THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE LI. 1893. REMNANTS OF THE RACKET Pnssongcr Agonta Are After the Scalpers that Bloomed in the Spring. RUNNING A FEW TRAINS OF THOUGHT Freight Men Waiting for W r llnw V Ap pointment Mora Slerpcru Needed lie * Uvccn Ohlcneo nnil Omnlm I'ttcr Jlolleubcck'ft Popularity. Passenger ngcnts of lines In the Western and tninsmissourl associations are endeavorIng - Ing to conclude their sessions of ycstcrdny by signing the agreement prepared Inst week. Should this ngrccmcnt bo signed it will bo Interesting to note the methods the roads will tnko to clear tlio market of nil the tickets In hands of brokers. Some railroad men nlli-gcd that the Burlington and ItocK Island roads have 2,000 such tickets In brokers' hands between Omaha and Chicago. Even If the agreement Is signed there Is no certainty that It will ho observed , as al ready It Is assorted the Hto Grande is mak ing ft 1 cent per tnllo rate from Colorado common points to Chicago in conjunction with the Uock Island. As school commencements como on and Bummer occupies the saddle heads of fam ilies nro wondering if they will have to pay the present rate of f 17.W ) for n round trip to the World's ' fair and If five or six of the children arc to po , many of the fathers are wondering just where the money is to corno from. Complaints are pouring in upon the gen eral managers all over the country that rates are too high , but the railroad ueoplo show no disposition to reduce them liolow the present figures and DO the matter rests. It Is foolish , however , to bollovo that the present rates will bo maintained throughout the summer , several of the western roads fully realizing that it would ibo suicidal to insist uoou the strict enforcement of the agreement. At best things are chaotic , to remain so until frost comes again. Courtlnnil licnch l.lno Opened. Sixty days seems n very short time in which to grade , Iron and thoroughly equip n motor railway , but the East Omaha people demonstrated yesterday what push will do by running the first train over the now line from Thirteenth and Locust streets , East Omaha , to Courtland Ucach. Two coaches made up the first train , motor and trailer Nos. IS and 14 , and they wcro filled with the company's ofllccrs and invited guests to make tlio initial trip , which was satisfactorily accomplishedthe train making wonderfully good time , considering the new track and its recent surfacing , The run from Sixteenth ana Locust streets to Court- land was mndo In ten minutes , which pleased President Potter and Manager D. C. Long. At the beach refreshments were served and the guests inspected Omaha's now water resort. Cnlmly Wnltlni ; . Freight circles nro calmly waiting just nt present for some movement on the part of their rivals , when the war will break out afresh. There Is nothing new with the Union Paclllc so far as tariffs are concerned , but Mr. Munroo still keeps n close watch on rival lines and any additional cut will bo mot within the number of days flowed by the committee. "We are eminently conserva tive,11 ! said Mr Munroe , "but demand our rights In all cases especially when flagrantly attaokcd. However , these matters will hardly bo ndjustedito the benefit of every body. " Short ltun . John Francis is In Chicago. J. L. Klmball has returned from the cast. Hon. John Hogsnrt , minister .of Canadian railroads , arrived in his "special car "Ottawa" from the west yesterday. After the prip , when your.nro weak anil "played out , " Hoods Sarsnparilla will rc- store your health and strength. WOMEN WRANGLE. Itcnsnn HUH n Lively I.lttlo Gossipy Scaniliil of Its OHM. The usually quiet suburb of Benson fur nished an interesting car.o for Jusiico of the Peace Edgerton yesterday morning. The com plaining witness was May Miller , and the defendants wcro Mrs. Uodson , postmistress at Benson , and her neighbor and friend , Mrs. Trapp. It seems that Mr. Trapp has just been ap pointed n special policeman at Teutonic park , or TioU' park , as It is bettor known , and Sunday was hit llrst day m his now posi tion. Word was convoyed to Mrs. Trapp Sunday night that her husband was gather ing In all the perquisites that at tached to his job , and that among other things ho had been sustaining questionable relations with the Miller girl. Airs. Trapp did not stop to "ask any ques tions , but early yesterday morning hied her self straightway to the postofllee , where after a conference with her bosom friend and advisor , the postmis tress , it was decided that something must bo done tu protect the fair name and fame of that orderly suburb from the odium that ouch a scandal would bring upon It. Trie postmistress seiit word to Miss Miller that she wanted to see her , and the much wanted young woman speedily put in un npearunce , not knowing what was in store for her. Kho was question a little by Mrs. Dodson in the preseuco of Mrs. Trap ) ) and then the latter fell upon her , so the complaint lllcd by the father of the young woman states , and smote her soro. Miss Miller was considerably hat cred before Mrs. Dodson interfered and In b duced her friend , Mrs. Trapp , to desist. The two women wcro arrested and on being arraigned this morning were hold for trial next Tuesday in the sum of $500 each tor assault. _ Lots in town $100.00. Pa o 7. HIT U'lll ! TKlltiT * .1 tioll'H Itiillns InnCiisn llroiight liy Ilio I'rfscrvpr * Trust. CIIIOAOO , Juno lit , Judge McConncll today hit the trusts a hard rap , particularly the Preservers trust , the so-called American Preservers association. A corporation rep resenting the trust Is litigating with n re calcitrant member of the trust , Andrew P. Bishop , lu overruling the demurrer by the association , Judge McConnell said ; "No court of record should lend Its legal opera tions to further the Interests and carry out the purpose of a trust. To my mind , the corporation known as the American Fruit Preservers aesoolatlon Is but the agent of a trust , and , ns such , the same Illegality at taches to It as to the principal coiuH-rn , As the cnso now stands the corporation has been granted three days Is which to reply to Bishop. In case the association nbldcs by its demurrer the case will bo ap pealed to a higher court , The I'rcbervcrs trust controls n majority of the rannluir interest's In Washington , Boston , Now York , Chicago , Detroit , Daven port and St. Louis. Its capital stock Is about 10,000,000. It , however , has the privilege of increasing the capital block at any time to f 10,000,000. _ Not Hiiro Their Snlnrluj Cut. s , Juno , 1 ! ) . In the test case of the circuit court this forenoon of the SUto ex rcl Stout against Henderson , Auditor of State Judca Brown decided the fco and sal- nry law of 1SU1 unconstitutional. This Is the law that placed nearly nil the state and county ofllccrs of Indiana on salaries and re- duceu their compensation inoro than one- half , After n night with the boys Youra for a clear head. Brome Seltzer. Three Uxourtluuii tu Chicago Juno 18th via tlio Burlinyton route. Wo insure fast time and perfect sar- vico. vico.For For rartioulurfl call on W. F , Valll , 3324 Farzmm street. Omaha. HAYDEJf miO.'S 8It.Il ! } . ItnnnlriR Prlcri Down to Ilcd Rock | An extraordinary snlo of silks At Unydon Bros.l I31nok silk grenadines sold - "Ai an enormous sacrifice ! Our assortment ot black silk grena dines is well known to bo the largest in the city , comprising the well-known plain iron frame , satin stripes , small ba'skot wctivo and brocaded. Wo ofTor the entire line nt the ridiculously low price of OSc n yard , although there nro $1.50 , $1.75 nnd $2.00 qualities in the lot- Remember we guarantee thcso to bo ab- bolutcly every thread silk nnd only OSc n yard. We also offer 2T > pieces double wrap black and white surah silks in plaids nnd stripes ntHc ) n yard worth 85c. Wo have n few of these elegant moire silks in evening shades worth $1.50 per yd , which wo nro closing out ns 3Uc. Como nnd look at them. 23 pieces handsome shirting nnd waist silks , beautiful styles nnd materials , just the goods you want for n cool sum mer waist nt 49c yard. Changeable glnco taffeta silks , other houses sell them ns a bargain nt 88c , our price 59c yard. All our printed India silks wo are closing out nt nn enormous reduction froin former price , Como cnrly nnd make your selections before the choice patters are all gone. IIAYDEN BROS. obby Wessoil'H ! 1110 S 15th South of Faruain. Raymond & Co. , gravel roofers. 1-106 Faruain. Certificates of deposit taken In payment for any of the real estate bargains we olTor. Illcks Real Estate Agency , 303 N. Y. Life bldg. MERIT REWARDED. Exercises nnd Award nf 1'rlzes nt Ilrownoll Hull. - At Browncll Hall yesterday four bright and ' cultured young ladles passed from the con fines of school life and all its tender memo ries and arduous tasks into the freedom and greater responsibilities of this wide wide world. There have been few commencement days at Browncll hall more auspicious or enjoya bio than this. The weather was- fine , the at tendance largo and the exercises passed oft with the utmost precision and smooth ness from lirst to last. Promutly at the appointed hour the pupils , keep ing stop to the music of two pianos filed into the chapel on the third lloor nnd took seats , followed by the members of the faculty , Dr. Dohcrty , Cannon Wliitmarsh and Colonel Champion S. Chase , who occu pied the rostrum. After a piano duet by Miss M. Het7el nnd MissLydia Larson the auJIunco listened tea a very interesting paper read by Miss M. E. Biiltid of Omaha on "Notable Achievements of Nineteenth Century Science. " The fan- young reader touched bkillfully the many prcat triumphs of modern science and pre dicted that the future held oven greater vic tories in store for the persevering and thoughtful student of nature. The paper was heartily applauded. Master Windsor Dohcrty appeared and sang a captivating little song which pleased the audience immensely. Miss E. P. Elmer of Omaha took for her subject "A Vision of Selves. " She pre sented the many sides that nro found among the attributes of human life , the social self , the material self and the material self. The mirror was skillfully held up to nature and in con clusion the young lady said that the con summation devoutly to bo wished In tholifoof all good people was that , the baser and ma terial solves might eventually bo swallowed up in that eternal and all important self that , would live when the body had crumbled to dust. dust.Miss Miss Emma Abbott delighted the audience with a piano selection , after which Miss L. M. Hhcem appeared and read a very clever paper on "What is Education ? " She showed that education in its broader sense meant moro than simply the acquirement of a few of the accomplishments of life. "Tho Chimney Corner , " was the title of a sweet little son ? sung in captivating man ner by Miss E. Holt. The effort was rap turously applauded. The valedictorian of the class , jviiss Edith Abbott of Grand Island , then appeared and read an excellent cssavon ' 'Some Character istics of American Literature. " It was an article of rare merit and showed that the young lady had made considerable re search and study in preparing the thought germs for her production. After a piano solo by Miss P. Doty the prizes and gold medals were presented by Dr. Dohcrty. An Informal reception was tendered the graduates In the parlors of the college building when the exercises were over The following prizes were bestowed upon the successful students at the close of the commencement exercises : The Wallace prize for music , Miss Wanetta Bunting ; Yates prize for grammar , Miss Winifred Cutlo ; Hawkins prira for writing , Miss Grace Rotvloy ; Hawkins prize for arithmetic , Miss Pauline Schroder ; Butter- field pri/o for improvement In art. Miss Chnrlotta C. Smith ; Whltmarsh prize for composition , Miss Loulso Rhcom ; Chase prize for rljetorlc , Miss May Hetzel ; Woolworth - worth urlzo for higher mathematics , Miss Edith Abbott ; ICountzo prize for language , Miss Edith Abbott ; the bishop's prize for general excellence , Miss Helen Burntmm. The gold medals were bestowed as follows : Windsor medal , preparatory department , Jennie D. Baldwin ; Max Meyer modal , for Instrumental music , Phcnbo Doty ; Adolph Meyer modal , for vocal music.Master Windsor ser Doherty ; the Mrs. J. M. Cook medal , for history , Miss Edna Elmer ; the Thomas medal In science. Miss Eillth Abbott ; Bnrkn- low modal in literature , MUs Sarah Iloen ; Woolworth medal in scholarship , Miss Eliza beth McCnicUcn ; Williams medal , for de portment and nttondunco of boarding school pupils , Miss Charlotta Dcbold. When the essays wcro all read Dr. Dohcrty presented the four graduates with their diplomas and the vice president pre sented each of the graduates with a gold cross , the gift of Mrs. Bishop Worthlngton , The members of the class then knelt upon the rostrum and Dr. Dohcrty supplicated the throne of grace in a very touching prayer beseeching Uod that Ho might guldo und protect the young ladles all along the journey of life and lead them Into ways of usefulness in this world and into eternal happiness into the world to como , Busy poopio liavo no tuna , and sensllo people have no Inclination to use pills that make them sick u day for every dose thov tako. They have learned that tno use of Do Witt's Little- Early Risers does not In terfere with their health by causing nausea pain or griping. These little pills uro per , feet In action and resultc , regulating the stomach and bowels so that headaches , diz ziness and lassitude uro prevented. They cleunso the blood , clear the complexion and ono up the system. Lots of hualth ID littlofellows. MK UflLUi ! 500 Ladles' ' Silk Waists , All New and Ohoico Stjles , All $0,00 Qualities , ' TOMORROW'S UNLOADING PRICE S4.48 EACH 300 I.mlleV Indln l.lncnVnlitn , Mnile to Soil at SI.25 , Todnj-'n Unloading Price 78o I'.ncli Tlirao Are All I Jtcguliir Oooda. | Made of the best materials and by the best makers. APRONS IIALF PRICE. A fine assortment of aprons ; nprons thnt sold nt from 81.00 to 0.00 each , nil slightly soiled , your choice today nt just half price ; $1.00 nprons JOc ; $2.00 aprons $1.00 , etc. , etc. HOOPSKIRT3 , 50C EACH. A big line of hoopskirts , all at 50c eachDIMITIES DIMITIES AT 290 PER YARD. All our beautiful imported dimities , unloading price 29c ; these are imported and cannot bo duplicated buy now. PRINTED NAINSOOKS IOC. All our choice styles of imported printed nainsooks , the most popular fabric of the senson , unloading price 19c per yard. Big unloading of men's ncgllgeo shirts nt almost half prico. 100 dozen men's percale front shirts , 48c each , unloading price nil over the store. You never had n bettor opportunity to buy fine dry goods than during our great .unloading. Over $300,000 worth of the finest dry goods foreign and domestic markets nITord to select from at prices thnt sim ply cannot bo duplicated , for wo nro un loading and profits are not being con sidered. SILK SPECIALS WEDNESDAY. 20 pieces colored faille dress silk , $1.25 quality , today 89c. 20 pieces John D. Cutter's heavy twilled wash silk , the most beautiful wash silk made , vnluo $1.50 nud $1.75 , nil one price , 81.25. 2T pieces 75c nnd $1.00 quality figured china silk , today 4Se. 10 pieces $1.00 and $1.25 changeable glace , 75c today. ; ioc china silk today , 17ic. Thursday 100,000 fans will bo placed on sale. N B. FALCONER. WILL FIGHT THE CHARGES. Frank Dorncy Ones Not Propose to llcst Under the Indictment. Mr. Frank Dorsey , late of the First Na tional bank of Ponca , now defunct , came to Omaha yesterday to arrange for his appear ance in federal court upon a charge of having falsillcd the records of the bank for the purpose - pose of deceiving the national hank exam iner ind of embezzling the funds of the hank untl appropriating them to his own uso. Mr. Dorsey was cashier of the defunct hank , of which his brother , Hon. George W. E. Dorsey , was president , and in the early stages of the bank wrecking cyclone tliat seems to ho sweeping over the country the institution went to the wall in a miserable collapse. Ho says that ho will light the charges from start to linish. Mr. Dorsoy's oond was fixed at $5,000 , and after giving good and satisfactory sureties for his appearance , hoas permitted to go his way. Following are the names on Mr. Dorsoy's ' bond as being men worth over $5,000 each : AVilliam II. Beck. D. T. Oilman , Wilbcr P. Manley , J. 11. Bolton. The following are also on the bond and nro said to possess moro than $1,000 each : W. A. Angce , J. M. O'ConnoIl and Highland P. Loekncr Lock- wood. The clerk of the United States circuit court has certified to the statement that thcso men nro good for the amounts for which they would he held in the event of Mr. Uorsoy's failure to appear in coirt when wanted. Lots in town $400.00. Page 7. Z.OAT inn L. Disappearance of 1'nrt of tlio Kxhlblt ot tlio Oiicoa JMiirKhiiritii. Nnw Youic , Juno 13. The disappear ance of thirty pieces of lace from the ex hibit Queen Murgharita of Italy sent to the "World's fair is unaccountable to the Italian Chamber of Commerce in this city , to which the laces were conhignc'd. C. Bertolino , secretary of the chamber , said : ' The laces were in two trunks , which were sealed with the government seal and Queen Marghnrita's private seal. The trunks arrived hero safely on the North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wilholra II. on her last trip to this country. I gave the seals a thorough inspection , and finding them intact I in sured the laces for 880,000 , and the trunks , still in bond , were forwarded through the Adams Express com pany to the Italian consul at Chicago. The Countess di Braza was the only person who had authority to open the trunks and is the only ono who has a list and full descrip tion of the valuable exhibit. It is cer tain that the heals on the trunks them selves were not molested before the trunks left this city , and I do not sco how they could have been tampered with while in charge of the United States olliclals. " The Countess di Brazla was Miss Corn Slocum of Now Orleans , daughter of a wealthy merchant , and is a lirst cousin of Cora Urquhart Potter. OAT ; nUNKST MAN' All lownn 1'lniU Nineteen Diamonds at the 1'ulr nnd Return * Tlioni. CHICAGO , Juno 13. Vice President M. II. Do Young of the national commission and editor of the San Francisco Chroni cle came into Secretary Dickinson's of- llco yesterday with a smile on his face and a small package in his hand. "I hafo more faith in the honesty of the human race than I had last week , " ho began. "On Friday Mrs. Do Young lost a diamond pin while going through ono of the buildings here. I reported i the loss as soon as she discovered , the pin was gone , but had little hope of re covering it. This morning I got a notice tico from tlio lost and found bureau hero , tolling mo to como around and claim the pin. I went nnd got it. To the pin was attached a card showing that it had been plokc'd up by John Atkinson of Cedar Lake , la. Ho returned it to the ofllco as soon as ho found it , and hero it is , " Mr. De-Young added as ho unwrapped an ornament sot witn nineteen diamonds. "I fahall send a letter to Mr. Atkinson acknowledging his kindness und honesty in this matter , and if I over have an opportunity to do him a favor , ho will not bo allo'wed to ask a second time for it. " owder Tun only 1'ure Cioaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. tmftr iTImn iltnubi. If there iaony ins'tltutlon that cnn bo considered txlfo , It is n Building and Loan association. These in Omaha are all known tdibu money makers. In the first plnco n jpereon subscribes for as many shares of stock as ho thinks ho can conveniently carry ; making pay ments monthly on the same. After three months , i interest is paid on the amount invested , nt the rate of 0 per cent , while no bank pays moro than A per cent ordinarily ; thus one can-rewllly see where the Hnild- j Ing and Loan association Is superior to banks. Furthermore the of inter est continually Increases with time. There is no liability of a run on an insll- 'Jt tutionjbf this kind and consequently de positors 1 have n feeling of safety nnd se curity 1e 1C not guaranteed to them in any other line of investment. It is well worth investigating by everybody who has any desire to secure rollablo Investment for savings. The Bankers Building and Loan asso ciation , located In room 432 Bee building , offers the best of inducements to all classes of investors , whether they take two shares , paying $1.50 monthly , or a hundred 1 shares , paying $75 monthly. There is no class of people , not oven the day ] laborers , but who can Invest a portion tion of their earnings in this substantial association if they will take the trouble to examine it. i Lots in town 8100.00. Page 7. Bathing suits WossulPs 310 S 15th South of Fnrnam. Sco want column for bids for games nnd band for policemen's ' picnic. I will soil you well located lots , acre age or cottages and lots. Will take in payment certificates of deposit on the American National bank or any savings bank in Omaha. D. C. Patterson , Pat terson block. Lots in town $400.00. Page 7. m Knees nt 1'ulr Ground * Juno 14 , 15 , 10. Spring meeting under the auspices of the Roadster club. 85- , 000.00 in purses. Trotting , pacing run ning. Admission 75c to nil parts of the grounds. General admission , COc. No charge for carriages. Bathing suits Wossoll's 310 S 15th South of Farnam. I'urloliicd u I'll ) . Upon complaint of L. McGinn , a tailor nt Twelfth nnd Dodge streets , Detective Vizard arrested ono Mary Klscr yesterday for the larceny of n $50 diamond stud from the com plainant. According to the story told the uolicc , the woman bad been stopping at Mc Ginn's for some timo. Desiring to get to Kansas City , it is said she stole the diamond and pawned , it for Jo. The stone was after wards recovered by Detective Vizard. It was afterwards discovered that a couple named SeilTcrt were , in a measure , impli cated , and accordingly Detective Vizard ar rested them. After thearrest , Uosa Sclffcrt broke down and told the oflleers her story. She said that her name was Bennett and that her homo was in Neola , Kan. SeilTert had induced her to leave her husband and child and come and live with him. Two or three weeks ago she returned home , her husband forgave her , she prom ised to bo good , and after obtaining money came back to Omaha to get her trunk. Again ScilTcrt's influence came into play and she decided to stop hoio awhile longer. Yesterday she decided to go to Kansas City and the Riser girl was anxious to accompany hor. In order to raise the money the diamond mend was stolen. Detective Vizard has charged Miss Klscr with grand larceny nnd will probably lilo complaints against the Sciu'crts for adultery. There are threetilings worth saving Time , Trouble and money and Do Witt's Little Earlv Risers will save them for you. These little pills will save you time , ns they net promptly. They will save you trouble as they cause no pain. They will save you monov as they economize doctor's bills. Nobby Straw hats Wosscll's 310 S 15th South of Farnam. Keller for Firemen's I'anilllcs. The Morse Dry Goods company the other day offered 2 per cent ol their total sales for the benefit of the dead firemen's families. According to a statcmcn ; furnished yester day the fund will bo richer by $ G2.f 0 on ac count of the generous olTer ot this llrm. In this connection the Morse Dry Goods company agrees to bo ono of twenty-seven linns to insure all flrcmen's lives for ? 5,0K ( ) apiece. It is probable that this matter will bo taken hold of by the business men , who sco the necessity of caring for the families of men who risk their lives in saving prop erty. X KXCUUSIONS UAsT Vln tlio Wab.igh Knllronil. No. 1. For the Epworth league con vention at Cleveland , O. , Juno 2'J ' to July 2. The Wubash , in connection with the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation com pany , will make a rate of $10 for the round trip from Ciiicago. No. 2. For the Y. P. S. C. E. conven tion at Montreal , July 5 to 0. Only 818 from Chicago via the Wabash. In ad dition to the regular sleeping cars elegant now tourist curs will bo attached to this train at 81.50 per berth. Foil TICKUTH , sleeping berths or a touriat-foldor , giving list of sldo trips , with cost of same , call at the Wabash ofllces , 201 Clark strcttt and Dearborn station , Chicago ; 1502 Farnam street , Omaha , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Aet. , Omaha , Neb * American liollormtikera In Sosulon. CHICAGO , Juno li. ! The American Holler- makers association convened today in the Masonic temple. The delegates will bo in session four days. NATURAL FRUIT FLWORS. Of perfect - Vnnllla purity- Lemon Of great strength- Grange a Economy In their use. Flavor as delicately and dellcloutlv ac tlio fresh 'rci * . DO A GOOD YOU THINQ KNOW You See It How ! WHEN YOU , SEE IT ? Thl illustration ihows you the correct thing lathe Unk-liutton Cull now centrally in vogue , You cannot co amiii on either shape ol either _ brand. CLUETT BRAND , HOe , Arcassa , tquare Cabma , jound. COON & CO. Uordley , square : BRXBD , OOc. Crolton , round. MONARCH SHIKTS are calnlnzin popularity d lly ; and tor the reason that they are honest garment * at honest pricei. A teasonable consideration for your own Interest * will insure your wearing them. Unles * you arc Irremedi ably deformed you will fina them i perfect fit. CUUETT. COON & CO. LOTS AT AUCT 1OO IN WRIGHT'S ADDITION TO- ( Between Broadway and 9th Avenue and 24'lh and 26fh Streets , ) Sale begins on tlio grounds at 1O o'clock , r And will continue until all the lots are sola. The lots arc high and dry , and arc prettily situated , and will make good hoines to both Omaha and Council Bluffs. The laboring man , the railroad employee , the mechanic , , ! cannot afford to miss this great auction sale as they will be able to get a lot ATT Oh , Ladies Astonishing Sale IN LADIES' ' HATS TOMORROW All trimmed goods in 3 lots- TOMORROW ONLY. As we havevan over stock all these beautiful hats will go at ridiculously low prices. Remember tomorrow. Novelties and Ornaments at Specially low STORE STREET 1520 OMAHA La/test- IIEAUTIFUL EFFECT , TONR AND SOFTNESS. AN ART TUnASUHE. CAM ; AND EXAMINE THIS WORK IF YOU AKE THINKING OF HAVING A LAUOE PIOTUKE MADE. TIMS STYLE IN 10x30 FINK FUAMi : AT 3 1SXTIIA WITH EVEKY DOZEN CABINET PHOTOS. AT POPULAR PRICES , 313-315-317South liti Stroot. OMAHA. A STKICTLY TUBE ARTICLE. A MOST DELICIOUS , CHEWINO GUM. ( " "A VALTJABLE SPE. CIFIC FOR LUNO & TJ1EOAT TEOUBtES Mudo bv Curtis &Son. Portland , Me. The Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSHigE ) Imparts the most dsllcioua tatlo and test 0 KXTKAOT sourti , oraLETTaifiom MKDIOAI. GEN GRAVIES , TLEMAN nt Mad. mi , to ilia brother F1B1I , At WOHOB8TKK. May , 1B5L nor & COLII "Tell LEA & rEIlHINH' SIKAVH , tbat tbblr eauco Is lilKlJy etteomed In CAME , ludla , aud Ula my opinion , the moat WKI.HII- palatable , as well u the tuoet whole , KAKKIUTH , torn9 fauco Uut U mule. " Arc. Beware of Imitations ; . . . . , | .i..r . , | , mirm-n Bee that you got Lea & Perrine' ' Ei mtun > on every little of OrUdn : ' . tOanulna. . JOUN ZJU.NCAN'U UO.NU , NEW VOUIt , H mmmwm mmmmmmmmm mirol A SNAP Is what seven men out of ten are looking for ; a post- office a foreign mission a secretaryship a presi dency-some even aspiring so high as to wish to become aldermen. Failing in these , they'll take anything so it's a "snap. " Men have been known to pretty near starve to death waiting for a 'snap" rather than goto work and get a dollar by < good hard licks. There are several kinds of snapsHot - Hot counting the good old ginger snap. One is a job with nothing to do and lots of pay. Another is a chance to buy something that you actually need at ts - a good deal less than you expected , We're offering a snap of this sort I. J 'oil t. Oj-bi/2-3in , New York struck a man with a good many more cheviot suits , and not quite as much money , as he needed. They had the money and they "struck a snap" We place these as .i suits on sale today three full lines elegantly made up single and double-breasted in blacks and blues j > "JMSJjJess than they're worth that they'll be tot1 'snappad" up by good judges as quick as they see 'em- The first line are single-breasted sacks al | wool cheviots blacks only value twelve dollars a snap at S8. The second line are fine all wool un finished worsted cheviots double-breasted blues and blacks value fifteen dollars a snap at $9.75- The third line finest all wool cheviots single ex es * and double-breasted blacks only value sixteen to eighteen dollars at SIO.50. They're big "snaps" are these you Diamonds anil watches arc as gooJ as gold in the banks. Certificates of deposit on Omaha Savings and German Savings Banks , taken in exchange. rirTEKMTU AND UOUQbU , OUIIV. PERRAHEHTLY CUREB OF E3TO PAY WE REFER YOU TO 2..5OO . PATIENTS. Financial Reference : Ml Hank of Commerce , Omsk No DICTENTION from business. No Operation. luvcstUntoonr Muthnd. Written cuarnntoo to abso lutely Cumuli klndsof HDl'Tl'HKof liotlieoxostltL - nut tlio use ot Kiiltu or syrlnpu , uu matter of uow loot EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-300 U , Y , LIFE BLDD , , OMAHA , HEB , fend ( nrtilrouliir. PROTECT &ND IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT Our Spectacles and Kyeglussc.s Are ths Hist. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , OMSHA OPTIGflL GO. . 222 S. 16th St.