Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1893, Image 1

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, Inquest In the lord "Cheater" Disaster at
Washington Begun.
Colonel AliMtrortli ChnrRml With Intlinl-
' d.ttlnt ; WltncMe.8 Clerk * Threaten to
I.rneh Hint Order In the Court
Itoom With Dlllloulty llontored.
WASHINGTON , Juno 12. There was n
tartllna and Bcnsatlonal uocno In the in-
juest In the ford's theater disaster nftci
yho recess todny. Mr. Charles II Uanca
Denounced Colonel Ainsworth as intimldat-
> ng witnesses , and immediately there was n
most threatening demonstration against the
Albert N. Crosby , a third floor clerk , was
'jnot allowed to finish his testimony. While
"ho was being examined a man walked
'Vlowly to n place behind Colonel Alnsworth's
chair and said something in such n loud
rolco that It brought a warning "s-h-s-h1
.from some of those present , but the man wa ;
not to bo hushed. Ho stepped forward , and
standing directly over Colonel Ainsworth
cried in n voice trembling with passion ;
"You murdered my brother , and I'd ' like to
know what right you have to alt here am
intimidate witnesses. "
Grunt Incitement Kniuod.
There was a moment's silence after this
passionate outburst and then a wild shout o
approval. Colonel Ainsworth sat calmly h
his chair.
Lieutenant Amiss of the police forci
vfalked over to the disturber and pushed
'him toward the doorway.
"Who Is lie ? " was asked by some one.
* "His name is Charles Q. Banes , whose
f brother was killed , " was the answer from a
dozen clerks. Banes Is n real estate agent
The shouts of the covornmcnt clerks pres
.cut . continued : "Tlfnt right , ho did it ; pu
ihlin out , " were the endorsements of the ac
tcusalionsof Banes. Some were on thcii
feet and it looked for n minute that Colone
Ainsworth was In danger , but stint p word
( 'from the police lieutenant finally brougb
Before tlio witness was allowed to proccei
Mr , B. II. Warner , one of the Jurors and i
wealthy citizen of Washington sutrgestet
to the coroner that the episode that had jus
occurred showed the existence of n fcellni
that would best bo silenced by the with
drnwnl of the party against whom it was dl
" "I mention no names , " said Mr. Wnmci
"but simply make the suggestion that 111
party most concerned should withdraw. 1
is the belief among many of these hero tha
tils presence hero serves as an intimidatio
' to witnesses. There is a feeling hero whic
docs not break out , but which is novertlu
i less present , that intimidation is belli
; , carried on , and I therefore object to th
rj. presence of an , , person who is likely to I
blamed for participating in this affair. "
Itefiuod to Withdraw.
Loud applause followed Mr. Warner's n
marks and Dr. Shaefl'er whispered a rcques
to Colonel Ainsworth to withdraw. He n
fused to do so , however , and the coronc
turning to the jury , said ho had no right t
exclude from the hearing any person wh
was likely to bo a party to the verdict.
Juror liauvoy said ho had been told by
dozen clcrkr that they had been afraid t
testify , and would have refused to do so bt
for the letter of the secretary of war.
Mr. Hess Perry , counsel of Ainswortt
arose to make some remarks , and his fin
word was a signal for the most exciting lie
dent of the day. Butler Fitch , an old , whit
haired clerk of the record and pension d
vision , started the trouble. ,
"Sit down , " ho shouted ; "you arc an ou
eider and have no right hero. I protc :
against an outsider speaking here. "
"Sit down , sit down I" echoed his fello
clerks , who would not bo rcstr.iincd. File
murmured something about "murder , " an
his words were echoed from every part <
the hall. Hecord and pension division clcrl
were on their feet trying to make specclu
us though a public meeting was being licl
All this time Mr. Perry stood immovabi
mid , when tlic uproar had quieted som
what , ho appealed to the crowd to lot hi
speak. "I appeal to you as American cil
zens for fair play , " he cried.
"You didn't give us fair play , " yelled :
excited individual.
Old Mr. Fitcli kept crying : "Intimid
Mr. Dan Spencer of Bridgeport , Ala. ,
govcinmcnt clerk , called out to Colon
Ainsworth :
"You should bo arrested for murder ai
not released on ball. "
Hero the tempest broke In its full fury.
xtrlon ! of "lluni ; Him ! " Iliinc Out.
"Hang him I" was shouted from a doz
[ 'throats. ' Every man in the spectator's sen
i nt the cry of "Hang him , hang hlml" are
i and the shouts grew louder.
Colonel Ainsworth sr t cool and collectc
Somebody said , after the uproar was ov <
that his hand moved to his inside coat pock
and remained there , lib features seem
absolutely Immovable. Thuro was the fall
cst suggestion of a smile on his lips ,
Mr. Perry remained standing , but mane
no attempt to ( jucll the mob , for It h
grown to bo such ,
Lieutenant Amiss was utterly powerlt
to still thu tumult.
A mad rush had Ju t begun in tlio dlr
tion of Colonel Ainswortli , when Mr. Wi
nor arose and standing on his chair , beg
for order The sight of him stand !
Btoppcd the rush.
Ur , HluiL'lTur directed Mr. Warner to tii
Ills seat , but the latter refused and raisi
tils voice , managed to make himself lieu
Ills first word brought ( inlet.
"This outbreak of feeling must bo s
pressed , " ho said , "not by the strong hn
of the law , but by the hand of fraternlt ,
[ Applause. ] 1 appeal to you to have f
play as American eitUens and not to at
thonamoof the glorious capital of the
public. 1 appeal to you in the name of I
Master Who reigns nbovo. "
The crowd foil Inlet Mr. Warner's way
thlnkmsj each cried "yes , yes" ; ho saw
advantage and made an appeal to lot I
question of allowing Colonel Ainsworth
remain , bo settled by cool hoadn , When
took his seat , however , there were m <
threatening murmurs , and Dr , Shael
tjulckly adjourned the inquest until 10 o'eli
tomorrow morning , at tlio Flrat procli
police station.
Openlnc 't'citlmony.
Colonel Alnsworth , chief of the record f
pension division , against whom an Impl
Accusation of responsibility Is Implied , v
the llrst witness before the coroner's ji
this morning , Ho was followed by Bcnjai
lleiss , who testillod that ho had not N
any area roped ult as dangerous inside
buildings. For hevcral years ho had hci
rumors that mio old building , partlcuki
Iho roar wall , which did not fall , was mis ;
Colonel AliiBworth was there during
llmoof the excavation ,
.Charles Troutmnn , n clerk , testified the
ho had been warned by J , W. Wobt
charge of the first Iloor , not to approach
iron on the tloor roped oil whllo the oxci
lion was going on. No other warning of
Insecurity of the building had been given
iay huforo the accident. Colonel Ainswc
txnmhiXid the roped oil spacu mmutclv
thought ho went down stairs to sco the
tn'vution. Old employes had told Cult
Mnsworth ttint tlio building was a shall ;
i death trap.
Smith Thompson , a clerk , testified t
the messengers of Colonel Ainsworth ,
lloned on ttio stairway , tiad frequently r
lied clerks , with bated breath , thatit
the colonel's orders that employes slu
wak ) ou tlptoo up and down the stalrv
Tlio witness was an engineer und had
mninod 1 he building , There ere no pi
where the excavation was going on. Hi
ulurt'd that the feeling of ttio clerks to\i
Uolonoi Ainsworth was ono of abject foai
bunt of bsndclupptng from the
semblcd clerks followed this declaration.
Afraid to rojttfj- .
Mr. Warner asked If there was n feeling
of fear that the clerks were afraid to make
suggestions as to the dangerous condition of
the building.
"It was , " Mr. Warner ; emphatically It
was. " was the answer.
Mr. Thompson was questioned furtticr as
to the feeling and tie said it extendo.l lo
Jacob Frey , "Colonel Ainsworlh's rlglft
bower and the chronic pessimist of Wash
ington" anil to Mr. O. B. Brown , chief clerk
of the building.
Jefferson W. Carter , a clerk on the third
floor of the wrecked building , took the
stand , but before ho began tits testimony
Dr. Schneffcr received n ( otter from Attor
ney General Olnoy tendering the services of
an assistant to glvo professional advice In
conducting the inquiry. This offer was de
clined because the district attorney had al
ready made the same offer.
Another letter to tno coroner created a
buzIt was from Colonel Lament and read
ns lollows : "In the matter of Investigation
now In progress before the coroner's Jury In
regard to the loss of life on Juno 0 , 1893 , nt
the Tenth street building , which was occu
pied by the record mid pension ofllec of the
pension department , this department is in
formed that apprehension exists among the
pension employes that It may Jeopardize
their positions by testifying before tlio jury.
It seems hardly necessary for mo to say that
such apprehension is entirely groundless ,
but , to allay any such fear. 1 beg to Inform
you that no employe of the department will
endanger his position in any way on account
of any such testimony given before the cor
oner's jury in this case.
Clerk Curler's Testimony.
Mr. Carter was asked by Mr. Warner
about tlio feeling bet ween Colonel Ainsworth
ni.d tils clerks , but Dr. ShactTer interrupted ,
saying that the Investigation must bo con
fined to the cause of the calamity.
Mr. Warner replied with some feeling that
a great many extraneous subjects had been
introduced and some of them had shown a
bitter feeling against Colonel AInsworlh.
He thojght ho had a rluht to ask this ques
tion In gxilcr to satisfy his mind whether
there wns"or was not any prejudice on the
part of the witnesses that would cause them
to do Injustice to olllcers of the government.
This flurry passed over and Mr. Cartersaid ,
in answer to a question , that there had been
a common rumor among the clerks that the
building was insecure. lie had heard casual
comments about ttio insecurity of the buildIng -
Ing while the excavation was being made ,
and only the other day Juno ! 5 or 4 , Williarr
Schrclbcr , who was killed in the dlsastci
said to him , pointing , to the excavation :
"Carter , I see they are digging us a grave. '
Both Schrclbcr and Mtilledy who wen
killed , had recently spoken to him about tht
dangerous condition of tlio building.
At fe point a recess was taken.
Afternoon Session *
The first witness at the afternoon scssior
was David Brown , a third-floor clerk , v.'lic
said that since January 0 , 183" , he had heart
the building was unsafe. Ho had boon in
structcd to go carefully up and down tin
stairway in tlio theatre building ncarl.i
every afternoon by a messenger called
Mr. Brown was asked if there was an ;
fear on the part of the dorks that they woul (
bo disturbed if they protested against re
maining in the building.
"Yes sir , " ho answered , and then qulekl ;
added , "I eleclino to answer that question. '
"On what grounds do you decline ti
answer , " asked Dr. Shaeffer.
"On the ground of my own position. "
"Did you hear the letter of the secretary
of war read , promising protection to clerk
who testified ? "
"Yes sir" was the answer. "I do not fca
Colonel Ainsworth , for he lias done mn twi
favor , but I do fear Mr. Froy. " ( Whom Mi
Thompson called Mr. Ainsworth's righ
bowor. )
Mr. Brown finally decided to answer th
original question. He said there was mucl
feeling about the insecurity of the building
and a great many clerks , himself amoni
them , would have protested if they had hni
the courage to do against Doing kept in th
old theater.
"What had the clerks to apprehend ? " wa
"Discharge , " said Mr. Brown.
Spoke Klnilly ot Ainsworth.
J. S. Smith , a first floor clerk , tostific
that any feeling that might have been dt
veloped was not directed to Colonel Aim
worth , but to other officials , ( partlcularl
Jacob Frey ) . Tlio talk against Colone
Ainsworth had been confined to a few ol
James A. Long , another clerk , said ho ha
felt insecure during the work of excavatiot
and had spoken to several clerks about :
who assured him there was no danger. 1
was explained to him that the reason tli
space on the first floor was roped off was hi
cause the tloor boards had no support bi
ncatli them. But Mr. Long could not dow
Ills fears , so ho secured leave of absent
while the excavation was going on and a |
plied for insurance on his life.
Examined by a Juror , Mr. Long said his b
lief in the insecurity of the building hi
first caused him to think of insuring his lif
Ho had been warned against running up tl
Held nn Indignation Mooting.
The department clerks stood about tl
hall talking excitedly over the Incident aft1
adjournment for the day. Colonel Ain
worth sat In bis chair for a minute and tin
walked out of the building , entered
carriage and was quickly driven away , am
angry expressions from the crowd.
When the hall was emptied the exeitt
language of the clerks continued on the sld
walk and finally old Butler Fitch mount )
iho entrance slops of the building aad pr
) > osed an iiuilgnatlon meeting immediate !
The proposition was adopted and the clerl
took possession of the hall.
Smith Thompson , need 72 years , wl
made many bitter remarks against Colon
Ainsworth and Jacob Frey in his tes
niony tills morning , was elected chairman
the meeting , and denunciations of Colon
Ainsworth and of these who Justified Ii
course , were Indulged in. A committee cc
slsting of Smith Thompson , W. N. Sayro ,
FlUT , Percy Monroe und M. M. Jarvis w
appointed to wait upon the president a
protest against the proposed secret sessl
at the police station and to urge the suspu
sion of Colonel Ainsworth , pending thu !
Subsequently It wis said that the inquc
would bo resumed tomorrow in the sai
hull , but under better police urrangcmcii' '
U was proposed to appoint u committee ;
secure counsel to represent the clerks
the next session ot the Inquest , but this w
rendered unnecessary by . .iid'.v Jcro Wlls
volunteering his services.
The court of inquiry ordered by Secrota
Laniont to Investigate nil Iho facts cc
nccti'd with tlio disaster ami express
opinion as to who is responsible , mot tl
afternoon , but adjourned to incut at the c
of tlio senior oftlcer , for tlio reason tl
Colonel Ainsworth cannot appear before t
court until the inquest now being conduct
is concluded.
ItrculU Another Disaster.
Tlio only public calamity in Washington
nil approaching In magnitude tlio recent ii
aster at Ford's theater occurred in IS
when n number of women were Install
killed by an explosion In the cartridge f
lory at the arsenal. The act of congress
reference to that event Is best shown In tIn t
following , which is a copy of tlio Joint re
In lution passed by congress and approved Ji
10a 4 , IBM :
a10 Whorens , Nearly thirty persons , mos
10 tumult's , were terribly tnjurud , nineteen
10 them fatally , by an explosion In Iho cartrh
factory at uio t'nlteti Mates arsenal In'u \
iiKton nil tinf-ith day of Juno , 1804and
Whon-as , All of the wounded nro poor r
xol dependent upon dully labor for bread ,
by tnU calamity huvo ln-cn denvlvud of
id power to earn their living , und urn witln
idat the means to procuru thu euro und comfc
at nive stiry lo lliolr recovery , therefore , bo it
ata lto olvt'd tliosonutn and
a- , lly housoof r
ati rc'.scntutlvoo In conjiri'ns iisscmibhul , that
tins bum of J..UOO itwu Uiuu aiid dollars ) , to
ns divided unions the fctiwB , is hereby appro !
ild aieil out of any money 'hi liiu'ueusiiVy"
y. otlu > r\vl.o ) appropriated , for Ihu relief of
victim * of kiich i < \ | > U Um , tuoh money tt
pg distributed muter thu direction of t'ayl
lu. I'Piintttt ' , coimuaiidlns lit Sail Arbouul , In b
" > manner as t > hall U'&t eowlucu to thu conn
r unJ lollef of hulil sutluiori , according u > 11
A m < ci < bttlt4 < ! * , respectlvuly , uud tUut ho rot
istutu to th ! house , ,
Situation with Eaferonce to Omaha's Pciloral
Building at Present.
Quality or Stone to ll Ailoptotl Will Do-
pctul Upon the IUnit of tlio Appro ,
print Inn govern ! Appoint *
incuts lor Nc
513 FoLMitncsTii S
WASHINGTON , D. U. , Juno k
The supervising architect stated today
that he would probably readvertiso for bids
for the now Omaha building In n week or
ten days. The bids'will not , specify ma
terials , but the building will bo constructed
of granlto If n granlto proposition comes
within the limit of the appropriation.
NphraHkn Appointments.
'Secretary Morton has made the fo.lowlng
appointments : William W. AI. Combs , to be
foreman of taggers In the bercau of animal
industry nt Soutli Omaha at $1.033 , to take
effect Juno 10 ; Misses V. E. Bowns. L.
Braddock , M. A. Dalton , M. Davitt , M.
Flyiin , M , K. Glblin , M. Hozan , Etta Heller ,
Eva Jones , E. Kassal and J. May , all of Ne
braska , to be assistant mlcroscoplsts in the
bureau of animal industry at South Omaha
at ? GOO per annum , to take effect Juno 10.
Western Pension * .
The following pensions granted are reported <
ported :
Nebraska : Increase .lames S. Porter ,
William Dice. Original widows , etc ,
Nancy Jackson , Julia A. Compton.
Iowa : Supplemental William W. Me-
Ginnls. Increase John C. Clark. Ketiben J ,
Foster , John W. Hecs. Original widows ,
etc. Minerva Lavine , Mary J. Mash. In
crease George M. Bird , Alex House , John
B. Thompson , Allen McCoy , William Dunn
John .Mavors. Holssuo Thomas J. Scallan ,
Drury O'Laughlin , Francis C. Hoguc , Daniel
Crawford. Original widows , etc. Catharine
Liudaman , Catharine M. Smith.
Army Orilcra.
The following army orders were issued
today :
The following named officers are by dircc
tion of tha secretary of war detailed foi
duty pertaining to the World's Columbia !
exposition and will report in person to tin
commanding general Department of Mis
souri for duty accordingly. First Lieutenant
Thomas J. Clay , Tenth infantry ; Firsi
Lieutenant William O. Brown , First cavalry
First Lieutenant Edgar W. Howe , Seven
teenth infantry ; First Lieutenant Lewis H
Strother , First infantry ; First Lieutenant
Aimer Pickering. Second infantry ; Firs :
Lieutenant Frederic * O. Hodgson , Stxtl
cavalry ; First Lieutenant James O. Green
Twenty-fifth Infantry ; First Lieutenant
Walter H. Gordon , Eighteenth infantry
Second Lieutenant Edmund Wittenmycr
Ninth infantry ; Second Lieutenant Ell A
Itclmick , Fourth infantry.
Leave of absence granted Second Lieuten
ant Edmund S. Wright , Ninth cavalry , Ma ;
17 from this oillco is still further extendci
fifteen days.
Leave of absence for one month and Hftccj
days to take effect on or about August , ISO ! )
is'granted Second Lieutenant Walter A
Bethel , Fourth artillery.
Leave of absence for two months to laid
effect on or about Juno 11. 1803 , is giv.ntci
Captain Ephraim T. C. Richmond , Secom
Leave of absence for one month and fiftcet
days to take effect on or about July 5 , 1S9E
is granted First Lieutenant John V. White
First artillery.
At his own request First Lieutenant Join
W. Heard , Third cavalry , is transfers
from troop D to troop G of that reziment
vice First Lieutenant Daniel L. Tate , Thin
cavalry , who is hereby transferred froii
troop G to troop D.
Court ol Inquiry Appointed.
Upon the request of Colonel F.'C. Ains
worth , nhlcf of thC record and pension oiUec
a court of inquiry Is hereby appointed , t
meet in this ciy at 11 o'clock n. in. on th
12th day of June , IS'ja. or as soon thercaf teas
as practicable to investigate the managt
incut of his office in so far as it may hnv
had 'iny connection with or bearing upon tli
disaster of Juno 9 at the old Ford theatt
buildiiiR on 'lonth street , tins city. Th
court will also lully investigate all of th
facts in the case and will express an opinio
us to who is responsible. Detail : Bridadit
Geaeral Thomas Lincoln Casey , chief i
engineers. U. S. A. ; Brigadier Gcncn
Richard N. Bale-holder , quartermaster gei
oral , U. S. A. ; Major Charles E. L. B. Davl :
corps of engineers , ( J. S. A. : Major Goorg
B. Davis , judge advocate , U. S. A. , recoroe ;
The following transfers in ttio Thirteen !
infantry are made : First Lieutenant Ei
mund L. Fletcher from company C to con
panyD ; First Lieutenant Albert B. Sco
from company D to company C.
The following transfers in the Eighteen !
infantry are made : First Lieutenant Charh
L. Steo'io from company A to company I
First Lieutenant Walter H. Gordon froi
company B to company A.
Leave of absence on surgeon's ccrtifical
of disability granted Second Lleutcnat
Marcus B , Stokes , Tenth infantry , May a
IS' ' . ) : ! , Department of Arizona , is oktended 01
Leave ot absence for two months to tal
effect on or about July 1 , 1803 , is gratiK
Colonel Charles T. Alexander , assistant su
gcon general.
Captain Guy L. Edie , assistant surgeon , i
addition to other duties , will take charge (
the medical supply depot in New York Cil
and perform the duties of Colonel Aloxandi
during tlio lattcr's absence. - "
Captain Ahiol L. Smith , commissary i
subsistence , will be relieved from duty
the oillco of the purchasing commissary i
subsistence at San Francisco , Cal. , and w :
proceed to Kansas City , Mo , , and rollei
Major Samuel T. Gushing , commissary
subsistence , from duty at that placo. Maj
Cushlng , on being relieved by Capta
Smith , will proceed to Omaha and report
the commanding general Department of 11
Special orders May 2,1801) ) , from this ofllc
directing Captain Frank E. Nyo.commissa
ot subsistence , upon being relieved fro
duty as purchasing commissary of su
slstenco at Washington , D. O. , by Capta
Douglass M. Scott , commissary of su
slstoneo , to proceed to Kansas City , Mo. , f
duty ot that place , is amended to direct hi
instead to report to the commissary genet
of subsistence for temporary duty in 1
Captain William B. Gordon , ordnance t
partmcnt , will proceed from Cold Bprini
N. V. , riot exceeding three timss a we
during the present month to the San
Hook proving grounds , Sandy Hook , N.
on otllcial business.
Assistant Secretary Sims today affirm
the decision of the laud commissioner in t
casei of Joseph McHroom against James
Strawn. The commissioner's decision , d
missed McBroom's contest against Straw
timber culture entry in the Valentino la
district. McBroom appealed , tine' ' today I
Sims sustained ttio tiecisiun of the comn
slonor and Struwii's entry will ' romi
lutact. . P. S , H
vici.i.e\VSTOM : i'\uic AITAtus.
Ioublans ! Ujarilliisr the Leasing of I
blrablo I'nvlIUKO'i.
WASIIIXQTON , Juno 12. Some weeks t
the secretary of the Interlor'g.ivQ a hoar
to ull parties Interested In UMhsportut
and ether privileges in the Yollowstc
National park. Today Assistant Secret ;
Sims decided that licenses to transp
passengers through the park should
granted to W , S. Dlokson of Livlngat
Mont. ; M. U. Johnson of Dozoman , Moi
Vt I A. L. Uyiin of Bozouiuu and A. W , Ch
bournoof Livingston , the permits and ref
of faro to bo subject to the approval of
department. Authority is.nlso to be grante
to W. W. Wylo to conduct fi.cnmplng trans
portation business.
It Is considered to bo to tha. best interests
of the public that the Yellowstone National
Park Transportation company has at the
present tlmo the nolo lease mid license for
carrying passengers-through the park co.a-
Ing In from the dircrtlon of the Northern
Pacific railroad at Mammoth Hot Springs ;
that a lease , howovfr , bo granted to George
"W. Wakcfleld , of Bozcman , Mont. , to draw
traffic from tlio Union , Pacific Italtroad com
pany over the Beaver Canon route , pro
vided that If the Increase of travel from the
Northern Pacific warrants It , the depart
ment may find It wiser and to the benefit of
the public to extend to..tho . . lease to Wake-
Held or to ether parties 'for the trafllc from
that direction also. The agreement of Au
gust of 1SOO , with the Yellowstone Park as
sociation for a lease of the Fountain Geyser
hotel site is to bo carried out , but their re
quest lor transportation privileges in con
nection therewith is denied , The hotel com
pany , however , Is to bo protected in the Yel
lowstone park.
The application of E. C. Waters , repre
senting the National Park Hotel company ,
for leases of-sltcs on which to erect hotels
Is denied , but the department will entertain
applications for other leases for these sites
by persons presenting sufficient guaranty
us to capital and ability to construct and
maintain a hotel on like conditions as these
pranted to the Yellowstone Park associa
The apnlication of D.wld B. May for leave
to construct an elevator near tlio Grand
falls is now granted , pending further Inves
tigation us to its effects upon the beauty of
ttio natural scenery at that place.
In regard to the superintendence of the re
pairs and construction of roads In the park ,
the matter will bo referred back to the presi
dent for action by congress. Like action
will bo taken in regard to Barronet Bridge.
As to the policy of the department with
reference to the construction of railroads
through the park , no action is taken , Inas
much as no applications for this authority
are now pending In the department.
hllvor I'nrrlinsps.
WASHINGTON , June 12. Acting Director
Preston of the mint bureau of the Treasury
department , today rejected all but one oiler
of silver. A dozen offers ranging from
JO.SH30 to iO.8378 per ounce were made. He
accepted the offer at SO.SSaO , and made a
counter offer to all the others at SO.S340. His
action was very unusual , but his course in
rejecting theolTcis at the higher figures was
approved by Secretary Carlisle , Mr. Pres
ton states that thcllgures were very much
higher in proportion than the price of silver
today in London , which price guides the
Treasury department in its purchases. The
totnl purchases amounted to 008,000 ounces
and SO.SlUO. [
Appointed by the L'reildent.
WASHINGTON , Juno 115. In addition tc
naming James E. North collector of internal
revenue for the districti of Nebraska , the
president today appointed fho following
postmasters : Willis L. Grimes , Batavia ,
III. : Samuel P. Sufts , Centralia. 111. ; Isanc
Fielding , Champaign , llli ; James S. Wilson
Mt. Carmcl , 111. : John W. Potter , Uocli
Island 111. ; Geortro " C Caster , Hill City
S. D.
I xpurtK of Itruadstnil's.
WASHINGTON , Juno 12. During tlio eleven
months ciulingMaySl. 1803 , the values ot UK
exports of brcadstuffs wcroSl73,0J'.i,001 ( , am
during the corresponding : , period of the pre
ceding year. S r'AOKV-MG , a decrease of JOO ,
400,7iiG. Of this deoreaso ; $ W,074,7C. > was it
wheat : SSlOir .H17'corh-810 ; > 03.r > , ia-J rye ; S2 ,
O4'.l,87r > oats ; $7o7G71. cornjncal ' , oatmeal am
wheat flour.
Appointed to Odlco.
WASIIINOTON , Juno 12. Attorney Genera
Olrioy lias appointed W. P. Miller assistan
United States attorney for the district o
North Dakota.
3IET TIlKtll 31ATCU.
California' * Noted Outlaws , Kvnns nni
Sontafr , Defeated In a Fight.
VISAT.IA , Cal , , Juno 12. After a BOirch ex
tending over two months and after si :
encounters with different legal posses , th
notoripus train robbers , John Sontag am
Chris Evans , finally last night met four dcp
uty United State ; marshals.and , as a resul
of the encounter which t'ollowcdSontng ; wa
wounded , possibly fatally , and' is now ii
custody , having been brought hero ut 10:3 :
this forenoon. The four officers who mad
the attack upon the bandits were Unitei
States Marshal Gardin and his deputy , Etl
ward Hapolje , n deputy sheriff from Fresn
comity ; Fred Jackson , an ofllccr 'froi
Nevada and Thomas Burns , who was witi
Black at Camp Badger wlten the latter wa
shot by the robbers last month.
These officers had been in the mountains
week looking for the robbers and Sunda
afternoon camped nt n vacant house elghtee
miles north from this city. About twent
minutes before sunset Ilupoljo went to th
rear door of the house ana saw two me
come down the hill and toward the" place
who proved to bo Sontag nnd Evans. Evan
was in the lead and carriedn , riilo and shoi
gun and Sontag was armed with a rifle. Th
olllcers went but of the front door of th
house , nnd , as they were around back of th
corner , Evans saw Uupoljo , took dcllberat
aim and fired. Just then Jackson steppe
uround behind Hapoljo and opened fire o
the bandits. Sontag was seen to throw u
both hands and fall backward. Then th
firing became gcnerul. Evans got behind a
old rubbish pile out of sight , but kept up
raking fusilado. Jackson wont around tli
fur end of the house to se'o if ho co-ild got
better place from which to shoot and us Ii
went around he was shot In the leg bctwec
thu knee und ankle. Darkness ended th
Evans was seen to crawl upon his stomac
from behind the rubbish pile and llapel ,
again opened lire upon him , Evans the
arose to Ills feet and rah toward the hill
followed by Uapeljo , who continued ilrini
Evans did not return the lire nnd in ti fc
minutes was out of sight. , ,
Ilapeljo returned to the house and , proem
ing a wagon , brought Jackson lo ttiecil
soon after midnight. Marshal Gardin an
1 Burns remained at the scene until mornini
Sontag lay behind a small stack of hay a
night where ho was found by Gardin ar
Burns. !
Evans' tracks show that ho started t
ward Visali.i , and his homo will bo wutcht
day and night. Sontag says tlio Jig is u
and that ho docs not care for the future. H
may possibly recover , , bjjt the pliysiciat
will say nothing. \
The train robbery which.was the begi
nlng of this criminal chapter , occurred nt
station near Collls , near .Fresno , Cal. , A
gust ! i , 16'J.i. An express/car / was blown i :
with dynamite and Express Mcssengi
George D. Itoberts sorljmsly injured. Ol
ccrs BOOH arrested George Sontug at t ]
house of Chris"Evans in ,1111s city. Ho w
afterwards tried and sent ttitliopcnitcntia
for life. When an attempt was made to t
rest Evans ho and John Boning opened 11
on the oftlcors , wounding George Walloy.
tlio second encounter Oscar Weaver w
killed in front of Evaiw1 house. On Sontc.
her 4 Andrew McUinnis and Victor Wilsi
were killed in the mountains by the band !
and two ether olticera were woundrd. (
May 20 S. J. Black , another officer , w
wounded by the bandits'in the mountains.
Two l'or finii < I > r < > iie < l.
SALT LAKE , U. T , , Juno 12. [ Special To
gram to TUB liuu.j MUs Ella B , liogei
fishing In Silver creek near Snowilako , Arl
was drowned today , She was wading in t
stream and stepped on * into a sink hole.
A dispatch from Mount Pleasant says tl
Sharp Hanson , a 4-yqar-old son of Mrs. C.
Hunscn , was accidentally drowned Ffld
in a largo Irrigation ditch , which ru
n through that town.
y Observed I'loirrr Mission Day ,
; -t Juno 12. [ Special Telegr ;
JO to THE Bun. ] The ladles of the Womei
u , Christian Temperance union observed llo\i
mission day today. They visited the Ind
' i trial school , tlio jail am ) the sick and t
1as tributed about 00 boqucts. At the ; Ind
as trial school a very interesting progr
10 was rendered.
Dofeatad NicaraguanB Seiza an Opportunity
to Renew the War ,
Citizens of I.con Uugti to the Armory to
Secure ItllU-s on Kmiiora Unit the *
I'rovlslounl ' ( luvorninont Hut
Hern Overthrown.
_ -/a-njj Oontsii litnn'.U.\ \
MANAGUA , Nicaragua , ( .via Galveston ,
Tex. ) , Juno 12. [ By Mexican C.iblo to the
NcwYorit Herald Special toTnu Bcn.j
A revolution in Leon against the provisional
government of Nicaragua has been sup
pressed , and the leaders of the proposed up'
rising are now in prison. As I cabled the
Herald , the citizens of Leon have not re
ccivcd the new government cordially. Tin
old Jealousies against the citizens of Oran <
tula , who have again gained control througr
the revolution , have been aroused , nnd th (
Lcons have been anxious for an opportunity
to show their opposition to the now govern
They supposed this opportunity had conn
when exaggerated accounts reached them o
the disorders which attended the march o
the revolutionary troops Into Managua. As
1 cabled the Herald at that time shots wen
fired as the troops were passing the police
stations and in the short battle which foi
lowed four policemen , several soldiers ant :
many citizens who were on the streets
watching the parade of tlio troops wen
killed. The police were overpowered ant
the troops continued tholr march to tin
president's palace.
Untruthful and exaggerated accounts o
the disturbance were sent to Lson. It was
reported there that the now government hat
been overthrown and that Provisional Pros
Idcnt Machado and General Sanchez hai
been imprisoned.
1'rcparcil to Itencw the Wnr.
These stories greatly excited the Lcons
who believed the tirno had come to start i
new revolution and overthrow the hatoi
Granadinos. Urcco. by Sebastian Salmti
and others , hundreds of excited Leon
rushed to the garrison to scizo the arm
stored there , witli which they proposed t
renew the war. Cooler head advisers , how
ever , prevailed upon the mob to move slowl ,
and thus prevented a now revolution. Th
outbreak was suppressed without bloodshe
and Sebastian Salnuis and others .ire in lai
The excitement aroused in Managua b
the threatened revolution has subsided an
the disarming of the troops is progressing
The military forces nt Managua have bee
reduced to 400 men. Dreyfus lias been n
leased on bail after having been in priso
for twenty days. Commander William I !
Whiting and other ofllcors of the cruise
Alliance have returned to Corinth after
few days stay in Nicaragua. Commnnde
Whiting says the cruiser will remain i
Nicaragua waters until ho is assured that n
'further trouble is to Do feared.-
Leaders of the revolutionary party ni
highly pleased with the accounts of the wa
published in the Herald. They common
the interest shown in NIcaragumi affaii
and all declare it to be the best and most ei
tcrprlsing paper in the world.
An epidemic of small pox now provai !
South American Nntos.
VALPARAISO , Chill , ( via Galveston , Tex
June 12. [ By Mexican Cable to the Nc
York Herald Special to Tim Bo : . ] Adi
patch from the Herald's correspondent in A
tigas says that the government forces und )
Generals Tollcs and Lima have been chase
across the Uruguayan frontier by thorovol' '
tlonists in Rio Grande do Sul. The
were disarmed by the Uruguay ! !
troops , who guard tlio frontier. Gcncn
Telles , in the name of Brazil , protcstc
against the disarming of his troops , ar
accused the Uruguayans of favoring tl
From Montevido the Herald correspondci
telegraphs that D movement is being orgai
jacd to make formal charges against tl
president and the members of his cablnc
They are "accused of ignoring the laws
the nation and shaping all their policies i
n way that will aid their personal fortune
The Herald's correspondent in Buenos Ayr
telegraphs that congress has shown 1
opposition to the now cabinet by orderii
the withdrawal of the national troops fro
the province of Corricntcs. All the min
oftlces have already been filled with crcatur
of the now government.
Krupp's agent is In Santiago for the pi
pose of proving the new typo of field gu
for which the Chilian government has cc
Slave Trade In Oulniu.
PANAMA , Colombia ( via Galveston , Tex
Juno 12. ( By Mexican Cable to the Ne
York Herald Special to Tin : Bii ! . ] Coloi
bia has decided to enter n formal protest
Holland against the continued traffic
Indian children by the Dutch traders on t
Goajlla. Thirty girls , nearly all of whc
were from 10 to 12 years old , were rcccnl
Drought to Curacoa on ono schooner , Th
were there openly sold in domestic serv'i
Numoroim I'nrtleg Keep t
Voters OucHilng.
Juno 12. The chaos of politii
parties at present prevailing in Germany
unprecedented In history. Moro than twor
political parties are striving for sunrema
at present. Ttio largo land owners , t
small peasant properties , the merchants , t
tradesmen , the mechanics , the laborers , I
potty ofllclnls , the teachers , nil and cv (
ono are dissatisfied , and they nil look
salvation from some political parti of th
Another cause of confusion Is that I
same candidates are running in a number
districts at otico. Eugene Hichter , for
stanCe , has accepted nominations in nb <
twenty places. If ho should get n major
in more than ono district there will have
bo now elections , us ho , of course , can 01
represent ono constituency , Lieber , 1
leader of thu democratic wing of the c
trials , is also running in a dozen distrk
Ii is Impossible at present to fo
east the results of Thursda
election except to say that the two oxtn
ist parties , the conservatives on oilo B
and the socialists on the other will g
largely. The socialists expect to capt'
0 Berlin , until now the strength of the ri
cals , which will probably bo lost throu
th dissensions between the Uichter u
Htckcrt factions , In Saxony also the
cialists will pain largely. * "
The emperor ls much distressed at
political confusion , and feels very bit
against his erstwhile friend , Herbert 1
murck , who had been very outspoken Jin
criticisms ,
1'retlilent Ciiraot 111.
lyfited 1833by Jamet Coition Uinntti
PAWS , Juno 12. [ Now York Herald Ct
Special to THE DEB. ] M. Carnet hn
liver tjgmplalnt and will not make his
tended viclt to Brittany , Ho IB in no <
* *
! . ? , i „ „ „ . _ , .
gor , but has been ordered to take the great-
'St ' care of himself. JACQUES ST. Ccun.
Cluilorii In I'r.inrp ,
PATHS , Juno 113. Nine deaths from "a ills-
'aso ' of n choleraic nature occurred ycstor-
Iny nt Calais , department of Gnrd , southern
C.ront Cowboy Hiiro Will Itn Hun In tic-
uplto of Opposition.
CIIADIIOX , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram to
Till ! BEE. ] "How Ion ? will It takot" "Who
loyou thlnlt will win ! " "Will the llumino
society Interfere ! " These arc question * you
could ho.\r oft repeated on the streets hero
today. Of confSO they referred to the great
cowboy race to the World's fair , which
surely starts tomorrow at fi p. in. The hoys
are todny putting on the finishing touches
o their outfits. Everything must ho in
lace. As nearly na can bo dollnltoly-do-
cliled between forty anil llfty rider * xvill
start. Many of thcso will not , it is s.ifc to
say , reach Chicago , at least on horseback.
Paul F'nintahio of Minneapolis Is
to arrlvo hero tomorrow morning to stop tlio
race , if possible. It will , however , bo a
waste of time , as the race is an assured
fatit.What the route is or what the road brand
to bo put on each horse is cannot bo ascer
tained until tomorrow. It la safe to say ,
however , the route will bo along the Elkhorn -
horn road to O'Neill , Nob.
Dee Middlcton seems to be the favorite for
llrst plauo as yet. Largo placards offering
&MX ) to stop the race are posted all over the
city. They do nothing but cxeltc some
amusement among the riders. No cruelty
will bo allowed under any circumstances.
This the hunrino societies may rest as
sured of.
Would Not Stop the Itiioc.
Juno 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Hun. ] Oscar Little , agent of otlio
Illinois Humana society , arrived from
Chicago today to nsk the sheriff to stop the
cowboys cnrouto from Chadron. "Tho
sheriff's reply was that it was none of his
Ilorso Tlilnf Takes Ills Own I.lfo
to Avoid IniprltoiuiiiMit.
Doroi.Ass , Wye. , Juno 1'J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ben , ] William Sparks , n young
cowboy , stole llvo horses with saddles and
bridles from the cam ofp u Texas trail herd ,
fifteen miles cast of Douglass , Friday night ,
Ho drove Into a round-up camp the next daj
and the cowboys took the horses away from
him and brought him hero a prisoner. He
was given a preliminary hearing this morn
ing and agreed to go with the sheriff and
show him where ho had hid four of the live
saddles stolen.
Sparks , Deputy Sheriff Allen and a man
named Snyder set out on horseback and
stopped at a cow camp for dinner. Snyder
dismounted and was unsaddling his animal
when Sparks seized u revolver hanging on
the pommel of Snydcr's saddle and placed
the muzzle his own forehead and
fired , the ball passing entirely through his
head. He is still living , but is unconscious.
From scars on his neck it is evident that
somn time in the he has had his throat
cut , probably a previous attempt tit suleldo ,
Sparks had only been in the country about
ten days and no one knows anything about
him except that ho joined the party will
whom he was working at Pueblo , Colo.
S4' O.lf.l/f.l 1'KUl-LK.
Holtlurs of Alillnn Hotel Cortlllcntcs Cai
Now tto Aucomuiodnttiil.
CHICAGO , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram ti
Tuu DEK. ] The Hotel Lamphcrc , formerly
the Aldlne hotel , on Oglcsby avenue , botweei :
Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh streets , ii
being rapidly completed , niul already several
of the rooms htivo been rendered lit foi
occupancy and have been put inu
use. Upwards of forty persons from varioui
parts of the country nro now quartered ii
the house , and at the rate at which the worl
is going on .tlio house may bo expected 10 hi
in a condition to meet all demands on It be
fore the end of next week. Several hundrci
certificate holders of the late Aldini
company have agreed to accept Mr
Lainphoro's terms , which are necoplci
at half tlio face value. Gas and wale
will bo supplied before the close of the pros
cut week. When finished the hotel will con
tain 310 rooms for guests. The furniture foi
most of these rooms is already provided
Mr. Lamphcro disclaims all responsibllli
for the late Aldino company. Ho had n
connection with it except as a creditor. A
such ho was the heaviest loser by the failur
of the company to fill its engagements.
Tot ill AUumliiiiL'ci t the Fulr.
CHICAGO , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram t
THE BEE. ] A table of paid admissions t
the fair since the opening May 1 , includin
today , shows the total attendance to hav
been 2,573,018 , aa follows :
1'Irst week , May 1 to 0 . 12&4.7
Second week. May 7 to 15 . V15D8 !
Third woplc. May 14 to 110 . 307,16
Fourth week , Muy 21 to i7 ! . 370,72
fifth week. May U8 to Juno 3 . 077,3 ! )
Total for Muy . 1,734,43
sixth week , Juno 4 to 10 . 091,00
s Tune - 11 . 71,04
The fulr was closed Sunday ,
At KrliruHlcn'H I'alr Itii
CHICAGO , Juno 12. [ Special Telegram t
1'iiB Bitis. ] Justice Post of the Nohrasli
supreme court , Judge Marquette , Wat
llehnrdson , W. F. Kelley and F. F. Kniso
ill of Lincoln , were registered at the Stai
Building in Jackson pane this afternoon.
o Other Omalia people at the fair wore : (
on T. Greene , J.'M. Uiehards , A. W. Seribne
oc II. 13 , O'Neill , J. F. Stunner , George Ii. Ml
c ler , it. H. Allen , J. A. Graham , A. D. Crei
n nail Samuel Dlnwall.
y George C. Carpenter and wife and Mr. ai
Mrs. H. M. Stokes from North 1'latto we ;
J also registered.
Mm. White' * Co tly llnnlKincl.
CIIKTKNNIS , .luno 12. In the district eou
hero today Mrs. Emma J. White sued
have cancelled a note for § 75,000 , scoured 1
mortgages , stocks and bonds and given 1
her to Charles H. White of Now York i
part consideration of $100,000 promised hi
for becoming bur husband. Mrs. White hi
secured a divorce ana besides has starU
several civil suits against her former hu
band and in having him prosecuted crlrr
nally for embezzlement. White's whcr
abouts are unknown-ho having forfeited h
ball of $10,000 , and lied ,
Future ( lencrals ,
AVEST POINT , N. Y. , Juno 12. Fifty-oi
young men received sheep skins beneath t
spreading elms at Undo Satn'a milltu
academy today nnd were welcomed in
Undo Sam's army by the command Ing ofllc
thereof , General John M. Schoiiold , w
handed each man his diploma as ho stcpp
10a Among the graduates are : Grorgo II. M
as. - Manua of Iowa , Elmer V. Clark of low
s. of Illinois Arthur K
s.o Herbert N. Crosby ,
o- wards of Nebraska and Howard B , Perry
of. [ f. Illinois ,
lo Now York Kxclmuiro ( juotatloiii.
In ro NEW YOHK , Juno 1 ! ! . [ Special Tclegrf
,1- , toTiiuUnu.J Exchange was quoted as f
,1id ,1h lows today : Chicago , fl discount ; Hostc
ido BOo discount ; St. I ouls , ? 1 discount.
_ . _ , of a Stove.
Two children named Geode were sever
la , burned by the explosion of a gasoline stc
lis on South Seventeenth street near Leav
worth yesterday afternoon.
MovumunU of Oriwn bU'uniertf Juno 1 !
At Lizard Passed Uhynland , from N
At Now \orfc Arrived-Ethiopia , fi
Glasgow ; Arizona , from Liverpool ; Sa ;
from Bremeu ,
Train Kobuors Hold Up the Outgoing Mis
souri Pacific Express Train.
SCOD.O of the West Side Suoccsj Ohosoa for a
Second Attempt.
Sudden Appearance of a Grow from South
Omaha Saved the Train.
I'lvo Man Kngngad In the lp pcrnto Ven
ture Nothing llnrinnd anil the train
Only Sllshtly Uiilnj-ed-UutiilU
of the AITtitr.
A flash of light from a lantern of rural
vintage swung vigorously across the Mis
souri Pacific tracks ut Fortieth nnd'Leaven-
worth streets wns the Introductory of nn
unsuccessful train robbery last night.
The attempted robbery occurred nt 10:40- :
o'clock. Four men armed to the teeth were
engaged In it. The spot selected wn
a lonely one. T/ho usual procedure *
of the railway banditti was ob
served. The leader presented his cnrtl
to the- engineer , in the shape of nn ominous-
revolver of liberal dimensions ,
Wasn't Counting ; ou ThU.
The ponderous wheels of engine 801
stopped. But , suddenly a switch cngmo
backed down an adjacent track and the rays
from the former's headlight , threw too much
light on the subject and the desperate
scheme was baffled.
The train is known as St. Louis express
No. 2. It had just pulled out of Omaha for
St. Louts. The train consisted of engine 301 ,
one baggage car , ono express car , three
coaches and two sleepers. The Paci
fic Express company operates on
this . line. Whether or not tha
tmndits intended to confine tholr
operations to the express car is not known.
The unexpected interruption of their plans
makes that a matter of conjecture. It was
certainly a daring attempt at train robbery ,
on the very outskirts of Omaha. Up to this
hour the participants have not been appre
rleUoil it Js'lco 1'liicc.
That the details of tlio robbery had boon
carefully planned was evidenced by tho'
favorable position which they selected for
their attack ou the express. At the
point where the attempt was mado'
tiio tracks pass through n cut
about fifteen feet in depth , In .which
their operations would bo effectually con
cealed fromlne sight of any ono who might
happen to pass the spot. The locality is
sparsely .settled and there are no houses
within several blocks of the cut except ono
or two small frame buildings. At the hour
the express passes the vicinity is usually
deserted , and the robbers were compara
tively safe from outsldo interference.
The train slowed up at West Side nnd gave
ono of the gang an oppoi Utility to mount to nn
unobscrncd position behind the water tank
ready to talt/s the engineer and fireman by
surprise as soon as the cut was reached. At
the appointed moment the robber sprang from
his position behind the tank , and the first
the engine crow know of ills presence was
when ho leveled a revolver In their faces and
ordered the engineer to stop the train. The
j latter saw no good reason for being made a
target of at that time and obediently
slowed up his engine.
Prompt In IIU Commands.
"Hun her along a little , " commanded thi
Intruder ; "I have four moro men up her *
that I want to piuk up. " Tills order was
also obeyed and the train came to n full stop
near the middle of the cut.
As the engine stopped the robber looked
back for a moment and seemed to grow ner
vous as his confederates failed to appear to
do their part in the crime. Ho kept his re
volver on a level with the engi
neer's nose however , until catching
sight of tlio headlight of tha
switch engine , and evidently fearing thai
help was at hand ho suddenly dropped frorq
the cab and disappeared over the bank ol
the cut. -4
Couldn't Describe Him.
The engineer was unable to describe th
robber except that ho was dressed In
some dark clothes nnd had n hand
kerchief tied over the lower par-
of his face. Ho ignored the slouched
hat tradition and were an ordinary straw
hat pulled well dowr. over his forehead.
The switch engine which frightened
the robbers from their tusk was in cbargo
of StoveMalonoy.foreman of ono of the night
crews of the Missouri Paclflo yards. Mr ,
Maloney said that his engine and anothoi
had pulled n string of twenty-five stock cnn
to the South Oinilm yards and headed in on
the side track to allow No , 2 to pass , e
Ntuvo Mitlonry'N htory. ti
"I saw the express stop the first time , "
ho said , "and was trying to make out
what they were stopping for when
they started up slowly and then
stopped again. They romalijed standing some
thing llku three or four minutes , and then
pulled out nt u good rate. I was on the rear
end of the stock cars and didn't ' notice any
thing out of thu way as we passed ,
but the foreman of the head engine *
told mo that some ono had tried to
flag us nt the place where No. 2 was
first stopped. Wo were in n hurry \o \ get
rid of our load and got back to West Side to
pass No. 2 , so ho didn't pay any attention to
tlio signal. Wo shoved our cam on the com
pany switch and found that wo could not
get back to West Side , so wo sidetracked
whore wo wero. "
Second Tlino lit Tliut I'Juco.
f This is the second attempt tliut has been
made to Hold up n Missouri Puolflu train at
that point. About a year ago an
express -was stopped at West Hid * and j
the robbers got away with several
thousand dollars. They blow open the door
of tno express car with dynamite and made *
short work of tlio safe and Its contents. The
robbery is laid at ttio door of the orgauttu-
tion of crooks known as the Sly
gang and fioma months later thu leaders
were arrested in Michigan and nro now
serving time for the crime. No clue ha § yet
developed to the identity of the men who
made the f utllo effort of last night , but the
detectives have an Idea that It was done by
some of the circus gang who probably lo t
no tlmo In trotting out of the utato afUr tu r
failure oi their plan.