' I * V-"i V T > * t " t * 1" cp THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , .JUNE II. 1803. COCRSEY'S SUDDEN DEATH Mystery Surrounds the Demise of a South Omaha Tinner , SYMPTOMS OF ARSENIC POISONING Drmv 111 * I'n > niul Stnrtntl to Ilnjny It Arrive * llninn Slrk Urntli ttomci Suddi-nlj Thn Alfilr Will llo ln\c < tltted > The lifeless body of Trod Coursoy llcs-nt Ills homo , 1721 Leavcnworth street His sudden death Is surrounded with mjstery. In nil probability ho is the victim of a mur der. If so , aiscnic , the weapon oj cowardice , was used. The mjstcrv will bo fully inves tigated. Coursey was a tinner. At the tlmo of his unfortunate death ho was cmplojod at Cudahj's ' In South Omaha. Ho drew his piy for last week's work on Monday evening and , His said , started on a sprco with some friends. They spent the greater part of the night In South Omaha. Yesterday morning Cour sey went homo. Ho complained of being very sick , but at first his wife did not real- he that there was nnjthlng sctlous about the ca o. Ho grew so much worse , however - over , that Dr Hrnhout of South Omaha , the family physician was sent for. This was Just before noon. The doctor prescribed for him and said ho would loturn again in the evening. Ho did so about 4 o'clock and found Coutsoy in a djing condition Inside of nn hour w.is dead. Symptom * of rolsonltifj. Dr. r.rnhout is positive that the man died of aisoniu poisoning and will hojil a post moi tern examination this moinlns ; . Just where or how the man was poisoned Is not Known. It is picsumed that ho was drugged for the purpose of robbery , as when ho got homo ho hail nomonov. Ills pay for last week was ? : w Ho gave SI lot this amount to James He ith , the b.uber , to keep for him , but the b il inco is gone , and it is now supposed tint it was taKcn fiomhim while ho was under the influence of the deadly diug. Coursoy has worked In South Omaha for yoni sand has many filnmls there Ho was constdcied to bo ono of the best tlnneis in the shop. Ibis Is shown fiom the fact that ho iccelvcd ? .it pay for one week's woik It is only a short timoainco Coursoy moved his family from South Omaha to Omah i. The South Om ihs police will investigate wheie Com soy spent Moudav evening. Some ai rests may follow this moining. llntlconro of ( 'oiiricj'H I rlonill. It is the obvious intention of Coursoy's friends to say as littloas possible concoinlng the affair. A icprcseiit.itivo of Tins Urn called at 17241-eavcnworth sli cot last night. Ho was Infoimod bv a young mm who mot him nt the door that Couisoi was dead , and that was all ho know about it Column's sister told his sislcr of thodeith e.aily in the evening , ho said , anil this infouiutlon was later followed by.iiequest from Mis Couisoi , who isstajing with filonds in the noighbothood , to bit m > with the coipso. Slllf Illll StDlllMl At. After a few minutes conversation another of Coursoy's former follow woiinncn came to the door and was interio atcd closely , vouchb.illng in icpl > . howuvci , no infounn- tion fuithor than th it Coursoy had not Doen nt woik Monday and that ho did not know that ho had been ill oven until he received the new H of his death L itcr ho added tlnil -Coursey had been ill since Monday night nnd th it the doctor s ild it vvas a case of ar 8cnk.il poisoning. Neither of the men soon was willing tt say that ho thought Comser hail committei suicide , nnd both dcclaiod that thoio wane no icason why ho bhould do so , so far a they know. Both men seemed anxious to say as littli nr ] > osiiblo concoining the matter , and woii evidently inclined to avoid answeung tin questions put to them Conceining the lobboiy above icfcried to it is stilted that on Saturday ovenini Couisci's shier went to the police station in an e\t itcd condition , nnd icportcd tlu her brother had been tobbud or a gold vmU-1 nnd chain and a pmso containing § . Couisoi , however , did not appear nt the st.i tion to give.any f Hither explanitiou of th affair. CLUB RACES. I'ool Sutllni ; on tlio Kvinti Cnnimunca List Muht 'Ihii KntrliH. The sale of pools opened up quite brisk n the Meich.ints hotel last night on the Ho.u stor dub uius. In the 2 W ) pace Tokama sold flist choice , S O ; Kgbeitlna second , § 1 1 Dr. Mack SO , Kuby $ T. and the field ? ! There was a big salu on the pace. In tno 'J trot Ilornpluo went ( list at ? 15 with Chink F at the snmo i.ato , Shodol and Acme Jack the Kipper $8 , Goodlino $ U and tli Hold fin. In the 3 minute tiot B.iy Medium vvn made piimo favoiite. ? 15 , Ladj Gay , $7jCii ] tain Hawkins , $ .r > ; field , sJl. 'llio thico-fourths mile dash , iimnlni Mike Whiting btoun'ht 810 , Haiiy Hoiculu- $ .7. and the field $ . ' ( ) . 'Jheio am nlno entiles for this ovcnt , n followbNulllo I , Mike Whiting , M inlo Leal Petticoat , H.urv Hoicules , Keystone , l Ye S , Telltale and Signal. Thoio was a big attendance of hoisomo in and about the Mcichants , and ttio pie : poets aio line for a big day of exciting spoi 'iho mombcib of the Uo ulster club aio o : peeled to wo.irttiu clnbcolois on their whip : ICailui ; Iti suits \iMtcril.i } . ST. Louis , Juno 13 The tiack was lumv today. Hist race , slfuilmiRs : Guilty (20 ( to won. l iiulru CJO to Daocond , Allco l'Jt ) ( < third. Tlmo : Is'-U)1 ! . bccond uuV , hclllntf , slfuili ni : I reodn ( H tel ) uon , H.insticK (0 ( 10 1) ) second , Aoionai ttltolMlihd , Tlmo : l-2O'f. 'lldid I.HMMurrlm HS .nOO milled , R\ fuiloMKK : I.lborllnixB tel ! ) won , Kliutt Uooi (40 to 1) ) Hironcl , Ch.uluy T (5 ( to 1) ) tlilt Tlnii'i lto ) } , , I'mulli i 11 1'n \ furlongs' Oroon II ick ( 1)iin ) , llov lioi'bli'l ( uvciii bi.'ioinl , M.iml" b Dlhlid Thuu l.llri I'lftli i.uo.vnc'n uud n lialt turloiir. . llo li Hey IHtol ) \\DII , VHHunt (1 ( tu 1) ) socon Vnviiy ( .1 In li tblnl Tlmo : 1 toy hhtli itiLi > , out ) mllu : i'looiUutu (1 ( tuI \\n riiitHliniic'uil lo liM'cond , rianccicii H& Dthltil. Tlino1I7 : ( hiniMith rare , hand leap , inllo and fifty janl IIUliliuul (4 ( In fioii ) , llusilu HUliinil ( li tu biToml , Uulilnt ( > in 1) ) tbli d 'llinu 1511i. Moiiiits I'MIK , Juno li ! , Hesultb' 1'list rai'ii , throu-finirtlH mllu : Adulboit tn'JMIII ) , Uiiru-ntC ) to 5) ) hocond , Count ( Jl ) Dthlul. Tlmo : I'll. hiciuid iiu-i' , niininllu ! Mary Stone (3 ( to \\oii Midnight. (10 ( to llNCComl , J.l7/luUlo ( tlilul. Tlinoi 1:4U1 : ( 'lldrd i.u'c' , MUon-ulKhtlis inllo : ICIiiKl ( H lofi ) won. liuln ; llo.v I. ) torn sfi.Hind , tiy | ni ( llollhlnl Ulmn : JiU7' ( I'ouilli ini'O , mllu nnd u foiutlr I'l nli lcr neil , hlvliiiiorsuiiiiiil , J'oi tiller ( JO to third. Tlmu : U,07 r. I Iflh ini-f. ll\u > iluhths inllu' Doll ) Cult totf ) won , Oporto illuif ) ) sccuml , lUula colt , ( I ri lo 1) ) third 'I'lniii , OU hlMli iiu'i > , suii'ii-oljjliths wile llaninilo toTiliMxi , MiiuloilolM lo fn snoonil , ICvbtr.u (4 ( to It third , Tlmu : lfJ7 Six FltASfi-ce ) , Juno ID Kt'Milts1 1'll t r.u e. ono nillo1 Topsy ( III I won , C ClllllO SlUMIUl liOltll ) llllld. 'llllH1' l-4) ) > 4 MVond nice , oiio-h lit inlli'i Jovlti ? ai won , roHMinin bicond , Norm.inillu till Tlmo : 5(1. ( Tldid rai'u , throu-fmtrlhs mile : Mori won , .loo scuiml , Unuc-ii I ) third. Tin I'ourili i. ice , onn mllu : Sir Itooloii , llu.-i /iiot fcond , U d Cloml tldid , Tlmu , 1 U'i - ' riLoui'i SIBU , Juno 1.1 Hcsulia I'lrst rni-o , mllu uml un nUhtli .Minnow (8 to 7) ) won. Nation il 13 lo 1) ) sivuml , Clun ( o\cn ) third. Tlniui 'J:01 : < { bccond r.u'o , llviul hts mllu ; ruinu Mi (0 ( to J ) won , J til KNtm ( H to &i siM'onil , 1'ori MrNntdO lo Utlilril. Tlm : l0li ; ( Tlilnl raou , tlvo-i > Uhlhs inllu. llnlo I'lill to 1)MIII ) , Jui oy ( J to UhiM-onil , I'tJiibC I'.iyl ( Cm li llilid. Time : 1 03) ) , . 1'onnli iaco , ticvi'ii-ulglillin mill Kn.iui lo 1) ) won , HouiUD to 1) second , l.onoly (30 1) ) tldid 'lltuo : 1-3JU. nttb i nor , si \ 'urliiiijs ; AIIJ unH ( to 6) ) M IMnard l'(6D ( tu Ijsicoinl.l oMaedoUU Utlil 11 mo. l'ai' < . blMb't.icii , live-eights mlle ; fclm lioi'k (3 ( 1) ) v\on , Voioiidlii (3 ( to 1) ) Mcond , I'liicrlon lot thlid. Tlmo. 1:04. : CINCISMTI , Juno ll ! Ili'sult * at Laton imrso , coven furlougs : yuter M ( "i to li won , Aurora (7 ( to 1) second , Harry Hrnltlidlto 11 tlilrd Time. 1:2H Second racn. xitlliiR. iiurso , otKUnllonnd iov- ftify yard * : Kl Itrno ( ID lo 1) ) won. \ Ida (4 ( < t to Dwcoml , "aJllo Itn toDthlrd Tlmo : 1-47. Third rnco , afrooh indlcap , minioUo : t > nknn ( Gin 1) ) won , t hlniM (12 ( tel ) second , Uallndo (8 ( to lllhlrd. Tlmo ! l41 ! ! ( . 1'ottrlh rnco , tiff Mi-rclmntV stakes , fnr 3- joar-olcU and up , inllo and nn clphth ! Maid Marliin ronplod with Yo Tainblon nt (1 ( to 10) ) on. Yo liunlilrn sucond. Newton (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time. 1:03 : , I'lflh race , puric , rlovcn-slttccnths inllnj Cli itit (7 ( to 10) ) won , \ \ 111 roiiso (0 ( to 1) ) second , . Mrljl ht(8 ( to 1) ) third. TlnitI'.O'J. : ' . Sixth riico , < ( < llltin , IOVHII furloiiKi : Mabollo ( fl tel ) won , I'rln H loc l\cr (0 ( to 5) ) second , Cnptalnltocf o(5lo ( 1)1 ) bird. Tlmo : l:20'f. : ' xir/OA.iij t.KMiva < ; .I.M/S. Clnrlnimtt Knmn\c4 llrookljn from the lup of the I.M. BuooKtA'V , Juno 13. Only n lucky three- base hit by iouugUoicoi.ui In the seventh kept the BrookHns from being shut out. Score : llrooklyn . 000000100-1 Ulncltinatl . . . - lilts : llrooklyn , 7 : C'lnclnnatl II. Errors : llrooklyn , 1 ; tJInclnmtl , 4. I'.irnpd run * : Cincinnati , 3. Ililtcrlm : Ijovettand Dalloy ; I'h.imborl iln and Murphy. l > lr.itrn I'limlly CUrh Uji Acnln. BOHTOV , Juno 10 Costly errors by Carroll and the Inability of the Boston pitchers to handle a ball gave the Plttsburgs the game. Score : I'lttsburjl . 200003301-0 s 01002010-7 Hits : Plttsburu , 12 ; Hotton , 14. Krrori : lotion , 3. Earned runs : I'ltlsliniB , 1 : Bos- on. 4. Itnttorlos ! Terry , Klllen and Miller ; > lchols , Staloy nnd llunnott. Undo 1'lmln n .Ihniny Martin. WASHINOTOX , Juno 13 Sam Shaw , re cently ot the AiiRUf.tn , O.i. , club , pitched for liic.iKo and proved nn enigma to the Wash- ngtons Attendance , 1,200. Score : iVasliliiKton 0 0210001 2 0 Jhltiago 12110000 -10 lilts : Washington , 5 ; Chicago 10. Krrow : Washington , 3 : Uhlrnqo , 4. learned runs : Wa-ihlnpton , i ; ( Jliluigo. 7. llattaiUu : hiryeu , Jleukln nnd rurrolli Hliavv and KH- .redgo. Colonel * Knop Up lliolr Call. Nnvv YOUK , Juno 13 Stratton vvas nn easy mark for the Now Yorks. Kuslo toolt mallets easily , but the only ono of the visitors to liud his curves was Broivning. Score : Now York 00405310 * -13 lOllUvlili ! 0 2100 a 10 0 0 Nits : NoYoik , 8 ; l.onlsvlllo , 7. KrrOrs : N'ow York. 2 : Lotil-nllli1 , 0. Kirnutl runs : N'mv VorU , 10 : lxiilsvlllo ) , 1. llattorlus : liuslo 'mil McMahou ; btiatlon , Glim and liur- S \rd by Iliird Illttliif- . iiu-iitv , June in Phlladclphh suc- ecdcd in w inning a fjamo fiomSt Louis bv bolter bitting and fielding. Wcathur dear , ind pleasant. Attendance , 3,100. Innings : I'hlludulnhlv 0 5000041 0-10 M. louU > . . . . I ) 0 0 0 0 1 0 10-5 lilts : i'ldl idLljihlii , 12 : St. Louis , 0. Er- rois. Phllulolphf i , 10 ; bt. Louis 5. Kit nod runs : I'lillmlclphl i , 3 : M. LouK & . IJntiurlo- , : ( . ' n -.uy , O'lcmunts and Hellly ; Dulau and Oun- son , Couldn't ToilLh Old John. , Juno 13 Clarkson was In vincible Cleveland floldod brilliantly , while the Oiioles tcoied their usuil number of cnois and tan b ises like am.itcuis. Attend ance , ,1,171. Innings : Hiltlmorn . OO0000101 2 ( Jluvulunl . . . . 1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 8 lllti : Baltimore. 3 ; Olovol mil. 10. Krrors : II iltlinoio , 4. nuiiud runliiltlmoir , 1 ; ( . 'love-land , . ) . B.ittcikM : Ililllnioro , MrNabb and Kohlnson ; Ulovuland , Ul ulviou and /.Im- mur. st.indlnfr ot tno To HIM. Will I'rosucuto Them. VAWMIVISO , Intl. , Juno 1.5 JudRO Gillette - lotto of the ciicuit court of Poi tor and Lake counties telegraphed tlio ofllclils at Crown Point tliat Costcllo and Woods , the pri/c ilRhtcis , should be put under ? 1,000 bonds Iho Judge sajs that ho is doteimined to e\ . 'haust ' every me ins to put a stop to these ex lubitions Ho instructed the shcitlt to ar icst tlio pilnciials | , and. if ponvicted , lie vvil give them the full penalty of the law. M'.toli lor Jack l > , ivls. Sioux Cm , Juno 1J [ SpecialTelegram tc Tun BIT. ] Jack Davis of Omiha and Jacli Dundj of I'hil.idelphii are matched to flgh bofoio Iho Sioux City club , Julv 2 , for 51,000 tlie men to weigh 1C,0 pounds The club alst otTcis a purse of fU.OOU for a light between ai unknown , and Dick Moore , who fough Shadow Maboi at St. Paul 1 ist night. VVcui l > y tliu nlltu. The Swift & Co. bibo ball team dofcatci the Paxton & Gallapher team in a closcl ; contested game Sunday , Juno 11 , on tlu Koi ty-flfth sticot Riounds. 1 ho scoio : xlonS-Gallanhor. . . 1 1 fawift Co 0 10301 1 1 Itittctlct : Carmollo and JlcCardlo : Ham inotid and fcour. htuifk out : Jly ( Jaimullo , 7 ! > y llaniinoiul , 0. llnlti-ll liy lilt ) < illl } . Wiicox Neb , Juno 13 [ Special Telcgran to Tin : Br.nJ The Loomis Bioivns and th Wilcox Grajs ciossed bats hero today re suiting in a victory for the homo team by i core of 14 to li. ! It was a vciy windy day but tlio game v\cnt oil splendidly. CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Il oimlon on tlio 1'nvliiR < > nc < tlon and It Compile. itlonu , The council devoted .sovoral hours las nijjht in an effort to uutanirlo the pa\in ; lUestion. Tlio in.ittor vvas biought up b ( the following icsolutlon , intioduccd by Mi Wheeler : \\lioieas , Undoi the roci'nt dei'lsion of th btipimno coiut of tlio si ikMit NubtniUa It I ii'qossiiiy to h no n polHIon Ml nnd by a m.i oiltyof all Dm piopi'rty oiMicii In nnystrisu .nipriivuini'iil district bufoiu ) ) i\iiM can b onion d tlicicln ; and \\hurous , bin h pntltlon.for thn protection o tlio clly , should bo sUnud without , my con ( lit Ion ot oii.illllc.it Ion and should bo ab olut in foi in ; tnuinforu bo It Kc < .uh d , liy the clly council of tlio city n Omuh i , tli m lyoi conruri liu : That In funir no urtlon Hliull bo t.iUun In any strcut lin imm'imiiit clUtilrt onkTliik' 01 iiiulrbiK I' iv IiiK 01 CHI liln ' thuriiln until tlu > ru .shall b piuHuntml to tliu mayor and i omiiMl a potltlo iibsolnlo In form ruiiiosllnsnidi pivlm ? with out .uiy condition or restriction tlioruln ; an bit It rnitlior UuMilM'il , Tlmt upon huch polltlon boln piosunted. the clly oiulnuur liniiiedlatiily lire iiaio tlio pi opur ordinance orduilnx the u i\ iiic In piiisuiiiico ot lliu polltlon of a ninjorlt of the property owners In any slroot liupiovi niont dliti let and allowing by the proNlsloi : of Mii'h oiilliiaiu-o thirty da\s to the moptiit nuiuTs In such dUtrlut within which to dusl ; nuti ) tliu material thuy dualru lo bo usud ft. .such paving , Mr Whcoler took the position that it vv.i noccssirj for proreity ownuis to politic ; forpivingaml then , after tlio creation c the dlstiict , to pioscut another politio design itliig inatotial bofoio the final ord nunce could bo passed , Then this rjucbtlou was taken up and dl cusswi by ovt-ry coimcilman in the housi Mr. liovvull , Mr. .Miiiuo , Mr. Spccht tin othci \\anted \viittcn opinion fiom tli city iUtoincy bt.illng wliollior or IK it vv.m ncicb aiy lo have mule ahead done icconsidoiodholliur ; the pioport ownuis should potllion that for thocioalio of tlio paving ilistiift anil then form.ituiia vvhulhcr the oidln inios ci eating paving Ji ti lots bhull Iio lopu.iloJ nnd now ordlnanct enacted ; nndwhelhcra potllion fiom pi 0 | crtj owneis ran ask for pivitu r.inl dc ij nate the inateiial in the same petition The matter" vvas rufei red to the city n tornov to icpoit at an adjouuiod mooting t bo liuld on Tiiday ovcning. Just to not up a > pcrspuatlon the councl men fumed for a time over uialuilal ft pcinuincnt ldo alks Some of the men hois wauled the Boaid of Publiu WoiUsii sttuctitl to allow property onncr.i to u ; la stonu U inches nnd ajf inches thick. TI ill boaul thought tins could bu effected v > itho\ \ in luiiiro In the spoeUU-.it ions. Count-lime 10 vvuntud thin stonu in place Of su much brlc ut for gUuivalk puri > osos. In was finally d (9 okteil tu lofei the matter la tiio i-owmltu ( (9M on sidewalks and Disti let assembly 1'Jtl , Knights of Labo (0 ( piesented a protest against the coutu to Kl anting u franchise to tlio Puel Gas roi p.iny , i'tio piutcst recited that similar frat III , U , t hises had bcon granted in ttio past and tin none of them have over done unythlug ; tin t ( present ruiporat loni 1110 tabbing taxpa.ve 15 bj cxtoitiointu chaigcs , and that tlio cli should own Its own lighting plants. TI .1 1'ioUMt vvas rofcirud to the comuiltteo on j .1ry dUI.iiy , GOLD GREETEDALLDEMANDS fcoXTivttrn rnoM entrance before the doors vvcro opened. They had all ratight the fever nnd wanted their money : oral least thought they did. When the bank opened the crowd rushed in nnd R.ilhoicd about the paving toller's window Hach depositor as ho lined up In fiont of the window had i bink book In his hand , 'Iho teller politely Informed cauh ono that the bank -vould fall back on rule 18 , nnd not n , cent would bo paid until the oxeltement vvas over. Patrons were allowed to cl\o the tistnl sixty da\s notUc , and , as fast ns names were registered , departed - parted to make room for others. The crowd vvas very quiet and orderly and no ono seemed to bo paitleularly oxciled , and no special comment was in.\do because the bank declined to pay. In speaking about the iun President Uus- soil said. "Wo nro not pivlng a cent nnd don't ptoposo to until this excitement is over. Wo fell back on the sixty-day notice ( .l.uiio 111 our by-laws and ovcry ono that w ishcs can Rlvo us notice. This bank Is perfectly sound and there Is no cause for alaini , nnd 1 do not Intend to lot a lot of ox- died people cre.ito a p.inlc hero. Ofcouiso It will talto a Htllo tlmo to fulfill all our contracts , but wo tan and will pay every cent just as fust as depositors want their money after the rush Is over. " At tlio Ncbrntkn SiivliiRS. Depositors who called on the Nebraska Savings and ICxchango bink for their money wcto given nn object lesson that vvas very effective In quelling their fears. As soon us tlio rush began President John Hush and Cashier Dexter TJ. Thomas piled the counters high with gold , and depositors were paid in full with the yfllow metal without making any Inroids on the proat piles already in sight , \\lictborornot this had any ofleot in allaying the fears of the nervous ones can not bo stated , but after slanding llro for three hours the run ceased , and at noon the place was desqtted save by patrons engaged in ttio tuinsactlon of their daily business. Cntlot Tajlnr Un Cool. The Globe Loan & Trust bank was subject to A run all morning , nnd the people who wanted to withdraw their money stood in a line clear out to the curbing on the street. Two policemen kept the anxious depositors in line , and the bink ofllci ils , after deposit ing nn mm load of bink notes in front of tlio tellcis , an nounced that thov were ready for business. The sight of so much money tem poral ily chocked the tush , but exciting Illinois , which wcio generally without foun- latlon , caused them to again besiege the tclleis. Piesldent Cadet Taj lor and the other mile olllelils took tlio rush coolly and in- Toi mod the doposltoj s tli.it they could get thuir money ns fast ns they came. President I'aj lor s lid that they had " > per cent of their pist book deposits on hand and had prepared themselves for Just such an emer gency as the present one. Ho slid his bank could moot nil demands made on it nnd that they would not bo compelled to icsort to ' .ho sixty dav notice livv , although they could dose so If thoi needed tu Ho stated that the ro- souices of the bank were $131HK > 30 , and all demands could bo mot. At noon neatly all the more uneisv depos itors had been paid and the i ush had cased. < < lol > n SivinsB II.ink. At 1 o'clock the GloboSavings bank posted a notice stating they would icquiie a sixty- div notice fiom depositors bofoio they could vviihdiavv their money. The iun on this bink continued up to the above hour and while iho oflVcis vvcro Undcrcd a loan ofSO.OOO they concluded to piotcct themselves by giving the depositors notice. This bank wild out over ? 11.000 in small sums and Mr. Tnvloi said they still had money on hand besides ? 100- 000 u01 tli of good soeuiities. Mr. Taylor slid it was quite likely th.it they would not take advantage of the above notice as the runabitod when the depositors began to feel that their money vva ? safe ( orm in Snilnus Hank. The German Sivings bank put on an extra force of cxpcit tellers , and was roidv for whatever might happen as soon as its doors were opened. Tellers were also at work .outside the counter as sisting in picparmg icceipts and chocks and thus facilitated the work of hand ling the crowd. In this way the crowd vvas kept i educed , and there vvcro fewoi people in line than on some of the oidinaulj busy afternoons. Thocrowd about thodooii w.is composed largely of curious ones , tlu same as hiing aiound the other binks , 01 duftcd fiom ono place to another to see what vvas going on. President Motz smoked complacently am Cashier Fowler ictnirkod that if the 15' stockholdets of the bink , with a persona liability above the assets of the institutioi ofOUOOOO and some of them vvoith fion 81,000,000 to $2,000,000 each , did not foe alai mod , ho saw no icason vv by anybody elsi should bo encouraging perspiration on a da ; like this. The line in front of tin paying teller's window incicased two o : tluco times duiing the aftcuioon , but piob ably at no time weiotheromoro than tvvent ; pcoulo in line , while fiom all appearances the money was going In at the window of th receiving toiler ncail > us fast as it vvas com ing out of the oilier. A11101115 those who went up to deposit wn ox-Govornor Reid , who loft ? 5,000 behlm him , casually ronmiking that "that wa the way ho felt about It. " ClcurliiK Uoiiao Association. The binks belonging to the Clearing Hous assooution aio the First National , Omahi National , Nebr.iska National , Merc-bant National , United States National , Commercial cial Nation il , Union National , Amoncai National , and the National Hank of Coir muico. Tno American National , which susncndei jestordav , cloaicd its paper Monday night. The riist National bink notified th man.iner of the cleuing house yesterda ; that the Nubiaskti Sivings and J xclmng bink would do ir thiough them hoioaftcr. Manager Hughes of Iho clciring housi slid : "Tho dlffoient failuies havi boon caused by the uneasy fcolin In tin.ini ial elides. The small dopositois ej hibil Iho moitnUun and ceititicato doposi tots aiu rapidly drawing their money froi the banks to invest it in pioparty , whor they aio sum it is safe. I see no occisio : for ical alarm and thoio has not boon a ru on Omaha banks bofoio for eighteen yeir * That i un lasted only two dnjs and 1 boliov Ibis run will bo of .short duiation. Dinah banks aio pretty solid and .no so recognize by nutsidu linanclets. I do not look for an , moio failures " Order .Maintained. Chief of Police Soavoy stopped nt sovora of tlio banks on his way down town vcstci day and saw the ciowds of men foi c In women and children to the wall in their o > cltcmcnt and anxloty to got to the p lyln telluis windows. Ho huiilod to pollc hoadquirtnrs at once and called in all of th outside patrolmen nnd oulurcd them to th dilleicnt binks at onco. Their instiuotloi ; ( VOIP lo nminialr order nnd prevent vvome and Uiililion from buing crowded an crushed A ruservo detail of a dozen ofllcot was kept at tlio jail to respond In e.iso of a eniuigenay , which , however , did not mater allio , as coulldLuco vvas soon icstoied. I'oMoiml Uiiurunt ) . Thu oftlcois , dii colors and slockholdors < the Omaha Sivings bank ioslordaj issue a bulletin in which they personally guarai too all ceitlllcales of deposit and bink a counts nt tli.it bank and will glvo writtc ondoisemonts on b lid curliilcatcs and book It leads us follows : Tlio umloriUnod otTlcors , directors nr stucKholdUH of the Omaha bivliiKs ban Uiiouln ' its solvent and prosperous condltlo lil-lob ) personally gimriinteu ull cottlllcatos i deposit and hook account * of said bank ( it on pr ontatlon "Hi Klvu our wrlttun uimorsi int'iit on b ild coillllcatui and liooku. ( 'Ill1 * 1' MAMIUISON , llKMll 1'UMJT , , J. J IllUMSt * . 1 * IbTOSK. . Cm 0 lluuo.v , 1' . W. Wi-sai i.i.s , KV. . N.V-II , THOMAS It. KlMUU.l. , .M VJlHVV K , TllUMAN IIUOK. JOHN K Wit.I1UI1 , Ii. \VlI.I.IAM3 , iOJ10Kb OK COM'JDIJ.NCi : . Oiunh.il liKUH'li'ri i\prens : Tliuinselics I'ul un Hie .Mtu ttimi. Senator M.anJoibon , who Isonoof tholea ing atockholrto in the Omah.a Savini bank , was seen last night after baiiktc hours by u Unr. reporter and snld : 'I do not know that I hswo nnj thing mor to aa.thuu I said to our dopusitors toil a which is simply that in fourtcan years i busincbs In Omahn this bank has not lost dollar utid iha ir.onoy of its dojiosltois ti Invariably been handlewl with oxcoptlonal care nnd has been soJoly Invested at nil times Tim bank jftasE never moro prosperous than it la. tmlay. The man- ngomcnt of the binKs'U ( ' ; and has been , so conservative and jsllablo nnd the directors nnd stockholders have boon so familiar with tiol ( actual con- dltlon of the bank , that any ono of them nnd all of them arc wllllng-to guarantee to the depositors that they wlUncvor lose n cent of the money do | > oslteif n6ro nnd that they can cot It when tnoy waut'it. Hoallzlng the hardship that might bo Imposed upon our depositors if wo should J.3KO advantage of tlio sixty-day notice law , wo have been and are very loath to take advantage of It. Wo would rather suffer the Inconvenience nnd annoyance of a run than td take advantage of the law , which was irando for the pro tection of savings banksjii just such emer gencies as this. Tlio people of Omalm need h.uo no fear with regard to the security or stability of any of the old estab lished banks , whether operated under the state 01 * national law. I nm of the opinion that when they ic.iltro that there Is nn foundation In good sense for this excitement and run on the banks that It will speedily cease , I have no question but that the depositors who have money In both the McCague S.nlngsbuilc nnd the American National will ultimately got ovct.yccut of their money. Wlthiogardto our own Institution I will s.ay that this bank is as sound as n gold do-llur , iindwo chal lenge tlio closest scrutiny , for wo have no secrets that we have been hiding from our depositors. Our stockholders besides my self , are : Max Meyer , Guy C. Barton , Truman Duck , ,1. J. lirown. Lucy T. Savage , U M. Bennett , E. W. Nash , R W. WcsscUs , Thomas 1j Kimball , Earl Gannett , Frances Gannett , Henry Pundt , Anson G. McCook , K. L. Stone , N. W. Wells , Omaha Loan and Trust company , II. W , Nlomau , L. B. Wil liams , John U. Wilbur. " Sate and Soldi , .1. II. Millard of the Omaha National bank said : "I am con\lnccd that ttio financial Institu tions of Omaha nro safe and solid. Wo hnvn an excellent list of savings banks , and If I had $ J5,000 or $50,000 In the Omaha Sa ings bank I would not feel a bit alarmed about it , for this is ono of our most solid institutions. Theio It not the slightest cause for alarm. Collections 111 o good and nil tlio mercantile 11.ms aio enJojlug a season of prosperity. This lluiry will not last another day , for as soon as people begin to think a feeling of eon- lldenco and security will prevail. The fail- in o of the McCaguo Savings bank started a inn on nil the other saving * banks , and while some of them wcro piob.ibly not in shape to pay oft all their dopositois , they could do so in a few dajs. You may siy that 1 think the financial prospects in Omaha are excel lent , in fact , above those of most of the other cities. "Tho people who drew out their money during today's excitement will bo looking for a place to put It tomonow. A bank failure is such an uncommon occuricnco in this city tint these of last evening and today unduly excited the people " H. W. Yntes of the Nebraska National bank said : "Tho ilnauclal situition in Omaha is good. Our merchants and jobbers are doing a good business and the com mercial banks are all strong. I betio\ there will bo no fuithor trouble in the national banks and think the swings banks can all pull through Ills unicasonablo to expect that the sai Ings banks can p ly all their de positors on demand , owing to thonatuio of their sccuiities rirst-clnds moitg.igcs mo good security , but they ilon't realize on de mand. Thoio appears to bo no fuithercauso for alarm among depositors " ' Kincgurutod Humors to Illume. B. B. Wood of the Merchants National , said : "This financial lluiry is not as bid as has been anticipited by tlieOmaba bankers. I icgrot this iun on ouaof the best banks ( the Omaha Siings ) wp.havp , but thorn is no doubt th it they willAyj abjo to promptly meet all demands Because it had the largest line of depositors the Omaha Savings bank had to stand the brant of this run. but they hao ample icsouioesand there is no danger of any kind of a-jiun crippling them All their depositois will gctt their money when they want it , for two of the leading national banks of this cilJV\rp behind tneui. "Tho failure of thoMcCjgue Savings bank precipitated this run , ou i the savings banks The failure .of the American National was duo to a Jaqk of good securi ties. The members of I lib Clearing House would have assisted them over their diffi culties if they could ha\e approved of their securities The membois of the Clearing House hold n meeting Monday evening , winch lasted until after midnight , looking over these securities After mature delibera tion they decided that they could not assume the responsibility of tiding the American National over in its trouble. "I think this stoim has spent itself. It came on the people suddenly , and now that they have had time to study over the matter , they w ill readily see there is no real occasion for any alaim about our financial condition. " Stninpodea AVithuut Cause , President Lyman of the Commercial Na tional bank said : "I believe that the un called for excitement will subside w ith the day Alieady there seems to bo an onsiei feeling. I can see no reason for the dlstrusl conlmuing , nnd there was no call for it in the first place. The promptness with which the demands of the depositors w ere mot bj the savings banks lias had the etlect of re assuring the peoplo. The national banks have the fullest confidence of depositors , and there is no reason why they should not , I am told that these who wltndiow their deposits - posits from the savings banks have opened accounts with the commercial banks , clearlj showing that the people still have faith ir the banking institutions. "So far as the Commercial bank Is concerned < corned , we have had n very quiet day , nnd J buliovo there has haidly been the usual number of people in the bank. A run on n b ink occurs and it is dlflicult many times tc tell the cause. But it is sufficient to know that when it docs come the people lese the power of loasonlmr , and peihaps they an not so much to blame. The distrust passe ; away in n shoit time and confidence is ngah established. I anticipate that tills will b ( the case tomoiiow in this city , andlhollurrj of the day will disappo ir. " Cashier Pow oil of the American Sai Ings bink sild last night : "Thoio was no perceptible run on our banli today and wo did a good business At the dose of business this afternoon wo had r roservocash balance on hand which was several thous mil dollars larger than whor wo opened up in the moinlng. " ( JIuarliiK Home Ilopurt * The clearing house reported that the clearings amounted to over $1,000,000 nm that none of the other banks were nfToctci by the failure of the American National. The GeimnnSnInps bank paid out bo tvvcen J3,000 and * JO,000 in small sums The Omaha Savings b inic paid out from f 10,001 to fcr > , ( KH ) in six houis. The Dlmu Suing- lofiibod to pay out any money while ttieio 1 : so much excitement ami nay they can nne will puy any depositor who wants his mono ; after the Hurry is over. The Amer icnu Savings bunk officials saj that they paid out only u llttli moio than usual and did not have much of t run. They enfoiced the sixty-day notice 01 account of the depoaltois delaying rcgula business The Nebraska Savings people say the ; paid out . ! 0,000 In small amounts. Nothing unusual was ikniccd tit the bank at H o'clock with tjioftoxcoption of th < f Omaha , wheio the ditjktors nnd ofilcor 1 woio guaranteeing the dijxjslis of many o their smaller cnstomms1 * H. O. Dovrios , president of the Glob Savings bank , said : "Wo paid every depositor up to 1 o'clocli when wo became convinced that furthe payments would only continue the iiiiiiecos sary excitement of - < 1 o pas 1 lots At the rt quest of some of our hoall'si depositors , ou officers became convincodJfhat it was boa for all concern 3d to applyjko sixty-day ml on withdiawaU. But very few filed tti necessary notice Wo had ample cash an offers of moio , but , confident in our noilit to paj every dollar , If wanted , wo proferre to convert our securities in our own time Tonight wo have a good supply of cash nu $100,000 worth of securities in our vaults and do not owe any bank a dollar. Wo sha bo pleased to see our friends as heretofore. I'roiluct of u I'uiul , The knife Is once more unsheathed on th bottoms and the Mcnihatton family divided against itself. The Drlffcorns r fused to light longer and Mrs. Mcnihatte has now tuincd her AU upon her unrcsls Ing husband , who told hls.talo of woo at tli police station last night. Ho said that tli woman made his lifua burden and ho w ante her removed from the house , but It was a old story and he was referred to the clt piosccutor. ORGANIZED FOR BUSINESS Intonmtlonnl Grand Ledge of Good Tcmplin Oonvono3 nt Dos Moines , REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL COUNTRIES Ono of tlio Mont Onitinopoltlnii tlmt ling Kvor Amtomliloit Tlio I'lrnt Work or the .Mot'thn ; rho Cominlttcm Appointed , Dns MOISES , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBP ] The iiitcrnatton.il mooting of the right worthy grand lodtro of Goo 1 Tom- plats was called to order at 0 a in today by Grand Worthy Chief Templar Dr. Oronhy- nlokha. Mrs. M B O'DonnoU of Now York was appointed right worthy vice tem plar pro torn ; Counsellor Mallls of England , right vvoithy counsellor ; Hey John Thornoly of England , light worthy chaplain , and the highest body of this vvorld-wldo order vvas oppned In duo form. The platform presented an imposing ap pearance , elegantly decorated with tropical plants. On the platform were , besides the presiding ofllcor , Past Hlght Worthy Tem plars Chase of Pennsylvania , Hastings of Wisconsin , Hlckman of Missouri , Yeams of Massachusetts nnd Kotstensleln of Cali fornia. In the background nnd on either sidowero Wavormskl , light worthy coun seller of Sweden ; Mis. Brookbink , right worthy superintendent of Juvenile Tem plars ; Parker , right worthy grand secretary of Wisconsin , and Jones , right worthy grand treasurer of Now York. Ono bundled and fifty candidates were initiated into the right worthy grand logdo degtco , and the pe culiar intonations of the Indian , the Ger man , Ihc Swedish and the English made the inlttatoiy ceremony Imprcsshu with its in- tci national character. Commuter * A < ipnlnted < The follow Ing comin Ittcos w 01 e announced : Credentials B. K Parker 01 Wisconsin , John Suthot land of Scotland , G. 11. Ni\ei of Now York. John Ahlcn of Sweden , A. D. Wilson of Nevv Hampshire. Dlsttlbution U. Copp of Illinois , W. O. Wj llio of Massachusetts , Charles Watts of Nebraska , C. K. Dcmwiddie of Ohio , L. Nio Lei cn oii of Denmaik. Finance Ur. 11 H. Hutchinson of Tow.a , Judge J. T. Ke.ans of South Dakota ; Lou J. Bcauchamp of Ohio. Thomas NKon of Mani- tobi. Hov. Lyle B. Walker of Tennessee. Petitions nnd Appoils S B Chase of Pennsylvania , W. P. Hoberts of Minnesota , James Yearns of Massachusetts , Captain J. F. Cloghotn of Wisconsin , Geoi o D. Kel- 'oggs of California. Constitutions James Malins of England , Dr. D H Mann ot Now Yoik. W. H. L unbly of Quebec , A. Dodge of Michigan , H. J. Poderon of Norway. Procecduro and Business J. 11 Miller of Virginia , C. A Black of Nova Scotia , Joseph L Bienisen of South Caiolina , Fi.ank Mot- calf of Ontario , T. F. Kllery of Englind. Extension of the Older Hon S D H.ist- ngs of Wisconsin , N. T. Collins ot Nevv South Wales , Hov U W Dobbin of Scot land , Hov. J. W. Maxwell of Washington , E. Uogei s of Texas. Juvenile Templars A A. Brookbank of Indiana , Mis G. A. Hewitt of Now Yoik , Mrs W. L Stott of Canada , Mrs Anna H.urls of Iowa , Key. J. Cairns of Scotland The treasurer's icpott shows loooipts dur ing the biennial pe'iod of 550OTC O'J ' ; dls- buiseincnts , $4 ) 0V ) 60. The election of oflleers will probibly take nlaco about Thursday , .and the talk is that Dr. Mann of Now Yoik will bo the next rand templar. Tonight the grand reception will take place ut the Central Presbi terlan church. ( ilvllIK IlolOi CIlUllCO. DCS MOINES , June 13. [ Special Tele- ram to Tun BEI : ] The democratic conlral committee held a meeting hero today behind closed doois. From authoritative source it is learned that it was decided that no nomina tion for United States senator should bo inado by the state convention , thus giving Governor Boies a chance for the gubcrna- toual nomination and afterward of being elected to the United States senate if the party succeeds in getting a majority in the logislatuie. The date and place of the next state convention was not decided. ScorrliliiK Wontlior in low a. OTTUMVVA , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bni : . ] The hottest night of the sea son last night , with temperature at 'JO0 , was followed bj scorching weather at 1000 today. Heavy storms In the vicinity have lowered the temperature tonight. Ono of the heaviest , hail storms of the year de stroyed glow Ing crops near Mount Picas int. DUNi.vr , la. , Juno li ! [ Special Telegram to THE BUB ] This has been the warmest day of the season The thermometer icgis- toiod 9J = at 1 p m. Crops are looking well and farmers in this \icinlty fool greatly en couraged. Using Dynamite. OTTUMWA , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Ofllcors aio looking for fisher men who exploded djnamito In the river near the dam last night. Immediately aftor- vvaidb the liver was full of dead lish of all sizes and boat loads woio cariiod away. Iho water company officials uro patroling the dam night and day for fear they will blow out a section of it , as thoi did a year ugo. AnxloiiH to Aioid tlio rnnltolitliiry. Sioux CITY , June 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ben. ] Alice Hart , the Nobiaska politician , who was Saturday convicted of oxlot ling about $5,000 f loni business men of this city , is pleading today with the prose cuting wilnessos to intoiforo witli Judge Ladd for him and ti y to get him a fine in stead of penitentiary sentence , but is moot ing but little encouragement. Iowa I'lrviuvn ut Moux City. Sioux Cur , Juno 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun BBB ] The city is filling up today with firemen fiom all over the state who are coining hero to attend the State association tournament which opens tomoriovv. Indica tions aio that 3,000 firemen will bo in attend anco. The grand parade occurs tomorrow moinlng and the Hist of the contests toinor- low afloiiioon , _ DuniliL'vd fly il lllow , DinmQUU , la. , Juno 13 [ Special Telegram to Tun BIJE ] Ira A. Atkins , 111 yoirs old , blow out his brains In his mothcn's piosence this morning. Ho was struck on the head with a snowball last winter , and since then has been subject to periodical headache and derangement. Hu imagined today that the police sought his life. Ground tu I'lDcus * DMASON , CITV , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HUE , ] A brakop an on the Burlington , Cedar Uapids & Korthoni rail. way fell from the train nt Esthorvillo late yestoiday at tcnioon and was llleially giound to pieces. Ho leaves n wife at Iowa City , Htruok liy Lightning. CEDAII HAI'IDS , la. , June 13 [ Special Tel cgiam to TUB BKB ] Duiing a BOVCIO clec tilcal storm nt Lisbon this aftcinoon n farmer named Warren was struck by light nlng Jnd instantly killed , ( /'rnufurd t'ounty'a Cikiulldiito. DUNL.JLI' , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tologran to THIS BEE ] Hon W. A. Davoy of Craw ford county is announced as a democratic candidate for state senator Iff thU , the Tltlrtjfourth dUttict Ho orved two jcnn from Ciaw ford county In the lower house and Is a very popular man. Could Not Hold t'p ' , Slot's CITY , Juno 13 [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK ) As a remit of the f.U uro of the Union Stock Yardi Slate bank Satur day , James G Thompson & Sons , Jewelers , and the Union Stock Yards Publishing com pany are involved , having been unable to ai- range w 1th othci s to carry thorn. 'I hompson ASons K.U on chattel mortgage for f 15,000 to the Security National bank. Albert lorsot&Co. have attached for $1.1)31. ) Max Mci or & Uro company of Om itm for flS3l and C. G Alford & Co for ? 7in2i > by garnishing the mortgage. ' 1 hompson & Sons nro still conducting their business. They claim assets of $ .10,000 The Stock Yaids Publishing company was placed In the hands of A I * Bardsluy , ictciver The company has assets of about $10,000 nnd publishes a daily and weekly market paper. The Stock Yauis bank assigned n pot lion of its assets to the Clearing House association , which has paid all savings and small depositors of the bank No iun on other banks Is appre hended , Ilevilt of il l.utrr * ' HKMI-TON , la , Juno 13 [ Special Tolcgiam to Tun Bun. ] A tcirlblo tragedy was en acted in this city last night. Ed Meyers , a respcclablo j oung man about 30 > e irs of ago , committed suicide in a most l.orrible manner b > blow ing the top of his head oil w Ith a shotgun , Ho had been out walking with a young lady , came homo in a lit of despondency and \unt to the bain and placed his f ore- head on the muzzle of a Rim nnd discharged it. His head vvas literally blown off ami his brains were scattered on the ground. This is the second suicide in that family. MjHtorloiM Ilnniu | < nrnnco , Citiun Uu'iiH , la. , Juno 13. [ Special Tel egram to Tins BKK. ] John Bailey , city sales man of T. M. Sinclair & Co has been mj s- . tcriously missing slnco jcsteiday morning. It is supposnd ho bus waudcicd away while tompoiailly insane. l.UU.IL r.vldonco Is now all In In the Olmstead- Williams contest. Born , to Mr. and Mrs , Gooigo Happley , 2o'JO Chicago street , a son , James Kelly , w ho was arrested vcslcrd.iy afternoon on suspicion , is an old-time thief and h.is been run out of sovoi.il towns west of hoio for stealing overj thing in sight. Ava Sooy , a 13-jcar-old gltl who his boon absent from her home nt 24123 Btlstol sticot for several days , vvas found last night ut the residence of Hov. Lloyd on Nouh Nino- Icenlh stieot. Thoio was a largo gatheiing at the Young Men's ChiIslian associition list evening to discuss the e.nly closinc movement. Indica tions ate that the movement will be Inaugur ated at an eaily date. A cable tr.iin crashed into ono of the car- ilagcs in a funeial procession at Sixteenth and Dodge sticets about 5 o'clock jostcidaj afternoon. The buggy was cntitoly wiockcd but the occupants were fortunate enough to escape injury. William Beel had John Litzmaiillst ariestcd for keeping aicious dog. Mr. Bell's little son had been bitten bv the animal. The coiut lined the owner $ J"i and orduicd the dog biought to hoadtiuaitcis to be shot icstordaj. When Chailcs M ithews went out of Judge Scott's couit jcste.iday iti.is to know that ho was the loser in his ciso brought against the Chicago , Hoi-k Island * c Pacitlo Uailway company in an action to iccover the sum of $2,000 for the loss of a foot. The committee on sticots , allojs and uoulevaids of the city w ill meet Siturday at 2 p m. in committee loom A in the city hall , for the puiposo of listening to the objections of piopoity owneis lo thoappi.iibois'awaids foroponmg Woolwoith avenue and Hickory sireot from Thirty-second sticot west. Ch.aiimnn Biiklmusoi of the Boaid of Public Woilvs was m a happy fi.uno of mind jcsteiday. The cause was the icccipt of a Ictlcrfiom Denver which slalcd lat the Boudot Public Woiks in that town was inhoaity sympathy with the major in the light ho was made agiinst pajiug the puces demanded by the asphalt company for Its matciial as paving. A depositor in ono of the savings banks which was subjected to a run yesterday was found in a Joyfully intoxicated condition last night by a filcnd and was asked how he happened to bo in that condition. "Well , jer sec , " said ho man with tho'Jag , ' " 1 drew my money out o' tli' bank fer fear th' thiug'd bust. Then I spent III' cash an1 got a jag for fear I'd lese th' ' coin , 'or ha'vo it stolen. See ! " Business in Judge Bcika's police court grist was vcty lieht jcsterday and the usual gang of evildoeis was disposed of inless than half an hour. John Powers was awaidcd the only soveio sentence , ninety d.i > s in the county jail , thhtj'-six of the days to bo on bicad and water. Powers is an old vagand potty thief and bpcnds two-thirds of hit time in jail ; the other third is spent in hunting up something to steal. In Judge Scott's court the case of Mary A. Wnito against the city of Florence is furnistiing tlio legal food for a jury. Iho plaintiff alleges that for many ycais she has boon possessed in feu simple of the title to Market square in the old Mormon town ; that some ycais ago the common council of the town appropriated the land nnd without her knowledge ot consent. Now she wants $5,000 or the Immediate possession of the land in question Out on Shoiman avenue Iho Omaha Slicct Uiilvvay company is ropaiiing its tiack by putting in now tics and ch.aiis of the latest iinpros ed pattoin under the Joints of tno nils. In removing the cedar blocks it is ills- lovorcd that the pavement is almost gone. Along the cntho line the bloc Its aio 10 badly lotted that when removed they fall to pieces like so much diydltt This pucnicnt was laid live years ago and at the time it was considotcd the best in iho city. W. J. Cat roll Is in Denver. D. C. Boll of Yoik , Neb , is In the city. C. E Skilcs , wife and daughter of Denver are nt the Paxton , P. M. Dorsoy of Sioux City is among the ai rivals at the Mcichants , James J. Coibott , that eminent professor of pugilistic science , arrives in Omaha to day. Postmaster C. M , Klgg and ox-Postniaster S. E. Kigg of Beatrice , wore In the city jcs- torday. They mo brotheis , the JYnmor being n republican and the latter n demo crat. One succeeded the other as postmas- tci of the queen city on the Blue. Duiing Cleveland's first teim the latter was ap pointed postmaster and ho soivod until Harrison risen was inducted Into the oolllco of presi dent , w hen hn stopped down and out and turned the oftlca to his brother Chailoy , who is still soiling stamps at the old stand. At the Murrur llalph Daniels , Chicago ; J. W. Uussolls , Davenpoit , la ; J. II O'Neill , Providence , H. 1 ; 1W. . G.ulon , Ilompstead , Tox. : I"1. C Graf ton , Salt Lake ; (5 C. Tor- willigcr , Wa.\no , Neb ; T L. Hall and wife Old , Neb , C. W. Conlusor and wife , Loui City , Neb ; J. W. Lmdcisandiwlfo , Arcadii Neb ; H. W. Loach , Old , Neb ; Mrs. Adalr. roitlJoblnson : O. D. Hall , Canton , III ; E L Buiko , Genoa ; C. Hojiotla , Central City ; M. J. Scaiilan and wife , Mrs. J. E. Hcddick nnd son , Hcrmosa , S , D. E. F , Schnoidur , San Join , Cal. j G Ladlno Sidney , Neb ; lWashburn and wife Omaha ; Miss Eva F. Little , Buillnglon , la H S. Mclntosh , Chicago ; E. W. Scars , Kan * as City , NF.W YOIIK , Juno -Special [ Telegram to TUB BEE ] Omaha : L. E Jenkins and wife , F. C. Grablo , Hoffman. Lincoln , Nob. E A. Church , Hoffman ; Victor Vifquain Broadway Contial. t of all in Leaveniny Power. Latest U. S. Go't Report. o IsB B- Bn Bt t- t.o .o .oo 4y y AfiSOLUTEDf Sir , Ii , J ) , 7Jtii'on , Of AtigintA , Me. , snvsi "I do not remember when I began to take Hooil's ' Sawapaillh ; U was several jean aRe , nnd I have found lldoei mo a gteat dual of guodlu my declining j ears. I am 91 Years I 2 montln nnd 20 dnvs old , and my health h per fectly good. 1 liav o no ni-lics or pains about mo. Hood's Sarsaparilla | legulatoi my bovcK stimulates my nppctlto , anil hrlni mo to Mrrp urll. I doubt , ! ( a preparation over was undo so well suited to llio wants of old iu < n | > ir. i , . n. HAMLEN. l.lm Street , Augusta , Mo. , Kept. 120,181)1. ) HOOD'8 PlLLB nro a intlil , Rcntlo , fo nud efficient ckthitttlo. Alwart rollnblo. MME. M. YALE , The celebrated lloauty nnil Coin- ploxlonSpocliillatof the Nuw Vork and Oliloago Tutuplos of lloauly fame , civ osono of her On lloauty nud the Complexion at ON MONDAY , JUNE 19 , 2:3O p. | n. LADIES OF OMAHA Cordtilly InIted to attend. Sociiro jour soots at onco. Hundreds will be tin nod awuy. TICKETS FJIEE at Box Ottlco ot Theatre 01 the Yale Tentplo of Bonnty , Itoom fiat Itur- baoh Block , 13th and Douglas sts , Mme Yalo. llio fimons Qiioon ot Beauty , ov cr whom tlio whole world Is now raving , will appo.ir for the fli at tlmo in Omahn on Monday , Juno I'J. blio will dullvorono of her celebrated iccturos on He uity and Iho Complexion , She will toll ladles with bid coiupluvloim how to removeovory bluinlsh from tholr skin and to 10)1 ) women the art of becoming beautiful : how to bo restorer ! to youth liy loinovlug wrlnMos and tn.iklnR flabby flush jonthful and llrrn a iiln ; how tholr fuucs can Iio undo round and plninp ; crny h ilr tiirnod buck n iturally to Its own color without dye : the nyohrows.uul Inshos inailii to grow thick and luxuriant ; superfluous liulr destroyed , and the Loauty of expression cultivated by a sys tem. .Mine. Y.tlu Is the only authority living who hasovor successfully removed wrinkles porinanontly. blio u in tilto any fncu and mold It Into porfuct Uuauty. HBR OWN FACE ) ] isamarvolof youth and buauty. At 40 she looks ua ( rush and lovely as any young bo uity of K Jlinc. Yale h.isononed a perm inent br.inoh of linrTomnlo of lloauty In thlu city , wlioro , cj ; lior famous romodlosc in bofouml. Consulta tion free , L.idlos , romomboi Mtne. Yale's louturo wllli be froo-no cbai n foi llekutH MME. M. YALE ; lio.vuty and Complexion bpoi.lallst , TEMPLE OF | SEABJTV4 Itooms.'iUl- ' . ' Ivarliuch Hlocic , 16th and Douglas Sts. , - - Omaha , Neb , STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W.IM'MlCKI.M.n.Ifn.4UiiUlnriaU ) lie * Tflj ! s rhlff conautltntt phyilctun of IM 'AM < ji ) > 'nirnir. . iXftTiTUTK.towi. " } u-.4 awuriJc I tliQ ooi ii jtt MAI , by thu NATION * ! IMiKUt. / \ - < iix-ui ION f . lUo I'llIZKiNHVV : ! on tihimrtt \'ltnlUiijtti \ or * iy , AVrrotn and / Viitil | / / ( Vtbiltty , mi'l all Jlliia , . nnd irtutnim of ihn. rklinl'D tlio 'jannri , tliu inlilJtf'Uy" ! and old , \ , \ \ lConmltaMon .n person or by Seller. UMilUO Vruipcctun with tnellmonlalu , KIIKU. , iruo book. H01KNOK OK I.IKK , < ) K BI.I.F- iilVATJON. : BOO pp . < J5 InvnlimUo pn ild. full m.U unlyfel ( " * t v niall , leAlwl TilOVIAIl1 1\UMV [ VVaitiliuttO PATENTS I ) . 0. No ntty'a tut until | iit In oil tulnal Wrltafur Invjuturi lluld V TONIGHT. "pomotlilnu inoro thnn icdnir afnrooiu men" "A brUlit rleanljr unrt Instrucllvo ontortalniuont. " TIIUOIIAMI'IO.V IV Till ! VVOIlf. ! ) JAS. J. CORBETT. Funnorted Ur ; 5 nuloctod rtriiuutlo nrtlitilnolud < Ing M'ta JAU. J CUUIIKIT , 111 V'liicont rvnd ilrmlj'i novel comojjilruiun , 'Ooutlomiin Jack " I ! > err tct'uu ' oatrloil oouplato bulouf couti open MomlnX Farnam St , Theater l > ol' J5NUAOKMKNT KXTUAOJtDIXAItV. MR , PAUL ALEXANDER JOMSTONE The ( llatmnuKhoiJ thouitht roudor , fn Ills Htransru nnd fascinating exoinplllloutlon * of roadlnc tlio linmaii mind. 1 ho bruin un ouuu bonk. Moloulua tranauilttod ( rum mind to mind. THEATER -ALL TUIB WKI5K- 111B HIJOU BTOCK COMI-ANY IX THE BLACK DIAMONDS A BeniMlontl Jlelo Drnma i-AUs i. A rKriin : , tlio ci T r cv I'OI'UI.Alt I'lllCLHl M ATlNBiis , to nil ptrti ol ( be lioim. llaUon/ | Ki D\ \ '