Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincoln People Eomowlint Agitated by News
Received from Illinois Lately ,
Henry Mnnnllold' * Will t % * Up IH
Wo Hint Only n rerrcntnire of the
, Income Would He Available
[ llcllef Unit I'revnlU.
< i'LINCOI.S i' , Juno 13. ( Special toTnn HKE. ]
> Not n great \vhllo after Charles W. Moshor
had been Indicted , ho cnmo forward with
n proiKwltion that ho would pay * 100,000 to
the hank If ho was allowed to go with hut n
nominal punishment. It was stated then
'thnt Moshcr hoped to got this money from
his father-in-law , Dr. Henry Manslleld of
I'corla , 111. , who was commonly reported to
bo n millionaire. Dr. Mansfield's denial of
' , nny Intention of helping his daughter's hus-
i band was discounted at the time , hut there
were many \ > ho firmly hcl loved It , and who
insisted thnt It the offer was accepted nnd
Moshcr was permitted to purchase pardon ,
the price would ho paid from the rich booty
Tjf which ho had looted the bank over which
'ho presided. Today n letter was printed In
Vho News , which shed n Hood of light on the
situation. It glvrs the disposition of the
property made under the will of the late Dr.
, ( Miui9loId ! , nnd shown ono how weak a reed
< l the hopes of these who held that Moshor's
i assistance would como through his wlfo's
\father were loaning. The letter Is as fol-
Ir. .Mnnntlcld'fl Will.
' - As to the disposition of Mr. Mansfield's prop
erty , 11 Is a hard inattor to answer. I can say ,
, Imwnvar , that ho gave no one a longer cstato
thiin hi ) hnil hlmsulf-a llfo twtato. Ho lio-
> iUeathod | nil of his personal property to Ills
oxcruloiH , to ho hy them kept. Intact and In
vested for the period of live yours , the Income
to I HI divided nunrtorlv nmoiiR his olillilroii In
" proportions us follows : Henry ami Nntlmnlo ) ,
eaeh ; Kll/a , Manslo , r.laaiinr and
' Hndle. enr.liG portent ; Isabella. Mr * . Illnkos-
ylny und Mrs. Moshor , each4 per cent. After
the o\plrattti of the llvn years the personal
' property Is to Iio divided nmnng the
children In thosaliiu proportion us the Income.
Ho hciiucatln-d to his widow. Mrs , Mausllold ,
thu homestead and two othnr piecesof pro
priety on Hamilton street In I'eorla Hint rent
Tor nlxmttinpor month each , ilurln liur llfo
nslomtns Bho remains his widow , and ami
nimulty of S400 i > er year. The largest anil
ibest of his Income paying part of his real
It'stato ho bequeathed tojhls two sons Henry
. ? ntul Nat , each of his daughters , however , uet-
| Ctlniunriunl | portions. Mrs. Moshcr nnd Mrs.
I -ilUiiKusly rnch cot only ICO acres of land
l Mn lowu. Allofthn hcquests of real estalo to
j.tlio clillihi'ii aru for llfo only , to no to their
lichlhltcu after their ik-ccnse , If uny sut vivo ,
and If nonn are loft , then to revert ( olho
brothers nnd sisters. It will bo perceived that
only SO percent of tlio personal piopcrty Is
I'tllspoM'dof umlor the will , and lam disposed
'to ' think that thu * uinilnliir : | pur cent will
lie. tiealed us undivided personal estate and
will dosceiid to his children In edual purtssub-
jci'l to the rlnhtsof Hie widow.
When old Nathaniel S. Tucker , Mansflpld's
partner , died ho bequeathed all his nstatu to
, Jlansllold , siihlcct to the payment of an
I [ annuity of 12,000 per yuar tu ono MIRRO : |
' OliuU , and Manslleld In his will snt.s apart
'I&O.OUO ' , mil of the Income of which to pay
inald annuity during the life ot M K 1 < > Olark ,
to bo divided after his death as his other uor-
Bonal ostaU ) .
i Them has heen no Inventory of his personal
cstato tiled , but It Is vailously estimated at
I from I200.XM ) to J3OO.OOO. Sirs. Manslluld 1ms
fi ranouncpii her limits under the will and has
I' elected to tiiko her portion as provided
\ > by statutiw. She will theruforn lake one-third
of the personal estate In her own rlRlit , and
komeiituad and ilovver In the real estate.
Taken UK Coiivinclni ; 1'ronr.
\Vhen the proposition was first broached
to secure to C. W. Moshor a light punish
ment bv line upon condition that ho put up
$100,000 for depositors It was stated that the
money was to como from Mrs. Mother's
family nnd that others of the heirs were to
quit-claim to her their interests in the Hen
ry Mansfield-estate to enable her to secure
the money needed. Henry MansIIold was at
that titno nllvn nnd well. Dy n strange co
incidence , Just ns the courts are lllco-
ly to take hold of the Moshor
case und there Is ft prospect of
the money being needed , old Henry Mans
field is found dead In his ofllco , presumably a
victim of heart disease , when it Is discov
ered that ho has no tied up his vast cstato In
his will that none of the heirs can realize
very much upon It for a term of years H
nnyonn believed that Moshcr in fact depended
ponded upon hl < 5 wlfo's relations lor the
$100,000 the chain of circumstances term !
natlug in the death of Henry Mansfiok
would seem moro than strange , but the trutt
Is that ovcryono believes that Charloj
Moshcr has not only thnt f 190,000 stovvec
safely away within easy roach of his righ
i band , but that he has much moro than tlin
amount U/f t out of the wreck of the bank.
Suporlntniulciit Kleotcul by iho Ilonri
Other lliwtrlco Note * .
BBA.TIUCE , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tn :
nis. ] W. J. Todd was elected by the Boari
if Supervisors this morning to succeed A. A
I teed , county school superintendent.
The special committee on bridges wa
lrnntod moro tlmo to consider bids. D. H
I Taylor and five other supervisors wcroadde >
r.o the conimittoa making the whole numbo
Sixteen , n majority of the board. During th
I Uscusslon of tlm uiatior. I * . K. Spencer gav
I'reo uttornnco to his idea that the bridge
jioviously constructed had cost the count ,
lee much. The conunittoo was given ti !
i-"rlday to report.
Application for n saloon llccnso at Lar
lnm , Nub. , by II. M. Bull , was indollnitul
| ) oslponed.
I At the residence of the bride's parents
| Mr. and Mrs.V. . O. Coulee , J. M. Silver an
I Miss Daisy Coulee were married , Itov , J. A\
bStowart , ofllclatlng.
I A futurity raeo , foals of 16'Jl , purse * 2W
[ will take place nt Odoll Wednesday aftei
liioon and is a ovunt of ns much Interest t
IGago county horsemen as any thai will tali
Iplnco this year. The entries are by A. .
Illanosheek , Hoyal Duck ; K. T , Joy , Iron
| Joy ; II. B. Price , Uuilmont ; TJ. A. Scrogfei
The Gaga County Newspaper union ho
( leased the Green hloclc on Fourth strcu
Iwhoro It will bo located as soon as its plui
| arrives.
The Beatrice Paving and Building Brie
( company has been leorganizcd with a pal
IUD capital of fSO.OOO. The following are 111
( directors and ofllcers of the company , V
III. Duffot , presidentC. ; G. Hoyt , socrotai
land treasurer ; C. K. White , J. Hondcrso
llXvvldvUcan and C. A. Hose. Other stoc
I holders uro S. J. Kentor of Itockford , 111
I and a Mr. Fuller of Ashland , Neb ,
I A relay bicycle raeo lias been arramrt
[ from Beatrice to Lincoln and return to taV
I place Friday. Thuru are to bo six relay
I three from Boatrica to CortLind and thn
[ from there to Lincoln. -
Nuhraiku l'linlch > iii In Hrilun.
LINCOLN , Juno lU-Spoclal ! ( Telegram
UB linn. ] The Nebraska Homeopath
Medical society is in session at the Unco
I hotel , with a largo attendance from all par
ot the state. The society will conclude I
sessions at noon Thursday. The socvata
reports that it hns made marked progrc
during the year past and many now npplit
tlons were received ,
The present session is altogether the me
prosperous and enthusiastic in the history
the organization. The address of Picsidc
Dr. D , Ii Forlstell was delivered today. I
I'crUov of Lincoln read a paper on ' 'Hvi
onlu Measures In Childhood , " Dr. 1C. At Hi
oputor of Beatrice road ono on ' 'Nurvo
ManlfcHtatlons and Treatment , " and Dr.
Ii. Finnoy of Lincoln ono on tho''Anatomy
the I/wor Bowel and Uoctum. " The d
ousslons of the papers were participated
bv Drs. Bailey , Mackay , Spahr , lilghtcr a
IIu Murrluil Toilny.
NEUIUSICA CITV , Juno 13. [ Special to T
BKK. ] O. W. Tompkins , a prominent att
tioy of LaPorto City , la. , will be married
morrow to Miss Nulllu McCoy , daughter
AV. M , McCoy , ono of the most liilluent
citizens of th Is city.
Dliul from tl n Klclc of a lfur c.
NiumisK'i CITY , Juno 18. [ Special Tc
gram to Tim DEI : . ] John Tucker died t
evening from the result of a uouudiu I
leg from the kick of his horse rccolvedsomo
two weeks n o. The deceased WAS an old
resident of this city.
Slnyer of Aucat Uothmnn Wnrcil Trellm-
Innry Ixnmlnnllnn nt I'mmont.
PHSMONT , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tnr.
BBB , ] Justice James Huff's court room was
crowded with people this morning to learn
what would bo done In the case of the state
against Charles Carlton , charging him with
murder In the first dogrco for shooting
August fJothmnn last week. As was gen
erally expected , when the defendant was
brought into court by Sheriff Mllllkcn ho
waived examination and was taken back to
the county Jail , where ho will have plenty of
tlmo to think the matter over until the dis
trict court meets next September. Among
the witnesses present who gave Iwiid for
nppoaranco were Newt Carlton , father of
defendant ; Mlnnlo Gothman-Carlton , who
has attracted so much notoriety Intoly , and
Lewis Gothman. son of the murdered man.
The remains of the murdered man were
burled yesterday. Father Fitzgerald , the
Catholic prlost , conducted the exorcises.
His only daughter , Mary , 13 years old , and
ono son , Lowls , 10 years old , were the only
relatives present.
Mnttor ,
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tnn
DEE. ] According to a complaint Hied in the
county court yesterday afternoon , Charles
Courtrlght , n man named' Manahan and
another called John Dee , seem to have en
tered the wholesale sheep business. The
complaint was made by Joseph G. Kotchmn ,
and consists of two counts. The llrst al
leges that the three men used great force
and violence on the complainant , nnd the
second that they stele 533 sheep belonging
to the latter. A warrant was issued this
The Farmers Insurance company of Grand
Island is making preparations , it Is reliably
reported , to begin suit against 135 Adams
county farmers who naid part of the prem
iums duo the company , but defaulted on the
In the Hastings Gun club shoot yesterday
afternoon J. H. Fleming won the "A" badge
bv breaking twenty-eight out of thirty blue
rocks ; Duer twenty-six , IloUworth twenty-
six and MclClnnoy twenty-three. Fleming
shot on" the tlo of twenty-eight made with
Duor nt the last shoot , winning. Deputy
Sheriff U. A. Boyd won the "B" class badgo.
In making a 'cyclo century run ot 10 ! ) }
miles the other day Landb and Leach made
a record of ten and three-fourths hours ,
which sotno of the Hastings club will- en
deavor to lower before long.
The city council has advertised for bids
for the removal of the condemned Hooppnor
brick block , which has been a mcnaco to
pedestrians on Hastings avenue for months
past. Several delays on account of tcchnt-
pallties tiavo already occurred , but Mayor
Hittcrhouso s.iys that If ono bid is received
the contract will bo let.
Fremont Hovnt Notes.
Fnr.MONT , Neb. , Juno IS ) . [ Special to Tnn
BEK.I The Board of Supervisors mot today
as a board of equalization.
Attorney Gcorgo L. Loomis has been
elected sunorintendent of the Congregational
Sunday school.
The throo-story brick store building on
Sixth and Alain streets , belonging to J. V. N.
Biles , was sold this forenoon for $10,500.
Jesse T. Uobinson of the dispatcher's
ofllco of the Klkhorn road and Miss Eva
Dcnncycro married this evening at the
residence of the bride's parents by Uov. J.
W. Koblnson , father of the groom , who Is
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church in
Central City. The bride and groom accom
panied his parents to their homo in Central
City , whore ihov will remain until next
Monday , when they will visit the World's
fair for no week before returning to this
.city. _
Bprlnglluld Manous Moot.
SrniNapiELn , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The annual election of am
eers of Springilold ledge No. 112 , Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons , occurred last
ulgnt. Dr. J. B. Lichtonwallucr was reelected -
elected for the third tlmo worshipful master ;
J. D. Quinloy , senior warden ; H. L. Hoyt ,
junior warden ; E. P. Swain , treasurer ; T. J.
Roberts , secretary. The ledge is in the best
of condition , having forty members , It was
lately visited by Grand Custodian Gillette ,
who pronounced it one of the llncst in the
Siirlously Sculilod ,
KcAnser , June 13. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
Ernest Day , foreman of the printing oflico al
the Industrial school was so severely scald oc
by falling into a tub of water while taking r
Turkish bath a few days ago that the skit
all along ono side ot him is peeling oft and ii
some places the flesh is coming with it. Hi
was able to bo moved this morulnir and wa :
taken to his homo in Lincoln.
Father mill Son Injured.
BuncnAiiD , Nob. , Juno 13. [ Special to Tin
BEE. ] J. W. Burp , with his 4-yoar-old son
wont out for a drive yesterday morning , am
whllo crossing a car track , the team bccami
frightened and upset the buggy , throwini
both occupants to the ground with great vie
lenco. The llttlo boy's log was badly broke :
by the fall.
1'oter's 1'oimlurlty.
Peter Hollonbcck'a recent appointment a
superintendent of the Iowa division of th
Chicago & Northwestern was just rocogni
tiou of n deserving and ofllolont man.
Superintendent Hollcn beck is ono of th
most popular men on the line and c curofi
guardian of the company's interests.
Nuril Mont Mi'opor .
There is considerable complaint over til
1 fact that the sleeping car service botwoe
Chicago and Omaha on trains is too ovoi
y crowded. Another sleeper is b.idly nocdoi
so they say. With crowded tr.ilns , the ma
who gets a berth is In a seventh hoavou c
i bliss ,
llciuurs Appointed.
An ofllclal circular , signed by Marvl
Hughltt , president ofN the Chicago & Nortl
western , convoys the Intolllvjoiico that Lloy
W. Bowers has boon appointed general com
set of that company , with headquarters c
Conviutoil u Vlclouit Voiitli.
LINCOLN , Juno 13. [ Special Tolograra I
TUB BBB. ] Charles J. Wilson , a youth of 1
charged with criminally assaulting his
year-old cousin , was .found guilty tonlgl
and will go to the reform school.
I'fok Unit tSoun to Kurnpo.
NKW Youic , Juno nl3. An Alhar
spuclul tu the Iloruld any a : Ex-Lube
Commissioner Peck has Hod. His coui
sul Bidtl thnt ho had sailed for ISurop
His counsel said Mr. Peek Is und <
, d 810,000. bonds
: o *
3 Traveling Man tioei Iiiinno ,
io TOLKDO , Juno 13. Frank Maybln ,
traveling Kiilestimn for Dornir
Brothers of Philadelphia , bucamo vi
lontly lusano at a hotel horo.
ic Ordered a Dlitlllrry CloioU.
In , TKimn ITAUTE , Juno 13. The Tor
ts ITuuto dibtillory has boon onlorod by tl
ts WhlaKy trust to oloso. It la the larjo
ry sliiRlu ulstillory Iu the world.
a- Hdrvunl un Kuiy Winner.
t llOSTON , Juno 13. Harvard ens !
dofoutod the of '
of University 1'onnnylviui
nt base hall teiuu by a score of 10 to 4 i
Hold , Ctunbridge.
E.of THE LEADER 1 1 !
isiu Co' fa urUr , Itheuisiatl.iu. 8ct tlc ,
iu lUrk.iche , and all External
lid AllmenU reroored qulckljr lif
which Is the only POROUS PLASTER
HP that oontulni imwerTui unil curative modern
I'O.SITIVK Iu IU action.
toof llcnion' * i'lantera 1'rftcnt Paennionla.
of It duos not cure chronlo allniciita la a mln-
ial ute , nor docs It create an electria hattcrr or
current In thairatem.nor will Itcurohyniercly
roaulne tbo label , all such claims are miulu by
qukcki Bud hnnibiiKi. UKNSON'S la cndoreod
ilc- byS.OOO 1'hytlclani and UruggisU.
CAUTJON-Doo'l t * J.MJ tj uuctiipulooi Drcl-
hls ( Uuvkiuttr ci ip Huh kul > IttjrcUlmUiulu reV
.bo irLU. .
Information Touching the Amount Coined
Up to the Present Time.
Gold Drained from the National Treniury
nntl UsotoM IMIei ofViilto Motnl Tnke
Iti rlaoo Statement * ( rum Sec
retary Carlisle.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13. A roprescntatlvo
ot the Associated press in conversation to
day with Secretary Carlisle suggested to
him that there was a lack of precise informa
tion touchlnc the amount of silver coined up
to the present lime and also ns to the manner
In which * the present operations of the
treasury under the so-caltod Sherman act
result In the payment of gold in the purchase
of silver bullion. In reply to these sugges
tions Secretary Carlisle said :
Ulitory for KlRlity-Diio Yearn.
The oporatlngs of the United States mint
commenced in 1772 and from that ttmo to
1873 , n period of ofghty-ono years , the total
amount of sliver dollars coined was 8,015-
B3S. In 1S73 the coinage was stopped by act
of congress , but In 187B It was resumed
under the so-called Bland act , by the
terms of which the secretary of the
treasury was directed to purchase
and coin into standard silver dollars ,
of 412 grains each , not loss than $2,000,000
worth , nor more than $4,000,000 worth of
silver bullion each month. IJotwccn the date
of that act and the 14th day of July , 1800 , a
period of twelve years , there was coined
$378,100,703. In addition to this there has
boon coined from trade dollars $5,073,472. and
from the soignor.igo of bullion purchased
and coined under the net of July 14 , 1S90 , the
sum of JQ.GIl.lW. making the aggregate
? 33'JS3G.37 in full legal tender silver money
issued by the government siuco 1878. Of
this amount only $58,010,010 was in actual
circulation on the llrst day of the present
month , the remainder being hold in the
treasury as part of the assets of the govern
ment , or being represented by outstand
ing certificates. The not of July
14 , 1800 , required the secretary of
the treasury to purchase 4,500,000
line ounces of silver bullion n month , and it
provided that he should continue the coinage
of stiver dollars at the rate of $3,000,000 per
month until the llrst day of July , 1801 ; ami
under this act there has been coined f' .t OS-
COl which makes the total coinage of silver
dollars , under all nets since 1878 , $4UUU4- )
835 , or moro than fifty times ns much as
was coined during a period previous of
eighty-one years.
PurclmniMl Under the Act of July , 1800.
In addition to the silver bullion purchased
by the government since 1878 , and coined ns
above stated , the secretary of the treasury
has purchased under the act of July 14 , IS'JO ,
and now holds In the vaults of the treasury ,
uncoined 124,192,53'J fine ouuws of silver
bullion , which cost the people of the United
States JU4.2U9KO ! and is worth today nt
market price $103,411,380 , thus showing a
loss of $10,883,531. By the terms of
the net the secretary was required
to pay for all silver bullion purchased
in the issue of the United States treasury
notes pavablo in coin , and it provided that
upon demand of the holder of uny such notes
they should bo redeemed in gold , or silver
coin , nt the discretion of the secretary , "it
being , " in the language of the act , "tho es
tablished policy of the United States to
maintain the two motils on a parity with
each other upon the present local ratio , or
such ratio as may bo provided by the law. "
In the execution of this declared policy of
congress it is the duty of the secretary when
emergency arises to oxcrciso all the powers
conferred upon him by the law , in order to
keep the government in condition to redeem
its obligations in such manner as demanded ,
and to prevent the depreciation of either
gold or silver , as compared with the other.
for In Uolil.
The records of the Treasury department
show that during the thirteen mouths bo-
pinning May 1 , 1892 , and ending May 31 ,
1893 , the coin treasury notes issued for the
purchase of silver bullion under the net of
July 14 , Ib90 , amounted to ? H'J.OiJl,184 , and
that during the 3111110 period the amount of
such notes paid in gold was § 47,435,173. It
thus appears that all the silver bullion pur-
chared during that time , except $3,210,011
worth , was paid in gold , while the bullion
itself is stored in the vaults of the treasurj
and can neither bo sold nor used for the pay
incut of any kind of obligation. How loiif
the government shall bo thus compelled tc
purchase silver bullion and increase the pub
iio debt by issuing coin obligations in payment
mont for it , is a question which congress
alone can answer. It is evident that if thh
policy U continued and tno secretary of thi
treasury shall bo compelled to issue bonds
or otherwise increase the Interest-bearing
public debt , it will bo done for the purposi
of procuring gold with which to pay for sll
pleasant in the taking , pleas
ant in their action but un
rivaled in their results. That
fairly describes Dr. Pierco'a
Pleasant Pellets. In every
disorder of the liver , stomach ,
and bowels , they give a laMnQ
cure.For Biliousness , Jaundice ,
Indigestion , Constipation , Diz-
iziness , Sour Btomacb. and
Sick or Bilious Headaches ,
they are the natural remedy.
They're tiny , sugar - coated
granules , scarcely larger tlinr
mustard seeds a compound ol
roflnod and concentrated vegetable extracts ,
Put up in Bcalod vials , always froth and re
tlablo ; a convenient vest-pocket remedy.
They're guaranteed to give satisfaction , ir
Bvory cose , or your money is returned.
, Any experimenting with Catarrh In the
Head is dangerous. Serious troubles rceull
from its being driven to the throat and Jungs ;
Dr. ' Catarrh . its mild
Ul Sage's \suuu i ( A AWIIlljr , by 4U1 Jilllu
teething , cleansing , and healing properties
completely and permanently cure * the vorj
tvorut cases. Its proprietors offer $500 reward
ward for uny incurable caso.
iron ALL
Clironlc , Harnu ,
Prlvata a
ro Special D133HH ,
st 10 ofboth
Men and Woman.
Etrmturo and all other troubles trnnti
. at rodsonahlo charge. * CUNtiULTATIC
in , PUKIi Gallon or nddroo
L KjuiiuvUll 1 L ) llml
Opposite II iydon llroi.
V&B&8SSE *
.rSpnoj-AcLi :
Spectacles aal
ver bullion purchased und/ir the net re
ferred to. _ ti , ' „
PAH'lfKK C'll'V J.lll KJt'XIir ,
Two Tlilevct llrld fur itntilfhig n freight
Cnr Oitlii Thrlr Liberty.
1'AWjfnr. CITV , Juno in. { jji > pclal Telegram
to THE IKB. ) ] Morrii Drowi nnd John
Murphy broke Jnll this morning at 'J o'clock.
They were bolmr held to tyicj . .district court
for stealing from n U. & M. frdlqht f.iln nt
this jilaco , n trunk of tutltry bolonclng
to the Simmons Hardware ) company of St.
Louis. The condition of Uio Jail door shows
that they wore aided from the outside.
The sheriff has offered n volvtinl of ? 50 for
their arrest and detention , , ;
Two RP/IIIIM AA > ldoiiti.
LINCOLN , Juno 13. [ Special' Telegram to
Tun HnE.1 W. H. Harto , < i' ' market gardner
living near Uushman pirk ( was probably
fatally Injured at Sixth and M street today.
Ho was driving n spirited team which fright
ened at the cars and ran away. At the cor
ner they turned short nnd throw Uarto head
long from the vehicle. Ho lit on his head on
the curb nnd was senseless when picked up.
At 0 o'clock ho had not regained consciousness -
ness nnd his condition Is ciitlcal.
A. M. Wattormnn , a switchman employed
In the Uurllngton yards , Jumped from nn
engine this evening while making n llylng
sultch , nnd landed on thctrack 11 front of an
advancing engine. Ho was hurled twenty-
live or thirty feet und n big hole knocked in
his thigh , one leg broken , his nose fractured ,
whllo his body is a mass of bruises. Ho is n
single man and fives at the Merchants hotel.
Internal Injuries of n serious nature are
Unncrnt Vuu ttycK < . . . of I hi MR or.
Nnnii3K.v Crrr , Juno 18. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tim Dun. ] Dr. Campbell , attending
physician to General Van Wyck. was In the
city today. The doctor says the general is
now out of danger , and with rest , quiet and
care will soon mingle with his political
friends and enemies. The general fools en
couraged from the fact that ho is fast re-
paining the use of his left sldo , which was
first afflicted. Mrs. Van Wyck fools much
encouraged and Lone Ledge now wears a
dllTcrcut aspect from a week ago.
Her LI In lor Home.
NnuiusKA CITY , Juno W. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.E. ] Mrs. John Hoko had a
narrow escape from being burned to death
yesterday. A gasoline stove in use by the
family had been supposedly turned off.
Mrs. Iloko lit n match to start a lire , when
the steve exploded. To save the house from
burning she carried the steve outdoors. She
was badly burned about the arms ami
Covering Entire Body With White
Scales. SuITering Fearful.
Cured by Cuticura.
My disease ( paorlnsH ) llrst broke out on my left
check , ppromllni ; across my nose , nnil nlmoat covor-
ntf my fnco. It run Into my o > oi , nml tlio physician
was afraid I would lese my oyeMnlit altogether. It
oprcnd nil over my hoa * ! , nnd m
Imlr nil fell out , until I was an
tlruly tmld-hcndoil ; It llicn broke
out on my anna nntl shouldora
until my nrma wcro Just ono sere
It covered my cntlro body , my
face , bend , nnd flioiildors IjolnR
the worst. The wlilto scabs fell
constantly from my boud , should-
thlckcn and bo rud nnd very Itchy ,
and would crnck nnd blood It
scratched Afliir spondliiK many
hnndredsof dollnrs , I win pronounced Incurnblo. I
hoard of tlio CirricuuA ltiMKllh.s. , and after ualn
two bottliM ( JUTiciniA HK.SOI.VKNT , I coulil neo a
clinnKo ; and after I na < l taken fvur .bottkis I < xna al
most cured ; nnd when I had uaodalx boltloH Cirri-
CUIIAHESOI.VF.NT , nno box ut UIJTIOIJKV and ono
cnko of CUTICUUA SOAP , 1 wni curud of the il read -
ful disease from wblch I bad suffered for HTO ycnra
I rannot oxprca with a pen \rbnt 1 suffered before
using the UKMFDIKS. They xaved niy life , nnd I tool
It my duty to recommend thorn. - My Imlr la r Oslo rod
os good ns ov er , and so In my tr ilcht.
SHIS. UO3.V KHLI.V , } t.c'iiivoll City , Iowa ,
Cuticura Resjolvent
The now blood purlflor , Intornnlly ( to clouusn
tiio blood ot all Imuurltlus am ) pulsouoiK ele
ments' , nna CUTIUUHA , thu great Skin Cure ,
and CtmuuiiA SOAP , an oxciuhlto S' lti Ilcau-
tlllur , oxterniilly ( to cloir the skin and s 'alp
nnd restore the hair ) , hive enrol thousand * ,
of eases where the shodillirj of so lies measured
a quart dully , the ukln craekod , blcodliic ,
burning nnd Itchlni ; almost beyond endur
ance , h ilr lifeless or all uonu , sulTerln ; terri
ble. What other remedies have m.ido such
cures ?
Sold nvory whoro. Price. CrmctjnA , 50c. ; POAP
! . > & : UnsoiiVKST. $1. I'repircd by the I'OTTCII
ESTSond for "How to Cure Skin Disc isos. " Cl
pages , 53 Illustrations , and 10'J testimonials.
nillPLR ? , blackheads , rod , roujh , cliapond
f II" uud oily skin cured by CuriuuitA SDAI- .
It Stops the Pain.
n.ick ache , klilnoy p.ilni , weaknoas
rheumatism nnd uiiisculnrnalns re-
il vud in ono luiiiutn by iho Ciitl-
nura Auttl'nln I'lnster , 2ISO.
Do you wear them ? When next In need try a pair , they
will give you more comfort and service for the money
than any other make * Best In the world.
$5.00 $ 5.00
$4.00 2.50
$3,50 152.00
$2.50 $2.00
W. L , Douglas Shoes are made In all the
Latest Styles ,
If you want a fine DRESS SHOE don't pay $ G to $8 ,
try my $3.50 , $4 or $5 Shoe. They will fit equal to cus
tom made and look and wear at wtil. If you wish to
economize In ycur footwear , you can do so by purchasing
W. L , Douglas Shoes. My name and price Is stamped
on the bottom , look for It when you buy. Take no sub
stitute. I srnd shoes by mall upon receipt of price ,
postage free , when Hlion Deulurn cannot supply you.
W. L. DOUGLAS , llrockton , Blnsn. Sold by
MntniM Wobboio , Ivolioy , Stlgor & Co. . O. J
WINon , Kilns Hvauson , lynutz Nowinun W. I'.O
South Omaha.
, i
The i
Stroo ,
Is nnsarpasfcd in the
treatment ol ull
nndaUW kne tllfl !
and Diiordtri ot mm
Wcnen Excluded.
18 yean ezperleuce ,
Circular * free.
14th nnd Fornam SU ,
Omaba. Nob.
To Preserve
The richness , color , and beauty o ( the
Imlr , the greatest euro Is necessary ,
much Imrm being done by the use ol
worthless dressings. To bo sureot hav
ing n first-doss article , nik your drug ,
gist or port inner for Aycr'a Ilnlr Vigor.
It Is absolutely superior to any other
preparation of the kind. It restores the
original color and fnllnosi to hair which
has become thin , faded , or gray. It
kcepi the scalp cool , moist , and free
from dandruff. It heals Itching liutuon ,
prevents baldness , and Imparts to
n silken texture and laitlng fragrance.
No toilet can bfl considered complete
vrlthout this most popular and elegant
of nil halr-drcsslngs.
"My hair began turning gray and fallIng -
Ing out when I was about 25 years ol
.ago. I have lately been using Ayor'a
Ilalr Vigor , and it Is causing n now
growth of hair of the natural color. "
K. J. Lcwry , Jones Prairie , Texas.
"Over a year ago I had n severe fever ,
and when I recovered , my hair began to
fall out , and what little remained turned
gray. I tried various remedies , but
without oucccss , till nt last I began to
Aycr'a Halt Vigor , anil now my hair la
growing rapidly and Is restored to its
original color. " Mrs. Annie Collins ,
Dlghton , Mn . .
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
neatly five years , and my hair is moist ,
glossy , and in nil excellent state of pros *
ervatlon. I am forty years old , and
have ridden the plains for twonty-fivo
years. " Win. Henry Ott , altos "Mua-
tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wj o.
Hair Vigor
Prepared bjrDr.J. C. Ayerft Co. , I.owcllMn s-
HoU by DruggltuKvcryvrhrrc.
l.UN lih llllnl ) K1U
As.k Your Druggist
OMAMA , - . NE1B.
Can't Pull Out ?
Why the
J3qwon the Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases , made by the
"KeystoneWatch _ Case Com
pany , Philadelphia. It protects -
tects the Watch from the pick
pocket , and prevents it from
dropping. Can only be had
yyith cases stamped
with this trade mark.
Sold , without extra charge
for this bow ( ring ) , through
Watch dealers only.
_ Askypnrjcweler for patn.
phlet. or send to makers.
_ _ And all the train o :
EVII.S.VKAKNKihKS , HIClilUTV , KTU. . lhatac-
company th m In mnn QUICKLY and 1'IJUMA
NBNT1.V CUIIKI ) Kull bTUK.NHTII nnd tom
Blvon to every purl of the hody I will end l o
rurelf tuickod ) KltK.K to any uniforor the prescrlp
tlon Ihntfliirt-d moof thoiio Iroublps Aililross , M
Headquarters for Western World'i
Fair Visitors.
. "ith nnd I.oxliiston avauup , Ghloaso. olcli
minutes f mm S7lh street entrance tu World' '
Kiur grounds , only four blocks from MlUsraj
t'luls tiitO.
Is u flno stone and brlo'.i building llnhhod Ii
hard wend , provided witlioloatrlulUht , staan
hout , baths and parfost suultarv pliiinnln ,
throughout The rooms nro all KooJ slro wltl
outside lUht. and are llnlshail vorv much hut
tor thim most of Iho World's Kalr llotols. Th
restaurnin i/ill huooiiduulod by thu manazoi
vvhlch VT ! Illimiro tu all iroo ) survive And ontlr
satlsfnoiioii. Kites will bo moclontnniid ro.i
uoniihle. 1'rluas for rjoiua , il.UJ und upwnril
( o.tcb person ) uorduy.
Wo desliotomnlio ' 'THE OMAHA"
headquarters for nil Nobruka and wostpr
puoulo who may visit the World's 1'iilr. , Vp
urn wuleomu to onmo and aak "QUI.a LION
AND OiT : I'OINrEKS" whuthoryou wish t
remain or not.'THE ONIAHA" U eon
voiilontlyroichoJ by talfliu thoUotfiKoOrov
and Juulitou .I'ark o.itilo ear on Wabas
avenue. Thuv p iss tlio hotel ,
Hotel will boopon Juno IO.
B. SILLOWAY , - - - Managot
Of "TLo Murray" Omaha.
The Midland Hotel
cor. I6th and Chicago. ,
Jofforaon Squnro Part
IlnlldinK and fun :
American plan , I. I . , , , , , ISpuolal ritai
Kuroponn ( ilttn.llf ' f by tlio fei
Convenient tu all car llnoi to nml from dopu
Ollorunllcuinforta. cunvlonoiiroiuncl fnru u ( hub
prlcciil hutoU. Kvuryroom unuutilUu room. 1:1
trio llubli , call bulls , K I batli * . uto.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Newest Hotel.
Dor. Hth und Howard tUrcota.
40 rooms tl.SU per day.
40 looms $ .100 par duy.
: f ) rooms \ > | th bath ut H nor day.
JO roomt , ivlili bath nt $1 M | > or day.
Moilurn Iu Kniry Iliupcct.
Ntovly rnrnuliuU Tliruuchoc
C. S. ERB , Proa.
Thin Goods , Damaged at Our Fire in
December , Now on Said.
Thin Coats and Vests
78c , , $1.OO and
2Bc , Bpc. and 7Sc.
At IBc. , 2Oc. and 25c.
Slight water dnmnpo , worth $8.00 ,
$10.00undjl2.00. !
2Bc. , 3Bc. , and 8Oc.
Continued demonstrations
of our ability to give the
best and most for the
money. This week we
continue our special sale of
the above fabrics. Those
who are not ready to have
their carpets laid can take
advantage of this sale by
making selections now and
we will lay them when
desired ,
Successors to S. A. ORCHARD ,
Douglas , bet. 14th and 15th