 head.
Tlio loading futures ranzert as follows :
111 111tH. OI'LN. 111(111. l.UW. L'LOtli : . V'tUIV.
W <
71H 71
4156 41) > f
80H SOW son
S" 30 w
31) ) 30
Julr 10 TO 1995 1990 19 95 90 00
Bcpt 20 UO 20 70 7U W 30 Ci M 7U
July 10 UK 10 15 10 12 10 1SK 10 22 K
Uopt 10 Ci 10 C5 10 c ; > 10 C2H 10 7S > 4
Ehorl Ulbs. .
Julr B 40 6 45 fi 45 0 4 9 (5
Sept 005 9 T7H 9 C5 9 72W 85
Cash qilotallnnscro ai follows :
Fiotm Kiisy , nominally , nncliangcd. .
WHEAT No. 2 spring , GOMftGG'Jc ; No. 3 ,
sprlntr , f. o. b. , CDo ; No. 2 ri'd , ( JUH003 c.
r COIIN No. 2 , 40\c. No. 3 , yellow closing at
t3AT8 No. 2 , 30ic ! ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 34 ©
8Gc ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , 32ffi33ic. ! }
KYE-NO. 2 , 40c.
UAIII.CV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 8 , f. o. b. ,
80c ; No. 4. f. o. b. , 35r.
FIAX HKIII-NO. : 1 , 61.0.1.
Tlsioiu VKIKI : > Prime , ! 3. ( > r > .
I'OllK SJesi , per bhl. . H0.05&10.07'/4 ; lard ,
per 100 His. . 10.00@lU.02i ! ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) , fO.40Ity.45 ; dry salted shoulders ,
( boxed ) , fO.50aiO.00 : short clear sides ,
( boxed ) , fl0.37TclOJJ2'5 ! ( ' ,
WHISKY Dl&tilluia' Ilnlbhcd goods , per gal. ,
Snr/Atis / Cut loaf , Cc ; granulated , 5.70 ;
standard "A , " 5.57.
The following were tlio receipts and ship
ments for today :
Articles. llcerli'U. ' HUlpnients.
Vlour , bblfl . 15,000 11,000
\Vlicat. bu . t'l.U'M 15.r > .UlX )
Corn , bu . , SbT.OOU Hi.UOU
Oul § , bu . , 8110.000 ITO.OOO
Ityc , bu. . * . . . V.UOO 1,000
llurloy , bu . . . . . 1U.OUU 1UXJ (
On the I'roduco nxcTiango today tlio butter
market was steady ; creamery , 15ffi20c ;
dairy , 122,1 Be. Kggs , quiet ; strictly fresh ,
Oinalui I'roiluco Mitrkot <
TOMATOns Mississippi 4-haskot crates , 82.25.
( Ul.iFoiu.'iA CAiiliAdic Ciatus , per Ib. , 2X
3. ! ; St. Louis cabbage , per rrato , 83.25.
Niw : I'OTATons 1'er bbl. , I3.75 4.00.
HTHINU UEANS Per bu. box , 81.25&81.CO.
PKAs-Pcr bu. box , $1.50.
CtlCUMliEllH Per iloz. , 75c.
CAUI.IFIXIWUU Kniicy , perbu. box , 81.76.
Ko. ONlONS-Pcr bbl. . 84.50.
Lr.TTOcr. Pur dor. , 20S25c.
lUmsiiKS Pordo15ii25c. .
nnr.KN ONIONS Per do150.200. .
ABPAHAOUH Per doz. , 351t40c.
.W llKETd-Per doz. ,
S Per 10-lb. box.$1.50 ,
HTHAWUEIIIIIIH : Per case , on orders , 83.50 ®
'ooosKnEiiiiics Per case , 83.CO.
ItABI'liKHllins Per24-plnt CIISOB. 82.25S2.50.
LEMONK Choice to fancy , 84.GOa&.00 ; extra
11ANANAS Per bunch , Including cratoi and
packing. 82.0 ( > a2.50.
OIIANOKH UlversUlo seedlings , 83.25 , Medi
terranean HtteotB , } : i.50@3,75 ,
lll.AC > uiF.luiir..s 24-iiuarl CIIHOS , 83.5034.00 ,
iiiniT.ii , I'.diis , IIAMI : , roui/ruv.
IlUTTEii Tlio great bulk of the country
butter gees at lie.
limn Cenoral market lie.
I'otii.THY Choice hens , 77c ! ; mixed coops
G7c ; old joosters , 3U4c ; geese and ducks
HAY The market on good upland hay.
17 Incur lots.
VKAI < Choice and small fat , 7tt8Jc } ; larg <
nnd thin , 3aOc.
St. Lou ! * JMarlictH.
BT. LOUIB. June 14. PI.OUII Dull , with n (
WIIUAT llulllsli early but turned weak , became
came unsettled and continued so to thu end
No. U red , cash , ti'Jlic ; June. G8cj July , 04K5
Gbr. cloning nt 044 ! 04fic ; bcptcmber ,
O'JKc. closing at G0j ! 00fic.
CoiiN-titiong early , but eased off , closlni
only } fu niii No. 2 mixed , cash , and Jinn
UOSc ; July. U71SQ3BC. closliiR at 87fic ,
Boptemm-r. MO'JfraO'ic , closing at 39c ! ,
OATS 1 Inner , higher ; No. 2 ctish and June
iBc ! ; July. 27@27 ? c. closing 27 c bid ; Augusl
a4Mc , closing 24 > 4u bid ; September , 25jc
closing at 25 } < o asked.
PIIOVIHIO.NBDull , weak , lower , currefi
tnako of pork , 410 , Lnrd. 10.50. Dry sal
Jueats , loose shoulder * , t < J.2&H ; longs and rll
tO.CO ; bliorlK , f 10 ; bacon , packed shoulden
f 10 ; long B and ribs , 81U.5X2lo.C2i ( } ; bhorti
(11 ; hanii , suzar cured , 13U14C.
lluiTKH-Cholco creamery , 10ffi20c ! dalrj
10ftl7u. (
liKDKHTU-rioiir , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 0,00
bu. scorn. 1UO.OOO bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu. ;
Hini'MK.MSI'lour 2,00(1 ( bbls.hoat , 3,00
bu ; cum , 137,000 bu. ; oats. 12,000 bu. ; ryt
Nmv York Murkett.
NKW YniiK.Juno 14. Kuuu Kecclpts. 40 ,
024 pkgh. : exports , 4,080 bids. , 4B.B30 biickh
baleu , 14.000 pkgs. : market quiet , steady.
COIIN MKAIs-gulet , steady ,
UYKQuiet , butady ; sales , 8,000 bu. west
ern to arilvu ut6Hr delivered.
IUUI.EY MAI.T Dull , steady.
WIIIAT Hecelpts. 015,000 bu. ; exports , 165 ,
037 bu. ; sulcu , b,200OOU bu. of futures , 144 ,
000 bu. of spot , Hpot market llrmer , falrl
active ; No. 2 red. In more and elevate
VSJio ; anoat. 73UO73jjc : f. o. b. . 73Jio ; un
uradi'd. red , 7Mit473)Sc ) ; No. 1 northern. 73 > tc
I\o. 1 hard. BOc. Options opened tlrm and ail
vanced aesc. closing tlrm at iti > cover yt
terduy with u fdlr trade ; No. U red , July , 73 !
. . . , - . eloping Ht 74ci Aujuit. 76J'a76Me ' , I
closing t7oe ( Boptnmbcr , 77X47S 1-lGc.floi- I
IIIR nl 77 Vci November , 61 MUSI He , cloilntc
at 8Hci December. 8J < < tl8Sc , doting at 6V\c.
ConnUccelnt * , 81,400 bu i export.1) ) , 10via :
bu.i mlo , 1,010,000 bu. futures , 57,000 bu.
itiot. Spoil firmer , r\\\\vlt \ \ No. 2. 40c In
elevntor.40.S'B49iicftnonti No. 3 white , fi2'fe. '
Otitlon < closfd stronp nnd ? SMc higher ; July ,
4Q 40ij ( , cloilnx lit 40HC ) Aujll't , 49'i'tJ '
60jc ! , closing ftl l'Jicj ' September , OVii
tOic ? , clailnc nt 0o.
( , ) AT ? Hccolpts , JB4.050 bil. ! o.xportP , 4-
773 bu.s sMoi , ICO.OOO Int. futures , 183.000
bit. M'ot , Spot * firm , morn netlvo. nptloni
( IriiKir , tnodpr.itcly active ; JiiTiO , 375t37ic { ? ,
closlnt ; nt 37 c ; July , 3nHU3CHc , closlnz nt
305 < ci i-eptotnbcr , 8Ulia32Mc , rhulni : nt 32c ;
No. i ! white. 40c | No,3 white. USJic ; No. 2 Chl-
cnRo , noc ; No. U , 37c ; inl.xcd wcucrn , 3B'2i
391JC ; liltc western , 40fif.-IOo.
HAV--l'nlrly nctlVQ. steady ; good to choice ,
6wCM.M ( ) .
Mill's -rirm , quiet.
IftiiKS Qtunti wet silted Now Or
leans selected , 4fi to CO lb . . 4'4ftic ( ; Texas
selected , 60 to 00 11 . , 67c ; llucnm Ayres 21
to24lbn. , 12jo ; Texas dry , 21 to 27 ibs. , 8 ®
I'no'vifltONS Cut nicnts. dull , stctidy ;
pickled bpllle , 13 Ibs. nt llUSJliMc ; mid
dles , Inactive , firm. I.nrd iiulot , easier ; west
ern stentn closed nt I Hi 10 ; Mlu . none , On-
tlnns , unlos. none ; June , (10,15 , nonilniil ;
.July. (10.40 , noinliinl ; Hciitombor , $10.00 ,
noiiilnnl , I'oi u , quiet , steady i old mess , (10.70 ;
now nies * , * 20.
llirriKii ( Julot , steady ; western dairy. 1411
lrocbtorn { ; cieumery , 1&320JJC ; Clglns ,
20" " jr. Quiet , unsettled.
Kdtis-null , weak ; receipts , 8,044 OURS. ;
western fresh , 14f ! < i 14io ! ; western , per cnso ,
TAU.OW Weak ; city , for pkgs , , 6c asked ;
country ( pltKf. free ) . 6tt5 3-liic , as to quality.
CorroNBinn OIL Dull ! yellow urlme , 44cj
choice , SOQ61C.
I'KTitot.r.UM The market was neplected ;
l'onn ylvanliL oil , spot sales , none ; July op
tions , sales , none ; G3c hid ; ottered at GS. c ;
Lima oil , sales , nonni 2Qc ! hid.
ItoiiN Dull , weak ; strained common to
peed , fl.VlKif.l.'Ji ) .
Timi'iivn.NiJ-Q.ulct , flrm at 28 > { & 20tc. !
KlUR-Qulut , linn.
MOHSSIH Now Orleans open kettle , good to
choice , dull , steady.
SiHiAH-Ktiw , tlrm , fairly actlvo ; sales. 20
tons MtlM'ovndo 89 test at. 3Xc ; nml forcnr-
KOOS centrifugals 00 test al3iu ! ; lellncd fairly
nctlvc , llriiiiolT A , 4 15 lG55-lGc ; mould A ,
6 U-lGftriJic ; standard A , DKQSU-lGc ; con
fectioners A. 5U6 7-lGc ; cut lout , 613-10
We ; crushud. 6 13-lC5JOi' ; powdered , 5 11-10
firiV1 ; craitulutud , 6iffl6 ? u-lGc ; cubes , SJ { ®
6 IM-lOc ?
I'm liios Hteady , ( "ull ; American , 812.75 ®
roi'l'iiH- Weaker ; lake , ? 10.GO.
J.KAIIKimvi donip .tle , J3.70.
Tl.v-Stroni ? ; SI lulls , $10.05 bid , 120.20
iisKcd ; pliites.rjulct , steady. Spelter , ( julot ; do-
mustli ; , H.20.
KANSAS CITV , Juno 14. WiinAT Wcalc
nnd loner ; No. 2 hind , 57 > i < Q58c ; No. 2 red ,
UOII.N Dull hut steady ; No. 2 mixed , 323
G83C ; No. 2 white , 34c.
OAiis-LottPi ; No. 2 mixed , 2GJiG,27c ; No.
2 white , 2HJ.28'ic. ? '
KVK Weii k ; No. 2,51 c.
II AV- Dull , lower ; timothy , SG.00@10.00 ;
pnilile , jri.OOOO.00.
lluiTKii-lJnchungcd ; creamery , 14lGo ;
dairy , 11'iOUe.
KimsVpnlc lie.
KucBUTO-Wliout , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 5,000
bu. ; oats , iinno.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 38,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000
bu , ; outs , none.
MniiclicUcr Uovlcvr.
MANCIIKSTCII , Juno 14. The Guardian , In
Its commciclal article , says : Thu market Is
llrmur on the advance In cotton , alihouKh
there Is lt"-s actual The strength of
the marKul Is due to the large sales already
mndo and the cotton teports fiom America.
The demand for cloth for Calcutta has become
considerably quieter. A good demand for
yarns has fui ther hardened the market. The
iindeiiMiiient demand for cloth Is sulllclent
to teport quotations. India higher rates of
u\uhaiiK < ) has stimulated prices and moved
the | ii Ices of .shirting and white goods. Heavy
goods are meeting with more attention on
account of their relative cheapness. Ameri
can yarns aio strong.
ilu'o Marknts.
Mn.WAUicr.iJumi : 14. WHEAT Quiet ; July ,
G4'ic ; No. 2hpring , G3Hc.
UOUN li'lrin ; No.3 , 87c.
OATS Klrm ; No. 2 white , 335c ! ; No. 8
white , 3233c.
HAHI.KV 58c.
KYIS 50c.
1'no VISIONS Quint ; pork , July , 519.00.
AllnncapoUgVlioat Market.
MiNNUAl'Oi.19 , Juno 14. Market utrongor ,
jirices bettor ; cash fair ; No. 1 northern sold
jitOUScand No. 2 northern utfiOc. Hecolpts ,
225 cars. Close : June , GOi-ic ; July , OlHc ;
eptember. G5c. ! On track : No. 1 hard , G4c ;
No. 1 , noitlicrn , G2c ; No. 2 northern , GOc.
Now York llry Omuls .Market.
NKW Yniiic. Juno 14. The expected Improvo-
inent In the demand for dry goods tills week
Jias not come. The market Is not stagnant ,
nor Is it likely to be , exceptj relatively In sym
pathy with the tendency of general business
ITccted by the financial situation.
Coltoo Miirlict.
NEW YOUK , Juno 14. Options opened qulot
at 5 points down to 0 points up , closed quiet ,
inclianged to 30 points down ; sales , 8,500
ags , including : .In no , (15.50 ; July , $15.25 ;
Scutember. $15.0016.15 ; OctolicSr , (14.05 ;
necomber , (14.75 14.80. Spot Hlo , easier ;
No. 7. $10.75. _
liultlmnrn Urnln .Mirkot. :
IlAi.TiHoni : , Juno 14. WIIBAT Dull and
( Inner ; No. 2 led , spot and Juno. 70Sc. !
COHN Strong and inactive ; spot and June ,
48UC 1)1(1.
OATH Easier ; No. 2 whlto western , 42c
tsked ,
Cotton .Mirlit.
ORLEANS , Juno 14. Futures steady ;
sales , 41,400 bales ; June , $7.88 bid : July , $7.88
567.00 ; August. $7.888.7.89 : Hoptembor , $7.91 ©
7.02 : November. gS.O'Jtt 8.03 ; December , $8.08
© 8.00 ; January. > 8.22a8.21.
Il'iviiua SiiK'ir ' Alurkct.
HAVANA , Juno 14. HUQAU riini ; holders
are too high for buyers.
London L'ln inolil : Itovlow.
tX)3 lin .lam't Onnlnn Rinnttt. }
LONDON , Juno 14. [ Now Yok Herald Cable
.Special to TUB Ilnc.l The slock markets
were all good today although business u as
quiet , the settlements going elf easily as
higher prices are generally expected in the
new account. American lallwayH steadily Ini-
piovcd from the onunlng upon good specula
tive buying , Loulsvillo & Nashvlllo and Mil
waukee. especially attracting attention.
I'r Ices closed only a llttlo below the best.
Largo amounts or stock wore said to bo
takun on the account of Itothschlld and
Itlschophclm , Norfolk preferred advanced
upon the statement that arrangements with
the Illinois Steel company nt'ieo to devote-
$100,000 per annum to thu Ohio extension.
Oilier markets are good , capoclallv Snith
African Issues , In whlcli a boom seems proba
ble. Koielgn wtocks were also strong , Argen
tine funded lending tin ) South American sec
tion. The total not Influx of gold for the week
isJU.rJl.CMjU. No further change In the bank
rate is expected tomorrow ; KlM.oOO sovorolgiiH
were Bent Into the bank , Silver was wcuk
al3did. ! _
Securities \Vore ( julot Auln Yesterday anil
Irrocnlur In Tliclr Conrio.
NBW YOUK , Juno 14. The stock market was
quiet again today and Irregular In Its course.
Considering the advono Inlluencos oporatlng
ngalnst the list , the undurtono of speculation
was comparatively Una and In numerous In-
titancos prices closed higher than on yester
day. The boars had In their favor the con
tinued ofllux of currency to the west , esti
mated lit $1,600,000 to $1,760,000 today , and
the numerous failures reported In banking
and business circles.
On the strength of all this , frequent attacks
were made on the lending shares , but the mar
ket rallied easily each tlmo the pressure was
lifted. London was a moderate buyer audit
waschlelly rosponslblo for thostiongth shown
by l.oulsvlllo .v Nashvlllo. At the opening
Ouneral Kli-ctrlu fell olT l\i \ percent to 70 , mid
the gumiral list yielded fractionally , but mib-
fcoqiiently Mnnhuttan lose 4 pur cent to 133) ) { ,
lieneral Klectrlu li ! per cent to71Si , Ohlcagu
Cas l ; ( per cent to T2\ \ , ' . Distillers 2 per cunt
to 21 , l.oulsvlllo fi Nashville 1H per cent tc
G8 > & and National Cordaiio preferred 1 pot
cent to 51 , Other stocks impioved K to %
percent. During the aftuinoon thuro was 11
heavy nressuro to sell Atchlson , which fell oil
K per cent to 22Ti. The general lUtholdur
well , howuver , until the rate for moiioy jumped
our „ - - , - . . . . _ . . ,
ern Union , i.ako .Shore , LackawAnna , Nuv
Kngland anil DIstlllerM were relatively tlrm
Theru was a rally of from .i , to a jiercentli
the llnuUulOB , but the market left oil rutbui
A feature of the afternoon trading was i
sudden slump In National Htarch manufactur
ing second preferred willed sold at 80 , am
lateral 36 , ending with u rally to 2UK. Onlj
260shares changed IruuU. Odd lot of tin
llrbl preferred sold at 00 , u drop of 20 points
The second pi of erred cloned at 20 bid und G (
lukcd , Thocuiuo for the break was the an
mmncomcnt ihut the director * had metu
L'ovliigton , Ky. , on thu 7th of this month uiu
had tfeclded to puss the dividends ou tin
second preferred ,
The Test says ; The lack of local buylni
power on thu stork marketvjvasn plain rcsul
of i ho money utrlnguncy , but was partly com
peimitfd for today by London's purchases
London bus had u coiuldorablo short accoun
outstanding In Amorlcnn securities which Imi
to bu covered In thu curient suttlemont. Iluy
Ing , though not heavy on the old-time basis
vus uuturully lucrtsusud by Londou'g belle
fcollng on our murkot Pepftralcd by 5.00(1 (
mllui from the InimcdlAtn Innucncp of tight
money itnil tut1 rcnntllo distresses. KrigllMi ob-
icrrcrt icason chiefly from the check to
American gold exports , This view , as the dls-
pHtchos and furelRii newspapers' poinments
show. Is Iho key to our situation. Whllo I/on-
don houses bought modoratclv today , thcro
wnssomo early local coverln ? of shorts , lioth ,
hewovcr , were counterbiilancod by n cautious
liquidation nnd after the opc-nlng rally prices
vni led little.
iho following are the closlnz quotations on
the lending stocks on Uio Now YgrK Stock ox-
clinngo touay !
The total sales of stocks today were 170.400
shares , Including : Atchlson , 40.700 ; Hurling-
ton , 4,400 ! Cbfcago Uas , 7,800 ; Distilling ,
20,000 ; Kilo. 3,000 ; Loulsvlllo fc Nashville.
10,000 ; ( Ji.-neral Klectrlc , 13,600 ; Illinois
Central , 15,100 ; Now Kngland , 4,000 ; North-
em Tactile profened , 3.100 ; Iteadlng , 7.900 ;
St. Taul , 11,000 ; Sugar , 8,900 ; Western Union ,
Now York .Money Atiirkot.
Nr.w VOHK , Juno 14. MONHV ON
Klnu , ranging from 5 to 10 per cent ; last loan ,
d per cent ; closed oll'crcd at 8 per cent.
I'lttJir. .MciiCANTii.B 038 per cent.
STiciu.iNd EXCHANOI : Steady , with actual
business In bankers' hills at 84.85 < 34.854 ! for
sixty days andM.8Gf@4.87 ? for demand.
OOVBII.NMU.NT BONUS Weak. State bonds ,
Thoclosln ; ? quotations on bonds :
Bnn Fraticlaoo Aliiilua ; Quotntlous.
SAN FitANCisco , Juno 14. The ofllclal
closing Quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
1'tnnnclnl Notes ,
KANSAS dry. Juno 14. Clearings , 81-
I'AIIIR , Juno 14. Three per cent rentes , 08f
77Hc for tlio account.
NKW YOIIK. Juno 14. Clearings , 1107,231-
075 ; balances , J5.092.115.
llAi/mioiiK , Juno 14. Clearings , ? 2,182,910 ;
balances , ? 335,472. Money , 0 per cent.
1'iiii.Auer.iMliA , Juno 14. Clearings , S12-
106.0'JO ; balances , 81,000,040. Money , 4J4 per
HAVANA , Juno 14. E.\cliango , quiet ; on the
United States short sight gold , lOSffillc pre
LONDON , Juno 14. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of Kngland on balance today ,
Juno 14. Now York exchange
soiling at J1.50. Clearings , 8103,200 ; ba >
ancns , { 3HG37 ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 14. Money , C8 per
cont. Now "V ork exchange , 4050c discount.
UlearlngR , J2.203.550.
Nnw OIII.KANS , Juno 14. Clearings , J1.2C7-
007. New York exchange , commercial , 75c
premium ; bank , # 1.50 premium.
HT. IxililH , Juno 14. Clearings , 84,700.-
020 ; balances , t4bOU18. Money qulot. GttB
per cent. Kxchanjjo on Now York , tl discount.
Juno 14. Clearings , U4.052-
703 ; balanceh , 81,715,500 , Money , 7 per
cent. Kxchango on Now York , 'Me to 20c dis
NKW VOKK , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to
TDK Iluu.1 E.xcliango was iiuotcd as follows
today ; Chicago , $1. 50 discount ; llostou , 83c
to 20c discount ; St. L-Juh , 81 discount.
OIIICAUO , June 14. Clearings , 813.701-
385 , New York exchange , dull at $1.60 dis
count. Sterling exchange , sixty-day bills ,
M.U5 ; sight drafts , 84 , B7. Money , strong at 7
per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _
Cattle Tr.ulo Still Niill'ura from Oonorul Do-
proialuii Hogd Unnottlod.
WKDNESUAY , Juno 14.
Liberal receipts again today brought the in
crease. In supplies so far this week over last up
to 3,300 cattle and 4,300 hogs , tiuvon receipts
still show a slight falling oir.
The continued llboral supplies of cattle are
probably caused by the pressure brought to
boar on feeders by local banks , causing stock
to como forward regardless of the prices real
ized , Either that or the precarious situation
In money matters hus inibuud shippers with
uneasiness and uncertainty , thereby shaking
their faith In the ultimate recovery of On
market from thu present stagnation and In the
prospect for better prices later on. Atanj
rate the freumurkctingof stock just atprcson
Is the worst possible lldrig for tlie trade. Then
were three times as many cattle on sale todaj
as were here last Wednesday and the inarku
uverugcd all of lOc loner than Tuesday on ul
grades , and on the rough heavy and only parti }
tatted cattle It was more than that. The tradi
uas dull and weak throughout. Diessed bee ;
men only wanted moderate suppliei
and with no improvement in the do.
nfaiid from speculative shippers , sell
ers fou .d It tough sledding froii
start to tliiluh. Good to choice 1,251) to 1,500 <
Ib. beeves bold at from 84.00 to 85 , with com
uion to tery fair loads of 1,223 to 1,344-lb
steers as low as 84 , 15 and 84. 40 , Fair to choice
1)43 ) to llBO-lb. steera sold anywhere fron
84.20 to 84.50 , with iHior tofair light Muff anc
odds and ends at from 83.BO to i4.l5. Althougl
thu trading dragged along about all day a re
spcctablo clearance was effected. ( '
The cow market was lower , not so much per1
haps on the good fat stuck , but the comuioi
grades showed u decline of 15c to 25c owing U
the fact that packers are buying cheap Texai
cattle In Kunius City to take tlieli
place. Couiiuou and cuuultig COM * were ilov
No. . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 Mrs 1000 83 00 63 fdrs 083$3 85
lions It lookcdi likq a repetition of last
Tuesday's cixtastroiilic , wlmn with over 7,20U
hojrs on bale , tlio Imyors started in bidding
about si quarter lower tnunyestorduy , but It
linrdlv turned out that ) bad. Tliosupnly was
rnthcr larger than aliticlpnted , and with very
bearish reports from Chicago the situation
hud nothing In It to encourage sellers. There
was n moderate shlpiilng and speculative de
mand , especially for good light .and buV-her
weight lioqs , sold lit' from $0.30 up
to 50.-l'2'r. ! Local packets started In bidding
and paying from iG.'JO to JG.25 for fair to good
hogs of all weights , and early trndlngwab de
cidedly sluggish. A good big shipping order
from Armour & Co. of Chicago advanced
prices a nickel or more on all grades , and
from that on to tlio close business
brlbk and before noon the pens were
cleared. Tlio market averaged about lOc
lower than Tuesday and about tlio same ab n
week ago , sales being largely at $0.25 and
$0.30 , agiiinbt 50.40 to $0.50 Tuesday and $0.i5 !
to fO.yo labt Wednesday. Koiirosentatlvo
'AND ' ItOUail.
1..C80 fl 06 3..303 600
1..D10 6 7Q
fiimr.i1 None were rqcolvcd. The sttimtlor
Is iiructlcnlly unahaiiiiod. i'ackura are all li
need of supplies and ore roudy to pay good
linn prices for'both muttons and lambs
Kulr to Kood nMlvoB , iM.505.Mi full
to good wcsturn9j > 'M.UOU5.0 ; coumiou utu
that's the way your
Bkln will bo , U you'll
take Dr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
Pimples , blotches , erup
tions , and humors are
utterly banished by tbla
tnfdidno. It takes away ,
more thoroughly and
certainly than anything
else , the blood polsona
or impurities that cauw
For every Skin , Scalp ,
and Scrofulous affection , no inatter how
It caino , the " Discovery " is a direct remedy.
It cleanses , builds up , strengthens , and in
vigorate : every part of tlie system. Ecrcnm ,
Erysipelas , Salt-rheum , Tetter , Boils , Carbuncles -
buncles , Enlarged Glands , and the worst
Scrofulous Bores and Swellings are com
pletely and permanently cured by it
Unllko ordinary spring medicines , the "Dis
covery " works equally well at all seasons.
Practically , it's sold on trial. If it ever
falls to benefit or euro , you bavo your money
back. You pay only for the goad you get.
No cheap substitute , urged by a tricky
dealer , though it may b better for him to
Kit , oca be " jujt as good" ( or you to ( my ,
i'Jrk'lIMIP' ! ' ! * 2&nftt.ooi good to choice 40 to
100-lb Illliils , t5UOt0.60.
Itccppt | nnd hlspntUlnii of Sloth.
Ofllclnl receipt * ntid dlinoiltlon of Mock rn
shown by the books of the Union Stock YanU
company for tlio twenty-four hours ending ut
5 O clOCK p , in , Juno 14. 18031
turcKtrr * .
CATTLE. iioos. llOllsrS * MI.S.
Cars. llonil Cnrs. Itcfld Cnro. I llenil
Chicago l.l\o Stuck Market.
CniCAiio , .Tune U. [ Special Tolecrnm to
TllillKt.1-Tliiio ) wasi'Mri'inenulotudo In tlio
ciittlo trade again todny nnd wlillo there was
no general decline In the prices thcio was
weakness nloin ? the line. Heci'lpls were not
oppresslvo norns there anything In
the condition of outsldo markets cal
culated to depress vnliu's , but buyers
did not seem to stand In need of
the usual quantity of stock nnd
taken all In all sellers hnd a llttlo the worst of
It. Of tmtlvw there were iitxmt 0,000 hend
nnd of Texas cuttle nbout 0,000. The former
wore quoted from $1.40 to $6.85 , though It In
by no menus cut tain that the outsldo
IlKuro conl-J bo obtnlned for the best
bunch of steers now In feeders'
bands. It , took something choice
to btlng more than 85.55 ami there were very
few miles at better than $5. Krom (4.40 to 85
took most of the steers , and s'llos of cows and
bulls weio principally at from $2.25 to J3.25.
Te.Mis cattle averaged a llttlo lower. They
vero In laigosunply and the runs fortomotrow
ind 1'rldny bid fair to equal the recent aver-
igo. ( Irnsseis comprised Iho hulk of today's
illerlngs and fiom $2.25 to 83.50 were the pre
vailing prices.
There were some hogs hero today. About
30,000 head put In an appearance and nearly
illuoionf ( [ ( Mid quality. The effect on the
irlcesof these canitiiirntlvoly liirso receipts
MIS most unfortunate for belters. The first
stlmatoH of n-celpts placed them around 25- ,
)00and ) openliiK prices were not more than
15o oil" from Tuesday's n notations.
> ut when the full oxtout of
.ho supply became known buyers
demanded an additional cut. They pot It for
licto was nothing in tlio outlook to warrant
sellers holding over. Any time after 8 o'clock
the stuff cnuld bo Ikoucht tit n reduetlon from
yesteilay'sopenln prices of anywhere from
-0o to30c per 100 Ibs. There weio a tow trades
n the moriiliii ! at from J0.05 to 87 for heavy
and at fiom 87 to 87.10 for llKht , whllo at the
: lose the best of the former could bo bought nt
'lorn 80.75 to 30.80 , and $0.85 was thoouremo
op for llKht. The lower prices did not lead to
ictlvetrading and many hogs remained In
iiMlern hands.
There was a heavy run ofshocp today , bnlnc
! Stlmated at from 14,000 to 15,000 head.
I'rlcea were lower In consequence.
tiood to choice qualities generally
sold from lOc to ISc lo er than on yesterday
ind It was Impossible to move poor ar.d com-
non stull'nt that reduction. Tlioio was not
micli demand for shipment on the hoof , and
is local slaughterers were not buying with
heir customary freedom , receivers ) wore
unable to make a clearance. Sales were
irlncipally at pilccs Branglng downwards
'rom $5 and closing quotations were from 83
o 84.75 for poor to choice To\ans nnd from
' 3.30 to 85.30 for poor to prime native and
western sheep. Ciiolco yearlings were quoted
iround 85.DO and spring lambs weio wanted nt
from $4.50 to i7.
Kcceipts : Cattle , 15,000 head ; calves , 1,599
icnd ; hogs , 12,080 head ; sheep , 9,570 head.
Tlio Evening Journal reports :
OATTl.n-Kecolpt.s , 10,000 hend ; shipments ,
i.OOO head ; market quiet , prices showing
little change. 1'ilmo stotrs , J5.55S5.05 ;
medium , $1.05 < B5.00 ; steers , , J&.20R5.05 : light
rexans$2.75ai.75 : ; native cotts. 83.25tt3.75 ;
dinners , Sl.fiOji2.90.
Hews Kecelpts , 31,000 hend ; shipments ,
3,000 head ; market weak on heavy receipts ,
1020c lower. I'rlnio lioavles , 3G.75aU.80 ;
-nixed ? G.50SC.80 ; lights. i7.0 ( 1,7.10.
Sunnp Receipts. 14,000 head ; shipments ,
2,000 head ; market weak and 10 to 16clower ,
common natives , 84.0UU4.b5 ; top unlives ,
85.80515.00 ; westerns , 84.G5i35.20 ; To.\ans ,
Sl.30it4.75 ; common to good spring lambs
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
KANSAS CITV , Juno H.-CATTM : Hecelpts ,
0,700 head ; shipments 2,100 head ; mar
ket weak and lO@lr > c lower ; Texas stOirs
82.254.25 ; shipping steei.s,84.405.55 ; natlvo
cows , $2.00(2,4.25 ( ; butcher stock , $3.5024.50 :
Mockers and. feeders , 82.80i54.40 ; bulls and
mixed , $2.26ii3.75. (
lloos Kecelpts , 13,300 head ; shipments ,
3,100 head ; maiket was weak and 1025c
lower ; hulk of sales , $0.2.rj0.55 ; heavies. $0.20
0,0.65 ; packers$0.30 ( 0.60 : mlied , &G.25Q0.60 ;
light * , fO.30aO.70 ; porkers , 80.50S0.70 ; pigs ,
SHEEP Hecelpts , 2,800 head : shipments ,
1,100 head ; the market was slow.
St. T.ouls I.lvo .Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Juno 14. CATTLE Itocclpts , 3,800
hoadshiiimonts ; , 1,500 head ; mat kot.steady on
natives ; fair to good sleors , si,65S4.00 : ( ; all
'le.xans inferior in quality ; fair to ordinary
steers , 82.50O3.50.
Hoes Kccoipts , 3,400 head ; shipments , 900
head ; market opened weak , closed 10u.l6c
lower ; top. 8C.85 ; bulk , fO.40iiO.75.
SiiKEi * Hecelptp , 3,300 head ; slilpmcnts. 000
bead : market steady ; good natives , $4.75 ; Texans -
ans , $3.600-1.30.
Now Yurie I.lvo Stock Market.
NEW YOUK , Juno 14. HCEVKS Hocelpts
1,700 head ; ruled Blow , prices fully sustained ;
poorest to best native corn fed steers , $4.00ii ,
5.CO ; distillery fed steers , $4.5525.35 : Texans ,
$3.903,3.95 ; dressed beef dull at 7'2. ' ! Jc ; shlp-
monts today , 2,400 quarters ; tomorrow , 1.UUO
SHEKIAKD I/AM usHecelpts , 10,400 head ;
sold strong and n shade higher ; common stock ,
dull atdecliuc of Me.
o s
Plies of people have , but Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo wlllcuro them.
Tliero Is reported to bo a" revival of the
Napoleon craze In Paris and all souvenirs of
"the first Bonaparte" are seized with great
alacrity by tlio Parisians.
A remedy which ,
If used by Wives
aliout to experience
the painful ordeal
attendant upon
Child-birth , proves
an Infallible speci
fic for.andobri&tcH
the tortures of con
finement , ) C3enlnp
the dangers thereof
chllJ. hold by all
druggists. Bent by
express on ruooipt
of price , $1.5J pur
bottle , charges pre
Farnam St , Theater ro A
The distinguished thought render , In hi
btrnnzo mill fusclnutliiK exoniiilllleiitlons o
roadlnir the liuiiun mind. The bruin nn ODOI
Doolc. MoloUlos transmitted from mind to
A Boniatlonat Mclo Urumn
PAU8 LA I'l''Iltlr : , ttio Clover Comedian.
POl'DLAlt 1'IHCKM- :
M ATINKK9 , to all parts Of tlio house. ZOo.
KVKN1NO3 , Uolconr , Wo ; licnluk' , I'urquat , 25c.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Ceit Cattle Ha andSbiop market la thi weit
Wood Brothers.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants.
Eottb Omaha Telepbono 1167. CMoai )
M t rket reports by mall and wire cheerfully
ru'iheu ' upoa appllcutloa ,
fesr xN
This is the land Hint Columbus found
After he thought that the world was round.
This is the city of wondrous fame
That has grown so great since Columbus came.
r This is the firm that is making the soap
. . . . . . .
This is the soap housekeepers demand , ' /M
The most satisfactory soap in the land.
Made by this firm , in this city that lies x.
In this land , by the lake , nnd up in the skies.
ilandrnko Pllla bavo a vnluo as n house-
lokl remedy fur beyond tlio ivnvcroflun-
junpro to describe. The family cnn
uirdly bo true to Itself thnt does not
( cap thorn on luiud for use In umorgon-
Is the only vegetable substitute for that
dangerous inincrul , MKitcuitY , and
while its notion ns n curative IB fully
cqunl. it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mnndrnko nctfl upon
the bowels without disposing them to
subsequent Cosllvoness.
No remedy nets so directly on the
llvor , noUiihfr so bpoodjly cures SIulc
Ileiuliicho , Sour Slum-
nch , and Biliousness us
1'or Sale by all Oruzalsts. I'rlco 2. ) ct ? . per
box ; II boxes fortfcicts. ; or sent by mall , poit-
ago free , on receipt of price. Dr. J , II.
SclienoK ; Son , Philadelphia ,
for everybody lo
A temperance drink.
A home-made drink.
A health-giving drink.
A thirstHtiucnching drink.
A drink that is-poptilar everywhere.
Delicious , Sparkling : , Effervescent.
A 95 cent package maVes 5 gallon * of this
delicious beverage. Uon'i be deceived If a dealer ,
for the sake of larger profit , tells jou some other
kind is "just as jood" 'll false. No imitation
It as good as the genuine HIRES' .
Best and Cheapest.
The best is always the
cheapest , but the cheap
est is seldom the best.
Duebcr-IIampdcn 17-
jewel watches prove
, both rule and excep
RUBY tion. Although the best
made they cost less
than i5-jcwel watches
of inferior quality.
If your dealer does not Itrop our wnlclics , moll
UR your nddrt'sa nnil we will send yon tlio miino
of n denier uliu docs. Till : UuiiUEii WATCH
WOIIKS , Canton , O.
With Nerve llo na. now voirotublo discovery
of marvelous power , positive cure for all
uorvo tronOlns , sucli ns nervous prostration ,
sleeplessness , dusuondeney , iialiiH In baek anil
sldo , slek headache , dyspeptln , loss of appe
tite , otc. Wondoifiil nerve tonic , makes rk'li ,
pure Dloo'l , tone- ) entire byslom. 81 a box ,
eiiiiih for two wrokx. At druggists , or by
mail , Ncrvo llcan Co. . llullalo. N. V.
Clironlc , Namn ,
Prlvati aa ]
Special Dls3ij. ? ) ;
ofboth '
Men and Woman ,
Ftnrtnro mid nil other troubles trontort'ii
nt roisonalilo charges. CONSULTATION I ]
l'Uiil : Uallonor address
addressm m
Ouposlto Hnydon llros.
x # % > v Syringes.
MUzil'&jr > Kn\ i-
( pltiif nsffUukig. ji
Ifiilk j ' ! if/lnvalid | / CusllioM a
| ! lSrS : a
Jnsf ruiiiontH ,
114 South 15th. St. yi
Next to Po ! > tollloo.
TJ. S. Dopozitory , Omaha , Nob.
OAFITAIi , - - 8400,000 r |
SURPlitJS , - 885,000
Dlrcctom-Honry W. Tuloi. preifv
omcor and -
. . . ldent O. S. Manrlntf ,
dent. H. O CtiBUttiK. vice pro :
W. V. Mor o. John S. Collins. J. N. II. I'atrlck.Loip
li S. Heed , coslilur.
Tc'clh extracted la morclni
Ncwonojlrujrt ) Irfur oat
rumodttjr. 1'orfoct at guie
SrdJfluor ,
IGtliuiidFnrnnm Street * .
niorator ou lull it. Tulairiono 1U4 > .
U Manuktufejs a lolfas Directory
Jraaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros & Co. ,
Manufacture of Tonti.
HOUSE COVKHB. Awnlnc * . ulo , 703 and
1113 Karnnni hlrcuu 706S. IClh Hlruet ,
Bemis Omaha Bag
Importers and innniifno-
turtri of Hour tackt ,
burlap , B tnliiu.
Morsc-Coe Shoj Company.
Saleroom and Oftlce-llOHIOMIIl Howard ? t
of llooti anl
WB are the osi.V ManuMUuren
ali to I