Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMA1TA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY. JUKE M , 1893. . . ' t * n p
rs'O. 13 PHAKI. STRKfcT
Igj EcllTMd ly cmlcr to nny part of th cltr
j.rmmNFfi , tHtnlne onico No 43
f , TLLErilurihrt ( Night Kdltnr No. 23
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston stoio Juno sale now on ,
Mlltonbcrger U the hatter , C03 Broidway
The Mayno Heal Estate Co . 021 llroidway.
ladles auxiliary No 17 , Union Veteran
Legion , will meet this Ivening at 8 o'clock.
Mary Anson , secretary.
Regular assembly of cnoa-npment No. 8.
Union Veteran Ixiijion this evening at 8
o'clock. H. W. Higbt , Colonel.
Joseph Harvey , an old resident of I'otta-
rnattamlo counts , died jcstcrday morning at
his homo In Avoca , aged 7U jcars.
The Udlcs Aid society of St John's Kng-
' llsh Uitbcran church will meet Thursday
aftrriioon at the residence of Mrs Lund , 7'JG
Mill Rti ect.
The four men who are now in the county
/Jail awaiting a hearing on the charge of
' ' ( burglarblng the postonito ut Audubon will
* < bo examined tomoriow before Commissioner
, IStendman.
Special conclave ot Ivanhoo commatulcry
No. 17 , Knlchts Templar , this evening , for
work In the order of the temple. All visitIng -
Ing sir Knights cordially welcome. By order
of the eminent commander.
AmnnhiKo license was Issued yesterday
to Klmcr 11 Thomas of Omaha and Miss
, Mary Williamson of this city. They arc to
/be mairicd this noon at the icsldenco of the
* bride's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs , S. M.Vllllam -
1 son. 315 North Seventh stieet.
t. Miss Goldlo Wcinborg and Joseph
Wnloslnky are to bo married next Sunday
* 0 o'clock at the Danooo halt. A
largo number of Invitations aio out , and the
event will bo ono of gi eat Intel est among the
Jewish residents of Council BlulTs.
f Katie Norgman sued Michael Stottlo for
f'JI damages in Justice Vien's court j ester-
day , alleging that the defendant had ripped
her reputation wide un the hick by cliculat-
Intr a report that she had stolen some
chickens. The case was tried to a jury ,
C which , after being out a short time , brought
In \eidiu of $1 and costs for the plaintiff.
Ten Diijrf at Iliu VV'iirlil'H I'ulr.
Itwlll co3t you less tJiiiu ? oO.OO , overy-
thitifr ncccsbary Included. This mentis
ihomes in private cottage , cleun , wife ,
elose to Riounda mid on the beach of
' . Lake Michigan. Write to .T. T. Chyno-
Iv.wothVindhor Park , 111. Itcfeis to II.
H W. Tllton of Tin : Bui : , or Jncob Sims
' , of Sims & Baliibrldgo , Couneil Blulld.
[ | The ( iriiiid Iliilol ,
Council BltilTd. The most cleffant in
Iowa. Dining room on seventh floor.
Jf Kutc , $3.00 und So.OOu duy. E. F. Glnvk ,
| iPro ) ) .
Another Improvement to tlio popular
Schubert piano. Swnnbon Mublo Co
Mr. and Mrs V. J Day will leave today
for ntwo weeks visit in Chicago.
> Mr and Mrs A. W. Johnson have returned
from their bridal trip to St. Joseph , Mo.
Trod Oiass has icturnod-homo from at
tending school at Iowa college , Giinncll.
C. U Ilnnnan will po to Chicago nn\t Mon-
I day to attend the bankeis1 national con _
Ii I. Woodbury , jr. , has returned from
Chic.igo , where bo has been attending med
ical college , and will spend the summer va
cation at Ills home in this city.
Mr and Mrs. H. W. Tllton and Miss Belle
Harkness leave this aftcinotm for a two
weeks visit to the Woild's fair.
The marriage of W. 1' . Ortleer nnd Miss
Mary Damon will take place tomorrow after
noon at B o'clock at the residence of Mr. and
Mis. Thomas Ofllccr , Uov. Stephen Pholph
Miss laiclla Ilogo arrived jestorday
morning from Cambridge , O. , for a pro
tracted visit with her uncle Captu-'n ' O. M.
Brown at the homo of Mis. G. A. Hobinson
on First avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wblto of Los Ange les ,
Cal , are In the city visiting the hitter's sister
terMrs. . A. Nicoll. They were foimer resi
dents of tills county , having lived at onetime
time in Gainer towiibhip.
Mr. and Mis J. H C irrothers and tboii
cousin Miss Jennie Weidnun luft last even
ing for the World's fair. They will then
proceed to visit In Albany , N. Y. , and Ohio ,
and expect to bo absent about three months
On their retuin Mr. and Mrs Cauotheic
will icinove their leildenco to Lincoln wheic
his main olllco has been located for some
Mr. nnd Mis J , D Wadswoitb have re
turned from nn extended eastern tlip Dur
ing their absence thoj' visited the Woild'
fair and their old homo in Chamualgn , 111
Mrs. Wndsworth's Illinois fi lends were
glvon an opporlunllj- hear her again in
concert , and it Is evident from the pi ess
notices that thoj' woio even more enthu
siastic than ever. Tbis will bo no surmise
to her western friends , who huvo watched
nnd enjoyed her musical development , iitul
who have longsinco conceded bora place in
the fiont lank of western sopranos.
Mnnavva Theatrical company , com' '
} radioing Sunday afternoon , will give twr
[ performances daily. Program for Sun
day afternoon and evening , "Tlio Monn
; tain Waif. " Curtain ribes at 11:30 : am ;
I 8:30 : , now pavillion opera house at lake
Pure ice
From Missouri river channel.
Mulhollund & Co. , Brown building ,
Telephone 102.
All summer inilinery goods at Mis ;
Rngsdnio's must bo closed out bofon
July 5. Great bargains in all lines ii
next twenty days.
Groonshlolds , Nicholson is Co. hnvi
moved their real estate olllca to ( > OI
Bi oitd way , opposite postollleo. Tel. 151
Council MUD I In c ,
The city council held a short mooting las
evening for the purposa of transacting a fov
Items of bushuss that were to come up fo
special consideration. The principal itci :
was with reference to the proposed settle
incut of the suit of Bcnnot C. Tabor agains
tin ) city , involving the owneishlp of a piec
of ground upon which tlio citj1 building 1
located. Tabor bad offered to settle mi
dismiss thu suit on the payment of $100 an
the costs , nnd Citj' Attoinoj' Hazolton am
thu Judiciary committee recommended tha
his offer bo accepted , as theru was goo <
ground for Dcllo\ing that In casu the sul
was pressed to trial the city would rome on
second best , The rciomtnrndation was coi
currcd In and the city attorney was Ii
structed to go ahead and make the sotth
'Iho city engineer was instructed to mak
such chnngo In tlin pavement on BlulTstieo
near the i-ornci of fifth avcnuo , as migli
bo necessary to prevent the uailh froi
being washed down from ttio bluffs onto ui :
jaccnt propct tv incase of stotms.
On motion of Alderman Smith the eng
nccrwns instructed to find mil and tupoit t
thu ( ouncll the amount ot water wlilc
would pass Bryant street in Indian eteek I
case of a storm of two nr thrco Inches i
rain in order that n calculation might 1 :
made as to the desirability of covei ing ovi
the crcok and converting It into a close
Met c r & llumllrlt' Irn Cream.
Try MaUgor Sc RandlottV pure nn
delicious ice creams und ices and yo
will order no other ,
Manawa trains will run daily from t >
day , leaving Broadway U and 11 a. 111
and every hour from 1 p. in. until 0 p. n
Williamson & Co. . 100 Main strco
largest und best bloyelo stock iu city.
Cook yoi" meals this summer on a g <
ranga. At cost at the Gus company ,
Stop at the Ogden , Council Bluff * , t
test I2.UO house iu Iowa.
Local Bonks Not Affected by the Omaha
financial Hurry.
Not n I'artlolo ot Uxcltninont In the City
llnnkt Prrpircd tnMeet n Itun
Should Ono Stnrt-No
Ciuinc for Alarm.
Notwithstanding the financhl tlinicultlei
ycstoruny In Qinaha , the banks In Counell
Uluftswent nlong the oven tenor of their
way , nnd so fur ns could bo seen there was
not the slightest uneasiness felt in business
circles. The Intcst news from Omaha was
asked for with the greatest Interest , but no
ono had nny thought of drawing out his de
posits from the local banks
"There is not the slightest reason for any
depositor to draw out his money , " remarked
n well known banker jestord.iy.Voshnll
not bo effected In the least by the shutting
up of the banks on the other side of the
river , nnd wo do not otpcct any tiouhlo. Wo
nro prepared for it , how oxer , If it cornea , nnd
If nny mnn should succeed in starting
niunonuswo will pay every cent. The
hanks will bo the only ones uho will reap
uny bcncllt from a run , consequent ! for
every cent's worth of interest which conies
due the 1st of next month will be forfeited
by those who draw out. "
Intorcfitliig Program of Kxerclies
by thn l'iiill | .
This Is thn crow nin ? day of glory with the
members of the graduating class at the
H ich shool , for it Is todaj that they will
appear upon the platform of Uohanv's opcr.i
house In clothci rthat were built especially
for the occasion and in the piesenco of un
applauding multitude of friends bow them-
schcs out of school Into nctho life. The ex
ercises this joir will ho o\cn rnoto interest
ing than usual , nnd fiom the way in which
scats were gobbled up jc'stctduy moining
within un hour of their being placed on sale ,
there willbo a ciowd lit botli aftcinoon und
evening sessions th it will fill the opera
house to o\crllo\vmg The following is the
progium for both sessions :
Music High School Orchestra .
. Antlnnto nnd wait ?
Oration npoLli-niiiKIni ; ln\uiitlons
Cartlo Oros\enor
Oiatlonllllam 12. Gl.iilstnnu .
. ( 'Inr.i riiiminunt
Oration ' 1 ho Question of Iiiiiiilt'r.itlon. . .
Kntlu Knbbs
T K. Qnaitft-ltosohnil T.ilr .M icy
Oration American Humor Magilu llradley
A ( .hrunleluof thu Cliss of 'UJ .
. K ihel Patterson
llarltnno ' old The 11 mtllt's l < lfo is the I.lfo
forMa II irper .Mi.J. II. Ciinriiil
Oration Monotones . . .AiiKUst i llonn
Hecltatlua The Uypiy riowci Girl . .
_ , . . . . . . . . Hck'iiTjlor
T. K. Quartet In Absence . . . . llach
Oration Students In Politics . .Uiaco Hcebo
Oration The btiuly of lllorfraphy. . .
. . lndsiy
Oration Toiaduni mcislin . . . Julia Tullejb
t-oni ; by Public f-oliools.
I'AUT H 8 1' . V.
Hlisli School Orchestia LOUR Ago .
Oration lias thu Kace > d
. . I'loruiico Carloy
Oi it Ion -Public Mbr.iilos Kthuliii II irclny
'II 1C Qti.irtut \ \ oodl iiul Kuscs . . Mohet
Oi.itlim Knthuslabin tlio Hiil Oiphrus
. . . . . n.iliu Cli iniliurlalt
Oration -I'carH and Mock I'o uKof lllstory
. . I'l.uiccs D.'illcy
Itjrltonu bolo 1 hu bklppur . Judc
Mr. J. II
DUcnssinn OtiKht the Uillioids to Ho
On null and ilanut'td by tlio Stati' .
. . . Alllniiathu.
1 rc'd ] : niil | < lo ; ni 'Uhe , Kobuit Ilildnin
Dcls.irto l.MrcNes In J'siire'-sloii Young
Lmllesof Illgh'-cliool. . . .
Oration How runu the Harp and \\ln the
IntoIIcct . . . . Maud C.ulr
I'OLin Don't Count Vour Vonthfnl Hens
Hnfoio Their Incubitlon . .KithoilnuO der
T Iv. Quai tut Annlu l.'iuilo . Hucl
Oration -Thu Touch of Inspiration .
. llerlli iOr.i3
Oration Should Ho the Clmineter of
Gi ulnatliu I2\oicNes ? . . . Kale Kyor
The address bofoio the senior class was
gi > on last ovcninir at the Masonic temple ,
The weather kept away many who woulc
otherwise have been here , but still the hal !
was well illlcd. Hev. Frank Crane ol
Omaha was the spcikor and his subject
"What Will You do With U ? His Icctuii
was calculated to impress upon the minds ol
the giaduates the idea that life was nol
finished , but only begun , when they left tin
school loom , anil it was necessary for their
to strike out boldly for themselves in ordei
to insure success His lemaiks were of ;
practical turn , and ho managed to insert r
pin into n great many of tlio fulblcs o :
humanity in general and so called socictj it
paiticulur , doing it in a way th it wusa :
nmusmgns it was instiuctne. He held tin
clohcst attention of ills audience throughoul
bis uddicss.
Hot AVoithnr Itnrenlnn.
Woclnosilny wo offer 500 ladies' oorsoi
covers , good material , well miulo , will
pearl buttons , only l&c each , worth Xic
500 pairs of children's niUHlin drawers
peed material , worked button lioleb
chiator of tucks , ages 2 to 8 years , to
mot row half price , 12c pair.
25 do/.on children's jean corset waibta
nil sti/.cs , Joe each.
Wo are cutting down the prices.
Ladies' white lawn bhirt waists , beau
tifully trimmed in embroidery at 7t"e
Sl.OO and S1.D3 each , worth $1.00 , 81.W
und $ . ' 1,00. Ask to BOO them.
.100 Indies' shirt waists in fancy per
caleb , batoons , lawns , nnd at oOc , .r > 'Jc ' , 7fii
and USe each. The grcatebt value ovei
You save money hy buying of us.
fiOO 20-inch sun umbrellas at $1.00
M.50 , 81.93 , * 2.f > 0 and * 2.08 cneh ; wortl
$1.50 to $3.00. If yon intend buying ai
timbrclla now IB the time to have mono'
during this sale.
Tomorrow wo will Boll onr regular 7fx
quality long waist bummer corhots a
half price ; tc ! ) pair. Now , ladies , thi
is a bargain ,
50 pieces of Lon > dale muslin OJo yard
Originators of Low Prices.
No llittliliit ; ut rnlrmonnt.
The park jwllcoman at Fairmount pur ,
has had his hands full for so\oial week
past to keep at a respectable distance
crowd of boys who have persisted In ustn
the cosy little lake as a bath tub , In spit
of the orders to the contrary. Monday nigh
the lake was full to its brim with laughing
struggling boys and the park policumn
thought it was a good time to muko a rail
lluaccoidingly sent a telephone message t
tlio city building and in a minute sever. !
policemen weie on their way to the part
In going down the bink to the water'
edge Marshal Tompljton missed hi
footing and slid on vaiious part
of his anatomy for a dUtanco c
about twenty feet. Onlms i\Velr and Mui
lib ) followed suit , and the tt ashing c
boughs and the boom of profanity gave th
small boys warning that something wu
about to happun , hut left them no time t
propaio for it. The w hole gang was spccdil
gotten out of the water and taken to tli
city jail , whoio , aftt-r a good scaring , the
were allowed to po free on condition tha
they would bo ou hand at the ctpeuing of p <
lieu court. A lecture from the court wu
thn climax of their punishment. All wei
bo > s belonging to rcbpectablo families , bi
they gave fulsu names. It is hardly like ]
that an ) of that crowd will try the spoi
again , _
Celebrate the I'uurth ,
COUNCIL Bum 8 , Juno 13. To the Editi
ofTiie DUB ; The "glorious Fourth" Is ra
Idly approaching , and whut are our citl
going to do toward celebrating it , in a prop
luanuori is a question which deeply 1
teiests a great many people at tha presoi
time. The cities of Council Bluffs ni
Omaha certainly ought to do something
his respect. They have been frequently
mt to fthama by much smaller cities and
own * nnd In order that this may not occur1
again , would It neb bo po'slblo for the two
itlcs , Omaha and Council HliifTs , to unite In
naking ono grand demonstration , such ai
ms never been seen In the west before , and
vhlch would rcdown to their honor and
credit and bo of a vail amount of benefit ,
> artlcularly to the business portion of the
idpulatlon. If such a union can not bo
iffcctcd , then let Omaha , shobelncr the larger
city , make nn appropriation for this purpose
nnd I nm quite sure she will receive the
icarty co-operation of the cltircns of Council
iUuffs. If the city will not make the ncces-
lary appropriation , then wo appeal to the
justness men to do it. It Is for jour bcncllt ,
and I nm sure jou nro enterprising enough
: o como forward with the needed amount. If
; lie appioprlation can bo obtained , there are
hundreds of willing hands ready and wait
ing to perform the work , Now , then , lot us ,
as clthens of our respective cities , wake up
and have a domonstiation on the Fourth of
July that will bring honor to our city and
credit to ouisel\cs. W. S.
Sltcrln * Will Moot Today.
Today Is the iiay set for the opening of
the Intel state sheriffs meeting. All ar
rangements for the event have been made ,
and the indications are that the meeting
will bo a highly successful and enjoyable
ono. Twcntj-nvo or thirty of the sheriffs of
Iowa , Nebraska and other neighboring
states tirrhcd last e\oninir , and are quar
tered at the Grand hotel , which will bo
the headquarters throughout the conven
tion , The greater part of the attendance ,
however , is not expected until this morning ,
anil ot cry train will bring In a delegation.
A United Slates official who was In the city
jcstcrday , informed Sheriff Harcn that the
sheriffs at Icailvillo and Deadwood had an
nounced their Intention of being rcscnt , as
well as nearly every sheriff along the line
of the Elkborn railway. There will bo a
register at the Grand , In which all visitors
will enroll their names as fast as they ar
rive. After dinner the convention will as
semble in the south room of the court
house. An address of welcome will be
made by J. , T. Shea , and the rest of the
aftenioon will be taken up with a business
meeting. In the e\ening there will bo an
cxcuision to Lake Manawa.
Coli ! Storage mid Commission.
Wheeler. Ilerold & Co. , cold storage
and commission. Only perfect storage
plant in western Iowa ; fruits and pro
duce a specialty. 1111 East Broadway ,
Council LJluils.
Trunk IVnih I
Frank Peach tried In the district
court jfcstcul.iy on the charge of stealing a
lot ot tools from Hermann & Brown's car
penter shop the court houso. The
charge In the Indictment was burglary , but
there was no evidence broupht outln the trial
to show that ho had broken into the place ,
though it was shown that ho had pawned
the tools Iu Omaha , nnd had the pawn ticket
In Ills possession when in rested. The case
was given to the juii and aflornn absence of
sevciul hours a vcidtct jf not guilty was re
turned. There is still another charge to bo
ventilated against Pc.ich at this term of
court He is accused of stealing u lot of tools'
from a now house that was being built for a
man named Kimball in the southern part of
the city.
Cnttlnp Slr.-iu .VI lit tings.
You can got Jup and Chinese mnt-
tings cheap now. From now on until
the stock is all sold the Council Bluffs
Carpet company will bell all their matt
ings ut gi eatly reduced prices. .
i\onciutcd llui Cninpiny.
The coroner's jury held an inquest j ester-
day nftcinoon In the ease of , Anthony Ras
per , who was killed last Satuiday by the
Hock Island Hi or. The evidence of the train
men was nuird , nnd the circumstances at
tending the tragedy weio iclated aliout as
they have alieady appealed in the nev s-
p.apcrs. At the close of the Inquest the jury
retired and brought in a verdict soon after
finding that the deceased met his death by
being struck by thu Uock Isliml train while
ho was walking upon the tracks contrary to
repeated warnings from the management of
the School for the Deaf , of which ho was a
pupil. No ulamo was attached to the em-
ploies of the railway company.
"Great clearing sale of millinery
going out of business everything lebs
.han . cost. The Louis , 23 S. Main St. lull ) 11 Motor.
Ajountr lady who is emplojcd at Bcnni-
son Bros ' store bad a narrow escape Mon-
lay night while coasting down Franklin
avenue on a bicycle. The grade Is very
steep just south of Plorco street , and at the
* oot of the hill runs the motor track. A
notor was appioatliiiig. but the bull did not
iingiind she had no notice of its approach
intilsho was within twenty feet of it. It
was then too late to stop. The pneumatic
tuoof the machine collided with the tear
car and tobomulcd , and as It struck the
> oung lady soiled hold of one of the upright
pieces and held on. The wheel escaped
lamage , vvhilo its uder was not injured ,
excepting for a shaking up and a number of
jad biuisca.
Protect your homes against destruc
tive storms. " \Y' C. James has the
strongest companies in the world.
Music for balls , parties , picnics , so
cials , etc. , by Mucioinns Union. J. B
Folk-It , Mgr. , 400 B'way , Couuoil Bluffs.
Will I.cnfor the Tournnmont.
A special train will lea o this morning
icaiing the Council Blurts delegation to the
state firemen's tomnamcnt at Sioux City.
All who expect to go will gather at No , 4
engine house on Upper Broadway at 7
o'clock and march to the Northw cbtcrn
lopot , the train leading at 70 : ! ! a. m. There
w ill bo quite a delegation from this city. In
cluding the Boys Drum corps , the Veteran
FU emeu's association and tlio running team.
A coin uyanto will bo on hand to carry lug
gage to the depot. Chief Nicholson loft last
evening for the Kccno of the tournament to
make some necessary arrangements in ad
Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist.
hi the Magic City A Novel
SulHlltnto Hums of Inturest.
A man Ihing over on Twcntseventh
street has introduced a novelty to take the
place of liis watchdog , tho'lattcr ' having been
hustled olt by the city dog catcher and
drowned. Ills new hobby is a great , big ,
rod combed , high-headed Cochin China
rooster , and this immense proud fowl is
nothing less thau"cock of the walk" In his
noighbothood. On last Sunday morning
when Harry Spedalman , a newspaper car-
tier , put in ills appearance the rooster did
not like the lad's looks and was not going to
allow him to step upon the porch
to deliver the paper. The rooster How at
the boy and made a saucy display of bis
temper , making as much noise as he could to
attract the attention of his master. When
the boy luft the rooster strutted up and
down the high porch and crowed until ho
was hearse , apparently feeling that ho had
won n victory In chasing the lad away. As
It is not compulsory to have jour rooators
tagged in South Omaha , this sort of a
' w-ntch rooster" will no doubt become ver )
popular. _
Holier .tlllU llnrneil.
Shortly after 12 o'clock last night the
South Omaha roller mills , situated below
Albright Just over the Sarpy county line
were discovered to bo in flumes , Tholln
department was speedily summoned , bir
owing to the lack of wt'ter was unable tc
render any assistance , nnd the plant wai
entirely destroyed. The mill wasownedbj
Mr. Dcrquist and was insured , Tlio losi
has not jet been estimated ,
Miiglc City Gnmlp ,
Receipts Imvo been light at the stocl
yards for the last few dajs.
Work will bo commenced on the nov
Methodist Kpiscopal church at once.
Vena Cralghead , 3 years old , foil out of i
second story window while watching th
circus parade this morning , Her right unkl
was broken. Mr. Craighcad Ihes atTwuutj
sixth and N streets.
The local camp of Daughters of Veteran
had an interesting meeting lust night. Mrs
William Baird of Lincoln inspected th
camp and complimented the members ver
highly lor their splendid condition.
Io Says Ho la Not Responsible for the
Terrible Washington Disaster.
* j
llnmlniriuR Vroetcdtngn TlrRiln by the
Colonel to Qomijcl the Coroner to
1'ormlt Him tn lie I'rctont
\VASIIINOTOV , Juno 13 The proceedings
in the district fcupremo court In the lAml
case today were frltfercitliip. The petition
llled by Colonel Alnsworth 'gives In detail
the condition of the building and his ptrtlo
Ipatton In the uorlc , which is the Hist state
ment bearing directly on the case ho hns
made since the accident.
Colonel Ainsuortli says ho heard certain
rumois touching the security of the c.istcrn
vail of the building \vlicn ho assumed con
trol and ho mndo diligent Inquiry among
onii-crs of the War department and le.irnod
It had been tnado perfectly seeuro and the
entire building was In every respect safe.
The reports vvcro confirmed by the architect
of the capltol , Clark. District Building Inspector
specter Entvvistlo and Civil Engineer Green.
ilo placed Additional confidence in these
statements because he know the walls atul
floors for many , v cars , up to 18S7 , had safely
sustained the great weight of the United
SUUes war museum and library.
To further promote the comfort of cm-
ploicsln the buiUlinir , ho hn.l procured an
elcetiic light plant , and for the purpose of
locating this plant mm to Improve the venti
lation ot the basement , it became necessary
to excavate a space about twelve feet in
u tilth between the pirtltlon walls in the
basement. This , ho says , requited to bo
underpinned. lie caused specifications to
be made , and submitted them to the \Vur
department. Diddersvero required to do
Uiooik without danger , and amid all the
loin teen biddeis , Colonel Alnsworth sajs ,
there was no Intimation of any probable
Wild Cimtliius.
- , put of abundant caution , the colonel saj s ,
during the progress of the work ho had fre
quently gene into the basement in ease
there should appear the slightest indication
of danger he might wain all occupints in
the building. In addition to this he required
the supeiintcndcnl to constantly watch the
work and instructed him to icport immedi
ately uny indication of danger. Upon in-
quiiioj by both they were lopeatedly as-
suied that the work was ptogressing with
absolute safety.
Colonel Alusworth denies that any of the
occupants of the building uiado any sugges
tions of danger to him or unv ono else to his
knowledge until after the accident.
Concerning the space roped off , he declares
ho ga\e no directions , nor was nny ono au
thorized to do so , with respect to the move
ment of cloths In or about the building dur
ing the progress of the work.
Colonel Alusworth sajs ho is convinced
that an investigation of the affair will result
in his acquittal of all blame. Ho asks that
the deputy coroner be commanded to permit
him to bo piesent with counsel and add such
measures as are nccessaiy to protect his
life , which is said to bo tinea tencd.
Disttiet Attoruej Barnet filed a demurrer ,
claiming that Colonel Ainsvvorth's petition
did not set foith any matter that entitled
him to a writ of mandamus.
The court tooli the matter under advise
ment until tomoriow moining.
Indignant Clerks Tell of the Unsafe Condi
tion of the Old Kuril Thentor.
WASHINGTON , Juno 13. The Inquest Into
the cause of tho.Foid theater disaster was
resumed today. A squad of uollco was
present to preserve order. The testimony so
fur developed nothine new.
Ernest Bcrger , a clem , told of the belief
among the clerks that the building was
danperous. Talking to Clerk Fred Collins
on the subject , lie slid if it did collapse
Ainsworth oucht to bo under it. The stairs
were by no means , adequate , and he had
noticed a bultro in the rear wall.
Edward Bajor , another clerk , told of
employes' fear. He had not made a com
plaint , because ho feared the consequences.
lie knew of a clerk who had asked to be re
moved to safer quarters , und w ho had been
told his only iccourso was to tcslgn. The
chirks felt strongly against Colonel Airis-
woith and Jacob Fieech , because they had
not bean fiuloufrhed while the excavation
was going on. ' 1 he witness Knew of a peti
tion which had been circulated , asking for a
furlough , and said the clerks refused to sign
It because they were afiaid of the con
UT. Edwards , a clerk , who had gene into
; ho Msemont during the excavation , testi
fied that ho saw no underpinning.
"More than ten daj s .mo , " said Harry
Brandon , the next witness , "tho clerks were
uhci'ti'il to walk carefully on the stairway m
the building. "
Clerk Fiank Randolph slid the feeling
towards the heads of the bureau weio not
cordial , especially was this so toward Chief
Clerk Trench , who treated them us dogs and
not as men. Ho was tyrannical and over-
This ended the testimony for the day and
nn adjournment until 11 o'clock tomoirow
was taken.
iicTcl ln ; Aloru Ciiutlon.
WASHINGTON , June 18 Supervising Archi
tect O'Uourke today made preliminary ex
amination of the Winder building , occupied
as the second auditor's office. The building
is very old Mr. O'Hourko said ho found it
safe , but unlit for the purpose for which it
is used. Ho will examine other treasury
buildings within tno next few days and then
take un buildings occupied by oilier execu
tive ollices.
In the House l Common ) .
LONDON , Juno 1 ! ! . The House of Commons
today passed the third clause of section 1 ol
the IrlMi homo rule bill The o on thld
clnuso commenced May 30 , and tins con
tinued ever lnce. When the result of the
vote was announced the Irish members
cheered loudly.
Death Itotl.
ST. PAUL , Juno 13 Mrs. Carolina Warren
Mcrrltt. wife of General Wesley Mcrrltt ,
commanding the Department of Dakota , died
last evening.
Arrh it of the \lklni ; Ship
Is'nw IXINDOV , Conn , , Juno 13. The Viking
ship airived this afternoon.
a.irniit POKKU.ISTS.
Cooler ami Showers Arc the I'rvillctlon )
for Nolirmkn Today.
WASIIISOTOV , Juno 13. Forecasts for
Wednesday : For Nebraska Increasing
cloudiness , probably showers In eastern portion
tion ; cooler ; wind * shifting fo southerly.
For Iowa Fair , except iprobiblo showers
tn the west in the afternoon or evening )
cooler In the west ; southcily winds ,
l.ncnl Hncoril ,
Omen OFTHR WrATiir.nBunctu. OMAIU.
Juno li ! Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , compared with eorrosnoudlng dnjs
f past four jcars :
1803. 1802. 1801. 1800.
Maximum temperature. 80 = 85O .883 00 = >
Minimumtoiupornttiro. . fl')0 04O ou = 73O
AvoraKO tompuraturo 70 = 74O 78O 8iO
I'rcclpltutlon 00 .85 .00 00
Statement showing tno condition of torn-
pcrnturonnd piecloitatlon at Omaha for the
day and since March 1,181)3 ) :
Normal tomneruturo 71O
Kxi-css for tlio ilny.v. . 8O
IH'McluncyHlnco Mnrchl 202 < =
Noinml precipitation 10 Inch
Delk'leiu'y fortho day r. ,10 Inch
Kxcess since March l 2.75 Inch
Itrnorts from Other 1'olnts lit 8 p. m.
T" InillcnU's trncc.
O. C. HU.NT , Local Foi coast Oflleial.
- not strangp that some people do
wronp through ignorance , others from
a failure to investigate as to the right or
wrong of a matter. Cut it is strange ,
that individuals and firms , who are fully
n win o of the rights of others , will per
sist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn.
High-toned , vvcultliv inanufrcturing
firms vill olTor and Hell to retail mer
chants , nrtielob which they know to bo
infringements on the rights of proprie
tors , and imitations of well known goods.
Wo want to sound a , note of warning to
the retailers to beware of such imita
tions and simulations of ' 'CAiiriJU's LIT-
TLK LIVUK PILLS. " When they nro of
fered to you , refuse them ; you do not
want to do wrong , and you don't want to
lay yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon
Franklin said "Honesty is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "Honesty is
the best principle. "
TS. . Depozitory , Omaha , Nob.
CAPITAL , - 8100,000
SURPLUS , . - - 865,000
Offloom and Directors-Henry W. Tales presi
dent. H C Cushlug. vice president , O S Mnurtro ,
VV. V. Morse , Jobn S Collins. J. N. II. Palrlck.Lew-
I 3 , Heed , cashier.
Yea , Verify ,
The World Moves
$1,000 $ , IH THIS $1,000 $ ,
it ciinnof { to lin-
No Donth3
No FlroB
It dooa not dopontl on
A Calamity.
BONDING CO. , Council Bluffs , Incur-
corporated under the IAWS of Iowa , for in-
ormatlon , roonialll anl 31) Morrl am block
Council IU tiffs , lowiu
LuST VITALITY " > > XorTo'wDobimy
UUUI II I HUM I cc < < , , ltfjT curel Ii ;
1NUAPO. thcRrrat Illmloo Hgmril ) , PoMxIth writ
ten auraitl o ofrurc. ffnmplo rnt free. MlilrcM
Urlcntul McdkKl Co , , tS rirrulk flMt , Itlc.lo , IIU
Mnchlnns from ono-olcht to olslitv horse
power. VVarr.inred io slvu satisfaction.
Wrlto us.
W , K UAICKll , : m nnd ninsiiusnrt lllook.
Council Hlullb Tulohinoajl. | ) (
Our JI1 A pnrtm"nt House llofrlgcrntor , tlio
belt vnlua evoofferoil
A carload of pcroon tloori , screen wln-
dnus nnil demon wlro' tiottnm iirlci'i
hnrco Btork of Mcjtlcs All klnilj of
blcyclu reiinlrliiK done promptl ) . ,
41 Wain St. , Council Bluffs.
Inchnrjoo the Slaters of Moroy.
Tlila renowned Inntltutlon li sltintedon the
high blulTs biokot and ovcrlqpKlng the city ot
Council IlluiTx. The spiolous grounds , 1H
high location and splendid \lew , make It a
most nloishu totroit for the ulHtctoil. A stuff
of eminent pliyMcliuis nmli largo carpi of ox
porlenced niires minister to the comforts 6t
thouiitlcnU Spool il carft given to lady p -
til-Ills ,
Terms Mmlornto.
1'or particulars apply to
Frank Street - - CounclllJlutrj , Iowa a
Stticlt < > F f/io J'Juo-il tn ttio
P II Vonl In * oftnt 1 1 whnlotilo liquor ttoro t ,
No IT I'oirMtrocl. Council ( Hulls itml hi put In J
n Inrno nnil well loli'Cloil stuofcot nlnei , tirnndliu. $
MMe , etc1 U Is n ( nit worthy of mention DIM .v
Mr I'ura Is the fortunate iio" isor of noirljr fortjr J
Imricnof lliellnostwlilikj In the tlnllcil 3lnto . ' <
In ! SMtui ) buiikhtsoronlr-llTO tmrenot Kciituckr
l' K U Ti > lnr whl lcr. nnil It n i not until nbnul
thri'iiyoir' ikn tliit ho iilicnl llui unolson the
iniirkot Oftlilt tuok ho IIBJ lofl nl > out forly IIAT-
rcl iiul oxportu nil | < rnnounre It nlnululolr tlio
llin'it nlil < kj liitlin country ! Ho sail * It ui'ilnlr
to f imlllcM for niiillcliul 'o , ns It Is too coslh tor
IhorouuHr Uiulo. His wcirtli o\ar } IO nor itnllon.
' 1 hero Is not iinnthur liriml ot ncli whl k ) In the U.
h. Ills stook itf lirnndloi nnttvlnoi 0011139 fro u the
unions I.uivul tnnfonl vlncjnnls n California ' <
ntnl hnro n Mali ropuutlon fur cclloucJ niU t 4
Qimiif.nninhi'iilir.i Attirnoyulrw. . Pmo-
bllllSolQallllJUllSj 'u ' In the suto ixnj cotiru. Itoonu JOJ-7-S- ' . > .
block , Council Uluir-i la.
n n u H3 1 IB i U/F \ .
iisTu vcisnml loins Kurnnnt city proiunr
bought unJ FJlJ 1'usiy & Tlioiu.M , Counall
111 Us
/ 1 AllllAi.i ; romoMM cmspuolsnuUsi , clilnimyi
V. l.J HiirKo , at Inylura LTiioary , il )
llromlw > _ _ _ _
\urirufj homo , all moiliirn uimoiilc'iicpi ;
low prlcos , otvsy term * A J Munilel , C Hlutls.
"ITOMfS 1 will trnilo in ) oqultU's In ono or two
1 Itooiiilwolllni ! * forilimr Ints Ilnlnno3 on Ion ;
tlini1 11 J Ailitut 'IH l'erliiu\oiine
AIUJAINH 1'or i-nlu , Tit by jy foot on 1 rnnkllu
! MH ncri'a butucun lit ntruatnml 1 rnnklln n\onui.
] lo lilnttlnii | > ropnrtr In the city , S300JJ1W
Tno IfltK oppoHlta llilril ntri-c l Kcliool , fl,503 00
DIIU lot \\llsou lurrnco , t ! < JO )
'lluci > lots , curnor Main Ktro't mill 12th nvcnuu
licit Kiln for Iniplununt house In 111 J tils , ST.WJ 00-
l.oneuu.V l'o UJ1 > 1'oail Htrect.
liiiiiu- for snlo In moat ilialmblo
BISAUIllUli I < rJImitul \ \ Its ro lik'nt.u. No llll
H Mli flrcLt All raodcrn convcnlcntcs , bnrn , etc.
ln > , V HOIK , nKCnt
, | to iur KI > UI | hnproiiMl farm in t < . ' 7 U l "horl-
liliuH'o . Stli , for nilinit fi UJUJ this la nway
liolon llHMilnu luhintiin \ Vim I'MInn
TlOt' wnnt to runt sour lionsoi II no cull at
l-'tho Muyno Itml 1 stntu Co , i 11 llroiulniiy
' Al'lll S tiioil iHiul In ( iiBpor count ) , .Null , for
C'lO . \ hiilik'o fur liuproMMl jirnpuit } In Council
lllulls 'ilio.Mii > nu lloal r lulo lo . OJl llronilnay.
TVTH'B COT -tcM-rnloftlHMii for unto ; low
J. > | .iRcs nnilcry c'vir ininiuiiln. 'Ilia Muyno
111 ill Kutnto lo , b.'l IlroiKlnn ) .
( IlKAt.i : nnntcil ncnr ( uuncll Itlulls In ox-
A cliiuiku for 1JU IUTU3 llnu Innil In nortlioni Mis-
noiirl innr lowu line , clcmi of Incninliruncc. Tha
Mhyno llcal I ttntolo , WI llroailwnj '
( At III 8 linprnvol Innil In northern Kaunas.
1(0 " r of IncnniOrKiicu ; " 111 uxthuniiu for land
nciir Council Illnllii 'Ilic Muno llcal Kutato Co ,
I > 1 [ llroMdun )
\\T XMTD ' Itnntlon us Milcslmly In dry 1:001)9 )
'l or inlllliH > i > b > u Inil ) of npurluncu , Adilrusa
/ \ftli \ 3 < l Ktri-tit
ji IK K\l llAM3ICM\oll Improvoil 8J ncro Iowa
farm ni-ur KOOI ! toun. do ir of Inciiinbrniico ;
w [ 11 ixi h inu'w lur nlcti rctlilenco In Council lllutfi
nnil pi ) ciinli tllllcionco Tlio Muyno lloal Lelat *
to , oil llronitHii ) .
Cortland Delivery Wagons
Are the Strongest. Most Durable Wagons on the Market.
No. Mi Thrco surlnz noavy business nation. Wo oirrjr many styles of Oollvsrv wacons. anil a full line of tlio celebrated Corllan4
C irrlBKi-s. SurrlosT Uugrflos , ROD. Wagons and bprlug Wnsous , It will uiiy you to BCO us beforu buying olsowlicro.
Correspondence soliultccl ,
13O4-6-8-1O Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The V eather is Hot , but it will pay you to
' HAT 1X717 A TXI17I
rlUl WHA1J1J1M.
Every Shoe in this immense stock will be sold
There will be some great bargains , Be there and get some pf them
L IBtli.
Watch this space and notice the prices. It will pay you to buy shoes now