8 T1TE OMAHA DAlLg BRIM SATURDAY. JUNK 10 , 1893. RED LETTER SALE , Sloshing Prices on Dresa Goods , Bilks , Boys' Clothing , LADIES' UNDERWEAR , MEN'S ' FURNISHINGS , Linen * , White Oooih , Cnpc nnil Jnckrtn , Notion" , million * , by tlio Miimn Dry UoniU Conimny < This afternoon nnd evening with every pttrclmBoof fiOcor over wo plvu you u fjrcnt blj ? lnH.4 of Ice cream soda fit Klnelur'n dmtf store , next door south from our Sixteenth street ctitrntico. COlisETS FOR SATURDAY. Saturday u line of line miminor cor- rota Hint lire well worth 7oo each , our price for Saturday , -I7e. Fast blaek summer corsets at 81.17 each. Special palo on children's waists Sat urday at Uoc each. Complotu line of Ferris Bros. ' waists for children. Misses' and ladles' sum mon waists. From 2 to ! o'clock in the afternoon your choice of any night dress in our stock that arc marked to sell for 81.50 , for those two hours , at OSc. Elegant lace stripe ginghams , worth , 25c , go at JUJc. 60 plucea 81.00 dress goods closing out nt COo. All dress goods remnants 2oc and COc a yard , BOYS' CLOTHING. See the two lots we will close out on bargain table , first floor. 95.00 suits go nt $1.00. Boys' ail wool pants GOc. Hero'a enthusiasm for you. Out voting contest closes Juno UOth. The ton leaders with their votes. D. W. TillotEon , carrier , has 10,017. From 2 to 0 and 7 to 10 a glass ice cream soda with SOo or more purchase. R. C. Davis , carrier , has 0,77.'J. Saturday remnants of10inch black nilk lace llouncings and draping nets at half marked price. Eov. T. .7. Mitcktiy lins 7,919. 10-iiich cream lace flouncing at 19c n ynrd , worth Ooe. Alf. Clark , carrier , has fvl70. Goodyear's silk dress shields , 20c n pair.Rose Rose Brady , teacher , 4.r , lfl. For Saturday Hoynier celebrated kid gloves 10 per cent on" . Rev. L. U. Franklin , 2fi97. All silk ribbons NOH. f and 7 , 5c ; NOP. 9 nnd 12 , lOe per yard ; Nos. 10 anil 22 at IGc per yard. Way llogan , teacher , has 2,189. Extra size and quality Windsor tics at lOc each. Mlko CofTey , carrier , 1.800. Perfumes , Lulnn's all odors , Lun- borg's all odors , Duval Troves , Colgate's ' , all at2Jc ( an ounce , bottles furnished. Rev. Lloyd , 1,040. Patoy's cold cream , 21c : Malolna cream and lotion , -luc ; Mary E. Cobb's Piinzu cream , -ISc. Rev. F. Crane , 1,005. Vote to bend your favorite to the World's fair at our expense ; a vote with each 2oc purchase. FROM 7 TO 10 P. M. a glass of lee cream soda with every purchase of 50c or over and the- follow ing : Jif > cent wool shirting flannel 12 } cents. . ' 10 cent wool ahirlinir llannol 18 cents. CO cent wool shirting Jlunnol 25 cents. 25 cent fine fringed towels 12i cents only 0 towels to n customer. SI.25 damask napkins G2jc nnd one do7.cn only to a customer. 05 cent damask for It2i cents. 10 centlincn crash for 5 cents. Ladies' fine .Terpoy ribbed vests 5 cents. Men's line British lioso that sell for 20c go at Oc a pair. Ladies' line nicely trimmed drawers , made of fine cotton and cambric , and sell for 85c and $1.00. for this bale 57c. "Writing paper per box 5c. ALL DAYS ALB. For Saturday wo will hell 100 pairs of bright dongoln square too , pat. tip , but ton shoes at $2.50 , worth 4:1.50. : A line of youths' 81.75 button shoes nt 61.25 to close out Saturday. A glass of ice cream sixla with every purchase of fiOc or over Saturday , from 2 to 0 in the afternoon and 7 to 10 o'clock in the evening. RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS Please take notice. Come early Saturday nnd supply your table. Thcfao prices cannot last long , they are to low. Best double thick china. 21-inch bakers fiOo a dozen. . ' 1-inch bakers ( > ! Jo a dozen. 3-inch meats 50c n do/en. 1-Inch meats 5'Jc a dozen. 7-inch plates ( i9o a dozen. fi-ineh plates -I9c a dozen. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Sixteenth St. and Furnam. Lots in town $ 100.00. Page 7. a i\cuitMo.\s : i\sr Vlll the Wiilmah Kllllrollil. No. 1. For the Epworth league con vention at Cleveland , O. , Juno 20 to July 2. The WnbiiHh , in connection with the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation com- panyNwill make a rate of 810 for the round trip from Chicago. No. 2. For the V. P. S. C. E. conven tion at Montreal , July T > to ! ) . Only 818 from Chicago via the Wabash. In ad dition to the regular sleeping cars elegant now tourist car * will bo attached to this train at $1.50 per berth. Foit Ticiurrs , sleeping berths or n tourist-folder , giving libt of side trips , with cost of Mime , call at the Wabash olllccs , 201 Clark street and Dearborn station , Chicago ; 1502 Farnam htreot , Omaha , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Omahn , Nob. Drexel Hotel. 10th & Webster , 1 blkfrom Mo.Puc. &U1K. deuot Nat. Urown , prop. a Tcins 1 TtixnKl Tt'xutl Join excursion to Houston , Tex. , Juno 20 , special rates. For particulars and for information on Houston Heights and southern Texas see John A. Mllroy , 1001 Farnam street. 12 head fresh Holstein and Durham sows for Ealo. Call afternoons at Jes ter's yard , 25th and Hurt st. Raymond & Co. , gravel roofors. 1-100 Farnam. Thirsting lor Olllro. Applications for positions In the internal revenue oftlco nro boBlunlnff to arrive. They como from hungry democrats , mid the sim ple faith and self confident real mani fest la the wording of some of thcso epistles Is refreshing in the extreme. Onoyouncuiaii addrc&scs ttio "now collector of eternal revenue , " mid proceeds to stnto that ho Is nn applicant fora unsltlon. Ho u not particu lar na to ttiu position Assigned to him , for , In his own co n lid un tin I and confident Ian. punge , ho "can hold down any job about the ofllco. " o It Snvc * tliu ( 'hllilron. Mr. 0.11. Shimon , \VeUivlllo , ICnn. , says : "U is with pleauaro that 1 speak of the need Clmmberlnln'a Olio , Ohelora and Uiurrimu Heaicdy has done tuy family during tha lust fourteen years. In the most obstlnnto cases of summer complaint anil diarrluca among uiy children , It acted as u cbarm , making it never necessary to call In a physician , 1 can truthfully isay that In tuy Judgment , based on years of experience , there U uot 4 medicine ! u tug market that is its equal. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO , Today's ' Bargains Boat the World A Sur prise for Onr Customers. WITH A 50 CENT PURCHASE , OR OVER , WE ( lire Ynu n Chock Inr n llcfronlilni ; ( Hans of Ice Cronin iSoiHivutcr nt Khulcrn Drill ; Sturo Next Door , I'rom 'i to U nnil I'roni 7 to 10 p , in , Evorythlnp worth your attention. From 8 to 12 o'clock noon. 8c Indigo prints ! ! o per ynrd. Ifio hlnck Indin linen fie per yard. Tuhlo tumblers for le cneh ; try nnd match them for less than 40c a dozen. Ladles' lljjht dressca nicely trimmed with embroidery insertion , oto. , thut are worth 75c each , Saturday until noon 47o each. each.A A tflnps of Ice cream soda with every purchase of COo or moro , " toO o'clooK or 7 to 10 o'clock. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Saturday every spring and summer uarmont In our cloak department at just half the regular prlco. Our 8(1.00 ( jafkotH now $ .1.00. Our S10.00 jackets now $ ; > .00. Our 815.00 jcoketa now $7.50. Our $20.00 jackets now $9.03. You lose i" > 0 per cent by not attending this salo. Yes , 50 per cent and a glass of soda water. To the ladies , this is your treat , bring your gentlemen friends for a glass of ice cream soda. Ladles' ' fine balbriggan vests , with lower or high neck , regular 40-cent goods , for 13c. 13c.Ladies' Ladies' very fine vests , Egyptian cot ton vests , such as you pay iloo for , Saturday for IGc. Ladies' Jersey ribbed drawers , such as you would think cheap at Uoc , price for Saturday , HT > c. Then union suits nt 75c , made of Egyptian lisle thread , knee length , low nock , sleeveless , finished with crochet and silk , try and mutch them for less than $1.'A" , Bring your girl , your wife , or somo- ono's else Bwoothcart. Buy your men's furnishings , then treat them to a glass of ice cream soda at our expanse. I Men's underwear for summer that will keep you cool , natural mixture , camel's hair mixed , and feilky thread balbrig gan , that are well worth 75c , for GOo a garment Saturday. Men's four-in-lnmds and puffs In sum mer neckwear for 2. " > o each , new colors and shapes. For 2oo men's line gauze underwear. Men's linen four ply col lars , . ' 1 for 2oc. Then at 15c men's linen four-ply cuffs , special men's silk summer teck scarfs at lf > c ; they are worth IJjc , Saturday wo will soil you the best un- laundorcd shirt you over saw for COo. It is nuido of Dwight anchor cotton , linen bosom and reinforced ; would bo cheap at 7uo. Itcmembor with every 50 cent or moro purchase you got a yreat big glass of ice cream soda. In our baircmont wo have too many goods and must convert 810,000.00 of them into cash during June. AVe start the ball tomorrow morning with the fol lowing : FOR , THE LAUNDRY. No. 1 wash tub , 40o , worth G5c. No. 2 wash tub , 5Jc , worth 75c. No. II wash tub , G9c , worth S)3c. ) Washboards , 5c , worth lOc. Rival clothes wringer , 31.89 , worth $2.50. Daisy clothes wringer , $1.52 , worth $2.00. Clothes pins lOo per gross. FOR THE KITCHEN. An immense assortment of genuine Strausky blue and white enameled stool ware in all kinds of kitchen utensils. To simplify the sale wo divide the goods into two lots , as follows : Lot 1 , goods , worth OOc and 75c. for 49c ; lot 2 , goods , worth $1.00 and $1.25 , for 7o. ! ) 100 choice decorated dinner sots , English scmi- porcelain , as long as present stock lasts , at $0.49 ; you cannot match them for 810.00. Saturday a limited quantity of largo Mexican hammocks worth O'Jo at 4'Jo each. Think of it. With every 50c or moro purchase you got n glass of ice cream soda. soda.H.OO $ H.OO slippers for 82.00. Owing to the late arrival of a lot of common souse and opera too strap slip pers , wo put them on sale at a price to close out tit onco. From 2 to 0 and 7 to 10 p. in. Saturday , with every purchase of 50 cents or over , have n glass of ice cream faoda at our expense. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Sixteenth St. and Farnam. Lots in town $100.00. Page 7. llroHors * I'lrnlc. The Browcrb' Union Workman , No. 09 , will hold a picnic at ColTmun's station next Sunday , Juno 11. Trains leave Webster street depot at 10I0 : ! a. in. and 2 p. in. Tickets , including admission to park and round trip , 50c. Children under 12 years , free. The Musical Union band \\lll furnish the music. Lots In town $400.00. Page 7. FALCONER The Lowest Prices Yet Fotchod-57 l'2o China Silka Today 27o Per Yard , 85C CHINA SILKS AT 37 1-2C 81.25 Two Tonol Cryntil IlonRnllno Silks nnil SI.00 China Silks ( Jontlto Tor Yard 8100,000 Must llo Taken In TliU S.ilo la 1-yo Hlbbons Oont S 1-Sc. SILKS AT 27C. f > ,000 , yards of flifurod ehinn silks , rcnl vnlo o7je , unloading prices t7c. CHINA SILKS AT IHiC. fi.OOO yards of ilirurod chlim silk , rcnl vnluo 8oc. unloading prices today 37 jo. CHINA SILKS 400. Two toned crystal bonjuillnos , vnluo $ l.2.clili ; i silks , value $1.00 , unlomllng prloo tutlny10c. . i'ou cnnnot ( iupllcjito thcso prices In silks. It is the biggest cut wo have over RIBDONS AT 2JC. 100 cnrtaons of all silk ribbons , the finest qualities mtulo. Hluboits that sell nil around at 12jc. All perfect goods , unloading prlco 2c } per yard. Limit ten yards to n customer. 1U13BONS AT r > 0. The choicest ribbons and the prettiest colors in the market , all Ific qualities , unloading prices today f > o per yard. Limit , 10 yards to a customer. All per fect goods.RIBBONS RIBBONS AT OC. All perfect goods selling in regular stock at 17ic , today Oo per yard. This is our unloading price. These prices are for today , all day and evening , you cannot buy thorn Monday at this price. price.RIBBONS , 125C. Not a ynrd of this number worth less than 2.'ic per yard , nil perfect goods and beautiful shades , unloading price 12Jc. JACKETS , $1.00. 100 Indies' spring jackets , & 1.50 , $5.00 , $0.00 , 87.50 values , unloading price to day 81.00. Limit one to a customer. These jackets como in navy blue and black only. 32.00 WAISTS AT 030. 0 dozen ladies' penang waists , full sleeves and turned collar and culTs , sizes a 1. ao nnd a8 only , real value $2.00 each ; unloading price , 03c each. Only three to u customer at this price. GENTS' ' NECKTIES IOC. f > 2 dozen gents' 2T > e , IWe and 40c silk neckties , good styles , unloading prices , lOo each. 4-PLY LINEN COLLARS IOC EACH. . ' 100 dozen men's 4-ply linen collars , good htyles , value 20c , today unload ing price lOc. Cull's 15o per pair. BOYS' WAISTS , 2DC. 2o dozen boys' French percale and cheviot waists , sizes 4 to 7 only , valtio 50c to 75c , today 0 to n , customer at 23o each. See these. MEN'S SHIRTS , 4SC. Men's SI.00 laundered , percale front , shirts today in one-half dozen lots , 4Sc each. SILVER NOVELTIES 20C EACH. 500 silver and gold novelties , pin trays , jewel baskets , etc. , etc. , bought to bell at f > 0o ; unloading price , 20o each. These nro very pretty. See them. Remember wo ore making n herculean effort to re duce aur stock 8100,000.00 this sale , no mutter what the sacrifice to profits. The above prices are for today only and evening. LACES. For Saturday only. Laces , lOc : i dozen yards. A line of narrow Val. edges for today only 10e a dozen. ' LACE'S ac A YARD. A line of torchon edges , pretty pat terns , only ac n yard. LACES , 5C. All in ono lot , a. line of colored chiffons fens , oriental lace and point applique , only 5c a yard.LACES LACES , Sic. A line of Inces in point do Irlando , colored chantilly , point applique and orientals , only Sic. LACES , 12jc. All elegant goods , in orientals , cream chnntilly , point applique and point do Irlnndc , only 121c. WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. TONIGHT. Owing to the rain today wo will con tinue our remnant ntlo all day today nt a price that will make thorn go. Half the price marked on the ticket , that is , f > 0 per cent less than the regular remnant prico. 1 CASE OF PRINTS , 2C PER YARD. LIMIT. ONE PATTERN TO A CUS TOMER. N. B. FALCONER. Lots in town S100.00. Page 7. Jlaccs nt Fair ( JronniU Juno 14 , 15 , 10. Spring meeting undoi the auspices of the Roadster club. $ . " > , - 000.00 in purses. Trotting , pacing run ning. Admission 7f > o to all parts of the grounds. General admission , OOo. No charge for carriages. Tlio ladies' of the Sarntroga Con gregational Church will give a diniioi on Saturday at Y. M. C. A. hall 11:30 : tote to 2 and supper .0:30 : to 7:30. : I &v > THE PUREST AND BEST. WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT IT ? IIAYDBN BROS , If It Rains You'll Want an Urabrolla-Wo'll UdTO 'Em ' , SOME OTHER SATURDAY SPECIALS A Clearing Up of Umbrella * nnit Parasols homo Special Tiling * In Motion Del - l > : irtmcnt Mvn'ii Hat * for All Day nnd UMBRELLA CLEARING SALE. Rain umbrcJUns , sun umbrellas. You will remember wo opened the um brella season in Omahit by placing a single purchase of over 0.000 on Mile , later the Morse purchnso of over 1,000. Now wo have another purchnso between hero and Now York city. Therefore a clearing sale. TUB SILK. In this grand assortment of parnsnls nnd umbrollns the silk Is of the BEST QUALITY.THE THE HANDLES Are the Intest French and American novelties , such as natural woods , Hnvi- land china , Dresden china , " \Velchel , acacia , orange wood , fancy celluloids , sterling sllvor , oxidized and gel trimmed sticks. 20-inch umbrellas , nn elegant sun shade , stylish ncncin sticks nnd tmrngon frames , worth S2.50 , sale prlco $1.50. 20-Inch mlluii serge , a choice of the Intest style hnndlcs , none worth less than $3.50 , $1.S. ! ) 20-inch beautiful , very finest quality silk , mounted on rich nnd raro-liaiullos , worth S..00 to $7.00 , sale prlco $2.50. CHILDREN'S PARASOLS. An elegant assortment , from loc to $2.50. $2.50.SPECIAL SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. A genuine , T. B. Stetson hat. in black and nutria , in dillorcut styles , $2.08 ; hatters prices , $5.00. Men's line straw hats , 75c ; regular prlco , 81.50 to $2.00 ; in all the leading shapes. See our 15c children's straw hats , good valtio nt 35e and 50c. Our 48c men's straw hats cannot bo bought olbowhero less than $1.00. $3.00 men's Fedora in black , brown , nutria , at 81.75. A special line of men's nnd boys' straw hats at Ific and 200. Our children's novelties in straw hats at great reduction. BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY. No wind , but actual factb. Children's fancy bordered handker chiefs , le each. Best note paper , lOc per pound. Best envelopes. 2o for 3c. Best mucilage , 2 bottles for 5c. Fine black chnntilly luce. So per yard. BUTTER AWAY DOWN AT HAY- DENS. Wo will sell you country butter for 8- 10-12i and Lie , will buy the best ; creamery l"o lc ! ) and 2Ic. Wo will sell you the best butter yon over ate for 23c , this is our separator creamery and you have never scon any better. CHEESE DEPARTMENT. Wisconsin full cream cheese 5. 7 } and lOe. Finest cream cheese made for 12 } and Me. Edam cheese $1.00 each , Pine apple cheese 50o , Young America full cream 7io , Swiss ehecso ISc and 20c. Brick cheos-o 15c and 174e. Remember wo have any kind you may desire at the very lowest prices. MEAT DEPARTMENT. Sugar cured picnic hams , lie ; sugar cured California hams , 12c ; strictly No. 1 sugar cured hams , 15c ; dried beef , lOc ; sugar cured bacon , 13c and 15c ; 2 pound cans corned beef , l Bc ; 1 pound cans , lOc ; balogna bend cheese and liver t-ausago , 5c ; corned beef , 74c , Call at our fruit and lish departments , where you can always got the best goods at lowest prices. ' HA YD EN BROS. , Promoters of homo industry. It Cures ColdB , Coughs. Bore Throat , Croup , Influ- rnza , Whooping Coujh , Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain euro for Consumption in flret stagci , and a sum idicf in advanced stages. Use at once. You will sco the excellent effect offer taking tha first dose. Bold by dealers everywhere. Large r > nttlf w > - - * "I c" Furnishes Ihu Best and Cheapest Method crt FIRE-PROOFING HOUSES. Vi'r'lu ' for c-Ualuguo of Lathing , i'enclllg , Str. io ITIstiirvi ! , uto. N. AV. KXl'AXDKU MUTAIi CO. , No. 403 Twenty Sixth S . CniCAflo , We will sum ! you the marrvlM.1 French I'mrnrutiuu CALTHO3 fir * , anil a Ircal KUiuuiilvr tlru I Al/J'JiOS will llvtloiit . > iir 31tfullli , Aftr nctU ami Vigor , Vte it and fay ffialiijtiit. Addroos VON MOIIL CO. . Hall iutritft * icaUt riucioniU , OLlo. HOTEUO. Omaha's Newest Motel. Cor. r.'tli nnd Howard Streota. 40 rooms fi.50 per duy. 10 room * JAOO jior day ; w rooms with irnth ut i3 nor day. 30 rooms with batli at $1.50 per duy , .Moilcrii In IJvrry ltn | ii < ct , Amrly FnriiuhiMl Tliroucliouti C. S. ERBjProu. cor. IGthoAcJ Chloaao. Jefferson Squnro Park. IlulldliiK mid ( u turo uutlroly now. American pla , t'il priaT I Spoclnlratui ICuropenn uii.ttf f by the woolt Convenient ; to nil car llnoi to nnd from depot * Ollor * allcouiforU.oouvlunoncomiul faro of h t-Iicr Icoil hotfli. Kttrj room mi outtldo room , i i llo lUUti , call bolls , tun , batui.utc. M , J. PRAWCK , Prouriotof WORLD'S FAIR ANNOUXCEMIJNT Cor. Cottofo Oruvo avo. aaU CUli HOTEL bt. . tlilcni-o , Hr.t t | , , . Uuro _ _ _ | > e n ; huporlor Dining Itoom i laliiutca walk from World1 * Fair DELAWARE . "ulcl"uolli > fato. tjcnaforclrcu - W. N.rcLouzir.supt 'AN INDIAN ORftTIOH. Flying Cloud's Masterly and Thrilling Speech. lYorthy of Ingenotl , Itlnlno , Olnilntnno or lllnnmrclt Tlio llloodjI'oit nnd the IVnrr- fiil rrmrnt Pretcntnl In n Verbnl Vnno- rntna lloro U a Lrtnon to 1I - < 1. The Indtnn is tlio most poetic nice in the World , In tlictr relations wltli their own ; in their liAblts wlicn not on the warpath ; In tliclr custom" , song" , dnnccs ; in tlicli-bc. Hot in the happy hunting ground , nnd In their conceptions ot the Utent Munlton. The following l an oxtrnct from tlie speech nt Flying Cloud , n famous Klckapoo medicine limn : "Children of the Orcnt Spirit , xvlione form Is in the nlr , though InvlMhlc , I mil hvro to tell ynuat our vrtoiiK'nml of our tight nl " rotir hunilrcd yi'i M HKO u ( It cut Whltf Man sailed from Spain to find a Now Woihl Thnt World was the Kocl Mini's. Then nil went well with our Foiefnllicr" from the upper water * of the Iltirons to the Great \Viuin ( lulf Hint Ufacd the hind of Fruit and Flow CM , vrlioto tlio Sim Inolcs hunted uiul llslicd. "Tho Indian \\cl- enmvil the White Mm ) , nnd for thnt welcome our pco plo vcro driven fttep by stoptownrd the Brunts ill I.uke , bononth which tha Circnt Cnllntnys"Tier.vnt Spirit' * Ko every ran Initial ! can altuayi Any whrn twilight It rtlftJ ufon , " roinca dov/n upon tliooiutli. " Wo nro scattered llko leaves when nu- tunin winds Hlniku the trees of the torc"t. " Wo , the KlcknpooB , whoso homo wns tnco lu llllnolo , Inter In Kansas and Is now in the land of the Sac * and Foxes , nro at pence with the White Mini. What wo have , unit wo will give to our White llrother. "Our Klckapoo lint I nn Siifovn makes men llvo to be one Immlrod yearold. . "Thero nro Hcd Men living wlio have used It ever slnco thov wt-ro younK men , iiiiil who nro now no old that they can only Bit , lie and Meei > In the sun. "Onr Klckupoo Indian Oil Is the too of pain. " Our Klckapoo Cough Cure stops tlio hand ot death. " Our Kiekapoo Indian Salvo heals and euros all wounds , nnd our Klckupoo Worm Killer prcHi-rves the lives ot papooses. "Our ' ' medicine Is 'SiiKWa' gmxl fiom the pi cat mother of us all Natuic. Alt that It best that KTOWH in the woods , that bios soniM on the plain , that hides In the cnith , our Sauwa contnlns. It him picscivcd thu lives or our wnirlois and our omen. " It nets upon the body llko snnshlno on the trees and llowurc , and Klves llfo and btronKth to nil who use It , > Icn and vo- men w ho paitaVo of U freely can only die of old n e. "Thla tipcrct whloh the Klekapoos alone > 3-esf , they Rlvo freely to tlielr white Cf rotln-r. It Is our richest offoiliiK. " I huvo Bpokcii. Let the voices of the World bear answer to Mhat 1 have bald I" Without doubt tha Indian has a profound knowledge of the inysterlous herbs with which they euro radically many formid able diseases which bulUa the greatest physicians of the world. The o remedies can now bo obtained of any druggist or wholesale dealer. The Klckupoo Indian Sagwn Is one dollar per bottle. Six for llvo dollars. The Conch Cuio Is llfty nn.1 all the other romcdlcH twenty llvo cents per bottle. In using thcsi' remedies you may bo , absolutely cciinlu thnt they aio puiely vcKi'tublc , thut tliej contain no acids or mineral poisons be cause the Indians know absolutely nothing of tho'o harmful dings. The Klckapoo Indian Medicines nro gen uine Indian made. How they cumo to be given to the woild la fully explained In our laigo book , which wo glndlv bend free to all applying who care for It sulllclontly to wrlto U"j enclosing three 2c. stamps to pay postage. Address Ilenly & JIlu Jew , lil GranO Avo. . Now Haven , Ct. Having rocolvod Information that It Is propoiud KI race a number of horses or bron chos from Chad run , Uawos County , Nubrnskn. orsoino other nliice In said State , on or about Juno KI. to Chicago , Illinois. A distance of over olght hundred mllct , , In which race co\v- bovsanil other persons uro to rlilu suld horses or bronchos ; and bclluvliig ihut such a contest - test is IlKoly to Inlllct unliihtlHithlo crncltv to iinltnaK Till ] AMIUUI'AN sOOIKTY I'OIt TIII : 1'KEvr.NTioN OK citUEi/rv TO ANIMALS offers the abovo-inontloned reward - ward for the arrest and conviction of nny such persons D.irtlclpatln ? In any such contest - test In violation of the laws of the State of Nebraska : Section OTb. Any person or persons who shall overdrive , torture , torment , overload or ovurnork any liorso or horncs. muloor iniilcs , or oxen , shall , upon conviction of any of the olFi'iiccs onuini'r.itoJ huruln , bo dcumud pullty of a nilsiroiiioanor , and. upon conviction tliciouf , hli.ill lie uunlslicd as hereinafter pro- vidcil. bcc-tloi : CTd. It Ishorohy mailo tlio duty of sherlll's , constables , niurslials of cltlos or vil lages , or police olllcors to immodlatelv aricst any person or persons violating any of thu provisions of the foregoing ecetloiu of this act. without warrantor process , and uall up on bystanders or otheis for n&slstanco when tlasiiiiii may bo necessary to cnablo tliom to make such arrest. Section 74 If any two or moro persons shall run a niiitub , horsu lacoor r-ices In any pub lic roud In common nbc , for the purpose of tryliu the iipcod of thu'r horses , every person so intending shall bo lined. Or In violation of any other laws relating to cruelty to unlmals. JOHN P. JIAINre. Picsldout. HeaJquartors , Now Vorlf , May 'list. In'.U \VE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES Syringes. hit Pillows. Atomizers. liililp" THE ALOE& PENFOLD CO. iH IN f > nrfftcnl ItmlrtiiiiotilH , 'uiulIIui > ltnl SII///OH , 11-1 South liith. St. Woxt to Pdktotllon , tlaXla lUAl t- - pdH * " tTM * r ? Tlie Latest- nnAUTii < "ui < KFi-'nor , TONH AND BOl'TNESP. AN AUT TUB \SUHn. OAIJj AND EXAMINE THIS WO111C II- ' YOU AUHTHINKINO OK IIAVINU A i.Auaic 1'icTUKi : MAW : . THIS tTVi.n IN 10JCJO I'lNB I'HAMi : AT M KXTHA WITH nVIJHV 1JU2UX OAI1I.NKT 1'IJOTOS. HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS , AT POPULAR PRICES , 3 1S-S15-317 South l&tli Streot. OMAHA. DR. THE SPECIALIST. IB uuBurpnefed in tlio trout incut of all PRIVATE DISEASES nnd all Wwkneii utll and Oltorden ot mln Women Excluded. 18 year * experience. Clrculuti froo. 14tb and Farnam tita . Otaaba , K u. awmmimm mm min mmmmmmmg Hats in our hat department piled on long tables in bins in trays in heaps marked at prices rang ing from twenty-five cents to a dollar forty in all shapes new this season , from the "common sense old man style" to the buzz saw edge that's as Hat as a pancake destined to adorn the head of a dude , 1 with high crowns low crowns wide brims fine braids' coarse braids loose woven ventilated Ycddo Japanese Javanese any kind of a hat that anybody's got new this season it's here and a about half the hatters'prices. . Nothing adds so much to a man's comfort in summer as a straw hat andnolhing makes a man so hot as to buy some where else and then happen to look into our windows dews and ' 'catch on" to our prices. Take balbriggan - gan underwear we sell the same identical quality that our neighbors get forty and fifty cents for 10 J It's genuine balbriggan , too. with French necks and ass jersey ribbed cuffs on the shirts with tape-bound scams tape drawer supporters full Hies and jersey ends on the drawers. We sell elegant fancy shirts and drawers at thirty-five cents and we sell the ess. same sort of French balbriggan underwear that's being sold at seventy-five cents to near adollar , at a half dollar. [ Good idea to investigate ? Don't it ? ] YOUNG MAN Do you know that we have now in stock the most elegant line of perfect watches , both as time keepers and appearance , that has ever been brought to this city ? AND UOUJIAS , on vie. EXACT SIZE f ! } COMMCILTAUlf'3 ! THE MERCANTILE CIGAR , BETTER THAN EVERl-J Miido of tliu llnrht quality ( if 1'imum Tolmrro Ilia'nn I > 'tutiplit. Kiiml | In I'vcrv ri'Micot to tlio ix'.Ifcurs. . Jluiiufuctarcd lif if. II JtluaM 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent sMctillit Innorvous , clironle , prlvnto. lilooil , nklii nnil urlnnry msoirm A ro u ! r n rozlsturvil itr.nluntu In muillclno. in illnluui is mill curtllli-iuu < < will nliuir , U Htlil troiUUu wltli tlio Krotue 6iiecd.u , e.iurrli , l\j t iiinnliouil , m'liil inlwoiknudi , nUlit lonus unit nil furnii of pnviito illHuiniua. fi murciiry naiM. Nuw tronlmont Fur IDS * of vlt.il power 1'uril ' uimWo to vlilt mo may txitroutoil at horn. by corruflion | < lcnco Moillcliiu or limtriiinu.itH UML by mill oruin | B i > cuinly parku li no murk * to nil if J cat i ronturitH or Hi'iul'Jr. ' Ono nursonul Intorvloiv nrofurivil < oniiiltiitl n free ( orriMpoiiilonco atrlotlf prlVHlu. Hunk ( Mybtcrlcn of l.irui bunt fruu. OmVu hourj , U n m to U l > .ui. Suinl : > r , IU u ill , to 11 of Send mump for circular. AND IHPflflVE YOUH S1SHT Our Spectacle. ' ) and KyejjIass.\s ; Are the Most. EYES TESTED FREE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , I'lunlitnnt of HEW ERA " ' hLui.iOAi , iiisru.si.vitv. ( ( .oiiHiiltiiti'iu I'rcr.l ' Is iinsiirpasbucl lu tlio trout- uiont of nil Chronic , Prlvnto nnil Wrllu to or cumuli 1 mtiinllr , Tin.vi'MiNT : nv .u.vu. . . tii.irutv with sump for i > . r- _ _ 'llculur , wolcli will bj nont lu lilnin orivaloiio to I' . U box il UllloullKti l&tubl , Oniuliu , rtcb , JN. Wnililiut o . _ / foa until p.iU U oh ilnoJ. Wrllafor liivuntun liul U PHESERVE YOURE YE SIGHT USE TREATMENT. FORAd0 Private and Special Dlsami , ofboth Men and Yeomen Mriaturo ntul nil otliir troubles trnateq nt ro'isonttljlu clinrKCH. CUNKULTATION li'KI.U Uulionur nddrusu ill FUTNAf DOUOLAS 13LOOK , - OMAHA , NEB Opposltu H lydnii Drill. NATIONAL BANK , U. S. Dopozitory , Omaha , Neb. CAPITAL , - 8100,000 SUHPLU8 , - 800,000 Onicorn ami Dlrcclon-Hcnrr W Valoi. dent II U t'uihlnK. rlco pruitUonli ( ' Mburlcu W V Jlcriu , Jnliii U. Colllai , J. N , II. l'utll lfl , w U ti , lluoJ , cujlilor. Tilt ; IRON BANK ,