jjww THE OMAHA DAILY UKKs TUESDAY , JUNE 18 , 1803. SPEC1RL NOTICES. Am'RllTHKMrf T l KOH T1IK B COLUMNS will liotiknn nnlll II TO p m fiV thn evening inA until B.Mp , lu. for Iho mornlnit and handay efllllonn. K AdTcrtliorc bir rmntitlny a numbered cnodcf n II TO ihdr aniwers ddret.cd to & niimberoii l itpr In earn of TIIK llr.n Answers b < llreno < l nlll bo nellnnrcd non | tirpsontitllon ot thn check SITUATIONS WANTED. Unto * IHc n word Drat Inc frtlnn. If a word there- niter. .Nothing taken tor lessllmti 3 > c A-A ( L'LltllKI ) YOLM1 1.AI1VOULDL1KI ! position ( nicompnnlon to lady on euoiincr trip. Address.I M , llco. WOIJ * WANTED MALE HELP. Ilnton , me ft nonl flrd ln erllon lonnord there nttcr NothlnKtaken for lei tlinnJ c 1 } WAN1KI ) . TIIAVKMM1 W.M.KSMKN TO Jinn haklnit i.owdcr. Wo pnl onr ROoils In nla s rolling pins .0 month salary ntul ( Mponsns , or Zj Ver cent cnnnnlimton Pond nUmp for reply ChlCBBD I'aVInK 1'owdcr Co , 7C7an llurcn st , Chlciuo. 2W > * THAVKLINIlSAL1'aMKNHXPiill- : > -\VAMKI , JJpncod In stock food trade ) rpfi-ronco required ! eood money to Rood men Address NSIlbtir Heed WcalCo.Mllnnukoo , WIs. 1If YOt' WANT A 0001) VYINO JO1I W1UTB ) the Hanks Nuriory Co. . Milwaukee , W | * - . TltAVKI.lKO PA1.KSMKN , IOWA. B-WANTKD. Nobrn kn. ( 'nil licforo 11 'rlnck , No , IU I'cnrl i-trnct T. A. Knllsburr 1 TWANTI.I > , A ooi ) HOitmt HIIKAI ; AND J ) nkolmlior forllabt work nt the Nlf-nna llnkorr pnrl llmtnurnnt. Urnnd Ulnnd , Nob. Urbncli * i ill- jnhnn. -18'4 ' ' _ -roiiNirn MAKKIIS , TI.NNKHS jliclpcrn. KnRto Cornlca works , 1110 H * 1)WANTKI ) . INTKI.MOJNT ( IKIIMAN AND J'swotlc to jell rcil c lntn Apply MS Now \ork l.lfoliulldlnir , l > ot. 8 niul I ) ] > m. W3 II. T-WANTKI ) . A 10UM > MAS WITH f > OM13 J-'knnwlPilea of Iho crockery business. Address J. E'.i llpo olllco. ! U3 13 1WANTKI ) A 1'UJMIIUII TO DO A .1011 OK awork M llrst payment on i\ low prlcc-d liouno and lot. llnlnneo monthly imymonts , cniy. N. A , Kulm , lith nnn Douglnn. -WA.N rKI ) . COACHMAN NONK NK15I ) Al' B pl > without the very best of city reference a. I2 ' - . WANTKI ) VOH Till : Nl'.W IMIO- B-AOKNT.S plntliieoutllt. No battery roqulred No uxpcrlonco noc ! i > nry. ynlrk. i-nny nnd chonp Pells nt tlubt. lllu conunliflong. Sample outllt , II W ) . Snnd inn brassy toBJpnon nnd wo III return It plnted frco. Derma Supply Co. , I.n Cro o , , Wl . > H WANT13I ) . A KIU8 T CLASH VIOLIN I'LAYhll B for n niiinlo hall. Address J. U.hcolor. . _ New- eniitle , Wyo r T > WANTKI ) . t'OMI'KTUNT VOUMJ l'II\SIOIAN J Mo nsslBt In onico prnotlco Blulo chool ml ex I > crliiicn. ) Aildresa .1 40 , lleo. AIKH IS WANTED FEMALE HELP. S llntoi mr n word llrst Insertion , Ic n worJ thcro- nftor Nothln tnkcn for less th n n S5c _ /S WA NT'STC'iiAiinis' w IIITK AT HOMK , V Knclo o tnmpcd envelope Kiln \Vorst , Sec , Boulh llond , liul * > ' -WANTKI ) , I.AD1KS I OH I'l.HASANT. I'llOKI- CWANTKI tnblo homo work Prof Mol.oan , Arcndo hotel , DoiiKlna muHtlh nlreota 73S H * _ > lLwA.NTBII , A TllOHOUmi. KXPKHIBNCI'D " Vjnlenlndy to tnko chnrtro of ( tlo\o depnrtmcnt. Uosttin l tore. lull nnd Douglas mreets M815 1.1 - . rou ncNBiiAi. IIOUSI.WOUK. MUST C-OIHI. laundress .t-UI 1 nrnnm street .V02J 14 * WANTI1I ) . ( Jllll. roll OKNKHAlj 1IOIHK work nfJ7U7 DoilBO street MH43 14' FOR BENT HOUSES. V-vrOll III3NT. IIOUaKS IN ALL I'AllTS Of clly The O r. lnIs ) conumny , IM5 Fnrnnm t. " I , T-v-lOIIOOM HOU3F. 210C DOUC.I.AS STIIKKT. If Jl/ICliiUlro | of .MurlU Meyer , cor Ibtli nnd Knrnnlil TKN-HOOM MODIillVHOlI K , UOOI ) LOOA- fl > tlon , rent modornto. L. S. bklnnerli14 ! Karnnm flD - - 1IOUSI3 , MAST FIIONT , ALL MOD D l-lilcllty Trust Co , 170. 1 arnnm. 415 15 -T AM ) 4 UOOM AI'AUTMKN'IS , VON DOIIN block , with hteua , reference : ) rctiilreil | , 31(18 ( 'M T-V-IOH HUNT , 101IO'M ) MODISKV llOU-iH , Jmiltnblo for roomcrH niul bonrilcm , SOU llarncy rtrcet 10 loom moilern lionnc , liilS Li-nvcnworth rlroot , only f.'IOO. rome nlou tollaees II ( . . Cliirlc ACe , 1JIS llnrnevstrpot. VM4 D roll iticNT , ' 1 UOOM I'OTTAUU ' 1O11 TOI , o uut pee pi i ) 203 North nth at. . J1SU3 rtJHK II. J KHNUALL , 1IHOWN 1IUILD1NO JJ . _ iltqj JIJ T\-4 UOOM I'LAT , 517. fi.V 7 UOOM TLAT3 , fW. J-'Oji | Jclforson sijuaro Ituborts , 1013 ( .hlpaiso jt 8llOOM"IIOL'Si : , MOIH3IIN. COXVKS1KNT for liusliicnH or wholcsnlq mon Apply Hi bonth loth Blrc'Pt. 413 rv-l'0ll IIKNT. 8 Oil 10 IIOOMS riMIS'lHllKI ) Oil J-'iiiifiiriilHlRMl 12 blorkn from I'ourt Louse. Mnitli Oiiinhu cur , hoi water heat , moilurn convonlonco a. llnforc'iioaa roqnlreil 3Ui ) S Kill. lill - ( > OM I10USI3 , (5001) Uii'Atll. INQUIllB JD. J711 Don.'lnH street Mi > "ii 1-8 A.NlT ; l HOOM IIOL'SII-1. QUIUI3 OP .1 V 3) narton , 5015 Capitol aroniio. 79 13' i-vKll ) UI.N'T , V UOOM HOUlR WITH MODF.UV l eonvi nlencoK ; pretty ) urd and barn , only SJ503. WO North : id street M775 "I \ > Oil IIKNT , 'I WO . PLATS IN ( ILOllK. 11UILD- j-J\\\u \ \ \ fouttocn rooina nml hnth , modern , " cnn rent cither or both to ono part ) , suitable for olllces orusldcnce lilobo Loan , V Irutt Lo _ 7'U 73 Tj Tlllll.U 1 OOMS CI1KAP. C03 N. ITTJI ST SlbbSJy 10 TJOH HUNT , MODHIINS 1IOOM IlOIIsB. 11AT11 I L/iinil v . Kooil ham imphnlt PHVCM ! elrcet , cor ner , ono block from motor. Apply W. 1 Klt'rtteaU , Duwuy , V hlonu Uirnllliro Co ll'J-.l 1 \ - TII.N HOOM MODKUN 1IOUPK. l'i MINIM fS l-'walk from pontortlce , nlth laruo burn , 140 In- .lUlruGIB.V. \ 1.1 fu 8IU 14 * ' TKOIl I IK NT , 13 UOOM IIOUSI3. 1M CAM- If J-'foinlaBtrout , rery clioap. Inq. Ir. .1 C. Jones M8 8 13 yI Oil UI3NT OIIISAl' A ( lOOl ) IIAItN. IN I-'iiilroin | premises , fill North S.M street. Also luo nUe * o\iirooni cottaueti , uooil ) ard , flliatln ireufc , vrry nciir to ciblo or motor ; t&UO nnd IJ7.UJ ouch. M9IO 7 UOOM ( H'lTAC.lT MODl'.UN CONVISN- .D loiuea nl. l I lA'aM3n > vortli , ll'j ; 14 * D"'io uic.vr , Hnvi3N HOOM IUIUSB , HI DOS burn If ilcMiril ; nlcalawn , trees , clt > natiir clslurn. ( mi "iilcil cellnrv , bath , near inutor.oc ! iiwnur. II V Mm ens , nil 1'iuton block ilM'J 2TOII KENT l UKNIOHED IIOOMS ItutiHv \ e ti \ > nrd first Insortlon , lo u uord Iho re uflei .VoihliiR tiikon for less than J5a ELvTu.r holTill HO ( UI'.PLHKNCP.d KV clinni ; il U1J Dndito 4rout. 157 _ Tr I'l.UASXM' KIMlMSIIBil IIOOMS POIl C.BN l. < lk'ini-ii on'y UIJHonnrdst. TSIJjil E ] < AIH < K bub I'lfriToMMlOOM , ao7 iTujNTIo SU.'SJJI * 1 ? T lISMMILT"AND UNFUllNiailKD. li.lt CAP IJUo'iilelilie. SI870J17 * E3l LI txNTVoL'TIIKAST PAIILO1IS PAIITL1 f nrnliliot. N B. cor. loth and Howard 721 12' _ _ _ llsl- d , SlNCil.U OH KN-jlll'K , 171 I'dcu ill ! . ' IB- ] f PI.IAHASI. : WBI.I | l inixisiM3i > "UOOM : Jnlth till inudi-rii conrouUiicos. 115. 20lh st E-FPUNHIIKD IIOOM WITH ALCJYi VOI Vtntltmicn , modern conveniences , , UJ North2ld -PUUM-.il Bll IIOOMS ANI ) HOOVH to ] 1 j hou > olei > pliii : | rofurcncu uxchauiied. } i\ \ I nun flreel. i8V3 ! 13' _ I ? IIIIIN'lsllKD UOOM FOll ItFNT , MODBIl IVconvi'iiliiiu'ei. Lid ) preferred , K15 .North Ibl itrout , M'.HJ 13 * FUJINISHKD IIOOMS AND BOARD llules , Iltcu uord Uril liucrtlini , lo a word then after , N'othlin : laken for less Uiun Sie. i,16i : 1)01)013 ) , JtOOlAY ilOAllj I .Maaa JI7' _ " 1" Y01 Ml VOMBN'ii IIO.MI ! , I NDKH HAIIK O \VQIII ini'i ( lirlium auoolivtlon , III H , 17th it. 17-DI.SIUA11L13 JtOOil AND 1IOAIID IN I'll J. ' > amfaiiilly. Ml N. , - ] - nrMiiAiji ; HKcoND n.oou noojiti , rui -1 nUUi'dor uufurulihcd , ut 'Ibu Iroiuer , lln ; r.Ui i-l. mi 14 * T > i rnXixUKimofru nouns \virn IIOAIII i 1 rofcTi'iioos. "IU Knrnuiu. Ma > l 10 i'S- AUIli : J HOST IIOJM , N7WLY rTllNrlSUi ) : " 1 good Lonril , ( tilt f rlcnUi. JCU . UUh ttrcet. ibal 13' | > - rUllM-llWl ) IIOOMS WITH UO A HI ) AT 4 X1 North lth. Ms31 13' I UOOMS AND IIOAUD ATSIU CAl-nill. AV | iue. lleforcncei required , iiaiijlj T ? MCBhTTuilTlbllBluToUl III3A5T FUO > .1 room wltU Icoru nd bay vlr.dow , oiudernro TBiileiico , prhitle ( auilly , I'OnrJ , No cntou r.'lb tlru'l. Mm U' 19 J'truaui. Ui ] ! > t-UUNlBHED It00ai3 AND BOARD. Continues 1f-mn HUNT , TWO LA IIOMPI.1A9ANT IIOOMS 1wllh board ! good locution. 1110 Dort c. MW1I7' I-I'LKASA"ST soufii iio oM3 WITII noMtn- J118Z1 Chlf o St. M9I7 ll FOR RENT "UNFURNISH'D ROOMS Itntos , me n word Iiml Insertion. Ic n word Iboro- nftnr NothlnK tnknn for Icsi than Jjc. G-F H HUNT , A 0110 UNF'jHNlSIIBI ) IDOM4 modern Improvements , henntlful lawn and N r. tor. ttd nrd Miami nlrcels MioO G -l-Oll UE.ST , 3 HOOMS , ( Vl ) 8. 1JTIJ ST. roil RENT STORES AND OFFICES Ilntos , too n line rncli Insertion. 11 W n line lior mouth. .NutlitnK tikcn fur I CM tl I-VOUHRNT 8TOUr.OV S 1.1TI1 ST. . IjANIlK 1 Mock , iMiltnblo for moit innrkot. tmrilivnro or ilrr itoro. IminlroiiO ) . IJtlt nU * > l 1-roil IIKNT , TIIK 4 STOIIV IIHICK IIUlliDINH , Iflln hnrridm fl. Thn liulKllnit lim ft tlriiroof | to- incnt bn'omenl. cnmiilcto etiMim lioitltu nxturoi , wnliT nn nil tlio lloort , uns , etc. Apply nt tliu offlca of The lice. Ul i-roii iiitN'T , ciioircsT SKCOND M.OOII lliuflnnni corner In Omnhii , Olobo bulMltig , l lli nntl Doilgo ( lloljo lonn .V Trust Co. " > I CBNTHAMA" 1AJUATKI ) . I1111CK 8TOUK -Lliulldlni , rurr chisa ) ) t' > iiorrannant tontnt. < ) IT. Units. 2JO Konlh Kill slreot. M8JI JU I-OM : OK TIIK liAKIIKST VACANT S1OIIK I building In Omaha , Mtuitol In tlmholoj5lo cimrtrn | Ills IJ1 foi-t rtrcii t > ; M foul wMo , thron or Ilvo tlooriimul bnsemcnl ; tfio front M ontlrelr , of lilntuElnii nml Iron ntul niiltnblo for cltlior wliolo- i nto or mnnufnctiirlnit. will bo rented for rcft'onn 1'lcri'ht loratonnor years. liuiulront.Nnlntorliim , 1313 llJ nrl U 1MJ3I' i-oniciw KN BIJIIK oit BiMinr. wnii oit livllhoul llrcproof Miulls ; clicnii.Ulinollllllf. . M71J Jrt. ' AGENTS WANTED llnlo , lOc n llnnncli In ortlnn. f I .VI n Una par month Nothing tnkoi for lets limn Vie 1 HOOK AUKN'IB WAMKI1. 31'ACK IIUIli : " ro H niiilii'y , but our rlrcuinr sent free KlM'i ' full imrtlcuhirii W. A. Sylvester , & Htnt'rhlll Htrcol. llostonMnis ' I A IVUOK COltl'OUA'IlO.V OONTIIOI.UNU " Ibo mnnufnctiiro nmlnaleof nn nrtlclc of rnro merit nn < 1 In uuncrnl IIHB wlshofl to pocnro ono ncvnt In every town nml clt ) nhcro thor linvo nona nt prosunt. hxclu lvo rlulit In n lar o ler rltoryKlvcn. ( iooils are wnrnmU'il t bo n nip rvncntpd. Hundred of njcont * nro hnndllnti tbu o Koocln Hundreds nf tlionnindn nro wcnrlni ; llioni 'I h bn lue 5 IB IckUlnintc. i > roMU ciiorinoiis , v\ porlcnco not ni'cesmry Tor full pnrtlcillnrr nil dress Corporation , I.nn , Muss HUH 11 * RENTAL AGENCIES. llnlra , 14 c a word lint linortlon , Ic n word thcro nftor NotblnK tnkon for k'sstbull Ko. "isstvrii w J-llicrry A lo , 717 N Y l.lfo M3JJ STORAGE. llaln , lOc n line I'noli Inacrtlnn , Fl SI n line per month N'otblnu tiiken for less than 253 ' - Hlilpplnitof ntnno nnd furnltlini , Htorclionto llll DuuKlns , ntllcolVia lloduo. Onmlm Vnn nnd Hxprcss Co Tel 1WJ JI lleklnn , M 'r. 7l.'jyl > > KJ -STOUAGK.WIU.1A.M9& CltObb.UII M-SK Km IIOtiSKIIIll fiOODa ; clean nnd clicnprntoa. It Wolla , 1111 Inrnnm. WANTED TO BUY. Unit's , H < c a noril llr > t Insertion , loa \\orJ thero- niter .Nothing tiken for luss than 'oo AT CASH i on -I'Koodi , etc. , or will sell for owner In our auction sales It Wolla. llll ( arnnni 451 AT MUST MOUTOAGK I'AI'IUIS. li. A. AIl- 1 > nolil , OU3 llco bhlK M20I AT WANTKI ) , TOIIUY SKLONI ) IIAN'1) TI3NO.V- i' Inc niachlnu cheap for cash. Tlie 13. M llulsu Co. , Io07 Nicholas street. ' M'Jlt U * AT-WANl'ii ; > , MOD13HN 1IANK KUUNirUIin 11 for email room , must be cheap. Address 1 * O tiox.I7J , CornliiB , la MJI'i IS' FOB , SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC. H < c n word llrst Insertion , lea word thero- nlter. N'otblnK tnken for lets than -'So (15000 lll null sopiruto for $75 OJ each. A li Itajrnier , 2IUj N' street , south Omnha M < & > ' i ) OOI ) PAMll.Y 11OI13I3 I'O K bAI.i : HY K. U mejoy , IlslNo 15th st 7 > 5 U L ) A OOOD IIOHSI : 'ion SALK , WKH.HT nbout 1,075 pounds , at 113 No 15th st T.ii l.t. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Itntos , l c a word flrpt luicrtton , lo uonl tliuro nf.ur > tOthliitf taken fur loss than-ioc l-OlfiALK. A ( iOOI ) FAMILY MILLII COW Q Imiulro nt 14.'l North ISlli street -I0118ALK , CLKMKNb I'ATKN'T UKUIIOKH- QQ ntor * suit iblo for buteliers or grocers , slzoCxS , ! ) feet blub , cost SIJj 00 now will sell for $7i OJ. W H. Davis ASon , fcowurd , Neb M743 U * Q -iOOI ) 21) HAM ) bKWlNO MACIIINK3 cheap ut IIS No iSUi at. 7M 13 * Q-A VIC'lOlt CLiMIlON TIIli : , MMUN ( . I OHIC hafety , sicrlilccd nt half urlio CO I 1'axion Illlc -.MIJT 14' CLAIRVOYANTS. C-MHS NANN'113 V. WAHIiKN , GLAlHVllANT. . O rull.iblo business medium , Ilftli sear at 11'IN. H.Ui 4 U MIIS 1)11 ) M LKGHAVK , I'llOl'IICTl ! . D12AI ) Htrancu claln oyiuit nnd Ufa reader , tolls your llfo from cradlu tn Kravo , cnn bo consulted on all alliilrs of life , has the celebrated tfuyptlttn breast pluto to unltu t'io separated and cautiu marrliiKO wltli one you love Coins onu , como all , and bo convinced of her remarkable powers , Olllcu and I rcMJemu 417 S llth street hours U a in to 'J p in Mrlct life iharland photo of ) onr fnturo wlfo or husband sent through mail for f5 OJ , chart alone , t.'Ui ) All leltors containing 4 cents In btiunpa lirumptl ) answered -Mfol U * MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. Ilntes , lOo a line each Insertion. f 1.5 } n line pel month. Nothing taken for less than ijc. I 1 lloomO. Mnssace , vapor , alcntol , steam , julnhur Inenndsea baths. niSIb 17' 'P MMK , LAIlsON , ll.'l DOLK.LAS rtTllKKf , JI J lloor , room 7 , massin'o , alcohol , sulphur nnd son D.ilhs. .Mb ) . ' 1C- 'P MM13 MACK OF CHICACO O1YKS 1IATII3 I mncnetlc nml mimsn o treatment. HoouiB , sou end lloor UI North Uth street I'U 11' Ml-M.Mi : MACK OP CII1CAUO 4J1VKS 1IATHU I mnunctlc nun ninii > iiio trentmcnt Itooin i second end lloor. l.'Ut , North l.'tll street. ' . ' 10 lb * FEKSOtTAL. _ _ c Ilntes , me ii nerd llrst Inx'rtlon Ic \\orJ there nftoi Nolhlnu tHkcn for leas than 25o -M\vm'iu:3ir : mill bulbs senlp und hair treatment , manlciiri nud chiropodist .Mrs l'a tMt , ) f , 15th , kVltliuell bll U J-WllY Iir.NI' A 8ICWIM1 MAtlll lS , WU I M > | | ii L-ooil d hand machine nt fJ and up I. L - 1 inojuy , lib .No lilli l 73713' IT-MIsa K A. KIIAIINS , TKAUHKIl Ol U plnno : special nttuntlon to rndlnientHl prlncl re : bullo 40 , Mldluud hotel 10th a ml ' U-\\UITUKOIt A I'llKK COI'YOroUllllKAU llfully lllustrnU'd Mntrliiuiiilnl Journal , cot u : tiilnliiK ninny pliulo-uncrnv Int'i of lininliioiii women And valiant mon who wUh lo wed llrow I'ulilUbliiK Co , 'lumulo Court , Toledo o M7II 31 -YOU.NC. .MAN Ol' ilKANS AM ) CI1AHACTI31 would Ilko to correspond with u rollnml joiin H lady who would appreciate u lovuly home In Lull 1. lornla Objpi l friendship , probably nmtrlnioii ] Address I , Webb , i-1)Ii elrect , xacraiuento Inl Jlbsb 13 * Ill ABSTKAOrS OF TITLES IN lu Union , lUnu llnu encl. Insortlon , f | & ) u line pc luoiilh. Nullilnu taken for le tlmnJic AT A HSl'U A CTs TU K HI ( JLANIMJIJA llANTi ? nnd 'Inut company , iilnlrnctJ , con > eyAiicori TltlfK perfecti'd un I Kiutranteud Own the on ! complet nbttrncl hnuto In Douvlat Coiintr Hi luoroit to room 81J .New York 1.1 fo bulldlntf. 41J MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE ) . \\r-l/\VKbT"uATK' > . rillKl.ll V TUL'sl' COM < i puny , | , OJ r'uruani itroct. 4iil \\r-TJMAHA hAVlMJB IUMC MAKCd LOAN i ) on real rstilu at Ion pit market rates Loai made lu imull or lariu > uuit for uliort or loni ; tlm No commlMlQii It tlmraoj end the loans lire nt > old lu tliu uutt , but can ulnuyt bo found ut 111 b nk on tbc corner of 13tn uud Douglas u 4bl KN. - vfr-OE.M'UAi , LOAN A i-iiUB rro , nuu 111,111 N. ' 4C3 \\r-SIONKV TO J.OAN O.N OMAHA AND COUi > , il rll lllulli real oiuto anil Nebraska und lov farms nt fruui 6)4 ) to OSi per com Interest , with no u dltloiml churgpn for roiuailislon * or ulioruar * li't \V ll.Melklo.UV.Nttt'lboiiklld- | . Ibj \V-I AND J YKAUI.OA.SBON CITY AND KAIl 'i murU'ajos. Ucea J. hclby , Jll Hoard of Trod 4U1 \\r-MONEY TO LOAN AT IXWfc8T 1UTK > 'Hie O. r , DiTli Co. . I Mi Karumu itreat. 4U. \\r-WANTr.DATONCK LOANS 0V IMl'UOVK NT < i Oninli * properly , low rate * rldollty Tru in company , I70J tornnui Uri'i't , 40V ilh \\r-ANTIIONYLM.N AMlUHUsl' CO. . Jld fl. i I.lle , loudi > tlu rules for choice iccurlty i ebr lkll or Ion * farn or Ouiaua city properly i I \\r-MCUTOAOK LOANS I.K83 THAN T PUR 'T pent. Including all eharitoi. Cuarloi W llalnoy. Om hl N l , bank bldR 4tt -\\T TAAN9 O.t IMl'HOTKI ) AND UNIMrnOVKIl 'I cIlyproporty.HO'Mnnd ' upwards , } loOViportonl No delays. W.KarnumSmith ACo.lith onil llnrnoy. 401 \\r-MONIir TO IXJAN AT LOWEST HATK9 ON > ' Improved und imlmprorod rekl estate , 1 lo years , fidelity Trull Co , ITJ1 Karnam. 4i > ] \\r-LiMNS , o. a. WAi.ijACB , in nnowN m.K. > > 4M \\r-KIUSTANI ) 6KfoNI ) MOIlTllAIlK LOANS ; < i low rule * Alot Moore. 101 lloo faldR. 474 W JW. . SQU1HK MOVKDIOSU 11KK IIMM ) . 47J \\r WANTKI ) . TO IIUV 81'KJICRNT NOTK < iSR- ' cured liy monetises Omnlmcllj' or Doiinlnti I'o. firoporlj Hood A telby , SIS llonrtl of Trails , 407 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Unto , IOC n linn each Insertion , I ! M n line | > or month Nolhlnit taken for loss A' DO 10U WANT MONKM A. Till : I'llMCLlTV LOA v HUAllANTttn CO. , UOOM I WIT1INKLI. I1LOCK. 319W BOUT.lt I5TI1 , COltNKIl IIAIINKYST LOAN TOO ANT BUM I.A11QU \ On \ SMALL ' UIOM \ TKN \IOLLAn3\ \ \ UP. \V13 MAK13 LOANS ON I UllMTUUi : , IIOHSKS , CAlllUAIiKSVAUKIIODSi : HKCKllTjf Olt I'HII- bO.NAI. 1'ltOI'KUTV OK ANV KIM ) . WILL /DO WELL , o.vus nnsr OUH TI3IIMS WILL MKUIT YOUH AI'PIl JVAT. . on cnn pi ) llio monujr bnck nt nnr tlnioatul In nny nmo'int you wish , ntul thus riMuco tint ci st of cnrrrlniMholonn In proportion to nmnmit youpny. IK OU ewe > i unlnnoo on jour furiiltiirii or ether personal pniporty or nny klnil wo nlll pay It oil for you nmlcnrrr It 111 lonu us > ou iln lre \O I'AV IIAVrt YOUH MDttKV IV ONM5 HOUR rilUM TUB IIMIOU MAKK Al'l'ICATlOV. No puhlldtT or romovnl of properly , so tlmt you Kot Iho nseof both money anil property. 4Til X - CALL AT ' 111H on IUB OK : OMAHA MOHTOAUB l.OAX CO. : j IN'COIIPOIUTK ! ) ' . It' YOtt WANT MONICrl You cm borrow on nouT.nni.n IUIISITL'UI : AND PIANOS. UOItSKS , WAllONd AND CAHItlAGKS , WAUK110USK 11KCKI1TS , MKItrilANUlSi : , Oil ANYOT1IKU HBCUItlTV. Wo will lend yon nny amount from Mil. UUtti } IOJUJ ) ON TUB D.VV YOU ASK TOU IT without publicity or removal of proncrty. You can pay the money bk In any nmount jou wish , nnd at nny tlmo. nnd cuch pnyment so made will reduce the oost nf the Invi llcmcmbcr tlmt you hiuotlio moot both the property nml the money , and pay for l.onlyui IOIIR nH you koup IL ' 1 hero will bo no expanse or chirgo kept out of the nmount wnnted , Uut you will rccolro the lull nmount uf the Innn Hoforu borrowing oNowhoro call nnd see us , nud you will lln ( I U k'rcntly to your nd\nntn o. OMAHA MOIlTfJAdi : 1.OAV CO , v ! > ni louru h.in Hruir.T. : first lloor nbovo the street TIIK OLDKSl. I.VUUiST AM ) ONLY INCOUPOK ATKIJ LOAN COMPANY IN' OMAHA. 477 V WIl.Ij LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF 31 : -tVciirlty , itrlttlv roiilldentlnL A K. llnrrls , room I , Continental block 43 "V" MONKV. S ) , W. 9J DAYS. CI1KAP 11ATB3 - nnd easy payments on furniture , pianos , ll\o stock , etc . without dolny or publicity , cash on hnnd Dull Uruen , room 8. llnrkor block 4"'l BUSINESS CHANCES. llntu , lOc n line encli Insertion ? 1 50 n line par month NothiiiK tnken for loss thane V EAhTBHV UMiSl : KOWK'S IM'AI.I.IItLK L Ilandlcnppliu system neti JliOJ nvckly on $ . ' 00 UU lne tmcnt bocom * succodsful yunr bnfo C'onoorrntlrn I'rnctleil Proipjctus IS'ij free O. I ) Kowe. lloxl7. llrookljn , N Y. SIIDJJ.'J' rKOll IsAljK , TIIAOB OH IIBNT. I1OTBU 23 L rooms nil occupied with permanent boarders ; modern Improvements llust loc itlon In S. Omnha CnplJolmOUunalioo , 33J N. Ibtli st. Omnha. Noli ill'JJ U' Y DO YOU WANT TO I1UY , 8KLI. Oil 15X- chnnuo n liuslncs-t , ro il estate or lands ? Do you nniunililttlonnl capital In your business * If so S30 \if wocnn help jou Call or write for ou.Mmllotln , Olllceslnnll principal cities ; Uuiilii brinch .110 > cw York l.lfo biilldltut .MiNJ J21 Y KOUSAId : . NICK CM-IAN' STOCK OP DltltO .1 nnd fixtures In ( own toirn ; luvolco about * 3OJO no competition , tulos ill most cxcluslvel ) cash Ad dress. 1 li. lieu i > i ItT . A (1001) PAMN'H NKWbPAPKll I. nnd job olllce In n siunll country town , Also i\eil equipped nonspipor ami job ollico lu u count Bent town of J.OOU dnln n linn business llotl within 50 miles of Omnha. Address J 22 1'pe. 615 15 V WANTKI ) . A PIlYblOlAN WITH SOME J- money to tnko charuo of u ICeelcy Institute Address It J12 , .McCnKiio bide , Orualia bJj \r-ioit SAI.H , Ditun aioiiw IN UODD NK 1 brnska town Stiles nvornuo over t > ! 000 pur icnr ( Jooil clean stock will In voice nbout SS.&OO llest ntoreroom In town ( lent choap. Uood reasons for soiling ' 1 Ills Is n snap. Address J 24 , Hie. i2J 12' Y'-l-OHSAW : , ONLY IlOI'Kl , PUOI'Klll'Y IN A live , urouliik' town , Terms rcnsonible. Onnor has other business to ilalm attention Susan Itubtck , Donnubroe , Neb 8IJ 12 * -\r KOIl SAI.B , Till ! LKAD1NQ UKPUIlI.lCAi ? I paper In onuof the best county scats In tliu South I'l.itlo counlrj. Price ruusonablo , Address Jo' ' . , Hoe MS id 15 * Y HHU'K SIUBWAUC--SIDKWAI.IC OIUCK'IO I oxchnnKO for cash. Wm. J Welshnns , 414 K'nr bach block .M34 < U > ia FOR EXCHANGE. Itntes , IDo n line each Insertion fl 50 u line per month. NothlnK tnkcn for less than 2Jc r/I OWN 100 t AUNIS IN NKlTllASKA. KANSAS /Jnnil Dakota. Will soil cheap , or atchnniru for mdse.uorses und caltlo. Add box7ol ° runkfurt , InU. 431 r/-A CI.KAN SIOCK OK CiKNKUAI. MDSK. /J\VIII take rotil cstnlo nnd money , llozJo. . l rank- fort. Ind 481 rtSO AC11KS OK OI.KIII.AND IN ONKOIi'THlS /-JLofcl nlntor wheat districts In Kansas to OY- chniiKo for 10 orU ncro truct nuar Omalm city llmltH \ \ III pay cash difference If property Is nooil. Address , KlvlnK prlco and location. O a llooMS rA CI.KAN STOCK OP IWY C.OOD8. C1.OTH1NH , /-'etc , for lands und cnsh It. W.utklns , v Co. , 1 rnnkfort , Ind 6j 21 * CITY PUOPKIITY lunds. lunds.blk blk In coed town , Inctimbcrod 17,500 , rc'nt H.'il"/ / . price ( 'J.UUU cqt for clear land 7 loom lioui-e , lot 40x1 7 nlxo 1st mortKUKO of ! \ 7l for Ml acres yooil land In iO to LO miles from Omnhn 240 ncres In AdaniH Co. lown for section of good Improu'il Innd In KMO.V To will pay cntli dlirereiice ! > tX ) fnrms In Neb. and Knns to cxihunuoforilt ) property or m die , K. K. lllnucr , 15U 1 iinmm u 11231 4' _ r/ - f .7fO ilOCK 01' CLOAKS AND WHAiy I OK A/EOod tnrni. . Block of dryioods for Omaha rental prop erty iiml cnnlr til IXU ntoek of dry KOOds for clear western Innd K. P Illnwer 1519 I-urnnni ' / -t7,5UOII AHDWAItl ! AND IIOUjiK AND LOT IN /-A'niahu , prlco fl 60J. Iniiimboreil ? lll > J for flock much In Cole , or California. 1K Itlnccr 151V I nr nain , tr.'d 14 * rWANTKD. . flO.OOO.DO to 115,000 W STOCK /.clollilim nud fcnu1 lurnlshliiK Koods for iiith or clear farms N'ot boxed or trading goods Ilex 40 , Uberlln , Knn ll'.ui | 7 to FOB SALE KBAL ESTATE. neil HALK , 0-HOOM COTTAdB AND LoF J north ti.HH ; will tnko f.5XJ ; ( l.voiencumbrance , monthly payuicnt on baliinco IIou n no ly pa pered , clly water , bath and water closet. Address ownerJ 18. lloo us \\Ti : UAVK JUsl UOMl'LKl'KD TIIK I'lllll'- 11 tli-st uli-rouiii eottiiKeln the city , Hunted by electricity , Inn Inn furnace , bith hot , culd water , mantel unite , niurblu top wash boul , sewer connc'c lion , Uf u . atone walk , paved nlruut etc Located lu A rnndale nark , uno mile from pestolllco , 1'rlcu only (3 MX ) Hik'llly Truit Co , 17UI Karnnni street MM7Jyl GICOUIilA AND VIIIOINIA AV'KNUKS. UK- twt-en.Mason and I'aclllosts , thetlnoil renldonca locution In the ill ) , ti.'W on liuorvlu uvo and JW l J on Virginia nve. ujjululnf property held [ MIKlto flUW per front fool hluher Wo "III lake { 1,000 UU to (3.0OJ00 Oiuahu property us part parmunt In u lol. 'this Is an opportunity seldom offered , This Is iooil for a short tlsie only , as tva want Koine houses started at once Two now under contract four sales already made Pleasure to show such properly ai this at any tluio fidelity Trust Com puny. IT ! ) . ' tarnam st 5"J S'S I JOU bAl.K. VIIOOM IIOU&U AM ) LOT WITH us 1 burn , In Kouni/o placoi home nouly pulntpd usot nicely papered and pointed Inside , f urnaiu , liul ot nud cold water. Km and bath J'roporly cheap u fiJOUH. Incuiubriinceiiu3 , will sell on easy turnn forfl.OJO. AitdrossOnuer. J U llea , 7M HAKlilt THAN OMAHA 1 > rtHl ejluto well locatoU No Inrestuionl It more protltnblu than reiloitutu purcuutod at n lav Hit urc * , uudnow Isjutt the tlmo to inaitu tbo Invest wu id- iiient , as iiooJ Omaha property will neror > JD let idus - thnnuhat It Is today , l.ut u show you that bciia tlful properly which wu ortYr on liuorzlt and Ylr Klnla arouuas N'othliu liner In the city for ho tin IM orluvcitmoutVlllmtikeipuclallnducemeuU foi lo. spotcath. Udellty Truil Company , I'M turnnn street ( .71 DAMt THAT NEVKK AL& ! O Ol ) KA M cheapen monthly payment * . A safe nnd pa ) Ing Inventiuunt.tlllauii , V Mlltau , roouiJld , Mi an bulldlnit , opposllu pontollice. MbOJ IS utt I AHJl KOU 8AI.K-I9J ACIIKS 11LAPK HANOI -I IOBIU , Kood bulldlniES uoz la neat , plenty tliuboi erorytblDK In eood shape ] will tell half ofcro OU nud farm tools or trade for Houthtrn Callforul land Cull nt tbo farm g mile * nunu.of .Uhlunil o Nsb. \ \ . \ \ Jniue * , M.UO 1 j- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Condniifil ntllLI ) AOplTAQB A t ) QUIT PAVlN'O nCNT WUKN00 O.VN MAKK IMONUY IIY lHi7fl ( SO ) Wfl nre offering the best rosldtnca properly for working mon thntcnn be foimj nroimd Omnhn ntnboul one hnlf the prlei lots nro Delllnv for , the name dlsttnco oat. In nny other direction , rqunlly as dcslrablo ON'U-TKNTll CA9U. $14500 pnynble on or before thrro yoirs from April 3.1 , ISM , nnd thobnlnnce in monthly or quarterly payments at 7 per cent Interest. WITH THK3I5 ADVANTAGES ! An electric motor line runs to this pniporty. The lots nre blsli nnd level nnd nt itrndo Ihustroeti nroKrndcdniul Iho itrndlm ; pnld for. The taxes on this properly have been loss lhan tl UJ per lot. per year. SjC.OOOOl ) WIl.Ii UK SPKNT THIS YBAU In 1m- provpnients on nnd nround this property. Several now houses have recently been built In the niliHtlon , nud others will bo commence. ! noun Clone lo rnnnufncturlnii Industries where n ItU number of men nro Klvcn constant employment. { iQOO PBH LOT DISCOUNT to the IIr t tlfly pnoplo who will build lieu o , thereby innklm ; nctuil cost of lot boimht nnd built upon within ono year only I2CUOJ U will cost you nollilnn to Inrostlcitc this for yourselves , nnd Itvlll pay you to do so nt once , DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Cnll nt our onico nnd lot us take you out nnd show you this property , POT run it r.Koitr.K COMPANY. Southwest corner loth iiml Pnrnam streets M.W 'JMI13 SAFKbT INVKsTMUNT IN T1IK WhST TODAY IS ACHE PllOPEHTY CLOSB 1O OMAHA. An Investment Inn cholcn tire , ten or twenty nero trnct will yield bettor returns than n KQld mine. N'o worry , no tlly tuxes , cannot bo stolen or carried elf , nnd unless Omnhn stops ( trowing Is absolutely sure to jleld en 1m tncnso profit I can oiler the followlm ; bargains In ncro property surrounding this clt ) . I'lvo ncrcs. with sninll cottBRO. JS.2V ) 00 Uronrres.JustSnilles from noiitolllce , blHBcst bar aln In Omnhn , only Jl.7.0 DO. I'lvo ncres , n pcrf < ct com of n place , cnn bo divided Into 2i > nice lot. , f ; 400 PO Ten acres , just wast of city ; the steady xrowth of Omnhn will double Its vnluo , tl.Sl'O 00. Ten ncios with cottnto , splendid location , only fl.MWCO Twont ) llvo ncrcs rholco trict , south and enst ox > posuru , linn plnco for niunll fruit nudcgeta hIuKiirdcn < , enl > $ 75 00 per ncrv Twenty ncres Just suuthncst of city , splendid Investment , \\Ill-plnt into lOJbcuutlful lots tIJJOO per ncro Party ncres In Wc-ft Omahn Just outside city limits , near junction of ' , 1 ; . i M V II 11 und il. P llelt line , close to new 1 nlr Grounds nnrl KUnnond Park , llncst ln\cstmcnt lu the nest , enl ) JIM CO per acre This propert ) Isjusloaitdilo the city limits , thus csenpliiKnU city lures nml reitulntlons , and } et ut the Mtmo tlmQ pblnlnlnn nil the benctlts of Omnha' * rapid Kit/nth Kvcry ono of the nboiu trncts nrooffurusl nt loss thnn } oucnn buy nnythliiK neir thc'm , and they will double Inntuu w I thin two to live > enrs. If you can't buy tl\o or ten ncres ulono get some f 0110 to Join with you. Hicks Heal 1'stnlo Acency , J1051 13 ' 305 N. Y Ufo Ulds. SPECIAL SALE. SI OI5PISI , PLACK LOTS sroH'KL 1'LAC'K LOTS. blOEPKL PLACE LOTS. - Corner lots 5101 Inside lots f-'TJ , Corner lota JJOO. lUbldo lots 1275 fMdown. llnlnnccSISM ) , quarterly p lyraents. NO INTBllKbT Will bo charged until , nfter July I , IKtl Tbo nbovo prices nnd terms Rood only until July 1. Look thcso lots over before biiylnKOlsewhero nnd jou will Und them the best nnd Lbojpcst bargain lu lots ovcroirerul Call on , ornddross , W. A. WL1I.--1 Kit , 1U2 Ueo liulldlnj. MS70 BARGAINS IN IIANHCOM Pi.ACK 1MIOI'BUT\ : OVf.lt SWOilO WOIITIIOP IlOUbi : * ) ANDLOTa UAVU HKl.N SOLD IN HANll OM K ACU UU11ING 1 HP. LAST fclVTY DAlik ' 1111 ! VIJHY PAfi THAT MOUB PKOPl.llTY HAH CHANOIJI ) HANDS IN TUB PAST TWO SIONT1H THAN WAS BOLD A I/I OOI.TIII.lt IN 1E93 I.NDICATKs I HAT TIlKUKAirill-UL PAItlC. THE PLBA ! < ANTNK1UIIIIOH1IOOI > , L.\ailKMKLY HhAI/im LOiAllok AN'DSPLKSDIDI.Y PAVKI ) t-THKKld A HE ATT11AC 11NU 1 UK PHOPLIJ \ \ 110 DB IIIK 1111 XUTIK'L 1IOMKS. Nice cottnue nnd lot , 2Mb and Pop , J\liOO , KI Khi room cottage nenr the park. fl. 500 Klcxnnl rljilil room liotiko , 33d nnd Pop , 57,000 l.lklit room cottiiKerloso to pnrk , f7ICO Krkk and frame cottuuo.list nnd i'nclllc , } 7JO Ilnndsomo corner hou-p .Hut anil I'-u llle JJ.6JO 'I en room IIOUBU near Unnsc inn Pnrk , f'.OOO ' KleRiint hrlclt cottiiuc , No Wl'.l Pacllle. tH.UOO IK iOU \VA.NT A lli'AlAll I I. 11 IMK cull and Let us show you sorao of thn abate houses Hicks llcnl htUto A.'oncj , MJ N. Y. Llfo MUM U EASTltllN N'KllllASKA PAIIM LAN'DS Toll sale by IIiintebcrKcr X Clcmunts , Dons , Hurt county , Neb M7UJ'i 1/OltHALKOIl EXCHA.SOK 1O SBT1LB AN JL ostnto , bJncro raisin vineyard , nil In full bcnr- IIIK , nbiindanco of fruits und Honors , hlKhly enlU- vuleil , line houio uud barns , porpctiiil water rlnlit tools , muchlncrr , boreiund trn > s lor curing ciop. Last years crop 17,000.00 , prospect thli year bettor Near city I5.00J population. I heap for cash , or will uxchunue for eood Income properly Addrnns J L"J , lice ollico Mb 7 17' LOT IS HiBT HUNT WITH SKVLN KUO.M house on 2oth street , near Cnsilus ; prlco ,2UOUO , monthly paruienti. ItoJd X Solby. , U4 Hoard Irude H2Jj " ri ro i.svi.sroiis. -L WB Ok I Kit ' 1 1IB FOLLOWING IIAUOAl NS IN IMPItOVKD OMAHA HISAL BbfA'lL. JI , WO 00 buys plneo pnylnu 10 per cent 5I.WO.OO burs property jrluldlnK IU per cent. $1,50000 Inijs clioloo ImproMd PIIHK | U per cent. H > WO 10 buys oicgiiiit plnco pn ) IUK 10 per cent (5liUOUUbuys proper ! ) yielding 10 per cent tii,50000 biijs choHopleeo | > 4 > liu It per cent. 5I2.00JOO bu > KlIteilKtd property puylni ; 10 per cent. ! 17U'J3 ) buys line lmpro\ed pni Inu 13 per out. YcU DON'T 1'AhlJ MUCH H1SK Ih 11UY1NG tIL'l-KHKDIMPUOY ( ; .DPKOPKIlTY nell located pnylni : 10 ucr tent In thcbu dull times. Wl ! AUK ACiKNlH roii EOMI : or TUB KINKSI' mi'iiovuD PIIOP KIITY IN Tins rirY. v AND ( JAN UKI'BH YOU POMIJ OK 'I UK bAFKbT ArfD 1IKST PAYIN'l ! INVf.SIMENlS ao UH HAD IN TIII : WB&T. HICKb' UKAL I'STATB AOKNCY. " S05.N. \ LIFE IILDO MUM 13 N KNDIIOO'J X1 MONTH HKCUIIK-J A lotln llnrel lurruto or Mhcrldnn pinto , both In Kood locutions , convenient lo struct curs und nell built lip. Prices f5JO to .83UO each for n 6J foot lot. Parties that wish to Inilld "I once need not miiKouny payments far 'llvt years If they wish Alxtrncts ' turnUhod Itopd & sol by , JJ | Hoard 'Iruao „ 700 _ AiiBTiiAC'is. TUB 'MDJLAND UUAUANTHK jVnnd 'Irust company , Mbstrnctors , coiiroynncors 'lltlcs-iierfected nnd tninhmtecd own the only complete ubitruct boukxiiii Douk'lns county , lie incucd to room " " New l < irk l.llu biilldlni. 45'J riHKAP PAIIM LANiV bOO ACIlKb TWO V mlles from North Lou.p , BOOil toll , runnlnn ' ' water , J.OU per ucro 1110 acres near Loduo Pofi' , Neb , can all bo cul tlvatedi II UO per acre , / U-xl acres close to Crook' , Col , good toll , tmootl. lauu , ( I M pc-r aoru. ' ' . IflJncren. huoi counlM ilteb , part cu'tlvntcO ' taoo per ncro > Jii < > HUkeiptal Estate Accncy. ti JJj.N Y. I. LOST , LOs'I , LADIKh bILVBll'CIIATKLAN'IK WATCH leave nl llco olllco and receive reward b'Ji 1J ADH-'S ( .01.1) WA'ICII IIKTWI.KS 201'H ANI un and Nrit M U church , lloturn lo'.IJI Cuss it nnd reccUe reward. VSi li' AllllOWNilOUBK. rOiniYKAHSOLI.MAHKKI C. A. Lost Mimlay nlKht I'lpatu rcliirn li Oiiiuba dairy , JJIh uud \ Intgu , and xct rewurd M'UI 13 * SII 1C L'MllltliLLAIIOII.N HAMILIi. Will tioldband llelurn lo olllco of Co , clerk nud re T OST I'Alll GOLD bl'ltLTACLKa AM ) CASf -lJUcluru.lo llc-u oiileo aud yet reward. AIMS 13 * rt f OST. A LADIKb'GOLI ) WAT < H WITH H1LVK ! C' ' JJotiBln. Hilurnto 830 Cioorula uri'iiuu and ri ct > lva reward. Mli lls * PAWNBROKERS. T hONNKMIKIlU. DIAUOM ) I1UOKKII , UJ u tllouiilaiit , l.ouni money on dlamondn. wntcUsi elc- Old uoljl und silver bouBlit 'Icl lili 4 > > i Mnrrlnito l.lccntr * . The following nmrrlnRO licenses were l sueU by the county Judpo jestortlny : Nixmonml ntlilrcM. Ace I llrmry A. O. llorhorl , Now York . 20 I Mary M , l.onMi , Unmlm -I j Dinlcl Oorlcy. Otnnhn 21 I Allco M. HroiiRhntit , Uinnhn , 17 ( John M. Chnptn , Kiintni City , Mo 25 I Uzio Aiitlorsoii , Kinlorn , Knn. . . . . . . 28 J Ulchanl Arinslroii , Orctnn , Nuh . . . 28 I Kllrikbclh Mct'iilTruy , Oinnlm 38 j Anilniw NnnlqilUt. Oniiihii. . . . . 22 I l.lsalo Mclilruin , Uninhii 18 It Cures Colds , Coughs. Sore Thrott , Croup , Infln. en2a , Wheopins Cough , Bronchitis nnd Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption In flr t UC ! , an * a sure relief In advanced stages. tTte at once. You will tec thi cxc-llrnt effect utter taltlair tha fint dose. Bold by dtnlcra everywhere. Largo bottlci 60 cents nnd Sl.OO. WORLD'S VAIU HOTELS & ROOMS ItntOKIh'o rniord llrst Insertion Ion. word there- ufter. NothlnK taken for less than 23c. 'S PAIIl HIHNISIIKD HOOMSOU tnko no clinnco nor | ny any money Inadvpnoo. $1 UO per ilny. 1311 Pnrnam st , Omaha. 5M JK ) 17011 WOULD'SFAUl , TllItKI ! KLKdANT KUIl X1 nlshed rooms to rent , Inenty minute rldo by electric cars to fair itrounds. We , 75o nnd Jl.OO per dny each person. Address Mrs. C. MoCrnckon , 7111 \aloslreot , Chlenuo , III SUM I I7 1JOOMS I'Oll WOHLD'S FAIlt N'lSlTOHS : -IVsDlcndldly furnished iIth nil modern coin on- Icneesi 3 blocks from main entrance to fnlrvroiimls , 1 block from oluvntod rend and Illinois Cen tral , ijtnr hotel , L4U 45 BUr lucnuc , ( hlcnuo. MD4I 13 rpj UKST. 70(7 ( ADDISON AVBNUB. PINK 4 L room second lloor Hat. with bath ; only 5 Mocks from World's fnlr Kiiten , m blocks from I. C rail way station , f4 > 00 per mouth , \\iiltur H. Ilrown , 81 LnSnllo street , Chleneu. M'JH ' M" DRESSMAKING. Hates , IHeiiwonl llrst Insertion , Ic i word there nftor , NothlnK taken for less tlinn 25c MISS A. M. SIIHKT'J. 1)H B"M A iTmiTcONTT neutal block , room 0. Satisfaction Kiinrnntoed LADIES' AND ClllLDHI.N S DHI'.iSM MCIM1. nlio undomnrments to orders muslin furnlthod lfile lreil KU7 Jlnndorsun fiSI jyl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Untcs , lUc a line vtch Insertion , $150 a Una par month Nothing tnkun for lens thin JJc VOUNf } liADlBS ANDOUNTUSMH.V OA\ SOON J uc'iutro u wotklnv knowlod o of shorthand nnd typowrltlnx nt A C Vnn bnnt'a school of ehort- h.md,5MN Y l.lfo , Typowrlters to rent SI PASTURES FOR HORSES. Ilntes. We a word flrst Insertion , Ic nnord thcro- nflur. Nolhinu taken for Itss than 2io. \\ritHAVl ! 1UO ACUB3 OB' III.L'E UKAS3 PA-1 ' ' tnro for horses llotrd fence Sprltii walur IlartonJbl'tiolpi , ( Jllmnro , Nob. , or A. W. Pbolpi A bon.2J7N. Y llfo Itldit M40iiJJj' UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMEKS Itntes , lOo n line each Insertion JI 50 n line per month Nothing taken for less than 2 > u. / \ W. 11AKMI UOHMKllI.Y WITH : JOIIN' G. v . Jncobs. decnnsed. Htor with M O Mnul ) , under- tnkcrand unibaliuor..11' > S. liith et 'lol OW. 48j SCALES Hate ; , lOc n line each Insertion , fl SO n line per month Nothing taken for less thun'Jc VJEW A. SUCOND \ Addrebs Uordun & bollcck Co , I.nkosl , chlcaeo. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Kates , lUcn line onch Insertion , SI 61 n line per month. NothlnK tukcn for loss thnu-'Ja " VMJB h 1.1INi ! HBITK" 11A N J 01 ST A N11T J 3 A 011B11 G , 1SIO California street. till SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. OYI.K3 A 11 Mill , DKALK All mnkos bouKht , xold , oxclmnvcd , rented 013 N Y. l.lfo bldf lei M3 431 BUKEATJ. SUES & GO..Solicitors. Bee Omnlin Nob. Btiilfling , , . 4 years K\ainlnors U. S , 1'at OIHco Advluo free No fee until patent is obtained. OF TUB RED , WHITE AND BLUE Inculcating Patriotism Beneath tlio Folds of the Starry Banner. ABOUT FLAG DAY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Origin nt ( tin National Kmlilctn and tlio hiil > rqii < < ut .Moillllrntliina 1'lni ; ' < > f the Ooloiilr < tutrrpstln ? 11U * turloal Incident * . Tlio movement In f.wor ot honoring the anniversary of the hlrth of the St.trs nml stripes la steadily ( rrowlnj ? anil iiromlsMsoon to plaoo Juno 14 In the ojlcmlar ot national holidays. Tlio movement U oC roeont origin and Is largely iluo to the jutrlotli1 Impulses of the rising gcnor.illou In thoimblloHi-hools. Uho day is tlaslgnatcil 1l-'lai ? Day , " ami It IH proh.iblo a million or moro clilldron w til sing the praises of the Star Siungloil banner on \Voilnosiluy. The history of our own ll.xg Is not without Intetcst , but , rec-ent as Us adoption Is In comp.ulson with that or ether mtions , tilt Is not knouii In rrjranl to It , nml Iho special siirnllUMiii'o of homo of it's I'har.ii'tciHtles will ever bi > a matter of sunntso nnd doubt , Tlio Haps used by the colonies befoto tlio revolution \xero not sttictly UtiKllsh. Several - oral H.IKS ttlflcrod moro or less from those of the United Kingdom A crimson Han of which the union was n St Goer o s cresson on a whltoflolU was one most frequently used. Another Hat ? showed n plno tico in ono of the corners formed by the cross , ami still another , c.illed the " ( lac of the Now England colonies , " had a dark blue Hold ulth n cross on a vhlte Held In the corner , nnd In place of. Iho plno tico n half glebe was icprcscntcd. These v.ulous departures from the Kncllsh Hag indicate n growing feeling of Inde pendence among the colonies and the neces sity for union Is nowhere moro pl.ilnlv shown than in the adoption of badges and flags by the colonies which took place at vations times pnnlous to itho actual rup- tuu > of the relations with England. Old Put's Itmmcr. The Hag displayed by Gennral Putnam on Prospect Hill. July 18 , IT'fi , was rail and bore the motto of Connecticut , "Qul tr.instuht sustlnot" ( God , \vlio transplanted us , will sustain us ) , on ono sldo nnd on the other "An Appeal to Hci\en. " Trumbull , In his celebrated plctuio of the battle of Hunker Hill has represented our troops as displaying n led H.IIJ Ith the plno tree on n white Hold in the coiner , and such a ling was piobablj' used in the battle. Tlio Hags In use in the navy during th'o Hist jiart of the Revolution wcro as al lens as those adopted by tlio colonies The Mass.uhusotts Provincial Congress adopted a white Hag with a "green plr.o trco and the inscription "An Appeal to Heaven , " \\hilo many of the ctuisois v\cro sailed under cnslcns consisting of seven led and six \\hlto sliipes , a ioss which a rattlo- snaUo was stretched , nnd the significant uords "Don't Tread on Mo" on ono ol the whitestiipes On February 0 , 1T70 , Colonel Gadsdon , ovidontiy not quite s.itlsllci ! with the supine attitude of the snake , presented 10 congicss n standard to bo ii'jod by the navy , icptcscntlng in a > ellow ilold a rattlesnake - snake of thirteen rattles coiled to stiiUc , and tlio motto "Don't Tread on Mo. " Dun rr.inklln'H UoslKn. The Hag in general use by the united col onies , however , was designed by n committee - too appointed by eongicss , consisting of Dr. Franklin and tuo ether members , \\lio mot nt the American camp nt Cambridge on the 1st day of January , 1TTO , ana in honor of the organ isation ol the now army displajcd for the Hist time the Hag of the united colonies. It consisted of thirteen alternate red nnd white stripes with the led and white ciosses of St. Geoigo and St Andiotv in a blue Hold In the coiner. John Paul Jones , the famous naval hero , claims tholionor of havinplU.st hoisted this Hag on board nu Amcrioin mifti-of-unr , the Alfred , but his claim is disputed by John Adams , who claims the honor fora native of Mahsachusotts. Upon the Declaration of Independence in July , 17TO , at Philadolnhia , the king's arms were taken down from their plaeo on the walls of the hall and burned , thus destroy ing o\crv semblance of nllpgianco to the crown. Hut it was not until nearly n year later that congress adopted a national Hae. The resolution was passed on the llth day of Juno , 17T7 , but was not made public until September II of the same jear. Honccfoith the flag of the thirteen United States \\asto bo thirteen stripes , alternate red and white , with a union consisting of thhtccn white stais in n Hold of blue , icpiesenling n now constellation " .Somo v , liters profess to bcliovo the con stellation mentioned referred to Lyra , which in ancient times wus the simbol ot harmony and unity among men , but as LA ra was not now by any menus it is more likely the words weio not intended to be taken literally. To Acunnimodntn the Molssois. The committee appointed by congress to design tlio now Hag consisted of Gcargo Washington and four other gentlemen , who iltow the design and subsequently waited upon a Mrs Hoss. an upholsterer in Philadelphia , and arranged with her the terms ol manufactuio. Mis Itoss , it ap pears , had a woman's idoi of the otoinal Illness of things , and , after looking oer the plans submitted for her inspection by the ilvo wlbomen , decided that a Hvo-pointed star would bo much nicer than one of six points , because it could be cut out with ono cut of the .scissors , and shu icconimPiidod that the designs bo changed in this partio ulir. The committee evidently loll them- soht-s lit a disadvantage wliilo dealing uilh a woman who was so dexterous with her scissois and amicably acquiesced. This is the reason why tnostais on our national Hagato nmdu with Iho points , while those on our coins are made w itn six. The Httitchango in this Hag was made in 1704 , whun congiuss losolved that "fiom and nflnr the 1st day of MaI71H , the Hag of the United States shall Uo fifteen stilpes , altur- nato iod and white , that the union bo Hftecn stars , white , In a blue Held " Tins H g was boino thiough the two succeeding wars with Knglaml , waved in victory over our tioops in Mow Orleans and onr.sallors in Tripoli and llnvv irlumnhant from the peak of the Essex in liei famous Jk'lit at Valpaiai.su. In Ihl8 congicss uiloitud | the following resolution ; "That fiom and after the Fourth day of July nu\t the Hag of the United States bo thirteen horizontal snipes , alternate - nato red nnd white ; that tlio union bo twenty stars nn a liliio Held , and that on tlio udmUston of a nor , ' state Into the union ono star boaddud to the union In the Hug , and that such addition shall take oiToct on the Fourth day of July next succeeding such ad mission. " Thls. icsolutlon was appiovcd April i , 1B18 , and has boon In force over binco. HyiiiliDllain of tlio IC | KH. With regard to the origin of the charac teristics of ths national Hag and tlitilr ape dal glirnlflc.inco much has been written , but , stranKO to say , the committee luulng elidrgc of thi ) prollminarios docs not nponr ] to have conutdcicd the matter of HUfllclcnt Inipor- t.anco to descrvo special mention. Hy n cuil ous roinciilunco thn coat of arms of the Washington family bears both the stars and stripes , but If this fact influenced the fatliei of his country in the making of ihu designer or the scat of thn committee adopted' it as n means of flattorlng tlio gicat man neltlusi havucommitted themsohusln wilting in the mutter , and contemporaneous hUtoo is u'3 erectly silent The stripes haobconvan ously described as being Imitations of tin } F IADIES EXPECTING TO bftADNCLD ntOULATOli CO .mmn.-a Iho Netherlands or the Kill India nnil the color * , rod , white ntul blue , have hccn represented n * symbollilnp ; utmost every sentiment known to the hunmn honrt. It Is n singular fnet , and possibly nn imll * cation of lack of puUlotUm , Hint tlioiivcrnxo American , always excepting school chll dron , cnnnol tell off hand ho\r mivnv star * thoronow nro In hi * country's Iliu. Ifiiny reader of this desires to try the question on ton of hit filonds , ho " 111 prolnbly 11 nil thitt only three or four can gl\o the correct iium- her , even nftcra inluuto of hard thought. Thoordlnary repli viill tango from foity to forty-two star * instead of the correct foity. four. The admission \\lthlu four soars ol North Dakota , youth Dakota , .Montana , \ \ ashlngton , ItlahonmlVjoinh.ghas brought the list iii | to the last mentioned number , ' 1'ho shape of the union him boon channel ! from : i siiuaro to a rectangle anil the stars nto ai ranged In sl\ straight lines , the upper anil lower ones containing eight stars unit the remaining ! font ; tuning seven st.irs , as U shoun In the diagram Spcrlil 1'litgH nl tlio ( loxrrtiincnt. Uncle Sam's roventio tg \ always o\cttoi lniiitiles | fi-oin these whosoolt for the llrst time. It Is vomu.uatholy of small l/o anil Is iniiilo up of sKtoeu alteuiato tcil am ! \ \ hllostilpi3iorllcntly ranceil , anil n vthlto unU.n . with the national eagle nml stai-a In ilark hliio. 'l'li < rtsxtra stripes are represent ative of Vermont , Kentucky anil Tennessee , tholnststato huvlni ; been ntltletl In I WO , or thicojoars befoiothe levennc enslen was ailopteil. To Oliver Wolcott , secretary of the treasury uniler John Ail.uns , Is usually ( liven ttto oicilltof dovlsltif ; the revenue Hag , The presliloiit's ll. ( ? consists of the na tional arms on a blue Hold. 'I hat of the see- letnry of iho ni\\\ Is Immlsomo , approprlulo and unliiuo , as It U composed of four largo uhlto.stars and aluto foul anchor on u navy blue Held ; It Is pl.ilnlj dlscerulhlo at a distance. 'I'ho H.IRS of an admiral niul a vlco nilmlral are blue lieIdslth four and thrco larjo white stars , resiieetlvely. A roir admlial Hies a blue lleld with two \\hltu stats , thouph there are also tear admirals' tlntrsM \ led and white Holds , the st.irs in the \\hlto lleld Imlni ; blue Commodoi-es spoil hroid pennants with single Htars , tliu Holds bcliii ? blue , \\htto and ledand the stars white , except the one on the white Held , \\hleh Is blue. Oa occasions reqmrlnp an indication of senloilty n small blue trl- uncle Is slunvn. The Hap ; of the llirlit house service is a loutf , white ti iambic \\llh a rod border and blue light house on tuo uhito Held. The American jnteli HBR , adopted August , 1HIS , Is Ilko the u.Uioual onsiijn with the substitution of n foul anchor , in a clrelo of thirteen stars , for the forty-four stars in the national one The church pennant of the Unitoii States navy Is n very narrow white trl.iuglo bearing n stocky blue Greek cross. Quarantine stations Ho.it a plain yellow lleld. In the army thcro are fewer variations of the H.i g , but more ornamentation and more in scriptions and Hguies. The garrison Hag Is UuVJO fuel , the storm Hag 12lxll ) ) , and the re cruiting 1) ) fort U inches by I feet I inches. Kich regiment has two sots of colors , the national and thoiejritncnial. The latter IS'ot the distinctive color of the branch of the sorvii'o to \ \ hloh I ho regiment belongs , the nrtillery having .yellow , the infantry blue and the cavalry red. Coinlilniitlnns Mini I rusts Are unpopular Jtut there is ono form of trust against which no ono has Anything to say. That is thali list \\hlch the public re poses in Hood's Harsaparlll.i. and the best of it Is the trust is fullv justilftd btho merit of the medicine IJVn * icmcmbur , Hood's S.trsaparill.1 cures Hood's Pills are purely M'gctablo and do not purge , pain or gripe. Sold by nil druggists. " * TO T-ttY His IJhvs of < 5uiro Will Sofiii llxniro 1'rank Ilnrsry Itotllrns. It is moro than likely that before another week rolls around Mr. Charles W. Moshcr the bank - wrecker111 , bo called ui > oti io face the music of a criminal prosecution In federal court. Moshcr has not yet returned from Pcoria , whither hoas called some two weeks ago by the _ death ot his father-in-law , Ills attorney states that lie wilt bring .Moshcr into couilhon wanted , and Mr. Haker 1ms Just about reached the point where the bank wrecker i\lll bo obliged to f.u'o the music and plead guilty or make n light , just as ho pleases. U is said that Masher's friends lm\e now ghen up all hope of potting Attorney General Olncy to interfere in the case , and this means tlmt the case must go to trial I'VuiK M LXjisey , the Ponci ex-bankor , has loturncd home from Klkhart , Ind , Hi ) said to a Rrr. reporter' ' ! have written to the United States clerk of courts at Omaha fora bank bond , uhloh I w 111 have Hlled out and ro.urncd as a guar antee of my appearance for liial. J will go to Omaha as boon as possible and leainhcn my tiial will come up 1 know nothing what ever about the charges made against mo before - fore the federal grand Jmy , or the Infoima- tion on whlclfthey are based. The matter , is as much news to mo ns to anybody else. Tholli'bt I know of it was when I received woiil ofhat had been done. I am icady and anxious to stand tilal on the charges against mo " ICdward Perry of Wooilliwn. Ta. , was Inought in yes'orday by Deputy Kyan on a charge of selling llijuor to tlm Indians. ( .rorgo Howdish of Jioyd county was ar rested and biought to Omalm on n charge of mailing olneeno matter Tlie IJolin sash and door factory insurance case hold the boards yestculav In feilciul * court. ' It HIIVHS tliu < : iitlilrnn. Mr. C. H. Slmwen , Wollsvillo , Kan. , saya : ' it is with pleausro that I speak of the good Chambcilain'b Colic , Chcleia and Diarrhiiia , Uemcdy lias done myTamll.v during the last foiirtcoiuvears In iho most obstinate cases of summei complaint and dlanhoea among my chlhlro'i , it acted as a chiuin , making it never necessary to call in a phjslclan , can ti uthfnlly say that i i m.judgmo nt based on joars of experience , thcro is not a medicine in the market that is M equal. COMMERCIAL , CLUB. - - Kn mloil Nnlir.iHk I'K IIullilliiK nt tlio Fnlr CIllllKI'D III till ! CllllStlllltlOII , % Thirteen of tlio oighlecn members of the executive committee of iho ( Jommoclal ) club mot yr .torday to discuss m ittor * tending to the moro complete oivfaul/.ulon of the asso ciation and the atrangomcnts for offoutlro work. The Nebraska World't , falrcommls- blon came in for a vigorous loiimlup on account of thn Tallin o tu give the banner of the club n position in the i.tato milld- ing in the White Uitj It was stated that the building was hnro nnd far from being a c roil It to the state , yet notwithstand ing tills , when something was furnished for the purpose of lining up BOIIIO of ihu bare space ana iidvei tlMng the rosouices of the state it was sidetracked and eventually lost in the Hhulllo The membeishlp of the club was reported as having now grown to M5 , and the returns uro not yet all in. The articles of incorporation were taken up and discubsed at length , witli a view to making changes that would render Iho slock noimshossiblo As now provided the nhare.s mo & . " * each , pajablo at the lime of subscrip. lion and subsequently may bo assessed to the amount of f JU Tliu change suggested will make iho slock tf.'ll at iho start and thuro will bo no further obligations In a pecuniary way. _ _ Piles of people havu piioa , ut Dowitl's Witch Hiuel Halve will cuio them. a H. IAUT : Vlu tlio Wiiliimli Hallroiul. No , 1. For tlio Ejiwortli lenuuo con- vuntlon ntClovulmitl , O. , Juno : i'J ' loluly 2. Tlio Wabuali , Jri uoiinootlon wltli the Detroit and Cluvoliuul Navigation com * puny , will nmlco a rnto of $10 for the round trip from Chicago. No. 2. For tlio V. 1 . S. O. K. convon- tlonnt Montreal , July 5 toO. Only * 18 from Chlcuffo via tlio Wubttsh. In nd- illtloii to the regular sleeping' cura ulorunt ( now tourist oars will bo attached to thin tiuin ut 81.0 per berth. Ji'oii TJOKirrs , sleeping bortlis or H tourist-Johlur , ( living lint of bldo trips , with cobt of Mime , call at the Wabaali oillrui1 , 201 Chirk street und Dearborn elation. ChioiiL'o ; 1602 Furnaui Htreot , Omahu , or wrlto ( , ' . N. CLAYTON , A'V. . 1' . Aift. ,