THE OMAHA DAILY REE ; THURSDAY , JUNE 15 , 1893 , Fifth Annual Enoatnpraont of the Organl" ration at West Pointf , y OUR HUNDRED MEMBERS PRESENT tjonllnlly Wotromod by Mnynr ( loliUmltU Inviting .ScirrnundliiRn ( if the Cnmp . Morn tlmn Ono Ilutulroit + lout * in U o. Vfr. < n POINT , Juno 14. [ Tolosrara o THE Hr.r. . ] Tlio lUth nnnunl oncnmpmont f the Nebraska Sons of Veterans it boliiff ' eld in this city , Last evening Mayor Gold- mith welcomed the visitors aj , the encamp- lent grounds tn a neat npcc6h. Judge W. \ Norrls was tlio orator of the evening and cllvorcd ono of his fervid and patriotic nd- i-csscs. llo was frequently apnlaudcd. vboutKX ) Sons of Veterans are assembled tore and many more are expected this oven- c. The site for the encampment is a lovely lni'o about one-half mile south of West i'olnt. where 12.1 tonU are pitched. { 'Every provision hai boon inndo for the omfort of the visiting guests. This morn- iff a prancl street parade took plwco in ; liich the Sons of Veterans , the Grand itmy of the Kopubllo and the Woman's leltof corps participated. The glittering a.vonotsand tlicibrilllant uniforms inado the taradoa mtiRtiillccnt affair. Tomoirow the ompetltlvo drill for wliich large prlrcs will 10 awarded and the dross panulo will occur. Clio installation of oHlccrs will also take .jlaco Thursday. NKHUASKA OKADUATr.S. /onrtli Aniiuul Coinnioiicnmoiit lUorcturs ol 1'nwnoo Olty Arndcmy. PAWXBB CITY , Juno H. [ Special Telegram I' ' to Tun HUB. ] The fourth annual commence- * incut of the Pawnee City academy was held at the opera house tonight. The bac calaureate sermon was delivered by Uov. S. E. Martin of Superior , Neb. , Sunday oven- inp at the First United Presbyterian church. [ JTho Junior entertainment was held Monday avoning and last evening ; , the annual con- 'oort of the inuMcal dup.irtmcnt was Riven | , jndcr the direction of Miss Mary J. Dunton , The commencement exercises this evening .vcro witnessed by u very largo audience , ( landing room being a premium. The atau'Q .vas a perfect bovver of roses. The clais of 03 consists of Misses Mary McCready and IfMary Dowober and Mr. Victor Wallace. lU'hoy wore greeted with the highest honors. riio class motto was ; "Not Finished , but egun. " IS The presentation of diplomas was made by v.'rof. Spoor. This has been a very successful - ful school year and the interest manifested lonight was a generous approval of the olll- loncy of the faculty. The next commence- Jtnent will bo held in the largo chapel of the low college building now being erected at a .ost of Slo.OOO. _ [ llo'iril of Public I.aniU nnd llnllillncii Very Much DlKtiirlipil. Juno 1 1. [ Special Telegram to I Tin : UBB.J The Board of Public Lands and 'Buildings held another meeting this nfter- , noon , but nothing of their doings was given I out save that they were merely doing rou- l tine business. The board is apparently | greatly desirous of formulating a sot of rules governing the furnishing of sup plies to the various state institutions and the presentation and endorsing of vouchers that will relieve it of any labors , In going over tlio same but are endeavoring to arrange matters so that the blame , if any nccrucswill be securely shifted to the shoul- dets of subordinates. The fact that the board has found it nec essary to compile nnd promulgate rules is generally taken as a virtual confession that the members have not given the public busi ness the careful supervision that it required or the duties of their ofllco demanded. The rules have been several times revised and they are evidently not yet satisfactory. Piling of Konrnoy 1'ooplo. KniiiNET , Juno 14. fSpecial to Tun BRE.J The citizens of Kearney have decided to try nnd have a Fourth of July celebration this year. Various committees are at work raising money , arranging a program and so- i curing attractions. It promises to bo a suc- I cess. James O'Kans , who had n dirk that was , given him. before the war while sheriff ol Ogle county , Illinois , stolen from his house last Decoration day , found it last Mon day morning sticking into a ilowoi pot on his front porch. A reward of $5 and no questions asked had been ottered for its I return. A check for 3 stolen at the same I time was also returned. About twenty members of Prof. Draper's "Kid band" that attractoa so much atton. Itloii last year nt ( JSrand Island by wcarinp ( "grandpa's hat , " loft this afternoon for Wooci lUiver where they will taltu an outing for the Inext throe days. ) About thrco weeks ago a man came U iXearnoy nnd registered as "Prof. Johannls IDuialm. " Ho said ho was n dancing schoo jjuxstcr , owned a largo building in Omah : find occupied the entire third floor for hi : [ school. lie succeeded in getting up a clas' ' lf about twenty-five pupils , insisted on theii [ jay Ing for the ilrst term in advance and cu It big swell. Ho pave six lessons nnd sinci I , hen nothing has been heard from him. Hi raid no bills , but the lust evening ho wai I lero ho promised to pay them all on his nox llrlp. Correspondence- parties tn Omahi rails to locate any such man , nnd advice ; li'rom Grand Island , where no claimed to havi I mother largo class , fail to throw any llgh nn his whereabouts. There are qulto a num Iber hero who nro waiting patiently for hi I "next U-lp. " _ We t Point Note * nnil Porgonnli , Wrsi POINT , Juno 14. [ Special to Tn [ HEE. ] An export from the Norfolk Suga I factory was in town yesterday nnd compll lironted W. U. Artinan upon having the bcs I stand of beets In Nebraska. The engine for propelling the Ice machln I of thu brewery is now ready to bo usod. I Bertold Hoehl nnd wife loft for Oklahom [ on Monday morning. Mr. itoelil has n nit I farm about ono and n half miles from I Himo , Mr. John Glsln. an old and respcctoa cit f zen of tills city , died at his homo of cuncc of the llvor Saturday night , The decease was born in 1SUO in Switzerland , and in 1 I ramo to America , settling the next year 1 tills city , where ho 1ms since resided. II leaves u wife and seven children. Tl funeral took place Tuesday , the sormo boliiK dollvprod by itov. Mr. Martin nt tt. . i late lesidonvoof the docuasod. Hulne .StiliriMltu Fitrmur * . HASTINOS , Juno 11. [ Special to TUB BEE I Tlio preliminary papers have been ilk i for u series of over 100 suits by the Farmer Union Insurance conipanyof Grand Islni ngalnst an equal number of Adams counl farmers. Tills is an assessment lire ijsu unco company , n p.nt of the contract slgnc boin that members may quit upon payir the assessments up to thu time of the laps nnd f'J in addition. About a year ago tl company ImJ some trouble with the audit i which weakened tlio contldcnco of many i the Adams county policy holders , who simp paid no attention to thu notices of usses incut until these suits wcro brought fur pa dues. The cases will bo tried on Tnursda JunoS-J. _ \Vmlclml nt Wulmu , WAHOO , Juno 14. [ Spuclal to TUB BEE. ] At 4 o'clock this afternoon the mnrrlaco Miss Hulda Alphrodn Borggren und Pn Charles William Wnllaco of the Westo Normal university at Lincoln was co bratcd , Uov , S. It. Bollvillo , pastor of t Pro bytorlan church , ofllclated. The cor inony was performed at tno residence of tl bride's parents , Mr , and Mrs. N. It , Her Kren , in this city. Miss Ollio Wallace ai Mr. Koulo Berggren were the boconds. Mn valuable presents were received , includi nn elegant piano from the parents of t bride. They went to Lincoln tonight. at lilt ) Stuto Noriiml at Tern. PBIUJ , Juno 14. [ Special to TUB HUB. ] There were never before so many mum beef of the Alumni association in attendance the closing exercises of tbc State Norn school , HoprcsontsllTc * of every class since 1873 were present , The association took notion last year in reference to nocdcd changes In running the school , but this year It scorned to have the fullest confidence in Principal A. W. Norton nnd the rc ulti of his plans. The association pledges Itself to push his plans to extend the Influence of the school to nil parts of the stito. Principal Norton Is a now man , out everything seems to Indicate that ho M the right man in the right placo. Iloinlmrdlnn for Knln. Fonr KODINSOM , Juno 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bnn. ] Fort Uoblnson joined with Crawford this afternoon In nn oitort to produce rain. Crawford furnished tlio pow der nnd the fort the puns. Two of them were taken to the top of the highest accessi ble butte north of the garrison , where nearly ? 100 worth of powder was burnt In bombardIng - Ing the air. Tlio weather has bocn Intensely hot since Sunday nnd the crops In this vicinity are in great danger unless rain falls soon. Clouds are gathering In the north west nnd the temperature Is cooler with favorable indications for a rainfall tonight Kmulnrnl limnno ! > y lli nt , BCATIHCE , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to THE Bnr. , ] Alcncel Honrlck , n young man about 20 years old , living- four miles south- cast of Bnrnston , committed sulciJo today by shooting himself with n shotgun. It is thought ho wan rendered temporarily insane by the It having boon excessively warm nil day. Honrlck was a farmer and had spent the forenoon In the Held. Coroner Albright nnd Sheriff Kyrt departed this afternoon for the scene of the tragedy. Crops Not VALENTINE , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bni : . ] Italn fell hero this opening , registering nt the signal oflleo ono inch. Crops have not suffered on account of the drouth , nnd this rain puts thorn far abend of any previous season this time of the your. ICnAUNBY , Juno 14. ( Special to TUB Br.r. ] Crops in this part of the state nro coming out in good shape. Small grain promises n fair average yield , nnd corn will bo limncnso. I.nli of u 1'iirmrr by I7 1 re. STCAIIT , Juno 14. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] James Doherty living south of town last week on going out of his house from his noon meal discovered his stable in ilamcs. A line mare and colt were cremated. Ho also lost considerable machinery. The llro was caused by n spr.rk from the chimney of the house. Nervous headaches promptly cured by Bromo-Soltzor trial bottle 10 cts. MOSHEB BETUBNS. I'rnnpoctn thru lie Will lie Culled Into Court Soon. C. W. Moshcr , the bank' wrecker , ar rived yesterday from Pcoria , 111. Ho scouted tlio statement contained in a Peoria letter published In yesterday's Lincoln Call , in which it was stated that Moshcr's father-in-law had never made n promise to help his son-in-law out of his difficulty , and that the deceased Mr. Mans field was rot worth uioro than § 300,000. Speaking further , Mr. Mosher said : "There Is no living man can toll how much my father-in-law was worth. Ho wan a very peculiar man nnd kept his own accounts. Ho never owed any man anything longer than it took him to put his hand into his pocket and pull out the money. His notes and securities lie always kept in a largo tin Box and nobody ever kept his books for him. When I loft Pcoria the heirs who were engaged in look ing up the property and gathering together the securities that Mr. Mansfield left , found over $1)00,000 worth of property und were still finding It. lam sure ho died a million aire. Ho had already put up the securities for the ? 100,000 that was to bo paid in case n settlement could have been effected in my case , but of course his death places the mat ter in nn entirely different light. " Mr. Moshor will probably bo called Into court tomorrow , or not later than Monday of next week. Bill Dorgan and Moshcr's man Hurlbut of Lincoln were in the city yesterday. It is stated that several of the ban ) , wrecker's associates have business on hand in the way of sizing up the grand Jury for the trial of Moshor , which is expected to come off this week. Moshor is still out from under the watchful eye of the deputy marsnal , and ho and Dorgan were busily cngoged in looking after certain mysterious "business" matters yesterday. Piles of people have piles , but Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. BLEW HER BRAINS OTJT. Despondency Over III Health Prompts Mrs. Jnyncs to Suicide. Mrs. Ella B. Jaynes , wife of O. F. Jaynes , committed suicide yesterday afternoon at her residence , Fourteenth and Jayuos streets , North Omaha. For a long time past Mrs. Jaynos has boon In 111 health , and , among other ills , has suf fcrod a great deal from insomnia. Of late the family has noticed a slight improve , ment In the Invalid's condition and oven hoped for ultimate recovery. Yesterday morning Mrs. Jaynos nled her husband to the city. She appoaroi to bo feeling unusually well. While dowi town she purchased a 83-calibor revolver Upon reaching homo she sat down in nn eas ; chair in the back parlor and deliberately blew her brains out. No ono was in tin house at the timo. After school was out on of the children came homo and found tli mother lying on the lloor gasping for Uroatl and weltering in her fife blood. Friends were sent for at once , nnd Dr. J A. Peabody was summoned. The pnysician found that the mu/zlo o the pistol had boon hold close to the righ temple. Tlio bullet had passed clea through the head , coming out between th left ear nnd temple. Notwithstanding th dangerous wound , Mrs. Jaynos breathed fo some time , but never regained consciousness She died at 5.15 p. m , Docoascd was about .10 years of ago , an had been married about twelve years. Sh left two children , aged 10 and 0 years. Mr. Jaynes is in business at Sixtoont nnd Hurt streets. Ho Is secretary of th Ulno Valley Food company. The famil nnd friends are greatly shocked over the sa affair , and can only attribute it to ill hcalt and intense suffering. Piles of people have piles , out Do Witt Witch Ihuol Salv wll 1 cura them. Cruel U'ny to Kill a Dug , Sergeant Sheep Illod a complaint in polk court yesterday against Joe Sparks , on of the dog catcher's men , charging him wit cruelty to animals. The officer alleges tha Sparks took a dog the pollco judge ha ordered killed und tied a rope around ' , h animal's nccK and then to the wagon. 13 started his wagon up Le.ivonworth strcot i a run and tried to kill the dog by dragging over the pavement. Other citizens claim I to have soon Sparks do thn same thing b fora ami have promised to appear in coui against him , Piles of paoplo have pile ? , but 13o Wit Witch Hazel Salvo will cure them. Opel ! lip In Omnlin. The executive committee of the State SI vor league , composed of T. II , Tibbies i Bancroft , United States Senator W. 1 Allen , Congressman W. J. Bryan , II 1 Brown of Lincoln and D. Clem Do.ivor i Omaha , Is arranging for a series of mootlnj at which speeches will by aollvcrott by Seater ator Alien and Congressman Bryan , Omaha will bo lirst on the list , nnd , n though no dullnito date for holding tl meeting has been sot , itvill bo in the no ; future. Piles of people liiivo piles , but Do Witt Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. Trim Ainoriuunlim , A number of gentlemen who believe ig "Truo Americanism" have Induced Uov. . IU D. Brown to como to Oinilia and lecture t morrow evening in the Farnam Street the tor upon thu subject which furnished t tliomo for Father Sherman's discourse u f ( weeks ago , JNO admission fee will bo charge rsat atal Piles of people ave piles , but Do Will al Witch Hazel Salvo will cure thorn. PAID A POLITICAL DEBT Mayor Weir Did Hot Forgot Whora William Rohdo Stood. HIS OPPONENT'S ' FRIEND IGNORED Lincoln City Conncllmcn ( liven to Under , ftttind tnat They Could Not Control the Municipal PatroniRo Woodmen * of the World Picnic. LINCOLN , Juno 14. [ Special to Tun BEB. ] Mayor \Vclr and the city council are not always on the best of terms , and last night they did not agree. For years Wil liam Uohda has boon live stock inspector. William Is a republican , and last spring be came linbuod with the idea that Mr. Gra ham was going to bo elected , and ho wont out and rustled In his bahalf. William was not a good prophet , as Mr. Wclr was the winner , nnd the mayor has been trying in n mild way to dump Wil liam over sinco. Ho vetoed his salary claim nn the ground that thora was no ap propriation far the pavment of such nn officer. Last evening , after the matter nad boon discussed n llttlo. Councilman Voith offered n resolution to the effect that Hohdo bo continued In office. The mayor refused to entertain the motion at all , and remarked , with suppressed nngcr in his voice , that ho had not attempted to dictate to the council at any time and ho did not propose to allow It to dictate to htm ; that ho would never ap point Kohdo to the olllco , and that was an end to it. J. W. Etnborson was nominated for side walk inspector , but tlio council refused to confirm him , Gis Hrinkman was then named nnd confirmed. The Mllwaukeo Bridge company , the via duct contractors , created a mild sensation by writing to the council requesting that it protect it in the pending injunction case , nnd therefore tendered its dofonao to the city , with whom It had the contract. The council apparently did not know what to do with the acfenso , loven If tendered to It , nnd passed it along to the city attorney. A resolution was introduced by Graham providing for the submission of n proposi tion at the next election to vote SIOU.OOO for the building of a now city hall. It wont over for a wook. Iloinoopnthlo Session. The second day's mooting of the Nebraska Homeopathic Medical society was the most interesting of the session nnd had the larg est attendance. Dr. J. H. Mac-kay of Madison road a paper on "Sanitation" which was discussed by Drs. Bailey nnd Kighter of Lincoln and Dr. Foristall of York. It was ordered published. The president's address was an interesting docu ment and was well received by the society. Dr. Foristall , the president , gave an essay on "Astigmatism. " Dr. Kighter of Lincoln offered some important nnd interest ing cases in practice. Dr. Atnoha Bur roughs of Omaha also discussed in felicitous vein some interesting and in structive cases from lior practice. Dr. Derris of Lincoln took a urominont part in the discussions nnd gave some interesting ideas gathered from a largo experience. Dr. Sunnier Davis of Omaha read a strong paper on diseases of tlio middle ear. Dr. Moriarlty of Omaha read a paper on treatment of diseases of the eye which was discussed by Drs. Allen of Omaha nnd Spahr of Lincoln. Dr. . road a paper which also elicited discussion. The attendance- during the session was about 100. Ono of the best papers road dur ing the session was presented today by Dr. B. F. Bailey of Lincoln. Dr. E. T. Allen of Omaha read a valua ble paper on the effects of remedies. The following officers were elected : Presi dent , Dr. Amelia Burroughs of Omaha ; first vice president , S. Davis of Omaha ; second vice president , Dr. A. H. Derris of Lincoln ; corresponding secretary , Dr. G. H. Neal of Falls City ; recording secretary , Dr. J. W. Hingstou of North Platte ; treasurer , Dr. O. S. Wood of Omaha. The society will meet next year in Omaha. A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered by the society to the daily nress of Omaha and Lincoln for their courtesy and accuracy in reporting the pro ceedings. Will Stop the Work. O wine to the repeated refusal o f the railroad companies interested to supnly the money needed to pay for work thus far done on the viaduct , Wayor Weir will tomorrow notify the contractors of the situation and deny in bohulf of the city all liability and all connec tion with the same. Ho will also inform the contractors there is lit- tie prospect of potting any monoj from tho"railways. . It is said thai the railway officials will not advance the funds because thqyfear that the council's contract with them will bo Icnocked out bj the courts. Thus tar about 83,000 worth oi work has been done in this city. Woodmen I'lciilo nt Lincoln. The Woodmen of the World of the south cast Nebraska district held a big picnic al Lincoln park this afternoon. It is ostimatoc mat not loss than 2,500 people participated it the pleasures of the occasion , which includci speeches by prominent members of the order bathing , boat riding and other picnic pious ures. The evening was spent at Burlingtot beach. A special train of ton coaches bear ing members of Alpha and Druid camps Omaha , a camp from South Omaha nnd oni from Council Bluffs , arrived at 10 o'clock and after a brief march about the cit ; boarded cars for the park. Some 400 pcopli also came up on the trains from Beatrice am Nebraska City and intermediate points. Tin Omaha special train loft at G o'clock foi homo. Turner Will Case. Tlio hearing of the Turner will case wa : continued in the district court today , h hearing of tlio testimony being interrupts s by a renewal of tlio motion of defendants t 3 suppress the deposition of N. S. Scott on th ground of irregularities of a legal nature. Considerable amusement was created b ; the housekeeper of the late Dr. Turner , Mrs Karrau Uootnan , an excitable English voman , who rose up and uttered several In dignunt protests nt certain statements o the counsel as to what they expected t provo as facts it : the cnso. When Dr. Turno died , it appears ho had loft specific instriic tions with thu housekeeper to deliver th valise containing the will nnd his prlvat pnpors to William Clark , vamcd therein none ono of the executors. After the funori Mrs , Ilootlian attempted to carry out tli wishes of the doctor , but was prevented b the sons , who took possession of the vnlisi William Turner , ono of the sons , kept it ii his house , but says that ho never opuno it to examine its contents , nnu docs nc know whether there was any will tluroinc not. His father died March , IbOJ , nil some time in tlio latter part of May , ivhil ho was absent visiting his brother , thlovc broke into the house and stele u watch , soin bracelets and jewelry. The valise wn found lying outside the door , cut open , wit papers scattered all around , The will bequeathed some § 10,000 wort of notes and property to ttio Presbytorlu miiaion boards , foreicn and freedmen , n ill interest In n double residence on Nort Twelfth street to the housekeeper , and th homo property and personal effects to tli sons , the latter taking no action in tli estate , Mrs. lloothan first came into pn bate court with a petition seeking to ostai lish her rights. Her claim was satistloi DELICIOUS it InI. I. 3 NATURAL FRUIT FLOORS. 3a a10 Of perfect purity- 10 Vanilla 10d. Lsmon Of great strength- d. Grange Economy in their use. d.'s Rose.itc. Flavor as 's dollcatsly and deilcloutly at the fresh nnd the cotillon dlsmls .l , nnd then the ex ecutors under the will uofrnn the present proceedings , winning flrtt Mood In the pro bate court. i , i Tried Tor .Murder. The trial of John Hussc-y , ctinrROd with rnuraor In the flwtdeRre'o , ri on before Judge Strode this afternoon. The prisoner Is n sturdy , rouih looking. Jr hnmn who Is charged \vltli having oh April 15 last. In a rtrunucn row , shot nndp killed Tom Moore. The men were morabers.of a gang of tramps who bought n keg ofbqor nnd ensconced themselves in n box car. Hussoy dr.uik mot a than nns good for -hint' , nnd ran amuck. The others throw bin ) out nnd shut the door. Ho opened llro at them , emptying his gun twice. At the close of the Ilrst volley , Moore opened the door Just ! in tlno to get n bullet In his stomai-h. , When Hussoy exhausted his ammunition , the others Jumped out nnd " beat him ter ribly , nnd ran - nwny. Another tramp wns shot In the knee nnd couldn't got nwny. He Is the only wit- nosi of the shooting , the other * never hav. lug been found. Hussuv comes from IXiyton , O. , nnd his father , n respectable mechanic was sailed by ills side this afternoon. The defense U tlmt Hussey suffered n fall when young , and since then has been subject to periodical Ills of mndness , during ono o wlilcb ho assaulted his own mother. Depo sitions to tills oftcct wcro submitted. Took u Tiimlilp. Trnnic on the Burlington wns delayed for a time this morning by n wreck nt the Klovonth street crossing. While n second section of the fast freight was pulling out the pilot of the engine dropped nnd the locomotlvo performed the most astonishing gymnastic feats for nbout 160 yards. The trainmen all had narrow escapes , but no ono seriously Injured. Ono of the cars wai thrown bodily in the direction of two cot tages and stopped with its front end nbout thrco feet of the sleeping rooms of the In mates , About two hours later another en- glno performed n similar evolution on a smaller scale at the Tenth strcot crossing. City In lirlcf. A. J. Lally of Hoynolds was broueht In yesterday suffering with n badlv mutilated foot received in Jumping elf the ilyor Sunday into a pllo of rocks. The doctors at Wymoro cut off the foot , but on his arrival hero the physicians found that to save his life another - ether amputation was necessary , gangrene having sot in , Thrco Inches moro of the log was taken off , and it Is thought ho will re cover. The second Merrill geological expedition started for Long Island. Kan , today to work in the fossil rhinoceros bed near that pUco. T. H. Mnrslaml and H. H. Evcrott are In charge and expect to add some valuable fos sils to the university inujcum. Eleven teachers anxious for state certifi cates nro bending over their desks in Super intendent Goudy's room today. Examina tions wcro made in geology , chemistry , phy sical geography nnd Knglish lltcr.uuro. To morrow's program embraces examinations in trigonometry , zoology , rhetoric , intellectual philosophy nnd general history. Examina tions are also being hold nt Hastings and Norfolk today. The examining committee is composed of Superintendent Mary E. Hos- ford of North Platte , Superintendent H. U. Corbott of York und Superintendent . II. Skinner of Crete. The business meeting of the Nebraska Funeral Directors nssocia tion held this morning nnd the following ollicors clcctoa : president , G. H. Fouko , Liberty ; vice pres idents , Joseph Vincent of Hot Springs , S. D. , J. P. Maoklohcady , Lyons , and J. W , Buck of Nebraska City ; secretary and treas urer , Jomca Hcaton , Lincoln ; executive committee , H. W. Werner , Hebron ; C. U. Scholl , Wahoojnnd H.H. , Willis , Fairbury. M. O. Maul , Omaha , E. B. Wai nor , North Platte and James Hcaton , Lincoln , were chosen delegates to the international con vention. The association will hold its next uuuual meeting at Omaha. IMumbers Hnvn n Itoxr. A llttlo dispute over the possession of a hat between two employes of Higgins' plumbing shop on Fifteenth street , near Harnoy , ended In a n y at noon today. Anton Naidl struck Hc iry Kcsslcr , nn apprentice , with a long piece of inch and a half water pipe. Youny Ket'slerwas stunned by the blow and fell to tho'floor , nnd Naidl , evidently thinking thntJioihad seriously in jured the boy , started to , iun ; , but was ar rested before he got out of the alloy by Do- tcctivo Haze and Jailer' Bebout. Kcsslor 'was taken to the Jail , where the bruise on his head was dressed , and then lie walked homo. Naidl is booked for assault with in tent to do great bodily injury. Cost of Pilot Gnu. Councilman Wheolcr Is In receipt of a letter - tor from the Omaha Gas Manufacturing company , wliich contains a reply to n num ber of questions propounded by the Fourth warder , relative to the company's ability to manufacture fuel gas and its cost. Isaac Batlin , the superintendent , replies that his company can furnish g. s mixed with 80 pot cent of air at So cent * per 1,000 foot. II would not. however , bo profitable to the consumer , as it would cost about $2.50 foi the equivalent in heating power of what costs $1.50 at present. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The ninny , who live bet tor than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by more promptly adapting the world's ' best producte to the needs of physical being , will attest thovnluo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles cmbiaccd in the remedy , Syrnp of Figs. Its excellences is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable nnd plea * ant to the taste , the refreshing nnd trul j beneficial properties of n j erfect lnx > ntivo ; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds , hcndathes and foven and permanently curnig constipation It has given satisfaction to millions am met with the approval of the medica profession , because "it acts on the Kidneys noys , Liver nnd Bowels without wenk cning them and it ia perfectly free fron every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs ia foraalo by nil drug gists in 60c and $1 hottlfes , but it ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syru ] Co. only , whoso name * jsT printed on over ; package , also the nmuo , Syrup of Figs and being well informed , you will no accept any aubstituto if' ' ollorcd. DR. McCREW THB SPECIALIST. Ia unsurpassed la th ( treatment ot all PRIVATE DISEASES andallWeakneiillci and uiiorden of Itur ' Women Excluded , 18 years experience | ' circular * free. 14th nnil Farnara Sts Omaha. Neb. llL.ll 1 UU0.4IK1 all tbo train KV1I.S , WKAKNKbSKa. JJKUII.ITV , KTC. , tU t company tlicm In Dion OUICKI.Y uuU 1'KHll NKNn.Y CUUKl ) . Full bTllKNHTH end to Hlvon to every part of the bodjr. I will on J n curelr paoked ) KltKK to nnr utfort > r tbo pr icrl tlon that cured niu of those trouble * . AJilrcii , A 11UAULEY , IIATTLK I'agEU SUMMER DISEASES. CMUC8 Them , With ft row Hint * tot Tholr Certain rrcvoiilloti l | l Is Vnlurtblo liifurinntlon. Cholera niorbu * nnd Mimmor diarrhea occur principally durlnj thonummor nnd autumn. ( Jholcra morbns U cixuso I hjr Improiior food nnJ sudden clilllltii ? of tlio boiljr attar moos- tire to grcut licit. CortMii subit-uicm will produce It tacartnln poraonj.sucli forlnttauco nsvoil. rnw milk tnkcn with tlsh , or shell llMi , ntid nil dlMio * cooked with milk , ouch ns rli'O pmldltii : , iToam punX and oven leo crcnm whim kept too Ions , ( Inrlpa orovor-rlpo fruit , especially if taken with Inrjo dr.iughis of lee wntcr , will eaU < .o It , Avoid LccoinliiR ohllloJ ( luriiii sloop. In iiclltniito ns ch.insn.tbln us OHM thu Uuiiovur-prosonldnnqor. I'orslstcnt suniiiiLT illiirrlnju la usirilly c-iusul by inn- larln. lower nlror Impure \yator. Tliu knowl- cilqont bow to nvoid or rcmoily thrsj danger ous complaints will save much sulTorlnz und avoid mniir ndoclnr'4 bill , Modlcnl science tells in that tno moot pure spirits , preferably wlihkuy. Inmodorntlon. It n sure safoziinrd ai.ilnsl OhciiMM of the llnd inuntlonocl. Ttiora Is but ono pure inodlolnnl whlikuv. and that Is Duffy's 1'uro Mult , If It 1st ikon rtuulnrly lit this so isou It Itfctn the stomnch li lumlthy condition , unrlflcH the ontlro systemand elves tone , strength ntid stimulus. It 1ms boon used for vo'rt by the Amononn public , nnd Is the most popular ramady of 1ft html In this Intnl. It Is trno tlioto uro IntonHtod parties who try to solldlhor goonllcd wlilsKlca when they nro nsUml for Dairy's , butsucb people have an In terested inotlro that Is not tor your Rood , Do not bo doeolvod , iindln'slst upon having just \\lint you call for Women Will Vote as usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day in the week in favor of WHITE RUSSIAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian' ' is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dosky Diamond Tar Soap. MADE A WELL MAN ME " ! HDAPO TH Hour IT HINDOO REMEDY TUB ABOVE - Vitality fc pocket. Prlcr , . . written gunr * fcnteotoruro or money refunded. Ifon't l t any nl principled drtlfrcUt mill you an\i \ kind uf Imltatlmi. In- sift or , baring INIIMMr none other. II lie lial no * It , we will send it 07 nmll upon receipt of prtcft Pot Mnnhlotln pealnn envelope free. Acltlrons Orlento ? Hedlrnl Co. . 6 1'ljmouth 1'lnpo. Vhlinco , 111. SOLD by Kuhn & Co. , Cor. iih and Douglas Sts , and ) . A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. ijtli and Douglas Sts , OMAHA , NED. ; by Paul G. Schneider , 531 Broadway and 6 Pearl St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA , and other Leading Druggists. BLISS. Cut price in fine millinery. We do not intend to go out of business , but will close out the entire line of choice goods at wholesale prices and less. We are showing the largest line of pattern trimmed and untrimmed hats west of New York. $2.00 white French chip hats reduced to 790. 500 sailor hats 70. A beautiful line of children's hats , very cheap , just received. A new line of flowers for this sale , Goods will be placed on sale tomorrow. 9 St. HOTELS. The Columbian Hotels 7036 Cottage Grove Ave. , Chicago. - 650 Rooms fteduced Fates for dupe. Rooms $1.00 Per Dcy und upwards , according to location. Meals , Table d'Hoto or A La Carlo. Everything first class. Rooms reserved for any diito doeirod. The Hotels comprise seven largo , sub- Btnntlnl , brluk und stone buildings und nine cottwgos , all veil flnittund and handsomely furnished. Every room outside light. Located , within six minutes' rldo of the main entrance to the exposition. Pour lines of oars run directly to the Expo sition Grounds. NEW YORK OFFICE , _ 172 BROADWAY. _ The Midland Hotel cor. I6th and Chloaeo. . Jefferson Squnro Park. Tiio4ffcriariCkrl ( .Kulldlni ; nndturni- d USlJ WpeneCl f vuro outlroly uow , American pliin , fJI . , „ . . . . - I Special rates Kuropoan iilun.llf lorair ( ( by the weak Convenient to all car Knot to nnd from depot * OUom nil comforts , con vIuiiQric ami faro of liKbur priced Iiotcli. Bvury room mi uutildo room. Kioo trio llulits , cull kolK , gaa , bntlK , oto. M. J. FRANCK , _ _ _ Frjuriator The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel. Cnr. 12th and Howard Btreeto. * 40 rooms i'J.M par dny , 40 rooms ii.00 JJDF any. ; iO rooms with iMth ut S3 nor ( lax. HO rooms with huth ut II a ) par day. Muilorn In KMtrjr Kimpcot. Autvly furnlihoil Throuclioat _ C. 8. ERB , Prop. _ WORLD'S FAIR ANNOUNCEMENT . . _ . CorfoltuBO Oroyeavo. undfllth HOTEL HClilcngo. . Hrtl rla > Kura ) i on : huperlor Dlulof Ilooin C inlnutuiTiuU from Wurld'i Kulr DELAWARE llute' moderate , tend for olrcu Mar , W. N , I'EiaUZtt , supt REHNANT SALE M3 < SfF&W Qe vfov * Fine Trouserings AT REDUCED PRICES. SOO Odd Sample Lengths of Imported and Domestic Troziserings Former prices from $10 down to $6 now offered At $8-00 to $5.00. A. Splendid Assortment o come early and pick out the choicest. SUITS- ! ' $20.00 to $50.00 . SamDles Mailed. 207 S. 18til St. A RUG OFFERING Next Monday morning w e shall offer our large line of Rugs of domestic and foreign manufacture at very much reduced prices to close them out. Some of them are not the bestselling patterns or they would have gone before. We shall now find means of making them go quick. This will be a rug op portunity you can not afford to miss , ORCHARD AND WILHELM - CARPET CO. Successors to S. A. ORCHARD , Douglas , bet. 14th and 15th